Trojan War Read Summary. Because of what the Trojan war began

Arena Trojan War - The area on the north-western coastal of Malaya Asia, spreading plain to Gellespont (Dardanell), then from the sea that rises the hills to the mountains to the mountain, irrigated by the scanander, Simis and other rivers, is mentioned in the ancient myths about the gods. Her population of the Greeks was called Trojans, Dardanians, Tevkras. The mythical son of Zeus, Dardan, founded on the slope of the mountain of Ida Darudania. His son, rich Erichtonius, owned extensive fields, countless stadiums and horses. After Erichtonony, the king of the Dardansky was the cable, the ancestor of the Trojans, the younger son of which, the handsome Gamornad, was taken to Olympus to serve the king of the gods on the feasts, and the eldest son, Il (Ilos), founded Troy (Ilion). Another descendant Erichton, handsome of Anchiza, loved the goddess of Aphrodite, who boring his son, Eney, who, according to myths, after the Trojan war ran to the West, to Italy. The offspring of Enai was the only branch of the Trojansky royal family, surviving the Troy.

Cause of the Trojan War

Elena Troyanskaya

The cause of the Trojan war was the abduction of Elena Paris, the wives of the Spartan Tsar Menel. When Heekba was pregnant with Paris, she saw in a dream that she gave birth to a burning head and that all the three burned down from this head. Therefore, Paris after birth threw the idea in the forest on the mountain. He was found as a shepherd, grew by a strong and clever handsome, a skilled musician and a singer. Paris was strong and brave, but the prevailing features of his character were sensuality and Asian style. Aphrodite soon sent his way to Sparta, whose King Meneli was married to beautiful Elena. Paris took Elena at night, taking with him a lot of treasures Menel. It was a great crime against hospitality and marriage law. The lawlessness and his relatives who took it in three and Elena, brought the punishment of the gods. Gera, Avenger for violation of the marital loyalty, opened the heroes of Greece to memorize, starting the Trojan War. When Elena became an adult girl, and many young heroes gathered to match her, Elena's father, Tyndarey, took an oath with them that they would all defend the marital rights of the one who was elected. They had to now fulfill this promise. Others joined them for love for military adventure, or, if desired, take revenge on the insanity deposited by all Greece. Not everyone willingly took part in the war. Odyssey tried to evade himself, pretending to be insane, but Palamned exposed him. Kinir was not an ally of the Greeks. Pemandr and Tevtis did not participate in the campaign. Fetis is trying to hide his son from Licked on Skiros, but Odyssey finds him, and Achilles willingly join the army.

Start of the Trojan War

The army consisting of 100,000 soldiers and 1186 ships gathered in the Austrad Harbor. The first swimming for three was unsuccessful. The Greeks mistakenly landed not at the Trojan coast, but in the field of Mizia, where the rules Son Hercules, telephone. Ellina entered into a battle with the army of this king friendly and only after brutal battle understood their mistake. From Mizia, the Greek army floated to three, but the terrible storm dispersed his ships by sea, and the participants of the Trojan War again had to be gathered in Avlida and from there it was already afraid to go away to Troy again. Ejacious on Tendos, the Greeks capture the island, but the landing in the Troada ended well only after Achilles killed the King of the Throatsky G. Colon, Kikna, who came to the aid of the Trojans, strangling his brace of his helmet. After that, the Greeks pushed the Trojans, pulled the ships to the shore and began the siege of Troy.

Military actions

Farewell hector with Androma. Painting S. Postnikova, 1863

But the Trojans were courageous, and the allies who came from many countries helped them to defend themselves. The first hero of the Trojan was Hector, after him the most terrible Greeks were Sarpedon and the Glavk, the leaders of skillful shooters, Likyan; were in the ranks of the Trojans and Misians, Paflagland, Lidyan, Frigians; Of the distant regions, Action led Penians asteropy; Numerous regiments of Thracians came from the land in the north of Gellespont. But some of the allies had to be paid to the fee, from which the glorified Treasters of Priam had shown gold. On the first nine years of the Trojan war before we did not reach the detailed myths. Of the short references in Iliad, we only know that the Greek heroes, especially Achilles, made raids on the surrounding lands and took a lot of production. Trojans, afraid of Achilles, did not risk removing from their walls. Achilles was a leader and in battles at the walls of Troy. He destroyed twelve cities on the seafront and eleven cities flew away from him. On the wooded slope of the wrelf fell from his strong hand, the father and brothers of his wife Hector, Andromaha. Achilles slept in the forests and between the hills of the sons of Priama and took a rich ransom for them. But the attempts of the Greeks take Ilion unsuccessful. They went three times to the attack from the mixing grove, from which it was all easier to approach the wall; But the Trojans reflected them. The ships of the Ahaseians have already begun to rot. Many of their leaders advised to stop the Trojan War and return home. So went nine years. So passed the first nine years of the Trojan War. For the tenth year, Achilles and Agamemnon quarreled. Chriside was captured to Agamemnon, Chris's daughter - the priests of the Trojan temple of Apollo. Her father prayed to return him to his daughter for a rich ransom, but Agamemenon demanded that the loss of Christides was reimbursed to him another Trojan slave, Brysida, who was captive at Achilla. Chryside returned to Christ and Agamemnon on the rights of the Supreme Chief, he took Brisaidu from Achilla, who had already managed to love this captive. In response, the dishonorance Achill announced that it would no longer participate in battles with the Trojans. With the story of "Achille's" Anchilla "and the" Iliad "of Homer begins.

Achilles bandages Patrole

The course of the Trojan War has now changed. The Trojans began to overcome Ellinov. The war is already scary tired of the Greeks. When Agamemenon in order to experience his army asked if it did not want to quit the siege of the Troy and return to his homeland, the soldiers gladly rushed to the ships and began to descend them into the water. The brave warrior Trysit shouted that the Trojan War is beneficial only to leaders that are enriched on the seizure of slaves and mining. From sailing in Elladu Greeks, only eloquent Odyssey kept. He brutally beat Trysita and persuaded compatriots to continue the Trojan War for the sake of Glory Eldlas. All Greek army approached three, from where her defenders were made for a decisive battle. When the army came together, on both sides it was proposed to solve the war with a personal match between the kidnapper Elena Paris and the insulted Menel. Paris suffers defeat and, only thanks to the intervention of Aphrodite, gets rid of death. Agamemnon insists on the execution of a prisoner agreement, but Trojan Parar, famous as a tag archer, breaks the truce, the launch of the arrow to Mellaya, after which the first open battle is tied. The day ends with an indecisive duel who returned in the battle of hector with Ajax Telavonid. The decisive battle of the Trojan war was interrupted on the day. During this day, the ahaeis who lost many people erected a high wall with the towers around their camp and dug. When in the day of the troops came together, the Greeks were pushed out of the wall around the camp, to their ships. Concerned Agamemenon asked Achilla to postpone the anger, he suggested to give him Brisade, gave him except seven prisoners lesbians and rich treasures. But Ahill remained adamant in anger and refused Agamemnon's ambassadors. The pianoes fell closer and formider; Brave defended the aheitsa their fortifications; But Hector knocked the gate with a huge stone; As coated ash, the Ahaeis fell under the blows of the Trojans. The Trojans have already lit the ship protein. The flame threatened to destroy all the ships, the rejoicing agreed. Then the Patrole went to Tent Achilla and asked: if Achilles himself does not want to participate in the Trojan War himself, let him give him a padrocle, his armor and will allow to lead in the battle of Marmidonyan (Triba Achille). Then the Trojans will take Patrole for Achilla and retreat from ships. Achille agreed, but under the condition that Patrolers will only push the Trojans and returns, not pursuing them. Patrole, grieving, chasing behind the running Trojans, pursued them to the walls of the city, and destroyed enemies, but died, pierced by the spectrine. Achilles was extremely saddened by the death of his friend and decided that life would not be sweet to him until he revenge for the Patrole and he would not turn his killer in the dust. The Trojans again pushed the Greeks to the mill. Achill came out of the tent, and shouted three times through ditch. His copper voice sounded so terrible that the Trojans fled in fear. Without obeying the Council of the Polydamant, Hector ordered them to stay on the field, and they spent the night by fire.

Achilla keeps the body of the murdered heaker

When the morning came, Achilles put on his new armor, took the shield on which Hephaesta skillfully portrayed all the affairs of human life, took a heavy ash spear, and rushed to the Trojans. In the battle of the two armies, the Olympic gods were attended. Under the blows of Achilla Palo, such many enemies that the corpses blown the course of the scanrand, and the water of the river was overwhelmed from the blood. The Trojan king of Priam ordered the guards to turn around the gate to let the running, but keep the door doors with his hands, so as not to let the Achille break. Hector did not want to hide behind the walls, remained on the field, not listening to the father and mother who climbed to the tower and dismissed him to abandon the continuation of the battle. But when Achilles approached and sent a heavy ash spear on him, his heart was terrible, and he rushed from Achille along the walls. He dragged him three times and haunting his Achilles around the walls. Ahill Nastig Hecker, pierced with a spear, tied him behind his feet to his chariot, and drove his horses to the mill; The wonderful head of the dead hero was felt on the ground. Sobbing, looked at it from the walls of native heaker. Hill wanted to leave the body of hector to smooth on Earth without burial. He made the solemn funeral of the Patrole; Twelve prisoners of the Trojans were burned on the pockets of the Patrole. With tied to the chariot, the body of the hector Achill three times traveled around the tomb hill of the pocket. Finally the gods invested pity in his heart. The attractions came with rich gifts in the tent of Achilla, hugged his knee, kissed his hands who killed hepotor, reminded Achille about the old man's father, and pity awakened in Achille. He buried about the strugnure of all the earthly, and I gave Priau the body of the Son. Ten days, the Trojans made the rites of sadness about the death of Hector, burned his body, gathered ash in the urn, lowered it in the grave. The Hector Fallowed after the death of Hector, mounted new hopes when he came from Thrace to help them Tsaritsa Amazons, Pentsecilation, with shelves His warrior. Ahaeis were again driven into their own mill. But Achilles rushed into the battle and killed Pentselli. When he took off his helmet with a poverty falling on Earth, he was deeply excited, seeing which beauty he killed. Trysitis vividly reproached him for it; Achille killed the offender with a shock with a fist. From the distant East came with an army to help the Trojans, the king of Ethiopses Memnon, the son of Aurora, the most beautiful of men. Ahill shied away from the fight with him, knowing from the fetis, which soon after the death of Memnon will die and he himself. But Antocho, the son of Nestor, ahill friend, closing his father pursued by Memnon, died the sacrificent of his sons of love; The desire to take revenge for him was drowned in Achille care of myself. Fight between the sons of the goddesses, Achille and Memnon, was terrible; Themis and Aurora looked at him. Memnon fell, and a sorrowful mother, Aurora, with crying carried his body to his homeland. Eastern legend, she again and again irrigates a cute son with tears falling in the form of dew. Ahill was fiercely chased behind the running Trojans to the Sky gate of Troy and had already broken into them, but in this moment the arrow, flew by Paris and directed by God by God by Apollo, killed him. She struck him in the heel, which was the only vulnerable place for his body. The whole day, the Ahetis and the Trojans beat because to master the body and weapons of Achille. Finally, the Greeks managed to carry the body of the greatest hero of the Trojan war and his weapon. Ajax Telumonide, the mighty giant, carried the body, and Hedyssey was restrained by the onslaught of the Trojans.

Trojan horse

After the brilliant tomb games in honor of Achille, there was a decisive who is worthwhile to get his weapon: it should have been given to the Herbrom himself from the Greeks. This honor was presented by Ajax Telavonide and Odyssey. Captive Trojans were chosen by the judges. They decided in favor of Odyssey. Ajax found it unfair and was so annoyed that he wanted to kill Odyssey and Menel, whom he also considered his enemy. In the dark night, he secretly went from his tent to kill them. But Athena struck him with the permanent of reason. Ajax interrupted the herd of livestock, which was in troops, and shepherds of this cattle, imagining that he kills his enemies. When the recruitment passed, and Ajax saw how he was mistaken, they took such a shame that he rushed to his sword. All the army was saddened by the death of Ajax, who was stronger than all Greek heroes after Achilla.

Meanwhile, the Trojan is a dozen, helen, who came to the Ahaeis, told them that he could not take him without arrows Hercules. The owner of these arrows was a wounded Philoktt, abandoned by the Ahetans in Lemnos. He was brought from Lesbos to the Stan under Troy. The son of the god of healing, Asclepia, Mahaon cured the wound of Philoktte, and he killed Paris. Menelia put the body of his offender.

Trojan horse

The hour of the final victory of the Greeks in the Trojan war was already close. According to the legend, known to Homer and in detail told the later epic poets, Master Epia with the help of the goddess Athens made a big wooden horse. The tapering of the Ahasey heroes: Diomed, Odyssey, Meneli, neopopolis and others hid in it. The Greek army burned his camp and sailed to Tendos, as if deciding to stop the Trojan War. The Troyans came out of the city with surprise looked at a huge wooden horse. Heroes, hidden in it, heard their meetings about how to deal with him. Elena walked around the horse, and the rank of Greek leaders loudly, imitating the voice of his wife. Some wanted to answer her, but Odyssey kept them. Some Trojans said that it is impossible to trust enemies, and we must drown a horse in the sea or burn. Inusciful everyone said this priest Laocoon, Uncle Eney. But in the eyes of all the people from the sea, two big snakes crawled out of the sea, Laocoon and his two sons were wound and strangled them. The Trojans considered it the punishment of Laocoon from the gods and agreed with those that they said that it was necessary to put a horse in the Acropolis, to devote him to the gift of Pallada. Especially promoted the adoption of this decision, the traitor Synonym, whom the Greeks left here to deceive the Trojans with the assurance that the horse is designed to the Greeks for the reward for the abducted palladium, and that when it is put in Acropolis, the Troy will be invincible. The horse was so great that it could not be dragged into the gate; The Trojans made a break in the wall and ropes dragged the horse to the city. Thinking that the Trojan War was over, they began to happily silently. But at midnight, Synonym lit a fire - a signal of the Greeks waiting at the Tenedos. Those floated to three and the end of the Trojan War. The Greeks rushed to the carefree of the Trojans, cut, robbed and, divorid, lit the city. Priam searched for salvation from the satellite of Zeus, but the son of Achilla nesopolit killed him at the very altar. The son of Priama Dephob, who married Elena after the death of his brother Paris, courageously defended in his house against Odyssey and Menal, but was killed. Melani took to the ships to Elena, whose beauty disarmed his hand, raised to hit the grant. Hector's widow, the sufferer of Androma, was given to the Greeks neopopolis and found a slave destiny on her who predicted her husband in the last farewell. The son of her Astianax was, on the advice of Odyssey, dropped by neopolme from the wall. The priest of Cassandra, the daughter of Priama, who was looking for salvation from the altar, was divorced from him by the sacred hand of Ajax of Small (Son Oiley), who overturned the faded goddess statue. Cassandra was given to the extraction of Agamemenon. The sister of her polyksna was sacrificed over the coffin of Achilla, the shadow of which demanded it to be extracted. The wife of the Trojan king Priah Hekaba, who survived the fall of the royal family and the kingdom. She was brought to the Thracian coast and found out that she was killed and the son of Polydor, whom, with many treasures sent before the beginning of the war under guard to the Thracian king to the polimstar. On the further fate of Hugeba after the Trojan war legends were spoken differently; There was a legend that it was turned into a dog; In another legend, she was buried on the northern shore of Gellespont, where she showed her tomb.

Fate of Greek heroes after the Trojan War

Troy's taking did not end the adventures of Greek heroes: on the way back from the taken city they had to experience a lot of trouble. Gods and goddess, the altars of whom they desecrated violence, were subjected to their serious fate. At the very day of the destruction of Troy, in the assembly of heroes, dried wine, occurred, according to the "Odyssey" of Homer, is a big dressed. Meneli demanded to go home immediately, and Agamemnon wanted to soften the anger of Athena hecatombs (bringing several sacrifices, from a hundred oxen each). Some supported Menel, others - Agamemnon. The Greeks completely overviewed, and the next morning the army was divided. Meneli, Diomed, Nestor, nestopolia and some others sat on the ships. At the parking lot in Tenedos Odyssey, who sailed with these leaders, quarreled with them and returned to Agamemnon. Satellites, Menali went to Evbee. From there, the Diomed was favorably returned to Argos, Nestor to Pilos, they safely sailed to their cities in necopolis, Philoktt and Idomen. But Menelai was at the Rocky Male Cape, the storms will be covered and listed to the shore of Crete, the rocks of which almost all his ships crashed. He himself was carried by a storm in Egypt. Tsar Polyb welcoming him in the exciting Egyptian philas, gave him and Elena rich gifts. Meal's wanders after the Trojan war lasted eight years; He was in Cyprus, in Phenicia, seen the countries of Ethiopians and Libyans. Then the gods gave him a joyful return and a happy old age with eternally young Elena. According to the stories of the later poets, Elena was not at all in three. Stsisikhor said that Paris kidnapped only the ghost of Elena; According to the story of Euripid (the tragedy "Elena"), he took a similar Elena woman created by the gods to deceive him, and the real Elena Hermes suffered to Egypt, to the king of the beat, who erased her until the end of the Trojan War. Herodotus also believed that Elena was not in three. The Greeks thought that the Phoenician Aphrodite (Astarta) was Elena. They saw the temple of Astarta in the part of Memphis, where the Phoenicians-Tiryan lived; Probably from this and arose a legend about the life of Elena in Egypt. Agamemnon on returning from the Trojan war was killed his wife, Cliudernone, and her lover, Egisf. A few years later, the children of Agamemnon, Orest and Electra, brutally dismissed Mother and Egisfu for the Father. These events served as the basis for a whole cycle of myths. Ajax Small on the way back from Troy was killed by Poseidon for the unheard of pride and the sacred insult of the altar when capturing Cassandra. Most of all adventures and adversity when returning from the Trojan war has undergone Odyssey. His fate gave the topic and plot for the second great poem of Homer - "Odyssey."


Trojan War - The legendary war, the legends of which were distributed in the Greek people before the addition of the Homerovsky epic: the author of the first Rhapsody "Iliad" suggests in his listeners a detailed acquaintance with the cycle of these legends and is counting on the fact that Ahill, Atraya, Odyssey, Ajax, Ajax, Ajax Small, Hector are already familiar to them.

The fragmented parts of this legend belong to different centuries and authors and represent a chaotic mixture in which the historical truth is invisible threads associated with the myth. Over time, the desire to cause interest among the students of the novelty plot encouraged the poets to enter all the new heroes in favorite legends: from the heroes of "Iliad" and "Odyssey", Sarpedon, Glavk, Diomed, Odyssey and many secondary acting persons, according to some hypotheses, completely alien The oldest version of the Trojan legend. It was introduced in the legend of the battles under Troy another number of other heroic personalities, such as Amazon Pentceilia, Memnon, telephones, neopopolis and others.

The most detailed preserved presentation of the events of the Trojan War is contained in 2 poems - "Iliade" and "Odyssey": mostly these two poems are the Trojan characters and the events of the Trojan War owe their fame. The reason for the war Homer indicates Quasi historical fact Elena abduction.

Dating [ | ]

The dating of the Trojan War is controversial, however, most researchers refer it to the Rubel XII-XII centuries. BC e. The question of the "peoples of the sea" remain controversial - whether they were the cause of the Trojan War or, on the contrary, their movement was caused by the results of the Trojan war.

Before the war [ | ]

See also Cyprus

Court of Paris, Huang de Huanges

According to the ancient Greek Epos, the wedding of the hero of Pelia and Nered Fetold, who had not yet born the son of which the goddess of Justice of the Femid preddered that he would surpate his father, all the Olympic gods appeared, except the Goddess of Erides's contention; Without receiving invitations, the latter threw the Golden Apple among the pouring Golden Apple with the inscription: "The most beautiful," for this title followed the dispute between the goddesses hero, Athena Stallad and Aphrodite. They asked Zeus to judge them. But he did not want to give preference to some of them, because the most beautiful believed his daughter Aphrodite, but Gera had to be reigning his wife and sister, and Athena - daughter. Then he gave the court to the son of King Troy Priama - Paris, considered the most beautiful man.

Paris gave preference to the goddess of love, because she promised him the love of the most beautiful women in the world, spouses of the Spartan Tsar Menel Elena. Paris sailed in Sparta on the ship built by Ferkell. Meneli welcomed the guest, but was forced to sail to Crete to bury his grandfather Catraya. Aphrodite was wondering Elena in Paris, and she sailed with him, taking with him the treasures of Menel and Slave Efru and Klumen. On the way, they visited Sidon.

Elena's abduction was the closest reason to declare war to the people of Paris. Having decided to take revenge on the offender, Melai and his brother King Mikten Agamemenon (Atrides) are circled with the Greek kings and inclined them to participate in the campaign on the Trojans. This consent was given by the leaders of individual peoples by virtue of the oath, which Elena, Tyndarka had previously connected. The commander-in-chief of the expedition was recognized by Agamemnon; After him, the privileged position in the troops occupied Melaire, Achilles, two ajaxes (son of the Thamamon and son Oiley), Tevkr, Nestor, Odyssey, Diomed, Idomena, Philoktte and Palamned.

Not everyone willingly took part in the war. Odyssey tried to evade himself, pretending to be insane, but Palamned exposed him. Kinir was not an ally of the Greeks. Pemandr and Tevtis did not participate in the campaign. Fetis is trying to hide his son from Licked on Skiros, but Odyssey finds him, and Achilles willingly join the army. Licked Deedamia's daughter gives rise to Achille Son Neopolmem.

The army consisting of 100,000 warriors and 1186 ships gathered in the Austrad Harbor (in Besotia, during the Strait, separating Eubey from the mainland of Greece).

Here during the sacrifice from the altar crawled the snake, climbed onto a tree and, shooting off of 8 sparrows and a sparrow female, appealed to the stone. One of those who consisted in the army of fortunemen, Kalchant, brought out that the upcoming war would continue nine years and ended for the tenth year by taking Troy.

Start of war [ | ]

Agamemenon ordered the army to sit on the ships and reached asia. Greeks landed mistaken in Mise. There was a battle, in which the Fersander was killed by telephol, but the phone itself was seriously injured by Achles, and his army was broken.

Then, being taken by the beard from the shore of Malaya Asia, the Ahaeis again arrived in Avlidu and from there they had already happened again to the victim of the goddess Artemide daughter Agamemnon, Iphigenia (the last episode of Homer is not mentioned). Tele, who arrived in Greece, pointed out the sea route to the Ahaeis and was healed by Achille.

Running on Tendosa, the Greeks capture the island. Ahill kills Tennes. When the Greeks bring sacrifices to the gods, PhyloTte bit the snake. He is left on the desert island.

The landing in the Troadade ended safely only after Achilles killed the King of the Throatsky G. Colon, Kikna, who came to the aid of the Trojans. Testales, the first of the Ahetsev landed ashore was killed by Hector.

When the Greek army is located on the Trojan Plain, Odyssey and Meneli went to the city for negotiations on the extradition of Helen and the reconciliation of the warring parties. Despite the desire of the Elena itself and the Council of the Antenant, to finish the work of reconciliation, the Trojans refused the Greeks in meeting their requirements. The number of the Trojans who command Hector, less than the number of Greeks, and although they have strong and numerous allies (Eney, Glavk, etc.), but, afraid of Achilles, they are not solved to give a decisive battle.

On the other hand, the Ahaeis cannot take a well-fortified and protected city and are limited to the fact that they devoid of the neighborhood and for the sake of production of the proviante, under the head of Achilles, more or less remote marchs on neighboring cities.

In the battle of the son of Tideo Diomed, led by Athena, performs wonders of courage and wounds even Aphrodite and Ares (5 RAPS). Menelai kills Pibmen, but Sarpedon fights the king of Rhodes Tlebhema.

I intend to join martial arts with a Lycsen Glavkom, Diomed will learn from an old guest and a friend: mutually exchangeing weapons, opponents diverge (6 RAPS).

The day ends with an indecisive duel who returned in the battle of hector with Ajax Telavonid. During the previously concluded, the truce indulgered the land of the murdered, and the Greeks, on the advice of Nesor, surround their ration camp and the shaft (7 RAPS.).

The battle begins again, but Zeus prohibits the gods of Olympus to take part in it and predetermines that it should complete the defeat of the Greeks (8 RAPS).

The next night, Agamemnon is already beginning to think about escape from the walls of the Troy, but the old and wise king of Pilos Nesor advises him to reconcile with Achille. Attempts by this goal to Achillu ambassadors do not lead to anything (9 RAPS).

Meanwhile, Odyssey and Domeda go for intelligence, capture the Trojan Spy Dolon and kill the Thracian king of Resa, who arrived for the rescue to the Trojans (10 RAPS).

The next day, Agamemenon pushes the Trojans to the city walls, but he himself, Diomed, Odyssey and other heroes leave the battle due to the received wounds; The Greeks are removed per wall of the camp (11 RAPS), for which the Trojans are attacked. The Greeks are bravely resist, but the Hector splits the gate, and the crowd of the Trojans will freely penetrate into the Greek Still (12 RAPS).

Once again, the Greek heroes, especially both Ajax and King Crete Idomena, with the help of the god Poseidon, successfully pushed the Trojans, and Idomena kills Aya, Ajax Telavonid turns the hector of the stone to the Earth; However, Hector soon appears on the battlefield, filled with the fortress and forces, which, according to Zeus, instilled in it Apollo (13 RAPS). Trojan Dephob kills Askalaf, and Hector fits amphimhah, the polydamant is (14 rapes.) Kills professionalor.

Poseidon is forced to provide the Greeks of their fate; They are again removed to the ships that Ajax is trying in vain from the attack of enemies (15 rapes.). Trojans are attacking: Agenor kills Clonia, and the medical unit is ennofing.

When the front ship is already covered by the flame, Achill, inferior to the requests of his favorite Patrole, is equipping it in a battle, providing his own weapons at his disposal. Trojans, believing that in front of them - Achilles himself, run; Patrole pursues them to the city wall and kills many enemies, including Pirakhma and Brave Sardon, whose body of the Trojans are disconnected only after a fierce struggle. Finally, Hector, with the assistance of the apollon, kills the Patrole itself (16 RAPS); Achille's weapon gets the winner (17 RAPS). In the struggle for the body of the Patrole Ajax, Temmonid kills Hippofa and Forky, and Melai is striking Evor. Achetz Singness dies from Hector's hand.

Achille, depressed by his personal grief, repents in his anger, reconciles with the king of Agamemnon and the next day, armed with the new brilliant armor, made for him the God of Fire Hephaest at the request of Fetyda (18 RAPS), enters the battle with the Trojans. Many of them are dying, and including asteropy and the main hope of Trojans - Hector (19-22 Rhapsody).

The burial of the Patrole, the celebration of the Body of Hector, the burial of the Chief Defender of the Troy and the establishment for this last target of the 12-day truce, the events constituting the content of the Iliad ends.

Final stage of war[ | ]

Trojan horse, Giovanni Domenico Tapolo

Immediately after the death of Hector Amazon, they come to the aid of the Trojans, soon in the battle of their queen Penfissile kills a gift, but herself dies from the hand of Achilla.

Then the army comes to the aid of the Trojans. Their king Meminon - the son of the goddess Dawn Eos bravely fights and kills a friend Achille Antuel. Movesy for him, Ahill kills Memnon in a duel.

There is a quarrel between Achille and Odyssem, and the latter announces that hectic, and not a valor you can take Troy. Shortly after that, Ahill, when trying to break into the city through the Sky Gate, or, on another legend, during marriage with the Priam of the Polyxena, in the Temple of the Fimbrey Apollo, dies from the Arrow of Paris, directed by the Olympic Deity. After the funeral of the son of Fetida proposes to give his weapon as a reward worthy of Greek heroes: the elected turns out to be Odyssey; His rival, Ajax Temmonide, offended by another preference, commits suicide after the extermination of the herd of animals.

These losses from the Greeks are balanced by adversity, which then comprehend the Trojans. Having lived in Greek army as a prisoner, Priamid Gelegin announces that the Troy will be taken only if the Hercules arrows were brought, which heraita Hercules Philoktt owned, and will arrive with the Owl Skyros, the young son of Achilla. Particularly unarmed ambassadors are brought with a Limnos of Philostet, with his onions and arrows, and from the O-Wa Skiros - neuctolem.

According to the destruction of the three sons of Atreya Agamemenon and Meneli, despite the custom, in the evening they convene oxane Greeks to the meeting, at which half of the Mennel's troops speak out for the immediate sailing for his homeland, the other half, with Agamemnon, led, prefers to stay on time to deliver Athena, The angry by the solebitistics of Ajax Oildid, who during the capture of the city raped Cassandra. As a result, the army sails two parties.

Allegorical Biblical and Philosophical Interpretation[ | ]

In addition to the historical explanation of the Trojan War, there were attempts to interpret Homer Allegorically: Troy Taking was not recognized as an event from the history of ancient Greece, but invented by the poet allegories to other historical events. Of the Homeger critics include the Dutchman Gerard Cruz, who saw in the Homerovskaya "Odysheus" a symbolic picture of the wanders of the Jewish people during the days of Patriarchs, to the death of Moses, and in Iliad - the picture of the later fate of the people, namely, the struggle for the XVII and XVIII in. Attempts to explain the legends about the Trojan War in the Spirit of Evgemerism: in Homeric heroes, they saw the personification of ethical, physical, astronomical and even alchemical principles.

With the advent of "ProlegMena" FR.-Aug. Wolf in the city there are new techniques in the study of the historical foundation of the epic, the laws of the development of myths, heroic legends and folk poetry are being studied, the foundations of historical criticism are created. First of all, the works of philologists and mythologists Heene, Kreizer, Max Muller, K. O. Muller, and others (on the views of the latter, the myths are given the personification of natural, public, state and folk life; their content is the oldest local and tribal history of Ellala , clothed in the form of personal events and individual phenomena).

Assigning events to the history of other regions[ | ]

According to Ryukkert (1829), the exploits of Pelopidov and the Eaakids are invented in order to glorify their descendants, columns by the Ealide; But although all the heroes of the legend are mythical figures, but Troy is a historic city, and the Trojan War is a historical fact. The true heroes of the Trojan war were the aolian colonists of Lesbos and Kima, as well as immigrants from Peloponnese Ahetsev: they transferred this historical fact on their mythical ancestors and built it in the Paullen event.

The same thought is expressed in the study of Fulker, according to whom, the immigrants arrived in a small Asia of two movements, and the Fessalki colonists are represented by Achille, Peloponne-Ahasey-Agamemnon and Menel, - and in the composition of the Geschichte des Trianischen Krieges.

According to E. Kurtius, the Trojan War depicts a clash in the Malaya Asia of the Fessalki and Ahasey immigrants with the natives who ended up, after a long struggle, the Hellenization of the country. In this conquest struggle, the Greeks were inspired by stories about the heroic exploits of their ancestors - atrides and Achilles, on which the events of the fight itself were postponed.

Dunker theories, Villalam Mellendorff, Edward Meira, Pelmann, Caer, and others are adjacent, in general, to this appeal, differing from each other in particulars. Currently, in modern science, the opinion was established, according to which the historical core of Trojan tajan is an aolist colonization. Although Homer does not mention the aolists in one word, but they, unnamed descendants of Agamemnon and Achilla, actually fought for the conquest of the North-West Bank of Malaya Asia, and for no 10 years, and two or three centuries.

Most of the philologists of the beginning and middle of the XIX century. In the question of the historical basis, Trojan led tried closer to these epos and ancient literature and saw in the Trojan war a large maritime expedition, undertaken, under the head of predominantly Peloponnesian kings, from Greece to Maly Asia. This includes K. O. Muller 1184 BC. e. (Dates to which Alexandrian scientists timed taking Troy). As in the tale of Nibelungah, historical elements are inseparably connected with mythological ideas, and in taking about the Trojan war, completely dissimilar elements are intertwined with each other. Many heroes have been introduced in the told of the Trojan War later, from other legends; Some persons (Ayante, Hector) are invented by poets. The legend of the abduction of Elena has mythological origins; This myth has connected with a legend about the campaign of Peloponnese sovereigns, under the boss of the Mysensky king, on Troy. Finally, the third element in the story of the Trojan war included a legend about the aolian hero Achille, who had no direct relationship to the content of songs about the Trojan campaign. Thus, the legend actually about the Trojan War, in Meeruer - not an aoline origin: the Eolian elements entered him later, when it has already happened, and in the tale of Achille, memories of the struggle, with which the aolers colonized the North-West shore of Malaya Asia were reflected.

In Kauera, the Trojan War is nothing but a disguised struggle of the colonial agents with the inhabitants of the North-Western part of Malaya Asia, and the legend of the ten-year siege and the default of the Homerovsk or Troy or the Troy taking testimony indicate that in reality the colonizers did not fail to master the country . Due to the important value of the Eolian culture (the first religious ideas arose in Eolia, there was Mount Olympus, Eolia belongs to the muses, centaurs, fetis, peads, Achilles), the beginning of the epic could be originated in Eolia, and the colonials were brought with them to small Asia already ready-made epic material . As for the elements of the legend, which is considered by Ionian (Agamemnon, Ahetsev, Argivyan, Nesor - everyone is recognized by Peloponnes and Ionians), then, in Kauera, these elements are also an aolian origin: Ahaeis - nothing else like the Fesselsky tribe, who spoke on "Ealis, Argivans - Residents of the Fesselsky, and not Peloponnese Argos, Agamemenon - not Peloponnesky, and the Fessalky King, later suffered in Peloponnes (in Myna) by Ionian singers who took the treasury of their folk tales from the aolites. The possibility of the formalist origin of Agamemnon is confirmed by the data of the epic: so, the movement of the Greek troops begins from the Avlude; "CONOGLE ARGOS" could be referred to only the Fessalki ARGOS; Mentioned with Argos Ellad was near the phyotide in the formal. Nestor - Also the Fessensky Hero: Its belonging to the Eolian tribe is proved by the fact that his father's father was the son of Enique (the River of the Fessenia) and the brother of the Iola king Pelia, and the form of the patrony of Nestor himself - νηλήϊος - belongs to the Eolian dialect. The mentioned colonization of the North-West Bank of Malaya Asia Aiolites, on Kauera, ended over the past three centuries of the second millennium BC. e.

According to the ancient Greek epic, the wedding of the hero of Pelia and Neread Fetold, who had not yet born the son of which the femide was predicted that he would surpate his father, all the Olympic gods appeared, except the Goddess of Erides's contention; Without receiving invitations, the latter threw the Golden Apple among the pouring Golden Apple with the inscription: "The most beautiful", for this title followed the dispute between the goddesses of the hero, Athena and Aphrodite. They asked Zeus to judge them. But he did not want to give preference to some of them, because the most beautiful painted Aphrodite, but Gera had to him his wife, and Athena - daughter. Then he gave the court to Paris.

Paris preferred the goddess of love, because she promised him the love of the most beautiful women in the world, the spouses of the Tsar Menel Elena. Paris sailed in Sparta on the ship built by Ferkell. Meneli welcomed the guest, but was forced to sail to Crete to bury his grandfather Catraya. Aphrodite was wondering Elena in Paris, and she sailed with him, taking with him the treasures of Menel and Slave Efru and Klumen. On the way, they visited Sidon.

Elena's abduction was the closest reason to declare war to the people of Paris. Having decided to take revenge on the offender, Menelai and his brother Agamemenon circle Greek kings and inclined them to participate in the campaign on the Troyans.

As a result, when the Trojan War began, the Trojans supported Aphrodite, their opponents who arrived to return to Elena legitimate husband - Gera and Athena. And in general, all the gods were divided into 2 camps. So the troubles because of Pandora still happened ...

Task 1. Part 2. Frameology

1. Augean stables - Squeeze to the sixth feat of Hercules. Cleaning the cattle courtyard Avgius in one day became one of the feats of Hercules - Hercules broke from the two opposite sides the wall surrounding the livestock, and removed the water of two rivers, Alfeya and Pena. The expression "Augiyev Stables" became a winged and means "strong mess, neglence in matters."

2. Get to the Hercules pillars -greek myths, later borrowed by the Romans, are narrated by the 12 exposure of Hercules, one of which was the abduction of the cows of the giant Gerion. During his journey to West, Hercules celebrated the most distant point of its route. This point and served as a border for navigaters in the ancient era, so in the figurative sense of "Hercules pillars" - this is the edge of the world, the limit of the world and the expression "walk to the Hercules pillars" means "walk to the limit."

3. Homeric Hochot - Unstoppable, loud laughter. It is often used to designate laughter over something extremely awkward or stupid. It originated from the description of the laughter of the gods in the poems of Homer "Iliad" and "Odyssey". The epithet "Homeric" is also used in the meaning: abundant, huge.

4. Greek gift - symbol of cunning, deception, tricks, hypocrisy and flattery. Squeeze to the Trojan horse.

5. Two-bit Yanus - symbol of doubles, hypocrisy and lies. Janus - in Roman mythology - a two-faced God of doors, entrances, exits, various aisles, as well as early and end, as well as God of time. One of the two-limit Yanus was depicted with two persons - as a rule, young and old, looking in opposite sides.

6. Wheel of Fortune - case, blind happiness. Fortune - in the Roman mythology goddess of the blind case, happiness and misfortune. She was depicted with a bandage on the eyes standing on a bowl or wheel and holding a steering wheel in one hand, and in another - a horn of abundance. The steering wheel indicated that Fortuna controls the fate of a person, the horn of abundance - on well-being, the abundance that it can give, and the ball or the wheel emphasized her constant variability.

7. Cook in fly - disappear from memory, forget. Summer is the name of the mythical river oblivion from the ancient Greeks.

8. Hippocratic oath -medical oath, expressing the fundamental moral and ethical principles of the doctor's behavior. According to legend, the oath goes back to the direct descendants of Asclepia, it passed in orally as a family tradition from the kind in the genus.

9. Thread Ariadna - Guide thread, tool to get out of difficulty. This famous phraseology came to us from an ancient Greek myth about Athenian Hero Tesa. Ariadne, the daughter of the Kratsky Tsar Minos, helped Tees, who arrived from Athens, fight with a terrible minotaur. With the help of a ball of threads, who gave the Tesome Ariadne, he managed to get out of the famous labyrinth, in which the Minotauri died after the victory over this monster.

10. Procrusteo bed -the desire to adjust something under a rigid frame or an artificial measure, sometimes, sacrificing something significant. Larct - character myths Ancient Greece, Robber, having lost the travelers on the road between Megar and Athens. He lured the trace of the travelers in his home. Then he put them on his bed, and to those who were briefly cut her legs, and who was great, pulled his legs - along the length of this bed. I had to lie on this bed and the procruise itself: the hero of the ancient Greek myths of the Testa, defeating the procrus, entered the same way as he came with his prisoners. For the first time, the story about the proguration is found at the ancient Greek historian Diodorus Sicilian.

11. Skeil and Charibda - Marine Cranks from ancient Greek mythology. Haribda in the ancient Greek epic is an impersonal representation of the all-consuming sea puchin. In Odyssee, Haribda is depicted as a sea deity, in the strait under the rock in the distance of the arrows flight from another cliff, which served as Schill's location.

12. Sisyphers work - Infinite and inside work. Sisifa - In ancient Greek mythology, the builder and King Corinth, after death, the sentenced by the gods into the mountain, located in Tartar, a heavy stone, which, barely reaching the vertices, rushed down once again.

13. Uza Gimenta - marriage bonds.

14. Pandora's Box - What can serve as the source of grief and disasters can serve as negligent. When the great Titan Prometheus kidnapped from Olympus and passed the fire of the gods, the father of the gods of Zeus was scary shook the bolt, but it was too late. Possessing a divine flame, people stopped obeying the celers, learned to different sciences, left their miserable state. A little more - and they would have won full happiness ... Then Zeus decided to send to them to Kara. God-blacksmith Hephasta cut out of the ground and water beautiful woman Pandora. The rest of the gods gave her: who is a trick, who is courage, who is extraordinary beauty. Then, handing her the mysterious box, Zeus sent it to the ground, forbid to remove the cover from the drawer. Curious Pandora, barely coming into the world, opened the lid. Immediately, all disasters of people flew from there and scattered through the universe. Pandora in fear tried to slam the lid again, but in the box of all unfortunately there was only a deceptive hope.

15. Apple of discord - Cause of disputes and spots. Peel and Fetida, the parents of the Hero of the Trojan war of Achilles, forgot to invite the goddess Erid to her wedding. Erid was very offended and secretly threw on the table, followed by gods and mortals, a gold apple; It was written on it: "the most beautiful." A terrible dispute rose between the three goddesses: the wife of Zeus - the hero, Athena - the Virgin, the goddess of wisdom, and the beautiful goddess of love and beauty Aphrodite. "The judge between them was elected the young man Paris, the son of the Trojan Tsar Priama. Paris awarded the apple of the goddess of beauty. Grateful Aphrodite helped Paris kidnap the wife of the Greek Tsar Menel, beautiful Elena. To take revenge for this insult, the Greeks went to the Troy. As you can see, Erides's apple and actually led to the breakdown.

16. Sphinx mystery - A difficult task that is not easy to solve. Squeeze to myif about the Edipe.

17. Golden Rain - Sudden and easily revealed wealth. In the form of golden rain, Zeus penetrated the Danae, which is imprisoned, and fertilized it.

18. Thunder and lightning - Emotionally, to yield, read someone, rapidly, curvily smoke.

19. Sad Pegas - Save the thought, to inspire / speak verses. As the Greek myth tells, from the blood of the head of the jellyfish, the winged horse of pegasus arose. On him, the hero of Bellerofont defeated the sea monster, fought with Chimera and Amazons, and when Mount Helikon, hearing the wondrous singing of the music, was ready to rise to the sky, Pegasus his hoofs drove the mountain from the rise and at the same time knocked out the magic key - hypochecus at the same time. Everyone who will drink water hypocrene begins to suddenly speak verses.

20. Cornucopia - Opt, wealth. An ancient Greek myth tells about the fact that the cruel god of Kronos did not want to have children, as it was afraid that they would take power from him. Therefore, his wife gave birth to Zeus Thai, entrusted to the Nymphs to care for him, Zeus was fed by the milk of the Divine Goat of Amalfia. Once she, clinging for the tree, trampled himself a horn. The nymph filled with his fruits and filed Zeus. Zeus presented the horn to the victims of his nymphs, promising that everything would appear from it, whatever they wish.

Task 1. Part 3. Terms

2. Hexameter - In the ancient metric, any verse consisting of six meters. In a more common sense - verse from five drats or sponders, and one spondy or ferret in the last foot. One of the three main sizes of the classic antique quantity metric, the most common amount of antique poetry.

3. Dithyramb- genre of ancient Greek choral lyrics. Diffirable - folk hymns of a stormy orgiastic nature, who performed by the choir, mostly disguised as satirs, at the festival of vintage in honor of the god of the productive forces of nature and Wine Dionisa (the word "Diffiramba" is one of the epithets of this God). In the VII century BC e. The poet Arion attached decisions, especially, apparently in the musical part. Partly from the National Diffiramba received the origin of the Greek tragedy. In the V century BC e., for example, the poet of the Vacchilde, Diffirb approaches drama, sometimes acquiring the form of a dialogue that performed under Avlin accompaniment and alternating with the singing of the choir.

4. Idyll- "A small image", "picture", decreasing from είδος - "appearance", "picture") - initially (in ancient Rome) a small poem on the theme of rural life. Later in Byzantium, the word idyll used scholiasts, who interpreted separate places from the works of Foocrit. In the historical and literary relationship, the importance of the term "idyll" is largely intersects with "Pastoral" and "buculates"; The difference is manifested in the fact that the "idyll" is called a separate poems of the pastoral genre, which is not limited to life-based life in life. In the newest time, this narrow value is blurred, and idylls are often called works about the peaceful life of the couple in love ("Starlavetsky landowners" of Gogol), or even a peaceful patriarchal life at all, not necessarily rural.

5. Catharsis- concept in antique philosophy;

The term to indicate the process and the result of a facilitating, cleansing and refining effect on a person of various factors.

The concept in ancient Greek aesthetics, characterizing the aesthetic effect of art per person. - The term "catharsis" was consumed expressly; In a religious meaning (cleansing of the Spirit through spiritual experiences), the ethical (elevation of the human mind, refining its feelings), physiological (relief after strong sensual tension), medical.

The term applied by Aristotle in the teaching about the tragedy. According to Aristotle, the tragedy, causing compassion and fear causes the viewer to empathize, thereby clearing his soul, elevated and raising him.

7. Koturn - High outdoor soft skin boot on high sole.

As casual shoes, the kittens were using only secured people. The kittens were used by actors in the performance of tragic roles - they visually increased the growth of the actor, made it a tread more important, as it liked the characteristics of tragedies. In ancient Rome, the boots - the kittens were put on the actors of the tragedy, depicting gods, and sometimes emperors that were equal to the deities.

8. Oh yeah - The genre of lyrics representing a solemn poem dedicated to any event, hero or a separate work of such a genre. Initially, in ancient Greece, any form of poetic lyrics, intended to accompany music, was called Ohodo, including choral singing. Since the time of Pundara, the Oda is a choral song-epinic with underlined solemnity and high polhood, as a rule, in honor of the winner of sports.

9. Orhestra - In the Antique Theater - a round (then semicircular) platform for actors, choir and individual musicians. Initial and etymological importance - "place for dancing".

The first round Orhestra appeared at the foot of the Athenian Acropolis. They performed a choir - sang and danced Di-grams in honor of God Dionysus. When Diffirb was transformed into a tragedy, the theater inherited the orchestra as a stage platform for actors and choir.

10. Persian - In an ancient Greek theater (tragedy and comedy), the choral song, which was performed by the choir during the exit to the stage, when driving in the orchestra. The word "pater" also refers to the passage itself (open corridor), constructive element Antique theater. Parodes and stamim were important elements of the structure not only the tragedy, but also comedy. The Kualanovsky treatise (which is considered a brief abstract of the second, lost part of "poetics") does not contain the term "parodes", but mentions the "Chora's exit" as an important watershed in the structure of the comedy.

The dramatic value of the parquency was to give listeners the first information about the further fabule and set up the public as a whole to the corresponding narrative of the way. The earliest tragedies (from those that have come to us) do not contain codes. Parodes, as expected, was a monodic and was performed by the chorus in unison. Since the complete latal samples of the paratroopers (however, as other genres of choral theater music), it was not preserved, to talk about more private compositional and technical features (for example, musical rhythm and harmony) is difficult.

11. Rhaseods - professional performers of epic, mainly by Homer's poems in classical Greece; The wandering singers, who recharge the poems with a rod in her hand (Wand - a symbol of the right to perform at the meeting).

Rhapsodics already applies to more late stage Epos's development, to the era of large poems with more or less enshrined text; At an earlier stage, the epic song was improvised by the AED, the singer, accompanied his singing game on Lira. At the rapeic stage, the execution has already separated from creativity, although individual rapes could be simultaneously poets (Hesiod). In the historical era, large poems were usually performed at the festivities in the form of a rope contest. Homeric poems are already calculated on rapeic performance, although in the poems themselves, the action of which is related to the distant past, is mentioned only about the highs. Rhapes, sometimes united in whole schools played, apparently, a significant role in the collection of Greek epic at the stage of its decomposition. Antiquity imagined Homer Rhapsod, and the Homeric Critica attributed to the creation of Homer's poems, uniting individual small songs in a large epic.

12. Skena - Theater Butaforia was inserted in it, and from it the first playwrights-actors, putting the theater costumes, went to the Orhestra playground to perform their roles. Later, when the dramatic representations were regular, this temporary tent was replaced by a solid building - first wooden, and then stone, marble. But the initial name "Skena" This building has retained forever. From this it turned out and the modern word "scene" (Latelatinsky form of pronunciation of this word) in the sense of elevation or stagelocks on which the actors play. However, in the Greek theater of the classical pores there was no such elevation - at least, no traces were preserved.

13. Exode - In ancient drama, the final yield of the choir in the presentation

14. Elegy- a lyrical genre containing in a free poems of any complaint, the expression of sadness or the emotional result of philosophical meditation over complex problems Life. Initially, in ancient Greek poetry, Elegy marked the poem, written by the structure of a certain size, namely the two-oke - a hexameter-pentameter. The word έ̓λεγος, meant the Greeks a sad song for the accompaniment of flutes. Elegy was formed from the epic near the beginning of the Olympiads at the Ionian tribe in Malaya Asia, which came and flourished Epos.

Having the overall nature of lyrical reflection, the elegy in the ancient Greeks was very diverse in content, for example, the sad and accusable in the archite and simonide, the philosophical of Solon or the theognid, who was warlike for Kallin and Tirtae, political in Mimnerma. One of the best Greek authors of Elegy - Callima.

Romans Elegy became more definite in nature, but also more free in shape. The value of love elegions has greatly increased. Famous Roman authors of Elegy - Propertions, Tibull, Ovid, Katull.

15. Epos. - Heroic narration about the past, containing a holistic picture of the people's life and representing a certain epic world of heroes-heroes in harmonic unity.

16. Jamb - 1) in the ancient metric, simple foot, double, three-lines, short syllable + long syllable (U-); In Syllabo-tonic poems (for example, Russian) - unstressed syllable + shock syllable; 2) the same that verse consisting of yambic meters; 3) genre lyrics

Task 1. Part 4. General questions

Samoa famous war Filled with various myths and legends, the Trojan War is. This event has two retold stories, the first, perhaps, is more plausible historical information, and the second is rather similar to the myth filled with romanticism and heroism.

And so, the first story says that the Trojan War occurred in the interval between 1240 and 1230 BC. The reason for the unleashing of such a prolonged conflict was that, Troy prevented the passage of merchant ships and levied significant taxes. Such a situation was not satisfied with the Greeks, and they decided to combine efforts and to resist the Troy. However, the Trojans provided very good resistance and firmly kept their borders.

The Greeks suffered defeat both in the amount of warriors and in the number of ships soiled by the Trojans. Also, the Greeks lost in the battles of their main hero of Achille. These events were very exhausted and then resorted to sophisticated tricks, the Greeks were invented to build a wooden horse. This horse was supposed to act as a gift of the gods for the Trojans.

And when the horse was inside the city, under the cover of the night, the best Greek warriors got out of it. They opened the gate and let the army, which won the Trojans who lost their vigilance. The city was burned, people were killed, and some were captured.

On another legend, the cause of the conflict served by Paris the wife of the king Sparta Elena. Myths also say that Paris took not only the wonderful queen, but also grabbed some valuable things of the king. This was the reason for the unleashing of war. All Greeks combined their efforts, since there was such a contract, which stated that all the applicants for Elena's hand had to defend her and her husband.

Message Trojan War (option 2)

The Trojan War is one of the most legendary events that occurred in the 13-12 centuries to our era.

The battles of the opposing parties took place on the Troadas peninsula (now Big). They all found their reflection in the two famous Iliad poems and Odyssee, and thanks to this, about the Trojan war, it is possible to find out the current generation. The EPOSs in the verbal form were transmitted from generation to the generation until Homer recorded them.

To say unequivocally, whether the events described in the source are reliable, not possible. According to philologists who studied the message, which has passed through the centuries, interpreted events as a long-term sea campaign on the sea, leaders in which were the Peloponess kings. At the same time, historians argue that the Trojan war was. They say that the confrontation lasted at least ten years. During this time, many commander-in-chiefs changed and crushed countless valiant soldiers.

The result of the Trojan war was the fall in the Troy, which occurred one of the most interesting ways that were further a none value.

Causes of the start of confrontation

The main reasons that prompted the opposition of the parties were the abduction of Paris (the son of the Trojan Trojan Tsar Priama) of the most beautiful woman of ancient Greece - Elena beautiful. At that time, the culprit of battles was the wife of the King Sparta, but it did not stop the thief. The reason for this was the love that the thief was told to Elena.

But this mythical beginning, scientists do not accept, and they say that the beginning of the war has become exorbitant taxes collected from merchants whose ships passed by Troy.

Events of the Trojan War

The first stage of the war was marked by a shameful defeat, as the warriors were mistaken and destroyed the possessions of the telephone rule friendly. Realizing its mistake, the Greeks in the amount of 100 thousand people who were relevant for 1186 ships went to the shores of Troy.

There were many defeats and victories. Commanders conflicted among themselves for the championship and regalia, and troops under their leadership robbed the city. The most famous and merciless commander was Ahill.

Such war lasted long nine years. The turning point was the fight between Paris and Menel, in which the latter won. The result of the war should be the liberation of Elena's excellent and paying Dani for robbery. Only in the plans of the Greeks, such a turn of events was not included. They threw the continuation of the war and sought to smash the Troy.

That is why invented a way to penetrate the city: the strongest warriors hid inside the wooden structure in the form of a horse. Curious residents accepted him for the gift of the gods and handed over to the city through the main gate. Having waited for the nights, the Greek troops burned the Troy Dotla.

Option 3.

The Trojan War is undoubtedly one of the most large-scale events of the ancient world, but at the same time, the most mysterious, shrouded in many myths and legends, felt by the Great Homer in the immortal poems "Iliad" and "Odyssey".

By approximate estimates of historians, this event lasted 10 years from 1240 to 1230 BC.

The cause of military conflict was the intervention of Troy in trade relations between the Greeks and other states. Troy has taxed high taxes, detained them, and those who showed discontent or resistance, went to the seabed. In those days, the Troy was strong and firmly standing on the legs of the state, its unavailable walls kept all attacks dissatisfied and remained as always inexpressible.

According to ancient greek myths, the reason for the war was the abduction of the Spartan Queen - the delightful beauty of Elena. Her kidnapper became the son of the Trojan king Priama - the young handsome Paris.

Spartans and the rest of the Greeks, bound to the oath to protect the Tsaritsu Sparta, united in 100 thousandths of the army with a share of 1000 ships and went war to the walls of Troy.

For many years, the siege lasted inexpressive and adamant Trojans. Troy stood firmly on their positions, while the Greeks carried the colossal human losses, as paper ships walked to the bottom of their fleet.

Undocated by many years of small victories and countless defeats, the Greeks understood that it was possible to break three from the inside. But since the power to take the city did not succeed in any way, it is possible to get into the city only with the help of tricks.

Such a cunning was the famous Trojan horse - a wooden structure in the form of an animal, inside which the most bold, strong and powerful Greek warriors hid.

The Trojans, one morning, who found a huge horse at their gates, took it for the gift of the gods and, making themselves the great winners, listed him as a trophy for inferior walls.

By giving the will Gordin, the Trojans staged a big feast, and when their vigilance completely drowned in glasses with wine, the Greeks caused a deadly blow, as a result of which the Troy fell apart.

This war claimed many lives, destroyed a whole state, but at the same time, the great and powerful warriors glorified the millennium by making them immortal heroes.

The American writer who won millions of children's unique ironic works by his unique ironic creativity is Mark Twain (Samuel Clemens). He was not just a writer, as well as a journalist, a public figure.

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    Golden Mountains - a natural complex that shares Asia and Siberia. The main natural attractions of this land are customary to clean lakes, the slopes of dyed trees, beautiful waterfalls

  • New Year - Message Report

    Few people who do not love New Year. Not only children, but adults are waiting for miracles on this night. Whether desires and dreams will come true, it is no longer important, the main hope that will instill strength, and the opportunity to go on.

  • Trojan War

    The Trojan War, according to the ancient Greeks, was one of the most significant events of their history. Antique historians believed that it occurred at about the turn of the XIII-XII centuries. BC er, and they began with her new - "Trojan" Era: the climbing of the Balkan Greece of Plemons to a higher level of culture related to life in cities. About the campaign of the Greek-Ahetsevs against the city of Troy, located in the north-cautious part of the Peninsula, Malaya Asia - Troada, told numerous Greek myths, combined later in the cycle of traditions - kicking poems. The most authoritative for Ellinov was the epic poem "Iliad", attributed to the Great Greek poet Homer, who lived in the VIII century. BC e. It tells about one of the episodes of the final, tenth year of the siege of the Troy-Ilion - this is so named in the poem this low-immiginarian city.

    What do the old legends talk about the Tro-Yansk War? She began by the will and fault of the gods. All gods were invited to the wedding of the Fesomalki Hero of Pelia and the sea goddess Fetis, except Erides, the goddess of contention. The angry goddess decided to take revenge and threw the oily apple with the infording of the "finest." Three Olympic goddesses, Gera, Athena and Aphrodite, argued, who of them is intended. To judge the goddesses Zeus commanded young Paris, the son of the Troyan-Sky King Priama. The goddesses were Paris on Mount the idea, near Troy, where Tsarevich Pass herd, and each tried to choose him with gifts. Paris preferred the love of Elena's love suggested by Aphrodite, pre-young from mortal women, and handed the goddess of love. Elena, daughter Zeus and Ice, was the wife of the Spartan Tsar Menel. Paris, who was the guest in the House of Menel, took advantage of his absence and with the help of Aphrodite convinced you to eat my husband and leave him in Troy. The fugitives grabbed the slaves and treasures of the royal pre-ma. About how Paris and Elena got to Troy, myths are told differently. According to one version, after three days they have safely arrived in the native city of Paris. On the other, the goddess of Hera, hostile to Paris, raised the storm to the sea, his ship brought to the shores of the church, and only a long time later, the fugitives arrived finally in Troy. There is one more option: Zeus (or Gera) replaced Elena a prize-com, which is insecting Paris. Heself Elena during the Trojan war was in Egypt under the protection of the wise elder of the proto. But this is the late MiF version, the Homer Epos does not know him.

    Troyansky Tsarevich committed a grievous crime - violated the law of hospitality and those on-wing to his hometown is a terrible disaster. Insulting Meneli with the help of his brother, the average king Mikten Agamemnon, gathered a painful army to return the wrong wife and Pihi treasures. On the call of the brothers were all the grooms woven ever to Elena and giving an oath to defend her honor. Corrected Ahase heroes and kings: Odyssey, Diomed, Testales, Ajax Telemonide and Ajax Oilde, Philoktt, Wise Stark Retz Nestor and many others led their squads. Take part in the campaign and Achille, the son of Pelia and the fetis, the most courageous and mighty of heroes. According to the prediction of the gods, the Greeks could not conquer Troy without his help. Odysseus, as the smartest and hit, managed to persuade Achilla to take part in the campaign, although it was predicted that he was dying under the walls of Troy. Agamemnon was elected the leader of the whole howl, as the ruler of the most powerful from the Ahasey states.

    Greek fleet, who had a thousand shipyard, gathered in Avlida, Harbor in Besotia. To ensure a fleet of a well-safe swimming for the Bere Gama of Malaya Asia, Agamemenon brought his daughter's disgust to the border of Artemide. Having achieved the Troada, the Greeks tried to return Elena and Sokro-Vischa peaceful way. The messengers in Troy sent the tested diplomat Odysseus and offended by the spouse of Meneli. The Trojans refused them, and there was a long and tragic war for both parties. The gods took part in it. Gera and Athena Pomo-Gali Aheitsi, Aphrodite and Apollo - Trojans.

    The Greeks could not immediately take three, surrounded by powerful fortress structures. They built on the shore of the sea near their ships the UK-replicated camp, began to ruin the neighborhood of the go-kind and attack the allies of the Trojans. On the tenth year, the siege there was a dramatic event, the serious failures of the Ahetsev in the Suns with defenders of the Troy took place. Agamemenon insulted Achilla, who hesitated his captive Brisade, and he, angry, refused to go on the battlefield. No matter what persuasion could not convince Achilla to leave anger and take up the weapons. The Trojans were using inaction of the most bold and strong of their enemies and moved to the offensive, headed by the oldest son of the king of Priam Hector. The king himself was old and could not take part in the war. Helped the Trojans and the total fatigue of the Ahasey troops, for ten years already unsuccessfully precipitated Troy. When Agamemnon, checking the combat spirit of Voi-New, pretended to stop the war and return home, the Ahaseians met the proposal with delight and rushed to their ships. And only the decisive actions of Odyssey stopped voi-new and saved the situation.

    The Trojans broke through the Camp of the Ahetseians and almost burned their ships. The nearest friend of Achille, Patrole, rejected the hero to give him his armor and the chariot and rushed to help Greek heaven. Patrole stopped the onslaught of the Trojans, but he died himself from Hector's hand. The death of a friend makes Achilla forget about the offense. The thirst for revenge is inspired by him. In a fight with Achille dies trojan hero Hector. AMA-Sounds come to the aid of the Trojans. Achille kills their leadership of Penfissile, but soon he dies himself, as it was a prediment, from the Arrow of Paris, directed by God Apol Lona. The mother of Achilles Fetida, seeking to make his son invulnerable, plunged him into the water of the underground river Styx. She kept Achilla for the heel, which remained the one-sided vulnerable to his body. God Apollo knew where to send an arrow of Paris. This episode of the poem is humanity and is obliged to the expression "Achilles-va".

    After the death of Achille among the Ahetans, a dispute begins for the area of \u200b\u200bhis armor. They are delivered to Odyssey, and, offended by such an outcome, Ajax Temmonid cums the life of suicide.

    A decisive fracture in the war occurs after arriving in La Geri Ahetis Hero Philoktte from Lemnos Islands and Son Achille Neoplohem. Philoktt kills Paris, and neopophem is an ally of the Trojans of the Ivinila. Occasionally without leaders, Tro-Yans are no longer solved out of the battle in open field. But powerful walls of Troy reliably guard its inhabitants. Then, at the proposal of Odyssey, the aheitsi decided to take the city with cunning. A huge de-worked horse was built, inside which the selection of the warriors hid. The rest of the army to kill the Troyans, as if the Aheitsy go home, burns their camp and sails on the ships from the coast of the Troada. In fact, the Ahasey Co-Rabli was covered near the coast, near the island of Tenedos.

    Surprised left wooden monster, the Trojans gathered around him. Some began to offer a horse to the city. Priest Laocoon, warning about the cunning of the enemy, exclaimed: "Fear Danaans (Greeks), gifts bringing!" (This phrase over time also has become a winged.) But the speech of the priest did not convince compatriots, and they brought the wooden horse to the city as a gift to the goddess of Athena. At night, the horses of the warrior hidden in the womb come out and open the gate. The secretly versioned Aheyans rushes into the city, and beating of the inhabitants covered by the surprise. Menelai with a sword in his hands is looking for an unfaithful wife, but seeing beautiful Elena, it turns out no power to kill her. All the men's population of Troy dies, with the exception of Eney, the son of Anchiza and Aphrodi, who received the command the command Be-to-press from the captured city and to get his glory in another place (see Art. " Ancient Rome"). Troy women waited at least the sad fate: they all became prisoners and slaves of the winners. The city died in fire fire.

    After the death of the Troy in the camp of the Ahetseans begin with a distribution. Ajax Oilid is brought to the Greek fleet the wrath of the goddess Athens, and she raises terrible buzz, during which many ships are drown. Meal and Odyssey of the storm lies in distant countries. Odyssey's wanderings after the end of the Trojan War, the sham of Homer - "Odyssey". It also tells about the return of Menel and Elena in Sparta. Epos favorably belongs to this beautiful woman, since everything that happened to her was the will of the gods, which she could not seem to be. The leader of Ahase residents Agamemnon after returning home was killed together with his wife's satellite, who did not give her husband to the death of the daughter of infigration. So, not very triumphantly, ended for the Ahetans campaign on Troy.

    As already mentioned, the ancient GI has no doubted in the historical reality of the Trojan War. Yes, such a critically thoughtful and not taking an ancient Greek historian who takes anything to be-ru, as Fuchidide, was convinced that the ten-year-old siege of Troy described in the poem is a historical fact, only an escort-shaped poet. Indeed, there is very little fabulous fantastics in the poem. If the scenes with the participation of the gods do out of it, which makes Fuchdide, then the Raskai will look quite reliable. Individual parts of the poem, such as the "catalog of ships" or the list of the Ahase troops under the walls of the Troy, are written as a real chronicle.

    European historical science of new time, neither otherwise reacted to the Greek myths. She saw only legends and fairy tales in them, who do not enter into real information. Historians of the XVIII - XIX centuries. They were convinced that there was no campaign for the Troy for Troy and that the heroes of the poem are the mythic, and not historical figures. The only of the Europeans who believed the epic was Henry Schliman. He was not a professional scientist, and for him, Achille, Agamemenon, Odyssey and beautiful barely, were alive people, and the drama, waking up under the walls of Troy, he was worried as the events of a sobric life. Schliman for many years dreamed of the Ni-Ti legendary city.

    Having become a very rich man, in 1871, he arrives at the excavation of the Gissarlyc hill in the north-cautious part of Malaya Asia, determining it as the location of the ancient Troy. At the same time, Schliman focused on the description of the city of Priama, the data in the poem. It was lucky by luck: the hill hid the ruins, and not one, but as many as nine urban settlements, mixed each other for at least twenty centuries - two or three thousand years.

    Troy Schliman described in the poem admitted in a selection located in the second layer from below. Here he found, in his opinion, a skier gate, the tower with which Elena and Troyan elders watched the progress of battles, the Palace of Priama and even treasures - "Padama": magnificent gold and silver jewelry.

    Then, following the instructions of the poem, Henry Schliman conducted archaeological excavations in the "malicious-abundant" mixes. In one of the royal graves discovered there, there was no doubt for Schliman, there was no doubt - the remains of Agamemnon and his satellites, swept away with gold decorations; Agamemnon's face covered gold mask. Among the numerous and rich funeral offerings were discovered magnificent yeast, worthy of mighty heroes.

    Opening Henry Schliman shook the world community. There was no doubt that the Homer's poem contains information about the events that took place and their real heroes. Myths are not lying, they have the truth about the distant Poshal. Success Schlieman inspired many archaeological-gov. The Englishman Arthur Evans went to the island of Crete to seek the residence of the mythical king Minos and found there the beautiful Palace of Minotaur. In 1939, the American Archaeologist Charles Blegen Out-Fish "Sandy" Pilos, the habitat of the wise senior of Nesor on the west coast of Peloponne-sa. The correctness of the geographemical instructions of the poem again tried again. But a strange thing: the number of discoveries increased, and the situation with the Tro-Yansk war and the most of the Troy became not clearer. Already Schlaman during the excavation began to experience some concern. When the archayo-gui-professionals came to the Gissarlyk Hill and in Mycenae, they found that the city, who was attached to Schliman for Troy, existed for you, Sächu to the Trojan War. The graves also kept the remains of people who lived for several centuries before the heroes of the poem. After the first rebar and excitement came the turn of a new, even greater shock. It turned out that Schliman from-wing a new world, unknown earlier civilization, about which even ancient Greeks did not know anything. This world was absolutely not similar to what the myths and heroic epos were called.

    Refusing unconditional confidence in mytholo-geological basis, some historians nevertheless continue to assume that it is still possible to fall out of the truth from it. After all, the author of the poem, the location of the most important political centers of the Ahasey Greece II thousand to N. e. Many of the domestic and military realities described in the poem are coincided with archaeological finds. For example, found by Schliman in the Mistor's Cup "Nestor Cup; "The helmet from the fangs of the Vepry", which belonged to as they say in "Ili de", the Cretan hero of Merione; The tower shield, covered the whole body of the hero; Finally, there is a chance, who did not know classical Greece. So, in the oral tradition of the people, the memory of the long-lasting time and co-existence was preserved, and the poems recorded it. Obviously, pre-stiffit prosperity at the turn of the XIII-XII centuries. BC e. The states of the Greeks-Ahetsev sought the individual forces to commit large military expeditions to the area of \u200b\u200bMalaya Asia. One of them was the siege of the Troy. Firmly consolidate its influence in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Troadade, the Aheitsi could not, even destroying Troy. Their own world was under the threat of the invasion of the barbarians, and had to think already about security, and not about conquest.

    But skeptics argue that these examples do not prove. The realities of the Mycenaean culture, which was part of the culture of Ahasey Greece, are present in the poems as a distant and a completely unfamiliar poet of the era. He does not prevent, as the battle chariots acted, the head of the time of the Mycena Greece accepted in the battles. For the author, it is just a vehicle medium: the hero approaches the chariot to the place of grabs, and then fighting in foot. The description of the tsarist palaces in the poem "Odyssey" shows that the author knows nothing about the water supply, either about the frescoes that adorned the walls of the Myckene palaces, nor about the letter that disappeared with the death of the Ahasey Kul-tours. The creation of epic poems is separated from the real events of the four-five centuries. Until that time, the legends about the Trojan War were transferred to singers -ifics from generation to generation hesitate. Each narrator and every new generation has been widely in them to their understanding of events and actions of heroes. Thus, mistakes were accumulated, they were new plot parts, significantly escaping initial meaning. One event, absorbing others and farting with poetic "sub-robin", gradually could turn into a grand campe of the Greeks-Ahetsev against Troy, which could never be. Moreover, archeo-logical finds made on the Gissarlyc Hill do not prove that the found settlement of Java is exactly the Troy.

    True, it is impossible to deny the existence of the city of Troy somewhere in the northwestern district of Malaya Asia. Documents from the archive of the Hett kings show that the Hetta also knew the city of Troy, and the city of Ilion (in the Hittte version of the "Truis" and "Vilus"), but, apparently, as two different, dispensed in the neighborhood of the city, and not one Under the double name, as in the poem. Hetta also knew the country of Akhiyava, a powerful state, with which they competed for the domination over these cities. Scientists believe that Akhiyava is a country of Ahetsev, but it is not yet clear where it was. Maybe this is the western part of Malaya Asia, or the east-row closest to it, or the entire Balkan Greece. Between the Hittal Power and Akhhihih was a confa from the city of Ilion, but he was settled peaceful way. Neither a large-scale military collision between the Ahetis and Troy, the Hett-to-kuments do not tell.

    What conclusion can be done by comparing the data from the archive of the Hett kings and the poetic in question about the campaign against the Troy? Some connection between them can be traced, but very unclear, there are no exact coincidences. Apparently, in the oral folk creativity underlying the poem, the events of different times were compressed: the events of the Troady Greek attempt to subordinate to themselves (it can be traced through the tragic fates of the heroes-ahetsev after taking three) and the death of the cities of Ilion and Troy As a result, the Niya of the so-called "peoples of the sea", which was shaking all ancient world Mediterranean at the end of the XII century. BC e.

    1. Encyclopedia for children. World History of 1996. (eleven)

      Abstract \u003e\u003e Astronomy

      E.) (see Art. " Troyanskaya war"). Troyanskaya war It turned out to be the last event of the overshadic scale ... n. e. Ptolemyev dynasty. Troyanskaya WAR Troyanskaya war, according to the ancient Greeks ... Increased, and the situation with Troyanskaya war And the Troy itself became ...

    2. M.Monten experienced

      Abstract \u003e\u003e Pedagogy

      Tsar Agamemnon, the Supreme Chief of the Greeks in Troyanskaya war, and cliques. According to legend, ... Tsar Agamemnon, the Supreme Chief of the Greeks in Troyanskaya war, and cliques. According to legend, ... on the dispute of the three goddesses that led to Troyanskaya war. 49. Plutarch says ... - Oh ...

    3. About the city of God. OK. 426 AD (Augustine Blessed)

      Book \u003e\u003e Religion and mythology

      Explain the oddity that gods trojan oath guns drank, and Romans loved ... were able to preserve neither kingdom for a long time Troyanskynor a lavinist, based on himself ... troyansky The gods was destroyed by a subsidiary of his city. And after war