Description Aphrodites of the Goddess of Love and Beauty. Aphrodite

Particulated in the number of twelve Great Olympic gods. She was the most beautiful of the goddesses. The poets chased the Golden Hair Color and the Shining Eyes, the beauty of her face and body, the soft gentle skin, beautiful chest.

Aphrodite was born, according to the "Theogony" of the Gesiod, near the island of Khifer from the seed and blood of the Cronos of the Uranus, who fell into the sea and formed a snow-white foam (in Greek - Afros, hence the nickname "foaming"). The wind brought her to the island of Cyprus, where the goddess came out of the sea waves and met.

Aphrodite arose near Cyprus naked from an air sink - hence her nickname "Cyprus". Ore in the Golden Diages crowned her with a golden crown. The image of Aphrodite arising from sea foam, captured on the Botticelli's immortal canvas "Birth of Venus". This is a version of the Gesiod.

She is ruthless to those who reject love.

Aphrodite was not only a patroness of love, but also the goddess of fertility, eternal spring and life. In the myths of Aphrodite performed goddess marriages and childbirth.

Struggled by her beauty, many of greek gov Compare as applicants on her hand and heart. She chose Hephaesta, a lame god of fire and blacksmith skill. Aphrodite and Hepesti did not have children. Their marriage can represent the Union of Beauty and skill, from which art is born. Hefest worked in his blacksmith, and Aphrodite, shelter in crowded, calculated the golden ridge of Kudri and received guests - Gera and Athena. She often changed Hephaest.

Aphrodite with pleasure inspired love feelings by the gods and people and fell in love herself.

The indispensable attribute of the robe of the goddess was her famous belt, in which love was concluded, the words of seduction, desire; He did anyone in love with his mistress. Huge mountain brought Aphrodite the death of her beloved Adonis, a passionate hunter. He dies from Kaban's fangs sent by Jealous Ares.

Hefesta learned about her connection with Ares and was very angry. The jealous husband rushed thin like a web, but a surprisingly strong golden network, which, lowering from the ceiling, attached unnoticed to the foot of the bed, and then announced his wife that she was going to relax a little on his favorite Lemnos Island. It was worth only her husband to go like Aphrodite sent for Arsa, who immediately appeared. In the morning, lovers discovered that they are entangled by the network - naked and helpless. Hefesta appeared together with the invited them to be put up and laughing the rest of the gods (goddesses from delicacy remained at home). Only thanks to Poseidon, Ares got freedom. Aphrodite returned to Cyprus, where, by releasing the sea, returned his virginity.

Aphrodite and Ares had three children: the daughter of harmony and two sons, Dimimos (horror) and Phobos (fear), who accompanied her father in battles along with the goddesses of Erida and Enio. Aphrodite and Ares represent the Union of the two least controlled passions - love and war, which, being in perfect equilibrium, could create harmony.

Aphrodite beloved was Adonis.

Aphrodite and Adonis myth

(Ovid. Metamorphosis. X, 529-739)

Retelling Georg Grade

No one did not love so Aphrodite, as a wonderful adonis, the son of the Syrian king. Paphos, Budos and Maltal Amafund, where the goddess so would be before, forgotten; For Adonis she forgot about and the sky.

She did not dare and did not nailed himself, as before: Before the knees, picking up clothes, she wanders with young men in the mountains, forests and rocks, swirling barbed plants; She pursues with dogs, hares and other non-hazardous animals, but a powerful behavish, a bear and a wolf avoids and Adonis advises to stay away from these animals.

"Oh my dear! Good to be brave before running; The courage is dangerous. Do not be recklessly leaning: do not attack the beast, which nature gave a dangerous weapon. Neither the lion nor a bristly flier will not regret how I would regret nither youth or the beauty of your. Beware of them: Your courage can be dangerous to me and you. " So he said - and more than once - the goddess, and the young man followed the advice of her until the goddess was with him.

But once, in Cyprus, removing from her for a while, forgot Adonis about her advice. The dogs were kicked out of the thickets on the Polyana of a terrible Vepry, and Adonis threw him into him with his hunting dart. The wounded, enraged jar turned around and rushed to the young man; did not save the unfortunate flight. Fangs with their Vepra inflicted him such a wound that he instantly fell, the emitting spirit, to the ground. Aphrodite fell out of the dying stons of the dying and in the harbor swans the chariot hurried to the place where the misfortune happened. Seeing the killed young man, she quickly comes off from the chariot, breaks clothes, torments his chest and shoes bitterly. But screams do not resurrect the deceased.

In order for the memory of the young man at all, the Blood was mixed with Divine Nectar, and turned it into red, like blood, flower. Briefly, like the life of a young man, the time of his bloom, soon blows the wind of his rapidly fading leaves, and because they called him anemone, anemone.

Aphrodite eyes artists

Venus with a mirror. Painting D. Velasquez, 1657, London, National Gallery

Adolf William Bugro "Aphrodite"

Artist Eugene Emmanuel Amoryi-Duval. Aphrodite.

D. Engr. Birth of Venus

Aphrodite (Venus in Romans) - Goddess of Love and Beauty.
She thought the goddess of eternal spring, flowering and fertility. Patronized beauty and in love, poets, glorifying love, and artists incarnating beauty. Everything beautiful in this world was the creation of Aphrodite. She preferred life and peace of war and death, because they were praised when they wanted a calm prosperity or getting rid of death.

Not only people and animals were subject to the goddess, but also the gods themselves.
"Golden" is the most frequent epithet in the Greeks when describing Aphrodite, which meant "beautiful" for them. According to Poule, Friedrich, a famous connoisseur Aphrodite, words golden Honey, Golden Speech, Gold Seed Linguistically connected, symbolizing childbearing and verbal creativity - the deepest values \u200b\u200bof Aphrodite.

There are two mythological versions of the birth and origin of Aphrodite. Hesiod and Homer tell two contradictory stories.
According to Homer, Aphrodite was born in the usual way. She was a daughter of Zeus and sea nymphs.
According to the Hesiod, Aphrodite was born as a result of violence. The cunning crown took the sickle, compartment of the child's organs of his father of Uranus and threw them into the sea. They were covered by a snow-white foam mixed with the seed, from which Aphrodite was born, arising from sea waves a completely adult goddess.

According to myths, Aphrodite first stepped on the shore or the island of the kiefer, or the islands of Cyprus. Then, accompanied by Eros, she was delivered to Olympus and became the most beautiful of the goddesses in the gym of the gods.
Many of the gods fighting by her beauty competed as applicants on her hand and heart. Unlike other goddesses who did not stitch their spouses or lovers, Aphrodite was free in her choice. She chose Hephaesta, a lame god of fire and blacksmith skill. Thus, the rejected son of the ger becomes a husband of Aphrodite - and will be often deceived by it. Aphrodite and Hepesti did not have children. Their marriage can represent the Union of Beauty and skill, from which art is born.
His Aphrodite lovers preferred to choose from the second generation of Olympians - generation of sons, and not fathers (Zeus, Poseidon and Gades).

Archetype Aphrodite manages the ability of a woman to enjoy love and beauty, sexuality and sensuality. Contact with the sphere of love is powered by many women. Being truly female strength, Aphrodite may be as demanding as Gera and Demeter (two other strong instinctive archetype). Aphrodite encourages women to carry out both creative, and childbearing functions.

When the girl feels a beauty for the first time, archetype goddess Aphrodite awakens in it. The feeling or awareness of its own beauty gives inspiration and strength, a feeling of unreality ("Warning over Earth") and the feeling of power over the world around. This is an unreal, truly archetypal sensation, a completely transforming woman. Without such experiences and experience, our world would be much more boring, sad, greasy. We enjoy and from the appearance of such beauty, are able to admire others, dissolving in this experience. And such an experience is also from archetype Aphrodite: it is this goddess who teaches us to see the perfect in the world and other people, admire and appreciate it, to enjoy because it simply exists.

Archetype Aphrodite in many ways dictates the image of an ideal woman. So we can observe a certain cult of physical perfection. When a woman sits on a diet, makes a cosmetic surgery, goes to the beauty salon, desperately fighting with cellulite, carefully imposes makeup, - she is trying to create a kind of physical perfection, the likeness of the goddess. If the archetypes of independent goddesses are not developed sufficiently developed, its own appearance for a woman becomes the only value in the world.

Aphrodite was a purely peaceful goddess. She never stuck in the war: the Trojan war was an exception, and even then the immortal only wanted to protect his pets. This archetype and people, in it included, deeply alien to the idea of \u200b\u200bviolence, aggression and war. Although Aphrodite was in love with God's war - Ares, but the bed of love is, perhaps, single placewhere Aphrodite would like to see him. She is cute lovers, not political, and tender struggle in bed, and not on the battlefield. She gives people a passion, the ability to love and give life, and not torture and kill. Characteristic in connection with this is also the slogan hippie 1960-70s: "Make love, not the war."

The state of love is the state of "here and now", which from the inside seems to be amazing and amazing eternity in which you can dip both in the life-giving source. This is a feeling of fullness of love, it is a feeling of the inner minor "breaking" of the body from the impossibility of connecting, merge, just get closer or, on the contrary, in anticipation of this. All these signs of "sweet flour" are very similar, and individual. But invariably recognizable. This is also what Aphrodite gives. A woman under the influence of this face of archetype does not pay attention to anything around, only love is important for her. These are all people in love.

Two lovers see each other in a special, elevated, "golden" light of Aphrodite, which attracts them with their beauty. The air is soaked with magic; There is a state of charm or passionate love. Everyone feels beautiful, special. The energy field between them becomes emotionally charged, an erotic "electricity" is generated, which, in turn, creates mutual magnetic attraction. In the "golden" space around them increases sensory susceptibility: they hear the music more clearly, the smells - more clearly, the taste and touch of the in love is enhanced.

Each woman in love with a person who meets her reciprocity becomes at this moment Aphrodite personification. Temporarily transformed from the usual mortal into the goddess of love, she feels an attractive and sensual archetypical mistress.

If Aphrodite is the main archetype in a female personality, then the woman falls in love with often and easily.
When sensuality and sexuality in women are depreciated - as in many patriarchal cultures, - a woman embodying Afrodit-mistress is regarded as a tempter or harmnica. This archetype, when he is pronounced, can lead a woman to a contradiction with morality. Aphrodite women can be expelled from society.

The well-known "virgin complex and whores" is associated with existence - and opposition - archetypes Aphrodite and Gesti. All existing or found women are projected only by these two archetypes, each of which is expressed extremely extremely and primitively. And while the man does not see that in the same women they are combined different images And archetypes, or - what is even better, but it is less likely to understand that this is his own fantasies and projections, he will look for extremes.
However, some men are fascinated by this specifically of the archetype Aphrodite, the so-called Aphrodite Pandempos ("Nationally"). They are looking for women who mostly correspond to it.

Thirst for love
The unatworthy thirst for love breaks us when we are already in love, but do not know whether this feeling is mutually or if there is any opportunity to become such. Or when there are no love, nor its object, but the soul languishes in this feeling, by demanding desires and body, passionate bursts and spiritual harmony. Archetype Aphrodite often us is precisely in such a kind. This is what encourages us to make different recklessness and oddity, stupidity and great things or big mistakes.

Instinct continuation of Roda
Aphrodite represents a motivation that ensures the continuation of the human race. As an archetype associated with sexual motivation and power of passion, Aphrodite can turn the woman in the "Vessel breeding".

Unlike a demeter woman entering close relationship for the sake of desire to have a child, a woman under the influence of Aphrodite has a child because he is experiencing a passion for a man or the desire of a sexual or romantic experience. They gladly give birth to children from their loved ones, they do not associate naughty with the legitimate bings of Gimenta as a ger, but also do not consider children the meaning of their life as Demeter. For Aphrodites, children are wonderful "love fruits."

Aphrodite represents a huge force of change. Thanks to it, there is an attraction, connection, fertilization, tooling and the birth of a new life. When this process between a man and a woman takes place exclusively at the physical level, the child is conceived. But in all other creative processes, the sequence is the same: attraction, connection, fertilization, beating and new creation. An abstract creative product can be represented as an inspired connection of two ideas, which ultimately gives the birth of a new theory.

Creative work occurs in a state of intense and passionate involvement - almost like a lover when one (artist) interacts with "others" to bring something new to life. This "other", all-consuming and charming for some time, can become a picture, a dance form, a musical composition, sculpture, a poem or manuscript, a new theory or an invention. Creativity for many people is also a "sensual" process; This is "in-torque" sensory experience, including touch, sound, images, movement, and sometimes even smell and taste. Artist immersed in creative processOften, like a mistress, it discovers that all her feelings are enhanced and she perceives sensual impressions through many channels. When it works on a visual manner, a verbal phrase or dance movement, numerous sensual sensations can interact, generating the result.

As an aphrodite-lover can pass through the chain of love connections and Aphrodite - creative power - can involve a woman from one intense creative act to another. When one project ends, another attractive opportunity occurs.

It is known that Aphrodite gave inspiration to poets, musicians, artists, sculptors. Also, women in which Silen This archetype play the role of music for creative, intelligent and educated people.
Such a woman plays a special role in the implementation of the dream of a man. She gives the opportunity to give a dream shape and helps to live for her. She divides her, believes in him as a dream hero, gives his blessing and provides shelter, helping to express his ambitious desires and tremble hope.

This special woman is similar to the described Tony Wolfe "Woman Gometer" (ancient Greek analogue kurtisani which was formed, cultivne and unusually free for those days; In some respects, she looked like a Japanese geisha), whose close relationships with men have both erotic and friendly shade. She can be his muse. According to Wolfe, the hetera fertilizes the creative side of the man and helps him in creativity. Sometimes a woman has a gift to attract a few or many men who perceive her as special woman; She has the ability to see their potential opportunities, believe in their dream and inspire them to achieve them.

Violation of rules
Sometimes in one woman there are both aspects of Aphrodite - both creative, and romantic. In this case, it comes into intensive close relationships, moving from one connection to another, and immersed in creative work. Such a woman follows his charming hobbies in love and work and can lead life, alien to conventions, like a dancer Aseedor Duncan and the writer Georges Sand.

Aphrodite violates the rules. The goddess not only checked her husband, divided men with other women and indulged in love even with mortals, but also agreed on this other gods.
"It is better to be a bad woman, but happy than decent, but unhappy," is, of course, the motto of Aphrodites.

Aphrodite woman
Archetype Aphrodite radiates personal charm - magnetism or electricity - which is in conjunction with external data and makes a woman "Aphrodite".
Looking quite ordinary woman does not attract men at a distance, but if its active archetype represents Aphrodite, then it is worth it to get closer, and they find it charming and charming. Many people who do not have the special beauty of women with the qualities of Aphrodites attract men to the magnetic warmth of their personality and their natural, unconscious sexuality. These "sharpeners" are always surrounded by men, while their more gifted, really pretty sisters can wait as a phone or sit alone on dancing, bewildered: "What is in it that I do not have?"

Childhood and parents
As a child, little Aphrodite can be an innocent little coquette. It has unconscious sexuality, the ability to cause interest and response to men. She enjoys, being a point of attention, she likes to wear beautiful clothes and dress up. Usually it is not a shy, timid child, and it can even be called a "small actress" for its improvised presentations and other attracting attention, the then charming viewers.

Awakening archetype Aphrodite, parents can raise the girl as a small princess, dressed in the most wonderful dress, or inspire the creative feats like reading poems or performing a song in front of the guests. If they are engaged in both loving parents, then the girl grows in an atmosphere of friendliness and adoption. Sometimes it is the result of the vain efforts of one parent. Imposing the role of "mother's (or daddy) sun" parents demand that the girl always looked satisfied, joyful and happy, in otherwise It will be reproached in malicious ungratefulness. Parents may also wish to their child of fame and fame, literally "proper" him on stage or podium, tormenting with early years discipline, training and many hours of voyages in front of a mirror in the hands of a hairdresser or makeup artist.

Unfortunately, the rapid promotion of the development of this archetype inevoche can lead to too early "adulthood", to experiences and experience, relevant to more adulthood. Including the experience of traumatic. In order for the girl too early to begin to show the immediate (not natural testing, like questions, "Where do children come from?") Interest in sexual life, one should usually be found to anyone who provokes it to this will teach, may force. This happens not as rarely, as it would be possible to think. And for this most often, close relatives are responsible.

The best parents do not overestimate and do not give too much values \u200b\u200bof the properties of Aphrodites and do not turn with their daughter as a pretty object. Parents evaluate daughter's attractiveness as other qualities, such as intelligence, kindness, abilities in art. In the event of a situation with dates, parents introduce restrictions corresponding to the age and the degree of maturity of the daughter. Attractiveness for men is considered as a fact that the girl should be aware (and not believed).

Advocacy and Youth
Youth and youth is a decisive time for Aphrodite women, which can detect herself from the excitation of Aphrodite within itself and the reaction of others.
Young women get little help in handling their persistent inner aphrodite. Them main choicewhich may have serious consequences - this is how to express your sexuality. Some of them simply suppress it. At the same time, those who feels strong religious pressure, in any case can feel guilty, but for "unacceptable" feelings. Others express sexuality in a steady close connection - a good choiceIf the Gera is also a strong personality, although early marriage can be the result.

If both Athena and Aphrodite are both strong elements in a young woman, it can use a combination of strategy and sexuality, including self-defense.
When Aphrodite female enters college, social aspects will be the most important for it. She can choose the "party school" - college marked by social activity than academic activities.

It usually does not focus on distant academic purposes or at a career. Its an awake interest in the professional career is undermined by a boring perspective to take the necessary difficult conditions. She is able to plunge into the work of the college, only blistering in any - most often creative - the area involving interaction with people

Work that does not exciting Afrodit woman emotionally does not represent interests for her. She likes a variety and intensity, and repetitive tasks, as well as homeworkWorking in the office or laboratory is bored. She works well, only when he can fully dive into it. Thus, it can be found in the field of art, music, writing, dances, dramas or among people who are particularly significant for her, such as a teacher, therapist, editor.
Forced to choose a profession (or decorated on it, because "otherwise boring"), a young woman will go where there is an opportunity to communicate with large quantity people shine with their appearance and impress.

As a result, she either hates his work and probably performs it mediocre or loves her and does not regret the strength and time. It almost always prefers the work that finds interesting, the one that is better paid, but not so attractive for her. She can achieve success, but, unlike Athens and Artemis, is not aimed at achieving.

Relationships with women: friendship or rivalry
A woman who brightly embodies the archetype Aphrodite, is a lot of friends and a lot of envious. Friends like her immediacy, dynamism and charm. Some can only dream of such a lifetime and therefore indirectly live her "through a girlfriend." Others possess the same Aphrodite qualities, perhaps "diluted" properties of other goddesses, and live the same fun and joyful life, welcoming every new day.

Aphrodite woman Other women tend to not trust, which is especially characteristic of women like a ger. The smaller Aphrodite is aware of its impact on men and is responsible for it, the more destructive element becomes. When women (especially jealous and vengeful gera) are angry at her, Aphrodite female is often shocked. It rarely divides the ill-quality of other women, and since herself is not jealous and not the owner, it is usually difficult for her to understand the cause of hostility towards himself.
Enviousness can meet among the same poles, possibly looked at their own appearance and the presence of fans more than anything.

Relationship with men:
Aphrodite women stretch to men, not necessarily suitable for them. If the archetypes of other goddesses do not affect, their choice is often similar to the choice of Aphrodite itself - these are men creative, complex, easy to change the mood or emotional, like Gefest, Ares or Hermes. Such men do not seek professional vertices or positions of power, do not want to head a family or being husbands and fathers.
Sometimes, all the attention of the woman in which Archetype Aphrodite dominates, can be concentrated on themselves: its appearance, success with the opposite sex and on a well-deserved award - " beautiful Life" The partner or lover is valuable only when it can provide it to give that life she, in her opinion, is worthy. These women know what they want, and know how to achieve their own.

There is a type of female aphrodes that love many. It is very bright and perhaps the most famous type Women. Often they seem to live alone, refusing permanent relationships and stability, in the thirst for new hobbies and adventure. In each new novel, they can be extremely passionate and emotionally demanding. They like to intoxicate love - they are waiting for a partner to constantly confirm their sexual attractiveness.

But there are women with a strong archetype Aphrodite, lovers quickly and dust, but knowing how to find ourselves if not good husbands, then some "special" lovers. They choose charismatic, bright, strong men. Often it " strong Mira of this "(or about the same thing, but on a smaller scale). It may be "great talents" of their time. Women are not looking for benefits here - they are attracted by the special strength and energy of a powerful or talented man. As a true Aphrodite, such a woman knows how to see, understand and appreciate the beauty, strength or genius of a man.

If Aphrodite is one of several strong archetypes, including a gear, then its presence strengthens and revive the marriage of sexuality and passion. However, to withstand a monogamous marriage for female Aphrodite is very difficult. If other goddesses have little influence on married Aphrodit, or marriage is just a random connection, it will probably follow the scheme of a series of close connections.

Children [ 1 ]
Aphrodite woman likes children, and vice versa. The child feels that this woman looks at him without condemning, but able to appreciate the eyes. She removes outside children's feelings and abilities in such a way that the child feels beautiful and favorably perceived. Often, she will gradually inspire him a feeling of his chosenness, giving a child confidence and helping to develop abilities and talents. She can very easily penetrate the spirit of the game and fantasy. She fascinates children with their manner to behave and inspires them with their infectious enthusiasm in everything that is of interest to her. These are excellent qualities for the mother. Children of Aphrodite women succeed and develop their individuality, especially if the qualities of Demeters are also present in it.

Mother-Aphrodite can enchant her children seeing her beautiful and seductive, but if (due to the lack of archetype demeters), it does not take into account their needs for emotional security and constancy, it will be inconsistent, contradictory, which threatens for them negative consequences. In this case, her children drink her full attention at one moment, but when, at another moment, her attention switches to something other, they feel abandoned and unhappy.

Average age
The inevitability of aging can be a devastating reality for female Aphrodite if the attractiveness was for it the main source of satisfaction. In the average years, Aphrodite female is often mistaken in his choice of partners. She can realize how often it is attracted to alien conventions and sometimes unsuitable men. Now she may want to calm down - the possibility that rejected with contempt.

but average age It is not difficult for women who are engaged in creative work. Typically, when such women retain their enthusiasm and are still rushing to their work. And now they have extensive experiences to feel inspiration, and more highly developed skill to express themselves.

Old age
Some Africa women retain the ability to see beauty in the subject of their concentration and always be a little in love. They are in old age with grace and vital energy. Their interest in other or inclusion in creative work remain the most important part of life. They continue to be in the youthful position, as it is unconsciously moving from the experience of the experience, from a person to a person, charming what comes in the next moment. Young soul, they attract other people to themselves and have friends of all ages.

Psychological problems s
It is not easy to have Aphrodite as a lead archetype. Women, the following instinctive sexuality Aphrodites, are often clamped between own desire sexual proximity and inclination to generate erotic energy in others, on the one hand, and culture, believing a woman's unintelligible if it acts according to their desires - on the other.

Aphrodite woman growing in the atmosphere of condemnation of female sexuality, may try to suppress your interest in men, cover your attractiveness and consider ourselves bad because of their sexual impulses. But the feeling of guilt and internal conflictaccompanying the manifestations of its nature Aphrodites lead to depression, anxiety and depression.

Aphrodite women tend to live in the present, perceiving life as if she is only sensory experience. Under the pressure of the moment such a woman can react, s ashaising about the consequences of their actions, and / or not to comply with loyalty, by giving rise to conflicts. This orientation entails impulsive actions, destructive to everything that concerns.

Men can become victims of Aphrodite women when she "Loves them and leaves them" . She is very easily falling in love, convinced every time I found a perfect man. Moment's magic allows him to feel like God, the beloved goddess, until she throws him and does not begin to meet with another. As a result, the chain of wounded, offended, indulged, depressed or angry men who felt used and abandoned is stretched behind it.

Modern victims of Aphrodite are women related to their unhappy love . Some of them are looking for psychiatric care that allows you to free yourself from suffering.
Woman can be in love relationship from man, bad with her contacting or degrading it . All his life, she makes dependent on the "crumbs" of attention, which from time to time falls from him. Its involvement can be short-lived, but can and stretch for years.

Also sometimes a woman in love with a man who clear makes it clear that he does not want to be with her . He, if possible, avoids it and feels the curse of her unrequited love. And again her painful obsession can be continued for years, in fact, preventing the possibilities of any other close connection.

There are tremendous efforts to avoid temptation to see him and fall into their own networks again. But she should do it to be able to direct your emotions to another goal.

Photographic materials are taken from the resource pinterest. com.

. Gin Shinoda sick "Goddess in every woman: new psychology of a woman. Archetype goddesses »Publishing house" Sofia ", 2007.

. Galina Borisovna Bednenko "Greek goddess. Archetype femininity. " - Series: Library of psychology and psychotherapy independent company "Class", 2005

You can also convert the electronic edition of the book at http: // halina. LiveJournal. COM / 1849206.html 2013

Aphrodite In the Greek mythology, the goddess of beauty and love piercing the whole world. According to one of the versions, the goddess was born from the blood of uranium, looked at the titanium by the titanium: the blood fell into the sea, forming a foam. Aphrodite He was not only a patroness of love, which was reported by the Lucretry car in the poem "On the nature of things", but also the goddess of fertility, eternal spring and life. According to legend, she usually appeared surrounded by their usual companions - Nymph, OR and HARIT. In the myths of Aphrodite performed goddess marriages and childbirth.

Thanks to the eastern origin of Aphrodite, it was often identified with the Phoenician goddess of fertility Astarthta, Egyptian Isida and Assyrian Ishtar.

Despite the fact that the serving of the goddess contained some shade of sensuality (heterhares called her "her goddess"), over the centuries, the archaic goddess from sexual and loosely turned into an excellent Aphrodite, which was able to take the honorary place on Olympus. The fact of its possible origin from the blood of uranium was forgotten.

Seeing the beautiful goddess at Olympus, all the gods fell in love with her, but Aphrodite became his wife Hephaest - the most skillful and most ugly of all the gods, although in the future she gave birth to children and from other gods, including Dionysus and Ares. In the ancient literature, you can also meet the mention that Aphrodite was married and with Ares, sometimes even called children who were born from this marriage: Anteros (hatred), Eros (or Eros), Harmony, Dimos (horror), Phobos (fear).

Perhaps the greatest love of Aphrodite was an excellent adonis, the son of Beauty Mirra, turned into a world-tree, giving a beneficial resin to Mirr. Soon Adonis died on the hunt from the wound caused by the wild wave. From droplets of the blood of youth, roses bloom, and from tears aphrodite - anemones. According to another version, the cause of the death of Adonis was the anger of Ares, who came across Aphrodite. Aphrodite was one of the three goddesses who set up their beauty. Watching Paris, the son of the Trojan king, beautiful woman On Earth, Elena, the wife of the Spartan Tsar Menel, she won the dispute, and the abduction of Paris Elena served as a reason for the beginning of the Trojan war.
The ancient Greeks believed that Aphrodite had patronage heroes, but its assistance was distributed only to the sphere of feelings, as was the case with Paris.

Rudiment Archaic Past Goddess was her belt, in which, according to legend, love, desire, words of seduction were concluded. It was this belly of Aphrodite that handed the hero in order to help her distract the attention of Zeus.

Numerous goddess sanctoes were in many regions of Greece - in Corinth, Messia, in Cyprus and Sicily. IN Ancient Rome Aphrodite was identified with Venus and was considered the ancestor of the Romans thanks to his son, Enai, the ancestor of the genus Yuliyev, to whom, according to legend, belonged to Julius Caesar.

About Aphrodite Ancient Greece folded many legends. Is it true that she had a few husbands, one of whom was her father? Is the magnificent city of Troy fell because of her goat? What names are associated with Aphrodite in the myths of various antiquity civilizations?

Myths of Ancient Greece on Aphrodite

Aphrodite in the mythology of Greece patronized beauty and love. She was a daughter of Almighty Zeus, and her mother became Dion, who lives at the ocean day. It was decided that Aphrodite also arose from the sea foam.

Aphrodite was close to the situation to the cult of Astarta - it was revered as a guardian of fertility. Her symbol was worshiped in cities on the coast of Malaya Asia and the Aegean Sea. An idol image also found in Greece's colonies in the Black Sea region. In Roman mythology, Aphrodite was embodied as Venus. The most famous cults in the ancient times became Aphrodite Book Praxitor with IV century. BC. and Venus Milosian with II century. BC.

The purpose of Aphrodite was only one thing - the creation of love. Once a dispute was revealed between Athena and Aphrodite, when the latter was noticed for a battle. Athena considered that another interfere with her affairs and nodes, after which Aphrodite left this craft and took up their duties.

The meaning of Aphrodite in ancient Greece

The name of Aphrodite came from Asia Minor. Its value is unknown, but there are two versions of origin. According to the early tradition, she was born from marriage and dies. At later theory, Aphrodite was created from the blood of the Kronosoma of the Urals, fallen into the sea, after which a foam was formed. In this regard, the second name was Anadiomen, which means "appeared on the sea."

The religious cult was assigned the functions of a complex space mechanism endowed with the most powerful Energy of Love. She was assigned epithets:

  • "Ladyman Mountains";
  • "Defender of the seas";
  • "Patron Mothers".

Aphrodite combined people with marriage and gave birth to successful. Her power covered both mortal people and celestial residents. In the subordination of the cult was not included only Athena and Gesti with Artemida.

Who did not obey the cult, was at risk of anger. On the island Lemnos, women refused to worship this idol, for which they were endowed with a goat smell. Husbands ran away from them, taking the wife of other spouse.

The incarnation of Greek Aphrodite

Such a value was endowed in antiquity cults:

  • Astarta - in the ancient chipping;
  • Ishtar - in the Babylon-Assyrian tradition;
  • - in Egypt.

The cult of Aphrodite was depicted surrounded by wild animals - a bear, a wolf, a powerful lion. All of them were graspted by love affection. Gradually occurs the evolution of the characteristics of the religious symbol. From the fertile ruler, it becomes playful and shy, in this form it takes place on the Olympus.

Born, according to legend, Aphrodite near the banks of Cyprus. This event is reflected in the hymn of Ellad Homer. From here there is its second name - Cyprus, which means "born in Cyprus".

The symbol of her power was the belt. It encloses magic love spells, comprehensive love, desire. Even the inhabitants of Olymp could not resist this witchcraft.

The first place of residence of Aphrodite, who comes to the shore on the sea sink completely detected, was the island of Khifer. But over time, his land appeared to her too close, and she moved to the peloponess. The last place for her stay was Paphos on the island in the Mediterranean Sea. It was there that she created his first sanctuary surrounded by fragrant gardens. Daughters of the patroness of justice - Femids, took care of her clothes and decorations. Today, on Paphos in the walls of the ancient Roman temple, you can find the image of Aphrodites surrounded by priestens, swimming in the sea for youth, beauty and updates.

In the Palace, preserved to the present day, can be a relief floor laid out in the form of seashells. Numerous ancient burials contained the shells of Caracatians inherent in Aphrodite surroundings. Some of them were made of terracotta.

Family and Love Adventures Aphrodites

Father Aphrodite found her good man - Blacksmith Hephaesta, resident. She gave birth from the marriage of three children Harmony, Daimos and Phobos. In fact, the father of her children was Ares - the unassigned cult of war. Helios caught them in the Frank Palace of Ares, but in no hurry to open the secret to Hephaest.

It was believed that Aphrodite was invented public houses. In her temples lived several hundred beautiful women, delightful men.

Hefesta suspected his wife's adventures and forged a subtle imperceptible bronze network attached to the foot of the bed. She hung a thin cobweb from the ceiling. During the next absence to Corinth, according to AFRODITE "Affairs", the betrayal was discovered, and Hephaestu said to the spouse that leaves Lemnos to rest.

The woman sent instantly for Arsa, and they rest on the bed. I found them with bare and helpless, shrouded with a thin bronze network Hephaest. In this form, he presented to their residents of Hepesta. He asked back all the gifts from Zeus, transferred to the wedding, and only after that promised to free from the marriage elder aphrodite.

Hefest chrome and was ugly. Has him married hera - Zeus's wife. Its goals included a plan of venge. In a number of sources mentioned about marriage Ares and Aphrodites.

In antiquity sources also contain information about the love adventures of the daughter of Zeus with Dionysis and Hermes. On relations with Zeus in there are certain information, for example, the origin of Erota is questioned. His father is named Ares, Hermes or Zeus in different versions.

In art ancient Greece Statues of Aphrodite were depicted in the form of a woman coming on a turtle. Philosopher Plutarch argued that in antiquity this gesture meant humility, silence and homestand.
Aphrodite differed fertility. The children born were both descendants of mortal men and residents of Olympia. Among them was the gifts, Amazons and Harit. Eney, hero Trojan War, was considered the ancestor Julia Caesar.

Eros, he is in the Roman tradition of Cupid and Cupid, born from the Union of Aphrodite and Ares, patronized war. In his armament there was a bow with gold and lead arrows. Running gold he gave love, lead - killed feelings. In addition to joy and happiness, he brought flour in love.

The satellite Aphrodite became a hymen, creating a marriage bond. He occurred from Aphrodite and Dionysus, creating wine.

He lied the flame of the torch of the marriage union, gave a blessing to young people.

The role of Aphrodite in the Trojan War

Each man, approaching Aphrodite, began to become a wife of his wife's daughter Zeus. There are mythological sources pointing to the unleashing of war by the Greek Paterrial.

She started the dispute with the hero and Athena, which of them is more beautiful. The fate was elected Paris, who was promised as the most beautiful of women and her love - Elena. At that moment, the woman was already married to King Sparta, which led to the military campaign of the Greeks on the Troy and the destruction of the city.

She is Venus Translated from Dr. Greek. Interpreted as - "foam". In the Greek mythology, the goddess of Aphrodite was considered the goddess of beauty and love. She is also responsible for fertility and the eternity of spring or life on Earth. Aphrodite is the goddess of marriages and childbirth, as well as the "feeding of children." Her huge power of love was obeyed gods and people; The impartial was Athena, Artemis and Gestius. The goddess of Aphrodite was always ruthless to those who rejected her love. She was the wife of Hephaest or Ares.

Aphrodite attributes

Attributes Aphrodite, as the goddess of love, were roses, poppy, peace, and apple, as well as violets, daffodils, anemones, and lilies. She, as the goddess of fertility, served the following attributes: Sparrows and doves that made up her suits. As a sea goddess, it was Dolphin. Also, the attributes of Aphrodite were - a golden bowl, filled with wine, by drinking from which, a person gets eternal youth and a belt.

It could often be accompanied by wild animals, for example: wolves, lions, bears, whom she packed with his love desire.

Aphrodite appearance

Most. legendary place The birth of the goddess Aphrodite is the city of Paphos on the island of Cyprus.

Many different versions and tale of origin goddess aphrodite. In Homer, she was a daughter of Zeus and Oceanids of Diona.

Based on the "Theogonia" of the Gesiod, it was born near the island of Khifer, appearing from the seed and blood of a docular of the Kronos of Uranus, which fell into the sea and formed a snow-white foam. From this giving and received the goddess of Artemis his nickname "foaming". Then, the breeze brought it to the island of Cyprus.

The classic goddess of Aphrodite appeared on the light of a naked from the sea shell near the island of Cyprus - from here and another her nickname "Cyprus" - and on this sink she got to the coast. After, Ars in the golden diadems crowned her head with a golden crown, and decorated her gold necklace and gold earrings, at the same time, the gods could not fall out with her and ignited the desire to take her wife.

Myths associated with goddess Aphrodite

In one of the myths, the wife of the thumbnail, Gera arranged everything so that the goddess of Aphrodite married Hephaesta. He was the most skilled master among all the gods, but at the same time and the most ugly of them. Chromone-legged Hepesty worked in his forge, and Aphrodite, shelter in his fell, washed by the golden ridge of Kudri and received guests - Gera and Athena. Hermes, Poseidon, Ares, and other gods gave way to Aphrodites.

The goddess of Aphrodite with her preteral pleasure inspired love of the gods and people, and herself often fell in love, changing the chromonoga spouse. An indispensable attribute in her dresses was the famous belt, in which the power of love, desires and words of seduction were concluded. This belt did any love in his mistress. This attribute loved to enjoy borrowing from Aphrodite, Gera, when she wanted to once again regret in Zeus, the passion of love for her and thereby loosen his will.