Dark tarot decks for what. Dark tarot decks

A person, by nature curious and wary about his own future, strives to learn secrets inaccessible to him. There is nothing shameful or dangerous in wanting to know the future, especially in times of confusion and despair. The deck of Tarot cards is a collection of ancient, magical symbols, the interpretation of which is not subject to every experienced magician.

Each symbol of the deck is unique in meaning and sacred message. The Two of Wands of the Tarot is a recommendation, advice, following which the asking person will be able to overcome the difficulties that have arisen. How to read such a powerful magic symbol correctly?

The main purpose of the card 2 ka of Wands in the tarot deck

The mere image of the traditional Tarot card already speaks of the deep meaning inherent in the 2 of Wands. A man who creates the horizon and everything that is hidden behind it is at the same time in action and calmness. He does something important, but at the same time remains motionless. A dual, difficult-to-read symbol appears in the layout for certain reasons.

The questioner, who turns to the powerful ancient Tarot deck for help, seeks answers, advice and looks forward to the prediction of tomorrow. New possibilities are what the second card of Wands has to offer. Sometimes fateful chances are hidden from a person, and sometimes they are so obvious that it is simply frightening and repulsive.

The messenger of serious achievements, achievements that the questioner did not even count on, decorates the alignment for professional or personal life, while softening neighboring, even negative in nature cards.

The Two of Staves portends a successful introduction of the project

The Two of Staves prophesies the achievement of the set goals, if the main concern for the questioner is new projects and recently started business.

All that is required of a person in return is diligence. The qualities inherent in the questioner and his abilities will create a solid foundation for great achievements. Card 2 of Staves advises to show patience and perseverance, and then success will not be long in coming.

The meaning of the Tarot card 2 ka of Wands in special layouts

A complex ancient symbol can adapt to a person, to his needs and requirements. If we are talking about a creative person, then 2ka of Tarot Wands promises doubts that must be overcome for further development.

The common meaning of the second card from the Wands in the layouts for the near future:

  • neutral position in future conflicts at work or at home;
  • voluntary renunciation;
  • apathy, loss of meaning in life;
  • achievements after long painstaking work.

The Two of Wands, the meaning of which depends on the position of the ancient symbol - direct or inverted, radically changes the mood of the whole alignment. A predominantly favorable sign, promising prospects and opportunities, with an inverted image of a man with a staff, promises many difficulties.

Determination of 2 ka of Wands in an inverted position

Inverted promises contradictions, both internal and external. Soon, the disagreements that have arisen will force the questioner to take someone else's opposing side. Confusion will lead to increased stressful condition... The person who draws the second card of Wands upside down will want to escape from the conflict, hide and wait out the storm in a secluded place. Such behavior will harm both the moral and the physical condition of a person.

Indifference to loved ones is another meaning of the inverted Deuce that should not be ignored. If the questioner was about interpersonal relationships, then one should expect difficulties in mutual understanding between household members or lovers. Coldness, detachment, indifference will create a real wall that will be difficult to destroy in the future.

Two of Wands warns - laziness can ruin many important matters

The second card of Wands warns that excessive laziness, from which a person often suffers, who appeals to the advice of the magic Tarot deck, will ruin many important matters. Honesty and openness will help to get out of a protracted crisis, but not without little effort on the part of the questioner. Is the person willing to work hard to achieve future achievements?

Layout for professional activities and 2 ka of Tarot Wands

A professional life is as important as love or good health. Often, experienced magicians are asked questions regarding career success in the future. Profit plays an important role in life modern man, and the desire to reach the top is justified. What does the Deuce of the suit of wands promise for the questioner, who is expecting a promotion or promotion of new projects?

The interpretation of the Tarot card Two of Wands in the field of work promises luck and the necessary prerequisites for success. The chance provided by a favorable fate will appear very soon, and a person should only use it in time. Profitable terms the deals may seem too good, but they are not worth fearing. No deceptions threaten a person if the forecast is made using the second card of Wands.

An inverted symbol indicates the lack of initiative of the questioner. Apathy in everything about work matters hinders progress. The card signal is simple - there is no need to be afraid of change, because a small shake-up in the workplace will not hurt anyone. Lack of interest in the results of hard work leads to deliberate failure. Inaction will inevitably lead to mental devastation. It will be extremely difficult to say goodbye to such a state.

Personal alignment for the disclosure of consciousness

For a person who is inseparable from his own essence, it is important to be able to identify himself as a worker, lover and person. Development, no matter how a person imagines it, depends on environment as well as from the inner mood.

The second card from the suit of Wands indicates a person's desire to become someone important, but he is looking for the sources of internal energy. The dual symbol of the Tarot deck allows you to see a complex picture of the future with the help of a personal layout.

Self-affirmation through the inner circle is not desirable, says Deuce, because the look that a person wears in public is far from his real essence. Courage will appear only if you fully realize your own destiny.

The meaning of such a powerful card in a personal alignment on the Tarot deck:

  • withdrawal into oneself;
  • self-forgetfulness;
  • removal from loved ones and loved ones;
  • liberation from old habits and prejudices;
  • building new plans;
  • cardinal changes in the worldview;
  • creation of a new style, imitation of their own ideals.

The promises that a person makes to himself or to those around him are obliged to come true. This is the key to future success in all areas of life.

Love alignment with Two of Staves

There are always many nuances, reservations and conditions in relationships between people. The symbol of the choice to be made in the near future rarely falls into the layout of personal life. A complex sign, for reading and understanding, indicates the absence of the necessary emotional coloring of one or another relationship.

Two of Wands personifies an outdated union

The union, which has outlived itself, has lost its former sharpness and no longer brings pleasure to any of the partners, is personified by the Two.

Dependence on a beloved, a connection that burdens and takes too much time and effort. Isn't it time to let go of what was only good in the past? A new relationship will not light up the life of the questioner if past love is a burden in his heart. Future disappointments can be avoided by not holding on to an outdated partnership.

The choice predicted by the card Two from the suit of Wands indicates internal torment. The desire to get rid of a burdensome relationship and regret about the time spent on them. Love cannot live in the past, says Deuce, otherwise such a union is akin to a cross, which will have to drag on itself for the rest of your life.

The combination of the Two of Wands card and other cards of the Tarot deck

The Two of Wands in combination with other powerful symbols of the Tarot deck promises many important, cardinal changes for the questioner. Unions not to be feared:

Deuce and the major lasso Empress. The combination of two strong signs indicates the need to rethink what is happening. Is it worth doing as before if such actions did not bring good results? To think about future plans, it is best to stay alone, in silence and peace of mind.

The Emperor and the second card of Staves. A tandem advising to remain as impartial as possible in all controversial issues in the near future. Taking someone's position would be dangerous and wrong.

Deuce and card Beloved. An unfavorable alliance warning of a double play. Dishonest relationships will last until the questioner is able to take a sober look at what is happening.

In the present, true love, people are not looking for replacements for each other. Two symbols of a single Tarot deck are advised to listen to your own heart - it will indicate the right decision.

Fortune-telling deck of Tarot allows you to reveal the secret future, find out its hidden events and predict dangers. In the hands of an experienced magician, a collection of magic symbols can become a real weapon, assistant and advisor. The interpretation of each sign, which has incredible power, individually or in combination, is a guarantee of an accurate forecast.

To listen to the cards or not, each person decides for himself, but ignoring the deck to which he turned for help is unreasonable and shortsighted. Using the recommendations of ancient symbols, you can contribute to quick positive changes in all areas of life. The card Deuce from the suit of Wands promises similar changes.

- these are new opportunities, beginnings and high life potential. The card depicts a man with a globe in his hand. He looks ahead at the road leading into the distance. The picture fully reflects the meaning of the card: it is a perspective, a life path, an opportunity to make a choice and influence a situation.


The first thing to look out for when timing is the position of the cards. The meaning of the 2 wands in the upright and inverted position is different.

In an upright position

The two of wands, dropped out in fortune-telling, symbolizes the beginning of new achievements, important decisions, risk and a desire to change life. The step towards change in this case is forced. Circumstances are such that the fortuneteller has no other way. He cannot come to terms with what he has at the moment, so he takes decisive measures to achieve well-being.

The circumstances in which the fortuneteller has fallen into requires immediate action and risky actions. Two of wands means serious intentions to radically change the current situation. On the one hand, the card speaks of the difficulties and problems that need to be addressed.... On the other hand, it speaks of the presence of a person's strength and ability to cope with all difficulties.

The Tarot deck of Thoth personifies a card with courage, passion, a strong desire to achieve something.


Straight line 2 of wands speaks of the desire to quickly get rid of the disease. In general, the card is positive, but it does not give an exact answer: whether the patient will recover or not. However, it indicates a high energy potential, as well as a willingness to fight disease.

In the inverted position, the card symbolizes a breakdown, deterioration, depression, difficult childbirth, professional burnout. If in the scenario of a person who considers himself healthy, this card fell out, then he should carefully monitor the signals of his body.

Stress, the fast pace of life and the workload will soon make themselves felt. The card advises to have more rest and relaxation, otherwise health problems cannot be avoided.

Love and relationships

In the sphere of personal life, 2 wands mean a struggle for leadership between partners. Also, the card may speak of the desire of one of the partners to break off the love affair. Probably in family life something happened that one of the spouses cannot accept. The only way out is to leave.

For those who are looking for their soul mate, the card promises an unexpected acquaintance and the beginning of a relationship.... However, events will develop rather slowly.

The inverted position of the card indicates uncertainty in one's own choice, a shaky relationship and a lack of reciprocity. However, a fortuneteller cannot influence the situation. He either does not have the courage to change something, or the circumstances will turn out in such a way that he will have to leave everything as it is.

For lonely hearts, an inverted card promises the impossibility of establishing a personal life in the near future.... All the fault is complexes and lack of confidence in their attractiveness to the opposite sex.


Fortune favors the fortuneteller... The two of wands indicates that now is the time for decisive action. Do not hesitate and plan for a long time. It's time to take action. Assess your capabilities and prospects. Realize that you are worthy of much more than you currently have. Positive plans and plans for a bright future will give strength to new achievements.

Inverted Card - Difficult Position, lack of self-confidence, lack vital energy, uncertainty and lack of stability.


If 2 wands fell out in the alignment for a career, then this speaks of experiences and anxiety about whether everything will go according to plan. This card describes a situation in which a person needs to show all his skills and abilities to achieve the goal. Circumstances are such that the fortuneteller needs to prove himself and prove his professionalism to himself and those around him.

In an inverted position, 2 of wands means competition and betrayal by colleagues. You need to be careful not to complicate the situation further.

Combination with other tarot

An analysis of a card with lasso that lay side by side in fortune-telling can give a clearer picture of the situation.

With senior lasso

  • Jester- the beginning of a new path, risky decisions.
  • Magician- difficulties in business.
  • Priestess- the secret will soon be revealed to the fortuneteller.
  • The empress- the need to show prudence and caution.
  • The emperor- observance of neutrality.
  • The hierophant- strategic thinking.
  • Lovers-, the beginning of a new relationship, parting.
  • Chariot- gossip, intrigue, intrigues of ill-wishers.
  • Force- the need to overcome your fears and get rid of complexes.
  • Hermit- the opportunity will be missed.
  • Wheel of Fortune- new perspectives, good luck.
  • Justice- unwillingness to listen to people's advice.
  • Hanged- lack of desire to do something.
  • Death- the need to get rid of something for the sake of your future.
  • Moderation- luck.
  • Devil- bad thoughts.
  • Tower- the hopelessness of the case, the collapse of the plans.
  • Star- success in endeavors.
  • moon- dubious prospects.
  • The sun- harmony, successful completion of a complex business.
  • Court- indecision, protracted process in the case.
  • Peace- making an important decision, moving.

With wands

  • Ace- choice of life path, disclosure of creative potential.
  • 3 of wands- self-digging.
  • 4 of wands- planning for the near future, pleasant chores.
  • 5 wands- pressure from people around you.
  • 6 wandsright choice, support from the outside.
  • 7 of wands- a path full of obstacles.
  • 8 wands- finding yourself.
  • 9 of wands- training, gaining experience.
  • 10 wands- lack of opportunities.
  • Page- curiosity, gossip.
  • Knight- impulsive decision, inspiration.
  • Queen- the need to listen to the advice of experienced people, control over your life.
  • King- independence and independence.

With cups

  • Ace- love adventures.
  • 2 cups- make plans for a joint future.
  • 3 cups- holiday, good news.
  • 4 cups- unpleasant conversation.
  • 5 cups- negative thoughts.
  • 6 cups- with an eye to the past.
  • 7 cups- development prospects.
  • 8 cups- travel.
  • 9 cups- illusions and dreams.
  • 10 cups- family idyll.
  • Page- reflections on the proposal.
  • Knight- good luck, a chance to prove yourself.
  • Queen- plans for a woman.
  • King- plans for a man.

With swords

  • Ace- the need to think about everything before making a decision.
  • 2 swords- self-doubt.
  • 3 swords- parting.
  • 4 swords- rest, pleasant communication, trips.
  • 5 swords- unjustified hopes.
  • 6 swords- search for your vocation.
  • 7 swords- the need to take a step back.
  • 8 swords- limitation, loss of clarity of thought.
  • 9 swords- tears, negativity, bad thoughts.
  • 10 swords- the collapse of plans.
  • Page- mistakes due to rash decisions.
  • Knight- a manifestation of recklessness.
  • Queen- striving for independence, the beginning of a new stage in life.
  • King- help influential person.

With pentacles

  • Ace- the desire to improve their financial situation, new plans.
  • 2 pentacles- expenses, money losses.
  • 3 pentacles- career growth, financial profit.
  • 4 pentacles- the need to save money and be careful.
  • 5 pentacles- lack of prospects.
  • 6 pentacles- the help of a loved one.
  • 7 pentacles- difficulties in business.
  • 8 pentacles- dismissal, difficulties in work.
  • 9 pentacles- profit.
  • 10 pentacles- quarrels over property or money.
  • Page- start of a new project, new work.
  • Knight- Difficulty communicating with colleagues.
  • Queen- support of an influential person.
  • King- sponsor, investor, wealthy person.

Don't rush things, no matter how much you want to. Try to be patient with the people around you. Conflict is best avoided. An auspicious day for starting new projects, dating, traveling, shopping, as well as litigation.

An inverted card promises apathy and nervousness.... The emerging circumstances can further spoil the mood, so you should drive away bad thoughts from yourself.

The main thing is not victory
The main thing is participation.

This card means that the person got everything he wanted. Minor lasso Tarot card Two of wands (staves, sceptres) means that there is nothing more to conquer, and this is saddening. A success that turned into a disappointment. The wealth and power received does not bring joy. In this article, we will consider the description and meaning in the relationship of a straight and inverted card, interpretation and combination with other cards in the layouts of love, health, career and work.

The two of wands have tremendous power, both constructive and destructive.

The overall value of the card Two of Wands

The Two of Staves carries a dual interpretation. One value indicates initiative and confidence, the other indicates indecision and fear. The card shows both power, luck, and misfortune at the same time. Its value will depend on the presence of negative or favorable cards in the layout.

Two of Wands of the Tarot meaning embodies the harmony between the past and the future. Conquest and power, gaining strength. A person has enough power, resources, time and influence to carry out his plans.


The card indicates the arrival of something unexpected. Something will happen that scares the questioner. Problems, unforeseen obstacles. If the Moon is present in the scenario, then this means an unnoticed factor that influenced the outcome of the case, which may surprise and complicate the matter. Hint what other cards will give for the factor.

If there are favorable cards in the layout, then the Two of Sceptres portends unexpected benefits, good luck in business, a favorable combination of circumstances. A new opportunity that a person doubts about. The card indicates that you need to take advantage of the gift of fate and not hesitate. A person has doubts about the change of residence or indecision in everything.

Questions from visitors and answers from experts:


Crossroads of life, crossroads. Time to choose a road. You need to stop and think about your actions. There is no motivation, it is lost. A person does not see the meaning in his further actions. The man is on the doorstep. He needs to take a step forward, but he refuses, hesitates and doubts. A precarious state of choice and doubt. Fear prevents you from taking a step forward.

Indecisive statement of their intentions, lack of sincerity in the desire to act. As a rule, this is a business that a person does not really want to take on or a relationship that he wants to avoid.

Two of Wands of the Tarot indicates difficulties with a choice, decision-making. Man sees different variants solutions to the problem, but none suits him. Shyness, cowardice, throwing. At the same time, nothing depends on his choice, the situation does not radically affect the life of the questioner, but he attaches great importance to it.

The plan is achievable, it just takes more effort and patience. The tormenting question usually refers to creativity. The card also carries a negative meaning. Scandal, quarrel, sadness, sadness, regret. Other cards in the layout will help you make the right choice.

Personality description

Two of staves, meaning indicates a strong energy, charisma of the questioner. Activity, determination, belligerence, aggressiveness, impatience, lack of stamina. Convincing others in their talent, pressure, demonstrativeness. Maturation of ideas, expectation of results.

Positive features

This card personifies an influential person, a conqueror, a realized person who has great potential. He knows a lot, he has great talents and ambitions. But at the moment, fatigue and calm. I have lost interest in life and faith in my talents and abilities. A time of calm, reflection and melancholy.

Man has gone through and experienced a lot in his life. He knows both the joy of victories and the bitterness of failure. He "burned out". His energy has weakened, and there is no desire and strength to move forward. He lives in his thoughts, in his world, "flies in the clouds." The transition period that follows victories and achievements.

Negative traits

Inwardly suffering, constant tension. The will weakens. A person balances between creative and destructive impulses. He burned out, because of this aggression and insecurity, suppression and inhibitions. The man is raging from his powerlessness. He chooses something new for himself, but destructive. He needs to let off steam, so he gets into various conflicts, quarrels, as if he himself runs into a fight.

The person does not know how to act now, therefore he is on the sidelines. He has no soul for anything, he has no desire to make decisions and act, he keeps himself "apart" from others and life. He does not want to rejoice at what he has. Dissatisfied with the present, immersed in melancholy. He has everything, but that doesn't make him happy.

The Man of the Two of Wands is an individualist under all circumstances. He will not listen to the opinions of others, because he is his own master. By nature, he is a dictator, because of this, it is difficult for those around him to be with him. Arrogant, inattentive to other people, does not stand on ceremony with them.

On a deeper level

The desire to move forward, to achieve goals turned into burnout and loss of strength. In the material plane, a person has achieved what he wants, but the soul is not satisfied. Loss of strength, indecision lead to stagnation and unwillingness to act further, to make any other attempts. To find the answer that deprives a person of strength, you need to look at other cards.

The Two of Wands indicates a prison from their conquests and successes.

It seems to a person that he has achieved everything, what's next? It was all over: despondency and detachment from reality. This period must be lived in silence and awareness of what is happening. Huge stock vitality dried up. It needs to be restored, then move on. Take a break in life.

Two of wands indicates a test of spiritual strength. You need to learn to live with other people, to be able to build relationships with them. A person does not want to put up with the fact that other people have their own desires and goals. It annoys him that he has to constantly seek a compromise. He is not compliant, accepting nothing other than his convictions.

Aries in this carriage indicates movement from the depths, furious, ready to overcome everything in its path. An uncontrollable desire to win. Mars symbolizes impulse - the beginning of something. But this movement has not yet gotten stronger and has not been fully thought out by man. Therefore, the intention is still vulnerable to the outside world. Adaptation process.

The person plays a new role for himself, the scenario of which has not yet been approved. He does not see himself from the outside, therefore he is blinded by the victories of the past and self-confidence. To achieve something new, you need to use the existing life experience and listen to your intuition. A person is approaching the realization of his idea, you need to take a step forward, but a deliberate and calculated step.

A person rebelles against the established rules of society, does not accept them. Goes against the crowd. His anger is righteous, he endured for too long and sagged. Renewal through destruction.

The meaning of the Two of Wands in different layouts

For a career and work

Conclusion of profitable contracts, deals. Drawing up plans. Business creation, company. Benefit from activity. Strengthening the professional position, career growth. Profitable cooperation, acquisition of good investors, business partners. The emergence of like-minded people.

The two of staves also indicate problems. A person does not have enough energy, resources, persistence to strengthen his position in the company or business. Implementation of the plan through overcoming difficulties. A person sits with folded hands, does not want to act, he lacks firmness and courage in his decisions. Fight for your dreams. You need to define the goal, objectives and start to act.

The person occupies a position that does not correspond to his ambitions and professional experience... Career growth is lacking, which is discouraging for the questioner. There is a choice between two proposals, but neither of them is to your liking.

Detachment, some depressive indifference to further achievements. Indifference, apathy, loss of vitality, desire to stay away from the flow of events. Lack of decisive action, not getting inspired and not getting together, there is some matter to which the soul does not lie.

The card indicates a leader, an ambitious person, who is cramped in his position, work. He has to agree with reality, somewhere he needs to earn a piece of bread. On the other hand, this internal conflict can be expressed in a fight for the boss's chair. If there are negative cards in the layout, then this indicates the failure of the enterprise.

For finance and property

The Two of Sceptres itself indicates wealth, good luck. But if there are negative cards in the scenario, then for financial losses. The main value of the card is stable financial position, abundance of resources, making a small profit. Successful solution of issues with real estate, property purchase. The card advises the questioner not to sell himself cheaply at the cost of his convictions and dignity.

For love and relationships

Indifference, lack of love. Two of Wands of the Tarot, meaning in relationships - cold heart. Partner indifference. Cooling feelings, a period of satiety with each other, when love has become commonplace and a habit.

Detached, neutral position with internal stress. Especially if the question concerns the presence of two partners, the person does not know whom to choose. Internal tension with external coldness. Love triangle. The solution to this situation is self-removal, a neutral position. A person becomes a hermit for a while.

There is no desire to create a relationship. Getting away from problems, creating a shell. A person does not want to choose between two partners, since neither one is suitable, but he holds them to eliminate the feeling of loneliness and inner emptiness. There is no happiness and joy from a relationship. Spending a large number energy for empty promises, relationships. The person does not fulfill anything that he has promised. The card indicates an unsuccessful marriage.

The card can denote an egoist. For him, his desires are above all. He plays in love, wants everything from both partners at once. Also, the Two Sceptres can symbolize a marriage of convenience. Partners need to have a heart-to-heart talk in order to build relationships and bring them to a more sensual stage.

The Two of Wands sometimes indicates a creative union in which everyone gets their own. Rather friendship than love. There is no passion, spark, romance in a relationship. Not content with sex life, intimate disorders.

For health status

There is little vital energy, a waste of it. Apathy, melancholy, loss of energy. Prolonged depression, including postpartum depression. Burnout. Nerves.

You need to make decisions without emotion and only when you are confident in the success and profitability of the business. Step aside, pause. We need rest and rethinking of what is happening. It is worthwhile to prioritize, but not hesitate to make a decision.

Reverse card meaning

An inverted two of wands indicates disorganization, a person is abusing power. Demotion, dismissal. Fate surprises, sudden changes, surprise. A lot of trouble, obstacles. Unsuccessful travel. Lethargy, dependence on circumstances. Deception of partners, fraud, loss.

A person is "stuck" in his place, lack of self-development, laziness, stagnation, obscurity. Not enough strength, resources to make dreams come true. Unfulfilled, degraded position.

If the card is in an upright position, then it indicates the master of its fate. But in an inverted position, the card speaks of a leader, on whose neck everyone rides with their legs dangling. A person cannot and does not want to reach agreement with others, there is no mutual understanding, does not recognize someone's power.

Manifestation in combinations

How the Two of Wands are interpreted in combination:

  • With the Magician - personal strength, gaining power;
  • With the Priestess - passivity and stay in the background;
  • With the Emperor - strengthening, great authority;
  • With the Hierophant - the difficulty of expressing your opinion, conformism, following the team;
  • With the Chariot - personal strength, talent for leadership;

The person holds the world in his hand, which symbolizes success.
You can see that he is in a fortified building.
He is not happy with his success, remains in place and peers into the horizon.
He wants something new to come into his life, but does nothing for this.

It's very easy to get stuck in something familiar and good at.
For example, you are the star of a high school sports team, but you are capable of being the star of that sport even while standing on your head.
It's not difficult for you anymore, the competition is no longer a challenge, and you continue to do it only because you know how to do it well.

This card speaks of success, but also about getting out of your comfort zone (from what you know and doing well) and testing yourself in a new action.

Questions to ask yourself by drawing out the Two of Wands
  • Are you bored?
  • Is your life too carefree?
  • What are you striving for in your dreams?
  • Are you feeling anxious?
  • What are you expecting?
Key ideas
Take the initiative into your own hands, realize your goals and ambitions.

It's time to choose targets and shoot to kill.
Face your fears.
Whenever you do something that you thought was impossible, your confidence in yourself increases.
Get out of your comfort zone.

Challenge yourself, however small, and you will become more confident and happier.

Direct Map: You and your friends will soon go on a joint trip (even if it will be just an evening walk around the city).

Reversed card: Now you are very uneasy.
Do not blame your friends for this.
It is in your power to bring a little excitement and relaxation to your own life.

Direct Map: Now you are good at everything related to geography or requiring analytical thinking.

Reversed card: Determine why you are so unhappy with your studies.
Are you interested in the classroom?
Are you studying the subjects you need?

Direct Map: You are intelligent and sensitive beyond your years, and you need a partner just as mature.

Reversed card: Do you know what you want?
Are you sure?
Collect your thoughts until someone, maybe yourself, really hurts.

A family
Direct Map: Life at home is a comfort and refuge, an island of safety in a troubled world.

Reversed card: You are too patronized, and you like it.
Do not hide under someone else's wing all the time, otherwise you will not become free when the time comes to spread your own wings.

Direct Map: This is an opportunity to give free rein to the growing interest in travel.

Reversed card: You can't concentrate on anything for a long time and watch a lot of TV.
Try reading something good instead.

Health / Appearance
Direct Map: You may have felt unattractive in the recent past, but your confidence has returned and you are ready to conquer the world.

Reversed card: Uncertainty about your appearance isolates you from the world and makes you feel lonely.

Direct Map: You will soon become less financially constrained and enjoy the freedom that this will give you.

Reversed card: Do not focus so much on saving and earning - otherwise you will completely forget how to enjoy money!

Fortune telling in half a minute
During the summer holidays, Susie was bored.
She wandered around the house and got on everyone's nerves.

She felt that she would soon start screaming and crying unless something unusual happened.
The Two of Wands said that Susie must act on her own for something to happen, instead of sitting around and waiting for it to finally happen.

You can go to summer camp, why not?
It will not be boring there, if only because the camp is intended for entertainment.

Annie Lionnet. "Tarot. A practical guide. "

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These two wands symbolize enterprise, energy and new growth.
This card indicates creative possibilities.
New goal or project.
Formulation of an idea.
The Two of Wands indicates that practical implementation a new project is still possible.

The ideas that were predicted by the Ace of Wands are starting to take root, but there is still a long way to go before they are put into practice.
In many decks, this card features a man standing on a castle wall.

In his left hand he holds a rod as a symbol of his achievements, and in right hand- a globe symbolizing its future prospects.
He seems to be pondering his next step, and the leaves blooming on the wand indicate a creative potential that has not yet been realized.

The Two of Wands indicates that we are ready to direct our inspiration and creative forces, predicted by the Ace of Wands, towards the realization of our goals.
This card heralds the onset of change that can lead to success, progress and creative growth.

We are seized by a strong desire for change and restlessness, prompting us to move forward.
The Two of Wands predicts that our efforts will be rewarded if we are able to overcome obstacles in our path.

We have a long way to go, but our ideas have matured enough for us to take the next step.
The powerful energy of the Ace, combined with the determination of the Wands, shows that we have everything to satisfy our own ambitions.

We have a desire to test our abilities.
However, due to the dual nature of the number "2", we may feel dissatisfied with ourselves, or we need to settle some kind of internal conflict.

The choice of this card indicates new opportunities that open up before you.
It's time to take stock and make plans for the future.
Maybe you need to assess your career opportunities and decide on your future path, or you have an opportunity to expand business cooperation or establish a joint venture.

The Two of Wands indicates that although there has been an improvement in your circumstances, you need time to think carefully.
Even if you have a certain amount of anxiety, this card says that you have the courage to move forward.

Stuart R. Kaplan. “Classic Tarot. Origin, history, fortune-telling ”.

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Fortune telling
A mature person.
Achieving goals and needs.
Courage in business.
The emergence of an influential personality.
Inverted value

Restraint caused by others.
Loss of faith.
Unexpected surprise.

P. Scott Holler. "Tarot for beginners."

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The Two of Wands portends the arrival or appearance of something unexpected, as well as the loss or failure of your enterprise.

Inner meaning
The Two of Wands is not the most inspiring card.
Something unexpected is about to happen or appear on the scene.

What you did not allow or could not allow in your plans.
At the very least, it will surprise you.
But that could mean the loss or failure of your venture.
Note that some interpretations give the exact opposite meaning and state that the Two of Wands bring wealth, gain, luck, and power.

But most of these interpretations include the assertion that bad luck comes with good luck.

Meaning in the layout
Direct or positive: unforeseen problems with your business.
Obstacle or opposition is possible from the very people whose support you counted on.

Other possibilities include losing money, failing in a marriage or partnership, general unhappiness and dissatisfaction with what is happening or the new business itself.
Annoyance; a clear success that turned into a disappointment.

Inverted, or negative: surprise, surprise, strong arousal feelings.
You are clearly surprised by something, good or bad.
This will be revealed to you by the surrounding maps.
Most likely, you will be in trouble.

Mary Greer. The Complete Book of Inverted Tarot Cards.

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You can say about this card: "I have everything, but I want more."
In it you can think about your new project.
You analyze and evaluate several different directions actions or looking for alternatives.

The Two of Wands of the Waite-Smith deck shows a person holding a globe in his hand, which indicates control over resources.
Now you have enough power, influence and strength to do whatever you want.

You can choose your own goals within a particular sphere of influence or define your position now, and subsequently expand it.
Perhaps you are thinking about travel, or you are taking one last look at your life before heading to distant lands.

This card may indicate new opportunity which you still hesitate to use.
You may want to first see if your past efforts bear fruit.
There is one curious paradox here: after the brilliant achievements that have given you wealth and position in society, you are suddenly overwhelmed by melancholy and dissatisfaction.

One client interpreted this card as a marriage breakdown.
On the other hand, two wands can speak of cooperation, union, joint action of two forces or balance of influences.
You are on the verge of an important decision.

At its deepest level, the Two of Wands testifies to the finding of a balance between your spiritual and earthly natures.
Traditional meanings: the departure or absence of something or someone and as a result surprise mixed with sadness.

Loss of faith.
Loss of money.
The collapse of the marriage.

Inverted Two of Wands
The Inverted Two of Wands is a Cinderella card that predicts amazing changes in a seemingly completely dead end situation.

You may be lacking guidance, limited resources, or having difficulty making decisions.
You may be overwhelmed by someone's dominant influence.
I don't feel like going on a trip or leaving home.

Maybe you want something that you cannot get.
However, there may be a miracle that takes you beyond your current circumstances.
An unexpected turn of events may be too intense in terms of experience.

This card does not work through will, but through receptivity.
You may be frightened or surprised by the sudden arrival of a person.
Or you will have to return from your trip because of the difficulties that have arisen.

Expect surprises, because they can give you a new vision of what is happening or new horizons that you previously did not even know about.
If there are cards of deception in the layout, check if you have been overly gullible lately, or if someone has tricked you.

Frustration or dissatisfaction can be a direct result of events.
Through loss, you can open up new inner opportunities and resources and stop relying on external stimuli.

In terms of health, this can be agoraphobia - fear of open spaces.
When projecting this card onto other people, it may seem to you that they have full power in this situation and either do not want to share their happiness, or you are in such awe of their greatness that you feel unworthy of attention.

You may decide that someone is standing in your way.
From a shamanic point of view, it can be a portal or a gate leading to another world, to a country you were not looking for a path to, to a state of enchantment, ecstasy, joy and delight.

Traditional inverted meanings: unforeseen.
Surprise, surprise.
Astonishment, sacred awe.
Magic, magic.
Sudden joy.
The journey home.
Fear, horror.

New opportunities.
Unexpected loss and suffering.

Larissa Moon. "All the secrets of the Tarot."

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Key phrase
Man proposes and God disposes.
Therefore, you don't always get what you expect.
Description of the card and its inner meaning
This card depicts a young man standing between two staffs stuck in the ground.

In his hand is the power of the world, that is, a symbol of power.
The young man looks somewhere into the distance, as if waiting for something (or someone).
The way it is.
One of the meanings of the card is the expectation of the results of their work.
But often, instead of the desired fruits of labor, circumstances enter our life that we did not expect.

Two of Staves is not the most inspiring card.
She says that some unforeseen circumstances will intervene in the current situation that will change it for the worse for the Questioner.
For example, people on whose support he counted on will refuse at the most inopportune moment.

Or, other surprises await the questioner, such as losing a job, failing in a marriage or partnership.
Against the background of all these problems, internal obstacles can arise - dissatisfaction with what is happening, obvious disappointment that the dream and reality are so different.

Connection of the card with other occult sciences
Letter - B, number - 2, Ruled by the planet - Moon, no zodiac sign, Correspondence according to the Book of Changes - 13th hexagram ("Friendship"), Weather conditions - cloudy, Corresponding color - black, According to Kabbalah - corresponds to the Sephirah of Chokmah.
The value of the card
Direct position
The Two of Wands speaks of strong desire The questioner to achieve their goals, about disappointments when in the end it turns out not as they wanted, about unexpected circumstances that were not taken into account (for example, opposition from those whom the Questioner was counting on).

In addition, the card warns of such troubles as job loss, material problems, divorce.
The Two of Staves, surrounded by favorable cards, can describe the waiting period: the questioner has done some work, and now he is waiting with bated breath to see how it will all end.

Inverted position
In this case, this Arcanum portends a surprise, some event that will cause surprise on the part of the Questioner (what kind of event it will be, the neighboring cards will tell you), as well as various kinds of losses due to the lack of the necessary life experience in the Questioner.

Daniela Chris. “The magic book of the Tarot. Fortune telling. "

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The Two of Wands indicates a balance between the previously achieved successes and the specific intentions of new enterprises - the new goal is filled with deep meaning for you, you see in it your purpose, the realization of yourself as a person.

The presence of this card in the layout says that you have already got or are about to get into a situation of choice.
Do not hesitate to make a decision, but take your time and think it over.
Inverted - speaks of sincerity of intentions, but potential opportunities may not be realized, or plans will not bring the desired results.

The original card meanings that come with the Ryder White Tarot deck.

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II. Deuce - a tall man looks out from a fenced battlement roof to the sea and the shore.
He holds a ball (globe) in his right hand and the stick in his left hand rests on a crenellated wall; another stick is fixed in a ring.

On the left side you can see the Rose, Cross and Lily.

Direct position: there is no unity between the alternative meanings of this card.
On the one hand - wealth, luck, splendor; on the other, physical suffering, illness, annoyance, sadness, humility.

The composition on the map gives one suggestion: here is a lord, on the one hand, surveying his possessions, and on the other, contemplating the globe (globe).
It is like sadness and humility in front of the immensity of the wealth of the world.

Reverse position: surprise, miracle, magic, emotion, worry, apprehension.

Hayo Banzhaf. Self-instruction book on the Tarot.

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Astrological meaning: Mars in Libra as a symbol of forced consent without inner conviction - or without practical consequences.
TWO OF WANDS This card combines a statement of fact and at the same time a challenge: it shows that we want to maintain a neutral, indifferent position, but the situation forces us to speak directly and unambiguously.

The situations this map corresponds to often resemble dead ends.
Objectively, there is nothing that we could consider to be the cause of our failure, defeat or bad mood, but here they are, and we do not know what exactly unsettled us.

The point is that we are tired of participating in external life, and we locked ourselves away from it in another ivory tower.
In any case, we have achieved that nothing bothers our soul anymore, and we do not care what happens to our loved ones, not to mention the distant ones.

You can get out of this state only by letting your ideas become beliefs, and your intentions - deeds, and honestly.

Tarot Ryder White. Theory and practice. Series "Secrets of Predictions". Publishers: AST, Astrel, 2002

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Dominion The first decade of Aries from March 21 to April 1.
Astrological correspondences - Signs Sagittarius, Capricorn, planets Jupiter and Saturn.
The first decade of Aries symbolizes the movement from the depths to the free space - furious, ready to overcome all obstacles and irresistibly striving for victory.

This decade, like all the sign of Aries as a whole, is ruled by Mars, and the fiery impulse, reflecting the essence of this sign, is a symbol of every beginning.
But this impulse is not yet strengthened and not protected, and therefore vulnerable: it has not yet adapted to the existing world.

it new role for which no script has been written yet.
This is insecurity in a new position due to a break with old experience, blinding by one's own impulse due to the inability to see oneself from the outside.
Therefore, in order to make a new correct decision, it is important to rely on past achievements.

Turning to the figurative path that the Idea takes in its development, then at the level of the Two of Staves it (the Idea), as it were, gains strength, expands.
It is about to be separated from the Creator and will be realized.
On a more material level (society), the Two Sceptres symbolizes a person with ideas, desires, ambitions, who is forced to seek a compromise with other people endowed with their own ideas, desires and ambitions.

Direct position: In an upright position, the card is a symbol of constructive cooperation (high manifestation); at a low manifestation - misunderstanding, inability to relate oneself to others, inability to reach agreement.

Thus, this card in the layout will indicate a situation where you will be offered a kind of maturity test.
How much a person is able to relate to other people.
Key words for the card there will be: linking goals and means, needs and desires, firmness, courage in the enterprise, the ability to occupy positions.

That is, the problem of this card will mean the problems of a leader who must reconcile his ambitions with social reality, with the environment.
Therefore, the Two Sceptres can mean a person who knows how to control himself, and who does not allow feelings to take over and distract from what is planned.

"The ruler is ruled by all; he is not ruled by anyone."
In such situations, the influence of planets such as Saturn and Jupiter is strong, as well as the signs in which these planets are expressed, primarily Sagittarius and Capricorn.

Inverted position: In an inverted position, the card can mean anxiety, dependence on others, wear in socially, lack of initiative, loss of confidence, humiliation, sudden changes, "surprises" of fate.

Evgeny Kolesov. "Alphabet of Tarot".

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A man dressed as a scientist observes the surrounding landscape from a battlement.
He has a wand in one hand, a small copy in the other. the globe or the celestial sphere.
Another wand is fixed to the wall.
This person also achieved what he was striving for, but he did not start for this new life, did not seek the new world, but remained in the old - in order to become its master. He knew glory, wealth, power, got everything he wanted - and suddenly felt emptiness.

Why does he need all this?
Was the result worth the effort?
Now, if he wants life to bring him satisfaction again, he will have to change his system of values, to which he has been faithful for so long.

In the layout, this card often invites a person to think about whether it is worth taking on the planned task: it will work out, but will not disappointment come later?
Thus, in practice, it means that what was conceived is quite achievable, but it will take a lot of effort and time.

In this case, what is conceived usually refers to the field of intellectual or creative work - writing a dissertation, completing work on a book, play, painting, plan, etc. Inverted: It means that the questioner will really have to spend a lot of effort and time, but the result is doubtful.

The map is difficult to interpret due to ambiguity and duality. When you appear in the layout, you need to think about the choice provided. Hasty decisions are unacceptable.

  • Staves are associated with society, the ability for self-realization, ethical values.
  • Fire element for most Tarot systems. Symbolizes forward movement, achievement.
  • Number 2 is the element of Water. It stabilizes, brings some balance, but unfavorable for the fiery suit. Two causes delays, obstacles, difficulties.
  • Zodiac signs Aries and Libra. The birth of a new one, but reflections and doubts due to difficult choices.
  • The planet Mars, which is uncomfortable in Libra.
  • The name in the Tarot Tota Dominion, Lord. It hints at the need for independence, decisiveness, overcoming fears.

The two of tarot wands combine activity and obedience to the flow, determination with doubts, joy from new discoveries with regrets about what was lost.


In Waite's deck, the lasso Two of Staves or Wands is represented as a man of high position, who looks from the tower of his castle at the opening view of the sea. One staff is clenched in hand, the other stands nearby. In the palm of his hand, a man holds a small model of the Earth. Previously achieved material benefits were left behind. Time to get ready to explore the world.

Crossed Tibetan daggers (doje) are depicted on the card of the 2 wands of the Tarot Thoth. The background is formed by the colors of Mars (red, emerald, azure). Doje arms are crowned with the heads of demons, which personify fear and overcoming, 6 tongues of flame burst from the crossed blades. The symbols of Mars and Aries are visible at the top and bottom of the map.

The Papus deck represents the Two of Wands simply as 2 crossed staves. The French school of Tarot does not detail the minor arcana.

Brief description and meaning of the card

According to Waite, the Two of Wands personifies new beginnings that will require the abandonment of old habits, ways of thinking. To take the next step, you will have to leave the cozy haven of everyday life in the past. This is a lasso of choice and doubt - the unknown is always frightening.

2 tarot wands Thoth symbolizes destruction before creation, will, overcoming, aggression, conquest, the desire to conquer. A necessary renewal takes place, preceded by reflections before a decisive step.

In Papus, a two of staffs means trouble, obstacles, despondency, longing in the present. The Tarot deuce symbolizes a way out of everyday life and limitations, the possibility of knowledge, the need to make a choice. We'll have to sacrifice attachments, stability, peace.

Inner meaning

The Two of Staves indicates a serious test of inner strength. It is the process of bringing an idea into reality. There is a determination to move, a desire to win, but a good strategy is needed for successful action. Materialization of an idea is a difficult process that requires willpower and overcoming internal and external resistance.

The new, the unexpected is ready to happen soon. You will have to reconsider your usual plans, remove obstacles, give up your usual life. There will be luck, glory, victory, wealth or failure, loss, disappointment, only the chosen path will determine.

At the level of consciousness

2 tarot wands in the layout speaks of a period of reflection, a forced stop, which will last until a decision is made. Doubt will destroy action. You need to quickly overcome your fears and realize desires, intentions, ideas. Delay will only complicate the situation, cause new doubts or apathy.

The Two of Staves informs about the need to respect the feelings, desires, plans of other people. The success of interaction with society depends on the ability to take into account other people's interests not to the detriment of their own. The two sides must complement each other. Self-affirmation or manipulation is highly undesirable.

Reversed value

The inverted card takes on the worst characteristics of the arcane. Plans for the future and a successful resolution of the situation are in jeopardy.

  • Due to indecision, the querent misses a good opportunity to develop a project, relationships, and self-realization.
  • Anxiety, apathy, inability to grasp the situation.
  • Spontaneous bad decisions.
  • Loss of reputation, problems with society due to aggressive stubbornness.
  • Delays, obstacles, misunderstandings.
  • Lack of energy, resources for project implementation.
  • In a relationship, there is a lack of trust, mutual understanding.
  • Depression, lack of initiative, despondency.
  • A warning against rash actions. Advice to carefully evaluate your own strengths and capabilities.
  • Lack of intuition, distrust of the world, fear of the future.

Psychological condition

For the querent, Two of Staves means burnout, satiety with material benefits, fatigue from monotonous everyday life. The fire of life without goals or aspirations is extinguished. I want changes, but the forced stagnation leads to apathy, makes a person rebel. He goes against the generally accepted rules, norms. Anger clears the mind by removing unnecessary attitudes.

The joy of past victories has faded, the silence is annoying, inner discontent is growing. It seems to the questioner that there is nowhere to move on. A pause, a lull will help to more fully understand what is happening, but you cannot hesitate in making a decision.

We need to learn to build relationships, look for compromises, revise our own beliefs. Changes will soon take place, but we must sacrifice something familiar. The possibility of loss, the fear of failure raises doubts. To achieve something new, you need to trust your intuition and think carefully about the inevitable next step.

How two of wands characterize people

The Two of Staves in the layout represents a colleague, partner or boss. This person is associated with business, work, affairs, negotiations. The card can mean a traveler or someone who will show the entrance to a new life. The Man of the Two of Wands knows how to defend his own boundaries, is proud, but not vain. Perhaps the card indicates an important partner who is awaiting the querent's decision.

An inverted pair of wands characterizes a colleague who can ruin a common cause due to doubt or vanity. An inverted card sometimes means an insecure person, boring, bored. For the querent, he personifies the gray routine.


The map does not give clear predictions for diseases. The chances of treatment failure and recovery are equal. In general, the Two of Staves is auspicious. Her presence speaks of the presence of strength to fight ailments.

An inverted lasso indicates a malfunction of organs or systems, mood changes, psychological problems... The body cannot work harmoniously, harmony is lost, and treatment only temporarily relieves the symptoms.


The card in the layout speaks of an unsuccessful connection, where there is no love. Perhaps in marriage, the spouses cooled off. Feelings fade away, only habit, satiety, everyday life remained. Relationships are not fun. Two of Wands may indicate love triangle where the spouse or spouse is not going to choose between two partners.

Arkan speaks of unwillingness to bind oneself with obligations, indecision before an important step. Empty promises, unwillingness to see the partner's problems. Marriage is based only on fear of loneliness, fear of change, or was created by calculation. Perhaps one of the partners is an egoist who is not used to investing in relationships.

Sometimes the card speaks of an initial lack of commitment. An open relationship is like a friendship where the partners do not feel the need to set limits. Such alliances are devoid of romance or passion, but they are quite viable.

Work and business

The appearance of the lasso in the layout advises the querent to think about moving to a new place of work or opening own business... Habitual activity has become a routine with no chance of development. Tasks are performed only for reports to the superiors. No enthusiasm, no energy for career growth. The card can mean professional burnout. The querent keeps aloof from the team, there is no initiative and the slightest interest in the common cause.

In business, 2 tarot wands mean new opportunities. After a crisis or difficulties, the time will come for development, but the usual schemes will have to be abandoned.

Combination with other arcana

Adjacent cards in the layout change the value of the Two of Staves. Any alignment will require careful analysis. Here's an incomplete list. The tarot reader's ability to compare the characteristics of the Tarot arcana and the situation will come in handy for interpretation.

Major arcana:

  • Fool. New roads, discoveries, justified or unjustified risks.
  • Magician Difficulties at work.
  • Priestess. Passivity, sharpening of intuition.
  • Empress. You need to carefully calculate the next step.
  • The Hierophant. Strategy Development.
  • Chariot. Delays due to stubbornness.
  • Hermit. Missed opportunities.
  • Wheel of Fortune. Good luck in new achievements.
  • Justice. Advice to listen to others.
  • Hanged. Uncertainty, apathy.
  • Death. We must let go of the past.
  • Moderation. Luck.
  • Tower. Failure of the enterprise.
  • Star. Success.
  • Moon. Doubt, despondency.
  • Peace. Fateful choice, move.
  • Ace. Self-realization.
  • Seven. Obstacles.
  • King. Responsibility, maturity.
  • Troika. Unexpected good news.
  • Six. The need to get rid of thoughts of the past.
  • Nine. Illusions.
  • Knight. Luck.
  • Deuce. Indecision, complexes.
  • Six. Creative search.
  • Seven. Past mistakes need to be corrected.
  • Eight. Inability to think clearly.
  • Knight. Impulsiveness, recklessness.


  • Troika. Financial success.
  • Five. A hopeless enterprise.
  • Ten. Financial disagreements.
  • King. Investor, philanthropist, profitable partner.

The Two of Wands advises you to stop rushing things. A good day for making plans, discovering, dating, traveling. Lawsuits may drag on, but the outcome will be favorable.

The card indicates the waiting period and the need for patience. It is not worth making fateful decisions today, starting important projects. It is better to start planning new things, thinking over a strategy, but it is important that this stage does not drag on.

Two of the tarot wands speaks of a forced waiting period, delays. It will take time to thoroughly assess the situation. It is impossible to delay thinking, there is a risk of stagnation and apathy. A map always means a choice between the familiar and the unknown. The implementation of new plans will require getting rid of old attachments, things, relationships. Step into the unknown causes fear, but the knowledge is worth it.