A lesson on the automation of sound with in syllables. Abstract of an individual speech therapy lesson on sound automation

Municipal preschool budgetary educational institution

"Kindergarten of general developmental type No. 32"

Innovative work experience

teacher MDBOU "Kindergarten of general developmental type No. 32"

Tarasova Evgeniya Yusupovna on the topic:

"Teaching children before school age fire safety ".

Art. Poltava

year 2013

Introduction ………………………………………………………………………… .3

1. Description of work experience in the formation of knowledge on fire safety……………………………………………………………….4-7

2. The main areas of work on interaction with

parents ………………………………………………………………… .7

3. Various forms of work with the family ……………………………. 7-8

4. Training of children in fire safety ……………………………… 8-10

5. Conclusion ……………………………………………………………… 10-11

6. References ………………………………………………………… 11

Appendix ………………………………………………………………… ..12-49


Explanatory note

The topic of fire safety is extremely relevant at the present time. Sometimes children's games and pranks with fire, inept handling of flammable objects cause fires and terrible troubles. Why is this happening? The answer is simple - insufficient vigilance of adults, inability to teach a child the rules of safe behavior in time. If we do not teach this to children, starting from preschool age, then by doing so we will plan present and future fires. After all, a colossal role in the process of forming children's attitudes to the world around us belongs to us adults: parents, teachers. They learn their attitude to the world from us, often taking everything for granted. And since the leading type of activity of preschoolers is a game, then teaching the culture of safe behavior and actions in a fire should take place in game form. This material to help preschool educators and parents.


Formation in children of skills for careful handling of fire and understanding of the need to comply with fire safety rules.


To form in children ideas about the causes of fires; explain why open fire is dangerous; lead to an understanding of the likely consequences of children's pranks.

To acquaint with the history of the appearance of electrical household appliances (iron, vacuum cleaner, Washer etc.), teach them how to handle them safely.

To form a feeling of increased danger of fire: to talk about the signs and properties of flammable objects and objects; to form the correct attitude towards flammable objects.

Introduce the rules of conduct during a fire.

Learn important information about yourself (surname, name, home address, telephone); teach to dial the number of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, fire service; develop communication skills with the fire brigade duty officer in extreme situation.

Continue to introduce children to the profession of a firefighter and equipment that helps to extinguish a fire; foster respect for the work of firefighters.

Expand children's understanding of protecting people's lives.

Form the skills of independence, cultivate responsible behavior.

Develop cognitive activity, curiosity, Creative skills, imagination, thinking, communication skills.

Activate the dictionary on this topic

1. Description of work experience in the formation of knowledge on fire safety.

Based on statistics, we learn that it is not uncommon for children to die and be injured in fires. Dozens of children, mostly preschool and primary school age, annually add to the list of victims of the fire. According to the fire authorities, every 6-7th fire occurs due to children's pranks; 60% of the victims of the fire are children, ¾ of them are preschoolers.
How can this be explained? Firstly, parents teach children little about fire safety rules, and secondly, in preschoolers, not enough attention is paid to familiarizing preschoolers with fire safety rules.

The system of work on this issue includes:

Creation of a subject environment - fiction, illustrations, attributes, toys, desktop - printed and didactic games, telephone numbers of services;

Joint activities of the teacher and children - observations, conversations, games - classes, evenings of leisure, etc. And the ability to behave in them;

Working with parents - creating visual and written materials, conducting seminars - workshops like a round table, organizing modern leisure activities;

Communication with employees of the fire safety service;

The work of a teacher on the selection of didactic material for the formation of a healthy sense of danger in children.

Stages of work:

- the formation of children's interest in the problems of their own safety.
For this, a subject environment was created, including bright toys, didactic attributes and board-printed games, etc. Monthly work on the formation of fire safety rules was included in the calendar plan, the knowledge and skills of children were consolidated in free activity through various games, theatrical and artistic activities.

Observations show that a few activities are enough for children to understand the danger of fire. At this stage, it is important to ensure that children learn the basic rules of fire safety and learn how to act correctly in the event of a fire.

It is advisable to accompany the classes by showing postcards, pictures, posters, a story about the "good" and "evil" deeds of the fire. It is necessary to remind that inept handling of matches can lead to a fire, you can show the layout matchbox with matches. Explain their structure and purpose, the lesson must be structured in such a way as to convince children of the unsafeness of matches in their hands and at the same time not arouse unhealthy interest, it is imperative to give examples when a game with fire ended with fire.

- the formation of the basis of safety, a positive attitude towards the rules of conduct at home and the rule "No!"

It should be remembered that accidents cannot be avoided by prohibitions. It is necessary to strive, not to prohibit, but to help children in their "research", to give them comprehensive knowledge. For this, not only specially organized classes are held, but children are also introduced to labor, for example, a cook, when they find out how dangerous the exposure is high temperatures, open flames if precautions are not taken.
In the classroom, children get acquainted with the rules for the operation of electrical appliances and televisions, so during the conversation on the topic "Our home" the questions appear: "Why can you watch television with adults? Why can't you use the iron or turn on the lamps without adults? " etc.
At this stage, a systematic approach is used, the essence of which is that work is carried out in all sections of the program, forming in children;

Personal qualities - discipline, culture of behavior, endurance, attention;

Certain knowledge and skills - orientation in space, use of various household appliances, behavior in the event of a fire.

The work uses various forms and methods such as competitions for individual and team championships, relay games, problem situations, creative games in which children play the role of firefighters, rescuers of people in trouble. The attention of children is drawn to the unquestioning observance of fire safety rules, as well as the rule "No!"
"It is forbidden":

Take matches and play with them, burn paper and other objects, carry fire;

Kindle a fire without adults, turn on gas and electrical appliances;

Place toys and other items on hot stoves and electrical appliances.

- to formulate fire safety rules;

Expand children's knowledge of fighting fire; foster a responsible attitude towards their safety.

In older groups, children get acquainted with the causes of a fire, the rules of behavior in this case, methods of extinguishing, the work of firefighters. An excursion to the fire department is held, where the expert acquaints children with fire-fighting equipment and extinguishing means. In the classroom, children are explained why in the event of a fire it is impossible to hide in secluded places (since this is typical for preschool children), but you must immediately try to leave the room; call adults for help; how to extinguish a small fire with sand, water or a rug; how to get other children out of such a room; how to dial the phone number of the fire department, correctly state the address and your name. Knowledge of this number should be reinforced during the game, when children, using a toy phone, learn to call the fire brigade.

Simultaneously with the study of the rules in the event of a fire, the knowledge of children on how to deal with fire expanded. For this, posters are used, children get acquainted with the purpose of each piece of fire-fighting equipment.

To deepen knowledge about the rules of fire safety, the use of household items, didactic games are held, and they also get acquainted with works of fiction on this topic, pictures telling about the struggle of people with fire.

At this stage, it is advisable to use conversations, logical tasks, evenings of entertainment and leisure activities that contribute to the formation of skills of safe behavior in everyday life. This topic is also present in the classes on visual activity.

Teachers should remember that the content of classes, skills and abilities should be aimed at the formation of competent behavior in the face of natural and social hazards. Fire propaganda should correspond to the age characteristics of children and not contain "shock" information.

When planning work on this problem, it is necessary to use the forms and methods that have the greatest interaction in the emotional sphere.

Repeated repetition of the same actions in game situations, consolidation of the knowledge gained during conversations, artistic and productive activities contribute to the formation of behavioral skills in everyday life.

1.1. The main areas of work for interaction with parents include:

Informing about the facts of inept handling of fire, which caused accidents;

How to explain to children the rules for handling fire and flammable objects;

Formation in parents of a serious attitude towards the development in children of the ability to handle various household appliances, skills of behavior in the event of a fire.

1.2. Various forms of family work:

Conversations about fire safety;

Placement of articles of fire safety materials in the home and natural conditions in the corner for parents;

Registration of folders for fire safety prevention;

Open views for parents with children on this topic;



Meetings with the fire inspector.

After analyzing the essence of this problem, I came to the conclusion that often the reason for the death of children is ignorance of the elementary rules of behavior in a fire, lack of skills in handling fire and problems in knowledge dangerous properties various materials and items that can be sources of fire.

Analysis of many incidents related to the behavior of a child during a fire shows that babies are distinguished by a passive-defensive reaction: the child hides from fear in a secluded corner of the room instead of leaving the burning house or calling for help. At the same time, children tend to have a craving for fire, so prohibitions are usually ineffective.

Thus, it is fashionable to conclude that it is necessary to teach children the properties of fire and the ability to evacuate in the event of a fire from preschool age. Children attending kindergartens are more developed and active, have the necessary amount of knowledge appropriate for their age.

As a rule, children who were left at home alone, without adult supervision, perished in the fires.

2. TRAINING fire safety children

At this age, children undergo a process of intensive mental development: examination of objects, observation of phenomena available to the child's understanding, identification of signs, comparison, generalization, establishment and understanding of cause-and-effect relationships. During this period, interesting for children will be "Fire", "Story of an Unknown Hero" by S. Marshak, "Uncle Styopa" by S. Mikhalkov, "Matches", "Light Bulb" from V. Rovitsky's book "Friends in Your House", "Firefighters Dogs ”by L. Tolstoy,“ Small Match ”by E. Khorinskaya. After reading these works, educators can no longer only dwell in more detail on certain points, but also start a conversation with the children. Games in which the teacher unobtrusively introduces elements of fire safety rules can be very useful. For children of this age, play is a specific children's activity in which the child reflects the surrounding reality, reveals his knowledge, and shares it with his comrades. In this regard, the method of influencing children mediated through a puppet character, a toy, including an evaluative one, works perfectly. For example, a fire engine or a fire elephant will tell you how tired he was while extinguishing a fire caused by a capricious child. Children will be happy to join the game of questions and answers on fire-fighting topics, when they have to answer “This is me, this is me, these are all my friends,” but not all of the proposed questions need to be answered. For example:

    Who, having heard the smell of burning, reports the fire?

    Who of you, having noticed the smoke, says: “Fire, we are burning”?

    How many of you play pranks with fire in the morning, evening and afternoon?

    Who, smelling gas in the apartment, will call "04"?

    Who does not kindle fires and does not allow others?

    Who hides matches from the little sister, children, at home?

    Confess to me which one of you is playing pranks with fire?

When introducing children to different professions, one should not forget about firefighters.

By the age of six, a child should already know all household items that can lead to a fire if used improperly.

During preschool age, the child's motivational sphere undergoes significant changes. Motives are becoming more conscious, new ones are also emerging, typical for older preschool age, associated with the interest of children in the world of adults, the desire to be like them. This is how the process of self-affirmation begins.

On the basis of the desire for self-affirmation, preschoolers also have a competitive motive - to win, to win, to be better than others. Older preschoolers are attracted sport games with elements of competition. But competitions, taking into account the fire-fighting theme, are most attractive for children of this age. Older preschoolers want to be like firefighters who tame the fire, save people, are kind and brave heroes. And the teacher organizing games-competitions: who is the first, bypassing various obstacles, extinguishes the fire (takes a leaf with a drawn flame), does not cause problems. Constantly changing the conditions of the game, introducing all the new elements of fire safety rules, you can unobtrusively instill in children caution when handling fire, memorize the phone number "01" with an explanation of the danger of occupying it unnecessarily, explain to the child what to do in case of fire. That is, in addition to self-affirmation and physical development, cognitive motives play an important role in such games. A positive effect on the development of cognitive interests is exerted by the use of elements of search activity, conversations of a heuristic nature, elements problem learning, enabling the child to independently discover new qualities of objects and phenomena of the surrounding world, those of its properties that must be mastered. Great importance for older preschoolers, they have moral and social motives - the desire to do something pleasant, what people need, to ease their situation, to benefit them. An organized meeting with a firefighter is very useful in preventing fires from childish fire pranks. Along the way, you can organize a drawing competition on the themes: "Fire-friend", "Fire-enemy". From children's literature, one can suggest "Badger nose" by K. Paustovsky, "Box - black side" by I. Demyanov.

Active children, "leaders", also require attention in older groups. It is necessary to ensure that such children do not develop conceit, arrogance, the desire to command at all costs, the desire to humiliate others. The educator must know for what qualities and actions their peers respect, on what their authority is built. Sometimes a small despot, sociable, active, sometimes with organizational inclinations, can act as a "star" in a group. A lot of ingenuity, tact and patience are required to work with such children. But again best results can be achieved by making him the captain among sailors in the game when there is a storm at sea, the crew commander when the plane cannot land due to fog, or the head of fire extinguishing, when he must not only save the ship, land the plane, put out the fire, but and to take care of others, to be ready to help them if necessary. The teacher needs to choose the right role for each child in the game, taking into account the personal qualities of each. Children who are quick in nature can join a rescue group (you can save toy animals), more calm ones can investigate a fire. Moreover, the cause of the fire in each game can be changed, the children themselves come up with it: the doll left the iron on, the kitten dabbled with matches, etc. That is, the educational process when conducting such games is accompanied by the acquisition of useful knowledge and helps the teacher in individual work with kids. In addition, this work should be carried out taking into account intra-family relations. So, in a dysfunctional family, a child has to solve many problems on his own. He is often left to himself, therefore, in individual work with him, the educator can more often than with other children bring elements of fire safety into the game in everyday life. If at the age of 6-7 the child already warms up his own food or uses an electric heater, then ask the children to tell what he is doing to prevent a fire, and be sure to praise the child for correct actions... In addition, in dysfunctional families, older children often look after the younger ones, and therefore it will not be superfluous to remind the educator of the need for the elders to monitor the safety of the younger ones and prohibit them from taking matches.

The work of an educator with parents should not be limited to the implementation of pedagogical education. It includes the study of the child's family microenvironment, establishing contact with parents and close relatives in order to harmonize educational influences on the child and create a favorable microclimate for his psychological development and instilling skills in safe life. Therefore, when working with parents, educators need to dwell on fire safety issues. Along with a reminder of the dangers associated with leaving children unattended and the possible dire consequences of this, parents should be drawn to the need to gradually teach children the skills needed in everyday life.


Thus, the formation of the basis for the safety of life in older preschool children through familiarization with fire safety is the formation of a full-fledged perception of the surrounding reality by children - this is the basis for understanding the world, the first stage of accumulating sensory experience. The success of the cognitive development of children depends on how much the child's content of consciousness is expanded due to: information about events and phenomena that are inaccessible to his mediocre observation.

One of the tasks of senior preschool age is to lay down the rules for personal safety, as well as the ability to apply the rules in various life situations... The leading factor in the cognitive development of a child of this age is a specific image of an object, actions with it. The words should follow him - then the situation as a whole becomes clear to the child and assimilated by him. It follows that one of the leading types of activity in cognitive development is the repeated examination of the object and practical manipulation with them. Based on this, we see that it is better to carry out the formation of the basis of safety in life in a complex, which will have a beneficial effect on the learning and development of children. Such training should cover all types of children's activities: play, classes, work, etc. - then we will educate the child, and his relationship with the rules of personal safety related to the topics studied (how to behave in dangerous situations, etc.), but and to shape his relationships with adults and peers.

When organizing such work, it is imperative to take into account the age of preschoolers, their psychological characteristics and capabilities, and rely on advanced experience.


1. and others. Child safety in big city: Pedagogical and social technologies. M., 2002.

2. and others. How to ensure the safety of preschoolers. M., 2001

3. Etc. Fundamentals of the safety of preschool children. M., 1998.

4. Fostering a culture of personal safety // Fundamentals of life safety. 2000. No. 8. S. 13-16.

5. Kindergarten from A to Z. 2006. №4.

6. Education of the foundations of a healthy lifestyle in babies. M., 2007.

7. and others. The ABC "Ay! ". Childhood press, 2008.

8. Conversations about the rules of fire safety, M., 2008.

9. Fire safety for preschoolers. M. 2008.

10. Familiarization of preschoolers with fire safety rules. M. 2007.

11. Fire safety rules for children 5-8 years old. M. 2007


Experienced activities

Experience number 1."Items of which material are most susceptible to combustion."

Purpose: to show children how quickly objects from different materials light up.

Materials and equipment: a strip of paper, a piece of cotton wool, wooden stick, coin, burner, porcelain cups, basin of water, fire extinguisher.

The course of the experiment.

The teacher brings a strip of paper to the burner flame - it quickly lights up. Then the teacher brings cotton wool to the flame - it flares up instantly. Wood burns more slowly than paper and cotton wool, but also burns out completely. The teacher brings a coin to the fire - it does not burn, but heats up very much (when it is lowered into a basin of water, it hisses).

Output. Experience shows that cotton and paper are the quickest to catch fire. The tree is also on fire. Metal objects do not burn, but pose a danger when heated strongly (you can get burned).

Experience number 2.Why does an explosion often occur during a fire?

Purpose: to give an idea of ​​the cause of the explosion.

Materials and equipment: Test tube, raw potato slice 1.5-2 cm thick, clamp, burner, fire extinguisher.

The course of the experiment.

The teacher pours some water into the test tube and plugs it with a potato cork, heats the test tube over the burner flame. And suddenly - bang! - the cork flies out of the test tube with a noise. The steam pushed her out: the water boiled, the steam became more and more, he felt cramped, and he pushed the plug, and he burst out.

Output. In a fire in an enclosed space, the air becomes very hot and expands. He gets cramped, and he breaks out, knocking out the windows.

Experience number 3."How can you put out the fire?"

Purpose: to show children what tools can be used to extinguish a fire.

Materials and equipment: three porcelain cups, cologne, sand, thick cloth, houseplant, glass with tinted water, fire extinguisher.

The most vulnerable part of the population is children. Getting to know the world, children often find themselves in situations that threaten their life and health. From the first years of life, the child's inquisitiveness, his activity in matters of cognition of his surroundings sometimes becomes dangerous for him. The prohibitions of adults: “do not,” “don’t touch,” “move away,” often have the opposite effect, stimulating even greater curiosity of the child. Having found himself in different life situations or having received great freedom, he can easily become a victim of circumstances, get confused. This dictates the need to start teaching children the rules of safe behavior from preschool age. Formation of the foundations of the safety and life of children in preschool conditions educational institution is an urgent and significant problem, since it is due to the objective need to inform children about the rules of safe behavior, their acquisition of experience of safe behavior in everyday life, in nature and on the road It is important not only to protect the child from danger, but also to prepare him to meet difficulties, to form an idea the most dangerous situations, the need to observe safety measures, instill in him the skills of safe behavior in everyday life. It is necessary to teach him to act adequately, consciously in a particular environment, to help children master basic behavior skills at home, on the street, in the park, in transport, to develop in preschoolers independence and responsibility. When familiarizing children with the initial basics of safety, it is necessary to determine the main goals and objectives:

Formation of the foundations for the preservation and strengthening of health;

Fostering safe behavior, the ability to anticipate dangerous situations, if possible, avoid them, if necessary - act.

Familiarity with household hazards, with necessary actions in case of danger, the formation of an idea of ​​\ u200b \ u200bthe methods of safe behavior in everyday life;

Development of the foundations of ecological culture, education of love, responsible and careful attitude towards native nature;

Education of a competent road user;

Fostering a conscious attitude towards the need to comply with these rules.

The basic principles for the implementation of these tasks and the formation of the initial safety foundations:

Consistency and consistency (any new step in teaching children is based on what has already been mastered in the previous one);

Accessibility (the complication of the material occurs taking into account the age characteristics of children);

Involvement in activities (play, cognitive, search and other types);

Visibility (safety is best perceived through rich illustrative material);

Dynamism (integration of tasks into different types of activities);

Psychological comfort (relieving stress factors).

Stages of the implementation of these tasks:

The interest of children, to update, clarify and systematize their knowledge of safety rules;

Introduce rules into the life of children, show the variety of their manifestations in life situations, train them in the ability to apply these rules;

On the basis of the acquired knowledge and skills, help to consciously master real practical actions.

Form of organization of the educational process:


Memorizing poems;

Collection of photographic materials;

Games - activities;

Learning the rules of safe behavior;

Didactic games;

Outdoor games;

Reading fiction;

Examination of illustrations on the topic;



Theatrical performances;

Subject - role-playing games;

Games - trainings;

Watching cartoons;

Labor activity;

Productive activity;

Playing around situations

Guessing riddles;


Playing around situations (correct and incorrect behavior);

Meeting interesting people;

Participation in various competitions;

Personal example of adults. The solution of these problems is possible only with constant communication between an adult and a child.

Working with parents is one of the areas of educational educational activities DOW, because. nothing brings up children like illustrative example adults. It must be remembered that the main thing for children is the personal example of their parents. It is necessary to explain to parents the importance and relevance of the problem of child safety, to outline the range of rules that must be introduced, first of all, in the family.

Everyone needs to know the rules of behavior in extreme situations, and learn on their own, make a decision, and then trouble will not happen. It is necessary that parents realize that they cannot demand any rules of behavior from their children if they themselves do not always follow them.

Forms of work with parents:

Parents' meetings; round tables, consultations; seminars; discussion days open doors; design of visual information (folders - travel, stands, parent corners); joint events with an invitation: medical workers, a policeman, a firefighter, review contests ( joint work children and their parents) work on projects; questioning of parents.

Conditions for creating a subject-developing environment:

To form the skills of safe behavior in preschoolers, it is necessary to create a subject-developing environment in the group. It includes:

Security corner decoration;

Selection didactic games, demonstration manuals of methodological literature, children's fiction on life safety and traffic rules,

The teacher's creative approach to the design of the developing subject-spatial environment plays a huge role in the successful solution of educational problems.

Safety is not just the sum of acquired knowledge, but the ability to behave correctly in various situations.

After all, everything that is taught to children, they must apply in real life on practice.

L. Tolstoy "Fire", "Fire Dogs";

V. Zhitkov "Fire", "In the Smoke";

S. Marshak "Fire", "The Story of an Unknown Hero", "The Tale of a Stupid Mouse";

T. Shorygina "Green Fairy Tales", "Cautious Fairy Tales";

K. Zaitsev "Lessons of Aibolit";

Fairy tales "The Wolf and the Little Goats", "Three Little Pigs", "Little Red Riding Hood", "Zayushkin's Hut", "Gingerbread Man", "The Cat, the Rooster and the Fox", etc.

Yu. Sokolov "Safety Rules";

I. Seryakov "Street, where everyone is in a hurry", "Scientist friend";

E. Permyakov "Hasty Knife";

Nursery "Tili-tili-tili-bom! Cat's house is on fire! ”,“ Ogurechik ”;

A. Ivanov “ABC of Security. As inseparable friends did not burn in the fire ", as inseparable friends did not drown in water", "As inseparable friends guarded the house";

I. A. Yavorskaya "Children and the Road";

I. Leshkevich "Traffic Light";

N. Nosov "Car";

G. Yurmin "Curious Mouse";

A. Dorokhov "Underground passage", "Fence along the sidewalk", "Barrier";

L. Halperstein "Tram and His Family";

A. Dmokhovsky "Wonderful Island";

V. Semernin “Forbidden - Allowed”;

A. Severny "Three wonderful colors".

Role-playing games "Drivers and pedestrians", "Regulator", "Rescuers", " Ambulance"," Visiting a traffic light ", etc. Plan-diagram of the microdistrict in which the kindergarten is located, with a mark of dangerous areas, places favorable for games; OBZH posters on the topics “If you are lost on the street”, “Attention! Terrorism! "," Fire safety for preschoolers "and others; albums " Medicinal plants», « Poisonous plants and mushrooms "," Professions "," If the kid got hurt "," Home alone ", etc.

Didactic games "Dangerous - not dangerous", "Continue the row", "Name in one word", "Fourth - superfluous", "So - not so", etc.;

Desktop - printed games "Fundamentals of Safety", "Big Walk in the City", "Good - Bad", "Road Signs", "Emergencies at Home", etc.

The knowledge gained by the child and the provision about himself and his health will allow him to find ways to strengthen and maintain health.

The acquired skills will help to consciously choose healthy image life.

The experience gained will help to avoid accidents

Most "baby fires" happen during preschool years. That is why, the foundations of safety and the first acquaintances with fire are laid by parents and educators.

If you walk up to a burning candle with your child, the baby will understand that heat is emanating from the flame, which can be very hot. Be careful, the child should not get burned!
When to teach children about fire safety?

Children perceive information better at the age of 3-6 years. At this age, you need to teach the child safety rules and explain how dangerous fire can be. The time will come when the child will begin to take a special interest in fire. Don't miss this moment - it's time to introduce your baby to fire and talk about safety rules.
A bright flame is a very interesting subject for a child. Such situations are deposited in the child's memory for life, and as he grows up, the child will know how dangerous it is.
What if the child is very young? Matches, candles, lighters, dangerous electrical appliances, flammable objects - must be stored in places inaccessible to a child. Make sure that the child does not see that something is being hidden from him. It is necessary for the child to understand: until he has learned how to use household appliances, they must not be touched. Time will pass, and the kid will understand everything himself.
Has the baby already grown up? Every day the child will have new games, and the world will seem more colorful and interesting. By the age of 7, the baby will be able to confidently use home appliances and various electrical appliances. At this age, he often rejects the help of adults and answers: "I want it myself." Children should no longer be hidden from the fire. Given the natural craving of children for everything new, they should be taught to correctly and safely use matches, sparklers, candles, household electrical appliances. But be sure to explain to your child that you cannot play with these devices and turn them on without the permission of adults.
V otherwise With simple prohibitions and threats, parents can only achieve the opposite effect - the baby will learn to use it on its own until the parents see it.
Remember: Prohibitions arouse curiosity, increase the desire for independence and lead to irreversible consequences.

Tell your child how to behave in a fire!
- The child must know his / her address, full name. and phone number! Learn this information with him.
- Keep flammable appliances out of the reach of children.
- Show by example that you turn off electrical appliances, especially small appliances (iron, hairdryer, coffee maker, kettle).
- Tell us that in the village or at the dacha it is impossible without adults, come up and turn on heating appliances(fireplaces, batteries).
- Do not forget to remind that “matches are not toys for children”!

How do children react to the first signs of a fire?
Fire is scary! What would you do if you were a child? Yes, they would hide in a secluded place where no one would find you.
Even if the child wants to report the danger, fear is paralyzing! The child may scream, but in such cases, the voice usually sits down.
Firefighters in masks and wide suits look scary. The child may be frightened. Try to come up with a fairy tale about "a small indomitable fire", tell us how fast it grows and how fast it can move. Stories like these will help the child feel the power and danger of fire.

You can think of regulations security. The child should know that if he sees a flame, then he needs:
-Do not touch the fire, but call adults for help!
- If adults are not at home, leave the apartment and seek help from the neighbors!
- Do not seek shelter in a burning apartment!
- Don't take the elevator, but run down the stairs!

- If the apartment is locked, do not panic, but call 01 or 112 and call the neighbors for help!
- It must be remembered that only smoke can be more dangerous than fire. In order not to suffocate in a fire, you should breathe through wet gauze and crawl to the exit without getting to your feet. Smoke tends to rise upward. Parents need to try not to scare the child, but to make him want to be attentive and careful.
Fire is a very big danger! Do you need an evacuation plan?
- Drawing situations according to fire safety rules and an evacuation plan - you will help your child not to get scared and learn the material.
- Develop a plan according to which you will have two emergency exits.
- Show your child what the plan will be during the evacuation.
- Sketch the layout of the room, all exits and entrances.
- In order not to get scared, the child must know all methods of first aid.
- It is better to hang the evacuation plan in front of the door in a place accessible to everyone.
- Write the emergency numbers and put them under the phone. Firefighters and rescuers of the Ministry of Emergency Situations - 01 and 112.
- Teach your child to open a door locked from the inside.

How do fires happen? Often negligence and childish prank serve as a pretext for fire. When a child is left alone, his desire for independence is especially manifested. Children in their games often repeat the actions and actions of adults, imitating their behavior. Children want to learn and experience everything as soon as possible. Left unattended, he can decide to play with dangerous devices. Parents should remember that it is very dangerous to leave their children alone. In the event of a fire, the baby will not be able to get out on his own. Fleeing from fire and smoke, children usually hide in a secluded place.

What can cause a fire?
A child who is keen on playing can put a toy in the microwave. Turning it on, the microwave will immediately sparkle.
A child can turn on the hotplate without even realizing it.
Turning on and off the lights, the child can cause overvoltage in the network. The light bulb may explode and cause a fire.
Leaving candles after the holiday can burn the entire floor.
A running child can overturn a working iron on the carpet, it will light up instantly.
Children love to play with wires. If the child chews through the wire, trouble will happen.
Any electrical appliances can fail right in front of your eyes and ignite.

While checking the fire safety rules, ask the children questions:

The fire started. What to do?
Call - 01, 112. Say the name, address, when the fire started.
There are matches on the table. Can I take them?
No. It is dangerous to take matches for children.
The fire has just begun to flare up. How to extinguish it?
Blanket made of thick fabric, Leather Jacket, wet towel, fire extinguisher.
Mom forgot the iron on the blackboard. Can you check how it works?
It is forbidden. Need to ask adults.
How should you behave during a fire?
Don't hide, don't panic.
There is a kettle on the table. Can I turn it on with wet hands?
It is forbidden. Water is a conductor of current. You need to ask to include adults.

Parents, let's follow the fire safety lessons and train our children to be considerate and careful.
Remember: these lessons should start from early childhood. A fire is easier to prevent than to extinguish.
Remember, it is much easier to prevent a fire than to extinguish it. Simple precautions can help keep you and your children safe.

We advise children to read:
Badanov M. Koster.
Barto D. Thunderstorm.
Borozdin V. Let's go!
Volynsky T. Koshkin's house.
Gardernes E. Elder brother.
Golosov P. The Tale of the Hare's House and the Dangerous Box.
Zhitkov B. Fire at sea. Fire. Smoke.
Zuev K. I'm checking the car.
Ilyin E. Solar torch.
Ioseliani O. Fire brigade.
Kuklin L. Stalevar. Blacksmith. Fireman.
Marshak S. Cat's house. Yesterday and Today (excerpt). Fire.
Mikhalkov S. Uncle Styopa (excerpt).
Novichikhin E. Zero - one. Matches.
Olenev K. Red car.
Orlova D. How Stobed ​​wanted to frighten the wolf, but he almost burned out.
Permyak E. How Fire Took Water in Marriage.
Rasputin V. Koster.
Smirnov O. Steppe fire.
Sukhomlinsky V. Sparrows and Fire.
Tolstoy L. Fire. Fire dogs.
Fetisov T. Where are the red cars in a hurry.
Kholin I. How a naughty pig nearly burned out.
Khorinskaya E. Small match.
Tsyferov G. There lived an elephant calf.
Chukovsky K. Confusion.
Yakovlev Yu. Who sings about what?

Sections: Working with preschoolers


Approved by the pedagogical council
kindergarten 1 from "_ 28 _" _august _ 2008 _G.

  1. Introduction
  2. The content of the problem of the basics of life safety (in particular, fire safety of preschoolers) in a kindergarten
  3. Purpose and objectives of the program
  4. Program implementation mechanism
  5. Organization of program management and monitoring the progress of its implementation
  6. The results of the formation of knowledge on fire safety of preschoolers
  7. The effectiveness of the implementation of the teacher's work experience through the achievements of pupils in competitions of different levels
  8. Conclusion


Fire safety is one of the mandatory components of the environment in which a child grows up and is brought up. It includes the requirements for the arrangement of the premises and the fire literacy of adults - behavior that reduces the risk of fires, and the skills needed to act in emergency situations.

Correct behavior in extreme situations, such as a fire, is essential to rescue. Experiencing a feeling of fear, a person does not follow the voice of reason, but instincts. An adult may panic, and the child's first reaction is to hide from danger, not to see it. Children hide under beds, in wardrobes, etc. - places from where it is difficult to save them. Therefore, it is important not only to talk about fire safety, but to work out the rules of behavior in case of fire to automatism. Only specific emotionally charged activities and game exercises can leave a mark on the mind of a child.

Success in ensuring the safety of children can only be expected if the teacher himself has sufficient information about measures to prevent and combat fires, and parents approach this problem with full responsibility and are convinced of the need for fire safety measures.

Municipal preschool educational institution child development center - kindergarten No. 12 "Firefly", urban-type settlement Yaroslavsky, Khorolsky municipal district of Primorsky Territory, has been working under the program "Fire safety training for preschoolers" since 2008. Along with preserving and strengthening the health of children, one of the tasks of the kindergarten team is the basics of life safety

Caring for the safety of children's life is the most important task preschool, family and state. The tragic cases of fires in children's institutions that have recently become more frequent and an analysis of the causes of their occurrence convince us of systematic work with teachers, children and parents. It is calculated: for a thousand fires, a hundred break out through the fault of children who become victims of their ignorance and frivolity.

Most children do not know what to do during a fire in order to survive. They usually hide under the bed, in the closet, do not try to escape when it can be done. A survey of children shows that many of them do not know the number "01".

Only systematic, systematic work in collaboration with the family will help preschoolers to form a solid knowledge of fire safety rules.

The program is designed for children between the ages of 4 and 7 and includes forward-looking planning for preschool children.

When writing the program, we relied on the following regulatory documents:

  1. Law "On Education of the Russian Federation"
  2. Preschool education concept
  3. UN Convention and World Declaration on Childhood Problems.
  4. the federal law"On fire safety"

The program is based on the following principles:

  • "positive centrism" (selection of knowledge most relevant to a child of a given age);
  • a differentiated approach to each child, taking into account his psychological characteristics, opportunities and interests;
  • developing nature of learning based on children's activity;
  • combination of scientific character and material availability;
  • visibility;
  • rational combination different types activity, typical age balance of intellectual, emotional and motor loads;
  • professional competence of a teacher;
  • systematic and consistent. Education is effective if it is systemic;
  • principle from close to far;
  • the principle of a system-organized approach, which involves the coordinated work of all preschool education specialists;
  • the principle of taking into account regional conditions.

These principles are interconnected and implemented in unity.

The program provides for the distribution of work on the study of fire safety rules in kindergarten for three directions:

  1. Study of fire safety rules by educators and service personnel.
  2. Preventive work with children
  3. Explanatory work with parents.

Preventive work with children is carried out in secondary, senior and preparatory groups for school, only the content, the amount of cognitive material, the complexity and duration of the study change. This is a long-term, systematic, purposeful impact on the child, since training in fire safety skills is not limited to time periods, they cannot arise after several, even very successful, classes.

1 direction. Study of fire safety rules by educators and service personnel. ( see Appendix 2, sheet 1)

2 direction Preventive work with children (see Appendix 2, sheet 1)

To familiarize children with the rules of fire safety, a variety of methods and techniques are used: conversations, the teacher's story, the use of an artistic word, viewing visual and illustrative material and much more. To consolidate the knowledge gained by children, you can organize an excursion to the nearest fire department. The artistic word makes the perception of children more emotional and meaningful. Children are asked riddles, introduced to proverbs, read poems and stories to them.

The knowledge of children about the rules of fire safety will expand and aggravate the use of visual and illustrative material during conversations and stories: filmstrips, a set of pictures and photographs depicting firefighters during extinguishing a fire.

3 direction. Explanatory work with parents (see Appendix 2, sheet 1)

Familiarization of preschoolers with the rules of fire safety should be carried out in the family, only systematic, systematic work in collaboration with the family will help preschoolers to form a solid knowledge of the rules of fire safety.

Practice shows that many parents themselves are at odds with fire safety rules. Often, matches are kept at home in places accessible to children. Kids often have access to electric heating devices, heating stoves, gas stoves. All this is fraught with serious consequences.

Teachers use a variety of forms of work with parents: consultations, joint leisure activities with children, visual campaign design.

Methods and techniques used in working with children:

  • Conversations
  • The educator's story
  • Reading fiction
  • Consideration of visual and illustrative material

The system of work can be represented as follows:

acquaintance of preschoolers with the profession of a firefighter -> acquaintance with the causes of fires -> acquaintance with fire safety rules -> acquaintance with fire extinguishing equipment -> learning how to dial the fire department's phone number -> developing communication skills with a fire brigade on duty in an extreme situation -> developing independence skills , fostering responsible behavior.

A feature of the Program is the development and implementation of educational projects, research works in work with children:

  • project "Teaching children fire safety"
  • The history of the fire department
  • Why does a fireman need a protective helmet
  • Is fire dangerous?
  • Volcanoes, why are they erupting?


The increasing attention of modern educational psychology and educational practice to fire safety issues is due to main feature of the modern world - its high dynamism. Everyday life constantly requires each of us to be active; correct behavior in extreme situations, for example, in a fire, is the main condition for salvation. Therefore, modern education no longer requires a simple fragmentary inclusion of fire safety teaching methods for preschoolers into educational practice, but purposeful work, specially organized training of children in skills and abilities. It is also important because the most valuable and lasting knowledge is obtained independently, in the course of one's own creative research.

A rapidly changing life forces us to reconsider the role and importance of skills of independence, fostering responsible behavior in human life.

We want to see our pupils as inquisitive, sociable, able to navigate in the environment, to solve emerging problems, to be independent individuals. It is possible to bring up in children the desire for independent cognitive activity, regardless of the program implemented in the kindergarten.

Psychologists have proven that in children of the first seven years of life, thinking is visual-effective and visual-figurative. Consequently, the pedagogical process in kindergarten is based on visual methods. It is especially important to observe this principle in the implementation of the intellectual development of children.

The development of knowledge and skills in fire safety, skills of independence, education of responsible behavior in human life in a preschool institution can be called one of the most difficult areas for a number of reasons:

  • in the programs, according to which the kindergarten team works, the issues of acquaintance with the environment, the development of thinking are identified. Often they are formulated in one phrase, there is no mention of the means and methods of solving these problems.
  • methodological literature on this issue it turns out not enough, in each only certain aspects of work with preschoolers in this direction are covered.
  • features of preschool age - emotional perception of the environment, depth and acuteness of first feelings, lack of full understanding of social phenomena, cognitive interest and research activity (curiosity -> curiosity -> observation => solid knowledge).

Based on this, it is important to select content and knowledge that would help to intensify work with preschoolers in this direction:

Ability to involve pupils with a didactically valuable problem;

Teach children to pose a problem, outline a strategy and tactics for solving it, draw conclusions and conclusions;

Develop children's practice;

Monitor knowledge of fire safety of preschoolers.

An important element of this program is the special use of study time. The main thing is that the child finishes what he started, brings the matter to its logical conclusion, does not give up what he started halfway through.

The methodology proposed in this program for working with preschoolers to develop their knowledge, skills and abilities in fire safety will make it possible to take a real step along this path.

The urgency of the problem was confirmed by monitoring studies among teachers, parents and children.

Purpose and objectives of the program

Purpose of the program:

  • generalize ideas about fire safety,
  • develop skills of safe behavior in everyday life,
  • teach adequate actions in fire hazardous situations,
  • practicing the rules of conduct in the event of a fire.

Objectives of the program:

  • to form systemic ideas about the world around, about the role and place of electrical appliances and household items in human life, about the use of electricity for industrial purposes;
  • to acquaint with the rules of fire safety, to form a habit of their observance;
  • develop the ability to purposefully observe, research, give a correct assessment of objects, phenomena, a moral assessment of relations, actions;
  • to deepen and expand knowledge about the protection of human life;
  • develop cognitive activity, curiosity, creativity, imagination, thinking, communication skills.

Tasks for teaching children fire safety in different age groups and expected results see Appendix 1, sheet 1

Fire safety action plan with employees see Appendix 1, sheet 2

Thematic planning by age see Appendix 1, sheet 3

System of program activities

Software and methodological support.

  1. Methodological base of the pedagogical office:
  2. Newspaper " Preschool education"No. 15 - 2002, p. 22
  3. Newspaper "Preschool education" № 13 - 2008, p. 2
  4. The magazine "Preschool education" No. 5 - 2006, p. 39
  5. Magazine "Preschool education" No. 4 -2007, p. 114
  6. The magazine "Child in kindergarten" № 6 - 2003, p. 40
  7. K. Nefedova Household electrical appliances. What are they? A book for educators, tutors and parents - M., publishing house GNOM and D, 2006 - 64p.
  8. T.V. Potapova Conversations with preschoolers about professions - M.Ts Sphere 2003 - 64p.
  9. T.A. Shorygina Professions. What are they? A book for educators, tutors and parents - M., Publishing house GNOM and D, 2006 - 96p.

Organizational support.

Changes in the organization of the training regime are possible.

Realization of state interests in the field of education of fire safety of children.

Formation of public consciousness and civil position of the younger generation in the field of fire safety.

Carrying out a set of measures for training fire safety in a preschool institution, implementation creative projects preschoolers.

Involvement of the parents of pupils to participate in child-parent projects.

Logistics support.

In the group rooms of the kindergarten, mini-zones for training fire safety for preschoolers are designed, the equipment of which is carried out in accordance with the age characteristics of children.

There is a visual campaign of the parents of the pupils, the involvement in the upbringing and educational process.

Program implementation mechanism

Fire safety training for preschoolers in a preschool educational institution is a long, continuous process, which provides for the adjustment of the developed measures at subsequent stages of work, depending on the results achieved.

Organization of program management and monitoring the progress of its implementation

The head of the kindergarten and the senior educator carry out:

  • Organization and coordination of activities for the implementation of the program, according to the work plan.
  • Control over the implementation of planned activities.
  • Report on the implementation of the program.
  • Correction of the content of plans.
  • Methodological assistance in the preparation of children's research works and creative projects of pupils.

Evaluation of the effectiveness of the program implementation

Using the creative potential of teachers,

Enhancing the work of children, giving it a creative character,

Compliance of the material with the subject, the effectiveness of the use of the material in the educational process,

Conducting contests on this topic,

Formation of creative ties between kindergartens of the district.

The results of the formation of knowledge on fire safety of preschoolers


My work experience allowed me to conclude that in the process joint activities teachers, children and parents can successfully solve the problems of developing the skills and abilities of independent cognitive and creative work in preschoolers, the emergence and increase of children's interest in cognitive activities, the skills of interaction with adults, the formation of a personality capable of making adequate decisions within their age. Working with children presupposes cooperation, co-creation between the teacher and the child, and excludes the authoritarian model of teaching. Classes are built taking into account the visual-effective and visual-figurative perception of the world by the child and are aimed at the formation of knowledge in cognitive activity.

The program developed by me, long-term planning on the topic in the classroom and in everyday life has shown its effectiveness.

Diagnostics of ZUNs of children for fire safety