Cozy summer kitchen on the plot: arrangement and design. Housekeeping projects with bath

Summer cuisine and hozblock - indispensable buildings in private houses or cottages. Kitchen on open air It saves overheating in a stuffy room, and the Hozblock allows you to store things, tools and other household accessories. Very often, the two of these premises are combined, building under one roof, beside that on the one hand it is convenient, and on the other - economically. We will spend the review of projects of such kitchens as part of this article, let's talk about how to choose a suitable project.

Types of buildings

Summer cuisine is a closed or semi-open-type room designed for cooking. The summer kitchen is very often erected before the construction of the main house as a household, adding other rooms to it, for example,

  • rest room;
  • hozblok;
  • bathroom;
  • bath;
  • garage.

The role of consumption during construction is indispensable, it will depend on the attached premises and its functional purpose. Very often, this time is needed to accommodate the builders brigade. After the construction of the house, the households with summer cuisine are construed under the kitchen with a hozclock and a terrace for relaxing outdoors.

In addition, cabins with a kitchen are needed in the country, as they can replace the construction of a full-fledged house. Cate householders have no more than one or two rooms, the kitchen, bathroom and hozblock is all the most necessary to be able to spend the night in the summer.

When the summer kitchen is erected after the construction of the house, then its project is paying much more attention. It is immediately trying to attach a garage and a bath to her, and then there are still householders and other economic premises. Therefore, the projects of summer kitchens with Hozblock can be divided into simple and complex, they will be discussed further.

Choose the project

The choice of a project of a summer kitchen combined with the Hozblock should not be spontaneous, as it is necessary to take into account the mass of the nuances:

  • The size of the construction in general and its location is located on the site.
  • Budget laid for construction.
  • Functional purpose.
  • What extensions need to be done, garage, bath or cabins.
  • What style is summer kitchen, and it will fit into the design of the site as a whole.

    Important! From the style of the construction in many ways the choice will depend building material. After all, the kitchen from the bar clearly will not be harmonized with brick buildings.

  • Constituting and choosing one or another project of summer kitchen, you need to take into account all the rules of construction, fire safety and sanitation. This will facilitate the execution of the site and will save from litigation.

Overview of ordinary summer kitchens

Under a simple project in this context, we have the type of summer kitchen with one extension, whether it is a hosbler, a bathroom or a garage. Such buildings are small in the area, they are easier to build them independently without the involvement of specialists. However, the design and drawing is better to entrust the professional. In a special program, it will not only make 3-D Figure of the future kitchen or cabins, but also calculates all the necessary material, taking into account the load and other parameters. And now the projects themselves.

This project provides for the construction of the facility with a total area of \u200b\u200b29 square meters. M. At the same time, a large part occupies an open summer kitchen, consisting of two zones: preparation and meals. For the preparation of dishes in such a kitchen, you can put the stove, brazier or barbecue, as the furnace in the project is not planned.

The second part of the construction, hozblok, to get on which can be from the opposite side. An extension has two windows, so it can be equipped with a utility room for storing garden equipment, tools and other things and to equip a summer lounge.

The premises of the building are under the total double roof, a slightly more than 3 m high. As a material, it is planned to use a bar. Such a summer time is a great way to place workers at a construction site.The unheated version of the construction of this kitchen under the order will cost about 250 thousand rubles.

The second project is a closed summer kitchen with a large shopping block, a separate toilet, but without a garage. It is noteworthy that this project involves the construction of a closed summer kitchen with two comparatively small windows. In the spring and autumn in such a kitchen will be comfortable to prepare food, but in the summer it is better to look for another place, because it will be hot there, even if you build a kitchen in the shade of trees.

The hosbler is very spacious, if you wish, it is possible to place not only the warehouse of all kinds of things, but also a full home carpentry workshop. Building is built, and single Roof covered by a straw.

Another project of summer kitchen without a garage is quite simple, but at the same time stunningly beautiful. Summer cuisine with a hozblock and toilet in general, reminds the previous project (both two-room buildings), but in appearance The difference is cardinal, because the construction has been erected and decorated in Russian style. The placement of summer cuisine is open and blocked by all winds. The kitchen is a wood-burning furnace. From the situation, in addition to the dining table and two benches, there is nothing - the space does not allow.

Unlike the summer kitchen, the Hozblock, located with it under one roof, is completely closed from all sides. Inside the Hozblock is a toilet, if you can use it, without leaving the street where it can reorganize the bad weather.

For your information! By making small changes to the project, you can make a rest room instead of the Hozclock, it will work out a summer kitchen with a living room, where it will be possible to rest after the satisfying meal.


Now consider the projects of summer kitchen combined with multiple extensions. This not only complicates the process of construction, but also makes it more costly. The project submitted below is a closed room with a useful area of \u200b\u200b35 square meters. m. Plus terrace with an area of \u200b\u200b18, 6 square meters. m.

In this case, with a spacious kitchen with two windows and access to the terrace, borders the dressing room and shower. From the locker room you can get into the shower and bordering a sauna. The sauna is the utility room, the entrance to which from the terrace. Everything is well thought out, the role of the locomotive room will perform one hundred percent. You can cook here and cook dinner, and wash, and relax.

Recreation area can be organized in the fresh air on the terrace, as well as in the kitchen, putting in the opposite corner from the cooking zone of the sofa.

Building on this project, effective area which is 36 square meters. m, includes a summer kitchen, a garage and a utility room. The kitchen is closed, and therefore bad weather does not matter. For this project, you can build small country houses. After all, the place to store the garden inventory is there, the place to cover the car from the sun or the rain is also there. And the kitchen is the room where you can eat and make billets for the winter.

Note that from the kitchen you can get into the ground and in the garage, which is very convenient.

And this project is a whole home complex, designed to work and rest, there is not enough garage and households, and so there is a barn, a bath, a living room with a kitchen and a large terrace. The benefit is that the country buildings of this type can be used even without having dacha house. Let's say more, many country houses By convenience losing this economic structure.

The studio or recreation room is divided into two functional areas: cooking zone and living area. If you install a dining table in the living room, then the dining room will turn out - there is enough space for this. IN summer time The dining table can be easily removed on the terrace, since it is under the roof. In addition, sun loungers or sofa can be put on the terrace and sleep right outdoors. A desire will appear and you can go into the bathhouse. She, though small, but there is everything you need: a steam room, shower, toilet.

Summing up, we note, the country's summer kitchens with hozblocks are conditionally two-room, three-room and multi-room. In addition to the two main facilities of the Hozclock and the kitchen, such buildings can be combined under one roof and garage, and a bath, and a shower with a toilet, and a rest room. In general, when we talk about the projects of two rooms, kitchens and hozblock, we can mean that the construction will still be more functional due to additional rooms.

On this page of the site, there is a modest and calm project of the big garage with hozblock. Dark facades are somewhat close the large size of the building, and the bright inserts made of straw brick complement the harmonious style. Solid trim from facing brick is a good choice for rich country sites, especially if the main residential building is built in the same vein. The garage with the Hozblock has a simple duplex roof with a roof of a metal tile or composite tile. The wide gate size 5 by 2.3 meters is allowed for the arrival of two passenger cars. The hosbler in terms of 2.9 x 7.7 meters is a full-fledged room that can be used for storing garden equipment or to equip to a large workshop, or a warehouse of building materials.

For the construction of a garage with a hozblock, a single slab foundation with ribs around the perimeter is designed. The walls are built under the walls, separated by waterproofing. Next is the laying of blocks, at the top reinforced with reinforced concrete structures. An interesting difference between this garage project is the need to overlap the roof of a wide span. To solve this problem in the design process, a decision is selected, involving the manufacture of wooden rafting farms from ordinary boardswhich are sold at any construction market. Detailing the project Garage is made at a level that allows construction work even with unqualified working - each element and a node is drawn in three-dimensional form, with the necessary explanations by types of fasteners, technological sequence of work and other construction nuances.

When building a land plot, his owner has to take care not only about the main structure - house, but also to provide convenient conditions for storing the car. If the garage is not embedded in the ground floor, or not attached to the side wall of the house, it will have to be built separately.

The program is free, it can be used online and eventually get the result you see in the picture below. About how to use this program and make your own project with its own project in the article. What happened with us, you can see in the figure below.

The project in this case will contain a sketch of the construction for the cottage or private house, as well as its plan, however, in this case, it can be limited to an indication of the overall dimensions of the structure and purpose of each room. For such a project, it will be possible to relatively easily prepare the drawing. The drawing is done with another program called autocades (its free version). In the drawing, we indicate the exact dimensions of each element of the structure, as well as specify, from which material these elements consist and how much it is necessary.

Important! The result of construction will depend on the accuracy of the drawing, so draw it with modern means, not a pencil and ruler.

Here is an example of a drawing, where the garage, canopy and housekeeping is displayed in detail, for giving or private house this is an excellent solution. Table attached to the drawing. It can write all the materials that will be required to implement the project. There is one minus with such a placement of buildings (garage, canopy and hozpostroy). Because of the combining structures in one building, everything will suffer at once. The rest of the construction has some advantages.

Preparation for construction

Preparing for construction, it is necessary to purchase the necessary material and collect the tool. In this case, we must deal with the materials at the stage of drawing insertion, however, to better structure the publication, we decided to make and consider this issue as part of a separate point. In our case, we built a garage and a hozblock from foam blocks and weathered siding, and the supports for a canopy and a roof frame we have wooden. So, what materials are needed to build a garage with a canopy and a household unit for a cottage or private house?

  1. Foam blocks 200х300х600 mm - 432 pcs. or 16 m 3, for those who are more convenient to measure in the cubes.
  2. Sheets of gray metal siding 25x400 cm - 80 pcs. + corner and plastic profile.
  3. Mineral wool (stove) 50x100 cm for garage insulation - 162 pcs.
  4. Wooden Bar 50x50 mm Length 6 m - 20 pcs., Bar 40x40mm Length 6 m - 10 pcs, Board 40x100 Length 2.5 m - 25 pcs.
  5. Standard wooden doors 5 pcs., Plastic windows for hozpostroops 50x50 mm and automatic garage doors.
  6. Metal tile for roof 1100x35 mm - 210 pcs., Waterproofing material and a profile for metal tile.
  7. 18 meters of plastic sewer pipe, from it we will do drain.
  8. 48 cement bags, 40 sand bags for the foundation, platforms and styling of foam blocks.
  9. The fastener and white waterproof paint for outdoor work, wiring, electrical wiring, automatic sockets are required.
  10. Material for interior decorations, select and calculate yourself. We did not provide internal finishing for such a structure at all and did not do for considerations of financial savings.

About materials that will be required to implement the project all, now let's talk about the tools. In this case, it is quite possible to do by conventional tools that are available in any storeroom. good owner, especially if all the material is prepared in advance and processed. We will need:

  • manual electric saw;
  • drill;
  • wood hacksaw;
  • screwdriver;
  • chisel;
  • master OK;
  • trough;
  • household concrete mixer;
  • bucket, shovel;
  • brush;
  • rule, roulette, building level, pencil;
  • bulgarian.

Project implementation

The garage for the cottage or private house with a canopy and a shopping block, you can build it with your own hands in a few days. If there is a good project, the calculation of materials, the drawing, then everything will be implemented much easier. Work is starting from choosing a place to build.In a good way, it was necessary to do in the stage when the project was developed, although the question is not fundamental. Next, you need to clear and align the platform for construction and can be proceeding.

  1. We establish pickups, stretch the rope and determine the boundaries of the structure.
  2. According to the drawing, fill the foundation.
  3. From the foam concrete blocks, lay the walls of the garage and hozpostroop.

Note! For such a work, it is better to invite an experienced bricklayer, although the foam blocks lay much easier than the brick.

  1. Install 3 vertical supports for canopy. To do this, swing in the ground and concrete the timber 50x50.
  2. Between the vertical supports, lay a transverse support beam.
  3. Across the walls of the garage and the horozpostrokek lay the bar 50x50, it will be the base for the roof.
  4. Cut the bar 50x50 on one side at an angle of 30 0, and on the other 60 0.
  5. We connect the cropped timber with a transverse "house", it turns out a triangular farm in the amount of 10 pcs.
  6. For the run, take a 40 mm board and sew it across farms.
  7. Contented the platform around the buildings and inside.
  8. We collect the roof from the metal tile, we install the gutter of the drainage.
  9. Insert windows and doors to the garage and housekeeping. If you know how to do it yourself, if not, invite specialists.
  10. Main shed, doors and other white paint elements.
  11. Install the automatic gateway to the garage for the cottage or private house.
  12. We are wearing walls and ends of the roofing metal siding. Insert and screw moldings and profile.

Overview of projects of such structures

Of course, the construction of a garage with a canopy and a household building could be discussed in more detail with all the nuances, but for this, perhaps one publication will be little. We will have to write separately about the features of the laying of foam concrete blocks, separately about the roof, separately about the installation of the garage gate, we will definitely do it, but within the framework of individual articles. Now we suggest briefly discuss several ready-made projects of such specific structures as garages with economic buildings for cottages and a private house, with chains and without.

The figure above shows a cargo project for a car with economic buildings. The garage in this case is absent, which greatly simplifies the structure of the structure. The framework of the combined facilities for giving is made of a carved wooden bar, the roof is covered with metal tile, and the walls and the roof end are decorated with metal siding. Very convenient construction for operation in the warm season.

And this is a more serious, good-quality garage under capital roofs with a spacious economic structure. Closed buildings are located in the letter "g", so that the canopy turns out to be protected from both sides of the wind and oblique rain. Buildings are erected from foam concrete blocks and decorated with decorative bricks, the foundation is lined with artificial stone. The circuit's roof is made of a thick bar and covered with metal tiles.

In the following image, you see the draft garage for two cars with adjacent economic buildings. The structure is suitable for both cottages and a private house. There is a separate entrance to the garage and a separate entrance to the economic block. The garage does not have an inner partition, but the gate is installed for each machine separately, although you can put some large.

Next, we look at the simplest wooden canopy for cars with economic buildings. This is a relatively cheap project that does not require expensive materials and finishes. It is erected entirely from the bar and the board. It is not very successful to us the design of the roof, the slop is not sharp enough, in the rest of the way, the dachas on the ambulance hand.

Project and Drawing Garage with Hozblock and Shed

The main thing is to clearly take the optimal size and thickness of the walls. On the one hand, the room should be spacious enough so that it was convenient and work in it. On the other - it should not take too much space on the land plot. The effectiveness of thermal insulation depends on the wall thickness. That is, how fast the room will freeze in the winter.

An interesting trend in Moscow: Garage cooperatives turn into residential arrays. Owners hand over their boxes like apartments for rent non-resident.
And today I will tell you and show you the process of building a single garage house, in which they will live for 5 years.

Preamble. In early spring 2006, I came to work in Moscow. As the other who needed, starting with removable housing. By 2008, the prices and condition of this housing, as well as the "Services" of the realtors, I am already a pretty subza ... fed up. I began to look for an alternative. I will not tire the reader with a description of all the options and factors considered and calculated by me, but by the fall of 2008, the idea was formed in final form: - Buy the most cheap garage, in the closest work and comfortable place for living, - to design and build a housing (the project will depend on the specific conditions of the construction site), - the costs must be minimal (as it is unreasonable to make large investments in the experimental project) and gradually (as it is unreasonable to spend All budget once) - the planned budget of the project is about 300 thousand rubles. Yes, this is exactly what is approximately the annual rental cost of housing in Moscow.

With the choice of construction site everything is simple. I looked through all the ads for the sale of garages, chose the cheapest options, examined them (immediately with an eye on the possibility of restructuring in housing), exploration and survey of aborigines (for other interesting options, the nature of the environment, the possibilities of connecting to electricity, the prospects of demolition, etc.). As a result, on September 27, 2008, a metal garage was chosen and bought for only 45,000 rubles from the subway, in the prestigious district of the capital, 9 km away. From work and just 10 km. From the Kremlin. One of the local inhabitants spinning at the gate waiting for "simple".

Construction was carried out on weekends, own forces (1 human). Excellent workout after a week office work at a computer! So the pros of the project can be attributed and savings on visiting the gym. In the active construction phase, the phrase was relevant for me: "Oh-oh, finally Monday !!!" We disassemble (and in some places it is just smoldering) the old garage. The released metal gently we store nearby - it is still useful for us.

Back view

We calculate the construction site for the new structure ...

And align the soil.

Bring kamaz sand ...

And align the sandy pillow under the project mark.

Oh, I already describe the course of construction, but I forgot to familiarize the curious reader with the project. So what am I built here? And I am building nor a few, a two-storey modular cottage, with completely autonomous life support systems. Two-storey - understandable. Modular - consisting of modules that can be quickly and easily removed. After all, I didn't know all the risks of the project at that time, so I chose to have a spare option in case, say, demolishing garages, problems with the environment, etc. There would be problems - immersed the modules with a crane in two trucks and move to another site. Fully autonomous life support systems means complete freedom from all centralized communications and "bindings" to a specific place that uses only its own and imported resources and, therefore, no one was obliged to anyone. My project was flawless, including legally: the site is highlighted as a member of the garage cooperative (which is documented), I will install on it, without a foundation, the soil, two modules, which are essentially steel cubes (this is the permitted site use). I have documents on cubes and their contents. No laws relating to real estate or housing can be distributed on these cubes (since they simply are neither the other). Thus, the question of the legality of living in the garage I answer - no laws are violated, no one in the garage lives, and no one has the right, in no way limit the owner of the iron cube, in his right to be inside this cube or store different items and liquids in it . With the exception of directly prohibited by law - type of weapons, drugs, explosives, etc. That is, the full autonomy of life support systems is also a factor of the legality of placing such a structure at a platform not equipped with water supply or sewage system. However, for 5 years, no one has presented to me any complaints, did not ask any questions, did not check the legality of my residence. But nevertheless I was ready for any surprises. Probably, the reader already guessed that with such a serious approach to the case and thoroughly thinking of all the details, the project was doomed to success? Yes, right. But a little later.

In the meantime, the future successful Muscovite poses after a difficult day of work on throwing sand shovel and aligning it in terms of level, against the background of the future of luxury and comfort. Photographing asked the Mimoproit Pedestrian. The face hid - why do I need more popularity?

On the lean sand, we put metal sheets from the roof of the dismantled garage. The result is an ideal horizontal platform with solid (steel!) Coated. You can install the first module. Surprise! In addition to the detailed photo report, I have a detailed financial report and timing. How else? Investment project - not horseradish dog! An accurate assessment of its economic indicators is necessary. Thus, the reader, very soon you will get an accurate and comprehensive answer to the question "How to build a house in Moscow for 300 thousand rubles?", Concerned with "Muscovites, spoiled by the apartment question", at least since the time of the creative heyday of the author of the quoted phrase. Here are the chronology and costs at the time of the readiness of the site (I apologize for the destruction of formatting when transferring data from Excel): 09/27/2008 Purchase of the garage 45 000 Entrance fee in GSK, payment for 2008 2 000 04.10.2008 Flashlight, Battareki 97 04.10.2008 Ax 156 05.10 .2008 Shovel Shone 160 11.10.2008 scrap, shovel Sovk, boots, mittens, lace-plumb, bucket. 900 23.10.2008 Sink profiles. 3 m. 3 pcs. 420 Waterpas 1.5 m. 550 Scissors for metal 300 plumb 200 25.10.2008 Castle mounted 78 Sand career sand 8 m3 6 000 Total, on October 25, 2008, 55,861 rubles were invested.

Brought and mounted the first module.

But it is a standard 20-foot container, 6x2,5x2.5 meters, hermetic, with a hermetic door, able to withstand multiple weight from above and multiple storm.

Beauty. We do inside cleaning, fill on the floor cardboard ...

Now there is where to fold the tool, building materials, overalls! There is where to change clothes, hide from the rain or relax. My own premises in Moscow! Hooray! Hooray! Hooray! Calculate, dear mole © 10/26/2008 Container 20-foot. 38 000 Loading and unloading, Container transportation 9 600 Container transportation on GSK 100 01.11.2008 Water canister 10 liters. 3 pieces 270 Water canister 20 liters 159 Mop 61 Towel terry 2 pieces 34 Gloves with latex 2 Couples 32 Gloves rubber 32 Respirator U-2K 22 Garbage bags 60 broom 49 Chair folding 300 02.11.2008 Transportation marble 50 Garbage removal 200 03.11 .2008 galvanized 2 m2 thick. 0.45 mm. 400 bolts 15 pcs. 100 Wooden Hoven 200 Total Costs for 1 Module - 49 669 rub.

We are taking off the galvanized gap between the neighboring and my garage, lay out marble (found on the landfill, koi near the territory there is plenty) the platform before the gate. At the place of the future of the main entrance - while the steel panel from the old garage supported by Rusty Barrel.

Collect the back wall using the details of the old garage. By the way, I am ready to access the backyard - the gate at the gate from the old garage is quite functional. And the former gates themselves are now just part of the wall.

Top view on the outbreak territory. Now my construction site has a size of 7 x 3.5 meters.

We carry the second module.

Installed. With a console protrusion from the facade - and an increase in the square, and canopy over the gate.

So, the second module is a block container BK-00 factory assembly, external dimensions: width 2,45m, length 5.85m, height 2.45, baking frame - Welded metal, frame - wooden, roof - flat Welded from a sheet of 0.8 mm, outdoor sheathing - Professional flooring galvanized C10-40-1150, interior decorationplastic panels, boardy floor, window with grille, door. We install it on the pads, dried out of the board, the junction of the module modules.

Costs: 11/15/2008 Boards 25 320 Nails 180 Castle Mounted 147 23.11.2008 WATCH JACKE 277 29.11.2008 Block container residential 68 500 30.11.2008 Foam assembly Winter 2 cylinder 220 06.12.2008 Zininka 3,125 m2 thick. 0.5 mm. 650 Self-tapping screws 800 gr. 120 07.12.2008 Transportation, installation of block container 9 500 Transportation of container on GSK 100 Total costs for 2 module - 80 014 rub. The total budget of construction to 12/07/2008 amounted to 186 thousand rubles. Normally, it seems in the planned budget to meet! By the way, as a Council: Never buy ready-made block containers. The quality of their manufacture and especially - insulation - full zvizdets! I had to remove the trim and almost reinstate the heat and wind-insulation. To the crookedly laid, places, 5-cm. Foam, added 5-cm. ISOVER 11 layer. As a result, the overall thickness of the insulation has become 100 mm and all the slots were eliminated. It turned out the "Arctic" modification of the block container! In general, it was necessary to buy only a frame with an outdoor community, independently inspire, to store the floor and make the walls of the walls and the ceiling of the plasterboard and go to the wallpaper. For the price, in the end, it would have happened almost the same, but in quality - incomparably better. So, the core of the structure is ready, the fate of the project depends now only on the creation of reliable and autonomous livelihood systems. The question with the heating system decided unexpectedly, it turns out to be European bourgeois for a long time, and on an industrial scale, produce perfect solution Problems autonomous heating small buildings - gas convector. Who is interested in technical details - google yourself, but I will say honestly - they shook me!

This convector + propane cylinder \u003d reliable, stable, comfortable heat in any shed, for the singer of penny. Piezorozhig, thermostat, protection against burner routing. Air fence and emissions of combustion products - outside, on a coaxial tube, which is also a heat exchanger that heels the air of the air of the exhaust gases (+ 10% to the efficiency). The combustion chamber is completely isolated from the room, therefore, even in the worst (almost incredible) case, the gas will not penetrate the room, but will come out along the tube and dispel. Applauding Bourgeois engineers and manufacturers, and buy this miracle engineering thought for 10,000 rubles. Isn't it beautiful?

We establish, strictly following the instructions and showing your own ingenuity and smelting. By the way, as it turned out, sowing (even plastic!) The wall of the galvanized was unnecessary. This apparatus does not heat the wall at which it hangs. I put a leaf of galvanized under him, misappropried the word "convector" in his name. Note: Wikipedia kindly informs us that "convector is a heating device in which heat from the coolant or heating element is transmitted to the heated room with convection. Natural convection at which warm air already heated with a coolant with a coolant or heating element, rises upstairs, and its place takes the cold air of the room, is intensified by the convector design. "I get up and once again applauding Bourgeois engineers!

And finally, the long-awaited moment! Rotate the pen, clicking the Piezorozal button - in the viewing window we observe how the blue light flashed over the burner.

Here began to heat the heat exchanger (black case with an observation window). Here it is already burning hot. I install a beautiful white case in place - the stream begins to flow through its holes warm air. After about half an hour, it becomes hot in the fuchka and I'm stripping. Even after half an hour, the room temperature reaches a room.

Windproof grille at the end coaxial pipe Convector (coaxial means an exhaust pipe is located in the center of the air fence tube).

On the street - minus 10. The heating system is fully ready and has passed the test. I don't have to change clothes on the frost to the wrong, frozen overalls. December 27, 2008. Soon New Year. I learn to the Christmas holidays to the homeland, I will continue my Moscow Construction after returning. All with the coming! Good luck in 2009!

January 2009. Linoleum laying. I establish (flood) furniture

Pumping furniture. Build a bed. Judging by the size of the bed, I am an optimist and confident that Muscovites will appreciate the comfort of my house and mine own advantages And there will be frequent guests here (at least) or cohabitants (ideally). As they say: "On the self-coming men can be judged by the number of condoms taken by him. Even if this date is the first."

Heating works, bed is available. I carry out a test night. Lonely. In the steel box, in the middle of a strange, deserted territory forced by diverse garages. Fine. During the night, the house warmed well, in the morning - warm, cozy. Breakfast cookies, drinking with a bottle with water. I want hot tea - you should urgently acquire kitchen stove. But it's not a problem. On the agenda, the most critical issue of the project is autonomous water supply and sewage, workable shower and sink. If it is not possible to solve this issue - this is not a residential cottage, but only heated shed. Question with the sink, I solve simply - I use proven time, the "rustic" system. It should be noted that I was born and grew up in the village, so I do not feel cultural shock, at the sight of a school. The advantages of the haymaker are its simplicity and superconductivity in water consumption. In the end, I used the first 17 years of your life only by the Hoodyman, millions of Russian villagers and summer residents still enjoy them, and no one complains. With the shower question more complicated. I office worker - Daily shower, shave and clean shirt are required for me. I know that a person with a short haircut, 10 liters are enough to wash warm water. In order to lean in a qualitatively so much water, it is necessary that her thin striking flows from above and could be promptly adjusted and overlap. A compact shower cabin with a warm water reservoir from above and a crane is evaporated. Cumulative electric heater under the ceiling? Not an option - you can not count on uninterrupted power supply, low ceiling and high shower pallet leave no space for the water heater, moreover, it is necessary to ensure the possibility of a simple drain of water from the system. To be able to completely turn off the heating in winter, for the periods of my long absence. I choose a simpler, ultrasound and non-volatile option: Water is heated to the desired temperature in a 15-liter enamel tank on the gas tile (15-20 minutes ready time), then fed to a compact expenditure tank over the shower cabinet, from where Self is spent as needed. Ended - an additional portion of the tank is rumored. So, a week per person will need 60-70 liters. water water and about 10 liters of drinking (breakfast and I dine at work, evenings only tea. Well, on weekends, the soup) So, to ensure water supply, 1 time a week I will have to purchase 2 five-liter bottles in Auchan drinking water (for 100 rubles) and free to fill water water Two twentieth canisters and 3 declined. Garbage question - in the nearest mall I download the canisters in the trolley, fill it with water from any found water tap and kach the trolley to the car. I overload the canisters in the trunk, then I carry the canisters from the trunk to the house of 15 meters. A small physical activity is very useful to office plankton! And you can also refue to water at work, or from friends, but anywhere. One "But", the car becomes part of the water supply system (and gas supply - too), its loss for a long time is very critical - you have to drive gas and water by taxi.

I buy a shower stall and starts to build it. Pallet and walls are collected.

Other components (sink, colorful, gas tile)

Lepim "From that" the expendable tank with a crane. Connect components with hoses.

"Heart" Systems - Country Shower-Toptun. Its non-volatility and the highest technical and economic characteristics make it an undisputed leader among all other possible pumps. To pump 10 liters of water - it's only 20 times (without distracting from washing) to massate the heels of elastic red "boobs" (which for a man, you will agree, not at all difficult, but rather - nice :)

Racket, washing, gas tiles are ready. The hose hanging behind the wage is connected to the pump. It is necessary to lower its end in a tank with warm water, standing on the tile. And you can go to the shower.

You ask: "What about the washing?" I answer: "Lookout in Moscow there are laundries self-service, it's easier to go and stand up in rented outdoors than to build autonomous and driving water" 200 rubles worth 1 wash in a typewriter for 8 kg. Linen. I just bought 30 shirts and 30 pairs of socks and arranged washing only 1 time per month. 3 cars loaded at the same time. Total, the cost of washing was approximately 600 rubles per month. A little watched TV, waiting for the ending of the washing. Wet wedged lingerie laid into packets and drove home. Having extended, fully opened the ventilation and added the temperature to the heater thermostat. A few hours later, the lingerie burned. Imagine the amount of evaporated moisture from such a lingerie and evaluate the power supply of the heater and the ventsystem. In the photo - the approximately fifth of the usual washing volume sucks.

Sewage. Originally - in the canisters. From the haunted man: in winter - in a 10-liter, standing under the sink,

In the summer - in the 30-liter shower canister standing on the street.

Why in winter it is not there? From the shower there is a one-time powerful reset of warm water and the pipe will not frozen - all water flows out of it earlier than the warm-up pipe will freeze. The harassment room has a drain sludge - the pipes do not warm up and the water in them will be gradually wrapped up. As I wrote above, draining the sewage into the canisters, allows me to declare the autonomy of the building and the absence of its influence on the surrounding territory. In the event of attempts to complaints to me, I could demonstrate twisting the sewer jam, loading them in the car and export for disposal, in an unknown direction. However, since the claims were not presented, and soap water does not relate to high-tech waste, problems with its disposal on the risen territory of the garage cooperative did not arise. About a couple of times a week (and only in winter) you need to empty the washbasin canister. Once every 2 days (in summer) - a shower canister. In winter, instead of the canister put a plastic bucket and a kick on his bottom, in the nearest snowdrift, a decorator is postponed in the form of this bucket. In the spring melts. Chitoplyamov who wish to act on the topic "Sung Moscow" recommend stroll through the territories of garages and admire the mains of the machine oil, dumps canister from under him, spent filters, bottles, packages, corpses of homeless dogs (and their future followers, also not clean territory), etc. This is really a problem. And considering that garbage containers are arranged everywhere, its reason in banal laziness and pofigism of the aborigines. I repeat once again, the design of my building provides for the removal and disposal of waste. Of course, haha, I exported liquid waste and passed them to recycling into a specialized company. If necessary, I will even present confirmation documents. The legality and order are primarily! So, the basic life support systems are ready (in addition to the described there is still a ventilation system and will later be air conditioning). I will not describe the toilet, since I do not see problems with his device. There are tens ready-made solutions - From elementary plastic bottle and buckets, to the dry contents of different designs, forms and volumes. And there is also a great solution - autonomous sewage. This is today the most optimal method Purification of household wastewater. After all, if you are, reader, you can not independently solve the problem of disposal of several hundred grams of your own excrement, the fact that, baby, are you doing on this site? And where watches your mommy?

Since the end of March 2009 I started permanent accommodation In his new accommodation, at the same time completing it. Everything is the same - exclusively on weekends. Internal situation in 2009

A thermometer with a remote sensor hung on the wall. At the top - the temperature inside, down - on the street.

In June 2009, he connected to electricity, the bobbed, passed ...

And the construction has intensified.

Rear facade increased from the remains of the old garage.

Bought inverter welding machine and "Bulgarian". And work boiled.

It is attached to modules on screws - to save the ability to quickly disassemble and transport the building.

Strain in the manufacture steel doors I decided with a spare outlet of the 2nd floor (on the roof of the neighbor). Considering that welding work I just learned on the Internet, for the first door - not bad. Only the kilogram of electrodes only, began to feel a little the essence of the arc electric welding - to understand the dependence of the current strength from the thickness of the welded metal, the position of the seam, etc. It seems that experience is important in welding - the longer and more boil, the better of the seam.

General view of the door of the spare exit.

Summer landscape from the back of the backyard - what is not a rustic idyll?

Training in welding is moving to the main facade.

Door of the main entrance from the inside ...

And outside

Start the color of the facade. To work with the upper part of the facade, from the last remnants of the old garage (frontoths) built the palm forests. With a fenced workstation! Working from the stairs is too dangerous, and it was not a disabled in my plans. Safety non-compliance - the cause of injury! And considering the specifics of construction production, injuries could be severe, up to death. So the flight from the stairs could be easy to stop both this project and my ability to actively live.

Painted main facade.

The fence was built from the remnants of the material so that passing machines did not splash the mud from the puddle on the freshly painted facade and the gate.

I work out the eastern wall

The roof is ready

And the sealed joint of the western wall with the roof of the neighbor is also ready.

SUDDENLY! The film-reading group, led the props, cameras, actors and started shooting some series about cops and gangsters! Apparently the brutality of our landscape did not leave the cinemas indifferent! Thus, the freshly made facade of my house, made its modest contribution to Russian cinema. Alas, for the general public, this bright kinema remained unnoticed. In vain, I suspended my work so as not to interfere with the cinemas "Bulgarian" noise.

After a couple of hours, the filmmakers moved to shooting shootout on the roofs of neighboring garages, and I continued to work on the eastern facade. He welded a window with a powerful grid and a door of another spare exit.

Inside made an inter-storey overlap of plywood steel beams From corner

Soon I will replace this temporary staircase to a new one.

Another window with grille (on the northern facade)

It is outside

Varya new staircase. Steel ...

With wooden ...


Look at what is in the first module. Warehouse. Just warehouse tool, building materials, households. utensils. Illuminated by the searchlight.

November already Construction season 2009 It's time to finish. Cold, rainy. The welding mask window overslets breathing. The perimeter of the building is closed. By winter is ready.

Inside, almost everything is built. The finish remained.

Let's summarize the outgoing 2009. In the fate of the house this year was the main thing. During this year, the house turned into my cozy and beloved housing from the vague project. I did not need to push in the subway - the road to work occupied me about 15-20 minutes of calm ride on the car, through the most beautiful places of Moscow, on the roads are not inclined to "trigging". My parking space (and even a few), right under the window, was always free. I had no noisy neighbors, guitarists and alkashi under the window were gathered. In a word, I lived in idylls, I do not feel any problems that disturb Muscovites. My neighbors (and appearing only in the afternoon) were the owners of garages and workers of various car services, in abundance of posted on the territory. Excellent peasants, often superior to me on the right, experience and passionism. The only difference is that their enthusiasm concerned the diverse transport, and mine - the construction of a house. I am also interested in carotechnics, but my Toyota, being very reliable, did not often pinched me the opportunity to show my abilities to repair. Nevertheless, it was great to have in the neighboring Avtospets friends with all sorts of set of tools, knowledge and experience. To observe the process of performing their work, the course of their auto projects, inspect and discuss their mega-creations. Neighbors revealed me with advice, tool, details, and even once - the first medical help (hurt a hand with an inaccurate work with a "grinder"). Thank you neighbors! Let's consider the costs for 2009: 01/17/2009 Linoleum, 13.2 sq.m. 3 023 Substrate for Laminate 13 P.M. x 1m 156 Volgoisol 10mm x 0.6 x 3.2 pm 720 Linoleum knife 42 24.01.2009 Batteries, lantern. 224 Pump for Mattress 119 Screws Hooks 3 pcs. 29 Case on the convector pipe 210 01/31/2009 Cabin Aquaboom HX-166 10,000 Sealant 110 gun for sealant 100 corrugation for sink 100 Screwdriver 38/01/2009 Shower "Toptun" 1 150 Plastic shower 2 pieces 400 Drill-screwdriver Rechargeable 799 Hooks Screws 32 Handbook for metal 72 07.02.2009 Propane cylinder, propane 11kg / 27l 1 750 14.02.2009 Kitchen furniture (Washing and cabinet) 3 750 Mirror swivel-clearer 299 Crane, fitting, gaskets, connectors for hose, Hose Transparent, Clamps, nuts 490 15.02.2009 Furniture legs. 2 pcs, bolts M10x20 4 pcs. 140 Connectors for hose 2 pcs. 38 Issue for washing 199 Set Drill 189 Gas gearbox With a hose 399 02/18/2009 Plate Gas Desktop GeFest (Brest) PNS 700-03 1 540 21.02.2009 Propane 21kg / 50l. 630 22.02.2009 Emaleir Kettle. 2 liters 290 FROST stool 199 canister plastic 10 l. 99 Soapite, mug, bucket 85 02/23/2009 Buck enameled 15 liters. 500 28.02.2009 Propane 20 liters. 207 03/07/2009 Lantern "Space-3031" 149 bucket of 24 liters. 279 canister plastic 31 l. 329 Pipes Ventilation 307 Garbage Bags 51 03/08/2009 Pipes Ventilation 98 Tray for shoes 129 09.03.2009 Heat insulation for pipe 50x2 m. 60 Penosole 1 mp. 140 Scotch Silver 2 pcs. 136 Propane 40 liters. 400 28.03.2009 Propane 20 liters. 210 03/30/2009 Payment of GSK for 2 square meters. 2009 900 04.04.2009 Hooks for hangers 9 pcs. 211 Panel Furniture for Hangers 120x30 129 Hook for Hovering, Folding 369 Top 50 25 Hook Ring 6x35 2 PCS 39 Mattress Mattress 140x190 1 080 04/09/2009 Scraper Washers 40 Scotch puller 33 Polypropylene cord 15 m. 60 04/11/2009 Metallic rack MS-234 (1x2x0.3) 2 399 Shone shone, Soviet and broom 420 12.04.2009 Propane 41 l. 415 04/13/2009 Lantern "ERA L50" \u200b\u200bwith infra-sensor 335 20.04.2009 Propane 23 liters. 240 20.06.2009 Switch 2pc., Socket 4 pcs, distribution cutting 2 pcs, channel 6 pcs, tape, terminal galod. 542 Lamps Lumitz. T8L18 / 765 55 Wire Copper PUNP 2x2,5 20 m. 399 Wire Copper ShVVP 2x0.75 20 m. 179 21.06.2009 Em. Counters "Mercury-201.5" 2 pcs. 1 400 automatic. WVB double 32A 300 Aluminum cable. 2x6 150 m. 2 250 06/22/2009 For connection to EL. Synchterity 4,000 Electricity 16 rubles / kWh-hour 1 000 06/23/2009 Automatic. RUB 10A 149 06/24/2009 Grinders Corner Angle MShU-1,8 2 450 06/27/2009 Clamp SU-100 407 Lamp Arctic 1x18 IP65 698 Socket Cable with Lid IP44 204 Extension "Universal" E-303 5m, 3 roses. 192 Shield Protective NBT GM238-000-11 132 Circles Cutting Meadows 2 pcs. 78 Circle Cutting Bosch 1 pc. 129 06/27/2009 The hammer is clearing 100 gr. 79 Celebration Blue PVC 19 27.06.2009 Payment of GSK for 3 square meters. 2009 900 06/29/2009 PERFORATOR PROGRESS-INSTRUCH PE-26/900 2 910 01.07.2009 Drills 10 and 13 mm. 150 Stud 12mm, 2 m. 4 nuts, 4 washers, cutting wheel 300 07/04/2009 Welder suit 596 Shield protective welder NBT 86 Ladlem Norman 71 Crague Sleep 119 Hoven for metal 93 Circles cutting meadows 2 pcs. 64 06.07.2009. Welding inverter BlueWeld 6 390 09.07.2009 Foam assembly 2 balloon Polifoam 241 11.07.2009 MR-3C electrodes 2 mm., 2 pack. 1 kg. 278 Circles Cutting Bosch 2 pcs. 261 07/11/2009 Corner 50x50 12 mp 840 Corner 40x40 36 mp 2 160 Corner 32x32 24 mp 1 200 sheet 3 mm. 1.25х2,50 3,600 galvanized 0.45 mm. 2 Sheet 1x2 600 Metal Transportation 1 300 07/17/2009 Circles Cutting Meadows 3 pcs. 80 Spit 250 Spivenets 2 pcs. 180 07/22/2009 Drill 12 mm. 100 25.07.2009 Sheds 2 pcs., Sewingalet 340 26.07.2009 Cutting Circles (Luga 6 PCS. + 1 AG) 250 08/01/2009 Castle Overhead Garage ZHz Selmash 665 Circles Cutting Attack 2 pcs 78 MR-3C electrodes 3 mm., 1 pack. 5 kg. 450 MR-3C electrodes 2 mm., 1 pack. 1 kg. 150 Self-tapping screws 75 pcs. 300 light filters, glass for welding mask. 100 20.08.2009 Castle Overhead Garage ZHz Selmash 607 Blinds 115x85 480 08/22/2009 Propane - refilling 2 cylinders 850 Antenna Hummingbird-PF, cable - 5 m. 535 08/23/2009 Paint, sealant, brushes, rust converter, greasy tape 1 790 Syringe For sealant 80 08/20/2009 Scotch puller, 4 brushes, gloves 146 28.08.2009 Circles cutting meadows 3 pcs. 100 08/30/2009 MP-3C electrodes 2 mm 150 Slide brush for Bulgarian 2 03.09.2009 Circles cutting meadows 6 pcs. 180 05.09.2009 Mastic "Ralex-M" 20 kg. 1,900 Spatula 200 06.09.2009 Rope 10 m. 250 08.09.2009 Foam assembly 6 cylinders 871 09/11/2009 Respirator 25 17.09.2009 Mounting foam 1 cylinder 123 Paint 3 l., Red - 1 l. 500 09/2009 Paint 3 l., Brush 440 09/22/2009 Bank for mastic 2 l., Samokl. Paper 104 09/23/2009 Sheds 2 pcs., Sewingale 240 26.09.2009 "Masker", Seal D, Blades Knife 188 09/27/2009 Payment of GSK for 4 square meters. 2009 900 10.10.2009 Propane is a refueling of 40 liters. 55.10.2009 Drills 6 mm. 3 pcs. 70 Corner 40x40 6 mp 360 24.10.2009 Corner 40x40 18 MP 1,080 Corner 25x25 36 m.p. 1 260 Plywood FC 18mm, 1250x1250, 4 sheet 2 200 Board floor, 110x32x3000, 6 pcs. 980 Transportation of building materials Gazelle 1 000 25.10.2009 Drills 3 pcs-5mm, 2 pcs. -6mm. 100 screws 400 gr. + 7 pcs. 70 26.10.2009 Searchlight 150 W with stand 350 spotlight 150W wall mounted 150 10/27/2009 Stud, nuts, clamps for pipe channel. 140 10/31/2009 Propane - refueling 40 liters. 525 Door seal 40mm 52 07.11.2009 Circles cutting meadows 3 pcs. 90 Circle cut 1 pc. 80 Circle grinding 1 pc. 50 Roofing screws. 30.10.2009 Circles cutting meadows 4 pcs. 120 14.11.2009 Propane - a refilled new balloon 660 MP-3 electrodes, 2mm., 1 kg. 125 15.11.2009 Heatel for pipes 2m x 40mm. 2 pcs. 80 Self-tapping screws 60mm. 10 pieces. 40 Tray for shoes 129 11/21/2009 Propane - refueling 39 liters. 525 27.11.2009 Circles cutting meadows 3 pcs. 90 Mounting foam 1 balloon 123 29.11.2009 Self-tapping screws 10 pcs. 30 05.12.2009 Propane - refueling 39 liters. 525 Electricity 16 rub / kW-hour Advance 1 000 12.12.2009 Taz Round 24 liters. 140 13.12.2009 Payment of GSK for 1 square meters. 2010, roads, etc. 1 800 12/15/2009 Propane is a refueling of 40 liters. 460 26.12.2009 Gas hose 2 m. 189 Propane - refueling 40 l. 480 27.12.2009 Propane - refueling 20 liters. 250 TOTAL FOR 2009 (taking into account the sales of unnecessary tools and excess construction materials) - 92 880 rubles. Total costs for 12/31/2009 - 297 319 rubles. The budget is almost exhausted, but the building is almost ready. In addition, it has long been used and already saves me a lot of money. Need to revise the budget in the direction of the increase - the house is about to come to self-sufficiency. All with the coming 2010! Good luck in the future (abnormally hot) year.

Winter 2010. The dream of living in a house with a beloved woman has not yet been realized to live. It is not with a woman, but with three gas cylinders. One feeds the heater, one more - in the reserve. Third (small) - for the stove.

In the frosty periods of January-February, the balloon is enough for days at 8-9. One ends - I connect the other, and in the coming weekend you carry an empty cylinder for refueling. The refilled balloon is stored on the street, I will call inside shortly before replacement. Cylinders certified and tested. Safety Instructions when using gas devices overpracting several times. But it has to violate it for a more complete gas generation from cylinders. Spare exits are cleaned of snow. Suffocate, explode or burn my plans is not included. We break through. For the heating of the house, during the year it is required to burn 17 cylinders of propane. Their main number falls on frost January-February.

February 2010. Lutailed blizzard. I watch the window of the bounce machines. Then he took a shovel and went to calfate her poor. They are freedom from the snow captivity, I am a useful physothaft in the fresh air. And what are they stuck there? Nafig so gamble? I'm on my typewriter (she in the foreground photo) in any snowfall there passing. Latitude.

Built a new shelf for the TV - you can install the shelves at any height and add more (if necessary)

Made a hermetic ceiling in the shower and replaced the expendable tank to a more advanced model. The shower cabin should be maximally sealed - fewer steam emissions and warmer.

Spring 2010 came - finished the color of the facade.

Color in the same color scheme and in favorite "industrial" design.

Outdoor decoration of the building is completed.

Start the interior decoration.

Loved the color and looks well.

Alarm, red, we denote dangerous, steep steps. The railing did not do - they would have interfered with gas cylinders, for which in a year, in the spring of 2011, he paid - stumbling down, went down the stairs on the cock. It was very, very painful. Received a memorable lesson about the need for strict compliance with construction standards and rules.

Sewer pipes are insulated.

Linolem in the 2nd floor corridor

Installed air conditioning.

View of the air conditioner from the inside. I bought it for a barbecue, still in May, even before the beginning of the abnormal heat and fires of 2010. Therefore, it was not particularly in the heat in the heat - slept looking at a cotton blanket, which blown out fresh, cool breeze. And what, however, it was hard in Moscow in the summer of 2010?

We decorate input paving slab (Holding to the selected colors) and a wooden table.

The same tile lay out the floor of the 1st floor.

Actually, everything. On this construction is completed, the object is ready. July 10, 2010. The cost of this date is 328 669 rubles. We can consider them the final budget of construction. Although, if it looks more attentive to expenses, among the costs already fully exploited expenditures. So I suggest to consider that in the promised 300 thousand. I was met. And considering that I live in the house for more than a year, the amount of savings on rental housing has already exceeded construction costs. That is, the project has already fully paid off and I "came out in a plus"! In one year! How do you like investment points?

October 2010. It's time to take care of comfort. And he pumped up constantly pumping this inflatable mattress. Bought a new, orthopedic.

January 2011. For the absence of other physical work, having fun with the cleaning of snow from his and neighboring roofs. As well as a certain similarity of ice sculpture - in the photo a snowy sofa for ... Yes, it knows it ...

March 2011. Sometimes sculpting welding.

Here, for example, welded the bracket.

September 2011. Painted a window and grille. I updated the color of the fence. Covered roof fresh layer of mastic. Everything. Other works are not rotated. Boredom.

November 2011. Problem. Conducted power supply. In principle, a small dependence on external communications was initially laid into the project. Thinking, counted, bought a benzoelectroelector. 1 kW, digital, in noise protection casing.

Exhibited it to the next roof. Torchtite slowly on the street ...

And in the house, light and electrical appliances work.

Winter 2012 is apparently strong for women's love And there is an excess of uncooked forces - how else to explain the creation of this snow sculpture in front of the house? See how the sculpture has accentuated breasts, waist, hips, lips! Old man Freud, probably, could tell a lot about me, looking at this creation))

The generator moved inside, its summer platform (and the door to it) is covered with heavy snow. Exhaust gases recycle outside through the pipe.

And inside the heat, light, pure and cozy.

In April 2012 decided to radically upgrade his power system. Electricity converter and special 100 A-h, allow you to start a generator once a week to charge the battery. Then no hassle - the electricity reserve is enough for a week of nutrition of laptop and lighting.

Russian development. Applauding Russian engineers and manufacturers of this device! Technical details - google yourself.

In the near future there was a purchase of solar panels and a controller to them (by the way, also Russian). That would turn my house in a truly autonomous. And the solar panels on the roof would add to him +100500 to brutality and patheaux. But the plans were not destined to come true - in June 2012 a new provider of network electricity appeared on the territory, I connected to him and turned the program for the development of my own, alternative, solar energy. Therefore, alas, a dear reader, you will not learn about the successful implementation of this, undoubtedly, the most interesting program. Although no obstacles for its completion foreseen - components are issued. And although the price of these components is quite decent, for the project, the budget surplus by 2012 passed for a million rubles, it was not predica. In the photo is also a modular, autonomous, residential building with solar panels. 80 LVL.

On this, my story comes to a happy end. For 5 years of life in this house I have eaten about one and a half million rubles for rental housing, thereby significantly accelerating the accumulation process required to buy a Moscow apartment. After adding money from the sale of your apartment in the N-Ske, I bought an excellent apartment, in a beautiful place in Moscow, 7 minutes walk from the subway. Therefore, in July 2013, I turned from the house to my new apartment. A year later, I plan to finish the repair in it, and considering the planned budget of the repair (many times more than the budget of the experiment described above) and my passion of this business - the result promises to be awesome! Only this is a completely different story ...

I complete my story by photographs of the empty house. In this form, he must go to the new owner. At the moment (October 2013), the house is put up for sale for 400 thousand rubles - i.e. Almost at costs costs for its construction.

The draft garage with summer cuisine allows you to save place on the site, reduce construction costs. Make it with your own hands will not be easy, it is better to contact a specialist. The article proposes to consider how to make a plan of the garage with summer cuisine, the features of their construction.

Features of the garage facilities with summer kitchen

Usually when arranging your site, in addition to the house, many want to have a place for the construction also:

  • Garage.
  • Baths (see).
  • Summer cuisine.
  • Shed.

But because of small territory They can not afford it.

So you have to think what project to choose to solve such questions as:

  • It is necessary to equip the territory with the necessary buildings and when using them not to infringe yourself with the lack of civilization, and make accommodation outside the city as comfortable as possible.
  • Leave more free square. Accommodation outside the city involves contact with nature, and there is no point in building up the entire area and feel himself, as if in the city.

The ideal option can be a project in which small buildings intended for use in summer are erected as an extension to the residential house.

In this case, the benefits of the plan are:

  • Saving space.
  • Employment and time savings.
  • The construction price is reduced - one of the walls of the building becomes a wall of an extension.

For example, you can connect:

  • House with a bath.
  • House with summer kitchen.
  • Summer kitchen with garage.

Tip: Such a connection of buildings is not always possible by aesthetic standards. Houses sometimes look unprepacently. Therefore, you should choose a project option in which summer kitchen is suitable with a garage.

The advantages of this placement are:

  • Saving. A wall that shares two rooms, despite the fact that it is carrier, one is erected.
  • One roof is constructed over the buildingsThis is a fairly important factor.
  • All engineering communications are connected to one common system.

The photo proposes a plan of one of the build options on the site.

In small areas you can combine such buildings as:

  • Garage.
  • Summer kitchen.
  • Boiler room.
  • Hozblok, where several desired office space are placed.
  • Summer holiday area.

The advantages of this compound:

  • The presence of a summer kitchen, which is always needed in the country, and combine it better with an open terrace for a permanent rest of the whole family.
  • To save the necessary square meters, you can also plan the boiler room of small sizes. Such a service room is a bit, all the necessary communications to it are listed, it facilitates the installation of equipment for heating and its service.

Fire safety requirements can be considered a disadvantage of summer cuisine with a garage.

Tip: When building under one roof of the garage and summer kitchen, add premises that share them. It can be a storeroom, where the inventory and kitchen utensils will be stored, or a small open-type canopy.

How to build a summer kitchen with a garage

Tip: Choosing a place to build, you need to focus on the requirements that are presented for both buildings and choose the best option.

When combining summer kitchen with a garage on its site you need:

  • Place the buildings, focusing on the size of the area of \u200b\u200bthe territory.
  • Take into account the placement of household zone areas.
  • Pay attention to the location of the cultivated areas and recreation areas.
  • With the close position of the summer kitchen and the garage on the site to the house there is an opportunity to rest well at any time of the year, it is convenient to use the garage in rainy weather, and if there is a basement in the garage, it can be comfortable to use it without leaving the room.
  • When arranging at the dacha site for children and leisure places placed in the open air, it is worth a closer to the summer kitchen. It will give the opportunity to observe the children and at the same time to relatively rest.
  • It is very convenient when the summer kitchen is located next to the garden or garden. In this case:
  1. simplified harvest:
  2. his processing;
  3. canning;
  4. preparation for storage.

Summer kitchen with garage and canopy

Instructions for planning summer kitchens on the country site suggests:

  • Free territory for building.
  • The number of family members.
  • Future interior equipment the buildings.

Usually for a family of three or four people there will be a fairly frame of structures with an area of \u200b\u200bits base of about 12 square meters having a view of a box or a semi-close-type canopy. For a larger family and quite spacious cottage plot You can build a summer kitchen combining it with a veranda and dining room.

How to combine the summer kitchen with other buildings - prompts the video.

Despite the fact that we are not recommended to combine the summer kitchen with a garage on fire safety technique, with a properly chosen construction plan, this construction will be quite convenient and multifunctional.

Not to all urban residents who decided to build a small vacation homelucky with the acquisition of a large spacious area. Whether the money was not enough, whether the plots are scheduled for a small area, in any case, it is necessary to be content with what it got.

And at the end, it turns out that it is necessary to plan construction in such a way as to accommodate several arrangements, which includes:

  • Main house (cottage);
  • Garage;
  • Bath;
  • Summer kitchen;
  • Shed and so on.

All this place on small space It is difficult, and without the project it is not necessary to do. Do with your own hands it will not be easy to do, so you can contact the professional architect or to the Internet, the benefit in the global information cobweb has long been laid out projects that can help country developers.

True, many experts believe that the garage is not worth combining the garage. This is due to the requirements of fire safety.

Therefore, the design of summer kitchens with a garage often add premises that share them. It can be a storeroom for inventory and kitchen utensils or a small open canopy.

Is it possible to add summer kitchen to the house

According to the requirements of fire safety, the entire structure that includes category "Fire hazard", Must be located away from the main structure. Summer cuisine in this category is included, because for cooking there is an open flame from mangals, barbecue and furnaces that work on firewood or gas.

The distance from the house to the open kitchen should not be less than seven meters. Therefore, this space is filled with an open gazebo or terrace on which you can place the dining room. Experts recommend to build a kitchen from the back of the house, that is, from the side of the exit to the plot.

Very often, in order to save the area, the flight cuisine is not built at all. For its organization use part open verandawhich is equipped with all the necessary devices and accessories.

It is important to accurately enter this room and not create open space break. So that everything looks harmoniously can be divided into light curtains or glass partition. By the way, the price of this location is clearly winning.

Detached Hozblok.

The optimal option is considered to build a hozblock as a separate element.

What is included in this block?

  • Sauna sauna;
  • Barn;
  • Pantry;
  • Rarely garage;
  • Summer kitchen.

If the project of summer kitchen with Hozblok is needed, then you will have to take into account some moments concerning sanitary and hygienic standards. First, it is a barn in which pets can be divorced. The distance between the two premises should not be less than twelve meters.

Secondly, it is necessary to orient the kitchen on the sides of the world and determine which party is more profitable. It is important to create normal conditions inside the kitchen, that is, prevent overheating. For example, the northern or western sides will be preferable.

Attention! If you position, therefore, it fails, you will have to install canopies in front of the structure to protect it from the scorching summer sun.

All, the same, applies to the wind directions. During construction, it is necessary to take into account the rose of winds.

If the facade side of the Hozblock is aimed at meeting the continuing winds, then the need for protection. To do this, you can build fiberglass walls or pergol with curly grapes or flowers.

And, nevertheless, many architects prefer small hozblocks, which includes a kitchen, an open veranda dining room, cellar.

The latter is arranged under the kitchen, it is very convenient from two positions:

  1. The cellar is well stored products, vegetables and fruits. In addition, all this is at hand.
  2. There is an opportunity under the staircase of the cellar to organize a small storage room.

Such a hosbler is covered with a single roof with large swells that protect kitchen space from atmospheric precipitation.

Conclusion on the topic

If we consider all the projects of summer kitchens from the brick, then you can definitely choose one that is exactly under the plan of your site. By the way, the video posted on the site page will give you ideas about many options. We can assume that this is a small instruction for use.