What is harmful fungus in a residential room. Dangerous places in the apartment: what you need to know about security in the house

Black mold in the house than dangerous

Good day! I am very rarely chosen on long trips. But now the reason for the journey was joyful: the sister was born a second child.

The road flew unnoticed, and here I am already standing on the threshold of their home. And here the minutes of congratulations and joy for me were replaced by shock.

They in the house in several corners had a black mold. Referring to the sister for such carelessness, I immediately began to eliminate mold. This is not a joke! Want to know what is dangerous black mold in the house? How to prevent her education? Further in the article, I will describe everything in detail.

What is dangerous mold in the house?

Often, black spots may appear in houses with high humidity on the ceiling and walls, especially in the bathroom, which is very difficult, and sometimes it is impossible to remove in simple ways. This is a black mold - a kind of fungus that lives mainly in a wet and warm environment. The fungus may appear on the street, but there it does not represent much danger.

Mold in the house not only spoils appearanceBut also has a substance harmful to humans.

But if the fungus appears in a residential room, then constant contact with him can very harm people who live there. In the first glance, at first glance, the mold can gradually destroy the walls and lead to various diseases, ranging from simple rhinitis and ending with a terrible oncology.

Causes of the disease

To date, approximately 300 types of fungal mold are known. The mold is of different color: black, gray, blue, green, but the most dangerous for the human body is considered a yellow mold, which can cause even a deadly disease accompanied by pain in the chest and constant attacks of choking.

Mold has a very bad property - quickly multiply. The bathroom in the house is the most favorable place for mold. The best conditions for its reproduction is the temperature of 20 degrees of heat and humidity of approximately 80 percent.

Especially often the mold appears in the bathroom, kitchen and toilet, in places where condensate is going. The mold appears in the bathroom most often, there are all the conditions for its appearance: pairs, condensate and wet towels contribute to its reproduction.

Paid underwear is also better to dry not in the bathroom, but on the balcony or loggia. If you keep track of constantly for the correctness of the plumbing, install good ventilation Both towel rail, you can prevent the appearance of this harmful fungus.

If the mold appeared in the kitchen, it causes a special danger, because it can infect foods.

Such products should be left immediately, otherwise, if they accidentally eat them by negligence, it can lead to bad consequences, human health will be at risk. So it is very important in the kitchen to have perfect orderIn order not to expose yourself and your loved ones infection with fungus.

If you try to make a simple redecorating, Mold still appears on the walls or ceiling. Also, the mold appears in the raw basement, where the pipeline is located, on the floor of the first floors of buildings. If in these buildings to provide good ventilation and heating, then the mold will not appear.

Dampness and mold may appear on the outer walls of the building, if bad thermal insulation and waterproofing, it can especially manifest itself in the cold season. To eliminate this disadvantage, it is necessary to immediately insulate their dwelling, to prevent its slow destruction.

Large aquariums and many room colors can also contribute to the increase in moisture and the occurrence of mold. Mold can also appear on wooden overlaps Private houses and wooden furniture.

So that she did not eat the tree, it must be struggling with her disputes. In the bathroom for this it is recommended to use not wooden furniture, and metal or plastic.

Danger for man

What is dangerous mold in the house? The main harm from the fungus is in its disputes that are distributed in the air and are able to settle on the skin of a person, and when breathing can get into our body. This will entail a lot of human health problems, causing all sorts of diseases.

Inhalation dispute and skin getting. Mold disputes can cause an allergic reaction and cold.

Finding on the skin of a person, the disputes of the fungus can cause different skin rashes, and dermatitis, which are difficult to diagnose doctors. Finding on hair and nails, disputes can cause their defeat. A common state may worsen, a person begins to feel weakness, the body is depleted, migraine attacks often arise.

Inhaling disputes of mold, which are a strong allergen, a person is in danger of sick with chronic runny nose, coughing, conjunctivitis.

Disputes very quickly can penetrate our airways And cause allergic diseases, they often become the cause of even such a disease as a bronchial asthma.

In addition to the dispute, allergen can be volatile components with pretty bad odorwhich can quickly penetrate our blood through breath and cause the body intoxication. The person's condition deteriorates sharply, it may have unbearable headache, dizziness, which is often accompanied by nausea and even vomiting.

Long accommodation in the neighborhood with mold often can cause problems with the musculoskeletal system, lead to diseases of the joints and rheumatic pains. There may be problems with the stomach, the liver and kidney lesions are possible, in particular complex cases Internal bleeding may occur.

The strongest harm

The most dangerous for human health is a yellow mold, which can cause food allergies.


The most dangerous for human health mold of yellow can strongly affect the fish, Liver, milk and its products, as well as rice and earthwoods. Often, people instead of throwing such products without pity, remove the affected parts of the products and thereby expose themselves to mortal danger.

Finding into the stomach, such a mold is able to cause food allergies. The poison will accumulate in the body and eventually starts to hit the liver, which can even lead to cirrhosis.

In no case, you can not eat the products on which the mold appeared or cut it with a small part from infected bread or fruits and vegetables, and then there are such products. They only need to throw away, without exposing them to infection with the strongest poison.

The whole mold for the health of children is dangerous, especially with low immunity, their rapid growing organisms are most influenced by the dispute of mold. And if the child is in constant contact with mold, he can get sick for life.

If the child appears signs of allergies, it is impossible to engage in self-medication, it can be very dangerous, you must quickly turn a doctor. The doctor will send you to the necessary analyzes, establish the cause and prescribes treatment. If it turns out that the cause of allergies is mold, it is important to protect the child from contact with it to the full destruction.

Many diseases that are provoked by the mold fungus are still important, it causes difficulties in determining the correct diagnosis. Often because of the similar symptoms of a person can be treated from a completely different disease, and the dangerous consequences of the harmful effects of mold remain without due attention and appropriate treatment.

Therefore, it is very important when the mold is found to immediately find out its occurrence and make every effort to eliminate it.

source: http://1poclimaty.ru/gribok/chem-opasna-plesen-v-dome.html

Black mold.

At the expense of the media, an excitement was created around the fight against black mold In an apartment or house that it is difficult to fight with it, it cannot be removed or removed, it's not to get rid of it.

Therefore, when people see at home a black mold on the wall, ceiling or in the bath, it causes more health concerns, unlike the fungus of another color. In fact, the color depends not only on its type, but also from the stage of development and the material on which it grows.

As a rule, blacks have the following strains: Ulocladium, Cladosporium, Alternaria, Stachybotrys, Aspergillus, Penicillium, Chaetomium, Phoma, Wallemia, but I repeat everything depends on the material on which mushrooms grow.

Ulocladium. - The fourth pathogenic group, is striking not only materials, but also products. Very much demanding for moisture.

Cladosporium. - on the initial stage Babelessly, besides black, can take a large range of colors. The most dangerous for seeds and plants is not demanding to moisture, can develop at low temperatures. The most common fungus outdoors in the summer.

Some types are powered by diesel and fuel and lubricants, which is why the kerosene mushroom is called. Also affects other types of materials. When conducting micrical examinations, it is in third place in the frequency of detection, following the Penicillium and Aspergillus.

Penicillium. - Mushrooms of this family play a huge role of the environment, are actively used in pharmaceuticals for the preparation of drugs, in the food industry for the preparation of exquisite cheese with white mold.

But some strains, such as Penicillum Marneffei and Penicillium SPP. It is 3 and 4 groups of pathogenicity and represent a significant danger to the health of people, in addition, they are found in apartments very often.

Alternaria. - Fourth pathogenic group, very common fungus. The most often amazes fruits and vegetables, but can grow on the skin and in the respiratory path of people. Sometimes it has a gray color, there are about 300 strains.

Aspergillus. - refers to the highest mold mushrooms, depending on the type refers to the 4th and 3 group of pathogenicity, and causes aspergillosis animals and animals. Mushroom itself originally has white colorbut black disputes. Most often found in the premises.

Chaetomium. - Typically painted into black, often cause allergies. The main danger is to appear when the digestive tract is hit, the deaths caused by this mushroom are known.

Phoma. - The fourth pathogenic group, almost always the mushrooms of black color, and disputes are colorless.

Wallemia. - painted in black, it does not represent a serious danger for a person, but refers to the type of xerophilov, that is, it can grow in conditions of small humidity and high temperaturesWhat causes some problems when dealing with it.

What if the black mold on the walls, how to deal with it? Absolutely as with any other, it is necessary to start with elimination excess moisture. Tools from soak fungus must be selected depending on the material on which it grows.

As you can see, even the same species can be painted in different colors. So if you have fungus dark color In the bath, on the wall or it has a different color you need to start fighting with it immediately.

The harm of mold for a person is toxic substitutions of mold voted by some species and its disputes. Think about, 1 m2 of mold produces billions disputes per day, which are dealt around, and if the walls are amazed for the month of mold?

The disputes of mold can be inhaled, they settle in the lungs, they absorb through the skin and fall into food. When contacting the skin on it, it also begins to start the fungus, which is why in the pools they check the presence of mold under the nails.

If you feel the taste of mold in the mouth after cleaning the teeth, it means your toothbrush is a female fungus, do not tighten with its replacement. Also it is also found allergy to mold especially in children.


Since immunity and susceptibility to mold in all different, the severity of the consequences from being in an infected place is also different. Children, elderly people and people with a weakened immune system due to illness, chemotherapy acceptance of antibiotics, etc., especially susceptible to severe illness after exposure to fungal pollution.

What kind of disease can cause mold in the body? The common effect of mold is asthma, pneumonia, diseases of the upper respiratory tract, sinusitis, dry cough, skin rashes, stomach disorder, headaches, nose bleeding.

Most of mold species, found in our region, are pathogenic forms. Long exposure can lead to inner bleeding, kidney and liver damage, lung emphysema.

Molds in humans, mold poisoning is called mycosis. Difficult to the micaosis or the presence of allergies on mold can be in most aliertoats and in a number of laboratories.

In addition to negative influence Molds on human health, mold harm strongly affects unprotected wooden structures.

First of all, we are talking from tree-disconnecting mushrooms, which are able to turn the tree into a duch in a short period of time.

source: http://plasene.net/o_plesene/blackplesen/

What is dangerous black mold in the house?

This problem is very unpleasant, many owners even have some complexes in relation to their own uncleanness. However, the case is absolutely not clean and the order in the house. Even in those people who "out" their housing along and across, arguments appear spores.

The point is not in the mud, but in such factors as:

  • Increased humidity;
  • Bad air circulation;
  • Incorrect heat exchange between the room and the street (the occurrence of condensate on the windows);
  • Very warm in the room (in aggregate with humidity);
  • Bad sealing of panels inside walls (in panel houses);
  • Old builder (in brick houses);
  • Availability raw basement (if the first floor);
  • The presence of a constantly wet roof with a poor fluid conclusion (the last floor);
  • The presence of water bodies nearby.

Spore fungus is always in the air, they are just waiting suitable conditions For life and growth.

Preventive measure

Most people do not know what mold is in the apartment than it is dangerous and whether it is necessary to fight it right away, or maybe wait for the repair. And when the repair time finally comes, then the fungus, as it turned out, has already flooded with all the walls and furniture, and now you also need to buy new furnishings.

To prevent this, take action immediately:

  1. Check the room, even in winter.
  2. Leave the door to the bathroom open.
  3. Dry postgraded things and underwear outside the apartment or in a specially designated place, where good air circulation and dry.
  4. Check the apartment always after wet cleaning.
  5. Do not allow air humidity in the house.
  6. Make sure that the condensate does not occur on the windows.
  7. Wipe your legs before entering the house.
  8. Do not create a tropical heat in the room.

Types of fungal formations

The species of the dispute is simply an innumerable set. We will tell about the main types of fungus and what is dangerous mold in residential premises.

These single-cell organisms have six main species that are found in everyday life:

  • White household (house) fungus;
  • White mold disputes;
  • Blue;
  • Disputes fungus rotting;
  • Actinomycetes;
  • Black mold.

What is the difference?

There are many of them, but the mainstream is the following.

Strike wooden houses And the design is the white household mushroom. Now we have chemicals that are able to fight him, and in ancient times, people burned their homes if they were hit by such a mold - it was unrealistic to defeat it. This fungus develops lightning, causing great harm.

Paper, wood, metal, plastic - all this can bring unusable white mold disputes. In addition, such a fungus has a greater distribution rate.
Gray fungus with a blue tint is blue. It is able to destroy the paint or varnish, which are covered with wood to get inside.

If your wood has changed the color, became fragile, as if compressed from the inside, then it is a dry rotting fungus. The color is usually brown or white, and the structure of this mold can be both dry and damp.

If your wood hit the disputes of a wet fungus, then it is covered with stripes, and then cracks. This type of mold lives only in wooden structures.

Actinomycetes, in other words - mix fungus with algae. Also affect only a tree, softening its structure, gradually destroying.

Black mold - just like white, spread instantly, filling the air by disputes. Demaches everything, not only wood. Has black, brown and green colors. Penetrates deep inside the structure of the material, it causes irreparable harm.

Where else can you find?

Usually the attack of the dispute is undergoing bathroom, the corners of the rooms (especially where the bearing walls or a neighbor's apartment), places under the sink, inside ventilation, in the thickness of the floor.

What is dangerous fungus on health walls?

Black mold, as we have already found out, is most dangerous in the house, as it lives in everything, in which it is possible, but spreads with a lightning speed, thanks to throwing out the inclosable number of argument into the air. These disputes are toxic and are able to harmfully harm health, even rare cases of fatal outcome are known.

In housing. Most of the time you spend, of course, at home. Coming from work, you relax, sleep at night, and if there is an apartment on the walls and ceilings, the dispute of mold - breathe them, exposing their health with danger. The most suitable zone for fungus is a bathroom.

What is dangerous black mold in the bathroom, so this is what you breathe a steam that is cleaned and opens the pores of the body, the respiratory tract and makes sensitive mucous membranes.

The most susceptible to intoxication from the dispute of old people, children, people with a weak immune system, people who are subject to frequent fatigue (a lot and hard working) and allergies:

  • Olders can jump pressure, cough and bronchial diseases, as well as suffer the musculoskeletal system and bones.
  • People with a weak immunity and those who work hard is strongly tired, in the event of the mold reign on the walls and ceilings, they are ill with all kinds of pulmonary diseases, and may also occur: conjunctivitis, stomatitis, dermatitis and eczema, nasal and internal bleeding, lesion of liver and kidney , thrush.
  • When there is a fungus on the wall in the apartment - than dangerous for a small child: asthma, cough, inflammation of lungs, colds and a runny nose, the state of the skin is worsening, the occurrence of headaches, nausea, no appetite, exhaustion.
  • Allergies are experiencing all allergy symptoms constantly, as the spores of mold interact with any liquids, with liquids of the body - too.

If there is already a black mold in the house than it is dangerous - you know. How to deal with this "miracle of nature", the case is only equipment. The mold will remove all over the entire apartment will remove only the repair, with knocking plaster and appropriate treatment of walls.

After repair, do not relax and observe all the precautions described above, otherwise, the fungus will gladly get on your new walls.

In agriculture

The black mold on the walls of the rooms where the cattle contains, very harms animal health. The fungus, which appears in the crop storage places, is able to destroy most of vegetables, fruits and cereals, which unpleasually reflected in the financial position of the owners.

source: https://serviceyard.net/sovetyi/chem-pasna-chernaya-plesen-v-dome.html

What kind of danger is a black mold in the house?

This question is given quite a few, most calmly refers to the blacksmate raid, breaking through the joints wall tile. And very in vain.

Not so long ago about the role of mold in nature, its influence on people was withdrawn by the full-length film "Mold", in which, along with scientific and confirmed facts, they were voiced and controversial, which did not receive scientific confirmation of the theory, like legends and fiction.

However, despite the fact that this film must be viewed as a mixture of copyrighted fantasies with historical facts, some of the mines presented there deserve the attention of the general public.

Thoughtful attitude to its own dwelling is best about the nature of its owner. However, the most indigrant owner sometimes admits unforgivable misses, not paying attention to the obvious danger that settled in his house.

What is dangerous black mold in a person's health home? First of all, the fact that you never know how it will affect your health permanent staying in an infected room. Therefore, if the malicious fungus chose your walls, seriously attribute to this problem and perform professional processing From black mold.

Indeed, black mold disputes, sprouted on building materials or decorative surfaces Apartments, not only look not very aesthetic, but also have a negative impact on the health of people.

Mold (whatever color it is) is a living microorganism, microscopic mushrooms that multiply by dispute.

The fruit bodies of mold mushrooms are so small that it is possible to see them only under a microscope. Distributed everywhere, occur in nature and everyday life. And if the mold in the natural habitat does not have practically no effect on the health of people, in everyday life it becomes a real aggressor.

The fact is that the black mold allocates the smallest disputes into the air, which provoke the development of various ailments. If we exclude the elements of the speculation, a list of what the black mold is dangerous in the house, it looks like this:

  1. Provokes the development of skin diseases, allergic reactions, poorly permanent diagnostics;
  2. May cause chronic cough (bronchitis, pharyngitis and even asthma) and rhinitis;
  3. Negatively affects mental and physical well-being, causing the decline of strength, severe headaches, depressive states;
  4. The bond is marked with a black mold with diseases of the musculoskeletal system, the joint and rheumatic diseases.

As you can see, a list of reasons why the mold is rather extensive, so in no case can not calmly relate to the appearance of fungus in the house. Even physicians constantly warn about what the mold is dangerous in the apartment. Considering it by the guilt of allergies, problems with immunity.

Finding into the body with low immunity, mold mushrooms are most clearly exhibiting their aggressive properties, capable of causing diseases of almost all organs and tissues.

Historical facts

The story knows a lot of facts confirming the danger of a black mold. Recall what the black mold in the house is dangerous, the fungus causes a wide range of diseases, the key cause for the occurrence of which, most likely, doctors will not be able to install.


However, stories are known cases where the toxins contained in mold led to death. The most famous historical fact is the fate of Tutankhamon tombs.

In 1922, the tomb of the legendary Egyptian pharaoh was opened, and after it was followed by a chain of mystical deaths. At first, the strange death of the Metzenate of the excavation of Lord Carnevon, which was the first to enter the open tomb, after him the main archaeologist and 19 more people who took an active part in the excavations were died.

English biologist Silwein Gendon devoted 10 years of his life to the rays of these mystical deaths and came to the conviction that the death of the excavation participants was caused by a black fungus of unknown origin, which for 3000 years of development in a closed space literally flooded the room.

After such a conclusion, the uncertainty is that the black mold in the house is dangerous, as hand removes her hand.

Prevention and methods of struggle

So, about how the black mold is dangerous on the walls and in the bathroom, you already know how to deal with the uninvited guest. The solution to the problem must be sought for the reasons for the appearance of mold.

As in nature, and in everyday life, mold chooses only very moistened and, as a rule, darkened and windless zones. The dispute that fell on such "soil" will be able to grow comfortably, constantly obtaining the necessary meals from the wet environment. It feeds the fungus with non-resident organic substances.

The fight against fungus must be started with the study of the microclimate of the infected room and bringing the indicators of its humidity and temperature.

In the bathroom or in the kitchen, it is enough to install an additional extractor, ventilation that will accelerate the drying process of the premises. If you exclude costs for additional equipment, you can simply leave the bathroom door open and arrange long air ventilation.

What else can provoke the growth of black mold mold:

  • A large number of indoor colors;
  • Uneven room heating;
  • Big difference between room temperature and temperature on the street;
  • Feeding cranes and pipes.

All water supply pipe defects must be eliminated by performing repair, you can replace metal pipeswhere condensate is constantly accumulated on more modern plastic.

However, defeated moisture and after performing repair, you do not get rid of mold if it has already appeared on your walls. Mold is dangerous including the fact that if it appeared, it will be very difficult to get rid of it.

Folk remedies

In order not to encounter real manifestations of mold danger, you can use folk Methods Combating fungus.

Common People's Methods of Fighting House with Dangerous Black Mold:

  • Surface treatment of grapefruit seed extract;
  • Wall processing with a solution in which the tea tree oil is added;
  • Processing with table vinegar (use table vinegar in pure form);
  • Treatment of hydrogen peroxide.

These methods are good to combat all kinds of mold on building materials, but they also do not always work. The reason for the powerlessness of people's recipes lies in the features of the spread of fungus. It does not just cover the surfaces, but also penetrates their internal structure.

Diagnose the fact that the spores of mold are preserved, may modern devices Ultraviolet scanners. In this case, stripping of infected surfaces and treatment with antifungal drugs is performed.

source: http://demold.ru/chernaya-v-dome/

Aspergillus Fumigates.

From time to time in own home Or in the apartment we faced with mold. It is formed on products, the existence of which we forgotten for some reason. Often, a black mold arises on the walls.

And it is not so easy to destroy it, but it is impossible to put up with its appearance. To find ways to get rid of this attack, let's talk about what is dangerous black mold in the house.

Types of black mold

If you specifically not look out, it may seem that the black mold is just a sticky dirt from which you can easily get rid of. But it is not. The black molds Flap - External manifestation of colony of microscopic fungi.

Moreover, these colonies can form mushrooms of different types. Most often in our homes there are varieties listed below.

Aspergill Black (Aspergillus Niger). Aspergill black is a saprophite that has chosen for itself with high humidity: kitchens, bathrooms, toilets or combined bathrooms, pools. The colonies of this fungus are often formed in air humidifiers, in washing machines And even in air conditioners.

Often this black mold covered withdrawn ceilings and walls, the covers of old books, vases for indoor plants. If in the bathroom or in the bathroom, the seams between the tiles became black, then, most likely, their surface also clothe the colony of Aspergillus Niger.

This is so cute and pretty can look under the microscope mold, which is capable of depriving a person not only health, but also of life itself.

Thanks to them, completely unsurobated diseases may occur:

  • meningitis;
  • Mioard;
  • bronchial asthma or even pneumonia;
  • rhinitis.

The presence of the dispute of this fungus can cause the formation of papillomes and even cancer cells. If a person is brought to breathe a large number of dispute at once, he may develop intoxicating the body. With a weakened immunite, which is not uncommon in our time, the danger of fatal outcome occurs.

It is Aspergillus Niger that can cause lung aspergile. Volatile disputes The fungus can easily penetrate through the nasopharynx in the trachea, and then hit the bronchi, alveoli and bronchioles.

Purchased, they begin to grow violently. The toxins secreted by the colonia contribute to the formation of necrosis foci. As a result, the parenchymal cloth of the lungs stopped functioning, defeat and death comes.

A feature of this mold is that it resistant tolerate the ambient temperature from 12 and up to 53 degrees. Disputes of these mushrooms are very small: only 2-3.5 μm, so they easily penetrate into light animals and people.

People may without consequences inhale a few hundred disputes of such fungus. But in a person with a weak immune system, the danger of Aspergillez increases many times.

These colonies, isolated in a cup of Petri and surrounded by greenish shine, is very dangerous enemywho is not a place in our dwellings

When near hospitals and clinics, where patients with reduced immunity can be held repair workThe risk of infection of patients rises sharply. In such situations, it is considered necessary to monitor air to identify cases of high concentration of pathogens.

Most often aspergillus Fumigates amazes fruits and vegetables that have mechanical damage. If the fungi struck the grains, the bakery products subsequently baked, then black fluffy spuns or a mold flare is quite quickly formed on baking.

The smoking Aspergill is dangerous in that the toxins accompanying its livelihoods are allergens. They are able to destroy red blood cells included in the blood. In addition, the toxins of this fungus can suppress the generation of immunity.

Alternaria Alternata (Alternaria Tenuis). Another type of spore-forming mold fungi is alternatoria alternate. The appearance of the colonies of this mushroom depends on the nutrient medium on which they are formed. Most often it is dark gray, almost black, stains. But they can have a greenish-olive shade.

There is such a mushroom on the dying part of the plant. Its colonies can be found on the autumn leaves, overwhelmed fruits and even simply on the surface of the soil. This mold can take care of food, including, for example, on pork, as well as on textile products. Mushroom toxins are striking plants, poison grain seeds.

Surely, you have repeatedly met on sale such a bow or other vegetable, struck by a black mold: in no way bring it home

Not only the disputes of fungus, but also its fragments can be both outdoors and inside the housing, concentrating in home dust. The risk of the colonies of Alternaria Tenuis is higher in houses with a wet atmosphere.

In wooden buildings, this mold extends faster than in concrete houses. The spread of its dispute occurs in windy sunny days at low air humidity.

In addition to direct infections, which happens with the direct contact of a person with Alternaria Tenuis, poisoning to the toxins of this mold can occur. Toxins can provoke an attack of bronchial asthma, the occurrence of dermatitis. In addition, this mold is dangerous and manifestation of allergic reactions in people who are sensitive to alternation of alternate.

Conditions contributing to the spread of fungus

So, we found out what exactly the mold for the human body is dangerous. Obviously, it is necessary to take all possible measures so that it was not in her house. Should be aware of what way this infection penetrates in the dwelling to conduct preventive actions, not allow her appearance.

Warm and wet - here are two the most important conditions For the development of mold fungi. Optimal parameters for their existence - 70% humidity and temperature from +18 to +25 degrees. If the room is not even ventilated, then all the possibilities for the formation of mold colonies is obvious.


It is much easier to prevent the appearance of mold than to deal with the consequences of its impact on the body, when everything has already happened: do not miss the time.

It is clear that to eliminate these factors no significant material costs will be required. To ventilate the room is not so difficult. But, apart from above, there are other causes and development of mold.

People about them, as a rule, are not suspected. The appearance of mold may be by-effect development of the construction industry and the emergence of innovative construction technologies.

Doors and windows of plastic. Those who installed in their home at least one plastic window have already managed to evaluate the advantages that it provides. Such windows have wonderful sound-insulating properties. They contribute to the preservation of heat. They are easy and easy to care for them.

In addition, plastic products are durable and maintainable. But if they are incorrectly exploited, they can cause the appearance of mold. Problem with the formation of condensate on the glasses plastic windows Especially relevant in the kitchen, where dishes on broths, compote and so on can be prepared.

Plastic windows and doors are closed almost hermetically. That is, the circulation of air masses, which occurred during the period of the existence of frames from the "breathable" wood, is now broken.

If the number of glazed windows is incorrectly selected, the product itself does not comply with quality standards, and the installation is made with violations of existing norms, then condensate may form on the surface of the glass.

It turns out that plastic products create ideal conditions for increasing humidity in the dwelling. Realizing this danger, manufacturers of windows tried to provide all the possibilities for rapid air ventilation.

It is the regular ventilation of the rooms, despite the weather conditions and at the time of year, helps to avoid the formation of mold colonies in the house.

Gypsum Carton, who loves everything. And how not to love this building material, if it can be easily and quickly aligned with any horizontal or vertical surface. It is the plasterboard that allows you to raise partitions of any configuration as soon as possible.

This very inexpensive material It is really convenient to use both in repair and construction, so it enjoys well-deserved popularity. Of course, designs made of drywall - it is convenient, beautiful and economically, but, creating them, do not forget that this material is hygroscopic.

But this material has a substantial flaw: the plasterboard perfectly absorbs moisture, allowing her to delay it for a long time inside. So that when using drywall, it is not captured by black mold, it is necessary to strictly observe the installation technology, remember that the mixtures should have time to dry.

In the room with plasterboard you need to create antifungal microclimate.

Indoors C. increased level Humidity should use special plasterboard designed for similar operating conditions. In addition, antifungal drugs should be added to solutions used in the process.

The consequences of poor-quality ventilation. The window in the bathroom is a real rarity. As a rule, the layout of our apartments does not imply not only windows in the bathrooms, but also enough effective ventilation. Meanwhile, a lot of wet air can be formed in the bathrooms as a result of drying linen or water proceduresFor which this room is intended. Natural exhaust channels is difficult to cope with it.

Bad ventilation in the bathroom in combination with high humidity of this room and warmth, create ideal conditions for the formation and spread of black mold.

One of the methods of solving this problem is to use forced ventilation. Due to the extent, the problem of excessive humidity will be solved, and at the same time the conditions for the development of mold microflora will not arise.

Raw basements and wet walls. Quite often, the designs in the design can lead to the fact that during the rain the walls or angular parts of the buildings are wedged, and in the cold part of the year they are frozen.

The same problem occurs in the absence of drain pipes or when they are clogged. If you do not pay attention to this, then with time on the walls, mold colonies can be formed.

Gradually, the fungus sprouts through the brickwork or panel and it turns out to be indoors. Invasion will occur even faster than this can be assumed if brick masonry There are cracks, or panels are not well insulated enough.

The mold source may be in the cellar cheese. In it, the colony can be formed and multiplied, and then using ventilation moves, they will distribute all over the house. Faulty sewage and plumbing also create conditions for the development of fungi.

It's a shame if you bring a black mold to the house, also by paying for the product on which it is money: the infected bread is obtained from infected grain.

Black mold we can put in our house and yourself, not wanting to. It is enough to buy in the shop bakery, baked from contaminated grain. Such bread will quickly cover the raid, and then mold.

There is nothing in any way: it is dangerous to health. On the feed animal, he is also not suitable. It should be packaged in a plastic bag, and then send to the trash can outside the room.

How to fight

If you discovered a black mold in your apartment, then with such a neighbor you need to dealt, not bag. The longer the colony will be located in your accommodation, the more harm to health they can apply, and the more difficult it will be survived.


An excellent and very effective way to get rid of mold is the processing of the room with a UV lamp. Under influence ultraviolet rays Disputes die.

Ultraviolet radiation, emitted by the lamp, is detrimental to the colonies of fungi, not in vain out of buildings. Black mold prefers shady places.

When using this lamp, some security measures must be observed: remove domestic pets from the workpiece, including birds and aquarium fish, and also make out all living flowers out of the room.

There are other methods of combating mold fungi:

  • If the mold colonies are located on specific items that can be outlined, they must be removed outside the housing. Send old wallpapers on the landfill, moldy textile or infected with putty.
  • In all building and finishing mixtures, which are used in the construction of a private house or when repairing your apartment, special antifungal drugs and antiseptics should be added. Often the mold is coming in intercutric seams in the kitchen and in the bathroom. So, the grout should be paid special attention.
  • The plots affected by mushrooms can be treated with special industrial drugs. In the case of their absence, the means that every mistress has.
  • If the mold stains appeared on non-porous surfaces, which include, for example, a tile or mirror, then for their elimination, you can use the popular white bleach, the ammonia, a solution of borax or vinegar. You can apply on the affected surface of hydrogen peroxide, and, after 15 minutes, rinse the area with water.
  • Food soda has proven perfectly.

All surfaces on which traces of mold are present must be mercilessly removed: it is better to make this work on conscience once than endlessly returning to it.

It is more difficult to be the appearance of colonies on the plaster: all the affected part must be mechanically removed. It is better to do it with a metal brush. Stripping is carried out at the entire depth of mold penetration. Interputer seams are also cleaned with a sharp tool.

It is desirable to dry the purified surface with an industrial hair dryer and process an antiseptic. Moreover, it follows not only that area from which the mold is removed, but also the adjoining surfaces.

Whatever of the methods listed above, you have not chosen, it is important that the mold is destroyed or, at a thin end, is removed beyond the apartment. It is impossible to ignore its appearance. This is too dangerous neighborhood, from which any ways need to get rid of.

We do not invite you to use as a means of individual protection of the gas mask or overalls, but glasses, respirator and rubber gloves should be.

Required security measures

Considering that disputes, particles of mold itself and the toxins that it highlights can spread with air flows, going to fight the colonies of fungi, it is necessary to protect their respiratory tracts and skin from unwanted contacts.

  1. Do not neglect with such personal protective equipment as a respirator, waterproof gloves and safety glasses.
  2. In order for the disputes that were removed from one surface, they did not fit on the other, the surface of the furniture and the floor must be covered with a linen, which is not sorry to be thrown away, or a polyethylene film.
  3. Everything that can be taken out of the room at the time of cleaning, it is better to remove them. In the bathroom, it can be, for example, washcloths, brushes, towels and curtains.
  4. If the situation is serious and mold managed to capture large areas of the room, all items that might attain the disputes of fungi should be sealed. Choose the film thoroughly to protect the protection is reliable. In its health, it is impossible to save: then more spent on medicines.
  5. In no case during cleaning do not turn on the fan. The disputes of mold easily spread throughout the room, and then they simply will not be salvation: they can emerge unexpectedly and in the most inappropriate places.
  6. Do not use homemade vacuum cleaners to remove colonies. On the interior surface This household appliance may contact their disputes or toxins. The disputes in the vacuum cleaner do not die, but simply waiting for their o'clock and suitable conditions for the revival of the colonies.
  7. But the desiccant if there is such a device in the house, you should enable. Dried air will deprive the microorganisms of the chance to continue its existence.
  8. After cleaning the infected room, all rags, brushes, gloves and films are thrown together with the respirator.

Fighting mold - an inevitable event in case the mold has already started. But it is much better to prevent its occurrence, without creating conditions for the development of colonies of fungi.


Often, black spots may appear in houses with high humidity on the ceiling and walls, especially in the bathroom, which is very difficult, and sometimes it is impossible to remove in simple ways. This is a black mold - a kind of fungus that lives mainly in a wet and warm environment. The fungus may appear on the street, but there it does not represent much danger.

Mold in the house not only spoils appearance, but also has a substance harmful to humans.

But if the fungus appears in a residential room, then constant contact with him can very harm people who live there. In the first glance, at first glance, the mold can gradually destroy the walls and lead to various diseases, ranging from simple rhinitis and ending with a terrible oncology.

Causes of the disease

Mold arises due to dampness, cold and lack of ventilation.

To date, approximately 300 types of fungal mold are known. The mold is of different color: black, gray, blue, green, but the most dangerous for the human body is considered a yellow mold, which can cause even a deadly disease accompanied by pain in the chest and constant attacks of choking.

Mold has a very bad property - quickly multiply. The bathroom in the house is the most favorable place for mold. The best conditions for its reproduction is the temperature of 20 degrees of heat and humidity of approximately 80 percent. Especially often the mold appears in the bathroom, kitchen and toilet, in places where condensate is going. The mold appears in the bathroom most often, there are all the conditions for its appearance: pairs, condensate and wet towels contribute to its reproduction. Paid underwear is also better to dry not in the bathroom, but on the balcony or loggia. If you keep track of constantly for the correctness of the plumbing, install good ventilation and heated towel rail, then you can prevent the appearance of this harmful fungus.

If the mold appeared in the kitchen, it causes a special danger, because it can infect foods. Such products should be left immediately, otherwise, if they accidentally eat them by negligence, it can lead to bad consequences, human health will be at risk. Therefore, it is very important in the kitchen to have a perfect order in order not to expose yourself and your close infection with fungus.

If you try to make simple cosmetic repairs, the mold still appears on the walls or ceiling. Also, the mold appears in the raw basement, where the pipeline is located, on the floor of the first floors of buildings. If in these buildings to provide good ventilation and heating, then the mold will not appear.

Dampness and mold may appear on the outer walls of the building, if bad thermal insulation and waterproofing, it can especially manifest itself in the cold season. To eliminate this disadvantage, it is necessary to immediately insulate their dwelling, to prevent its slow destruction. Large aquariums and many room colors can also contribute to the increase in moisture and the occurrence of mold. Mold can also appear on wooden floors of private houses and wooden furniture. So that she did not eat the tree, it must be struggling with her disputes. In the bathroom for this it is recommended to use not wooden furniture, but metal or plastic.

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Danger for man

What is dangerous mold in the house? The main harm from the fungus is in its disputes that are distributed in the air and are able to settle on the skin of a person, and when breathing can get into our body. This will entail a lot of human health problems, causing all sorts of diseases.

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Inhalation dispute and skin getting

Mold disputes can cause an allergic reaction and cold.

Finding on the skin of a person, the disputes of the fungus can cause different skin rashes, and dermatitis, which are difficult to diagnose doctors. Finding on hair and nails, disputes can cause their defeat. A common state may worsen, a person begins to feel weakness, the body is depleted, migraine attacks often arise.

Inhaling disputes of mold, which are a strong allergen, a person is in danger of sick with chronic runny nose, coughing, conjunctivitis. Disputes can very quickly penetrate our respiratory tract and cause allergic diseases, often become the cause of even such a disease as bronchial asthma. In addition to the dispute, the allergen can be volatile components with a rather poor smell that can quickly penetrate our blood through breath and cause intoxicating the body. The person's condition deteriorates sharply, it may have unbearable headache, dizziness, which is often accompanied by nausea and even vomiting.

Long accommodation in the neighborhood with mold often can cause problems with the musculoskeletal system, lead to diseases of the joints and rheumatic pains. There may be problems with the stomach, the liver and kidney lesions are possible, internal bleeding may occur in particularly difficult cases.

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The strongest harm

The most dangerous for human health is a yellow mold, which can cause food allergies.

The most dangerous for human health is the mold of yellow color can hit the fish, Liver, milk and its products, as well as rice and earthy nuts. Often, people instead of throwing such products without pity, remove the affected parts of the products and thereby expose themselves to mortal danger. Finding into the stomach, such a mold is able to cause food allergies. The poison will accumulate in the body and eventually starts to hit the liver, which can even lead to cirrhosis. In no case, you can not eat the products on which the mold appeared or cut it with a small part from infected bread or fruits and vegetables, and then there are such products. They only need to throw away, without exposing them to infection with the strongest poison.

The whole mold for the health of children is dangerous, especially with low immunity, their rapid growing organisms are most influenced by the dispute of mold. And if the child is in constant contact with mold, he can get sick for life. If the child appears signs of allergies, it is impossible to engage in self-medication, it can be very dangerous, you must quickly turn a doctor. The doctor will send you to the necessary analyzes, establish the cause and prescribes treatment. If it turns out that the cause of allergies is mold, it is important to protect the child from contact with it to the full destruction.


Mold appeared several billion years ago, however, serious studies began to spend only in the last century. Taking into account the estimates of mycologists today are not known for science 50,000 species. But about the dangers of mold for human health, scientists learned only in the past century.

Regular air ventilation will prevent the appearance of fungus.

So, what is fungus on the walls, as affects health? Is it worth the fear of him? What harm from mold? Usually, such questions are interested in a person only when the mold appears in the house. Therefore, it will not prevent anyone in advance to learn how the mold affects the health of people.

The effect of pathogenic microorganisms on people's health

What is fungus on the walls? What harm he brings people? As a rule, these are simple microorganisms that are able to unite in the colony. They are represented as black spots on the walls, wallpaper, products.

As you know, fungi are capable of becoming enough to influence the health of everyone who is indoors. The products of their metabolism are an allergen for people. During its development, the mold on the walls allocates toxins (which are volatile, liquid) and disputes that can be easily distributed using air flows. Immediately after this, disputes and toxins fall into the respiratory paths of people.

Thus, pathogenic microorganisms bring irreparable harm to a person - begin to strike the weakest and predisposed on chronic diseases of the body zone.

The fungus is very quickly pushing health. People buy all sorts of drugs, hoping for their help. However, such assistance is short-term and able to alleviate well-being for a certain time. Diseases begin to occasionally exacerbated during the off-season - just at the moment when the humidity of the indoor air is increasing. It is because of this that the concentration of the ridge of fungus is increasing, which people constantly inhale. In this method, a person adds to the body harmful bacteria, poorly affecting the useful microflora of immunity. Because of this, people are growing rapidly, writing it off for a variety of reasons, but not paying attention to uncomfortable habitat with dampness.

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Harm from microorganisms: Miscellaneous impact on man

Toxic action can manifest itself in the form of light weakness, increased fatigue, irritability. As a rule, people think that this is common fatigue from work. Over time, human liver cirrhosis may appear - one of the main consequences.

If a person regularly uses mold together with meal, then it will live very little and painfully. Among the effects of toxic effects, cardiovascular diseases can be noted, sinusitis, migraine, nose bleeding, cough.

If we talk about the allergenic effect of mold, then it is manifested in the form of allergies of the skin and mucous membranes. For example, allergic rhinitis is a fairly common disease. And here is a hay fever - one of the most common types of its species is almost always determined by the disputes of fungi. Bronchial asthma also provokes a black mold.

Quite often, allergies to mold is observed in children. Since everyone is susceptible to the fungus, the severity of the consequences from being in an infected place is also different.

What about carcinogenic exposure, then it manifests itself at the moment when the fungus falls into the food. Remember, if the mold is still formed, it makes no sense to cut the affected piece of bread - from the whole product it is necessary to get rid of immediately.

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Fighting dampness

How to deal with fungi? Previously need to find out why the mold appeared on the walls. After all, microorganisms can not appear just like that. They are formed only when high humidity in room. That is why, if you decide to fight mold on the walls, then eliminate excess humidity.

Please note that first of all the fungus appears in the bathroom (after all, there is always an increased humidity that is constantly observed).

What else can provoke fungus on the walls? As a rule, this is: bad ventilation, PVC windows, marriage during construction and so on.

To remove the pigstream, you need to use special means. It is possible to fight the fungus using a solution of formalin and water. In addition, there are also ways of burning areas affected by microorganisms with such instruments as: soldering lamp, gas-burner. Of course, it is necessary to comply with the safety rules. Thanks to effective methods Fungi do not have the ability to escape and bring harm to people.

Mold mushrooms (molded disputes) appear in the form of spots on the surfaces of the walls, multiplied with an unthinkable pace, and bring the greatest harm as well as a state of health due to malicious evaporation and premises. It happens different species And gives the damage in different ways. It is necessary to destroy its manifestations immediately, because of it there are problems with defeat and loss of health, such as: diseases of the respiratory tract, dermatological diseases, allergies, digestive problems and other aahs, it can come up to death.

Mold in the apartment than dangerous? It destroys the walls, furniture, wood structures, wooden crafts They are destroyed faster than everyone and more often covered with a bluish color, it is especially subjected to pine, even the buildings themselves are eliminated. Thanks to disputes of mold mushrooms that fly through the air and getting into a wet territory begin to develop. It is better to immediately accept instant actions to solve this global problem.

What is dangerous mold in the apartment for a person

To some extent, we have already said that mold spores fall into moisture, through the air, penetrating into our inside, and leads to bad consequences. There are various types of fungi, the largest part of the apartments come across a black mold, it comes from us toxic. Mold in the apartment than dangerous to health? Inhaling her inside, the first thing is affected by the respiratory system, and leads to various diseases: sinusitis, sinusites, trachetais, laryngitis, bronchitis, asthma and ultimately there is a risk of lung inflammation, but this is not all, you are also becoming a victim of skin diseases, allergic reactions, the problems of the cardiovascular system, the musculoskeletal system, the nervous system, if the immunity is strong, then he will be able to cope with a certain problem, but if for some reason the immune system is weakened, it is necessary to raise this "wonderful" topic for some reason first plan.

About how dangerous mold in the apartment for a person can say a lot, because each manifests individual symptoms of its consequences. In addition, fungi can be in a meal, which encourages a more serious underdevelopment of health: disruption of the kidney and liver, activation of oncogenes. At the first appearance of mold on the products, do not risk use them into food, even cutting off before this moldy part.

Is the mold danjal on the walls in the apartment

Yes, mold is incredibly cunning and removed quite long. At the very first appearance, if you noticed them, you need to quickly get rid of them, and not to wage war. Particularly susceptible to small children in whom immunity has not yet been formed and pets, they are the first to hit the spore. The probability of death, unfortunately is very large. But you do not need to put a cross and mentally prepare a grude, but urgently get rid of such a german-cannibal. It is necessary to carry out disinfects, make cleaning, intensify the sun and swing the curtains. Follow the moisture in the rooms, carry out the repair work of the bathroom and do not allow leaks, flowers can also accompany the appearance of mold.

Contact the best to those skilled in the art that will be able to protect you and themselves so that with independent processing you have no chemical mixtures. We hope that reading the article, you understand how dangerous such a problem is, and can the mold, which appeared on the walls in the apartment, harm the health.

What is dangerous mold on the walls in the apartment

Also danger lies in penetration, corrosion and destruction of the walls. Spores penetrate the structure with roots and eat one or another material, in independence concrete, brick, a stone is or a fabric. At the same time, it is difficult to bring it enough, there is a complete full different methodsLike folk and chemical, but sometimes the situation becomes hopeless and people seek help from specialists or come out of the room. As manifests itself and the danger of mold, located on the walls in the apartment we disassembled, now it's about you, in particular to get rid of it.

As our Soviet actor Yuri Nikulin said "Even after a small smile in the body, one small microbe will get."

Wrivery the appearance of various types of mold on the walls of the apartment can a large number of factors. This fungus is malicious to human health, if it appears indoors. Outside it does not represent danger to us. Only the fungus in the room should cause anxiety. And what are the methods of combating it, will be described further.

Features of the development of mold

Fungus (mold) appears in wet premises. Best Terms It is considered to be air humidity of more than 80%, as well as the ambient temperature 19-21 ºС. In such conditions, the fungus begins to actively grow. It produces spores into the air, which are freely circulated with air flows.

When the fungus hits a wet surface, it begins to germinate on the surface. Mycelium appears. In the process of life mold on the wall in the apartmentselects into the air essential oils, carbon dioxide and new disputes.

Mold is a common problem in many apartments. Its evaporation belongs to the category of toxic substances. Moreover, the number of such molecules in the air can be huge. In some cases, it will be extremely difficult to get rid of this neighborhood. It all depends on the degree of surface damage, the prescription of the fungus. To make decisive actions to combat pest must immediately after its detection.


bedroom, nursery or in the kitchen can relate to various types fungus. Today there are more than 300 species of such microorganisms. Mold can be characterized by various color. There are stains of gray, blue, black, green. The most dangerous among all these varieties is the yellow mold. She can call the attack of suffocation, and even death.

The most common in our apartments is a black mold. It most often appears on the walls and the ceiling of the bathroom. In a limited space of this room, many toxins accumulate over time.

The body of each person is unique. Someone will not feel the deterioration of health when the mold appears in the room. However, many people may feel the attack of illness. Especially unsafe appearance of mold in the kitchen and bedroom. The effect of toxins on the human body will be the largest. In the kitchen, disputes will pollute the products. In the bedroom or children's during sleep, a person will inhale toxins for a long time.

Ways of entering the body

Harmful substances that highlight fungus can fall into the human body different ways. Most often, the path for toxins is open through the nose and mouth. We inhale and exhale the air in which millions of dispute of mycelium are located.

Also, the fungus can fall inside the body through the skin. Singing on its surface, it penetrates through a protective barrier. In this case, specific diseases on the skin, nails may appear. Such a state requires immediate treatment. The disease is easily transmitted from man to man.

The room can grow even on a toothbrush. If it comes from it an unpleasant smell, you should not use this means of hygiene. It will be necessary first to purchase a new brush. Then it is necessary to get rid of the fungus itself in the bathroom. Also disputes can fall inside with food, water, etc.

Harm for man

Impact on the human body more often produces not mold itself, but its disputes. They are in the air, settle on various items. People inhale disputes fungus. One of the frequent problems is allergy to mold in the apartment. In addition, a person can feel the attack of suffocation. A chronic cough or runny nose may appear. Possible diseases of mucous membranes.

The fungus, falling into the body, quickly multiplies. If human immunity is weakened, disputes can cause various ailments. One of the common bronchial asthma is one of the common.

In addition to the dispute, allergic reactions can provoke other substances allocated by mycelium. They have an unpleasant smell. The general condition of people living in the house may deteriorate. There is general weakness and fatigue, frequent bouts of headaches, the exhaustion of the body. Therefore, when the mold is detected, it is necessary to act quickly.

Yellow mold

Talking, you need to consider the most dangerous variety fungus. It has a yellow color. Such a fungus appears even on food. Eating them in food can be life-threatening. If yellow mold appeared on the products, they should be thrown out. This type of fungus often causes food allergies.

Finding inside, chemicals secreted by mycelium begin to hit liver cells. This is a poison that can gradually lead to cirrhosis. Especially dangerous yellow variety of fungus for people with weakened immunity, children. If the mold appeared in the child's room, in no case can the baby be left in this room. Immediately it is necessary to take actions to eliminate mycelium. When the first signs of allergies or other deviations, you must consult a doctor.

Also mold on the walls, furniture can destroy the surface on which it grows. If the fungus has developed a long time in the room, it may not be possible to restore the furniture. The walls will have to not only process chemicals, but also to rub on a large depth.

Causes of occurrence

Telling than dangerous mold in the apartmentIt is necessary to consider the factors that provoke its appearance. The development of fungus depends on the environment. Disputes can be in the air in almost any room in one or another concentration. However, not every apartment on the walls appears mycelium.

The fungus prefers to grow indoors with poor ventilation, where heat and damp. Especially often the fungus appears in the first floor apartments, in the angular rooms. If a moisturizer works in the room, but the owners of the house do not follow the level of humidity, the fungus may appear in such a room.

If a large number of plants are grown in the room, it will become one of the first barriers to the mushroom development. Mold can develop almost on any surface. Everything construction Materials Affected by its destructive effects. However, in the unsuitable premises, the fungus will not develop. Therefore, it is important to ensure the optimal level of humidity in the room, as well as the temperature mode.

Methods of struggle

It begins with the creation of conditions in which the microorganism feels uncomfortable. It should often air the room. This will solve the problem of high humidity. In some cases it will be necessary to create proper system Ventilation.

The approach to eliminating mold on the walls should be complex. Just wash off the fungus from the surface and laundering it will not be enough. It is important to maintain certain conditions in the apartment that will not allow mycelium to continue.

There are several approaches that will help get rid of fungus forever. First, mechanical actions are taken. Fungus on all surfaces, corners and cream must be eliminated mechanical method. It is washed, and the surface is watched. Next, the walls are treated with a special antiseptic. If there are fungi-affected things that are more unsuitable for use, they are necessarily ejected.

Purchased funds

Can be purchased in specialized stores. It is relatively inexpensive. Chemical industry suggests big choice Similar funds. When choosing, it is necessary to guide the assessment of convenience when applied. Surface processing must be made quickly. The wall is cleaned to the base.

All purchased funds against fungus are poisonous chemicals. A person should not inhale them for a long time. When processing the surface, you need to protect your arms, skin and respiratory tract. It is important to explore the instructions before applying.

After processing, the room does not enter several hours (indicated by the manufacturer). In some cases, it is necessary to wait. After processing the window opens. This will provide good ventilation.

After surface treatment with a special antiseptic, the base of the special antiseptic primer can be treated. It will prevent the appearance of mold in the future.

Screw tools

You can process with other infirred tools that are at hand. It can be bleach. This is a fairly effective means against malicious microorganism. So, let's say, "whiteness" is bred with water in a proportion of 1:10. Processing is carried out in gloves. The room is ventilated several hours.

Examined than dangerous mold in the apartment, As well as ways to eliminate it, you can quickly eliminate such an unpleasant phenomenon, protect yourself and all people living in the house.