Mustard powder for washing dishes. Soda, vinegar, household soap and mustard for washing dishes: advantages and use

Many hostesses often think about how our grandmothers cope with their homework without modern benefits of civilization. After all, there were no plates nor dishwashersNor even tools for washing dishes. And here there is a weighty argument! Early used environmentally friendly tools for whitening, disinfection and degreasing, such as salt, soda and mustard powder. Here we will talk about him.

Why is the mustard powder?

The first reason for using dry mustard is its naturalness and suitability for eating. Therefore, even if there will be a little tool on the washed dish, it is completely safe.

The second reason why is worthwhile dishes mustard is her ability to cope well with fat! Moreover, the mustard is an excellent disinfectant, the poet was perfectly disinfected by a dry powder of the dishes, there is no smell, as well as fat residues.

Third reason, the environmental friendliness of this funds can be attributed. In the process of washing dishes, no chemical vapor is distinguished that is not unavailable to health, especially if you are allergic!

The fourth reason for the use of dry mustard is considered to be a significant savings of hot water! In order to wash off a soap detergent, it is necessary to rinse the dishes very carefully and repeatedly. In the case of a mustard, everything is simple, it is dismissed from the surface of the plates, a saucepan, pan, leaving only a pleasant script clean.

And one more, the fifth, very important reason for the use of mustard powder is the ecology of the product. Finding B. wastewater, this remedy does not harm environmentUnlike chemical detergents. This is absolutely safe and natural.

How to wash the dishes with mustard powder?

In order to wash the dishes of dry mustard, it is convenient, there are several simple ways Its use.

To wash the plates in the first way, just take enough comfortable capacity A small size (for example, a soap or a box of ear chopsticks), pour into it a mustard powder and to make a sponge for washing the dishes in it.

The method is very simple, but there is a nuance - sometimes there is more powder on the sponge, which is needed, it will simply stick to the wet sponge with slices and then simply flies off the plates.

Here is the number two way - another thing! You can use an empty bottle from the consumed dishwashing agent, fill it on about a third flowing water And fall asleep dry mustard. According to the consistency, Kashitsa should be like 15% cream, moderately thick, and in the measure of liquid. So that the mustard is convenient to pour into the bottle, use the watering can, inserting it into the neck of the bottle, so the mustard will not wake up by.

In the third way, you don't have to wet mustard. Need to take the container for bulk substances (for example, solonka or baby powder), fill it with dry mustard and tightly spin the lid. Using this way, it is enough to shaken the right amount Powder on a sponge for washing or directly on dirty dishes. Now it remains attentive and not "save" your food mustard.

The fourth way is combined. Combine mustard with soda. Soda is also fine with fat and dirt, and also neutralizes odors. The process of cooking such a means is very similar to the second method, only with a mustard powder in a bottle, it is still necessary to add 1-2 spoons of soda. Accordingly, the amount of water must be increased to get the desired consistency. However, it is not necessary to get along with soda, because its granules easily can spoil the dishes, scratching it.

As in previous cases, there is also one nuance here - you should not prepare a large amount of mixture, because the tool quickly disappears and acquires nasty smell.

Such a detergent for washing dishes as mustard powder is safe and efficient, although has its own minuses.

  • Consumption. For a family of three to four people, where the dishes wash after breakfast, lunch and dinner, the flow of dry mustard will be quite large - 3-4 packs per week. Therefore, it is worth buying mustard with a margin, especially since the cost will be minimal.
  • Foam. Mustard powder never foamed to pleasant soap bubbles, such as in chemicalsah for washing dishes. Therefore, a pleasant slip of the fingers and transfusion of bubbles will not.

But such minuses and minuses are difficult to call, except if it is very picky. In general, the mustard mixture for washing dishes has whole line advantages and advantages.

So, from the above, we can conclude relative to the use of mustard powder as an alternative dishwashing agent.

  1. Naturalness;
  2. Efficiency;
  3. Budget;
  4. Environmental friendliness;
  5. Easy use.

There was no doubt that the mustard powder is a number one tool among alternatives to destructive chemicals. And he will take care of you and the environment.

If you care about the health of your loved ones and you know enough about the dangers household chemicalsthen probably already searched . In fact, alternatives enough: soda, laundry soap, ash, bora, vinegar, lemon juice, etc. But I want to tell in detail about mustard powderwhich, in my opinion, is most accessible, convenient and universal.

Why is the mustard powder?

The first reason I stopped on the mustard powder is that it is suitable for eating food. That is, it is not only completely natural and environmentally friendly, but also created specifically for food. So, this is a truly safe tool for washing dishes, since even when it gets into the body, it will not cause any harm. However, it is completely washed away and very easy, so I'm not even sure that something can get inside. But anything happens: something is not blurted out, somewhere some splashes fell on a clean plate - no longer worried about it.

In addition, we are not only in contact with the dishes, but also inhale couples. In the case of a mustard powder - everything is absolutely natural. Moreover, it has a disinfectant property. There are even feedback in which people say that they began to hurt less.

He copes perfectly with grease. When I decided to apply your new safe dishwashing agent for the first time, I very incredulously started wash the fat plate. It was simply not believed that some kind of powder could remove fat as easily as the familiar Fairi. But as soon as I rinsed a plate with water, I was amazed: she was clean, transparent and clouded crunches. But this crunch was from purity, and not from additives that add to the dishwashing agents specifically for the psychological effect. There is no smell from the washed dishes, fat residues, mercury raids - there is nothing of it. Perfectly clean.

Yes, of course, mustard powder do not foam So nice as advertised chemistry, but believe me, this is the only thing he is inferior to her!

Where to buy a safe dishwashing agent?

I myself refused chemistry about a year ago and will definitely share my experience and observations of the possibility of replacing the shampoo, wash facilities, etc. in other articles. The first thing I was interested in when I was just going to start washing dishes with mustard powder, - where to take it. And indeed, if you have never been interested in this question, perhaps he did not come across your eyes. But everything turned out to be very simple after the first hike in the grocery store. Mustard powder There are almost everywhere, on the shelves it can be found next to spices or gelatin, vaniline, baking powers and other additives.

It is important to look at price and volume Package. The fact is that I came across a bag of 10-20 grams at the price of almost the dollar. I do not know what kind of gold makers do it, but 50-100 grams packs are excellent for washing dishes. The stagma package is just more expensive than packing gelatin - not quite expensive. Therefore, if you never bought a mustard powder, be vigilant and do not waste money in vain.

How to wash utensils with mustard powder?

In order to wash dishes with mustard powder It was convenient, I found two ways for myself. I will tell about both, although I myself prefer the second. I will tell about the reasons below.

The first way: Pour the powder into the container and simply make a sponge into it. I did not like this method for two reasons. First, the powder somehow ended very quickly. It was attached to a sponge unevenly and a thick layer. It turned out that, although it is nice to wash the fresh mustard powder in large quantities, but somehow too economically. In addition, since he stood at the sink, water often fell into it. After that, he, and at all, rolved, stuck and my safe remedy for washing the dishes was not at all so pleasant as he was full.

I had to invent second way. For him, I needed an empty half-liter bottle from the already endaged tools. In it, I poured grams of 30 mustard powder, filled with 2/3 water, closed the lid and shook well. All new safe dishwashing agent In the usual package - ready! There should be an opaque, but not thick liquid. But if you use this method, you will have to slightly shake the bottle every time before you apply our safe tool on the sponge, because the powder does not dissolve in it, but settles to the bottom.

Do not fill the bottle more than on 2/3-3/4 because First, it will be inconvenient to shake it, secondly, the mixture will quickly deteriorate. Actually, this is the second disadvantage of this method. For our modest family of two people, there are enough days for five days. But in the end, the remedy is already quite notable and unpleasant, although it is so good. However, this minus is easily solved by more frequent preparation of the mixture in smaller quantities. However, confident in the family from more People this problem disappears by itself. But in this form, the mustard powder falls on the sponge more evenly and is not so wasteful as in the first case.

The myth of economy

I also want to say a few words about economy. Often you can hear enthusiastic exclamations like: "Oh, much cheaper and no worse than special means!". Unfortunately, I can not agree with this. Yes, the patter of the mustard powder is really much cheaper than the bank of some "Fairi" or "E". But after all, it is enough for significantly less long term. As a result, if you compare the amount that must be spent on the cake of mustard, and the cost special tools For washing dishes, which will be consumed by the same amount of time, I think it will turn out about the same number. And maybe even mustard powder and go ahead, albeit slightly. However, even if so, then the other benefits of mustard powder in front of chemistry are indisputable.

In conclusion, I want to say that at first, in the search alternative to Wedge Washdoubted between mustard powder and soda. I even tried to mix them as an experiment. But in the end, still stopped on the mustard powder. The fact is that the soda is not suitable for many sensitive surfaces, since she simply scratches them. Mustard powder is universal. They do not damage anything. But to help sometimes, if necessary, for example, linse something burnt, you can use soda.

Although personally, I never had such a need. Any dirty utensils after soaking for a few hours is easily washed with a simple sponge.

I wish you, dear, easily wash any dishes and not harm your health!

Mustard instead of a regular dishwashing agent

What do you wash dishes? I am mustard. And now I will tell you about the benefits why wash the dishes is much better than traditional means for washing dishes. Not so long ago, this forgotten in our time was the way of washing dishes.

Mustache can be laundered with dishes. It is absolutely safe for health, in contrast to detergents, the remains of which remain on the dishes. Chemical detergents - This is not a harmless thing. They do not go anywhere, they merge into the ground and go to groundwater. And we lose fresh drinking water ...

You can buy mustard powder on the market or in the store, sprinkle on a plate (on the fatty places), splash water (a few drops), smear the powder, wash off. At the same time, the resulting water not only does not harm the earth and your health, but also can be used as fertilizer and as a means of pests of plants.

Mustard powder is used as a magnificent environmentally friendly detergent for washing and cleaning dishes, removal of oily spots, washing products from wool and silk.

It is also a remarkable means of destroying the pests of the garden and the garden. The mustard powder has bactericidal properties, it acts disinfecting on the pathogens of some plant diseases.

Previously, the mustard powder was used for washing dishes in the canteens. What made adopting chemical innovations? Fashion? Nice faith in scientific and technical progress?

Many "innovations of modernity" can be replaced by natural substances, more useful and safe for all living things.

So, let's begin.

1) first. Safety.

Traditional means for washing dishes are unnatural for human nature.

This is all clear, I hope. Read the composition of any detergent, then read the features of each of component partsAnd you will terrible how dangerous they are for human health.

Therefore, today there are so many allergic diseases in many people.

Mustard - a natural substance, harmless, in other words, is a natural dishwashing agent. So, the risk of allergic reactions in man is negligible. If you at least once in my life used mustard to food (with dumplings, with a cold or with other dishes), then no allergy will have.

And so as for children ...

If you have a baby, you will probably want him to be healthy to be allergic. And begin to search in the stores a suitable means for washing children's dishes.

But remember - no chemistry is useful for the child. Only natural, natural substances will not cause painful states.

And the mustard powder is a real alternative to any chemistry in case you wish to find a means for washing exactly children's dishes.

2) Second. Water saving.

Traditional detergents should be washed off huge number water - not less than 50 liters cold water on one plate. Only after this washing, according to experts, it is possible to achieve complete removal of traces of a chemical detergent with dishes. Now count the number of dishes that you wash daily in the kitchen, and learn how much you have to pay for water to be healthy.

The mustard is flushed quickly. And even if microscopic traces remained on the dishes, it will not harm for the body (you use it into food, so do not be afraid for her remnants on the dishes).

3) Third. Effectiveness.

Some marketers argue that only store detergents can provide the best cleanliness of your dishes, and various homemade dishwashing agents are ineffective.

Mustard for many decades was used in the Soviet catering precisely for washing dishes, this is the present folk remedy for dish washing. My grandmother worked as a dishwasher in the dining room in the 70s. And they have a mustard powder stood in special banks, from where they poured it for washing dirty dishes.

So efficiency in washing even greasy utensils at the mustard powder is exactly the same as in synthetic detergents.

4) fourth. Cold water.

And here our mustard is slightly losing. Synthetic detergents are effective even in cold water - they simply chemically break the fat molecules, very aggressively affecting them. chemical composition. Imagine now, as they also aggressively affect the wall of the stomach or intestine, if a person eats remnants from the dishes.

But agree, if in your crane constantly flows hot water, and in it the effectiveness of the mustard and detergent is the same, then why throw your chemistry organism?

5) fifth. Convenience.

Again, marketers click on the human psyche ease of use of dishwashes. I clicked on a jar, poured a drop and washed the dishes.

But with mustard is also simple: I poured the mustard, added a little water and washed the dishes.

But as I stored mustard powder. A mustard powder embroidered from a children's powder, only the holes in the lid did a little more than in the case of the use of powder - it is so that the mustard powder is poured better.

What do you wash dishes? I am mustard. And now I will tell you about the benefits why wash the dishes is much better than traditional means for washing dishes.

5 Benefits of mustard over ordinary means for dishes:

  • 1. Safety

Traditional means for washing dishes are unnatural for human nature.
This is all clear, I hope. Read the composition of any detergent, then read the features of each of the components, and you will terrible how dangerous they are for human health.
Therefore, today there are so many allergic diseases in many people.
Therefore, we are recommended to wash the dishes from various Fairi or Aosov - at least 50 liters of cold water to wash off the remnants of the detergent from one plate and make it safe.

Mustard - a natural substance, harmless, in other words, is a natural dishwashing agent. So, the risk of allergic reactions in man is negligible. If you at least once in my life used mustard to food (with dumplings, with a cold or with other dishes), then no allergy will have.

And so as for children ...
If you have a baby, you will probably want him to be healthy to be allergic. And begin to search in the stores a suitable means for washing children's dishes.
But remember - no chemistry is useful for the child. Only natural, natural substances will not cause painful states.
And the mustard powder is a real alternative to any chemistry in case you wish to find a means for washing exactly children's dishes.

  • 2. Water saving

Traditional detergents should be washed off with a huge amount of water - at least 50 liters of cold water per plate. Only after this washing, according to experts, it is possible to achieve complete removal of traces of a chemical detergent with dishes. Now count the number of dishes that you wash daily in the kitchen, and learn how much you have to pay for water to be healthy.

The mustard is flushed quickly. And even if microscopic traces remained on the dishes, it will not harm for the body (you use it into food, so do not be afraid for her remnants on the dishes).

  • 3. Efficiency

Some marketers argue that only store detergents can provide the best cleanliness of your dishes, and various homemade dishwashing agents are ineffective.
But I will tell you, it's all the simple cheating, calculated on the blind consumer faith of advertising.
Mustard for many decades was used in the Soviet catering precisely for washing dishes, this is a real folk remedy for washing dishes. My grandmother worked as a dishwasher in the dining room in the 70s. And they have a mustard powder stood in special banks, from where they poured it for washing dirty dishes.
So efficiency in washing even greasy utensils at the mustard powder is exactly the same as in synthetic detergents.

  • 4. Cold water

Well launders in cold water!

  • 5. Convenience

Again, marketers click on the human psyche ease of use of dishwashes. I clicked on a jar, poured a drop and washed the dishes.

But with mustard is also simple: I poured the mustard, added a little water and washed the dishes.

But as I stored mustard powder. A mustard powder embroidered from a children's powder, only the holes in the lid did a little more than in the case of the use of powder - it is so that the mustard powder is poured better.

I buy mustard in powder, here in such packages.

This packaging is only 27 rubles, and it is enough for the month of use.

Now about the technique of washing dishes mustard.
Take, for example, a frying pan after burning vegetables, slightly wash it warm water, we embarrass the mustard powder in it so that its layer covered the bottom with a layer of 1 mm.

Then we take a wet sponge for dishes and slightly wipe the frying pan by it, capturing all the plots of the pan.

Daily in everyday life modern man Uses up to five items of various chemicals. it washing powders and air conditioners, cleaning products and, of course, dishwashing liquid. And if the powders are in contact only with the skin, then the remnants of the gels for cleansing plates and cups fall into the body.

Specialists and scientists broke considerable copies in disputes about the dangers and benefits of synthetic detergents. But everyone is free to choose whether he is ready to absorb the remnants of foam with an appetizing dish. Moreover, there are natural alternative compositions, cope with food residues no worse.

Kitchen helpers

Washing dishes - unpleasant but mandatory process. It is necessary to take a sponge to the sink and take a sponge at least 2 times a day. And parents of infants and babies and more often.

Make the washing of dishes by simple and safely will help such familiar food products and substances from childhood:

  1. Mustard. Ground burning grains superbly absorb fat. With their help, you can wash even frozen residues of dishes. The mustard powder for washing dishes can be used separately or as part of the mixture.
  2. Soda. An excellent cleaning and disinfection agent. Thanks to abrasive properties, it copes even with a resistant raid on the dishes.
  3. Vinegar. Alone, this substance will not cope with fat, but it can be disinfected by the washcloths. And also add to cleaning paste to destroy mold.
  4. Soap. It is usually used that the most unpretentious economic soap. It effectively removes the fatty film and is completely washed off with water.

Each "helper" can be used both solo and tandem. It is only necessary to figure out, for which surfaces you can use one or another safe composition and how to do it correctly.

Mustard powder

With the help of a mustard powder of washing dishes of grandmothers and moms many years ago. This agent was used to clean the dishes in kindergartens, since the "burning assistant" is completely safe.

Dry mustard for washing dishes is the most ordinary mustard powder that hostesses are purchased for making mayonnaise and other sauces. For the price it is more than available, but to crack the pack for a long time.

For convenience, the powder can be shielded into a suitable jar or a capacitance from under the sprinkle, so it will be convenient to dose.

The mustard is applied to the sponge, carefully handle the dishes and wash off with water. You can not use too much water, powder is easily removed.

The only disadvantage of such a cleaning method is low efficiency in cold water.

There are cases of allergies for burning powder. To make sure whether there will be no reaction, it is enough to remember whether family members used earlier to food mustard, for example, with dumplings or chill. If such a seasoning has always been applied to the table and negative reactions did not cause, nothing to worry about.

Baking soda

The use of soda in everyday life does not know the boundaries. It is added to cleaning products, injected into homemade washing powders and gels and, of course, wash dishes with it.

Usually soda is used to remove persistent contaminants. This substance will help make pan, glasses and cups shining, as if they were just purchased.

For cleaning, several tablespoons of soda should be dissolved in water and soak dishes for half an hour. After that wash with the help of a sponge. If the contamination did not move away, there are some powder on a rag and with pressure to lose stains. Even the burnt fat and tea raid are surrendered under such an author.

The food soda for washing dishes can be used in several ways. But it can not be used for cleaning a frying pan and a tuflon coating pan. Abrasive particles will damage the antiprigar layer.

Food vinegar

Sour fermentation product is used not only for cleaning at home. It is added to the water for the final rinsing of the hair, it is cleaned with it washing machine and electric kettle. This liquid will help in the fight against dirty dishes.

Wash plates after dinner by vinegar, of course, it is not worth it. But you can use it in several ways:

  1. To give gloss glass dishes. Clamps and glasses soak in solution and rinse under running water, wipe dry.
  2. For whitening white dishes. Plates and Salads Soak and wash.
  3. For softening burnt food. The remnants of food pour vinegar directly in a saucepan or on the night. In the morning there will be a sufficiently light mechanical impact.

In addition, it is possible to process wooden planks, brushes and. Such an impact will save from unpleasant odor And prevent the microbial reproduction.

Laundry soap

Classical economic soap, yellowish-brown, not possessing a pleasant smell - a real find for the hostess. With it, you can not only wash your lingerie and clean the house, but also wash the dishes.

It is enough to wash the sponge and thoroughly clean the plate with it. Soap is superbly coping with fat even in cool water. Foam is completely washed off with plates and leaves no smell.

From soap can be prepared and a liquid agent that is convenient to dose. It is enough to grate a lump on the grater and dissolve in water. To prepare such a composition, you can use the kneadings that accumulate if the hostess is erased by the economic soap. They can be collected, and after melt and turn into a means for safe washing dishes.

Eco-friendly pasta

From safe and widely used in the household ingredients, you can make a paste, which can cope with persistent pollution.

To do this, you will need:

  • 1/3 of the soap bar;
  • 2 tablespoons of soda and mustard powder;
  • 2 ampoules (2 tablespoons) ammona alcohol;
  • glass of water.

All ingredients are available, safe and efficient: mustard powder, household soap and soda - for washing dishes such a paste will be indispensable:

  1. Loose soap and mix with half water. Heat, stirring, before dissolving soap. Gradually add water to the reception of the consistency of sour cream.
  2. Slightly cool, enter soda and mustard powder, stir carefully. Add ammonia alcohol.
  3. Blend blend with a mixer. During operation, foam will be formed, it should be deleted. Pour the remedy into the container with the lid and be sure to close it so that the alcohol does not evaporate.

You can use such a safe and efficient composition immediately after cooling.

Using natural ingredients, such as soda and mustard, for washing dishes will allow you to forget about harmful and expensive industrial compositions. Pans, plates, glasses and the rest of the kitchen utensils will shine cleanliness. And it will be especially pleasant to realize that the family is delivered from contacts with chemical compounds.