How to enjoy the house wooden block house. Covering House Block House: Methods and Installation Features

Building decoration provides for the use of modern sheaturing, thanks to which the structure not only acquires beautiful viewBut also reliably protected from heat losses. On the construction market You can purchase various materials for facing work, but special attention Deserves a block house. The material is characterized by high operational characteristics. It is easy to install, ideally emphasizes the style of any architectural building, giving it chic and individuality.

Features and characteristics

Block House is unique decorative material. It is produced in the form of boards having a flat inner and convex outside. Also in the product of the product includes docking parts (spikes and grooves), which provide reliable mount, allowing you to avoid formation of lumen and cracks when installed. For the manufacture of block houses apply various woodbut most often choose raw materials from hardware and coniferous rocks Trees who are peculiar to beautiful aesthetic qualities, hardness and durability.

Boards in the production process are high-quality processing, so they are adapted for installation in any conditions. The main feature The material is that it is not cracking during operation. This is due to the fact that in the manufacture of the Haus block, it is equipped with special grooves that remove the tension from the tree.

Material release B. different sizesthat makes it possible to apply it for both internal and for exterior decoration. The trimming of the premises is usually carried out using a wooden block house with a cross section of 46 * 180 mm, and for decoration of buildings, metal or vinyl panels are chosen from the outside.

The main characteristic of the boards is their class, which is determined by the quality of wood and the method of its processing.

Therefore, you can find products of two options on sale.

  • Block House of the highest category. It is considered the highest quality, intended mainly for outdoor skin. Such boards are characterized by the absence of chips and holes.
  • Simple panels. Similar products have more low priceTherefore, often on the surface of such boards you can find a light "fringe" or "darling".

It is also worth noting that the block house has different thickness Panels, ranging from 20 mm and finishing 50 mm. At the same time, the minimum width of the boards is considered to be 70 mm, and the maximum is 190 mm. Before installing decorative wooden panels, they need to be carefully processed: to preload and coat with several layers of varnish or paint. After drying the painted wood, it is grinning and covered with a protective layer, which must be updated every 5 years.

Since the block house is produced in a rich assortment of colors and textures, it can be used to cover any kinds of premises and buildings, regardless of the style. Especially beautiful in this design look country houses. Finishing acts as a real decoration landscape design. If we entertain the material of the wall inside the building, it will be an unusual effect, thanks to which the interior will be filled with comfort and home heat.

Views: Advantages and Disadvantages

Since the block house is made from various raw materials, it is divided into several species. The most popular is the material made of natural wood. The main advantage of such boards is their environmental friendliness. The basis of the wooden block house can act fir, pine or larch, so choosing it for the external sheaving of the house, you can get unusual decor with imitation log cabin.

Depending on the quality of the array wooden panels divided into three groups.

  • Class "C". Boards have a well-shined surface, without bitch and other major defects. However, for this product is allowed a slight presence of darkens, chips and scratches.
  • Class "B". The canvases are characterized by a small price, so there may be traces of mechanical damage, light and dark knots on their surface.
  • Class "Extra". The boards are perfectly processed and deprived of any flaws. They are expensive, since they are characteristic of high quality, which is achieved by the manual method of selection.

Regardless of class of production, you can highlight the following advantages of a wooden block house:

  • good heat and noise insulation;
  • presentable view;
  • naturalness.

As for negative properties, such boards are expensive, easily ignited and require treatment with antiseptics.

If planned a budget option Finishes, T. right choices Vinyl panels will become.They are sold at an affordable price, imitate natural tree. The main advantage of the products is that before installation, they do not need to be additionally impregnated with antiseptics and lacked. In addition, compared with wood, they have a longer service life and do not require special care. Since the vinyl block house has low weight, it does not put pressure on the construction of the construction.

The advantages of vinyl panels include:

  • huge selection of textures and colors;
  • ease of installation;
  • durability;
  • resistance to moisture and ultraviolet.

There are few minuses in such a material: it is sensitive to temperature differences, requires compliance with the special installation technology, and the surface of such boards looks more dimly than an array.

A steel block house is also considered an equally popular view. It is a bent profile painted under a natural tree. Thanks this material You can not only decorate the facades, but also to carry out high-quality heat insulation. The main advantage of the product is its superplication, but in the same way vinyl panelsThe material is suitable only for the exterior finish, since indoors it looks unprepacently.

The pluses of steel panels include:

  • long service life;
  • affordable price;
  • simplicity mounting work;
  • moisture resistance and fire safety.

However, despite positive characteristics, steel elements have disadvantages. They are quickly heated in the sun, and their installation requires the use of additional components.

Criterias of choice

The construction market amazes a huge assortment of block house, but in order to perform a high-quality finish, it is necessary to choose the material to choose.

The product should not only have a beautiful view, but also have operational characteristics that allow it to last long time.

  • A huge role in choosing panels play their width. To cover the facades it is better to choose a board with a width of at least 159 mm, and for interior decoration - 80 mm. For lining of walls in the premises, it is not recommended to use wide panels, as they visually reduce the area of \u200b\u200bthe room.
  • Particular attention should be paid to the tree of wood from which the material is made. For outdoor work will suit Larch, it is resistant to moisture, has an original texture and coloring. When finishing inside buildings, it is best to give preference for lipa or oak. They provide excellent waterproofing and insulation of the room.

  • Choosing a block house, you also need to specify the class of its wood. Ideal trim can only get from quality panels Higher category. Therefore, all the boards must be packed in a solid film, have the same width and length. It is not allowed to purchase a material on the surface of which there are cracks, swirls and resin spots.
  • It is recommended to buy boards with a length of at least 6 m, this will reduce the number of joints when installing.
  • If products do not have certificates, and the humidity of the boards exceeds 20%, then it is impossible to use them.

Preparation and components

Before the start of installation work, a block house should be prepared. For this, a small period of time for acclimatization of the material is distinguished. Usually it takes for several days. At this time, the insulation is laid outside the walls, waterproofing and make the calculation of the material in Cuba.

Also installing panels provides for an assembly of vertical crate from rails or bars.The distance between the frame elements should be 70 cm. To ensure the necessary waterproofing, a thin frame is additionally fixed on top of the insulated crate of the screw.

To install the boards, you must purchase certain components.

  • Universal planks.
  • Hinged profiles. Their fasteners are executed, as a rule, over the window openings to protect the finish from moisture. If the facade consists of several levels, then profiles are used between transitions.
  • Starting plank. It is necessary for mounting the lower row of boards.
  • Finish profile. It is placed along the edges of the wall for fixing the last panels.
  • Connecting strips and corners.
  • Special fastening elements (kleimer and selflessness).

Mounting tools should consist of standard Setincluding roulette, level, screwdriver, hammer and drill.

Technology and installation rules

When a doom is made, you can start the block house panels. Laying the material is a simple process, so work can be made independently without resorting to the help of specialists.

To correctly perform installation, it is enough to adhere to the installation rules.It is also important to provide a solid fastening of the finish. Boards to the frame should be fixed using metal brackets or kleimers. If the facing is carried out with thick panels, it is recommended to use screws coated with anti-corrosion composition.

The installation of panels begins with the fact that they are laid out in the room in such a way that the spike of each detail is from above, and the groove is from below. This simplifies the further workflow and reduces the risk of dust formation in the grooves. Between the ceiling, outdoor surface and is important to provide a small gap to ensure natural ventilation. You also need to leave the gaps and between the panels themselves when their docking is performed. This is done so that the covering at temperature drops and ingress on its surface moisture has not been deformed.

It is worth considering that the external finish of the facade requires the availability of such additional Materialslike insulation, antiseptic, primer and vapor barrier film. Before covering at home, a block house must be installed vaporizolation. The work is carried out with the help of brackets and stapler, with the help of which the film is fixed to the frame, forming a total of 10-15 cm.

If the block house is fastened horizontally, then first angle should be sewed.The panel is installed on the profile and fixed along the entire length of the kleimer, which, in turn, is attached to the scribe with self-draws. Then the second panel is inserted into the cutter, its grooves must "look" down.

Observing the above technology, the entire wall should be seen. In some cases, the installation of the material is carried out not by whimmers, but by self-draws. In this case, it is important to accurately stick the panels, screwing up the self-tapping screws at an angle of 45 degrees.

As for the design of the angles inside, they decorate the 5 × 5 cm timber or special plinths. At the same time, experts advise the bars before the skin. Thanks to this, the finish is more attractive.

We must not forget about the facing of the window and door openings. The most important thing is to protect them from the penetration of dust, precipitation and cold air. It is better to choose platbands with raven patterns or an unusual ornament. They can be figured, rounded or flat.

It is interesting to block house and in the interior of residential premises.

Such a lining is practically no different from external cladding, but is characterized by its nuances:

  • it is usually used non-fragile panels;
  • internal I. exterior angles are drawn up at the end of the entire installation.

It is not recommended to use a block house for decoration of walls in rooms with high humidity. If the stylistics involves the presence of panels in the bathroom or in the kitchen, they must be covered with a protective layer of varnish. In order to extend the life of such a trim, it should also be treated with mastic and verses.

Internal finish is desirable to update periodically. For this, a protective layer is applied to it every 5-7 years, pre-removing the old coating. The walls of the premises can be sewed by boards both vertically and horizontally.

Is it possible to make yourself?

Although modern market Presents a chic assortment of block house, many country housing owners prefer to produce it with their own hands, and not acquire in the finished form. At first glance, this may seem complicated, but if you have a small workshop and machine for processing a tree at hand, the process is performed quite fulfilled.

Regardless of the material that was used for the construction of the house, the issue of external sheaving remains important. For these purposes, tiles, stone, siding, plastic products will be combined. But we must pay tribute to tradition - the tree is still at the peak of popularity, and with it and a block house. Today we will talk about the procedure for the cover of the house by a block house.

A block house is a wooden panel that has a convex facial side. It can be used inside the house, and for the exterior decoration of walls, base and frontoths. Facing successfully imitates the surface of the log cabin. Often the panels are not made of wood, but from the material similar to it. You can wash a block house with any surface - from stone, brick, wood, reinforced concrete blocks.

In Rank building materials Block House is presented in several versions:

  1. Panels made of natural wood. For their manufacture, predominantly coniferous rocks are used - pine, cedar, larch, in this case the material is characterized by high resistance to water, is not subjected to rotting and mold due to the presence of antiseptic substances in coniferous wood. To reduce the risk of ignition, the material is processed by fire impregnation. Also, the panels can be made from hardwood - oak, alder, birch, but they are expensive.
  2. Panels from artificial materials, namely vinyl, in which plasticizers and protective firming components are added. Vinyl block house is stronger than wooden! It is inherent in the same advantages, as well as simplicity of installation and care of the surface, rich color gamma, which includes a high-quality imitation of the tree.
  3. Metal panels. Such a block house is characterized by high resistance to corrosion and a democratic price. However, when contemplating the finishing, the thought is involuntarily comes to an analogy with a production building.
Let's stop more on the technology of the construction of the house wooden block houseSince most often the owners choose it precisely by virtue of many advantages of such a finish: high strength due to the conditions of intense wood drying, deformation resistance, solar radiation, adverse weather conditions, low temperature, aesthetic appearance. At the same time, the load is small on the foundation. And if there are minor damage, the problem is solved by the surface with paint or grinding. In addition, the trim is additional insulation walls.

Choosing material, follow these recommendations:
  • It is better to buy a purchase in a specialized store.
  • It has already been said above that the above properties of a block house made from coniferous wood - high strength and stability moisture, so give preference to it. Perfect option - larch.
  • When buying, you must make sure that the material is made of high-quality wood, it should not be wet. Permissible level Humidity - 20%, is indicated in certificates for material.
  • See so that there are no bitch, choose a panel with a flat surface.
  • All panels must have one size, spikes and sinuses.
  • Carefully check the packaging integrity.
  • For exterior work, a wide block house is intended, for the sheat inside the house - narrow.
  • The standard length of the panel is 6 m. But the short boards are also available.

Before covering at home, a block house must be held preparatory workwhich are as follows:
  1. To begin with, remember that the baptine panels are recommended only a year after the end of the construction site.
  2. Before work, be sure to make a carpature, so that there is no cold in the house.
  3. Further take care of heat and vapor insulation materialsSince a full-fledged trim is the so-called sandwich. Its layers: vaporizolation, dryer for insulation, thermal insulation material, windproof film, counterfeiting.
  4. When finishing a wooden-house block or brick house You can not use a vapor barrier film.
  5. As heat insulating material The minvati plates are best suited. When choosing, consider the wall thickness: for example, for wooden house, the thickness of the walls of which is 15 cm, required heat insulating layer 10 cm in size, an economical option - 5 cm.
  6. It is also necessary to think about the thickness of the bars, of which the lamp consists, since the insulation will be laid between them. If the size of the plate is 5 cm, then the bars should be similar.
  7. Windproof film is fixed to provide ventilation between insulation and clearance.
  • When mounting the panel, place it so that the grooves is at the bottom, and the spike is at the top to eliminate the risk of moisture accumulation and dust in the groove and extend the trim service time.
  • When installing, leave the gap between the ceiling surface or floor and the trim to provide its natural ventilation.
  • The gap between the boards is needed to prevent their deformation in case of change temperature mode and humidity.
  • For fixing a thick block house, the most suitable self-sufficiency with anticorrosive coatingmade from zinc. So on the board will not be left for traces from rust.
After the work is performed, the surface must be protected from factors external environment By primer, as well as painting or varnish coating. At the same time, it is also an attachment location of panels, as a result of further drying, strips between the boards may appear. The composition is needed in 2 layers to keep the antiseptic properties longer. In the process of varnishing, after drying the first layer, mark the surface grinding for removing the pile raised and achieve a smooth surface. Such a coating is recommended to update once every 5 years.

Thus, the block house is original decision For decoration of walls and facades of houses built from a variety of materials.

Successfully completed outdoor finish of the house is the achievement of several goals at once: improvement external view, the appearance of a protective layer protecting from external impact and ensuring right regime Functioning of a wall cake.

Another important point should be added to this list: the ability to install the trim with your own hands.

The main criterion of choice, most often, is the appearance, since the remaining functions are performed imperceptibly and strongly stretched over time.

The decorative qualities of the casing material depend on the taste of the consumer, from its preferences. The wooden sheathing of the house is traditional for our country and is well perceived visually. One of the common and spectacular types wooden trim is a block house.

Block House is one of the varieties of siding. The appearance of the trim is a convex oblong strip, in the set material imitates log cabin. The classic type of block house is made of wood and by type of panels and general signs It is one of the types of lining. The wall, sheathed by a house, has the appearance of a wooden house, folded from logs, but devoid of disadvantages of this type of buildings.

Advantages of block house:

  • In the manufacture of the material passes the cycle of special procedures that reduce the ability to change linear dimensions, strokes, cracking and water absorption.
  • Has high mechanical strength, Sustainable K. external influences And easily gives in in different ways local restoration.
  • Low weight block house does not create an excessive load on the supporting structures of the house.
  • Environmentally friendly material.
  • It has high frost resistance.
  • High heat-saving properties.

At the same time, there are some drawbacks:

  • Wood flammable, even when conducting regular impregnations fire retardant compositions The risk of fire remains high.
  • The material needs periodic maintenance - painting, impregnation, etc.
  • Parry Permeability Block House is very lowWhat makes take measures to enhance the ventilation of the submitted space.
  • Wooden block house is much more expensive than other types of skin.

The properties of the block house are somewhat different from the usual types of wooden sheat. Operating conditions, testing loads and temperature drops put forward certain requirements for the quality of the material. In the manufacture of wood, there is a special processing, deep drying, impregnation with compositions that reduce the absorption of moisture and the ability to burn.

The reverse side of the panel is flat with two or more grooves compensating for a change in swelling during swelling and excluding surface swelling. The front side is a segment of a circle that simulates the surface of the log in the Siruba. The connection is made in the spike grooves available on opposite edges. A set of panels repeats neatly made cabbage from a polling calibrated log, making the appearance of the facade neat and good.

Types of block house - what to choose?

Block House - material having many varieties. Traditional view - Wooden panels, on the principle of connection and the general appearance close to the lining.

They have several varieties separated by the quality of the material:

  • E. - Extra. Ideally glued wood, straight, without bitch and plane defects.
  • BUT - Clean surface without damage, chips or scaling. A certain number of minor surprised bitch can be allowed.
  • IN - Some defects, knots or small material flaws are allowed.
  • FROM - There is pretty a large number of shortcomings. The material is used to finish the auxiliary buildings, not visible from the facade.

In addition to wooden block house, there are analogs from other materials:

  • Vinyl.
  • Metal (galvanized steel),

The panel can have one wave, two or more. Vinyl or metal panels, as a rule, have 2 waves. Wooden - mostly one, but options are possible.

Vinyl and metal panels are deprived of the shortcomings inherent in wooden samples, but have their own pros and cons.

The main advantage of alternative types of material is as follows:

  • Resistance to water exposure.
  • Lack of burning ability.
  • Do not rot, they do not appear fungus or mold.
  • Do not require care, coloring, etc.
  • Have a variety of coloring options.

The disadvantages can be found:

  • Vinyl saidding of fragile at negative temperatures.
  • The high coefficient of temperature extensions creates certain difficulties during installation.
  • Low heat and sound insulation.

Vinyl and metal panels are much cheaper than wooden, which is largely contributing to greater popularity of these types of material.

Required installation tools and challenges

Installation of vinyl and metallic siding is the same for almost all types and types of material. Therefore, the installation of a wooden block house will be considered, since there are fundamental differences here.

For installation will be required:

  • Electric drill.
  • Screwdriver, screwdriver.
  • Roulette, level, hammer.
  • Shilo for caring centers of holes under the self-tapping screw.

The list of tools can be significantly expanded, since the order of installation work is largely depends on the state and material of the walls.

As a challenge elements for a wooden block house, some elements of metal can be used - about glass strips, angular overhead elements, sofita, internal angles etc. Special wooden elements There is no, adjusting the corners or adjoints is made by conventional carpentry methods.

Preparation of the surface of the facade

Preliminary preparation - the most important stage Works, from the thoroughness of which the durability and quality of service of wall cake and the trim are dependent.


  • Removing all foreign objects, dismantling air conditioners, drainage, brackets, etc.
  • Inspection and detection of all available flaws.
  • Removal old paint.discharged or shuffling. The surface must be completely monolithic and durable, all weak sections are removed as much as possible.
  • Sealing chosel or dents formed from the removal of problem areas. Putty is used. In the presence of a large amount of dents or with their large depths, it is recommended to continuously shuttering the surface.
  • The last stage of the preparatory work is to apply a double bed of primer with intermediate drying according to the user manual.


In no case should be neglected with preparatory work. The condition of the walls should be as close as possible to the perfect. After mounting the trimming of access, the ability to control or change the status of the walls will not. All possible actions should be done in advance.

Wall cake and ventilated facade

Wall cake - this is a combination of all the layers constituting the wall of the house (Photo device below):

  • Actually interior Wall - Fencing design.
  • Insulated material.
  • Paro-waterproof membrane.
  • Doom (or, as it is different, the subsystem is called).
  • Ventilation gap.
  • Outdoor lining (in our case - Block House).

The maximum composition of the wall cake is listed. In some cases there is no need for a ventilation gap or in insulation material. At the same time, if there is no ventilation gap, it means that the insulation is impenetrable for steam (foam or EPPS). The lack of insulation, most often, requires a ventilation gap to organize the withdrawal of steam from under the trim.

Selection and installation of the crate

The doom is basic structure For mounting the plating, performing simultaneously:

  • The leveling function in the presence of shortcomings of the geometry of the walls.
  • Forming ventilation gap.
  • Supporting insulation material (not the most successful way, but used quite often).

The design of the crate is one or two-layer system of planks. The first layer is an aligning, it forms a plane and supports the insulation. The second layer is set across the first, it forms a ventilation gap and directly carries the trim.

As a material can be used wooden bars or, which is much more efficient, metal guides for GKL. Installation of the crates is made on pre-installed brackets or direct suspensions for GKC. For mounting of the slats, screws are applied with a tip under the drill.

Installation of insulation

The insulation performs at least two tasks:

  • Reduces the cost of heating at home.
  • Eliminates the formation of condensate on the walls and the wetting of materials leading to their destruction.

The selection of insulation is a rather difficult task. In order to use the most suitable type, you should understand the physical essence of its work. Basic property - vapor permeability, i.e. The ability to pass through itself water vapors passing through the walls.

If insulation parpural (for example, all types of minvati), then the ventilation clearance must be made.

Impervious types of insulation (Polyfoam, Epps) do not require the formation of ventilation gapBut for the output of water vapors will require the creation of an effective ventilation system.

Installing the insulation is made on the prepared surface of the wall.

The most successful procedure:

  • Installing brackets for the crate.
  • Laying insulation. The material is tightly installed on the surface without cracks or gaps. Brackets are conducted through the outbreaks of the insulation. If necessary, the slot should be filled with mounting foam.
  • A sealer layer of a pair-waterproof membrane, protecting the insulation from an external (atmospheric) moisture, is mounted on top of the insulation installed.
  • Waterproofing and vaporizoation of the wall

Hydro and vaporizolation is performed using a special film ( optimal option - Paro-waterproof membrane). Installation of protection can be made either from the inside or outside.

  • Internal installation is performed using impermeable types of insulation (foam, penplex, EPPS, etc.). It serves as a cut-off of the inner pair from wall materialspreventing the appearance of condensate and wetting walls.
  • External protection installation is performed on top of the insulation. In this case, the film protects the material from the external humidity, at the same time releasing pairs from the inside. This option makes it possible to remove moisture from the walls and maintain them dry and workable.

Installation of the film is made by rows of peaks 15-20 cm with sizing joints with special scotch.

How to cut a block house at an angle

Trimming at an angle is carried out either by electric copier installed in a special campaign with markup. Such a device allows you to adjust the position of the saw so that the cut will be produced exactly at a pressed angle.

Another option is the manufacture of stub - the simplest device in which the hacksaw moves in the grooves of two bars. For the manufacture of Stusla, it takes quite a bit of time, but it will be necessary to accurately make the firing of the guide grooves.

How to dock panels on external and internal corners

The docking of the angular connections of the block house can be made in different ways:

  • No special actions are made The angular connection is made by installing the corresponding profile challenge.
  • On the angle axis, a planed sections of a square section is installed, in which the ends of the panels are resting. The option is good, but it will be necessary to accurately calculate the thickness of the bar and the length of the panels so that the connection is maximally dense.
  • The panels are cut under 45 °, after installing the panel corresponding to each other on different sides of the angle, are connected by self-draws. To do this, in one panel you need to drill a deaf hole at an angle, which will pass the screw of the screw. Thus, the panels will attract each other, it turns out a dense and neat connection. Holes subsequently shut up traffic jams and stick them to flush.
  • Most complex option - The corners of the panels are roamed under 45 ° and accurately adjusted to each other without connecting each other.

How docking in length

You can use the following options for docking a block house:

  • Straight vertical strips in which the ends of all panels are resting (analogue of the H-strip for vinyl or metal siding).
  • Dense docking end-in-end (accurate trimming is required at 90 °).
  • One end cuts into 90 °, the second is also cut under 90 °, but in the opposite direction. The joke will be able to pull the screw, ensuring durable and sealed connection. Screw screwing at an angle, the hole is closed with a plug and sparkled flush.

Methods for fastening the block house and the order of the lining of the house

How to shepherd by a block house? Panels can be attached in different ways:

  • Through fastening through facial surface . The easiest way, but the appearance will be spoiled by the presence of hats of nails or screws.
  • Fastening with self-drawing, screwed in spike. After installing the next panel, the screw is not visible, which will significantly improve the view of the canvas. The disadvantage of the method is the need to screw the screws into the edge of spike, which will cause a loose connection, you will need a trimming of the response part in the installation places of the screws, it is possible to chip.
  • Using curvators. The easiest I. reliable way. The fastener tongue starts in the groove, the whimmer screws or nailed to the crate. Connection is dense, durable and not destroying.

Installation of panels is made spike up or down:

  1. The first option is used if the mount is made on the screws, the second - on the beammers.
  2. The first panel is installed with a small gap between the supporting surface to form the ventilation slot.
  3. A similar clearance is made in the upper part of the web so that the air under the trim can circulate freely. The connection to the spike groove should be made as tight as possible, not allowing gaps in which moisture can accumulate.
  4. When the connection should not be very much to beat the hammer in the panel, since there is a danger to break off a spike or groove and complicate the connection of the next panel.


Before starting work, you should consider the panel placement scheme to get a symmetrical pattern. All end connections are best to do in one place so that the installed symmetrically vertical strips created a decorative element.

This is especially important with a large frontone area, when the panel lengths are missing. Cutting the panels at an angle can be made both on Earth and directly at the place, for greater accuracy, but this option is possible in the absence of sofita or an unimposed onset of the roof.

Block House is natural materialallowing a high degree of realism to mimic a log cabin. The accuracy, accuracy of the size and simplicity of installation make this facing by one of the most preferred materials, and the ability to periodically twist the canvas and update the facade of the house allows you to constantly have a new look of walls, which is unattainable when using other types of trim. High quality material facilitates long-term lifting service.

Useful video

Instructions on the trim of the house block house on the example of the interior decoration:

In contact with

During the construction of the house, construction materials are used of different origin. In many countries, natural products prefer to use natural items. They have been used since ancient times for construction, decoration of buildings, bringing positive energy, creating a comfortable environment for living.

Features of a wooden block house

Among the modern natural materials used to the outer decoration of buildings, you can still meet a block house - a variety of wooden lining.

Beautiful I. stylish house, covered by a block house, in the photo is indistinguishable from a high-quality natural cut. In addition to external similarities, such a decoration of buildings has a large number of common positive parties.

Houses built from a natural log are famous for their longevity. Nowadays, it is often possible to meet buildings, more than a century building, which have not lost their qualities and are actively used. In such houses it is easy to breathe, absent increased humidity, a favorable psychological climate is formed.

To replace the popular material, the industry has established a production of inexpensive coatings. These include a metal profiled sheet and siding (see), imitating a natural block house. Each of these species has a beautiful appearance, good strength indicators, quite a long time of use, but are not suitable for internal use.

Vinyl or acrylic siding becomes especially popular for creating a stylish building. Solving what kind of sample is better, siding or block house, it should be remembered that natural materials are more suitable for the arrangement of people's accommodation facilities due to their environmental purity and harmlessness.

At the same time, it is determined, the better to strip your home, many make a choice towards siding, guided by affordable prices and for a long time use, lack of need for complex care and additional measures to maintain the appropriate appearance. However, this concerns only high-quality samples from reliable manufacturers.

Positive characteristics

The house covered by a block house of wood combines many advantages allocating it among other materials:

one). High environmental characteristics.

2). The absence of harmful discharges allow it to be applied to finishing not only outside, but also inside buildings, during the construction of mansions, cottages, summer buildings, saunas, baths, economic premises.

3). Good hygroscopicity and vapor permeability of wood contributes to the absorption of excess moisture in the room, and the excavation of their outward, leading to a decrease in the level of humidity.

four). Due to the good noise absorption and low thermal conductivity, the block house is an additional insulation and soundproofing layer.

five). Simplicity of installation (see), which does not require special equipment and tools, makes the bedding at home by a block house with a fairly simple operation that allows the neat owner to make the beautiful decoration of its own residential and household structures.

6). Beautiful appearance allows you to implement modern design projects on high level qualities, for example, in popular rustic style, build beautiful, reliable, durable houses.

Variety of material

The appearance of the block house can be compared with wooden clapboardhaving a convex facial part, carefully trimmed under a rounded log. There is a variety with a cut convex part. Such a block house has a surface resembling a timber.

The strength, reliability and durability of the surface is ensured by the compound of the groove-comb (spike, spool). To do this, on each product, on the one hand, the groove is torn, and on the other, there is a spool. Such a type of docking of the Blocheus bands with each other creates a high-quality connection and protection against moisture penetration, cold.

For the manufacture of block house used in outdoor finishMost often coniferous breeds:

  • Pine.
  • Larch.

A block house of ate has insufficient strength quality for outdoor use, but it can be successfully used to finish the interior.

From hardwood of alder, oak, birch, it turns out a durable, beautiful and eco-friendly material. The dimensions of its use are limited to a fairly high price. Such types of block house can be used for stylish interior trim cottages, baths, saunas.

The premises decorated with wooden block house are very beautiful, have a pleasant golden color, warm surface. In such a room, a comfortable environment is created for a person who does not harm health, but on the contrary, having healing properties due to the natural components. The tree can take fatigue, replenish the strength, restore the mental balance.

The house, carved with a block house, not only looks beautiful and stylish. With this finish, you can get a durable wall covering, reliably protecting on atmospheric influences, creating a comfortable and warm living room.

Modern building market for skin care can offer different materials: Tile, Stone, Siding, Plastics. But the simplest and comfortable in operation is a block house. In order to know how to properly shelter the house Block House, it is necessary to have an idea of \u200b\u200bthe material itself and the specifics of working with it.

Brief description of the material

Block House is one of the most popular building materials that is convenient to use as in order to seize the house outside and inside, and all this is easy to make with their own hands, without the involvement of labor workers.

By type of material Blockchas can be three types: made of metal, plastic and wood. Their installation is slightly different.

Plastic block Hause- The easiest, respectively and the crate for it can be made easier and easier

Tree is environmentally friendly and natural material. Although wooden surfaces Require additional processing, most people prefer to work with him.


The range of wooden blockhause is so great that the question involuntarily arises, which material to choose.

In fact, two factors affect this:

  • dimensions;
  • material.

When reading in detail with the specifics, you can make the right choice.


The convenience of the panels of this material is primarily in the fact that they are already prepared for work: they have special longitudinal ends that make it easier to assemble.

The construction market contains the following dimensions:

  • wide panels 15 cm;
  • narrow panels less than 15 cm.

Narrow boards are used to cover indoors, and wide - for outdoor skin, because They are better protected from the wind. Of course, the price of broad boards will be higher.


The most common sizes are 3 - 6 m. It may be possible to find siding and non-standard sizesBut most often this material can only be purchased under the order. Without waste, no installation will cost, but careful markings and the calculation will help you minimize them.


In construction stores, the blockhaus is usually measured in cubic, square or straight meters. When purchased, it is recommended to carefully examine the price tag, paying attention to whether the surface is indicated. After all the difference between the working or overall surfaces is about 6-7 mm.

Sometimes there is a price on the price tag in terms of a common surface, because of which problems may occur when the house has to sow a block house. 6-7mm-little difference, but on a large area the difference can be several boards.


For external work, wood coniferous trees is most often used. Among the most common and cheap materials can be called larch, pine and fir.

It is believed that larch - best Material.

Her advantages are obvious:

  • high strength;
  • moisture-repellent effect;
  • resistance to the action of microorganisms;
  • durability.

Ancient Venice is all worthwhile in water on piles from larch, and how many centuries without major repairs

The cost of larch panels is somewhat high. Pine and fir are much cheaper, but also the characteristics of these materials look more modest.

Read more about the technical characteristics of pine and fir, the differences between them can be found in the table:

The main properties of wood Pine Spruce
Color Reddined or yellowish White
Color stability Over time, it becomes more intense Hills initial color
Texture Pronounced Pronounced
Permissible humidity of dry jogging products 480 kg per 1m3 430 kg per 1m3
Resinity High content Reduced content
Bounds and their locality A small amount of A large number of
Resistance to rotting High Average
Strength High Lower than in pine
Reaction to mechanical processing Soft wood Wood more solid

Based on the data, we can say that pine properties exceed the parameters of ate. Therefore, from two economy materials it is recommended to use pine.

You can buy panels and hardwood trees on the market. But the price of them is significantly higher, because manufacturers usually release such goods under the order and in small quantities.

For external cladding work, a block house is better to acquire coniferous panels Trees of fortiness AB, because This is the best material based on the price-quality ratio.

Storage conditions

Attention should be paid to:

  • the level of humidity in the room;
  • use of pallets for storage;
  • the presence of packaging that protects the panels from dirt and dust;
  • the presence of natural ventilation.

In case of violation of any storage condition, it is not recommended to buy material.

How to put the house block house

By selecting the material and determined with the size of the block house, you can proceed to the preparation of installation.

Required tools

To perform work, you will need the next set of tools:

  • nails (selflessness) or kleimers;
  • hacksaw or electric saw;
  • level;
  • antiseptic solutions for surface treatment;
  • varnish or paint for finishing finish.

Antipirens protect the wooden block House from unnecessary ignition

When working with chemically active solutions, it is recommended to use additional protective equipment in the form of gloves.


Like any construction worksMounting panels requires preliminary training.

The surface preparation is performed in the usual way:

For outdoor trim Wooden house Siding surface can not be aligned, because It will still be treated on top of a layer of insulation and crate.

Wooden panels blokhasa Must be treated with special solutions to increase the service life.

The trim is better to start approximately a year after the end of the construction. It is recommended to cross the surface of the house. IN otherwiseNo additional insulation will be able to help, and in the room will always be cool.

Preparation of walls of houses from brick, foam blocks and other materials is somewhat different.

It consists of several stages:

  • cleaning of surfaces from verbs;
  • alignment of walls with plaster for obtaining a smooth and smooth surface;
  • installation of metal crate.

The shap is aligned with a plumb or level. From how well the lamp will be performed, the quality of further installation depends.

If you plan to sow a house in full, you should prepare:

  • parosolation film;
  • doom;
  • thermal insulation;
  • windproof film;
  • control.

Wooden or brick house You can not process the wrap for vapor insulation, it is more important to determine the type of insulation and pick up the optimal thickness. For these purposes are good mineral plates.

Choosing insulation, it is important to take into account the thickness of the walls that will be trimmedb For example, if the thickness of the walls of the wooden house is 15 cm, it is recommended to use a heater with a maximum thickness of 10 cm, it is possible - 5 cm for savings.

From what the insulation was chosen, the thickness of the cutting of the crate.

Since the mineral plates of the insulation are located between the shelter rails, their thickness must mutually match. For instance, If the thickness of the insulation is 5 cm, the lamp should have the same dimensions.

The next stage of preparatory work - coverage windproof film and installing a counterbreak. This is necessary in order to create a distance between the layers of the insulation and the trim, due to which the ventilation will be provided and improved sound insulation properties.

Ventilation of the insulating layer greatly increases its service life

When all preparatory work is completed, you can start the installation of panels.


When installing the panel, it is necessary to position so that the grooves are at the bottom, and the spikes are at the top so that moisture and dust accumulate in the boards.

Be sure to leave the gaps between the latter above and below the panels for natural surface ventilation. Between the panels themselves it is better to leave 5-millimeter distances to ensure installation of mounting.

Nuances fastening

The process itself does not cause difficulties and is performed quite quickly. The main questions that occur are related to how to fix and carefully perform installation in the corners.

For Tolstoy wide boobs Required reliable fastening, so it is strongly recommended in such cases to use screws with anti-corrosion coatings. in the form of zinc or anodizing.

You can use nails as fasteners, which somewhat reduces the total cost of work. If nails and self-tapping screws are visible on the surface, then kleimers are used for hidden fastening.

Their use has a number of advantages:

  • lack of risk damage the treated surface;
  • convenience in montage, because They are made precisely under the size of the panels;
  • reliability and strength;
  • aesthetic appearance.

The main drawback is considered a high price compared to other fasteners. But if there is no experience in the installation, it is better to use precisely kleimers, because when using nails and self-screws, cracks and chips can easily form.

Finish work

Finishing works are a surface treatment with varnish or paint to give an aesthetic appearance and an increase in service life.

Metal and plastic blockchas in the final finish does not need.

How much does it cost to shelter the house block house

Anyone who wants to shelter the house by block mobile, with all its benefits will notice that price It is quite a democratic. The cost depends on the size of the surface, the species, varieties of material and the types of fasteners used. The price of work in hiring specialists is low. Therefore, if there is no sufficient experience, it is better to turn to professionals.

How to put it on the outside of the house by a block house with your own hands, you can look more in the video: