Instructions for the operation of hot water boilers for live. Instructions for installation and operation of boilers

Production instruction - The main document according to which the boiler house staff should act. It stipulates the general rules and specific acts of personnel in a particular situation.

The instruction is an example of a typical instruction of boiler room operators. The instruction is given to each operator personally in hand, under the painting.

The main items of the production instructions of the operator of the gasified boiler room:

I. General provisions.

· Operator's tolerance procedure

· Rights and obligations of the operator boiler room

· The tolerance of unauthorized persons to the boiler room is allowed only accompanied by the head of the boiler room to permit administration.

· It is forbidden to engage in an extraneous activity on duty.

II. Preparation for the ignition (extract) of the boiler.

· The risi of the boiler is carried out only with the written order of the head of the boiler room.

Preparation for Razhig State Steam Boiler

· It is necessary to make sure there are no boiler and foreign objects in the firebox of the boiler and gas ducts.

· Check the health of the boiler and chimneys.

· Check the condition of explosive safety valves.

· Check the health of the safety valves (by undermining).

· Touch the actuators of the air dampers of the smoke and fans.

· Check the availability of natural traction in the furnace.

· Check the health of smoke and fans.

· Check the condition of the headset of the boiler.

· Check the health of the shut-off valves on the boiler pipelines (nutritious, purge).

· Check the health and inclusion of waterproof glasses.

· Check the performance of control automation.

· Ensure the performance of the backup nutritional pump.

· Open air workers on the top drum of the steam boiler.

· Close the crane on the continuous purge line.

· Ensure the presence of water in Deaerator.

· Fill with water econamizer.

· Open a tap on the nutrient line.

· Fill the boiler nutrient water. (For steam boiler, the water level should be between the lower permissible level and the upper permissible level, slightly above the average value.

· Make sure the water level in the boiler is not reduced.

· Close the crane on the nutrient line.

Preparation for Raisher Water Heat

· Check the condition of the headset of the boiler.

· Check the repair of pipelines attached to the boiler. Ensure the absence of plugs on the trackers.

· Check the health of the measuring instruments.

· Check the security of safety automation.

· Check the maintenance of network pumps.

· Close cranes on drainage lines.

· Open the valve at the boiler input.

· Open the valve at the boiler output line.

· Open air. Wait when water will be resistant and closed them.

· Ensure in the presence of water circulation through the boiler. The water pressure at the inlet should be higher than the output.

· Ensure the absence of water leakage from the boiler.

· Fill the system with water using the feed pump.

· After creating pressure in the system, about 2.5 kgf / cm2 turn on the circulation pump.

· Make in the journal recording about the preparation of the boiler to Razhigu.

III. Razhigig (extract) boiler.

· The risi of the boiler is made according to the written order of the head of the boiler room.

Razjign steam boiler:

· Make sure the boiler is filled with water.

· Certify the tightness of the shut-off valves. Verification results Write to a replaceable magazine.

· Parotozer valve on the boiler should be closed.

· The faucet on the continuous purge line should be closed.

· Crane on the nutrient line of the boiler should be closed.

· Open a crane on a secular line.

· Interesters on a steam boiler must be open.

· Check the health of water plumbing glass.

· Check the safety of safety valves (by undermining)

· Mainstanding boiler is performed with minimal load.

· Close air workers after pairs will sustainably go.

· With a pair pressure of 3 kgf / cm2, it is once again to check the state of waterproof glass, check the safety valves by undermining.

· Perform a periodic blowing of the boiler.

Razhire water:

· When the hot water boiler is placed, monitor the pressure and temperature at the inlet and outlet.

· Follow the flow of water through the boiler. (by flow meter)

· Result results write to a replaceable magazine.

IV. Turning on the boiler to work.

V. Work of the boiler, its service.

· In the process of operation of the boiler, it is necessary to monitor the condition of the boiler, for the health of the security automation, for the measurement instruments.

· It is necessary to follow the boiler mode in accordance with the regime card and temperature schedule.

· Control the operation of the burner. The combustion must be complete and stable.

· It is necessary to control the operation of pumps, smoke and fans.

· Periodically monitor the temperature and composition of exhaust gases.

Work of the steam boiler:

· Need to maintain normal level Water in a steam boiler, ensure uniform power of the boiler with water.
The water level must be at the horizontal axis of the upper drum.

· Perform periodic purge once in shift.

· It is necessary to control the operation of the economizer. Control pressure and water temperature at the entrance and exit of the economizer. Recording to a replaceable magazine at least once again in shift.

Water boiler work:

· In the process of the boiler, it is necessary to monitor the water temperature at the entrance and the outlet of the water boiler. Water in the boiler should not drop

· Monitor the pressure at the entrance and outlet of the water boiler.

· It is forbidden to leave boiler equipment without observation to stopping fuel combustion and boiler cooling.

Vi. Planned boiler stop.

· Must be carried out on the written order of the head of the boiler room.

· Planned stopping boiler is carried out with a gradual decrease in burner load.

· Disable continuous purge.

· Gas supply to overlap with minimal load.

· With a sustained increase in pressure, steam on the boiler safety valves.

· In the event of an increase in water temperature in an economizer, open a Sgon line.

· Envant fire and gas ducts - 10 - 20 minutes.

· After completing the ventilation, turn off the smoke and fan, the guides must be closed.

· On the hot water boiler, it is possible to turn off the circulation of water when the water temperature at the inlet and outlet will be the same.

· The boiler must be supervised to complete cooling.

· Information about the planned stop of the boiler to write down to a shift log.

Descent of water from the boiler:

· The descent of water from the boiler is made according to the written order of the head of the boiler room.

· Open air and shut-off on the drainage line and make a descent of water from the boiler.

VII. Emergency boiler stop.

· Emergency stop is made immediately, without a gradual load reduction
and without written permission of the head of the boiler room.

Emergency stop of the steam boiler:

· In the event of a safety valve fault.

· Flame popping on the burner.

· The failure of all nutritional pumps of the steam boiler.

· Raising the pressure of the boiler drum above the permissible level by 10% with a continuation of increasing.

· Reducing the water level in the upper drum below the lower permissible level.

· Increased water levels in the upper drum above the upper permissible level.

· Refusal to the performance of all water water indices.

· Disconnecting fans.

· Disconnection of the smoke.

Emergency stop of the hot water boiler:

· Increased water pressure at the outlet of the water boiler above the permissible.

· Reducing water pressure at the outlet of the water boiler below the permissible.

· Increased water temperature at the outlet of the water boiler to a value of 20 0s below the boiling point (according to water pressure).

· Safety automation malfunction.

· Disable electricity.

· Fire in the boiler room. In case of fire, the staff should act according to this instruction and the liquidation plan and localization of emergencies.

· Make an entry in a replacement magazine about the time and reason for the emergency stopping boiler.

· Report to the head of the boiler room.

VIII. Reception and delivery of shift.

· View all equipment in work, as well as in reserve and repair.

· View all records in the journal since the last duty

· Find out the current situation in the boiler room in oral form.

· Make a record in the making of a shift.

IX. Final provisions.

· The service personnel of the boiler house is responsible for violating the requirements of the production instructions in accordance with the requirements of the internal labor regulation - material, administrative and in accordance with the legislation.

RD 10-319-99

Typical instruction
For safe management for boiler houses

Approved by the Resolution of the Gosgortkhnadzor of Russia from 19.08.98 N 49



1.1. This typical instruction contains basic requirements for ensuring trouble-free operation and safe maintenance of steam and water-heating boilers, autonomous water economizers, steam steampers, steam pipelines and hot water and pressure vessels that are subject to the requirements of the operating rules of the device and the safe operation of steam and water-heating boilers * approved by Gosgorthkhnadzor of Russia 28.05.93, rules of the device and the safe operation of steam and hot water pipelines **, approved by Gosgortkhnadzor of Russia 18.07. 94, the rules of the device and the safe operation of the vessels under pressure ***, approved by Gosgortkhnadzor of Russia 18.04.95
* Currently, the rules of the device and the safe operation of steam and hot water boilers operate (PB 10-574-03) approved by the decision of the Gosgortkhnadzor of Russia from 11.06.03 N 88, registered Ministry of Justice of Russia 18.06.03, registration N 4703. ( Note. ed.)
** Currently, the rules of the device and the safe operation of steam and hot water pipelines (PB 10-573-03) approved by the decision of the Gosgortkhnadzor of Russia from 11.06.03 N 90, registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia, 18.06.03, registration N 4719. ( Note. ed.)
*** Currently, the rules of the device and the safe operation of pressure vessels (PB 03-576-03) are operating, approved by the decision of the Gosgortkhnadzor of Russia from 11.06.03 N 91, registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia 19.06.03, registration N 4776. ( Note. ed.)

1.2. Based on this typical instruction, manufacturers of manufacturers on the installation and operation of facilities, taking into account the local operating conditions of the installed equipment, should be developed and approved by the main engineer of the organization - the owner of the boiler room manufacturing instructions for the safe maintenance of boiler units, pipelines and auxiliary equipment.

1.3. The manufacturing instructions for servicing boilers, pipelines and vessels with the application of the operating circuit of pipelines must be developed and approved by the main engineer of the enterprise - the owner of the boiler room.

1.4. Boiler room staff should clearly know and fulfill all the requirements set out in the production instruction.

1.5. Persons who have undergone medical examination, trained in relevant programs, certified and having a certificate for servicing boilers, pipelines, vessels and knowledgeable manufacturing instructions may be allowed to maintain boilers, pipelines and vessels.

1.6. Training and certification of staff serving boilers, pipelines and vessels should be conducted in vocational schools, training and course combines, centers, and courses specially created by enterprises and licenses of the Russian State University authorities for this type of activity.

1.7. The primary certification of staff is carried out by commissions appointed by the order for the educational institution, the enterprise, with the participation of the representative of the Russian State University bodies in them.

On the Day of Examinations, the Administration of an educational institution or enterprise is obliged to notify the Russian State University body of Russia no later than 5 days.

Persons who surrendered exams must be issued by appropriate certificates signed by the Chairman of the Examination Commission and the Gosgortkhnadzor Inspector of Russia.

1.8. Periodic testing of personnel knowledge serving boilers, pipelines, vessels should be carried out at least once every 12 months.

1.9. Extraordinary knowledge check is carried out in cases provided for in safety rules.

When transferring personnel to serving gaseous fuel boilers, additional knowledge checks should be carried out in the manner prescribed by safety rules in the gas farm * approved by the Gosgortkhnadzor of Russia.
* Currently there are rules for the safety of gas distribution systems and gas consumption (PB 12-529-03), approved by the decision of the Gosgortkhnadzor of Russia of 18.03.03 N 9, registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia 04.04.03, registration N 4376. ( Note. ed.)

1.10. The results of primary certification, periodic and extraordinary testing of knowledge of production instructions by the service personnel are issued by the protocol signed by the Chairman and members of the Commission with a mark in the certificate.

1.11. Personnel tolerance to self-maintenance of boilers, pipelines, vessels should be issued by order by enterprise.

The entry of the staff of the boiler house on duty and care from duty should be carried out in compliance with the requirements of the internal regulations.

1.12. Machisters (Kochhegan, Operators), located on duty in the boiler room, are forbidden to be distracted from the fulfillment of the duties assigned to them by production instructions.

1.13. It is forbidden to leave the boiler without constant observation by the service personnel, both during the boiler operation and after its stop (until complete cessation of burning in the furnace, removal of fuel residues from it and reduce pressure to zero).

Boilers that do not have brick masonry is allowed to leave in closed on the boiler room with a boiler room, not expecting a pressure reduction to atmospheric, if after stopping the burning in the furnace and removal of fuel residues from it, as well as slag and ash from the bunker pressure in the boiler began to decline.

1.14. It is allowed to operate boilers without constant observation of their work on the part of the service personnel in the presence of automation, alarms and protection, ensuring the maintenance of the normal operation, the elimination of emergency situations, as well as stopping the boiler in such a violation of the operation mode, which can cause damage to the boiler.

1.15. Unauthorized persons can be allowed in the boiler room only with the permission of the administration and accompanied by its representative (the person responsible for the good condition and safe operation of the boilers, etc.).

1.16. Room, boilers and all boiler equipment must be kept in good condition and proper cleanliness.

1.17. It is forbidden to clutter boiler room With any materials or objects and store them on boilers and platforms. Passages in the boiler room and exits from it should always be free. Doors to exit the boiler room should easily open out.

1.18. The machinist (Kochegar, Operator) should know the device and the work of the boiler serviced by it and the entire auxiliary equipment of the boiler room (nutrition pumps, fans, smokers, air compressors etc.), pipeline schemes, fuel oil pipelines and gas pipelines, fuel oil designs, gas burners, furnaces and their regulation limits.

In addition, he must fulfill his duties, clearly know who is subordinated whose instructions should carry out who to notify about problems, accidents, fire and accidents, and also know their rights.

1.19. Machinist (Kochegar, Operator) should:

a) be able to promptly identify malfunctions in the work of boilers, auxiliary equipment, pipelines, fittings, headsets, and when troubleshooting is detected, immediately eliminate them;

b) be able to check the health of water appliances, pressure gauges, safety devices, alarms, check valves, etc.;

c) working trouble-free and economically, uninterrupted to supply all consumers with steam (or hot water) in the required amount and pressed pressure (or temperature for hot water) with minimal fuel consumption;

d) follow the state of the reinforcement, tighten the skipping glands;

e) monitor the density of flange compounds and for the state of insulation of pipelines (painting, inscriptions, signs, etc.);

e) check the density of climbing, hatches, hatches, lack of leaks, as well as the absence of air seats in the furnace, gas ducts, etc.;

g) timely check the serviceability of automation and security devices, protection and alarm instruments in accordance with the requirements of instructions for their operation.

1.20. During the work of the boilers, it is forbidden to produce any work on the repair of elements under pressure (teaching of rivet seams, welding of the boiler elements, pulling up hatches, climbing).

All operations with valves, valves (cranes) need to be performed slowly and carefully, they should not be closed and secured with a large force or with the use of levers, since with such a fastening method can occur the spindle thread, its bending and other damage.

1.21. The workplace of the driver (stir, operator) should be well lit by scattered and unwitting light; Especially good should be covered with water grooves, pressure gauges and other devices. In addition, the boiler room should be equipped with emergency lighting from a backup or independent power source, regardless of the overall electric lighting network of the boiler room.

In a gas-powered boiler room, an additional explosion-proof lighting of workplaces with a switch installed outside entrance door. For explosion-proof lighting, electrollamps are installed with fittings in an explosion-proof version with independent wiring. Explosion-proof lighting can also be used as an emergency.

2. Preparation of the boiler unit to extract

2.1. Preparation for the trash and the milling of the boiler are made only by order of the head of the boiler room or face, its replacement, recorded in the Magnaya magazine. At the disposal indicates the duration of filling the boiler with water and its temperature.

The boiler room staff should be pre-warned by the person's change to change the time of the boiler.

2.2. In the process of training, the driver (Kochegar, Operator) is required:

a) harvesting wrenches and gas keys, hammers, gaskets and packing, waterproof glasses, shovels, scrapers and make sure that fuel and nutrient water are available in sufficient quantities;

b) To inspect the boiler and make sure there is no dangerous damage, as well as in good cleaning and absence in the boiler of people and foreign objects. After inspection, close the lances and hatches;

c) to inspect the condition of the surveillance and lining, make sure that there are no rejected, cracks, unpromising seams, as well as to make sure the reliability of the lining on the firing line and protect the drums from the effects of gases with high temperatures. Make sure the headset of the boiler ( boil doors, Copyright, Lases in the washbasin, glades, seats and dampers, bleeding devices, safety explosive valves), partitions and fire lines, covers of hatches, as well as in good cleaning of heating and gas supplies. Check that the opening and closing of dampers and gathering in the risks, the correspondence of the designations (arrows) and the inscriptions on them are open - "O", closed - "s";

d) make sure that the plugs are removed before and after safety valves and plugs, disconnecting the boiler from shared pipelines (steam pipelines, gas pipelines, mazutoproduks, nutritious, triggered and purge lines);

e) check the serviceability of equipment for burning liquid and gaseous fuels, shut-off and control devices in boilers operating on these types of fuel;

e) Fill the economizer with water installed by a water-mounted quality, and it is predefined to verify the correctness and correct position of the reinforcement, dampers (seams), open the air valve installed on it (to remove air) and after appearing from the water valve to close it;

g) fill (via an economizer) with a nutrient water pot installed by water mode to a lower level, and it is necessary to verify the correctness of the reinforcement position, open the air valve installed on it (if any) or one of the safety valves for air output;

h) check the health of control and measuring instruments and devices for automatic control, nutrient devices, smokers and fans, as well as the presence of natural traction;

and) check the packing of the fans of the valves, valves, pumps, waterproof columns, etc., the presence of lubrication in oils of pumps and driving devices, the overall margin of lubricant.

2.3. To avoid the disorder of rolling compounds and the emergence of thermal deformations from uneven warm-up of the boiler, the water temperature used to fill the boiler should not exceed 90 ° C in winter and 50-60 ° C in the summer. It is not recommended to fill the boiler with water with a temperature below 50 ° C in particular, if the metal of the boiler and its icing is not cooled sufficiently. You can not fill in the boiler with water at the irrigation temperature below 0 ° C. Fill the boiler with water should be gradually.

After filling the boiler with water, it is necessary to close the nutrient valve and observe the water level in the glass - whether it falls. If falls, then find the place of leakage and eliminate.

2.4. Before the milling of the boiler, ventilation of the furnaces and gas supplies of the boiler must be made for 10-15 minutes (depending on the design of the boiler) by opening the furnace door, pondered, the spikes for regulating the air supply, dampers of natural traction, and in the presence of smoke and fans - by their inclusion.

It is necessary to pay attention to the care of the ventilation of the furnace, gas ducts and aircases when working on explosive (petroleum, gas and dusty) fuels.

2.5. Before the cessation of a boiler operating on liquid fuelThe fuel temperature should be adjusted to the value set in the manual of the manufacturer on the installation and operation of the boiler. The steam line to the nozzles should be a fundament (released from condensate).

2.6. Immediately before the ceiling of the boiler, it should again check the opening and closing of the valves, valves, dampers (spikes).

The valves and valves in front of the nutritional pump, the valves of the econoomizer inlet pipeline, the valve between the boiler and the check valve, the valve between the boiler and the steamer (if there is), the drainage (drainage) steamer tap. One of the fuse valves of the boiler should be raised and is suitable for the release of air from the boiler during filling it with water.

Must be closed: the valve at the outlet (pressure) nozzle of the nutrient pump, the valves at the entrance to the economizer and the outlet of it, the descent and drainage valves (valves, taps) of the economizer and the boiler, the main steam-separation organ of the boiler.

2.7. If all boilers did not work in a boiler room operating on a gas-shaped fuel, then before entering it, it is necessary to include the supply and exhaust ventilation, the electrical equipment of which is made in an explosion-proof version. When entering the boiler room (after 5-10 minutes), check the absence of gas indoors with a gas analyzer or another reliably.

When the signs of the basement of the boiler room are detected, the inclusion and shutdown of electrical displacement and electrical equipment, made not in the explosion-proof version, the milling of boilers, as well as the use of open fire is not allowed.

2.8. When preparing for a milling fuel boiler, it is necessary:

a) make sure that the shooters are closed on the shelters of boilers not included in the work;

b) open the valves on the gas input to the boiler room and all subsequent valves (cranes) along the gas, except for the cranes in front of the burners and the steepness of the calmed boiler;

c) Check the health of the plot of the gas pipeline. Make sure there are no gas leaks from gas pipelines, gas equipment and reinforcement by washing them. Use open fire (burning matches, candles, etc.) when performing this work is prohibited. It is possible to determine the accumulated condensate from the gas pipeline through the drainage, after which the drainage valve is tightly closed;

d) check the pressure gasometers compliance with the gas pressure, and with two-wire burners, in addition, the compliance of the air pressure before the burner valves when the mounted fan is installed prescribed pressures (gas, air);

e) ventilated fire, gas ducts and air ducts for 10-15 minutes. Adjust the thrust of the cleaned boiler by setting the vacuum in the upper part of the furnace 20-30 Pa (2-3 mm water.), And at the level of gas burners at least 40-50 Pa (4-5 mm water).

2.9. In the preparation of the newly mounted boiler to the crossing, it is necessary to wash with water of nutrient pipelines from contaminants accumulated in the manufacturer, transportation, storage, storage in warehouses of the manufacturer and the mounting site, as well as contaminants in the pipelines during production mounting work (to the first presets).

Careful flushing of nutrient pipelines is mandatory.

2.9.1. You can wash the nutritional pipelines only when all measuring washers are removed from them. Instead, the washers are installed intermediate rings.

2.9.2. For flushing at the end of the washed pipelines, a temporary reset pipeline must be mounted. Reset the dirty water during washing is made in the sewer.

2.9.3. Usually at the beginning of washing, very dirty water goes from the washed pipelines during the first 2-3 minutes, after which the discharge water is noticeably covered. Nevertheless, the duration of washing the nutritional pipelines must be at least 20 minutes.

2.9.4. When preparing for flushing, all shut-off (valves, valves) of the nutrient pipeline must be fully open, except for the launcher on the pressure side of the pump.

2.9.5. After flushing the pipelines, there is a disassembly of all outlines, and the pipelines are restored by a permanent working circuit. After washing, it is necessary to open and revise the entire reinforcement for cleaning it from contaminants, which can fall into the inner cavities of the reinforcement during the washing process.

Especially carefully checked valves having a more complex configuration than valves. Installed temporary intermediate rings are removed, measuring washers are installed instead.

2.9.6. It should also produce a similar flushing of nutrient pipelines that have been repaired with the replacement of individual pipes.

2.10. New boilers who arrived from the manufacturer's enterprise to the mounting pad, as well as boilers who were in operation and rearranged from one place to another, after the end of the installation work (before turning it on to work), are subject to mandatory alkalization, flushing and purification from pollution (oil, oil, Rust, sludge, scale, etc.) accumulated in the process of manufacturing, installation, operation, storage in warehouses, transportation, etc.

The boilers, repairs using welding and rolling, with a partial or complete replacement of pipes for heating surfaces, as well as boilers, which were in conservation for more than two years, are subject to alkalization, flushing and cleaning.

Work on the installation, flushing and cleaning of the boiler from contaminants should be made in accordance with the special instruction developed on the basis of the requirements of the manufacturer's instructions for the installation and operation of the boiler, and taking into account the local conditions of the installed auxiliary equipment and pipelines. This instruction should be approved by the chief engineer of the enterprise - the owner of the boiler.

3. Machinery of the boiler unit

3.1. The milling of the boiler should be made during the time set by the administration of the enterprise (manufacturing instructions for safe maintenance of boiler aggregates), with low heat, reduced rod, closed steam valve and an open (snapped) safety valve or air for air intake.

3.2. Before melting a solid fuel boiler, it must be prepared for trash. Be sure to check the availability of water in the waterproofing glass boile, and where there is water taps, and along water taps. Water in the boiler should be no lower level.

Next, ventilate the furnace and gas ducts for 10-15 minutes with natural thrust and 3-5 min - with artificial.

3.2.1. By completing all the measures to prepare the boiler to the termination with a horizontal grate grid fit for burning stone coal, throwing a layer of large coal with a size of a piece of 60-90 mm and at a small opening pondered to a burning coal with a burning coal taken from the furnace of the working boiler, or dry firewood. As the coal is stirred, increase the craving by increasing the opening of the chiebers and thoughtfully, and it is not large in the firebox, and ordinary coal. After the coal turns well, closing the doors thoughtfully and turn on the blow.

3.2.2. If the furnace is adapted to burn anthracite, then when the boiler is mocking, you must first cover the grille with a small slag layer, on which the crossing of anthracite is also dry firing or burning coal. During the first 0.5-1 hours, steam blasting should be applied to the formation before the formation of a sufficient slag cushion thickness. As soon as the slag pillow is formed, you can go to the air blade.

3.2.3. If the boiler has a mine furnace, then the mine door should be closed before the mill, the doors should also close the top and medium-sized doors. To ignite the shaft firebox, the fire should be dissolved by dry fuel on the horizontal grate grid, setting on fuel through the gap between the inclined and horizontal sparking. As it grows, we gradually load dry fuel from above and open first medium, and then the upper sublink doors.

After a good heating of the furnace, the mine should be loaded by fuel that drowned.

3.2.4. The milling of the boiler should always be produced at low heat with a reduced burden, while the main pair-level valve must be closed, and the working safety valve or an airier, which serves to remove air from the drum or boiler body, is open.

3.2.5. While the pair pressure in the boiler did not exceed 0.1 MPa (1 kgf / cm), it is necessary to check the operation of the safety valves, pressure gauge and water appliances. Check if the check valves do not miss, as well as purge and drowning valves.

Having raised the pressure of the steam to 0.3 MPa (3 kgf / cm), to check again, check the repair of the boiler reinforcement, the density of the hatches (hatches) and Lases. After making sure that the reinforcement is properly, and the hatches (shells) and the lazes do not soar and are tightly tightened, you can gradually increase the pressure of steam in the boiler to the worker by increasing the burning intensity in the furnace.

3.2.6. Application with a milling boiler operating on solid fuel, flammable materials (gasoline, kerosene, etc.) is not allowed.

3.3. When using gaseous fuel, the burner ignition order is selected depending on their design features.

Getting Started with gas pipeline, check whether the gas pipeline valves are closed to the boiler and valves (valves, taps) of gas burners, after which they open the candle at the end of the gas pipeline. Then open the valve on the gas pipeline and let gas, watching the pressure gauge for its pressure. After the candle goes from the candle, its valve (faucet) is closed, the firebox and gas supplies of the boiler are ventilated for 10-15 minutes, adjust the thrust so that the cutting of the furnace is equal to 20-30 Pa (2-3 mm water. ).

3.3.1. Raziigi mixing burners (with forced submission Air) should be made as follows: Check the closure of the cranes in front of the burners, cover the air damper, open the crane from the portable stamp and light gas outgoing from it. The reversar is then injected into the furnace and its flames are brought to the outlet burner; Slowly open the gas valve in front of the burner and after igniting the gas coming out of the burner, the stall is removed from the furnace and hang in place.

If the gas has not caught fire or, being burned, went out, it is necessary to close the faucet before the burner, stopping the gas supply, ventilate the furnace and gas ducts for 10-15 minutes, opening the air damper. Only after that you can proceed again to the roasting burner.

If the ignition of the burner was successful, somewhat open the air damper on the aircase and adjust the flame so that it is not smoking and that the excessive air does not break the torch from the burner. Then the gas valve is then discovered in front of the burner and gradually air damper add air, achieving normal combustion of gas: the flame should be stable, non-activating (transparent) and non-burner.

When the flame is cut, it is necessary to reduce the supply of air, with a long Xing flame, it is necessary to reduce the supply of gas. In order to avoid the separation of the flame due to an excessive excess air, an increase in the load should be added to the first gas supply, and then the air supply, and reduce the load should be reduced in the first air supply, and then gas supply.

If the boiler has several burners, the ignition is performed consistently, in the same order.

If all the burners go out during crossing, it should be immediately stopped supplying the gas to them, remove the stink from the furnace and ventilate the firebox and gas ducts for 10-15 minutes. Only after that you can re-light the burners.

3.3.2. The interaction torch of medium pressure with a plate stabilizer of burning is somewhat different from the order of ignition of the mixing burners and is as follows: after checking the closing of the cranes, the primary air regulators are opened before the burners, check the gas pressure in front of the burner taps, open the gas valve in front of the portable stall, which is lit injected In the furnace, putting the flame to the outlet burner. Then open the faucet before the burner (approximately halfway) before the appearance of clearly audible noise from the gas expiration, which should also catch fire.

In the process of regulating the injection burner, it is necessary to ensure that the flame does not slip into the burner, especially when it is reduced its load. In this case, the burner is turned off and after cooling it is again included in the work. When strong pulsations appear in the furnace reduce gas supply.

The remaining burners in the same way, after which the crane of the portable stamp is closed, remove it from the furnace and hang in place.

3.3.3. Lighting gas burners, do not stand against holes-glades (damask hatches), so as not to suffer from the randomly thrown out of the flames. The service personnel must be provided with personal protective equipment (safety glasses, etc.).

a) ignite in the furnace extinguished burners without preliminary ventilation of the firebox and gas pipes of the boiler;

b) Healing the gas torch from the neighboring burner or from the hot laying of the furnace.

3.3.5. Razjig Firefields of boilers, equipped with automatic control of the process of burning and automation of security or complex automation, should be made in accordance with the requirements of production instructions on their start-up, setting and operation.

3.4. With oil fuel (fuel oil) before igniting the nozzles:

a) check the presence of fuel oil in the consumable tank and the sufficiency of heating it to the set temperature (75-80 ° C);

b) pull out water out of the tank;

c) Remove from the furnace randomly falling there fuel oil;

d) check the cleanliness of steam nozzles and filters; If necessary, clean them; Check the correctness of the assembly of the nozzles (centering, steam gap, etc.). Often when operating on the width of the steam gap do not pay due attention. Non-troops are often working with a width of steam slit 3-5 mm, which leads to an increase in the specific consumption of steam to sputtering (up to 0.8-1.0 kg instead of 0.35-0.45 kg on a fuel oil weighing 1 kg with the proper assembly of the nozzle) . With the correct assembly of steam nozzle, the width of the steam slit must be no more than 0.5-1 mm and in the process of work should remain unchanged; The steam nozzle spindle must be installed in a strictly central position. When the spindle of the steam spindle hits a lobby, and the spraying of fuel oil is very rude, which leads to non-economic fuel consumption. Steam consumption should only be adjusted by a steam valve installed on a parlender pipeline.

The overpressure of the spraying steam before the nozzle (pressure on the pressure gauge) should be 0.2-0.35 MPa (2-3.5 kgf / cm). Higher pressure causes an excessive steam consumption for sputtering, a decrease in the performance of the nozzle as a result of a ferry to the ferry of the flowing jet of fuel oil and the worsening of the combustion up to the separation of the flame and its extinction. It is necessary to work with large loads of the inclusive nozzles by reducing them as possible;

e) check the correct assembly of mechanical fuel oil nozzles; Clean the nozzles and filters;

e) ventilate the furnace and gas supplies of the boiler, for which it is for 10-15 minutes a smoke damper (Sewber) for a boiler, air register and blinds or air valves at the front of the furnace.

3.4.1. In case of steam spraying, fuel oil should be produced and warm up the nozzles, for which it is necessary to open the steam valve mounted on a parcelocking line, and drop the entire condensate accumulated in it.

In order to ignite the nozzle in the furnace, a burning milling torch is introduced, pre-slightly opening the steam valve of the nozzle, and the grilled torch should be connected under the jet of steam.

Gradually, and carefully discover the regulating fuel oil valve and fastened to the furnace. After the ignition of fuel oil, changing the supply of fuel oil, steam and air, adjust the burning, not allowing dark color of the smoke from the pipe. If there are several injectors, they light them in series (one after another).

3.4.2. With mechanical spraying of fuel oil, it is necessary after making a burning milling torch or inclusion of the ignition automation in the furnace, open the air Schieber and, slowly opening the valve, serve fuel oil into the furnace. After the fuel oil turns, adjust the burning.

3.4.3. The damker torch should be removed from the furnace only when the burning becomes stable. If the fueluth is not caught fire, you need to immediately stop feeding it into the nozzle, remove the mocking torch from the furnace and ventilate the furnace, gas ducts and air bodies for 10-15 minutes, to establish the reason for non-burning fuel and eliminate it. Only after that you can proceed again to the ignition of the nozzle.

If during the extracts, all working nozzles will go out, immediately stop supplying fuels into them, remove manual torches from the furnace and ventilate the furnace, chimneys and air bodies for 10-15 minutes with a smoke and fan. Only after that you can light the nozzles again.

If only part of working nozzles goes out, then immediately stop the fuel oil supply to these nozzles and then light them again with the help of a manual burning milling torch.

3.4.4. Registering the nozzles, should not stand against the opening of glances (distortion hatches), so as not to suffer from random flame emissions.

a) ignite the exhaust to the nozzle without preliminary ventilation of the furnace, gas ducts and air ducts for 10-15 minutes;

b) healing the torch of the nozzle from the adjacent hot masonry (without a damask burning torch);

c) Operation of winter-tube boilers when the nozzle is turned off by one of the heat pipes.

3.4.6. It may happen that when you start the firebox, the fuel oil will not ignore or, igniting, go out. The reasons for this may be:

a) clogging the fuel lines or the fuel oil canal in the nozzle;

b) getting into the fuel oil;

c) insufficient degree of heating of fuel oil;

d) scoring fuel oil too severe steam.

3.5. When driving a boiler should ensure uniform heating of its parts and turn on the device in advance for heating the water in the lower boiler drum.

For uniform heating of lining and winding the boiler and warning them from premature destruction, it is recommended to operate on a low load of the furnace for 30-40 minutes.

3.6. In case of extracts, it is necessary to control the movement of the elements of the boiler with a thermal expansion by the established indicators (references).

3.7. If you have a boiler sterelector, the device (flap) to protect its elements from overheating when the boiler is disturbed, it is necessary to enable this device.

3.8. In the presence of a water-groovy gas plant, hot gases from the boiler should be sent through this gas duct, closing the damper (sewage) before and after the economizer. Translate hot gases on the economizer gas duct follows the regular power supply of the boiler.

3.9. In the absence of a waterproof gas to prevent water heating in an economizer over permissible temperature Pouring through an economizer of water directed by a secular line into a tank or drainage.

3.10. At all time, the extracts need to be checked if water is heated in the economyzer. Reduce the temperature of water in the economizer can be increased by the supply of nutrient water to the boiler by opening the purge and descent from the economizer to the nutrient tank along the Sgon Line.

3.11. If the boiler has a boiling type economizer and a recycling line that connects the water space of the drum with the lower economizer collectors, then the valves on this line must be opened before the boiler.

3.12. The water economizer and the air heater usually include in the flow of waste hot gases after the selection of the steam from the boiler is selected, opening the flap (seats) of the economizer and the air heater, and only after that closing the flaps in the bypass sheaters, the reverse order may cause a flame emission from the furnace. Included economizers need to turn off the lower collectors from the water space of the boiler.

3.13. Before inclusive, the air heater warms up, gradually launching hot gases through it. Air start starts when the gas temperature is reached after the air heater, according to the instruction (at least 120 ° C) and follow the temperature of the outgoing gases. At low air temperature, a sweating may appear. In order to avoid this, part of the hot air on the dubban fan abscess.

3.14. At the beginning of the vaporization in the boiler, which will be seen by the exit of the steam out of the open safety valve or air valve (crane), it is necessary to bring a safety valve to normal operating condition, close the air valve (crane) and turn on the purge of the steamer; Then you should increase the traction, enhance burning in the furnace, check the proportic effect of reinforcement, blow water appliances and monitor the water level in the boiler; Check the serviceability of the pressure gauge and follow the readings of its arrows.

If the pressure gauge arrows does not move from scratch, the burning in the furnace should be reduced in the furnace and find out the reason why it does not move (you need to blow the siphon tube and the pressure gauge, if and then the arrow will remain on zero - replace the pressure gauge). Check the serviceability of all nutritional pumps with steam drive.

3.15. Purplifier water supply devices and checking the operation of the pressure gauge must be made at a pressure of 0.5-1.0 kgf boiler, as well as before turning on the boiler to the steam line.

3.16. Tightening bolts, studs, climbing bolts, hatches during the milling of the boiler should be made with great care, only a normal key, without the use of extension levers, in the presence of a person responsible for the good condition and safe operation of the boilers.

For boilers with a working pressure of up to 0.6 MPa (6 kgf / cm) tightening the studs, bolts and nuts of the detachable compounds (lazes, hatches, shells, flanges, etc.) is allowed at a pressure of no more than 50% of the boiler operating pressure; If the operating pressure is from 0.6 to 6 MPa (6-60 kgf / cm) - at a pressure of no more than 0.3 MPa (3 kgf / cm), and over 6 MPa (60 kgf / cm) - at a pressure of not more than 0 , 5 MPa (5 kgf / cm).

3.17. The milling of the boiler leads to the moment of reaching the allowed working pressure in the boiler, i.e. Achievement of the red feature pressure gauge arrow. Then the calibrated boiler is prepared for inclusion in the overall steam line. The start time and end of the ceiling of the boiler is recorded in a replaceable (rotable) magazine.

4. Turning on the boiler unit

4.1. The inclusion of boilers to work is divided into:

a) the inclusion of boilers contained in the hot reserve (working in one or two shifts);

b) the inclusion of boilers after installing them in a new place, i.e. After completing the installation work, carrying out the necessary technical examinations, alkali, washing of nutritional pipelines, steam testing of the boiler, and also after heating, purging and testing on the steam density of the connected individual sections of steps;

c) inclusion in the operation of the boiler after repair using welding or rolling pipes of heating surfaces;

d) Turning on the boiler to work after staying in conservation.

4.2. Before turning on the boiler to work should be produced:

a) blowing the boiler;

b) checking the health of safety devices (valves), pressure gauge, water appliances and nutrients;

c) checking the testimony of reduced water level pointers according to the pointers of the water level of the direct action mounted on the boiler drum;

d) checking and inclusion of automation of safety, alarms and equipment automatic control boiler.

It is forbidden to start the work of boilers with faulty waterproof devices, pressure gauges, nutrients, reinforcement, safety valves, security automation and anti-emergency protection and alarm.

4.3. When the boiler is turned on, the pipeline in the boiler in the work should be equal to either somewhat lower - no more than 0.05 MPa (0.5 kgf / cm) - pressure in the steam line, while burning in the furnace should be reduced. If at the same time the steps or hydraulic shocks will arise in the steps, you must immediately pause the inclusion of the boiler (close the main locking body) and increase the purging point.

4.3.1. If a steamer is installed in the boiler, including a gas flap, then when an overpressure is reached in an overpressure of 0.3-0.5 MPa (3-5 kgf / cm), it is necessary to open the flap and the purge valve of the steamer.

In the absence of a disconnecting flap in a sterevator, as the pressure increases, the boiler reduces the purge of the steamer and stop it when an approximately half load of the boiler is reached.

4.3.2. After turning on the boiler to the operating steam line, the operation of the reinforcement and the water level in the boiler is once again checked.

In the presence of a reduced water level pointer, the correctness of its readings should be checked again along the waterproof devices installed on the boiler drum.

4.3.3. After the boiler began to work, include the equipment automatic control of the boiler.

4.4. The inclusion of the boiler in the steam truck, which is in a non-working condition (after installation, repair, preservation, etc.), should be made slowly, after careful warming and purging of the steering line.

4.4.1. Warning heating is carried out in order to have an excavation from the inner walls of the pipes of adhesive contaminants, as well as to warm the steam pipe walls to avoid excessive steam condensation. It is possible to produce steam pipes only when all measuring washers are removed from them. Instead, the washers are installed intermediate rings.

4.4.2. When starting a steam into a cold section of the steam pipeline, the drainage reinforcement opens, includes instruments for water descent (water separators, condensate traps) and warm the specified area of \u200b\u200bthe steam line. To do this, with a weakened burning in the furnace, the steaming valve of the 1/8 turnover should be kept slowly and carefully (the noise of steam should be heard in the steam lines), the valve will be discovered by 1/8 turns, etc. In a fully open steamer valve, the flywheel turns a bit (half of the turn) back, since when opening the valve, it is often difficult to refuse it, if necessary, quickly close.

4.4.3. When heating, it is necessary to monitor the health of the steam pipeline, compensators, supports and suspension, as well as the uniform expansion (lengthening) of the steam line. When vibration or hydraulic beats occurs, it is necessary to suspend heating to eliminate defects.

4.4.4. In the process of warming up all drainage points produced to descend the condensate accumulated in steam lines.

4.4.5. Starting the purge should only after the expiration of steam pipes when the pressure in them is brought to the value equal to the operating pressure in the boiler.

Blowing steam steam pipes is produced within 15-20 minutes, starting from the moment the main steamer unit on the boiler is completely closed. Approximately 40 minutes after the start of the purge, all drainage points should be completely produced directly and through the condensate trap and water separators.

4.4.6. During the purge, it is necessary to monitor the behavior of steps, reinforcements and fittings installed on steam pipelines; welded seams, flange connections and all supporting structures. It should also be recorded the magnitudes of thermal extensions of steps on established indicators (references). All detected defects must be eliminated after the end of the purge.

Having finished the purging of steps, it is necessary to turn them off from the main active steering pipeline and the boiler unit, cool to the state available for the installation of the assembly personnel, and make an autopsy and revision of the reinforcement, condensate traps and water separators, clearing them from contaminants in the process of purge. Installed temporary intermediate rings are removed, measuring washers are installed instead.

After that, the steam pipelines are subject to vapor density tests, for which they again warm up, the pair pressure is brought to the worker, and in such a state of the steam pipelines are within 3-4 hours. In the process of conducting steam density check, the necessary drainage of steam pipelines is performed to remove condensate accumulating in them. If there are no defects in steam testing on steam trucks, then such steps are subject to commissioning.

4.4.7. The time of turning on the boiler and steam pipelines to work should be recorded in a shift (Vachten) journal.

5. Work of the boiler unit

5.1. During duty, the entire boiler house staff should monitor the health of the boiler aggregates (boilers, steam steampers, water economizers, air heaters, coarse devices), as well as boiler installation equipment (nutritional pumps, fans, smokers, air compressors, etc.) And strictly observe the operation mode set by the production instruction.

The fault equipment detected during operation should be recorded in a replaceable (rotated) magazine. The staff must make immediate measures to eliminate faults that threaten the safe and trouble-free operation of the equipment. If malfunctions cannot be eliminated by their own forces, it is necessary to inform about this responsible for the good condition and safe operation of boilers (head of the boiler room), and in emergency cases immediately suspend the operation of the aggregates.

5.2. Special attention to compliance with the operating mode of the boiler unit should be paid to:

a) the mode of operation of the furnace;

b) maintaining the normal water level in the boiler and uniform power to it with water;

c) maintaining the normal pressure of steam and nutritious water;

d) maintaining the temperature of superheated steam and nutritious water after a water economizer, blowing the heating surfaces;

e) maintenance of the steamer and the main steamer valve (valve) of the boiler;

e) safety valves and their maintenance;

g) blowing the boiler;

h) maintenance of a water economizer and air heater;

and) True installations (smokers, fans).

5.3. Field operation mode.

A. Maintenance of furnaces with solid fuel layer

5.3.1. Solid slicing fuel is burned with a layer on a grain grade of the furnace - a layered combustion method. Manual furnaces are used only in small and medium boiler installations. The disadvantage of these furnaces is the unevenness of the combustion process and the need for skillful and tense work of the stroke during the throwing of fuel, the maintenance of the combustion process and when cleaning the grate grid.

5.3.2. The throwing of solid fuel to the grille should be produced quickly, without leaving the cooler doors long open to avoid the strong cooling of the furnace with air breaking into it and increasing heat loss from the chemical incompleteness of combustion and outgoing gases.

With the same purpose, when throwing fuel should be reduced traction, covering the smoke valve. The frequency of the forcing and the amount of fuel thrown depend on the load of the boiler, the kind of fuel and the size of its pieces. The abandonment should be made more often, but small portions, as the lack of air at first after loading and excess of air after this will be with a frequent throwing less than with more rare, but large portions, the combustion will go more evenly and with a smaller excess air.

5.3.3. There are three ways to throw fuel:

a) Throwing the fuel "slide" - in this way, in the case of a horizontal removal of gases from the furnace (winter-tube boilers, etc.). It is that it is shifting most of the heat from the front of the grate with the back (to the threshold) and throw fuel to the front. Allocation of volatile components from fresh fuel lying only on a thin layer of heat will go slow down. The distinguished volatile components, passing over the last burning fuel and meeting the air, which passed through it, is completely burned;

b) Throwing the fuel "Circling" - while the method of throwing fuel is made alternately on the right and left half of the grille. The air passing through the burned fuel on one half of the lattice is used to burn the combustible volatile components standing out on the neighboring half with fresh fuel. This method is applicable with wide grate with vertical gases for sintering and unknowing coal (horizontal water-tube boilers);

c) The most common way is to throw out the "Mussev" fuel evenly throughout the grate grille, suitable for any coal, including for skinny. This method gives the most favorable results with the vertical gases.

5.3.4. If there is a multiple boot door, the loading of fuel through each door is made alternately, after the fuel abandoned in the next door turns well.

5.3.5. The correct and economical coal burning can be seen according to the straven and yellow color of the flame and the light gray haze emerging from the pipe. If the burning is incomplete, then the smoke is made in black, and dark languages \u200b\u200bappear in the flame.

During the work, it is impossible to allow governors noticeable by more bright color Layers and joints causing a darkening of the layer.

With an excessive excess of air, the smoke disappears, and the flame is made dazzling bright. The shortening of the flame means the ending of burning volatile and the need to download the new portion of fuel. Air supply should be adjusted to the blast and the burden, guided by the above signs, or according to the instruments - gas analyzer and dealers.

The highest content of CO in exhaust gases is established according to the results of commissioning.

5.3.6. Two differential crayomer must be installed to control and regulate the operation of the furnace. One (flue traction) shows the resistance of the grate grid with a layer of fuel, the other (boiler traction) shows the resistance of the gas ducts.

In progress or too thin layer of fuel, the resistance of the grille and the testimony of the flue loader decreases, and the resistance of the gas ducts and the readings of the boiler pullomera, on the contrary, increase due to an increase in the amount of flue gases. With slapping or too thick layer of fuel, the lattice resistance increases, and since the excess air will be less, then the resistance of the gas ducts will decrease.

Changes in the testimony of cragomers, causes of changes and the measures taken are given in Table 1.

Table 1

How to simultaneously read the testimony of craving

Why do the testimony of cragomers change compared to normal

What should be done





Furiated fuel or thin layer of fuel

Throw fuel

There are uncovered places

Lay a layer

Open furnace doors

Close door [Email Protected]

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Russian Joint Stock Company Energy and Electrification "UES of Russia"
Department of Science and Technology Typical instruction manual for water heating boilers with external heat exchangers
RD 34.26.515-96 Excellence Service OrGRES
Moscow 1997. Content

1. General provisions 2. Mainstanding boiler 2.1. Preparatory operations 2.2. Master of the boiler on fuel oil 2.3. Mainstanding boiler on Gaza 3. Transfer of a boiler from one type of fuel to another 3.1. Translation of the boiler with fuel oil on gas 3.2. Translation of gas with gas to fuel oil 4. Maintenance of the boiler during operation under load 5. Norms of the water-chemical mode of the closed circuit 6. Stop boiler 7. Emergency provisions 8. Safety instructions, explosion and fire safety. 9. The volume of the boiler for measuring , Authoring, Technological Protections, Locks and Alarm 9.1. Recommended equipment of Kip 9.2. The automatic control system of the boiler 9.3. Technological protection 9.4. Local protection 9.5. Lock 9.6. Technological alarm Attachment 1 Quick description of the water boiler KVGM-180-150 Appendix 2. Approximate form of a water-heated boiler
Developed by joint-stock company "Firm for commissioning, improving the technology and exploitation of power plants and networks OrGRs" Performers b. C. Schetkin (JSC "Orgres") and Yu.V. Balaban-Irmenin (JSC "VTI") approved by the Department of Science and Technology of RAO "UES of Russia" 03.06.96. Head of A.P. Bersenev

Typical instruction manual for water heating boilers with external heat exchangers

RD 34.26.515-96

Enhanced from 01/01/97


1.1. Water boilers are installed on many CHPs, but with low quality of the network water (especially in large cities of the country) and the availability of it large number Iron occurs intense drift by deposits of them internal surfaces Heating. The greatest amount of damage to the surfaces of the heating of water boilers belongs to the surfaces of heating the convective packages. This is explained. Basically increased heat-byposition due to the location in the zone of high gas temperatures, which leads to increasing the expansion of water temperature and, as a result, to the emergence of significant deposits of iron in individual coilings. To increase the reliability of the operation of the heating surfaces, the water boilers are included in the thermal network through water-water heat exchangers. In this case, the boiler nutrition (closed circuit) is carried out with high quality water, continuous and periodic purge of the closed circuit are performed, which makes it possible to eliminate the appearance of a large amount of iron in contour water. 1.2. All the main provisions of the boilers with external heat exchangers, first in this typical instruction, are valid for boilers of any heat performance, depending on which only the number and circuit of the inclusion of external heat exchangers are changed, as well as the number and type of pumps. A brief description of the KVGM-180-150 water boiler is given in Appendix 1. 1.3. The temperature of the contour water at the outlet of the boiler (at the entrance to the waterproof heat exchangers) when it is operated on the nominal thermal productionivity to ensure the calculated temperature of the network water at the outlet of the heat exchangers, equal to 150 ° C, should be no less than 180 ° C. The inclusion of the peak boiler (two-way) scheme in this case is excluded, since at the temperature of the contour water at the outlet of the boiler, equal to 180 ° C, its heat production increases compared with the estimated approximately 1.8 times, which is unacceptable. 1.4. The installation of external water heat exchangers should be considered appropriate if the quality indicators of the supporting water of the boiler closed loop do not exceed the values \u200b\u200bgiven in the section. 5 of this typical instruction. The feasibility of incorporating the water boiler double-circuit scheme In cases where the quality of the feed water does not meet the conditions given in the section. 5 should be evaluated by the design organization with the implementation of the necessary technical and economic calculation, justifying the cost of installing additional water treatment devices to obtain the appropriate quality of the closed loop. 1.5. This typical instruction establishes the overall order, sequence and conditions for the implementation of the main technological operations, ensuring the reliable and economical operation of gas-gate water boilers with external water-water heat exchangers. 1.6. Based on this typical instruction, local instructions are being developed, taking into account the characteristics of the circuit for the inclusion of water-water heat exchangers and equipment. 1.7. During the operation of boilers, in addition to this typical instruction, it is necessary to be guided by such sentence documents as: "Rules of device and safe operation of steam and water boilers." - M.: NGO OGT, 1994; "Safety regulations for the operation of equipment of power plants and thermal networks." - M.: Energoatomizdag, 1995; "Safety Rules in Gas Economy. - M.: Subraser, 1991; "Typical instruction manual for gas economy of thermal power plants: RD 34.20.514-92". M: C ORGRES, 1994; "Rules of explosion safety when using fuel oil in boiler installations: RD 34.03.351-93" .- M.: SPO OrGRES, 1994; "Rules for the technical operation of electric stations and networks of the Russian Federation: RD 34.20.501-95" .- M.: SPO OrGRES, 1996; "Methodical guidelines for the control of the state of the main equipment of thermal electrical stations, definition of quality and chemical composition deposits: RD 34.74.306-87 ".- M.: WTO, 1987;" Typical instruction on the operational chemical cleaning of hot water boilers. "- M.: SPO UnionCenergo, 1980;" Instructions for the alkalization of steam and water boilers. "- M .: Steriti OrGRes, 1970; "Methodical instructions on the volume of technological measurements, alarm system, automatic control on thermal power plants: RD 34.35.101-88" .- M.: SPO UnionChenergo, 1988; "Methodical guidelines for calculating the maximum permissible temperature of heated water. , ensuring the absence of surface boiling in hot water boilers: RD 34.26.101-94. - M.: Rotaprint WTR, 1994; "volume and technical conditions for the implementation of technological protection of energy equipment of power plants with cross-links and water boilers." - M.: SPO Soyuztehenergo, 1987. The instructions of manufacturers should also be guided.

2. Mainstanding boiler

2.1. Preparatory operations

2.1.1. Mainstanding of the boiler after installation and overhaul must be preceded by: acceptance of the main and auxiliary equipment, washing and alkalination in accordance with the instructions for the alkalilation of steam and water boilers (see paragraph 1.7 of this typical instruction). All gas pipelines in front of the launch of gas in them must be subjected to the control crimping with air pressure 0.01 MPa (1000 kgf / m 2). The pressure reduction rate does not exceed 600 P / h (60 kgf / m 2 / h). The fuel in the administered or repaired piping of the boiler should be supplied only after checking the tightness of the locking organs on the fuel supply to the burners and the rigorous devices. 2.1.2. The milling of the boiler should be carried out by order of the head of the change of power plant (on duty of the thermal network manager). 2.1.3. The milling of the boiler is carried out under the leadership of the head of the change of the Cotturbinnian workshop or senior driver, and after exiting major repairs or installation - under the control of the head (deputy head) of the Cotturbinal workshop or a person, its replacement (head of the boiler room). 2.1.4. All boiler preparation operations should be carried out by a boiler driver under the guidance of a senior driver. 2.1.5. Make sure to stop all repair work, the lack of repair personnel on the work of work and foreign items near the equipment prepared for the work. 2.1.6. Inspect the boiler and auxiliary equipment and make sure: the health of the boiler, isolation of pipelines, discharge and supplying water to the boiler and water pipe heat exchangers; Wellness of the reinforcement, while pay attention to the presence of all fastening bolts in the lids and flange compounds, the state of the rods, the adequacy of the gland stuffing, the presence of a reserve for pulling the glands and all fastening bolts in heat exchangers covers; Correspondence of the drives to the chibers and valves, while checking the serviceability of the mechanical rods (the absence of elections, cracks, the presence of washers and glues in hinged connections), ease of control of the chirates, manually on the place; The absence of local pointers of the positions of the Sewberries and Valves "openly" and "closed" risks on their axes; Check out the operating range of the Sewberes, install the screws of the CUD and MEO of the Sewberry drives and valves to the working position, which ensures the remote control of them from the electric drive; Feed of boiler references, piping support states; readiness of the shot installation, the presence of a fraction in bunkers; availability and health facilities; health and adequacy of the main and emergency lighting of the boiler and auxiliary equipment; the health of all means of communication and alarm; Feed and readiness for the boiler nozzles. On the boiler should be installed only for the nozzles, for this: when assembling, carefully examine the nozzles in order to test the cleanliness of the surfaces, the absence of burrs, capex, coke and dirt (nozzles details, even with minor defects, do not allow for the assembly); checking nozzles operating with fuel oil pressure up to 2 MPa (20 kgf / cm 2), on a water stand, at a water pressure equal to the nominal pressure of the fuel; Nozzles designed to work with greater pressure, check for water pressure not lower than 2 MPa; Make sure that the air pressure when checking the ferrychanical nozzles corresponds to the pressure of the steam pressure on the spraying; Spraying when checking nozzles on the stand Determine visually - the cone of the sprayed water must have a fine structure without selected drops, continuous jets and easily distinguishable places of thickening (strips); Check the cone opening angle for a set of nozzles installed on the boiler (should not deviate more than ± 5 ° from the factory norm); When checking on the stand, pay attention to the density of the adjunct elements of the nozzle and its barrel (nozzles with loose connections of individual elements to the installation on the boiler are not allowed); Check the difference in the nominal productivity of individual nozzles included, which should not exceed 1.5%; Each boiler must be provided with a spare set of nozzles. 2.1.7. All the burners of the boiler must be equipped with passionate protective devices controlled remotely and locally. The possibility of applying a manual fader should be provided. 2.1.8. Inspect the furnace, the convective surface of the boiler heating and heat exchangers. Through Lases and Rutchuches, make sure that the burners and pipes of the boiler heating surfaces are normal. Make sure there are no foreign objects and garbage on the staircases. 2.1.9. Check the closure of the valves on the applying boiler steamings, including for purging the nozzles. 2.1.10. Ensure: the closure of the shut-off and regulating reinforcement on the fuel oil supply lines to the boiler, recycling, to the drainage collector and shut-off valves before each fasonry nozzle; disconnecting the mazutoprovod of the boiler by plugs; The closure of shut-off and regulating reinforcement on the gas pipeline to the boiler and shut-off valves on the gas supply to the burners, turning off the gas pipeline with plugs, closing the valves to stobers. 2.1.11. Give an application for the assembly of the electrical circuit of the mechanisms and remote control of the reinforcement and the chibers. 2.1.12. Give an application for supplying voltage to control and measuring instruments, protection, locking and alarm. 2.1.13. Check out the health of the measurement, locks, protection and remote control of the reinforcement. 2.1.14. If plugs on fuel lines are not installed, check the action of protection, locks and control of the reinforcement without opening the valves before handfuls (nozzles). 2.1.15. Ventilate the furnace and gas gazo-trucks of the boiler, including the smoke, smoke recycling of gases (DRG) and the fan; Ventilation should last at least 10 minutes with the total air flow rate on the boiler at least 25% nominal. 2.1.16. Before starting the milling of the boiler, the entire fittings on the water tract of the boiler and heat exchangers both by contour and on the mains should be closed. To fill the contour water of the boiler, open: valves K-9 and K-10 on the water supply pipe from the deaerators of pots of boilers, or from water purification of hot water boilers (Fig. 1), K-19 and K-21 valves on the suction side of the closed circuit podputs (NPS); K-12 valve on a closed loop bypass (nzk); Limit-K-1 on the pipeline inlet of contour water to the boiler: all air workers on the boiler. Fig. 1. Thermal chart of the boiler with an external heat exchanger:
1 - water heat exchanger; 2 - a closed circuit pump; 3 - Supplication pump of a closed circuit: 4 - pump pumping from the tank of plums; 5 - drain tank made of boiler and periodic purge; 6 is an expander of drainage and periodic purge;
- contour water boiler;
- circuit of the thermal network;
- Periodic purge;
- Continuous contour blowing;
- airborne;
- valve;
- electric shifting;
- flange compound;
- regulating valve;
- flower washer;
- transition
2.1.17. Turn on the work of the NPS: Open the K-20 valve on the pump to the pump of the pump; Turn into the work backup NPS, open the K-22 valve on the backup pump to the backup and install it on the AVR; After checking the backup pump, stop it and leave it on ABR. 2.1.18. Open the periodic blowing of the boiler, for what: Open the manual fittings and regulating valve P-1 on the pipeline of the boiler periodic purge; Include in the work of the drainage expander and periodic purge and pump pumping from the tank of the plums, opening the appropriate manual shock valve pumping pump from the tank of the plums; In the absence of an installation for cleaning production condensates, the periodic blowing of the boiler direct to the wastewater collection tank, opening the appropriate manual reinforcement; Chilled in the pot purge water of the boiler with a temperature not higher than 30 ° C. Follow in PPU. 2.1.19. Fill the boiler with feeding water, after the appearance of water in the air, close them. 2.1.20. Fill the heat exchangers and their bypass by contour water, for what: Open the C-2 valve bypass on the contour water pipeline at the outlet of the boiler to the heat exchangers; Discover all airflows on heat exchangers; Open the valve bypass K-3, K-5 and K-7 on the supply water supply pipes into heat exchangers; Filling the heat exchangers end after the appearance of water from all air workers and equality of water temperature at the entrance and output of each heat exchanger; Close all air workers on heat exchangers; Open the B-2 control valve and manual valves on the pipeline bypass heat exchangers. 2.1.21. The heat exchange rate of heat exchangers should not exceed 60 ° C per hour for heat exchangers installed in heated rooms, and 30 ° C per hour (OST 26-291-87) in unheated premises or on the street. 2.1.22. After increasing the temperature of the contour water in the heat exchangers almost to the temperature of the reverse network water (D T. Not more than 40 ° C) Fill the pipe space of heat exchangers with network water, for which open the C-1, C-2, C-4, C-6, C-8 valves, and C-3, and C -7; When water appears from the air, close them. 2.1.23. Inspect the boiler, make sure that there are no leaks in the elements of the boiler and heat exchangers. 2.1.24. Close all lazes and observation hatches. 2.1.25. When driving and the operation of the boiler on the fuel oil, prepare for filling the maswopers of the boiler, while: Check the fuel oil pressure in the overall maswood boiler room - it should be no less than 2 MPa (20 kgf / cm 2). Check the closure of all the valves and the presence of all plugs on the steam feed line in the boiler's maswashopore and on the line in the drainage collector (Fig. 2).
Fig. 2. Scheme of FerryAmmut Pipeline Boiler KVGM-180: - shut-off valve; - check valve; - shut-off valve with electric drive; - flower washer; - Interflant stub; - pressure gauge; - Mazutoprovaya; - Mazutopol Recirculation: - drainage pipeline: - steam pipe Place the fuel selection key to the "Mazut" position: Collect the pair of steam supply to the disintegration of fuel oil, for which: - Install the nozzles and extend them from Ambrazur; - remove the plugs on the supply and recycling of the boiler, as well as on the overall supply pipe of the steam supply to the nozzles; Open the valve m at the fuel oil supply to the boiler, the PZK valve, the valve of MR and the manual valve on the fuel oil recycling line (see Fig. 2). Open the fuel oil supply valve to the boiler from one pressure mazutoprovod, the opening of the RCM reinforcement, put the maswashopore of the boiler to circulate, warm it, make sure that the reinforcement density in front of the nozzles, the absence of leaks of fuel oil through the glands, flange connections, etc.; The fuel oil supplied to the masutopier must be carefully filtered. Make sure that the temperature of the fuel oil in the maswower in front of the boiler is within 120-135 ° C. Connect the nozzles to a pair and fuel oil. Squeeze and put steam pipes to fuel oil. The pressure of steam in front of the burners must be 0.8 MPa (8 kgf / cm 2). 2.1.26. When driving a boiler on a gas, prepare the gas pipeline (Fig. 3) of the boiler for gas filling, for what: Fig. 3. Scheme of gas pipelines of the CFGM-180 boiler: - valve, locking valve; - shut-off valve with electric drive; - control valve with electric drive; - safety shut-off valve; - sampler; - flower washer; - Interflant stub; - gas pipeline; - gas pipeline to stobers; - purge line
Note . At the newly administered boilers, it should be provided for the installation of the PPC and the drive device with an electric drive. The key to choose the fuel type set the "Gas". Check the presence of a plug on a fitting fitting of a compressed air or an inert gas. Close the gas supply valves for burners (1G-1 - 6G-1 and 1G-2 - 6G-2): Open the valves of purge candles (SP-1 - SP-4) and safety candles (1SB - 6SB), safety-shut-off valve (PZK), control valve (RKG). Make sure to close the valve 1g. Turn on the pressure gauge and gas flow meter. Check out the excess gas pressure in the overall boiler house gas pipeline, the gas pressure in front of the burners should be not lower than 0.01-0.15 MPa (0.1-0.15 kgf / cm 2). Remove the plugs on the boiler gas pipeline and stagnants. The discovery of valves 1P and 1GZ fill the gas pipelines for 10-15 minutes. The end of the purge is determined by the analysis or incineration of the samples, the oxygen content in the gas should not exceed 1%, and the combustion of gas should occur calmly, without cotton; Close the valves of all purge candles. Inspect the gas pipelines and make sure (for rumor, by smell and gas analyzers) in the absence of gas leaks. It is forbidden to check the presence of gas leaks using open fire. 2.1.27. Machine the boiler and control the process of mocking both from the control shield and directly at the burners. 2.1.28. After full warm-up of all heat exchangers, i.e. with the equal temperature of water at the inlet and outlet of them, open the K-4, K-6 and K-8 valves on the pipelines of the outlet of the contour water from heat exchangers; Turn on the work of the NZK, for what: Open the K-13 and K-15 valves on the suction side of the NZK; Open the K-14 and K-16 valves on the bottom side of the NZK; Try to try the work of the AVR backup pump and leave it on the AVR; Close the valve K-12. 2.1.29. Open the valve K-2 on the pipeline of the outlet of the contour water from the boiler and close its bypass: Open the valves K-3, K-5 and K-7 on the supply water supply pipelines into heat exchangers and close their bypass; Close the B-2 control valve on the heat exchangers bypass pipeline. 2.1.30. Open the C-1, C-2, C-4, C-6 and C-8 valves on the pipelines of the network water to heat exchangers and close their bypass. 2.1.31. To maintain the permanent maximum allowable pressure of the contour water on the suction side of the NZK, open the manual fittings and turn on the operation of the control valve B-1 on the Baipas Npzk. 2.1.32. Compare expense purge water with the consumption of support; If the consumption of feed water is more purge, it means there are its leaks in the path of the boiler, if less, it should be verified in the correct indication of individual flow meters.

2.2. Master of the boiler on fuel oil

2.2.1. Manage the Western Device from the shield or at the place of the burner. 2.2.2. Set the total air pressure to 200-300 Pa (20-30 kgf 2), the resolution at the top of the furnace is maintained to be 20-30 Pa (2-3 kgf / m 2). 2.2.3. Set the "Protection" key to the "Rizhag" position, while the protection is turned on: lowering water pressure behind the boiler; increase water pressure behind the boiler; increase water temperature behind the boiler; turn off the blowing fan, smoke; Disappearance of voltage on remote and automatic control devices and all measuring instruments. 2.2.4. Open the valve with manual valve on the maswash cutting before the nozzle (during the place in place) or with an electrically driven (when trample from the shield). 2.2.5. Serve steam to spray fuel oil, set the pressure to 0.2-0.25 MPa injectors (2-2.5 kgf / cm 2). 2.2.6. Turn on the outstanding device of one of the burners of the lower tier, make sure to visually in the sunbathing and stable burning of its torch. 2.2.7. Open the valve with an electric (when trample from the shield) or with a manual (when the place is placed) with the drive before the incisor of the nozzle. Mazut must immediately light up. 2.2.8. Control the cutting in the furnace, maintaining it at the level of 30-50 Pa (3-5 kgf / m 2). 2.2.9. Watch out for the combustion process: the torch must be straw color, smokeless, stable, without dark stripes and glowing "stars"; Tighten it to the mouth of the ambrusuras by reducing the air supply. 2.2.10. By influencing fuel oil and air, adjust the combustion mode. 2.2.11. Subsequent burners, first lower, then the upper, incite in the same order using Western devices. 2.2.12. Turning off the smear devices of working burners, after burning in the furnace becomes stable. 2.2.13. Close the MR electric valve. 2.2.14. Install the adjusting valve with the appropriate fuel oil pressure in front of the nozzles. 2.2.15. If, in the process of ignition in the first burner burner, the fuel oil will not light up, immediately close it in the boiler to the boiler, turn off the ignition device and ventilate the burners, firebox and gas ducts for at least 10 minutes at least 25% of the nominal. After eliminating the cause of non-refundations, proceed to re-ignition. 2.2.16. If in the process of the milling of the boiler does not light up one burner (with the rest of the remaining), close the fuel oil to this burner, turn off its outstanding device, eliminate the reason for the burner's reset and, blowing it with air, start re-ignition. 2.2.17. In the case of a complete resetting of the torch in the furnace immediately stop the fuel oil to the boiler and turn off all the outstanding devices. Only after eliminating the reasons for the reasons and performing operations, paragraph 2.1.15 can be proceeded with extract. 2.2.18. At the end of the operations on the installation of the boiler, the "Protection" key set to "Included", while the protection from: resetting the torch in the furnace; Reducing the pressure of fuel oil for the adjusting valve. 2.2.19. After the end of the ceiling of the boiler and with a decrease in iron content in a closed circuit to the values \u200b\u200bprovided in the section. 5, close the periodic blowing of the boiler.

2.3. Mainstanding boiler on gas

2.3.1. After performing operations under paragraph 2.1.26, let's start the ceiling of the boiler. 2.3.2. Control of the rigorous devices from the shield or directly at the place. 2.3.3. Wrench "Protection" Put the "Rizhag" position, while the protection listed in clause 2.2.3 is included. 2.3.4. Set air pressure at the level of 200-300 Pa (20-30 kgf / m 2). 2.3.5. Open the first valve on the gas pipeline on the gas pipeline, as well as the valve on the gas pipeline to the secure device. Close the valve on the safety candle of this burner. 2.3.6. Turn on the outstanding device of one of the burners of the lower tier, make sure to be visually in sunbathing and stable burning the flare. 2.3.7. Open the second gas valve in front of the burner flaky. Gas should immediately light up. Impacting gas supply and air, adjust the combustion process. 2.3.8. Subsequent burners (first the bottom, then the upper) incite, as the first. 2.3.9. After achieving sustainable burning in the furnace, extinguish the fastening devices of the working burners. Close the valves on the security candle (Sat). 2.3.10. Set the control valve the required gas pressure in front of the nozzles and turn it on the machine. 2.3.11. If, in the process of ignition in any burner from the incited group, the gas will not light up, immediately close it to the boiler, turn off the outstanding device and ventilate the burners, firing, boiler gas ducts for at least 10 minutes at least 25% of the nominal. After eliminating the causes of non-refundations, proceed to re-ignition. 2.3.12. If in the process of the extracts, the burner will not go out or go out (with the operating burners of the distortion group), close the gas supply to this burner, turn off the ignition device, eliminate the cause of non-ignition or extinction and, blowing the burner with air, start re-ignition. 2.3.13. In the case of a complete resetting of the torch in the furnace immediately stop supplying the gas to the boiler, disconnect all ZZU. Only after eliminating the reasons for the reasons and performing operations p. 2.1.15, proceed to repeatedly. 2.3.14. At the end of operations on the milling boiler, the "Protection" key set to "Inclusive", while the protection against the extract of a common torch in the furnace is additionally included; Reducing gas pressure behind the control valve. 2.3.15. After the end of the ceiling of the boiler and with a decrease in iron content in a closed circuit to the values \u200b\u200bprovided in the section. 5, close the periodic blowing of the boiler.

3. Transfer of a boiler with one type of fuel to another

3.1. Translation of the boiler with fuel oil on gas

3.1.1. When translating the gas fuel oil boiler, perform the following operations: check the triggering of the PZK and the performance of technological protection and gas locks with the effect on actuators or a signal in a volume that does not prevent the boiler operation; Prepare and fill in gas gas pipeline (see paragraph 2.1.26); Give gas and raise one of the lower burners (see paragraphs. 2.3.2; 2.3.4; 2.3.5 and 2.3.7); After sunbathing, close the valves on the fuel powder to the nozzle of this burner; Make sure that the torch is stable; Purge the nozzle with the pen, pull it out of the burner and remove it. 3.1.2. Similarly, move the remaining burners from fuel oil. 3.1.3. Display the steamamp of the boiler in the reserve. 3.1.4. After transferring all the working burners from fuel oil to the gas, put the fuel selection key to the "Gas".

3.2. Translation of boiler with gas to fuel oil

3.2.1. When moving the boiler from gas to fuel oil, follow these operations: Prepare and fill in the Mazutoprovods of the boiler fuel oil (see paragraph 2.1.25); Serve fuel oil on the nozzles (one of the lower) and deceive it (see paragraphs. 2.2.1; 2.2.3; 2.2.5- 2.2.8); Close the valves on the gas pipeline in front of the burner; Make sure that the torch is stable; Open the burner safety candle valve. 3.2.2. Similarly, move the remaining burners from gas to fuel oil. 3.2.3. Display the boiler gas pipelines to the reserve. 3.2.4. After the translating of all working burners from the gas to the fuel oil, put the fuel selection key to the "Mazut"

4. Boiler maintenance while working under load

4.1. Do not dot Eck the operation of the boiler without the included technological protection, locks, alarms and automatic regulators. 4.2. Drive the boiler mode in accordance with the regime card (Appendix 2) according to the testimony of test instrumentation (KIP). Require from the duty staff of CTAI to ensure the permanent performance and the correctness of the instrumentation testimony. 4.3. Timely detect deviations from the normal operating conditions of the boiler and take operational measures to eliminate, violations of the operating modes of the boiler and auxiliary equipment, acting in accordance with the indications of section. 6 of this typical instruction. 4.4. While working at the boiler, follow: the burning mode, burner and nozzles; the lack of fistulating in the pipes of the surfaces of heating, collectors of heat exchangers, bypass pipes and contour network pipelines, periodically listening and examining them; the fuel parameters to the control valve and in front of the burners; efficiency of control systems, remote control and autorography, protection, locks and alarms; the density of the gas-air path; the water duct in the cooling system of Lases; state of reinforcement of water and fuel tracts of the boiler; condition of irrigation and insulation; work of auxiliary equipment; serviceability of working and emergency lighting; Control of communication systems. 4.5. According to the job instructions, make a prophylactic inspection of the heat exchangers and auxiliary equipment. Detected equipment defects Fix in the records of defects. 4.6. When bypass, inspect all gas pipelines within the boiler, gas leakage, define the sound, to the touch, on the smell or coating of possible areas of leakage with soap solution (the appearance of bubbles indicates the leakage place). If the gas leak appears, immediately inform the elder driver or the head of the shift and additionally the person responsible for the safe operation of the gas economy, or the head of the workshop. 4.7. The main indicators of the boiler work with nominal heat output: the temperature of the contour water at the entrance to the boiler ..................................... ..... 110 ° C The temperature of the contour water at the outlet of the boiler ................................... 180 ° C Pressure of contour water at the outlet of the boiler ........................................ . 2.2 MPa (22 kgf / cm 2) underwear of contour water to boiling ................................... ..................... at least 30 ° C The temperature of the power water at the outlet of the heat exchangers depends on the temperature of the reverse network water and its consumption through heat exchangers, but should not exceed 150 ° С. 4.8. Due to the operation of the control valve B-1 bypass NPZP on the machine, maintain the pressure on the PSC suction side, depending on their type at 1.7-2.0 MPa (17-20 kgf / cm 2). 4.9. Open the continuous blowing of the closed loop of the boiler, for which: Open the manual fittings on the continuous purge and valve pipeline P-2 and P-3; In the absence of an installation for cleaning production condensates, a continuous outline blowing is sent to the reset water reset tanks, for this close the P-3 valve and open the appropriate manual fittings; Chilled in the tanks the purge water of the closed loop of the boiler with a temperature not higher than 30 ° C. Follow in PPU. 4.10. Put the control valve B-2 on the automatic, the heat exchangers of the heat exchangers, installed on the contents of the contour water bypass water, to maintain the temperature of the contour water at the inlet to the boiler at the level 110 V p. 4.11. Do not allow the difference in the temperature of the contour water at the inlet to the heat exchangers and the network at the output of them more than 40 ° C. In case of exceeding, reduce the flow rate of the power water through heat exchangers or the heat production capacity of the boiler. The value of the specified temperature difference is above 40 ° C, only in the presence of a settlement justification, reflected in the factory instruction manual for heat exchangers. The rate of increasing or decreasing the temperature of the contour water in the heat exchangers in the changes in the heat capacity of the boiler should not be more than 60 ° C per hour for heat exchangers installed in a heated room, and 30 ° C per hour when installing them on the street and should be clarified by technical documentation To each type of heat exchangers. 4.12. Adjusting the heat capacity of the boiler in the load range of 30-100% per gas and 45-100% on the fuel oil is made by changing the fuel pressure in the operation of the boiler with all the included burners. 4.13. To increase the heat output of the boiler, first increase the craving, then air flow and, finally, fuel consumption. When the heat reduction is reduced, first reduce fuel consumption, then air flow and traction. 4.14. Exercise visually monitoring the combustion process. 4.15. When burning fuel oil or gas to limit local heat fluxes in the furnace and reducing harmful emissions of nitrogen oxides in the heat-producing range of the boiler 60-100%, work with the included DRG. The permissible degree of opening of the DRG guide devices is determined in the process of production tests depending on the use of specific gas recycling schemes. 4.16. Excess air in the outgoing gases from the boiler, support at a rated heat load not lower than 1.05-1.1 on gas and 1.1-1.15 on fuel oil. 4.17. When you turn on the DRG on the working boiler, first raise the air pressure to 30 Pa (300 kgf 2) on the nominal heat production of the boiler, then gradually open the guide apparatus of the DRG to the recommended value. 4.18. With a noticeable increase in the iron content in the closed loop of the boiler in the process of its operation, on the instructions of the chemical workshop personnel, open the periodic blowing of the boiler. 4.19. After reducing the iron content in the boiler to the norms provided for in the section. 5, the periodic blowing of the boiler close. 4.20. To estimate the state of the inner surface of the pipes, make tapery of control samples from intact areas in the area: flue screens on the marks between the burners and above the top tier; lower bending coils of the upper convective packages. 4.21. In the event of an increase in the hydraulic resistance of the pipes of heat exchangers on network water at the estimated consumption, it is estimated by approximately 1.5 times with the help of a mobile high-pressure installation individual flushing, which is performed by a specialized organization.

5. Norms of the water-chemical mode of the closed contour

5.1. Two different water modes can be applied in the closed circuit: alkaline mode with a contour feed with turbine condensate on the CHP of any pressure, nutrient or feed water of high-pressure drum boilers; Alkaline mode with a contour feed Na -Catented water (in the case of a promotion in the boiler room). 5.2. Alkaline mode with a knob of a closed contour by turbine condensate on the CHP of any pressure, nutrient or pinch water of high-pressure drum boilers. 5.2.1. The quality of the supporting water of a closed contour must satisfy the following standards: total rigidity, μg · eq / kg ............................ no more than 3 content dissolved oxygen, μg / kg, no more: when feeding with nutrient water ................ 10 When applied by condensate or desalted water ............. .................. 50 (installed by power facilities) content of iron compound, μg / kg ........... no more than 50 maintenance of petroleum products, mg / kg ................. no more than 0.3 content of hydrazine, μg / kg ...................... ... no 5.2.2. The quality of the water of a closed contour must satisfy the following standards: total rigidity ....................................... ......... no more than 10 μg · eq / kg The content of dissolved oxygen ............. no more than 50 μg / kg of iron compound ......... ..................................... no more than 100-150 μg / kg pH value (at temperatures 25 ° C) ............... 9.5-10 5.3. Alkaline mode with a closed contour of Na -Conized water (in case of location of the promotion in the boiler room). 5.3.1. The quality of the supporting water of the closed contour must satisfy the following standards: total rigidity ...................................... .......... no more than 50 μg · eq / kg Overall alkalinity .............................. ............... no more than 5 μg-eq / kg The content of dissolved oxygen ............. no more than 50 μg / kg content of free carbon dioxide .. ............... 0 Number of suspended substances ...................... no more than 5 mg / kg. The content of petroleum products .. ........................... no more than 0.5 mg / kg content of iron connection ............ ............. no more than 100 μg / kg 5.3.2. The quality of the water of a closed contour must satisfy the following standards: total rigidity ....................................... .......... no more than 60 μg · eq / kg The content of dissolved oxygen ............. no more than 50 μg / kg iron content ........ ................................... .. no more than 200-250 μg / kg pH value (at a temperature of 25 ° С) ............... 9,5-10 The content of petroleum products ......... .................... not more than 1 mg / kg 5.4. The blowing of the circuit in all water modes should ensure the maintenance of the closed loop water norms along iron compounds. The total consumption of continuous and periodic purge based on the conditions for maintaining the pressure of the Vedas in a closed circuit should not exceed 30 t / h per causthet. 5.5. The direct additive of hydrazine and other toxic substances into the water circuit and the feed water is prohibited. 5.6. Maintaining the necessary values \u200b\u200bof the water pH of the closed contour should be administered to ammonia or caustic soda. Entering alkaline reagent solutions is carried out in the pipeline of the feed water to the suction of the NPS. 5.7. When commissioning a closed contour after its installation, water-heating boilers, which have operational deposits on the inner surface in the amount of 500 g / m 2 or more, should be chemical cleaning. The newly introduced water boilers after their installation before commissioning should be enhanced. 5.8. The operational chemical cleaning of the heating surfaces should be carried out with the specific pollution of their sediments of more than 600 g / m 2. 5.9. The heat exchange tubes are performed from corrosion-resistant steels.

6. Stop boiler

6.1. Stop boiler to the reserve for a period of no more than 3 days. 6.1.1. When you stop the fuel oil boiler, perform the following operations: Spend a thorough cleaning of the convective surfaces of the boiler heating; sequentially, starting from the upper, turn off the burner by closing the reinforcement on the supply of fuel oil to the nozzles; Blank the air supply to the bundled burners; Pull the steam injectors by opening the valves (1PR-6PR); Close the steam supply on the spraying of fuel oil (1P-6P); Disconnected nozzles output from the furnace; Close the PZK, RK and shut-off valves on the feed and recycling maswopers of the boiler; Visually make sure that the torch is full of the flake. 6.1.2. When you stop the gas boiler, perform the following operations: Alternately, starting from the upper, turn off the burners by closing the reinforcement on the gas supply to the burners, open the safety candles; Cover the air supply to the disconnected burners; Close up PZK, RKG and shut-off valves on the gas supply line to the boiler; Open the purge candles on the disconnected gas pipeline; Envient the furnace, gas ducts and air ducts for at least 10 minutes (see paragraph 2.1.15). 6.1.3. Stop the DRG, smoke and fan, close their guide machines. 6.1.4. Turn off the technological protection by putting the "Protection" switch to the "Disabled" position. 6.1.5. After finding the boiler and heat exchangers to a temperature of 10-20 ° C above the temperature of the network water at the inlet to the heat exchangers: Disconnect the NZK and close the K-13 - K-16 valves on their suction side and the discharge side; To ensure the circulation of water in a closed circuit, leave one NPS in operation; Open the K-12 valve on the Baipas NZK; Close the continuous purge of a closed loop. 6.2. Stop boiler for more than 3 days. All gas pipelines to the boiler turn off and perform the following operations: Clean the boiler's masutopers and taps to the burners from fuel oil with a ferry to the drain pipeline; Disconnect the boiler's mazutopers from all fuel oil mains of boiler and purge lines; Gas pipelines of the boiler, all taps to the burners free from gas purge compressed air and disconnect from all lines plugs; The end of the purge determine the analysis (the residual gas content in purge air should not exceed 1/5 of the lower limit of ignition natural Gas ); Disconnect the stalls from the pipeline of the gas supply to them; When installing heat exchangers on the street or in an unheated room at a negative outdoor temperature to eliminate the temperature of the heat exchangers and the pipelines associated with it, when the boiler is stopped, carry out the supply water duct through heat exchangers due to the operation of the NPS through the pipeline of the contour water of heat exchangers, for which open the control valve bypass b -2; Close the control valve B-2 and manual valves on the heat exchangers bypass pipeline, close the K-2 shut-off valve at the output of the cycle water from the boiler and disconnect the NZK, turn on the continuous contour blowing; With positive ambient temperatures in places of installation of heat exchangers, stop the NPS, close the valves K-19 and K-20 on its suction side and the part of the discharge; Close the manual reinforcement and control valve B-1 on the Baipas Npzk; Close the manual fittings and the B-2 control valve on the heat exchangers bypass pipeline; Disconnect the NZK and close the K-13 - K-16 valves on their suction side and the part of the discharge; Open the valves of all air drills and boiler drainage; After compliance with the requirements of clause 6.1.5, squeeze the water from the boiler, for which climb the K-1 and K-2 valves at the inlet to the boiler and output from it; Cress the network water from the heat exchangers, for which you close the C-2 valves - C-7 at the entrance of the network water into heat exchangers and the outlet of them; Open the valves of all drainage and air ventilation systems of heat exchangers; Cress the contour water from the heat exchanger enclosures, for which you close the K-3-K-8 valves at the inlet of the contour water in the housing of the heat exchangers and the output of them and open the valves of all air and drainage from them; drainage carry out in the drainage expander and periodic purge (see paragraph 2.1.18); Give an application for disassembly of electrical circuits of electric motors of mechanisms and remote control of reinforcement and chibers; Internal inspection, cleaning and repair of the boiler, follow only by written permission (by alongside) subject to the relevant safety regulations; Gas hard work in accordance with the safety rules in the gas economy. 6.3. When withdrawing a boiler for a period of more than 30 days (summer period) before performing the conservation of the boiler and heat exchangers, make an external inspection of the heat exchangers tubes in order to assess their density, for which: turn off the heat exchangers with the heat exchangers on the network water, squeeze them; Remove the lids from the buildings of all heat exchangers; Create a contour water pressure equal to 1.0-1.2 MPa (10-12 kgf / cm 2), due to the inclusion of the NZK and, if necessary, the NPC, carrying out adjustment of the pressure of the contour water by the control valve B-1; Inspect the tubes, in case of damage, restore their density, and if it is impossible, muffled them; All operations on inspection of heat exchanger tubes are carried out at a contour water temperature not higher than 45 ° C. 6.4. After installing the covers on the heat exchangers, perform the inner conservation of the boiler and heat exchangers by pumping the feed water from deaerator tanks through the boiler and a closed circuit; Disconnect the NPS and NZK and open the K-11 and K-12 valves on their bypass; Make a discharge water through the continuous purge pipe to the draenage expander and the periodic purge pipeline, followed by the supply to the installation for cleaning production condensates or the PPU; Pumping the water during the entire time the stop of the boiler. 6.5. The inner conservation of the boiler and heat exchangers installed in the heating boilers, carry out a solution of sodium silicate according to the current methodological instructions for the conservation of thermal power equipment.

7. Emergency provisions

7.1. In case of violations in the work of the equipment: Carefully check the operational performance and on the basis of instrument readings and external signs Make an idea of \u200b\u200bthe violation of the mode; Tell the chief of change of CTC or the power plant on what happened; Install the nature and place of damage; Turn on the backup and turn off damaged equipment; Make sure that the backup equipment is normal; Take measures to restore damaged equipment. 7.2. In cases of accidents, immediately provide medical assistance to the victim in accordance with existing rules. Organize a challenge of medical personnel and notify the chief of the CTC and Power Station. 7.3. Register in the operational journal the available accident data indicating the start, nature of the flow and actions of personnel on its liquidation, as well as the time of individual events (on and off the equipment, triggering, sewing and alarm). 7.4. The boiler must be immediately stopped by the defensive (see paragraph 9.3 of this Model Instruction) or directly by the staff in the case of: failure of the contour water flow meter, if the mode has occur, requiring regulating power; PSTAL NZK and not inclusion of the backup pump on ABR; Restornation of the NPS and the inconction of the backup pump on ABR; Increased contour water pressure at the outlet of the boiler to 2.6 MPa (26 kgf / cm 2) or lowering it at its temperatures to the value smaller in the table. Note . The pressure of the contour water should be higher than the pressure of the power water. The values \u200b\u200bof the pressure of the contour water in the table are given in accordance with the underheating of it to the saturation temperature. at 30 ° C. breaking pipes for the heating of the boiler, collectors and pipelines at appropriate pressure; detection in the main elements of heat exchanger cracks, swelling, passing or sweating in welds, leaks; Foresting torch in the furnace; unacceptable reduction of gas pressure or fuel oil for the control valve; disabling the smoke or blowing fan; explosion in the furnace, gas duct, the destruction of irrigation, other damage, threatening personnel and equipment; fires representing the danger to personnel, equipment and remote control circuits of disabled, fittings included in the protection scheme; increasing the temperature of the contour water at the outlet of the boiler to 190 ° C; disappearance of voltage on remote and automatic control devices or all kip; Rip out the masutoprod or gas pipeline within the boiler. 7.5. When an emergency stop of the boiler: Close the C-1 and C-8 valves on the reverse and direct pipelines of the power water and open their bypass; Close the K-3, K-5 and K-7 valves on the supply of contour water into heat exchangers and open their bypass; Remove with AVR NZK; Stop the NZK and close the valves on the suction side and the point of the discharge, close the valve P-2 on the continuous contour purge pipe; Open the K-12 valve on the Baipas NZK; In the event of an emergency stop, the NPCs additionally discover the K-11 valve on their bypass. 7.6. The boiler should also be stopped by order of manual in case: detecting fistulas in the surfaces of heating, manifolds, pipelines, the appearance of leaks and steam engines in the reinforcement and flange compounds of the boiler, as well as in the flanges of heat exchangers; Faults of individual protection or remote and automatic control devices, as well as instrumentation. The stop time of the boiler in these cases is determined by the chief engineer of the power plant or the head of the boiler room.

8. Safety instructions, explosion and fire safety

8.1. Basic safety instructions, explosion and fire safety should be reflected in local instructions, compiled in accordance with the manual documents listed in paragraph 1.7 of this typical instruction. 8.2. Safety requirements When servicing heat exchangers are given in the installation and operation instructions for them, manufactured by the manufacturer of heat exchangers, on the basis of which, depending on the type of heat exchangers, the local instruction is being developed.

9. Volume of equipping the boiler tools for measuring, autoremoring, technological protection, locks and alarms

To control the operation of the boiler, the following instrumentation should be installed: those registering and showing the flow meter to measure the flow of contour water through the boiler; recorder flow meter for measuring the consumption of network water through heat exchangers; registering flow meter for measuring the consumption of continuous purge closed contour; showing the flow meter to measure the flow rate of the boiler periodic; Registering flow meter for measuring the contour of the contour; showing a pressure gauge for measuring the water pressure in front of the boiler (for the nzk); registering and showing a pressure gauge for measuring water pressure behind the boiler; showing a pressure gauge for measuring water pressure in front of the NZK; showing a pressure gauge for measuring water pressure in front of the sequence pump; showing a pressure gauge for measuring the pressure of reverse network water; showing a pressure gauge for measuring the pressure of contour water in the heat exchangers; showing devices for measuring pressure drops on network water at the entrance to each heat exchanger and output from it; registering and showing the device for measuring the temperature of the contour water in front of the boiler; registering and showing the device for measuring the temperature of the contour water behind the boiler; showing the device for measuring the temperature of reverse network water; registering device for measuring the temperature of direct network water; Registering device for measuring the temperature of contour water at the entrance to each heat exchanger; Registering device for measuring the temperature of the contour water at the outlet of each heat exchanger; Registering device for measuring the temperature of the network water at the outlet of the output heat exchangers; registering and showing the device for measuring gas consumption; showing a pressure gauge for measuring gas pressure behind an adjusting valve; registering and showing a pressure gauge for measuring gas pressure in the gas pipeline to the boiler; registering and showing the flow meter to measure the fuel oil consumption to the boiler; showing a pressure gauge for measuring the pressure of fuel oil for the adjusting valve; registering and showing a pressure gauge for measuring the fuel oil pressure in the fuel powder to the boiler; showing pressure gauge pressure gauge fuel oil; registering flow meter for measuring fuel oil for recycling; showing the device for measuring the temperature of the fuel oil in front of the burners; registering device for measuring the temperature of the outgoing gases; showing devices for measuring the temperature of flue gases in the width of convective packets (via switch); showing the device for measuring air pressure per blowing fan; Registering device for measuring the temperature of bearings of drums; Oxygen (left and right); devices for measuring the transparency of flue gases (right to the left); Showing the device for measuring the vacuum at the top of the furnace. At the place must be installed: pressure gauges on gas supply lines for each burner; Pressure gauges on fuel oil lines for each burner; Pressure steam gauges for each burner; Tightenorizers on the central and peripheral air channels for each burner; pressure gauge for measuring the gas pressure behind the control valve; Pressure gauge, to measure the pressure of fuel oil for the adjusting valve.

9.2. Automatic boiler control system

The system includes the following regulators: the main one; fuel; overall air; rarefaction at the top of the furnace; contour water pressure on the suction side of the NZK; The temperature of the contour water in front of the boiler.

9.3. Technological protection

The values \u200b\u200bof the triggering time of protection are determined by the plant - manufacturer of boiler equipment and existing instructions. Equipment disabled equipment After eliminating the causes of the triggering is included in the work by duty personnel. On boilers using two types of fuel, a switch has a separate position for each type of fuel to enter and output protection. The protection of the boiler acts protection when: resetting a torch in the furnace; decrease in gas pressure behind the regulating valve; decrease in the pressure of fuel oil for the regulating valve with a time delay to 20 s; turning off the smoke; fan shutdown; The output of the contour water flow meter, if there is a violation of the mode that requires nutritional adjustments; stop NZK and not inclusive of the backup pump on ABR; stop the NPS and the non-inclusion of the backup pump on the AVR; increase the pressure of contour water at the outlet of the boiler to 2.6 MPa (26 kgf / cm 2); Increase the temperature of the contour water at the outlet of the boiler to 190 ° C. Protection to reduce the underheating of contour water is less than 30 ° C. In the presence of an instrument for the formation of the setpoint by the difference in the actual temperature of the contour water and the saturation temperature of the corresponding pressure of the contour water at the outlet of the boiler (see Table clause 7.4) and is performed instead of protection to reduce pressure. . For previously designed boilers, where such protection is not installed, protection is established to reduce the pressure of the contour water at the outlet of the boiler with a setpoint of 1.9 MPa (19 kgf / cm 2) and time holding 10 s. Tolerances on the values \u200b\u200bof the setpoints are depends on the class of instruments whose supply is determined by the project organization.

9.4. Local protection

9.4.1. When the torch is irrigated or disrupting the torch, the fuel oil nozzle or gas burner is turned off, as well as the ignition device by closing the electrified fittings before the burner. 9.4.2. If 10 s does not appear or go out the torch of the plot included, then it turns off on gas and electric cleaner.

9.5. Lock

9.5.1. When the smoke is disconnected, the boiler is stopped, the gauge is closed on the gas supply to the stobnant, the electric cleaner, the blowing fan and the DRG are turned off. 9.5.2. With the full opening of the dym guide (fan) and the operation of its electric motor in the first speed of its locking, the motor switches to the second speed with a time delay to 3 s. 9.5.3. The electric motor of the smoke or fan does not turn on if the fully guide apparatus is not closed. 9.5.4. The fan does not turn on if the smoke is not turned on. 9.5.5. When the fan is disconnected, its guide apparatus is closed. 9.5.6. The gas pipeline does not open on the boiler at the imposition of at least one of the electric drive valves from each burner.

9.6. Technological alarm

Signals deviations of basic parameters from the set values \u200b\u200bthat cause inclusion of light board and beeps should be carried out on the boiler control panel; Folding torch in the furnace; lowering or improving fuel pressure behind the control valve; Changing the vacuum at the top of the furnace; increase water temperature at the outlet of the boiler; an increase in the permissible difference in the temperature of the contour and network water in the heat exchangers; down or increase water pressure at the outlet of the boiler; reduction of contour consumption, water through the boiler; disabling smoke; disconnecting the blowing fan; disabling the smoke recycling; Turning off the burner; Disappearance of voltage in chains of protection.

Attachment 1

Quick description of the water boiler KVGM-180-150

A gas-gas water-heating boiler KVGM-180-150 is installed on the CHP. The boiler is a straight-flow, T-shaped layout, designed for burning gas and fuel oil. The absorbent chamber of the prism-shape boiler has dimensions over the axes of the screen pipes 6480x5740 mm. Front and rear screens are made of pipes 60x4 with a pitch of 64 mm. Intermediate screens separating the furnace and convective gas supplies are made of gas disc from the pipes of the same diameter, the step is 80 mm. In the lower part of the front-line furnace and the rear screens form the rods. Top Camera Closed ceiling panelspassing into the side screens of hydrocarbons. Ceiling and side screens of convective mines are arranged from pipes with a diameter of 38x4 with a pitch of 42 mm. Collectors inside the boiler are taken with a diameter of 273x14 mm; The material of heated pipes of heating, reservoirs and bypass pipelines - steel 20. In the latest boiler modifications, all coil screens have a gas-plug. The design of the ceiling and side screens is also changed in convective risks, which are now made from pipes 60x4 mm. The strength of the furnace chamber is provided by rigidity belts. The sheath consists of sheet carbon steel. The furnace with the help of special, thrust is suspended to the ceiling frame of the frame. In the first samples of the boiler, the furnace chamber is equipped with six vortex gas burners, which are located on the side screens of the furnace in two tiers on time, triangles top up. They inserted ferry mechanical nozzles equipped with a movement mechanism. It is provided for equipping each burner with an oversized device. In the future, the manufacturer's factory produced CFGM-180-150 boilers with twelve direct-flow burners placed in the furnace according to the MEI scheme, as well as six and eight vortex burners on the side screens of the furnace, respectively, in three and two tiers in height. In subsequent modifications of the boiler (model of the CFGM-180-150-2m) for the organization of the fiber process on the front and rear walls in the corners of the furnace, eight straight-flow gas-contained burners, placed in two tiers with a reference direction to the imaginary circle in the center. The burners of the lower tier are cast. Each burner is equipped with an oversized protective device (ZAD). Convective heating surfaces are located in two sink mines with fully shielded walls. Fluent surfaces of gas ducts are: The side screens of the furnace; Side panels of gas ducts; Front and rear walls of gas ducts. The front and rear walls of the convective shaft are made of pipes with a diameter of 95x5 (steel 20) in 136 mm increments. To ensure the density between the pipes, the fin 40 mm width is width. Front-line pipes and back walls of convective shafts serve collectors U. -Food coils made of pipes 32x3 mm (steel 20). The location of the pipes in the roasted gas duct - chess in step S. 1 \u003d 68 and S. 2 = 60 mm. Circuit diagram in the main mode of operation of the boiler (Fig. P1.1) Contour water with a closed circuit pumps is supplied to the total aircraft of the boiler, from which it is sent to the right half of the bottom collectors of the front and rear windows, as well as in the reversal tubes Bottom collectors of the right side screen of the furnace, the right side screen of the convective shaft and the ceiling screen, of which water enters the front and rear panels (risers), to the upper, average and lower convective election of the right-hand gas plant. From the lower collectors, water enters the left half of the lower collectors of the front and rear windows, in the lower collectors of the left side screen of the furnace, as well as the left side screen of the convective shaft and the ceiling screen. From the indicated surfaces of heating and from the left half of the front and rear screens of fireproofs along bypass pipes, water is supplied to the front and rear panels (risers), to the upper, middle and lower convective semiconductions of the left hydrochode, from which it enters the total output chamber.
Fig. P1.1. Hydraulic scheme of the water heating boiler KVGM-180-150 (main mode):
1 - front-line windshield; 2 - rear windboxes; 3 - right side screen firebox; 4 - Right side screen of convective shaft and ceiling screen; 5 - Front panel (risers); upper, medium and lower convective election of the right hydrochloric gas plant; 6 - rear panel (risers); upper, medium and lower convective election of the right hydrochloric gas plant; 7 - left side windshield; 8 - left side screen convective shaft and ceiling screen; 9 - Front panel (risers); upper, medium and lower convective election of the left hydraulic gas plant; 10 - rear panel (risers); upper, medium and lower convective election of the left hydraulic gas plant; 11 - the inlet camera of the boiler; 12 - boiler output; Purification of the heating surfaces during the operation of the boiler on the fuel oil to clean the convective heating surfaces from external sediments, a shot writing is provided. Transportation of a fraction with a size of 3-5 mm is carried out using an air injector. The installation scheme adopted avalanche reset fraction, providing more efficient purification of pipes. In order to prevent throwing fraction in the furnace, the height of the "threshold" from the upper row of the convective package is about 1500 mm. For the elimination of drobs, the protective grille is mounted in the discharge gas duct. Instead of a shot blasting installation, the use of gas pulse cleaning is recommended. The boiler is mounted. The boiler is insulated with insulating and reinforcing materials, the asbestos part of the spraying, reinforced mesh, sealing plaster and fiberglass with a polymer coating. Claiming thickness 110-130 mm. Collectors from the gas ducts are protected by shamoton: the outer portion is covered with asbestos insulation. The potty installation of the boiler is equipped with one VDN-25-11 y fan. Air fence can be carried out both from the room and from the street. To heal air to positive temperatures after the blowing fan, the installation of water calorifications of the KV-12P is provided. The thrust is organized by the DN-24X2-0.62 GM smoke. Recycling of flue gases taken before the last convective package and supplied to the air duct per blowing fan is created by the chimney of recycling VDN-21. In subsequent boiler modifications, it is equipped with a fan VDN-26, water carrier CVB-12B-PU-3 and a chimney of gas recycling VGDN-17. Data and constructive characteristics of the Water Heat Boiler of the CFGM-180-150 Nominal Heat Proceeds, MW (GKAL / H). ............................. 209 (180) water pressure, MPa (kgf / cm 2), calculated .................................. ................... 2.5 (25) water temperature, ° C: at the entrance ................. .................................................. ........................................... 110 at the exit .... .................................................. .................................................. ... 180 Water consumption, t / h ........................................ .................................................. ...... 2500 Minimum hydraulic resistance of a path, MPa (kgf / cm 2) ........ 0.3 (3) The range of heat control capacity,% nominal ....... 30-100 overall Dimensions, mm: Width ............................................. .................................................. ............ 14400 Depth .................................... .................................................. ..................... 7300 Height ............................. .................................................. ... ............................. 29880 Note . There are indicators of the main option of the boiler. The design characteristics of water-water heat exchangers in the present section are not given, as the heat exchangers are ordered to the project organization at various manufacturer factory. Their data is reflected in the factory instruction manual of the heat exchangers of each type.

Appendix 2.

Approximate form of a water-heated boiler

Opening hours: Main fuel: gas, fuel oil


Heat production,% nominal

Water pressure at the outlet of the boiler, MPa (kgf / cm 2) Water temperature at the entrance to the boiler, ° C The temperature of the contour water at the outlet of the boiler (at the entrance to the heat exchangers), ° С Reverse network water temperature, ° С The temperature of the direct network water. ° S. The difference in the temperature of the contour water at the entrance to the heat exchangers and the network at their output, ° С Consumption of contour water, t / h Network water consumption, t / h Hydraulic resistance of heat exchangers for network water, MPa (kgf / cm 2) Number of working burners, pcs. Fuel consumption: m 3 / h kg / ch Fuel pressure for regulating valve, MPa (kgf / cm 2) Fuel pressure in front of the burners, MPa (kgf / cm 2) Air pressure behind the fan, kPa (kgf / cm 2) Air pressure in front of burners, kPa (kgf / cm 2) Pressure pressure on dispenser fuel oil, MPa (kgf / cm 2) Fuel oil temperature. ° S. Vision at the top of the furnace, Pa (kgf / m 2) Oxygen content in the mode section,% The temperature of the outgoing gases, ° C Kpd. boiler gross,% Specific emissions of nitrogen oxides, g / m 3 Degree of opening of the guide apparatus DRG,% Note . Primary card issued as of ______

Instructions for the boiler - set of rules and requirements that are included in the print form to each model. Despite the variety of gas heating equipment, the principles of use and safety in all models are the same.

Principle of action of the boiler

Gas heaters may differ constructively and technical parametersBut the principle of creating heat in the house is one - heating of the coolant (water / antifreeze) by the combustible gas (natural / liquefied). The supply of gaseous fuel in the residential premises is not the simplest and most safe business, but consumers attracts gas, its comparative cheapness and versatility.

Blue fuel can be used not only for heating, but also for heating household water, using columns or two-circuit models of heaters. Modern equipment is equipped with efficient security systems that prevent all possible emergencies. Nevertheless, there are rules of operation that are mandatory for execution and are a guarantee of safe operation.


Despite the desire of manufacturers to safety gas devices, they still can become a source of danger. Ministry of Emergency Situations regularly resembles the owners of any equipment running on the precautionary measures:

  1. To buy gas-based instruments need in organizations with an appropriate sale license.
  2. Installation should only follow the specialists of the relevant services.
  3. The kit must be an instruction manual.
  4. It is forbidden to change in any way the design of the device.
  5. Every year it is necessary to carry out a technical check.
  6. It is forbidden to reduce the holes for ventilation in the windows and walls.
  7. In the presence of sealed windows, you need to organize air flow.
  8. Cannot be saved in boiler houses that can quickly ignite.
  9. It is forbidden to increase the temperature of the coolant more than 90 ° C.

Placement rules

  1. The area of \u200b\u200bthe room in which the heater is installed - at least 7.5 m².
  2. Ceilings - from 2.2 m.
  3. There must be a window that provides access to air from the street.
  4. The door should open towards the movement of a person coming out of the room.
  5. Do not equip switches in the boiler room. If they are already installed, you will have to withdraw them beyond the placement.
  6. It is necessary to equip the supply and exhaust ventilation. On each m³ of consumable fuel - 15 m² of air.
  7. The distance from the heater to elements capable of burning - 25 cm or more. Until the non-aggravated elements - 5 cm. From the chimney to the combustible parts - 40 cm, to non-burnable - 15 cm.
  8. The device is mounted on a flawlessly smooth plane, without slopes.

Requirements for chimney

  1. The material of the chimney is steel. It is recommended to use a stainless steel.
  2. Required the presence of clear hatches and condensate removal. At the bottom of the chimney should be a pocket in which deposits accumulate.
  3. Chimney is equipped external thermal insulationwhich is protected from moisture exposure (condensate, precipitation).
  4. The height of the chimney is from 5 m and at least 2 cm above the outlet.
  5. The chimney is installed on the receiving plate of evaporation trap.
  6. The expansion tank is installed at the highest point of the system.
  7. The supply pipe is set to a security group and a thermometer.
  8. The device is undesirable to put in openings, niches and other hard-to-reach places.

How to use

In modern models of heaters, a person's participation is minimized. Before the device is running, it is connected to:

  • gas pipeline - Gas service workers;
  • heating pipes;
  • water supply - representatives of organizations serving heating systems.

The first launch is also carried out by employees of service services. If the requirements of the instructions are violated during connection and maintenance, warranty will be canceled. Equipment should be used only for the purposes provided by the manufacturer.

During installation, maintenance and repair it is necessary to use original spare parts. If a breakdown or incorrect work is detected, the user must immediately block the gas valve and call the service or gas service. Produce repair work Alone is prohibited categorically.

When performing any work with a duct or chimney or near them, the gas disconnection is required. After completing the work, check the functionality of the chimney and the duct and only then proceed to the launch of the device.

How to turn off the boiler

If the device is not used for a long time, such actions are performed:

  1. Overlap the gas valve.
  2. If the equipment is energy-dependent, you need to turn off the automation and water pump from the power supply.
  3. Overlap water supply and heating valves.
  4. If the temperature is reduced below zero, it will have to drain the water.
  5. Call a specialist to finally disconnect the equipment.

The heater is also disconnected for cleaning. Clean it with a damp cloth with a soft detergent and soap. It is forbidden to use aggressive substances.

Safety system

Gaza appliances need to be seriously controlled. It provides either a person or an automatic system. The latter is able to provide multistage protection that prevents dangerous situations and improves the safety of the equipment. The main task of the protection system is to turn off the device on time, stopping the fuel supply.

Consider the protection steps on the example of the outdoor boiler "Wolf KSO". These modern devices have multistage protection. One of the steps is the ionization sensor that controls the flame. If the fire is survived, the signal will be driven by the control unit, it will block the flow of fuel and prevent an accident.

In the combustion chamber there is a temperature sensor that monitors the heating of the coolant and does not allow the fastest burning of the furnace. "Wolves" are equipped with a CTD system - chimney thrust control. It prevents carbon monoxide gases. If there are no traction, the combustion products in the chimney begins, the thermostat is heated. When the limit temperature is reached, the contacts of the thermostat are blocked - the flow of fuel stops.

Automatic protection

Modern models of heaters are saturated with electronic control and measuring instruments generating signals for the control unit. Automation, receiving signals from sensors, coordinates the operation of all nodes. Elements that prevent different types of malfunctions and problems are safety valves, expansion tanks, air valves, smoke sensors and other devices.

What to do if malfunctions

Consider situations with breakdowns using the example of Italian boilers. Italian wall and floor heaters are a sample of quality and efficiency. But even with proper use, malfunctions may arise that require operational elimination.

In the "Baksy" models such problems may appear:

  • burner does not ignite;
  • while working in the furnace, cotton is distributed;
  • overheated boiler;
  • the device is very noisy;
  • the sensor failed.

Probable causes of breakdowns are associated both with violations of the rules of operation and with the reasons that do not depend on the user:

  • inside the device got moisture;
  • low quality coolant;
  • reduced pressure in the gas pipeline;
  • in power supply voltage difference;
  • mounted errors are made.

Violation of at least one rule or norm leads to breakdowns, incorrect work and further expenditures.

Frozening protection

One of important rules Operating systems of heating - ensuring the minimum allowable temperature of the coolant. If water is flooded in the system, then at low temperatures, freezing, pipes and radiators come into disrepair. In modern models, this problem is solved - the user is delighted with the need to follow the coolant.

For example, in the boilers of the South Korean manufacturer, reliable protection against freezing is provided. "Navain" is cheaper than European analogues, but these boilers have all the necessary protection functions, which greatly simplifies the use.

When the coolant temperature decreases below 10 ° C, the circulation pump is automatically started. If the coolant cools up to 6 ° C, the burner is automatically turned on, warming up heat carrier up to 21 ° C.

Instructions for Roshg State

Heaters are characterized by the ignition type, so when starting different modifications there are nuances. Before turning on the device, you need to read the instruction on the ignition to do everything correctly. Consider the rational on the example of the Italian boiler "". Before turning on, it is important to check the system on the leakage. To this end, the thermostat is included to the maximum so that the switch automatically worked. Ariston ignition process:

  • the device is connected to the power grid, and the heating regulator is set the desired value temperatures;
  • when the pump is turned on, a small noise is heard;
  • when all air traffic jams are eliminated in the pipes, the noise will disappear;
  • the electromotive is triggered - the boiler turns on independently.


The process of operation of heaters is simplified if they provide a self-diagnostic function. Almost everyone european manufacturers Equipped her products.

For example, German heaters ", displaying error codes on the display, allow the user to quickly understand the cause of the problem and take measures to eliminate it. If the A7 code appears on the screen, it is clear that the hot water temperature sensor is faulty.

If A8 is highlighted, a connection to the bus-bus is broken. This function greatly simplifies the use of gas equipment, makes it easier and more comfortable.

Dangerous situations

The greatest danger is a failure associated with the work of the burner. If the flame is walked, the gas can be accumulated in the room, which will subsequently become the cause of the explosion. Causes of Fire Purge:

  • gas pressure fell below the permissible norm;
  • no thrust in chimney;
  • gone supply voltage;
  • forest saucer.

In an emergency, it is necessary to immediately overlap the flow of fuel to the burners - automatically or manually. Modern versions are equipped with automatic devices necessary for operational equipment shutdown. The operation of such devices is not only convenient, but also safe.

How to prevent accumulation of gas in the room

Modern safety standards provide for installation in boiler plants, they are necessary for signaling when gas appears in the room. The special electronic valve reacts to their signals, automatically stopping the flow of fuel to the burners.

What other safety regulations

  • Do not disassemble and dismantle gas devices Alone.
  • Contact the power cord neatly.
  • Do not put extraneous objects on the device.
  • Do not get up on the boiler. Do not get on the chairs, tables and other small-resistant items to brush the wall boiler.
  • Watch out for the coolant, plotting it on time.
  • Be careful - in some modifications, antifreeze is prohibited.
  • When the gas smell appears, turn off the gas immediately, open the windows and doors. Exit the boiler room and call the gas service.

For heating and constant water supply high temperatures A variety of efficient equipment is used. Special attention deserves high-quality, which are presented in a large assortment.

Instructions for the operation of hot water boilers is quite simple and understandable. The consumer is offered by the very following different models Such equipment, therefore, it is possible to choose exactly what will be in its parameters as efficiently as possible in each case of the device of the heating system.

The main reason for the popularity of boilers of such a plan is that their service life is greater than that of ordinary simple boilers, moreover, the quality of the hot water supplied is much better.

Water-heating devices are now available, which are able to work on such a type of fuel as:

In addition, there are high-quality that are able to work on different fuel, they are characterized by the possibility of switching modes.

Rules of operation of hot water boilers

For the device of heating systems, boilers are used wall and outdoor.

The latter is able to work on any type of fuel. Before using the device, it is necessary to perform it strictly on the floor surface, better if a separate room will be highlighted for this. An instruction manual for the operation of hot water boilers should also be observed.

The equipment is equipped with the entire required automatic, because the process of operation is characterized by simplicity. During the operation of the device, the presence of a person may be required only to perform certain changes in temperature, as well as if necessary, disabling the equipment upon the occurrence of an emergency situation.

Modern wall-mounted devices are mounted on the wall surface. Such equipment has compact dimensions, it is conveniently in the process of use, it does not require a separate room allocation.

All without exception, water boilers purchased from a proven manufacturer have enough long term operation, relatively simple and easy, economical and very quickly mounted.

Features of the use and life of the water boiler

Gas water boilers are very popular. They are characterized by a long service life, high quality work, as well as relatively uncomplicated service. Wall gas boilers can be performed in several modifications.

As a rule, special dual-integration modifications are used for heating a conventional residential house, which are designed not only for effective heating, as well as to supply hot water.

Single-mounted solutions are used a little less. They are used exclusively for the heating of premises. In direct dependence on how air supply is carried out in this method. heating devicecan be used boilers equipped with special closed cameras. It is important to note that during the installation of this device, you will need to perform an air duct device.

The life of the water-heating boiler under compliance with all requirements is quite long, on average from 10 to 20 years, depending on the type of equipment. The duration of operation before the first cleaning from internal pollution is at least 3000 hours. The service life between the conduct of capital repairs is at least 3 years.

The full service life of boilers (with the average duration of the boiler per year - 3000 h): with a capacity of not more than 4.65 MW - 10 years; with a capacity of up to 35 MW - 15 years; With a productivity of more than 35 MW - 20 years.

Application of heating boilers with an open camera

The process of operation of boilers that have an open combustion chamber necessarily involves the use of air that is located in a room where equipment is installed.

Similar wall water-heating units have some structural features, which explains the feature of their operation. This is the presence of such elements as:

The combustion chamber.
Expansion tank.
A system that is designed to remove the main combustion products.
System of automation and security.

Water Heating Boilers

Immediately after the installation of installation, the water boiler connects to the network, as well as to the water supply system. The device is included in the network, the water heating process begins to a preset temperature mode begins.

As soon as the installed norm is achieved, the device is automatically turned off. All this greatly facilitates the process of operation, you do not need to constantly monitor the condition of the temperature regime.

To ensure high-quality thermal protection, a special relay is provided in this device.

During the installation process, it is necessary to follow the instructions that are installed by the manufacturer.

In fact, it is a guide for the operation of water heating boilers. As a rule, all the basic elements are supplied in a set of devices, but it is recommended to pre-check for all components.

Additionally, some details and a device of the associated elements of the heating system may need:

Fittings for the implementation of high-quality compounds.
Water pipes.
Ventilation and exhaust system.
Set of tools.

The basic principles of operation of this equipment are that when burning the fuel used in a special chamber is produced the right amount Heat. After that, water is heated entering the system. There are several varieties of such boilers, as a rule, these are wall-mounted and floor structures, as well as gas, electrical and condenser. The choice of a certain device is made taking into account the features and specifics of the structure.