How to make a gnome for a garden from bottles or plaster. Funny gnome with her own hands - simple master class, photo

Good day dear friends, today I want to continue the topic of manufacture dwarf do it yourself. Not so long ago, we looked at the master class on the manufacture dwarf-MashaToday we will consider with you two more master class on the manufacture of gnome for the garden. The author of this master class is Natalia Chusovitina and Irina Zabolotskaya. Dwarves in our time are quite popular, and earlier they could afford only aristocrats. They decorated their gardens and believed that these little men help at night to cope in the garden. Good and cheerful gnomes pleased with both adults and children with their fabulous and unique views. By the end of the 19th century, the gnomes began to produce in Germany, and only in the middle of the 20th century, merry and mischievous gnomes became a fairly popular accessory throughout the country. They are most often sad next to the tracks, as well as around the arbors. It is believed that the gnome protect your territory and watches order at night. Currently, each of us can find in any store these funny crafts for your garden, but not everyone has the opportunity to buy them. This is just for this purpose and our site has been created on which you can find various wizards classes for the manufacture of garden figures for the garden and not only. And if you try, you can create an interesting gnome for your garden and it will not be the worse than the purchase figure. If you decide, then first you need to find a sketch of which you will make a crawler, and then start making. Dwarfs can be made different, funny, sad, yawning, with a shovel in hands, rakes, etc.

Gnome Master Class from Paper Masha

For the manufacture of the gnome, it will be necessary:
* Plastic bottles.
* Celofan.
* Scotch.
* Knife.
* Scissors.
* Newspaper.
* Egg trays.
* Wire.

The method of manufacturing a gnome:
We take two plastic bottles of 2 liters. (from under the oil) and one 1.5 liters. and start connecting them by making a frame for our gnome. Now looking at the bottle, we pretend that it will work out (here you need to attach a little imagination) ... more in more detail how to make a frame and dwarf can see. From the wire we make hands. Hands and torsoide begin to make the volume of the newspapers, fix everything with scotch.

Gradually bring our craft to desired size and kind ...

That's how it will look gnome Before processing papier-mache.

And so in the finished form, drumming the gnome will be in the air, during the week so that it is good.

When it works well, paints the red and cover with varnish.

Also want to show you an interesting master class on creating a gnome from mounting foam Irina Zabolotskaya. Irina has long been engaged in crafts from the mounting foam and shares his ideas with masters. On the site you could already see a hare from a foam, which was also invented by Irina.

For the manufacture of the gnome of the foam will be required:
* Plastic bottle.
* Mounting foam.
* Tile glue.
* Acrylic paint for facade works.
* Koler.
* Varnish for yachts.

The method of manufacturing a gnome of foam:
First we need to make a frame, for example, you can use a plastic bottle. Then we put a foam on it, give the form of our craft.

When the foam surfaches, it looks and fantasizing what we will be gnome. To do this, we are applied in required places mounting foam. When you gave a less form of our craft to give her time to dry. Then cut out approximately all the details we need: eyes, hands, mouth, nose, cap, etc. Next, more efficiently work on the cradle and attach it a more natural look.

When everything is ready all surface with tiled glue.

And painting white acrylic paintAnd then when the paint gets dry paint our gnome to the same acrylic paint, only the color adding a kel. When the paint will dry up cover our crafts with a varnish for yachts.

When you just start doing crafts, there are still little that you understand what and how to do, but with experience you start learning more. If the crafts are made of foam on the sun, they are spoiled and become not so beautiful and durable, so Irina first breeds tile glue - spit, and after drying - paints acrylic paint and covers lacquer.

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Garden gnomes are considered to be gardens. They are mentioned in many legends. Dwarfs bring good luck to the house, help get and keep a rich harvest.

Best of all garden gnome place where he can look at most of the plot - to locate on alpine Gorka, Or put on a currant bush. Garden Gnome can be located at the track where he will meet guests. One more a good idea Hide the Garden Gnome in Hollow, where he can watch all what is happening in the district.


Garden dwarfs are small figures in the form of dwarves in the red caps in various poses, popular in Europe (especially in Germany), as decorations for gardens. In the German fairy tales of gnomes, living next to the man, helped him at night in the garden. They were often considered as a talisman, bringing the success of gardeners and protecting the garden from unclean. So there was a tradition to post on garden sites Figures of the gnomes at work.

Gnomes are legendary creatures and were part of Western culture over several centuries. In Austria, Germany, Scandinavian countries are very popular figurines of gnomes, they can be seen in almost any garden. The countries mentioned even argue about which of them is the birthplace of these fabulous creatures.

According to European legends and legends, Gnome had an old man's appearance with a long white beard, which lives underground. Dwarves appear both as characters of fairy tales, including the magical stories of the Brothers Grimm. The Germans were presented in the form of dwarfs and were often depicted as underground residents in pointed red hats. It was the German gnomes that became the prototypes of famous Disney Dwarfs from the cartoon "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs".

The traditional image of the gnomes for the garden is connected with this prototype - in a red pointed hat, with a beard, with a tube and garden tool. Modern gnomes possess attractive devils Persons and are depicted at various classes, such as gardening, fishing and game musical instruments. For popular beliefs, when the owners go to bed, the gnomes come to life and take care of the care of the garden or the lawn, on which they live. They possess magic power, able to force flowers to flaw, foliage - change its color, and streams - saturate the ground under the plants. By the way, the gnomes are often depicted not only at work, but also moved to take away - obviously the charter after night trouble.

Fashion on garden gnomes

The tradition of placing small figures of the gnomes in the garden originates in the XIX century. It was believed that the gnome in the garden would definitely bring good luck to the house. Especially succeeded in their production City of Gresychovrod in the German land Thuringia. Since then, garden gnomes have become an integral part of the story garden designin which they knew the periods of popularity, aroused disputes, came into decay and reborn again.

From Germany, fashion in Garden Dwarfs quickly spread to the UK and France, famous for their love for gardening. The first garden gnomes were brought to England Sir Charles Obsham in the middle of the XIX century. He, by the way, believed in their protective forces.

Traditional garden dwarfs are manufactured by casting in the form of liquid terracotta clay followed by firing. The burned gnome paints paints. In our time, garden gnomes are also cast from polymer resins, made from artificial stone and the like materials.

"Gnomolomb" against "Dumophots"

In recent decades, garden gnomes are the theme for acute disputes among professional gardeners and amateur gardeners about their decorative advantages. Some consider them a manifestation of kitsch and beamless, a symbol of blatant vulgarity and ignorant superstition.

Despite the criticism of "gnomophobes", garden gnomes remain popular, and their patronage continues to bring good luck to gardeners around the world. Good and cheerful gnomes are musicians and gardeners, dreamers and workers - in constant pointed hats continue to delight children, and adults. Even the organizers of the Anglian garden exhibition in Chelsea, who in 2013 celebrates its centenary anniversary (05.21.2013 - 05/25/2013 Chelsea Flower Show), retreated under the pressure of "Gnomolubs" and not only canceled a long-term ban on the appearance of the gnomes in their gardens, but also For the first time included a parade of 150 garden figures in the program, which will inspect the British Queen itself!

Garden gnomes in garden design

Many who are engaged in the garden and garden have garden figures. Someone is purchased, someone made with their own hands ......
I want to devote special attention Garden Dwarfs, since they are especially pretty me)

Garden gnomes are considered to be gardens. They are mentioned in many legends. Dwarfs bring good luck to the house, help get and keep a rich harvest.

Best of all the Garden Gnome is placed where it can look at most of the site - to arrange on the Alpine slide, or put under the currant bush. Garden Gnome can be located at the track where he will meet guests. Another good idea to hide garden gnome in the hollow, where he can watch all what is happening in the district.


Garden dwarfs are small figures in the form of dwarves in the red caps in various poses, popular in Europe (especially in Germany), as decorations for gardens. In the German fairy tales of gnomes, living next to the man, helped him at night in the garden. They were often considered as a talisman, bringing the success of gardeners and protecting the garden from unclean. So there was a tradition to place on the garden sites of the figure of the gnomes at work.

Gnomes are legendary creatures and were part of Western culture over several centuries. In Austria, Germany, Scandinavian countries are very popular figurines of gnomes, they can be seen in almost any garden. The countries mentioned even argue about which of them is the birthplace of these fabulous creatures.

According to European legends and legends, Gnome had an old man's appearance with a long white beard, which lives underground. Dwarves appear both as characters of fairy tales, including the magical stories of the Brothers Grimm. The Germans were presented in the form of dwarfs and were often depicted as underground residents in pointed red hats. It was the German gnomes that became the prototypes of famous Disney Dwarfs from the cartoon "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs".

The traditional image of the gnomes for the garden is connected with this prototype - in a red pointed hat, with a beard, with a tube and a garden tool. Modern gnomes possess attractive features of the face and are depicted at various occupations, such as gardening, fishing and playing musical instruments. For popular beliefs, when the owners go to bed, the gnomes come to life and take care of the care of the garden or the lawn, on which they live. They have a magical power capable of making flowers to flaw, foliage - change their color, and streams - saturate the ground under the plants. By the way, the gnomes are often depicted not only at work, but also moved to take away - obviously the charter after night trouble.

Fashion on garden gnomes

The tradition of placing small figures of the gnomes in the garden originates in the XIX century. It was believed that the gnome in the garden would definitely bring good luck to the house. Especially succeeded in their production City of Gresychovrod in the German land Thuringia. Since then, garden gnomes have become an integral part of the history of the garden design, in which they knew the periods of popularity, aroused disputes, came into decline and reborn again.

From Germany, fashion in Garden Dwarfs quickly spread to the UK and France, famous for their love for gardening. The first garden gnomes were brought to England Sir Charles Obsham in the middle of the XIX century. He, by the way, believed in their protective forces.

Traditional garden dwarfs are manufactured by casting in the form of liquid terracotta clay followed by firing. The burned gnome paints paints. In our time, garden gnomes are also cast from polymer resins, made from artificial stone and the like materials.

"Gnomolomb" against "Dumophots"

In recent decades, garden gnomes are the theme for acute disputes among professional gardeners and amateur gardeners about their decorative advantages. Some consider them a manifestation of kitsch and beamless, a symbol of blatant vulgarity and ignorant superstition.

Despite the criticism of "gnomophobes", garden gnomes remain popular, and their patronage continues to bring good luck to gardeners around the world. Good and cheerful gnomes are musicians and gardeners, dreamers and workers - in constant pointed hats continue to delight children, and adults. Even the organizers of the Anglian garden exhibition in Chelsea, who in 2013 celebrates its centenary anniversary (05.21.2013 - 05/25/2013 Chelsea Flower Show), retreated under the pressure of "Gnomolubs" and not only canceled a long-term ban on the appearance of the gnomes in their gardens, but also For the first time included a parade of 150 garden figures in the program, which will inspect the British Queen itself!

In the garden, the gnomes will look good on open place, for example, on the lawn, or in the parisader. They perfectly fit into the garden in German or Dutch style.

Very soon we will again feel the atmosphere of the New Year holiday. And in this, we, of course, will help not only gifts and festive table, but also decorations, decor. And just this decor we will create with you with you.

In this master class we are a firmware of the beautiful magic Scandinavian gnomes. Ready? Then let's go to work.

Materials and tools

In order to sew three Scandinavian gnomes, we will need:

  • Dense H / B Fabric of blue color,
  • Fleece Red,
  • Light felt (for a lipper),
  • Light - beige felt (for nose),
  • Artificial white fur,
  • Hollofiber,
  • Red yarn,
  • Twine,
  • Thin wire
  • Threads
  • Scissors,
  • Transparent glue for fabric.


On a separate paper sheet, you draw all the details of the gnomes. Indicate their number.

Cut the paper details of our gnomes.

Stages of work

We start working from the body. Immediately simultaneously sew three gnomes. Blue fabric lay out on the table in two layers, the front sides inside. Prepare paper details of the body, bottoms and legs of the gnomes.

We lay out patterns on the fabric. We rude them with pins. With chalk, we move the contours of parts on the fabric.

On the details of the legs with chalk put the labels (holes through which we turn out the details on facial).

According to the outlined lines, stepping the details of the body and legs. The bottom of the torso is not draining, but on the details of the feet we leave the holes (by tags). Niza details do not touch yet.

Cut the details of the body and legs with a small allowance.

Now on the outlined lines, cut the details of the bottom of the body. Also with a small allowance. We pay attention, cut out only three details.

Go to the handle of the gnomes. Prepare Blue Fabric and Red Fleece. Take a paper detail of a dwarf.

On the fleece in one layer, they will make strips with a width of 4 cm.

Details of the hands of the gnomes are sewn from two fabrics different color. Therefore, we cut out the red fabric strips and rush them to cut blue cloth.

Stool machine line striped red fleece with bulk blue cloth.

Turn red stripes up. We fold the prepared segments of the fabric, the front sides inside, combining the static seams together. Pins pick them up on the seams so that they do not shift.

Pins pins paper hand patterns. A line of mittens scheduled on the pattern should coincide with the seam line on the fabric. With chalk, we move the contours of the hands on the prepared segments of the fabric.

We look at the chalk of the holes for turning the parts on the front side.

Stool machine line of hand.

Cut the details with a small allowance.

The tips of the scissors on the rounded points of the allowances are making an adhesum. It will give us the opportunity to easily turn out the details on the front side and get smooth seams without corners.

Through the left holes, turn the details of the legs and hands on the front side.

On the details of the bottom of the body chalk we plan centers.

At the bottom of the details of the body of chalk, it is a hole label.

Pins Pin the detail of Niza to the body, combining the centers of the Niza with the seams of the steady of the details. We roll in such a way only two torso. The third is still we leave, because the third gnome is in our other posture.

Third torso fold, as shown in the figure, combining the static seams. We put mark on the sides.

Now we combine the centers of the details of Niza with marks on the sides. We pour the bauses to the bottom to the body.

Plugs are descended by manual stitches the details of the bottom with the details of the body.

Stool the machine line of the bottom of the bottom with the torso, leaving the holes for turning. On the allowances of the scissors, we do the noise. Gently, not to damage the integrity of the line.

Through the left holes, they turn each torso on the front side. Straighten the seams.

Through the holes of the handle fill with holofiber. Uniformly distribute the filler along the length of the details. Also fill the body.

Manual invisible stitches sew holes on the body and the hands of the gnomes.

From the light felt, cut the carnomies. Pattern legs and a sheet of the same. Pins pins patterns. We have out the contours and cut out the parts without allowances on the seams.

Pins pins for each gnome. Please note that two (upper) dwarfs ruling in front of the feeding seams. One gnome (bottom) front without seam.

Send the sheeps with hand loop stitches, light threads.

From the light - beige felt we cut the spout. Pins pins patterns.

Chalk we plan the items on fetra. Cut them without letters on the seams.

In a circle we collect sections of circles on the needle.

We are tightening the thread and get pockets that fill in a small amount of holofayber. Tighten the thread and multiple manual stitches to pinch the picked cuts of the resulting ball.

Pins pins to the tricks of the gnomes. In two dwarfs, we pour your hands on the sides of the body, and in one - on the seams (the handles stretch into one side).

Manual secret stitches make hands to the body of each gnome.

From the red fleece, folded in two layers, cut the caps. Pin ruling the paper pattern to the fleece. With chalk, we move the contour of the pattern.

According to the intended lines, we lay the machine lines. Cut the cap with a small allowance.

With fine wooden stick Turn the caps on the front side.

From artificial fur, cut the beard to the gnomes. The leaps of the beard rose pins to the fur.

Pencil by postur beard.

Cut the beard from fur with thin pointed small scissors. It is necessary to cut carefully, capturing only a knitted canvas. And in no case do not cut on the fur. Fur Fur should stay along the edges long and not cropped.

We press the beards with pins to the heads of the gnomes. In those sites of the person where the beard is glued, we will apply a thin layer of transparent glue. We glue the beard. The lower part of it remains free.

Now sew our balls - nozzles. Multiple manual stitches. You can stick nose.

Red yarn embroidered cute smiles to our gnomes (you can three different).

Cut the wire with a length equal to two caps.

Purify the wire of the gnome in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Makushka. We fold together two ends of the wire. Slightly twist them together.

We put on top of the wire caps and now with the help of a wire, give any configuration of the top of the cap. So that the caps do not fall out from the heads, the lower parts of them (from the wrong side) in several places are glued directly to the head.

At the bottom of the body of a red yarn embroider with a cross.

The legs are sewn or glued to the bottom of the body.

For the manufacture of bags, you need to take a red fleece and fold it in two layers. We mark the rectangle 8cm x 13cm. Side fold.

Cut out such rectangles three without spaces.

We fold them along, we spawn on the side and lower sections with pins.

Stepping the sutures of the bags along the outlined lines of the machine line.

Soak bags on the front side. Slightly downstairs fill every bag holofiber.

Sut off the wire for each bag, with a length equal to two bag lengths.

Insert twice the folded segments of the wire in each pouch. Tie them with twine.

Insert the bag in the handles of each gnomic. Send it to the handle with several manual stitches. Using a wire inside the bag, each bag can be bent for the stability of the gnome on the legs. You can put a small weight loss in the bag so that the gnome does not fall.


Here are ready our Scandinavian dwarfs.

Garden Gnomes: Master Class of Manufacturing To make the garden design with original and unusual garden figures in it. Some of the most popular models of these figures are garden gnomes. The purchase of which is a fairly costly event, so much cheaper, make them yourself. How to make a gnome for the garden will look further. Features of the application and choice of garden dwarves Installation of Nymph, Dwarves, Lesovkov in the garden is becoming increasingly popular, not only from aesthetic point of view, but also with mythological. It is believed that the gnome is capable of protecting the garden and all the sovereign from evil spirits, in addition, it has a positive effect on plants, improving their condition. In addition, garden dwarf will become a real decoration of any garden. IN summer time, he scares birds who love to enjoy harvest fruit treesAnd in winter - it stands out on a general background of brightness and contrast. It is believed that the installation of a small gnome in the garden can bring happiness and a rich harvest, besides this, his owners will become healthier and lucky. By installing garden gnome in the garden, it should be remembered that he should have his place where it will look harmonious. Therefore, both before purchasing and before the manufacture of garden gnome, it is necessary to study the recommendations that will help determine the place of its location among the garden composition: 1. Draw a plan. Before developing a sketch of garden gnome, try to draw it first. After that, imagine it on the place where you want to position it. Think over how it will look there at different times of the year, with a different climate, whether his strong impulse of the wind does not blow. When buying or building several garden gnomes, try to make it harmoniously combined in different corners of the garden. 2. Pick up the background landscape. Another one an important element The installation of garden gnome is its combination with plants located in the garden. Since if the garden gnome is installed in autumn or in early spring, then there are still no leaves on the trees, and the flowers are not growing yet, so in the summer - it can not be at all visible, among large number greenery. The place where the garden gnome is installed open from all sides. An excellent place to install the gnome will be a decorative fence, flower bed, a walkway, a parisade or a plot near the shop. 3. Total style. The overall style of the garden should correspond to the style in which the gnomes are made. For classic style The standard option is suitable, possibly monophonic, or made in several color shades. For a romantic garden the composition is suitable Of the several gnomes made in gentle pink, lilac colors. Wooden gnomes for the garden, install in the garden, made with country style. For Modern style suit garden Gnome made of metal, marble, concrete or clay. 4. Adextension of placement. Each Figure B. sadroom composition Must have its place. Several figures placed in the garden are incorrectly able to spoil even the most exquisite color composition. It is desirable to choose garden shapes made from the same type of materials, for example, if the fountain is from marble, then the garden dwarf should be the same. For proper selection Garden figures and their harmonious compound, the garden will become the most beloved holiday destination for all family members and guests. Gnome for the garden in the exterior Purchase or manufacture of garden figures is becoming increasingly popular in the process of registration of both the private house and cottage plot. Figures make the territory more attractive. Dwarfs, for example, are able to protect peace in the house, and birds or animals - complement the overall composition and make interior fabulous. We suggest to consider the main features of the use of garden gnomes in the exterior: the most simple way Garden decoration is the purchase of ready-made products. Based on them lies fake diamond, Gypsum or acrylic resin. But, the option of making figures with your own hands is more interesting, as they will be unique in their kind. The purpose of the dwarves is the main and optional. In the first case, the gnomes occupy all visual attention, in the second are an addition to the already existing picture. German dwarfs like neither the way are suitable for the decoration of the garden performed in rustic style. The main function was scareding birds from trees and garden fruits. By choosing sadovaya Figure Or compositions from several elements, first of all, focus on the area on which they will be installed on their own financial position. Garden gnomes in the nursery will fit perfectly gaming zone in the garden. They are also often installed in water bodies, fountains, in flower beds, flower beds, stumps, etc. Dwarves in the country - will make her exterior unique and will give a sea of \u200b\u200bemotions to its visitors. The varieties of garden gnome gnomes made from a natural tree. Figures made from wood very harmoniously fit into the overall design of the garden. They bring warmth, comfort and joy. To make such figures, it is recommended to use raw material in the form of logs, branches or coriation. When building such a gnome, perfectly complement the picture of the hat made of leaves or moss. Dwarf figurine from natural stone. To independently build such a figure, there will be a lot of strength, as it will have to work with the chisel and hacksaw. But, the result will surprise everyone. After all, the gnomes made in such stylistics are distinguished by the originality and exquisite external species. They look good in the garden with a classic modern style. To add a common picture, use a pebble brought from the lake, it can be painted for a variety. Garden figure Dwarf from polystone. This material For the manufacture of dwarves is new, so it is rarely used when performing such a job. Although the products made with it differ with realism and attractive appearance. The basis of this material is aluminum hydroxide, acrylic resins and additional pigments that make it stone. Dwarfs made from polystone differ in durability, resistant to abrasion, stable before deformation and temperature drops. The only drawback is too high, which is quite justified by the quality of products. Garden gnomes from gypsum. Gypsum figures have always been particularly popular, due to the cheapness of the material and the simplicity of working with it. The disadvantages of gypsum include its fragility, therefore it is impossible to be in the children's playground. For the manufacture of gnome of plaster, there will be great experience in the sphere of modeling, as it will be very difficult to give it an uniform without experience. Therefore, it is better to do more from the gypsum simple figures In the form of additional jewelry, such as caterpillars, mushrooms, flowers, etc. Concrete garden gnomes. Gnomes for the garden, made of cement mortar differ primarily in durability. But for this it will require the presence of a special form in which the finished mixture is poured, waiting for its drying. Another option - coating cement mortar Already ready carcass. For its manufacture there will be enough ordinary wire. In this case, to achieve plasticity of the solution and high level The clutch with the surface of the wire is recommended to add a plasticizer or PVA glue into the finished mixture. Garden gnomes based on hay or straw. Even with the help of an ordinary hay, it turns out to build figures for the garden. To do this, the material is twisted very tight in the form of individual details of the character you need to make. Dwarfs from the primary means. As a material for the manufacture of garden gnome, an ordinary unnecessary garbage, such as old flower pots, basins, barrel, plastic bottles, tires, etc. If you draw a gnome body on a big barrel and add from above automobile bus., in the form of his head, get a fun garden figurine. Use mounting foam. It is quite realistic to make garden gnome from the mounting foam, the more it is resistant to temperature drops, frost, atmospheric precipitation and ultraviolet. To create garden gnome Such a method, first prepare the form in the form of its skeleton, it is recommended to use such materials as a wire, an unnecessary garbage in the form of plastic bottles, plates, buckets, sticks, etc. Foam is applied in several stages, with each layer should be good. The stationery knife will help get rid of surplus foam. The finished product is painted with paints and is covered with varnish. Master class - Garden Gnome from Gypsum The easiest option of the manufacture of garden gnomom independently performs gypsum. This material is distinguished by resistance to atmospheric precipitation, cold, ultraviolet radiation. There will be no such figure only mechanical influences, so install it in the place from which it will never fall. For work on the manufacture of garden gnome, it will take: sculptural gypsum; Construction glue PVA; acrylic paints and brushes to work with them; varnish; Circular; pencil; stationery knife; decorative elements in the form of beads, colors, leaves; forms to work with plaster; water-resistant glue; sunflower oil; water. Instructions for the manufacture of garden gnome with their own hands: First of all, you must take care of the purchase of gypsum. According to the instructions, dig a gypsum with water. ATTENTION, it is very important to comply with the specified proportions, since incorrectly divorced solution is able to affect the strength of the structure. To dilute the plaster, use a rubber or plastic reservoir. Mix the water and gypsum thoroughly, and then add PVA glue into the solution to increase its elasticity and plasticity. The amount of glue for the solution is one percent of the total mass. For example, in a gypsum solution, weighing 4 kg, you need to add 40 grams of glue. If the dwarf will have a size of up to 50 cm, then the pre-construction of the design in the form of a skeleton is not required, the gypsum is filled directly in figured shape. Most comfortable - silicone forms, they are sold in any building stores or on the market. Possible option independent manufacture Molds for the gnomer, it will be appropriate when it is necessary to make several identical dwarfs. Otherwise, it is better to use a purchase form, as its construction will take more than one day. To make large sculptureThe construction is required metal carcass. It is made from reinforcement rods that increase the stability of the figure. To fix the product on Earth, it is required to build a protruding element from the bottom of the Gnome. Start pouring the gypsum solution. First, fill the odds to half, wait that the solution clutches, knock on the form to prevent the formation of air bubbles, and then pour the residue. Let's knock on the form again, align the surface with a spatula and wait for the dying of the gnome. After that, get the figure out of the form. To do this, you need to put a piece of the board or cover, suitable size. Press it for shape, and turn the figure. Then follows the process of coloring the gnome, it is recommended to use acrylic-based paints, as they have high stability and are able to function normally on the street. In addition, the gypsum figures are decorated with gouache paints, but since they are in the garden, then the gouache will quickly wash in the rain. This paint is appropriate if the figure is under the shelter. Before starting staining, cover the dwarf with the primer, after that, to increase the adhesion between the figure and paint, it is recommended to cover it with PVA glue. For decoration, use a mosaic, it will take glass, stone, shells or other items. Master class on the manufacture of garden gnome with her own hands. To make a small garden dwarf will need: several plastic bottles; cellophane; Scotch; knife and scissors; newspapers; egg trays; Wire. Take two bottles with a capacity of two and a half liters. Connect from a frame together in the form of a frame. Newspapers will help to build a torso, arms and legs. Make a gnome hat, glue your eyes and nose. Make a papier-mâché, it is necessary to dissolve paper newspapers in the PVE and gypsum. Next, this mixture is treated with the surface of the gnome. Dissed ready product in air for five days. Color paint and open lacquer. Such a gnome will decorate any corner not only the garden, but also at home. In addition, whole pictures or fabulous scenes are manufactured in this way.