How to take air baths correctly. Hardening of children under one year old with air (air baths)

The first thing that comes to mind when talking about wellness baths is bathing in the water. But you can swim in the sun and the air, and you can also benefit from it. Not so long ago, scientists proved that bathing in jets of air is almost healthier. water treatments, and if the diffused light of the sun's rays enters with the air, then the benefit doubles.

However, probably, just as a fish cannot live without water, so a person cannot exist without air. A simple law of life.

Solar-air secrets: about the benefits of baths

Sun-air baths have an amazing healing effect and can be used both as a treatment and as a prevention of diseases. Baths affect the regulation of work nervous system, the cardiovascular system and the body as a whole.

If after the tired working day if you feel a lack of air, then it's time to take an air bath.

The secrets of the procedures are extremely simple. Our skin is almost constantly under a layer of clothing, where the air temperature is always stable - 26-27 degrees, so it practically does not breathe, but a sudden charge of a lower temperature will saturate it with oxygen and make it breathe. In short, healthy skin is always breathable skin.

But in no case should you abuse the temperature of the baths.

Let's name the types of air baths

Depending on temperature fluctuations, air baths are differentiated into the following types:

  • warm - over 20 degrees;
  • cool - from 17 to 20;
  • cold - from 17 and below.

Also, hardening with baths can differ according to the air-sun principle.

Based on this, they distinguish:

  • light-air, usually performed in the summer, when there is sun and the skin receives ultraviolet light;
  • air - in cold weather at room temperature.

And finally, the classification according to the degree of exposure:

  • general, when the whole body is naked;
  • partial, when legs, abdomen and other parts of the body are open.

How to properly harden with sun-air baths?

The cycle of treatment with air baths should be started in the warm season or in a room with
temperature not lower than room temperature. Train yourself to take the procedures at the same time every day, preferably at dawn or before 10 o'clock in the morning.

Clothes should be removed quickly and the best way to move is to stay warm in the fresh air.

If you feel the slightest discomfort, get dressed and postpone the procedure until the next day. Unpleasant sensations can arise, especially at first.

With daily hardening, take a month's course of treatments before you can experience the healing effect. Do baths for a month without interruption, and then take a break for ten days. Then you can extend the hardening for another month.

The duration of the procedures is from 15 minutes to half an hour. You can add 2-3 minutes every day. And you can start from 5 minutes.

Avoid hardening in windy, cold or wet weather. Better to reschedule the lesson or hold it indoors with the windows open.

Air bath rules for newborns

Oxygen-rich air is just as good for babies as it is for adults. However, before you start hardening infant, you should definitely consult a doctor. The point is that what younger age the child, the weaker its thermoregulation. Accordingly, it is very weak in newborns.

Therefore, gradually adapt your baby to temperature extremes. At first, let the baby's body get used to breathing every cell of the house. Don't swaddle him very tightly. The room should be no more than 20 degrees. But regular walks in the fresh air should be brought up to three hours. On the street, in any weather, a child should not resemble a bundle from a Soviet maternity hospital. Clothes cannot hinder baby's movements.

There must be air in it!

As for the winter frosts, you cannot overdo it here, and you should not walk outside for more than 15 minutes. Monitor your child's own reactions. If she's not too happy, it's probably a signal to stop disturbing him. Pediatricians also recommend doing outdoor exercises whenever possible.

Hardening procedure using air baths has been known for a long time. It is lightweight and effective method increase the defenses of your body and strengthen weakened immunity.

Fresh air helps everyone to relieve fatigue, gives strength and energy, so taking air procedures is very useful for a person. Air baths help to harden not only children, but also adults. Short-term exposure to skin without clothes sunlight and air has a beneficial effect on health. Today there is a treatment with air baths according to different methods. This method is so effective that it is recommended even for a newborn baby.

The air is saturated with oxygen, phytoncides and other substances, and the skin gladly absorbs all these useful elements when we take a bath. V modern world layers of clothing are constantly on the skin, between which a layer of air with a certain temperature is formed. When people take aerial treatments for outdoors, then the body temperature changes, which contributes to effective hardening.

Correct intake of air baths

They take air baths to temper and invigorate themselves, but during the procedures, the basic rules must be followed:

  • create a cozy place for their reception in the open air;
  • it is best to take off your clothes completely;
  • you can take a bath in a shaded, calm place, such as under a wide tree.

According to the air temperature, air baths are classified into cold, cool, warm and hot. For such procedures, the body is exposed gradually, but for the first time you need to take warm look baths, not lower than 20 ° C. If you perform a healthy ritual of taking baths in the fresh air every morning, the result will not be long in coming.

The first session should last no more than 10 minutes, and then the time is gradually increased, even up to two hours. After such an aerial procedure, a regular bath, a contrast shower, as well as swimming in a river or pool in the warm season will be very effective. The time for preventive or therapeutic measures is gradually increased to 30 minutes.

We take air baths while sitting, lying down or standing. You can start a useful session outside in warm weather, but not more than half an hour. It is best to gradually temper it at home, and when the body gets used to it, go out into the fresh street air.

It is recommended to lie down quietly on a hard surface for 10 minutes after taking a bath. When the first techniques are over and the body gets used to the new procedures, you can combine them with morning exercises. If we take baths all the time, then our immunity will increase and we will gain strength for everyday worries.

It is best to take baths in the air in courses for three months. For effective treatment of certain diseases, experts advise using health-improving measures for one year. All hardening methods are calculated on average, so it is important not to forget about your inner feelings and emotions. If weakness suddenly appears, then you need to stop the hardening session.


  1. Air baths are prohibited during acute periods of illness, with high temperature body, weakened patient, with lung disease.
  2. If there is fog or rain outside, you also do not need to do aerial procedures.
  3. For women during menstruation, aerial prophylaxis is undesirable.
  4. If a person feels unwell or becomes weak under the influence fresh air then you should stop taking baths.

But in case of appearance of "goose bumps" or slight dizziness, do not be alarmed, because the body usually reacts this way when we take air procedures for the first time.

Benefits of air baths for newborns

Simple and at the same time effective method is taking baths for newborns. From the first day the child is born, parents have the opportunity to harden using this method. The air temperature should be kept at least 23 °, but over time it can be lowered. In one year, children are boldly undressed at 20 °. We take baths outside or in another convenient place, but it is better to temper babies first inside the living room.

The temperature indicators must be carefully monitored, and if they have increased, then ventilate the room where the baby is sleeping.

When the newborn's body gets stronger and the first hardening events take place, then you can take a walk simultaneously with taking air and sun baths. The baby may be wearing clothes that will not interfere with the wellness procedure. It is worth starting a walk with a few minutes winter time, and in the summer, walk in the fresh air for about 30 minutes twice a day.

The weather should be warm, without wind and scorching summer sun. Long walks in the sun are forbidden for small children, and it is better to take baths in shaded areas. It is necessary to ensure that the kids stop crying and being capricious at this time, otherwise the procedures are stopped.

Such hardening of a newborn with air procedures is the easiest and most affordable action aimed at strengthening the immune system. Children take baths with pleasure and then sleep much more peacefully.

Benefits of Taking Healing Baths

Fresh air affects the cutaneous nerve endings by changing the temperature, and through it all the systems of the internal organs of a person, especially the respiratory and cardiac systems. The elasticity of the skin increases, along with this, its work and thermoregulatory functions are improved.

Air baths are very relaxing after weekdays, as well as after exhausting mental or physical labor. You need to take baths to instantly raise your spirits and pep.

One of the main functions of the procedures is hardening, which increases the resistance to various infectious diseases. For excellent prevention colds they are accepted by people of all ages. If you add rubdown to them cold water and regular exercise, their effectiveness will increase significantly.

Body hardening is useful at any age. Air baths are the simplest and affordable way hardening for a newborn. Any baby accepts them when he is in an intermediate stage between a certain event and changing clothes - after a bath, when changing diapers, during massage or gymnastics.

It is important that the air bathing process is not random, but purposeful and planned.

Benefits of air baths for babies

Often, parents are afraid of the very word “temper”, associating with it “inquisitorial torture” that they cannot subject their newborn child to - dipping into an ice hole, walking barefoot on ice, a contrast shower, and so on. Compassionate mothers should remember that all these "creepy procedures" are the end point of a long program of hardening the body, and they are performed by those who have been preparing their bodies for stress and changes for a long time. By the way, air baths are the first item in the "winter swimming" program, which all experienced divers have overcome through the ice-hole.

In order not to be afraid, one must understand the very essence of hardening - training the body to develop "physical" immunity from colds. Basic immunity consists of biological processes in the body that suppress (destroy) viruses that have entered the body. Physical - prevents viruses from settling in the body. If we take an adult as an example, a "walrus" who stood for an hour at a bus stop in frost and has overcooled legs will not get sick, unlike the average person. This is explained by the fact that the body of the "walrus" is accustomed to temperature extremes and does not reduce the level of biological immunity, in the fight against the restoration of natural temperature, opening the door to viruses.

Returning to children's hardening training, air baths have several positive points at once:

  1. Activation of the protective functions of the body.

Hardening, of course, is the primary purpose, allowing you to get stronger, develop immunity and improve blood circulation. It is very important to create as soon as possible protective system organism without gaps and shortcomings. The ability to cope with external stress is very important for newborns.

A newborn often has "Prickly heat" - a skin disease caused by low mobility and diaper rash in the folds of the skin. To treat it, it is not enough to use ointments, you need to eliminate the very reason - to ventilate the parts of the body that sweat and do not dry out. Air baths will help get rid of the problem and prevent the emergence of a new one.

Healthy: Wrinkle care can help prevent skin diseases in babies.

If the baby is often naked, then the umbilical wound will not get wet and will quickly heal

How to air hardening

Any hardening should take place at a moderate pace, gradually increasing the duration and aggravation of conditions.

In cases of newborns, air hardening can be done in 3 ways:

  • airing;
  • naked;
  • stroll.

Air hardening is carried out gradually

Airing - mandatory procedure in a house with a baby. Stale air with low oxygen content adversely affects his health. Airing is best done with a draft, taking the child out of the room, through which the air flow will pass. It is necessary to ventilate the room in which the child lives at least 2 times a day, for half an hour. Ideally, leave all the vents and room doors open, and go for a walk with the baby. In addition, ventilation helps to normalize the room temperature to the required value of 20 degrees.

Basically, air baths are taken as follows - the baby is completely undressed and left naked for a few minutes. At this time, the body will be blown by air currents, improving the blood supply to the whole body, cooling the body, training thermoregulation, and the child will be able to feel the objects around him.

best done after taking a regular bath and combined with gymnastics and massage... Thanks to the openness of the entire skin, the process will be more beneficial for the baby.

Walking with your child on the street is an important part of the daily program. Sunlight and fresh air contribute to the development and health of the entire body. Best of all, one-year-old babies sleep during the day's walk. The baby should be comfortable and calm, so you need to carefully select your wardrobe and place.

For the success of the classes, it is advisable to adhere to the rules:

  1. Regularity. Every day, if possible - at the same time, at any time of the year.
  2. Gradually reduce the temperature and increase the duration of the procedures.
  3. Good mood. It is possible to take air baths naked only if the child has a positive attitude. If the baby cries and screams, the body will not receive all the positive effects, moreover, there will be a negative association with the process, which will subsequently cause crying attacks.
  4. Do not overcool the newborn. Watch your child closely, touch his arms, legs, nose and stop exercising if his body becomes cold.

For the first six months, the child learns the world with the help of tactile sensations. The less clothing he wears that does not allow him to feel, the better he perceives the surrounding space.

Precautionary measures

Observance of precautionary measures will help to avoid unpleasant consequences:

  • Draft. Keep your child out of the draft. Draft, unlike air baths, is very dangerous for a newborn;
  • Outside temperature. Weak immunity and not fully formed organ systems make their own adjustments to walks on the street. A month-old baby can be taken outside, at a temperature not lower than -5 ° C, for a maximum of 5 minutes. After a week, you can increase the time to 10 minutes and so on up to 1.5 - 2 hours in a row. From 4 months, the baby can be outdoors at a temperature of -10 ° C, but not lower. Up to a year, in the presence of wind, it is necessary to cover the child's face from the direct flow of air with the help of the sides on the stroller covers. During the first 12 months, the baby is not able to breathe through the mouth, and a strong gust will knock and make breathing through the nose difficult, in addition, a large influx of cold air can provoke a cold and runny nose in the baby;
  • Hypothermia. A serious threat to a tiny organism. It is difficult for mothers who have a firstborn child to keep " the golden mean"Between hypothermia and steaming of the crumbs. Excessively wrapping a child is harmful - natural thermoregulation and sweating will be disrupted, which will lead to reduced immunity and skin problems. Hypothermia is fraught with inflammation of the internal organs.

When collecting a baby outside, in the cold season, you need to remain calm and sane, because going in any direction will cause trouble. Although a newborn child lies motionless, it is protected by a stroller and the "cocoon" in which it is located - it is best to get ready and stand outside for 15 minutes without the child. Thus, you can understand what the baby will feel and choose not only the right clothes, but also the place to walk.

Air baths

Perhaps there is no need to talk about the benefits of air baths. We all know from childhood how healing their effect is. Staying on the beaches, sunbathing, swimming - all this charges us with vigor and health for a long time. Our body is saturated with oxygen, which means that metabolism improves, the risk of diseases decreases. Contrasting air baths are even more beneficial, that is, alternating exposure and wrapping in warm clothes.

Contrast air baths

Procedure Exposure time, sec. Warm-up time in clothes, sec.
1st 20 60 - 120
2nd 30 60
3rd 40 60
4th 50 90 - 120
5th 60 90
6th 70 120
7th 80 120
8th 90 120
9th 100 120
10th 110 120

When performing these procedures, if possible, you need to expose the whole body. It must also be remembered that the clothes worn between the outcrops should be somewhat warmer than required for the season.

After completing the procedures, you should lie down for some time on a firm and level bed with a firm pillow.

When performing contrasting air baths, you need to be naked in a room with open windows, and keep warm by closing the windows. Warm clothing should be warm, but should not be allowed to overheat to sweat. A sick and weakened person must have someone to help.

It is best to choose the time of the procedure just before sunrise or until about 10 am, you can carry them out in the evening, about 21 hours. The procedures continue for 30 days, then there is a break for 3-4 days, then again 30 days of treatment. This should be done for about 3 months, and in the case of liver disease or other internal organs, treatment should be extended to a year.

Often during treatment, discomfort occurs: itching, discomfort, or stomach pain. This is of a temporary nature and testifies to the beginning of self-healing of the body.

Contrast air baths can be taken outdoors if weather conditions permit. The technique is the same as indoors. It should only be remembered that clothes for keeping warm must be very warm; the rewarming time can be extended, but the exposure time must be strictly observed.

The first session (from 1 to 40 seconds) should lie on your back, from 40 to 70 seconds - on your right side, from 70 to 100 seconds - on your left side, from 10 to 110 seconds - again on your back.

When exposed, you can rub numb body parts or do the "Goldfish" exercise, an exercise for the capillaries, as well as for the back and abdomen. Having dressed, you need to lie with your palms tightly closed over the solar plexus. And after completing the entire procedure, lie down for 10 minutes with closed feet and palms. This procedure is performed one hour before a meal or 30–40 minutes after it, and also not earlier than an hour after a bath.

The technique I propose not only enhances skin respiration, but also improves another function of the skin - excretory. Like the kidneys or other excretory organs, the skin excretes from the blood harmful substances through the sweat glands.

The total area of ​​the skin surface of human skin is from 1.7 to 2.6 sq. m. The approximate number of sweat glands is three million. The number of sebaceous glands is approximately 250 thousand. The sebaceous glands secrete products of intestinal fermentation, iodine, bromine, antipyrine, salicylic acid.

Sweat glands secrete 600-900 g of sweat per day, and sometimes even up to 1400 g. It depends on the external temperature, the amount of fluid poured out, kidney failure, the intensity of blood circulation, conditions such as anxiety, fear, anger, which increase sweating. During the development of subacute diseases, night sweats appear instead of an attack of fever.

Sweat contains mineral salts, fatty acids, urea; lactic, formic, acetic acid. In a normal state, about 1 g of urea is released with one liter of sweat; in a painful state, the amount of urea increases significantly. During illness, the sweat glands intensify their activity to rid the body of toxins and other substances that cannot be excreted by the kidneys, lungs and digestive tract. Their intense work during an acute period of illness is reminiscent of the efforts of sailors pumping water from the hold of a wrecked ship.

The size of the sweat glands is not the same: some of them can reach 3-4 mm, others exceed 0.1 mm. There are about 500 glands per square centimeter of body surface, which means that the total area of ​​the sweating surface is about 5 square meters... Comparing these numbers, one can understand how important the excretory function of the skin is for the body. Strengthening the excretory function of the skin, we help cleanse the body of harmful substances.

Try to lick your shoulder with your tongue after exercising, and you will taste the acrid taste of the acid and salt mixture, much more unpleasant than the taste of pure salt. Moreover, sweat is poisonous. It is enough to let the animal swallow a small amount of sweat to cause its death.

Studies that were carried out to find out the reasons feeling unwell or even fainting spells that occur during a long stay in a room filled with people, have shown that the reason for this is an increase in the content of toxic products in the gases released by the human body, and not a lack of oxygen, as was previously believed.

So for healthy life cells from it must be removed slags. Nature has created several ways by which these toxins are removed: lymphatic, venous vessels and ducts of sweat glands. For tens of thousands of years, when primitive man ran all day in search of food and sweated all day, all three channels worked at full capacity. Modern man less mobile, moreover, he is constantly protected by clothing, often made of artificial fabrics that do not allow air to pass through. Therefore, all those poisons that could come out with sweat, a person carries in himself. As a result, the circulatory and lymphatic systems, which means the liver and kidneys, work with overload. As a result of such an unnatural overload, people develop diseases of the liver, kidneys, bladder and other organs. Therefore, in addition to carrying out medical procedures, I recommend not to spoil the skin with too warm clothes, more often to take it off in the open air.

We are air machines. Oxygen is not only our body's purifier, but also one of the greatest providers of energy it needs. Fresh air and sunlight bring vital energy to all life on Earth. Remember what a plant looks like when it grows without sunlight, without fresh air - it seems lifeless. Every tiny leaf of grass, every vine, tree, bush, flower, fruit and vegetable draw their life from solar energy. Everything living on Earth depends on solar energy, on its intensity. Our Earth would be a lifelessly cold place, shrouded in eternal darkness, if it were not illuminated by the magical rays of the Sun. But the sun gives us not only light, solar energy transforms into human energy.

It has long been known that the skin is closely related to the body's defenses. Clinical observations confirm that the skin has a protective function in febrile diseases. The skin can be safely called the grave of microbes. And sunbathing, being in the fresh air and especially playing sports in nature help to increase the protective functions of the skin.

It must be remembered that the effect of air on the human body depends primarily on its humidity: the same temperatures are perceived differently. So, high humidity air at its high temperature contributes to overheating of the body, and when exercising in these conditions, overheating occurs faster. Therefore, if it is hot and humid at the same time, be careful during exercise, carefully control your sensations, it is especially important to catch the state of unpleasant strong heat.

At low temperatures, moisture in the air moisturizes clothes and skin, and you may feel chills. This condition should also be alarming. Thus, staying in the fresh air should not be uncontrolled, although many believe that a special technique for taking air baths is not required.

The same goes for sunbathing. Very often people, trying to get a tan as quickly as possible and as much as possible, do not follow the rules for sunbathing, and as a result they are forced to sit at home or in the shade for a week, or even more, due to the received burns.

It should also be remembered that if staying in the air has practically no contraindications, then sunbathing can be taken only after consulting a doctor. There are many reasons why sun exposure should be kept to a minimum. This applies to some heart diseases, tuberculous lesions of internal organs, etc. Staying in the sun is very tiring for weakened people who have recently had an infectious disease, as well as those who are not young anymore. An elderly person who has spent the whole day on the beach may experience palpitations, shortness of breath, and unpleasant profuse sweat.

An even, good tan can be obtained by applying fractional irradiation to the sun - that is, in small doses, taking breaks. And you don't need to think that tanning occurs only under the direct rays of the sun; the skin also acquires a dark shade when taking air or sunbathing in aerosolaria, protected from direct sunlight by special ceilings, tree crowns. The revitalizing effect begins after taking small doses of solar radiation, and this effect is much ahead of the appearance of our beloved chocolate skin color. Even in cool weather, you can sunbathe in clear weather, you just need to hide from the wind. But remember that sunbathing without medical advice will not always benefit yourself.

The main principle of hardening by the sun is gradualness. At the beginning, sunbathing can be taken up to 3 minutes, after 1–2 days, their duration increases by 2–3 minutes. Thus, the duration of the procedure is increased to 50-60 minutes.

Sunbathing is best taken in the morning. The most useful tan is May. And a few more tips. Sunbathing is allowed only 2 hours after eating. They are best taken on an empty stomach or just before meals. Some people mistakenly believe that the tighter the head is wrapped, the better it is protected from the sun's rays. But all kinds of towel turbans or newspaper hats interfere with normal heat transfer. A light white panama hat is more appropriate in this case.

Of course, aerial treatments are not limited to being outdoors during the warmer months. There are many tempering procedures that accustom a person to cold air. Don't wear clothes that are too warm and often expose your skin. Of course, it's not worth checking the limits of your body's endurance for no reason, but constant training increases the margin of safety.

The life of the human body can be thought of as a metabolism, and metabolism is possible only in the presence of oxygen. Moreover, all of us should be interested in not experiencing oxygen deficiency, and a simple conclusion follows from this: it is necessary to provide the skin with free access of fresh air as often as possible and in no case overheat it. There is even such a thing as thermal pollution. When we keep the skin in a clogged state, and even with overheating, we thereby open the door to disease.

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2. Air baths Competently organized intake of air baths allows you to train and temper your body. However, each season has its own characteristics. Let's start in autumn. The autumn period of the year has a more pronounced training effect on the body.

Option 2. Hyperthermal baths and turpentine baths according to Zalmanov I do not see any need to re-describe the method of A. Zalmanov - in our time of the availability of almost any literature to find his "The Secret Wisdom of the Human Body" does not constitute any

The fact is that the layer of air between clothes and our skin usually has a constant temperature of 27-28 ° C. As soon as we get rid of clothes, the intensity of heat transfer and heat generation increases.

At the same time, metabolic processes, blood oxygen saturation, muscle and nervous system tone are enhanced, and breathing improves. In addition, blood pressure normalizes, sleep, appetite and even mood improve.

How to take air baths: step by step instructions

  • The optimal start time for air baths is summer period, and in the morning.
  • This can be done indoors with windows open, or outdoors if there is no wind.
  • Suitable air temperature for beginners is from 22 ° C. At first, 10-15 minutes is enough, then add 10-20 minutes every day, bringing up to two hours.
  • After that, you can gradually lower the temperature. Air baths are warm (over 22 degrees), cool (17-20 degrees) and cold (less than 16 degrees).
  • Air bath is preferable on the move, and clothing should be removed quickly. If you feel chills, get dressed.
  • Sweat should not be allowed during the air bath.
  • Try combining an air bath with gymnastics or barefoot walking.
  • After the air bath, put on a piece of clothing slightly warmer than you usually wear in this weather, and lie down on a hard surface with a bolster under your head.
  • In addition to morning baths, you can arrange these treatments before dinner.
  • Ideal if you can take an air bath by the sea, in the mountains or near the forest. The air there is enriched with phytoncides - volatile compounds with antimicrobial properties. They are also beneficial for the lungs, heart, blood vessels and metabolism. On the coast, ozone is better absorbed, due to which the level of hemoglobin increases, immunity is strengthened, and efficiency is stimulated.
  • If it is cold outside, there is rain or fog, and strong wind, - air baths are transferred to the room so as not to get sick.

Air baths are recommended for infants, but they should be carried out taking into account the difference between children's thermoregulation and adults. To make the child well tolerate air baths, accustom him to fresh and cool air. Do not wrap up the baby either at home or on the street. Ventilate the room more often, make sure that the temperature does not exceed 19-20 ° C. Walk with him as long as possible.

People with poor health should start air baths with three minutes a day.

The duration of a course of baths is usually a month, then a three-day break, and again a month of procedures, and so on up to three months. But if there are diseases of the liver or other internal organs, it is recommended to prolong the treatment.

Air treatments are only the first step towards hardening. Having mastered them, you can safely move on to water.