Which toilet filler is best. The best cat litter - choosing the perfect one for your pet

Which cat litter is better - more effective, safer and more economical to use? To choose the best option for yourself and your pet, the owner of the animal must know all the pros and cons of the goods for this purpose on the market.

The main parameters that determine the quality:

  1. Absorbent and deodorant properties - the ability to absorb moisture and stop odors. These properties depend on the composition of the material from which the filler is made and the technology of its production.
  2. Security. It should be borne in mind that some types of fillers may contain substances that can cause allergic reactions in both animals and humans. If the litter is used for kittens, it must be safe if accidentally swallowed, and the same if there are small children in the house.
  3. Ease of use and disposal.

An important link when choosing a filler is its price. The filler is a consumable material and therefore part of the monthly family budget... Here it is important to choose an affordable price-quality ratio that will completely suit the owner.


The price of fillers varies widely and depends mainly on the material used and the production technology used by the manufacturer.

The cheapest fillers are made from sawdust, waste from the paper and grain industries.

The most expensive and modern are silica gel fillers. Silica gel is a synthetic mineral sorbent obtained by the interaction of sodium silicate (water glass) and sulfuric acid.

Fillers of trade marks are the most famous and popular in the domestic market.: "Pretty Cat", "Barsik", "Kotyara", "Kuzya", "Zoonik", "Siberian Cat", "Pi-Pi-Bent", "Brava" "Clean Paws", "Sea Sea Cat" and others ...

Imported popular: "Catsan", "Cat's Best", "Cats Choice", "Silicat", "Super Cat", "Fresh step", "Kat Step", "CleanyKat", "Ever Clean", "Ultra Lite", etc.

Wood fillers

They are made from wood waste during the processing of pine, spruce and, less often, fir. They are granules, which swell and crumble into small components when moisture enters.

Due to their low cost, wood fillers are in good demand and popularity. Many people prefer this type of filler because of its naturalness. Wood litter is safe for animals, especially kittens.

The wood of pine trees contains resins, which give the wood filler antiseptic properties. After use, the filler can be applied as fertilizer.

It absorbs moisture well enough and stops odors, but these indicators are lower than that of other types of fillers, so the filler needs to be changed more often, it is consumed faster.

Another drawback is lightness. When burying, the cat can throw it around the tray, so a deep tray with edges rounded inward is needed.

Scattering into small dust, it sticks to the paws and spreads around the apartment.

If you prefer this type of filler, guided by considerations of naturalness, safety and cheapness, then it is a good idea to purchase a special closed toilet with a rug.

Walls closed toilet will not allow the cat to scatter litter around the tray, and the rug will clean the paws of adhering particles and prevent them from being pulled around the apartment.

When using this filler, it is convenient, as well, a tray with a grid, whole granules will remain on the surface, and the used ones will be sifted through the grid into the tray.

Wood filler differs from other types of fillers in the convenience of disposal. It can be flushed down the toilet. To avoid clogging, wash off the filler in small portions.

Wood filler: pros and cons

  • Sticks to feet

Corn and paper fillers are similar in properties and price to wood fillers.

Mineral fillers

Mineral fillers are somewhat more expensive than wood fillers and are also in high demand.

Mineral fillers are better at absorbing moisture and retaining odors than wood fillers.

They are made from natural mineral raw materials - soft clay minerals and hard minerals of sedimentary and volcanic rocks. There are also artificial mineral fillers made from sibit.

In addition to the source material, mineral fillers differ in:

  1. The way of absorbing and retaining moisture- clumping and absorbent fillers;
  2. Granule size- large, small and medium granules;
  3. The presence of flavoring additives- flavored and non-flavored.

The disadvantage of this type of filler is their dustiness. Granules in
during transportation, they rub against each other forming fine dust, which can cause allergic reactions.

Higher quality fillers have a denser consistency and less dust.

What is the difference between absorbent and clumping fillers?

Absorbent fillers absorb moisture by the entire surface of the material from which the filler is made, without forming lumps. The absorbency is due to the porous structure of the mineral.

These minerals include, for example, zeolites, which are excellent at absorbing moisture and insulating odor.

The activity of the absorbent filler is gradually lost. From time to time, it can be stirred to evenly distribute the more active and less active granules.

The replacement of the absorbent filler is carried out at once, that is, the used filler is completely removed, and a fresh portion is poured into the tray, in the amount indicated on the package.

Clumping fillers, have not only absorbent properties, its granules, when moistened, stick together in a lump, isolating the wet area from the rest of the filler.

A complete replacement of the filler is not required, it is enough to remove the formed lumps with a special spatula. The filler is poured into the tray as needed.

They are made mainly of bentonite clays of various compositions. During the manufacturing process, to improve quality, they can be thermally or chemically treated.

Natural mineral fillers have antibacterial properties.

Which filler is the best at removing absorbent or clumping odors?

Both fillers are about equally good at coping with odors, but they do it in different ways.

Clumping, enveloping a wet area, trap the smell inside the coma. Absorbent, due to their porous structure, are able to absorb urine and neutralize its odor by ion exchange reactions, then evaporating clean water.

Among those and others there are more and less quality, it depends on the composition of raw materials and production technology.

According to the results of the TV program "Test Purchase", out of 10 popular brands of clumping fillers, the first place went to the "Pretty Cat" brand. The second and the third, fillers of the Chistye Lads and Catsan trade marks.

Mineral filler: pros and cons versus wood filler


Silica gel filler

Silica gel litter is the most modern, highly effective and practical litter for litter for cats.

Important! This litter should not be used on small kittens.

Selikogelium filler pros:


What filler is better to buy for a kitten?

For a kitten, natural fillers made of wood, paper or corn, without any flavorings, are suitable. They are safe to swallow and will not cause allergies.

In the future, you can easily accustom the grown kitten to any other type of filler simply by adding, at first, the usual filler to a new, unfamiliar to the kitten.

The best filler for Maine Coon

Maine Coon cats are the largest domestic cats in the world, therefore, they excrete urine more than all cats in the world, therefore, they also need the best litter in the world - a silica gel.

But seriously, the Maine Coon cat, except for the size iny, nothing fundamentally differs from their smaller counterparts, and all of the above applies to her.

For a kitten of this breed, it is better to use natural
fillers made of wood, paper or corn. It is good if the owner takes some of the used litter from the breeder and puts it in the kitten's tray, so he will quickly understand where his new toilet is now.

In the future, you can use any filler at the discretion of the owner and with the approval of the Maine Coon himself.

So, all family members agree that a pet should appear in the house - a cat, to which you are ready to give your love and care for many years, receiving in return no less love and endless devotion of a living being. Are you ready to become a responsible cat owner? Then let's start preparing for the emergence of a new family member!

You already have:

  • small veterinary first aid kit;
  • grooming kit;
  • a pair of convenient bowls for water and food;
  • cozy soft bed;
  • suitable scratching post;
  • even a tray for meeting natural needs has already been purchased!

It remains to figure out how to fill this container for feces. What is the best cat litter? The choice is truly enormous!
Which one is right for your "pet"? Doesn't it really matter to him what sand to write in ?!

Does the choice of filler depend on the breed and age of the cat? And is it worth spending money on purchased granules?
And, in general, are there any significant differences among this mass of granules?

Let's start from the end - it will be easier to figure it out, and customer reviews will help us resolve these issues cat litter and the "opinion" of the owners of the trays themselves - baleen-striped, tailed and tailless.

Consider what litters for the tray are, what we can offer our meowing pet:

Homemade fillers "home made"

The first known - this is what is called the "grandfather's way" - ordinary torn paper or sand. Thousands of thousands of cats around the world willingly relieve themselves of such litters for their litter boxes, there is no problem with that. But there are significant disadvantages.

Firstly, getting used to paper, a kitten or an adult animal has every right to claim any paper roll, newspaper or magazine as a toilet area, which you, subsequently, are unlikely to like.

Secondly, pieces of smelly paper will invariably stick to the cat's paws and be scattered around the house. Also "no ice"!

Thirdly, newspaper paper does not have the proper absorbency. This means that a cat with wet paws after visiting the tray will walk across the carpet, jump onto the sofa, sit on your lap, leaving drops of his urine where he walked, jumped, settled down. Gradually, the aromas accumulate and naturally transform into scent marks. Result - be prepared for the cat to pee on the carpet, sofa, or your thing at some point.

Much the same applies to sand toilets. We can only add that attempts to write in flower pot(dry sand or oily peat - the cat "on the drum") will result in death pot plant- cat urine is poisonous to green indoor. No, the sand is not at all "variant"!

And there is no escape from the smells! Even if you use a tray without any filler, only a mesh, the smell fluids will eat into furniture, woolen and pile fabrics, and chase you even on the street (your clothes are also made of various fabrics). The smell from the tray can be neutralized with any chemical. in a way, but guarantees that the cat or cat will be loyal to such an intervention and will want to use the tray that smells of carbolic acid or chlorine for its intended purpose. In addition, caustic substances can be dangerous for the animal itself!

We'll have to teach the cat to go to the toilet or fork out for production and factory fillers!

Factory production fillers.


From the name it is clear that it consists of sawdust, which can be "loose" or compressed into granules of various sizes, which is more common. For manufacturing, they use wood from cedar, pine, fir, alder, apple and other trees, cleaning them from the bark first.

Sawdust, even pressed, has excellent absorbent properties, reliably clogs odors, is environmentally friendly and economical, both in terms of use and in terms of money. Tray filler cedar or pine also slightly deodorizes the air, releasing a weak antibacterial aroma typical of all conifers.

Some owners successfully use juniper mulch, walnut mulch or larch bark mulch instead of factory-made pelleted wood litter.
But mulch cannot be used in trays without a grid - once, and secondly, it cannot be disposed of in the toilet. And factory-made wood filler - you can! Unless, of course, you do not pour it into a earthenware bowl in large portions.

When moisture gets into them, the granules easily crumble into small particles, which are completely harmless to cats, do not cause allergies, and are convenient for adult animals and their little children. It is recommended to change it 2-3 times a week as the granules scatter.

If you have 2 or more cats in your home, try to provide each with its own litter box.
An exception can only apply to a mommy-cat with kittens: the cat teaches kittens to do their business in their own, mother's, lot.

Advice! When purchasing a kitten, ask the breeder not only about what vaccinations were made and where the complementary feeding started, but also what kind of filler was used for the mother's tray - this will help the baby quickly get used to the new place.

  • Pressed wood chips also have a number of inconveniences noted by cat owners:
    when "overflowing", the particles swell strongly, stick to the paws and are carried around the house;
  • smelling the smell of nature and freedom, cats start digging holes in the filler with pleasure, as a result - “stick to their paws and are carried around the house”.

All questions can be solved using a grid. Or clumping fillers.

If you have funds, you can also buy lumpy wood filler - fir sawdust. Produced by the Germans, the name "Cat`s Best". While on Russian market it is the only representative offering such products.

Questions about wood filler

What is Lumpy Cat Litter?
Filler made on the basis of quartz sand, chalk or bentonite. Since all these materials, after ingress of moisture, are fixed - they become almost monolithic, with a dense single structure, then the filler on these bases does the same - it is fixed or crumpled. This tight, fixed lump can be easily removed from the tray with a slotted scoop to replace the litter. It will only be necessary to remove the lump itself, since the rest of the granules will remain clean.

How often should clumping litter be changed?
You can completely replace the filler once every 2-3 months, adding a little bit so that the "pillow" of granules does not fall below 8 cm. This optimal height layer for clumping fillers!

What about the smell?
Reliably absorbed

If the basis of the granules is chalk and sand, then they probably have a lot of dust?
No. A thin layer of pollen is formed only when the litter box is filled, after the granules "lay down" the dust is practically absent.

Can the pellets get caught between the cat's toes or claws, or stick to the paw?
No. Lump formation occurs within 20-30 minutes. During this time, the cat has time to leave the toilet area.

If a mom-cat with kittens lives in the house, is it possible to use such a filler?
Not desirable, even if the cat is accustomed to it. Toddlers are very curious, and taste preferences they are still poorly developed, they can try to eat the wonderful smelling granules. This will lead to sad consequences, since a solid concreted lump, formed in their stomachs, will not be able to come out naturally.
Until the kittens have grown up to 2-2.5 months, it is better to use a different filler, ideally - no smell at all.

Clumping filler price?
3-4 times more expensive than absorbent. But its price is compensated for due to the economy and ease of use - it is often not necessary to change the "pillow".

If the house contains several adult animals (2 or more), can one type of litter be used for all?
You can, if the cats agree. Some representatives of felines show an enviable rejection of this or that type of filler, feline individualism. Such fastidiousness should choose a different filler, for example - mineral or silica gel.


It's wide famous species granules of various minerals with a porous structure, absorbing and well "holding" the smell, most often - the residue after casting foam-gas blocks (sibit), screening of expanded clay, after baking bricks, small volcanic zeolite, better known as volcanic tuff.

The cost of a filler made of volcanic zeolite-tuff is an order of magnitude higher than the rest of the line of mineral fillers. There are reasons for this.

The structure of volcanic stone is porous; in nature, these voids are filled with water. In the fillers, this water is evaporated during firing, after which the filler is ready to suck in the waste products of animals, like a sponge or a vacuum cleaner.


This natural mineral is capable of absorbing any organic compounds, up to dust and mold spores, which are often the source of various diseases, both for domestic "pets" and for owners. It is a natural antibacterial absorbent!

Volcanic zeolite has long been used as a filter for drinking water, removing from it the slightest pollution, bacteria, harmful sticks, biological impurities and flavors.

Buying tuff cat litter is an excellent, albeit “expensive” solution. So, a package weighing 5-6 kg. will cost 300-500 rubles, and the usual "Barsik" with the same antibacterial properties, but from the remains of the foam block, will come out for the same weight of 100-120 rubles.

If the composition contains a "flask", do not be alarmed! These are not the remnants of a broken foundry mold at all! This is the Polish name for chalk limestone, a fairly durable siliceous stone from a rock sedimentary.

In Russian, this clay stone has been known since ancient times under the name "marl" or "marl clay", "siliceous marl". Marl was used for laying stoves, covering up cracks in walls and masonry. Its peculiarity - after firing, the clay becomes a strong compound, not inferior in strength modern concrete but retained the ability to absorb a large number liquids without swelling and deformation. After drying, the marl rebuilt its stone fortress.
These are the pieces of baked mineral stone clay that form the basis of the filler marked "flask". Very good data!

All of these materials have a clean, environmentally friendly mineral composition, which excludes the manifestations of allergic reactions in the baleen and their owners. After firing, such a material completely loses its ability to adhere (the ability to adhere to other surfaces), which means that it does not stick to the paws of animals.
Since the material for the manufacture of the filler itself is industrial waste, the price for them will definitely not hit the pocket.

There are such granules in "loose" (then you will have to remove the tray every 3-4 weeks), there is also a clumping option with the addition of bentonite (then we follow the instructions for clumping fillers).

Cats and kittens delight in digging in such granules, mistaking them for sand or earth due to their natural smell. In addition, the granules are selected in size: small for kittens, larger for adult animals.

In addition, the clay granules are round, they do not have sharp edges, which is liked by all cats.


Cats also like these granules to taste - it smells of natural freshness. Try not to let the cat eat the filler, but if it does get into the kitty's stomach, it will act as an adsorbing substance and come out freely naturally, unless it is, of course, a clumping option.

Cons of using:

  • Dust!
  • When it gets very wet, it loses its "odor control" and begins to actively release aromas into the external environment.
  • You need to be careful with mineral fillers mixed with bentonite if there is a kitten in the house! The reason is the same as for all clumping fillers - blockage of the gastrointestinal tract when eaten.
  • All waste from brick-block-furnace production must not be put into the toilet! - Pipe plugging guaranteed!

Silica gel

More often you can hear the abbreviated name of the filler - gel. However, gel or helium in pure form such granules do not contain.
This is a rather expensive filler made of clay treated with a special composition of polysilicic acid, which gives the compound the properties of a dried gel.

Appearance: dull white or creamy balls with colored specks.

Properties: coarse sand with excellent absorption of liquid, odor control, does not form a viscous, mushy shape - does not swell and always remains dry to the touch.

Due to their properties, silica gel capsules-granules are very economical - you will not have to completely change the contents of the tray more than 2 times a month and a half. Considering the high antibacterial qualities of silica gel fillers, it becomes clear why the price matches the quality.

Often these granules are treated with special fragrances with different aromas. Want May Lilacs? - Please! Do you want "alpine freshness"? - Be kind! And how pleasant they crunch and squeak!

However, there is a catch: not all cats like strange sounds under their paws, and they can even scare kittens. You may like some aroma and the kitten will mistake the soil for roasted nuts, which is dangerous for his little life. On the other hand, if you have multiple pets, then the best way than silica, it will be difficult for you to pick up.

A test for diseases?

We read the annotation on the package: "It is important for owners to take preventive measures to prevent MCD in their pets." - Full agreement!

We observe the development: "It is necessary to follow the change in the color of the granules, according to the proposed scale." - A scale drawing is suggested. What is there just not! Even cystitis and viral infections!

Next comes the name of a company specializing in the production of this filler or a company that manufactures feed, with which agreements on mutual support and promotion have been signed. At the same time, the call to contact the veterinarian is not forgotten.

What is deception? When processing "gel" granules with liquids with any percentage of acids and alkalis, their color does not change in any way, only yellow and that's it! No feed can cure diseases! And even more so viral. Ask any veterinarian, he will explain on his fingers what is needed for treatment medications, and feed can only support the animal from manifestations of allergies.

Observe the feeding regime and sufficient movement of your pets, timely pass the prescribed veterinary. examinations and carefully monitor the health of the "pet" - and may all troubles pass you without the invented tests on the ICD!

Fortunately, not all selikagen companies are trying to cheat. Many people calmly add flavoring, and they are quite content with it.
And there really is a granular test for "urolithiasis", only it is sold separately.

Yes! Here's another thing that's important! After each visit to the toilet by your handsome or beautiful woman, the granules in the tray should be mixed and smoothed again!
Selikagen cannot be disposed of in the toilet - the pipes will become clogged.


100% biodegradable fillers are still rare on pet store shelves, but they are!
The first one, which the owners of the animals and the cats themselves met, was a corn one made from pressed shavings of corn cobs. An excellent litter that clumps, absorbs, traps odors, and flushes down the toilet, can be composted. Lightweight, which is both a plus and a minus of the filler.

On the one hand, its lightness allows moisture not to linger at the top, but to drain down and form a lump under top layer granules. This is especially handy for long-haired cats who don't risk getting their fluffy pants and the bottom of their luxurious tail wet.
On the other hand, to use such "corn" you will have to purchase a tray with sides bent inward, otherwise light pressing will be scattered throughout the house.

And a couple more important facts about biodegradable fillers:

  • Vegetable litter is prone to mold formation if the formed urinary lump is not removed in time.
  • Smells like sour corn after use. Not all cats approve of these scents.
  • If corn filler smells like corn, then biodegradable herbal - grass or freshly cut hay. According to its characteristics, the herbal filler is not inferior to the corn filler: it is environmentally friendly, economical, crumpled and disposed of in the sewer.

So far, only one company from St. Petersburg has mastered herbal cat litter from meadow grass by drying, crushing and pressing granules without any chemical additions. She also developed this technology!

The principle of the company lies in the motto: "100% nature!" Following this motto, the company has developed a line of herbal, absorbent and clump litters for cats, dogs, rodents and other pets, including exotic specimens.

If the herbal filler FIX is used (this is the name of domestic products), then it is impossible to determine that the house contains any pet by smell, so well these granules (smell) block it, which will only be a plus for small apartments.

Since the grass granules are heavier than from corn shavings, they are not spread as actively, but you will have to change the tray for another, with bent sides. Or buy a closed cat litter box, then any cat can dig dark green medium-sized granules for as long as he pleases.

It is not a problem to remove lumps - the formed lump seems to stick to the bottom of the tray and is easily removed with a spatula. If the granules are covered with a grid on top, then even with very strong wetting, the filler does not swell and does not push out the grid.

Since herbal is a vegetable, the formation of mold cannot be avoided if you do not follow the rules of hygiene, although the smell will be different - it will smell like rotten hay. Will smell strong! So much that the cat may not like it at all and he (she) will make a puddle somewhere nearby.

The consumption of the innovative filler per animal is small: a layer of 2 cm per animal weight of 4 kg.

Of course, for a large Maine Coon, weighing 7-8 kg, the filling will be doubled. It turns out that a 3 kg bag is enough for a couple of weeks, since 1 kg of granules absorbs 2 liters of liquid.

Considering that the cost of domestic herbal filler is 3-4 times cheaper than corn filler, and their consumption is the same, then for the same money you can buy 3-4 FIX. Saving!

We must pay tribute to all types of biodegradable litters - they are so anti-allergenic that their use is indicated for cats suffering from chronic skin diseases.

When a kitten gets inside a small body, if he decided to bite off grass or corn, the compressed granules disintegrate into small crumbs, are excreted by the intestines and do not harm the baby's health at all.

Of course, all cats are purely individual both in character and in their preferences, however, there are general rules for choosing litters for cat litters:

  • for kittens, choose a small fraction of granules;
  • for adult animals with long hair - fraction 5-10 mm.

At the end of the topic, it is worth watching two videos:
Testing of fillers for absorption rate and water holding capacity

How to choose cat litter

Cat litter fillers - how to choose and use so that there is no characteristic in the house bad smell.

When a new pet appears in the house, you should attend to the purchase of a suitable tray and backfill. A capricious animal may refuse to use sand or finely cut newspaper. Commercially available special fillings are easy to use and eliminate unpleasant odors well. You can look at the main types of products and ratings of the most popular cat litters to help you make the right decision.

Types of cat litter

The following types of litter for cat litters can be found on sale:
  • Mineral. They are the most popular in their niche. Clay is used for their manufacture; they belong to the clumping type. The advantages are adequate price and ease of use. The disadvantages include the inability to hold the smell, the ease of spreading around the apartment on the paws of the animal, the impossibility of disposal into the sewer
  • Clay. It can be both clumping and absorbent. It is made in the form of granules, so it will not be difficult for the owner to find the right product for both adult animals and babies. The advantages of such filling include the low price and natural composition. The disadvantage is the increased formation of dust from the product, animals easily carry it around the apartment on their paws
  • Silica gel. It is an opaque granule, belongs to expensive species backfill for trays. It has many advantages: it needs to be changed a couple of times a month, it absorbs odors and moisture well, bacteria do not multiply in it, animals do not carry it around the house. The disadvantages include the high price and loud crunching when the animal begins to rummage in the toilet. It is not used for kittens, since if the animal's life is swallowed, it is in danger
  • Woody. It is made from pressed sawdust. Refers to clumping food. The main advantages are: reasonable price, natural composition, safety. Animals quickly get used to such a filler, it can be used for kittens and flushed down the drain. The only drawback is increased dust formation and product scattering into small pieces with use.
  • Corn. It is rarely found on sale, the price for it can be high. It is made from corn cobs, it belongs to the clumping type. The positive aspects of the product include its naturalness and good consumer properties. The only drawback is the difficulty of acquiring
It is impossible to say with certainty which of the above products is better or worse. Much depends on individual characteristics animal and host preference.

How to choose the right cat litter? What to look for

When choosing litter for a cat litter box, you can be guided by the following rules:
  • The owner needs to calculate his financial capabilities. When the animal gets used to a certain type of such a product, it will not be easy to transfer it to a cheaper analogue.
  • If a lot of cats live in the house, it is better to give preference to an absorbent composition, since the lumping will be constantly wet, animals will be able to spread it everywhere on its paws and wool
  • The age of the animal should be taken into account. For kittens, formulations with small granules and natural formulations are preferred. Large-granular fillers of mineral or silica gel type are suitable for adults.
  • You shouldn't buy products with fragrances. First, the fragrance itself can cause an allergic reaction in a cat. Secondly, the animal may simply not like the smell, and it will refuse to use the tray.
  • For cats with allergies, it is better to use natural formulations to avoid exacerbations of the disease.
  • The economy of the product must also be taken into account. For example, clumping species retain their function longer; they are gradually poured into the tray as they are used. Absorbent formulations must be thrown away completely and replaced with a fresh portion every week.
  • The filler should please your pet. If the cat is reluctant to use the tray, throws the product out of the toilet, you should think about replacing the composition
Important! You should not immediately buy a large pack of backfill, since it is not known whether the product is suitable for the animal or not.

How to use cat litter? detailed instructions

Below is the step-by-step instruction How to use cat litter:
  • To begin with, you should choose a cat litter in which the animal fits freely, can row without hesitation and bury the filler
  • The toilet is filled up to a maximum of 10 cm with the selected filler.
  • If clumping species are used, then it is necessary to remove the lumps formed after cat excrement after each trip of the cat to the pot. In the case of absorbent species, the contents of the toilet should be completely changed every 5 to 10 days.
Properly selected backfill can greatly simplify the care of the animal and get rid of unpleasant odors in the room.

How often do you need to change your cat litter?

How often you change your cat litter will depend on the number of pets in the house, as well as the type of product used. For example, absorbent fillings are changed about once a week, when they become clearly wet in appearance and the animal refuses to use the tray or expresses obvious displeasure: it hits the side with its paw, meows loudly. In the case of clumping species, the hosts can add the missing amount of product after each excrement harvest.
However, just cleaning the litter is not enough; you should also periodically wash the litter box itself. To do this, the pot is cleaned of residues, washed with water. For cleaning, disinfectant cleaners can be used by applying a small amount to the bottom and sides of the toilet. Then thoroughly wash away traces of filler and excrement with a cloth or sponge. After that, the tray is washed several times under running water, wipe dry and refill with a fresh portion of the product.

Can cat litter be flushed down the toilet

As a rule, manufacturers of wood and corn formulations allow small quantities to be flushed down the drain. In the case of mineral, clay and silica gel fillers, this is prohibited.
The best method for disposing of this waste is to throw it in the trash in an individual plastic bag. This avoids clogging. sewer pipes, and the smell of used filler will not be felt in the house.
Look on the packaging for information about whether cat litter can be flushed down the toilet.

Rating of the best cat litters

Below is a ranking of the best cat litter by consumers:
  • Fresh Step Extreme Carbon Plus. It belongs to the absorbent type, holds well bad smell, does not spread throughout the house. Contains activated carbon to inhibit the growth of pathogenic bacteria in the tray. It should be changed once a week.
  • Kuzya Woody. Backfill made from sawdust. Consumers note good quality product, its efficiency. Many are attracted by naturalness and ease of use.
  • Crystals No. 1. Silica gel cat litter has an antibacterial effect. It retains odors well, does not generate dust and does not spread around the apartment. Economical, for a medium-sized animal, a pack of 12 liters will last for almost 3 months

Filler for small kittens - which one is better

If a kitten appears in the house, then the question naturally arises: which cat litter for kittens is better? For starters, you can use the product that the breeder uses, as it will smell like mom and help the kitten get used to the new toilet faster. For babies, it is better to choose formulations with small granules and refuse to use silica gel species, since their creaking and rustling can scare the kitten. A good option is a woody composition, since it is natural and will not cause negative reactions in a small pet.

Making cat litter: video

Below is a video about making cat litter:

Finding the optimal backfill for your litter box is no big deal. It is important to take into account not only your own preferences, but also the pet's willingness to use a particular type of product.

Cats are inherently cleaner than dogs and makes keeping them in an apartment much easier than keeping "human friends". In addition, it is not necessary to walk cats, unlike dogs, because they easily get used to going to the toilet in a specially designated place for this.

All cats generally prefer litter boxes. Today, a huge number of manufacturers produce different cat litter. They are all different, but which one is better?

Previously, owners of furry pets used scraps of newspaper or sand from a nearby sandbox... But now the need for this has disappeared, because special fillers for trays have appeared on sale.

The only advantage of a toilet without it is price... And as for all the other points, then this option:

  • does not take into account the animal's need for burying;
  • requires the owner to constantly clean and wash the litter box after the cat has left. After all, if you do not regularly clean the litter box, then especially clean cats can refuse this litter box and go "by".

What kind of litter does a cat like?

The cat will like the composition, which is convenient to step on with its paws, as well as in it should be comfortable to dig... If it gets dusty, then the cat will obviously not like it. The toilet should not smell of extraneous odors. Good filler should not cause allergies - this is manifested in the form of cracks on the pads. It should be completely safe for your pet.

What kind of litter will the cat owner like?

It should retain the "scent of cat tricks" and should not be carried by the cat's paws throughout the house, and when the owner fills the tray with it, he should not dust. Also important ease of cleaning... Animal safety is important not only for the cat itself, but also for its owner. Due to the fact that the filler is consumable, then it is necessary that its consumption was economical.

In almost every moment ideas about the ideal toilet and the owner, and the cat is the same. Cost alone doesn't matter to a purring creature. At that time, a flavored composition that will please the owner is unlikely to be liked by a cat.

These were the general nuances of cat litter, but now let's consider Various types filler.

They all fall into two types:

  • absorbent;
  • clumping.

Absorbent filler

This toilet does not change its structure at the moment of moisture absorption. It will need to be completely replaced with a new one when all the granules are saturated with liquid, otherwise, the tray will begin to "smell" unpleasant.

Since the cat, at the moment of burying "its tracks", mixes the soaked filler with a new one. Therefore, keeping the tray clean by adding a new portion of filler will not work - it will have to be changed completely. This type of toilet is suitable for one - two cats... And if it is supposed to use big amount animals, you will need to change it every two to three days. Of course, this option does not differ in its economy. In addition, at the time of cleaning the tray, you will have to inhale all the aromas that the filler previously held.

Clumping filler

In this type of toilet, at the moment of liquid ingress, small lumps, which are easy enough to remove from the tray. With this option, you can remove “bad” lumps and solid waste and add new filler every day. For economical and productive use, it must be poured into the tray in a layer, not less than 8-10 cm... Ideally, you should purchase the filler with a margin of at least 2 packs. The first one should be poured immediately, and the second one should be used to update the tray. By the way, this option is ideal for a large number of cats:

According to the material from which fillers are created, they are:

  • clay;
  • woody;
  • silica gel;
  • from grain and corn;
  • from cellulose.

Cats are very fond of the clay version, as it is most similar to her innate ideas about what a cat litter should look like. The quality of such a filler depends on clay.

The best material for cat litter is bentonite. This is a type of clay that swells when liquid gets on it. Clay litter box can be either absorbent or clumpy.

To create wood filler, sawdust is used conifers trees. These sawdust is pressed into granules.

Since it contains no chemical additives, it is considered environmentally friendly. Wood filler granules absorb moisture well and retain an unpleasant odor. But it so happens that these granules, as they absorb the liquid, begin to crumble into sawdust, stick to the cat's paws, and spread throughout the house. But on the other hand, woody, unlike other types of cat litter, can be flushed down the drain... In addition, the composition of coniferous sawdust is cheaper than the same bentonite toilet.

Most often, woody options are absorbent. Although there are manufacturers who create clumping fillers .

It is made from dried gel polysilicic acid... Silica gel has excellent absorbent (sorbent) properties. Therefore, it began to be used for the production of cat litter. In order for this composition not to lose its qualities, it must be stored in a tightly closed state. This is necessary so that it does not absorb moisture contained in the air.

Such cat litter is made exclusively absorbent... As for its cost, it costs more than other types, but manufacturers claim that it is more economical. But the more economical one is the one that comes in the form of old and opaque balls. But those that have a translucent appearance are much faster saturated with liquid and have to be changed.

Cats don't always like this cat litter box:

  • it is not very pleasant to step on it;
  • the granules sizzle when liquid spills on it.

Despite the fact that silica gel composition for cats is created from natural raw materials, it can still cause a chemical burn. This can happen because acids are used in the production of silica gel... If the granules get on the mucous membrane, this can lead to such consequences. Cats can taste it, especially small kittens. Therefore, a silica gel toilet is not the best option. In addition, silica gel is classified as a hazard class 3 substance (moderately hazardous substance).

Fillers from grain, corn or cellulose

These litter boxes are not as popular as others and have the advantage of being low cost and can be disposed of through the sewer system.

To summarize and conclude which litter is best suited for a cat's litter box, we can say that the best characteristics possesses clumping clay toilet.

Together with a fluffy pet, a little kitten, a lot of things come to our house to carry out its normal life: bowls, toys, sleeping place, feline. The filler of the latter must be carefully selected so as not to leave odors, to absorb reliably and to please you and the animal. Often the kitten himself shows which filler for kittens he prefers, simply refusing to go to the toilet with a different filling.

How to choose a litter for a kitten?

Cat litter can be made from various materials... A high-quality filler should thoroughly absorb moisture and lock out the smell, be easy to clean and be quite economical, which is especially important if you have several kittens and adult cats at once, in addition, it should not emit any harmful substances... Now the most popular fillers for cat litters are of the following types:

  1. Wood fillers for kittens are made from sawdust pressed into granules. When wet, such a granule disintegrates, and the sawdust reliably absorbs odor and moisture. These fillers are quite cheap, but at the same time very effective. Wood pellets are not allergenic, so they can be used even for the smallest kittens. In addition, litters are produced for them with a special granule size - smaller than for adult cats. The only drawback is getting into some of the packages of large wooden chips, which can injure the kitten. But they are usually clearly visible with the naked eye and can be easily removed by pouring filler.
  2. Clumping fillers from minerals and clays. Fillers are very convenient to use, as their granules, when exposed to moisture, swell and stick to each other, forming a lump, which can then be easily removed using a special scoop or simply sifting through the contents of the toilet. Most often, special minerals are used as raw materials for such fillers - opalcristobalites and several types of clays. The disadvantage of such a filler may be that it can stick to the kitten's fur and spread throughout the house, and also not always completely eliminate the smell.
  3. Silica gel fillers are synthetic crystals that surpass other types of fillers described above in their absorption properties. In addition, other substances are often added to such fillers, which increase the reliability of absorbing odors and even refresh the air in the room themselves. However, silica gel fillers are more suitable for adult cats and are not recommended for kittens, because the synthetic materials in their composition can cause allergic reactions.

Types of fillers for kittens

The most popular brands of cat litter on the market are: