Feller filler: types and properties. How to choose a feline toilet filler: Tips and Review Review

Feller toilet filler performs several functions at once:
- absorbs moisture (the damp in the tray can lead to the fact that the cat will cease to use it);
- absorbing nasty smell;
- allows the animal to implement its natural desire to "buried" excrement;
- Simplifies the care of the cat, making a cleaning of the tray less frequent.

If a cat or a cat seek to "hide" traces of its livelihood, you can do and completely without filler, installing a tray with a grille: all moisture will flush on the bottom. True, in this case, you need to constantly monitor the status of the tray, try to rinse it after each use and thoroughly wash at least once a day - otherwise there is no avoidance. If such a thorough control of the tray is impossible - you will have to resort to one of the "folk" options for fillers.


The sand absorbs moisture well enough. With the smell, he copes somewhat worse: weakens it, but does not absorb completely. Therefore, if you use sand as a filler, you will have to accept the fact that the smell of cat urine will almost always be felted in the toilet. In addition, the sand grains are very lungs - therefore, when the animal will bury the traces of its life, the floor next to the tray will be covered with sand. However, this trouble can be avoided using high trays with sideboards. The replacement of sand in the cat toilet is produced every 2-4 days.


Torn to small nurses of the newspaper - the old "folk" way to arrange a cat tray, very popular, but at the same time quite troublesome. In order for the cat to be conveniently use the tray, you need to tear the paper quite finely, and it turns it very quickly. You have to change the paper in the tray every day, as a last resort - every other day, and with the smell it copes not very well.

You can purchase a tray with a grid - then the moisture will flush down, and the newspapers will grow slower. So that there is no smell, you need to empty such a tray several times a day.


Wood sawdust is a good alternative to factory fillers. They are comfortable to dig, they hold well and moisture, and the smell - smell such a tray starts only when all sawdust become wet. Therefore, sawdust are one of best species "Folk" fillers. If you use a tray with high sideboards and pour sawdust with a layer of 8-10 centimeters, you can make a feline toilet's cleaning every 5-7 days. True, there is also their inconvenience: dusty sawders, moreover, the smallest particles of wood "stick" to feline legs and spread all over the apartment.

On top of the sawdust you can put a thin layer of pieces of newspapers - then the mud on the floor will be less. You need to change the wet paper daily.

Fuel granules (pellets)

Wood pellets intended for solid fuel boilers are the woodworking waste pressed into the granules and do not differ from wood fillers for cat toilets. When wetting, they scatter on small sawdust, and no less effectively absorb moisture and smell. Pellets are poured into the tray with a thin layer, as they use their volume increases 4-5 times. If you use pellets, you can make cleaning in the tray once every 7-10 days.

Cats clean dogs and rarely shy, where it fell. However, taking a cat to the house, it is necessary to take care of the presence of a feline toilet. If you do not want to spend money - make the tray with your own hands.

You will need:

Plastic pallet or solid cardboard;

Self-adhesive film or a piece of loaf;

Mosquito net.

The easiest way to make a toilet from a plastic pallet. Take the mesh material (mesh mesh or other), cut the rectangle by internal size pallet, cross the edges of scotch or self-adhesive filmso that there is no injuries when changing the toilet. Fall in the pallet layer 1-2 cm from sand or sawdust, cover the homemade grid and the tray is ready.

Instead metal grid You can make a grid of cardboard: Cut a suitable rectangle, plunder completely and make holes with a sewer. The distance between the holes should be no more than 1 cm.

The grid is needed so that the animal does not urinate the paws when urination. Solid excrement is easier to remove from the grid than to drain into the toilet together with the lumps of sand. Just shook the grid above the toilet and rinse.

Toilet can also be made from cardboard - cut the box suitable in size, strengthen, shocking the film or oil. Simple tray does not suit? Reduce the toilet with the help of cat head and letters-stickers.

Cutting a tray from cardboard box, Make one side slightly more than others. Cut from the remaining cardboard something like a cat head (semicircle and ears) and stick to the elongated side. Plug the tray with a film or oilcloth, cover the letter in the form of a cat or cat to the clock.

Bestseller 2 3 Economical flow

Quarter Murlycs have long been tamed with people, but, no matter how surprisingly, the first filler for the cat appeared only in 1947. Cats are very clean animals, so high-quality filler is important aspect Pet content, and many owners once face the difficulties of his choice. First of all, it should be safe for a pet, as situations often occur when the cat swallows the filler. Also, it should have a high level of absorption and neutralization of odors. And, of course, many owners of cats want raw materials to create dust and does not stick to the paws of the pet.

The most popular types of fillers:

  • Wood;
  • Silica gel;
  • Clay.

In action, the raw material for filling can be commercial and absorbing. Comkly, when you get moisture, form easily retractable lumps. To fall asleep in the tray of such a filler you need about 9 cm layer, which is quite a few. Periodically, it must be sucked to maintain a level. It can be concluded that the commercial filler will be needed more. Regarding absorbing species, then everything is exactly the opposite: it does not change the consistency after entering it fluids and it is necessary to replace it completely only after the entire filler is soaked (the periodic slumber of raw materials does not solve the problem of unpleasant odor). The absorbing type of raw materials is quite economical in spending on the background of commercially.

  • Favorable price and quality ratio;
  • Safety;
  • Neutralization of odors;
  • Absorption;
  • Customer reviews;
  • Overall popularity.

Best wood fillers

4 kuzya

Affordable price
Country Russia
The average price: 90 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.8

"Kuzya" is a woody filler, widely distributed in many stores, characterized by a low price, but by a high rating, not at all inferior in quality more expensive counterparts. It is granules produced by pressing sawdust. Fully natural raw material, which effectively masks the smells of a feline toilet and does not secrete toxic components into the air. When contacting with moisture, the granules are crumbled, but the liquid absorb quickly.

Suitable for of different types Trays and very convenient in cleaning, you only need to control the fullness and delete the used sawdust in time. Does not produce dust and does not stick to cats and the walls of its toilet. Natural composition, providing antiseptic properties, and natural for the cat, the view and smell of raw materials make the "Kuzya" filler with a practically the best choice.

3 Clean legs

Best Reviews
Country Ukraine
Average price: 180 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.8

"Clean legs" - an eco-friendly filler made of natural wood Pines pre-treated according to special technology. Pressed into small granules convenient for cats diameter, without adding chemical components and harmful substances. The raw material has increased absorbability and not dust when rash from the package. According to the studies conducted, one package can absorb at least 12 liters of fluid, due to which "clean legs" has a fairly high rating on the woody fillers market.

Antibacterial properties prevent the reproduction of bacteria and the appearance of smell of the tray. Fresh, coniferous fragrance does not scare the animal, but effectively blocks unnecessary smells. "Clean legs" is most safe for the animal and its owners. It is allowed to wash in the sewer. The optimal value of the price and quality gave the filler with many positive feedback on the Internet.

2 N1 Naturel Green Tea

Fresh aromatization
Country: China
The average price: 430 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.9

This fully biodegradable product is manufactured according to a special technology developed in Australia. The composition of the Himalayan cedar wood fibers in combination with the leaves of Ceylon green tea. The lack of chemical additives makes use safe and allows you to take care of environmentwithout polluting it. Symbiosis of wood and tea gives raw materials an unusual fragrance that does not scare the cats and at the same time perfectly eliminates smells when used.

Very economical in use, since one package is enough for a long period, all this time it is necessary to remove commercial granules from the tray on time. It is curious that in the reviews they write that the wood granules "N1 Naturel Green tea»Can also be used as natural fertilizer for plants.

What filler choose: clay, wood or silica gel?

Fillers are made from different raw materials, each has its advantages and disadvantages. To pick up a filler who would like to make a cat and satisfied his owner, you need to know about its positive and negative qualities:




Natural composition

Like most cats

You can not wash off in the sewer


The best absorption of moisture

Will not stick to the paws

Well neutralizes odors

Not dust

You can not wash off to the toilet

Acids in the composition

Hudded with moisture

Unwanted for kittens



You can wash off in the sewer

Natural aroma

Economical flow

Suitable cats of any age

Lipnet to Lapam

Frequent replacement is needed

1 Cat "S Best Eko Plus

The best ratio of price and quality
Country: Germany
Average price: 520 rub.
Rating (2019): 5.0

Comfortable high-quality German production filler is beneficial to its environmentally friendly, natural compositionin which there is only wood ate and pine. The organic components perfectly cope with the elimination of unpleasant odor and have an excellent absorbent ability, in addition, such raw materials can be flush into the toilet without a risk of a cloth.

By numerous positive reviews, It can be concluded that in the everyday use of Cat "S Best Eko Plus" is convenient and economical, one package is used for quite a long time. Combly granules can be easily removed from the tray, without changing all the contents. The filler does not forms dust, does not settle on wool and animal's paws, hygienic and allocates fresh coniferous aroma.

The best silica gel fillers

3 Cat Step.

Economical flow
Country: China
The average price: 560 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.6

"Cat Step" is one of the best sorbents for a feline toilet, produced from the gel dried special way. It is economically spent and ideal for cases when there is no possibility of changing the contents of the tray, the full replacement will be required only in 2-3 weeks. It has excellent absorbability, blocks the smell and does not allocate harmful elements. Absolutely does not produce dust and does not stick to the paws and wool.

The only disadvantage, according to the reviews of cat owners, is that during wetting raw materials makes a crack, which can scare many cats, and when you injected a rustling. But it is worth noting that over time the cats are getting used to and their owners continue to use the silica gel filler on an ongoing basis, as it is effective in combating smells and fully justifies its cost.

2 Prettycat Cleaning Crystals

No allergic reactions
Country Russia
The average price: 560 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.7

High-quality silica gel filler of Russian production is made of a mixture of several types of silica gel, with the addition of flavoring, according to European technologies. Instantly blocks the unpleasant odor and prevents the spread of bacteria and microbes. A long-term positive rating is deserved due to the absence of allergic reactions in animals and people.

The full replacement of the filler in the tray will be required only after a month of use, but it is recommended to mix it every day, for a uniform distribution of wet pellets and smell absorption. The raw material does not apply to the house, as it does not stick to the cat's paws. The shape of the granules does not have sharp uneven edges, therefore, it is eliminated to damage the animal's paw.

1 Siberian Cat Elite

Country Russia
The average price: 750 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.8

Filler S. increased level absorption, made of silica gel, in the form of crystals is pretty large sizeHas an environmentally friendly origin. Instantly absorbs moisture and smells, not giving them to spread. It is well suited for use in the trays without a grid, since the special form of crystals does not allow them to crumble when instillations.

The silica gel composition cannot be thrown into the sewer, but it does not require too frequent replacement, so it is consumed very reasonably and economically, one pack is enough for a long time. The reviews often complain that the filler is quite difficult to find on store shelves, so it is quickly disassembled. Otherwise, the "Elite Siberian Cat" is the best raw material, combining the available price and the effectiveness of neutralization of odors.

The best clay fillers

5 PI-PI-BENT Classic

Close to natural medium
Country Russia
The average price: 455 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.6

In the natural composition of the safe filler "Pi-Pi-Bent Classic" there is only a natural clay, processed by special high-temperature technology, without adding synthetic components. With everyday use, in places where moisture hits, dense lumps are formed, which are easily removed without replacing the entire contents of the tray, one packaging of raw materials is enough for a long time.

Effectively and quickly eliminates all unwanted smells, retains cleanliness and order in the cat toilet and in the whole house, as it does not spread dust and does not remain on the cat's wool. "Pi-Pi-Bent Classic" is extremely easy to replace and safe for a pet even with random swallowing. Reviews are noted that cats immediately get used to raw materials, as it is as close as possible to the natural animal habitat.

4 zonik

The best composition
Country Russia
Average price: 205 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.7

"Zonik" created a qualitative commercial filler of a thermally treated bentonite clay, which instantly absorbs the moisture falling on it and masks the smell, without having no harmful substances. The composition does not require a long-ending cat, as it corresponds to the outdoor natural soil. The clay "zonik", except for excellent absorption, is distinguished by the effective retention of smell, hygienicness and lack of dust.

Do not dock wool cats and space around the tray, does not stick to the walls. Environmentally friendly granules will not cause undesirable reactions, since they do not contain in the composition of glue and other toxic chemical compounds. The lumpy lumps are easily removed locally, which allows you to support the toilet cats at the proper sanitary level. Reviews indicate a rapid addiction of pets to this raw.

3 Barsik Standard

With the addition of wood
Country Russia
Average price: 105 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.8

Barsik Standard is created from the most natural natural components - treated mineral clay, with the addition of natural wood, to improve absorbency. It has pronounced antibacterial and antiseptic properties, natural clay contributes to the removal of inflammation and even healing damage on the animal's legs. Does not require continuous care of the cat's toilet and is very economically spent.

Barsik Standard for several years is considered a bestseller, occupying a leading position in the rating of fillers on russian market. Raw materials does not cause allergic reactions, suitable even for sensitive cats. Reviews confirm his ability to quickly absorb moisture falling on it and not spread the smell, keeping comfortable conditions For both pets and their owners.

2 Ever Clean Fast Acting

Best formula granules
Country: USA
Average price: 870 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.9

Ever Clean Fast Acting is a popular clay bentonite filler, with a unique composition technology. Each of its granules are clothed in its own shell, which gives the contents of the protective effect of bacteria and microbes. Inside, a mixture of activated carbon, basilica and natural eucalyptus extracts, which quickly blocks unnecessary smells, parallel to highlighting a refreshing unobtrusive fragrance.

Raw material has a low level of dust formation, no components, causing allergiesand does not dry the skin on the paws, so the filler is suitable even the smallest kittens. The main advantage in feedback notes the lack of need to often replace the contents of the tray, since when using the clay composition, it forms dense, small lumps that allow no touch other granules around and point to remove the consumed part of the raw material.


Instant control system
Country: USA
Average price: 790 rubles.
Rating (2019): 5.0

Premium Filler, is made from high quality clay with high levels Absorption and lightweight granules. "Fresh Step Extreme Clay" implemented a patented neutralization system of an unpleasant odor, which is immediately activated as soon as the cat begins to use the tray. In the process of direct use, the filler is converted into dense lumps that are easily removed, without requiring the replacement of all raw materials.

The composition is a granule three different colorsEach of which has its own properties. Gray granules perfectly absorb moisture, reliably holding it inside and not allowing liquid to accumulate on the bottom of the tray. Green - fully block all emerging odors; Blue - flavored air indoor. "Fresh Step Extreme Clay" is enriched with antimicrobial components that prevent the spread of dangerous microorganisms in the toilet of the cat.

If a cat appears in the apartment, a toilet is equipped for her. More owners prefer prepared mixes for tray toilets. However, they all vary, and the question arises, "what filler for cats is best"? They are divided into species, each of which has its advantages and disadvantages.

Types of mixes

Feline toilets are made in the form of balls that can be small, medium and large. All of them resemble the natural environment that the cat prefers. Granules are made from different materialsthat well absorb liquid and even smells. Some fillers need to be changed completely, only used balls or lumps are selected from others.

The subference is divided into two main types - absorbing and commercial. They eliminate liquids in different ways. Types of feline fillers have differences and materials for the production of granules:

  • based on minerals;
  • corn;
  • from sawdust trees;
  • based on clay;
  • in the form of silica gel balls.

All fillers are collected differently. Comfortable - in a handful, absorbing - simply crumbles and does not need a daily replacement.

Benefits and disadvantages of mixtures

Feller fillers should be selected, focusing on the age category of animals, their number in the apartment, wool pets and sensitivity. If the skin is very gentle, then it is better to buy a fine-robbed intake, otherwise animals can be born. For cats with long wool, medium or big balls will be suitable.

Comforted mixture

The commercial filler absorbs moisture well, but at the same time rolls into small handhes. Change their cat owner will have once a day. Instead of the romacles used, new ones are poured. However, sometimes the filler can skip the cat to the bottom of the cat. In order to avoid this tray, the mixture is added only by 8-10 cm.

The pluses of the filler refers:

  • efficiency in use;
  • good masking of the smell of urine cats;
  • comfortable cleaning;
  • safety (due to natural materials);
  • it prefers the cats themselves;
  • can be used even for small kittens.

The minuses include high cost, the need for daily replacement. It is also not recommended to use it if there are two or more cats in the house. The commercial filler does not have time to dry, and if there is no grid in the tray - it will also be straightened throughout the room on the paws of the pets.


Absorbing rack has another principle of action. After using a cat tray, the filler structure does not change, but smells and moisture are kept well. However, you need to change the mixture in the toilet completely. The filler is good for owners of several cats at once. The pluses of the mixture refers:

  • no replacement is required every day;
  • perfectly neutralizes the smells of the cat Urin;
  • has a low cost;
  • there are separate varieties of toilet mixtures for kittens;
  • one part is enough for a third of the month.

The disadvantages include the unpleasant smell of the mixture itself. If the filler is used even by half, the cat may refuse to go to the tray.


Mineral filler is considered the best filler for the cat. His balls are made of clay. On average kilogram of the mixture costs only 100 rubles. Minerals are best suited to cats that are still just beginning to teach the toilet. The advantages include:

  • perfectly absorbs the urine of the cat;
  • affordable cost;
  • the formation of easy lumps.

The minuses slightly larger - the filler badly absorbs odors, sticks to the paws. In a dry form, dust flew away from it, so it does not fit cats that love to dig the pits. The mixture can not be washed off in the toilet and use for kittens.

Clay granules

Clay mixtures can be commercial or absorbing. Best brands Made from bentonite clays, swelling from moisture. The mixture has different sizes Balls, large can even make a cat, and small can be used for kittens. Cost per kilogram is about 50 rubles. The filler is sold in packages of 3, 5, 10 kg. Pluses include:

  • natural natural materials;
  • use for small kittens;
  • looks like Earth, so I like cats;
  • big range of varieties.

The minuses include dust, which can be distributed when filling the toilet or during the urination of the cat. If there is no grid on the tray - the filler is partially distributed around the apartment.


For a cat, the best filler is a commercial wood mixture. It is made of sawdust, which are compressed into granules. Most often, coniferous trees are taken for the intake. Cat easily gets used to such a filler. Kilogram of the mixture costs about 100 rubles. The advantages include:

  • the filler is the most environmentally friendly of all kinds;
  • i like cats very much;
  • it has a pleasant coniferous smell;
  • used for kittens;
  • the mixture can be chosen in the toilet.

The only minus of the filler - Sawdust microparticles are sometimes cleaned through the house on the cat's paws.


The silica gel mixture is one of the latest new products. The filler is made of polycremic acid in the form of muddy-white granules with inclusions. The cost of 3.8 liters is approximately 190 rubles. The pluses of the mixture refers:

  • rare replacement (a couple of times a month);
  • the mixture remains dry;
  • not dust and not spread around the house of a cat;
  • quickly absorbs liquid;
  • the mixture does not multiply bacteria;
  • harmless to cats (if they do not eat it);
  • does not release urine and excrement.

The minuses include a fairly high price crisp sound. He often fans and annoys cats. If you get into the stomach, the mixture becomes dangerous for the life of pets.

Corn Mix

The corn mixture is made of cobs. It uses their small-faceted core. The mixture is very similar to wood, but its value is much more expensive and such a subftip is quite rare. The price for the kilo mixtures is about 160 rubles. The advantages include:

  • the mixture is made of natural materials;
  • economical to use;
  • quickly eliminates smells;
  • great absorbing moisture.

The disadvantages include the ease of the granules, as a result, the mixture is often scattered at the tray. The filler has an unpleasant fragrance, which often does not like cats.

What mixture to choose for a kitten?

Since all the sprinkles for the toilet cat are sometimes started to eat, for pets under 4 months, such mixtures are not recommended at all, especially silicogel or mineral. They can lead to animal death.

For kids older than 4 months, fillers with small balls are best. At the same time, the tray must be deep and have a grid so that the baby does not frighten the paws. You can pour two to the toilet different types, on the bottom - woody, top - mineral. If there is a grid on top, then the kittens will not be able to get to the submet to bother.

Principles of choice of fillers

The use of filler has its own characteristics to pay attention to when choosing. For the best absorption of moisture in the first place there are commercial mixtures. The leader is a silica gel filler, the wood and corn varieties go behind it.

By the absorption of the urine of the cat and the neutralization of the smell in the first place there are chemical mixtures, natural somewhat worse. Some mixtures, such as corn, have an unpleasant smell.

If you choose the criterion of flushing into the toilet, lead wood. They are followed by corn. Mineral wash in the toilet cannot be at all. However, wood with corn can be thrown out only in small batches.

According to the criterion of flavors, choose a mixture for cats is very difficult. Some pets attract the smell of lavender, others - needles and vice versa. Sometimes hypoallergenia plays an important role. In this case, for cats are preferred fillers made of natural materials.:

  • clay;
  • wood sawdust;
  • corn cobs.

If you choose the efficiency of use, then the mixtures of mineral components are leading, and then from wood. The most expensive - corn and silica gel fillers. When choosing, it is not necessary to take into account the cost of packaging, but the frequency of replacement of mixtures.

When determining which best filler For a cat toilet, it is necessary to focus on the age category of pets, their number in the house, sensitivity to smells. If you wish, you can use two mixtures at once at the same time. However, themselves optimal options are fillers from natural components.

A homemade pet contained in the house requires constant care. Main question concerns the preservation of the cleanliness of the dwelling. If your favorite animal is a cat, then the primary task in caring for it is the organization of the toilet. To ensure that the cat does not pollute everything around, help the filler for a cat toilet, which will solve problems with hygiene, it is only worth choosing his appearance.

What is a feline feline

Most recently, a feline toilet was a fastened sand or chopped paper pieces. The modern industry quickly adopted a new direction for production, and was invented. special toolwhich many times better copes with the task than the sand. It consists of small granules that imitate the natural natural environment and do not cause the feline rejection family representatives. Granules are made of materials that, after entering the liquid, absorb it, and some even absorb the smell.

Granules size

Feline-toilet fillers are characterized by dimensions of the granules, which is convenient when choosing funds for small and adult individuals. After wetting the granules can change the size or collected lumps. In this case, the whole composition is not required to change, you only need to throw out the thrust elements. The size of the granules (their photos can be viewed on the package) choose, focusing on age, wool length, sensitivity. If you have a kitten or an adult person with sensitive skin, choose small granules. For long-haired cats, it is better to take a large or medium-sized filler.

What a feline filler is better

Feline toilet fillers are divided into two main types: commercial and absorbing. They absorb moisture differently and will take away different time on cleaning. Any species can be made of wood sawdust, silica gel pellets, minerals. The main difference is that the commercial product after use is collected in lumps, which will have to be left immediately, and absorbing absorbs moisture and crumbles that it does not require daily replacement.


According to manufacturers, this type of mixture should absorb moisture and turn into lumps. The owner will have to remove them together with solid waste daily, complementing tray necessary quantity granules. Problems with the fact that the product does not cope with the task, that is, does not absorb moisture, but passes it to the bottom of the tray, due to improper use. It is important to pour only 8-10 centimeters of the composition so that it can turn into lumps in time and eliminate the smell.

Absorbing filler

The principle of action of this type of mixture is completely different. It does not change the structures after use, but also absorbs moisture and holds odors. Change the contents of the tray must be fully after it fully wet. You will know the cat itself, when it refuses to go to the dirty toilet. This filler choose the owners who live a few pets and those who do not want to mess around with a cat toilet every day.

Types of fillers for cats

Pomagazines can offer about eight varieties of cat fillers. They differ in price, manufacturer materials, absorbing properties. One tool may be enough for a month without any replacement, the other will have to change a couple of times a week. In addition to the financial capabilities of the owner, you will have to pay attention to the needs of the pet.


Some of the most purchased tools for cat tray are mineral fillers. They are made of clay pieces. The average price is 100 rubles per kilogram. When choosing, repel from the following features:

  • Pros: Perfectly absorbs moisture, forming lumps that are easy to clean, acceptable price.
  • Cons: it does not speak well with the smell, a small dust comes from it, sticking to the cat's paws, spreads around the house, it is not necessary to wash into the sewer, not suitable for kittens.

In clay granules

This species Products produced two types: commercial and absorbing. Self best brands Produced from bentonite clay, which swell from moisture. When buying, you need to pay attention to the size of the granules. Large granules can affect your pet. Small and medium grains are suitable for kittens. The cost varies from 50 rubles per 1 kilogram. Sold packed 3, 5, 10 kg. When choosing, consider:

  • Pros: Natural Product, a large number of species like cats due to similarity with ordinary land, suitable for kittens.
  • Cons: When using and filling the tray, dust can raise, partially spread through the houses of animals.

Woody mercury

These funds are compressed wood pellets from sawdust. Basically, in the manufacture of coniferous breeds trees. Cats easily get used to this type of product. It is considered one of the most eco-friendly. The owners of the pets will cost a mixture of about 100 rubles per 1 kilogram. When choosing, pay attention to:

  • Pros: Environmentally friendly, the pleasant smell of needles, which animals likes, is allowed to throw in the sewer, suitable for kittens.
  • Cons: The only drawback is that small particles of sawdust can be distributed around the house.


One of the latest developments is a silica gel filler. It is made of polycremic acid, the photo show that it is a muddy white balls with splashes. It costs from 190 rubles for 3.8 liters. This product is distinguished by the following characteristics:

  • Pros: Changing once or twice a month, harmless, prevents the spread of the smell, quickly absorbs moisture, always remains dry, it does not multiply bacteria, it does not spread, not dust.
  • Cons: High cost, makes a crisp sound, which repels many pets, sound can annoy both people, especially when he is distributed at night, it can be dangerous for kittens when hitting the esophagus.


Another material for making a feline toilet - corn cobs. The corn filler makes from their small-handed core. This species looks like a woody, but on sale is occurring much less and costs more. The initial price is approximately 160 rubles per 1 kg. When you select, repel from the following data:

  • Pros: perfectly absorbs moisture, smells, natural natural raw materials, economical.
  • Cons: very light, because of what it is easily scattered around the tray, it has a specific smell that may not like the animal.

How to use a feline toilet filler

Feller filler is easy to use. It is necessary to pour into the tray a smooth layer of a mixture with a height of 5-10 centimeters. Some manufacturers may indicate the exact amount of the mixture to be observed. Then the tool absorbs moisture correctly and forms a lump. The commercial look is cleansed daily, removing hardening and solid excrement. Then they shine a new portion. Absorbing species change as the pollution is completely (1 time in 5-10 days). Before replacing the tray is thoroughly wash. Some means are allowed to wash off to the toilet, others - throw away.

How to choose

Often, the owners of fluffy pets have to try not one kind of mixture for the tray before being best option For convenience and suitable for the cat itself. Each makeup has its own characteristics. The mixtures differ in the ability to absorb moisture, to hold odors. They can be hypoallergenic, flavored. These indicators should pay attention, choosing a filler.

Ability to absorb moisture

The best ability to absorb moisture is observed in commercially mixtures. They do not just absorb her, but form a solid lump that does not scatter and does not dock a clean agent. The silica gel filler is leading in this area, which remains completely dry for a long time. Wood and corn formulations are not worse, but they scatter and require frequent replacement.

Absorption and retention odor

In the fight against the unpleasant smell of a cat's toilet, the hosts are ready to go on a lot, including not to skip on expensive mixes, which differ in the ability to neutralize odors. The mixtures produced from chemical compounds are again leading on this parameter. More natural views due to their natural qualities eliminate the unpleasant aroma worse, and such a mixture, like corn, in itself has an unpleasant smell.

Ability to wash off in the toilet

For many owners, the ability to wash off the used filler in the toilet is determined. You do not have to mess with a package for garbage, if you buy woody, corn products. Manufacturers warn that the mixture used must be sent to the toilet with small portions to avoid blockages. Mineral to this number do not belong. It is forbidden to rinse them into the sewer.

The presence of flavoring

This technique is used by many manufacturers to flavoring a mixture for a feline toilet. This is one of the ways to combat unpleasant smellsBut often it leads to the opposite result. In a nice smelling tray, many pets simply refuse to walk. If even the packaging attracts you the inscription "with the smell of lavender" or another popular plant, do not hurry to acquire such a mixture. Your cat may not evaluate a noble fragrance.


Safety of the health of the pet will provide the mixtures that are made of natural materials, such as wood chips, corn cobs, clay. The silica gel product in this plan loses, although it is positioned completely harmless. Allergies can even cause those natural materialswho raise when using a cloud of dust because the cat will have to inhale it.


The most economical is the mixture for trays from mineral components. Next is wood. Expensive includes silica gel products, corn. When buying, it is necessary to take into account not only the cost of packaging, but the frequency with which you will have to empty the tray. So, dear silica gel mixtures are cheaper than others, because they require a replacement of only 1-2 times a month, and woody, for example, have to change every three days if your cat refuses to go to the already submissive, although more suitable, filler.

Feline toilet fillers rating

One of the first in the line of popular products in this category is the Fresh Step Extreme Clay filler. Buyers noted that it does not cause rejection from cats:

  • name: Fresh Step Extreme Clay;
  • price: 1498-1768 r.;
  • characteristic: 15.8 kg, clay, absorbing, antibacterial, protects against smell;
  • pros: washed off in the toilet, it is convenient in cleaning;
  • cons: not discovered.

In second place is the N1 Crystals tool. This is a silica gel filler, one packaging of which is enough for a long time:

  • name: N1 Crystals;
  • price: 1845-1925 r.;
  • characteristic: 30 l volume absorbing, silica gel, protects against smell, hypoallergenic,
  • pros: Well holds moisture, it will not stick to the paws;
  • cons: very dusty.

The third place is occupied by Catsan Hygiene Plus. It is chosen when the house appears little kitty:

  • title: Catsan Hygiene Plus;
  • price: 392-836 r.;
  • characteristic: The volume of 10 liters absorbing, consists of chalk, quartz sand, has antibacterial unique properties, protects against smell;
  • pros: Suitable for little kitten, the micropores perfectly absorb the smell and clog moisture;
  • cons: not discovered.

In the fourth place in demand, buyers are a feline filler for the Cat Step toilet. It is acquired in small volumes, since it does not require frequent replacement:

  • title: Cat Step;
  • price: 240-304 p.;
  • characteristic: 3.8 l, silica gel, absorbing, protects against smell, hypoallergenic, for long-haired cats;
  • pros: Excellent absorbs a large amount of moisture and smell;
  • cons: not discovered.

Another means that prefers to buy cat owners for their pets - Pi-Pi-Bent Classic. This filler is made of natural material:

  • title: Pi-Pi-Bent Classic;
  • price: 399-589 r.;
  • characteristic: 10 kg, commercially clay, protects against feline urine odor;
  • pros: prevents the spread of bacteria;
  • cons: not discovered.

Where to buy a filler for cats

The easiest way to buy a feline toilet filler in one of the many online stores. They provide products in a wide range at affordable prices. detailed features, photo, which will make your choice facilitate. Delivery is paid for free and free. The list of the first shows stores: Yuiso, Zoo1, Zoosher, Magizoo. You can personally visit the chain of the stores "Four paws", "Beethoven", Zoo City and others.
