What is evidenced by taste addictions (sperpet on the expanses). Secrets of male preferences

It turns out that each emotion has a certain taste or aroma, and therefore, by eating certain products, it is possible to influence their psycho-emotional state.

Modern doctors noticed that psychological factors of diseases are so strong that they are often dominated by treatment over physiological factors. It is also noticed that the taste needs of man depends and determined by his mental and emotional state, not on reasonable feasibility. And this is due to the fact that food is a source of not only nutrients for physical organism man, but also forms his emotional potential of the psyche. Simply put - gives strength to emotions.

The taste of food is emotions.

According to Ayurveda, there are 6 tastes:

  • sweet
  • sour
  • salty
  • bitter
  • tart
  • astringent

And if all these tastes are present in a balanced state, then food gives man health and happiness. If this harmony is disturbed, which often depends on disadvantages of character and behavior, then diseases come.

So, for example, in a state of laziness, a person wants a sweet taste. Sweet taste is useful, but from its excess, i.e. excess sugar in the body decrease protective forcesThe metabolism and function of the liver, pancreas, small vessels is disturbed, the vision suffers. It is noticed that a lot of sweet, especially in the evening, consume those who try not to solve their problems.

Testing a mountain, a person unconsciously seeks to diversify his diet with such bitter products as: mustard, rye bread, coffee. As a result, a high probability of chronic infections, blood diseases and a bone system appear. Pessimistic, touchy man constantly strives to eat sour. And acidic in excessive amounts harm the heart, light, stomach, intestines, joints, violates the inner medium of the body.

A fussy, strained person just loves salty food. He loves her so much that she is ready to eat even sweets with salt. And unnecessarily salty is the enemy of vessels of the whole organism, bronchi, kidneys, joints. Stubborn, assertive, unrestrained people love overly tart. Such food leads to diseases of hormonal organs, bronchi, spine, joints, bones.

Advisions for acute food are peeling angry, excessive temperamental people, resulting in inflammatory processes in the liver, pancreas, stomach, heart, genital organs. The need for fried food in humans arises in the presence of rudeness, feeling fatigue and disgust to work. And this leads to overload of the vessels of the brain, liver, stomach, hormonal and immune functions are disturbed.

Greedy people love excessively fat, which leads to diseases of the stomach, liver, bone system, metabolic disorders.

Food and Stress

People who are in constant mental tension do not know how to be distracted by problems, prefer to toned the body of tea, coffee, atrochemus, scenic.

Staying in such a state, a person, as a rule, begins to smoke, drink alcohol and other means of poisoning.

Anyway, but at the physiological level, the result of such habits is the defeat of the vessels of the brain, heart, kidneys, liver. Moreover, the functions of the sex glands are reduced and the blood circulation system suffers.

Irritable, stubborn, greedy, fussy people love a lot there are hurry while eating - appears excess weight, Blood pressure disorders, hormonal disorders, violations in the spine, reduced the protective forces of the body.

Food and modern world

When worried, greed, efretta To people, cruelty, excessive attachment to things appear for meat. And cruelty and straightness causes a tremendous need for fish products. As a result - pessimism, constant irritability, malignant tumors, accidents.

In addition, these meat and fish require a lot of energy to digest, which results in the weakening of all other functions of the body, including the natural desire for self-esteem. Diseases are moving into a chronic course.

So, what emotions are associated with food. Let's summarize:

    grief - bitter emotions,

    fear - has a binding character.

These two emotions aggravate psycho-energy flows in the human body, called Vata in Ayurveda.

    envy - acid emotion,

    anger - caustic emotion.

These two emotions exacerbate "Peit".

    desire and passion - sweet emotions,

    greed - Salted emotion.

These two enhance the kapu.

A man who is passionate about his beloved business, goodwillful to people, is not inclined to the perversions of their taste qualityAnd thereby, increases the ability to be healthy and happy.

Thus, the hobs of its negative traits, we acquire violations of the harmonious taste, which, in turn, makes meat, fish, fried, tea, cocoa, coffee. Excessively sweet, -the, -set, -the, -gigant,-silent, -stroy. And with incorrect nutrition, diseases are developing. This is how the mechanism of punishment of a person for negative character qualities works. Therefore, you are fighting harmonious and balanced, eliminate meat, fish, coffee, reduce the amount of roasted, and then you will help your body get rid of many diseases. Published

P.S. And remember, just changing your consumption - we will change the world together! © Econet.

All people are absolutely different, so everyone has their own individual taste preferences. So, for example, someone just can not live without sweets and chocolate, others without salty, and for third lives - this is not life without milk and kefir. First of all, a frequent change in taste preferences is most of all inherent in women during a child tooling, however, it has its own logical explanation.

Let a small, but already a person who is in the womb requires certain vitamins and trace elements for its normal growth and development. And since it is possible to get everything you need only from products that feeds the mother, then, accordingly, the taste preferences are due to this.

Quite often, pregnant representatives of weak gender eating cottage cheese and gnaw chalk, in order to fill the lack of calcium in its body. Such a strange preference contributes to the development of the Bone System of the Future Baby. In the event that such a addiction to chalk is experiencing an adult person who is not associated with pregnancy, this is a clear reason that the hemoglobin level is too low. Such an indicator signals that there was a failure and a person needs medical care.

From the point of view of psychology, absolutely all sensations are a processing product nervous system stimuli, which can occur both in the inner and in external environment. All taste sensations can be divided into four groups: salty, sweet, bitter and sour.

As a rule, the taste sensations arise in a person with an impact on them with substances that have low molecular weight. Therefore, all taste areas have absolutely different sensitivity to the sensation, for example, to salted food.

For example, the tip of the tongue is most sensitive to the sweet, the edge is to acidic food, and the base is characterized with bitter food.

Each product has its own definite limitations if they do not comply with, then a person may have certain health problems. Consider in more detail those foods whose overeating may indicate any failed in the body:

  • Salted food. Almost everyone knows that the average value of salt consumption per day should not exceed six grams. Those who constantly seem that the food is incomplete and the person constantly wants to eat something salty, then it may say that there are too few products in its diet that contain protein in its composition. However, it is impossible to exclude salt from its diet, since it contains a sufficient amount of iodine, which is necessary to human organism;
  • Cheese fans. The organism of people who simply do not represent their life without cheese is most likely suffering from calcium and phosphorus deficiency. Cheese in principle does not harm the body, but has a high calorie content, and as a result of its frequent use, an obesity can be earned;
  • Dairy products undoubtedly have only a beneficial effect on the human body, however, specialists are tied with a lack of calcium, lysine, leucine and tryptophan;
  • Excessive thrust for marine products such as sea cabbageshrimp or sea \u200b\u200bfish It suggests that there is an insufficient level of iodine in the body. Iodine deficiency, as you know, can lead to diseases of the thyroid gland, if it does not correct the situation on time;
  • A person who is experiencing a passion for spices and seasonings in most cases has problems associated with breathing. Phytoncides who in large quantities It is contained in spices help protect the organism from various infections from entering it. Thus, the human body is trying to protect himself from diseases;
  • Bananas lovers unconsciously try to fill the lack of potassium in the body. It is worth remembering that bananas are very calories, so so as not to gain extra kilograms can be replaced by other products;
  • Almost all people love chocolate, however, this love is expressed in different ways. So, for example, someone has a single chocolate for a whole month, and someone will have few for one day. Explicit lovers of sweet most often suffer from the lack of iron and magnesium, but overweight comes with useful trace elements. Therefore, experts recommend replacing a sweet delicacy on a hazelnut or buckwheat bar, which will help to fill iron and potassium, but without visible damage to the figure.

However, preferences that a person gives for a particular dish is not always a mandatory sign that it develops any disease. Pay attention to such excessive interest is still worth it, and to obtain a consultation it is best to turn to a qualified specialist.

Character and Food

Scientists who conduct a lot of research in psychology have proven that knowing human preferences in food can be determined by its character. On the part of psychology, most specialists agree that addiction to one or another type of product is formed in a person even in early childhood.

It was at that time that most people felt carefree carelessly, therefore, at the subconscious level, a person tries to return himself at the time with which he had many positive impressions and new tastes.

Psychologists one by one beloved fruit or vegetable can tell a lot about the character of man, namely:

  • The one who loves constantly eating apples is a reliable, constructive and conservative person;
  • Pear lovers are considered real optimists who will not be discouraged under any circumstances;
  • People preferring bananas are sensitive and wounded personalities who are very hard to criticize;
  • Fans of grapes can not stay alone;
  • The lovers of strawberries are actually loved beautiful life And it can be very easy to find a common language with any person. However, it is very jealous and can roll the scandal on an empty place;
  • The one who live can without cherry or sweet cherries are actually eternal small childwho loves various kinds of surprises and gifts. Such people are truly sincere and kind;
  • The taste of the feelings that the person receives from the use of oranges characterizes it with energetic. Such people are very easily found a common language and possess the talent of the location to themselves.

In addition, psychologists claim that character can be defined not only by fruit preferences, but also if they are mixed with vegetables. For example, from a combination of cucumber and a melon, brave representatives of strong sex are obtained, there are a lot of athletes and travelers among such people. But people who prefer tomatoes in combination of watermelons are fun and active.

Surely most people even think could not think that their taste sensations are psychologists can associate with characteristic features. But, as you can see this, there is a direct evidence, and one only preference will be able to tell a lot of interesting.

Sakulina Ulyana, Sakulin Timofey

Study of taste preferences boys and girls.



Management of general and vocational education

administration of the Tchaikovsky Municipal District

IX Municipal Conference of Student Research

general and Additional Education

"I am a researcher"

Direction: Science about man


Taste preferences

Work performed:

Pupils 3 "b" class Maou School number 10

Sakulin Ulyana

Sakulin Timofey

Leader: Yurkova G.A.

Teacher start. Classes Maou Sosh number 10

Tchaikovsky, 2015

Introduction ................................................... .................................................. ........................ 3.

Chapter I ................................................................................................ 5

  1. Secrets of diversified twins ................................................... ...............................five
  2. Secrets of power ................................................ .................................................. .....five
  3. Taste preferences of men and women, boys and girls .................... 6

Chapter II ............................................................................................. 8

2.1 Comparative diagnostics ............................................... ......................................eight

2.2 Taste preferences of our peers .............................. ................ 9

2.3 Opinion of specialists ................................................. ..............................................eleven

Conclusions................................................. .................................................. ........................fourteen

Bibliographic list ................................................ ..........................................fifteen

Applications .................................................................................... ..16.


Everyone knows that the twins are native people who were born at the same time at the same mom, they are in many ways similar. We are the diverse twins Ulyana and Timofey - learn in grade 3. We have a lot in common, but at the same time there are differences (Appendix 2. Photo 1,2,3,4). Previous research on our development has shown that we are developing both physiologically and mentally, approximately the same. Of course, we have several different interests, because we are a boy and a girl. From Mom, we heard that she was not always so easy to cook for us, since our taste preferences are different. And at the same time she really wants us to eat right. We were interested in these questions, and we decided to figure it out.

We faced the problem: our tastes do not coincide, despite the fact that we are twins. Is always taste addiction of boys and girls different?

The purpose of our study:detection of taste addies of boys and girls of our age and comparing them with the tastes of other twins students in our school.


1. To explore the literature on this issue.

2. To spend the survey of our peers.

3. Find out the taste addiction of other twins students in our school.

4. Consult with a gastroenterologist on the issue of proper nutrition.

5. To summarize the results of the study and draw conclusions.

Hypothesis: We assume that boys and girls, even if they are twins, there are different taste addictions, as well as proper nutrition - is the use of food that likes.

Object of study:twins Timofey and Ulyana.

Subject of study:food preferences in twins.

Research methods:

1. Literature study and analysis

2. Observation

3. Comparison

4. Consultation

5. Analysis

6. Questioning

Chapter I.

1.1. Sequrets of diversified twins

Miscellaneous twins are boys and girls born in mom as a result of multiple pregnancy.

Miscellaneous twins are always twins of diverse. They have from 40 to 60% of general genes, like ordinary brothers and sisters. The external similarity of the millet twins can be striking ("like two drops of water"). It also happens that the twins are not at all like each other. Distollable twins grow in unique conditions. They are together developing intrauterine, born in one day, together grow after birth, spend a lot of time with each other and have a strong influence on each other.

Miscellaneous twins seem to be learn from each other - the boy takes the ability to be softer and gentle from the girl, and the girl learns to be more bold, decisive, strong. The total family atmosphere, common interests, classes, alone and the same friends - all that is usually accompanied by the development and formation of the personality of twins - all this brings closers, unites the partners in the twin pair, makes them similar to each other.

Among other things, diverse twins - boys and girls - differ in school academic performance, for interests (boys are inherent in more "men's" interests, women's girls), they more often have a different circle of communication, different friends.

The main thing and most an important rule - Twins need to be perceived as independent and different individuals who have their own interests, their affairs, their secrets, their own orders.

How are things about the taste of twins preferences.

1.2. Power sections

Follow the food tradition since ancient years. In those distant times, our ancestors used very little food. Feeding with edible roots, raw fruits, seeds, raw meat and raw fish, ancient people for a long time could do without food at all. First, it was not abundant, and secondly, the whole diet consisted of full-fledged natural products, which were digested slowly, and saturated the body with everything necessary. Having learned the fire in the cooking process, a person involuntarily increased his diet about twice. Baked meat has become much more tastier, it is easier and fasterly digested, and at one time it could be eaten much more. Using in the process of cooking meat fragrant herbs, root, salt, man managed to increase his food diet several times. As a result, people began to eat regularly several times a day, and regardless of the feeling of hunger, on schedule. Creating all sorts of culinary recipes, the man learned to stuff a lot more of all sorts of food than it was able to our distant ancestors. High tech And the rapid development of the food and chemical industry produced a real coup, replacing natural products refined. High-quality cleaning leads to the fact that the natural product is getting rid of everything that it was useful. Through the use of flavoring additives and high-tech production, ready-made dishes from refined products look and smell quite appetizing. For one reception, you can eat such a number of food that our ancestors would have enough for a week.

1.3.And preferences of men and women, boys and girls

Men and women have various taste preferences in food, which have proven studies of scientists. They found that there are differences in the diet between men and women. The studies of the American society of microbiology on the example of 14 thousand people demonstrated that: men prefer meat products, and women are more often eating fruits and vegetables.
Also, women compared to men more often enrich the diet nuts, eggs and dairy products (yogurt, cheese).

Scientists found out that boys and girls perceive the taste in different ways and have different taste preferences. Scientists of Copenhagen University conducted a study among Danish schoolchildren. For participation in the experiment, about 8-9 thousand children were involved. The test system (each child was given a set of substances to test the feeling of taste) made it possible with high accuracy to evaluate the ability of children to distinguish the intensity of the sweet and sour taste, as well as calculate the number of receptors in the language. According to the result of the test, the ability to recognize the taste of girls is more pronounced than that of boys: the threshold of sensitivity in boys is 10% higher, if it comes to a sour taste, and by 20%, if sweet. In addition, the boys like strong flavoring sensations, and girls prefer more "soft" taste. Girls also show less interest in sweet and sour than boys. Moreover, according to the results of the study, the number of taste receptors in boys and girls equal, so that differences in the perception of taste are explained, apparently, by some features of the "processing" of information.

As the observations have shown, products from which children are most often refused - these are products from the category of useful food!
According to the results of the survey were identified 10 unloved children's products. This is carrots, eggs, beans, asparagus, cheese, onion, rice, minced, cauliflower, cabbage.

Chapter II.

2.1. Comparative analysis

It became interesting for us to find out whether the boys and girls really have different taste addictions, and which means the term "proper nutrition". And since we are twins - a boy and a girl, we decided to explore our tastes.

As a basis, we took the stories of mom about what food we preferred in early childhood, the portfolio that we were brought in children's garden No. 20 and our own observations.

Mom told us that Timofey refused breast milk In 3 months, and Ulyana hardly learned from him in 1.5 years. When they were allowed to adord, Timofey was happy to eat kishkas, and Ulyana preferred a fruit puree.

That is, even in infancy, our tastes were different.

In the portfolio in the section "I love" we found information that:

at 3 years:

Tim loves porridge (any), glazed raw materials "Bumpy";

Ulya - bananas, oatmeal cookies;

At 5 years:

Tima - dumplings, cutlets;

Ulya - Mandarins, cottage cheese;

At 7 years:

Tima - oatmeal, Apple juice;

Ulya - Cheesecakes, Salad from fresh cucumbers and tomatoes.

After analyzing the portfolio, we came to the conclusion that Tim at the age of three to seven years gave preference to more "solid" food - porridge, dumplings, and a wang - fruit, vegetables and cottage cheese.

Now we are 9 years old, but the beloved food of Ulyana is still vegetables, fruits, dairy products, and Timofey is ready to eat alone pasta. (Appendix 2. Photo 5,6,7)

But at the same time, we are equally loved ice cream, cakes, carbonated drinks, shankings, which are baked to us grandmother, pizza, borsch, baked with meat cheese, cocoa, and, of course, candies and chocolate. This list can continue yet the so-called "fast food" - "Fast Food" - Hamburgers, Tortils, Potatoes "Fries", etc. (Appendix 2. Photo 8.9)

2.2. Taste preferences of our peers

It became interesting for us, what are the taste preferences of our classmates and the same as we, twins studying in our school. We spent survey among them.

Questions questionnaire:

1) Your eating preferences: soups, porridge, meat, fish, fruits, vegetables, pasta, dumplings, dairy products (underhang);

2) Your most favorite dish.

After analyzing the questionnaires of our classmates, (Appendix 1. Chart 1) (the questionnaires filled 25 people) We found out that both boys and girls love the same:

  • fruit (100%),
  • dairy products (boys-98%, girls-100%),
  • pelmeni (boys-87%, girls-90%),

with a small difference in the percentage:

  • meat (boys-93%, girls-80%),
  • pasta (boys-73%, girls-80).

Soups (boys-73%, girls-40%), porridge (boys- 47%, girls-20%), fish (boys-53%, girls-30%) give preference boys, and vegetables (boys-50%, Girls-70%) - Girls.

The most favorite dishes most boys and girls called pizza, sushi, chicken, pancakes.

To secure the result, we decided to spend the survey also among the guys from parallel classes (Appendix 1. Chart 2). Anktration was attended by 80 people - 49 girls and 31 boy. It turned out that preferences are the same:

  • fruits (boys-90%, girls-92%),
  • meat (boys-82%, girls-85%),
  • dumplings (boys-45%, girls-50%),
  • makaroni (boys-63%, girls-58%) love the same and boys and girls.

Boys prefer soups (boys-75%, girls - 33%), porridge (boys-40%, girls-31%), girls - vegetables (boys-30%, girls-47%).

And only the fish equally chose the minimum number of children (boys-25%, girls-22%).

Among the most favorite dishes in the first place was also a pizza, behind her - sushi, pasta, chicken, fried potatoes.

We conducted a survey also among twins, students in our school (Appendix 2. Photo 10). It turned out that the tastes of the twins brothers coincide - both chose meat and fruits, the tastes and sisters were coincided, they prefer vegetables, pasta and dumplings. But everyone's favorite dishes are different: one of the boys loves ice cream, the other is a pizza, one of the girls - porridge, and the second - dumplings.

That is, it can be concluded that the tastes in children of our age are largely converging, but if we consider boys and girls separately, then our taste addiction is really different. Our hypothesis was confirmed.

2.3. Opinion of specialists

In the process of research, we consulted the gastroenterologist and pediatrician. (Appendix 2. Photo 12)

Our first question: What does the term "proper nutrition" mean?

Power - the basis of health, it must be balanced. That man eats, such and is formed. A person must necessarily get 5 classes of food substances for the normal functioning of all organism systems.

1st Class - Carbohydrates. This is the source of energy so that the person just lived, moving, worked, studied.

2nd class - proteins. Our muscles are being built, internal organs, protective substances are produced.

3rd grade - fats. They serve as a source of energy, and indispensable fatty acids (omega-3, omega-6) reduce cholesterol content in the blood.

4th grade - Vitamins. They need our body as water and air, our health and quality of our life directly depend on them. They are playing the most important role In the exchange of substances, the development of the body.

5th grade - minerals and trace elements such as calcium, phosphorus, iron, iodine and others. They are extremely important in the regulation of metabolic processes.

For the organization of proper nutrition can serve as a pyramid healthy nutrition (Appendix 3. Figure). It is based on the products containing carbohydrates. These are bakery products, porridge. These products should be 40% of the daily power supply. At the second level - vegetables 3-5 different items, fruits 3-4 items. This will be a 30% daily diet. At the third level - protein products: Milk: (kefir, yogurts, milk, cheese), meat and fish dishes, beans, nuts, seeds. And on top of the pyramid - products containing vegetable and animal fat (vegetable, butter), as well as sweets. They will make up 10% of the daily diet. So that the child is normal to grow and develop, he needs to receive daily:

  • time daily dairy products
  • times daily meat or fish dishes (better than 1 time meat and 1 time fish), as well as egg
  • 4 times a day vegetables and fruits
  • 4 times a day of whole cereals

It is desirable to eat 5-6 times a day. During food it is impossible to talk, you need to carefully chew food. It is impossible to eat after exercise. It is undesirable to drink immediately after eating, it needs to be done in 30 minutes. Food should not be too hot or cold.

In the morning it is better to eat oatmeal, a piece of bread with butter or buckwheat porridge with milk.

11 hours - meat or fish.

Lunch - broth, vegetables, meat.

Dinner - more vegetables.

In the intervals between the main techniques of food - fruit.

For night - fermented dairy products.

Proper nutrition is an prerequisite Physical, neuropsychic development, maintaining health, effective schoolchildren.

Our second question:Your attitude to the so-called "fast food" - "Fast Fud"?

Harm "Fast Fud" is very high, in its composition a lot of fats and sugar and little useful substances and vitamins. it enemy digestive systemSo refers to unhealthy food. Of course, if you eat one hamburger or pizza per month, then it will not bring much harm to the body. But if you make the nutrition, "Fast Food" regular, obesity and other problems can not be avoided.

The conversation was very instructive.

We found out that proper nutrition is a balanced nutrition, when in the body in the necessary quantity come nutrients - proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. Proper nutrition can give us health, mind and beauty.

But to get involved in pizza, frost potatoes, hamburgers and similar "tasteless", as they can harm health.

As a result of our research, I found out that it was pizza, pancakes, friction potatoes ", and the like. They are the most beloved food in children.

Our second hypothesis about the fact that it is easy to eat is to eat only that food that liked, not confirmed.


Having spent our research and listening to the recommendations of the doctor, we came to the conclusions:

1. Tastes of children of one age are largely similar.

2. If we consider the taste preferences of boys and girls individually, then they are different. The same situation in cases with twins.

3. Power should be balanced, that is, when nutrients are in the body in the body in the required quantity - proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals.

4. "Fast Food" refers to unhealthy food and is it possible not more than once a month.

5. Food should be not only delicious, but also useful.

Thus, our first hypothesis was confirmed, we denied the second hypothesis.

Also as a result of our study, we once again have been convinced that twins, despite the fact that they have a lot in common, there are also many differences. This is the fact that our taste preferences are different.

Bibliographic list

1. http://portal-woman.ru. "Calorie food"

2. http: //twins/popular.ru/twins/items/st53.html "Development of twins"

3. http://mpdm.ru. Magazine "Mom Dad Children." Article "Food Traditions from Ancient times to this day"

4. http://ourboys.ru "Boys prefer brighter tastes"

Tests never come to us in the form in which we prefer.

On the edge (The Edge)

Love is an unconditional preference for one person to everyone else.
Philosophical Aphorisms

Preference (preference) as the quality of personality - the ability of the mind and reason to recognize the benefits of anyone else; To make a choice in favor of whom the mind or mind recognized as the best in comparison with anyone, anything else.

From among the grooms of his daughter, feminocles preferred good man Before rich, saying: " Better man Without money than money without a person. "

I decided to create a family and donate with a bachelor life. And he had three lovers, and he thought for a long time he was taken to his wife. And he decided to check them and gave each 5000 dollars.

The first one decided to do everything to look stunningly: scaped dear and stylish clothes, visited the elite beauty salon, acquired the best cosmetics: "I love you and want you to always be proud of your beautiful wife," she said to him.

The second spent all the money on the beloved: I bought him an expensive suit, shirt and tie, ordered required tool For his car. "You're all that I have, I live only by you and therefore I spent all the money on you!" - heard a man from her.

The third launched the money received in turnover, doubled them and gave a man. - I'm ready for everything to you. I did so that you know that I am independent, smart and economical! And the man thought. It was not easy to choose. As a result, he gave preference to that girl who had a breast more!

Preference - the ability of the mind to recognize the advantages of one object over the other. Real, psychological preferences with a cloth will not erase. They are determined by consciousness. They go from past lives. One prefers to be a warrior, a second - a doctor, and the third - blacksmith. Even a newborn baby already has preferences. He already likes something, something does not like something, he is already smiling or crying, already has preferences.

If we respect the preferences of another person - it means that we respect His mind. Personal preferences are individual. Preference shows that it's closer to us, more relevant and relative. Everything is relative. Preference is based on comparison. The mind will say that he likes more than everything else. The mind will tell me that it is more useful, more efficient, safer, more profitable.

When preferences and personal desires are observed, man is joyful and satisfied. It is right. It is stupid to give preference to what I do not like what is harmful and inefficient. We can not engage in self-deception for a long time and make yourself believe that I like what you really do not like. The energy of the soul will inevitably push the preferred one who likes.

Preferences do not tolerate violence. It is impossible to change the preferences of another person at its discretion. I like something else, you can not change it. Someone does not like semolina, And you even say to him, everything is a demon. His sick of it. Therefore, the imposed preference is not visibility.

Even on the deathbed, preference remains in the consciousness of a person. Great philosopher Zhuang Tzu was lying on her deathbed, and students were going to arrange a lush funeral. Zhuang Tzu said: - The sky and the earth will be me an inner and external coffin, the sun and the moon - a pair of jade disks, stars - pearls, and all the darkness of things - posthumous offerings. Is it not enough for my funeral? What can add to this? "But we are afraid," pupils answered, "that you, a teacher, clock crows and cruise. Zhuang Tzu said: - I got to the corners and Korshunas on Earth, I will go to the eartles to the earth. Why are those preference for ants?

Neither the family nor the nation or the country does not affect the spiritual preference. The soul has no nationality, namely it determines preferences. Philosopher Vyacheslav Roveov says: "Neither the family nor the nation nor the country defines spiritual preference. That is, the condition of the soul is determined by the preferences of the soul. It is impossible to determine the spiritual destination by nation or by the country or on the family. This is called, in general, freedom of religion, i.e. Another worldview in the same tradition, in the same family, in the same nation, in the same confession in the same nation, in the same confession, can absolutely calmly.

There may be different worldview. Therefore, it is freedom. Love - she can not be according to tradition. According to tradition, love cannot be. Another calling can be traditionally, but love cannot be exactly right. Those. Love is always a free choice, always. Therefore, there are no preliminary prerequisites to somehow introduce a person's love in the framework. Enter into some framework. Therefore, in general, at this level, problems begin, because we are trying to determine the spiritual life, to determine the love of some historical facts. Well, there are problems here. No, the man's soul is completely free in his choice, and it is impossible to force it, it is useless. Of course, it is possible to appear, in principle, there are no problems, but it will not change the situation.

If, indeed, a person has a spiritual life, he will not be able to change it. If there is love, then you do not beat her from the heart. He can behave so that he did not swear, it is yes. The fact why not, but it will not leave the heart, so it will not solve the problem. You need to be careful, so we must understand that there is no reason to take our point of view. They can have their own point of view, this is freedom. When we accept someone else's freedom, others take our freedom. If we do not accept someone else's freedom, then our freedom is also not accepted, so starting war - intimidate, interstate, other, interreligious. You need to be able to take someone else's freedom of will.

Jokes in the topic.

In the medical institute there is a lecture. Professor says: - Before you call you the topic of today's lecture, I will tell you the case of my own life. When I was a student, I liked one girl. She liked another student. The girl preferences to the student. I stayed with my nose, and that young man - without nose. Now I will announce the topic of today's lecture: "Syphilis and his consequences."

Dear, what do you do if I do not come back today? - I will write on your tombstone: "He had a bright future, but he preferred a bright memory!"

Peter Kovalev

The fact that the desire to eat something salt or sour, arising from a girl or a woman, is primarily associated with possible pregnancyIt has already been a long time for the theme of the folk folklore. But it turns out, both in women, and men periodically arise an insurmountable need to eat one or another product with a certain taste.

Do not ignore this desire. On the contrary, it is worth listening to it, since it is one of the ways of our body to report that negative changes occur in certain organs or system of organs. As a rule, they are caused by the deficit of certain: vitamins or minerals.

Dairy products - with calcium and tryptophan deficiency.

If you suddenly have a desire to taste almost all dairy products, from the "live" yogurts to a kefir and ryazhenka, including whole milk - this is the message of your body about the lack of calcium. This usually occurs after injuries associated with bone fractures, after taking the course of antibiotics, which inhibit the intestinal microflora and lead to intensive removal of some microelements from the body, including calcium.

Such taste preferences may appear in with eliminating when the bone system begins to collapse. Additional sources of calcium are many types of cabbage: white, broccoli, especially Chinese.

Another reason for the desire to include cottage cheese in its menu is a disadvantage of one of the 10 vital organism, Amino acids - tryptophan. Products with tryptophan content are additional natural antidepressants, since this amino acid participates in processes associated with relaxation and relaxation. From its synthesis in required quantitiesdepends on our mood.

In addition, tryptophan, obtained by the organism from food, participates in the process of synthesis of vitamin B 3, as well as helps to raise the level of serotonin, hormone responsible for our mood, sleep and appetite.

Sources of tryptophan are not only dairy products, but also red meat (preferably - turkey meat), legumes (especially - soy and products from it), mollusks and fish from the Tuntz, nuts and seeds.

In order for tryptophan to fully participate in the synthesis of serotonin and niacin, it is necessary in a sufficient amount of vitamin B 6, so turn on the infusion of linen seed in your menu or 0.5 cl. linen or soybean oil in front of breakfast, or C.L. Natural apple vinegardiluted in a glass of water.

Why you want sweet.

Already everyone knows that during hard work or in a stressful situation, the express method to reduce nervous tension And get extra energy, is a tile of high-quality, black bitter chocolate.

And if you want not just a cake or a bun with a sweet taste, namely chocolate, then this can be a symptom of a deficit in the body of the magnesium necessary for the health of the cardiovascular system and excellent memory.

All products with sweet taste appear in our menu, as a rule, during intensive mental work or during an emotional or physical voltage. At this time, stress hormone is synthesized in the body - adrenaline.

Therefore, an increased amount of glucose is needed, but quickly and easily absorbed simple carbohydrates contained in flour products and chocolate. Complex carbohydrates, which are contained in whole grain bread and croups, are absorbed slower, but they act for a longer time.

In order to avoid additional overweight problems, instead of cake and cookies, turn on honey, fruits and vegetables in your diet, a mixture of dried fruits, which, besides, will help clean the intestines and output toxins.

Sweet wants the same with a shortcoming in the body of such trace elements as phosphorus, sulfur, chrome, magnesium, amino acids tryptophan and vitamins of B.

Therefore, your menu should be the most diverse and turn on seafood, buckwheat, cottage cheese, green pea or beans, chicken and beef liver.

I want sour? Strengthen immunity and check the liver.

First of all, products with sour taste Our body asks if you were fond of harmful to the gastrointestinal tract, food: fried and greasy dishes, if there are many flour products or smoked meals in the menu. To digestion it is required to increase acidity. gastric juice.

In the flu season and Orz, we intuitively drink more liquid than usual, including tea with lemon and honey. But if, in addition, you want a morse from cranberries, lingonberries, or eat a couple of oranges, it can be a symptom of a starting cold illness. It is worth listening to its body and take all prevention measures, as well as folk, proven means.

The need for increased amounts of sour-taste products may occur in the same time during diseases of the liver and gallbladder. Therefore, it is better to pass an unplanned advice from the gastroenterologist.

Salted sometimes want everyone.

The desire to salt the dish is more than usual, or include products with salted taste in the menu: Herring, nuts, salt cucumbers and tomatoes, suggests that the immunity is reduced, there is a focus of infection, often - diseases of the genitourinary system.

Also salt products, the body asks if there is no dehydration due to severe physical exertion. Sometimes - emotional. Such taste preference may be caused and a disadvantage of chlorides in the body, sodium salts or fatty acids.

Therefore, enable in your menu dishes from fatty varieties of fish, nuts and seeds, olive, soybean or linseed oil, Seafood cocktail. And replace the usual table salt on the food seaside or pink Himalayan. You can use shredded spices instead of salt.

Binding is necessary when the body intoxication is necessary.

If you were indifferent to horseradish and radish, and now you want products and spices with a bitter taste, you should pay attention to the state of the intestine.

Most likely, it needs purification from accumulated toxic substances. This can be done soft, gentle.

It is also necessary to arrange several unloading days within two weeks, exclude everything harmful products From the menu, once every 2-3 days buy bio-yogurt or bio-kefir to support the intestinal microflora.

Spices with burning taste and fragrant pepper Our organism asks if the rhythm of the stomach is disturbed. Spices activate the production of gastric juice and accelerate food digestion processes. But it is possible only in limited quantities.

Such specific products like onions and garlic are needed by our organism as effective sources Not only microelements, but also phytoncides. Therefore, a sudden desire to eat a slice of garlic or add more onions to a salad, it may be a signal that infection has appeared in the body. Especially such protection "ask" lungs and bronchi.

As you can see, our body is very wise. And it is necessary to listen to what he asks for this period. It is better to change your menu and taste preferences in accordance with its desire than to treat a serious illness.