The best litter for cats. How to choose cat litter: tips and a review of remedies

Cats are now very popular as pets both in city apartments and in private houses. Someone prefers long-haired beauties, someone likes the owners of short fur, others cannot live without their favorite bright exotic appearance... But whatever the kitten is, he needs to provide comfortable conditions existence.

Cats are known to be neat and very picky about their own toilet. That is why the owner will need to make every effort to find the right filler. Consider the most popular types of litter for cat litters.

About the purpose

Cat litter is a special composition that absorbs the urine of the animal and helps to get rid of unpleasant odors. Its use is very convenient: the cat's pot is always in order, the filler absorbs moisture, remaining dry and without causing discomfort. It will not be unpleasant for the animal to re-enter the tray, but bad smell ammonia will not spread throughout the home.

Now manufacturers offer several types of cat litter, so each owner will be able to pick up the most suitable option. Interestingly, the first use of special materials to improve cat pots began in 1948. Then the absorbent properties of clay were revealed, which began to be used as the basis of the filler. But earlier, ordinary sand was used for similar purposes. Modern owners can choose from a number of better quality materials.

Most often for the manufacture of filler sawdust, shavings and minerals are used. It is possible to use such a composition in closed trays or open type... To choose the right product for your murka correctly, you should take into account a combination of such factors:

  • operating principle;
  • composition;
  • the size of the granules;
  • price.


The peculiarity of such a litter for cat litter is that when it gets wet, it does not change its structure. It needs a complete replacement every 7-14 days. If there are several cats in the house, the frequency of replacement increases. Filler subdivided into two types - woody and mineral.

Wood litter for cat litter

The choice of those who prefer to use only natural products. For production, recycled paper, compressed wood chips (mainly pine) are used. Perfectly absorbs smell and filler from cedar or aspen sawdust. Some unusual materials can also be used in the composition: corn cobs, dried orange peels or wheat bran. Sawdust, when moisture gets on them, swell, retaining the smell. Among the advantages of wood The price of filler is related to - this is the cheapest option of litter for cats, but due to its low weight, sawdust will quickly spread throughout the apartment.

Replacement will be required twice a week, but shavings or sawdust are completely safe for cats and people. This product can be used for both adult animals and kittens.


It is very convenient in that it needs to be replaced every 14 days. For its manufacture, minerals with a porous structure are used. Due to granules it is possible eliminate the smell, the tray and paws of the animals will always remain dry, however, there will be a lot of dust from this type of filler. The used compound should not be flushed in the toilet.


Lumpy litter was first used in England in the 1950s. The principle of its operation is simple: when wet, its granules combine and stick together, forming a dense lump. By removing such a lump from the tray, a complete replacement of the contents could be avoided. The composition of such fillers is different:

  • clay (light types are most often used);
  • quartz, quartz sand;
  • aluminum silicates;
  • minerals;
  • bentonite.

Approximately 60% of manufactured products in the world belong to the group of clumping litters for cat litter. Due to their natural composition, these fillers are environmentally friendly, they absorb moisture and odor very effectively.

Important! If this type is chosen, then you need to remember - once every two to three weeks, the contents of the tray should be completely replaced, the pot itself should be thoroughly rinsed.

Kitten owners should monitor their pets very carefully: crumbs can swallow crumpled filler, which will be very harmful to them. Also, experts warn- Do not flush the used material down the toilet. The approximate thickness of the granule layer for reliable protection from smell and moisture - at least 8 cm.

Silica gel

This filler is a granular sodium silicate with high rate absorbency, it removes moisture very well and neutralizes unpleasant odors. The average size of one granule is from 0.5 mm to 3.5 mm. For production, polysilicic acids are used, which make it possible to obtain small granules with colored inclusions. When using such a filler, remove solid waste from the tray and distribute the granules so that the moisture is distributed evenly.

Benefits include long term use - the contents of the tray can not be changed for a month (if the cat is alone). If a characteristic smell of ammonia appears and the gel crystals acquire a darker color, then it is time to change the filler. The product is among the most economical options, despite the fact that the packaging costs about 180-200 rubles, it will last for a long time.

Japanese stamps

For the manufacture of these compositions, natural natural ingredients are used, while their consumption is very low, therefore such products are very economical. Can be distinguished several options for such fillers:

  • made of starch and paper, interesting in that it changes color when wet;
  • from cellulose interspersed with coal, clumping;
  • tofu - made from compressed soy fibers.

Any of the Japanese formulations can be flushed down the drain.

Choosing the best option

When choosing a filler, the size of the animal should also be taken into account. Granules are classified into three types:

  • large;
  • medium;
  • small.

The larger the cat, the larger the pellets it will need. So, for kittens only small options... And for large moons, you should choose a filler with larger granules, otherwise small lumps will get stuck in the animal between the fingers, causing discomfort.

It is very important to take into account the fact that cats have a strong sense of smell, therefore, a composition with a pronounced citrus scent is not suitable for cats, but with a delicate lavender scent it will be more pleasant for them.

For many years, the manufacturer of the product has not abandoned its leadership position, which, of course, speaks of the quality and prevalence of the filler. It is best to purchase this option for kitten owners: small granules will be very convenient for crumbs and will help them quickly learn to potty. The product allows you to maintain cleanliness and order in the apartment: urine, getting on the granules, induces them to curl up into neat lumps that will reliably keep the smell. Such lumps do not spread throughout the house, it is enough to remove them with a special spatula and add some more funds to the vacated area.

"Barsik" will not cause allergic reactions in cats, and will help the owners save money - this is one of the cheapest options. The only negative is that you cannot flush it in the toilet.

Barsik is an economy product made using improved technology, thanks to which the used filler can be flushed in the toilet. It does not get stuck between the fingers of the animal, quickly and effectively neutralizes odor and moisture, and has a pleasant aroma. The product is perfect for owners of long-haired cattle, as its granules will not get entangled in the coat.


The advantages of the products include low cost and quality. Ideal for large cats. But you shouldn't use it for kittens. This filler can be flushed in the toilet, it is completely safe for animals and people, does not cause allergies, and quickly and effectively helps to get rid of unpleasant odors.

Product released and with large granules that are suitable for a large animal. It is notable for its affordable price, the ability to quickly absorb odor and moisture, but it cannot be flushed in the toilet. Packing volumes - 3.5 or 4.5 kg.

Wood filler Kuzya will help teach the most capricious pet to use the tray. Thanks to its natural smell, it becomes attractive to the cat, making him want to go to the potty. This option is not carried around the apartment and is consumed quite economically.


Woody biodegradable filler, popular in Russia, masks the unpleasant odor very well, helping to keep the apartment clean and cozy. Many owners report that cats enjoy using the litter. This completely natural product will help to spread a light coniferous aroma throughout the apartment, while perfectly absorbing the unpleasant smell of ammonia and moisture. Due to its antibacterial properties this option is good for the health of the pets.

Other popular options

The choice of cat litter is an important and responsible matter, which the owner must approach carefully and meaningfully. Among the diversity that exists you can choose the most suitable options that suit both the owner and the animal.

A pet kept in a home requires constant care. Main question concerns the preservation of the cleanliness of the home. If your favorite animal is a cat, then the primary task in caring for him is organizing the toilet. To ensure that the cat does not pollute everything around, cat litter will help, which will solve hygiene problems, as soon as you choose the right type of it.

What is cat litter

More recently, the litter box consisted of sand poured into a tray or paper slices. Modern industry quickly adopted a new direction for production, and was invented special tool, which copes with the task many times better than sand. It consists of small granules that mimic the natural environment and do not cause rejection in the representatives of the feline family. Granules are made of materials that absorb liquid after ingress, and some even absorb odor.

Granule sizes

Fillers for cat litter differ in the size of the granules, which is convenient when choosing products for small and adults. Once wet, the granules can change size or collect in lumps. In this case, the entire composition does not need to be changed, you just need to discard the crumpled elements. The size of the granules (their photo can be viewed on the package) is chosen based on age, coat length, sensitivity. If you have a kitten or an adult with sensitive skin, go for small pellets. For long-haired cats, it is better to use large or medium-sized litter.

Which cat litter is better

Cat litter comes in two main types: clumping and absorbent. They absorb moisture in different ways and will take away different time for cleaning. Any of the types can be made from sawdust, silica gel granules, minerals. The main difference is that the clumping product, after use, gathers into lumps, which will have to be thrown away immediately, while the absorbent one absorbs moisture and crumbles, which does not require daily replacement.


According to manufacturers, this type of mixture should absorb moisture and turn into lumps. The owner will have to clean them up with the solid waste daily by refilling the tray the right amount granules. Problems with the fact that the product does not cope with the task, that is, does not absorb moisture, but passes it to the bottom of the tray, are due to improper use. It is important to pour only 8-10 centimeters of the composition so that it can turn into lumps in time and eliminate the smell.

Absorbent filler

The principle of operation of this type of mixture is completely different. It does not change structure after use, but it also absorbs moisture and retains odors. It is necessary to change the contents of the tray entirely after it is completely wet. The cat itself will let you know about this when it refuses to go to the dirty toilet. This filler is chosen by owners who have several pets and those who do not want to mess with cat litter every day.

Types of litter for cats

Pet shops have about eight varieties of cat litter for you to choose from. They differ in price, materials of manufacture, absorbent properties. One tool can be enough for a month without any replacement, the other will have to be changed a couple of times a week. In addition to the financial capabilities of the owner, you will have to pay attention to the pet's needs.


Some of the best-selling cat litter boxes are mineral litters. They are made from pieces of clay. The average price is 100 rubles per kilogram. When choosing, start from the following features:

  • Pros: perfectly absorbs moisture, forming lumps that are easy to clean, reasonable price.
  • Cons: it does not deal well with the smell, fine dust emanates from it, sticks to cat's paws, spreads around the house, cannot be flushed down the drain, not suitable for kittens.

In clay granules

This kind products are produced in two types: clumping and absorbent. The most best brands are made from bentonite clays, which swell with moisture. When buying, you need to pay attention to the size of the granules. Large pellets can injure your pet. Small to medium grains are suitable for kittens. The cost varies from 50 rubles per 1 kilogram. Sold packaged in 3, 5, 10 kg. When choosing, consider:

  • Pros: natural product, a large number of species, like cats due to the similarity to ordinary land, suitable for kittens.
  • Cons: when using and filling the tray, dust may rise, partially carried around the house by the paws of animals.

Woody clumping

These products are compressed wood pellets from sawdust. Basically, in the manufacture are used conifers trees. Cats easily get used to this type of product. It is considered one of the most environmentally friendly. For pet owners, the mixture will cost about 100 rubles per kilogram. When choosing, pay attention to:

  • Pros: environmental friendliness, a pleasant smell of pine needles, which animals like, it is allowed to be thrown into the sewer, suitable for kittens.
  • Cons: The only downside is that small particles of sawdust can be carried around the house.

Silica gel

One of the latest developments is silica gel filler. It is made from polysilicic acid, photos show that it is cloudy white balls interspersed. Costs from 190 rubles for 3.8 liters. This product has the following characteristics:

  • Pros: changes once or twice a month, harmless, prevents the spread of odor, quickly absorbs moisture, always remains dry, bacteria do not multiply in it, does not spread, does not get dusty.
  • Cons: high cost, produces a crunchy sound that repels many pets, the sound can irritate people too, especially when it is heard at night, it can be dangerous for kittens if it enters the esophagus.


Another material for making cat litter is corn on the cob. Corn filler is made from their fine-pored core. This species is similar to woody, but it is much less common on sale and costs more. The starting price is about 160 rubles per 1 kg. When choosing, proceed from the following data:

  • Pros: perfectly absorbs moisture, odors, natural raw materials, economical.
  • Cons: very light, which makes it easily scattered around the tray, has a specific smell that the animal may not like.

How to use cat litter

Cat litter is easy to use. It is necessary to pour an even layer of the mixture 5-10 centimeters high into the tray. Some manufacturers may indicate the exact amount of the mixture to be followed. Then the product absorbs moisture correctly and forms a lump. The clumping species is cleaned daily, taking away the hardened and hard excrement. Then add a new portion. The absorbent appearance is completely changed as it becomes soiled (once every 5-10 days). Wash the tray thoroughly before replacing it. Some products can be flushed down the toilet, others thrown away.

How to choose

Often, owners of fluffy pets have to try more than one type of mixture for the tray before they can find the best option for convenience and suitable for the cat itself. Each composition has its own characteristics. Mixtures differ in their ability to absorb moisture and retain odors. They can be hypoallergenic, flavored. It is worth paying attention to these indicators when choosing a filler.

Ability to absorb moisture

The best ability to absorb moisture is observed with lumpy mixtures. They not only absorb it, but form a hard lump that does not crumble or stain the clean product. The leader in this field is the silica gel filler, which remains completely dry for a long time. Wood and corn compositions show themselves no worse, but they crumble and require frequent replacement.

Odor absorption and retention

In the fight against the unpleasant smell of cat litter, the owners are ready to go to great lengths, including not skimping on expensive mixtures that are distinguished by their ability to neutralize odors. Mixtures made from chemical compounds, are again in the lead in this parameter. More natural varieties, due to their natural qualities, eliminate unpleasant odors worse, and a mixture such as corn has an unpleasant odor in itself.

Flush down the toilet

For many owners, the ability to flush used litter down the toilet is crucial. You don't have to fiddle with a garbage bag if you buy wood, corn products. Manufacturers warn that the used mixture should be sent to the toilet in small portions to avoid blockages. Mineral minerals do not belong to this number. It is prohibited to flush them down the drain.

The presence of a flavoring agent

Many manufacturers use the technique of scenting cat litter mix. This is one way to combat bad odors, but often backfires. Many pets simply refuse to go to a pleasantly smelling litter box. Even if the packaging attracts you with the inscription "with the scent of lavender" or another popular plant, do not rush to purchase such a mixture. Your cat may not appreciate the noble scent.


The safety of the pet's health will be ensured by those mixtures that are made from natural materials, such as wood chips, corn cobs, clay. The silica gel product loses in this regard, although it is positioned as completely harmless. Allergies can be caused even by those natural materials that raise a cloud of dust when used, since the cat will have to inhale it.


The most economical is the mixture for trays of mineral components. Next comes the woody one. The expensive ones include silica gel products, corn products. When buying, you need to consider not only the cost of packaging, but the frequency with which you will have to empty the tray. So, expensive silica gel mixtures turn out to be cheaper than others, because they require replacement only 1-2 times a month, and woody ones, for example, will have to be changed every three days if your cat refuses to go to the filler already soaked, although still suitable.

Cat litter rating

One of the first in the line of popular products in this category is Fresh Step Extreme Clay cat litter. Buyers note that it does not cause rejection in cats:

  • title: Fresh Step Extreme Clay;
  • price: 1498-1768 rubles;
  • characteristic: 15.8 kg, clay, absorbent, antibacterial, odor-proof;
  • pluses: flushed down the toilet, easy to clean;
  • cons: not found.

In second place is N1 Crystals. This is a silica gel filler, one package of which will last for a long time:

  • name: N1 Crystals;
  • price: 1845-1925 rubles;
  • characteristic: volume 30 l, absorbent, silica gel, odor-proof, hypoallergenic,
  • pluses: retains moisture well, does not stick to the paws;
  • cons: very dusty.

The third place goes to Catsan Hygiene Plus. He is chosen when he appears in the house little kitty:

  • name: Catsan Hygiene Plus;
  • price: 392-836 rubles;
  • characteristics: volume 10 l, absorbent, composed of chalk, quartz sand, has antibacterial unique properties, protects against odor;
  • pros: suitable for little kitten, micropores perfectly absorb odors and clog moisture;
  • cons: not found.

On the fourth place in demand among buyers is the cat litter for the Cat Step litter box. It is purchased in small quantities, since it does not require frequent replacement:

  • title: Cat Step;
  • price: 240-304 rubles;
  • characteristics: 3.8 l, silica gel, absorbent, anti-odor, hypoallergenic, for long-haired cats;
  • pluses: perfectly absorbs a large amount of moisture and odor;
  • cons: not found.

Another tool that cat owners prefer to buy for their pets is Pi-Pi-Bent Classic. This filler is made from natural material:

  • title: Pi-Pi-Bent Classic;
  • price: 399-589 rubles;
  • characteristics: 10 kg, clumping clay, protects against the smell of cat urine;
  • pluses: prevents the spread of bacteria;
  • cons: not found.

Where to buy litter for cats

The easiest way to buy cat litter is at one of the many online stores. They provide a wide range of products at affordable prices, where indicated detailed characteristics, photo, which will facilitate your choice. Delivery is carried out for free and for a fee. The first on the list are stores: UniZoo, Zoo1, ZOOShef, Magizoo. You can personally visit the chain of stores "Four Paws", "Beethoven", Zoo City and others.


A rating of cat litter can be found in specialized pet magazines. When compiling it, the set important factors: ease of use, disposal method, economy and, of course, price. There are dozens of options on sale that can be divided into several categories. Among them, it is easy to find one that is ideal for a pet.

Evolution of Tray Powders

More recently, newspapers, torn into small pieces, or sand collected at the nearest construction site were the main filler for the tray. Both options were inconvenient to use, required frequent replacement, and gave off an unpleasant odor after the cat visited its litter box.

The only advantage of newspapers and sand was their availability and cheapness. Then came the clay-based mineral litter for cat litter, but buyers were frightened by the price and complexity of recycling.

The situation has now changed. On the shelves of supermarkets and pet stores are the most different types fillers for cat litter. They are sold prepackaged and by weight; bright packages have different prices. It is not easy for a beginner to understand this variety.

Cat litter manufacturers have been slow to advertise their products, and as a result, most pet owners have an idea of ​​only a few of the most popular brands. To understand which product is better to buy will help independent ratings, which are compiled by statisticians, veterinarians and the owners of the animals themselves.

Topics with titles like "Choosing Cat Litter Fillers" can be searched for in thematic blogs and magazines. Before heading to the store, you need to read an independent review to get an idea of ​​the type of backfill for the trays and the materials from which they are made.

Types of fillers

All litters for the litter box are classified into clumping and absorbent categories. Both options have their supporters and opponents, and in both groups you can find more expensive and quite affordable brands.

Clumping filler resembles sand or very fine granules. The composition may vary. The principle of the product is clear from the name. When liquid (cat urine) gets in, the powdery substance forms dense lumps that can be easily removed with a scoop. At the same time, the smell is adsorbed, the stuck together granules do not stick to the pet's paws and are not carried out of the tray. The height of the sides does not matter. The clumped product is more convenient to use in a toilet without a net.

A cute domestic kitten is a decoration of any apartment, because this living ball of fur is able to give even the most gloomy person joy and warmth with its purr and fun games.

Also, cat cubs are very clean, they are licked many, many times a day, so as not to be a carrier of someone else's smell or not too clean fur. Even such a sensitive issue as the toilet most often does not cause any problems, kittens quickly get used to doing their business in a specially designated tray. But the owners ask themselves a timely question: which filler is better for kittens?
It is known that it is not worth experimenting in such a matter, because health, good mood, or even the life of a little cat or kitty is the most important thing that can be.

There are many known cases of allergies to the synthetic components of the filler or the ingestion of mineral fillers in granules, which ended in long debilitating illnesses or even the death of a pet.

Therefore, the best and even the only suitable for a small kitten is wood filler... Let's see why experts do not recommend using other types and why it is best to put wood pellets into the tray of a small kitten.
Wood has the property of adsorption, that is, it absorbs better than any other materials unpleasant odors, therefore, there is no need to use special deodorants that mask natural aromas, but can scare away a kitten.

Also, wood is a natural disinfectant, which means it prevents the spread of harmful bacteria. This is especially true for filler based on pine, spruce or even fir. This is very important, as many of the pathogens of feline diseases are spread through feces. Another very important point is the increased absorbency of wood filler granules. Even with a fairly large amount of liquid, individual granules remain dry externally, only swelling inside and increasing in volume, so the kitten's coat and paws remain clean.

A portion of wood filler is enough for 3 - 7 days of use.

This filler is very easy to clean. Even making allowances for the increased activity of the little cat, we can confidently say that he will not scoop out the pellets from the tray, since they do not rustle like a newspaper and do not awaken the desire to dig like sand. Again, wood particles do not get entangled even in very thick and long coats, so there is less risk of them being scattered throughout the apartment. There is also no fine annoying mineral dust, which makes cleaning very difficult and is a constant companion of many other fillers.

Disposal of used granules is very simple - they do not have to be taken out into the trash can every time, but you can even flush them down the toilet without fear of blockages in the pipes.

The indisputable advantage of wood fillers is their naturalness. They are made by grinding natural materials, so they do not contain any toxins, dyes or allergens that can cause a pet's illness. Moreover, even if a kitten wants to taste such a filler and accidentally swallows it, nothing terrible will happen, it will not even entail digestive problems.

The only thing to be afraid of when using compressed wood pellets as filler is large chips or twigs, which can injure the kitten or cause very painful splinters in the paws.

But to protect your pet from them is as easy as shelling pears - when you put the granules into the tray, such pieces of wood are very noticeable, so they can simply be pulled out and sent to the trash bin.
When the question of which litter is best for kittens is clear, the next question arises - which manufacturer can you trust? Opinions here can differ sharply, but if we analyze the reviews of both experts and ordinary consumers, then we can single out several main companies that are most popular in Russia.

In the first place, most likely, will be the German company "Cat's Best". Several types of fillers are produced under this brand. For example, the hygienic filler "Oko plus" is made from pine and spruce wood, which is not processed, which means it retains all its natural properties.

Toilet and filler

Another type of filler of this company - "Supercat Test" - generally has the property of diagnosing urolithiasis. The bottom line is simple - if suddenly the kitten gets sick, then the granules after getting feces on them will change color, which will help to cure the pet in time and prevent the disease from going into the chronic stage.

The second step can be safely given to the time-tested domestic manufacturer "Clean Paws". Its filler "Universal" has been in demand in the domestic market for many years, as it is made only from high-quality wood and absorbs liquid very well - 3 kg of filler is enough to neutralize 12 liters of liquid.

The third place is taken by the Cats Choice company. Its products have long been loved by pet owners for a reasonable ratio "quality - price", and kittens for the absence of small wet sawdust and dust, which may appear after the first day of use and very much interfere with doing "important things".

There are other manufacturers trusted by cat lovers - Fresh Step, Kotyara, Pi-Pi-Bent and others. This is already a matter of individual preferences of the owner and his fluffy four-legged pet. The main thing is that when choosing a wood filler, in the first place was not its cost, but quality, because love, health, trust and affection of a kitten cannot be bought for any money.
And, of course, you shouldn't replace pure wood fibers with sand, newspaper or gel fillers, which can easily cause allergic reactions. Whatever neighbors or acquaintances say there, the best filler for small kittens' trays are wood pellets, after which the paws and hair remain dry, and the kitten is happy!

It seems that nothing is easier than litter for cats, however, with the development of the pet industry, many types of this product have appeared, which are radically different in composition and their properties, but all serve the same purpose. And to understand all this diversity, at first glance, is not so easy. Today we will look at the main types of fillers for cats, find out their pros and cons, and also try to find out which cat sorbent is better, and what is the reason.

All commercial cat hygiene granulates can be divided into three large groups:

  • wood (made from wood waste by pressing);
  • mineral (obtained from natural clays and materials);
  • silicate (or, as they are called, silica gel).

All of them are designed for the same thing: to absorb the liquid waste of the animal's life, not allowing the smell to come out. However, the efficiency and principle of operation of each of the types of sorbents are different.

Wood pellets

This type of product is made by pressing sawdust, and the output is neat high-density granules. When moisture gets on them, they instantly absorb it, swelling and crumbling into a homogeneous mass. This is a great option for litter for kittens' litter - even if the baby chews a few pieces out of curiosity, he will not get any harm.

However, these granules also have disadvantages - the smell of cat urine is too strong to be contained by wood shavings. It is best to remove any swollen lumps right away so as not to get the characteristic "amber" throughout the house.

Positive points:

  • environmentally friendly, safe for pets;
  • quickly absorbs a large amount of moisture;
  • the cheapest of the range of any store;
  • can be flushed down the toilet (in small portions);
  • economical (due to the increase in volume, a fairly thin layer at the very bottom of the tray).
  • poorly retains the smell of ammonia (the main "flavor" of urine);
  • lightweight, and therefore able to fly away from the tray in especially "diligent" cats when buried.

There is one more nuance - many manufacturers, trying to improve their products, add flavorings to the sawdust - to make it smell more pleasant. However, not all cats agree with this state of affairs: some especially sensitive natures can completely refuse such a "fragrant" tray, and choose another place in the house, which is not good.

When trying to figure out which wood litter is best for a cat, one can easily get confused: of this type There are a lot of granules. Many consumers believe that there is no point in overpaying for an imported pack - and they are partly right: the composition of imported wood pellets will be identical to the composition of any Russian manufacturer... Among the most popular domestic brands of pressed wood shavings worth calling:

  • ТМ "Kuzya" - has been produced by the company "Arkada" for 18 long years. According to the manufacturer, the technology has been improving all this time. Judging by the reviews, it is a really high-quality product. Price - from 120 rubles for 4.5 kg.
  • Barsik is a product of Intel, which has been known on the market since 1991. For such a long time, the company has managed to earn the trust of many thousands of consumers, and is a leader among manufacturers of domestic wood pellets for a cat litter box. The cost of granules is from 140 rubles per pack of 4.5 kg.
  • "Clean Legs" are the products of the Ukrainian plant located in the Dnieper. It has been produced since 2008 and has been holding a leading position in the zoosorbent market for a long time. Price - from 170 rubles. for 4.5 kg.

You can now view the current price of cat litter and buy it right here:

Mineral fillers

All mineral sands can be conditionally divided into bentonite (palygorskite, from clay) and zeolite. These sands are much more practical than wood pellets, and retain the smell of stool well. However, there are a number of disadvantages - it is not recommended to flush them down the toilet, and besides, it is not best filler for kittens. If the granules are swallowed, the baby can get a blockage in the esophagus, and more serious injuries.

Clay-based minerals clump very quickly to form a dense, sticky structure. Due to this, the paws of the animal remain clean, and the smell is reliably retained inside the lump.

Zeolite granules have a very porous structure, due to which they are able to absorb much more liquid than they themselves weigh.

Many animals like these types of cat pot sand - it reminds them of the wild, and they start digging in it with all their might. Therefore, when choosing such a hygienic filler, it is necessary to choose a tray with a high side, or even closed. Such sands are more expensive than sawdust, but they also retain the smell better.

Opinions about disposal differ: some experts (and the manufacturers themselves) argue that clay sands can be flushed down the toilet, and their opponents scare them with inevitable sewage blockages. The truth is about the middle: small lumps can be flushed down the toilet, but you cannot pour out a full tray of clay - this is almost guaranteed to lead to a blockage of the pipe.

The best mineral adsorbents for cat litter, according to reviews of Russian buyers, are:

  • Catsan is a white mineral pellet sold at any pet store. The manufacturer, Mars, guarantees that the granules will reliably retain the smell in themselves and will not stain your pet's coat. Requires a complete replacement every 5-7 days (in addition to removing lumps and solid waste). The cost of such pleasure is from 400 rubles for 5 liters. pack.
  • Siberian Cat is one of the leaders in the filler market in Russia. Produces many types of both wood pellets and mineral cat sands. The raw material is high quality bentonite clay mined in Khakassia. Price 5 kg. packs start at 210 rubles.
  • Fresh Step is a product of Clorox, headquartered in the USA. Many breeders from all over the world have already decided for themselves which litter is best for cats, because Fresh Step is very popular in many countries, and has long been recognized as one of the leaders in this market. Cost - from 750 rubles for 6.35 kg.
  • Pi-Pi-Bent is a Russian bentonite clay product. It is produced by LLC "Leading", and judging by the reviews, this sand is one of the most popular domestic products in this area. The cost of a pack is from 270 rubles per 5 kg. The flavored series is slightly more expensive (from 290 rubles).

The most practical, but also the most expensive hygienic sorbent. It is made from dried solutions of silicic acids. The result is crystals with a huge surface area - up to 800 square meters in 1 gram (!) of the product. Due to such porosity, this material is able to absorb liquid 30 times larger than the sorbent itself. This is guaranteed to contain unpleasant odors for a long time, which means that there is no need to change the granules often. You just need to remove solid waste, and such a portion of crystals will last for 14-25 days (depending on the size of the pet).

The disadvantages of this type of granules are the high price, as well as the fact that the crystals make a lot of noise when the animal walks on them. This can scare off shy cats, as well as interfere with owners at night. In addition, silica gels are not recommended for use in kittens' toilet - they can be poisoned by ingesting crystals out of curiosity. Disposal by flushing into the toilet is prohibited - guaranteed to lead to blockage sewer pipes, and it is very problematic to clean such a plug.

The most popular in our country are the following manufacturers:

  • Fresh Step made in the USA. Its price starts at 714 rubles for a pack of 1.81 kg. Despite the high price, this filler is in constant demand among the Russian consumer.
  • "Nasha Marka" - popular and inexpensive crystals made in China by order of the CJSC "Gatchinsky KKZ" company. Such a product costs from 430 rubles per 1.66 kg, which makes it a worthy competitor to more expensive brands.
  • TM "Kotyara" is a domestic silica gel, very popular among Russian breeders. The cost of this product is from 470 rubles for a package of 1.5 kg. In addition to silica gel crystals, so-called "magic balls" are added to the composition, designed to remove unpleasant odors.
  • "Siberian Cat" is a brand we are already familiar with. The cost of such crystals starts from 390 rubles for 1.85 kg.