Kitchen mdf chipboard. What is better for making a kitchen: MDF or chipboard, and how to make the right choice

There are two types of boards that are difficult to distinguish, especially if their ends are sealed - these are particle boards and MDF (fine wood fraction). Due to the difference in production, their properties differ, and, accordingly, the boards are of different quality.

What is the difference between chipboard and MDF

The names themselves say how they differ from each other. Wood-shaving material is made from sawdust and shavings impregnated with glue by pressing. Typically, formaldehyde resin is used as a binder. Pressing is carried out at a high temperature.

MDF boards are also made of wood waste, but unlike chipboard, all raw materials for them are ground by a refiner, processed with steam and ground. After wiping, the raw material becomes felt like. It is dried, binder is added and pressed.

A big difference compared to chipboards is the presence of lignin in the binder. It is significantly better than formaldehyde in terms of environmental friendliness, since it is obtained from wood after strong heating.

The slabs also differ in the state of the surface. If chipboard is most often laminated, then MDF boards can be painted, laminated, or covered with veneer. This is due to the fact that their surface is much better - it is dense, uniform, even and smooth.

The difference between these boards is also in strength: chipboard is considered a product of increased strength, MDF - medium strength... This fact directly affects the scope of their application.

What to choose?

Individual developers often ask themselves which is better - MDF or chipboard and what should be guided when choosing? The answer will depend on which of the characteristics will be important to achieve the desired result when used:

  • chipboard is durable, but it cannot be used in places with high humidity;
  • a fine-dispersed plate tolerates even 80% humidity well, but it is more fire hazardous;
  • in MDF, all components are natural, except for paraffin, but it is neutral; in chipboards, formaldehyde is used, the fumes of which are harmful to people;
  • it is generally impossible to fasten chipboard with nails, and screws can only be at right angles and then only once. MDF boards are easily mounted, and due to the density of 700-870 kg / m 3, it becomes possible to process it with milling machines;
  • the cost of chip material is much lower than the cost of MDF, this is largely the result of transport costs, since these industries are still small;
  • MDF is much more durable than chipboard, which is ensured by the fact that this type wood-based panels practically does not deform from fluctuations in temperature and humidity;
  • Particleboard tolerates impact better than MDF.

As you can see, both types of plates have their pluses and minuses. Therefore, the use of a particular type depends on each specific use case.


Since chipboard is afraid of moisture, it is mainly used indoors. In construction, such a slab is most often used to construct partitions between rooms. It can be drilled, sawn, painted. Therefore, it is always in demand when decorating an interior. Other area of ​​use particle board- production of cabinet furniture.

Doors, platbands, facades are made of MDF. The arrangement of rooms, including in the manufacture of partitions, is also best done from this material due to its environmental friendliness. The exception is the floors - here it is better to use chipboard due to its greater strength.

Partitions, floors, large interior items in children's rooms, as well as furniture in children's rooms, should be made exclusively of MDF in order to completely eliminate toxic fumes of formaldehyde resins.

Chipboard structure

Differs in a huge set of shades and patterns that imitate texture natural wood, stone, marble chips or abstract patterns. The result of the facing process is laminated chipboard.

The coating has the same properties as conventional plastic: better withstand water, detergents, damage, temperature drops. It is widely used in furniture production, both cases and facades.

Laminationdecorative coating from paper impregnated with paraffin or resin compositions. Such a film is less resistant to moisture, elevated temperature, mechanical damage. It is used in the manufacture of inexpensive furniture, large wall panels.

Veneering- facing with a thin layer of veneer (cut valuable breed tree). Doors and accessories are made of this material, furniture facades, sometimes even wall and ceiling panels.

Painting with any types of varnishes and paints. This means of ennobling the stove is considered the most economical and "home".

Advantages and disadvantages of chipboard

The main advantages include:

  • good resistance to mechanical stress;
  • strength, due to which the plate perfectly holds any types of fasteners;
  • ease of processing and assembly of finished parts into a single structure without the use of special tools;
  • ease of coating even at home (painting, varnishing, laminating, gluing);
  • a large selection of formats, which were originally developed as optimal for cutting various joinery parts;
  • low price.

The generally recognized shortcomings identified by the years of use of the material are:

  • impossibility of fine processing (milling, cutting out complex shapes and details);
  • sharp edges - chipboard furniture almost always has sharp, chopped shapes with 90 ° angles, which are easy to injure. You can, of course, veneer with a cut-in or overhead edge, but practice shows that economy-class manufacturers prefer not to do this;
  • re-installation of fasteners is practically impossible without the use of epoxy mixtures or glue, i.e. once a screw that has fallen out will not firmly adhere again;
  • the release of formaldehyde can negatively affect the well-being of people. This is especially true of cheap furniture, in the production of which the second grade was used.

What is MDF

MDF differs significantly from chipboard. From English, MDF is translated as medium density fiberboard. As a raw material for this type of material, sawdust, chips, shavings are used, which are practically ground into dust. Therefore, MDF stands for finely dispersed fraction . The binder is paraffin and polymer resins. Forming takes place in a dry way under the influence of high temperatures, followed by grinding. This produces slabs that are smooth on both sides.

Physicomechanical indicators are similar to those of chipboard, but there are some differences.


  1. Low: 100-400 kg / cubic meter m, mainly intended for the production of wall and ceiling thin panels, door cladding and other joinery;
  2. Average: 600-800 kg / cubic meter m is a favorite material of manufacturers of furniture, doors, finishing materials... Due to the good structure and improved properties compared to particle board, it allows you to implement any designer's idea.
  3. High: 800-1100 kg / cubic meter m. Otherwise called HDF, used as a base for laminate flooring.

The structure is homogeneous, which ensures an even distribution of the load, including the acoustic one. That is, MDF panels may well serve as good sound insulation. In general, it is this characteristic that is the strongest in of this material, since thanks to it it lends itself better to fine processing (panels, bent parts, rounded corners) and giving the most different forms products.

The size range, unlike chipboard and fiberboard, is not so wide:

Weight varies from 8 to 89 kg, depending on the linear dimensions of the sheet.

The grade corresponds to the indicators of the chipboard. For the first grade, irregularities and surface defects, different shades and stains, damage to the edges are unacceptable. Products that do not meet the parameters are classified in the second grade.

Grinding is included in the mandatory regulation of production processes. Due to its smooth surface, it is excellent for applying any type of coating: laminated film, paint, varnish, natural and synthetic veneer, thin plastic or enamel.

Emission of harmful substances

Contrary to the assertions of manufacturers and marketers, formaldehyde, phenol, ammonia are released from MDF during operation, but mostly in small doses, within the permissible limits for residential premises. Therefore, such a statement as "exceptional environmental friendliness of the material" is not entirely true.

Pros and cons of MDF

The most important advantage of MDF boards is their technological feature, in particular:

So, the most important difference between chipboard and fiberboard from MDF is in raw materials and production technology, respectively, in physical and mechanical properties. Chipboard is more "coarse", practically does not lend itself to filigree processing, less resistant to moisture and mold.

The scope of application is limited to the economy segment: inexpensive furniture (mainly buildings), joinery, rough surface preparation (leveling, creating a noise and thermal barrier, formwork). Fiberboard is afraid of water, it is used in some elements (headboards, back walls of wardrobes, temporary lining of the room). MDF is even different in appearance: a homogeneous smooth surface, easily amenable to processing, is ideal for realizing even the most extravagant interior ideas.

When buying furniture for the home, often a difficult task arises: which is better to choose - laminated chipboard or MDF. The slabs are very similar in appearance, the products from them look about the same and at first glance there is no obvious difference. Meanwhile, there are very differences: in terms of placement, durability and safety. And not having an idea about the features of each material, you will not be able to make the best choice.

But everything is not as difficult as it seems. In this article we will tell you how chipboard differs from MDF, about the advantages and disadvantages of finished products. And also, you will learn what should be taken into account without fail.

And for those who have no time to understand all the intricacies of furniture production, at the bottom of the page there is a hint picture "Chipboard or MDF: which is better?" It indicates the main differences between furniture made from these materials and the suitable area of ​​the apartment for placement.


Chipboard and MDF - what's the difference?


Laminated chipboard, more correct, of course, will be chipboard, as it is called by industrialists, but the people have stuck with the name without the letter "t". It is produced from woodworking industry waste - sawdust, by hot pressing using formaldehyde-based adhesive resin.

Chipboard is laminated with melamine film and cut into pieces. Since the material absorbs moisture well and swells, the ends of the facades are sealed with an edge. This technology allows not only to prevent the ingress of water, but also to reduce the emission of formaldehyde vapors to a safe minimum.

Russian GOST, adopted in 2010, obliges to comply with safety standards and allows the use of only laminated chipboard of emission class E1 and E0.5 in the furniture industry. Moreover, this standard allows the production of chemically safe children's furniture. You can learn more about the current regulations.

Pros and cons of laminated chipboard furniture:

  • A clear advantage is the cheap price of the final product. Even with a modest budget, you can furnish an apartment quite decently.
  • Flaw- the possibility of moisture ingress between the joints of the coating. It is necessary to remove water from problem areas in time.
  • And one more- the material is most vulnerable in the places where the fittings are attached. It is undesirable to often disassemble and assemble furniture made of chipboard. With constant screwing in and out of screws, the plate crumbles and the holes increase in diameter.

The building materials market offers the consumer a very large assortment of products, which is difficult to understand without having certain skills. However, materials made on the basis of natural wood - MDF and its laminated chipboard version are indispensable in the production of repair and construction work. With some similarity, the materials have significant differences.


MDF- fine fraction of wood, or to be more precise, it is a board made from wood fiber by drying, followed by hot pressing. It should be noted that the wood fibers are treated with special binders before pressing. For this, natural products are used lignin and paraffin, which do not emit harmful substances.

MDF panel

Chipboard Is a representative of the series of wood-based chipboard boards, more precisely, this is a polished chipboard. The main difference laminated chipboard from chipboard - the presence of a special facing film made on the basis of paper and melamine resin. Protective film pressed into the chipboard structure, making it more durable and moisture resistant.

Chipboard panel


Comparing such popular Construction Materials, we can note the fact that they have wide application, however, each of them occupies a specific niche. The main differences are presented in the table:

Considering MDF and laminated chipboard, it is necessary to pay attention to their main specifications and their scope in this regard. Considering the fact that both materials are made from natural wood, it is worth noting the main scope of their application - furniture manufacturing... Moreover, MDF is a very soft material which is easy to handle. This is very much appreciated in the manufacture of luxury furniture that requires grace and subtlety of lines. Carved wardrobes and headboards are all made of MDF.

With regard to laminated chipboard, a high degree of protection against harmful influences, such as high humidity and high fever. This made the material indispensable in the manufacture of kitchen and bathroom furniture. Nowadays, most of the economy class cabinet furniture is made of chipboard. Especially valuable is the fact that, thanks to the laminated chipboard film, it has many color options.

Naturally, MDF and laminated chipboard in construction are no less popular. In this regard, it can be noted that the chipboard, due to its structure, perfectly holds screws and nails. The material is very effective in the manufacture of partitions, individual elements roofs, various interior details. As for MDF, the ease of processing made the material indispensable for ventilated facades. Partitions and roof elements are also made of MDF.

Conclusions site

  1. MDF is a very soft material, which makes it indispensable in furniture production.
  2. Chipboard has a wide color range, which is widely used in the production of cabinet furniture.
  3. MDF is environmentally friendly material and has no restrictions on use, chipboard is not recommended for use in children's and medical institutions.
  4. MDF, in comparison with laminated chipboard, is a more expensive material, which is associated with small volumes of domestic production.

Furniture items are intended for long-term use, therefore the type of material from which they are made is one of the main criteria when assessing the feasibility of purchasing them. It is clear that there are many nuances that affect the service life of the products - the accuracy of the owners, the operating conditions (temperature, humidity in the room) and a number of other factors. To understand which furniture will turn out better, you need to understand what chipboard and MDF are and what properties they are characterized by. Then any of us can do optimal choice, in accordance with the circumstances.

Features of laminated chipboard

This abbreviation stands for laminated chipboard. It is based on compressed sawdust and shavings, which are held together with formaldehyde resins. On sale there are products from different manufacturers, but high-quality products are necessarily three-layer. In the center there are raw materials with larger fractions, and small ones are used for the outer layers.

Chipboard used for furniture is subject to surface finishing. For it is done using a film (paper + melamine resin). Such a coating is pressed into the base, therefore, the samples differ from ordinary chipboard by their high strength and moisture resistance.

What to consider

  • All chipboards are subdivided into classes. "E1" has a minimal formaldehyde content. Therefore, when choosing furniture for residential premises (especially for children's rooms, bedrooms), it is imperative to clarify this parameter according to the accompanying documentation (certificate). If you buy class "E2", then only for utility rooms, since such products are more "harmful". Samples "E3" are generally forbidden to be used inside buildings, since the proportion of harmful resins in their composition reaches 30%.
  • Considering the structure of chipboard, it is clear that they do not differ in high strength, especially for fracture. Constant disassembly / assembly or moving furniture from place to place leads to rapid wear of the material in the locations of the fastener slots.
  • At high temperatures(for example, in the area where the oven is located), the trim can begin to peel off and warp. Lead her in initial appearance will not succeed. This is worth paying attention to when making a kitchen set.

Features of MDF

This is a fiberboard. It differs in that in its manufacture, small fractions are used, which are subjected to special processing. Such products are distinguished not only by their greater density, but also by their weight. Compared to laminated chipboard, the emission of harmful fumes is practically absent. In fact, it is an intermediate option between solid wood and particle board.