How many days concrete is gaining strength. How concrete gains strength and how to control these parameters


Key stage of repair construction work - Drying concrete. The compound hardened and dials the strength of several weeks. The process is under the supervision of engineers and requires constant control.

Specialists ensure the fulfillment of standards and, if necessary, make adjustments to the schedule. The material is sensitive to temperature fluctuations and has a "seasonality coefficient" - in winter, concrete works are carried out using heating systems. To determine how much concrete dries, various factors take into account.

Stages of hardening solution

Concrete work is part of any construction, from class-cottage to industrial and special. Material is used at various stages of the construction of objects, for filling the foundation and carrier structures, Overlapping devices.

Builders successfully use property cement-sand mixture With the addition of rubble - the ability to take formwork form. The strength and durability of the material is valued, the drying time of which is about 28 days.

Depending on the operating conditions and quality of the composition, the estimated service life of objects reaches 250 years, and an average is estimated at 50-100. For modern construction, this solid period - technology is constantly being improved, new materials and constructive solutions appear.

A set of strength is still paying special attention and control each stage:

  1. Throat. Happens in the first hours of "life" of the composition. To the workshop, the solution is delivered in a concrete mixer or prepared in place to maximize the necessary properties. Throwing time in summer at temperatures above 20 ° C - about an hour, in the heat - 15-30 minutes. When "Nole" - begins 6-10 hours after the preparation of the mixture and stretches up to 20 hours from the moment of fill;
  2. Stretching. The main stage takes 7-14 days. During this period, the design is gaining up to 70% of the calculated value, which depends on the brand of concrete;
  3. Control value according to GOST 18105-86. Standard durability time - 28 days. Specialists compare the result received with the standards of a special table.

There is a direct relationship between solpidation of the solution in different conditions and the achievement of the maximum value.

What affects the set of maximum strength

Absolute majority concrete work Perform on open air. Weather conditions I. temperature schedule - Key parameters that determine how much the solution is pouring.

In the warm season, the ripening of the mixture and gradual rejection occurs naturally. The process depends on the physicochemical properties of the composition and has small differences associated with the brand of concrete.

IN autumn-winter period The strength set is provided in two ways:

  • Antiorrose additives. Used to preserve the properties of the cooked solution. Special substances do not allow freezing water and loss of quality, facilitate the fill of the structure, alignment of the surface;
  • Electrical heating. It is performed by several methods with a common essence - ensuring uniform warming up the thickness of the concrete during the period necessary for a durability.

At low temperatures, the PNSV wires are used or "implanted" into the material of the electrodes, after which the voltage is connected. Less often use as heating element The formwork itself, cover the surface with special mats.

Works require compliance with the rules of electrical safety and are performed by SNiP 3.03.01-87. If the minimum temperature reaches 0 ° C, and the average per day does not exceed 5 ° C, the concreting initially planned with heating the flooded structures. If necessary, the solution includes PMD.

Acceleration of durability

Concrete formulations are classified depending on the compression strength indicator. Light solutions are used for auxiliary works or structures that do not experience the load.

Basic are considered concretes M-200 - M-400. The compositions are used in the construction of most civil engineering facilities. The class solutions above the M-500 are intended for special objects and structures of increased strength.

The basic rejection rate is calculated on the basis of M-200 - M-300 brands. Indicators are based on the time interval at four weeks. In practice, the required period is reduced under certain conditions:

  • Use special additives. These are auxiliary components that are mixed into the solution when preparing. Application Reduces the time of complete pour to 14 days. Such work is carried out in summer - anti-sore supplements do not have a similar property;
  • Moisturizing. With dry hot weather, there is a rapid evaporation of water from the drying composition, which adversely affects the chart of the strength recruitment and the quality of the structure. Continuous moisturizing contributes to the creation of conditions at which they achieve the optimal dynamics of frozen.

After completion of the estimated period, concrete tests and control measurements are carried out. If the indicators meet the standards, proceed to the following steps of work.

In order for the construction to be completed according to the plans, it is recommended to develop detailed project documentation based on the design features. In the calendar chart, concrete works are planning to be planned in the most favorable season.

Reinforced concrete device monolithic foundation requires knowledge and understanding of many important points.

Before pouring a mixture into a formwork, a non-professional in a construction topic should be prepared theoretically.

It has a considerable value of the disassembly time of the formwork. How to control strength and when can I load the foundation?

As indicated in p. 2.5 SNiP 2.03.01-84, concrete is not lower than M-200 should be applied to the construction of foundations. Since BM-100 is used for the preparation device, the body itself is most often performed from concrete M-200.

On the hardness of the solution laid in the formwork affect different factors, Including such:

  • The correct ratio of the ingredients;
  • Air temperature;
  • Air humidity;
  • Time period from the preparation of the mixture to laying;
  • Layer thickness;
  • Compliance with technology, etc.

A set of strength is a chemical process requiring optimal conditionsMost important heat and humidity. Depending on the ratio of these indicators, the process of achieving regulatory strength characteristics lasts up to 28 days.

If it is excessively hot, i.e. the air temperature is above 25 degrees, then the mixture, the moisture is quickly evaporated from it, which is necessary for the normal flow of the hardening reaction, and at temperatures below +5 degrees, the processes slow down, which adversely affects the frost time.

The optimal temperature of +20 degrees Celsius. Already from the first hours, the strength of the mixture begins to increase: after 2.5 hours the mixture will grab, but the hardness is still too small to hold the concrete. Intensively, the foundation is gaining strength in the first week, reaching 70% of the project. Frozening, hardening continues up to 28 days.

Concrete grasp control

Under the conditions of concrete work, construction companies are carried out by testing concrete samples by the following methods:

  • Compression special equipment;
  • Cutting the massif by the hammer of Kashkarova;
  • Ultrasonic devices (non-destructive method).

For testing on stationary machine Cooks are prepared: from one portion of the mixture poured samples with a size of 10 × 10 cm in an amount of at least 3, marking the samples themselves, as well as fixing the date and time on them.

Cubes are transmitted to a special construction laboratory to carry out tests, where on the basis of the load, in which the cubes were collapsed, calculations perform and remove the strength of concrete, given the age of cubes. This method is considered accurate.

The climbing hammer gives approximate results and refers to inaccurate methods. Hammers are different species, And the Kashkarov design device is notable for the fact that the impact force is not reflected in the final readings of the strength. Hammer himself weighs 400-800 g.

The strength indicators are determined in the footsteps remaining on concrete, in accordance with the table shown in the regulatory literature.

Ultrasound devices are based on determining the speed of ultrasound through the thickness of concrete: the more dense concrete, the smaller the speed. In addition to the size of the strength, the ultrasonic method allows you to establish the presence of emptiness, shells in the basement array or other structural element.

Special methods should be applied by professionals with work experience. Laboratories, amateurs will not be able to determine the exact value of the resistance of the material of compression, that is, strength.

In handicraft conditions, the setting check is made like this: simultaneously with the laying of the mixture into the formwork, the form of an arbitrary size is poured separately (the size of 10 × 10 cm) is poured, but preferably the same with the main elevation design.

On day 2, on one side, the formwork needs to be removed and see whether the concrete is holding the form as far as he grabbed. If necessary, follows a day to remove the formwork on another face of the sample and analyze the dynamics of setting. One of the samples can be tried to break up to make sure of its hardness.

It is important to understand that a sample of smaller dimensions than an array of foundation, and in a small volume, concrete is frozen faster. Making sure that the sample grabbed, it is necessary to give an array for an extra time 2-5 days to get the desired result - a hard-hardened, grabbed foundation.

When to remove the formwork

The removal of the formwork can be carried out in an acute need for 3-5 days, but it is better to withstand 7-14 days.

Well climbed, climbing 30-70% of the strength concrete retains the form, does not give chips sacrificing formwork. The platform is allowed B. early deadlinesIf the shields, boards are needed to perform work on another capture or the next object.

In private construction, it is reasonably not in a hurry and give a mixture to type the desired strength indicators, for which it will take 2 weeks.

How much can you load the foundation

To give a load on the foundation means, to perform the next stage of building the building, in the case of the foundation, this is a device of the walls:

Such a term occurs after 28-30 days from the moment of filling the concrete to the formwork.

This period can be reduced if applied special means - Chemical additives, or technological techniques, like warming during the cold season, watering water or shelter by wet mats in the summer when heat.

If concrete is grabbed in natural conditions, it is better not to hurry and remove the formwork not earlier than one or two weeks, but to build walls aged at least 4 weeks.

In the design of the foundation there is nothing complicated, but it is better when professionals are engaged in this, who have and experience, and technical means Concrete solidation control.

If still, the fill of the formwork is performed on its own, it is better to make the platform after 7-14 days, and to expose the load - no earlier than in 28 days from the duty of the fill.

After the completion of monolithic works, a sufficiently long exposure and set stage occurs reinforced concrete structures Strength. We will tell, in what care is concrete needs during hardening, how to speed it up and what physico-chemical phenomena accompany this process.

Chemistry of the hardening process

The construction of concrete structures that fully meet the estimated characteristics is real art that cannot be comprehended without an understanding of the complex and continuous sequence of transformations occurring in the structure of the material. Pre-preparation of construction binders, remotely resembling modern cement, appeared in 3-2 thousand years BC. However, the composition and ratio of the components of such mixtures were selected solely experimental way until the end of the XVIII century, when the so-called "romancent" was patented. This was the first milestone in a scientific approach to the development of construction concrete.

The chemical nature of the hardening of modern cement is very complex, it includes a long chain of flowing processes in each other, during which the simplest chemicals are formed, and then increasingly strong physical connections leading to the formation of a monolithic stone-like material. To consider these processes in detail for a person who is inexperienced in chemistry as science, there is no point, much more useful to the assessment external signs These phenomena and their practical meaning.

IN modern construction Used primarily Portlandian cement mixconsisting of burnt clay, gypsum and limestone, and from the point of view of chemistry - from calcium oxides, silicon, aluminum and iron. The primary raw material is thermal processing and subtle grinding, after which the components are mixed in a precisely defined proportion. The main goal of processing in the production process is to destroy natural chemical and physical connections of substances that are subsequently restored in the presence of water. Cement, in contrast to the raw clay and lime, is hardening due to no drying, but hydration, so its wet after the final curing does not lead to softening and increase viscosity.

The rise of concrete strength

In contrast to atmospheric binders, quickly culbing in air, cement hardens almost the entire life of concrete structures. This is due to the fact that in the thicker of the frozen item remains substances that did not have time to join the reaction with water. In reality in production concrete mix Water is added to it in an amount, obviously insufficient to respond to all particles of mineral binder. This is due to increased content Water in concrete leads to its bundle, a significant shrinkage when hardening and the appearance of internal stresses.

Nevertheless, remnants minerals Continue to respond, because in the thickening of its concrete has a nonzero humidity. Because of this, his hardening occurs not instantly, but for a long time. From the entire period of hardening, you can allocate the most intense period, which for concrete on Portland cement is 28-30 days. If during this time concrete product Located in appropriate conditions, it takes 100% settlement strength. At the same time, only 6-8 days of hardening the strength of the concrete reaches 60-70% of the brand, and a third of the calculated strength of the product is already purchased for 2-3 days.

Seasonal specificity

Fitting mixtures on cement binder is accompanied by two processes - a minor increase in volume and heat release. Because of this, the course of curing reactions can differ significantly depending on external conditions.

First you need to deal with increasing volume. This process has a certain practical benefit: contributes to a more easy separation of the formwork and pre-stretches the reinforcement, increasing the quality of the clutch and allowing steel to perceive the tensile load almost immediately after its occurrence, bypassing the stage of elastic deformation. Negative consequences Expansion occurs in situations when concrete is arched by a form, for example when filling concrete tie, Knock B. collected-monolithic structures and the production of products in a rigid beam formwork. In such cases, a compressible shell device compensates for a linear extension is required.

Heat release can have both positive and negative effect. First you need to understand that the heating of the hard concrete mass is most pronounced in the first 50 hours after the preparation of the mixture. The intensity of heating increases in proportion to the dimensions of the product, because the thickness of the concrete is more difficult to distinguish heat. It is also necessary to consider that concrete with a high cement content will heat up stronger than low-key.

At low air temperatures, the capacity of concrete is heated during the hardening process allows relatively easy to maintain the normal temperature regime. Despite the fact that under normal conditions the minimum temperature mark for concrete works is +5 ° C, pour products in unloading opal Of the polystyrene can even be frost to -3 ° C: its own heat release will allow maintaining necessary temperatures. Even ordinary concrete structures can be protected with insulation materials to maintain the desired temperature mode Or shut up warmly, in which plus temperature is simply maintained. It is important to note that after a set of concrete 50-60% of the strength of the frost does not have a devastating effect for the reason that most water has already managed to join the reaction. However, the speed of hardening at the same time falls almost to zero, which must be taken into account when determining the shutter speed.

In hot weather, the natural heating of the concrete mix has negative influence. Water from the surface evaporates too fast, besides, heating provokes a linear extension, accompanied by the disclosure of cracks, which in the process of hardening concrete is unacceptable. Therefore, massive products are under the outdoor, you need to constantly moisturize and cool flowing water At least in the first 7-10 days after the fill. The balance of exposure time concrete may remain under the shelter from the polyethylene film.

Acceleration of grasp and durability

Depending on the brand, concrete is enough 20-30 hours to finally take the form, after which it can be abundantly watering with water to make the process of setting the strength more intense. Heat Also contributes to an accelerated hardening, but only provided that the heating will be homogeneous throughout the thickness of the product. Thus, at the factories, the harness is accelerated by hiding the product by ferry at a temperature of 70-80 ° C, but it must be remembered that the heating of over 90 ° C for hardening concrete is destroyed.

To ensure the maximum speed of the durability can be the right watercate ratio of the prepared mixture set by GOST 30515 2013. Also accelerate the process can be made by various additives: calcium chloride, sulfate and sodium chloride, sodium carbon dioxide (soda). But it must be remembered that the use of grasp accelerators is limited to their limit content, as well as the type concrete construction, brand of concrete and reinforcement, type of cement used. More clarity in this question can be made GOST 30459-96.

In conclusion, it should be noted that in civil engineering the need to accelerate the hardening of concrete arises extremely rarely. Concrete acquires most of the varying strength quickly enough, so in the case of the casting of overlaps or reinforced belts You can continue the construction operations after 7-10 days after the monolithic work. If we are talking about the foundation, then accelerate the hardness does not have almost no sense: the base of the building must pass the shrinkage during the year that the support layer of the soil managed to stabilize and the possible skew could be eliminated by the correction layer or in the construction process.

The construction of the designs of various configurations and destination involves the fill of the foundation. Therefore, many builders, predominantly beginners, are interested in what is the time of a set of concrete strength. Immediately it is worth noting that this process depends on numerous moments, among which not only conditions ambient, but also the components of the solution used to fill the foundation.

In this article we will try to figure out how concrete strength is gaining and there are methods of accelerating this process.

What is the essence of the process?

Conditionally, it is divided into 2 stages:

  1. Grappling. This stage occurs during the first 24 hours after kneading the base. The time of decisions of the solution depends on the temperature indicators indoors or on the street. And if we provide due conditions, you can accelerate the grasp of concrete mass.
  2. Stretching. As soon as the base clings, it comes to hardening. Oddly enough, the hardening of the foundation continues within 12-24 months. At the same time, the values \u200b\u200bdeclared by the manufacturer, when providing favorable conditions, is determined on the day 28 after the fill.

Interestingly, in many sources you can find, from which the kinetics of the durability set is dependent, time. Humidity, quality of ingredients. But little where you will find the answer to the question, due to which the concrete is gaining strength? This occurs in the process of cement hydration.

In the dry material there are 4 main elements:

  • altitis;
  • bELIT;
  • threecalcium aluminat;
  • fourcalcium aluminorritis.

The first when he missed the reaction to the reaction, but this is the most fragile mineral. Next comes aluminates and alumfererites. The last to the reaction comes the Belith, it also gives the necessary strength. At the same time, it is hydrated gradually, gaining annually the necessary parameters. Even after 50 years, the hydration process goes, respectively, all this time concrete continues to gain strength.

The process of cement hydration begins with the moment of mixing with water and continues for a long time.

As for concrete, its parameters depend on the degree of cement hydration. If we are talking about a low degree, then after 4 weeks it will reach the desired 90%. In high strength, through the same time there will be only half (up to 49%), and in the future, over time it will only increase. On average, for 3-5 years, the increase is about 60%.

What affects the aging foundation

As mentioned earlier, at how much concrete is gaining strength, affects whole line Nuances, to the main of which applies:

  • temperature environmental conditions;
  • the level of humidity in the place where the base is pouring;
  • cement brand;
  • time.

Temperature conditions

A set of concrete strength depending on the ambient temperature, it is an urgent question for most people who own forces Engaged in the fill of the foundation. It is worth remembering one major rule: the colder on the street or indoors where the surface concreting is carried out, the more time the hardening.

At temperatures below 0 ° C, the base strengthen is suspended and, as a result, the duration of the durability increases indefinitely. Sometimes the achievement of the producer of strength characteristics declared by the manufacturer occurs several years. This is when the process takes place in the northern regions. Such a phenomenon is due to the fact that the water existing in the cement mass freezes. And since at the expense of moisture is ensured by the necessary hydration process, then solidification, so to speak, "frozen".

But as soon as the street starts to warm and become higher than the zero mark, the hardening will continue. Etc. This looks like a set of concrete strength depending on temperature.

Warm weather conditions "activate" and accelerate hardness cement base. The velocity of the hardening of concrete depending on the temperature is directly proportional to the increase in environmental performance. So, at 40 ° C, the indicators declared by the manufacturer are achieved in 7-8 days. It is for this reason that many experienced professionals recommend pouring concrete foundation on the panstone in hot weather, due to which it takes much less time to organize everything construction process In general, rather than in the case of the fill of the foundation in colder weather.

In winter, as soon as the temperature drops to 0 degrees, the hydration process is completely stopped

But even in this case, the concrete does not need to "push" - while the lower layers are grabbing, the top will take a crack. It does not add any aesthetics or hardness. When working in a hot time, the surface is 2-3 times a day with water and covered with cellophane.

For how much concrete is gaining strength in winter time of the year? In fact, the construction of the foundation in the winter is a time-consuming process that requires use special equipment For regular heating cement mass in order to accelerate the process of its solidification.

When working with a concrete mass in order to accelerate its solidification, heating over 90 ° C is unacceptable. This can lead to cracking the future surface.

In order to understand how the temperature affects the solidification process, you can learn the schedule for a set of concrete strength. This will allow visually to figure it out in this phenomenon. The recruitment graph consists of lines that are built on the basis of data collected for cement M400 with different mode.

The concrete hardening schedule allows you to determine which percentage ratio from the vintage indicators will be achieved after some time interval. Simply put, on these lines, you can find out how many days the mass is gaining a vintage value of hardness at a time or another.


In order to determine the optimal, you can even say safe time The start of construction work is often taken into account the table of configuration table. It can easily determine for what time the foundation cooked from a particular cement brand will be frozen. Therefore, experienced specialists always enjoy similar information tables.

Brand cement

Average daily t cement base, ° С

Deadline for solidification

Concrete mass hardness indicators for compression (% of the declared)

M200-300, kneaded on Portland cement 400-500

In the event that a regulatory and safe period is set at a mark of 50%, then the most optimum term Start of construction work will be 72-80% of the claimed vintage indicators.

Humidity indicators

The reduced indicators of environmental humidity negatively reflect on the process of hardening the foundation base. With the complete absence of moisture, the hydration process is practically not occurring, and the hardness set is inevitably stopped. That is why it is very important to monitor the humidity of the fill with the foundation.

If indoors or on the street where the fill or laying the foundation is carried out, increased humidity (70-90 °), the rate of increase in strength indicators increases.

Werewind to such a high temperature regime when minimum values Humidity will definitely damage the flooded surface and reduce the hardening rate. To avoid such consequences, it is necessary to regularly produce moisturizing. Under such circumstances in hot weather, hardening will occur very quickly.

Video: How much concrete is harden

Cement Composition and Operational Data

If the cement has the ability of heat dissipation and immediately after the fill it quickly hardens, then after freezing in the cement mass of water, the hardening process will always stop. For this reason, during construction work, the cold season is better to give preference to mixtures prepared on the basis of antiorrosal additives.

So, for example, the alummy mass after the fill highlights 7 times more heat than the usual portland cement. Due to this, mixed on the basis of such cement construction mixture It is capable of quickly gaining strength even at temperatures below 0 ° C. What, in fact, is due to its popularity of use in the cold season.

It is worth noting that the cement brand also affects the fill or masonry hardening. The table presented on the table clearly demonstrates these data.

Here, in fact, everything you need to know about the hardening of the foundation. We hope this information will be used by you in practice and will help you achieve the task in the best way!

Video: How to speed up solidification of concrete

Strength indicator - the main characteristic of concrete as structural material. One of its properties is a set of concrete strength over time. Only after complete hardening can be made of quality assessment, since the indicator reaches maximum values.

After laying in the mixture, physico-chemical processes begin to turn it into a solid foundation for building construction. As soon as, under their influence, water and cement come into interaction, the solution gradually loses its mobility and changes the properties. The formation of a new structure occurs within a certain time. Concrete aging suggests a solution with a solution of two stages: initial - setting, and final - solidification. Their passage makes it possible to obtain strength properties appropriate concrete of a certain class and brand.

During transportation in the auto mixer, the mixture remains mobile due to constant stirring and its thixotropic properties. The termination of the mechanical exposure to the solution after the fill increases its viscosity, and it begins to capture. All identified defects need to be eliminated at the beginning of the first stage of aging, it starts immediately after filling the concrete mixture and lasts long.

Settling time depends on air temperature. The constant temperature of + 20 ° C is considered an ideal condition for the first stage of soloing the solution, allowing it to be captured in 3 hours. When this condition changes, the duration of the setting may decrease or increase. The longest of all this stage lasts at the temperature values \u200b\u200bof the surrounding air close to 0 degrees.

Stage of hardening

After the final grasp of the solution begins the stage of hardening. At the initial stage, the aggregate fastened by crystallized cement particles does not provide the required strength. But with the beginning of the hydration reaction, the hardening becomes the most dynamic. The concrete basis for 7 days becomes much stronger. For this small segment of time, concrete is gaining 70 percent of strength. After the slow down of this process occurs and another 25% of hardness is gained over three weeks. Complete solidification occurs in a few years.

How many concrete is gaining strength?

If the brand of the solution is determined 28 days after the fill, this is the answer to the matter of interest to many, for how much concrete is gaining hardness. But do not forget about some features of a set of concrete strength depending on the temperature:

  • At low air temperatures, the strength values \u200b\u200bgrow slower;
  • At zero mark it does not harden at all, since cement hydration due to frozen water becomes impossible, warming activates a set of hardness;
  • Wet environment helps concrete base to become stronger;
  • With reduced humidity, the set slows down and may even stop, due to the lack of water, which is needed to hydrate the binder.

Dependence of temperature durability

According to the table given in the table, it can be seen that the temporary figure of solidification of the concrete base depends on the brand and temperature conditions.

It should be borne in mind that the speed of solidification of the solution is a non-permanent value. The graph shows that the recruited speed in the first five days then begins to gradually decrease. The time interval, in which the accelerated solid triumph occurs, is customary to be called a period of withstanding. At this time it is important to provide the necessary temperature and humidity conditions with a flooded solution.

Although the schedule of the concrete strength is a month, this process is beyond the framework of this time period (SP 63.13330.2012). For the final solidification of the structure may require years.

What does the strength set depends on?

If created favorable conditionsThe concrete base hardens in 28 days. But under the influence of some factors, the time of the durability may increase or vice versa shrink. The deadline for solidification of concrete stone depends on:

  • Constancy of temperature indicators during concrete aging;
  • Humidity level;
  • Possible atmospheric precipitation and their intensity;
  • Cement marks;
  • Pouring time.


If we talk about the effect of ambient temperature on a set of concrete strength, then the following rule is valid: the colder, the longer the hardening will take concrete base. For negative temperature The process stops, due to which the time of final solidification increases. Therefore, in the north, where the aging concrete stone passes under conditions of low temperatures, the process can last for years.

Such a long term is due to the fact that the water required for the hydration reaction cannot evaporate, because it constantly freezes. But upon the occurrence of heat and increasing the air temperature to positive values, the process of solidification of the concrete structure is resumed.


When determining the timing of work on concreting, the base of the construction structure uses the table of a hardness set. It provides strength indicators that reaches a concrete stone through a certain period of time after filling at different temperature values.


The decrease in the humidity of the ambient air at the site of concreting negatively affects the process of hardening concrete stone. In the dry air, evaporation of water from the solution is much faster, therefore the speed of the set of the necessary strength of the concrete is quite high. But the accelerated hydration of cement does not sufficiently bond components, and concrete basis It turns out fragile.

The optimal humidity rate is 66-70%.

In the summer, the pouring time depends on the humidity of the base. At maximum humidity, the rate of increase of hardness increases.

Cement and additives

Using at the fusion of Portland cement different marks leads to a change in the time of his hardening. Since, the higher the cement brand, the less days Requires concrete to dial brand strength. The composition and characteristics of the source materials are significant effect on the speed of frozen mixture.

In winter, anti-massorous mixtures are added to the solution. Since immediately after the fill, he will be able to harden a little due to heat dissipation, but after the water freezing the process stops.

In the summer, on the other hand, it is better to slow down the evaporation of moisture to protect the design from premature drying. It is easy to do with special additives, which will also improve concrete strength indicators.

Attention! If there are porous materials in the composition, the evaporation of moisture will occur more slowly.

For rapid increases of hardness of concrete and receipt quality design It is necessary to ensure proper care. Moreover, it should be careful immediately after the fill, and continue until the formwork is removed. The full design of the design is possible only after receiving the concrete of the calculated strength.