Health-saving technologies in the educational process of DW. Health-saving technologies in Dow

"Health saving technologies in educational process kindergarten and family "


    Heating technology: concept, purpose and task.

    What are health-saving technologies?

    Types of health-saving technologies used in Dow.

    Forms of health work in a preschool institution.

    Doe and family.

    Collaboration of kindergarten and family: care for the health of the preschooler.

"I'm not afraid to repeat again and again:

health care is the most important

labor career. From cheerfulness

their spiritual life depends on children's cheerfulness

worldview, mental development,

the strength of knowledge, faith in their own strength. "

V.A. Sukhomlinsky

Preschool age is reasonable to be the most important period in the process of forming a person's personality. At this age, various abilities develop more intensively, form mathematical qualities, traits are produced. It is in this age period that the foundation for the health and development of the physical qualities necessary for the effective participation of the child is laid and strengthened various forms Motor activity, which, in turn, creates conditions for the active and directional formation and development of mental functions and the intellectual abilities of the preschooler.

What is health? Let us turn to the "Dictionary of Russian Language" S.I. Ozhegova: "The right, normal activity of the body." The charter of the World Health Organization (WHO) states that health is not only the absence of diseases or physical defects, but also full physical, mental and social well-being. That is why the problem of health should be considered in a broad social aspect.

An analysis of the health status of preschool children shows that over the past decade the number of absolutely healthy children has decreased from 23 to 15% and the number of children with chronic diseases has increased from 16 to 17.3%. On average, Russia for each preschooler accounts for at least two diseases per year. Approximately 20-27% of children belongs to the category often and dearly ill. Almost 90% of preschool children have standard deviations in the structure of the musculoskeletal system - the dispensing of posture, flatfoot, non-equilibrium muscular tone, the weakness of the abdominal muscles, the non-optimality of the ratio of static and dynamic movements. In 20-30% of senior preschool children, neurotic manifestations are observed. According to forecasts, 85% of these children are potential patients with cardiovascular diseases. About 50% of children need psychocorrection and are characterized by serious psychological disadvantage. In the overwhelming majority, children starting with preschool age suffer a shortage of movements and reduced immunity. Their muscle load decreases due to objective reasons: children have almost no opportunity to play mobile games while walking, and some parents are overly enjoyed by the intellectual development of their children (computer games, visiting a variety of circles).

The above results clearly indicate the socio-pedagogical level of problems that arise before employees of pre-school institutions designed to educate a healthy child with optimal physical and mental development, which corresponds to the social demand of society.

It is indisputable that the main task of a kindergarten is to prepare a child for independent life, giving him the necessary skills for this, the skills, raising certain habits. But can each professionally trained teacher, just an adult responsible person regardless of the unfavorable state of health of his pupils, his progressive deterioration? One of the answers to this question and became the demand for teachers of the educational institution of health-saving educational technologies.

Health-saving technologies: concept, goal and task

Before you start talking about the health-saving technologies, we define the concept of "technology". Technology is a tool professional activity The teacher, respectively, characterized by high-quality adjective - pedagogical. The essence of the pedagogical technology is that it has a pronounced stage (step-chance), includes a set of certain professional actions at each stage, allowing the teacher even in the design process to anticipate the intermediate and final results of their own professional-pedagogical activities. Pedagogical technology is distinguished: the specificity and clarity of the target and tasks, the presence of steps: primary diagnostics; detention, forms, methods and techniques for its implementation; use of a set of funds in a certain logic with the organization of interim diagnostics to achieve an indicated goal; The final diagnosis of achieving the goal, the criteria evaluation of the results. (This definition is offered to Derkun V.A.-Kand.Bed.Nuk)

What are health-saving technologies?

Heating technology in preschool education - technologies aimed at solving the priority task of modern pre-school education - the task of preserving, maintaining and enriching the health of the subjects of the pedagogical process in kindergarten: children, teachers and parents.

The purpose of the health-saving technologies in preschool education is applied to the child - ensuring a high level of real health to the pupil of kindergarten and the upbringing of valeological culture as a set of a conscious child's relationship to the health and life of a person, knowledge of health and skills to protect, maintain and maintain it, Vellenual competence allowing the preschooler It is independently and effectively solving the tasks of a healthy lifestyle and safe behavior, the tasks associated with the provision of elementary medical, psychological self-help and assistance. With regard to adults - promoting the establishment of health culture, including the culture of the professional health of the educators and valeologic education of parents.

In the Dow can be developed "technology of health", the tasks of which are:

1. Conservation and strengthening of children's health based on integrated and systematic use of physical education agents available to kindergarten, optimizing motor activity in the fresh air.

2. Ensuring the active position of children in the process of obtaining knowledge about a healthy lifestyle.

3. Constructive partnership of the family, pedagogical team and children themselves in strengthening their health, the development of creative potential.

Types of health-saving technologies used in Dow

Types of health-saving technologies in preschool education - the classification of health-saving technologies on the domination of goals and solved problems, as well as leading means of health care and the health enormity of the subjects of the pedagogical process in kindergarten.

Heating activity in our kindergarten is carried out in the following forms:

Medical and Preventive Technology

Medical and prophylactic activities ensure the preservation and increase in the health of children under the guidance of medical personnel DW in accordance with the medical requirements and the use of medical facilities.

Tasks of this activity:

Organization of monitoring the health of children and the development of recommendations for optimizing child health;

Organization and control of nutrition of children, physical development, hardening;

Organization of preventive measures contributing to the resistance of a children's body (for example, immunization, rinse the throat with anti-inflammatory herbs, gentle mode during the adaptation period, etc.).

Organization of control and assistance in ensuring the requirements of sanitary and epidemiological standards - San Pins

Organization of the health-saving medium in Dow.

Monitoring the state of health and the physical development of children is carried out by medical professionals of kindergarten. All work on the physical education of children in the Dow is based on their physical fitness and existing deviations in a state of health. For this, on the basis of individual medical maps, the preschool doctor is a console institution for each age group, which helps educators and medical professionals to have a clear picture of the state of the health of children of the whole group and each child separately. This analysis scheme and specific recommendations are recorded in the group "Journal of Health" - "Individual Route of the Child" - that every teacher planning physical education work in accordance with the peculiarities of children's health.

Physical and wellness technology

Physical and recreational activities are aimed at physical development and strengthening the health of the child.

Tasks of this activity:

The development of physical qualities;

Monitoring motor activity and the formation of physical culture of preschoolers,

Formation of proper posture, prevention of disorders of the musculoskeletal system;

Education of the habit of everyday physical activity;

Healing with hardening by means of hardening. Physical and recreational activities are carried out by an instructor of physical culture in physical education classes, as well as teachers - in the form of various gymnastics, physical attacks, dynamic pauses, etc.;

Technology to ensure the social and psychological well-being of the child;

The task of this activity is to ensure the emotional comfort and positive psychological well-being of the child in the process of communicating with peers and adults in kindergarten, family; Ensuring the socio-emotional well-being of the preschooler, because Emotional attitude, mental well-being, the cheerful mood of children is important to their health. In its activities, the "Support Service" is guided by the Regulations on the medical and psychological and pedagogical service and aims to create a holistic system in the preschool institution, providing optimal conditions for the development of children, taking into account age and individual characteristics, the state of somatic and mental health. In this system, the diagnostic, advisory, correctional, educational, medical and prophylactic and social directions interact.

Technologies of health care and health care teachers

To improve the health of kids, their favorable physical development affects the whole way of life of a child in kindergarten, caring and attentive attitude towards him adults, a high sense of responsibility of the entire team for each pupil. Therefore, much attention in our DW is given to the selection and alignment of personnel on groups, taking into account their business, experience and psychological compatibility. Remembering that physical development results depend primarily from the professional training of teachers, their pedagogical knowledge, a system of comprehensive methodical work on improving skill is thought out.

The teacher, guarding the child's health, raising the child's health culture and parents, first of all, should be healthy himself, have valeological knowledge, not worried about work, should be able to objectively assess its advantages and disadvantages associated with professional activities, draw up a plan for self-correction and proceed to Its implementation .

Parent Valeological Enlightenment Technologies.

The main educators of the child are parents. From how the child's day mode is organized correctly, what attention pays parents' health care, its mood depends, the state of physical comfort. A healthy lifestyle of the child to whom he is involved in an educational institution can or find everyday support at home, and then fix it, or not to find, and then the information received will be superfluous and the child.

The informational and educational activities are expressed in the formation of a healthy lifestyle from parents as values, as well as in the acquaintance of parents with various forms of work on physical education in a preschool institution, informing about the state of health and physical development, the level of motor preparedness of their child; Attracting parents to participate in various co-physical leisure activities and holidays.

In order to cooperate with parents for the formation of a healthy lifestyle in children, we have developed a system of events to which:

parent meetings




sports holidays

holidays health

family Club

mobile folders,

personal example of a teacher,

non-traditional forms of work with parents,

practical shows (workshops)

Healthy-saving educational technologies.

This type of activity involves the upbringing of valeological culture, or health culture, preschoolers. The purpose of it is to form in children a conscious child's attitude to health and life, the accumulation of knowledge about the health and development of skills to protect it.

Health-saving educational technologies are most significant among all the well-known technologies according to the degree of influence on the health of children. The main sign is the use of psychological and pedagogical techniques, methods, approaches to solving emerging problems.

Educational activities involve classes and conversations with preschoolers on the need to comply with the regime of the day, the importance of hygienic and motor culture, the health and means of its strengthening, the functioning of the body and the rules of concern for him, children acquire the skills of culture and healthy lifestyle, knowledge of the rules of safe behavior and reasonable actions in unforeseen situations.

Preparation for a healthy lifestyle of a child based on health-saving technologies should be a priority in the activities of each educational institution for children of preschool age.

Forms of recreation work in preschool institution

The preschool institution daily in all age groups provides several forms of physical education of children, which contributes to health promotion and allows for the necessary motor activity of children throughout the day.

Special attention in the day is paid to harding procedures , contributing to improving health and reduce morbidity. Harding events as important component Physical culture, promotes the creation of mandatory conditions and habits of a healthy lifestyle. The hardening system we use provides for a variety of forms and methods, as well as changes in connection with the time of year, age and individual features of the health of children.

When working with children, the basic principles of hardening are necessarily observed:

Implementation hardened under the condition that the child is healthy;

Invalidation of tempering procedures if the child has negative emotional reactions (fear, crying, anxiety);

Careful accounting of the individual characteristics of the child, its age, the possibility of increased sensitivity to hardening activities;

The intensity of the hardware procedures increases gradually and consistently, with expansion zones and an increase in the time of hardening;

Systemativity and constancy of hardening (and not on occasion.

For the greatest hardening efficiency, we provide:

Clear organization of thermal and air regime indoors ("Temperature" hygiene);

Rational, non-efficient clothing of children;

Compliance with the walking mode at all times;

Sleep with open framugas;

Hygienic procedures (wash and pouring hands to the elbow cool water, rinse mouth with boiled water room temperature);

Driving barefoot in the group and in the summer for a walk, exercising with barefoot morning gymnastics and physical education. The main meaning of driving barefoot lies in hardening the skin of the stop to the effect of reduced temperatures, which is carried out mainly by the action low temperatures Paul, land. It is this action that is determining, if not the only one, in hardening, since no convincing evidence regarding the influence of other components in the scientific literature is not available.

The method of contrast air hardening, which is carried out at the end of the daytime sleep alternately in the cold and warm rooms. The temperature of the air in warm room is maintained with the help of heaters, in the cold decreases due to intense ventilation, in the summer up to drafts.

One of the most effective hardware procedures in everyday life is an walk. In order for the walk to give the effect, we change the sequence of activities of children, depending on the nature of the previous classes and weather conditions. So, in the cold season and after the class on which the children were sitting, the walk begins with a run, a mobile game; In the warm season or after physical education and musical training - with observation, calm games.

The walk is one of the most important regime moments, during which children can sufficiently implement their motor needs. The optimal form for this serve moving games and exercise on the street.

Movable game it occupies a special place in the development of the child-preschooler. It contributes to the consolidation and improvement of motor skills and skills, provides an opportunity to develop cognitive interest, forms the ability to navigate the surrounding reality, which is so important for the acquisition by the child of life experience.

A variety of gaming actions develop dexterity, speed, coordination of movements and favorably affect the emotional state of children.

The need for movements in preschoolers is great, but the faster organism is extremely sensitive not only to the lack, but also to excess movements. That is why when choosing moving games and game exercises, we try to observe optimal mode Motor activity, adjust the permissible load, changing gaming situation, increasing or reducing the number of repetitions.

In addition to moving games, in our kindergarten we are widely used a variety exercises In the main types of movements:

Running and walking

Throwing, throwing and catching the ball

Exercises on the obstacle course

Physical exercises carried out in the fresh air contribute to the functional improvement of the children's body, increase its performance, the development of protective forces in relation to unfavorable factors external environment. For every two weeks there are 3-4 air exercise complexes:

For good weather (for season);

In case of raw weather;

In case of a gusty wind.

Of course, the development of movements and physical culture on the upbringing of a healthy child in our preschool institution is attached to physical classes . Moreover, in each age period, physical education classes have different focus:

They bring pleasure to small children, teach them to navigate them in space, adopts of elementary insurance;

At middle age - develop physical qualities, first of all, endurance and power;

In senior groups - form the need in motion, develop motor abilities and independence.

That is why in our kindergarten are used a variety of options Physical education:

Classes for traditional scheme;

Classes consisting of a set of moving games of large, medium and low intensity;

Competition classes, where children during different relay two teams reveal winners;

Classes of Health Series, which may be included in the grid of classes as cognitive development. In the course of such classes, children are subject to the structure of their own body, the appointment of bodies, which is useful and harmful to the human body, as well as elementary skills to care and first aid. These classes are great value In the upbringing of the child, the need for a healthy lifestyle.

Great wellness and educational significance for our children has swimming , Which is one of the important types of cyclic loads with a powerful health-improving overall action. Swimming is different from all other sports exercises with an unlimited age range of application and has a beneficial effect on cardiovascular, respiratory system: improves thermoregulation, gas exchange, sleep, increases performance. Swimming is also an effective means of prophylaxis and even treating the disruption of posture and narrowness. During the swim spine of the child straightens, the muscles of the hands and legs perform rhythmic movements affecting the flexibility of the spine.

Conducting classes in the pool We take into account the age and individual features of children, we ensure compliance with the rules of instructions for ensuring the safety of children on water, systematic medical and pedagogical control over the implementation of the regime and organization of swimming classes, planning and methodology for conducting.

One of the most important components of the strengthening and recovery of the children's body, as well as the organization of the motor regime of the child, aimed at raising the emotional and muscular tone of children, is morning gymnastics .

The daily performance of physical exercises under the leadership of the adult contributes to the manifestation of certain volitional efforts, produces a useful habit of children to begin the day with morning gymnastics. Morning gymnastics gradually involves the entire body of the child into an active state, strengthens the breath, enhances blood circulation, promotes the exchange of substances, causes the need for oxygen, helps the development of proper posture. To prevent the occurrence of flatfoot, exercises are offered to strengthen the foot of the foot - lifting the socks, on the heels.

Music, accompanying movement, creates a wretched mood, has a positive effect on the nervous system of the child.

Morning gymnastics is carried out daily to breakfast, within 10-12 minutes in air or indoors (depending on weather conditions). Throughout the morning gymnastics conducted in the room, the windows remain open, children are engaged in physical education and barefoot.

In breaks between classes, especially in the senior groups of kindergarten, is held motor workout. Her goal is prevent the development of fatigue in children, remove the emotional stress in the process of occupation with mental load, which contributes to a more rapid perception of software material. Muscular workout allows you to actively relax after mental load and forced static poses, it helps to increase the motor activity of children. The game exercises used in the warm-up are well acquainted with children, simple content, with a small number of rules, are not durable in time (no more than 10-12 minutes), accessible to children with different levels of motor activity.

In order to prevent fatigue in classes related to long-term seats in a monotonous posture, requiring focused attention and maintain the mental health of children at a good level, in kindergarten are held fizkultminutki .

Fizkultminutki increase the total tone, motor skills, contribute to the training of mobility of nervous processes, develop attention and memory, create a positive emotional attitude and remove psycho-emotional tension.

Fizkultminthki are held as an educator as needed during the development of speech, the formation of elementary mathematical representations, etc. The duration is 3-5 minutes.

Fizkultminutki are conducted in numerous forms: in the form of exercises of the overall impact (movement of the head, hands, body, legs), mobile game, didactic game With different movements, dance movements and game exercises. Fizkultminutka may be accompanied by text associated or not related to the content of classes.

Along with various health events in the preschool institution and gymnastics after day sleep, Which helps to improve the mood of children, lift muscle tone, and also contributes to the prevention of posture and foot disorders. Gymnastics is carried out at open-windows 7-15 minutes. During the year, various gymnastics options are used.

Workout in bed. Children gradually wake up under the sounds of pleasant music and, lying in bed on the back over the blanket, perform 5-6 exercises of the overall impact. Exercises are performed from different provisions: lying on the side, on the stomach, sitting. After doing the exercises, children get up and perform in a different pace several movements (walking in place, walking on massage rugs, gradually turning into running). Then everything moves from the bedroom to a well-ventigable group room and arbitrary dance, musical - rhythmic or other movements are performed to the music.

Gymnastics of gaming character. Consists of 3-6 imitation exercises. Children imitate the movements of birds, animals, plants, create various images ("skier", "skater", "parsley", "flower").

Massage tracks. Combined with contrasting air baths and are held 2 times a week for 5-7 minutes. The massage path consists of benefits and items that contribute to the foot massage. Children are engaged in barefoot, go in a rapid pace along the path and smoothly go to run (1-1.5min.) And go back to a quiet walking with breathing exercises. This contributes to the development of endurance, coordination of movements, forming the foot and strengthening the body of children.

Breathing exercises . The health of a person, its physical and, largely depends on the right breathing. mental activity. The breathing exercises increase the ventilation, lympho and blood circulation in the lungs, reduce the bronchi spasm and bronchiol, improve their patency, contribute to the discharge of sputum, train the ability to arbitrarily control their breathing, form the proper biomechanic of breathing, carry out the prevention of diseases and complications of respiratory.

In preschool children, the breathing muscles are still weak, so a special system of exercises in natural rhythmic breathing is necessary, as well as in the correct use of inhalation and exhalation with simple and more complex movements, and the rhythm of breathing and movement form one rhythmic whole. The gymnastic exercises forming the correct breathing include exercises for the setting of proper breathing through the nose, the development of the muscles of the chest to increase its elasticity, for active pulling of the spine. All exercises are carried out in their own respiratory rhythm, slowly, watching inhale and exhalation and compensatory pause after exhalation.

Methods of application of breathing exercises:

Inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth into a lip closed tube, combine breathing exercises with overall exercises, form breathing mixed type.

Acupressure - Elementary welcome self-help to its body. Exercises of a point massage teach children to consciously take care of their health, instill with them confidence that they themselves can help them improve their state of health. Along with this, the point massage is the prevention of colds.

During the finger massage, irritation of the leather receptors, muscles, tendons, fingers, the impulses of which are running simultaneously in the head and spinal cord, and from there, the team has already come into operation to various organs and structures. Massage increases the protective properties of the shells of the nasopharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi and other organs. Under the action of massage, the body begins to produce its own medicines (for example, interferon), which are very often much more efficient and safer than tablets.

In our kindergarten functions fitobar where pupils get oxygen cocktail. Oxygen cocktail is juice, phytooculor or any other drink saturated with oxygen to the state of delicate air foam. Oxygen cocktail is very useful product. It helps to concentrate and improves memory, improves eyesight. This is natural natural way Get rid of headaches, increases endurance, is a non-drug weight reduction method, soothes and stabilizes the nervous system, serves as a guarantee of a good mood.

It is used to eliminate hypoxia, improving performance, elimination chronic fatigue, Normalization of sleep, enhance immunity.

To increase the body's resistance cold illness In our garden, children are recommended by the irrigation of zea bravery calendula, eucalyptus, sage, chamomiles, hunter, plantain, mother-and-stepmother, oak bark. Children all over the year receive vitamin tea, chamomile herbs, nettle, hormour, mint, plantain. Constantly children are wicked by sage grasses, eucalyptus, calendula. With great pleasure, our pupils participate in tasting herbal teas:

Soothing tea (mint, dye);

Anti-inflammatory tea (St. John's wort, chamomile, plantain);

Vitamin tea (currant, nettle, rosehip);

Tea regulating metabolism (rosehip, strawberries).

It has been proven that various flavors in a certain way affect the development of a child, on his health and mood (B.V. Shevrygin). Even the smells are able to distinguish the smells. Different smells affect children in different ways: pleasant flavors are capable of acting as good medicines, can cause appetite, normalize activities nervous system, improves vision at dusk and color, and color; and vice versa, unpleasant odors Can coagulate and annoy the child.

In our pre-school institution used aromotherapy. Practical use Aromotherapy and aromocaffulatics pursues the following goals:

Prevention and reduction of the incidence of sharp respiratory and viral infections;

Correction of the psycho-physiological state, an increase in mental and physical performance, improving the coordination of movements and functions of analyzers, expanding the volume of short-term memory, increase stress resistance, improved sleep;

Prevention of vegetative-vascular dystonia, functional violations of the activity of the cardiovascular system;

Stimulation of the general immunological reactivity of the body in order to increase resistance to infectious diseases, expanding adaptation capabilities;

Expansion of a complex of rehabilitation measures in patients with chronic and non-specific diseases of the lungs.

The use of aromotherapy in kindergarten occurs according to the "individual route of the child" to avoid different allergic diseases, given the principle of "unsure - not to appoint."

Wellness work in our garden is carried out hard and in summer period And represents a set of measures aimed at restoring the functional state of the children's body.

The central place in this complex occupies the mode of the day, which provides for the maximum stay of children in the open air, the appropriate age of sleep and other types of recreation. All activities related to physical exertion (rolling games, work, physical education) are held in the clock of the smallest insolation.

In the exercise of summer health work in kindergarten, our team adheres to the following principles:

integrated use of preventive, hardware and wellness technologies;

continuous conduct of preventive, hardware and wellness activities;

preferential use of non-drug rehabilitation;

use of ordinary I. available technologies;

formation of positive motivation in children to conduct preventive, hardware and wellness activities;

integration of hardening prevention program in the family;

improving the efficiency of the system of preventive, hardware and wellness activities due to adherence to Dow sanitary norms and rules, optimal motor regime and exercise, sanitary condition of the institution, nutrition, air-thermal regime and the use of various forms of recreation work.

Dow and family

Family and kindergarten is the microclimate in which the child has a child of preschool age. This is the medium in which it draws the necessary information and adapts to life in society. At any time, teachers worked with the family of their pupil, looking for support and understanding the problems of the child for the comprehensive development of a harmoniously developed and healthy personality. However, parents who do not have sufficiently knowledge of the age and individual characteristics of the child's development, sometimes make up robing blindly, intuitively. All this, as a rule, does not bring positive results. Family and kindergarten are two public institutions that are standing at the origins of our future, but often not always enough understanding of mutual understanding, tact, patience to hear and understand each other. To form the position of cooperation of teachers with children and their parents, it is necessary to create a single space for the development of the child, which must support both kindergarten and family.

In order to build effective communication of teachers and parents, it is important to have communicative skills, orient to the problems of the education and needs of the family, be aware of the latest achievements of science.
Communication will be successful if it is meaningful, based on general and significant themes for both sides, if each of them in the process of communication enriches its informational baggage. An important condition ... .. The creation of models "Educator - Parent", Educator -Psychologist - Parent. A special form of communication in these models in confidence-business contact.

At the stage of primary dating, parents acquaint the principles of the work of the Doo and family: openness, cooperation, creating an active development environment, the principle of an individual approach to each family.

Knowing how important an atmosphere of friendly relationships between teacher and parents, the first parent meeting "will be familiar" we spend in an unconventional form. It should be very carefully prepared, because their further cooperation depends on the primary perception of the teacher and family.
In the process of organizing a single health-saving space of pre-family and family, we use a variety of forms of work: open classes with children for parents; Pedagogical conversations with parents - general and group parent meetings; consultation; classes with parents; Exhibitions of children's work, made with parents; Open days; participation of parents in the preparation and holding of holidays, leisure; joint creation of an objective environment; work with the parents' parent committee; trainings;
parent living rooms; Mail confidence, survey. Colorful visual stands in the receptions introduce parents with the Life of the Group, with the Convention on the Rights of the Child, with the age characteristics of children. In the corners of experts, the practical information is posted, given interesting FactsThe recommendations of the teacher-speech therapist, a teacher-psychologist, head of the izostuddy, physical culture and musical workers are given.

As a result, the level of educational educational activities Parents, which contributed to the development of their creative initiative. The organization of interaction with the family is a difficult work that does not have ready-made technologies and recipes. Its success is determined by intuition, initiative and patience of the teacher, his ability to become a professional assistant in the family.
As a result of the work done, the use of various forms and methods of communication with parents, the psychological and pedagogical literacy of parents increased; The culture of interpersonal interaction of children in the group increased. Thus, work in close cooperation with parents brought welcoming results.
Living conditions, moral and emotional atmosphere, in which the child lives, entirely depends on adults, and they are undoubtedly responsible for the happiness and health of children.

Collaboration of kindergarten and family: care for the health of the preschooler

Socio-economic transformations that occurred in our country at the end of the XX - early XXI century, entailed a change in the usual lifestyle and moral and value orientation and could not affect the education of children in the family.

Health children depends not only on physical characteristics, but also on the level of health care, sanitation and the environmental situation in the country. Healthcare should be assessed in unity with environmental and adaptation capabilities of the body. Therefore, a family and pre-school institution should be carried out to work on full physical development and strengthening health of children.

The first school of upbringing is a family. Parents are the first teachers of their child. In the family conditions, emotional moral experience is formed, the level of the content of the emotional and social development of the child is determined that the state of parents' health is one of the leading factors that have a direct impact on the health of the child. This impact is not only purely biological (hereditary), but also manifests itself indirectly through a system of conditions characterizing the lifestyle of mother and father, their installation on health, degree of medical activity.

The preventive activity of people defining the awareness of health as values \u200b\u200band the presence of targeted actions to maintain and strengthen, is currently becoming an important factoraffecting the health of the population, primarily children. The need to search for earnings, overload at work, reduction of free time in parents lead to the deterioration of their physical and mental state, increased irritability, fatigue, stress. My emotions are familiar to their emotions to the children, while they are put in guilt both external problems and household turmoil. The child falls into a situation of full dependence on the mood, emotions and parental reactions, which affects his mental health.

Therefore, it is so important to help parents understand that very many factors have an influence on the development of the child's personality, and education should not go spare.

To date, the problem of interaction of the Dow and family on children's health issues is one of the most relevant. Family need support and maintenance.

Numerous studies have a negative impact on the health of the child's early artificial feeding, the irrational regime of the day, irregular and insufficient stay in the fresh air, small physical activity and the bad habits of the parents. Elementary compliance with the principles of a healthy lifestyle can level all these negative impacts, and, therefore, activities aimed at improving the medical activity of parents are the task of paramount importance.

The greatest effect of improving activities is noted in cases where parents not only strictly fulfill the recommendations of the doctor, but also become supporters of a healthy lifestyle. Only the active position of family members, their cooperation with preschool institution makes it possible to achieve the desired results.

purposethe work of a kindergarten in this direction is to provide assistance to a family to create conditions for education of children of preschool age, protection and strengthening their health. It implies the following tasks:

    increase the resistance and protective properties of the child's body through ensuring a healthy lifestyle, optimal motor regime, psychological safety of personality, introducing healthy technologies;

    create optimal conditions to ensure the protection and strengthening of the physical and mental health of children;

    carry out the necessary correction of deviations per once * of the child's Vities;

    expand cooperation with the family for the formation of the spiritual and moral appearance of the younger generation, the isuity and intensification of the pedagogical potential of the family;

    implement the prevention of asocial behavior by means of physical culture and sports.

For successful working with parents, we annually conduct research of families of pupils, using methods such as survey, conversations with parents and children, child observations, testing, visit at home, etc.

For the conscious participation of parents and teachers, special knowledge is needed in the recovery of the child. Causes of frequent diseases in children, prevention of diseases, care for a sick child, first aid and prevention of complications - we consider all these issues on parent meetings, round tables. Medical workers of kindergartens and children's clinics are invited to such events (pediatricians, narrow specialists). In addition, parents get acquainted with the results of diagnosing the health of children, their psychomotor development, the content of physical education work in kindergarten, are divided by their positive experience of family education, talk about family traditions that help family health enhancement. The concept of "family traditions" includes the concept of "lifestyle". Many diseases and problems are rooted in it. For example, the acute problem of modernity is alcoholism and drug addiction.

Along with the collective forms of the organization, the individual and subgroup conversations are widely used, oral magazines. Training of parents of therapeutic and recreation work in the family conditions are carried out by Dow specialists: the senior nurse, a nurse of a physiotherapy office, a physical education instructor, a teacher-psychologist. Given practical advice, Medical and pedagogical literature is recommended.

One of effective methods In this direction - the use of visual agitation. Each group has a health corner where information for parents about therapeutic and preventive measures carried out in a preschool institution will prevent. There are so-called "piggybacks of health", in which the material is assembled on non-traditional methods of recovery, material that promotes a healthy lifestyle. This information is collected not only by doctors and teachers, but also by the parents themselves.

Methods of disease prevention are also drawn up as san bulite. The health workers of the kindergarten made up of them a whole file.

Consultations, lectures, seminars are held, practical classes are organized. Themes are the most diverse: "If the child is afraid of the dentist," "Alcohol and the offspring", "Preventive vaccinations - protection against infectious diseases", "About health seriously", "Prevention of children's injuries", "We form the need for a healthy lifestyle" and others.

Systematically for parents are organized days of open doors. In our opinion, this is an effective form of involvement of family members into the pedagogical process. During the day, Pope, Moms, Grandparents have the opportunity to visit the morning gymnastics, physical education, walking, hardening procedures and other regime moments. Visitors leave their impressions in the book of feedback and suggestions. Then we analyze all the events, draw conclusions, summarize. As a rule, parents are very satisfied. But sometimes they have questions, it is important to us every statement. After all, if they did not understand something, they were not so perceived, it is necessary to take this note and clarify.

Parents are invited for days and health weeks that have become traditional in our kindergarten. Moms and Pope are not only observed, but also become active participants of entertainment, various games, sports holidays: "Together with MoMu, all the obstacles will pass", "Pope can be all in the world", "Dad, Mom, I am a sports family", " Interplanetary Olympic Family Games »," Friendly Family ".

Educators, together with their parents, design wall newspapers and exhibitions of drawings on the themes: "Sun, air and water - our best friends", "In a healthy body - a healthy mind", "in the country of health", "the active holiday of our family" and others. Parents are accepted Participation in the essay competition "Our family is for a healthy lifestyle", in which they are talking about how to rest, celebrate holidays, weekends, what games are spent with children, what sports events are attended which children's and parental relations are present in the family. Then we make exhibitions of these essays, because each family shows creativity when making their works, family health codes are attached to them. In addition, the staff of the kindergarten design thematic exhibitions: "How to grow a healthy child", "In order not to be" hardened from an early age, "and others. Moms and Pope will gladly get acquainted with exhibits of the exhibition, share their impressions. Of course, not all families are active, but many manage to borrow, some parents revise their views on) food children.

The results of the diagnosis show that the educational and educational and medical and health work organized in this way has a positive effect on the development of children.

We believe that the criteria for the interaction of the children's garden on health issues are: the value attitude towards a friend, tolerance, awareness of the parties on the peculiarities of the development of healing systems in kindergarten and family, including the result in joint activities.

The team of our institution was mobilized to implement activities that help achieve certain goals in reducing incidence. Extensive preventive work with children, parents, employees, of course, has certain positive results.


    search and introducing new models of interaction with families of pupils to form a healthy lifestyle;

    the active involvement of parents in the pedagogical activity of a kindergarten in order to strengthen the feeling of their personal responsibility for the development of a child, his health;

    strengthening and developing close communication and interaction with various social institutions on the introduction of cultural and recreational technologies;

    development of material and technical base DOU.

The transition to the new quality of interaction with the family is possible if the efforts of each participant in the educational process will be aimed at preserving and strengthening the physical, mental, social health of children to achieve the tasks.

In this way:

One of the aspects of strengthening the health of the participants in the pedagogical process, the Dow is the creation of a health-saving medium. The basis for the development of conceptual directions of the health-saving medium laid the following tasks:

    formation of children's health based on integrated and systematic use of physical education tools available to a particular preschool institution, optimization of outdoor engineering;

    use to educational dOU activities the spiritual and moral and cultural potential of the city, the neighborhood, the nearest environment, the upbringing of children on the traditions of Russian culture;

    constructive partnership of the family, pedagogical team and children themselves in strengthening their health, the development of creative potential;

    ensuring the active position of children in the process of obtaining knowledge about a healthy lifestyle.

As a means to solve these tasks, it can act:

    direct teaching children with elementary techniques of a healthy lifestyle (health, finger, corrective, respiratory gymnastics, self-massage) and the simplest skills to provide the first medical care with cuts, abrasions, burns, bite; as well as the advent of elementary cultural and hygienic skills to children;

    rehabilitation Events (Fitotherapy, Vitaminotherapy, Aromatherapy, Inhalation, Functional Music, Medical Physical Culture, Massage, Psychodics, Trainings);

    specially organized musculoskeletal activity of the child (physical attacks, enjoying physical education, mobile games, sporting holidays, themed holidays, entry into nature, excursions).

Preparation for a healthy lifestyle of a child based on health-proof technologies should be a priority in the activities of each educational institution for preschool children.


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Journal "Pre-school education".

D / B №1 - 95 p. 66 Article "Eye Exercise".

D / B № 10 - 94, p. 77 Article "Dental diseases".

D / B № 12 - 91, p. 21 Article "On Health - Firm" (questionnaire)

"The way to health and cheerfulness."

D / B № 5 - 96 p. 88 Article "On the nutrition of a child and prevention

colds. "

D / in № 7 - 05 g. 113 Article "How to spend summer rest».

D / B № 3,4 - 92, p. 16 Article "Days of Health".

D / B № 7 - 95, p.70 Article "We are healthy".

Inikova Olesya Vitalevna
Message to the pedsows on the topic: "Heating technologies in the educational process of the DW and Family"

Plan messages

1.: Concept, purpose and task.

2. What is?

3. Types used in Dow.

4. Forms health Work in a preschool institution.

5. DOU I. a family.

6. Collaboration of kindergarten and families: care about health of preschooler.

"I'm not afraid and again to repeat:

care about health is the most important

labor career. From cheerfulness

their spiritual life depends on children's cheerfulness

worldview, mental development,

the strength of knowledge, faith in their own strength. "

V. A. Sukhomlinsky

Preschool age is reasonably considered the most important period in process Forming a person's personality. At this age, various abilities are more intensively developing, moral qualities are formed, traits are produced. It is in this age period that the foundation is laid and strengthened health and the development of the physical qualities necessary for the effective participation of the child in various forms of motor activity, which, in turn, creates conditions for the active and directional formation and development of mental functions and the intellectual abilities of the preschooler.

What is health? Turn to K."Russian Language Dictionary" S. I. Ozhegova: "Right, normal activity of the body". In the Charter of the World Health Organization (WHO) says that health - This is not only the absence of diseases or physical defects, but also full physical, mental and social well-being. That is why the problem health It should be considered in a broad social aspect.

Analysis of the state health Preschool children show that over the past decade the number of absolutely healthy Children decreased from 23 to 15% and increased the number of children with chronic diseases from 16 to 17.3%. On average, Russia for each preschooler accounts for at least two diseases per year. Approximately 20-27% of children belongs to the category often and dearly ill. Almost 90% of preschool children have standard deviations in the structure of the musculoskeletal system - the dispensing of posture, flatfoot, non-equilibrium muscular tone, the weakness of the abdominal muscles, the non-optimality of the ratio of static and dynamic movements. In 20-30% of senior preschool children, neurotic manifestations are observed. According to forecasts, 85% of these children are potential patients with cardiovascular diseases. About 50% of children need psychocorrection and are characterized by serious psychological disadvantage. In the overwhelming majority, children starting with preschool age suffer a shortage of movements and reduced immunity. Their muscular load decreases due to objective reasons: Children have practically no possibility to play mobile games while walking, and some parents are overly fond of intellectual development of their children. (Computer games, visit a variety of circles) .

The above results clearly indicate the socio-pedagogical level of problems that arise before employees of pre-school institutions designed to educate healthy Child with optimal physical and mental development, which corresponds to the social demand of society.

It is indisputable that the main task of a kindergarten is to prepare a child for independent life, giving him the necessary skills for this, the skills, raising certain habits. But can each professionally trained teacher, simply adult responsible personality relate to disadvantaged state health of their pupils, His progressive deterioration? One of the answers to this question and became the demand for teachers educational institution of health-saving educational technologies.

Heating technology: concept, purpose and task

Before you start talking about health-saving technologies, define the concept " technology". Technology - This is a tool of professional activity of the teacher, respectively, characterized by high-quality adjective - pedagogical. Essence of pedagogical technology isthat it has a pronounced stance (step-adversity, includes a set of certain professional actions at each stage, allowing teacher in yet process Design to anticipate the interim and final results of their own professional-pedagogical activities. Pedagogical technology are distinguished: concreteness and clarity of goals and tasks, availability stages: primary diagnostics; detention, forms, methods and techniques for its implementation; use of a set of funds in a certain logic with the organization of interim diagnostics to achieve an indicated goal; The final diagnosis of achieving the goal, the criteria evaluation of the results. (This definition is offered to Derkun V. A. Kant. Ped. Sciences)

What heating technology?

Heating Technologies in Preschool Education - Technologyaimed at solving the priority task of modern preschool education - Conservation Tasks, maintenance and enrichment health Pedagogical subjects process in kindergarten: Children, teachers and parents.

purpose health-saving technologies in preschool education in relation to the child - ensuring a high level of real health Pupil of kindergarten and raising valeological culture as a set of informed child's relationship to human health and life, Knowledge O. health and skills to protect, maintain and maintain it, Vellenogical competence, allowing the preschooler on its own and effectively solve problems healthy image Life and safe behavior, tasks associated with the provision of elementary medical, psychological self-help and assistance. With regard to adults - promoting cultural formation health, including culture of professional health Parents and valeologic education of parents.

In DW can be developed « technology Health Saving» whose tasks are:

1. Saving and strengthening health Children based on integrated and system use of physical education agents available to kindergarten, optimization of motor activity in the fresh air.

2. Ensuring the active position of children in.

3. Constructive partnership families health, Development of creative potential.

Views health-saving technologiesused in dow

Views health-saving technologies in preschool education - classification of health-saving technologies on the dominance of goals and solved tasks, as well as leading means healthy Saving and Healthcare Pedagogical subjects process in kindergarten.

Health-saving activities in our kindergarten are carried out in the following forms:

Medico-prophylactic technologies

Medical and preventive activity provides preservation and increase health Children under the guidance of medical personnel DOW in accordance with medical requirements and regulations using medical facilities.

Tasks of this activity:

Organization of monitoring health children and development of recommendations for the optimization of children health;

Organization and control of nutrition of children, physical development, hardening;

Organization of preventive measures contributing to the resistance of the children's body (for example, immunization, rinse the throat with anti-inflammatory herbs, gentle mode during the adaptation period, etc.).

Organization of control and assistance in ensuring the requirements of sanitary and epidemiological standards - San Pins

Organization health-saving medium in Dow.

Monitoring for state health and the physical development of children is carried out by medical professionals of kindergarten. All the work on the physical education of children in the Dow is built, taking into account their physical fitness and existing deviations in a state health. To do this, on the basis of individual medical records, the preschool doctor is a console scheme for each age group, which helps educators and medical professionals have a clear picture of the state. health Children of the whole group and each child separately. This analysis scheme and specific recommendations are recorded in group "Magazine health» - "Individual Route of the Child"- that every teacher planned physical education health work in accordance with the peculiarities children's health.

Physical health technology

Physical health Activities are aimed at physical development and strengthening child Health.

Tasks of this activity:

The development of physical qualities;

Monitoring motor activity and the formation of physical culture of preschoolers,

Formation of proper posture, prevention of disorders of the musculoskeletal system;

Education of the habit of everyday physical activity;

- healing Hardening tools. Physical health The activity is carried out by an instructor in physical culture in physical education classes, as well as teachers - in the form of various gymnastics, physical attacks, dynamic pauses, etc.;

Technologies ensuring the social and psychological well-being of the child;

The task of this activity is to ensure the emotional comfort and positive psychological health of the child in process Communication with peers and adults in kindergarten, family; ensuring the social and emotional well-being of the preschooler, since the emotional mood, mental well-being, the cheerful mood of children is important for them health. In their activities "Maintenance service" It is guided by the Regulations on the medical and psychological and pedagogical service and aims to create a holistic system in the preschool institution, providing optimal conditions for the development of children, taking into account age and individual characteristics, the state of somatic and mental health. In this system, the diagnostic, advisory, correctional, educational, medical and prophylactic and social directions interact.

Technologies of health care and health care teachers

For improvement health kidsTheir favorable physical development affects the whole way of life of a child in kindergarten, caring and attentive attitude towards him adults, a high sense of responsibility of the entire team for each pupil. Therefore, much attention in our DW is given to the selection and alignment of personnel on groups, taking into account their business, experience and psychological compatibility. Remembering that physical development results depend primarily from the professional training of teachers, their pedagogical knowledge, a system of comprehensive methodical work on improving skill is thought out.

Careful teacher child Healthraising culture health the child and parents first of all should be well, have valeological knowledge, not worried about work, should be able to objectively assess its advantages and disadvantages associated with professional activities, draw up a plan for self-correction and proceed to its implementation.

Technologies Valeologic education of parents.

The main educators of the child are parents. From how correctly the child's day is organized, what attention is paid to parents health babyIt depends on its mood, the state of physical comfort. Healthy child's lifestyleto which he is involved in educational institutionmay or find everyday support at home, and then fix it, or not to find, and then the information obtained will be superfluous and painful for the child.

Informational and educational activities are expressed in the formation of parents healthy lifestyle as values, as well as in the acquaintance of parents with various forms of work on physical education in a preschool institution, information about the status health and physical development, the level of motor preparedness of their child; Attracting parents to participate in various co-physical leisure activities and holidays.

In order to cooperate with parents for the formation healthy image Life in children we have developed a system of events to which relate:

parental collection,




sports holidays

holidays health,

family Club

mobile folders,

personal example of a teacher,

non-traditional forms of work with parents,

practical shows (Workshop)

This type of activity involves the upbringing of valeological culture, or culture health, preschoolers. The purpose of it is to form in children a conscious child's attitude to health and Life, accumulation of knowledge about health And the development of skills to protect it.

Heating-saving educational technologies most significant among all known technology According to the degree of influence on children's health. The main sign is the use of psychological and pedagogical techniques, methods, approaches to solving emerging problems.

Education Activities involves conducting classes and conversations with preschoolers about the need to comply with the regime of the day, the importance of hygienic and motor culture, health and the means of strengthening, on the functioning of the body and the rules of concern about him, children acquire the skills of culture and healthy lifestyle, knowledge of the rules of safe behavior and reasonable actions in unforeseen situations.

Preparation K. healthy image child life based on health-saving technologies educational Institutions for preschool children.

Forms health work in the preschool institution

In the preschool institution daily in all age groups there is several forms of physical education of children, which contributes to strengthening health and allows you to provide the necessary motor activity of children throughout the day.

Special attention in the day is paid to conducting tempering procedurespromoting strengthening health and a decrease in morbidity. Hardening activities, as an important component of physical culture, promotes the creation of mandatory conditions and habits healthy lifestyle. Hardening system used by us provides for diverse forms and methods, as well as changes in connection with the time of year, age and individual features of the state children's health.

When working with children, basic principles are committed to hardening:

Implementation hardened, provided that child well;

Inadmissibility of tempering procedures if the child has negative emotional reactions (fear, crying, anxiety);

Careful accounting of the individual characteristics of the child, its age, the possibility of increased sensitivity to hardening activities;

The intensity of the tempering procedures increases gradually and sequentially, with expansion of exposure zones and an increase in the time of hardening;

Systemativity and constancy of hardening (and not on occasion.

For the greatest hardening efficiency by us provided:

A clear organization of the thermal and air regime in the room ( "Temperature" hygiene);

Rational, non-efficient clothing of children;

Compliance with the walking mode at all times;

Sleep with open framugas;

Hygienic procedures(wash and pour hands to the elbow cool water, rinse the mouth with boiled water temperature);

Driving barefoot in the group and in the summer for a walk, exercising with barefoot morning gymnastics and physical education. The main meaning of driving barefoot lies in hardening the skin of the foot to the effect of reduced temperatures, which is carried out, the main way, the action of low floor temperatures, land. It is this action that is determining, if not the only one, in hardening, since no convincing evidence regarding the influence of other components in the scientific literature is not available.

The method of contrast air hardening, which is carried out at the end of the daytime sleep alternately in the cold and warm rooms. The temperature of the air in warm room is maintained with the help of heaters, in the cold decreases due to intense ventilation, in the summer up to drafts.

One of the most effective tempering procedures In everyday life is a walk. In order for the walk to give the effect, we change the sequence of activities of children, depending on the nature of the previous classes and weather conditions. So, in the cold season and after the class on which the children were sitting, the walk begins with a run, a mobile game; In the warm season or after physical education and musical training - with observation, calm games.

The walk is one of the most important regime moments, during which children can sufficiently implement their motor needs. Optimal form for this are mobile games and exercise on the street.

A mobile game occupies a special place in the development of a child-preschooler. It contributes to the consolidation and improvement of motor skills and skills, provides an opportunity to develop cognitive interest, forms the ability to navigate the surrounding reality, which is so important for the acquisition by the child of life experience.

Diverse Gaming actions develop dexterity, speed, coordination of movements and favorably affect the emotional state of children.

The need for movements in preschoolers is great, but the faster organism is extremely sensitive not only to the lack, but also to excess movements. That is why when choosing moving games and game exercises, we try to observe the optimal mode of motor activity, adjust the permissible load by changing the game situation, increasing or reducing the number of repetitions.

In addition to moving games, in our kindergarten we are widely used diverse Exercises in the main types movements:

Running and walking

Throwing, throwing and catching the ball

Exercises on the obstacle course

Fresh-air exercises contribute to the functional improvement of the children's body, to increase its performance, the development of protective forces in relation to unfavorable external environmental factors. For every two weeks there are 3-4 complex of physical exercises on air:

For good weather (for season);

In case of raw weather;

In case of a gusty wind.

Of course, special importance in education healthy The child in our preschool institution is attached to the development of movements and physical culture on physical education. And, in each age period, physical education classes have different food:

They bring pleasure to small children, teach them to navigate them in space, adopts of elementary insurance;

At middle age - develop physical qualities, first of all, endurance and power;

In senior groups - form the need in motion, develop motor abilities and independence.

That is why in our kindergarten are used diverse Options for physical education classes:

Classes on the traditional scheme;

Classes consisting of a set of moving games of large, medium and low intensity;

Competition classes, where children during different relay two teams reveal winners;

Classes series « Health» which can be included in the grid of classes as cognitive development. In the course of such classes, children are subject to the structure of their own body, the appointment of bodies, which is useful and harmful to the human body, as well as elementary skills to care and first aid. These classes are of great importance in educating the child's need for healthy lifestyle.

Great wellness and educational value for our children has a swimming, which is one of the important types of cyclic loads with powerful wellness Outlooking action. Swimming is different from all other sports exercises unlimited age-related application and has a beneficial effect on cardiovascular - vascular, respiratory systems: Improves thermoregulation, gas exchange, sleep, increases efficiency. Swimming is also an effective means of prophylaxis and even treating the disruption of posture and narrowness. During the swim spine of the child straightens, the muscles of the hands and legs perform rhythmic movements affecting the flexibility of the spine.

Conducting classes in the pool We take into account the age and individual features of children, we ensure compliance with the rules of instructions for ensuring the safety of children on water, systematic medical and pedagogical control over the implementation of the regime and organization of swimming classes, planning and methodology for conducting.

One of the most important components of strengthening and health of the Children's OrganismAs well as the organization of the motor regime of the child aimed at raising the emotional and muscular tone of children, is the morning gymnastics.

The daily performance of physical exercises under the leadership of the adult contributes to the manifestation of certain volitional efforts, produces a useful habit of children to begin the day with morning gymnastics. Morning gymnastics gradually involves the entire body of the child into an active condition, strengthens breathing, strengthens circulation, promotes the exchange of substances, causes the need for oxygen, helps the development of proper posture. To prevent the occurrence of flatfoot, exercises are offered to strengthen the foot of the foot - lifting the socks, on the heels.

Music, accompanying movement, creates a cheerful mood, has a positive effect on the nervous baby's system.

Morning gymnastics is held daily before breakfast, within 10-12 minutes in air or indoors (depending on weather conditions). Throughout the morning gymnastics conducted in the room, the windows remain open, children are engaged in physical education and barefoot.

In the interruptions between classes, especially in the senior groups of kindergarten, a motor workout is carried out. Her goal is to prevent the development of fatigue in children, remove the emotional tension in process Claims with mental load, which contributes to a more rapid perception of software material. Muscular workout allows you to actively relax after mental load and forced static poses, it helps to increase the motor activity of children. The game exercises used in the warm-up are well acquainted with children, easy to maintain, with a small number of rules, are not durable in time (no more than 10-12 minutes, are available to children with different levels of motor activity.

In order to prevent fatigue in classes related to long-term seats in monotonous poserequiring concentrated attention and maintain the mental health of children at a good level, physical attacks are held in kindergarten.

Fizkultminutki increase the total tone, motility, contribute to the training of mobility of nervous processes, develop attention and memory, create a positive emotional attitude and remove psycho-emotional tension.

Fizkultminutki is carried out by an educator as needed during the development of speech, the formation of elementary mathematical representations, etc. Duration is 3-5 minutes.

Fizkultmintuki are held in numerous forms: In the form of exercises of the overall impact (movement of the head, hands, torso, legs, mobile game, didactic playing with different movements, dance movements and game exercises. Physkultminutka may be accompanied by text associated or not related to the content of the classes.

Along with different wellness Events in the preschool institution are conducted by gymnastics after day sleep, which helps to improve the mood of children, lift muscle tone, and also contributes to the prevention of posture and foot disorders. Gymnastics is carried out at open-windows 7-15 minutes. During the year, various gymnastics options are used.

Workout in bed. Children gradually wake up under the sounds of pleasant music and, lying in bed on the back over the blanket, perform 5-6 exercises of the overall impact. Exercises are performed from different provisions: Lyzhka on the side, on the stomach, sitting. After doing the exercises, children get up and perform in a different pace several movements (walking in place, walking on massage rugs, gradually turning into running). Then everything moves from the bedroom to a well-ventigable group room and arbitrary dance, musical - rhythmic or other movements are performed to the music.

Gaming gymnastics. Consists of 3-6 imitation exercises. Children imitate the movements of birds, animals, plants, create various images("skier", "skater", "parsley", "flower").

Jogging through massage paths. Combined with contrasting air baths and are held 2 times a week for 5-7 minutes. The massage path consists of benefits and items that contribute to the foot massage. Children are engaged in barefoot, go in a rapid pace along the path and smoothly go to run (1-1.5min.) And go back to a quiet walk with breathing exercises. This contributes to the development of endurance, coordination of movements, forming the foot and strengthening the body of children.

Breathing exercises. Depends on proper breathing human healthHis physical and mental activity. Breathing exercises increase ventilation, lympho - and blood circulation in the lungs, reduce the spasm of bronchi and bronchiole, improve their permeability, contribute to the release of sputum, train the ability to arbitrarily control their breathing, form the proper biomechanic of breathing, carry out the prevention of diseases and complications of respiratory organs.

In children of preschool age, the respiratory muscles are still weak, so a special system of exercises in natural rhythmic breathing is necessary, as well as in the correct use of inhalation and exhalation at simple and more complex movements, and the respiratory rhythm and movement form One rhythmic whole. The gymnastic exercises forming the correct breathing include exercises for the setting of proper breathing through the nose, the development of the muscles of the chest to increase its elasticity, for active pulling of the spine. All exercises are carried out in their own respiratory rhythm, slowly, watching inhale and exhalation and compensatory pause after exhalation.

Methods of applying respiratory exercise:

Inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth into a lip closed tube, combine breathing exercises with overall exercises, form breathing mixed type.

Point massage - elementary reception of self-help to its body. Exercises of the point massage teach children to consciously take care of their health, instill confidently in the fact that they themselves can help them improve their state of health. Along with this, the point massage is the prevention of colds.

During the finger massage, irritation of the leather receptors, muscles, tendons, fingers, the impulses of which are running simultaneously in the head and spinal cord, and from there, the team has already come into operation to various organs and structures. Massage increases the protective properties of the shells of the nasopharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi and other organs. Under the action of massage, the body begins to produce its own medicines (for example, interferon, which is very often much more efficient and safer than pills.

In our kindergarten, phytobar functions, where the pupils receive an oxygen cocktail. Oxygen cocktail is juice, phytooculor or any other drink saturated with oxygen to the state of delicate air foam. Oxygen cocktail is a very useful product. It helps to concentrate and improves memory, improves eyesight. This is a natural natural way to get rid of headaches, increases endurance, is a non-gauge weight loss, soothes and stabilizes nervous system, serves as a guarantee of a good mood.

It is used to eliminate hypoxia, improving performance, eliminating chronic fatigue, sleep normalization, increase immunity.

To increase the body's resistance to colds in our garden to children, the irrigation of Zea's glands of calendula, eucalyptus, sage, chamomiles, hunter, plantain, mother-and-stepmother, oak bark, is recommended. Children all over the year receive vitamin tea, chamomile herbs, nettle, hormour, mint, plantain. Constantly children are wicked by sage grasses, eucalyptus, calendula. With great pleasure, our pupils participate in herbal tastings tea:

Soothing tea (mint, dye);

Anti-inflammatory tea (St. John's wort, chamomile, plantain);

Vitamin tea (Currant, nettle, rosehip);

Tea regulating metabolism (Rosehip, strawberries).

It is proved that various flavors defined way affect the development of the child, on his health and mood(B. V. Shevrygin). Even the smells are able to distinguish the smells. Different smells affect children difficult: Pleasant flavors are capable of acting as good medicines, can cause appetite, normalize the activity of the nervous system, improves vision at dusk and color, and color; And, on the contrary, unpleasant odors can coagulate and annoy the child.

In our pre-school institution uses aromotherapy. The practical application of aromotherapy and aromocaffulatia pursues the following goal:

Prevention and reduction of the incidence of sharp respiratory and viral infections;

Correction of the psycho-physiological state, an increase in mental and physical performance, improving the coordination of movements and functions of analyzers, expanding the volume of short-term memory, increase stress resistance, improved sleep;

Prevention of vegetative-vascular dystonia, functional violations of the activity of the cardiovascular system;

Stimulation of the general immunological reactivity of the body in order to increase resistance to infectious diseases, expanding adaptation capabilities;

Expansion of a complex of rehabilitation measures in patients with chronic and non-specific diseases of the lungs.

The use of aromotherapy in kindergarten occurs according to "Individual Route of the Child" In order to avoid various allergic diseases, given the principle "Uncertain - not appointment".

Health Work in our garden is carried out in a summer period and is a set of measures aimed at restoring the functional state of the children's body.

The central place in this complex occupies the mode of the day, which provides for the maximum stay of children in the open air, the appropriate age of sleep and other types of recreation. All activities related to physical exertion (Movable games, work, physical education) Conducted to the clock of the smallest insolation.

When implementing summer health Working in kindergarten Our team adheres to the following principles:

complex use of preventive, hardening and wellness technologies;

continuous conducting preventive, hardening and wellness events;

preferential use of non-drugs healing;

using simple and affordable technology;

the formation of positive motivation in children to carry out preventive, hardening and wellness events;

integration of hardening prophylaxis in seven;

improving the efficiency of the prophylactic system, hardening and wellness Events due to compliance with primary norms and rules, optimal motor regime and physical exertion, sanitary condition of institution, nutrition, air-thermal regime and the use of various forms wellness work.

Dow I. a family

A family And the kindergarten is the microclimate in which the child has a child preschool age. This is the medium in which it draws the necessary information and adapts to life in society. At any time, teachers worked with family of his pupil, looking for support and understanding of the child's problems for comprehensive development harmonically developed and healthy personality. However, parents who do not have sufficiently knowledge of the age and individual characteristics of the child's development, sometimes make up robing blindly, intuitively. All this, as a rule, does not bring positive results. A family Both kindergarten are two public institutions who stand at the origins of our future, but often it is not always enough of mutual understanding, tact, patience to hear and understand each other. To form the position of cooperation of teachers with children and their parents, it is necessary to create a single space for the development of a child, which must also support the kindergarten and a family.

To build effective communication of teachers and parents, it is important to have communicative skills, focus on education issues and needs families, be aware of the latest achievements of science.

Communication will be successful if it is meaningful, based on general and significant themes for both sides, if each of them in process Communication enriches its informational luggage. An important condition .... is the creation of models "Educator - Parent", Educator -Psychologist - Parent. " A special form of communication in these models in confidence-business contact.

At the stage of primary dating, parents get acquainted to the principles of work dough and families: openness, cooperation, creating an active development environment, the principle of an individual approach to each family.

Knowing how important an atmosphere of friendly relationship between teacher and parents, first parental collection"We will be familiar" We spend in an unconventional form. It should be very carefully prepared, because from the primary perception of the teacher and families their further cooperation depends.

IN process Organizations one heating Space Dow and Family We are used a variety of work forms: Open classes with children for parents; Pedagogical conversations with parents - General and group parents collection; consultation; classes with parents; Exhibitions of children's work, made with parents; Open days; participation of parents in the preparation and holding of holidays, leisure; joint creation of an objective environment; work with the parents' parent committee; trainings;

parent living rooms; Mail confidence, survey. Colorful visual stands in the receptions introduce parents with the Life of the Group, with the Convention on the Rights of the Child, with the age characteristics of children. In the corners of experts, the information of the practical orientation is posted, interesting facts are given, the recommendations of the teacher-speech therapist, a teacher-psychologist, head of the izostuddy, physical culture and musical workers are given.

As a result, the level of educational educational The activities of parents, which contributed to the development of their creative initiative. Organization of interaction S. family - hard worknot having ready technologies and recipes. Her success is determined by intuition, initiative and patience of the teacher, his ability to become a professional assistant in family.

As a result of the work done, the use of various forms and methods of communication with parents, the psychological and pedagogical literacy of parents increased; The culture of interpersonal interaction of children in the group increased. Thus wayThe work in close cooperation with the parents brought metering results.

Living conditions, moral and emotional atmosphere, in which the child lives, entirely depends on adults, and they are undoubtedly responsible for happiness and children's health.

Children's garden cooperation and families: care about health of preschooler

Socio-economic conversionwho occurred in our country at the end of the XX - early XXI century, entailed a change in the usual lifestyle and moral and value orientation and could not but affect the education of children in family.

Health Children depends not only on physical characteristics, but also on the level of health, sanitary literacy and the environmental situation in the country. Health The child should be assessed in unity with the environment and the adaptive capabilities of the body. Therefore, work on full physical development and strengthening children's health without a doubtmust be implemented a family and pre-school institution.

The first school of upbringing is a family. Parents are the first teachers of their child. In conditions families Emotional-moral experience is formed, the level of the content of the emotional and social development of the child is proved that the state health parents - one of the leading factors that have direct impact on healthy Child. This impact is not only purely biological (hereditary, but also manifests indirectly through condition systemcharacterizing mother and Father's Lifestyle, their installation on health, degree of medical activity.

Preventive activity of people defining awareness health As the values \u200b\u200band the presence of targeted actions to maintain and strengthen, is currently becoming an important factor affecting health of the population, first of all the children's. The need to search for earnings, overload at work, reduction of free time in parents lead to the deterioration of their physical and mental state, increased irritability, fatigue, stress. My emotions are familiar to their emotions to the children, while they are put in guilt both external problems and household turmoil. The child falls into a situation of full dependence on the buildings, emotions and reactions of parents, which affects his mental health.

Therefore, it is so important to help parents understand that very many factors have an influence on the development of the child's personality, and education should not go spare.

To date, the problem of the interaction of DOU and families on health issues Children are one of the most relevant. Family Need support and maintenance.

Numerous studies have a negative impact on health Child early artificial feeding, irrational day, irregular and insufficient stay in the fresh air, small physical activity and bad parents habits. Elementary observance of principles healthy image Life can level all these negative impacts, and, therefore, activities aimed at improving the medical activity of parents are the task of paramount importance.

The greatest effect wellness events are noted in cases where parents not only strictly fulfill the recommendations of the doctor, but also become supporters healthy lifestyle. Only the active position of the members familiesTheir cooperation with preschool institution allows you to achieve the desired results.

The purpose of the work of the kindergarten in this direction is to assist family to create conditions for the education of children of preschool age, protection and strengthening them health. It implies the following tasks:

Increase the resistance and protective properties of the child's body through the provision healthy lifestyle, optimal motor regime, psychological personality security, implementation healthy technologies;

Create optimal conditions that ensure the protection and strengthening of the physical and mental children's health;

Carry out the necessary correction of deviations per once * of the child's Vities;

Expand cooperation S. family On the formation of the spiritual and moral appearance of the younger generation, isuity and activation of pedagogical potential families;

Implement the prevention of asocial behavior by means of physical culture and sports.

For successful working with parents, we annually conduct research of families of pupils, using methods such as survey, conversations with parents and children, child observations, testing, visit at home, etc.

For the conscious participation of parents and teachers dough in healing The child needs special knowledge. Causes of frequent diseases in children, disease prevention, patient care, first aid and prevention of complications - We consider all these issues on parental meetings, Round Tables. Medical Children's Garden and Children's Polyclinics are invited to such events (Pediatrician doctors, narrow specialists). In addition, parents get acquainted with the results of the status diagnostics children's health, their psychomotor development, the content of physical education health Works in kindergarten are shared by their positive experience of family education, talk about family traditions that help strengthen family health. In the concept "family traditions" The concept is included « lifestyle» . Many diseases and problems are rooted in it. For example, the acute problem of modernity is alcoholism and drug addiction.

Along with the collective forms of the organization, the individual and subgroup conversations are widely used, oral magazines. Training parents of medical wellness work in family Conduct specialists DOU: Senior Nurse, Nurse Physiotherapy Cabinet, Physical Instructor, Teacher-Psychologist. Practical advice is given, medical and pedagogical literature is recommended.

One of the effective methods in this direction is the use of visual agitation. Each group has a corner healthwhere information is prevented for parents about therapeutic and preventive measures held in a preschool institution. There are so-called "Piggy health» , in which collected Material on non-traditional methods healing, material promoting healthy lifestyle. This information is collected not only by doctors and teachers, but also by the parents themselves.

Methods of disease prevention are also drawn up as san bulite. The health workers of the kindergarten made up of them a whole file.

Consultations, lectures, seminars are held, practical classes are organized. Topics very diverse: "If a child is afraid of a dentist", "Alcohol and offspring", "Preventive vaccinations - protection against infectious diseases", "ABOUT health seriously» , "Prevention of child injury", "We form the need for healthy lifestyle» and etc.

Systematically for parents are organized days of open doors. In our opinion, this is an effective form of family members involvement in pedagogical process. During the day, Pope, Moms, Grandparents have the opportunity to visit the morning gymnastics, physical education, walking, hardening proce- Thurs and other regime moments. Visitors leave their impressions in the book of feedback and suggestions. Then we analyze all the events, draw conclusions, summarize. As a rule, parents are very satisfied. But sometimes they have questions, it is important to us every statement. After all, if they did not understand something, they were not so perceived, it is necessary to take this note and clarify.

Parents are invited for days and weeks healthwho have become traditional in our kindergarten. Moms and Pope not only observe, but also become active participants in entertainment, various games, sports holidays: "Together with Momu, we will pass all the obstacles", "Pope can be all in the world", "Dad, Mom, I am sports a family» , "Interplanetary Olympic Family Games", "Friendly Family".

Educators together with their parents draw out the wall newspapers and exhibitions of drawings on topics: "Sun, air and water - our best friends» , "IN healthy body - healthy mind» , "In the country health» , "Active vacation of our families» and others. Parents take part in the essay contest "Our family - for a healthy lifestyle» who are talking about how resting holidays celebrate holidays, weekends, what games are spent with children, what sports events are visited which children's and parental relations are present in family. Then we make exhibitions of these works, because each a family Claims creativity when making his work, codes attached to them family health. In addition, the kindergarten officers make out thematic exhibitions: "How to grow healthy child» "To not be "We harmer from an early age" And others. Moms and Pope gladly get acquainted with exhibits of the exhibition, share their impressions. Of course not all families are activeBut many manage to borrow, some parents revise their views on) food children.

Diagnostic results show that organized by such educational and educational and health and health Work has a positive effect on the development of children.

We believe that the criteria for the interaction of kindergarten on issues health is: value attitude towards friend, tolerance, awareness of the parties on the features of the development of systems recovery in kindergarten and familyThe inclusion in joint activities with the predicted result.

The team of our institution was mobilized to implement activities that help achieve certain goals in reducing incidence. Extensive preventive work with children, parents, employees, of course, has certain positive results.


Search and introduce new models of interaction with family Pupils for formation healthy lifestyle;

Active involvement of parents in pedagogical activities of kindergarten in order to strengthen the feelings of their personal responsibility for the development of the child, his health;

Strengthening and developing close communications and interaction with various social institutions for the implementation of cultural wellness technologies;

Development of material- technical base DOU.

Transition to the new quality of interaction with family possibleif the efforts of each participant educational educational process will be aimed at preserving and strengthening the physical, mental, social children's health, to achieve the tasks.

Thus way:

One aspect of strengthening health Pedagogical participants process Dow is the creation health-saving medium. The basis for the development of conceptual directions health-saving The environments are the following tasks:

Formation health children based on integrated and systematic use of physical education tools available for a particular pre-school institution, optimization of motor activity in the fresh air;

Usage B. educational activities of the tasteless of the spiritual and moral and cultural potential of the city, the neighborhood, the nearest environment, the upbringing of children on the traditions of Russian culture;

Constructive partnership families, pedagogical team and children themselves in strengthening them health, development of creative potential;

Ensuring the active position of children in the process of obtaining knowledge about a healthy lifestyle.

As means to solve these tasks, may protrude:

Direct teaching children to elementary techniques healthy lifestyle(health, finger, corrective, respiratory gymnastics, self-massage) and the simplest skills of providing first medical care during cuts, abrasions, burns, bite; as well as the advent of elementary cultural and hygienic skills to children;

Rehabilitation Events (Fitotherapy, Vitaminotherapy, Aromatherapy, Inhalation, Functional Music, Medical Physical Culture, Massage, Psychodics, Trainings);

Specially organized motor activity of the child (physical attacks, classes improving physical education, moving games, sports wellness holidaysThemed holidays health, yield to nature, excursions).

Preparation K. healthy image child life based on healthy teaching technology should be a priority in the activities of each educational Institutions for preschool children.


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« Heating system DOU» . The authors are compilers M. A. Pavlova, M. V. Lisogorskaya. Volgograd. Publishing house "Teacher" 2008

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« Healing Children in kindergarten ". Edited by L. V. Kochetkova. Moscow. Publishing house "TC - Sphere" 2005

"Event system for health of children in Dow» . The author is the compiler M. N. Kuznetsov. Moscow. Publishing house "Iris - Press" 2007

"Parenting the basics healthy lifestyle kids» . The authors are the compilers of N. S. Golitsyn, I. M. Shumova. Moscow. Publishing house Scripture 2003 2008

"Learning I. healing» . Authors: A. and S. Smetanekins. St. Petersburg. Company "Biography" 2009

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Health Work in pre-school educational institutions / ed. V. I. Orl, S. N. Agajanova. St. Petersburg., 2008.

Formation of the base healthy image Life in children of preschool age / Sost. Z. M. Zaripova, I. M. Khamites. N. Chelny, 2003.

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MAGAZINE "Pre-school education".

D / in №1 - 95 p. 66 article "Eye Exercise".

D / B № 10 - 94, p. 77 article "Dental diseases".

D / in № 12 - 91 p. 21 article "ABOUT health is serious» (Questionnaire)

"Way to health and vigor» .

D / B № 5 - 96 p. 88 Article "On the nutrition of a child and prevention

colds. "

D / B № 7 - 05, p. 113 article "How to spend summer vacation".

D / B № 3,4 - 92 p. 16 article "Days health» .

D / B № 7 - 95 p. 70 Article "We healthy» .

Introduction ........................................................................... ... 2

1. Heating technology: concept, purpose and objective ....... ... 4

2. Types of health-saving technologies used in Dow .... 6

3. Forms of recreation work in a preschool institution ...... ..11

Conclusion ................................................................................... .. ... .22

List of references ............................................................ .. ... 23

"I'm not afraid to repeat again and again:

Health care is the most important

labor career. From cheerfulness

their spiritual life depends on children's cheerfulness

worldview, mental development,

The strength of knowledge, faith in their own strength. "

V.A. Sukhomlinsky


Preschool age is reasonable to be the most important period in the process of forming a person's personality. At this age, various abilities are more intensively developing, moral qualities are formed, traits are produced. It is in this age period that the foundation of the health and development of the physical qualities necessary for the effective participation of the child in various forms of motor activity is laid and strengthened, which, in turn, creates conditions for the active and directional formation and development of mental functions and the intellectual abilities of the preschooler.

What is health? Let us turn to the "Dictionary of Russian Language" S.I. Ozhegova: "The right, normal activity of the body." The charter of the World Health Organization (WHO) states that health is not only the absence of diseases or physical defects, but also full physical, mental and social well-being. That is why the problem of health should be considered in a broad social aspect.

An analysis of the health status of preschool children shows that over the past decade the number of absolutely healthy children has decreased from 23 to 15% and the number of children with chronic diseases has increased from 16 to 17.3%. On average, Russia for each preschooler accounts for at least two diseases per year. Approximately 20-27% of children belongs to the category often and dearly ill. Almost 90% of preschool children have standard deviations in the structure of the musculoskeletal system - the dispensing of posture, flatfoot, non-equilibrium muscular tone, the weakness of the abdominal muscles, the non-optimality of the ratio of static and dynamic movements. In 20-30% of senior preschool children, neurotic manifestations are observed. According to forecasts, 85% of these children are potential patients with cardiovascular diseases. About 50% of children need psychocorrection and are characterized by serious psychological disadvantage. In the overwhelming majority, children starting with preschool age suffer a shortage of movements and reduced immunity. Their muscle load decreases due to objective reasons: children have almost no opportunity to play mobile games while walking, and some parents are overly enjoyed by the intellectual development of their children (computer games, visiting a variety of circles).

The above results clearly indicate the socio-pedagogical level of problems that arise before employees of pre-school institutions designed to educate a healthy child with optimal physical and mental development, which corresponds to the social demand of society.

It is indisputable that the main task of a kindergarten is to prepare a child for independent life, giving him the necessary skills for this, the skills, raising certain habits. But can each professionally trained teacher, just an adult responsible person regardless of the unfavorable state of health of his pupils, his progressive deterioration? One of the answers to this question and became the demand for teachers of the educational institution of health-saving educational technologies.

1. Health-saving technologies: concept, goal and task

Before you start talking about the health-saving technologies, we define the concept of "technology". The technology is a tool of professional activity of the teacher, respectively, characterized by high-quality adjective - pedagogical. The essence of the pedagogical technology is that it has a pronounced stage (step-chance), includes a set of certain professional actions at each stage, allowing the teacher even in the design process to anticipate the intermediate and final results of their own professional-pedagogical activities. Pedagogical technology is distinguished: the specificity and clarity of the target and tasks, the presence of steps: primary diagnostics; detention, forms, methods and techniques for its implementation; use of a set of funds in a certain logic with the organization of interim diagnostics to achieve an indicated goal; The final diagnosis of achieving the goal, the criteria evaluation of the results. (This definition is offered to Derkun V.A.-Kand.Bed.Nuk)

What are health-saving technologies?

Heating technology in preschool education - technologies aimed at solving the priority task of modern pre-school education - the task of preserving, maintaining and enriching the health of the subjects of the pedagogical process in kindergarten: children, teachers and parents.

The purpose of the health-saving technologies in preschool education is applied to the child - ensuring a high level of real health to the pupil of kindergarten and the upbringing of valeological culture as a set of a conscious child's relationship to the health and life of a person, knowledge of health and skills to protect, maintain and maintain it, Vellenual competence allowing the preschooler It is independently and effectively solving the tasks of a healthy lifestyle and safe behavior, the tasks associated with the provision of elementary medical, psychological self-help and assistance. With regard to adults - promoting the establishment of health culture, including the culture of the professional health of the educators and valeologic education of parents.

In our DW, the "technology of health", the tasks of which are:

1. Conservation and strengthening of children's health based on integrated and systematic use of physical education agents available to kindergarten, optimizing motor activity in the fresh air.

2. Ensuring the active position of children in the process of obtaining knowledge about a healthy lifestyle.

3. Constructive partnership of the family, pedagogical team and children themselves in strengthening their health, the development of creative potential.

2. Types of health-saving technologies used in Dow

Types of health-saving technologies in preschool education - the classification of health-saving technologies on the domination of goals and solved problems, as well as leading means of health care and the health enormity of the subjects of the pedagogical process in kindergarten.

Heating activity in our kindergarten is carried out in the following forms:

· Medical and prophylactic technology

Medical and prophylactic activities ensure the preservation and increase in the health of children under the guidance of medical personnel DW in accordance with the medical requirements and the use of medical facilities.

Tasks of this activity:

Organization of monitoring the health of children and the development of recommendations for optimizing child health;

Organization and control of nutrition of children, physical development, hardening;

Organization of preventive measures contributing to the resistance of a children's body (for example, immunization, rinse the throat with anti-inflammatory herbs, gentle mode during the adaptation period, etc.).

Organization of control and assistance in ensuring the requirements of sanitary and epidemiological standards - San Pins

Organization of the health-saving medium in Dow.

Monitoring the state of health and the physical development of children is carried out by medical professionals of kindergarten. All work on the physical education of children in the Dow is based on their physical fitness and existing deviations in a state of health. For this, on the basis of individual medical maps, the preschool doctor is a console institution for each age group, which helps educators and medical professionals to have a clear picture of the state of the health of children of the whole group and each child separately. This analysis scheme and specific recommendations are recorded in the group "Journal of Health" - "Individual Route of the Child" - that every teacher planning physical education work in accordance with the peculiarities of children's health.

· Physical and health technology

Physical and recreational activities are aimed at physical development and strengthening the health of the child.

Tasks of this activity:

The development of physical qualities;

Monitoring motor activity and the formation of physical culture of preschoolers,

Formation of proper posture, prevention of disorders of the musculoskeletal system;

Education of the habit of everyday physical activity;

Healing with hardening by means of hardening. Physical and recreational activities are carried out by an instructor of physical culture in physical education classes, as well as teachers - in the form of various gymnastics, physical attacks, dynamic pauses, etc.;

Message to pedsovetu

on the topic:

"Heating technologies in the educational process of the DW and Family"

Prepared educators

preparatory Group:

Print Victoria



Message Plan

    Heating technology: concept, purpose and task.

    Types of health-saving technologies used in Dow.

    Forms of health work in a preschool institution.

    Doe and family.

    Collaboration of kindergarten and family: care for the health of the preschooler.

"I'm not afraid to repeat again and again:

health care is the most important

labor career. From cheerfulness

their spiritual life depends on children's cheerfulness

worldview, mental development,

the strength of knowledge, faith in their own strength. "

V.A. Sukhomlinsky

The formation of a viable younger generation is one of the main tasks of the country's development. Health is not all, but everything is no health! If there is health - a person rejoices, quietly lives, works, learns, goes to kindergarten. No health can not live, love, it is impossible to be beautiful, charming. The first steps to health, the desire for a healthy lifestyle, to know itself, the formation of health culture is made in a preschool institution. The catastrophic state of the health of children requires systematic work on health care, the optimal use of material, intellectual, creative resources of the preschool institution. The need for an integrated approach to the organization spaces in a preschool institution does not cause any doubt. Therefore, understanding the state significance of the work on the formation, strengthening, to preserve the health of their students, the team of kindergarten is purposefully working on the creation of a favorable space, looking for new modern methods And techniques adequately adequately use advanced experience in work. Preschool age is reasonable to be the most important period in the process of forming a person's personality. At this age, various abilities are more intensively developing, moral qualities are formed, traits are produced. It is in this age period that the foundation of the health and development of the physical qualities necessary for the effective participation of the child in various forms of motor activity is laid and strengthened, which, in turn, creates conditions for the active and directional formation and development of mental functions and the intellectual abilities of the preschooler.

Health-saving technologies: concept, goal and task

Before you start talking about the health-saving technologies, we define the concept of "technology". The technology is a tool of professional activity of the teacher, respectively, characterized by high-quality adjective - pedagogical. The essence of the pedagogical technology is that it has a pronounced stage (step-chance), includes a set of certain professional actions at each stage, allowing the teacher even in the design process to anticipate the intermediate and final results of their own professional-pedagogical activities. Pedagogical technology is distinguished: the specificity and clarity of the target and tasks, the presence of steps: primary diagnostics; detention, forms, methods and techniques for its implementation; use of a set of funds in a certain logic with the organization of interim diagnostics to achieve an indicated goal; The final diagnosis of achieving the goal, the criteria evaluation of the results. (This definition is offered to Derkun V.A.-Kand.Bed.Nuk)

What are health-saving technologies?

Heating technology in preschool education - technologies aimed at solving the priority task of modern pre-school education - the task of preserving, maintaining and enriching the health of the subjects of the pedagogical process in kindergarten: children, teachers and parents.

The purpose of the health-saving technologies in preschool education is applied to the child - ensuring a high level of real health to the pupil of kindergarten and the upbringing of valeological culture as a set of a conscious child's relationship to the health and life of a person, knowledge of health and skills to protect, maintain and maintain it, Vellenual competence allowing the preschooler It is independently and effectively solving the tasks of a healthy lifestyle and safe behavior, the tasks associated with the provision of elementary medical, psychological self-help and assistance. With regard to adults - promoting the establishment of health culture, including the culture of the professional health of the educators and valeologic education of parents.

In the Dow can be developed "technology of health", the tasks of which are:

1. Conservation and strengthening of children's health based on integrated and systematic use of physical education agents available to kindergarten, optimizing motor activity in the fresh air.

2. Ensuring the active position of children in the process of obtaining knowledge about a healthy lifestyle.

3. Constructive partnership of the family, pedagogical team and children themselves in strengthening their health, the development of creative potential.

Types of health-saving technologies used in Dow

Types of health-saving technologies in preschool education - the classification of health-saving technologies on the domination of goals and solved problems, as well as leading means of health care and the health enormity of the subjects of the pedagogical process in kindergarten.

Heating activity in our kindergarten is carried out in the following forms:

Medical and Preventive Technology

Medical and prophylactic activities ensure the preservation and increase in the health of children under the guidance of medical personnel DW in accordance with the medical requirements and the use of medical facilities.

Tasks of this activity:

Organization of monitoring the health of children and the development of recommendations for optimizing child health;

Organization and control of nutrition of children, physical development, hardening;

Organization of preventive measures contributing to the resistance of a children's body (for example, immunization, rinse the throat with anti-inflammatory herbs, gentle mode during the adaptation period, etc.).

Organization of control and assistance in ensuring the requirements of sanitary and epidemiological standards - San Pins

Organization of the health-saving medium in Dow.

Monitoring the state of health and the physical development of children is carried out by medical professionals of kindergarten. All work on the physical education of children in the Dow is based on their physical fitness and existing deviations in a state of health. For this, on the basis of individual medical maps, the preschool doctor is a console institution for each age group, which helps educators and medical professionals to have a clear picture of the state of the health of children of the whole group and each child separately. This analysis scheme and specific recommendations are recorded in the group "Journal of Health" - "Individual Route of the Child" - that every teacher planning physical education work in accordance with the peculiarities of children's health.

Parent Valeological Enlightenment Technologies .

The main educators of the child are parents. From how the child's day mode is organized correctly, what attention pays parents' health care, its mood depends, the state of physical comfort. A healthy lifestyle of the child to whom he is involved in an educational institution can or find everyday support at home, and then fix it, or not to find, and then the information received will be superfluous and the child.

The informational and educational activities are expressed in the formation of a healthy lifestyle from parents as values, as well as in the acquaintance of parents with various forms of work on physical education in a preschool institution, informing about the state of health and physical development, the level of motor preparedness of their child; Attracting parents to participate in various co-physical leisure activities and holidays.

In order to cooperate with parents for the formation of a healthy lifestyle in children, we have developed a system of events to which:

parent meetings



sports holidays

holidays health

mobile folders,


personal example of a teacher,

non-traditional forms of work with parents,

practical shows (workshops)

Healthy-saving educational technologies.

This type of activity involves the upbringing of valeological culture, or health culture, preschoolers.

purpose It is to form in children a conscious attitude of a child to health and life, the accumulation of knowledge about the health and development of skills to protect it.

Health-saving educational technologies are most significant among all the well-known technologies according to the degree of influence on the health of children. The main sign is the use of psychological and pedagogical techniques, methods, approaches to solving emerging problems.

Educational activities involve classes and conversations with preschoolers on the need to comply with the regime of the day, the importance of hygienic and motor culture, the health and means of its strengthening, the functioning of the body and the rules of concern for him, children acquire the skills of culture and healthy lifestyle, knowledge of the rules of safe behavior and reasonable actions in unforeseen situations.

Preparation for a healthy lifestyle of a child based on health-saving technologies should be a priority in the activities of each educational institution for children of preschool age.

Forms of recreation work in preschool institution

The preschool institution daily in the preparatory group provides for several forms of physical education of children, which contributes to health promotion and allows for the necessary motor activity of children throughout the day.

Special attention is paid to the postharding procedures , contributing to improving health and reduce morbidity. Hardening activities, as an important component of physical culture, promotes the creation of mandatory conditions and habits of a healthy lifestyle. The hardening system used provides for a variety of forms and methods, as well as changes in connection with the age of year, age and individual features of the health of children.

When working with children, the basic principles of hardening are necessarily observed:

Implementation hardened under the condition that the child is healthy;

Invalidation of tempering procedures if the child has negative emotional reactions (fear, crying, anxiety);

Careful accounting of the individual characteristics of the child, its age, the possibility of increased sensitivity to hardening activities;

The intensity of the hardware procedures increases gradually and consistently, with expansion zones and an increase in the time of hardening;

Systemativity and constancy of hardening (and not on occasion.

For the greatest hardening efficiency ensured:

A clear organization of thermal and air regime in the room ("Temperature" hygiene);

Rational, non-efficient clothing of children;

Compliance with the walking mode at all times;

Sleep with open framugas;

Hygienic procedures (wash and pour hands to the elbow cool water, rinse the mouth with boiled water temperature);

Driving barefoot in the group and in the summer for a walk, exercising with barefoot morning gymnastics and physical education. The main meaning of driving barefoot lies in hardening the skin of the stop to the effect of reduced temperatures, which is mainly carried out by the action of low floor temperatures, land. The method of contrast air hardening, which is carried out at the end of the daytime sleep alternately in the cold and warm rooms. The temperature of the air in warm room is maintained with the help of heaters, in the cold decreases due to intense ventilation, in the summer up to drafts.

One of the most effective hardware procedures in everyday life iswalk. In order for the walk to give the effect, the sequence of activities of children is changing, depending on the nature of the previous classes and weather conditions. So, in the cold season and after the class on which the children were sitting, the walk begins with a run, a mobile game; In the warm season or after physical education and musical training - with observation, calm games.

The walk is one of the most important regime moments, during which children can sufficiently implement their motor needs. The optimal form for this servemoving games and exercise on the street.

Movable game it occupies a special place in the development of the child-preschooler. It contributes to the consolidation and improvement of motor skills and skills, provides an opportunity to develop cognitive interest, forms the ability to navigate the surrounding reality, which is so important for the acquisition by the child of life experience.

A variety of gaming actions develop dexterity, speed, coordination of movements and favorably affect the emotional state of children.

The need for movements in preschoolers is great, but the faster organism is extremely sensitive not only to the lack, but also to excess movements. That is why when choosing moving games and game exercises, we try to observe the optimal mode of motor activity, adjust the permissible load by changing the game situation, increasing or reducing the number of repetitions.

In addition to moving games, we are widely used in our groupexercises In the main types of movements:

Running and walking


Throwing, throwing and catching the ball

Exercises on the obstacle course

Fresh-air exercises contribute to the functional improvement of the children's body, to increase its performance, the development of protective forces in relation to unfavorable external environmental factors. For every two weeks there are 3-4 air exercise complexes:

For good weather (for season);

In case of raw weather;

In case of a gusty wind.

Of course, the development of movements and physical culture on the upbringing of a healthy child in our preschool institution is attached tophysical classes . Moreover, in each age period, physical education classes have different focus:

They bring pleasure to small children, teach them to navigate them in space, adopts of elementary insurance;

At middle age - develop physical qualities, first of all, endurance and power;

In senior groups - form the need in motion, develop motor abilities and independence.

That is why in our kindergarten a variety of physical education options are used:

Classes on the traditional scheme;

Classes consisting of a set of moving games of large, medium and low intensity;

Competition classes, where children during different relay two teams reveal winners;

Classes of Health Series, which may be included in the grid of classes as cognitive development. In the course of such classes, children are subject to the structure of their own body, the appointment of bodies, which is useful and harmful to the human body, as well as elementary skills to care and first aid. These classes are of great importance in educating the child the need for a healthy lifestyle.

One of the most important components of the strengthening and recovery of the children's body, as well as the organization of the motor regime of the child, aimed at raising the emotional and muscular tone of children, ismorning gymnastics .

In the interruptions between classes is carried outmotor workout. Her goal is prevent the development of fatigue in children, remove the emotional stress in the process of occupation with mental load, which contributes to a more rapid perception of software material. Muscular workout allows you to actively relax after mental load and forced static poses, it helps to increase the motor activity of children. The game exercises used in the warm-up are well acquainted with children, simple content, with a small number of rules, are not durable in time (no more than 10-12 minutes), accessible to children with different levels of motor activity.

In order to prevent fatigue in classes related to long-term seats in a monotonous posture, requiring focused attention and maintain the mental health of children at a good level, in kindergarten are heldfizkultminutki .

Fizkultminutki increase the total tone, motor skills, contribute to the training of mobility of nervous processes, develop attention and memory, create a positive emotional attitude and remove psycho-emotional tension.

Along with various health events in the group is held andgymnastics after day sleep, Which helps to improve the mood of children, lift muscle tone, and also contributes to the prevention of posture and foot disorders. Gymnastics is carried out at open-windows 7-15 minutes. During the year, various gymnastics options are used.

Workout in bed . Children gradually wake up under the sounds of pleasant music and, lying in bed on the back over the blanket, perform 5-6 exercises of the overall impact. Exercises are performed from different provisions: lying on the side, on the stomach, sitting. After doing the exercises, children get up and perform in a different pace several movements (walking in place, walking on massage rugs, gradually turning into running). Then everything moves from the bedroom to a well-ventigable group room and arbitrary dance, musical - rhythmic or other movements are performed to the music.

Gymnastics of gaming character . Consists of 3-6 imitation exercises. Children imitate the movements of birds, animals, plants, create various images ("skier", "skater", "parsley", "flower").

Massage tracks . Combined with contrasting air baths and are held 2 times a week for 5-7 minutes. The massage path consists of benefits and items that contribute to the foot massage. Children are engaged in barefoot, go in a rapid pace along the path and smoothly go to run (1-1.5min.) And go back to a quiet walking with breathing exercises. This contributes to the development of endurance, coordination of movements, forming the foot and strengthening the body of children.

Breathing exercises . The health of a person, physical and mental activity depends on the proper breathing. The breathing exercises increase the ventilation, lympho and blood circulation in the lungs, reduce the bronchi spasm and bronchiol, improve their patency, contribute to the discharge of sputum, train the ability to arbitrarily control their breathing, form the proper biomechanic of breathing, carry out the prevention of diseases and complications of respiratory.

Wellness work in the group is carried out intensively in the summer and is a set of measures aimed at restoring the functional state of the children's body.

The central place in this complex occupies the mode of the day, which provides for the maximum stay of children in the open air, the appropriate age of sleep and other types of recreation. All activities related to physical exertion (rolling games, work, physical education) are held in the clock of the smallest insolation.

Dow and family

Family and kindergarten is the microclimate in which the child has a child of preschool age. This is the medium in which it draws the necessary information and adapts to life in society. At any time, teachers worked with the family of their pupil, looking for support and understanding the problems of the child for the comprehensive development of a harmoniously developed and healthy personality. However, parents who do not have sufficiently knowledge of the age and individual characteristics of the child's development, sometimes make up robing blindly, intuitively. All this, as a rule, does not bring positive results. Family and kindergarten are two public institutions that are standing at the origins of our future, but often not always enough understanding of mutual understanding, tact, patience to hear and understand each other. To form the position of cooperation of teachers with children and their parents, it is necessary to create a single space for the development of the child, which must support both kindergarten and family.

In order to build effective communication of teachers and parents, it is important to have communicative skills, orient to the problems of the education and needs of the family, be aware of the latest achievements of science.
Communication will be successful if it is meaningful, based on general and significant themes for both sides, if each of them in the process of communication enriches its informational baggage. An important condition ... .. The creation of models "Educator - Parent", Educator -Psychologist - Parent. A special form of communication in these models in confidence-business contact.

At the stage of primary dating, parents acquaint the principles of the work of the Doo and family: openness, cooperation, creating an active development environment, the principle of an individual approach to each family.

Knowing how important an atmosphere of friendly relationships between teacher and parents, the first parent meeting "will be familiar" we spend in an unconventional form. It should be very carefully prepared, because their further cooperation depends on the primary perception of the teacher and family.
In the process of organizing a single health-saving space of pre-family and family, we use a variety of forms of work: open classes with children for parents; Pedagogical conversations with parents - general and group parent meetings; consultation; classes with parents; Exhibitions of children's work, made with parents; Open days; participation of parents in the preparation and holding of holidays, leisure; joint creation of an objective environment; work with the parents' parent committee; trainings;
parent living rooms; Mail confidence, survey. Colorful visual stands in the receptions introduce parents with the Life of the Group, with the Convention on the Rights of the Child, with the age characteristics of children. In the corners of experts, the information of the practical orientation is posted, interesting facts are given, the recommendations of the teacher-speech therapist, a teacher-psychologist, head of the izostuddy, physical culture and musical workers are given.

As a result, the level of educational and educational activities of parents increased, which contributed to the development of their creative initiative. The organization of interaction with the family is a difficult work that does not have ready-made technologies and recipes. Its success is determined by intuition, initiative and patience of the teacher, his ability to become a professional assistant in the family.
As a result of the work done, the use of various forms and methods of communication with parents, the psychological and pedagogical literacy of parents increased; The culture of interpersonal interaction of children in the group increased. Thus, work in close cooperation with parents brought welcoming results.
Living conditions, moral and emotional atmosphere, in which the child lives, entirely depends on adults, and they are undoubtedly responsible for the happiness and health of children.

Collaboration of kindergarten and family: care for the health of the preschooler

Socio-economic transformations that occurred inour country at the endXX - earlyXXI c., entailed changethe usual lifestyle and moral-valueintations and could not not affect the education of children in the family.

Health children depends not only on physical characteristics, but also on the level of health care, sanitation and the environmental situation in the country. Healthcare should be assessed in unity with the environment and the adaptive capabilities of the body. Therefore, a family and pre-school institution should be carried out to work on full physical development and strengthening health of children.

The first school of upbringing is a family. Parents are the first teachers of their child. In the family conditions, emotional moral experience is formed, the level of the content of the emotional and social development of the child is determined that the state of parents' health is one of the leading factors that have a direct impact on the health of the child. This impact is not only purely biological (hereditary), but also manifests itself indirectly through a system of conditions characterizing the lifestyle of mother and father, their installation on health, degree of medical activity.

The prophylactic activity of people defining the awareness of health as values \u200b\u200band the presence of targeted actions to maintain and strengthen, is currently becoming an important factor affecting the health of the population, primarily children's. The need to search for earnings, overload at work, reduction of free time in parents lead to the deterioration of their physical and mental, increased irritability, fatigue, stress. Theiremotions Parents are habitually splashing on children, while they are put in guilt both external problems and domestic troubles. The child falls into a situation of full dependence on the mood, emotions and parental reactions, which affects his mental health.

Therefore, it is so important to help parents understand that very many factors have an influence on the development of the child's personality, and education should not go spare.

To date, the problem of interaction of the Dow and family on children's health issues is one of the most relevant. Family need support and maintenance.

purpose the work of the group in this direction is to assist the family on the creation of conditions for the education of children of preschool age, the protection and strengthening of their health. It implies the followingtasks:

    improve the resistance and protective properties of the body child through ensuring a healthy lifestyle, optimalmotor motor regime, psychological safetypersonality, introduction of health-saving technologies;

    create optimal conditions to ensure security andstrengthening the physical and mental health of children;

    carry out the necessary correction of deviations per once * of the child's Vities;

    expand cooperation with family to form a dohovno-moral appearance of the younger generation, isthe intensification and activation of the pedagogical potential of the family;

    implement the prevention of asocial behavior by means of physical culture and sports.

For successful work with parents, we annually conductstudy families of pupils using methods such asquestioning, conversations with parents and children, child observations, Testing, visit at home, etc.

For the conscious participation of parents and teachers dough in Ozdochild showing special knowledge. The reasonsfrequent diseases in children, disease prevention, caresick child, first aid and warning complications - we consider all these issues on parentsround tables. We are invited to such eventsmedical workers of kindergartens and children's clinics (pediatricians, narrow specialists). In addition, parents get acquainted with the results of diagnosing the health of children, their psychomotor development, the content of physical education work in kindergarten, are divided by their positive experience of family education, talk about family traditions that help family health enhancement. In snitsiy "Family Tradition" includes the concept of "lifestyle". N.the sickness and problems are rooted in it. For example, the acute problem of modernity is alcoholism and drug addiction.

Along with the collective forms of the organization, the individual and subgroup conversations are widely used, oral magazines. Training of parents of therapeutic and recreation work in the family conditions are carried out by Dow specialists: Senior Nurse, Physiotherapy Cabinet Nurse, Physical Instructorculture, teacher-psychologist. Practical tips are given, recommendmedical and pedagogical literature is sulking.

One of the effective methods in this direction - whenchanging visual agitation. Each group has a cornerhealth, which makes information for parents about therapeutic and preventive measures held in a preschool institution. There are so-called "piggybacks of health", in whichryy assembled material on non-traditional methods of recovery,material promoting a healthy lifestyle. This informezing is going not only by doctors and teachers, but also themselvesparents.

Methods of disease prevention are also drawn up as san bulite. The health workers of the kindergarten made up of them a whole file.

Consultations are held, practical classes are organized. Themes are the most diverse: "If the eddynok is afraid of a dentist "," Alcohol and offspring "," Precisechesky vaccinations - protection against infectious diseases "," About health seriously "," Prevention of child injury "," We form the need for a healthy lifestyle ", etc.

Systematically for parents are organized days of open doors. In our opinion, this is an effective form of involvement of family members into the pedagogical process. During the day, Pope, Moms, Grandparents have the opportunity to visit the morning gymnastics, physical education, walking, hardening procedures and other regime moments. Visitors leave their impressions in the book of feedback and suggestions. Then we analyzeall events, draw conclusions, summarize. Usually,parents are very satisfied. But sometimes they have questions, it is important to us every statement. After all, if they did not understand something, they were not so perceived, it is necessary to take this note and clarify.

Parents were invited for days and weeks of health that became traditional in our kindergarten. Moms and dads are not only observed, but also become active participants of entertainment, various games, sports holidays: "Together with MoMu, all the obstacles will pass", "Pope can be all in the world," "Dad, Mom, I am a sports family."

Educators together with their parents decorated wall newspapers andexhibitions of drawings on the themes: "Sun, air and water - our rayfriends "," in a healthy body - a healthy mind "," in the country healthvya "," Active rest of our family "and others. Parents takeparticipation in the essay competition "Our family - for a healthy lifestyle", in which they are talking about how to relax, celebrate holidays, weekends, what games are spent with children, what sports events are visited which child-parentrelations are present in the family. Then we make exhibitions of theseessays, because each family shows creativity whenfamily health codes are attached to them. Besides In addition, the staff of the kindergarten arrange the thematic exhibitions: "How to grow a healthy child", "In order not to be" hardened from an early age "and others. Moms and Pope are happy to get acquainted with the exhibits of the exhibition, share their impressions. Of course, not all families are active, but many manage to borrow, some parents revise their views on) food children.

In this way:

One of the aspects of strengthening the health of participants in the pedagogical process, the doctor is the creationhealth-saving medium. The basis for the development of conceptual directions of the health-saving medium laid the following tasks:

    formation of children's health based on integrated and systematic use of physical education tools available to a particular preschool institution, optimization of outdoor engineering;

    use in the educational activities of the DOU spiritual and moral and cultural potential of the city, microdistrict, the nearest environment, raising children on the traditions of Russian culture;

    constructive partnership of the family, pedagogical team and children themselves in strengthening their health, the development of creative potential;

    ensuring the active position of children in the process of obtaining knowledge about a healthy lifestyle.

As a means to solve these tasks, it can act:

    direct training of children with elementary techniques of a healthy lifestyle (wellness, finger, corrective, respiratory gymnastics, self-massage) and the simplest skills to provide first aid with cuts, abrasions, burns, bite; as well as the advent of elementary cultural and hygienic skills to children;

    rehabilitation Events (Fitotherapy, Vitaminotherapy, Aromatherapy, Inhalation, Functional Music, Medical Physical Culture, Massage, Psychodics, Trainings);

    specially organized musculoskeletal activity of the child (physical attacks, enjoying physical education, mobile games, sporting holidays, themed holidays, entry into nature, excursions).

Preparation for a healthy lifestyle of a child based on health-proof technologies should be a priority in the activities of each educational institution for preschool children.

An article on health-saving technologies is intended for educators, as well as other kindergarten officers who use them in the educational process. This article describes the types of health-saving technologies, their relevance, as well as, as they can be introduced into the educational and educational process in the DOU.

The purpose of the article: To disclose the meaning of the need to introduce health-saving technologies in the DOU and describe the mechanisms for the implementation of this activity.

Man's health will always be an urgent topic. It is impossible to keep medications. There is more effective - traffic. Exercise must certainly be included in the lifestyle of every person who thinks that it is necessary to maintain working capacity, health and full life for life.

Pre-school age is a decisive stage in the formation of the foundations of the mental and physical health of children. It was during these years that the organs are intensively formed and the functional systems of the body are developing. In recent years, a steady tendency to reduce the level of health of preschoolers has been seen, more and more children show violation of speech and mental development. It all makes it necessary to search for mechanisms that would help change the situation.

The main task of educators of kindergarten is to prepare a preschooler for a future independent life, giving him the necessary conditions To obtain and consolidate sustainable skills, skills, knowledge, raising the necessary habits in it. But, can every teacher or just an adult relate indifferent to the unfavorable state of health of his pupils, to his noticeable deterioration? One of the answers and acts in demand among teachers of health-saving technologies.

Heating technology is:

  • organized set of techniques, programs, methods for organizing the education process, which does not cause damage to the health of children;
  • the qualitative characteristics of pedtechnologies by the criterion of their action on the health of the participants in the pedprocess;
  • technological base of health-saving pedagogy.

The purpose of the health-saving technology is to provide each preschooler high level Health, giving him the necessary luggage skills, knowledge, skills that are needed for a healthy lifestyle, having laid health culture in it.

This goal is achieved by solving many tasks in the teacher during its activities. Educators teach children health culture, as should be careful for their body, i.e. reasonable attitude to personal health, safe behavior.

Tasks of health-saving technologies:

  1. Combine the efforts of parents and a pedagogical team for an effective organization of physical education and recreation work, preventing disorders of posture and flatfoot;
  2. Teach pupils to safe behavior in emergency situations in the city and in natural conditions;
  3. Implement the continuity between pre-school and school through physical education work.

The healthy-saving technologies are generally divided into 4 groups:

I. Technologies to preserve and stimulate the health of preschoolers.

  • Dynamic pauses (physical attachments, including finger, respiratory, gymnastics for eyes and articulation gymnastics);
  • Sports and moving games;
  • Simulators, contrasting track.

II. Technologies for training ZEM.

  • Physical education;
  • Gymnastics after sleep;
  • Acupressure;
  • Pool;
  • Sports holidays, entertainment;
  • Media (situational small games - imitative role-playing simulation game);
  • Health day.

III. Technologies of musical exposure.

  • Music therapy;
  • Fairy-therapy.

IV. Technology correction of behavior.

The teacher who feels guard of the health of children, who raises the culture of the health of children and their parents, should be healthy, have valeological knowledge, not worried about work, be able to evaluate objectively its shortcomings and advantages associated with the profession. He must compile a plan for self-correction and start it.

In order to realize the enriched physical development and recovery of children in the DWA, unconventional techniques are applied.

Each group must be equipped with a "health corner". It must be traditional benefits (massagers, massage rugs, Sports inventory), as well as non-standard equipment made by hand:

  • "Dry Aquarium". It contributes to the removal of tension and fatigue, relaxes the muscles of the shoulder belt.
  • Cork rug. Walking on such a rug makes a foot massage.
  • The turntables, the sountors. We are necessary for the development of speech breathing to train the work of the lungs, increase their volume.
  • Massagers, including homemade. It is known that there are many points on your hands, massaging that can be affected by different points of the body.
  • Rugs and ropes with nodules. We need to massage feet feet, which contributes to the development of coordination of movements.

Health gymnastics need to be done daily after sleep, barefoot to the music.

The recovery modes of the group should include spectra of medical and recovery techniques:

  • gymnastics for the eyes (removes the static stress of the eye muscles, improves blood circulation);
  • mimic workouts;
  • fingering gymnastics (affects development small Motoriki, stimulates the development of speech, attention, spatial thinking, helps to develop the speed of the reaction);
  • respiratory gymnastics (strengthens and develops the chest);
  • acupressure;
  • exercises and games for the correction and prevention of posture and flatfoot.

Heating-free activity forms as a result of the child a motivation for a healthy lifestyle, full-fledged development.

Implementation of the goals in practice

Dynamic pauses. Organizes and conducts an educator during class, 2-5 minutes. This includes elements of respiratory gymnastics, gymnastics for the eyes. Proper breathing helps to avoid sinusitis, asthma, neuroses, relieves headaches, headaches, cold disorders, sleep, sleep helps to quickly restore performance after physical and mental fatigue.

In order for the breathing to be full, the following rules must be followed:

  • It is necessary to breathe only through the nose, rhythmic and evenly;
  • Try to fill the light air to the maximum in the breath, and in exhale as much as possible;
  • Classes should be discontinued when the slightest discomfort occurs;
  • Respiratory gymnastics should be held in a well-wired room, in a friendly atmosphere;
  • The set of exercise pupils must be developed gradually. Every week is added by one exercise.

The systematic conduct of physical attacks contributes to the improvement of psycho-emotional state, changes the attitude towards himself and its health for the better.

Fizkultminutki can carry out someone from children.

Movable I. sport games . Equipment or head of physical education should be carried out. Used as physical education in the gym, in game room or for a walk.

Relaxation.He holds the head of the focus, psychologist or caregivers in any suitable room. Suitable for all age groups. Use during relaxation of calm classical music during relaxation (Rachmaninov, Tchaikovsky, Nature Sounds).

Fingering gymnastics. Recommended with younger age with a subgroup, or individually. Conducts gymnastics speech therapist or educator. It is useful for absolutely all children, but especially necessary for those who have problems in developing speech. Such gymnastics can be carried out at any time, including during classes.

Gymnastics for eyes. Must be held daily, 3-5 minutes, at any free time, in class. Removes the visual load.

Breathing exercises. It is introduced in various forms of physical culture and recreation work, on physical attachments, during classes, as well as after sleep - during total gymnastics.

Invigorating gymnastics. It is organized and held daily after daytime sleep, 5-10 minutes. Free shape: extensive wash, exercises on cribs; Walking on embossed skulls. Conducts an educator.

Gymnastics Orthopedic and Corrigative. Conducted in different forms Physical and health work. Conducts a physical culture worker or educator.

Physical classes. Must be held in a good worn room, 2-3 times a week, in the gym. Junior age - 15-20 minutes, medium - 20-25 minutes, older age - 25-30 minutes. Conduct the head of physical education or educators.

Problem-gaming situations. Organized in their free time, in the afternoon. Strictly time is not fixed, classes are held depending on the tasks supplied by the teacher. The occupation can be organized even unnoticed for children, the teacher is included in the game activity.

The purposeful formation of the elementary bases of the mental self-regulation of 5-year-old children can be achieved through scene-role games, moving games and physical attacks.

Communicative games "Learn yourself" E.V. Harlmapova and M.V. Carepanova. Once a week for 30 minutes, starting with older age. This includes etudes, conversations and games of different mobility, painting, which contribute to the rapid adaptation of children in the team. Conducts a psychologist.

Classes from the Health Series for children and parents as cognitive development. Once a week for 30 minutes. Conducted in the afternoon, starting with older age. Organize and conduct educators.

Self-massage. It is carried out in different forms of physical culture and recreation work, or during physical attacks in order to prevent colds.

Psychogympics. Conducts a psychologist. Once a week, starting with older age for 25-30 minutes.

Fairy tale exposure technology.The fairy tale is a mirror that reflects the real world through the prism of personal perception. It may not be in her life. In classroom studies with guys, you can create verbal images. Remembering old images and inventing new, children expand their shaped repertoire, the inner world of the child becomes richer. This is a real chance to understand and take yourself and the world, change in the right direction and increase self-esteem.

Since the feelings exist positive and negative, then the images in children arise and joyful, and frightening. One of the most important goals of classes is negative images to convert to positive. So that the world of the child becomes beautiful and joyful. The calm condition of the nervous system gives the child health.

A fairy tale can tell an adult or it can be a group told, when the narrator is not one person, but a group of children.

Music impact technology. Imported in different forms of physical culture and recreation work. Applied to remove the voltage, increasing emotional mood, etc. Classes can conduct an educator and musical leader.

Additionally used handling methods:

  • Washing water after day sleep;
  • Rinsing the mouth and rinse the throat of herbs champs (chamomile, sage, calendula), which have an antiseptic effect on the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, or a naval salt solution. It should be carried out daily after lunch, within 2 weeks alternately;
  • Bike barefoot with air baths can be carried out on physical education and after day sleep.

A healthy lifestyle includes adequate physical activity, personal hygiene, rational nutrition, healthy psychological climate in the family, school, kindergarten, attentive attitude to personal health, lack of bad habits.

Health of saving technologies that are used in working with parents

  • Consultations with parents, conversations, recommendations on the prevention of diseases, the benefits of additional walks and classes in sports sections, regarding the observance of personal hygiene;
  • Also, you can also answer all these questions at the parent meetings;
  • Design folders moving;
  • Personal example of a teacher;
  • Non-traditional forms of work with parents, practical shows;
  • Questioning;
  • Joint stocks: health days, sports holidays;
  • Booklets, memos from the "Fingering Gymnastics series", "How to order a child?";
  • Open days;
  • Training Parents Methods of Health of Children (Workshop, Training);
  • Release of newspaper DW, etc.

The creation of the conditions for the health-saving education of preschoolers implies:

  • Organization of children in the game form;
  • Organization of cultural education of preschoolers;
  • Construction of a pedagogical process in the image of a culture model;
  • Supplying children to toys, equipment, games, benefits.

This whole work should be carried out comprehensively, throughout the day. In this paper, pedagogical, and medical workers should be involved: a teacher-psychologist, a teacher-speech therapist, an educator, physical education instructor, musical leader.

Parents are the main educators of the child. From how the child's day is organized, how much parents pay the health of the child, its mood depends, psychological comfort. A healthy lifestyle of a child to whom he is involved in kindergarten can or maintain daily at home, and to be fixed, or not to find support, then the information received by the child will be for him with a painful and unnecessary.

So, health care is one of the most important tasks of each person. Health among all goods on Earth is the most valuable gift that is impossible to replace anything, but people do not care about it as necessary. It is important to understand that care for children's health today is the full work potential of our country in the near future.

Teachers, doctors, parents, everyone wants our children to have learned well, became stronger every year, they grew and went out in large life People are not just knowing, but also healthy. After all, health is a priceless gift!


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