Highest mountain in greece.

The culture of Ancient Greece had a huge impact on the world. Even after several millennia, we are studying ancient history with interest and getting to know its heroes. The most important symbol of ancient Greek culture is Mount Olympus, where, according to legend, only the chosen Gods could dwell.

Today the mountain peak receives thousands of tourists who want to touch the ancient shrine. How to conquer Olympus and what awaits travelers on its mountain slopes, we will tell you in today's article.

Olympus is located in the mainland of the country, and more specifically in the area where the border of the regions of Thessaly and Macedonia is located.

The most famous mountain in Greece is not one peak, but a whole mountain range. The Greek Olympus refers to a mountain range of 40 pointed rocks covering an area of ​​500 km 2. Therefore, do not be surprised that when asked what is the name of the highest mountain in Greece, the answer Olympus is not entirely correct. After all, the ridge consists of peaks of various heights.

Mitikas is the highest mountain in Greece, which is included in the chain of peaks of Olympus. At its highest point, its height reaches 2,917 meters. It is the highest mountain in Greece, but there are a few more rocks in the Olympus chain, just a little behind the peak of Mitikas. These include:

  • Skolio (2912 m);
  • Stephanie (2909 m);
  • Rock (2886 m);
  • Antonios (2815 m).

The ridge is covered with snow, and even in summer time the temperature at the tops does not exceed -5 degrees.

For a long time no man's foot has set foot on the mountain rocks. Only in 1913, brave climbers conquered the famous Greek peak. However, this does not mean that the Greeks did not climb the mountain at all. Later, as a result of excavations, it turned out that the inhabitants of ancient Hellas climbed low rocks and even built altars and temples there.

Mount Olympus and Ancient Greece

The history of the Olympic ridge, where the highest mountains in Greece are located, is closely connected with mythological legends.

Initially, the mountain range became the abode of the Titans spawned by Gaia. They were so huge that the rocks served them as thrones. The highest peak was occupied by Cronus, the most powerful of the Titans.

But then Zeus came to the Greek land, who, as you know, never tolerated competition. A battle ensued between the Titans and the Gods, and new deities emerged victorious. Thus, Olympus, as the highest mountain in Greece, became the abode of Zeus and eleven other main gods.

By the way, the famous heights of Greece got their name for the snow-white slopes of the peaks, brightly shining in the sun. According to the popular version, the toponym Olympus is formed from the Indo-European word “ulu". It has two meanings: to rotate and to shine. Perhaps, in ancient times, the Olympic peaks were semicircular, which connected them with "rotation", "hemisphere". As for the splendor, it is a frequent visitor to the snow-capped rocks even today.

The ancient inhabitants believed that the Gods dwell at an unattainable height, where the passage is closed to mere mortals. Therefore, no one thought to climb the steep peaks. But in order to be under the patronage of the famous Gods, the Greeks settled at the foot of the mountains. So, on the eastern slope is located ancient city Dion, Cultural Center Macedonia. The settlement is named after the almighty Zeus, to whom a magnificent temple was erected here. The ruins of the building have survived to this day.

If we talk about the inhabitants of the Olympic peaks, then according to legend, 12 gods lived here. Among them was the famous blacksmith Hephaestus, who made lightning and aegis for Zeus. On special occasions, demigods and heroes could climb the mountain. On the peaks, ancient bohemia led an idle life, drinking nectar and watching the deeds of ordinary mortals.

The importance of Olympus for modern Greece

Oddly enough, with the advent of Orthodoxy, the attitude of the Greeks to the shrine did not change. On the contrary, now the monasteries of Orthodoxy are located on the mountain slopes: the monastery of the Holy Trinity, the Canalon and the monastery of St. Dionysius. So the Greek Olympus remains a place where religion is worshiped and in awe of divine power, only now it is associated with the monuments of Orthodox culture.

Modern Olympus in Greece is also a protected nature reserve, on the territory of which more than 1,700 plant species grow. Earlier, lions were even found in these places, but they were exterminated in ancient times. Today, roe deer, wild boars, eagles, vultures and other animals are found here. The reserve is not so much the property of a country or city as of the whole world, therefore the Olympic mountains are protected by the international organization UNESCO.

Where is Olympus and how to get there on your own

As already noted, the mountain range is located in the northeast of Thessaly, where it borders with Macedonia. In ancient times, the rocks were the natural border of the regions, but today the mountain complex is completely included in the possession of Thessaly. For a better understanding, see how Mount Olympus is marked on modern map Greece.

There are several ways to get to the hill, which is located 90 km from Thessaloniki. Firstly, organized and individual excursions go from the city to the mountain. Secondly, direct buses run from Thessaloniki to Litohoro (a village at the foot of the mountain). Flights leave every 1.5 hours, and the cost of the trip is 9, 5 euros. And finally, for an independent trip, you can rent a car or order a taxi. The Thessaloniki-Katerini route runs along the E90 road, after which you should turn onto the E75 road and head to Litohoro.

The largest mountain in Greece remained unconquered for a long time, despite the fact that the ancient Greeks still lived here. Until 1913, not a single person dared to conquer the peak of Mitikas, although the ascent to it from Litochoro is quite simple for climbers. Perhaps this is the fault of the ancient cult, according to which Mount Olympus and Greece were perceived as the home of the gods, because it was here that Zeus and his comrades lived.

Today, climbing the mountain range is a popular tourist attraction. The conquest of the peaks depends only on the seasons, because v winter period only ski slopes work. For the most part, Mount Olympus in Greece is not steep and tourists do not need special training to climb. The only exception is Mikikas peak, which is better to conquer with professional equipment.

Excursions to Olympus

A trip to the mountain ranges and the conquest of the heights of Mount Olympus in Greece will be an excellent addition to the cultural and beach vacation in Greece.

Climbing the mountains is an interesting path full of unique landscapes. An excursion to Olympus along the trails of the popular route to the summits is safe even for beginners, because the path is equipped with the necessary infrastructure and numerous signs that will not allow you to go astray. In addition, you can always use the services of an experienced guide who will lead the most interesting route, as well as tell local legends and stories.

Climbing routes

The way to the top sometimes takes two days, so there are shelters in the mountains where you can spend the night. If you wish, you can climb in a day, but in this case, there will not be enough time to visit local shrines and capture panoramic views of nature.

The process of climbing Olympus consists of several stages:

  • Litochoro - Prionia (3-3.5 hours);
  • Prionia - Shelter A (3 hours);
  • Shelter A - Skala (2, 5 hours);
  • Skala - Skolio (20 min) or Skala - Mitikas (60 min).

The beginning of the path is at the foot of Olympus in the town of Litochoro. From here the route leads to the settlement of Prionia, located at an altitude of 1100 m. This part of the path does not have to be covered on foot: it is easy to reach Prionia by a rented car or taxi. In this way, you will retain the strength for further ascent, but, of course, you will lose in the beauty of the views and the sensations of conquering the mountain.

Prionia has everything you need for a tourist stop. Here you can have a snack, take a shower and even stay overnight in the hospitable monastery of St. Dionysius. If time permits, it is better not to strive to conquer the mountain “in one day”. Mountain sunsets, clean air and natural beauty are worth stretching the trip for a couple of days.

The next part of the path is aimed at reaching the mark of 2100 meters, where Refuge A is located. This is the Spilios Agapitos guesthouse, which offers a hotel, café and camping area for travelers. Further, the road will lead to the top of Skala, at a height of 2886 m. Here tourists find themselves at a fork: a turn to the right leads to Skolio, and to the left to Michikas. There is a convenient tourist route to the Skolio peak, and the ascent to Mitikas is more difficult.

Mount Olympus landmarks

In 1961, the temple of Zeus was found. Ancient statues, a stadium, a theater and even shopping arcades, coins, and animal remains were found. The temple of Apollo and the tomb of Orpheus were also found. You can also visit the monastery of St. Dionysius, built by himself around the middle of the 16th century.

Since then, the monastery has changed a lot, time has not been kind to it. Reconstruction individual buildings continues to this day. The monastery is active, so visitors must dress appropriately as indicated on the sign at the entrance. A half-hour walk is the cave where the saint originally stayed. On the way, there is a river with cold and tasty water, in which swimming is prohibited.

Since 1938, the Olympus mountain range has been declared a national reserve. And in 1981, Olympus was declared part of the natural heritage of the world and protected by UNESCO. In 1985, the massif was recognized as an archaeological and historical monument. The ecosystem of Olympus is represented by a huge variety of living organisms (more than 1700 species). Here you can see rare plants that are not found anywhere else, an amazing view of Greece opens from the mountain. Many tourists want to conquer the ancient abode of the gods, but it is very difficult to get to the very top.

The steep and rocky slopes of the mountain range are cut by deep gorges with mountain streams flowing in them. The lower parts of the slopes are overgrown with forests of maple, beech, chestnut, oak, cypress. Fir and pine forests... Here you can meet curious chamois and roe deer. There are many of them here. Even higher, meadows and rare thickets of shrubs are increasingly common.

At an altitude of about 2500 meters, there is practically no vegetation.

Here a good place for nesting vultures, eagles. The upper part of the massif is almost always covered with snow and shrouded in clouds.

In winter The best way to get to know the Greek mountain peaks is to go to the ski track. The mountains are open for skiing from January to March. Tourists are brought to the trails by modern lifts named after the ancient Gods. A single visit to the ski base will cost 11 euros, and accommodation in local hotels is 50-60 euros per day.

An excursion to Olympus is panoramic views, unique vegetation, fresh mountain air and a unique sense of pride from visiting the impregnable abode of the Gods. Exciting travel and conquest of new peaks!

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Olympus is the center of world tourism and pilgrimage for climbers. Crystal waters and clean air captivate numerous tourists and nature lovers from all over the world the globe... A safe route to conquer Olympus has been developed especially for tourists.

Just a few steps and civilization is left behind. Climbing Olympus begins in the small town of Litohoro, but many people prefer to take a taxi or a rented car along the serpentine road to the village of Prionia. Thus, you can save about two hours of travel. Prionia has a car park and a restaurant. You will have to spend the night in the monastery of St. Dionysius, located nearby.

Experienced hikers are advised to distribute the climbing route over two days. The first part of the journey (to the boarding house), although not difficult, is very tiring and requires some endurance. But there is an opportunity to meet and capture the pink dawn on Olympus. It must be remembered that you will not only have to climb Olympus, but also descend from it. It is important to calculate your strength and not rush to go all the way in a day.

The path goes through the forest. Lianas, trees, waterfalls, mountain rivers - everything attracts the attention of the traveler. A beautiful view of the neighboring rocks and valleys opens up. On the way, we come across unfamiliar plants, chamois see off with a curious look. The trail is marked; even an inexperienced tourist is difficult to get lost here. It is advisable to dress warmly, but not wrap yourself up, because the closer to the top, the colder.

The Agapitos Shelter is located at an altitude of about 2000 meters. or, as it is also called, Shelter A. Shelter is a small guesthouse where you can relax and prepare for the most important part of the route. Accommodation cost in common room is 10 euros per person. They will provide a pillowcase and a blanket, but many travelers prefer to use their own sleeping bags. The guesthouse is open from May to October. Travelers have at their disposal two dining rooms, open until late in the evening, and 110 sleeping places.

Conquest of Michikas

They leave their backpacks at the shelter and move on at dawn. The way to the top takes three hours. It is dangerous to go to Mitikas at night. Climbing equipment is optional. From the shelter there is a rocky path to the Skala pass, 2882 meters high, then the path goes along rocky slopes to the top of Skolio, 2912 meters high.

From here begins the ascent directly to the top of the highest peak of the mountain range. From here you can enjoy a delightful view of the meadows and valleys stretching at the foot of the river. Although all trails are fairly passable and provided with the necessary signs, it is advisable to bring an experienced guide with you. He will not only guide you through the most interesting places, but will also tell you in detail about interesting facts from the life of the Greek gods.

On Michikas there is a special magazine in which the conquerors of Olympus leave their autographs and greetings to their followers. It is stored in an iron box. At the shelter, tourists receive a document confirming the ascent to Olympus.

Greece is a wonderful holiday destination, honeymoon, vacation. You can swim in the warm sea or go snorkeling. Mountain forests and gorges invite you to take a walk, while Olympus is waiting for its new conquerors. It is noticed that many married couples having visited Olympus once, they will definitely come back here again.

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Highest mountains different countries such as Hungary, Austria, Greece and Argentina are presented in the table below.

This article briefly describes the highest mountains in different countries of Europe and America. Name and height are given. Provided some descriptions about their names, locations and more.

Highest mountain in Hungary

Hungary is located 200 meters above sea level and has no high mountains. The highest mountain in Hungary is Kekes. In front from English means "bluish". Well, and, indeed, if you look at the mountain in the distance, it seems bluish.

Mount Kekes is part of the Matra mountain range, being the longest ski slope in Hungary. Its length is about 2 km. The mountain is ideal for beginners. Its height is 1014 meters above sea level. It is located between the cities of Eger and Gyöngyös.

After Lake Balaton and the Danube, Kekes is one of the most popular attractions in Hungary.

The highest mountain in Hungary is Kekes, with a height of 1014 meters.

Highest mountain in Austria

A quarter of Austria is occupied by the ranges of the Eastern Alps, united in chains. The most impressive attraction in the country and at the same time the most high mountain Austria is Grossglockner. This mountain has 2 peaks: Grossglockner and Kleinglockner. The height of the Großglockner is 3798 meters, the second peak is slightly lower and reaches a height of 3770 meters. There is a pass between the peaks, and at the foot of the largest glacier - Pasterets.

The highest mountain in Austria is Grossglockner, 3798 meters high.

Highest mountain in Greece

Known for ancient greek mythology Olympus is the highest mountain in Greece, where 12 gods lived, led by Zeus.

In ancient times, Mount Olympus was the border between two states - Thessaly and Macedonia. To date, the entire territory surrounding the mountain range has been declared a national park. Since 1981, the mountain has been recognized as part of the World Natural Heritage and an object of historical and architectural heritage by UNESCO.

There are 52 peaks on the mountain, the height of which varies from 760 to 2917 meters. The highest peak of Olympus is Mitakis, which is 2917 meters high. The second and third places were taken by the peaks of Skolio, with a height of 2912 meters and Stephanie, with a height of 2905 meters.

The highest mountain in Greece is Olympus, the highest peak of Olympus is Metakis, 2917 meters high.

Highest mountain in Argentina

Aconcagua rises to 6962 meters in height, and is the highest point in South Amrika, as well as the entire southern and western hemispheres.

The mountain arose at the time of the collision tectonic plates South American and Nazca. Today the mountain is completely covered with snow. The name of the mountain is translated into Russian as Stone Guard.

The highest mountain in Argentina is Aconcagua, 6962 meters high.

Mitikas Peak Olympus (Lisa Murray) Highest peak of Mount Olympus - 2917 m against the background of Mitikas peak, Greece (Lisa Murray) Olympus, Greece (Lisa Murray) View from space to Mount Olympus (Jim Trodel) Mount Olympus is located on the border of Macedonia and Thessaly between the prefectures of Pieria and Larissa (Nikos Koutoulas) View of Mount Olympus in Greece (Gabriel) Mount Olympus, Greece (Lisa Murray) Mount Olympus in winter, Greece (stefg74)

Mount Olympus is the highest and most mountainous massif in Greece and the second highest in Europe. The mountain range, consisting of 40 pointed rocks, crumbled for almost 20 km, and its height at the highest point reaches about 2917 m. Its name is Mitikas.

The peaks of Skolio and Stephanie were next in height. Stephanie's Upland has several other names - "Pantheon" and "Throne of Zeus".

  • The last name of Stephanie's Peak was due to its resemblance to a high chair, and its dimensions, according to the ancient Greeks, exactly corresponded to the majestic god.
  • The name "Pantheon" is associated with the belief of the ancient Greeks that it was here that the entire divine clan of the Olympian gods lived.

Mount Olympus on the map covers an area with a total area of ​​500 sq. km., which are located monuments of nature, history and religion.

Olive grove in the background of Mytikas peak, Greece (Lisa Murray)

Olympus has great value for Greece. The ecosystem of the mountain range has about 1700 species of flora and fauna.

About 25% of them are endemic, i.e. are not found anywhere else in the world.

Since 1938 Olympus has been a national reserve. Since 1981, the natural wealth of the mountains has been protected by UNESCO.

In 1985 the mountains acquired the status of an archaeological and historical monument. Here in 1961 during archaeological excavations the temple of Zeus was discovered. Later, the ruins of the temple complex of the god Apollo were found.

At the site of excavations carried out in our days, it is periodically possible to extract many religious objects: statues, idols, altars, etc. Currently, the area where archaeological excavations are being conducted is a kind of open-air museum. Access to the ruins is open to tourists.

Thus, Olympus is a real tourist mecca. Every year hundreds of thousands of travelers strive to conquer its heights or touch history and shrines.

Where is Mount Olympus located?

Peak Mitikas - the summit of Mount Olympus, is located approximately 260 kilometers from Athens, the capital of Greece, and 24 kilometers south of the village of Katerini. From the coastal line of Pieria to the top of Olympus is 18 kilometers.

You can study the location of Mount Olympus in more detail on a map of Greece.

Ancient Greece and Mount Olympus - the haven of the gods

The greatness and mystery of the mountains led the inhabitants of Ancient Greece to the idea that it was here that the gods found their refuge.

Mount Olympus from space (Jim Trodel)

According to ancient Greek mythology, the first rulers of the world and mountains were the titans, who were expelled by Zeus, who later became the supreme god of Olympus. The Greeks believed that the heavenly ruler ruled over human destinies in heaven, announcing his decisions with lightning strikes. In managing worldly affairs, the Thunderer was assisted by his divine relatives - wives, children, brothers, as well as demigods and heroes.

But in general, their whole life was devoted to carefree joy and pleasures. Here they gathered for feasts, organized games and tournaments.

Tired of the festivities, the celestials turned their gaze to the earth and indulged in their favorite pastime - war. In the excitement of battles, they sometimes forgot the difference between mortals and gods, engaging in bloody battles with each other.

The highest peak of Mount Olympus - 2917 m. (Stefg74

The heavenly rulers had their favorites among the people whom they helped, and there were those from whom they turned away or sent their anger.

Ordinary mortals brought, in order to propitiate the gods, made sacrifices to them and offered prayers. Direct contact with the celestials was prohibited. Therefore, to enter the abode of the gods simple people they could not: the entrance to Olympus was blocked by the goddesses of time, Ora.

Olympus is currently

With the establishment of Christian dogma on the Greek lands, Mount Olympus became the abode of Orthodox shrines, where the name of God, one for all Christians, was exalted. All R. XVI century St. Dionysius founded a monastery here, which now bears the name of the saint.

The monastery fell into disrepair over time. Today, restoration work is underway here, but the monastery is still active, services and liturgies are held here. Many pilgrims rush to the mountains in order to honor the shrine.

Tourism: everyone can conquer Olympus

Mount Olympus attracts thousands of tourists not only for its natural resources and thousand-year history, but also for the opportunity to try their hand at conquering its peaks.

Peak Mytikas, Mount Olympus (stefg74)

As a rule, experienced climbers prefer to explore the mountains on their own.

A safe tourist route has been developed for climbers and beginners.

The starting point of the hike is the small town of Litochoro, with an overnight stay in the monastery of St. Dionysius. The entire ascent takes about two days.

The route is provided with all the necessary signs, so it will be quite difficult to get lost, but nevertheless, beginners should use the services of experienced guides.

You will have to go through forests, mountain rivers, valleys and rocks. The trail is pretty tiring for the most part, but it all makes up for in breathtaking panoramic views.

On the road to Olympus (ptwo)

You can recover and gain strength before the main ascent to the peak of Mitikas in the tourist boarding house "Agapitos". The boarding house provides travelers with the opportunity to refresh and relax. However, the number of places in it is limited; it can accommodate 110 tourists. Therefore, it is worthwhile to arrange an overnight stay in advance.

Climbing Mitikas takes about 3 hours, but, despite the passability of the trails, the path is very difficult, and therefore tourists are advised to leave all large things in the guesthouse and go light.

At the top of Mitikas, tourists will find a majestic bird's eye view of Greece and receive the symbolic status of the "conqueror of the Olympic mountains" - each tourist is issued a certificate that confirms the fact of climbing Olympus.

Also, everyone can leave their autograph, review and greeting for followers in a special travel book.

All significant myths and legends are associated with Olympus in Greece. This mountain is the highest in the country. The rocky cliffs and mountain peaks of Olympus flow smoothly into the park of the same name. The nature around the Abode of the Gods looks so attractive that it seems as if the Celestials themselves created it.

Mount Olympus: description

The height of the Olympus mountain range is 2917 meters. Its three famous peaks, Mitikas, Skolio and Stephanie, are the highest points of the mountain range.

On the northern slope of the Olympic Mountain is the Macedonian sanctuary of Dion. Olympus National Park includes 1,700 species of native flora and approximately 250 species of representatives of the Greek fauna.

Climbing Olympus today

Previously, no mortal could just climb Olympus. Today organized ascents are made there, which begin at the local town of Litokhoron.

From a height of 1100 meters, there is a hiking trail to Olympus. This mark can be reached by taxi or private car. Climbing in a group is made from the village of Prionia. There you can also visit the monastery of St. Dionysius.

There are organized parking lots at an altitude of 2,100 meters. From there the path leads to Skolio and Mitikas. The road to the top must be overcome during the day, at night it is too dangerous to climb Olympus due to unpredictable weather conditions.

« When climbing Olympus, there are rules that can be found in the information center, so as not to anger the Gods, it is better to follow them strictly».

The peaks of Olympus were conquered for the first time in 1913. The ascent was made by Christ Kakalas.

Mount Olympus is considered amazing and very beautiful. It does not hurt to know the following about her:

  • Olympus - native home for the twelve major Greek Gods;
  • At the peak of Mitikas there is an iron box with a special magazine, where those who managed to conquer the peak can leave their message;
  • Olympus is an object included in the UNESCO list;
  • The Olympians, the descendants of the Gods (Greeks) began to call themselves due to the name main mountain Greece.

Many myths and legends are associated with this mountain among the Greeks. Since Olympus is the cradle of Greek civilization, everything that happens there affects the lives of ordinary mortals.

One of the myths says that once Hades fell in love with the daughter of Demeter herself and, in combination, the goddess of fertility, Persephone. He stole a girl from Olympus. Then prosperity left the mountain, and the first winter came. Zeus tried to bring Persephone back, but she was already married to Hades. Then the Gods made a deal with their underground brother, according to which Persephone will have to spend 9 months on Olympus, and 3 months in the Underworld with her husband.

Olympus is a cultural heritage of the Greeks, a natural monument and an important historical site. Its landscapes are mesmerizing with colors and variety. Climbing Olympus is still considered a dangerous business, although not prohibited. Previously, people had no right to climb the sacred mountain at all, if they did not receive the personal permission of the Gods. Today the Gods have mercy, and tourist excursions are organized to Olympus.

    As was customary among most peoples, the highest mountain in the region simultaneously became the habitat of the gods. So it happened with the highest mountain in Greece - Olympus, which was located closer to the north of the most densely populated areas, but has snow-capped peaks, so rare in this part of the Mediterranean. The height of Olympus is 2,917 meters, which is not much at all. Probably due to superstition, there were no ascents to the top of Olympus for a long time. for the first time a human foot entered the divine peak only in 1913.

    The second highest mountain in Greece - Zmolikas has a height of 2637 meters, the highest mountain of the Peleponnese peninsula is called Taygetus and has a height of 2407 meters, the highest mountain in Crete is called Dikti with a height of 2148 meters.

    Mount Olympus, which is 2919 meters high, is the highest point in Greece and one of its symbols. According to mythology, 12 gods lived in this place, led by Zeus the Thunderer.

    Modern Olympus is a complex of four main peaks: Mitikas, Skala, Stephanie and Skolio. The surrounding area has been declared a national park. Since 1981, the mountain has been recognized by UNESCO as part of the World Natural Heritage and an object of historical and architectural heritage.

    Climbing Mount Olympus is popular with climbers. Hiking trails for self-climbing have also been developed. Once you reach the top, stunning views await you, breathtaking.

    From ancient greece before modern world came very a large number of myth and various legends. So the highest mountain was reflected in myths, because it was believed that the gods lived on the highest mountain. And this is the highest point in Greece - Olympus.

    Greece has many myths and legends in its history. Therefore, the highest mountain in Greece is the mountain where, according to legend, the Gods live. Mount Olympus, and the highest of the Mount Olympus massif is Mount or Peak Mitikas 2919 meters in height. Let's just say this is a very small height among the mountain peaks.

    The highest mountain range in Greece is Olympus, which is represented by the three highest peaks - Mitikas at 2917m, which has already been mentioned, Skolio at 2912m, and Stephanie at 2905m.

    In ancient times, Olipus was the border between Thessaly and Macedonia.

    Olympus is considered a natural monument, since many living organisms and plants live here. Here you can find 22 species of reptiles, 8 species of amphibians, 136 species of birds, 32 species of mammals. And there are 1,700 plant species.

    On the territory of the historical region of Greece Thessaly is the highest mountain - the peak of Mitikas (2919 meters), which belongs to the Olympus mountain range.

    On the highest mountain Olympus there are several more peaks - Skolio (height 2912 meters) and Stephanie (2909 meters).

    The highest mountain in Greece is considered to be mount Olympus, which is located in the northeast of Thessaly. The very same high peak Olympus is Mitikas - 2919 meters. The next highest peaks are Skolio-2912 m and Stephanie-2909 m.In total on Mount Olympus there are about 50 such peaks height from 760 to 2919 meters.

    It is not surprising, but the highest mountain in the country of Greece is Mount Olympus (I personally know it from the walnut myths, because it was there that the walnut gods lived, headed by the main god Zeus).

    So Mount Olympus, or rather the peak called Mitikas (2919 meters), is the highest mountain in the country of Hellas.

    The highest point in Greece is a mountain Mitakis(2917 m) according to Wikipedia.

    This is one of the mountains of the famous Olympus massif, which, in addition to the main peaks, contains more than 1500 canyons. In general, the question might seem simple, because many immediately answer Olymp. But, as it has already become clear, this is not one mountain, but a whole mountain range containing many peaks.

    Greece is located in the south of the Balkan Peninsula and on the islands of the Mediterranean Sea.

    The relief of Greece is predominantly mountainous.

    And the highest peak in Greece is Mount Olympus with a height of 2917 meters.

    It is worth noting that Olympus is a whole mountain system, consisting of three peaks.

    Olympus is a historical and mythological symbol of Greece, as well as a very beautiful natural place. A National Reserve has been established here.