What is the highest mountain in Greece? The highest mountains of different countries: Hungary, Austria, Greece and Argentina of their names and height.

Greece is a country with an unusually diverse relief. There are many like plains and mountains different height, each of which plays important role In human life. What is the highest mountain of Greece and what other hills deserve attention?

This mountain is known for the whole world, thanks to its meaning in Greek mythology. Even at school, the myths about the gods of Olympas - Zeus, Aphrodite, Hero - who were knocked out ambrosia, and also loved, angry, Amestili, in general, behaved like ordinary people. The ancient Greeks treated the gods as to real creatures and even believed that sometimes they descend down, to ordinary alone.

In essence, Olympus (or Greek Olympus) is not just a mountain, but a whole mountain range, numbering forty vertices. The largest of them rises by 2917 meters. All peaks are thickly covered with a variety of vegetation, some of its representatives are no longer found anywhere in the world. And on the vertices round year Silver snow caps lie.

Up to the beginning of the 20th century, people feared to climb high in the mountains. But in 1913, the Greek by the name of Christ Cocalace finally conquered the highest peak of Olympus. In 1938, the entire mountain range (and this is 4000 hectares) was officially announced by the National Park. And after 43, he also became a biosphere reserve, according to UNESCO.

Is it possible to take a mountain?

Today to rise to Olympus and you can feel almost everyone with ancient Greek God. Numerous excursion tours are organized, in which even a person without sports training can participate, for example, an ordinary tourist. Everything you need is to stock warm clothes and the rest necessary for the campaign.

There are cough, which spare on Olympus yourself, but the newcomer is still better to do this as part of the tourist group. You can go up to the height of 1,100 meters on the car, but further - only in foot. On the way the hotel will meet in which you can relax.

There are a lot of interesting attractions and populated areas nearby Olympas. For example, deserve attention:

  • Dion.. An ancient city that was most actively used to worship the gods. He was kind of cult. When excavations, there were many interesting things here - theaters, temples, baths and other certificates of saturated cultural life Ancient Greeks.
  • Monastery of St. Donia. This construction is located directly on the slope of the mountain, at an altitude of 850 meters. On the territory of the monastery there is a museum where you can explore various church utensils whose age has not exactly one century.

This peak is 2637 meters high - the second most important in Greece. Surrounded by several villages, and three rivers leak out of the mountain. The slopes are covered with abundant vegetation, the beech and deciduous trees. Places are beautiful alpine lakes.

Mountain array, located partially in Greece, partially in Macedonia, includes a peak of 2524 meters high, as well as several other significant vertices. All of them are covered with pine, beech and birch forests, ski resorts are functioning. On the main vertex there is a small church and a monument to the Serbs who died in the First World War.

This vertex has a height of 2520 meters and is also covered with dense forests. Grambos gives rise to several streams and small rivers at once, as well as the largest river in Greece - Alialymon. There is also a park, which includes exhibition halls and some objects of research infrastructure. The purpose of the park is to simultaneously demonstrate a beautiful mountain nature impregnated by the past, and the desire to the future.

The elevation with a pure alpine type, the height of which is 2510 meters. Its slopes are very picturesque at the expense of ravines, Vpadin, Lugov. The animal world is very diverse - predatory eagles fly over cliffs, and wolves, wild boars are inhabited in the forests on the slopes. Residents of local villages contain goats and sheep. But there are few water here - there are several sources, but in summer period They dry up.

The sixth highest mountain in Greece (2497 meters) annually meets more than 100,000 tourists who attract not only wonderful nature, but also shrouded atmosphere legends. Mountain and its surroundings are included in the Vikos-Aoos National Park. This is a guarded territory, here strictly followed the behavior of tourists. This is due to the fact that the region is the habitat of rare animals, including birds of prey.

The highest peak of this array reaches 2495 meters, which makes it second in height in central Greece and the seventh in the whole country. This is the southern branch of the Pind Mountain, which is also divided into three parts - southern, Western and North. There are very violent vegetation around the mountain, including rare phlora representatives.

The height of this peak is 2457 meters. Like Olympus, Parnas played an important role in Greek mythology. Called him in honor of the son of the goddess of Cleedor. Gods who lived on this grief loved art, especially music. According to legends, they played on Lira, sang and danced - therefore, over time, the elevation began to be associated with Apollo, the God of Art and the leader of the music.

The height of this vertex is 2456 meters, only a meter is lower than that of Parnas, and this is the highest point of the Greek Island Crete. It is in one of the local caves, according to the legend, a zeus appeared. Modern excavations showed that this cave served as a place of worship for the ancient Greeks, many religious objects were found here.

Lefka Or.

Translated the name of this vertex, the height of which is 2453 meters, means "bald". Unlike the overwhelming majority of Greek mountains, Lefki Ori almost does not have vegetation on its slopes. Instead, they are covered with limestone, from which they have a whitish color.

This is only a small part of the beautiful Greek mountains scattered around the country. Each of them is truly unique, and each is worthy to visit her and see with his own eyes.

Greece. Sacred Mount Olympus. With these words, the imagination arises magnificent antique monuments, temples, fearless heroes of the ancient Greek myths and immortal gods. According to myths, they kept the life of ordinary mortals under observation, they gave them or punished them, sometimes they shared the muders of the universe with the Greek sages, the beauties were abducted, in the interruptions of the arrangement of their personal life they made feats, in short, led the most ordinary divine Life. Each person heard about the famous myths of ancient Greece, who were not just inventions, they told the history of ancient Greece in a fabulous form, reflected the nature of the whole people.

What is Olympus?

In reality, Olympus in Greece is not a separate mountain, but a large mountain range with a vertex - Mount Mitikas. Its height reaches 2918 m. Now the Olympus array is a national park with about 50 mountain peaks, among them the highest peaks: antonios -2815 m, scolio -2911 m, rock - 2866 m, mentioned above Mitikas, Stephanie - 2909 m. Air on the tops of the array in winter time It is cooled to a temperature minus 20 s, in summer there is also frosty - up to minus 5 C. Mountain array height of 2918 m is the highest in Greece. It is surrounded by deep fathers, and his peak is covered with snow.

Where is the famous mountain?

Few people do not know what is Olympus in Greece. Its more accurate location is: in the region of Fessiona, on the east coast of the mainland country, near the Aegean Sea, 90 km from thessalonik. The mountain is part of the mountain range stretching north to Bulgaria and south to Turkey. For this chain there is a border of Fessiona and Macedonia. The locality where is located in Greece Olympus has not only historical and mythological significance, but also is a magnificent natural oasis with stunning landscapes and unique beauty.

Heritage of UNESCO

The territory of the modern mountain range was announced by the National Park and part of the Archaeological and Historical Heritage of UNESCO. Located within the boundaries of Nom Pieria and partly within the borders of Noma Larisa-Fessen, the National Park, it is famous for the whole world by the variety of flora and fauna. Here you can see about 1,700 species of plants, which is 25% of all types of available in the country. In addition, 23% of them are endemic, that is, unique and grow only here. Fauna has 8 varieties of amphibians, 22 reptiles, 32 wild mammals, 136 species of birds dwelling only in the Olympus area in Greece.

How to get?

The city of Litohoro, which is translated as the "City of God" - a favorite place to start any climb on Olympus. You can get to Litohoro in both the train and bus. This is a small town for passive recreation. It is located not far from the sea with pure beach and warm waterwhere a regular bus is sent through every half an hour. Not far from the beach is a tent town - excellent a budget option For the conquerors of Olympus. It will take 2 days to climb and descend, although experienced tourists can return and in one day. Along the trail there are shelters where you can spend the night and eat. Before traveling tourists appears the magnificent area of \u200b\u200bpristine beauty. It is known that the legendary Mount Olympus is a lot of peaks that in tandem with deep clefts create amazing paintings for lovers of natural beauty.

Climbing routes

Routes of varying degrees of complexity lead to the top. Climbing Olympus in Greece to the top of Mitikas is considered simple, while his route originates from Transion. Then goes along a labeled forest road for 3-5 hours of hiking to the Agapinos shelter. From this place to the cliff pass, the route leads on the rocky slopes, hereinafter - more than a kilometer at low cliffs to the maximum mark of Olympas - the top of Mitikas. With the cliff pass, the trail is fully observed, and the raise route seems difficult, but in fact it is quite suitable even novice climbers - rocks simple, perfectly visible labeling, there are insurance or railing for the unreasonable lifting. The most complex rock plot is 400 meters with good weather overcome for half an hour. Since most often unprepared tourists are limited to the foot of the Mountains of Olimepa, here you can also admire the stunning peaks of the mountains under the snow-white clouds caps.

Conquest Olympus

Considering the fact that in antiquity Mount Olympus in Greece heard the abdomen of the gods, none of the mortals dwell on the sacred vertex for a long time. However, the Olympic Mountains people attended even in ancient times - this is evidenced by archaeological work on neighboring mountain Antonius conducted in 1961. The temple of the Olympic Zeus was found here, where many inscriptions were preserved, walls from marble, coins and sculpture remains. Only in 1913, Olympus managed to conquer officially. For the first time, the ascent to the top of Mitikas officially registered on August 2, 1913, when she was conquered by a resident of Litohoro town, located at the foot of the Eastern Slope of the Mountain, Christ Kakalos. Before that, a lot of bravery died during the climb, because the difficulty of climbing was underestimated. And today, the dream of conquering vertices of Olympus in Greece does not give rest to climbers and climbers from around the world.


Today, tourists are organized excursions and hiking at the foot of the mountain range, and only people who have appropriate climbing and equipment will be able to visit the most vertex. Since 1938, this mountain has become the Greek National Reserve. Excursion to Olympus enjoys great popularity. Mysterious Mountain is really worthy. Here you can not only admire the fantastic species and step on the foot on the trails, according to which the gods were allegedly walked, but also to see quite real unique structures. One of them is the monastery of St. Dionysius, the second is the monastery of the Holy Trinity. Both monasses are located on cool vertices (820 and 1020 meters), both have an interesting architectural designBoth are valid. Excursions are organized from thessalonik. They are group and individual (up to 7 participants). The price includes climbing on the viewing platform (940 m), visit the monasteries, lunch in the Greek village.

Ancient city

Located at the foot of Olympas, the attraction of Greece is ancient city, named after God Zeus, whom the Greeks were called another name - Diy. For connoisseurs of antiquity, it may be an interesting visit to this town, famous for its ancient excavations and a museum, where rare exhibits are stored. Dion existed in the whole millennium. This city has played a significant role in the economy, culture and religion of Macedonia and Greece. For the first time, it is mentioned in the 5th century BC. From this city went to his famous oriental campaign Alexander Macedonian. In the city there were sanctoes with temples and places of sacrifice, theater, the stadium, where the ancient athletes competed. Dion was famous for the huge complex - the big terms (baths), in which not only bathed - they talked there, read, prayed and rested. For collecting and removing water in the Dion, used stone aqueducts, lead pipes and ceramics, bronze cranes. Streets were forced large quantity Divine statues. The city has an original standard of measures and scales - a special stone with holes different diameter and depths to calculate the volume of liquids and bulk substances. Nowadays, there is an archaeological museum and a reserve.

Resident of the Gods

Mount Olympus became one of the symbols not only Greece, but also all the ancient culture. This is known to everyone since the school. After all, it is here, according to the Religion of the Greeks, Olympians lived. Mount Olympus in myths by home 12 of the most important gods, which inhabited everyone known: Zeus, Hera, Aid, Ares, Athena, Apollo, Hermes, Hephest, Artemis, Aphrodite, Poseidon and Gestius.

Ancient Greek Olympus was essential for ordinary people, managed their destinies. What did the gods do? In Olymp, the main god - Zeus arranged advice, Apollo played gentle music on Lira, and Zeus's wife, the goddess of Hera, treated all the immortal nectar. Three Moir twisted the thread of fate, and three orses controlled order. Crystal Olymp Palaces were built by single-eyed giant cyclops. According to the myths, Mount Olympus in Greece - the locality where Gay gave birth to Titans. They were so big that Greece's mountains served them by thrones, and crowns, the most powerful of Titans, dwell on Mount Olympus.

Later, Olympus became a place where everyone lived ancient Greek gods. According to myths, they lived in the Palaces of Crystal, they fed on nectar and ambrosia, who gave them immortality. It is precisely because the divine family "dwelled" in such a place, and called "Olympians". Here, the ancient Macedonian in front of military campaigns brought victims of Olympus inhabitants, in the hope of their favor.

The vertex of Olympus in Greece can not disturb the imagination of all, even the most sophisticated travelers. Travelists from all over all corners every year here globe. What attracts all these people? Is there any other place somewhere else, not to visit which at least simply simply impossible?

This article will introduce its readers with such a stunningly interesting destination for holidays at any time of the year as Greece. Olympus in this case will be considered as the main attraction of the ancient country. And this is not surprising, because it is here, according to legend, the ruling earths of Gods had once lived. How can you not visit such a place?

Greece. Olympus. general information

The 2917 meter Olympus is considered not only the highest point of the state, but also the world-famous national park, in which now with great pleasure there are both locals and numerous guests of the state.

SAMI high top Olympus (Greece) is located in the north-east of the historic region called Fessels. By the way, not everyone knows that in antiquity it was she who served as a natural border between this country and Macedonia.

It should be noted that the excursion to Olympus (Greece) suggests that the traveler will be able to personally consider the three vertices at once - Scolio, Stephanie and Mitikas. It is because of their presence that the mountain is often called three-riga.

The National Park of the same name and its features

As mentioned above, Olympus is not only snow-covered mountain peak, but also a popular natural monument of the planet. Geographically, this territory is located in the vicinity of Nomov Pieria and Larisa Fesseal.

The national reserve is characterized by a huge variety of biological species. At the moment, there are more than 1,700 species of representatives of the Flora, and this is about 25% of all that are found in the country. 23 of them are considered endemics, and this means that it is possible to meet them only in this region.

From the fauna it is worth mentioning 8 types of amphibians, 32 species of mammals, not counting home, 136 species of birds and 22 types of reptiles.

Is it possible to rise to the top of such a state like Greece (Olympus)?

It is this question most often asked tourists who come here. "Of course, you can!" Local residents are joyful, who are ready to talk endlessly for a long time not only about the myths of Greece ("Olympus and His gods", "Hercules", "Dionysis" and others), but also about the unique places of their country.

It would not be superfluous to note that trying to climb to the very top should not be. Why? The fact is that today the British military radar is installed there, so the area for strangers is considered closed.

But in its surroundings to visit, of course, you need. Walking here, you can meet real mouflons, rare ruminants. By the way, this is exactly the brainflower now adorns the emblem famous brand "Cypriot Airlines". The hunt for them, of course, is prohibited. But to make some successful photographs are quite possible. The main thing, time to catch a good frame, since the mouflon is considered very rapid and the foolish animals.

Professional ascent to Olympus

Those who have the skills of conquering mountain peaks, it is recommended to start climbing from the settlement called Lithooron. There is a specialized information center that also provides mining equipment rental services.

Before the point, Transition is recommended to go by taxi, although the most desperate can go on their own move, since the hiking route is still available. At an altitude of 1,100 meters, car parking and modern restrooms are built, in which there is an opportunity to even take a shower. By the way, you can spend the night in the monastery of St. Donicia, located next door.

From the tronium, travelers are sent to the shelter A, located at an altitude of 2100 meters above sea level. There is also a kind of recreation area, consisting of a hotel and more budget camping. From here, without any problems you can climb the rock or go further, to other mountain shelters. From the cliff, as a rule, fall on scolio and mitikas. By the way, it is worth paying attention to one important moment. On the last of the above-listed vertices, it is recommended not to rise in bad weather or those who have no special training.

Local mythology

The myths of ancient Greece, Olympus in which occupies one of the main places, are known to many. Perhaps, now even the average schoolboy will be able to remember several of them.

This vertex is known as the residence of the main legends say that it is here that the cyclops, liberated by Zeus from the kingdom of the dead, built majestic palaces. In gratitude, they also awarded him with power over lightning and thunder.

In general, Greece (Olympus in particular) is often associated with the name that in his workshop made decorations for all the aforementioned palaces. By the way, the entrance to its abode was carried out through a special gate, reliably protected by less significant gods that are not included in the category of major.

Love in the legends of the ancient Eldla

Perhaps no myth about Olympus (ancient Greece) and its surroundings do not be mentioned without mentioning such an exalted feeling like love.

We all know about beautiful aphrodite, the beauty of which was truly unearthly. It appeared on the blood of the titanium of uranium, mixed with marine foam. That is why, apparently, this goddess has acquired the glory of a cunning and tough woman. According to the legend, Aphrodite married Hepesta, but a little marriage was a little interested. Most of the time she preferred to spend on the Olympus or traveling around the world, desperately falling in love and in love with himself.

The most famous passion of Aphrodite was Ares. It was he who managed to awaken jealousy from Hephasta, and he, not long thought, forged a special network that caught lovers during one of the meetings. Burning from shame, Aphrodite escaped to the island of Crete, giving birth there later two sons -

A favorite place of the goddess was considered the city of Paphos, built just in the place where she came out of sea foam. In ancient Greece, there was also a temple built in her honor. Curious note interesting fact. According to local traditions, it was believed that if a girl who visited this place will come into random connection in its surroundings, it will be guaranteed a life blessing of the goddess.

Unfortunately, to this day, this temple was not destined to be preserved. But locals believe that found during a walk along the coast of pebbles in the form of a heart will give a lucky to the huge and only love for life.

Ski holidays on Olymp

Many travelers Olympus attracts the opportunity to spend time, doing a favorite thing. The so-called hot season for skiers and snowboarders comes here approximately from January to March.

Each arriving will receive a unique opportunity to live in one of the small but very cozy hotels, take advantage of the modern lift for a very modest fee and ride down the snow slope. Equipment rental points will not disappoint even the most experienced fans of these sports.

Most tourists celebrate high level Maintenance in all, even the most modest hotels. And as an additional bonus, you can enjoy the delightful view of the snow-covered mountains absolutely from each balcony.

What to do in the vicinity of Olympas?

In fact, none of the coming on vacation here has not complained about boredom and the lack of opportunities for an interesting pastime.

Besides walking on fresh air And surrounded by unique landscapes, it is recommended to gain courage and climb to the peak of Mitikas. Where else can you leave your message in a special iron drawer?

If you are just going to comprehend the art of conquering snow slopes, Olympus is just the place where it is worth going first. Local instructors will readily teach you and your kids to the main wisdom of this hobby.

Those who were lucky to be in the vicinity of Olympus in the warm season, it is recommended to go with the locals for the usual walk to the mountains. Experienced guides are happy to tell their guests about the local flora and fauna, introduce the legends and myths, learn to navigate the map and the compass and finally organize a stunning dinner in the fresh air consisting mainly of dishes and drinks of local cuisine.

    As it was taken from most peoples, the highest mountain of the region at the same time became the habitat of the gods. It so happened with the highest mountain of Greece - Olympus, who was closer to the north of the most densely populated areas, but there are snow-covered vertices, such rare in this part of the Mediterranean. Olympus height is 2917 meters, which is not much. Probably because of superstitions, at the top of Olympus has not been raised for a long time. For the first time, a man's foot joined the Divine Top only in 1913.

    The second in the height of Greece Mountain - Zmolikas has a height of 2637 meters, the highest mountain of Pelponnese Peninsula is called Taigaet and has a height of 2407 meters, the highest mountain of Crit is called dipping 2148 meters high.

    Mount Olympus, the height of which is 2919 meters, is the highest point of Greece and one of its characters. According to mythology, 12 gods lived in this place, headed by Zeus-Sturryz.

    Modern Olympus is a complex of four main vertices: Mitikas, Rock, Stephanie and Scolio. The surrounding area is declared by the National Park. Since 1981, Mountain is recognized by UNESCO as part of the worldwide natural heritage and the object of historical and architectural heritage.

    Climbing the mountain of Olympus is popular with climbers. Also developed hiking routes for self-lifting. Threading to the tops are awaiting stunning views of the breathtaking.

    Of ancient Greece before modern Mira It has come so a large number of Myth and various legends. So the highest mountain was reflected in the myths, because it was believed that the gods lived on the most high mountain. And is this very high point of Greece - Olympus.

    Greece has many myths and legends in its history. Therefore, the highest mountain in Greece is a mountain where gods live according to legends. Mount Olympus, and the highest of the massif of the Mountains Olympus is a mountain or peak Mitikas 2919 meters in height. Let's say so among the mountain peaks is a very small height.

    The highest mountain range in Greece is Olympus, which is represented by three the highest peaks - Mitikas 2917m, which has already been mentioned, scolio 2912m, and Stephanie 2905 m.

    In the ancient times, the Olympus was the border between Fessel and Macedonia.

    Olympus is considered a monument of nature, because many living organisms, plants live here. There are 22 types of reptiles, 8 species of amphibians, 136 species of birds, 32 species of mammals. And there are 1700 species here.

    On the territory of the historic region of Greece, Fessiona is the highest mountain - Peak Mitikas (2919 meters), which refers to the Mountain Arrays of Olympus.

    On the highest mountain Olympus there are several more vertices - scolio (height 2912 meters) and Stephanie (2909 meters).

    The highest mountain in Greece is considered to be mount Olympuswhich is located in the northeast of Fessiona. The most high peak of Olymp is MICAS - 2919 meters. The following at the height of the peak Skolio-2912 m and Stephanie-2909 m. Total on Mount Olympus is about 50 such peaks Height from 760 to 2919 meters.

    As not surprisingly, but the highest mountain of the country, Greece is Mount Olympus (personally known to me, in walnut myths, because the walnut gods led by the chief God of Zeus).

    So Mount Olympus, or rather peak called Mikas (2919 meters) and there is the highest mountain in the country of Ellala.

    The highest point of Greece - Mountain Mitakis (2917 m) According to Wikipedia.

    This is one of the mountains of the famous array of Olympus, which, in addition to the main vertices, contains more than 1,500 canyons. In general, the question could seem simple, because many immediately answer Olik. But, as it became clear, this is not one mountain, but a whole mountain array containing many peaks.

    Greece is located in the south of the Balkan Peninsula and on the Islands of the Mediterranean Sea.

    Greece relief is predominantly mountain.

    And the highest peak of Greece is Mount Olympus height 2917 meters.

    It is worth noting that Olympus is a whole mining system consisting of three vertices.

    Olympus - the historical and mythological symbol of Greece, as well as a very beautiful natural place. The national reserve has been created here.

One of the most famous mountains on our planet is Mount Olympus. The Sacred Mountain is honored with the Greeks and is known to the whole world thanks to Greek mythology studied at school. The legend states that it was here that gods led by Zeus. As well-known by the myths of Athena, Hermes and Apollo, Artemis and Aphrodite were fed by the ambrosia, which pigeons brought them from the source in the garden hesperid. In Greece, the gods did not consider the mothful soulless characters, on Olympus (in Greek, the name of the mountain sounds like "Olympus") they saw, they fell in love, Mestili, that is, they lived with human emotions and even descended down to the ground to people.

Description and Height of the Mount Olympus in Greece

It would be more faithful to apply to the Olympus the concept of "mountain range", and not "Mountain", because it is tested not alone, but at once 40 vertices. Mitikas is the highest peak, its height is 2917 m. It is catching up with a rock from 2866 m, Stephanie from 2905 m and scolio from 2912 m. Mountains are covered with vegetation a variety of speciesAnd there are endemics plants. The peaks of the mountains most of the year are covered with white snow caps.

Before the beginning of the 20th century, people were afraid to rise to the mountains, considered them impregnable and forbidden. But in 1913, the first bolt climbed at the highest point of Mount Olympus - it was Greek Christ Cocalace. In 1938, the territory on the mountain almost 4 thousand hectares was announced by the National Natural Park, and in 1981, UNESCO declared him a biosphere reserve.

Climbing Olympus

Today, an ancient legend and myth can become a reality for each willing. Olympus is organized aside, and not climbing, but tourist, in which people who do not have sports training and climbing equipment can take part. Comfortable and warm clothes, two or three days of free time, and attractions from the pictures will appear in front of you.

Although the Olympus can be climbed independently, it is still recommended to do this in the group, with an accompanying instructor. Usually, the ascent begins in the warm season from Litohoro - the city at the foot of the mountain, where the information tourist base and hotels of a different level of service are located. From there, there is a movement towards the parking (height of 1100 m) on foot or vehicle. Next, the route is only walking. The next parking is located at an altitude of 2100 m - this is the shelter "A" or Agapitos. Here, tourists stay for the night in tents or hotel. The next morning is made to raise one of the vertices of Olympa.

At the peak of Matikas, you can not only make memorable photos and videos, but also sign in the magazine stored here in the iron drawer. Such impressions pay off any prices for excursions! Upon returning to the shelter, "a" coupons are handed certificates indicating ascent. In winter, the (January-March) climbing the mountain is not performed, but skiing complexes begin to work.

Olympus in the surrounding life

Unusual stories about the Greek celestialists so much in our lives that the names of the gods and the Mountain of Olymp are called children, cities, planets, firms, sports and shopping centers. One of these examples is the tourist entertainment center "Olymp" in Gelendzhik. The cableway is 1150 m long on the base of the Marcoth Range leads to its vertex, which tourists are called Olympus. It offers stunning views of the bay, the lake, the valley of Dolmen and Mountains.