Goddess Makosh - Charm for any woman. Slavic goddess Mokosh

During the Slavic paganism, one of the most revered goddesses was Makosh - she was embraced with her symbol. Modern women are also capable of assessing how useful and powerful maybe such a charm.

In the article:

Mankos - Charm of Slavic Goddess

The charm of Makos was used by representatives of the beautiful floor in those days when our ancestors confested paganism. For centuries, he was considered a female symbol that defended the woman from the troubles, gave family happiness, the prospect of home, harmony in relations with his spouse, as well as the well-being of children.

Makosh - The goddess, which not only women revered. She answered not only for family happiness, but also patronized farmers. This goddess personifies fertile landShe is what gives life to everything alive and can be recovered in the spring, after a deadly dangerous for all the lively cold winter. Makosh - Great Mother, Giving Life.

In the old days she was worshiped by Rodnikov and Wells, some of them are still considered shrines to this day. At the same time, the goddess donated yarn. She was considered a brilliant weaver, but she was not a thread straight, and the fates of all people living on earth. In this Makoshi, two sisters help - the share and no longer, which, with the help of threads and scissors, measure the length of life and the fate of people in general.

According to legends, Makos sometimes walks the world in the appearance of a young girl with long laying hair. Has she asked - whether they respect the traditions of the ancestors? If a person lives in accordance with the ancient covenants and has a clean conscience, she sends a goddess of good luck to such a person. And if he forgot about his roots and does not honor the ancestors, Makos will send him famously one-eyed, misfortune and difficult, which will bring him difficulties until the person remembers the covenants of the ancestors.

In addition, Makos considered the patronage of intersection. The cult of her was widespread, unlike the same Perun, which he won more during the war. In general, Makosh is the goddess of the female start, life and fertility, archetype of the Great Mother, as well as the creator of human destinies. In the days of early Christianity, it began to identify with Holy Paraskeva Friday.

Makoshi symbol for overag - value

The value of the charm of Makos makes it more suitable for women than for men. Initially, this, however, sometimes the farmers were worn, whose income depended on fertility. However, it was precisely a woman who considered the Creative Open Creative Beginner, the Keeper homemade focus and the creator of life.

In old times slavic Obereg Mankos embroidered small girls on clothes. Unmarried girl Also honored this goddess, they asked her happiness in family life. Married women wore the charm of the Slavic goddess Macoshi to get her help in childbirth, as well as a prosperous family life, harmony in relations with his spouse.

Macobe amulet is perfect for any girl. It can be given a little daughter to protect against evil people And other troubles. The unmarried girl will quickly find her narrowed and grow a good mistress if such an amulet will be worn. After marriage, wearing it stands to call for family happiness and well-being. He also helps pregnant, alleviating childbirth and contributing to the appearance of a healthy baby.

Since Makos was also considered a patronage of the female witchcraft, if you are interested in occultism or you just wish to develop your intuition, it is worth getting a challenge such a faith, as well as to explore the cult of this goddess - she will help you find your way.

The Macauos symbol value is often compared with the inset field - when everything is ready for harvesting, it remains only to make efforts and get what you need. Four parts of this field may also denote four elements, as well as the main components of a person according to Slavs - Conscience, Spirit, soul and body.

Wubble Maku - how to embroider the symbol of the Slavic goddess

If you do not like to embroider and do the needlework in general, you do not like, decoration or clothes with the sign of Makoshi can just buy. It is desirable that the decoration is made of silver. It will have to, but about it is slightly lower.

If there is a desire to make your own hands, you should remember that embroidery will look like a pendant. Eashes accepted the mother itself, and the symbol should either depict her head, or be on it. The Makos is depicted with Spherical, this is a constant attribute of the goddess.

Sew makosh sign, the value of which in the role of women can not be exaggerated, relies on the growing moon or in full moon. This goddess does not like the weak spirit and tired of people's life, so it is desirable to be in a joyful and happy mood. During embroidery, it is impossible to tie knots and cut the thread with scissors. In the process, you can read a plot addressed to Makosh:

You're Goy Esi, Makos-Mother! Mankos Mother, the whole People Refluous! Consecrate you my dat! Remove with the lucky taste of Gorushko, every break and mud! My thread is smooth-smooth, and the share of happiness is full! And in the field and in the house!

If you like to do a needlework, listening to music or glanced in the TV screen, during the creation of the charm you will have to forget about it. You must be concentrated only on creating a magic subject. Do not be distracted by talk, telephone and TV.

Embroidery background should be green or white. In the second case, there must be a green frame around the image. Embroidery should be present on the embroidery - the symbol of wealth and fertility. Suitable for embroidery color - green, red and yellow. Flowers can be embroidered with blue threads. You can not use white threads for embroidery faces. Older women can embroider with black threads. After creating the overag, you can sprinkle it spring water To be sanctified, and after that they can be used as you thought it. As a rule, such charms hold at home in a prominent place or wear on clothes.

Alerts with Makoshi sign - how to care for them

All the overlaps require periodic cleansing, and the charm of Makos is no exception. If you did not embroider your own, it needs to be cleaned before use. The best option There will be water from a spring or well - Makos countdown patroness of water sources. How to clean a new charm? Leave in water for a while or, if it is impossible, sprinkling it.

From time to time you have to clean your charm. There are no specific deadlines, it all depends on the amount of negative, which will be reflected in the magical object. It is believed that the owner of such an amulet will understand when it comes to clean it from the accumulated negative. Consider the charm more often, keep it in your hands, and your intuition will suggest when the time of purification comes.

Cleansing is performed when exposed to three elements - air, water and fiery. First you should manually wash the cloth with embroidery, using children or economic soap. After washing it should be dried near open fire or in the sun. It is impossible to wash this fabric, such a wash will only give a mechanical cleansing from ordinary dirt. However, not everyone loves the manual washing, so it can be done after the machine - so it will take less time. Pendant or other decoration need to hold under flowing waterAnd then lay out on the sun so that it is dried from the drops.

If the wagon cracked, the embroidery was spread or other damage appeared, this means that its mission is completed. Now it should be burned, put on the flow of the river or bury into the ground. You can not leave the sign of Makosh so that it gets to another person - problems will begin to pursue both him and the owner of the Oberega.

Makoshi and Lunitsa sign - a combination of two powerful faces

Often you can see the sign of Makosh in the Lunitsa. Lunitsa is a separate symbol that is often combined with the rest for more powerful talismans. The meaning of the Lunnica understand easy - appearance Pictures everything lunar phases Without exception, and 28 elements on the edges correspond to lunar days.

Lunitsa is a female talisman. It gives health, attractiveness and popularity among representatives of the opposite sex. The owner of such an overama will not have problems with the conception of a child, pregnancy and childbirth. Her children also protects against disease and negativity. Therefore, it was believed that Lunitsa protects not only a woman, but also her house, spouse, children and other close people.

Makosh - the goddess of fate and sorcerence, the Great Mother in the ancient Slavs. She is capable of making happy fate, so punish with deprivation and failures. Learn how to draw the demanding Slavic goddess and establish your life for the better.

In the article:

Makosh - Goddess of Fate and Foreignness

Makosh - Goddess, revered by the ancient Slavs as a patroness of a family hearth, but she has no relation to the fire - under a family hearth in the old days, happiness often implied. She answered and behind fertility, because good harvest and in the old days, like now, considered inalienable elements Happiness.

She enjoyed special honor among women as the goddess of family happiness, female witchcraft, motherhood and needlework. Makosh - the intercession of the owners, mothers, wives. She patronizes traditional women's classes, especially spinning.

Goddess Makosh - Great Tkachkha, in the hands of which focus on the life of the lives of all living people and even the gods slavic Pantheon. On the world of the world from these threads, it is gossiping intricate patterns in which even gods are unable to find the essence. At any moment, it can completely change the picture of the world or break one of the filaments for the sake of fun, but never does it. The Slavic Goddess Macau was considered the goddess of fate. It was often treated to establish their lives.

Mankos is not alone engaged in weaving the fate of the world. Two sisters help her - Share and undercover. When Makos hang another part of the universe, they take turns touch the threads of the canvas. So determines periods of people's lives and even entire fate. Suitability, income and, in general, happiness of people depend on the share and underwent. Makob often compare with norms and Moira from greek Pantheon. With her threads, she connects every person with good and bad things, and then decides his fate. The choice of man still remains, but the goddess creates the basis, the main thread of the lace of his life.

Makos - an obvious female archetype of the creator of the world, the great mother, the male is speaking, whose spouse is it. This is an image of the Earth from which life appears. There is such a steady expression - the mother of cheese Earth. Life appears out of it, she leaves it in time. Therefore, Makosy is still the goddess of motherhood. Mokosh - an exceptional image among the women's deities of Slavs. She became the only female goddess in the Pantheon of Prince Vladimir, and Kumir Makoshi was the only female idol at the main Kiev capital near the idols of Perun and other gods.

In addition, the Makosh of Slavs was considered the patroness of the sorcerence, especially female. Divination and witchcraft are in its jurisdiction, especially this concerns the creation of novice. This goddess was also a patronage of sacred wells and springs. The demands were brought to her exactly in such water sources, throwing yarn, wool and fabric in the well. Idols of this goddess stood almost on every well. Makos also patronizes places of power, completely any, regardless of their degree of maliciousness or utility for a person.

Since the Makos goddess is not only magic, but also fate, it is available to knowing about all past incarnations of people, as well as about those who are still to be. Crossroads between worlds and doors in other worlds are also in its jurisdiction. If you are interested in secret knowledge, you can ask the Mankos to become your patronage.

If you compare Makos with the goddess of soft, its image is deeper from the point of view of esoteric. It was represented as beautiful woman At the age, sometimes with horns or horn of abundance in hand. This beauty was precisely feminine, not a girlish. Macoshos corresponds to silver, moonstone and rhinestone. Her elements - land and water. Makos patronating a swan's draw in the Slavic horoscope.

Massengers of Makoshi - spiders, bees and ants, that is, animals that are practically spent their entire lives in the writings. There is a lot to take about spiders that originated from the faith in the fact that they are messengers of one of the most revered goddesses. You can not kill spiders, very bad sign - To failure.

The image of this Slavic goddess is far from the all-friendly Virgin. She does not like all their children without exception. Mokosh turns his face from people who have lowered their hands, lost hope, tired of life. She patronizes only those who are strong in spirit and can compete for their happiness. To those who do not change their dream, she sends the goddess of good luck to Srech. If a person disappointed the demanding goddess of fate, his permanent satellites becomes misfortune, difficult and famously one-eyed.

In addition, Makos monitors the implementation of traditions by people. It will definitely rewards the luck and easy fate of a person who follows the old covenants of ancestors. The same who forgot Slavic traditions, the goddess punishes failures and gives them a hard fate.

Makoshi Day - the holiday of the ancient Slavs

Makoshi Day - Friday, if you keep in mind the days of the week, not the only day of the year, which is dedicated to this goddess. Making charms with the symbol of Makoshi is recommended on Friday, on a growing moon or full moon. With the transition to Christianity, it began to identify with Orthodox Holy Paraskeva-FridayMay be assigned to Friday the status of Makosh's Day is connected with this.

By old beliefs, on Friday it is impossible to do needlework, especially sew and spin. According to Christian sources, the Holy Paraskeva-Friday may come to the violators, the scrambled with the needles of women who decided to violate the rule.

The information was also preserved that each full moon was honored. However, according to some sources, the first May full moon is considered a special day for its admirers, and sometimes the last April.

In addition, the day of Makoshi is considered on October 26. It was on this day that our ancestors brought demands for idols of this goddess or threw a yarn or thread into a well. You can also honor the goddess in this way. But do not do homemade things, it can be offended by non-compliance old traditions. You can not needle, wash, as well as bathe children. In the old days around the aspen idols, Makoshi was drove round dance of two circles - the external spinning clockwise, internal - against.

Ancient ritual - rite of goddess Makoshi, or what to do to fix fate

Makosh is the goddess of fate and sorcerence, therefore ritual actions facing it to facilitate the life path will be particularly effective. This ritual or rite dedicated to the goddess Makosh will be the best answer to the question of what needs to be done to get rid of everything bad and attract what you want.

For the rite, three tangle of natural wool white, red and black colors will be required. Follow fresh chicken egg and milk. Products are better to take natural, you can buy them in the village. We also need a clean saucer, matches and any candle. It is best to spend this ritual in nature, ideally - near any natural water source. But if you do not have such an opportunity, do it at home, but only near the open window. Best time For such a witchcraft - full moon. Purpose texts is better loud, clearly and clearly.

First, it follows, the reason for which other people served. Light a candle. Rather on the saucer egg with left hand and say seven times like this:

I wiggle the egg, I will tell you on the saucer, everything is bad with myself to bring in the egg to make a break.

It should be represented as your negative goes into the egg. When finished, break it about the center of the saucer with these words:

I smack the egg, everything is bad destroying, I won the blasphemy!

If the egg looks like it is supposed to be, curses, there was no. But if blood, rot, rot, or otherwise discovered in the egg, which should not be there, it is clearly present a strong negative. Perhaps he did not reach the end, and they will have to do in the near future.

Then drive over the milk left hand clockwise and read three times:

Milk life rejuvenates, joy will bring, life will return, happiness and good luck, in the glory of your God's drink!

Milk need to drink completely, so the glass is better to pick up this volume that you can master. After that, you need to read on the thread. Words are pronounced on each nodule, three times. Start with a white thread, it is possible to tear it from the tangle only after you set all the nodules.

Words to the first knot on white thread:

Makosh, Makosa, Makushenka, do not forget me, be next to me.

On the second:

Makos you do not forget about me, the fate of a happy vacuum for a month, for two, three ahead.

On the third:

The knot is strong, the node of wealth and good luck.

After a white tank, go to the red. Enter with him the same, read on each node three times the words facing the goddess, and then cut the thread.

Words to the first node:

My fate is happy, my fate is successful.

On the second:

My fate is rich, my fate is beautiful.

On the third:

Love and luck in affairs I am lucky, day after day and always.

Similarly, do with black thread. Words to the first knot, say too three times:

The spell is not near, but far from me.

On the second:

Everything is bad for me is not on the way, everything is bad face will bypass.

The goddess of Slavic mythology is dedicated to charm. It was the only female deity, whose idol was installed on the Kyiv in Kiev by order of Prince Vladimir. Her image is closely connected with weaving, spinning, crafts and fate.

Goddess Makos

The charm of Makob is firmly associated with the name of this Slavic goddess today. In folk legends and legends, its relationship with weaving and spinning is clearly trained. In this she reminds Arachna.

For example, according to beliefs that were common in Ukraine, the pointed was not followed Friday. It was a day that is closely connected with its way. Therefore, it was believed that wicked women, if they started to spin on Friday, walked all the crowded needles and sent by Spanish.

In Slavic myths, Makos is described as a woman with long handswhich night hides in the corner of the hut. She was accepted to sacrifice yarn. She was dumped into the well. All this information that has come to us allowed researchers to consider Makos patroness crafts. Spendparallels between Macošoy and Scandinavian Norms, Greek Moira and Slavic Rozenits, who are hiding the filament of life from all nations. That is why the charm of Makoshi is made to give economic girls and women loving needlework.


According to one of the versions, Makuch was the wife of the Supreme At the same time, she played one of the key roles in the other hand, it was often displayed on the first places as the central figure of the dehristian Rus cult, opposed to the "Druzhinny" Perun.

It is not surprising that mostly Mankos was popular with women. At the same time, it was considered not only the fertility and in general blessing.

There is also a version that this deity came from Mordovia, since her name is similar to the name of one of the two main peoples who live there, Moksha.

Charm Makos

Mankos was one of the most revered Slavic goddesses. Her symbol often embroidered on clothes, he is popular today. Many and modern women consider charm reliable and useful defender From all sorts of misfortunes.

It was believed that the guard of the goddess Makos could protect her owner from any misfortune, while giving family happiness. And the world will appear in the house, harmonious relations with spouse and relatives, well-being for children.

It should be noted that in addition to women, the farmers were honored. The goddess personified his fertile land, giving life to everything alive and restoring every spring after the dead winter season.

The value of Obega

Waggies Makoshi had a different value, but most of them were more suitable for women, rather than men.

In this case, it was the woman who was perceived as the keeper of the creative start and a family hearth. In ancient times, her image was taken by little girls. The unmarried girls also sought her symbol to appear on their robes, because it was believed that in this way the vehicle's visit and subsequent family happiness can be brought.

Makosh - Slavic goddess, whose wanted and married women were worn. She could relieve childbirth, settle disagreements in the house.

Despite this, many remove her symbol.

Best gift

Not in vain, many today believe that the amulet in the form of Goddess Makos is a great gift. Father can prevent his daughter to protect it from unkind people and other troubles.

An unmarried girl will find a fastener faster, and later will be an excellent hostess if it will wear this amulet without removing it.

The Slavic peoples of the goddess were also considered a patronage of female witchcraft. Therefore, if you are interested in the theme of the occultism or you are simple, you wish to experience your intuition, then such a charm is accurately useful. In this case, it should be more carefully examined by the cult, then, for which they worshiped this goddess. Perhaps this way you will find your place in life.

How to embroider the symbol of the Slavic goddess?

The scheme of the chart of Makos is as simple as possible, any beginner master will cope with it, even if it recently started embroider.

It must be remembered that it is preferable if the decoration of such an overawe will be made of silver. It is believed that it will be possible to achieve the maximum effect.

You need to know several rules, if you still decided to embroider this charm with your own hands. It is necessary to embroider. The symbol should either depict her head, or be on top above the image of the goddess.

Embroidery charm Makos advise to start on a growing moon or full moon. Remember that the goddess does not tolerate people, the weak spirit, those who are tired of life. Therefore, when you take care of work, you should be in a raised and joyful mood and forget about all your problems.

Special plot

A few more rules. The embroidery of Makoshi, the creation of the guard, so it is impossible to accompany the tie of the nodes, it is also categorically not recommended to cut the thread with scissors. It will be good if you read a plot in the process of work, which directly addressed to this Slavic goddess.

In it, the girl should ask for her in this life, save from grief and suffering. At the same time, she should promise that the thread will definitely be even smooth, and in the house - full of happiness.

In order for the effect of the overawe of you permanently, during its creation does not need to be distracted. Even if you like to embroider, listening to music or watching TV, this time about such habits will have to forget. All attention should be directed at with ancient Slavic goddess.

It is impossible not even to be distracted during the embroidery. You should ignore all distracting conversations, do not answer for some time on phone calls.

If you set up the overega embroidery, Makoshi scheme can be found in this article. The main thing, remember that the background should be necessarily white or green. In the first case, they advise to embroider the green frame around the entire image first. Preferably, if the embroidery is ears. The symbol itself is best embroidered with red, green or yellow threads. If you use flowers, then green threads are suitable for them.

The finished charm advise sprinkle to consecrate with ordinary spring water. Most often, they are held at home in a prominent place or sewls to clothing.

How to care for the faith?

This unusual charm requires special care. Like all others, it is necessary to clean it from time to time. To do this, it is best to take water from a conventional rustic well or spring. After all, Makos was still considered a patronage of all water sources on Earth.

Cleanchable must be periodically. And there are no specific deadlines. This must be done as soon as the charm accumulates the critical mass of negative energy. There is a belief that the owner of such an overag immediately understand when he needs purification.

In the process of purification, the amulet passes through three elements. This is air, fire and water. First, post your cloth on which the amulet is embroidered. Best of all the usual economic or children's soap. Then dried clothes in the sun or near the fire. Remember that categorically fabric with amulet can not be washed in a typewriter. So it will be cleaned only mechanically from external mud, but not internally from accumulated negative energy.

If you have a pendant or other similar decoration, then hold it under running water, and then also put on the sun so that it is dried by all the drops.

Remember that if the guard cracked, the embroidery on the dress was separated, then this means only one thing. His mission is fulfilled, he is no longer suitable for anything. After that, it must be burned and send downstream of the river. In the extreme case, smear in the ground. But do not leave in the house.

Also remember that it is extremely dangerous to lose or leave the charm so that someone else can take place. In this case, unhappiness will come to life both a new and old owner. Get rid of them will not be at all. Only in any way to be the ancient Slavic goddess. Then it will bring the result.

The most powerful wubbles

Mankos, of course, is considered strong guardBut it is especially effective in combination with Lunnitsa.

This is a special symbol that combines with other overabs to get a more powerful talisman. Lunitsa is all phases of this Earth's satellite, without exception. Lunitsa is also a female talisman.

Lunitsa is able to bring his owner health, popularity among male representatives and good luck. She will protect her children from his pigeons, as well as any problems. The ancient Slavs believed that two powerful overag, if they were connected together, they can increase the properties of each other.

So if you dream of a family, offspring or need to protect, then it is the charm of Makoshi that you can not like the way.

In conjunction with the Lunnitsa, the charm is done at times stronger. For example, family happiness will ensure not for several days, and for many years, children will grow healthy without worrying about enemies and troubles.

If you believe in the Old Slavic mythology, then you must carry this charm with you. He will bring you fame, good luck and family well-being. This is guaranteed.

Mankos is the most ancient Slavic charm. It was created in honor of the Believers of the same name. He graduated and attracted love. However, this is not all the values \u200b\u200bof the amulet. What exactly he needs and what kind of goddess Makos is what we will tell about in this article.

Makos is the Slavic goddess of fate and family happiness. Also, Makos is a goddess of fertility. She is a wife of Svaroga - the Kuznez's God, who gave people fire. Other her names mock, mighty, makosa. However, it is most often called Makos.

The fact is that her name consists of two parts - "Ma", which means mother and "Kosh", which is translated as fate. The goddess was for the Slavs of the Great Mother.

It was believed that in her hands she holds fate as every person individually and all mankind in general. Even the fate of all the gods is subject to her. In her hands, she has a canvas, which consists of threads-lives. It is exactly from them that shears various patterns that are called fate. She can break the thread, thereby breaking the life of a person and even the people. She can also slow down the thread by changing the fate. However, never the goddess did not do this, allowing people to live their lives as they were destined.

It is also believed that the goddess Mankos is the goddess of magic and fortunes. It is under her power that all the places of force, supporting magicians and sorcerers, as well as sacred wells are located.

Makos not one creates fate. She is helped by the goddess share and goddess underwent. They take turns touch the threads of Makashi, when she rides the next canvas. It is their tours that predetermine the fate of people, peoples and eras, and they measure the length of the life of every person with scissors.

Mankos is the image of mother and femininity. Her beast is a cow that the Slavs called the crumple, because without her, no economy was considered full. Vestniks goddess - spiders, ants and bees, i.e. The most hardworking insects. It was believed that if a spider was found in the house, then this goddess warns about something, so it is impossible to kill it.

A goddess was depicted as a beautiful high middle-aged woman. Never imagined her like a young girl. Makosh is a woman mother, a woman - a custodian of a family hearth and her beauty differed from maiden beauty.

However, the goddess descended into the Earth in the image of a girl with flowing hair. Everyone who met on her way, she was trial. She asked about the life of a person, how he honors the memory of ancestors, whether he lives according to their laws. If a person did not complain about life, respected and adhered to the tradition of his ancestors, then the goddess sent him a good luck to Srech. If he met said how bad he lives and did not honor the memory and traditions of his ancestors, then the goddess sent misfortune to him (failure), famously one-eyed and difficult.

It was believed that Mankos descends to the ground on Friday. Therefore, its Slavs took the day of the goddess. It was on Friday that it was accepted to have fun and guess to not browning the goddess.

Charm Makos

Runes of Makoshi often called the runes of Beregini, the runes of the mother and the runes of the Earth. They mean the beginning of life, as well as Lono, which gives life. That is why Macau's runes are considered a purely female symbol, because a man cannot give life, but only pick it up (for example, in war). Also, the meaning of such a symbol is fertility and prosperity. Makoshi sign made by Runita, protects man, his family and his whole genus.

Macobe wangosh is considered to be a female amulet. This opinion is wrong. The fact is that the goddess is patronized and gives protection to everything alive. Therefore, men can use it force. In particular, the goddess especially patronized to those who work is related to the cultivation of the Earth. Nevertheless, traditionally the amulet is worn by a fair sex, since they can give life.

Such ancient temper is facilitated by the disclosure of female intuition. With it, you can feel the danger and prevent misfortune.

Wubble Makosh Slavs put on a little girl to give her protection from evil forces and attracted good luck. Also it is recommended to wear it unmarried women. Then he will help you successfully get married and build a strong family. The symbol of the goddess Macoos should be worn and women in the period of tooling the baby. In this case, he will facilitate childbirth and will help to appear a healthy child.

Another amulet value is the endowment of the owner. vital energy. It was she who helped to work fruitfully and not despair even in the most difficult situations.

The symbol of the goddess Macoshi is four squares that stand on one of the corners located symmetrically to each other. These squares denote the seeded fields when the harvest has already ascended and everything you need to do is work well to remove it.

Thanks to this, the man of hunger will not know the whole winter and spring until the next fee. In addition, four squares also denote the main components of a person - this conscience, soul, spirit and body.

As a rule, the charm of Makos is embroidered on clothes. He gives protection and attracts good luck, happiness and even material well-being. Embroidery can be done on the dress, belt, hair ribbon, etc.

The only one can do it is military equipment. The fact is that the energy of the amulet is always positive, and it cannot exist next to the energy of destruction and murder.

You can not make a tattoo with this symbol. The fact is that for Slavs it was unacceptable to paint the body, and even more so female body. If the characters of other amulets are allowed to capture in the form of a tattoo, then the sign of this goddess does not allow this. The collar of Mankos can be worn in the form of jewelry. It can be pendant, earrings, etc. Most often for such faces, gold and silver are used.

Before you begin to use the amulet, you need to carry out the procedure for its purification. To do this, in a well or spring, you need to dial water and hold the charm in it for some time. If it is made of wood, leather or embroidered on the tissue, it is enough to sprinkle it with this water. After that, it can be used. Also, the amulet requires regular cleaning. There are no specific deadlines when this procedure. It is believed that the owner himself must understand about its need.

To clear the charm from negative energyIt is necessary to first hold it in the water. If it is embroidered on the fabric, it should be wrapped. Next, the faug need to hold the fire (candles or fireplace) or in the sun. After that, the amulet must be held a little on fresh air. Now they can be used again. If some defects appeared on the amulte, then it should be getting rid of it. It can be burned, drown in the river or bury in the ground.

Makos is a goddess that can not only help and protect, but also caraa. Therefore, people only with a clean conscience and a bright soul can enjoy it. IN otherwise Instead of good, he will attract one problems and failures.

Miraculous words: Makos Slavic goddess prayer in full description from all the sources we found.

In honor of the wise heavenly Virgin Slavs and Aria, the great Kummirni and the Kapiebie were put, because the goddess Macuqua personified not only the fate, good luck, wealth in Slavic clauses, who comply with the laws and commandments of the ancient bright gods, people also addressed to bring them an ancient race, t .. They asked more children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

Prayers of Makoshi

Makosh - Goddess of Fate and Women's Magic

Makosh - the goddess of fate and sorcerence, the Great Mother in the ancient Slavs. She is capable of making happy fate, so punish with deprivation and failures. Learn how to draw the demanding Slavic goddess and establish your life for the better.

Makosh - Goddess of Fate and Foreignness

Makosh - Goddess, revered by the ancient Slavs as a patroness of a family hearth, but she has no relation to the fire - under a family hearth in the old days, happiness often implied. She answered both behind fertility, because a good harvest and the birth of children in ancient, as they now, considered inherent elements of happiness.

She enjoyed special honor among women as the goddess of family happiness, female witchcraft, motherhood and needlework. Makosh - the intercession of the owners, mothers, wives. She patronizes traditional women's classes, especially spinning.

The goddess Makos is a great weaver, in the hands of which focus on the life of the lives of all living people and even the gods of Slavic Pantheon. On the world of the world from these threads, it is gossiping intricate patterns in which even gods are unable to find the essence. At any moment, it can completely change the picture of the world or break one of the filaments for the sake of fun, but never does it. The Slavic Goddess Macau was considered the goddess of fate. It was often treated to establish their lives.

Mankos is not alone engaged in weaving the fate of the world. Two sisters help her - Share and undercover. When Makos hang another part of the universe, they take turns touch the threads of the canvas. So determines periods of people's lives and even entire fate. Suitability, income and, in general, happiness of people depend on the share and underwent. Macobe is often compared with the Norms and Moira from the Greek Pantheon. With her threads, she connects every person with good and bad things, and then decides his fate. The choice of man still remains, but the goddess creates the basis, the main thread of the lace of his life.

Makos - an obvious female archetype of the creator of the world, the great mother, the male is speaking, whose spouse is it. This is an image of the Earth from which life appears. There is such a steady expression - the mother of cheese Earth. Life appears out of it, she leaves it in time. Therefore, Makosy is still the goddess of motherhood. Mokosh - an exceptional image among the women's deities of Slavs. She became the only female goddess in the Pantheon of Prince Vladimir, and Kumir Makoshi was the only female idol at the main Kiev capital near the idols of Perun and other gods.

In addition, the Makosh of Slavs was considered the patroness of the sorcerence, especially female. Divination and witchcraft are in its jurisdiction, especially this concerns the creation of novice. This goddess was also a patronage of sacred wells and springs. The demands were brought to her exactly in such water sources, throwing yarn, wool and fabric in the well. Idols of this goddess stood almost on every well. Makos also patronizes places of power, completely any, regardless of their degree of maliciousness or utility for a person.

Since the Makos goddess is not only magic, but also fate, it is available to knowing about all past incarnations of people, as well as about those who are still to be. Crossroads between worlds and doors in other worlds are also in its jurisdiction. If you are interested in secret knowledge, you can ask the Mankos to become your patronage.

If you compare Makos with the goddess of soft, its image is deeper from the point of view of esoteric. It was represented as a beautiful woman aged, sometimes with horns or horn of abundance in her hands. This beauty was precisely feminine, not a girlish. Macoshos corresponds to silver, moonstone and rhinestone. Her elements - land and water. Makos patronating a swan's draw in the Slavic horoscope.

Massengers of Makoshi - spiders, bees and ants, that is, animals that are practically spent their entire lives in the writings. There is a lot to take about spiders that originated from the faith in the fact that they are messengers of one of the most revered goddesses. It is impossible to kill spiders, very bad sign - to failures.

The image of this Slavic goddess is far from the all-friendly Virgin. She does not like all their children without exception. Mokosh turns his face from people who have lowered their hands, lost hope, tired of life. She patronizes only those who are strong in spirit and can compete for their happiness. To those who do not change their dream, she sends the goddess of good luck to Srech. If a person disappointed the demanding goddess of fate, his permanent satellites becomes misfortune, difficult and famously one-eyed.

In addition, Makos monitors the implementation of traditions by people. It will definitely rewards the luck and easy fate of a person who follows the old covenants of ancestors. The same who forgot Slavic traditions, the goddess punishes failures and gives them a hard fate.

Makoshi Day - the holiday of the ancient Slavs

Makoshi Day - Friday, if you keep in mind the days of the week, not the only day of the year, which is dedicated to this goddess. Making charms with the symbol of Makoshi is recommended on Friday, on a growing moon or full moon. With the transition to Christianity, it began to identify with Orthodox Holy Paraskeva-FridayMay be assigned to Friday the status of Makosh's Day is connected with this.

According to the old beliefs, it is impossible to do the needlework on Friday, especially to sew and spin. According to Christian sources, the Holy Paraskeva-Friday may come to the violators, the scrambled with the needles of women who decided to violate the rule.

The information was also preserved that each full moon was honored. However, according to some sources, the first May full moon is considered a special day for its admirers, and sometimes the last April.

In addition, the day of Makoshi is considered on October 26. It was on this day that our ancestors brought demands for idols of this goddess or threw a yarn or thread into a well. You can also honor the goddess in this way. But it is not worth doing homemade deals, she may be offended by non-compliance with old traditions. You can not needle, wash, as well as bathe children. In the old days around the aspen idols, Makoshi was drove round dance of two circles - the external spinning clockwise, internal - against.

Ancient ritual - rite of goddess Makoshi, or what to do to fix fate

Makosh is the goddess of fate and sorcerence, therefore ritual actions facing it to facilitate the life path will be particularly effective. This ritual or rite dedicated to the goddess Makosh will be the best answer to the question of what needs to be done to get rid of everything bad and attract what you want.

For the rite, three tangle of natural wool white, red and black colors will be required. Follow fresh chicken egg and milk. Products are better to take natural, you can buy them in the village. We also need a clean saucer, matches and any candle. It is best to spend this ritual in nature, ideally - near any natural water source. But if you do not have such an opportunity, do it at home, but only near the open window. The best time for such a witchcraft is a full moon. Purpose texts is better loud, clearly and clearly.

First you should get rid of the negative, the reason for which other people served. Light a candle. Rather on the saucer egg with left hand and say seven times like this:

I wiggle the egg, I will tell you on the saucer, everything is bad with myself to bring in the egg to make a break.

It should be represented as your negative goes into the egg. When finished, break it about the center of the saucer with these words:

I smack the egg, everything is bad destroying, I won the blasphemy!

If the egg looks like it is supposed to be, curses, damage or the evil eye on you and there was no. But if blood, rot, rot, or otherwise discovered in the egg, which should not be there, it is clearly present a strong negative. Perhaps he did not reach the end, and they will have to do in the near future.

Then drive over the milk left hand clockwise and read three times:

Milk life rejuvenates, joy will bring, life will return, happiness and good luck, in the glory of your God's drink!

Milk need to drink completely, so the glass is better to pick up this volume that you can master. After that, you need to read on the thread. Words are pronounced on each nodule, three times. Start with a white thread, it is possible to tear it from the tangle only after you set all the nodules.

Words to the first knot on white thread:

Makosh, Makosa, Makushenka, do not forget me, be next to me.

Makos you do not forget about me, the fate of a happy vacuum for a month, for two, three ahead.

The knot is strong, the node of wealth and good luck.

After a white tank, go to the red. Enter with him the same, read on each node three times the words facing the goddess, and then cut the thread.

Words to the first node:

My fate is happy, my fate is successful.

My fate is rich, my fate is beautiful.

Love and luck in affairs I am lucky, day after day and always.

Similarly, do with black thread. Words to the first knot, say too three times:

The spell is not near, but far from me.

Everything is bad for me is not on the way, everything is bad face will bypass.

All troubles by side went around, I forgot about me.

Now tie all three threads with each other, in the process continuously reading:

The fate of Makosh, three threads leading me, tightly hold on with each other, without breaking, gossy, my fate is flying, life in nodes.

After you finish with it, tell me:

So it came a minute, comparting, getting rid of Makuz from this thread of fate.

Cut the black thread with such words:

So everything is bad with her leaves, I leave me, forgets, the fate of Mankos meets me.

Black thread burn the candle flames. What will remain from her, throw on a saucer with an egg. Its content should be poured into the toilet or from the window. If you hold the rite in nature, pour the egg where people do not go.

In general, Makos - the image of the mother of raw land, the ladies of human destinies and the patroness of women. She enjoyed special honor from the ancient Slavs. It is believed that if you properly hold the rite of Makosh, you can score a happy fate among Goddess.

    • Fortune telling
    • Consistencies
    • Rituals
    • Signs
    • Sloalth and damage
    • Obragi.
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    • Outlines
    • Numerology
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    • Astral
    • Mantra
    • Creatures I.

    On this day there were extensive festivities, the people drank and walked. It was believed that it was not a sin to drink a lot if the crust is full. Not for nothing they said: "nicked!". On the winter Nicholas, it is customary to make conspiracy against alcoholism. You can order a prayer for the health of a relative with alcohol addiction. On December 19, St. Nicholas brings gifts to children, and relatives read prayers about their health.

    Sanat Kumara :: Ascension School

    Mother Macoba

    Mother Macoba - Heavenly (sva) of the Virgin, the fair goddess of happy lot and fate.

    Together with his daughters, shares and unhairs, determines the fate of the heavenly gods, as well as the fate of all people from the Great Race and all the descendants of the kind of heavenly living on our land and on all other beautiful lands of Svarga Million, Walking for each of them fate.

    Therefore, many people appealed to the goddess of Makosh, so that she would entrust the fizziness of fate in the ball of his youngest daughter - the goddess of the share.

    The goddess Makosh at all times was very attentive and caring patroness of weaving and all sorts of needlework, and also watched in the fields, where oraches (peasants) put the soul into their hard work, grew a good harvest.

    It should be remembered that the Great Heavenly Goddess Makos is not only a goddess-patronage of growing and fertility, as many people might think, and the goddess, giving a good harvest to hardworking and diligent people.

    To those families from the Great Race and to all descendants of the kind of Heaven, who were not lazy, and worked in the fields, in the gardens and at the gardens in the sweat of the face, putting the soul into their hard work, the goddess of Makos sent her youngest daughter - the Belokoff goddess share. To the same people who worked poorly and negligently on their fields (no matter what kind of him), it got a bad harvest. Therefore, they said in the people that "from Makoshi share the harvest came to measure" or "Makuchu no time sent a vintage to measure."

    For hardworking people, the goddess Makosh is a gogress of all kind of goods, so on the images and kummiths of the goddess Makoshi, it was very often portrayed with a horn of abundance or his symbolic image in the form of a heavenly bucket of seven stars (in the Slavic-Aryan Cosmogonical System of the Constellation of the Bolshoi Major e. mother bucket).

    The goddess Makos controls the pane of the heavenly swan in the arrangement circle. Therefore, the goddess of Mankoba is very often depicted in the form of a white swan in swimming in the dark-minded sea - okea, i.e. in the sky.

    So, Makosh itself:

    1. Thank you all of fate

    2. Estimate mother, the goddess of fertility, is associated with harvest, has 12-13 annual holidays (and every full moon may be honored)

    3. The matter of magic and magic, the wife of Veles and the mistress of intersections of the universe between the worlds.

    4. Primer and patroness owners.

    6. Mistress of wildlife.

    Makos-Fair, sisia pigeon,

    Fate Vancing, Verterna,

    Threads are twisted, fate is handed

    Spere Dari's share in

    Mother's great, multiple,

    Fruit land native

    Yes, forces in mogu all the stomach!


    Goy you are a mother of all the same,

    Velel power performed,

    Makos Mati, Budy Slavnya,

    Fate threads smoothly

    Budy your kind your Cauchy,

    In the bright days, in the dark,

    Mati-spark, give Ripe

    The essence of your children,

    Veden Mati Dazhi No

    Right essence in fair rati,

    Give birth to Mother

    Give Mother Mati share

    With orathic fields,

    Give a silhole in the ore

    All honest people

    Makos Mati Walk to Dnies

    Yes, all native weights!

    Share of the wind, lively

    Thread lead, live people

    The right court, Taco Budi!

    Fighting fights!

    Share yes no wench,

    Makos Slavic goddess prayer

    "Do not dare to God invisible: people who are praying like and guy, Perun, and Apollon, and Mokoshi, and the Peregrian, and do not approach every gods with frozen treks."

    1. Goddess of all fate

    2. The Great Mother, the Goddess of Fertility, is associated with the harvest, has 12-13 annual holidays (and every full moon can be honored)

    3. The goddess of magic and magic, the wife of Veles and the mistress of intersections of the universe between the worlds.

    4. Defender and patroness owners.

    5. In the lower hat, it is a famous jaggy, in this case one can say that she is the mother of the winds that life and death is subject to her equally.

    Nebovokrug. Sincere blog.

    The sun forever, happiness forever - the man commanded so!

    Prayers of Makoshi.

    Makos-Fair, sisia pigeon,

    Macobe dying yes stuck

    In childbirth, they will appear among us

    With your covement, give water to get drunk,

    Give water to get drunk, stick to you!

    Birch is a slim, Main Goyna itself!

    Mother all-building rejoice to Dnies Otradnaya!

    Makos Our Mother's Mother

    Attending you to glorify

    In the courtyard of good, in the field of bread,

    With the right fortress, every begging,

    And in an honest house, bright ten

    I am interested in my whole family!

    Mother Cheese-Earth defeated me!

    Mother Cheese-Earth defeated me!

    Mother Cheese-Earth defeated me!

    Macuzza Promadra, Mati Pokutna,

    Fate Vancing, Verterna,

    Threads are twisted, fate is handed

    Cole is performed, certificates are certified,

    Spere Dari's share in

    Will be a reply, Russery.

    Mother's great, multiple,

    Fruit land native

    Honestly honest bread

    Give wisdom to your deubs

    Yes, forces in mogu all the stomach!


    Mother's Maternity, Star Self,

    Boots of the whole Volodya, the fate of the fate,

    Hostess waters, keeper keys,

    Saint the feeder, and alive all Beregina,

    Goy you are a womb fertile,

    Goy you are a mother of all the same,

    Velel power performed,

    You are greeted by the Slavs of Fame, and our demands are honest,

    Budy to us Milostiv Mother,

    Yes, give us the power of your premogue!

    Makos Mati, Budy Slavnya,

    Fate threads smoothly

    Budy your kind your Cauchy,

    In the bright days, in the dark,

    Mati-spark, give Ripe

    The essence of your children,

    Veden Mati Dazhi No

    Right essence in fair rati,

    Give birth to Mother

    With wrappers in the Estimate

    Give Mother Mati share

    With orathic fields,

    Give a silhole in the ore

    All honest people

    Makos Mati Walk to Dnies

    Yes, all native weights!

    Makos Mati yarn strands,

    Share of the wind, lively

    Thread lead, live people

    The right court, Taco Budi!

    Oh, Mother Makosh! Oh great goddess!

    Fighting fights!

    Hear us, your children writing to you!

    Praise you, oh, the great mother of all things!

    Heavenly Hand Puffy Thread Nights,

    Share yes no wench,

    Court right all the belly reading

    The beginning of all the case with the completion of a unique!

    Oh, leaving the mother of the harvest,

    Non-brazing laddy,

    Yako earth raw is fertile!

    Oh, the great mother is chaded,

    Live and Mare Velting!

    Oh, female patroness,

    You taught our stramaters

    Spicy yarn yes weave the canvas.

    How do you feel the fate thread

    Any Pooh drive,

    Tako and give us the path-road our earthly

    Mark with heaven

    The path is your earthly Lada World Route!

    Glory Mother Macoshi!

    Goy-Ma! Glory! Glory! Glory!

    (Conductive Slice: Slavs of relatives of their gods. VLH. Veleslas)


    Perfectly given page of the Slavyan goddess Makoshi. Surprises prayers are very acceptable. Who is the writer of the pictures? Beautiful! Strengthening to you and artist

    Thanks to the creators of the site. Timely, beautiful and necessary.

    Good evening, tell me the best of my son.

    Makosh - Goddess, belonging to the dark gods. Therefore, texts, its reconciling do not use the word "glory", but use the word "the Music".

    In the spring practices of the Slavs, this very clearly manifests itself in fact:

    1. Read this text with the word "glory", get a curvature.

    2. Replace "Glory" to "Velm". Read this text with the word "Welsh", get a number of events in the life of the developing ideally.

    Victor, where did you get Makos to the dark gods? Publish in the reference, be kindly. All authors of Vedov, researchers of the relatives, will be extremely grateful to you. They, naive, believe that Makosh is a breeder of life, just on this side from Kalinov Bridge, from the world of Javi, and not Navi. Reference? How much! For example, "Alive and Mara" - Volkhv Veleslav. And if you, an hour, from Christianity here came here for breakdown and loosening, so tell me. We will understand. We will not beat, go with your God ...

    You have a Mankos - this is a goddess that trims the bag of good to the house.

    1. I am a Makosh - a goddess that forms an unmanifested future in the form of a fate who has not yet occurred, gives to the future to show itself or proceed.

    2. In the time when Makos appears on the field at the time of harvest, healthy plant Wheat (or rye) finishes their hypostasis in the form of a plant and turns into a sheaf (shests) - a product for processing.

    Thus, the Makos is at the edge of the transition from one state to another. You, together with Wellesh, you think that Makos is in the pantheon of obvious gods waiting for the events prepared by it. I believe that Makos - the Goddess is unmanifested, it is engaged in the preparation of events with an unmanifested (naval) side of our world.

    Goy you, Makos Mati,

    Allow you to start us. Prick

    What you are sent to those, those of the greatness:

    In the courtyard of good, in the field of grain,

    Beauty, yes, Lespius, yes, love!

    And in the bright, the terrie was performed to my whole family!

    In the influx of makos! Goy!

    Makos, you are the great, Materia Matter!

    Mother, you are native, fertile bread!

    Mankos, you are a separate, Goyna harvest!

    In the influx of makos! Goy!

    You are gracious, Otradnaya people,

    Daily delivered, wide-distance!

    Dugi, Earth, your kon

    Steep drunk, you bow!

    Give in the house of joy, give the heart of tenderness,

    Honor and honesty, faith and fidelity,

    Help with care, happiness with love,

    Mati native, ground raw!

    In the influx of makos! Goy!

    Goy you, Gignitza! Goy, fertile!

    You - creating warm and love,

    Of the bellee force is executed,

    Pulling, mystery filled!

    To you, the grains of eternal

    Thursters honest, prayer cardiac!

    In the influx of makos! Goy!

    Makosh, you are heavenly sparkling,

    Mati Almighty, the lessons asking

    Threads wearing destinies we are wearing!

    Mother's fate, sisia pigeon,

    Underwent, overwhelmed, moon illuminated,

    Macobe is a dying yes continuous!

    Mother is good, hunting palms,

    Heating care, make love

    From trouble to get rid, saved, send!

    In the influx of makos! Goy!

    Macobe is hiding the patterns of things,

    You create the fate of the fate!

    You fill us with bright colors

    Happiness home care beautiful!

    In the influx of makos! Goy!

    Makos Great, you are pristine,

    You have a magnitude hidden by secret!

    Silver Light, Parcho Heaven

    You embroidered patterns wonderful!

    Break easily, like a paccia network,

    Fortunately, lead us, threads of volati!

    The path is unknown, the trails are faintly,

    Fates are appointed, lots thrown!

    You send us a long expensive,

    Where we teach the lessons strict!

    Do not send us any misfortune,

    Give us good luck and joy in the only!

    In the influx of makos! Goy!

    Mother's eternal, you are infinite,

    Pestus with love, become worthy!

    You will not leave us on the dissolve

    To understand yes, make mistakes!

    In the influx of makos! Goy!

    Take care of us, Vedan Maty,

    Give protection in our hut

    Give strength to plow

    To sow yes to join,

    Cattle in the distance inacid

    Give health yes coming

    Guess the borscht yes porridge

    To the table we are full of bowls!

    In the influx of makos! Goy!

    Give the opportunity, Makos Mati,

    Good luck to us!

    Give us strength, give us urine

    Initu a lot of rolling

    In white days, black nights,

    To homeland, fate

    We will meet sweet speech,

    All hail, all weight,

    Pure field, dark forest,

    On the house, in every home,

    In uchromye, in Razdat.

    Nikoliz do not leave us!

    Save us, Bereginy!

    In the influx of makos! Goy!

    Mati-Hurry, Buda Ladna,

    Fate threads we smoothly

    Coming filaments strong very

    In the bright days, in the night,

    We are comforting in a godina

    We care is surrounding

    In the hut we are not offended,

    We are multiplying the farm!

    Harvesting in the family of weight

    Full Cauchy us brought!

    In the influx of makos! Goy!

    Mother Vedna, give younger,

    How do you honor not Zamarati!

    Makos Mati, Dazhi Zrety

    The essence of your children!

    Give a banner meeting

    With wrappers in the Estimate

    Give to come true to the fire

    Giveness to health and shares

    Give the good from everywhere,

    Grade honest people!

    Give us a thread guide,

    Give good luck with the excellent!

    We are on the happiness of kids

    Yarn strands, share a share!

    Super, you need to continue. It forms and motivates on the bright, honest, proud, gentle ......

    da Kogda 4itaew to Radostj V Duwe Pojavljaetsja, Spasibo.