Drawing up advertising texts: features and rules. Rules of writing hypnotic advertisements

Advertising ads, the text of which contains psychological elements, allow you to increase the demand for advertised products or services. Properly compiled promotional material allows you to convey to a potential audience information about the goods offered, as well as information on the planned promotions. As practice shows, in order to increase the circle of a potential audience, advertisers use various "tricks". These include various festive swaps of valuable prizes, large discounts and other stocks. In this article, we suggest considering examples of advertising texts that help increase consumer audience.

What is the selling text

In order to get the first potential customers, the entrepreneur should hold an advertising campaign. From the day of its appearance to today, advertising is the most effective means of attracting buyers. To determine the circle of a potential audience and an increase in demand for a proposal, entrepreneurs are conducted various marketing activities. The main purpose of these events is to increase sales efficiency.

Many modern representatives of small and large businesses use various platforms on the Internet to promote their products. Using the Internet in order to promote goods or services in the market has several advantages. First, the entrepreneur is able to promptly convey information about the product offered to its target audience. Secondly, some specialized services offer placing advertising materials at no cost.

Examples of advertising of goods with "selling" text can be seen on the pages of social networks. Many social networks are one of the best marketing tools, thanks to the possibility of choosing the target audience, which will demonstrate a commercial. Also, many entrepreneurs are ordered for their employees, branded T-shirts, which are depicted by the company's logo. Such a move also allows you to increase the interest of the public to the activities of the advertiser.

A distinctive feature of the advertising text is the credit of the reader to perform a certain procedure. Such actions can be both registration on the website of the advertiser and the acquisition of the products offered. When drawing up a "selling" text, a list of simple rules should be taken into account:

  1. In the section with the title, you need to reflect the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe entire advertising unit. Also here can be indicated on the benefit of the consumer from cooperation with the advertiser. As practice shows, to attract the interest of a wide range of the audience, you must add intrigue to the text header.
  2. In compiling the main part of the message, various psychological techniques are used, allowing to use certain channels of perception. Also in this section of ads, lists the advantages of the products or services offered.
  3. Advertising text should be contained, concise and take into account the interests of the end user.
  4. Many advertisers are used in promotional blocks various historical facts and accurate data in order to attract interest. potential customer.
  5. The main component of the advertising text is the minimum annoyance to its viewer.

The main purpose of advertising texts is the presentation or promotion of ideas, services and goods on the market to increase their sales

Rules for submission of information

In order to interest potential customers, the advertiser should choose the right method for submitting information about its offer. The choice of a specific technique depends on several parameters. First of all, the specificity of the site should be taken into account, where the advertisement will be posted. It will also be necessary to analyze the interests of people who make up the main target audience.

As a rule, most advertisers indicate this section of the price category of their proposal or information about the planned promotions. Probably, each Internet user and social networks have seen promotional texts with title: "Goods cheaper $ 10", "Seasonal Discounts 90%" and other similar ads. As a rule, such headlines motivate users to make a purchase or use the advertiser service.

It is important to pay attention to what "sold" texts are far from always posted on thematic forums or on social networks. Such ads are often published in printed publications and are placed on advertising links. Increase performance this tool Marketing can be using a mailing list and distribution of leaflets. Many readers may be interested in the question of whether advertisers use various psychological techniques. The main task of such an advertising is not only the motivation of the client for the purchase, but also the dissemination of information on the proposal of the advertiser to his friends and acquaintances.

It should be selected that quite often the advertiser faces the problem of selecting the marketing tool. Sold texts are incompatible with "SEO optimization", which causes the entrepreneur to choose between data tools. An attempt to use the totality of these methods can lead to a narrowing of the circle of a potential audience.

Let's wonder how an example of an advertising message should look like. Before proceeding with the development of its material, it is necessary to analyze various techniques used by other employers. These actions are required to identify the main components that make advertising successful. Here you should consider the features of your proposal. In the advertising declaration, it is necessary to bring not only topical information, but also those data that can be useful for the consumer.

When creating a marketing model, you should focus on interest task Force. It is important to draw attention to the fact that to attract the interest of potential buyers only the main quality of the proposed products or services is indicated. In this regard, it will be necessary to carefully analyze its proposal in order to identify those parameters that can cause interest in the goods offered and the desire to become its owner. As practice shows, comparing your product with famous brand Allows you to cause interest in the audience. An example of such an advertisement that could be seen on TV is Kvas Nikola. Talented marketers were able to conduct an analogy between this product and Coca-Cola.

Quality advertising text, first of all, must have a right and clear content.

In order for the products offered to be recognizable, it is necessary to add a unique and exclusive style. Many people who have seen such advertising will recognize this products from a dozen "faceless" counterparts. Using memorable slogans also adds unique text. In order to achieve success in an advertising company, it will be necessary to correctly compile the structure of the advertisement and add a high-quality media file to it.

Examples of inefficient advertising blocks

Advertising one of the most efficient marketing tools, which are used to increase sales. Incorrect use of this tool can lead to a fall in the prestige of the brand and the status of an entrepreneur. As practice shows, such materials should contain only true information. Inactual information, an attempt to embellish reality and other "dirty" tricks can lead to a drop in sales. The same rule is valid for obsessive advertising.

As an example, we give the "Casino Volcano" and similar materials. Their frequent mention, the annoying and other "dirty" marketing techniques, create an impression of a small demand for the proposal of the advertiser. The use of such tools forces constantly increase the budget of the advertising campaign in order to attract the desired number of customers who will provide the planned income to the entrepreneur.

Also inexpedient is an attempt to work with the maximum circle of the audience. Intelligent group of consumers guaranteed to miss the advertising bloc by the eye. This means that the invested funds in the advertising campaign will not pay off at the expense of a large influx of new buyers.

Based on this fact, it can be concluded that work with the target audience is the main parameter successful activities Advertiser. In order to identify a portrait of a potential client, the following criteria should be taken into account:

  • age and sexuality;
  • place of residence;
  • social status.

Navigation on the article:

Everything is simple as the first letters of the alphabet, like a, b, in - you are the owner of the enterprise, you have a potential client, and he must learn about you. A B C.

Whether you are the owner of a small store of household goods or a network manager shopping centers - Actions will be required approximately the same, just on different scales.

It does not always have the opportunity to turn to professionals in this or hire such a state. It is normal if the business starts only. And normally, if you just strive to personally participate in this side of the life of your brainchild.

Advertising with your own hands, step first. "How do you call the ship"

You start from scratch. You are not some small employee who has already consisted. You create your own own business. You have no program harvested by someone. You are not issued on the hands of the ready-made advertising leaves so that you just wave them.

How to inform the world about your enterprise? About your product?

Sit and defeat your brains - what exactly do you want to achieve? What to take a place in niche? Risk to popularity or satisfy stability?

How do you act in terms of advertising your basic or future competitors? Do you want to hold out in this business as long as possible - or not? And how exactly are your competitors advertise their firms - in the media, in social networks or on huge and expensive advertising posters along the highway and prospectuses?

Your competitor is your enemy. But find out about him all, and he will cease to be your enemy. He will become a pathetic envious.

If you are the owner of a small enterprise, then other people, specialists, employees of advertising agencies can make advertising for you. And this good sign - If you have a creative idea in your head, which they only need to implement. After all, by and large main question NOT B. technical opportunity Make advertising with your own hands, but in the ability to create key ideas for her.

What if there is no idea? Well, that, it means that you are not Steve Jobs, be careful. However, - after all, Steve Jobs also had no ideas.

By the way, Apple's name according to legend was chosen precisely because the team could not give birth to another, more adequate idea. And he fired.

Have you already chose a name for your company?

Your firm, your store is your child. And you would hardly be called Akaka. So in this case. A catchy, bright name, but at the same time the transmitting the essence of your activity is that you need. Good name - The starting point of your business. This is the first thing buyers will recognize you.

The second step. Outdoor advertising yourself?

Once again - we will not discuss the process of cutting out the ads from Watman and their columns in the columns. "We make advertising yourself" - it means, "invent advertising yourself". The main money advertising agencies still take precisely for it.

Paste on the door of the entrance, posters on the walls, advertising scoreboards with a glove image or screen, neon advertising (backlit), audio advertising on escalators in the Metropolitan - A lot of opportunities, you need an understanding of the features of your target audience and the correct distribution of funds.

Ideally, your advertising stand should be part of a street landscape. To passersby perceived your poster "The best products on best prices"In the same inalienable element of the environment, as well as the bushes along the alley.

Stationary advertising structures - Installed in certain places that you agreed and paid. It is desirable that these are popular areas of the area - lively squares and large highways. The design can both stand in itself and attached to the building.

Temporary designs - Installed near your outlet or office. They usually contain a brief information of primary need - the name, opening hours, discounts and promotions. Exhibited during the working day, they are cleaned overnight.

Our minimum is an advertising poster on the wall or showcase. Maximum - large screen with advertising (staged) roller in the city center. It all depends, of course, from money. But it is necessary to perform the available minimum quality and worthy to grow further.

To increase the dynamic element in your advertising, you can set the inflatable pneumaticigigur near your enterprise. What - depends on your cash and designer fantasy. The main thing is that the wind does not blow.

Pillars and other advertising structures can be placed at your entrance, on the building, on the pedestrian zone. The design is always important - a test, but not an allay. The original name plus the original form of advertising and the place of its placement is the hooks that you hook buyers. It is necessary not easy to stick where a small advertising poster has gotten and sit satisfied - it is necessary that only your advertisement attracted attention, eclipping all the others, mediocre and tasteless.

Outdoor advertising varieties

  • Billboard is a large billboard, usually put along the highway.
  • Superboard - Usually three prisoners in a triangle billboard.
  • Supersight - a type of billboard, is different large size and high, because it is usually placed outside the city feature.
  • Prismatron - billboard, the surface of which consists of the replacing parties prism. May show three pictures changing through a period of time.
  • Cityilate - a highlighted showcase, standing on the sidewalk.
  • Firewall is a large poster or billboard installed on a building wall.
  • MediaFasad - a large display is somehow built into the facade of the building.
  • Video screen and so on.

Outdoor advertising is a natural, effective and visual way to advertise yourself. Your company's theoretical client may not watch TV, do not listen to the radio at home or in the car, may not read newspapers and not use the Internet, but will definitely pay attention to the bright, large and original billboard opposite its windows. Or stop near the house.

You must show that this area on this niche is busy. Let your logo become a kind of label - a sign that there is nothing to do here to competitors.

Disadvantages of outdoor advertising

  • Outdoor advertising will deteriorate from various weather phenomena. Rustly, rust, falls off, fades, just breaks away by the wind. For the state of your outdoor advertising you need to constantly monitor, maintain - clean, often update.
  • Outdoor advertising is considered by potential buyers literally a few seconds. Therefore, the key to the success of such advertising is brightness, acer, conciseness of content (who will pay attention to a pale poster with several paragraphs barely distinguished text?), The original logo or emblem. And again - this advertisement should constantly update, so that the buyer does not have come to the long time ago and did not cause interest the picture. The more often than diverse and the impregnation, the better.
  • should not have provocative, offensive content;
  • it should not disrupt the harmonious view of the environment.

Over the execution of these conditions, many controlling authorities are followed. So that the content of outdoor advertising has not been excessively erotic, provocative or even immoral.

But not federal law The "outdoor" is controlled by compliance with the conditions of its use, various services are followed by various services and committees that make their amendments based on the format and place of advertising deployment.

So it is better to initially consult with the municipality before exposing a receipt of your advertising. It is better just in case to be restrained than paying later fines or lose an income place for advertising.

We make an advertisement yourself, step the third - business cards

Like a lot in our modern world, business cards invented in China. More precisely, B. Ancient China, Even before our era. Briefness, laconicity and business skill - features of an Asian character. As they say, East is a delicate matter. Like marketing.

A business card can be made of paper, cardboard, plastic, metal or even a tree. Remember: Your business card is your face, this is the most brief and capacious form of advertising your person and your organization. What do you prefer - a colorful cardboard or minimalistic metal plate? Depends on your income and on how you position yourself.

Business cards are three species:

  • personal business card;
  • corporate business card;
  • business business card.

Personal business card

Simply includes contact information of its owner. Personal business card should be like general Director A large firm and the owner of the tire, if he wants his business to be taken seriously.

Remember: Your business card is your face. Freelancers, free workers can be used by business cards. Personal business cards are often exchanged for informal communication.

Personal business card is:

  • FULL NAME. owner;
  • kind of activity and position occupied;
  • telephone;
  • official site;
  • e-mail.

Corporate business card

Corporate business card includes brief information about your company. Drawn names, posts and private contact details are not written here. Corporate business cards are needed in order to briefly submit their company to bring their company, to advertise and present. This is your company's face. So she should have good design and tight material. She should look great to keep her with joy in their hands and always stored in a wallet among other important and high-quality business cards.

Corporate business card is:

  • company name and logo;
  • summary of activity;
  • address, travel path;
  • official site;
  • telephone.

Business business card

Includes minimum of information. No extra words and minimum design - no decorations, standard font. Often, the exchange of business business cards is at official events, negotiations and business meetings. This is because the business business card has a narrow orientation - direct invitation to future partnership and joint activities.

Business business card this:

  • first Name Last Name;
  • position;
  • the name of the company;
  • scope of the company.

Use business cards very convenient. This gives wide spacious opportunities so you can properly vote yourself. Immediately will show how you feed your event, how serious you come to the point.

How to distribute business cards?

  • hand out
  • put in the mailbox or send by mail;
  • negotiate with others outletsSo that they have a pack on your business cards on the counter (and in return you can lay out their business cards behind your tray).

Popular size of the business card - 90 × 50 mm. But it is better - size is 85.6 × 53.98 mm. The same amount of credit cards, and the sections in wallets are made under this size.

Step fourth: how to make advertising through leaflets, booklets, flyers and stickers

Leaflet - Simple, old and effective method self-tasks. Even the minimum impact of leaflets effectively - bright colors, huge font size and meaningful pictures will not leave anyone indifferent. Each necessarily at least beat the content of the leaflet, and thanks to visual photos or pictures, even a child will understand - at least about something about it is reported.

  • spreading out on the street at points of the cluster of the masses;
  • hand out when entering your store;
  • put in mailboxes;
  • like insert in the magazine or in the newspaper.

From how you will distribute your leaflets depends on appearance. Bright and eye design, if the leaflets spread promoters on the street or draw in the mailboxes. Or restrained, nonsense decoration of the leaflet, if it is sent to the addresses of customers already using your services.

Booklet - Almost the same flyer, only with the image on both sides, and folded twice or tripled.

Flyer - Almost the same leaflet, only less in size and with a more structured submission of information of short-term importance. For example, new discounts, events, company promotions. Often, the flyer is immediately and input ticket to such an event - either a coupon for which you can get a discount.

Sticker / Sticker / Magnet - Almost the same leaflet printed on self-adhesive paper in order to, actually glue on various surfaces - Walls, pillars and packaging.


A set of opportunities to correctly make advertising yourself, advertising yourself of myself and your company - incredibly great. We use all the methods available to you, and you will succeed.

Before determining the place of reporting motivating information, it is necessary to find out how to make advertising sells better. Below we will talk about proven methods that allow you to receive maximum results to entrepreneurs. Immediately I will say that I am not an advertising genius and did not come up with anything myself, these methods have long been invented and already proved their performance!

For what we need advertising texts

Advertising How this exists no longer one hundred years. Even in the old days, people used advertising to attract potential customers, for example, sellers at the fairs composed sonorous and funny rhymes to draw attention to the buyer.

Advertising, created to demonstrate, should pay attention to the client, to teach it to the appearance and sound of the trademark, so that the buyer has an image of the desired product in the head. It is on which advertising campaigns of most major brands are oriented.

Motivating advertising aims to directly respond to the buyer. That is, after watching the roller or reading the text, the addressee should have the desire to call and order a product or use the service, etc. The efficiency of advertising directly depends on, therefore it is not necessary to neglect such a powerful development tool.

What is the difference between bad and good advertising text

At first glance it seems that writing advertising texts is easier than simple. But in fact it turns out not everything is so rosy. Look around: our world is filled with advertising. Wherever you handle your eyes, you will find examples of advertising texts: on the street, in public transport, in social networks, etc. At the same time, some announcements rush into the eyes with a lusted heading, and you didn't even pay attention to others, not to mention the occurrence of a desire to buy something. This is the difference between good advertising text from poor and ineffective.

Bad ads coming to you dry product or service.

For example, "Farm" 40 years without a crop "offers high quality products: meat, dairy products, sausage products. There are discounts. Delivery is possible in the city. Phone for references 5-555-555. "

So it looks like most of the commercial ads. Agree, not too attractive proposal, despite the fact that there is no doubt about high quality products. This text is pretty pale and is lost among total mass Similar ads.

And if you try slightly change information?

"Did you miss a juicy sacking of fresh meat? Wanted a real village milk, like a grandmother? Farm "40 years without harvest" will deliver the highest quality products directly to your home! To do this, just need to call at 5-555-555! ".

How? It sounds much better, is not it? Such an announcement accurately attract the attention of a potential buyer. And if he does not meet immediately dial the number of the company, then, at a minimum, will remember its name and when it will be needed by these products, most likely the choice will be in their favor.

In any business, you need a practice and over time you will learn to write the best advertising texts that will call the buyer immediate desire to purchase goods or use the service.

Structure of selling text

Remember how in school we all wrote writings, following a strict plan for building text? Here, although, the structure of the advertising text is somewhat different from the school essay.

Any selling text consists of simple elements:

  • Slogan, which can stand both at the beginning and at the end of the text;
  • Title (capacious phrase, attracting attention);
  • Main text (main text element);
  • Echo phrase (final text element).

When writing any text, try to struduce it, i.e. Slide to logical paragraphs, and if necessary, to highlight subtitles. All this is necessary to relieve reading. Agree, after all, it's not interesting to read huge, boring offers, a whole paragraph length.

Forming sentences to paragraphs, try so that they are also too long. Optimal size Paragraph ranges from 30 to 50 words. Less - not worth it, more - no need. Approximately every 3-5 paragraphs can be divided by subtitles so as not to tire the reader.

At all, it will not be superfluous in the text of the lists (can be numbered, but can be marked). Allocation of information on the list facilitates the assimilation of information.

Imagine that all the information you want to set out in the text looks like a pyramid. You should give it, starting from the ground, that is, from the most important, gradually moving to secondary.

Be sure to specify the contacts of the company, starting with the address and phone, because they are basic (people do not always have the opportunity to use the Internet). It is advisable to leave all contacts and additional information: email, site address, travel schemes by car and public transport, office hours.

In essence, there is nothing complicated in the structure. The main thing is to select the right words, because, as you know, the word has tremendous strength, and can hurt and cure.

How to write advertising text and make it selling

In order to answer the question of how to write selling texts, you need to understand what and for whom you write them. And that advertising texts become really effective, you need to write them correctly. Of course, it will not immediately work out, but with a certain diligence and training, after some time you can write decent and effective texts. In the meantime, you can use the following algorithm:

Step 1: Determine the place of publishing text

From where you are going to put your ad, it will depend on its size, style, presence or absence of pictures and video. Adjust your text under the selected promotional space:

  • As a rule, ads on social networks are limited to one or two sentences, so learn how to formulate clear and capacious phrases;
  • In the format of the newspaper you will most likely have a paragraph or even a column;
  • For a web page, the volumes of texts become quite impressive and there are already several thousand printed signs.

Be that as it may, any format involves clearly formulated thoughts, specific information and a minimum of unnecessary words.

Step 2: Adjust to the target audience

Think who will be your main buyers. Of course, ideally make such a text so that after reading anyone, anyone immediately wanted to buy your product.

However, in real lifeIt is almost impossible to write text that would equally attracted attention, as, say, teen informal and literary criticism. Since these categories of the population are varying by habits, behavior, manner and communication style, they will attract absolutely different texts.

Any text can be attributed to one of five styles: scientific, business, journalistic, artistic and conversational. When writing an advertisement, you should not use the first two, since their effectiveness will be zero. Most texts are written in a conversational style.

And, on the contrary, when writing text for young people, it is worth using spoken style, more informal, understandable and pleasant to children and adolescents.

Step 3: We formulate the title

This stage can be the most difficult in writing advertising text, because the title attracting attention is half a success. If the name of your advertising article will be a chance or uninteresting, the reader will simply pass by, not interested in the product.

Therefore, it is very important to formulate a short and at the same time capacious name. According to marketing studies, the names that have emotionally negative color are more attractive. Using this little trick, you can create excellent headlines and attract the attention of potential customers.

Avoid in the title of obvious questions like: "Want a new coat? ...." There are millions of such questions in the advertising world and they are already tired of the consumer. Try to invent intriguing, emotional headlines, which will be difficult to pass.

And so that your shocking, the mysterious header does not look like a lie, after it immediately follows a bunch of a bunch with the basic text in which the whole point of your product or company will be. This bunch is needed to keep the attention of the buyer, so that he wanted to read the text to the end.

Step 4: We call a wish to buy a product

Here it will be necessary to manipulate the consumer, forcing it to want to buy your product. Make a person to think that he will be much better lived by getting your product or using your service.

And here, again, you can play on human emotions. Great tools will serve the feelings of nostalgia by childhood ("... Pancakes like granny ...") or care for the health of the client ("... Easy to quit smoking with our help ..."), etc.

Step 5: We formulate small offers and capacious phrases

This is how the quality of the advertising article is determined. Formulating small, simple to understand the sentence, collecting them into small paragraphs and paragraphs, you create an effective, easy to read text. Try to avoid cumbersome complex offers. After all, if the client will lose interest at the very beginning of the message, the effect of such a text will be zero.

Step 6: I will focus on the benefit, and not on the comparison

Many copywriters make a similar error: in their advertising texts they compare a product or service with a similar product of a competitor. It is not entirely effective. It is much more useful to talk about the direct benefit that the client acquires, ordering the goods from you.

Step 7: We use feedback from other customers about your products or services.

Often, a very powerful incentive to buy this or that product is someone positive feedback. Therefore, when writing advertising texts, boldly use this tool to attract customers.

Step 8: Attach attention with small bonuses limited in time

Free bonuses are an integral part of any advertising that has a powerful psychological impact on the consumer. We all very nice to receive gifts and bonuses.

Therefore, if your product is more expensive than 1000 rubles, try to accompany it with free bonuses or small gifts. But only these bonuses should be limited in time. The word "now" produces the effect similar to the sales effect, and stimulates the client to purchase a product or service.

As a bonus, you can use something not too expensive for you, but useful for the client.

Step 9: Simplified Order Procedure

The sequence of actions should be extremely simple and clear: "Make a call right now ..." or "Fill out a simple order form ...". For a quick order, everything should be most clear and easy.

Advertising text formulation models

Model ODP

It uses obvious popularity and is suitable for short selling announcements in 3-4 sentences.

If the text of your advertisement is limited, and you cannot specify the offer completely, then this model will become an effective alternative. This model is ideal for contextual advertising, on bulletin boards, flyers, business cards and so on.

Deciphered as: Restriction / Call for Action / Offer.

Offer or offer - This is a certain advantageous offer that is done by the client. Ideally, it should stand out among the advertising of competitors, for example, by product properties, its benefits for the client and the uniqueness of the trading offer.

An example of announcement: "Goods with a discount of 53%"; "3 at a price of 2-x" and so on.

These are those messages that simultaneously create value for the client.

Choose your offper that will be most attractive to customers, as well as find it off. effective method His reports.

Here are some working examples: "First lesson for free"; "Installation is free" and so on.

Deadline or Restriction on the purchase of Offer. If his goal is to attract attention, the restriction motivates the client to purchase right now. In other words, its goal is to make sure that the person does not postpone the purchase "for later", but acquired the goods, took advantage of the service right now.

A restriction of 2-3 days is working very well.

Example: chairs for 99 rubles, just 2 days!

On the Internet, it is much easier to change the deadlines. For offline advertising it is a bit more complicated, so often the validity of the shares increases to several weeks.

Call to action It is an explanation to the client that he needs to be done right now to get the result of it (buy your product).

Example: Buy and get a discount!

Nowadays, due to a large flow of information, a person needs to be step by step to explain the procedure. Perhaps you have noticed how an orderly tone is working effectively in communication.

By ordering "go here", "do something", and you will see that people willingly obey, because they do not need to score a bunch of secondary things. They gladly shift the responsibility of making a decision on you.

Advertising is exactly the case when the client is absolutely anyway. He needs a solution to some kind of problem, and you must provide it, explain what needs to be done to receive it. To facilitate the task to your customers, tell me how they will just cooperate with you.

AIDA model

If you have a need to write a selling text or writing, then use this model. This is a way of writing selling advertising text, based on some verification criteria that affect the potential client.

Attraction - attraction of attention, you must be implemented in the first part of the text. Your goal is to "hook" the attention of the client. Best way It will be the screaming title, throwing a formulated offer.

Examples: Secret Methods ...; What is silent ... and so on.

The first paragraph you motivate continue reading the text, revealing some secrets, create a "trailer" to the text. So make many media.

Interest - interest. You need to form an interest in your products from a potential client. Well, write out the prospects for using our products and negative consequences In the event that he tries to do without it.

Be sure to write the benefits from buying your products in this part of the text. It is known that people make purchases not for the rules, they need smooth holes. Sewer the possibilities and prospects of the client, if it is to do holes in the wall of your drills!

Deadline - Deadline. We have already noted that this is a limitation. You are artificially creating a shortage of suggestions, buying a hype on your products. Most often it is a time limit or the number of goods.

Since you have the opportunity to write a detailed text, then describe the reasons for restrictions. Tell customer why there is a shortage of goods, why time is so limited and so on.

Action - action. What does a person need to do to buy your goods right now or get the result at the same minute?

Excellent if you grant the choice of customers.

According to this model, your actions must correspond to the following sequence:

  1. drawing attention to your product;
  2. challenge interest, desire to buy your goods;
  3. stopping restrictions at the peak of the desire so that a person wants to make a purchase now;
  4. explanation to the potential customer that he should do to get the goods right now.

A bright example of such a model is the TV show "Shop on the sofa".

This model will become effective for online stores, sites, etc.

CEVD model

It implies the impact on the emotional component of the potential client. This model will work on paper, and orally.

According to this model, you will need to sell the right hemisphere of the brain of a potential buyer. Such advertising is good because emotions are determined by the right hemisphere of the brain, which you will influence.

We decipher the CEVD abbreviation.

The goal is a preparatory stage. You choose what purpose is that you describe the potential customer, formulate the final result to which you are trying to bring the client. Word a clear goal for yourself what you want, what result you want to achieve that the client should do, etc ..

Emotions - preparation. You must define that emotion that will sell the goods. Emotionally outlines all the benefits that the customer will receive, be sure to tell about the process of manufacturing and using the goods.

It should be understood that the number of major emotions is extremely limited. Make an emphasis on fear, love, superiority, power, greed, pride.

After setting the goal, establish the necessary emotion and describing their benefits, you can move to the next, practical, stage.

Visualization. At this stage, you need to describe a kind of picture that will cause the required emotion and on its peak you will only complete the transaction.

In the picture you create, the world, the potential client must be comfortable, heat from your offer (goods, services). Just a person that he will get all the benefits that the goods provide.

The next item will be final. We are talking about action. At the peak of emotions, you give a person specific instructions, that is, its strategy for the purchase of goods right now.

This model is similar to the AIDA model. It is different only by a bias on emotions and appeal to them.

Sequence of your actions when using this model:

  1. target setting (title and first paragraph, giving installation on target);
  2. determination of the desired emotion (key emotion is described);
  3. visualization (the benefits of the goods are described);
  4. action (the client's actions are described on the purchase of goods or services).

PPHS model

This model was known during Socrates. It is relevant and effective today. This method Advertising is especially good when a potential client fluctuates for a long time and cannot make a decision. Specialists argue that PPHS will be more understandable for novice entrepreneurs who decided to realize themselves in the field of purchase / sale.

Consider the features of using this model.

"Pain" or pain. You will need to be in all colors to describe the trouble, the problem of a potential client, from which your product will get rid of.

"Pain More" or more "pain". You will enhance the problem, that is, tell what happens if this problem is not excluded right now.

"Nore" or hope. At the peak of a told problem, you need to give a potential client a solution - your product (service).

"SOLVE" or solution. Now you must sell a solution to the problem, in particular, describe the benefits, advantages, as well as a way to acquire it.

So make many sites selling something for weight loss.

Writing promotional messages is an exciting, creative process in which you can endlessly improved. Creating a special reality, work with emotions and associations, motivation - all this is just some features of the advertising text that the skilled author uses to achieve a certain result.

Use only reliable information.Taking advantage of untested or knowingly false information, you risk getting into an unpleasant situation, so every time you carefully check your texts.

More specifics, less water.Using general phrases in the text, you scare the potential client because it does not have the sense of truthfulness of information. It is best to use specific numbers and data - such text will cause more confidence from the consumer.

Use personal information.Often the consumer identifies himself with the hero of advertising. This technique was fairly actively used for a long time, which led to the oversaturation of the advertising sector the same first-person announcements.

Decorate the texts with adit and adverbs.There is a fairly widespread opinion that when choosing a product, the consumer is guided only by logic. This is not true. People are very emotional creatures. Emotions affect our behavior and actions. And on what emotions a person is experiencing while reading your advertising text, the success or failure of the advertising campaign will depend.

To begin with, you can make a rational core of the text, and then breathe emotions into it and the colorful descriptions of the buyer's life with your excellent product. Try using bright emotions to attract the buyer's attention and make it purchase your product. Use live language, and not just a dry presentation of information.

Indispensable guarantee of product quality.Any doubting the client will become much more confident if he has at least a hypothetical possibility of returning the goods. Guaranteeing the quality of his product, you dispel fears and doubts your client, thereby gaining confidence in his confidence.


  • Advertising text should be bright, clear, bold, filled with emotions and attractive to the consumer;
  • It should not contain excess information and, moreover, not true;
  • It should have clear goals (motivating for the purchase of goods, use of the service, movie view, etc.);
  • The text should be as informative as possible, as well as beautiful and understandable for the target audience.

Examples of selling texts you can meet anywhere - just open several sites online stores, and better. What texts attracted your attention and why? What is special about them? What did you like, and what not? Having answered questions and familiarize yourself with this article, you will be a little closer to the answer to the question of how to write promotional texts that will help in.

In conclusion, I want to say that these models for writing advertising text are not a panacea, you can invent something your own, add, mix, but the main thing is not to go through. But the main thing is to know that the above has already been checked on many and shows nice results! And another advice is finally ... Check your texts before running into the masses. Let's read them to your colleagues, friends, familiar, etc. If you are interested in your product or service after reading, then the text has more chances for success. Something like that.

Specify your questions in the comments, share your ideas and will discuss! And most importantly, provide your services qualitatively and sell only the necessary and high-quality goods, then selling will be at times easier.

The competent text of the advertisement with the mandatory inclusion of psychological elements into it allows you to prevent potential consumer information about the product, and as well as the scheduled shares. The most profitable offers for buyers about discounts, gifts for perfect purchases, festive eventsaccompanied by prizes, will not be effective and will not attract the expected number of customers without organizing them to inform.

How to attract buyers

To achieve success in promoting a product or service, it is necessary to effectively declare the subject of your entrepreneurial activity.

Timely attraction of attention to planned marketing activities will increase the effectiveness of their conduct among numerous potential customers. Advanced entrepreneurs enjoy the modern possibilities of specialized Internet sites. They allow promptly, and in some cases for free, place current news in specialized services and social networks. All resources provide the possibility of selection of the target audience of interest. If you already know your target audience, you can order the print of your brand or slogan on clothes in Fairprint, which will undoubtedly be effective involvement attention to your product or activity.

Features of advertising text

  1. The title should reflect the essence of the trading supply, as well as the benefit from cooperation. The intrigue element must be present.
  2. In the text part, all channels of human perception should be taken into account and the benefits of the proposal are disclosed in detail.
  3. Text advertising must take into account the interests of the target audience for which it is intended.
  4. The use of concrete facts and accurate information expressed in the numerical dimension is welcomed.
  5. The product should differ with conciseness and not be annoying.

An information feed algorithm

Interest in customer product is in direct dependence on the method of filing information. Its choice depends on the social affiliation of citizens for which the product or service is intended, and from the place of publication of advertising.

The best examples of advertising texts contain a bright title, characterized by informative. They are characterized by affordably formulated rules for the campaign and product price parameters. And the purchase proposal is always entrusted and expressed in the form of a motivating offer.

Advertising text for any product can be published on social networks, on specialized sites, on its own site, in newspapers and magazines. Effective placement of it on billboards. Permanent mailing addresses of regular customers and, on protection, their acquaintances.

See also: Where to start your business from scratch without money

Before creating your advertising brainchild, you should study various examples of advertising goods in order to copy the best ideas that are a chip in the product under consideration. To prepare your own advertising, you should first think over all your wishes, as well as draw up a list of information that is at the time of creating a brand, relevant and useful.

The marketing model must be chosen, focusing on the advertised product and the target audience that he could interest. It should take into account only one parameter of the model, aimed at activating attention, understanding, desire, and as a result of this - actions. A good effect has a technique of identification with a well-known brand.

By adding to advertising unique style, You can give an entrepreneurial idea exclusive image, which will ensure product awareness and significantly expand the target audience. The use of slogans will add an element of uniqueness and uniqueness, and a competently composed text structure will allow you to quickly achieve the desired effect.

When advertising is inefficient

Advertising is a powerful tool for sales. However, with improper use, it can ruin the reputation of the business entity. It should be reflected truthful information. Unacceptable in the event of events, or additional serviceswhich are not relevant to the advertised product. It is not necessary to intrusively attract the buyer, it always creates the impression of unclaiming in the market of similar goods or services. You need to be able to virtuoso state the relevant information. In violation of this rule, all marketing and advertising efforts move their product doomed to failure.

Definition of target audience

In advertising activities, it is important to competently determine the target category, since this parameter has a direct impact on the effect provided from the information proposed to familiarize themselves. Its main feature is the affiliation of a potential client to a certain social status, age, floor, place of residence.

Advertising tricks

Advertising is necessary to ensure that the entity's entity can stand out among thousands of similar companies with their proposals. To do this, it is not enough to simply tell your potential consumers about the presence of a quality product and call them to buy it. To attract the attention of customers, it is recommended that several marketing schemes are recommended, following which allows you to make an advertisement correctly. This will ensure the maximum result from its publication. Methods of promotion are popular with popularity as unique trade offer and classic model Sales in which the buyer is accompanied at all stages of purchase.