How to quickly and easily clean a toilet bowl from rust? How to clean a toilet bowl of rust, urinary stones and limescale.

We all want our home to be clean. This is especially true for places such as bath and toilet. Plumbing is very often rusty, so it is very important to know how to deal with it and how to remove it without harming the surface. Often, rust affects the toilet bowls, and then the question arises, how to clean the rust in the toilet? It can appear for various reasons. But this is mainly due to not very pure water that flows through communications. There are many proven rust control products and methods. Let's consider the most effective ones.

Plumbing cleaners

Manufacturers of household chemicals offer us to fight rusty, dirty-brown streaks and stains on the walls of the toilet with the help of such products as Domestos, Toilet Duck, Sarma and others. These funds are widely advertised and have been known for a long time. Their manufacturers claim that they can be used to clean earthenware and porcelain surfaces without any difficulty. These products contain very aggressive substances, acids, which will really destroy any pollution.

But before choosing one of the listed means, you need to know the rules for choosing household chemicals for plumbing:

  1. The selected product should not contain abrasive substances and granular particles. Otherwise, scratches may appear on the surface of the product. Even if they are not visible to the naked eye, dirt will get into them, which will be difficult to wash. This will shorten the life of the toilet and make it more difficult to operate.
  2. The selected tool must be intended for products made of a specific material, and be used for its intended purpose. All the necessary information about the product is on the packaging, it must be carefully studied before purchasing.
  3. Cleaning the toilet is not limited to washing the toilet itself, but also involves cleaning the cistern and adjacent communications, so it is important to use products that are suitable for a particular part. One and the same remedy cannot be used for everything due to differences in properties. For example, the same tank has many parts made of rubber, plastic and metal in its design.

Many people do not know how to clean the toilet cistern. This problem can be easily solved. To clean the tanks from rust and carry out additional disinfection, a tablet is placed in it. It is a special soluble cleaner that gently cleans the cistern without damaging it and at the same time effectively removes rust stains from the toilet.

Improvised anti-rust products

In case you do not want or cannot use funds from the store, there are many alternative folk remedies to fight rust on the toilet. For this purpose, available tools that can be found in every home are suitable, such as:

  • Oxalic acid;
  • Acetic acid;
  • Hydrochloric acid;
  • Coca-Cola and others.

For example, you can use oxalic acid. In general, all acids are very effective against rust. You need to take it dry and apply it to a damp sponge or cloth. Then you need to strongly rub the contaminated surface and rinse. After you remove plaque and rust, you need to wipe everything with ammonia and rinse with clean water. The toilet will shine and amaze you with its cleanliness.

Another way to deal with rust with the help of available tools is to remove plaque using electrolyte from the battery. Prepare about 15 ml of this substance. It must be applied to a dry surface with a sponge. Now you need to wait about 15-20 minutes and rinse gently. You will have to wash it off several times in order for the solution to be completely removed.

When deciding what is the best way to clean the toilet, it is still preferable to use more gentle means, such as washing powder... Sprinkle it evenly over the surface of the toilet and let it sit for about half an hour. Then thoroughly clean everything with a brush and rinse with water. After that, you can treat the surfaces with a special agent, such as Domestos, and rinse everything clean. If traces of rust are still visible, treat with whiteness, leave for 30 minutes and rinse. The rust should come off completely.

How to remove a stone from a toilet bowl

In addition to rust, other contaminants such as urine or limestone can form on the toilet. How and with what to clean the toilet from the stone? In general, cleaning the toilet, in particular the toilet bowl, is not the most pleasant of household chores. Therefore, it is often carried out carelessly, just to finish as soon as possible. About hard-to-reach places and needless to say. Therefore, the punishment for negligence is invariably unaesthetic brown stains on the toilet and, in addition, yellow plaque.

But in order to remove them, you do not need to rub the surface for hours, fearing to damage it. There are effective stone remedies such as vinegar. So, take a bottle of vinegar, you may need less, and pour the contents down the toilet. The exposure time in this case should be about 8 hours, that is, the whole night.

In the morning, you just need to flush the toilet, easily removing dirt with a brush. If the deposits of the stone have arisen relatively recently and there are few of them, then such a procedure will be quite sufficient. Citric acid can be an alternative to vinegar. Its powder must be mixed with water, making a gruel. Then the mixture is applied to surfaces on which you have noticed limestone deposits, and after a while rinsed with plenty of water.

If the above tools turned out to be ineffective, then there is another way that can remove stubborn dirt, such as rust, stone or plaque on the toilet with your own hands. Take a bottle of cola and pour it into the toilet, leave it overnight. Thanks to the acid in Coca-Cola, the deposits are likely to give in, and in the morning you just need to flush the toilet. warm water to remove any remaining dirt.

If you doubt the dissolving properties of a cola, you can enhance its effect by mixing the drink with other ingredients to create a cocktail. Take a bottle of cola and a couple of bags of baking powder for the dough. If it is not in the house, then soda will do. Pour 3-4 tablespoons of baking soda, citric acid and a little vinegar into a bottle of Coca-Cola. Shake well and pour it over the dirty toilet surface. You need to let it stand for several hours or all night, and wash it off in the morning.

How to remove limescale deposits?

Even if you regularly clean your toilet and the stone does not have time to form on it, then everyone is familiar with the plaque. So how to clean the toilet from plaque? It appears on the surfaces of plumbing fixtures not because the hostess is careless and poorly keeping the plumbing clean, but because of hard water. No one is immune from this, and it is very important to learn how to deal with it.

Most often, plaque appears on internal surfaces and cannot be simply washed off. Thinking about how to clean the inside of the toilet, think about acetic acid. It must be poured inside and after closing the toilet lid, leave overnight. In the morning, you need to rub the dirt well with a brush and rinse everything with water. If the plaque is so persistent that it is not removed the first time, then it will be necessary to repeat the procedure again and again until the result is obtained. Please note that you must not pour too much acid.

Folk remedies are not limited to this. If acid does not help, then there is another method, but it is more aggressive in terms of impact on the surfaces of plumbing. Therefore, it can only be used if metal is supplied to the riser, or cast iron pipes... If you have installed plastic pipes, then under no circumstances use this method.

Take about 200 ml of 33% hydrochloric acid solution. Before opening a container with it, it is better to protect your hands with protective gloves, and your eyes - special glasses. Acid is poured in a thin stream, well distributed over the inner surface of the toilet bowl. Then you need to instantly close the lid and let the solution act for 20 minutes.

When working with acid, try not to breathe in its vapors. Better to hold your breath for a minute altogether. After waiting the required time, flush the toilet. The result will exceed all expectations. But this method should not be used all the time. It is suitable for emergencies when other remedies have already been tried and proved to be ineffective.

The acids listed above, oxalic or citric, can also be great for plaque in mild cases. They need to be diluted in slightly warm water, thus making a 5% solution. The mixture is applied for a couple of hours and then washed off.

Thus, you see that in order to clean the toilet yourself, you do not have to buy expensive chemicals, but you can use home remedies quite successfully.

A bathroom in any home should always be kept clean and tidy. Further, we will learn in detail how to clean old stains. limescale and rust in the toilet, bath and cistern.

If you use plumbing with care, then it will serve for a long time. It is also important to keep a toilet, bathroom, shower stalls, etc. clean. Although it is not easy. The presence of various components in tap water contribute to the formation of unsightly limescale, rust, which cannot be removed by simple rinsing. Powder products do not always cope with such contaminants. Let's explore all possible methods of dealing with this problem.

How and how to remove rust and limescale from the toilet: tips

If the toilet does not yet have old deposits and rust, then the usual simple cleaning measures can save the situation. It is possible to wash all the components of the bathroom with a brush and any toilet cleaner, even prepared on your own at home. It will be enough just to take such a tool to apply to the surface of the toilet bowl inside, just remove the water from it first. Give the product a little time to work, then rub it with a brush and wash off. You should like the result.

IMPORTANT: Chemical composition special cleaners for plumbing has harmful substances for the body. Use protective equipment to work with them. Make sure that no gels or liquids come into contact with your skin.

Cleaning agents for removing rust from the toilet: a list with names, applications

The root cause of the appearance urinary stone there is always hard water. And when the barrel leaks, these deposits appear more often than usual. If rust spots are visible on the surface of the toilet, it means that the water contains a large number of iron - this is due to the fault of the old pipeline.

One of effective options anti-pollution - these are chemicals that are sold on the shelves of supermarkets and shops. Almost any of them will work for solving the problem.

Cleaning the toilet bowl from rust - means

To those funds can be counted:

  1. Gel Cillit Bang, Domestos, Comet
  2. Faberlic, Sanfor, Chistin, Stork
  3. Dressing duck
  4. Sarma, Chistin and others.

The method of cleaning from contamination is written on the labels of the products themselves. Many of them have bad smell which is unhealthy, so use a mask when handling them.

Rust neutralizer for cleaning the toilet: name, how to use?

With this rust converter, you can effortlessly clean the bathroom from rust stains and plaque. Tsinkar you will find in a hardware store, building supermarkets or online portals. With it, you will deal with dirt in a few minutes. It will be enough to apply it, and after a while wash it off the surface. If the stains of dirt are deeply embedded in the surface of the toilet bowl, bathroom, then leave the neutralizer for thirty minutes, and then use a brush to wipe off the plaque. Flush the toilet several times to remove any residual dirt and product.

How to clean a toilet bowl from rust with soda ash: a recipe

This product works great both in combination with other products, and separately. It can wash off fresh stains of rust, urinary stones, if you rub the surface with a brush.

In addition, you can do the following:

  1. Take soda and sprinkle on dirt, leave for two hours
  2. Then pour the vinegar there.
  3. Take a brush, scrub the surface and rinse.

Soda ash- this alkali is much stronger than usual. You can use it without other additives.

Soda ash - cleaning from rust of a bathroom, toilet

How to get rid of rust in the toilet at home with home, improvised means?

If you do not have special cleaning agents, then you can do with other handy ones, which are also quite effective. Suitable for home cleaning plumbing: vinegar, soda, powder, whiteness, citric acid and even Coca-Cola.

Homemade ways to clean plumbing from rust
  • To remove yellow spots on plumbing, use nine percent vinegar... Just pour it on the surface where there is dirt at night, rinse thoroughly in the morning cold water, a ruff.
  • The same can be done with acetic acid, but it will not hurt to close the toilet lid and keep the product on its surface for at least six hours. If you can't get rid of the stains right away, then repeat the entire process a few more times.
  • Also, to have a good effect on the inner surface of the toilet, they put toilet paper, saturate it vinegar to help the stains chew off better.
  • Limescale can be washed off hot water with ammonia... More precisely, you must first apply alcohol, and then rinse everything with hot water.
  • Normal bleach It is also effective in combating rust, it must be applied to the surface for several hours, and then washed off.
  • Washing powder paired with baking soda copes well with old rust stains on toilets, bathroom. It is only necessary to cover the surface with this composition, after a while rub it with a sponge, heavily eaten stains are cleaned with this mixture with ammonia.
  • Vinegar mixed with iodine eats away plaque well. But first, the vinegar must be heated to forty-five degrees. Then add a little iodine, only after this process pour the solution into the inside of the toilet bowl without water. Leave it in this state overnight, wash it off in the morning.
  • Coca Cola acts in the same way as vinegar with iodine. If the stains are deeply ingrained, then use the drink several times until you get the desired result.
  • Do the same with whiteness... To prevent the smell from spreading throughout all rooms, close the toilet bowl with a lid.

If you use strong reagents too often (hydrochloric acid, monochloride iodine, dry oxalic acid), then your plumbing will become unusable. The surface of the bathroom, toilet bowl will receive microcracks, then it will become rough - general form spoil. Therefore, do not bring it to heavy contamination, clean the plumbing more often with non-aggressive means, then it will last a long time and will have an attractive appearance.

It is impossible to ignore the pollution of the toilet sink: disgusting appearance, unpleasant smell in the room. During cleaning, fresh dirt is first washed off, but rust is more difficult to clean, eating into the enamel. Rust and stubborn stains on the toilet can be removed with the help of available tools.

Folk remedies have the same effectiveness in fighting rust as specialized detergents. Most of them remove dirt in a mode that is more gentle for the enamel of the sink and are not as harmful to humans when cleaning as artificial ones. chemical compounds.

Preparing to remove rust from the toilet:

  • prepare thin medical gloves for hands or dense for household work;
  • you need to open the windows, the door to the toilet room for ventilation, turn on the hood or toilet fan;
  • prepare a container to obtain the desired cleaning solution.

Hydrogen peroxide and ammonia

Prepare a solution of 5 grams of ammonia and 100 grams of hydrogen peroxide. Apply the resulting solution to hard-to-reach and particularly rusty places for half an hour.

After the time has elapsed, clean the surface with a stiff brush, rinse with clean water.

Battery electrolyte

If this inorganic acid is at hand, it can be used for, and avoiding unpleasant contact with the surface.

The electrolyte should be kept on the stains for half an hour, then the acid should be thoroughly washed off.

Hydrochloric acid

A small amount of acid should be applied to the stains and left to work for 20 minutes.

Hydrochloric acid is an aggressive substance! When using it, you should wear gloves, a respirator and it is desirable that the room is well ventilated.

Wash off the product with hot water. Boiling water cannot be used for the toilet sink, it may split.


Dissolved Whiteness will be less effective. In preparation for cleaning, you must shut off the water supply to the toilet, which will help prevent premature flushing of the cleaning compound. If it is possible to drain the water from the tank, this should be done.

The whiteness is poured into the toilet sink and left for a long time, for example, overnight or at least a few hours. If it is not possible to leave the liquid in the toilet for a long time, then it is kept for an hour. At the end of this time, remove old stains with a stiff brush, then rinse with clean water.

Vinegar essence

The liquid should act within 15 minutes. It is necessary to moisten a dense cloth with acetic acid and cover the dirt of the toilet with it. After the time has elapsed, it is necessary to grind the acid residues with a stiff brush, removing especially strong dirt, remove the remnants of the product and rinse with running water.

You can also use vinegar to prevent the formation of rusty smudges in the toilet: periodically pour vinegar into the cistern.

Lemon acid

Citric acid is often used in home cleaning, including helping.

It is necessary to make a concentrated solution citric acid and rub the surface with a stiff-bristled brush.

Combination of acetic and citric acids

These organic acids work well in dissolving rust and various stubborn stains.

The proposed method is suitable for those who did not have a brush or other means for mechanical cleaning of stains at hand.

Dissolve two sachets of citric acid in a glass of water. Spray the resulting solution over the surface of the toilet bowl with dirt. Pour acetic acid into the tank. When mixed, these liquids will come into chemical reaction, thanks to which rust stains are successfully dissolved. Allow to react for about five minutes or until characteristic foaming has passed.

With this cleaning, not only the stains will go away, but also the blockage in the pipe.

Dry oxalic acid

It works quickly and removes stains, stains and rust stains without a trace.

Cleaning should be done with gloves!

Dip a damp cloth for cleaning in oxalic acid and grind on a rusty place.

For convenience, you can use a liquid composition: dissolve the acid in such a way as to obtain a five percent solution.

Caustic soda

If there is no time for cleaning, you should pour caustic soda into the waste tank and rinse. It is necessary to carry out such a procedure periodically.

There is one significant drawback of this cleaning method: it is quite difficult not to damage the enamel with soda, as with other abrasive agents.

Carbonated drinks (Coca-Cola) and toothpaste

Experienced housewives prefer this tool. This drink helps in the fight against old stains of the toilet bowl, while improving the patency of pipes. Use liquid in the same way as described for Whiteness.

If the rust stains are very recent, a thick strip of toothpaste will help remove them. For this purpose, it is better to use a bleaching agent. Apply the paste in a thick layer, let stand for 5-10 minutes, rub with a stiff brush and rinse off the remains with running water.

To prevent the appearance of rust in the toilet, it is recommended to carry out daily.

It is quite difficult to clean the toilet bowl from rust and plaque, especially if these layers have been formed for a long time. It is believed that the condition of the apartment can be used to determine the cleanliness of the residents. But the cases may be different: a rented apartment with a dirty toilet, inherited from other tenants, or a lack of funds to replace plumbing. But even a tainted toilet can be cleaned and tidied up with minimal cost time, money and effort.

Fundamental rules

The main problems that you have to face are smudges (when the water comes down), yellowness, as well as urinary calculus, limescale and rust. Regardless of what means will be used to clean the surface, you must follow these rules:

  1. 1. Close the tank if water leaks.
  2. 2. Turn on ventilation or open a window.
  3. 3. Wear rubber gloves, face mask and goggles to protect skin and mucous membranes when using acid-based stone and plaque removers.
  4. 4. Do not use 2 or more chemicals at the same time. Otherwise, the reaction will lead to unforeseen side effects.
  5. 5. Repeat the procedure if one treatment is not enough.
  6. 6. Do not use products that have expired.
  7. 7. Carry out the treatment at least once every 6 months to prevent the formation of stones.
  8. 8. Distribute the cleaning agents evenly over the inside toilet bowl.
  9. 9. Be sure to wash the outside of the toilet as well.

Plaque appears not only on the toilet, but also on the cistern, pipes. Because of this, their service life is significantly reduced. In order for the plumbing to last longer, it is necessary to clean not only the toilet itself, but also the cistern. To do this, pour the vinegar essence or whiteness inside. You can also put special tablets in the tank, which prevent the formation of rusty deposits. By the way, thanks to them, the water is colored in different shades and has a pleasant aroma.

How to wash potassium permanganate from a bath, hands and clothes

Store drugs

To remove stains, rust, deposits and other dirt from the toilet, you can purchase a special household chemicals... Funds differ in form, price and composition. There are several groups.

The first includes abrasive substances. Cleaning powders are the most available means... They contain particles that help wipe off rust. Examples are Sorty, Sarma, Sanita, Komet, Pemolux. The advantages of such funds include low cost and ease of use. Some of them can remove dirt not only from the toilet, but also sinks, bathtubs and even dishes.

It is very simple to use powder preparations: you need to moisten the surface, pour in the product, rub it a little, then wait 20-30 minutes. Then it is supposed to rub inner surfaces toilet bowl with a stiff brush or sponge. This method helps to clean the toilet only if the rust is only on the surface and has not penetrated deeply. Powders will not cope with old stains. Another disadvantage is that particles can enter the respiratory organs of a person.

The second group is liquid products. They are presented by creams and gels, and will not damage the ceramics. Such products are able to remove stains due to the fact that the active ingredients penetrate directly into the plaque. It is very convenient to use gels and creams.

Liquid cleaners are conventionally divided into acidic and alkaline, depending on their composition. The latter include Sarma-gel, Dosya, Domestos. The main active ingredient is sodium hydroxide. It quickly dissolves rust, but does not spoil the surface of the toilet. It is enough just to apply gels or creams on dirty surfaces, wait a few hours and rinse everything off. The only downside is the unpleasant smell. In addition, such preparations can only get rid of rust, but not other types of stains.

Acidic agents help remove yellow plaque. Usually formic, oxalic or hydrochloric acids are included in different concentrations. Such substances are able to cope with rust as well. For example, you can purchase Komet, Dressing Duck, Silit-Bank. Their disadvantages include only toxic fumes.

Folk remedies

At home, you can independently prepare toilet bowl cleaners with your own hands. They are no less effective than store-bought ones. Are used:

  1. 1. Vinegar. Use liquid with 9% concentration. Heat a glass with such a product to 40 0 ​​С. Pour the contents into the tank and toilet bowl. Wait a few hours. The procedure is carried out every time at night - several sessions are enough. To enhance the effect, you can add salt or iodine to the solution.
  2. 2. Citric acid. Is an great alternative vinegar. It is necessary to pour the contents of 2 sachets into the toilet and the cistern and wait 2 hours. The procedure is recommended to be repeated 2-3 times.
  3. 3. Whiteness. Universal remedy... It must be mixed with water. Not recommended for use in pure form from poisonous fumes.
  4. 4. Baking soda. This is a popular, inexpensive remedy. It must be covered with a thick layer on dirty surfaces. It is best to do it before bed, so that later you do not use the toilet until the morning. Baking soda does not emit toxic fumes when it comes into contact with lime, which is an advantage of this product. In the morning, all that remains is to drain the water.
  5. 5. Carbonated water with citric acid. You need to pour a few liters of water into the cistern and toilet. They will look fresher and cleaner in the morning.
  6. 6. Oxalic acid. This product can be purchased at a hardware store, but you need to be careful when using it, as it is poisonous. It is imperative to protect your hands with rubber gloves, and your face with a gauze bandage. Powdered oxalic acid is supposed to be applied to the toilet bowl where limescale and urinary stones are located. Then you need to wait a few hours. After that, it remains only to rinse everything with warm water.
  7. 7. Coca-Cola. Oddly enough, but this drink is comparable in effectiveness to professional cleaning agents. Even experienced plumbers recommend using this drink for cleaning drains and pipes. It is necessary to pour 4 liters of liquid into the toilet. First, it is supposed to remove water. Then you need to wait for the night, and in the morning just drain the water and clean the walls with a brush.

All available tools are affordable and cheap. They help to deal with light pollution. But if they did not help, then it is necessary to move on to stronger means.

There are several ways to help remove rust from your toilet. For this, strong concentrated chemical compounds are used. It is preliminarily recommended to buy personal protective equipment (gloves, respirator). If concentrates come into contact with the skin or eyes, rinse the problem areas under running water.

You can remove rust from the toilet using industrial cleaning products - this is the simplest, most affordable and effective method. Depending on the composition and mechanism of action on rust, cleaning agents are divided into several groups:

  1. 1 "Dressing duck", "Cillit" refers to acidic products. They clean the toilet effectively and are affordable. Acidic products are easy to use: they applied, waited for the allotted time, rubbed with a brush for efficiency and washed off. Such compositions have disinfecting properties and a pleasant aroma. But they are very concentrated and can harm the skin.
  2. 2 "Domestos" are classified as alkaline and effective means that can handle the strong but surface pollution... "Domestos" is applied to the dirt area, left to act for 20-25 minutes, and then washed off with water. The procedure can be repeated several times.
  3. 3 "Comets" are abrasive toilet care products. These are some of the most popular and cheapest sanitary ware cleaners. It is applied to the toilet, intensively cleaning the places of dirt. The product is washed off with water after 15-20 minutes. The disadvantages of this method, experts consider the possibility of damage to the surface of the toilet, which can lead to the reappearance of dirt and rust.

The use of improvised means

To clean the rust in the toilet, the following cleaning methods are used:

  1. 1 Mix ammonia and hydrogen peroxide in a ratio of 1: 5. Apply this mixture to problem areas in the toilet, wait 30 minutes, rub with a brush and rinse with water.
  2. 2 An excellent cleaning agent - regular store Coca-Cola, Fanta or Sprite. Pour 1 liter of one of these drinks into the toilet and wait 30 minutes. Then rinse with water. You can lay a rag on the area with rust, and pour a soda drink on it. After 30 minutes, the rag is taken away, the toilet is flushed.
  3. 3 Effectively cope with acid rust deposits - hydrochloric and oxalic. They can be used individually or together. Spread 20 g of acid on the contaminated site. After 25-30 minutes, problem areas are cleaned with a brush. A large amount of water is drained into the toilet.
  4. 4 Battery electrolyte can easily remove rust in the toilet bowl. To do this, you need to apply it to dirt and rinse off after 30 minutes. This cleaning method cannot be used if the drain system is equipped with plastic pipes.
  5. 5 Application of "Whiteness" - the product is poured into the toilet bowl at night, and in the morning the product is cleaned with a brush and rinsed with water.
  6. 6 Regular Toothpaste applied to rust, treated with a brush, washed off after 30 minutes with water.
  7. 7 You can pour a few bags of citric acid into the toilet, wait 2-3 hours and rinse with water.
  8. 8 Application of 70% vinegar - it is necessary to heat 1 glass of vinegar to a temperature of 40-45 ° С. The liquid is poured into the toilet, left overnight. In the morning, the plumbing is rinsed with water. For greater effectiveness, you can add 1 tbsp to vinegar. l. soda. The procedure is repeated if necessary. If 9% vinegar is used, then iodine is added to the container.

Additional formulations

If the rust is cleaned with special means, then 2-3 bottles of the composition or 2-3 plates of tablets are required. It is preliminarily recommended to study the instructions, buy protective equipment. Then it is necessary to remove the water in the area of ​​problem areas. This will require a disposable cup, a long stick, and gloves (to protect your hands from scalding).

The tool is left for an hour, but is periodically topped up. Then the plumbing fixture is polished with a brush, then the drain button is pressed. If the rust is partially destroyed, then the procedure is repeated. If an ineffective result is obtained, another remedy or "Whiteness" with a plunger is used.

In the latter case, you will need to pump the water until it remains in the bowl. Then a bottle of "Whiteness" is poured or the procedure with a glass is repeated. The procedure is performed at night. Everything is washed off in the morning. This technique is applied until the rust is completely removed.

Before cleaning rust at home, it is recommended to buy 33% hydrochloric acid. You will first need to wear protective gloves and a respirator. A medical gown or a kitchen apron is used if necessary. 200 ml of acid is poured onto the surface of the bowl.

It is recommended to dry the bowl beforehand. The solution is poured neatly. Do not inhale or spray acid. Then the removable toilet lid is closed. The mixture must be left to act for 15 minutes. The product is washed off. Hydrochloric acid can be replaced with another similar solution. This technique is used if the toilet is connected to the system using metal pipes.

If the plaque is negligible, then lemon wedges are used.

Then everything is washed off with warm water. If the above methods are ineffective, then you will need the help of professionals.

Prevention measures

There are several ways to prevent rust:

  1. 1 If the problem is related to poor quality water, then it is recommended to install a filter.
  2. 2 First of all, adjust your toilet tank so that no water flows out of it. You can do this yourself. To do this, bend the lever of the float in the tank. This technique will reduce the amount of water used.
  3. 3 Application special means for water in a tank: they come in the form of soluble tablets, powder or solution. Such compositions paint water in a pleasant color, freshen the air, and prevent the formation of rust and other deposits.
  4. 4 It is recommended to replace the faience toilet bowl with a new analogue, since on a rough surface, dirt and rust settles faster and penetrates deeper. At the same time, it is recommended to buy plumbing fixtures with a special water-repellent glaze.
  5. 5 When choosing plumbing, preference should be given to products coated with a water-repellent substance. They are more expensive than conventional ones, but they effectively prevent dirt and rusty deposits from settling on the walls of the toilet.
  6. 6 In the event of minor breakdowns, they should be eliminated in a timely manner.
  7. 7 It is easier to remove fresh stains than old ones, therefore it is recommended to constantly clean the toilet and keep the toilet clean.