Cleaning the toilet from urinary stones with folk remedies. How to clean the toilet from urinary stones, rust and other deposits: the pros and cons of different ways

There is an opinion that a clean sink and a clean toilet are the face of the hostess, but in fact, not only the reputation of the woman caring for him, but also the health of the household depends on cleanliness. The toilet is a place where pathogenic bacteria constantly accumulate, and the presence of limescale in the drain pipes and urinary stone contributes to this.

There is an opinion that a clean sink and a clean toilet are the face of the hostess, but in fact, not only the reputation of the woman caring for him, but also the health of the household depends on cleanliness. The toilet is a place where pathogenic bacteria constantly accumulate, and the presence of limescale and urinary stones in the drain pipes contributes to this.

The reasons for the appearance of urinary stones on the walls of the toilet

The appearance of a urinary calculus depends on many factors. The cause may be poor water quality in the cistern, infrequent flushing when using the toilet, a broken cistern, old plumbing and poor enamel coating of the drain, or all of these reasons together.

Urinary calculus is a plaque consisting of lime and mineral deposits. V to a greater extent the amount of these deposits will depend on the regularity of cleaning the plumbing and on the condition of the pipes, the more rough places in the drain pipe, the easier it will be for mineral deposits to settle there, the thicker the stone layer will be.

What is necessary

To remove limescale from the drain pipe you will need:

  • rubber gloves;
  • container for removing water from the toilet or plunger;
  • cleaning agent.

How to clean urinary stones from the toilet

To clean the toilet bowl from corrosive plaque, you first need to remove all available water from the drain pipe, for this you need to block the access of water and remove the existing one, this can be done using an old ladle, or a can, a large syringe, plunger or any other container, which you can remove excess liquid from the drain hole.

The presence of water will reduce the effectiveness of the stone remover, so for maximum effect, it's worth a little tinkering to get the desired result.

Then, carefully protecting your hands from aggressive agents, you need to apply them to the urinary stone, leaving for a long time, ideally overnight. After some time, the stone is removed with a hard sponge, brush, brush, spatula, you can use a plastic knife or a knife, or another thing with a fairly hard surface. However, it is worth considering, injuring the surface of the drain, that the problem with urinary calculus will form more often.

Folk remedies

The choice of means for dealing with stone plaque is quite large, you can use a special solution or gel purchased in the store, you can choose a remedy from the available materials at home.

What can be used to remove stone from a pipe drain?


Vinegar is found in almost every home, and its use is not limited to culinary needs. The scope of its application is quite wide and one of these uses is cleaning the toilet bowl.

To cleanse drain pipe the toilet bowl from plaque will need vinegar, about a glass and old rags. It is advisable to warm the vinegar, although a solution can be used room temperature... Then, with warmed vinegar, after putting on gloves, we abundantly soak old rags and put them on the affected areas of the drain. The toilet is closed with a lid and left on for a while. The plaque under the influence of vinegar softens and is easily separated from the surface with a spatula or knife.

Lemon acid

Citric acid should be applied with a damp sponge or rag in a thick layer to the affected areas, left for several hours, and then stung with a hard sponge or brush. Sometimes the procedure should be repeated until plaque is completely removed.

Oxalic acid

The principle of working with oxalic acid is the same as when working with citric acid... Oxalic acid crystals are applied to a wet surface in a thick layer and left for some time, then the surface is cleaned with a hard sponge.

It should be borne in mind that oxalic acid is very corrosive and gloves must be worn when working with it!

Baking soda and soda ash

Both baking soda and soda ash, to clean the drain pipe, can be used both in pure form, and in a company with acetic acid, and some housewives also attract chlorine bleach.

In the case of choosing chlorine for cleaning the toilet, care should be taken to protect the lungs from the release of corrosive gas; for this purpose, you should take care of good ventilation of the toilet room and the ability to tightly close the toilet.

Baking soda, in relation to soda ash, is converted with the help of water into a thick slurry, which is applied to damaged surfaces. If desired, after a while, soda gruel is sprayed with vinegar on top and / or chlorine bleach... Then, with a stiff brush, the mixture is removed along with the plaque. Repeat the procedure if necessary.

Coca Cola or Sprite

Due to the fact that imported soda contains a large amount of citric acid, it is often used to remove various deposits and scale. Coca-Cola has also proven itself in toilet bowl cleaning.

Such a tasty and not the cheapest method is quite effective; if necessary, the soda can even be heated. The effect occurs in about 3-4 hours.


Whiteness contains in its composition a caustic ingredient that removes lime deposits well, while it dissolves it entirely. The whiteness effect can be compared to the effect known to many housewives, Domestos.


One of the most unhealthy ways to remove scale is to use chlorine. Working with this tool requires special care, as with inept handling, you can get a burn respiratory tract... Due to its properties, allowing not only to remove plaque, but also to kill all possible germs, chlorine is still one of the most common means used to clean toilets.

Store funds

Modern household chemicals allow you to quickly and effectively eliminate any problem, including removing limescale formed in the toilet.


This tool has already been mentioned above. Domestos dissolves limescale in the drain pipe, softens it and makes it easy to fix the problem. The product usually has a gel structure and does not immediately drain from the surface, which allows it to be excluded during use. additional elements such as old rags. Contains chlorine!

Dressing Duck

Another remedy for fighting plaque and bacteria is the dressing duck. Its main component is hydrochloric acid. The method of application is the same. It is necessary to apply the product in a thin layer on the damaged areas and leave for a while, if necessary, repeat. Then clean the drain with a stiff brush or sponge and rinse with copious amounts of water.


The composition of this product also contains hydrochloric acid. According to users, it has proven itself to be excellent in cleaning toilets from limescale build-up.


Another modern remedy for the fight against bacteria and limescale deposits under the rim of the toilet and in drain holes... The tool has proven itself well in the fight against limescale and rust. Method of application - apply the product to the damaged areas, leave for 15-20 minutes and then remove with a brush or hard sponge.


Cleaning agent produced by the Aist company. Differs in an affordable price and fast cleaning effect.

Mister Muscle

To remove limescale in the toilet, choose Mister Muscle Granules. Crystals are applied to a damp damaged surface, which is then brushed and rinsed with water.


Specially developed product for removing limescale from plumbing fixtures. Apply according to the instructions.

Strong chemistry

If the dirt is very old and the layer of calcareous build-up is very thick, then potent substances come into play.

It should be noted that their frequent use is contraindicated!

Hydrochloric acid

The use of hydrochloric acid requires compliance with safety rules. It is not recommended to inhale acid vapors! It is forbidden to use acid in the presence of plastic pipes. Always use protective gloves!

Acid is applied to inner surface toilet bowl and under the rim, left on for 15 minutes and washed off with a brush and a large stream of water.

Battery electrolyte

The main component of battery electrolyte, which is the main active element in a car battery, is sulfuric acid. With school curriculum it is known that this substance extremely dangerous and must be used with extreme caution and only in the most extreme cases.

Orthophosphoric acid

This substance will allow you to get rid of urinary stones in just 10-15 minutes. It can be used even with plastic elements and pipes. Use of rubber gloves is mandatory!

How to remove urinary stones from the toilet rim

The principle of cleaning the toilet from the plaque under the rim does not differ from cleaning the drain pipe, only in this case the cleaning agent is applied directly under the rim of the toilet. It is better to choose liquid, products that are easy to apply under the rim. For example, use household chemicals in convenient plastic containers with a curved spout. Then you should use a toilet brush to remove the dirt. A powerful syringe can be used to flush.

What to do if the toilet is clogged with urinary stones

It so happens that a urinary stone forms on the walls of the drain pipe, in places inaccessible to the human eye. In these cases, residents often experience intermittent blockages.

To eliminate this problem, you can use special means to eliminate blockages, which help to corrode not only the blockages themselves, but also the stone due to which they arose. If there are frequent blockages, it may be worth calling a professional to fix the problem.

Features of cleaning toilets made of various materials

When cleaning the toilet, consider the materials it is made of. Nowadays, the toilet bowls themselves are most often made of ceramics or earthenware, however, the pipes can be different materials, from plastic, metal, at the same time from metal and plastic. Pipe connections can be made of plastic or rubber. These nuances should be taken into account when choosing products to eliminate contamination.

If the toilet is made of porcelain. When cleaning porcelain toilets, it is important not to damage the enamel with which it is covered, extra scratches on the surface lead to the destruction of the toilet and contribute to the rapid clogging of damaged areas with limescale, and urinary tartar forms even faster. Cleaning with abrasive products and powders should be avoided here. For cleaning porcelain toilet bowls, it is best to choose acidic and alkaline cleaners.

Ceramics and faience. When cleaning ceramic and earthenware toilets, a hydrochloric acid solution is ideal. Metal brushes, spatulas should be excluded, as they form scratches. When handling a toilet bowl, it is not recommended to use boiling water if there is no desire to change a burst toilet bowl.

Polymer concrete. For toilets made from polymer concrete, gel cleaners and liquid cleaners work well.

Stainless steel. The most unpretentious toilet bowls are made of this material, however, they are also quite rare. When cleaning stainless steel toilets, any cleaning and auxiliary products are suitable. A spatula, iron brushes, all of this will not do any harm to the toilet. You can also use boiling water in the processing.

Methods for preventing stone deposits

Any problem is easier to prevent than to fix. In order for a urinary stone to be deposited less often, some rules should be followed.

Simple ways to keep your toilet clean:

  1. Clean the toilet regularly, without waiting for the accumulation of stony deposits on the walls.
  2. Use tablets or gels to soften the water in the tank.
  3. Replace old plumbing in a timely manner.
  4. Avoid stagnant water in the toilet, if you plan to leave for a long time, pour a small amount of cleaning agent into the drain pipe.
  5. Watch the serviceability of the drain tank.

In the absence of regular maintenance of the toilet, inside a layer of urinary calculus gradually appears. Of course, The best way solving a problem - preventing it, but in some cases a person is "faced with the fact." How to clean this faience friend inside? Let's imagine several common ways.

Reasons for the appearance

A urinary calculus is a build-up of minerals that gets on the toilet bowl along with urine, and settles on them if the flush is insufficient. Most often, it appears under the rim of the toilet and in a place of stagnant water.

The sooner you start to deal with this unpleasant raid, the greater the likelihood of "victory"

The main reasons for its occurrence:

  • small children in the family who often forget to use the flush after using the toilet;
  • faulty tank;
  • defects in the surface of the toilet, retaining urinary calculus;
  • deterioration of plumbing with the accompanying roughness of its walls.

Toilet cleaning methods

In case of strong plaque, the product will most likely have to be applied more than once, coping with the "stone deposits" layer by layer

To remove this plaque from the surface of the toilet, the following tools are suitable:

  • Soda. It is advisable to give preference to the caustic, however, in a critical situation, you can even use the usual food. It is applied with a cleaning sponge, after which it must be left there for 5-10 hours - ideally overnight - and rinsed off with a brush. Gloves are required when using caustic to avoid burns.
  • Bura. It is enough to pour one cup of powder inside, and then close it with a lid for several hours. Again, it is best to leave the substance overnight and brush or brush before rinsing.
  • Vitamin C. Very popular folk recipe, involving the use of two large tablets of vitamin C. The actions with them are the same: at night in the toilet - cleaning - flushing.
  • Hydrogen peroxide. It is often used in a mixture with ammonia, however, this method has a significant drawback - the need to apply a cleaning agent with a sponge. Subsequently, you will have to remove the lime layer by feeding large quantities water.
  • White. A common product, which is also poured onto a contaminated surface, is left there until morning and washed off. It is better not to apply whiteness to plastic elements - it can damage them.
  • In especially "difficult" cases, the use of hydrochloric acid will help, dissolving very thick layers of plaque. Gloves and a respirator mask are required here, plus it is worth closing the toilet for the period of its operation and turning on the hood in it before the final flushing / cleaning, since breathing acid fumes is far from the most useful activity in life.


To achieve success in this field, it is important to follow a number of rules:

Sometimes brushing is not enough, especially in areas where the cleaning agent is washed out with water and you have to use your hands and an abrasive sponge
  • Regularity of cleaning. You need to clean the surface of the toilet regularly - and at least once a week. It is not necessary to leave the chosen remedy for a long time: half an hour is enough for prevention.
  • Tank. The amount of urinary stones depends on the amount of water that goes into the sewer system. It is important that the tank does not leak and that the float does not "slide" to the side. As a last resort, you can put several plastic bottles filling them with sand: this will reduce the amount of incoming water.
  • Water softening tablets to reduce the formation of urinary stones. They fit into the cistern and provide light coloring and flavoring of the water.

We spend a lot of our life in the bathroom, it already happens :) Therefore, everything should be beautiful, clean and comfortable there. But here's the trouble - on the walls of the toilet bowl, growths of urinary stones are often formed, which must be removed. Otherwise, there can be no question of cleanliness and comfort. The blog "Tips from a Seasoned Plumber" offers time and practice methods for removing urinary calculus in the toilet. Moreover, advice using what can be found in every home. So..

When does a urinary stone appear and how to remove it

Most often, deposits on the walls of the toilet are found in crowded apartments, where there is one bathroom for several people. Ugly and foul-smelling plaque on the walls of the toilet does not appear immediately, but growths are necessarily formed. Unless, of course, you do not take preventive measures :)

Therefore, the removal of urinary calculus will take a minimum of time if you pour half a glass of Whiteness into it once a week for 1-2 hours (household bleach solution for bleaching and disinfecting linen). Do not forget to close the toilet lid - the smell of bleach spreads quickly. Then it remains only to drain the water after an hour or two, carefully remove the deposits wooden stick and forget about this unpleasant procedure for a week or two.

But if you got a running plumbing fixture or the hostess was absent from the house for a long time and no one looked after the toilet, then more drastic measures are needed.

How to clean a toilet bowl from urinary stones

Do not try to scrape with an iron mesh or a brush: the process is long, traces of metal remain on the sanitary ceramics, and it will not be possible to completely get rid of the build-ups.

You can dissolve a urinary stone that has grown over a long time in several simple ways:

  • The most effective one has already been described - pouring bleach. To improve the effect, repeat the procedure until the urinary calculus is completely removed. A small note: if the hostess is in an "interesting position", then the bleach method cannot be used.
  • Add ½ pack of soda ash overnight. It is washed off in the morning in several steps, but it works well. Provided that no one used the "night vase" during the entire procedure.
  • Pour a bottle of Coca-Cola or Sprite (1.5 L) down the toilet overnight. The citric acid and carbon dioxide contained in these drinks "eat up" unsightly growths on the walls of the toilet bowl. How it works - see the video at the end of the article.
Save so as not to lose!

Note: there are councils to clean the toilet bowl from urinary stones with completely exotic methods- pour in heated vinegar (think about what will happen to the enamel after scalding) or electrolyte from under the battery (the plastic corrugation to the toilet will not withstand, but sewer riser will be under the threat of leakage), add oxalic acid (destroys enamel) and other methods. Don't risk it. The toilet is an expensive device, and financial costs are needed to replace it. Just try one of the above methods. It will definitely work, checked :)

And one more piece of advice: if your cup for a toilet brush is tightly closed, pour a little bleach ("Whiteness") there. This will keep the cup and brush clean and disinfect the toilet each time you use the brush.

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Every housewife dreams of her house shining with cleanliness. But modern life women are not always given this opportunity. Work, children, family - now there is no time for cleaning. If the toilet is not cleaned for a long time, urinary calculi may form on the surface. A urinary stone is a build-up of minerals that, along with urine, end up on the toilet bowl. Usually, urinary calculus forms under the rim of the toilet bowl, as well as in a place of stagnant water.

Why is urinary stone formed?

  1. Most often, urinary calculus forms on toilets with untimely and insufficient drainage. This is especially true in families with small children. Kids do not always remember about flushing and minerals from urine are eaten into the walls of the toilet bowl.
  2. If the drain barrel is defective, it also contributes to the formation of limescale and urinary calculi.
  3. Plumbing with a defect or rough surface is perfect place for the accumulation of dirt, germs, plaque and stone.
  4. Old toilets with a long service life are most susceptible to urinary calculi.

The urinary stone tends to grow and increase in size. If not dealt with, it significantly narrows the opening of the toilet bowl and pipes. Therefore, if you are faced with such a problem, there is no need to delay its solution. It is necessary to fight with urinary stones here and now!

  1. First you need to drain the toilet. This is easy to do with a mug with a handle - just drain out the water. After all, any remedy works much more efficiently without water.
  2. Then put on gloves and a respirator mask. Most modern chemicals quite aggressive.
  3. Take any cleaning product that says it can fight urinary stones. For example, the Dressing Duck, made with hydrochloric acid, is very effective even in stagnant water. Domestos has a line of household chemicals special tool, designed specifically for urinary stones. According to the manufacturer, this tool completely destroys even old one-year-old growths. It is very effective in the fight against urinary stones and Cillit, its effectiveness is noted by many housewives. Another powerful household cleaning product is Mister Muscle granules. It not only cleans the toilet bowl from urinary stones, but also whitens the surface. Choice professional tool household chemicals is yours.
  4. Apply the product of your choice to the rim of the toilet and to any areas where urinary calculus has built up. Leave it on for a couple of hours. You cannot use the toilet at this time.
  5. After the indicated time, rub the sides and rim of the toilet bowl with a brush. It is better not to use metal brushes, they can scratch the plumbing, which leads to the re-formation of plaque.
  6. Of course, it will not be possible to get rid of a dense and thick plaque at one time. The procedure can be repeated if necessary. Thus, you will, over and over again, get rid of the thickness of the urinary stone until you remove it completely.
  7. Please note that the bathroom must be free of children and animals during processing. Chlorine household chemicals very toxic.

How to get rid of urinary stones with improvised means

If you don't have specialized gels on hand, you can use what you have at home. Here are a few effective ways getting rid of urinary stones.

  1. Vinegar. This is an excellent recipe for urinary calculus removal. For this we need vinegar, baking soda, and iodine. These ingredients are found in every home. A glass of vinegar should be slightly warmed up. Take not very strong, 9% is usually enough. Be careful not to inhale the vapors of the heated liquid. Then add a spoonful of baking soda and a teaspoon of iodine to the hot vinegar. Stir the mixture and pour it down the toilet. It is best to do this at night so that the prepared product has time to work. In the morning, go over the toilet bowl with a brush and rinse everything thoroughly.
  2. Bleach. It is very aggressive and very effective remedy to fight urinary stones. However, it does not work in water; it must first be bled out. Pour in a glass of any chlorine bleach and let sit for a few hours.
  3. Lemon acid. This is another effective way to get rid of plaque. You don't need to do anything, just pour 3-4 sachets of citric acid into the toilet. Leave it on for a while. This will not completely remove the stone, but small build-ups can be easily removed.
  4. Chlorine. Buy a bag of bleach and put it in the toilet. It is best to leave the product overnight. Bleach not only helps to destroy the stone, but also disinfects the surface, which is also important. In addition, after chlorine-containing products, the toilet will shine white again, like new.
  5. Anticalc. it universal remedy for removing any type of plaque - scale, urinary stone, limescale. Empty a bag of this powder down the toilet overnight. In the morning you will find that the urinary stone began to fall off by itself, in pieces. Residual dirt will need to be cleaned with a brush or brush.
  6. Oxalic acid. This product is suitable for stubborn and old growths. Oxalic acid is available at hardware stores and is a powder. white... When using oxalic acid, it is very important to wear a respirator and gloves, as the product is very toxic and corrosive. If the urinary calculus is localized only at the drain, the acid must be poured into the water. If a stone has formed on the rim of the toilet bowl, you need to apply a little powder to a cloth and gently wipe the contaminated areas. Leave the toilet for a while, then go over it again with a brush and press the flush button.
  7. Carbonated drinks. It is modern but very effective remedy getting rid of urinary stones. Take a couple of bottles of Coca-Cola, Sprite or Fanta and pour it down the toilet. Leave it on for three to four hours. The high concentration of citric acid breaks down the stone and cleans the toilet bowl.
  8. Electrolyte. This is the most thermonuclear remedy for urinary stones. The electrolyte is used in car batteries, but it perfectly destroys various types of growths. However, before use, you should make sure that all pipes of your sewer system metal. Plastic pipes may be damaged. So, put some electrolyte in the toilet and let it sit for a couple of hours. After that, proceed in the same way as in the previous methods - clean and rinse.

It is worth noting that urinary calculus appears on running plumbing when the toilet is not cleaned for a long time. Therefore, in order to avoid such growths, you need to regularly, at least once a week, clean the toilet with prophylactic means. Any household chemicals will cope with minor pollution. To do this, it is enough to pour a little chlorine-containing agent over the rim of the toilet, and then rinse everything off with water.

Also pay attention to the serviceability of the drain tank. If water is constantly flowing, it contributes to the formation of calcareous and urinary stones. This is especially true in regions with hard water. To soften the water, you can put a small filter in the tank, which will protect the toilet from various types of growths.

An excellent prevention of the formation of urinary stones are special plates and tablets that are attached to the inner wall of the toilet bowl. At each drain, the surface is cleaned and disinfected, which is important for general hygiene.

As noted, urinary calculus forms on rough surfaces, in places of chips and cracks. To avoid this, you need to protect the surface of the toilet and do not clean it with abrasive products. Do not pour the remnants of hot food into the toilet - it can cause microcracks to form.

An old, damaged toilet is a potential site for urinary calculus to build up. Having eliminated it once, be prepared for its reappearance. To avoid the constant struggle, you need to buy and install new toilet with a glossy surface. Monitor its condition, regularly clean its surface, and the urinary stone will no longer bother you!

Video: how to wipe the toilet bowl in 15 minutes from a one-year-old urinary stone

Any good housewife knows that a clean toilet is the main indicator of the sanitary cleanliness of a home. Contamination such as limescale, is not always easy to clean. But it is this yellowish layering that makes the toilet particularly untidy. How can you return your "faience friend" to its original appearance?

How can you clean the toilet from limescale

Various minerals and lime, present in the water, are retained on the surface of the toilet in the form of a characteristic plaque. The hardness of the water determines the rate of its occurrence - the higher it is, the faster the layering occurs. The process can take from several weeks to months. Removing a thin layer of lime is possible with conventional toilet cleaners, which are applied to its entire inner surface and left overnight, after which the plaque is cleaned off with a brush and rinsed off with water.

Before applying any product, completely remove the water from the toilet bowl and the visible part of the drain. This can be done with a plunger, any narrow container with a handle, or by soaking up with a rag.

There are many special tools that can dissolve the layering - Domestos, Dressing Duck, Santry and others. Their cost varies from rather cheap to hard hitting on the pocket. With their help, plaque can be dissolved very quickly without time-consuming processes. Therefore, if you do not have an allergy to these funds, then they can be used with a strong plaque that does not lend itself to folk remedies. For the use of factory products:

  • read the instructions carefully;
  • wear rubber gloves;
  • remove all liquid from the toilet bowl drain, dry the surface with a rag;
  • apply the product;
  • leave it for the time specified in the instructions;
  • clean the plaque with a brush;
  • close the toilet lid and rinse off.

A colored toilet can be cleaned with the same products as a white one, but any abrasives will leave noticeable scratches on it.

Dressing duck and others industrial facilities well remove plaque and remove unpleasant odors from the surface of the toilet

If you want the toilet to retain its original appearance for a long time, take preventive measures... They will avoid the occurrence of plaque. And if it appears, first try some proven folk remedies, including:

  • baking soda;
  • vinegar;
  • lemon acid;
  • Coca Cola;
  • Whiteness, etc.

Ways to get rid of limescale deposits on the toilet

Factory and folk remedies differ in price and composition, but they are all based on three active substances: alkali, acid and abrasive.

  1. Such irreplaceable agents as citric acid, vinegar and chlorine in the form of Whiteness allow you to remove the insignificant limescale with the highest quality. These funds can be reused if they didn't work the first time. It should be borne in mind that all folk methods do not act as fast as store-bought ones, and require a lot of effort.
  2. If plaque has been accumulating for many months and does not give in to specialized drugs, all hope remains on potent drugs. Among them are oxalic acid and electrolyte.

There are also some effective non-traditional remedies, such as Coca-Cola.

Coca-Cola is not only tasty, but also effective when cleaning a toilet bowl from limescale

How to use citric acid

  1. Take 2-3 sachets of citric acid.
  2. Pour the substance onto problem areas.
  3. Close the toilet lid and wait 3 hours.
  4. Work well with a brush and rinse with water.

How to remove limescale with Coca-Cola and citric acid - video

Step-by-step instructions for cleaning a toilet bowl with vinegar

To clean the toilet with this tool you will need:

  • 1 cup 9% vinegar
  • 2 tsp baking soda.

Operating procedure:

  • Pour vinegar into a saucepan.
  • Heat liquid to approx. 40 ° C.
  • Add soda.
  • Pour the sizzling solution onto the lime-covered areas.
  • After 8 hours, rinse the mixture with a bloom with warm water.

By using the products available in every kitchen, you can effectively remove limescale from the toilet bowl

How to clean the toilet bowl from strong limescale deposits with vinegar - video

How to use Whiteness correctly

  1. Drain the toilet bowl from the inside with a cloth and absorb water from the drain.
  2. Pour a bottle of Whiteness and do not use the toilet for 12 hours, and be sure to close it with a lid so that harmful vapors remain inside.
  3. When the plaque softens, immediately rinse off the product with water, and then clean the toilet.

The easiest way to clean the toilet from plaque - video

Features of cleaning the tank, lid and toilet seat

To clean the tank, first turn off the water tap, and then drain water from the device. Use a neutral product without acids that can destroy rubber and plastic elements. To prevent plaque, it is worth attaching special hard plates to the wall of the tank. To clean the toilet seat and lid, select detergent with a minimum of alkalis, acids or chlorine, because the remnants of aggressive substances can cause a chemical burn on the skin when using the toilet.

Removing plaque with oxalic acid

The substance is available in dry powder form at your local hardware store. It belongs to carboxylic acids and has moderate toxicity. The time of exposure to the substance should be strictly observed so that it does not have time to corrode the enamel. However, this acid ensures the flawless whiteness of the toilet, even if it is not used neat, but as part of any product. Before using them, you should carefully study the instructions for use and take all the safety measures specified in it. In particular, be sure to wear thick rubber gloves.

  1. Take a piece of cloth and dampen it.
  2. Pour powder onto the cloth and wipe off all areas with lime formation (to clean the drain, dissolve the powder in the water remaining in it).
  3. Wait one hour.
  4. Clean off plaque with a brush and water.

An effective way to clean stubborn limescale is to use pure oxalic acid or products based on it.

Toilet bowl cleaning electrolyte

Battery electrolyte is one of the most effective, but at the same time, the most dangerous means for getting rid of limescale, as it can leave chemical burns. To use it, acquire all personal protective equipment - a rubberized apron, a respirator, goggles, thick rubber gloves.

  1. Pour the electrolyte very carefully onto the areas with lime deposits, avoiding splashing.
  2. Close the toilet lid and wait 15 minutes.
  3. Wash off electrolyte along with plaque big amount water.

The electrolyte is effective but dangerous remedy for removing limescale

Possible errors when cleaning toilets - table

Erroneous actionsTheir consequences
the acid-based cleaning agent stays on the faience longer than the required timedestruction of enamel and as a result - it is much more difficult to remove dirt on such a toilet, since they eat into the faience
rinsing off water after cleaning with an aggressive agent when open lid toilet bowlsplashes of the active substance can get on the skin or eyes, which is fraught with chemical burns
cleaning the toilet without protective equipmentallergic skin reactions and chemical burns
the use of acid and electrolyte-based products, if metal-plastic pipes are installedpipes may partially dissolve and leak
bend over the toilet strongly when cleaning itthere is a risk of inhalation of harmful fumes

What to do to prevent limescale deposits from accumulating: preventive measures

With limescale, as in many other cases, sometimes problems are better avoided than solved. To prevent build-up of build-up on your sanitary appliance, follow these steps:

  • clean with special non-aggressive means at least once a week: the frequency is determined by the number of people who use the toilet;
  • always after use, it is necessary to drain the water and clean it with a brush, if necessary;
  • repair a leaking tank in time to avoid drips and at the same time save on water charges;
  • it is important to use special tablets or anti-plaque agents, which eventually remove the layer of lime and at the same time resist the formation of a new layer;
  • Place non-oiled wet wipes next to the toilet, which are good for cleaning the seat and the outside of the toilet, but do not throw them down the drain, as this can lead to a blockage.

Getting rid of limescale is a very real task, albeit problematic. To solve it, factory and folk remedies are used. But it is better to regularly clean the toilet than to suffer later with peeling off a layer of lime.