Garden houses from a bar or a tieboard - what is better? Houses from Shpunte are an excellent alternative to cabins. House made of headboards do it yourself houses from a t-shutter board. Dealercy

The country house "Spacious" - a small structure of 4 * 4 meters, is built this house from a toll of 40 mm thick, in prosecity called mini-timber. The advantage of the technology of building such a country house is an undispressable speed of construction at a relatively low cost. Such a house can be erected only in a couple of days. If you do not build it on your own, it will cost no more than 100,000 rubles, well, if you decide to build it yourself, then the cheaper.

Also one of the advantages of this house is the complete absence after the construction of the inner and outside trimthat in turn will save you time and quite decent means.

Under the construction of dacha garden house "Spacious" was chosen a relatively flat platform, which was laid small concrete blocks on a pillow consisting of sand and rubble.

After that, the Ruberoid was laid on the blocks and the lower strapping was collected. The lower strapping was collected from the bar 100 * 100 and the boards 50 * 100 mm.

Bound up assembling walls. A box of a garden house through two people was collected in one day, taking into account the fact that the castles of the boards were made at the place with the help of the jigsaw.

With all the seeming complexity of the castle compound and the destruction of the pair of patterns, the production of blanks fell onto the stream.

After assembling the box of the house, the walls both with inside and outside did not need further finish except painting or coating with a decorative protective layer.

It's time to make a roof. Put rafters.

After that, they started assembling the roof. The rafter was stitched by the board, and started roofing the roofing material.

As a roofing material, they decided to use bitumen tiles, as the easiest in the installation and not expensive material.

There were floor between the case, since the installation of the roof approached the end. On the floor were used hand board As the most durable material present in the market.

Country house "Spacious"

Inserted windows and doors. On the roof ends installed end planks and sighed with relief. The house is ready.

After completing the construction of a cottage garden house, the inner decoration looked great. The smell of pine filled the lungs, why we felt with each sigh, everything is easier and easier after a long working day.

Country house "Spacious"

Since the house was summer, insulation was not envisaged. But we understood that if we need to be warming up, then insulate such a house would not be much difficult. In my opinion it turned out quite pretty. For this project, I think you can make both a bath and a dacha or a guest house for example. The main thing is built quickly and not expensive.

Houses from Shpunte are an excellent alternative to cabins. Bookboard house with their own hands

Houses from Shpunte - Alternative to Camer

Bounded board houses - attractiveness and functionality. Constructive, features, personal experience from Forumhouse users. Often before the appearance on the plot of a full-fledged house there is a need for temporary housing, which shelters the owners on the houses from the t-shirt - attractiveness and functionality. Constructive, features, personal experience from Forumhouse users.

Often before the appearance on the plot of a full-fledged house there is a need for temporary housing, which shelters the owners for the period of the main construction site. Not everyone can afford a major building as a taking room. Basically, these are compact, lightweight frame-type designs. The most common can be considered finished wooden cabins - they give the roof over their heads, it is acceptable, functional. However, it is not necessary to wait for such a structure of high decorativeness, and in the future it will become a warehouse warehouse and / or a workshop. The same for whom the visual component is important, and whose time will in the future become a seasonal shelter for guests, a different type of construction is preferred - cottage houses from a t-shirt. So among users of the Forumhouse portal, this topic is very popular.

Strestka Tomnyka Run.

The houses from the headboard are self-supporting structures, in them the main load is not on the frame from the bar, but on the reference - perpendicular compounds of all walls (like a log). The standard sheet thickness for the house is 45 - 70 mm, but by virtue of the high-cost material is usually the lower boundary (45 mm). They are designed for seasonal accommodation, manufacturers deliver household complexes - this is not only a set wooden elements For the construction of overlaps, walls, partitions and roofs, but also doors (interroom and inlet), windows (usually plastic glass windows), roofing material. The treatment of wood by an antiseptic in production is not practiced, but the drying wood in the chambers passes, so the shrinkage of the structure during operation is minimal.

Companies engaged in the production of such "designers" work as with their own typical projectsAnd with individual sketches - sets to order, which also attracts consumers. The ability to immediately get a house designed for your own needs, and not adapt to the finished box, always tempting. At the same time, the cost of practical, but low-attractive forms is quite comparable to the cost of a rounded house, which looks like as fun. Companies operate as "turnkey" - provide services for the installation of the foundation and assembly of the structure, and implement the domocal components for self-assembly. It was the second version that attracted the portal's participant who created the profile theme.

I also wanted "like everything" - looked at the locomotives in kind - and immediately changed my mind for several reasons:

  • Raw forest and no antiseptic processing.
  • Frame from a thin bar 50x50 mm.
  • The inspected tonsils are already amazed by blue, therefore, or rot in several years, or break down.
  • Insulated currently 6x2.3 m with clapboard - from 65 thousand, on metallic frame - And more expensive.
  • And most importantly - well, very close and terrible!

And here the network found houses from Shpunte - and glorious, and at least a little more expensive, but also functional.

After monitoring the market and visiting manufacturers, Elena812 stopped at the company, which offered to realize its project for less money.

Elena812Uparter Forumhouse.

I wanted a compact home, but with a full functionality: room, kitchen, shower, toilet, area - 6x4 m. I had to draw the most painted, taking a typical project from the network. Visited manufacturers with already ready sketch The house of my dreams, asked to calculate - chose a company in which cheaper - the difference was almost a third! And did not regret: very soulful and responsible people, no complaints, one thanks.

What is characteristic, initially provided for the calculations the project has undergone significant changes - four rooms instead of two, plus the porch, but this did not affect the previously stated value of the household complex. The rate of construction of the house (2 days by the company's forces) and the seeming simplicity of work was pleased with Elena812 on independent assembly. It was decided to save money for the installation, and at the same time useful, in the light of future construction, the skills to acquire. The main working force is the most participant of the portal and her son, with periodic help of relatives. And although invaluable practical experience was acquired, Elena812 admits that in vain decided to save, since the construction period from two days stretched for two months. However, the house was built, lifestyle and impressions are the most positive - no regrets about choosing a house from Shpunte. During the construction of Elena812, the forum branches actively studied on all exciting issues, consulted with other users and is very grateful to everyone who helped her by the Council and personal experience - This made it possible to avoid many mistakes.



Elena812Uparter Forumhouse.

So far, the foundation was satisfied, I managed all the hidden elements to noise (do not spray, namely, to wash from the soul) an antiseptic. Two canisters of 10 liters gone. It turned out that it is completely easy to do with the help of a 3-liter garden sprayer taken from the sister. Again, thanks to the forumchanam - I would not have thought myself, I would have masted the tassel to Morovkin's spending.

Despite the prolonged timing of the assembly of the box and roofing system, the refusal of the company's services allowed to improve the constructive:

  • Paul insulated.

The truthfulness of the famous lines about women in the Russian serenities of Elena812 confirmed completely - it was on her shoulders a process of grinding walls from the inside and outside.

Elena812Uparter Forumhouse.

The fact that there is grinding, and that the planed board and polished is two big differences, I did not even suspect. But again, having studied the forum, I realized that I would have to grind, I confess - it became an unpleasant surprise. I very regret that I did not guessed first to polish the boards, and then to collect a house. At least the fronttones go through - with them the most difficult. It's a shame, and the time, and opportunities were abuse, only the experience lacked, maybe someone already my experience will come in handy.

So, with the help of indestructible willpower and the best slogan "Who, if not me," arms first, the eccentric, and after - the vibrating-blind typewriter, the author of the topic polluted his house. After such accomplishments, impregnation with an antiseptic, sealing gaps of sealant and painting, turned out to be a fascinating and quite sat. Elena812 paint chose, again, on the advice of the portal participants, and the project nuances were comprehended there. While the house was frozen from the inside, rains hid a porch qualitatively, and it was promptly covered with blue, which had to spend a lot of extra time, strength and nerves (three days on a pair of square meters). After the victory over the stains, the oil for wood was chosen as the finishing layer - on the advice of professionals and ordinary users.

  • First of all - an antiseptic, and everything else will wait (the experience of the porch).

Details of construction and the mass of the other useful information - in the topic "Alternative to Tomanka ...". Such a process, but involving the company's assembly and subsequent correction of "Kosyakov" - in the topic "Garden house from Shpunte ...". In order to further save - articles on how to reduce the cost of construction and building materials. And in the video you can see the master class on the coating of wood oil - relevant for owners of wooden houses.

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House made of boards with their own hands: Step-by-step instructions + video

Many of us dream of buying land outside the city. And build cozy, compact and most importantly safe cottage or country house. The most environmentally friendly material for the construction of housing is a tree. The air in these houses is always fresh and filled with fragrances of the forest. And outside the house looks beautiful and attractive. Same this species Works can be performed with your own hands. Today we will talk about how to build a house from the board?

Preparatory work

Drawing of the house

If you decide to do everything yourself, you should start with the drawing of the future at home. It should include a frame scheme, partition location, room height, roof view, window and doors location. Everything can be drawn by yourself.

If financial capabilities allow, we order a project from an architect or buy typical ready-made contractors or developers.

Choosing wood

After the scheme, we are determined with the type of wood and its number.

For supporting structures, experts recommend using hardwood wood as an oak or larch. Since they are able to withstand heavy loads, and are not subject to rotting. To cover the house, it is recommended to use pine, as the price value and quality ratio satisfy the needs of the development. This material will require a lot.

Most importantly, all wooden elements need to be treated with antiseptic and antipirens, before installation.

Choosing foundation

The next stage is the markup of the site and the choice of the formation of the foundation.

The foundation may be pile, belt and filled monolithic plate.

Since the house of the board refers to easy buildings, you can safely use piles. Some instead of the factory piles in the form of a boraine use wicked asbetic pipes filled with a solution of concrete.

But in our case, we will use tape view The foundation, for this it will be necessary to remove the soil to a depth of 90 cm. Flip the layer of sand and rubble all the ramp.

Exhibiting formwork from not edged board Without cracks, fastened self-drawing.

We make two levels reinforced beltThe reinforcement is associated with a knitting wire.

After that, everything is poured with a solution of concrete, everyone should be pouring at a time, and then roll the metal roller to remove air.

It is required to wait 28 days until the complete pouring and grasp of concrete.

Tools for work

For the installation process of the house from the boards, the following will be required:

Construction of the carcass

The construction of the frame, start from the bottom strapping.

For the strapping, a timing is usually used in size 15 cm. 5 cm. Through a double layer of waterproofing (rubberoid, waterproof), we laid the timberoid and secure it with anchors or studs that were laid in advance in concrete. The second layer is placed in the overlap of the joints of the first row. The tree should be dry and processed special means. Also, the boards between themselves are knocked with galvanized nails after 20-30 cm. The surface level of the entire strapping plane is measured by building level.

Following the attitudes of the strapping board, they have the same dimensions as the boards for the bottom strapping.

Only install it on the edge and nails with nails every 40-50 cm.

Follow the lags with an interval of approximately 50 cm, for better redistribution of the load.

Lag size 15 cm. By 5 cm.

Bashed from each edge of 2 nails into the strapping board.

Heating insulation is made using mineral Wat., do not forget about the waterproofing of the membrane or polyethylene film, you can also insulate sawdust.

Leaving the gap of 2-3 cm for ventilation between the insulation and the draft floor.

On top of the draft floor laying chisty cutting boards with a displacement or PVC plate, plywood only should be leaving the gap between the sheets of 2-3 mm.

You can also use a half board for home. Fresh self-drawing.

Follow the vertical bars, they can be 15 cm. 15 cm. Or 10 cm. 10 cm. 10 cm. 10 cm. Basically installed when building one-storey houses. A 15 cm. At 15 cm. Used for the buildings of two storey houses. First, the angular bars are installed, and then in increments of 50-60 cm. Step is usually chosen by the size of the insulation. Made usually with metal corners. But you can also use a word on half the base, or score wooden brazing.

Immediately place space under the windows and doors, they should be strengthened by another number of boards. The walls are enhanced inside the frame of the docks. Then we make the upper strapping, install the overlaps, rafters, make the crate and mount the roof. The roof should be easy.

The overlap is boosted from the bottom of the edged board, the layer of waterproofing, a layer of insulation, a layer of vapor insulation.

If you are space under the roof, you will use as an attic, then we drag the draft floor and sheets of plywood. At your request, you can also warm the roof.

Arrangement of walls and installation of windows and doors

After the frame is supplied, the laying of communications should be done, which will be hidden in the cavity of the walls.

From the outer side, the trim is carried out with a cutting board flat or semicircular. Boards are necessarily processed by special means. Before switching to the trim from inside, insulation should be made.

As a heater, we use basalt wool.

It is produced in rolls and mats. It is better to choose in mats, as the density is greater, and accordingly, it is better to lay between the beams of the wall. Experts recommend to lay mineral wool with two layers, the first 10-15 cm., And the second 5 cm. And, accordingly, during the laying, we shock the seams.

But as we know, Vata has the property to absorb moisture, so with outside Walls secure waterproofing material, and with inner parasolation material.

For decoration from the inside of the wall, you can use the same edged boards or plywood sheets, OSP. Sheets follow the attack is not tight, but leaving the gap of 2-3 mm.

We carry out installation window Rams. The type of glazing should be chosen from the purpose of the room.

If you want to live in the winter for a while, it is best to put triple glass windows or energy saving (filled with inert gas).

And if not, there is enough double glass package.

Also install entrance door and interior doors.

From practice, even on expensive metal doors, Condensate is formed on the inside of the door, and appear.

On top of the black layer of the wall, you can make any finish using a plasterboard, wallpaper, tile and more.

It should be noted that in places of installation and fastening of heavy vehicles should be put down to the mortgage, for a better distribution of the load.

If the house is a fireplace, then in the location of the fireplace itself on the floor, to additionally treat funds against fire, plus to lay the mortgage, and fasten to the mortgage a metal sheet.

All your home is ready.

If you think we build a cottage or country housing, then the house of the boards is the right and optimal choice Environmentally friendly, functional and inexpensive housing.

And most importantly, that all installation you can do yourself, looking at the videos and reading information on the Internet. But if you want 100% quality and warranty, you should contact specialized organizations and firms.

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Shpunte houses - excellent alternative to cabins

Ecology of consumption. The order: Often, before the appearance on the plot of a full-fledged house there is a need for temporary housing that shelters the owners for the period of the main construction site. The same for whom the visual component is important, and whose time will in the future become a seasonal shelter for guests, a different type of construction is preferred - cottage houses from a t-shirt.

Often before the appearance on the plot of a full-fledged house there is a need for temporary housing, which shelters the owners for the period of the main construction site. Not everyone can afford a major building as a taking room.

Basically, these are compact, lightweight frame-type designs. The most common can be considered finished wooden cabins - they give the roof over their heads, it is acceptable, functional. However, it is not necessary to wait for such a structure of high decorativeness, and in the future it will become a warehouse warehouse and / or a workshop.

The same for whom the visual component is important, and whose time will in the future become a seasonal shelter for guests, a different type of construction is preferred - cottage houses from a t-shirt.

Strestka Tomnyka Run.

The headboard - the treated board from various wood varieties, having fasteners along the edges: on one side - spike, on the other - groove (spool). The board is carefully sharply, thanks to which it has a presentable appearanceAnd the fastening system allows you to collect monolithic shields without cracks and applying additional fasteners. It turns out a solid, reliable connection with a minimum of strength and time costs.

The houses from the headboard are self-supporting structures, in them the main load is not on the frame from the bar, but on the reference - perpendicular compounds of all walls (like a log). The standard sheet thickness for the house is 45 - 70 mm, but by virtue of the high-cost material is usually the lower boundary (45 mm).

They are designed for seasonal accommodation, manufacturers supply home complexes - this is not only a set of wooden elements for the construction of overlaps, walls, partitions and roofs, but also doors (interroom and inlet), windows (usually plastic glass windows), roofing material. The treatment of wood by an antiseptic in production is not practiced, but the drying wood in the chambers passes, so the shrinkage of the structure during operation is minimal.

Companies engaged in the production of such "designers" work both with their own typical projects and with individual sketches - make sets to order, which also attracts consumers.

The ability to immediately get a house designed for your own needs, and not adapt to the finished box, always tempting. At the same time, the cost of practical, but low-attractive forms is quite comparable to the cost of a rounded house, which looks like as fun. Companies operate as "turnkey" - provide services for the installation of the foundation and assembly of the structure, and implement the domocal components for self-assembly. The second option was selected.

Alternative to Tomanka, or did not have a hassle

After buying the site, the need for the construction of a temporary refuge, which in the future it will be a guest house, and in the present will provide a comfortable existence in anticipation capital House. The choice fell on the design of the tongue for several reasons.

What is characteristic, initially provided for the calculations the project has undergone significant changes - four rooms instead of two, plus the porch, but this did not affect the previously stated value of the household complex.

The rate of construction of the house (2 days by the forces of the company) and the seeming simplicity of work has been advocated to an independent assembly.

It was decided to save money for the installation, and at the same time useful, in the light of future construction, the skills to acquire.

And although invaluable practical experience was acquired, but the construction period from two days stretched for two months. However, the house was built, lifestyle and impressions are the most positive - no regrets about choosing a house from Shpunte.


Since the build-up structures are distinguished by a small mass, they do not require the bases of increased strength - plates or tape foundations. Most often under them make pile-painted foundations. But due to the composition of the soil in this case, another constructive was chosen - the support columns from the foundation blocks (20x40x40 cm), and under them all over the perimeter - a sand pillow. The first attempt of the device of the pillow by the forces of the attracted "Uzbekstroy", in the eyes of the not seen the simplest hydraulic level, was not crowned with success - I had to re-rub the mound on my own.


In order for the house to be used from early spring to late autumn, a double floor was made and washed by a foam, 10 cm thick. The strapping is also double - bottom board 45x200 mm, and already on the board - timber, ten. Boards to Brusa were attached to self-drawing on top and bottom, such a "snake" prevents twisting. The wood was processed by an antiseptic from an ordinary garden sprayer - it is much faster and more efficient than the tassel.

Despite the prolonged timing of the assembly of the box and roofing system, the refusal of the company's services allowed to improve the constructive:

  • They were protected by wood (antiseptic treatment during assembly is not provided).
  • Paul insulated.
  • Replaced the method of fastening the lag - embarrassed into the bar and secured the corners, initially they had to lie on top without add. fasteners.
  • Replaced the method of fastening the box to the strapping - instead of nails mounted on corners and plates.
  • Increased roofs - instead of the initial 12 cm brought to 30 cm.

Revealed during the workflow and shortcomings:

  • The size door openings It corresponded to the canvas without a box - I had to cut a chainsaw, good, the platband hid the remaining flaws.
  • Window openings turned out to be less than the framework - helped the same chainsaw.

Armoring first an eccentric, and after - the vibratingrene machine, the author polished his house. After such accomplishments, impregnation with an antiseptic, sealing gaps of sealant and painting, turned out to be a fascinating and quite sat. While the house was frozen from the inside, rains hid a porch qualitatively, and it was promptly covered with blue, which had to spend a lot of extra time, strength and nerves (three days on a pair of square meters). After the victory over the stains, the oil for wood was chosen as the finishing layer - on the advice of professionals and ordinary users.

To help everyone who is thinking about the construction, large-scale or trial, from the Topicstarter a selection of rules:

  • Money is completed faster than the construction itself.
  • It is impossible to leave a construction site without supervision if mercenaries work - total control.
  • Construction - the best diet, extra kilograms go beyond a vapor.
  • The first thing is an antiseptic, and everything else will wait (the experience of the porch). Published ECONET.RU

P.S. And remember, just changing your consumption - we will change the world together! © Econet.

House from the boards with their own hands: Phased construction work

Building a house from the board with their own hands is based on use of various types Boards. At the same time, it is possible to build popular carcass houses in the presence of certain skills, experience and knowledge, how to build a house.

To do wooden house From the boards with their own hands you can prepare required tools and materials that need to be required. They include the following types of components:

  1. Paulboard (Unedged 20 mm).
  2. Minvatu.
  3. Panotex.
  4. Roofing material.
  5. Window with wood frames.
  6. Doors from wood without fittings.
  7. The board for creating a frame that is suitable and for the purpose of the device of the rafter system, walls and frontones in the house.
  8. Lining for facing the ceilings in the rooms at home and facade to the house. It is better to take boards of coniferous breeds.
  9. Frame partitions that are trimmed with coniferous clapboard.
  10. Plotted board.

Often, a frame of wood is built using oak wood boards, larch is perfect.

With the unavailability of these materials, the most appropriate types of wood typically apply. The installation of angular types of compounds is carried out on the basis of the method of the spike groove. Construction is associated with fitting boards with the greatest accuracy so that there is no formation of the gaps between them. Since the tree is capable of rotting when interacting with certain types of materials, the use of iron mounting components during the construction of a wooden house specialists do not advise. This may lead to staggering buildings. The best kind of fastener may be wooden copper.

Create thermal insulation of the house of the tree more practical after fastening the frame using a tree separations so that it cannot destroy the design. Prepared for construction Wooden discharges are usually set in the amount of 3 pieces. Outside, the wooden frame usually is trimmed with boards that must be installed under the required angle, which will allow them to give them the greatest rigidity. It is necessary to protect the tree from bad weather so that it does not swell rainy autumn and did not breathe in summer Heat. So how to build a house?

Phased construction work on the construction of the house from the board

The construction of the house from the board involves the following steps of performance:

  1. Laying the bottom strapping on the waterproofing layer of the base of the house.
  2. Processing boards using antiseptic.
  3. Laying flooring on the floor using a parotherproofer and waterproofing materials.
  4. Stacking outdoor coating From wood using wedges and brackets for sealing.
  5. Installation of the frame of the wall at home on the floor and fastening vertical boards.
  6. Assembly of the rafter system and its installation.
  7. The execution of the roofing and coating with the use of rubberoid along with the roofing material of the created crate.
  8. The trim of the inch walls followed by antiseptics and fireproof fluids.
  9. Installation of windows and doors.
  10. Steam barrier and thermal insulation from within a wooden house with the use of mineral wool.
  11. Wall-skinned with parchment and lining.
  12. Installation of electrical communications to summarize electricity to a house from a tree.
  13. Frame painting in 2 layers using foaming.

The installation of window frames produce depending on the periodicity of using the construction, since the windows with double frames must be mounted in it in winter. The last step is the construction of the roof of the house. The type of roof can be single, and may have whole line Skatov. Slate, metal sheet, ondulin, tile is suitable as roofing material.


Finding in close city apartments is straining many, even those who are not very important to rural life. But few can afford a country cottage, taking into account its cost. In this case, you can pay attention to small country garden housesBuilding from a bar or a circulating board.

The wooden houses from the profiled or planed timber are unique in terms of its ecology, microclimate in the premises, a small cost and speed of construction. In most cases, it is possible to completely build a house within one month. The finished designs have a small weight, respectively, the device of a complex foundation also does not need. Specialized firms can offer a variety of projects using which you can build a single-storey garden house or a more serious construction with an attic.

It is not difficult to implement an inexpensive project for the construction of a country house. Consider the first option in which the material undergoes pre-processing and preparation for the assembly. Before starting construction, it is necessary to make sure the availability of the entire design documentation, to determine the designation of the construction, the construction site and the possibility of laying communications.

Any, even small-sized construction dacha Domikov From wood, begins with preparation. Ready can be purchased in construction company. Or make yourself. For this we need:

  • Detailed plan scheme with accurate indication of all dimensions, including the size of individual rooms;
  • Visual drawings of the constructive connection of the profiled bar, in the fields of strapping and pairing wall blocks, as well as in places of overlapping and the rafter system;
  • Visual drawing finished design In the context, which indicates the lower and top mark of the foundation of the country house, the location of the floor vertically and the height of the room to the ceiling structure;
  • Schemes and projects of communications, the locations of their output and, if possible, the point of connecting to the highways.

Usually, the construction of a profiled timber or a circulating board involves the length of the walls of no more than 10 meters. Such country houses can be with a veranda or attic, one-storey and higher. But, in any case, before construction, careful layout and the preparation of the area for laying the foundation is carried out. Further work Enclosed in the construction of a frame design and filling wall blocks.

When using a profiled bar, buildings are built by the type of designer. The plant is made according to the project all the necessary elements of the house with the necessary livets. They are processed with appropriate compositions, dried and marked. On the construction site, it remains only to collect all the details according to project drawings.

A ready-made foundation, that is, its upper horizontal plane, stuffing the rubberoid layer, thus making waterproofing. After that, the lower strapping or the first crown is installed. To fit all the details and securing them on the foundation you can start the installation of the following series. Considering that all logs are numbered in required orderAnd in the project there is a specification and layout plan, collecting garden houses from a prepared profiled timber can be in a short time.

If you do not resort to the use of finished wall elements, the construction process from a profiled or ordinary bar can delay for a long time. Rearves and the locations of the connection of the logs will have to do on their own and after laying each crown tightly customize them to each other. After assembling walls from a profiled or planed timber, it is necessary to wait a certain period for which a shrinkage of the entire structure will occur, and the timber is adapted to the environment.

The roof of the country house built from a profiled timber can have a different form. The main thing is to correctly make a calculation, taking into account the load exerted by the roof and the rafter system on the carrying house structures. As the overlap, the same bar and boards are used. Stropile legs are performed from cutting boards with a thickness of at least 2.5 mm put on the edge. One end of the rafter rests on the upper crown of the church of the house. The upper ends of the rafter legs are associated with a skate bar with adjacent and opposite similar elements.

The ceiling of the building must be inspired. To do this is used modern materials (mineral wool plates, polystyrene foam, foam) or traditional bulk - ceramzite, sawdust, slag. Also used boards for covering the ceiling from the inside of the room. After the device, the ceiling can be moved to floor outlet.

Put it from the edged board with a thickness of at least 45 mm on the lags installed in advance on foundation blocks and embedded in low strapping walls. All items carrier design The floor of the tree is necessarily soaked with antiseptic compositions. You need to lay the fixed boards only after the house is a durable and not flowing roof.

After the assembly country houses from the profiled timber is processed by various impregnations, after which, if necessary, you can proceed to interior decoration. The preliminary processing material has an already beautiful internal and appearance. When building a house from a regular bar, a finish from the outside can be made with a clapboard made of wood or other finishing materials.

This method of fastening makes it possible to carry out a durable compound between tipped boards, creating reliable structures. Products are thoroughly treated, therefore the facial surface of the country houses collected from a similar material also does not require additional decoration.

A house from a tree using a tipped board is ready set Different products that like children's designer Going to a garden summer house. In each product in the factory conditions, the manufacture of all the necessary cuts and protrusions are made, which at the construction site make it possible to collect the construction quickly and simply. Houses of houses also undergo a thorough development, which subsequently allows the most accurate compounds and ensure the density of the fit.

Weight load on the foundation of a garden house from a t-shirt board for 60 and even 70% less than houses from a bar. Therefore, you can use the facilitated version of the foundation by making column blocks or supports from asbestos-cement pipes.

When mounting structures from a trench-made board, it is necessary to provide the location of several ventilation holes At the bottom of the structure. As a rule, it is laid in projects. Pre-impregnated with antiseptic lags for the subframe are attached to the foundation with the same distance. Before starting the connection of all elements of the house, checking the layout accuracy is required. In order to prevent displacements under wind load frame bars Molds are fastened with metal to the foundation.

Wall blocks made of headboards are mounted according to the attached scheme, where each board has its own number in the layout plan. First, half-colored parts of the posterior and anterior wall are installed, which are fastened with screws to the foundation bruus. Then there comes a series of wall blocks. The first row of the styling of the headboard must block a bit of the foundation bar, speaking over it a few millimeters. This ensures the protection of the carrier block from dampness. Having placed the first crown, it is necessary to catch it with a shock pad along the entire perimeter, and only after that proceed to the calculation of the following rows. Installing all rows Control construction level.

Installation of doorways in such structures on technology begins with 5 or 6 crowns. In this regard, there are strict rules: any doors must open outward, and window systems, inclined and swivel type - inside.The adjustment of opening flaps and doors is carried out after 3 weeks after construction.

Wooden gardening houses from a tumblers have a simple roof design. After assembling the walls, frontones are installed from finished parts. They have special grooves in which the elements of the rafter system are stacked. Here it is only important to ensure that everything wooden details Designs: Frontton, wall panels - were in the same plane and tightly connected together. For reliability, all connecting elements are confrontated by China. After final assembly Required finishing works.

Wooden houses are practical in any performance. Both presented options have their own positive sides, and the choice of one or another way is yours. You can add that by making quality, it can be up to deep autumn.

How good is the garden houses from the centerboard against the background of alternative solutions? What features of the design should be considered in the construction? What is the foundation better to use? How to insulate the walls? Let's try to answer these questions.

What it is

This is the name of the self-supporting design, assembled from the tipped board with a thickness of 45, less often - 70 or 90 millimeters. The rigidity is provided by the angular compounds of the walls (subservit); What they are more, the smaller the walls are vibrated when the door is closed or opening, the more stable design to any deforming effects.

Please note: you should not confuse the self-supporting house with a common frame-shield, when the framework of the frame is also often used a t-shirt board.
The key difference is that in the case of a frame construction, most of the loads (wind, snow, etc.) is perceived by the frame.

How can insulation be ensured?

  • If the house is used only in summer, it is enough to prevent the blowing of the slots. For this purpose, the tongue compounds are kept by a hemp or are wetted by acrylic sealant.
  • In cold regions, the walls are trimmed by a crate, between the bars of which the insulation is laid - mineral or glass gambler. On top of the windproof membrane, the insulation is protected by siding, block house and other materials.
  • Alternative solutions for cold climate - Double walls, the space between which is filled with insulation (usually - eco-art).

Comparison with alternatives

Let's compare our design with alternative solutions.

Objects for comparison will serve us:

  1. The frame house is a rigid frame from a bar, an insulated OSP with filling in the inner space of the walls insulation.
  2. SIP-panels house - products with a size of 1.2x2.5 meters, representing two OSP plates with an extruded polystyrene incurred between them.


Now it is customary to evaluate any construction Materials For the danger that they potentially imagine health.

Do not blowjob this bowl and us: Let's estimate the environmental friendliness of the structures.

  • A tipped board from this point of view - the material is just perfect. Wooden walls provide efficient ventilation and high vapor permeability; Not only: the highlighted wood phytoncides contribute to the curability of respiratory diseases.

  • The frame house (more precisely, its inner covering is an OSP) in the theory is able to contaminate the air by evaporation used for the gluing phenol formaldehyde resins. In practice, the OSP-3 applied to this purpose corresponds to very rigid environmental standards.
  • The same applies to sip-panels. The quality of polystyrene foam can not be taken into account because it does not contact the air of the indoor room.


  • The board itself does not provide insulation, as sufficient for winter. Even in the Krasnodar Territory and Crimea minimal thickness Wooden walls providing the thermal resistance recommended in force, is 400 mm; When using the insulation, everything is determined exclusively with its thickness and thermal insulation qualities.

Recall: tongue compounds without sealing will be purged, thereby further worsening thermal insulation.

  • In the design frame structure Insulation laid initially. With a typical garden house, the thickness of the wall between the outer and internal trimming 100 mm is ensured thermal insulation, quite sufficient for moderate climatic zone With winter temperatures up to -20 - -25c.
  • Finally, the buildings from the sip-panels are not in vain called the thermos houses: heat loss is minimized. It suffices to say that the real need for warmth of such structures is estimated at 25-30 watts per M2, which is approximately three times - four times less recommended by the Soviet building regulations of thermal power for urban apartments.

Sip panels with a thickness of 150 - 200 mm are actively used in the construction of cottages in Yakutia.


Create: the value of the household complex in terms of square meter Square to a large extent depends on the configuration of the house.
One-story construction, for example, is always more expensive than two-story - the cost of beams and stairs affects.
Construction (in particular, the preparation of the foundation) will increase the gap.

Construction features

What features of the material and design should be considered in the construction of your own hands?


Most of the organizations offering a turnkey construction offer as a basic configuration for gardening houses from a t-shut-off board, a column foundation from concrete blocks 20x20x40.

The owners complain about the subflinking of doors and windows in the spring.
This indicates the insufficient stiffness of the structure of the house.
The extrusion of one or more supports during the frosty bent of the soil deform the walls.

From here - quite a clear instruction: under self-supporting walls From the centering board it is better to pour a ribbon or even (on swampy terrain) slab foundation. As an option - the house can be erected on screw piles; In this case, they should be associated with a rigid steel screeching from the channel, proftrube or an interpretation. On the notorious swampy soils do not interfere with the binding of the designs additional rigidity.


  • Technology "Double spool" (insulation between two layers of the board) implies the absence of any protective films in the walls of the wall. The space between the boards is blocked by an eco-tree; thereby ensures excellent vapor permeability and natural ventilation walls.
    However, in practice, the owners of such structures recommend at least the use of sealant for tongue compounds: contrary to the assurances of sellers, in strong winds Walls are still blurred.
  • With the outer insulation, the insulation slab is sewn with windproof membrane. There is no vaporizion between the wall and the insulation: its presence will only lead to moisturizing and subsequent booting board.


So still - how good is the design of a garden house considered by us? In our opinion, she markedly loses to its alternatives. However, we will provide the reader to draw conclusions yourself. As always, the video in this article will offer his attention additional materials. Successes!

Good afternoon, dear members of the forum!
So I decided to create the topic about the house of the tipped board and I hope that she will be useful to someone, especially since these structures are now gaining popularity, and there are extremely few information on them, especially with regard to operation, "+" and "-", . Found a few topics on the forum, but I did not find answers to all the questions.
Now, having such a house, I can answer the questions of those who really want to acquire something similar, but he thinks ... I certainly understand that the manufacturers of these designs must answer questions, but their answers are not always similar to reality.
It all started with the purchase of the site and immediately arose about temporary accommodation. Since the construction of a permanent "palace" needs decent money, "temporary accommodation" was planned for several seasons. Of course, I immediately suggested buying a household how many beginner construction make it, but he cares about allergies. And when I found the option of decent cabins (as it seemed to me), but its price without delivery was equal to 150,000.00 rubles, his words have ended at all. It rides for all sorts of gardening, and brought me a photo of a house from a t-shirt board. Suggested this option for temporary accommodation. I went to search on the Internet. Found several companies who offered them. I will say right away, there are not many producers, the rest of the dealers. Compared to the price for the domestic, they seemed to me quite affordable at a price, and most importantly, very nice to appearance. After all, the husband refused to the cabin under the pretext that these "firewood" will urge the plot and they will not get rid of them later. In short, they stopped at the version of such a house, decided on the size and began to think where to order it. Ordered in early June. In the company where the foundation was ordered discussed. The blocks on which they offer to put them are not an option in my opinion, even though design and light. We also need to consider the features of the soil. We have no problems with this, at a depth of 1.2 m. Limestone slab. Piles disappeared by themselves, decided to do ribbon foundation. The width of the foundation 25cm, the height above the ground level of 40 cm (according to the base panel), the depth of 30cm + sand cushion is 10 cm and rubble 10 cm. (It seems so). The mixer was filled with 6.5 cubes of concrete. Foundation under all partitions. Yes, I forgot to write that the size of the house is 5.8 by 5.8 (taking into account the settings of the equipment on which the home complex is made). The foundation was covered outside and inside waterproofing mastic, inside partitions, the husband decided to lay geotextiles and fall asleep with a small layer of sand.