Methods for combating spider mites in a greenhouse on cucumbers. Spider mites on cucumbers - signs of infection, folk methods of struggle, treatment and prevention! How to get rid of a cucumber mite in a greenhouse

Spider mites are pests that feed on sap from plant cells. Causes tangible harm garden crops but suffer the most ornamental plants and vegetables grown in greenhouses: cucumbers, peppers, tomatoes. While spider mite control is not easy, there are many tried and tested methods that work well.

It is necessary to recognize the invasion of pests as early as possible, the success of the fight against them directly depends on this. Having appeared on one leaf, in a week, ticks can fill all plantings.

V initial stage damage to plants by their outward appearance it can be assumed that the seedlings are affected by a fungal disease. But it soon becomes clear that it was spider mites that settled on cucumbers.

Signs of the appearance of a spider mite on cucumbers:

  1. On back side cucumber leaves, small dots of silvery, white or yellowish color appear, gradually merging into stripes that resemble stains on marble.
  2. The light cobweb is visible first on the leaves, over time - on the petioles and internodes.
  3. Plexuses of thin threads appear among the greenery, along which ticks move between shoots.
  4. Tiny animals can be seen through a magnifying glass.

Over time, spider pests move from the lower tiers to the upper ones. Shoots turn yellow, wither and die. Sucking sap from the leaves, pests deprive them of chlorophyll, and, consequently, the possibility of photosynthesis.

Protecting the offspring, spider mites fold cucumber leaves into a tube and braid them with cobwebs. In such a cocoon, they are not afraid of any treatments, since the cobweb takes on moisture and chemicals.

Cucumbers weaken, grow poorly and can no longer withstand the attacks of other pests. In addition, such bushes often develop gray rot. The complete death of plantings can occur within 2 weeks after the first appearance of a spider mite on cucumbers.

What is a spider mite

In order to pick up effective ways fight against this pest, you need to know its nature. Spider mite- not an insect, but an arthropod of the arachnid class. Therefore, not all insecticides can destroy it.

The body is slightly elongated, convex at the top. Its larvae are greenish-brown in color. Adults are reddish orange, 0.2 to 1 mm in size.

They live both in a greenhouse and on the street - for about a month from the moment of birth. But during this time they manage to give huge offspring - up to 20 generations per year. Fertility depends on the climate in the region: where it is warm, the birth rate is accelerated, and where the spiders are cold, there is only one generation per year.

The female lays an average of 7 eggs per day, and begins to do this already on the third day of her life. Comfortable conditions for spider mites are warm (+ 23–33 ° С), humidity up to 80%, lack of ventilation and direct sunlight.

The pest hibernates in the ground, fallen leaves, cracks in the bark, corners of the greenhouse. Moreover, some species are not afraid of frosts down to -28 ° C. In spring it migrates to young weeds, later - to cultivated plants. The wind helps the mites fly from plant to plant on their cobwebs.

Means to fight

To get rid of these pests, you need to use products on the package which says "akari" ("acari" in Latin is "tick").

Spider mites are resistant to insecticides and quickly get used to them. Therefore, the means for the fight must be constantly changed and alternated with other formulations. This is done at least after three uses. V otherwise they cannot be withdrawn.

Ready-made preparations

If spider mites have managed to multiply on cucumbers, only ready-made preparations will help. Chemical and biological substances cannot be used two weeks before harvest. Given that cucumbers are removed constantly, such treatments cannot be carried out during fruiting. These funds are used strictly until the period of flowering cucumbers - until mid-June.

Acaricides - means for destroying only ticks and insectoacaricides - preparations against spiders and insects help to fight tick-borne colonies. Acaricides act upon contact with a tick. Treatments are more effective during the development of a pest colony, because, as they mature, individuals become more resistant to the action of drugs.

Against ticks on cucumbers are used:

  • "Karbofos";
  • "Envidor";
  • Apollo;
  • "Anti-tick";
  • "Fufanon";
  • "Omite";
  • Floramite;
  • Flumite;
  • Oberon.

It is good to use biologics: they are effective and less toxic. They do not work immediately, but after a few hours.

They kill ticks on cucumbers:

  • "Bitoxibacillin";
  • "Vertimek";
  • Actellik;
  • Akarin;
  • Iskra BIO;
  • "Agravertine".

The funds last no longer than two weeks. After processing some of them, the fruits can be removed after a few days.

Under the influence of drugs made from aversectin, pests die in less than a week. In addition, spider mites are not immune to this substance. For humans and animals, such products are almost harmless. These are insectoacaricides:

  • Aktofit;
  • "Kleschevit";
  • Fitoverm.

Biological product "Summer resident" with a strong scent of fir reliably scares away spider pests from cucumber beds.

When choosing a drug for processing cucumbers, you need to carefully read the manufacturer's recommendations: some products are dangerous for beneficial insects, bees, fish and other animals. Such funds cannot be mixed with each other.

Popular insecticides "Alatar" and "Aktara" treat plants affected by insects. Against arachnids, their use is useless.


Predatory insects successfully fight ticks on cucumbers. These are predators abliseius and phytoseiulus, which feed on spider mites. Fitoseyulus also eats thrips and other pests. They can destroy a tick-borne colony on cucumbers very quickly, but they themselves die after that. You can buy them at flower shops.

This biological method is completely safe for people, animals, plants and beneficial insects. For prophylaxis, you can settle amblyiseus in the greenhouse every month. Phytoseiulus fights better against ticks.

They also eat spider mites ladybugs... They will be lured to the cucumber beds by the smell spicy herbs growing nearby.

Folk remedies

If spider mites have just appeared on cucumbers, the plants need to be wiped soft cloth with warm solution laundry or tar soap.

While there are few ticks on the plantings of cucumbers, treatment will help folk remedies... These treatments are very effective. Folk remedies can be used even after the cucumber flowering period, since they are completely harmless to people and plants.

But most of the herbs do not kill ticks, but drive them away from the beds, thus protecting the cucumbers from pests.

Herbal infusions can be combined with ready-made products and with each other. They are used for spraying and cultivating the soil in cucumber beds. The recommended plant concentrations must be observed, as burns may appear on the leaves or roots.

The basis of the tool

Cooking method

Garlic Chopped cloves - 50 g, water - 0.5 l. Insist 24 hours, drain. Spray cucumbers and shed soil under the bushes
Chopped garlic heads - 2 pcs., Water - 1 liter. Insist 5 days, strain, dilute 2 times. Spray the plants
Onion Husk - 0.2 kg, water - 1 liter. Insist 12 hours
Onion and garlic Husk - 0.2 kg, water - a bucket. Insist from 12 hours to 5 days
Potato tops Fresh herbs - 1.2 kg, warm water- bucket. Insist 4 hours
Tomato tops Fresh herbs - 4 kg, water - a bucket. Boil for 30 minutes. Add grated soap - 40 g. clean water 1:1
Hot peppers Pepper pods - 50 g, water - 0.5 l
Pepper pods - 100 g, water - 1 liter. Boil for 2 hours. A bucket will require 150 g of broth and grated soap - 50 g
Tobacco dust Sprinkle over soaked cucumber leaves
Hydrogen peroxide 3% 1-2 tbsp. l. peroxide per 1 liter of water
Ammonia Ammonium alcohol - 1 tsp, water - 1 l
Alcohol 96% Spray cucumbers 3 times with a week break
Turpentine Place containers with turpentine next to the cucumber shoots. The bush can be covered with something for a while (no more than 5 hours)
Vinegar Essence - 2 tbsp. l., water - 8 l. Stir well and spray the seedlings

There are many herbs, the smell of which the spider mite does not tolerate. Such infusions and decoctions are easy to prepare and simple to use.

Processing cucumbers with folk remedies can be done twice a week.
The spider pest does not like moss and bark. These parts of plants are heated or doused with boiling water, then dried. Raw materials are buried in the soil near the cucumber bushes.

How to handle correctly

The plantings of cucumbers are sprayed when there is no wind and rain, otherwise the compositions will be washed off the leaves and no longer harm the ticks. This is done several times, since no more than 70% of the population perishes in one treatment.

In addition, each new generation is born with an already developed immunity to the drug that was used on the site. Therefore, a high concentration of drugs is required, which becomes unsafe for humans and plants.

Before spraying the plantings, be sure to remove all damaged leaves, and in case of severe damage, the entire shoots. Infected plant parts are burned. Leaves should be thoroughly moistened on both sides. After a while, additional treatment is carried out, even if the plantings look healthy.

After that, the cucumbers are fed with nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers, and the beds and slightly damaged leaves, if there are no mites on them, are sprinkled with ash. The substances that kill these pests are rather unstable, therefore, under sunbeams can disintegrate. In this regard, spraying is carried out in the morning or evening.

In hot weather, more spider mite treatments are required. If the air temperature is about + 20 ° C, 3 treatments are needed with an interval of 9 days. If the heat is + 30 ° C, the plants are sprayed more often - after 4 days and at least four times.

In the greenhouse

In addition to cucumber lashes, everything should be processed here: walls, roof, doors, and especially corners. After spraying the plants, the greenhouse must be tightly closed so that Fresh air stopped going there. So it will be created high humidity, which the spider mite is afraid of.

To combat spider mites on cucumbers in a greenhouse, you can plant a fungus-entomophthora of Adjara. Fungi penetrate the pests, leading them to death.

Ultraviolet is used as a means of fighting spider mites. Plantings in the greenhouse are closed from the active sun, so pest colonies are irradiated with a special UV lamp once a week for 2 minutes. The number of colonies decreases, and cucumbers from such irradiation become stronger.

To maintain high humidity, large containers of water are placed in greenhouses.

In an open garden

Outside, it is more difficult to reach a humidity level (above 85%) that is not suitable for mites. Therefore, after spraying, the cucumber bushes are covered with foil for several hours.

Before precipitation, cucumbers growing outdoors should not be processed: chemicals in the open field can be washed off by rain.

Ready-made preparations for processing cucumbers in open beds, you also need to choose those that are firmly held on the leaves. For example, "Envidor" is an effective product that is resistant to washing off. But it is recommended to use it no later than 20 days before harvesting.

Spraying Precautions

All ready-made preparations and many herbs are poisonous. Therefore, you must strictly follow the safety rules when carrying out work. Insecticides should be stored in a dry place at a temperature not lower than -15 ° С and not higher than + 30 ° С. The premises must be out of the reach of children and pets. Prepared solutions are not stored, but used immediately.

Before work you need to wear:

  • gloves;
  • cloak;
  • glasses;
  • respirator (gauze bandage).

The nozzle should be long enough to prevent the mixture from spilling onto the gardener.
During work, you cannot:

  • drink;
  • there is;
  • smoking;
  • wipe your eyes.

If the substance gets into the mouth, on the skin or mucous membranes, you need to:

  • wash your mouth with soap;
  • rinse eyes with a running stream of water;
  • drink 4 glasses of water and induce vomiting;
  • take activated carbon;
  • see a doctor.

After work, it is important:

  • wash your hands thoroughly;
  • wash your face with soap;
  • rinse your mouth;
  • change clothes.

Poisonous mixtures should be sprayed so that the spray does not fall where they can be harmful: in water bodies, habitats of bees and other animals.

Spider mite resistant varieties

If this was noticed in the garden gluttonous pest, it is advisable to plant varieties on which he will not settle. But cucumbers that are completely resistant to spider mites do not exist.

Varieties and hybrids with thick, stiff leaves covered with hairs are less attractive to the pest. In some cucumbers, the underside of the leaves is loose, porous. Ticks do not like this surface. Less often spider mites settle on cucumbers, which contain ascorbic acid.

Hybrids resist infection quite well. Better than others proved to be "Well done F1", "Athlete F1", "Five Stars F1".

How to prevent spider mites

If in a greenhouse or on open bed with cucumbers there are conditions for the life of a spider mite, it will return there again. This must be prevented in advance.

Disinfection of summer cottages is mandatory, especially greenhouses and greenhouses, sulfur checkers, copper sulfate, caustic soda. This is done in the fall and spring. At the same time, the soil is processed.

What to do to protect yourself from tick infestations:

  • buy quality processed seeds;
  • plant seedlings at a distance from each other in warm, loose soil;
  • place plants in the neighborhood that arachnids avoid;
  • weed plantings;
  • constantly inspect the leaves of cucumbers - at least three days later;
  • after harvesting, you need to dig out the roots, burn them along with the foliage and stems.

For cucumbers you need to create comfortable conditions and fertilize on time. Then the plants will grow strong, they will be able to resist diseases and pests. The risk of the appearance of a spider mite, if all recommendations are followed, is sharply reduced.

The common spider mite is a polyphagous pest that affects a wide range of host plants: tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, onions, and flower crops. But one of his favorites is the cucumber. The pest mainly affects the leaf apparatus, although damage can be observed on fruits, stems, and petioles.

The most favorable conditions for the development of the pest are created by dry hot weather. In intense heat, the common spider mite infects some crops not only in the greenhouse, but also in the open field.

Signs of a spider mite on cucumbers

The main signs of spider mite damage include:

  • the formation of light spots in the area of ​​attachment of the petiole to the leaf blade;
  • the appearance of a cobweb on the back of the leaf, usually, this is a sign of already strong colonization of the tick.

The lesion starts from the lower tiers - if you look closely at the plant from the bottom up, we will see damaged lower leaves. Gradually, the pest rises up, inhabits the upper tiers - leaves and fruits - and confuses everything with a cobweb.

Photo: spider mite on cucumbers

Spider mite control measures on cucumbers

Ordinary is considered very dangerous pest- if you do not fight with it, the loss of the crop can be up to 100%.

  • It is important to avoid common mistakes made by amateur vegetable growers when they spray the plant over the top.
  • You need to process the lower side of the sheet - where the pest is concentrated.
  • For treatments for spider mites, you can use, and agrotechnical techniques that help in the prevention of the pest.
  • In any case, be comprehensive.

How to treat cucumbers from spider mites

When the first signs of damage appear, when only the lower leaves of the plant are damaged, treatment with biological preparations, in particular with an insecticide, gives a very good effect. Fitoverm .

  1. Spraying is best done in the morning or evening, when the sun is not very bright, and the biological product acts more effectively on the pest.
  2. It is desirable to repeat the treatment with biological preparations 2-3 times with an interval of 7-10 days.

Very effective Actellik - a special anti-mite preparation. However, this toxic agent is currently banned for use in the private garden sector and can only be used for industrial greenhouses and plantations.

Prevention of spider mites on cucumbers

In addition to biological dressing, agrotechnical measures are also very important in the fight against spider mites and for prophylaxis:

  • maintaining high humidity,
  • soil replacement and tillage,
  • timely.

Compliance with spatial isolation

  1. Usually, spider mite develops when spatial isolation is not observed , when in, for example, first onions for herbs, and then cucumbers.
  2. Or, if planted around the greenhouse flower beds, for sure a spider mite will be present on cucumber plants - the pest from flowers moves to a vegetable.
  3. In addition, it should be grown separately from both flower crops and indoor plants.
  4. With such a neighborhood, a whole complex can form in addition to a spider mite - this is thrips , and whitefly , and other pests.

Greenhouse processing

Also enough effective remedy prevention is with iron or wood bases.

As a solution for whitewashing, lime is usually used with the addition of copper sulfate, or bleach, which effectively destroys the wintering stages of the spider mite.

Timely weeding

  • Cucumber plantings must be kept in a perfectly clean condition.
  • Spider mites actively colonize such common weeds, how wood lice (starworm), Mary white (quinoa), amaranth (amaranth).
  • On the weeds, the pest is reserved, from which he then passes to cultivated plants.

Soil replacement

The pest overwinters in the soil, so one of the preventive measures is change of soil to a thickness of 5-8 cm , where the wintering stage of this pest is located.

Maintaining high humidity

Since the tick loves dry hot weather, need to provide the cucumber high humidity .

  1. Spraying will be effective clean water, i.e. do watering by sprinkling - moisten the entire surface of the plant.
  2. In addition to the general increase in mass, this technique has a detrimental effect on the tick, since the pest will hardly spread over a wet surface.

The use of such simple agrotechnical measures in combination with preventive treatment biological products, will help get rid of the spider mite, prevent the spread of the pest and save the cucumber crop in the greenhouse.

A dacha or vegetable garden is a source of positive emotions and fresh vegetables. Unfortunately, both the first and the second can be threatened if some kind of "infection" appears on the cultivated plants. For example, a spider mite on cucumbers can completely destroy a crop in a short time. Only correct and timely methods and means of dealing with this pest will help to save the situation.

What is important and you need to know about spider mites

The main thing to know about a tick is that it is not an insect. This arthropod belongs to the class of arachnids, the family Tetranychidae. The most common member of the family is the common spider mite. It is he who attacks the cucumber beds. The pest has a cosmopolitan distribution, that is, its habitat covers almost the entire territory of the Earth. It is found even in Antarctica. Therefore, the fight against spider mites is an issue that is relevant for plant breeders all over the world.

Spider mites are soft-bodied arachnids with a small, up to 0.6 mm, ellipsoidal body, convex at the top and flat at the bottom. The growing up process is divided into five stages and is accompanied by molting. The larvae are translucent, greenish-brown; adults are usually reddish-orange or red. One of the phases of the larvae is six-legged; adults, or adults, have eight legs. Produce a spider web. They can migrate long distances with gusts of wind.

The life cycle is short, taking less than a month. The rate of reproduction depends on the characteristics environment... Favorable conditions: high temperature and low humidity. With an air humidity of over 80%, it practically does not multiply, therefore, the fight against spider mites in a greenhouse is always easier than in conditions open ground... Does not tolerate ultraviolet radiation, keeps on the shaded side of the sheet.

Spider mites are polyphages. Preference is given to some host plants, there are more than 200 of them. But in the absence of food "to taste" they can eat what they have. The outer covers are pierced and the contents of the cells are sucked out, depriving them of chlorophyll. They settle at the point of growth and on young leaves.

Signs of defeat

An infected plant can be recognized by the following:

  • traces of "bites" are visible - small light dots;
  • on the back of a cucumber leaf, skins thrown off after molting are noticeable, and if you look closely, then the spider mites themselves;
  • there are sticky shiny spots on the leaves;
  • a thin web is visible.

The main “wake-up call”, which is the easiest to detect: young cucumber leaves are not gaining their required size. The length of the internodes is significantly reduced. As a result, the shoot closer to the point of growth begins to curl, at the end a "bunch" of small underdeveloped leaves is visible.

The cucumber, trying to fight for life, begins to intensively pinch. On the stepsons, traces of defeat appear in a day. The affected areas quickly turn yellow and die off. The situation is aggravated by fungal infections, with which the weakened immunity of the cucumber is not able to fight. In this state, even after intensive treatments, the plant will no longer be able to recover and begin to bear fruit. Having "finished" the shoot, spider mites scatter to the neighboring ones.

Control methods

Fighting spider mites on cucumbers is a difficult task, but quite doable. The set of measures can be divided into three groups:

  • preventive measures;
  • fight against infection at the initial stage or with local infection;
  • fight against mass infection.

Below we will take a closer look at how to get rid of a spider mite in a greenhouse, what methods and means of struggle are used in practice by summer residents and gardeners.

Chemical and biological products

To fight the spider mite when its population has already grown, it is advisable to use chemicals... It is important to remember that since this pest is not an insect, insecticides are useless against it. Acaricides are used to destroy arachnids. This group of plant protection products is named after acari (mite) and cide (to shorten).

Conventionally, the group of acaricides is divided into:

  1. Specific acaricides. Contain sulfur, bromine or their derivatives. They act exclusively on ticks.
  2. Insecticides-acaricides. Complex poisons acting on both insects and arachnids. Pyrethroids or organophosphorus compounds are used as toxic substances, less often inorganic sulfur preparations.
  3. Acarofungicides, also acting on the spores of pathogenic fungi. Since ticks often carry them on themselves, infecting a weakened plant, the use of such drugs in the fight against ticks is justified and effective.

All acaricides that can be purchased commercially are classified as hazard class III. That is, they are of little danger to mammals. When using them, it is enough to adhere to the usual safety rules in such cases. The respiratory organs are closed with a cloth, gauze bandage or respirator. At the time of work, they choose clothes that cover the body as much as possible. Acaricides have a sharp bad smell... The reason is in two phases of the lesion: contact and gas. The spider mite must "breathe" the poison. The smell does not speak of any special "harm" to humans.

It is not recommended to eat or drink during processing to prevent ingestion of the substance. It is advisable to use a spray with a long nose for processing. Naturally, all work in open ground conditions is carried out in the absence of wind. There are two reasons for this: protection against accidental drops and precision processing.

When working with this group of drugs, it is more important to protect the environment:

  • avoid getting into open water, as these drugs are dangerous for fish;
  • do not carry out processing during the flowering period, since acaricides are toxic to bees.

To get rid of spider mites on cucumbers, "biological" preparations have also been developed. These include, for example, Fitoverm. It has the same hazard class and requires the same handling safety measures. Its difference is in the possibility of using it during the growing season. Fruits after spraying with Fitoverm can be harvested within 48 hours (when using conventional acaricides - at least in a month). Aversectin is a biologically active toxic substance obtained as a result of the vital activity of producer crops, does not accumulate in the organs of the plant, but self-destructs.

In order for a spider mite on cucumbers to really die, it is necessary to adhere to a number of rules. First, all acaricides have only contact action, and are not systemic drugs... That is, to get rid of a spider mite, you literally need to water it. Leaves are sprayed on both sides Special attention give the growth point and bottom surface. In a greenhouse, a spider mite can hide not only on cucumbers, but also on supports, in the folds of the film.

Secondly, treatments must be carried out strictly periodically: acaricides do not act on eggs. At a temperature of about 20 degrees, three treatments with a period of seven days are usually sufficient. At daytime temperatures of 25-30 degrees and above, young spider mites hatch faster. In this case, treatments are carried out every three days, increasing their number to four. In the greenhouse, where the temperature is higher, the spider mite is poisoned according to the last scheme. Failure to meet the deadline will negate all efforts to combat the tick.

It is important to remember that acaricides (especially for drugs with aversectin) quickly decompose under the action of high temperatures and ultraviolet radiation. Work on getting rid of cucumbers from spider mites is carried out at a cooler evening time, otherwise they will be of little use. It is advisable to add a drop to the working solution detergent so that the poison "sticks" to the leaves, and does not wash off. Before spraying, the cobweb is removed as much as possible, which serves as a "roof" for spider mites; its dense structure will protect pests from droplets. Under the action of acaricides, the tick stops feeding after 8–12 hours.

Spider mites, like many arthropods, have an adaptive mechanism that allows them to "resist" the harmful effects of poisons. Since their generations change quickly, there is a risk over the summer to "grow" spider mites that are tolerant to a certain toxic substance. Therefore, it is advisable to change the acaricides with each treatment. It is important to remember that biological acaricides do not mix well with chemical ones. Timely, when first detected, the use of acaricides will help save the long-awaited cucumber harvest.

Natural remedies

Natural or folk remedies are used as a prophylaxis. They can also be effective if the spider mite has just appeared on cucumbers and the infection is localized within one or several plants. Indeed, many do not want to use chemicals for spraying plantings for the purpose of "safety net", and rightly so.

If spider mites are found on only one cucumber shoot, it is immediately uprooted and burned.

The rest of the cucumbers can be:

  • spray with soapy water;
  • tame with tobacco dust;
  • treat with peroxide solution (2 tablespoons per liter of water);
  • use a solution of ammonia (a teaspoon per liter of water);

They are actively used to combat ticks and herbal infusions:

  • dope: 1 kg of dried plant is boiled for about 3 hours, the broth is diluted in 10 liters of water;
  • dandelion: fresh chopped greens (500 g) are poured with a bucket of water and insisted for a day;
  • sorrel: finely chopped rhizomes are soaked in a bucket of water for 5 hours;
  • calendula: 100 g of flowers insist in a liter of water for 5 days;
  • yarrow: a dried plant (500 g) is brewed in boiling water, diluted to 10 liters.

To scare away spider mites, cucumber beds are interspersed with dill, tansy, catnip, lavender or rosemary. These plants can also be planted in a greenhouse. Solanaceae, especially tomatoes, scare away ticks. Don't forget about chamomile. Indeed, it was in her flowers that substances that are now called pyrethroids were first discovered.

Preventive measures

The best way to deal with spider mites on cucumbers is prevention. It will not protect completely from the threat, because these ticks can move with gusts of wind. But it will significantly reduce the likelihood of infection. Prevention is especially important in greenhouse conditions and in the case when the spider mite has already attacked the site last year. Some females (they are called "wintering") hide in the ground, and with the arrival of spring they begin to actively reproduce.

In the fall, all parts of the cucumbers are removed and burned, even if they appear healthy. They dig up the ground before frost: the pests hibernate in the upper layer of the soil, and after turning it over, they are likely to freeze out. It is important to observe crop rotation. In the area where cucumbers were grown last year, tomatoes or cabbage are planted, and vice versa. Such a change will help not only to "hide" attractive plants for spider mites, but also to maintain the nitrogen balance in the soil. Helps in pest control and timely weed removal.

To get rid of spider mites in the greenhouse, after harvesting it is additionally fumigated with sulfur smoke bombs. It is advisable to replace the top layer of soil. The trellis and greenhouse frame are burned with a burner and treated with lime.

Spider mites are one of the most common pests, and their appearance often goes unnoticed. Even observing the consequences of its "vital activity", they are rarely associated with the tick itself. Attempts to revive cucumbers with top dressing and increased watering do not lead to anything, they die before our eyes. The fight against spider mites will be effective if you recognize the danger in time and choose the right set of measures.

Since it is very difficult to comply with the high microclimate requirements in greenhouses, pests and infections develop in them. The cause of the appearance of pests and the activation of pathogens may be the wrong temperature regime, unsuitable air humidity, untimely removed plant residues, excess or shortage of fertilizers and contaminated soil. In this article, we will tell you where does the spider mite come from on cucumbers in the greenhouse, what means are used to destroy it, and what preventive measures will help protect the greenhouse from this pest.

Description of the pest

Spider mite - arachnid arthropod of red, orange, yellow-green or whitish color, usually less than 1 mm in size. These sucking pests settle on the underside of leaves and feed on the plant's cell sap. Ticks are incredibly fertile: they can give up to 20 generations in one season. The main danger of these pests is that they are carriers of the cucumber mosaic virus.

As soon as spider mites appear in the greenhouse, they spread very quickly, and as a result of their vital activity, the leaves of plants are depleted, dry and die, which negatively affects both the development of cucumbers and their fruiting. The most comfortable temperature for these pests with an average humidity in the room - 23-33 ºC, that is, the conditions of the greenhouse are just ideal for spider mites.

Signs of the presence of ticks on cucumbers are:

  • discolored dots and spots on the leaves;
  • barely noticeable cobweb;
  • slow growth and development, yellowing and drying of plant leaves.

Prevention of spider mites on cucumbers in a greenhouse

If you don't want to fight ticks on cucumbers every year, carry out preventive measures:

  • at the beginning of each season, disinfect the greenhouse with a sulfur checker: this way you will save the room not only from ticks, but also from other pests, as well as fungi and viruses;
  • after harvesting, remove all plant residues from the greenhouse, and at the beginning of the next season change in the beds upper layer soil 20 cm thick;
  • alternate the beds of cucumbers with beds of tomatoes: on tomatoes, ticks do not multiply so quickly;
  • plant marigolds between the bushes, the smell of which mites cannot stand;
  • regularly fight weeds and take them out of the greenhouse: it is on weed grass first and pests settle;
  • strictly observe agricultural practices and try to leave slightly larger gaps between the rows so that the ticks do not spread so quickly;
  • Maintain high humidity in the greenhouse - 80-85%. For cucumbers, this normal level, but ticks with such indicators will be damp;
  • regularly inspect the plants so as not to miss the moment when ticks appear: the sooner you find them, the higher the chance to get rid of them quickly;
  • if ticks are found, immediately start treating cucumbers with folk remedies: the plants are sprayed every two weeks, and if the ticks have multiplied, then weekly treatments will be required;
  • it is possible to destroy spider mites with the help of their natural enemies phytoseiulus - predators among ticks; it is enough to spread a few leaves with phytoseiulus around the tick-affected bush;
  • if folk remedies could not rid the cucumbers in the greenhouse from spider mites, use acaricidal preparations.

Folk methods of killing spider mites, of course, are not as effective as chemical acaricides. The advantage of herbal preparations is their low toxicity to humans and the environment, therefore, in the case when there are few pests, try to do without chemistry. In the fight against spider mites, you can be helped by:

  • solution 30 ml ammonia in 10 liters of water: wipe the cucumber leaves and spray the greenhouse with the solution;
  • infusion of wormwood: 800 g of dry herb wormwood pour 10 liters of water, leave for 2 days, then boil for half an hour, cool, strain and dilute 1: 1 with water - this composition will help you get rid of many pests in the greenhouse;
  • decoction of tomato tops: 4 kg of chopped tops, pour 10 liters of boiling water and simmer for 30 minutes, then strain, for every 2 liters of broth add 30 g of grated laundry soap and stir well - the broth is effective against ticks and aphids;
  • garlic infusion: 150 g of dry leaves and garlic husks insist in 10 liters of water for a day, strain and immediately process the bushes;
  • mustard infusion: 200 g mustard powder pour 10 liters of water, leave for half a day and strain;
  • infusion of potato tops: pour 1.5 kg of chopped tops for 4-5 hours with a bucket of water, strain and use for spraying.

Treatment of cucumbers from ticks in a greenhouse with chemicals

Since ticks are not insects, but arachnids, acaricidal rather than insecticidal chemicals are used to kill them, the most effective of which are:

Plant-pin- a means for fighting ticks and aphids, which is produced in the form of sticks: they are stuck into the soil around the plants, during watering they dissolve and release the active substance butoxyraboxim, which affects ticks. The drug is intended for the destruction of pests at an early stage of plant damage, the period of protection is 1-1.5 months;

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Spider mite on cucumbers - how to deal with a pest with chemistry and folk remedies

If a spider mite appears on cucumbers - not all gardeners know how to deal with it, and in order to get rid of it, you should know how to poison the insect, what folk remedies and methods of struggle are most effective, will sulfur-tar soap help, how to treat the greenhouse and much more ...

A small and almost invisible spider mite without a magnifying glass, the signs of damage to which are determined by the appearance of a dot pattern on the leaves of cucumbers, is considered the most dangerous pest. If a spider mite has appeared on cucumbers, many summer residents think how to deal with it, but only a few know that it can be weakened with a few simple actions, while resorting to strong chemicals may not have to.

Before looking for the most best remedy from a spider mite, unbearable conditions should be created for it - this insect lives in dry, almost desert conditions with an air humidity of no more than 60%, and cucumbers love increased content water in the air - 85% or more. To weaken the pest population, increase watering and generously spray cucumbers over the leaves - you should not do this in the sun, as you can destroy the plants due to numerous burns.

Another way to defeat a spider mite on cucumbers is to mechanical removal along with damaged leaves. Unfortunately, this method does not always work - if single leaves are affected, it will work 100%, but if mites have occupied more than 40% of the leaf plates in cucumber plantings Removing damaged leaves will not help. Moreover, there is a risk of weakening the plants - the whips will survive, but it will be difficult to wait for juicy greens.

More reliable way the fight against spider mites in comparison with the previous ones - settling the beds with its natural enemy, phytoseiulus or other predatory insects with similar preferences. These are far from folk remedies for spider mites, but a real biological weapon - after populating the beds or greenhouses with predatory insects, you should not use other methods of destroying pests, as this can destroy beneficial insects.

  • - a solution is prepared from it for spraying cucumbers, insects die in a day, the efficiency reaches 100%;
  • - a powerful acaricidal agent in ampoules for preparing a solution, it acts quickly, the effect is the same as that of the previous agent;
  • Plant-Pin - sticks that are stuck into the soil near the bushes, their active substances are absorbed by the root system of cucumbers, making plants poisonous to ticks;
  • Etisso is another soil form of pest poison in the form of sticks;
  • - biological insecticide, means for spraying and watering plants.

cucumbers affected by spider mites - in the photo

pests of cucumbers, spider mites - in the photo

It is important to understand that chemical insecticides, when used, can cause poisoning in humans, therefore, when working with them, it is recommended to protect Airways with cloth bandages or respirators, cover your eyes with glasses, and cover your body with tight clothing.

If a spider mite appears on cucumbers, the following rules will tell you how to deal with it with chemistry without risks and losses:

  1. Solutions of drugs are prepared immediately before use, they are not subject to storage;
  2. After 2-3 treatments, any drug must be changed to a drug with another active ingredient;
  3. You need to spray plants, supports, soil under the bushes, and when used in a greenhouse and building structure, mites can hide in them and survive;
  4. To enhance the effect, you can combine several insecticides (such mixtures are called tank mixtures).

When a spider mite appears, it will have to be fought all season with an interval between treatments of 2 weeks, but the timing may differ depending on the name of the drug. Before use, you need to carefully study the instructions.

Folk remedies for spider mites - time-tested recipes

An additional means of influencing the pest is folk remedies - with a small degree of damage to cucumbers, they cope with spider mites no worse than chemicals. They are also suitable as intermediate treatments - spraying with chemicals alternates with spraying with folk remedies to exclude the adaptation of the tick to insecticides.

spider mite on home cucumbers - pictured

When alternating folk and chemicals you can slightly reduce the frequency of treatments with the latter - this will certainly be appreciated by adherents of organic farming, who encountered a spider mite on cucumbers, and are already desperate to defeat it.

The squeeze is added to the infusion, a little is poured there liquid soap... Cucumbers are processed in the morning or in the evening, consuming 5 liters of solution per 10 m².

Sulfur-tar soap from spider mites also provides good help. A solution with it helps to scare off most of the pests, and if you combine it with herbal infusions, the effect will be more pronounced. Soap solution can also be used to prevent the appearance of pests on cucumbers.