How to soak cucumbers. Soaking the cucumber seed before planting

Presowing preparation is needed for many seeds. It makes it possible to accelerate the germination of seeds, protects them from diseases. But such preparation is not always necessary. Let's find out how things are with soaking cucumber seeds - the traditional way preparing them for sowing.

Do I need to soak cucumber seeds before planting?

In this article, you can get answers to all questions related to the topic of soaking cucumber seeds:

  1. Do you need to soak cucumber seeds at all before planting? Experienced gardeners claim that soaking really accelerates germination, although cucumbers germinate very quickly, in just a few days, provided the temperature and humidity are optimal. Also, the seeds are soaked when there are doubts about their germination. However, such pre-sowing preparation also has its risks: in the event of unfavorable weather conditions in open ground, the hatched seeds may die.
  2. How much to soak cucumber seeds before planting? Typically, this process does not last long, only 1-2 days, until the seeds "bite", that is, the mouth of the seed opens and a sprout begins to appear. Overexposing cucumber seeds in water is not worth it for the following reasons. First, they can sprout without shedding the seed coat, which will make it difficult to open the cotyledons. And secondly, a longer root of a germinated seed can be damaged during transplantation, and such a plant will inevitably die.
  3. Do processed cucumber seeds need to be soaked? As a rule, this is not done if the seed is coated or treated with a dressing agent. Water, when soaked, washes off the protective layer, and the meaning of such treatment is lost. But the seeds, which were only disinfected in solution or peroxide, can be soaked for germination.
  4. Should you soak hybrid cucumber seeds? The answer to this question is unequivocal - it is not necessary. The reason is the same as in the previous paragraph: all seeds of hybrids (and this applies not only to cucumbers), as a rule, have already undergone pre-sowing treatment. They are treated with fungicides, coated, granulated or inlaid, and soaking in water will harm them.

They are distinguished by good germination; high-quality cucumber seeds have a germination rate of at least 90%. At the right conditions the shelf life of cucumber seeds is 6-7 years... Optimal storage conditions for cucumber seeds: dry cool place with a temperature of +10 ... + 12 ° C and a relative humidity of no more than 60%. Cucumber seeds tolerate freezing (lowering the temperature below 0 ° C), but store them in the garage, in the country, unheated room all the same it is impossible: with a sharp decrease in temperature, they are likely to become damp and suffocate. Do not store cucumber seeds in hot places in the apartment: near heating radiators, in cabinets under the ceiling. At temperatures above + 25 ° C, they remain viable for only about a year.

Necessary conditions for the germination of cucumber seeds

The germination temperature of cucumber seeds is +20 ... + 28 ° С, the germination time is about 3 days.

Calibration of cucumber seeds

The first thing that is always done with seeds is their calibration, that is, the best ones are selected. This is a must when buying seeds from your hands or harvesting yourself. Shop seeds from large seed companies are calibrated in production. First of all, deformed and unnaturally colored seeds (dark or stained) are subjected to rejection. For planting, large, even seeds of cucumbers of a uniform light color are selected.

You can calibrate cucumber seeds in 3% salt solution. To prepare the solution, take 3 g of table salt per 100 ml of water or 30 g per liter. 30 grams of salt is about 1.5 tablespoons or 3 rounded teaspoons.

The seeds are thoroughly mixed in a solution to remove all bubbles from the surface of the seeds and kept for 5-10 minutes. The floating seeds are thrown away. The rest are rinsed and dried. What is important in saline solution you can only reject fresh cucumber seeds (1-2 years old), the old ones will float up almost everything, even if they have retained their germination capacity. Therefore, if you still have all the seeds of a cucumber surfaced, then do not rush to throw them away, most likely they are simply overdried. To test germination, put a test batch of seeds on germination.

Disinfection of cucumber seeds in a solution of potassium permanganate

To disinfect the seeds of cucumbers, a 1% solution of potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate - KMnO 4) is prepared before sowing and the seeds are immersed in it for 20-30 minutes.

After that, the seeds are washed. However, potassium permanganate is only suitable for protecting seeds from infections located on the surface of the seeds. Also, keep in mind that processing efficiency is reduced if stuck seeds are soaked.

How much potassium permanganate is needed to process cucumber seeds?

One standard teaspoon without top contains 6 g. To prepare a 1% solution, you need a spoonful of potassium permanganate for 3 cups of water, or a third of a spoon for a glass. The solution should be saturated purple... Pink, dark pink and light purple solutions (when the bottom shows through the solution) are practically useless.

Disinfection of cucumber seeds in special preparations

It is more difficult to choose a method to combat diseases of cucumbers that remain in the embryo of seeds. Currently, some bacterial preparations are used for dressing cucumber seeds. However, their treatment suppresses not only harmful, pathogenic, but also beneficial microflora, and it is not worth using it unless absolutely necessary.

So, for example, the preparations Fitosporin-M, Baksis are used to combat root rot, bacteriosis and tracheomycotic wilting. Cucumber seeds are soaked in a solution of any of these preparations for 1-2 hours, then dried.

Warming cucumber seeds before sowing

On an industrial scale, heating is widely used for seed disinfection. For this, cucumber seeds are heated for 3 days at a temperature of + 40 ° C or at a temperature of + 80 ° C for one day. You can warm up in the oven, some gardeners have adapted to warm seeds on radiators central heating or even on incandescent lamps. But in any case, warming up is stressful for the embryo of the seed, in addition, it is difficult to maintain accurate temperatures at home, therefore, this method, despite its popularity, is not recommended for home use.

Soaking cucumber seeds

Soaking is the most popular pre-sowing seed treatment method. He is known to everyone who has planted cucumbers at least once. Soaking accelerates the germination of cucumber seeds, but washes away the protective layer if the seeds have been treated by the producer against infections, and reduces the resistance of the germinating seeds to adverse conditions. A slight cold snap or short-term drying can be safe for dry cucumber seeds, and destructive for pre-soaked ones. Therefore, soaking makes sense when sowing cucumbers for seedlings at home, and when sowing in the ground - only if the weather is good.

For soaking cucumber seeds, it is advisable to choose a transparent container, plastic or glass. At its bottom, lay out a napkin in several layers, paper, gauze or cloth, lay out the seeds and pour in so that the water stands, but does not cover the whole seeds. The seeds are soaked for 1-2 days until the shell cracks.

Germinating cucumber seeds

Pre-germination of cucumber seeds before sowing is used if there are doubts about their germination. In order not to waste space, you can sow only those seeds that have already sprouted. Their disadvantage is that the germinated seeds of cucumbers, after sowing, need warmth and frequent watering. And if the seed coat is allowed to dry out or it is not enough to bury it in the soil, seedlings from germinated seeds sometimes cannot get rid of the seed coat on their own. We'll have to help them: sprinkle the seed coat with water from a spray bottle, and when it gets wet, carefully remove it with a toothpick.

The temperature for germinating cucumber seeds is +25 ... + 28 ° С. Place the seeds in a container or saucer in several layers of damp toilet paper, put in a plastic bag and put in a warm place for 1-2 days. It is better not to use cotton wool and gauze for sprouting cucumbers. The cucumber has long fragile roots that quickly grow into the tissue and are easily damaged during transplantation. Cucumber seeds germinate well both in the dark and in the light.

Soaking cucumber seeds in a nutrient solution

Soaking in a solution of physiologically active substances stimulates the growth of seedlings. Fertilizer soaking is used when planting cucumbers in poor soils.

The principles of soaking in a nutrient solution are the same as in water: the seeds are placed on paper, gauze or cloth, poured with a small amount of solution, they are covered on top and the liquid level is monitored. The seeds are kept in the nutrient solution for 12-20 hours. The treatment is carried out at a temperature of +20 ... + 28 ° C; at a lower temperature, its effectiveness decreases. Then the swollen seeds are transferred to paper, cloth or laid out in a gauze bag and germinated at a temperature of +25 ... + 28 ° C until the root appears.

To prepare the nutrient solution, you can use Epin, Zircon, or other preparations without mixing them with each other, since each of them has its own processing time. In Epin's solution, the seeds are kept for 16-24 hours (2 drops per 100 ml of water (half a glass); in Zircon solution - 10-12 hours (1 drop per 150 ml of water), in a solution of potassium or sodium humates - exactly one day (0.005-0 , 01% solution).

Bubbling cucumber seeds

Sparging is the enrichment of seeds with oxygen. It is used only for old seeds of cucumbers, 6-7 years of age, to increase the vigor of germination. In young seeds, it does not give any noticeable effect. The seeds are laid out in a gauze bag and placed in a jar of water at room temperature. Then air is supplied using an aquarium compressor, while the tube should be under the seed bag so that air bubbles surround it on all sides. In this state, the seeds are kept for about a day, but if there are a lot of seeds, then it is advisable to change the water in the middle of the cycle. After bubbling, the seeds that have emerged are immediately planted in the ground.

Hardening cucumber seeds

Hardening of cucumber seeds increases their resistance to adverse environmental conditions. Hardened seedlings can handle cold soil better and resist root rot. Seeds intended for hardening are wrapped in a damp cloth, laid out on a saucer or plastic dishes and put in the refrigerator for 2 days ( optimum temperature 0 ... + 2 ° C). During the entire time, make sure that the cloth remains damp.

After that, the seeds are immediately sown or processed in a nutrient solution without drying. According to some fans, hardening can accelerate the development of cucumbers and even increase the yield of cucumbers up to 40%.

Do I need to process inlaid, plasma, precision seeds?

Most seed companies are obliged to carry out at least a minimum complex of treatment of cucumber seeds from infections. The most expensive seeds are often already prepared in advance: they are calibrated, treated with fungicides, stimulants, due to which they have a colored color. Such seeds do not need to be treated with anything before sowing.

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I bought seeds in the online store "Russian Garden" (, but the seeds purchased even in the store are guaranteed not to give 100% germination.

Preparation of planting material

Nikolai and Irina, rightly said, if not their own seeds, but purchased ones, then they do not need to be soaked, agronomists say that soaked ones sprout longer, now it seems that they pickle cucumbers with something and dry ones sprout faster
Helps everything well

Soaking and dressing of planting material

Sometimes, to get early cucumbers, planting occurs seedling method... The method of obtaining seedlings in sawdust is economical and uncomplicated. Watered warm water with the addition of a solution of dark-colored potassium permanganate. The seeds, possibly even dry, are placed in sawdust, retreating 3 cm from each achene, covered with sawdust on top of about 0.5 cm, then watered with water, of course, warm, covered with a transparent film and after 3 days the cucumbers will show their first cotyledon leaves. After that, it is better to remove the film.

  • For the most early harvest your cucumbers must be soaked in warm water before planting. To do this, you need to put a piece of clean gauze or a soft rag on a saucer, you can even use cotton cosmetic pads. Put them in a bowl, pour them on top the right amount seeds, cover with a second layer of cloth, gauze or a second cotton pad, cover with warm water.
  • There is another option. Prepare next lineup... One Matchbox wood ash dissolved in five liters of water. Insist for two days. In this solution, the seeds must be kept for four to six hours. They wake up after soaking, swell. If this did not happen, then the whole procedure should be repeated from the beginning. It is necessary to hold them in warm water for one to two hours. Also suitable for processing planting material are aloe juice, infusions of valerian, chamomile, oak bark.
  • Let's take a direct look at the process describing how to soak the seeds before planting, what needs to be done for this. The planting material is placed in water at room temperature. Such processing helps to awaken the dormant forces in the small seed. Seedlings will be early. Gardeners are concerned about the following problem: how many days to soak the seeds so that they are ready for planting. It is enough to soak parsley, beets, peppers, celery, carrots, eggplants, parsnips, onions in water for forty-eight hours. For cucumbers, radish, cabbage, melon, radish, lettuce, zucchini, pumpkin, squash, eight to twelve hours are enough.
  • Heat-loving crops are often propagated not by seedlings, but by seeds. At proper preparation of planting material, the harvest of cucumbers can already be harvested in mid-June. It is important to choose suitable varieties time-tested cultures: Graceful, Murom 36, Altai early, Competitor, Zozulya, Manul, Kaskad, Kristall and many others.

A gardener who wants to have a good harvest should carefully study the rules according to which cucumber seeds are sown - how to germinate a crop, as well as how to care for it later. The more information, the better the seedlings will be, and accordingly, the plant will give a lot of fruits. In the cultivation of cucumbers, the seed hardening method is used. Already swollen or sprouted grains are kept for two days in a room with a temperature from minus two to plus two degrees. A refrigerator, basement or glacier is perfect for hardening.

300 milligrams methylene blue;

Positive and negative aspects of germination

Every gardener tries with my own hands grow healthy and wholesome vegetables. One of the most popular is the cucumber, which grows both in the open field and in the greenhouse. Like all plants, culture requires constant care... Every summer resident and gardener buys cucumber seeds. Not everyone knows how to germinate a culture. To deal with this process, certain information is required.

Personally, I never soak or germinate seeds of neither pepper nor cucumbers ... I plant dry. Once a neighbor gave sprouted cucumber seeds and I planted them. did not notice that they ascended much faster than dry ones. Well, I personally have it

Germinating seeds

Put in a rag on a saucer and add water as it dries in open ground, seedlings of cucumbers can not be earlier than the beginning of June and they should not have long lashes, otherwise you will break when planting it is 3-4 weeks

Can be diluted in water aloe juice - perfectly stimulates rapid germination.

Growing cucumbers

Plant seedlings in an open ridge at the stage of 3-4 true leaves, only necessarily after the threat of frost.

Seeds should always be kept in a humid environment, so do not dry them out by constantly spraying upper layer gauze. After 2 or 3 days, white sprouts will appear from the seeds. When they reach 3 mm, you can sow.

Having considered the above methods of processing planting material, we can conclude that the question of whether it is necessary to soak the seeds is rhetorical. If you go through all the stages of preparation correctly, then as a result you can get good shoots, strong healthy plants and a rich harvest.

When culling, seeds are removed not only empty, damaged, but also diseased. After all, they can be carriers of dangerous diseases, which will then pass on to adult plants. As preventive measures disinfection is in progress. Before the seeds are soaked before planting, they are subjected to a special treatment.


How to plant cucumber seeds? It is quite simple, you can grow them in the open field, and in the greenhouse, and on the windowsill. Planting cucumbers is easy, you just need to make beds and lower the prepared seeds there. It is important to identify varieties that will yield stable yields. Seed shops now offer hybrid species. Such varieties are demanding in terms of conditions and care. It is important not to forget that any plant needs human attention. If you study the information on how to germinate cucumber seeds, then the harvest will always be rich.

The pre-emergence period for a plant is very important, difficult and dangerous. Because of this, it is desirable to speed up the process of obtaining seedlings. different ways... And therefore, you need to know well how and how to process cucumber seeds, how to germinate a crop. Indeed, thanks to this method, a person can select the most best material(These are the plants that will hatch first). Germination also stimulates 100% germination in cucumbers: almost all of them appear at the same time (with an interval of several hours). Thus, all seedlings require the same care, as the needs are the same.


20 mg boric acid or 7 mg succinic;


Cucumbers are dicotyledonous plants, they are arranged like many flowering crops... In the middle is the embryo, around which the endosperm and protective membrane are located. For all plants, the ratio of layers is different. Seeds are divided into starchy, oilseed and protein types (the categories differ depending on the nutritional reserve, whichever prevails). Each plant has common traits, for example, protein and phytin are found in all crops. These components are very important for the growth phase. Phytin secretes phosphorus, which the seeds feed on. Cereal grains contain a very high percentage of starch. Oilseeds are rich in fats. How to plant cucumber seeds yourself, how to germinate grains? What kind of soil to use, how much moisture do you need? Let's figure it out.

If the seeds are granular and you are planting in peat pots, then you do not need to soak them. If you are afraid that they will not ascend, plant in peat tablets, soak them, and plant the seeds - they will definitely sprout.


A question from our subscriber Roman:

Processing with mixtures

Stick into the ground or peat tablets and water

I put a napkin or rag in a plate, spread the seeds, cover with the free part of the napkin and water it. So that the napkin is well damp for several days. but didn't swim in water.

There are no particular difficulties at this stage of sowing. In the cucumber hole, make small dimples no more than 3 cm deep. Place one seed with a sprout in these holes. Gently sprinkle with earth on top, pour no less gently with warm water, preferably from a small watering can, so that the pouring jets of water under pressure do not wash the seeds to the surface.

Delicate, crunchy and smelling of unique freshness, the cucumber greens are a favorite delicacy of so many people! There is no vegetable garden in which at least a small patch of this vegetable has not lurked. For many, planting cucumbers is a common thing, but some gardeners, with all their efforts, get a not very happy harvest. The most common reason for such failures is ignorance of the basic rules for sowing seeds and therefore often they do not germinate. To make the number of unhappy cucumber lovers as small as possible, we will consider some points that will definitely help "make friends" with this thermophilic vegetable.

How to soak cucumber seeds before planting? - Plant magic

The most effective way to disinfect them is to warm them up in water up to 50 ° C. Place the planting material in a cloth bag and lower it in boiling water for twenty minutes. In this case, care must be taken that the temperature does not drop. Then the seeds are soaked in cold water for three minutes. Similar tests are suitable for carrots, cabbage and beets. Do the same with zucchini, eggplant, watermelon and melons. True, they require a longer "hot bath" - within two hours.

About the "character" of the cucumber

Spring is the beginning of the season when gardeners and gardeners think about the future harvest. Planting plans are created, seeds and fertilizers are purchased in stores. Some crops, such as tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, begin to be cultivated by growing seedlings. Other plants do not require a similar preparation period. They are planted immediately into the ground when the ground warms up enough. But in both cases, gardeners may be concerned with the question of whether to soak the seeds and, if so, how.

But almost every process has its drawbacks. In germination, it is also quite difficult to create the desired temperature regime. It is constantly required to monitor the seeds, whether they have sprouted or not. It is also necessary not to miss the moment of root tangling, and then transplant the seedlings in time. Sprouted seeds should not be taken with your hands, but with tweezers, so as not to damage the plant. it painstaking process, but it helps to achieve maximum results.

2 g zinc sulfate;

We achieve fast germination

For each process, a person must create favorable conditions... If you know how to germinate cucumber seeds correctly, then there will be almost one hundred percent germination of seedlings. Also, all plants will grow healthy and strong, and the harvest will be early.

Germination is the sowing quality of seeds. And soaking does not affect it, well, maybe a couple of percent. Soaking accelerates germination and emergence. If, according to the seed passport, the germination rate is 30%, then soak, do not soak, and the divers will not help. Good luck.

We will sow correctly

A question about vegetable seedlings (cucumber, tomato, etc.) is it worth soaking the seeds before planting them?

Cover with a bag in a warm place and air it once a day. that's all

Garter cucumber

On a wet cloth and in a warm place for half a day.

After watering, inspect the cucumber ridge again, hide the floating seeds under a layer of moist earth, if any. Seeds need to be sown more than planned for future lashes, since during their growth the weak and sick are discarded. Such sprouts are plucked out of the ridge.

Seedlings in sawdust

Yes, yes, any plant has its own character, cucumber is no exception. It will only grow in warm conditions, in moist, but not floating soil, well fertilized with organic matter and mineral fertilizing.

The options for how to soak seeds before planting are very similar, but at the same time, they are not the most basic. Before soaking planting material can be frozen in the refrigerator. The seeds are wrapped in a damp cloth and placed in freezer... They are stored at low temperatures - from -1 to -3 °. This is how pumpkin, tomatoes, eggplants, and peppers are tempered for three days. Having withstood such conditions, they will be ready for planting in open ground much earlier than those not hardened.

How to soak cucumber seeds for seedlings?

soroka- by itself

To prepare the material for germination, it must be placed in a warm place. For example, put next to the battery. The first you need crops such as pumpkin, cucumbers, squash, zucchini. The room should be at a temperature of plus twenty degrees. If the seeds warm up for a month or a month and a half, then later they will sprout earlier and provide an earlier harvest.

Tatiana Pavlova

The cucumber is a thermophilic plant, therefore the temperature regime for the culture is very important. For germination, a gauze or napkin is taken in which the grains will be soaked. The fabric is impregnated with a certain solution (we discussed how to make it above) and the seeds are wrapped in it. Then the cheesecloth or napkin is laid out on a saucer, on top of which glass is placed. This helps to retain moisture, which cucumbers love very much.

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5 g of soda (drinking).


The main thing in the germination process is to properly prepare the planting material. The grains need to be immersed in a certain solution, and therefore let's figure out how to soak cucumber seeds. In order for the seedlings to germinate perfectly, the grains must be dipped in a five percent solution of salt (table salt). This method will help to identify empty seeds: they remain on the surface, and full-fledged ones sink to the bottom. You can also warm up the planting material, even at home. For example, leave seeds near heating appliances at a temperature of +40 degrees Celsius for one week.
Roman, there is logic in this approach. If you do not intend to dive the seedlings, but want to sow directly into separate containers, then pre-germination can really save space. I do this when it comes to expired seeds, and you don't understand whether you can throw them away right away, or you can still sow))
I am interested in this question for the following reason, I want to plant seedlings of many varieties, while I need to know that the seedlings will be guaranteed, tk. I plan on 1-2 peat pots per grade.

Better not to soak. They sprout in 3-4 days. After soaking, they grow stunted and stretch out.
By hands

Nikolay Lakaevsky

Most often, cucumber sprouts very soon turn into green whips, clinging with curly tendrils to everything that gets in the way. To make the harvest happy, these long lashes should be tied up - this way it will be more convenient to care for the plants and feed. For these purposes, stakes and trellises are used.

Irina Shabalina

Its seeds germinate only if the ambient air temperature is not less than 15 ° C heat. This also requires warmed-up soil. The sown cucumber seed will never appear from the cold soil.

Elena Orlova

When preparing planting material, you can safely experiment. For example, here's how to soak seeds before planting with nutrient formulas. A solution of potassium permanganate is required. He prepares as follows. One gram of potassium permanganate is dissolved in five liters of water. But it should be borne in mind that such processing inhibits the development of plants. Therefore, experts recommend resorting to specially produced mixtures.


Not all planting material is suitable for growing strong and healthy plants... Perhaps the seeds bought a long time ago are already expired if their expiration date has expired. Therefore, before processing, it is necessary to sort through all of them, remove damaged, small ones.

Should you soak your seeds before planting seedlings?

It is worth constantly monitoring the amount of water in the saucer, if necessary, add liquid at room temperature. Without moisture, seeds can dry out and become unsuitable for planting.

The planting material must be soaked in the prepared liquid for a day. Next, the seeds should be dried to a state of flowability, and only then sow. In addition to this procedure, experienced gardeners also pickle grains. This is done in order to protect the planting material from diseases and pests. You can pickle seeds in advance or just before sowing. For such a procedure, use fentiuram (3 grams per 1 kilogram of grains) or TMTD (4 grams per 1 kilogram).

To get healthy and strong seedlings pre-sowing soaking can be carried out. It is very effective and also stimulates the growth of the culture. There are several options for preparing a solution in which one kilogram of cucumber seeds will be soaked (the amount of substance per liter of water is indicated):

But there is a nuance. Guaranteed seedlings are not yet guaranteed successful seedlings. At the stage of seed germination, it is not always possible to assess the quality of the future sprout 100%. In this sense, picking is a blessing: we sow (even if dry, even if nailed - here it is no longer so important) seeds in a common container, and then we choose the strongest and most promising sprouts. And now they are already - in separate containers in order to further groom and cherish)

Cucumbers are one of the most demanded vegetable crops in garden plot... It takes a lot of effort to get good fruiting. Correct preparation of cucumber seeds for sowing is a key point on which germination and further fruiting directly depends.

Growing cucumbers can take place in the open field or in a greenhouse, so this must be taken into account during preparation seed cucumbers.

Efficient processing methods

One of the most simple methods seed treatment can be distinguished by soaking. Unfortunately, not all gardeners know how, so they make many mistakes when implementing this procedure.

So that the soaking of cucumber seeds before planting occurs correctly, for this they take warm water and immerse the seeds in it. The duration of the procedure is several hours. This will allow us to reject and find out which raw materials will not do us any good.

Defective seeds (dummies) will float to the surface of the liquid. They are not able to sprout, therefore from total mass they will need to be removed.

Also, to soak the seeds of the cucumber, instead of water, take a saline solution. For its preparation, 50 grams of table salt is dissolved in 1000 ml of water. The seeds that we have selected for planting must be dried.

If such seed is not available, then you will have to provide optimal conditions for keeping fresh seed. It is necessary to pick up optimal place for storage, warm and dry, not cooler than 25 degrees Celsius.

If this condition has also not been met, then you will have to heat the seeds for about 2 hours in the oven at 60 degrees. The main thing is to do everything right so as not to overheat or steaming. After this procedure, the treated seed can germinate without problems.

The preparation of seed raw materials is not complete without disinfection. Few gardeners know how to process cucumber seeds to strengthen their immunity. This is done in several ways:

  • dry pickling;
  • wet disinfection.

For dry processing, NIUIF-2 (granosan) is used. It will need 3 grams per 1 kilogram of seed. They also use TMTD, which will require 4 grams per 1 kilogram of seed. These powdered products must be stirred in closed containers, shaking every 5 minutes.

Treatment of cucumber seeds before planting with the wet method consists in diluting 10 grams of potassium permanganate per 1 liter of water. In such a solution, you need to soak the raw materials for about 30 minutes, then rinse them well with clean water.

Application of germinated seeds

After we figured out whether it is necessary to soak cucumber seeds, we need to start germinating them. Germinating cucumber seeds before planting has never been a priority for gardeners and few knew how to do this correctly.

Sprouted specimens were simply thrown aside. But recently, seasoned summer residents have increasingly begun to use sprouted seeds for planting. According to reviews, thanks to this method, the level of fruiting increased significantly.

  1. We make a solution of boric acid - we dilute 20 mg of the substance per 1000 ml of water.
  2. We provide a warm temperature regime in the room.

To prepare the solution boric acid it is quite possible to replace it with other means in the following proportions:

  • 7 milligrams succinic acid for 1000 ml of water;
  • 5 grams of baking soda per 1000 ml of water;
  • 300 milligrams of methylene blue per 1000 ml of water;
  • 2 grams of zinc sulfate per 1000 ml of water.

For those who do not intend to apply chemical agents To process cucumber seeds before planting, we have prepared one powerful recipe with the addition of aloe juice. It needs to be diluted in half with water. Of course, this method is not as effective. The duration of soaking must be reduced to 6 hours, and the temperature must be constantly maintained at about 22 degrees.

Next, the material must be laid out on a piece of cloth in a thin layer, and sawdust or sand sprinkled around them. The temperature should vary between 20 and 25 degrees. If sawdust has been selected, it must be treated with boiling water before use to remove tar and other unwanted substances.

How to prepare cucumber seeds for planting? In the event that the cultivation will take place in the open field, then you need to worry about resistance to cold temperature conditions... In this case, seed germination can increase up to 36 hours.

It will not be superfluous to carry out hardening. To do this, you need to slightly wet the cucumber planting material and keep it at a temperature less than -5 for 3 days.

Soil and bed preparation

To plant seeds, you need to prepare loose soil, fertilized organic fertilizers... Never use acidic soil. To feed the beds, you need to add from 80 to 100 kilograms of manure for every 10 square meters... If such fertilizer is not available, then you need to prepare 400 grams of superphosphate or 250 grams of potassium salt.

Also, it will not be superfluous to choose a suitable landing site. The best precursors for cucumbers are potatoes, peas, or corn.

Soil preparation in spring consists in its regular loosening, as well as the introduction of wood ash or ammonium nitrate, in a proportion of 150-200 grams for every 10 square meters. You can start planting in the prepared soil.

Rows of cucumbers should be 70 centimeters apart. Seeds should be spaced up to 10 centimeters apart. Make sure that the temperature regime is within the normal range and does not fall below zero. The plot may be slightly shaded.

Seeds need to be planted in 2 or even 3 doses. You do not need to plant all the seed at once. The optimal planting depth is considered to be no more than 4 centimeters. But some experienced gardeners are sure that when planting to a depth of 7 centimeters, moisture is better retained and good germination is obtained. Therefore, you can experiment a little and plant the seeds at different depths in the same hole.

What only gardeners and gardeners do not go to in order to get an amazingly rich harvest on their site. Various techniques and techniques are used, ranging from the latest developments in agricultural technology to popular conspiracies... To receive you need to excellent harvest cucumbers, their seeds are best pre-soaked. How to soak cucumber seeds?

There are several main ways to get germinated seeds for planting.

  1. Wet a canvas rag, wrap cucumbers in it, put in a plastic bag and put away in a warm place. Cucumbers germinate within three days.
  2. Wet a cloth, and with cucumbers wrapped in it, put in glass jar... Close the jar with a lid and put in a warm place for two to three days.
  3. The original method is used by many women - a damp cloth with cucumber seeds wrapped in it is put in ... a bra. Thus, they say, cucumber seeds can be planted in just a few hours.

For soaking cucumber seeds, it is best to use settled, thawed or rainwater... Chlorinated tap water is not very suitable for soaking seeds. In addition, the soaking water should not be cold. the optimum water temperature, which should be used for germinating cucumber seeds, is 26-28 degrees. Also, before soaking, you can treat the cucumber seeds with a growth stimulant.

It is necessary to plant sprouted cucumber seeds very carefully, because if the sprout breaks, then this seed can be thrown away - it will no longer give a plant.

So we can conclude that. that germination cucumber seeds love moisture and warmth.

How to properly soak seeds before planting

In order to create the most optimal conditions for greater germination of seeds, their preparation is preliminary carried out: calibration, processing, disinfection, soaking, etc. Soaking of planting material (seeds) is carried out in order to increase the likelihood of obtaining large yields. And also - to improve its quality. And whether it is worth soaking the seeds before planting or not depends on the culture.

Some seedlings of vegetable crops or flowers have a rather dense shell, which can impede rapid germination. Soaking is used to achieve excellent mass emergence. Moreover, the faster the sprouts sprout, the less likely the seeds will die in the ground, be eaten by pests, or begin to rot. Well, in order to increase the percentage of germination of all seeds, you can apply soaking with the addition of biologically active solutions.

Soaking and preparing

To begin with, it is worth noting that it is necessary to carry out the soaking process correctly only after disinfecting the seeds, immediately before planting. You will need a container, water, gauze and planting material for the procedure.

As previously indicated, seeds in a dense shell must be soaked. These include: seedlings of cucumbers, squash, pumpkin, beet, tomato, pepper and watermelon. It can also be classified as a presoak crop due to its content a large number essential oils, seeds of dill, carrots, celery, parsley, parsnips. After soaking such seedlings in water, some of the essential oils will be washed out, and their germination will be easier.

You can use tap water, but gardeners still prefer not to use it. Use wide plates or saucers as a container.

How to carry out the procedure

This process is quite simple to execute. Seeds need to be spread on moistened gauze and covered with a second layer on top. After that, the seedlings are poured with water, the temperature of which should be about +30 - +35 degrees. It is worth noting that if the water becomes brown, then it must be changed until it becomes transparent.

The volume of water required for the procedure is calculated based on the volume of seeds. For specific crops, the ratio of seeds to water will be as follows:

  • 50% water for seedlings of courgettes, melons, watermelons, tomatoes, pumpkins, cucumbers;
  • 100% - for parsley, dill, beets, celery, peas and legumes.

Containers with soaked seeds are placed in a dark place. The temperature for the most optimal conditions should be in the range from +20 to +25 degrees. Some gardeners practice a rather interesting method - they put containers with seedlings soaked in water additionally in a plastic bag, before putting them away in an unlit place. Thus, providing a greenhouse effect.

In the process of soaking, air is not required for the seeds, so you do not have to worry that they will "suffocate" under a layer of water. But at the same time, their prolonged stay in water can lead to the death of the planting material. Most seedlings take about 18 hours to swell. These include the seeds of cucumbers, tomatoes, lettuce, beets, zucchini, watermelon. Seedlings of carrots, parsley, celery, dill, onions should be left in water for swelling for 48 hours. Such crops, which have large mealy seeds, are soaked for 2-4 hours before planting.

How to soak planting material in a biologically active solution

Often, biological solutions are added to the water for soaking seeds before planting to stimulate growth (germination) in the future. As a rule, such substances are used as:

  • "Epin"- plant-based growth stimulant. This substance helps seedlings to quickly adapt to conditions environment and survive unfavorable factors(frost, lack of light).
  • "Zircon"- a preparation based on chicoric acid secreted from echinacea. This substance is one of the strong growth stimulants, which not only stimulates the growth of seedlings, but also helps the formation of roots.
  • "Humat"- environmentally friendly salt (sodium or potassium) of humic acid, obtained as a result of alkaline hydrolysis of peat, brown coal.

In general, there are a lot of substances that are added when soaking into water and contribute to good germination, and their assortment is varied.

But you can also prepare a biological solution in the form of an infusion at home. So, for example, infusions from pharmacy chamomile suitable for soaking cabbage, pea, beans, radish seeds. The best remedy for seedlings of carrots, cucumbers, tomatoes, pumpkins, onions, peppers, celery and dill - valerian infusion. For dining beets and spinach, an infusion of fermented mullein is used. Natural biostimulants are also infusion of wood ash and aloe juice (fresh).

How to carry out the procedure specifically for each culture


The seeds of cucumbers, like the cultures of squash, pumpkin, squash, watermelon, cabbage and radish, are the first to be prepared before sowing. To do this, in about 1-1.5 they must be dried, for example, near a battery. After careful inspection, choosing only quality material, cucumber seedlings are soaked. Following the advice of experienced gardeners, these crops should not be soaked in plain water, but with the addition of stimulants and biological solutions. By the way, using this advice, you can thus immediately disinfect the seeds. Sufficient time for soaking is about 12 hours. During this time, the seedlings of cucumbers and similar crops will noticeably swell and, possibly, even signs of germination will appear.

Parsley and dill

Seeds of parsley, dill, carrots, lettuce and parsnips are soaked before planting. As a rule, sowing of planting material of such plants occurs in April. Therefore, you need to prepare the seedlings on time. As mentioned earlier, seedlings of these crops (parsley, lettuce, etc.) do not germinate well due to the content of essential oils. Therefore, they will need more time for swelling. Soaking is carried out in water, this procedure can take about 48 hours. Dry the seeds in a dark place before sowing. Correctly soaked and then dried seeds of parsley, dill, carrots and others will crumble easily.


Planting material in the form of beet seeds must be soaked before planting in advance, about 2-3 days earlier. Water can be used thawed, or ordinary, only it is worth bringing it to a temperature of 20-25 degrees. Beet seedlings will take about 22-25 hours to swell. A special moment during the procedure with beet seedlings is at intervals of 2-3 hours, the first 10 hours you should change the water.

If you bought a bag of seed that says the seeds have been processed, you need to deal with them a little differently when planting than with ordinary seeds harvested from your garden in the fall.


  • There are several types of processed seeds on the market today. They are divided according to the method of processing into inlaid, coated and simply disinfected. The inlaid seeds are brightly colored and almost life-size. They are simply coated with a protective layer of pesticides that keeps them from disease.
  • The pelleted seeds are pea-shaped. Usually very small seeds are coated, so these peas are also microscopic, but still two times larger than the seed itself, which is inside. The dragee shell is designed to facilitate the sowing process and also protects seeds from diseases.
  • If the seeds have a natural appearance and size, and their shell is not covered with anything multicolored, but the package says that they are processed, it means that they were treated with a disinfecting spray.
  • All three types of treated seeds should never be soaked before planting. They were specially encrusted and coated so that from the moment of swelling they began to adapt to the growing conditions, and this adaptation was the least painful. By soaking treated seeds in water, you break the protective layer and expose the seeds before they emerge to all kinds of hazards.
  • Treated seeds must be sown dry. This is especially true for cucumbers. Other vegetables are more resistant. And even if you destroy the protective encrustation, 20-30 percent can survive and grow stunted. But with cucumbers - if you destroy the protective shell, and the weather deteriorates immediately after sowing, a temperature drop of 2-4 ° C or a prolonged rain is enough for them to die every last one.
  • Buyers soak disinfected seeds, which have a normal appearance, regardless of the fact that they have already been processed. I really want to prepare everything for sowing. People do not believe that the manufacturers have already prepared everything and have taken care of everything for them. And the biggest mistake they make experienced gardeners with great experience - soaking the seeds, first in potassium permanganate, and then in plain water before swelling.
  • Potassium permanganate kills external microbes. You shouldn't try to kill something inside the seed with it. Because if you soak dry seeds in a saturated solution of potassium permanganate for at least thirty minutes, only the embryo can be killed inside. Therefore, at first, the seeds are soaked in water for 24 hours. And then for twenty minutes they are kept in potassium permanganate and washed with water.

how to properly soak cucumber seeds so that they hatch?


wrap it in a cloth, put it in a plate and pour water, watch it periodically so that there is always water.

Elena Orlova

I sow dry, in three to five days they sprout. but generally in a saucer and, as they rightly said, in a rag and in warmth. can be in the package. so that the water does not dry

Tatiana Afonina

I agree with Elena, but I don't pour water into the saucer, but I moisten the cloth well and would also add airing so that the seeds in the bag do not suffocate.

Irina Voloshina

wrap the seeds in a wet rag, there should be just a little water: only the rag was damp, otherwise the seeds will suffocate. If the seeds are good, they will hatch in a couple of days

Natalia Troshina

I don't soak, I soak dry

Nadezhda Nadine

Subtracted: so that the cucumbers are sweet, they are soaked in warm milk for 2-3 hours, then, without rinsing, germinate on the chest (or body) and into the ground. I have not tried it myself, I want to try, but I also sow dry

Natalia Litvinova

I put cucumber seeds in the lid of the jar and cover them with boiled dipped in warm water. Then I make sure that the cotton wool does not dry out. If there are several varieties, then you need to sign the covers.


quick way. Put the seeds on a damp cloth, wrap them up and put them in a bag, and now the fun part ... put them to the body. They will hatch during the night…. If there are several varieties, then I sign the rags.


Wrap in a damp cloth and moisten as it dries.

Behzod Rahmatulloev

soak with potassium permanganate to get clean cucumbers, put the seeds in wet cotton, cover them with a film, put them near the batteries! after as long as the roots are, plant the seeds in the cups easily…. Features of growing cucumbers
Cucumbers are the most popular vegetable crop in Russia. It is an annual herbaceous climbing tropical plant of the pumpkin family, native to India. Cucumbers are demanding on growing conditions, but if certain conditions are observed, they give a rich harvest every year.

What cucumbers love
Cucumbers are demanding on temperature - the optimal temperature for them is 24-28 ° C, below 15 ° C, plant development stops, and at 3-4 ° C cucumbers die. The root system is especially sensitive. Therefore, cucumbers in middle lane Russia can only be grown in protected soil (tunnels under a film, insulated steam beds, spring film and glazed greenhouses with solar and technical heating).
Cucumbers require light, but slightly less than tomatoes. In a sunny place, they develop better and give high yield, and fruiting is longer.
Cucumbers need fertile soil, rich in humus (humus), well-drained, air and water permeable, light in texture and well warmed up. The best cucumbers grow on sandy loam soils, rich in organic matter. Clay soils should be well fertilized with manure or compost with the addition of brown sawdust, which has lain for a long time. In this case, sand is less suitable, since when digging and watering it "goes" to the lower layers, and the soil becomes even denser, conducts water and nutrient solutions worse.
The soil must be neutral. On acidic soils, nutrient elements of fertilizers are less assimilated. Such soil needs "deoxidation" with lime, dolomite flour, chalk and ash.
Cucumbers require all the nutrients that are included in organic and mineral fertilizers... Fertilizers are applied to the soil before digging, as well as during growth throughout the season. Regular liquid feeding is required due to the fact that cucumbers begin to bear fruit early, have powerful stems, well-developed lateral shoots and large leaves. But these plants do not tolerate high doses of fertilizers: they are fed often and little by little. It is advisable to alternate different kinds feeding. New hybrids especially need feeding. Flaw individual elements nutrition in cucumbers is manifested very clearly.
Cucumbers have special requirements for potassium, which regulates metabolism, increases resistance to disease, cool weather, increases the sugar content in fruits, and improves their taste. With a lack of potassium, a light border appears along the edge of the leaf (starting from the lower ones), in the heat the leaves can wither, the fruits become pear-shaped.
Phosphorus accelerates fruiting, activates root growth, with a lack of it, the leaves turn dark green.
Thanks to nitrogen, stems and leaves grow quickly. With a lack of nitrogen, plant growth is delayed, the greens acquire a pointed wedge-shaped shape (like a carrot). On acidic soils, cucumbers lack calcium, they absorb worse nutrients, the leaves curl up, the fruits become smaller and tasteless.

Rukhshod Dadomatov

I soak with potassium permanganate I put the seed in a rag or cotton after the roots I plant it on cups after germination I immediately light it around the clock 3-4 days it will be very strong healthy

Lyudmila Eremina

Cucumber seeds and not only soak so. I take a cloth, moisten it, wring it out and wrap the seeds in it. Then I put a cloth with seeds in a glass jar and screw it on with a lid. Put in a warm place. The cloth practically does not dry out and the seeds will never suffocate. There is air in the can.

Kocheva Polina

Moisten in a cloth with warm water and in ... a bra. You can plant in three hours!

Natalia Belousova

I always sow cucumbers dry into well-spilled soil and cover with foil. on the third day everything is fine to ascend. But I know that before sowing, they put the seeds in their mouths and keep them on the tongue gently so as not to swallow them for a minute. and then plant it directly into the ground. supposedly you give energy and strength to the seeds. what you will not do for the sake of the harvest

tell a novice gardener cucumber seeds need to be soaked before seedlings


Different seeds are sown differently. If they are processed special composition, then it says on the bag - do not soak and the name of this (I do not remember the name) of the substance. And if ordinary, then you can soak - it will not be worse. Previously, it was generally soaked in fabric until the appearance of the hooks-sprout. Only you need to be careful with them then, if it breaks off, you can't fix it. Sometimes I sow dry. I spill grooves hot water, spread the seeds and sprinkle with earth. I cover the top with a film or sponbond. They sprout well too. So do whatever is convenient for you. Good luck and good harvests!


Yes need

sasha sasha

I always soak, then which ones hatch and plant them.


I don't soak. I just water the wells abundantly later.
But my grandmother did this: she soaked the seeds of cucumbers in a cloth and left them there for several days before pecking.
Then I planted it. At the same time, I rejected those that did not hatch.

Lyudmila Ilchenko

no matter, the sprouted ones will sprout up faster.

Svetlana Butorina

I always soak. Previously in a small cloth, and now in sawdust. I moisten the sawdust with boiling water, let it cool and then put the cucumber seeds on the barrel. Sprouted seeds germinate faster. You can see how many of them have hatched and you can find out whether you need to plant more or not.

Very Inquisitive

you don't need to soak ... if you don't mind a lot of seeds, just sow thickly and then sow


Better to germinate.


I do not soak - and they sprout so beautifully. the main thing is that the earth is loose and wet


It is not necessary to soak cucumber seeds, just before planting, you need to shed the soil well and plant it under a film - it will retain moisture and provide enough heat. The seeds will germinate in 3-5 days.

Oksana Sedakova

If you have purchased seeds that are not hybrids, then soak. And if the letter F is on the package besides the name, then you should not soak. There are seeds of cucumbers of green, orange and other colors. These are inlaid seeds, that is, processed, which allows for better germination and prevention of disease. Good luck.

tatiana savchenko SIBERIA

I will soak until they bite, whether they are processed or not. Soaking cucumber seeds does not mean pouring water over them. Just wrap it in a damp cloth, preferably in gauze, a cloth in transparent polyet. package, and his in the sun. To be honest, I have not come across bags with the inscription "do not soak".

Lyudmila Chaevnikova

For many years, a woman has been selling seeds in the spring in our market. She warns her buyers not to wet the cucumber seeds, since they are processed. Sow immediately into a well-shed furrow. We discussed this issue in the club of amateur gardeners. Indeed, many did not germinate wet seeds. I still have SeDec packages containing this warning. These seeds are really multi-colored, there are grayish streaks - these are processed by plasma. How the seeds of that woman were processed, she does not say. Her husband said it was in fertilizer, but that's not true. My neighbor is a seed dealer. I looked, she still has a lot of seeds, especially a cucumber. I asked why. In response, I heard: - But as soon as they begin to soak the seeds, but if they do not rise, they will come again. Some firms, it seems to me, do not write on purpose: the seeds are expensive.

Elena Kurilova

they can be planted and not soaked, but if you do not have time with the deadlines, then be sure to soak them - they will germinate faster.

How should the seeds be properly treated before sowing with potassium permanganate?

Nikolay Chelyabinsk

Dear! ... Manganese kills all living things .... They refused to use it even in medicine…. When processing the soil, even with a weak solution, all beneficial microorganisms die in it ... Namely, they create useful nutrients for plants in the soil. Further, ... about how destructive manganese is for seeds, I will give only one, but a very convincing example .... Prepare a weak solution of manganese, a tomato seed and an ordinary magnifying glass - Magnifier ... Look at the seed before soaking in manganese through this Magnifying glass ... and after soaking .... All the nutritious hairs on the seed will burn .... The seed will turn black ... After such a procedure, there are practically no shoots ... And if the seed does germinate (and this sometimes happens) ... the seedling will be weak and sick .... Do not expect a good harvest from such a plant in the future ...
…. I strongly advise against using manganese in crop production…. If it is necessary to disinfect the seeds, it is better to do it in lye ... Aloe juice .. Good result gives soaking of seeds in a solution of the biological product Baikal EM-1 ... I do not know the best remedy yet ... After Baikal the seeds sprout well and quickly ... and in the future they will give a good harvest ....

Tatiana Maksimenko

if bought in a store, then they should already be processed. Homemade: soak for a day in a weak solution (preferably before planting), dry the pot

Victor Gorshkov

Make a slightly pink solution and usually soak for 2-3 hours. Then you can rinse.
If the seeds are for seedlings, then it is necessary to water the soil with potassium permanganate, the same solution for disinfecting the soil.

Natalia Zakharova

The seeds are treated with a 1% solution of potassium permanganate. 1% solution is 1 gram per 100 ml. water, or 1 teaspoon 600 ml flat. water.
Tomato, onion, celery, beans, corn are kept in a 1% solution for 45 minutes,
Eggplants, peppers, carrots, dill, pumpkin are kept in a 2% solution for 20 minutes.
After that, they are well washed with running water and dried, if not sown immediately, or soaked for sowing.
The seeds are soaked:
Peas - 5 hours
Cabbage, tomato, cucumber - 18 hours,
Onions, celery crops - 36 hours.
Soaked in water with aloe juice (1: 2) Eggplant, cabbage, tomato seeds react well - duration 24 hours. Do not soak pumpkin seeds, onions, peppers, celery crops in this solution.
Also soaked in water with the addition of Epin and Humate.


Natalia has an exhaustive answer. It is not necessary to soak in potassium permanganate, now there are a lot of preparations, but most of all I like aloe juice. I spill the earth with grafted cuttings.


Branded inlaid, coated and processed seeds of cucumber, pepper, tomatoes and other crops should never (in general) be soaked, because during the period of soaking, the incrustation is washed off them together with pesticides, and after sowing they remain practically defenseless against pathogens of various disease and pests. These seeds should be sown dry.
Even your seeds, first soak in water, and then in potassium permanganate, because. dry condition seeds crave moisture and they drink what they first gave, and everything that is useful in small portions, in case of an overdose, is poison.

Oksana Sedakova

It is better to spill the soil with potassium permanganate before sowing, and soak the seeds in IMMUNOCYTOPHYTE or in ZIRCON!
APPEAL! I beg you, when preparing seeds for sowing, use only one of the listed stimulants! You do not need to treat the seeds with all stimulants in turn - this will not lead to anything good! If you have a desire, you can treat different varieties with different stimulants, keep records all season and compare in autumn.
Is it necessary to pre-treat the seeds before sowing?

If you buy seeds from a well-known company that values ​​its reputation, then you do not need to carry out any processing. But if these are your own seeds, or received from amateurs, then it is better to do pre-sowing preparation, to disinfect the seeds, since 80% of diseases are transmitted with seeds and only 20% through the soil.

Personally, for the preparation of seeds, I most often use immunocytophyte, which enhances the natural immunity of plants to diseases and, moreover, is harmless. But we must remember that immunocytophyte is not compatible with biological preparations, alkali-containing preparations and potassium permanganate. Available in the form of blue tablets. One tablet is enough for processing 5g of seeds, 20kg of potato tubers and for processing 50 square meters of area. It is better to dissolve in melt water. Seeds of tomatoes, cucumbers, cabbage, onions, carrots, beets (1 tablet + 15 ml of water, soak the seeds for 3 hours, sow without drying), watermelon (1 tablet + 50 ml of water, for 20 g of seeds), peas and sunflower (1 tablet + 60ml of water, spray 5kg of seeds), onion sets and potato planting material (1 tablet + 140-160ml of water) are sprayed before planting. Vegetating plants are sprayed twice garden strawberry(before flowering and after 30 days, repeat; 1 tablet + 20 ml of water, then bring the volume to 2 liters).