Warm solution for plastering walls. Characteristics, efficiency and methods of cooking warm plaster

For insulation of walls from the inside without loss useful Square The premises optimally use the warm plaster. It is effective for both exterior and internal works. In cases where it is necessary to insulate the wall in the apartment, this method is suitable perfect.

The varieties of plaster compositions

The composition of traditional plaster includes:

  • Binder (cement, gypsum);
  • Small filler (sand);
  • Water.

For thermal insulation inland walls A classic solution can be used, but it will have to be applied to a thick layer to 10 cm. To obtain a more efficient result, the sand filler is partially or completely replaced by components that can better keep heat:

  • Crushed foam;
  • Vermiculite (grainy material obtained as a result of hydrated mica slope);
  • Perlite (Mineral of Volcanic Origin).

The layer of plaster with these fillers, with the same thickness, will give a greater effect than using a traditional solution, and with a decrease in the layer, it is possible to obtain the optimal effect of the heat transfer of the wall.

Ready plaster formulations for internal heat insulation Release mainly on perlite. It has a relatively small bulk density - 200 ... 400 kg / m3. A little less, it has a vermiculite - about 100 kg / m3. Perlite is used more often in view of its low cost.

Cement, and gypsum can be used as a binder for insulation of walls. In the first case, the wall will turn out to be stronger, but it will require a more thorough cladding, since the cement is gray, it will have to overlap color, for example, a gypsum spa. Gypsum is suitable only for internal works, in itself it has a low thermal conductivity, which further enhances the effect of thermal insulation.

Advantages and disadvantages of warm plasters

To the advantages of undoubtedly, we will take:

  • Low thermal conductivity;
  • Sufficient strength of the layer;
  • Small application thickness (no more than 5 cm);
  • No reinforcement is required.

The main disadvantage of the coverage to be taken into account is the high hygroscopicity of mineral heat-insulating plasters. Gypsum, perlite and vermiculite - porous materials that are able to absorb significant volume of water. Basic recommendations on this:

  • In wet premises (bathrooms, shower), reinforced waterproofing of the wall is required. For this, moisture-resistant putty, ceramic facing.
  • In the corridors, kitchens and rooms it is enough to maintain normal humidity no more than 60%. For more protection, use primer deep penetration Under wallpaper or decorative plaster.

Also reduced the hygroscopicity of the composition will help hated lime. It does not affect the thermal conductivity of the layer, but noticeably reduces the absorption of moisture and improves the plasticity of the solution.

How to cook warm stucco with your own hands

The cost of ready-made mixtures is high, much cheaper to make the workpiece yourself. Thus, you can save significantly, especially if you need to insulate all the walls in the house or apartment. An additional bonus of large volumes of work is high (full) material consumption, i.e. You are unlikely to have a cloth of unnecessary cement, if you immediately consider everything correctly and buy the desired number of components.

What will take:

  • Cement M150-M200 brand. It is so cheap - about 150-250 rubles per bag of 50 kg;
  • Perlite (M75-M100) costs about 100 rubles per 50 kg;
  • Vermikulite will cost more - about 450-500 rubles for 50 kg;
  • Harated lime - about 120 rubles per 20 kg;
  • Sand construction washed - 100 rubles for 50 kg;
  • Water - from the tap in the counter.

Cooking technology:

  1. The first thing is taken by the desired amount of water. It should be room temperature.
  2. Dry components can be mixed in advance.
  3. A dry mixture is added to the water, each input must be carefully stuffed with a construction mixer or a drill with the same nozzle. Vacan can be bought at any store construction machinery and equipment.

How to make a warm plaster yourself: recipes

Components should be purchased based on the selected composition.

  • 1) simple composition: cement, sand and perlite take in proportion 1: 1: 4, the mixture is locked necessary quantity Water to work consistency thick sour cream.
  • 2) For a large amount of work, a solution of 190 kg of cement can be prepared, 1 m3 perlite or vermiculite, 270 liters of water. The volume should be divided into equal parts before the kneading, since the finished solution is collected after 2-3 hours.
  • 3) A solution with a plasticizer is prepared from 1 part of cement, 4 parts of perlite, 0.9 parts of water, 1 m3 perlite will take 4-5 liters of PVA glue, which acts as a plasticizer. PVA should be diluted in the water that the mixture will be shoved.
  • 4) The sand-perlitium solution is prepared from 1 part of cement, 2 parts of sand, 3 - perlite. The amount of glue should be 1/100 on the amount of cement, i.e. per 100 kg of binding 1 kg of glue. The mixture is locked with water to the working condition.
  • 5) Cement and perlite in proportion 1: 4 are indulge in water with PVA in the amount of glue 1% of the mass of the binder.
  • 6) a cement-lime solution with insulating granules is prepared in proportion to lime - 1 part, cement - 1 part, perlite sand - up to 5 parts. Such plaster is perfect for wet premises.

Solutions on plaster binders are prepared in a similar way without using glue.

PVA glue can be replaced by liquid soap, dishwashing detergent or specialized superplasticizers that are sold in building stores. The latter should be applied according to the instructions.

Warm plaster Based on the perlitus is distinguished by low cost, this filler can be replaced by a more expensive vermiculite, then the weight of the layer will be smaller, and the coating efficiency will noticeably improve. Cheap foam in granules can also replace perlite, the thermal conductivity of the plaster will not increase. The only nuance - polystyrene can evaporate harmful substances With a significant heating, because it is rarely used for residential premises. This does not mean that it is prohibited for use, on the contrary, for cool premises and walls, where it does not heat from the Sun, this filler will become a good ingredient.

Overview of popular warm mixtures

If independent collection of components introduces you to confusion, you can always buy a ready-made mixture in the store. It is important not to run into fake and low-quality material. To avoid similar troubles, carefully read the information on the package, it always shows the characteristics of the composition, method and place of use.

To facilitate the choice, we give the 5 most popular dry mixes for the preparation of warm plaster.

Knauf Grunband

The German brand offers a mixture for the preparation of warm plaster based on cement and polystyrene granules. The material is suitable for internal and external work, the solution is well falling on any base of brick, concrete, stone, building blocks. On the surface you can apply any cladding: tile, shuttering decorative materials, pasting wallpaper, etc. To increase the adhesion efficiency, the manufacturer recommends that the surface of the deep penetration of the appropriate material is appropriate before applying the solution.

The cost of the plastering mixture of Knakf Grunband - about 360-400 rubles per bag of 25 kg.

Warm plaster "Bear" is designed in Russia, ideally adapted to the local climate. The coating does not pass water, has a low thermal conductivity. 2 cm layer thickness equivalent brick wall 50 cm! Plaster is suitable for internal and facade works.

Modern cement-based plaster and foam glass has excellent characteristics in thermal conductivity and moisture resistance. Suitable for outdoor and internal application. For effective protection From the cold and noise sufficiently layer 5 ... 40 mm. The solution is light, does not require the arrangement of a powerful basis and special training. It can be applied to an uneven, but purified and projected brick surface, all types of concrete and stone. Does not delay moisture, has breathable properties.

Per effective material We'll have to give about 680 rubles per bag of 12 kg.

The warm plaster of the THERMOU series from the Green House has excellent expansive parameters, low thermal conductivity, do not delay moisture, are applied to any base. Products have been tested in European laboratories and has appropriate quality certificates. It is made and comes under the order.

Unis Gerlon

A mix mixture of a plaster-based heat is a light warm plaster for internal work. Perfectly adapts to any surface type, suitable for use in dry and wet premises. The layer thickness to achieve insulating parameters - 5 ... 50 mm depending on the characteristics of the main wall. The main advantages of the composition are the absence of shrinkage and ease of application.

You can buy a mixture of UNIS on a plaster basis for 375 rubles (30 kg).

Technology of insulation of walls with warm plaster from the inside

Wall insulation S. inner Rooms by standard scheme as follows:

  • 1) the surface is cleared by old finish;
  • 2) the primer is made by the composition of deep penetration;
  • 3) The first layer of plaster is applied. If a thick coating is assumed, the first layer must be thin, it is recommended to make a spray: the solution is brought to liquid state (as a liquid sour cream), a brush or brush is applied to the surface of the wall. After their drying, you can proceed to plastered;
  • 4) the main layer is applied different methods. The thin coating does not require the installation of the grid, it is applied with a wide spatula or construction Rule. You should immediately do the surface level. If the layer is thick, it is desirable to pull the grid and fasten it on the wall with a dowel, even if the manufacturer of plaster does not speak about it. Reinforcement is necessary for layers of a solution of 50 mm.
  • 5) when used gypsum plaster And its qualitative application, the subsequent putty will not need. When working with a cement formulation after 1-2 hours with significant irregularities or chirks, you can take a brush, moisten it in water and lightly blurred irregularities. Do not be afraid to rub the wall - the cement has already grabbed and splashes only the surface, insufficiently aligned. Then it is necessary to make a putty.

This algorithm is valid in cases where the repair is made in order to insulation in the finished building with a warmed facade. If the house is only built, it is necessary to provide sufficient wall thickness or its high-quality insulation and outside, since the inner alone will not be able to protect the room from heat loss.

Many today are wondering - what is a warm plaster, for which purposes this material is suitable and how to work with it. Let's start with the fact that in the domestic market of construction and finishing materials, this product is not so long ago.

So, a warm plaster is a mixture made on the basis of the simplest cement. But, in contrast to an ordinary cement mortar, the sand is not added to the composition. Instead of him other ingredients are used:

  • Clay crumb;
  • Perlite sand;
  • Polystyrene foam granules;
  • Powder made from pumice and so on.

What types of warm plaster exist

If you are interested in what a warm plaster should be due to - it can be different. Many species, now we will talk about most popular of them.

  • Among all the varieties of warm plaster, it is possible to note the composition in which the vermiculite is expanded. The deployed vermiculite is called a mineral light aggregate, which is obtained by means of heat treatment, which is subjected to the vermiculite rock. If you need warm plaster for outdoor work - it's time to draw attention to this product. And if you do not want to look for other decent options, the use of the material is also possible. For example, this warm plaster for internal works will also suit. Quite worthy, universal building material. Among the advantages of the vermiculite, excellent antiseptic properties can be noted.
  • If we consider popular types of warm plaster, you can not get around the "sawing mixture". This substance contains as part of the opil, as well as particles of clay, cement, even paper. That is why it is not recommended to use sawdust warm plaster for external work. On the contrary, the mixture is most often purchased specifically as warm plaster for internal works - it will confirm any specialist.

Spear plaster - the perfect means for coating bricks (concrete), as well as wooden surfaces. It is recommended that during the drying of the sawing plaster the room was regularly ventilated. To make the composition of drying, it takes about two weeks. If the room and windows and windows are closed in the room, mold may appear on the surface, as well as the fungus - consider it necessary.
  • People who want to buy warm plaster always pay attention to the variety of material, as part of which extended polystyrene foam granules. This plaster contains not only polystyrene foam - here you can also find cement, different aggregates and additives, lime. We need warm plaster for the facade - this option is good, however, it is also often used for indoor work.
Since it is last option Plasters (with polystyrene foam granules in composition) is the most common (which cannot be said about other types), it is it that we will consider it in detail within the framework of this material. All comparisons with other materials will also be made specifically for this species.

Warm plaster and its scope

Consider those branches where this material is used today. Anyway, manufacturers recommend following:

  • The finish of facades and their thermal insulation;
  • Soundproofing of internal and outer walls on existing buildings, as well as additional insulation;
  • Wall insulation if a well-masonry is used;
  • Insulation of slopes of door and window blocks in those places where they are adjacent to the walls;
  • Insulation of risers of cold and hot water supply, sewering risers;
  • With internal finishing works (like noise insulator and insulation);
  • Warm plaster is advised to use ceiling overlaps and floors.

Outdoor finish of the facade of warm plaster

Let's talk in more detail about as far as material is effective while doing outdoor decoration facades of houses.

  1. Warm plaster for the facade will be heavier than all others possible species - Up to ten times or more. Consequently, for such a wall, most likely, a more solid foundation is required;
  2. If it is assumed that the design of the facade insulation will have a plaster layer along the insulation, the insulation thickness is usually varied from 50 to 100 mm (depending on what thickness carrier wall, desired temperature inside and climatic zone). If you pay attention to what is the coefficient of thermal conductivity, then everything is clear - to achieve similar indicators, a layer of warm plaster should be thicker in one and two times.
  3. In other words, a layer of warm plaster will have to make a thickness of 100-200 mm, but only 50 mm is applied to the maximum - in otherwise There will be dumps. Consequently, the warm plaster for the facade should be applied immediately from two sides of the wall.

Now, relying on all of the above, consider everything dignity and disadvantages of material:


  • It is applied very quickly (in a day, even one plaster will be able to apply 110-170 sq.m);
  • Can be applied without the use of the reinforcement grid (in places where there are no cracks and angles);
  • It is not necessary to align the walls if you are going to apply warm plaster;
  • The material has excellent adequacy (adhesion) - to all other wall materials;
  • During the arrangement of this insulation, there are no metal connections, respectively, you can not worry about cold bridges;
  • In the wall that warm plaster was insulated, rodents will never settle;
  • For details on what the advantages of warm plaster (including for the insulation of the facades), see the video material. You may receive answers to all exciting questions after watching.

Disadvantages of warm plaster

  • The composition is not an finishing coating - not only primer, but also a decorative layer of plaster should be applied to the surface of warm plaster;
  • The desired layer of insulation turns out to be thicker than when insulating foam, cotton (approximately one and a half or two times).
Relying on all of the above, let's talk about where it is really worth using "Warm" plaster.
  • When bringing different joints, slots in the walls, houses of the house;
  • As additional insulationBut this is already with internal works - that is, you will need a warm plaster inner (in a situation where it is impossible to perform outside of work - when, for example, there is already expensive cladding, which will definitely deteriorate when disassembling);
  • Warm plaster is often used to insulate the base;
  • During finishing window slopes Material also apply often.

Application of warm plaster - technology

Before work, the surface of the wall is prepared in the same way as before applying simple plaster on cement based. That is, all dust is removed, as well as the remnants of other solutions. If necessary - the surface is treated special impregnations Deep penetrating action, or simply strengthened with a plaster grid.

It is important that the wall surface that will be insulated with warm plaster has been thoroughly moistened with water before all work.
  1. When the composition prepare for use, the entire package is poured into the container (its volume should be at least 50 liters);
  2. Next, add water in the amount that is indicated on the packaging of warm plaster;
  3. Everything is thoroughly mixed with a mixer;
  4. The resulting mixture should be used for 120 minutes from the moment of preparation.

How to check whether the required consistency turned out or not? Everything is simple here:

  • Jump out the solution with a trowel, turn it over;
  • If the solution is kept well, it does not fall from it - it means that the plaster is fully ready for use;
  • The finished plaster can be applied both in a machine and manual.

So that when applying warm plaster does not arise any difficulties, pay attention to the video: applying warm plaster. The lesson will be useful both to specialists and start-up repairmen.

What looks subsequent works:

  • The plaster mix is \u200b\u200bapplied by ordinary plastering tools (Kelma, spatula, twink and so on.) In several layers;
  • The thickness of one layer should not be more than 2 cm;
  • Apply each subsequent layer should not earlier than 4 hours after the previous one was applied;
  • If on the street high level humidity, and the air temperature is lowered (especially in the autumn season), the drying time of the layer increases;
  • The solution is made only on the surface that was aligned, primed;
  • Apply a warm plaster with a wide spatula, it is done strictly bottom up;
  • It is impossible to arrange a plaster with a thick layer in a thick layer - because of this, it can simply crawl into a solution;
  • Check and reception plastering It is usually carried out somewhere after three or four weeks after all work has been produced.

Common mistakes when applied for warm plaster

It is not difficult to guess that on time of such works are often allowed certain errors - especially when the work is performed by novice specialists or simply lovers. Consider this the moment more details:

  1. If detachment is observed - it means you allowed some error during operation;
  2. If the applied composition begins to crack;
  3. If the geometry of the room is changing due to the fact that the layer of warm plaster turned out to be too thick.
How to check the "geometric" quality of those plastering works that you executed? This paper needs a plumb, as well as a two-meter rail rule, bubble level. Everything is checked simply: a two-meter rule is applied to the surface (as a rule, aluminum rails are used as such a tool). If the lumens are detected - it means that there are violations in geometry.

It is important that the deviations from the horizontal (or vertical) of the plastered surface were not more than 3 mm per meter.

About consumption of material

What can we say about consumption of material? Everybody is here complete:

  • For each square meter The surface leaves from 10 to 14 kg, if the desired layer thickness is 25 mm;
  • If the desired thickness of the layer is 50 mm, then the consumption is 18-25 kg per square meter;
  • 1 square meter of warming walls with warm plaster will cost you $ 40 (information will be useful to those who wish to buy such plaster) - with a layer thickness of 25 mm;
  • If you contact specialists to work for it, it will have to pay up to $ 15 and more for each square meter.
  • To make an insulation of "air noise" with warm plaster (it may be noise from the TV, conversations, the sound of the car engine) The material should have a fibrous structure. In addition, it should be thought out. The effective thickness here starts from 0.5 cm;
  • To perform "shock noise" isolation - knocks, drops of objects, the sounds of steps, the material must have elasticity (by type of rubber).
Neither the first nor the second requirement of warm plaster corresponds, so all the data on the wonderful sound insulation indicators is most likely overshadowed.

For some works warm plaster (facade, interior decoration) It is really used often and it is quite justified. But it is not always its use is appropriate - in many cases it can be limited to completely different materials or insulation and get or the same, or more impressive result.

Be sure to take into account this when performing finishing or repair - in order to protect yourself from unpleasant surprises in the future.

The material with such a "warm" title is nothing but a clay-cement mixture that is based on cement mortar. But besides him, several types of fillers add there. Instead of familiar sand, the perlite (produced material based on volcanic glass) is used here, vermiculite (intimidating mica), as well as in the composition you can find PEMZE powder, crumb from clay, sawdust, paper, clay and some other components.

Many still called the warm plaster by "drying" due to its high porosity. This plaster Demonstrates excellent indicators for which good thermal protection appreciate.

The most popular brands of warm plaster

  1. Houthlif;
  2. Thermoum;
  3. Knauf Grunband;
  4. Isoltako.


Depending on the variety of warm plaster vary slightly and areas of its use. But unambiguously can be said that winter time This heat insulator will save money on electricity, and in the summer, in hot weather will perform air conditioning functions.

Main technical specifications

  1. Thermal conductivity coefficient of 0.063 W / m C;
  2. Density 200-300 kg / m3;
  3. Water absorption by weight 70%

In principle, analyzing even these characteristics and comparing them with mineral wool, foam and expanded polystyrene, you can draw conclusions that warm plaster is heavier. And to obtain the same heat-insulating effect, what the above materials are given, the warm plaster must be applied with a layer, much thicker. But the thickness of the applied layer should not exceed the maximum permissible value, otherwise it will simply fall off.

The only output will be the application of two layers, respectively, on each side - external and internal. But, nevertheless, you can confidently already talk about both the advantages and disadvantages.

Main advantages

In some publications, you can find information that warm plaster is an excellent soundproofing layer. You can authoritatively declare that it is exaggerated.

The plaster does not have the necessary elasticity so that it can repay the noise from the fall of items - the so-called "shock noise". Also, warm plaster does not have a fibrous structure and a "blowability" indicator, which are necessary that the material can be called a good soundproofer. Yes, and the layer should be very impressive - from 50 mm. In the case of warm plaster, talking about it is not correct.


  1. if the warm plaster is not made on the basis of polystyrene foam, it cannot be used as a finish coating. Software is required and a layer of primer, and a layer of plaster;
  2. while the consumer is not used to its somewhat high cost compared, for example, with mineral wool. Although those who have already risked and tried, more than satisfied with the result, stating that in such a house do not need large batteries even in the cold winter;
  3. requires a thicker layer to provide the necessary insulation, rather than traditionally used heat insulation materials;
  4. due to the higher density compared to other materials, warming up the warm plaster requires a powerful foundation, since the load increases. Of course, it is difficult to definitely say that this is a deficiency, but nevertheless.

Where it is used

The main task of warm plaster - ensuring good thermal insulation and creation favorable conditions For life indoors. The scope of its application is mainly construction:

  1. depending on the variety, warm plaster can serve as a finish layer for facade wallsand for insulation of internal. Warm plaster, having a polystyrene granules, is often used to restore the facades of old buildings;
  2. with it, it is very convenient and simply insulate the door and window slopes in those places where they are adjacent to the walls;
  3. insulated floor and ceiling layer;
  4. warming of seams B. panel housesthat will save them from the freezing due to the leaked water;
  5. warming of water supply systems, both hot and cold.

Rules for working with warm plaster

To obtain good result It is necessary to properly apply a warm plaster, it is necessary to prepare the walls - remove dust, possible residues of other solutions, and if necessary, it is necessary to treat deeply absorbed impregnations. In some cases, it is possible to strengthen the reinforcement grid. Before you begin, the walls where the plaster will be applied, it is necessary to moisten with water thickened.

Immediately it is necessary to make a reservation that the plaster prepared for work is not to be stored. It must be used immediately all and preferably within 2 hours. It is enough to prepare it simple - it is poured out of the bag and bred by the specified amount of water or plasticizer (or both together). Stirring the composition of the mixer, and the readiness is also checked simply - turn the trowel with the mixture. In the finished form, the plaster will not fall off. Apply it with a spatula, graters, Kelma, etc.

The thickness of each applied layer should not exceed 20 mm, otherwise the solution will slide. Breaks between the application of the layers should be at least 4 hours. But if there is an increased humidity or low temperature, then time should be increased. And to take final work It follows no earlier than in 3-4 weeks. Then you can visually inspect whether there is a detachment or cracking.

Also be sure to check the quality of work in terms of compliance proper geometryusing a plumbing bubble level and two-meter rail rule. The rule is applied to the surface and checked if there are lumens. The minimum acceptable tolerance of the deviation from the vertical or horizontal surface at good work cannot exceed 3 mm per meter.

Many are considering warm plaster as an additional thermal insulation, so to get from it maximum effectUse it in combination with the familiar insulation. This is especially important if warm plaster is not suitable for external work. Although there are cases when it was used as the main heat insulating layer.

Warm internal work plaster is a relatively young building material, which simultaneously performs three functions: levels and decorates walls, and also provides a comfortable room indoor. Some species of this material have soundproofing properties.

Most often heat insulating plaster For internal work consists of the following substances:

  1. Fillers. Can be the most varied: from sawdust to foamed polystyrene.
  2. Binding component. Most often use cement 400 or 500 grades. Gypsum and haired lime are also used, but extremely rare.
  3. Additional components. Used to increase viscosity, plasticity and water-repellent properties.

The composition of warm plaster most often includes cement, additional components and filler, on which the level of thermal insulation depends

Varieties of material

Maintenance performance features Plasters depend on the type of filler:

  • Polystyrene foam. It has the same level of thermal insulation, as well as the foam. In addition, its cost is relatively low. But the material is easily flammorated, and with burning it eats harmful substances.
  • Sawdust. It is very cheap Materialwhich is considered environmentally friendly. The level of thermal insulation is low, but it is possible to use it for the manufacture of warm plasters.
  • Perlite. This material Get from natural substance - volcanic glass. The substance is treated as high temperaturesAs a result, it acquires a porous structure. Perlite is resistant to temperature differences, pathogenic microorganisms, it is easy to process and lay it, but at the same time it absorbs moisture well.
  • Vermiculitis. It is made from mica. The main advantages is fireproof, mechanical strength and biological safety. But the same as the previous material, vermiculite has a high level of hygroscopicity.
  • Foamglass. It is made of quartz sand. Compared to the above materials, foam glass loses in terms of thermal insulation. But it can be used to finish wet premises.

Types of fillers for thermal insulation plaster

Advantages and disadvantages

Heating plaster has the following positive sides:

  1. High heat insulation. Plaster layer 5 cm has the same indicator of thermal insulation, as well as two rows of bricks.
  2. Good level of sound insulation.
  3. Fire safety. Most materials that are used for insulation are not ignited. The exception is foamed polystyrene, but it does not take great popularity.
  4. Relatively low weight. This species finishing material Easier majority ordinary plastecrockersTherefore, the walls and base of the house will not be extensive.
  5. Adhesion. Warm plastering mixes possess good adhesion to most building materials.
  6. Ecology. In most cases, substances of natural origin are used for the manufacture of this material.
  7. Ease of installation. Such plaster is applied by a thin layer, so the installation of the reynaming grid is not required.

The main disadvantage is the fact that warm plaster loses slightly with standard heaters in terms of thermal conductivity. In addition, the mixture is quite expensive.

Brief overview of factory production plasters

Knauf grűnband. Stuccoings of this brand are considered the most high-quality and popular on modern market. This material is made on the basis of cement, and as a filler performs a polystyrene with a fraction of about 1.5 mm. In addition, there are additional components that increase operational performance. finished coatings. After drying, the plaster is not afraid of water and is distinguished by a structural coating. The thermal conductivity indicator of the mixture is 0.55 W / m ° C. Minimal thickness The layer is 10 mm, the maximum is 30 mm. Material can be applied manually or using a machine. Comes in bags of 25 kg, average flow It is 12 kg per meter square at a layer of 10 mm.

Knauf Grűnband - Warm plaster with polystyrene filler filler

Aubenputzperlit FS-402. Lightly plaster based on Portland cement, in which perlite is added. The mixture was developed specifically for finishing surfaces from cellular concrete, but it can be used to process any surfaces, including old stucco. Insulated surfaces have not the highest thermal conductivity coefficient - 0.16 W / m ° C. The filler fraction does not exceed 0.6 mm, resulting in a textured coating that requires further decoration. The maximum layer is 50 mm, and the flow rate is 10 kg per square meter at a layer of 10 mm.

AubenPutzperlit FS-402 - heat insulation composition with filler from perlite

Unis Heaton. A rather popular material that is intended exclusively for internal surfaces. It is made on the basis of plaster and perlite. The maximum layer without using the reinforcing grid is 50 mm, with a grid - 70 mm. After drying, the coating is obtained, which is optional to subjected to further finish. The mixture is supplied in two versions: gray and white. It can be used to prepare the base under wallpaper or paint. Thermal conductivity of plaster - 0.23 W / m ° C. The material is packaged in bags of 5, 15 and 25 kg, consumption is 8 kg per square meter.

Unis Heaton - Plaster with Gypsum Base and Filler from Perlit

DE LUXE TEGLOLUX. Warm cement-based plaster with the addition of foam glass fraction 3 mm. After drying, the surface requires further finishes. The recommended layer of 40 mm will dry in 28 days. The mixtures are packaged in bags of 12 kg, consumption is about 5 kg per square meter.

DE LUXE TEGLOLUX - Warm plaster with foam glass filler

Paladium Palaplaster-207. The main advantage of this material is a high level of sound absorption. It is made of cement and foam glass. Typically, the plaster is used to create draft surfaces under pasting wallpaper or staining. The solution dries pretty quickly: 2-3 days. Consumption is only 4 kg per square meter, and it is supplied in bags of 12 kg.

Paladium Palaplaster-207 - heat insulation mixture with foam glass filler

UMKA UB-21 TM. This material was specifically designed for the conditions of the cold winter - it can withstand 35 frost cycles / defrost. It is made on the basis of cement and lime, in which the pellets of the foam glass are added. After drying, the plaster requires further finishes. The uniqueness of the material is that, subject to the use of the reinforcing mesh, the material layer can reach 100 mm. The plaster is supplied in bags of 7 kg, and the consumption is 3.5 kg per square meter.

UMKA UB-21 TM - Plaster with foam glass filler

Thermoum. Can be used for internal and external work. The material dries at least 28 days, after which you can proceed to its finish. After drying, the coating gets the ability to absorb moisture accumulated from the wall itself and give it into the air, which ensures long term Operating surfaces. Mixtures in bags of 7 kg are supplied, and consumption is only 3 kg per square meter.

THERMOUM - Warm plaster, which has a long service life

On a note! It is not necessary to conclude that the purchase of a certain type of plaster, based only on flow rates or cost. The lower consumption, the more expensive every kilogram of a dry mixture will be, so it is better to complete a full calculation and decide on the budget.

How to cook stucco with your own hands

Prices for ready-made compositions are quite high, and if you look at the cost of individual components, the idea arises to make a mixture with your own hands. It is only important to remember that inaccuracies in the production process can significantly affect the quality of the finished coating. Warm plaster with their own hands is preparing for several recipes.

The first solution is 1 part of the cement, 1 part of the usual construction sand, 4 pieces of perlit. All calculations are carried out based on the volume, and not the mass of materials. Water will also need, but the exact amount is almost impossible to call it. As a result, a mixture of thick sour cream should be obtained. In some cases, the proportions are changing, for example, 1 part of the cement, 1 part of the sand and 5 parts of the perlite, as well as 1: 2: 3, respectively. It is also permissible to add PVA glue, but not more than 1% of total mass Solid.

Most often, polystyrene foam or perlite is used for homemade warm plaster

The second option involves the presence of plasticizers. Insulate such compositions interior surfaces of any type. For the manufacture of this plaster, a special solution is prepared first. Carboxymethylcellulose, as well as plasticizers, the total number of which should not exceed 1%, are dissolved in a small amount of water. All this needs to be thoroughly mixed and enable the solution. Then 1 part of the solution is mixed with 1 part of cement, 2 parts of the perlite and 2 parts of the sand are added. It is thoroughly stirred to obtain a homogeneous material with a consistency of thick sour cream, after which it immediately needs to be used for its intended purpose.

You should know! The above recipes are approximate. Accurate proportions depend on the quality of the materials used for the manufacture of plaster, accuracy of measurements, water composition, and so on. In the factory conditions, all this can be monitored, but in the home can not. Therefore, you need to be prepared for the fact that the ideal formula will have to withdraw the method of trial and error.

Warm plaster is a good option for those who want to abandon the use of standard insulation and at the same time decorate their home. Such compositions are not suiced, but you can save considerably if you cook everything with your own hands.

If you pay attention to the multi-layer structure, which you have to create indoors or on the facade of buildings to maintain heat in them, there is always a desire to simplify it. Should be modern materialsthat will help facilitate the work of plasters and finishing, while at the same time increasing the speed of work. The main thing is that at the same time they did not suffer their quality.

What to replace, for example, has become the usual insulation of walls with polystyrene plates? The output was found - insulating plaster. The process must be immediately said, more laborious, but the effect of it is significantly higher. The use of construction dry mixtures for external work again showed a wide range of its application, and buy them today in stores and on building markets It is not difficult.

What can offer

In order to replace 2 standard insulation layers consisting of a fixing grid and insulation, on the warming plaster, there are the following ways:

  1. Take dry construction mixtureThe basis of which is cement, but it should use perlite sand instead of usual. In addition, the composition must be powder from pembal, stripped vermiculite, clay crumb, sawdust or polystyrene balls. These components give plaster good insulation properties. Gradually, the sand is already replaced by foam glass in the granules.
  1. Use special warming plaster plaster. They are usually applied in construction not often due to distrust. Many cannot decide whether it can really become an alternative to the usual insulation or dry mix. Although manufacturers are persistently advised this method insulation, hoping that over time, builders will believe in it.

Tip: If you want to significantly reduce labor costs when warming the walls, then use plastering insulation plates.

  1. Make the insulation stucco with your own hands.

In principle, it is not so difficult to make it, the technology consists in stirring in the dry state of the following components:

  • clay;
  • paper mass;
  • sawdust;
  • cement

in the ratio: 1: 2: 3: 1/5 of the part.

If you do not use cement, which is also possible, the plaster will be too loose and soft, but quite suitable for decorative works.

  1. Speedingwhere the foundation make up sawdust. This mixture can be made independently. It should be used exclusively inside the premises, and during the drying period of the walls, it is good to carry them about 14 days.
  1. Polymer granules occupy a leading role in polystyrene foam.

Tip: Apply insulating plaster on the surface as well as the usual, using long trays and spatulas. Make the movement slowly from the bottom up.

Where apply

Warming plaster will be useful everywhere where you need to warm internal and outer walls buildings, although the price of this material is not the cheapest.

It should be highlighted:

  • thermal insulation and is not so often produced;
  • sound insulation when applying outside or inside;
  • processing door and window slopes, which allows not only to insulate them, but also give them a beautiful appearance;
  • protection of sewage risers and water supply from cold temperatures;
  • thermal insulation of ceilings and floors.

Tip: Perform any construction works Instrument that trust.

Pros and cons

There are no ideal building materials, each of them has its pros and cons. In the case of insulated plaster, it should be understood that it is simply inappropriate to compare it. For her, other methods of insulation will be suitable. The merits of the material include the speed of work.

Generally accepted scheme:

  1. Install a fixing grid onto the work wall.
  2. Then secure the insulation.
  3. Then spend plaster works.
  4. Complete the process of finishing plaster.

With insulation stucco:

  1. Cover the work wall with warming plaster.
  2. Apply the finish plaster on top.

Fact is obvious.

More simple scheme It turns out due to the fact that:

  • the master does not care about the final appearance of the surface, due to which for the working day it can prepare almost 180 m 2 surfaces;
  • not installed reinforcement grid. Used only at the corners and in difficult places;
  • there is no need to align the wall before applying insulating plaster;
  • the material has excellent adhesion, due to which it can stick to any wall, which is particularly attracted by the builders, for whom "adhesion" is the main stumbling block.

In addition, the heat-saving plaster has good vapor permeability. Thus, the material is superior to this indicator Styrofoam. He also does not have any "cold bridges", which are characteristic of fastening the foam when you have to use metal dowels.

So it turns out that today the technology that has been "brought to perfection" for many years is a multi-layered structure. At the same time, this material includes two-layer two - plaster and insulation.


  1. Weight. The layer mass has to be paid for the speed of work, and it exceeds similar standard layers 10 times, which requires the installation of a stronger foundation. The layer thickness will also be rather big - it exceeds, for example, from mineral Wat. Almost doubled.
  2. Requires finishing. Such plaster is not the finish, which is applied from above after the priming, or is used on top of it decorative plaster.
  3. The cost of work. She, alas, is very rather small in this building mixture.

Tip: Use vermiculite warming plaster when insulation hard to reach places and wooden overlapsAnd also where mold or fungus may appear, get rodents and insects.


It is proposed below detailed instructions Process:

  1. Conduct the surface preparation, for which you remove the residues of the solution and can be distraded. In special cases, you can act on the wall penetrating impregnation or grid to strengthen the design.
  2. Moisten a richly processed surface.
  3. Prepare the mixture according to the instructions indicated on the package. According to the recommendation, it will need to work out in 2 hours.

  1. Apply strata with layers with a thickness of up to 20 mm. Each subsequent - no earlier than after 4 hours.
  2. The final result of the work will be visible after 2-3 weeks.

Tip: Apply for insulation plastic windows Insulated plaster, which in this case will be able to reveal its potential.

Errors while working

  1. The mixture was prepared poorly.
  2. It is overdue to its use, not more than 2 hours.
  3. Laying layer more than 20 mm layer, which is why the mixture slides from the surface.
  4. The previous layer does not succeed before applying the following. It should be understood that in conditions high humidity Air, in particular, in the fall, the time of its drying increases.