Is it possible to paint matte tiles with paint. How to paint a tile on the floor: is it possible to paint a tile with paint, the order of painting

Over time, the tile in the toilet or bathroom loses its original shine, becomes covered with a mesh of small cracks, or acquires other external defects. Renovating a bathroom with a complete tile replacement is costly. But there are other ways to update the look ceramic tiles for the bathroom, including paint coating.

Can the bathroom tiles be painted?

Painting old tiles in the bathroom

You can only paint the tiles on the walls. The cladding on the floor and ceiling should not be painted, because due to the constant exposure to moisture and hot steam on these surfaces, the paint will quickly peel off. The question posed is whether it is possible to paint tile, sounds a bit incorrect, since the success of painting such a veneer will depend on what kind of paint is used.

Bathroom tile paint

Tile paint

In order for the tile to acquire a fresh look, not any paint for the tile in the bathroom is suitable. Water-based materials should be avoided because they will not stick to surfaces when exposed to hot humid air and water. It is worth using special permanent paints for ceramics and enamels only if you need to apply a pattern to the tile or partially update it appearance... The use of such enamels for large-scale application on walls is impractical due to their high cost.

When completely renovating a tile, the following tile paint is used:

  • Acrylic enamel.
  • Alkyd
  • Oil
  • Latex

In this case, the paint should be undiluted, with a consistency reminiscent of thick sour cream.

How to paint your bathroom tiles with your own hands

DIY bathroom tile painting

Before you paint the tiles in the bathroom, you need to prepare the surface. This is important because the paint will not adhere well to glossy, dirty tiles. To clean dirt from a tile, using a metal sponge and any abrasive agent, stubborn dirt is removed. To degrease the surface, wipe it with alcohol.

Tile painting is carried out as follows:

  • Picked up the right tool: to create a velvety finish, use foam roller, and for the textured layer you need to use a brush.
  • All adjacent parts of plumbing and furniture are pasted over with masking tape.
  • If you plan to apply an ornament, you should first prepare stencils and stick them on the wall.
  • The enamel is applied with sweeping, smooth movements in several layers.
  • The joint during painting also needs to be replaced. When fully painted, the tile joints are painted together with the tiles. In case of partial staining, the seams are renewed using a thin brush or a special marker. Do not forget that the seams must first be cleaned, degreased and processed. special impregnations... In the photo you can see examples of updating the bathroom interior after painting the old tile.

    To answer the question of whether it is possible to paint the tiles in the bathroom, see the description and characteristics of all commercially available modern paints and varnishes... There is a special category of coatings used on tiles with different surface including polished, glazed and matt.

    Any paint will adhere to matte surfaces; it has characteristic irregularities that help to fix the particles of the coloring material.

    But before you start painting tiles in the bathroom, think about whether to do it or not, because usually the tiles are laid for beauty, and not to create relief on the walls. The need for such actions is explained rather by the strong wear of the coating, and there is not enough money to replace a sufficient amount of money.

    Features of painting

    To figure out how to paint the tiles in the bathroom, you first need to decide for what purpose it will be done. If the coating is worn out, worn out by the soles of the shoes, then the need for painting arises to update the appearance and make it more aesthetically pleasing.

    The need for such a situation is explained by the lack of funds for the purchase. new tiles and its further styling. But painting is far from being fickle when it comes to floor repairs. If the walls are painted, then the paintwork is held on them longer, which is associated with the nature of the loads.

    Painting the tiles in the bathroom is performed in the following cases:

    • Room decoration, production of original patterns on plain surfaces, selected fragments or some pictures.
    • Masking defects on surfaces formed due to careless use, scratches, chips or other defects.
    • Change of decor in the interior, if old finish already bored. Moreover, water-based paints can be removed if desired without damaging the ceramic lining.

    Possible staining options

    It is the needs that explain the need for painting ceramic tiles in the bathroom, so first of all, decide for what purpose it will be performed:

    • Tile wear... This is due to the poor quality of the tiles, which were purchased from an unreliable manufacturer.
    • Interior decoration... One of the reasons for painting ceramics is its decorative decoration, that is, using stencils, apply original patterns and thematic drawings if you are already tired of the usual monochromatic colors. it convenient way make your bath or shower more enjoyable.
    • Drawing restoration... Surface beautiful panel damaged by careless movement of furniture and especially when installing plumbing equipment. In such situations, nothing good will come of it on your own, so they turn to services experienced craftsmen- artists, designers with practice and skills, if they don't have their own. Regardless of the purpose of performing such work, prepare the surface so that the paint lies down and remains on it for a long time.

    Preparatory stage

    Let's figure out how to paint the tiles in the bathroom so that the updated coating does not lose its appearance.

    Prepare the wall thoroughly. The work consists in applying a special primer, which will help to retain subsequent layers of paintwork. First, clean the surface of dust, dirt, plaque and other types of dirt that are usually present on tiled surfaces, often with the formation of hard deposits.

    Choosing tools

    To paint the walls, you will need the following tools and accessories:

    • A set of brushes and a roller, it is recommended to have several of the varieties, depending on the size of the pile, the length and its hardness.
    • Primer, paint or paintwork set. It is advisable to choose materials that are in good contact with each other, forming a durable wear-resistant coating.
    • Masking tape is a material that comes in handy for making complex contours. All surfaces that should not be painted are glued with it. Having skillful hands and ease of movement, perform original patterns and decorations, highlighting certain elements.
    • A palette for mixing paint shades and thus obtaining the desired colors.
    • You will also need film or paper, cover the floor so that it does not smear with paint.

    Choosing paint and other materials

    When looking for an answer to the question of how to paint the tiles in the bathroom, pay attention to materials with increased resistance to water and household detergents. If this main condition is not met, then the final result will be clearly worse than expected.

    The best paints and primers for performing work in such premises are materials based on acrylic and epoxy bases.

    You can use alkyd, oil and nitro enamels, but these are highly aromatic and harmful substances... Such a coating looks beautiful, but it is worth dreaming about durability, they are not resistant to aquatic environment if the surface has not been properly prepared.

    Acrylic and the same oxide compositions are suitable for finishing, due to unique properties... This is due to its high adhesion and ability to retain color for a long time. Acrylic is always bright and rich, epoxy compounds create shine and shine, but be careful when working with such formulations.

    Preparing surfaces

    How to paint your bathroom wall tiles so they look beautiful indefinitely? Prepare the surface of the tile base with high quality.

    The procedure consists in washing and cleaning the seams from dirt. It is carried out with a special sponge, solvent and other degreasing agents. First it is washed out, carefully wiping the seams, then degreasing and priming to increase adhesion. No matter how high-quality the paint is, the surface is primed.


    The painting process consists in applying the coating evenly with a brush and roller. Sections that do not need to be painted with masking tape along the contour are pre-glued.

    If you execute beautiful drawing, then a stencil or template is applied.

    It's easy to work with these products, stick it on the surface to be decorated and lightly dipping a brush or roller in the paint, apply the coating. Do this carefully so as not to crawl out over the edges, evenly distributing the composition over the entire surface.

    Monochrome staining

    There are many options for painting tiles in the bathroom, depending on personal preference and desire to change the interior.

    One of them is global - one-color coloring in any of the shades selected for a specific design. For example, someone wants to change the situation and choose bright colours: yellow, green, other tone options.

    The desire to create a special atmosphere is fulfilled by painting the tiles in different ways. different colors... It is carried out in a checkerboard pattern, a combination and combination of shades are thought out. Often you want to create a multi-colored panel, made on any topic.

    It can be like marine species, animals and landscapes from tropical countries. To create a karst drawing, contact the services of an artist.

    Drawing a picture

    An original drawing is a simple and common way to finish a bathroom or shower room over finished tiles... It will cover the surface of the walls, and may partially occupy only part of it. The graphic reflects themes, depending on preference and personal considerations.

    It's important to know! You can create a drawing from scratch or use special stencils for this. A contour is created, which is painted in the desired tones. It can be landscapes on a tropical theme, images sea ​​creatures, patterns, shapes and more.

    Using a stencil

    For creating exclusive interiors the use of stencils is practiced in the bathroom. it comfortable gadgets, with the help of which individual paintings and whole compositions are created. For example, choosing one topic, use many forms.

    Decorating tiles

    To somehow decorate the bathroom, to make your stay in it more attractive, decorate the tiles. For example, in an artistic style, patching up joints by creating a shadow effect or using other methods. Accentuate your design with eyeliner, framing, retouching.

    3d effect

    There is an original technology of drawing with a 3D effect. To paint such a picture, you need to have experience and skills. Look at a lot of solutions on thematic resources, collect relevant ones and try to translate them into reality. But in order to maximize the effect and spend less than your time, it is recommended to contact the artist.

    Ways to create a panel or ornament

    The original decoration of the bathroom will be a panel or ornament made professional hand master. To create such a masterpiece, use the help of a specialist, he will make any of your wishes come true.

    The composition can be small and for the whole wall, depending on individual preferences. For example, to realize a detailed landscape of the embankment. Ornaments can also be configured.

    Varnish application

    To secure the paint coat, cover it with varnish. For this, there are acrylic compositions on sale that create solid foundation... If desired, you can polish it, bringing it to perfect condition.

    Video review

    Can ceramic tiles be painted? Of course yes. Will the paint stick? If it is correctly selected and applied with high quality, then, of course, it will be. In the old days, this cosmetic renewal of wet areas was quite common. Old tile painted with ordinary oil paint, achieving a permanent and durable coating. In some places, this decoration of 30-50 years ago is still holding.

    Why paint the tiles at all? To update the interior quickly and as cheaply as possible or simply change the color of the tiled surface. Many are faced with a situation where there is neither time nor financial capacity for a full-fledged repair. For example: people bought an apartment on the secondary market, having invested all available funds in the purchase. There is nothing to do repairs in the next year or two, and it is planned to move to the apartment right now. In this case, you have to resort to any budget solutions to make your new nest cleaner and more comfortable. Tile painting is one of these opportunities to improve the appearance of the room, spending a minimum of money.

    What paint to paint the tiles with?

    Fit different variants... Can be painted with water-based latex paint designed for wet rooms... If the painted surface will be exposed to serious contamination, it does not hurt to varnish it over the paint.

    Alkyd enamels and oil paints... Surfaces painted with these paintwork materials do not require an additional protective layer.

    Sometimes it is directly indicated on paints that they are suitable for such problematic surfaces as glass, tiles, etc. It is worth asking around for such products in stores.

    If you plan to paint the tiles on the walls, you don't have to worry too much. Tiles on the floor are another matter. To paint it, you should choose the most resistant and reliable remedy- for example, alkyd enamel declared by the manufacturer as a floor covering.

    What color to paint the tiles?

    It is not a fact that the painted tiles will look perfect. Making it the focal point of a room is quite dangerous. That is, it is better to refuse a bright accent color by choosing something neutral. If the painted tile surface merges with uncoated walls or furniture facades, its imperfections will become less conspicuous.

    But if creativity prevails over perfectionism, you can get creative by painting the tiles in several colors. In this case, stencils and templates can be used. The paint will allow you to turn an old boring cladding into a bright panel.

    Tile painting: progress

    Step 1. Cleaning. The tiles must be thoroughly washed with abrasives. The surface must be smooth and completely free from grease. It also doesn't hurt to treat it with a disinfectant. Then rinse the tiles thoroughly to remove all traces of detergents.

    Step 2. Checking the seams. They should be scrupulously inspected. If the grout is cracked in some places, you need to remove it in these areas by filling the joints with a cement grout. Wait until the grout is dry and then wash the tiles again.

    Step 3. Matting. If the tile is glossy and very smooth, it is advisable to sand it, making the surface matte and rough.

    Of course, when it comes to cladding a large area, mechanical restoration hardly advisable. In this case, it is best to leave the tiles as they are, relying on a highly adhesive primer.

    Step 4. Priming. It is worth picking up a primer with high level adhesion. Ideally, it should be declared as a primer for problematic surfaces (tiles, glass, fiberglass, plastic, etc.). These include, for example, the Otex primer from Tikkuril.

    If the tile has previously been properly matted, you can skip priming.

    Step 5. Painting. It is possible to paint only after the primer has completely dried. The application tool depends on the type of paint and surface characteristics. If the area is small, a soft bristled brush can be used. For large surfaces, you will need a roller. If the paint is water-based, any roller will do. However, the best choice is velor with a short pile.

    The same roller is ideal for applying enamels. If you want the surface to be perfectly smooth, you can purchase an alkyd enamel in a spray can and apply it by spraying. However, for a start, it is worth practicing on an inconspicuous area.

    The paint is applied in a very thin layer. Usually at least two coats are required.

    The entire surface is painted evenly, including the seams. If you want to highlight the grout, after the base has completely dried, you need to walk along the seams with a thin brush with contrasting paint.

    Step 6. Coating with varnish. This item is optional. It is worth resorting to it only if the painted area will be exposed to aggressive effects. You need to make sure that the varnish does not corrode the painted surface. It doesn't hurt to test their compatibility beforehand - for example, on a piece of plywood or glass.

    Many are familiar with the situation when the bathroom is equipped with serviceable plumbing and communications, and exterior decoration walls to be desired. After all, after long-term operation cladding often loses its former attractiveness. Sometimes it becomes necessary to transform even new ceramics. Today there are all possibilities for this. You can purchase full or partial tile renovation paints or vinyl decals.

    Many owners, whose tiles have lost their aesthetic appearance over the years, would like to receive a detailed answer to the question of whether it is possible to paint the tiles in the bathroom. In this case, you can either start a major overhaul, or try to renew the deteriorated coverage.

    By painting the tiles, you can change the interior of the bathroom

    It is necessary to immediately make a reservation that a full-fledged renovation of the premises is fraught with significant financial losses and requires free time. If now, for one reason or another, you cannot afford it, cosmetic restoration of the tile will be the best way out for you.

    Firstly, this method does not require significant financial investments and labor costs. Secondly, you do not have to dismantle all the plumbing for this, it will be enough just to cover it with polyethylene. And finally, the resulting interior will be able to please you and your loved ones for several more years.

    Remember, before you paint the tiles in the bathroom, you must clearly determine the tone of the coating and the nature of its application. Today there is the possibility of both a complete change colors, and by applying graceful patterns or creating an unusual panel.

    Varieties and characteristics of enamels for tiles

    So how to paint your bathroom tiles so that the coating lasts as long as possible? Immediately exclude water-based paints, since such a decor will delight you for a very short time. As noted above, there are two different ways restoration of ceramics - complete and partial. So, in each of the cases, different types of dyes will be required.

    Latex dyes cover the surface well and dry quickly

    With a complete change in the color scheme of the interior, they usually use acrylic, alkyd or oil enamels... Also proved to be good latex based paints... They perfectly fit the surface, completely covering it. In addition, these dispersions dry quickly and do not have an unpleasant and pungent odor, unlike their oily counterparts.

    However, before painting the tiles in the bathroom, you will need to carry out a complex preparatory work... This is due to the fact that these types of dyes are not intended for shiny, even surfaces and their service life will not be even a year, if the tiles are not previously sanded. In addition, when painting, do not dilute the dye to reduce its consumption. Its consistency should resemble thick sour cream.

    Since the cladding is often smooth and glossy, in the event of a fragmentary renovation, you will need special dispersions for glass or ceramic surfaces, so as not to spoil the entire wall, if necessary, apply a drawing or pattern. These dyes are able to form good adhesion even with such coatings, since they have a slightly different composition than latex or oil dyes. Basically, you can cover the entire wall with them. The only drawback of such a solution will be the too high cost of these dispersions, comparable to buying a new tile.

    Paints for glass and ceramics can be used to create an interesting ornament or panel

    If speak about technical properties this paint, it dries quite quickly when average temperature from 20 to 25 degrees. In addition, if you want to create a design with a slight haze effect, you can pour a little thinner into the enamel to remove the color saturation. This technique will help create truly unusual interior bathroom.

    We update the color scheme completely

    Usually, painting ceramic tiles in a bathroom will not be difficult for a person familiar with the basics of building craftsmanship. To do this, it is enough to have only certain skills in painting and working with electrical grinder... To begin with, you should prepare the following materials necessary for the event:

    Proper preparation will ensure excellent results

    • metal brush and foam sponge;
    • dry cleaning abrasives and degreasing liquids;
    • personal protective equipment (apron, gloves and a respirator-petal);
    • grinding attachment for a drill or impeller; in the case of doing the work by hand, you can get by with not very large emery and a grinding mesh;
    • primer and paint for tiles in the bathroom;
    • enamel tray;
    • brushes different sizes from natural bristles and a foam roller;
    • masking tape and ready-made stencils if you plan to paint in two or three different shades.

    In the future, all work is divided into two stages - preparation of the wall and, in fact, painting.

    Preparing tiles for painting

    Of course, only wall cladding can be restored. Coloring the floor tiles makes no sense, since the floor is an area where water constantly penetrates. The fact is that a painted floor plane will lose its attractiveness within a few weeks.

    First you need to wash and degrease the tiles.

    First of all, it is necessary to remove all dirt from the coating. For this, you can use any abrasive powder detergent and a metal sponge. You need to clean with some physical effort. Your task is to remove even stubborn dirt. After cleaning the tile, wipe it with regular alcohol for initial degreasing and improving the quality of sanding.

    Then you need to remove the gloss completely. Before performing any actions, take care of the safety flooring and other items. The floor should be covered with thick cardboard, and the sanitary ware and furniture are best covered with cellophane wrap.

    The optimal solution for grinding work will be fine emery No. 0 or 1. The fact is that a larger sandpaper can leave deep chips, which will significantly complicate the process of work. We must say right away that this stage will become quite laborious and will take a significant amount of time, but after going through this procedure, you will get a well-made coating.

    After sanding, carefully collect debris and rinse the surface again. After that, it should be degreased again and dried thoroughly. The next step is to apply a primer to the prepared tiles. It should be noted that this step is not at all necessary, but priming will significantly increase the adhesion of the ceramic to the paint. The best choice will become substances that are resistant to moisture. This will help extend the life of the dye.

    We paint the tiles

    After the primer has dried, you can start painting. Choose the tools you will be working with. Remember, the foam roller will make the effect of a velvet finish, and the brushes will leave their characteristic texture. As noted above, you should not dilute the variance, otherwise you will not get the desired result. Cover all adjoining elements or surfaces with masking tape.

    For painting tiles in several different shades use stencils

    If you plan to paint the tiles in a multi-color bathroom or apply a pattern in a different shade, stick stencils on the desired areas. This can be done with glue in an aerosol can. Remember to glue paper or cardboard with firm, firm strokes to avoid smearing the glue.

    Now you can paint the tile with the selected color. Do not push the brush or roller into the wall pointwise. Color smoothly but sweepingly.

    You need to apply paint with clear, confident movements.

    Wherein important role plays one more nuance. Do not try to cover the surface with the desired color at a time, one thick layer. It would be more expedient to paint over the pier in several stages. Gradually overlapping layers of paint will create a shade of the saturation and brightness you need. So, you will achieve a better quality of the coating, and the overall aesthetics will only benefit from this. The result will look stylish and modern. Plus, you don't need to make a major investment to get this effect.

    Ways to create a panel or ornament

    If there is no need to completely paint over the entire plane, and you would like to refresh the interior, it may make sense to apply a drawing or ornament to the tile. In this case, you will not need to carry out special preparation of the surface, it will be enough just to wash it well with a usual cleaning agent with a soft sponge and degrease it.

    Stencil application will help maintain straight and clear lines and borders of color transition

    We glue the finished stencil onto the finished dry cladding. Now you can start creating. Apply the shades one at a time, remembering to clean or change brushes. Try to apply the enamel evenly with precise movements. Remove excess dispersion from the brush, otherwise smudges may occur. If you want a velvety finish, simply blend the paint with a foam sponge. To do this, dip it into a pallet and squeeze it slightly to avoid dispersion spreading under the stencil. Apply paint in this way with barely noticeable touches.

    Professionals advise to apply a special contour layer first. It will not allow the enamel to flow over the outlines and mix with other colors. You can purchase a contour along with colored paints. It comes in small, pointed tubes because it is applied directly from the tube.

    If for some reason you have given up using the contour, there is another way to prevent mixing different shades. Since latex enamel dries pretty quickly, just cover the area that has already been painted over with a paper towel.

    Tile staining options

    We restore the tile joining

    It is not only the ceramic surface that wears out over time. Tile grout also deteriorates - it crumbles and fungus may appear on it. Finding out is it possible to paint the tiles in the bathroom and how to do it, let's move on to the second part of the question, how to update the seams.

    When fully painting the walls, you also tint the tile seams at the same time.

    In the case of a complete painting of the plane, the jointing is painted over together with the entire wall. If only a panel or pattern is applied, the seams are covered with a layer of dye with a thin brush or a special marker. The only thing that should not be forgotten is the complete removal of contaminants from them and treatment with vinegar or antifungal impregnation before starting work.

    The tile line can be updated with a special paint marker