Penetrating compound for waterproofing. Penetron penetrating waterproofing: characteristics, application, consumption and prices

Despite its indestructible appearance, concrete is a vulnerable material. It can withstand enormous loads from the weight of a building for decades, but at the same time it is afraid of alkalis, acids and salts contained in groundwater and rainwater.

This behavior of concrete is very simple to explain. Its binding base is cement stone - a mixture of silicates formed during the reaction of cement with water.

These chemical compounds are active enough to react with other substances. After such contact, the cement stone turns into a loose material, reducing strength and integrity. concrete structure.

Speaking about the vulnerability of concrete, we must not forget that it is permeated with a network of pores and microcracks. Through them, water, together with aggressive chemical compounds, enters its structure.

Penetrating waterproofing - a new level of concrete protection

Until penetrating waterproofing for concrete was created, bitumen was the main material for its protection. It was used to coat the foundations and was part of the roofing material used as a gluing waterproofing.

Due to the lack of a worthy alternative, builders had to put up with its shortcomings:

  • Low mechanical strength;
  • Labor intensity of application;
  • Short service life.

Searches for more effective waterproofing led to the creation of special substances that penetrate deeply into the structure of concrete, increasing its water resistance. These include Penetron. This dry mix contains silica sand, cement and active chemical additives. They provide waterproofing with deep penetration into the concrete structure and react with cement stone, increasing its resistance to water, salts, acids and alkalis.

Penetron penetrating waterproofing has a very wide range of applications. It can be used for waterproofing the surface of monolithic and prefabricated structures made of concrete, reinforced concrete, brick and stone. The method of applying this composition can be anything from manual surface treatment with a paint brush to using a compressor or spray gun.

The manufacturer of Penetron warns the consumer that he cannot insulate joints and seams, as well as insulate large cracks (with an opening width of more than 0.4 mm). For these purposes use Penecrite is a proprietary blend from the Penetron range... It contains coarser quartz sand that fills deep cracks and seams in concrete.

Benefits of Penetron waterproofing

Having looked at the price tag of this waterproofing, an ordinary buyer will think about it, weighing the arguments for and against. Indeed, the Penetron cannot be called cheap. It is possible to pay 300 rubles for 1 kg of this material only with full confidence that it will reliably protect the foundation from water.

In order for your choice to be deliberate and correct, let's see what the manufacturers promise us:

  • Unlike coating and pasting waterproofing, Penetron is not afraid of mechanical stress. Its service life is equal to the service life of concrete (up to 100 years).
  • Waterproofing application of this type does not require preliminary drying of concrete.
  • The structure can be processed from either side (the foundation does not need to be dug out).
  • This composition has the property of self-liquidation of through cracks, which during operation appear on the concrete structure (opening no more than 0.5 mm). Water entering these cavities activates the growth of cement stone crystals and they close the crack.
  • In 3 months Penetron increases the water resistance of concrete to the maximum grade W20 (water does not penetrate into its structure even under a pressure of 2 MPa).
  • Waterproofing does not impair the physical parameters of concrete: mobility, strength and setting time. At the same time, concrete fully retains its vapor permeability.

Features of application technology

Most of the complaints about Penetron penetrating waterproofing are not related to its properties, but are the result of violations of the application technology. Let's consider the process of processing concrete with it in more detail in order to avoid common mistakes.

The Penetron dry mix must be prepared for work in strict accordance with the instructions for use.

Let's mark the most important nuances this technology:

  • Water is poured into the dry mixture, and not vice versa;
  • The preparation time for waterproofing using a hand mixer (to a liquid creamy consistency) is at least 2 minutes;
  • A volume of solution is being prepared that can be worked out within 30 minutes. In the process of application, the solution must be mixed periodically. You cannot re-add water to it.

The most serious consideration should be given to proper preparation concrete. Its surface must be cleaned of contamination in order to open the capillaries and allow the solution to penetrate as deeply as possible into the concrete.

It should be remembered that contaminants include not only dust, dirt, oil and paint residues, but also cement laitance on the concrete surface. It is removed mechanically using a metal brush, sandblasting or chemically (with hydrochloric acid followed by rinsing with water). Active leaks in concrete are eliminated with hydraulic cement.

The penetrating insulation should be applied not on a dry, but on a well-moistened concrete surface. Without observing this condition, Penetron will not be able to penetrate deep enough into the structure of the material. The treatment with this waterproofing agent is carried out in two layers: the second is applied immediately after the first has set.

The average consumption of Penetron per 1 m2 of concrete in a two-layer application is 1.0 kg / m2... If the surface of the structure has potholes, then the consumption of waterproofing increases by 20-30%.

Related products

As we have already said, Penetron is used only for processing concrete with small cracks (no more than 0.4 mm). In order to isolate areas with dripping water flow, as well as protect the seams and abutments of concrete structures, you need to buy Penecrite... This is a modification of Penetron, which "knows how" to block deeper cracks.

Quite often, a so-called pressure leakage is observed in poorly insulated concrete, brick and masonry basements. This happens when groundwater are actively moving, putting pressure on underground structures. Penecrite will not close such leaks. In this case, you need to use another type of waterproofing - Peneplag... It is designed for instant sealing of pressure leaks of water.

Penetrating waterproofing can protect concrete not only after it gains its brand strength (after 28 days), but also right in the process of its preparation. For these purposes, created Penetron Admix... It is a dry mixture that is added to concrete when it is mixed. Consumption per 1 m3 (for admix) is 1% of the mass of cement used to prepare the concrete mixture. The benefits of using this supplement are obvious. We immediately get high-quality concrete of a hydraulic engineering class and get rid of the need to prepare its surface and apply waterproofing.

Penetrating waterproofing (penetrating waterproofing) - materials consisting of Portland cements, fillers and mixtures chemical compounds(also called active chemical additives). The additives usually include salts of alkali and alkaline earth metals, but polymer additives can also be used.

There are now several types of waterproofing to protect the foundation, underground parts of structures, floors, walls and roofs. insulating materials:

  • rolled roofing material and insulating mats are waterproofing technologies;
  • coating mixtures and paint compositions - cement-sand plaster with the addition of water-repellent modifiers, bitumen mastic, liquid rubber, liquid glass, polymer concrete, synthetic resin, other types;
  • filling technology;
  • cast moisture insulation - special substances are introduced into the composition of concrete (for example, silicate water glass) and it acquires special properties;
  • injection waterproofing deep penetration or it is also called impregnating.

Operating principle

You will be surprised, but penetrating waterproofing was invented almost 70 years ago - in 1952 the Danish company Vandex began to produce a fundamentally new insulating materials for concrete based on a fine cement-sand mixture for mixing with water. In this case, a liquid composition was obtained, which, after being applied to the surface of the base, not only forms an external protective covering, as a coating insulation, but also penetrates into concrete or stone through cracks, micropores and structural capillaries. At the same time, the mixture turns into durable, insoluble in water, sealing all voids, waterproofing microcrystals. Thus, the base materials not only became impervious to water, but also additionally strengthened, which extended their service life.

Cheaper types of waterproofing - roll and coating, have such a disadvantage that, being applied to a concrete surface with moisture in the pores (and this is almost always the case), it forms a dense, non-breathable film that prevents the removal of vapors. Because of this, mold appears on the surface of the walls and floors. Penetrating waterproofing works differently - when the liquid mixture enters the pores of the concrete, its components react with the cement and the resulting crystals displace the vapors outward. As soon as all the moisture is bound, and the excess is removed, the crystals stop growing, and a surface film is formed.

Penetrating waterproofing can fill the thickness of concrete 30-40 cm deep, while completely seals cracks up to 4 mm wide.

The service life of deep penetration protection is from 70 to 100 years (depending on the composition of the mixture). This is practically equal to the service life of the concrete itself! While the coating protection is effective for 25-30 years.

Benefits of Penetrating Insulation

Penetrating waterproofing has a number of advantages that other types do not have. The following should be noted:

  • these materials can be used for all types of buildings and structures, underground and ground structures;
  • the ability to process concrete structures of any age - both new and old - during repair and restoration work;
  • deep penetration waterproofing protects reinforced concrete structures from metal corrosion, thereby extending their service life by almost three times;
  • deep penetration mixtures can be applied to damp surfaces, that is, there is no need for preliminary drying of the concrete;
  • penetrating waterproofing is easy to prepare and easy to apply - by hand or by spraying;
  • complete environmental safety for people and environment;
  • as a result of processing the foundation, walls, floor, placement engineering networks, supports and other concrete structures, a continuous, seamless, completely sealed coating is formed;
  • there is no need for further priming of walls and floors for further finishing;
  • application temperatures - from - 30 to +75 degrees (some mixtures can be used on hot concrete surfaces - up to 85-105 degrees);
  • the protective film is resistant to mechanical and chemical influences, does not crack, does not peel off during the entire period of operation of a building or structure.


Penetrating waterproofing is increasingly used in construction for:

  • processing of foundations of low-rise and multi-storey buildings;
  • protection of walls and floors of basements and basements from groundwater;
  • waterproofing of pools, wells, water tanks, treatment facilities and other water tanks;
  • treatment of walls and floors of rooms with high humidity- bathrooms, toilets, laundries, saunas, cellars, etc .;
  • protection of networks of underground communications and facilities;
  • waterproofing of civil defense facilities, mines, storage facilities, metro, tunnels.

Waterproofing of penetrating action cannot be applied to such types of building materials:

  • foam concrete and aerated concrete;
  • expanded clay concrete;
  • foam magnesite and gas magnesite;
  • foam and gas gypsum;
  • shungizite concrete;
  • slate concrete;
  • expanded polystyrene concrete;
  • asbestos-cement and other types of large-porous materials.

And the point here is not that penetrating waterproofing is ineffective for these materials, but that due to the presence a large number pore, the consumption of the protective mixture increases tenfold. Therefore, such an application is unjustified from a financial point of view - it is more profitable coating waterproofing.

Penetrating waterproofing "PENETRON"

The most effective ready-to-use mixtures

The following types of compositions are most often used in our country:

  1. The most famous penetrating waterproofing is the American mixtures PENETRON. They are very effective for new concrete structures and old concrete with cracks no larger than 0.5 mm. To close the cracks more, the surface of the walls and floor must first be covered with PENECRIT. In the presence of external pressure leaks (wells, pools, sewage treatment plant) the structure should be treated with a PENELAG hydraulic plug.
  2. OSMOSIL is a deeply penetrating insulation made in Italy, which is used in both private and industrial construction. The peculiarity of the use of this mixture is the mandatory preliminary plastering of the surfaces of walls, floors and structures.
  3. Domestic mixtures GIDROTEX and GIDROKHIT. They are divided into waterproofing materials for external use - with the Y marking, and interior walls and floor - marked B.
  4. Very good in terms of price / quality ratio materials under the KRISTALLIZOL brand from the domestic manufacturer GidroStroyKomplekt. On sale presented different types: for new concrete surfaces - brush W12, for old W12, for joints and seams - "Suture", for restoration work "Repair", and "Hydro-seal" - for walls of wells.
  5. AQUATRON-6 (manufactured by Aquatron-BHK LLC, RF) is a double-acting sealant penetrating into porous Construction Materials to a depth of 40 cm.

Technology of work with penetrating compounds

Deep penetration waterproofing materials are easy to use. The work is carried out in several stages.

  1. Surface preparation of walls, floors, structures. This includes cleaning from dirt, streaks, dust. Polished concrete should be sandblasted with a solution (1:10) of hydrochloric acid to help open the pores. In the presence of mold, treat the base with an antiseptic.
  2. For better adhesion and penetration of the protective mixture, make grooves in the base at the joints and seams, and also increase the cracks to a depth of 2.5 cm and a width of 2 cm.
  3. For brick walls the technology is slightly different. Throughout the entire surface of the masonry, boreholes must be drilled at an angle of 45 degrees, about 2.5-3 cm deep (2/3 of the masonry thickness), with a distance of about 5 cm between them.Rinse these recesses with water under pressure and fill with ordinary plaster mix(preferably also under pressure). Once the plaster has dried, waterproofing can be applied.
  4. Moisten the protected surface with water - roller or spray.
  5. Dilute the dry composition with water strictly according to the instructions. At the same time, it is not necessary to prepare the entire solution, but a portion that can be worked out in half an hour, and then make a new one (after 30 minutes, the composition is set).
  6. It can be applied with any tool - roller, brush, spatula (especially at the joints), spray gun. What is better to choose - it will be written on the package.
  7. It is necessary to apply the composition in two layers with an interval of 1-1.5 hours, up to 1 cm thick, without smearing repeatedly and without rubbing.


Summing up, it can be argued that deep penetration waterproofing has excellent operational properties, is devoid of the disadvantages that roll and coating technology has, reliably protects and strengthens concrete and serves for a very long time. Of the minuses, one can only note the rather high cost of this type of protection.

Foundation protection and basement from moisture guarantees durability and good operational properties of the entire building. That is why, at the slightest suspicion of excessive dampness and before erecting a box at home, you should take care of high-quality waterproofing. Today, the most popular option is penetrating waterproofing, which we will discuss in detail in this article.

Today's construction market we offer a wide variety waterproofing materials for various purposes, cost, quality and terms of service. Not so long ago, bituminous mastic was the most popular - a cheap and durable compound that reliably protected not only basements and foundations, but even roofs from moisture. But progress does not stand still and the "People's Choice Award" has moved on to penetrating waterproofing.

These compounds are used to protect concrete and reinforced concrete from moisture penetration. Concrete only at first glance has a monolithic and dense structure, but in reality it is like a sponge with small pores through which water can penetrate. Even special waterproofing additives in concrete mix do not guarantee 100% protection against erosion, therefore it is necessary to carry out separate waterproofing inside and outside.

How to understand that the walls of your basement have been damaged by moisture:

  1. Black molds have appeared in the corners and around the baseboards.
  2. High humidity is felt.
  3. There is a smell of dampness and musty.
  4. Plaster, wallpaper or other finishes began to flake off.

Traditional waterproofing materials have many disadvantages. So, the pasting materials will last a maximum of 7-10 years, after which they will begin to let water through at the joints, and the repair will have to start over. Also, air bubbles often form under the rolls, which ultimately lead to material delamination. The once popular bitumen mastic protected quite well from water, but did not have the proper elasticity - over time, it cracked and allowed moisture to pass through.

Improved formulations can be found today bituminous mastic with special additives that give it plasticity. However, at the same time, their resistance to mechanical damage deteriorated. Working on this issue and trying to create a formulation devoid of flaws, scientists have invented penetrating waterproofing.

The Danes were the first to test penetrating waterproofing in the 60s of the last century, then the composition was tested and supplemented in other European countries, America, and as a result reached our latitudes. Today on the market you can find a lot of brands and manufacturers, but the most proven and popular are Penetron (USA), LAKHTA (RF), Hydrohit and Aquatron.

How penetrating waterproofing works

The main task of the penetrating composition is to block the smallest pores and cracks in the concrete. Only liquids can cope with such a task, therefore the dry mixture is diluted with water to a very liquid state and applied to a concrete or reinforced concrete surface with a brush, roller or mechanical spray.

When the mixture gets into the pores and cracks of the material, it penetrates deeply inside, and then enters into chemical interaction with the cement. Polymer additives in its composition swell and firmly close all microscopic cavities in the wall. Thus, the surface becomes practically waterproof, and the liquid waterproofing becomes part of the concrete structure, increasing its service life several times.

What is good about penetrating waterproofing of concrete:

  • ecologically clean material created from natural ingredients (no chemicals hazardous to health and the environment);
  • can be used for waterproofing outside and inside;
  • working with waterproofing is very simple (even an inexperienced builder or teenager can handle it);
  • the film formed after the composition has dried is not afraid of accidental mechanical damage;
  • the material has deep adhesion and high strength, does not flake or crack over time;
  • penetrating waterproofing increases the frost resistance of concrete;
  • the compounds have an antibacterial effect, so they can be used in basements intended for storing food, in bomb shelters and underground warehouses.

Basement waterproofing

Once you understand how penetrating waterproofing works, you can see why it is so well suited for protecting basements and foundations. Quite often, owners of private houses are faced with flooding their basements after the snow melts. Spring swelling of the soil leads to deformation and destruction of the walls. To avoid this trouble, it is important to take care of the strength of the foundation and reliable protection basement under construction.

External waterproofing

For a 100% successful result, it is necessary to carry out external and internal waterproofing. In this case, the basement will not be afraid of ground movements for a very long time, and the house will stand without overhaul up to 70-80 years old.

In most cases, for the construction of cottages and private houses, a strip type of foundation is used, a monolith or assembled from concrete blocks. The blocks are laid on a loose cushion, and the joints between them become areas of risk in terms of leaks and damage to the basement walls.

To protect the walls of the basement from the outside, a penetrating coating waterproofing is used. Despite the fact that the composition was invented not so long ago, the application takes place in a completely "old-fashioned" method, so even an inexperienced builder without special skills can handle it.


  1. First, the outside walls of the basement are treated with a primer - a mixture of gasoline and bitumen. Such a coating will ensure high-quality adhesion of concrete and mastic. The task of the primer is to fill all microscopic pores and cracks in the cement joints.
  2. The primer will dry in 2-3 hours, after which you can start applying bituminous mastic. This is done with a flat construction brush.
  3. After applying the layer, wait 24 hours and then cover the surface with another layer of mastic. Ideally, 2-3 layers should be made so that the total thickness of the bitumen layer is 2-3 mm. It is very simple to check the thickness - using a clerical knife, cut out a small square of dried bitumen and measure it with a caliper.
  4. When required thickness waterproofing has been achieved, the foundation and basement walls can be backfilled from the outside. Backfilling takes place in layers, and every 50 cm it is necessary to compact the soil tightly.
  5. When 50-100 cm is left until the end, the rest of the space should be covered not with earth, but with clay 1.5-2 m wide. So you will make a kind of "hydraulic lock" that will not allow melt and rainwater to get close to the walls of the basement from above.

Internal waterproofing

After completing the work from the outside, you can proceed to the penetrating waterproofing of the basement from the inside, and this applies not only to the walls, but also to the floor. It is carried out in two cases - during the construction of a house and in the event of leaks or flooding of the basement. We propose to analyze the most unpleasant and problematic case - the flooding of the basement.

If the basement is flooded with water, the following should be done:

  1. Drain water from the walls of the building by at least 3-5 m by pumping out the water using a pump.
  2. Remove all furniture and items from the basement.
  3. Open the door to ensure maximum ventilation and dry the room if possible.
  4. In severe cases of flooding, it can be installed in the basement heat gun or a heater so that it dries faster.
  5. When the water is completely gone, and the floor with walls is dry, you can start working. For this case, the penetrating waterproofing Penetron is suitable - a sand-cement mixture with polymer additives that quickly clog microcracks. The composition of the LAKHTA brand is also very popular, which can be used both from the side of the water pressure and to process the room from the inside (negative pressure).
  6. If the basement walls are covered with plaster, paint or wallpaper, they must be removed.
  7. Scrub the surface of the bare wall with a grinder with a metal brush attachment. This will open up pores and cracks, which will then be filled with waterproofing.
  8. Deepen all joints between the blocks by 2-3 cm.
  9. Fill the recessed joints with a saturated waterproofing compound and let dry for 2-3 hours.
  10. After the specified time has elapsed, apply the liquid waterproofing compound to the walls and floor using a wide, flat brush.
  11. After 2-3 hours, apply a second layer of penetrating waterproofing Lakhta, Penetron or any other brand. Two layers will suffice. You can also waterproof the bathroom in the same way. If you are using Penetron, but after applying the second coat, it is recommended to regularly spray the surface with water from a spray bottle or cover it tightly plastic wrap for 10-14 days. Thus, you will create the most comfortable environment for active crystal growth and deep penetration of polymer additives inside. concrete wall.

Before buying a penetrating waterproofing, carefully read the instructions and the operating features of the composition, the depth of its penetration and the application technique. The price of the material is mainly determined by the penetration depth of polymer additives. For example, the popular Penetron mixture is capable of penetrating 50 cm deep into a concrete wall and is applied with a brush or spray, while the domestic Hydrotex penetrates into concrete only 10 cm and a spatula is useful for its application.

The main advantage of penetrating waterproofing is that even a beginner can easily handle it. Therefore, even despite the high cost, liquid formulations are gaining popularity in the global construction market.

A home's security starts with a foundation. In a rainy season, moisture will certainly penetrate into the basement of the house, and then - through the cement joints - into the room. How better protection bases from moisture and weather factors, the longer the building will stand.

If measures were not taken in advance during the construction of the house, then penetrating waterproofing of concrete from the inside of the dwelling will help to eliminate the problem afterwards. Therefore, builders focus on high-quality waterproofing. Recently, penetrating waterproofing has become popular.

How it works

The main function of protecting walls from moisture is performed by special additives for mixtures of high-quality cement and quartz sand. The principle of operation is as follows: after application, the chemical components of the composition begin to spread through the capillaries. And then, colliding with water, they turn into insoluble crystals, filling the most vulnerable places - microcracks, pores, etc.

Compared with other methods of waterproofing, for example, polymer-roll mastics, it has significant advantages, in particular:

  • increasing the water resistance of concrete;
  • laying a layer of material directly in concrete;
  • processing of external and internal surfaces regardless of water pressure.

Application area

The formation of moisture-protective crystals can be accelerated by applying a waterproofing agent to a damp surface. This protection is able to resist penetrating liquids from the outside. That is why it is often used for the reconstruction of premises in which it is no longer possible to perform waterproofing by another method. Penetrating waterproofers have proven their effectiveness in the construction of residential buildings and other objects exposed to high humidity(wells, bathrooms, cellars).

Many builders are still not aware of the existence of such a method, preferring bitumen-based mastics. They have a significant drawback - when applied from the inside, mastics are unable to resist water, losing their function. And any shrinkage of the soil leads to the uselessness of the entire layer.

Despite its positive characteristics, the action of the mixture in some cases does not have the desired effect. In particular, this applies to walls made of foam blocks and other large-porous materials and prefabricated foundations.

Work algorithm

Now let's take a closer look at the method of applying penetrating waterproofing for concrete. First you need to prepare the surface for waterproofing. It can be done with chemical mechanical means or using water jet machines. The key goal of the employee is to eradicate efflorescence (plaque that prevents waterproofing from penetrating deep into the concrete).

Application methods

The chemical method involves the use of special solvents. Mechanical cleaning of efflorescence is carried out hand tool(drills or grinders). The use of water jet machines is more advanced and quick way elimination of efflorescence on a large area. The most economical, but more laborious is considered mechanical method... Chemicals are expensive, and renting a water jet is not always justified either.

Nuances and effect

Next, you should especially carefully moisten the surface with a spray bottle. This must be done patiently, in several passes until each 1 m2 of surface absorbs at least 5 liters. water. The interval between repetitions of the procedure is identical to the drying time of the concrete. The final stage is to apply the mixture itself according to the instructions on the package.

If there is no instruction, the process is split into two steps. First, the mixture is applied with a stiff brush or sponge. After drying with perpendicular strokes, apply another layer with a spatula or brush. After about an hour, the surface is moistened.

Perfectly executed waterproofing on long years will save you from problems caused by moisture penetration. In addition, concrete becomes impermeable to the action of water to a depth of 40 cm. And the number of cycles of resistance to temperature fluctuations increases several times.

Use for bricks

The penetrating waterproofing effect is designed for concrete, but sometimes it is necessary to apply it to insulate brick walls. Only in this case we will talk about a special waterproofing plaster. It will not be difficult for the master to make it. The procedure is carried out in three stages:

  • fasten plaster mesh(cells 50 × 50 cm) on brickwork in such a way that the distance from the wall does not exceed 15 mm;
  • plaster it only sand-cement mixture... The layer thickness must be at least 40 mm. Actually, it determines the depth of isolation;
  • apply penetrating waterproofing every other day.


Domestic manufacturers - "Penetron", "Lakhta", "Kalmatron", etc. occupy the leading positions in the market. They are also the leaders in sales of building supermarkets. Let's consider the features of each of them.

Primary insulation grades

The manufacturer "Penetron" refers its mixture to the group of primary concrete waterproofing. Its principle of operation is aimed at increasing the atmospheric stability of concrete. In addition, its corrosion resistance increases. The composition includes sand, cement and active additives. The dry mixture is diluted in a ratio of 2 parts of water to 1 part of Penetron. The service life is stated as unlimited.

Kalmatron brands

Concrete waterproofing "Kalmatron" modifies the surface by molecular level... Thanks to this, moisture resistance is improved several times. Varieties of the mixture are successfully used at all stages of construction - from laying the foundation to finishing... It contains Portland cement, special granular sand and proprietary reagents that take the brunt of contact with water.

The degree of their concentration is different, which formed three types of goods:

  • basic version "Kalmatron" for the isolation of structures, incl. having direct contact with water;
  • Kolmatex is distinguished by the addition of white cement for aesthetics;
  • "Kalmatron Economy" - a budget option composition with the same properties. It can be used both for its intended purpose and as a plaster on brick.

Complex products

Another manufacturer that deserves attention is Penetrat. He offers not just a waterproofing product, but a whole complex. Each element of the chain has its own purpose. Without one of them, the stability of the protection can be violated. The complex product line includes the following types:

  • the preparation "Penetrate" of deep penetration eliminates moisture seepage through the pores and microcracks of the concrete surface;
  • "Penetrat Seam" seals seams, slab joints, cracks in buildings through which moisture can penetrate;
  • Penetrat Aqua Stop will stand in the way of gushing leaks arising from bursts of thermal and water supply lines;
  • the addition to the mixture "Penetrat Mix" increases the frost resistance, water resistance and strength of concrete;
  • "Penetrate Injection" is useful in case of shut-off waterproofing;
  • Penetrat Hydro makes moisture protection more effective.

Active chemistry

The last manufacturer I would like to draw your attention to is KtTron. Its mixture includes chemically active particles. When combined with sand and cement, they create a solid foundation that protects the concrete. The mechanism of action is as follows:

  • the solution is absorbed into the body of the wetted concrete due to the counter-diffusion of the molecules of the components and the solvent (water), pushed by osmotic pressure. The maximum penetration depth is about 600 mm;
  • upon contact of a liquid with molecules of heavy metals, crystalline hydrates are formed. They serve as a shield for the respiratory organs and cracks in concrete;
  • the surface tension of liquids does not allow moisture to pass through and increases resistance to evaporation.

The presented brands and manufacturers of penetrating waterproofers are only a small part of a wide range of outlets.