Solution for 1 cubic meter.Building guide from mizar

To determine how much sand, cement is needed per 1 cubic meter of mortar, it is important to know its purpose. For the preparation of masonry, plaster, foundation and other types of mixtures, it is used different ratio dry materials. The consumption of sand and cement per 1m3 of mortar varies for each type of work, and often other dry or liquid compositions are added to the composition, which increase the moisture resistance, strength, change the rate of solidification of the mixture, etc.

What determines the consumption of cement for different solutions

Preparation cement mortar, the proportions of which may differ, require strict adherence to technology and the correct determination of the ratio of components. For concrete application different brands different amounts of cement and sand are used. Remembering the proportions of cement and sand is not enough for quality construction, it is better to understand the principle.

Requires strict adherence to the technology of preparation of cement mortar

The main factors affecting consumption:

  • the amount of fillers in the mixture. The greater the proportion of crushed stone, sand, the higher the cement consumption per 1 m3 of mortar. Cement is the binder that holds all the fillers together. The ratio of free-flowing mixtures determines the amount of cement;
  • cement brand. As the grade increases, the strength of the final structure increases. It should be remembered that the grade of the final mixture is much lower than dry cement, since sand is added to the composition, and gravel or slag can also be added;
  • solution grade. The cement-sand mortar also has a division by brand. For all types of work in GOST there are recommended brands. After determining the desired grade of the building mixture, you can choose the right grade of cement. For example, to obtain a mixture of M100 from M500 cement, you will need to mix 1 part of Portland cement, 5.8 parts of sand and 8.1 part of crushed stone. If the ultimate goal is a solution of M450, a proportion of cement M500 (C: P: Sh) 1: 1.4: 2.9 is required;

The density of the cement plays a minor role here, since it directly depends on the brand of cement, but it is necessary to know it in the calculation process.

Conclusion: how much cement is required for 1 m3 of mortar depends on the required strength mortar and the brand of the original blend.

The density of cement directly depends on the brand of cement

Variety and brands of mixtures

The introduction of the concept of "brand of cement" helps to calculate the cement consumption per cube of mortar with knowledge of the input parameters. To prepare a solution with the same construction characteristics from different brands cement mix, different proportions of fillers will be required. In production, cement is made, starting from the M100 brand, but due to the low strength of the structure, the material is practically not used.

The most popular are M400 and M500 cements, but some other types are also widespread. The choice of mixture depends on the area of ​​application of the material.

The main areas of use of the brand cement:

  • M300 cement is used in erection construction, as well as during the manufacture of monolithic structures;
  • M400 cement is successfully used in monolithic construction and during the preparation of reinforced concrete;
  • cement M500 is actively used in the construction of buildings or slabs that must be resistant to moisture or are in water. Areas of application of this concrete mix wide enough: the creation of sidewalks, the construction of asbestos-cement structures, the formation of large concrete masses and all kinds of foundations;

Cements M400 and M500 are the most popular
  • M600 cement is used to create prefabricated structures and foundations on which a high load is created;
  • M700 is a suitable cement grade for the construction of highly loaded and stressed structures.

Consumption rates of materials per cubic meter of different solutions

Today there are 4 main uses for concrete: foundation, masonry, screed and plaster. In each case, special requirements are imposed on the building mixture, from which the choice of cement and its consumption differ. The largest consumption of cement per cube of concrete occurs when it is necessary to make masonry or plaster. Material consumption per 1 m3 of foundation solution is slightly lower due to the use of a coarse filler fraction: slag, crushed stone or gravel.

GOST has records on the rates of cement consumption per 1m3 of the solution, taking into account the purpose of the solution. Concrete designation in cubic meters. meters is a generally accepted measurement system.

Cement consumption rates per 1m3 of mortar

Consumption rates per 1 m3 using M500 cement:

  • on M100 - 170 kg;
  • on М150 - 200 kg;
  • on M200 - 240 kg;
  • on М250 - 300 kg;
  • on the M300 - 350 kg;
  • on M400 - 400 kg;
  • on M500 - 450 kg.

Consumption rates of cement and sand per cube of mortar for the foundation

Calculation of cement for a foundation calculator is the simplest way understand how much material is required and the number of required components. The calculation of concrete can be done with high precision and manually.

To determine how much cement is needed per 1 m3 of mortar, we recommend following simple instructions:

Cement consumption rates for foundation
  1. We determine the appropriate brand of cement mortar. Usually, during the creation of the foundation, it is advisable to use the M100-M300 solution. For low-level buildings, M100 is enough, if you plan to build several floors - M150, and M200 and higher is used in construction multi-storey buildings and any structures for which increased strength requirements are imposed. If the foundation is being built for a wooden building, M50 mortar is sufficient.
  2. We select the brand of cement. For standard tasks, M300-M400 is suitable in a proportional part of cement to sand 1 to 3. When using M500 cement - 1 to 5.

How many kg of cement in 1 m3 of mortar:

  • in М50 when using М400 - 380 kg;
  • in M100 when preparing concrete from M300 cement - 214 kg;
  • in М200 with cement М400 - 286 kg;
  • in M300 at M500 - 382 kg.

The data is presented if the cube includes 2-4 parts of sand and 3 parts of crushed stone.

Consumption rates of cement and sand per cube of mortar for masonry

For the preparation of cement mortar for the construction of a wall, a proportion of 1 to 4 is most often used. Thus, the consumption of cement per cubic meter will be 0.25 m3 or 325 kg, and the consumption of sand per 1 m3 of mortar is 0.75 m3 or 1200 kg.

Consumption rates of cement for masonry

Table 1: Consumption of mortar on walls of different thickness

To calculate how many bags of cement are required, it is enough to multiply 325 kg by the consumption per cubic meter, for example, walls in one brick - 0.221. You get 72 kg of cement for masonry 1 m3 of a wall, provided that there are no other components in the composition (lime, clay, etc.).

Consumption rates of cement and sand per cube of mortar for screed

Cement consumption per 1 cubic meter of mortar is calculated according to the same rules as in the previous mixtures. The recommended mixing ratio is 1 to 3. Difficulties in calculations often appear even at the stage of determining the volume of the solution, so consider illustrative example... It is necessary to fill the surface of 3x4 m or 12 m2. The layer thickness will be 30 mm.

Consumption rates of cement for screed

Calculation of cement for screed from the example:

  1. We count required volume solution: 12 m2 * 0.03 m = 0.36 m3.
  2. We determine the brand of cement, M200 mortar is often used, and we use it as an example. We will cook from M500, and according to the standards, the consumption will be 410 kg.
  3. We calculate the required number of bags of cement: 410 kg * 0.36 m3 = 148 kg - these are 6 small or 3 standard bags of 50 kg each.
  4. Determine the costs of sand. To do this, we multiply specific gravity 1 m3 of sand for the required amount of the finished mixture: 1600 kg / m3 * 0.36 m3 = 576 kg, and since the proportion of sand in the total solution is 75%, we also multiply by 0.75 - 432 kg of sand. Sand consumption per 1 cubic meter of mortar is approximately 1200 kg / m3.

Consumption rates of cement and sand per cube of plaster solution

Consumption of cement per 1 m2 of plaster strongly depends on the quality of the wall covering, required thickness the layer and the number of large pits. Again, for clarity, we will give an example of calculation, remembering that a mixture of 1 to 4 is usually used. Input parameters: it is necessary to cover 60 m2 of walls with plaster 2.5 cm thick.

Calculations of cement consumption per 1 m3 and sand:

  1. The number of materials in cubes. For 1 m2, 1 * 0.025 = 0.025 m3 of mortar will be required, where a fifth is cement, and the rest is sand. Using elementary mathematics, we determine that 0.02 m3 of sand and 0.005 m3 of cement are required.
  2. The entire wall area will require: 0.02 * 60 = 1.2 m3 of sand and 0.005 * 60 = 0.3 m3 of cement.
  3. The specific density of cement is on average 1400 kg / m3 (fresh 1100-1200 kg / m3, and caked 1500-1600 kg / m3). Determine the cement consumption: 0.3 * 1400 = 350 kg.
  4. Required weight of sand: 1.2 * 1600 = 1920 kg, recall 1600 kg / m3 - the specific gravity of sand.

All calculations are simple, it is only important to choose the right brand of the initial mixture and the desired brand of solution at the outlet. Everything else can be easily calculated in a few mathematical steps.

In concrete, cement is a compound that binds all its components. The technical characteristics of the solution depend on its quantity and quality - strength, frost resistance, water resistance, corrosion resistance. As part of the mixture, the price for it is the highest, therefore, the issue of cement consumption per 1 cubic meter of concrete is acute - too much, the profitability of construction will decrease, cracks appear after solidification, a little - the required technical and operational characteristics will not be achieved.

The main requirement for concrete is to achieve the required strength after hardening. Based on this, in accordance with building standards describing the quality of the components, their ratio and technical characteristics are selected. This is done taking into account the strength grade of the composition, the recommended ratio of ingredients is indicated in specialized reference books. To calculate how much cement will be contained in 1 m³ of concrete, the following factors are taken into account:

  • brand, density, required setting time;
  • the plasticity of the solution and its mobility;
  • the type of sand, fraction, the presence of impurities, the proportion of which does not exceed 15%, otherwise this filler is subjected to preliminary processing - sifting or washing;
  • fraction, type and other technical characteristics of crushed stone - flakiness, density, pollution, if it exceeds the norm, crushed stone is cleaned;
  • the presence of additional components that improve the characteristics - hardeners or plasticizers.

It is taken into account directly during manufacture. It should be twice the brand of the composition made from it - for the M200 solution, the M400 composition is taken. The higher the brand, the less it will be required to prepare a mixture of the required class.


To calculate the amount of cement consumed per cube of concrete, you need to know the brand of the mixture, in addition, the brand of the used binder is also taken into account. The proportional ratio of the components is indicated in special tables. In construction, M400-M500 are more often used, and the proportion is compiled in mass parts.

Concrete gradeWeight ratio C / P / U
100 1/4.6/7
150 1/3.5/5.7
200 1/2.8/4.8
250 1/2.1/3.9
300 1/1.9/3.7
400 1/1.2/2.7
450 1/1.1/2.5
Concrete gradeWeight ratio C / P / U
100 1/5.8/8.1
150 1/4.5/6.6
200 1/3.5/5.6
250 1/2.6/4.5
300 1/2.4/4.3
400 1/1.6/3.2
450 1/1.4/2.9

This means that for the preparation of M300 concrete from M400 cement, you will need to take 10 kg of cement, 19 kg of sand, 37 kg of crushed stone. The result is 66 kg. finished material... The average density of the mixture is 2200 kg / m³, therefore the mass of the spent binder component is 2200/66 * 10≈330 kg. Such calculations have already been summarized in special tables to facilitate the work of designers and builders.

When calculating the amount of solution, take into account that the volume of the output is less than the total volume of all components due to compaction with stirring. The most popular crushed stone fraction is 20 mm, it provides the required strength and is affordable. The amount of added water required to prepare 1 cube of the mixture is determined during the manufacturing process, since it depends on the moisture content of the sand used and technical parameters mixtures.

How much cement is needed for 1 cubic meter of concrete mix?

If to get the required technical characteristics it is required to know the proportions of sand and crushed stone, then in order to calculate the construction costs, it is required to calculate the costs of cement per 1 cubic meter of concrete. These data are calculated and tabulated.

Concrete gradeCement weight, kg
100 166
150 205
200 241
250 313
300 329
400 417
450 469

This will help determine the rate of consumption, as well as the amount after calculating the entire volume of material required for construction. The amount and cost of fillers are calculated using tables with their proportions for different brands. For the M500, similar reference data have been developed; if necessary, this indicator is calculated using the figures for the proportions of the components for preparing the mixture.

To deliver the required amount of water, it is taken into account that it depends on the moisture absorption of sand and other components, but on average it is recommended to store up to 200 liters per 1 m³ of concrete. The water should be clean, without salts and organic additives that can reduce the quality even with full compliance with all proportions.

Problems often arise in the preparation of solutions. Cement of a lower grade is brought to the site than is required for the manufacture of a composition of a certain strength class. To achieve the desired effect, its amount is increased by 15%. 10% more fine-grained sand is added and this will not affect the quality.

Most often, cement is offered in 50 kg paper bags. This is a convenient container that allows you to quickly calculate its volume for the planned work. To do this, calculate how many bags of cement are contained in 1 cube of concrete. To obtain this volume, M300 will need 329/50 = 6.58 bags or 6 bags and 29 kg. This value is multiplied by the volume of the solution being poured. If you need to make a monolith of 40 m³ from M300, then 40 · 6.58 = 263.2≈264 bags or 13.2 tons will be required. The quality of the mixture will correspond to the declared parameters, subject to the manufacturing technology.

A correctly calculated amount of cement in a cubic meter of the mixture will allow achieving the required technical and performance characteristics... Do not forget about the quality of fillers and water. They must correspond to the declared parameters, do not contain foreign inclusions and impurities. This will help to pre-calculate the financial component and optimize construction costs. When buying, it is better to stop at quality brands 400 or 500, since fewer are required at a similar price.

The mortar is used everywhere in construction: for masonry walls, screeding, surface plastering and in many other cases. The main composition of any solution includes a binder (cement, lime), fine aggregate and water. Most often, a mixture is used, consisting of cement, sand, water and other additives (lime, plasticizers, etc.). And for its preparation, you need to know the consumption of sand per 1 m3 of solution, so as not to buy too much.

The technology for preparing the solution is quite simple: first, cement and sand are mixed in the mixer in the required proportions, and then water is added to obtain the mixture of the desired consistency. An important stage in the preparation of any type of solution is the correct dosage of the components. So with an insufficient amount of cement, a lean solution is obtained, and if there is too much of it, a greasy solution is obtained. It would seem that a mixture with big amount cement should have increased strength, durability, but in fact, such a mixture, after drying, will crack.

Depending on the specific requirements, the solution can have grades from M25 to M200. The grade of the solution is the ultimate compressive strength. An increase or decrease in the grade of solutions depends on the proportions of the main components (cement: sand) or the grade of the binder, if the proportion does not change.

According to their intended purpose, mortar mixtures are divided into: masonry mixtures (used for laying walls), plastering (for plastering surfaces) and building mixtures for laying screeds and other purposes.

How to calculate the consumption of sand per 1 m3 of mortar

In order to find out the amount of sand per cube of solution, you need to know the proportion. So to obtain a grade of M100 solution when using M400 cement, the proportion of cement and sand is 1 to 4, the water goes as much as cement. From this it turns out that 6 parts are needed per cube. various materials, that is, approximately 1.6 for each part, hence the starting ratio of cement sand and water 1: 4: 1 will take the form 1.6: 6.4: 1.6. Knowing that in a cube of a solution of 1000 liters, you can calculate the approximate ratio of materials 160: 640: 160

From the derived formula, you can calculate the required amount of cement and sand, but now in kilograms. To do this, you need to know that a 10 liter bucket of sand weighs 12 kilograms, and a bucket of cement weighs 14 kilograms. We need to find out the weight of sand per cube of grade 100 solution, for this we do the calculations (640/10) × 12 = 770 kilograms. This value is given for dry sand, but in practice such sand is rarely used, therefore, the consumption of sand per cubic meter of mortar can reach up to 1000 kg / m3.

The correct calculation of the components for the preparation of a mortar mixture affects the basic qualities brickwork(strength, durability), cement-sand screed for leveling the floor and other works in which the solution is used.

When calculating the selection of the proportions of cement and sand, it must be taken into account that with an increase in the grade of cement, the amount of this material, in order to obtain a solution of the same grade, must be reduced. Sometimes, when installing screeds, a non-solidified surface is sprinkled with cement - this increases the strength of the coating, but the cement diverges more. We will describe how to calculate how much cement is needed per cube (1m3) of mortar, depending on its brand.

The need for cement for cubic meter solution may depend on:

  • the purpose of the mortar mixture (for masonry, for plaster, for the floor). In construction, cement-sand ( masonry mortar or mortar for screed), clay and lime mortars (for plastering surfaces). So in the first solution, cement with sand is taken in a ratio of 1 to 3 or 1 to 4. The last option used for masonry partitions, and for load-bearing walls it is better to use a solution of increased strength 1 to 3 or higher. In lime mortar, lime is the main binder; the volume fraction of cement is one third in relation to the finished mortar. If a clay mixture is used, then the amount of cement in it is 1 to 9;
  • mortar grade, which characterizes its compressive strength after complete hardening (27 days);

The composition of the solution characterizes the ratio between binder and fine aggregate.

Consider how much cement M400 is needed to obtain different brands of mortar, the values ​​of the weight of cement correspond to its amount per 1m3 of mortar;

  • to prepare a grade of M10 solution, you need 81 kg of cement;
  • for the M25 brand, 133 kg of cement is needed;
  • for the M50 brand you need 178 kg of cement;
  • for the M75 brand you need 245 kg of cement;
  • for the M100 brand, 304 kg of cement is needed;
  • for the M150 brand you need 414 kg of cement;
  • for the M200 brand you need 510 kg of cement.

You can calculate how much cement is needed per cubic meter (1 m3) of mortar based on a ratio of 1 to 3 or 1 to 4, knowing that a 10 liter bucket of cement weighs 14 kilograms. You also need to know that the amount of water for preparing the solution is the same as for cement.

Consider a ratio of 1 to 3. With this ratio, we have 5 parts (1 part cement, 3 parts sand and 1 part water).

Consequently, the cube will contain 200 liters of cement, 600 liters of sand and 200 liters of water. In terms of weight, per cube of such a solution, 20 × 14 = 280 kg are needed.

Now let's calculate the ratio of 1 to 4 (1 part cement, 4 parts sand and 1 part water). Here, a little more water is needed, so one part will correspond to 1000/6 = 150 liters. We calculate the amount of cement per cube of such a solution 15 × 14 = 210 kg.

From the correct count of the required number building materials the pace of construction also depends. And if, for example, it does not cause any particular difficulties, then determining the consumption of cement per cube of solution can create certain difficulties.

How much cement is needed per cube of mortar - what will be the consumption?

Determining how much cement is in a cube of mortar is quite simple. To do this, you need to know the ratio of aggregate and binder, as well as the density of the cement (it is 1300 kg / m 3). If the ratio of binder and aggregate is 1: 4, then in the composition of the mortar mixture will be 20% cement... Given its density, cement consumption per cube of mortar will be 1300/5 = 260 kg (5 with a small bags)... The calculation of the required amount of binder can also be performed using special online calculators.

It is important to remember that the ratio of binder and aggregate is indicated in volumetric form, when calculating the number of bags of cement, these values ​​must be converted into kilograms, taking into account the density of the material.

The easiest way is to determine how much cement will go to the cube of the foundation mortar. To do this, you just need to calculate the total volume of the foundation (in m 3). Then determine the amount of binder required to prepare a cube of concrete and calculate the total need for cement.

If it is necessary to determine the amount of cement for laying walls, the task becomes more complicated, since it is necessary to take into account the thickness of the mortar joint when calculating. To simplify the calculations, use the average consumption of the solution for the cube of masonry. Practice has shown that about 0.25 - 0.3 m 3 of solution is consumed per cube of masonry... Therefore, when determining how much cement falls on a cube of masonry, you first need to determine the volume of the walls of the building.

It has been experimentally confirmed that the amount of solution per 1 m 3 of facing ceramic brick 13% more than the required amount of mortar for laying other types of bricks.

From the correct count the required amount the binder depends on the whole construction as a whole. In case of error construction process can get stuck at the most crucial moment.

What affects the consumption of cement in the manufacture of mortar

When choosing the composition of the mixture, it must be remembered that with the growth of the cement grade, the need for binder decreases. In some cases, in order to preserve the structure of the solution after setting, stone dust is introduced into it.

Cement consumption per cube of mortar depends on:

  • type of solution... Depending on the purpose in construction, sand, lime and clay solutions... For each of these solutions, the ratio of binder and aggregate is different. So, in order to cook cement-sand mortar, cement and sand are taken in a ratio of 1: 3, 1: 4. For limestone - cement is introduced in a ratio of 1: 3 to lime mortar... When using clay, the consumption of cement per cube of mortar is entered on the basis of 1: 9;

  • (determines the strength of the hardened mixture). The brand of mortar is chosen depending on which element of the building it will be used in. For the foundation and load-bearing walls, the strength of the masonry is of decisive importance, therefore it is recommended to use the most durable mortars. For interior walls you can use mixtures with less cement consumption. For plastering walls, you can use mixtures with a lower cement content;
  • solution composition- the selected ratio of binder and aggregate.

There is a direct relationship between the brand of mortar and the content of cement in the mixture. The grade of the solution, depending on the content of cement in the mixture, is given in the table.

Solution grade

in solution, kg

M10 81
M25 133
M50 178
M75 245
M100 306
M150 414
M200 510

The values ​​given in the table for the content of cement in the mixture are valid for 1 m 3 of the solution.

Depending on the required brand of mortar, the classes of cements used, as well as the ratio of binder and aggregate, differ.