How much sand is in 1 m3 of solution. Cement slurry proportions: ratio and consumption

In concrete, cement is a compound that binds all its components. The technical characteristics of the solution depend on its quantity and quality - strength, frost resistance, water resistance, corrosion resistance. As part of the mixture, the price for it is the highest, therefore, the issue of cement consumption per 1 cubic meter of concrete is acute - too much, the profitability of construction will decrease, cracks appear after solidification, a little - the required technical and operational characteristics will not be achieved.

The main requirement for concrete is to achieve the required strength after hardening. Based on this, in accordance with building standards describing the quality of the components, their ratio and technical characteristics are selected. This is done taking into account the strength grade of the composition, the recommended ratio of ingredients is indicated in specialized reference books. To calculate how much cement will be contained in 1 m³ of concrete, the following factors are taken into account:

  • brand, density, required setting time;
  • the plasticity of the solution and its mobility;
  • the type of sand, fraction, the presence of impurities, the proportion of which does not exceed 15%, otherwise this filler is subjected to preliminary processing - sifting or washing;
  • fraction, type and other technical characteristics of crushed stone - flakiness, density, pollution, if it exceeds the norm, crushed stone is cleaned;
  • the presence of additional components that improve the characteristics - hardeners or plasticizers.

It is taken into account directly during manufacture. It should be twice the brand of the composition made from it - for the M200 solution, the M400 composition is taken. The higher the brand, the less it will be required to prepare a mixture of the required class.


To calculate the amount of cement consumed per cube of concrete, you need to know the brand of the mixture, in addition, the brand of the used binder is also taken into account. The proportional ratio of the components is indicated in special tables. In construction, M400-M500 are more often used, and the proportion is compiled in mass parts.

Concrete gradeWeight ratio C / P / U
100 1/4.6/7
150 1/3.5/5.7
200 1/2.8/4.8
250 1/2.1/3.9
300 1/1.9/3.7
400 1/1.2/2.7
450 1/1.1/2.5
Concrete gradeWeight ratio C / P / U
100 1/5.8/8.1
150 1/4.5/6.6
200 1/3.5/5.6
250 1/2.6/4.5
300 1/2.4/4.3
400 1/1.6/3.2
450 1/1.4/2.9

This means that for the preparation of M300 concrete from M400 cement, you will need to take 10 kg of cement, 19 kg of sand, 37 kg of crushed stone. The result is 66 kg. finished material... The average density of the mixture is 2200 kg / m³, therefore the mass of the spent binder component is 2200/66 * 10≈330 kg. Such calculations have already been summarized in special tables to facilitate the work of designers and builders.

When calculating the amount of solution, take into account that the volume of the output is less than the total volume of all components due to compaction with stirring. The most popular crushed stone fraction is 20 mm, it provides the required strength and is affordable. The amount of added water required to prepare 1 cube of the mixture is determined during the manufacturing process, since it depends on the moisture content of the sand used and technical parameters mixtures.

How much cement is needed for 1 cubic meter of concrete mix?

If to get the required technical characteristics it is required to know the proportions of sand and crushed stone, then in order to calculate the construction costs, it is required to calculate the costs of cement per 1 cubic meter of concrete. These data are calculated and tabulated.

Concrete gradeCement weight, kg
100 166
150 205
200 241
250 313
300 329
400 417
450 469

This will help determine the rate of consumption, as well as the amount after calculating the entire volume of material required for construction. The amount and cost of fillers are calculated using tables with their proportions for different brands... For the M500, similar reference data have been developed; if necessary, this indicator is calculated using the figures for the proportions of the components for preparing the mixture.

To deliver the required amount of water, it is taken into account that it depends on the moisture absorption of sand and other components, but on average it is recommended to store up to 200 liters per 1 m³ of concrete. The water should be clean, without salts and organic additives that can reduce the quality even with full compliance with all proportions.

Problems often arise in the preparation of solutions. Cement of a lower grade is brought to the site than is required for the manufacture of a composition of a certain strength class. To achieve the desired effect, its amount is increased by 15%. 10% more fine-grained sand is added and this will not affect the quality.

Most often, cement is offered in 50 kg paper bags. This is a convenient container that allows you to quickly calculate its volume for the planned work. To do this, calculate how many bags of cement are contained in 1 cube of concrete. To obtain this volume, M300 will need 329/50 = 6.58 bags or 6 bags and 29 kg. This value is multiplied by the volume of the solution being poured. If you need to make a monolith of 40 m³ from M300, you will need 40 · 6.58 = 263.2≈264 bags or 13.2 tons. In this case, the quality of the mixture will correspond to the declared parameters, subject to the manufacturing technology.

A correctly calculated amount of cement in a cubic meter of the mixture will allow achieving the required technical and performance characteristics... Do not forget about the quality of fillers and water. They must correspond to the declared parameters, do not contain foreign inclusions and impurities. This will help to pre-calculate the financial component and optimize construction costs. When buying, it is better to stop at quality brands 400 or 500, since fewer are required at a similar price.

Cement is the basis of any mortar, be it concrete screed, foundation or ordinary masonry mixture for bricks. It is also the most expensive component. It would seem that pour it into a concrete mixer more, do not spare money - and you will get solid construction made to last. But no - an excess of binder per cubic meter can lead to the fact that a too rigid monolith will simply crack. So it is not only an economic challenge to correctly determine the cement consumption per cube of mortar, but also the ability to assemble a composition with reliable performance characteristics.

The consumption of the binder in the solution directly depends on the amount of aggregates - crushed stone and sand. Actually, they form the basis of the future concrete structure, and cement is responsible for the fact that the mineral components will be kept as a single monolith. The amount, or rather the ratio of sand and gravel, will determine how much Portland cement is required to hold them together.

Imagine a formwork for a foundation - in fact, this is a container into which rubble is poured to the top. There are many gaps and voids between small stones, sand should fill them. But even after its addition, tiny cavities between grains of sand and gravel will remain in the formwork - the entire remaining volume will be occupied by cement diluted with water.

What happens if the proportions are violated:

1. Excess crushed stone will cause the aggregate to lie very tightly, reducing the consumption of sand and cement. There is nothing good in this, since there is practically nothing to hold the pebbles with, and they will crumble from the foundation.

2. A skew of proportions per cubic meter in favor of sand will reduce the need for binder. However, it will be retained mainly by grains of sand, which do not have the strength of gravel.

The best option is considered to be a binder content in the solution of about 33%. Of course, the consumption of the main components can vary, depending on the grade of Portland cement, the required strength and purpose. concrete structure... But there should be no extremes here.

Construction of various structures

The purpose of the mixture also determines how much Portland cement is required per 1 cubic meter of mortar. For various operations, there are formulas and standards that allow you to find out the correct ratio of components. Focusing on them, you will be sure that the work is done with high quality, and extra costs managed to avoid.

For the construction of structures that will have to experience high loads, a strong mortar is needed, which, after solidification, creates an especially strong monolith of the M300 and higher grade. And here is the finish like execution horizontal screed or plaster, on the contrary, will require a mixture of greater mobility, but not too high strength from M100 to M150. The production of products like a cinder block even allows the use of the M50 brand.

1. Bricklaying.

A cement-sand mixture for such work is produced without a coarse aggregate - they do an excellent job of it themselves building blocks... And the task of the solution is to securely hold them together. To determine how much cement is required for one cubic meter masonry mortar, you can use the traditional ratio of volumes. Only one nuance should be taken into account:

1 m3 of dry mix contains 1 m3 of sand. Cement only fills the cavities between the grains, compacting the solution, but not increasing its volume.

Standard proportions are prepared in two versions:

  • 1: 3 - binder content - 33% of the cube or 0.333 m3;
  • 1: 4 - 0.25 m3 of Portland cement is required per 1 cubic meter.

It is customary to give the proportions in units of volume, but the components are purchased for them by weight. Knowing the bulk density of materials will help to convert the volume to kilograms. And the total consumption for masonry is calculated based on the fact that a cubic meter of the mixture goes to 4-5 m3 of a brick wall.

To determine how many bags of cement you need per cubic meter, you can use a simple calculation. Take the ratio of CPU 1: 4, that is, the binder in a cubic meter will take a fourth part (250 l). The density of the cement is taken to be about 1.4 kg / l. Then, in a cube of volume, its weight will be equal to 1.4 · 250 = 350 kg. The standard packing of bags is 50 kg, that is, you need to buy 7 packs of building materials for each cubic meter of masonry.

2. Screed.

It is more convenient to calculate the solution for the screed for the entire volume of work at once. To do this, you only need to know the pouring area and the leveling height of the floor. Let's say you need to make a 6x6 screed with a thickness of 5 cm - this is 1.8 m3 of mortar:

  • The proportion of the CPU mixture for such works is taken equal to 1: 3.
  • The volume of cement, respectively, is 1.8 / 3 = 0.6 cubic meters.
  • Binder consumption: 0.6 × 1400 = 840 kg or 17 bags of 50 kg.

According to building codes, M500 for a screed will require 460 kg per cubic meter, M400 - 575 kg / m3. Our calculation showed a flow rate of 467 kg / m3, which corresponds to SNiP.

3. Construction of the foundation.

Approximate data for pouring bases under buildings with concrete of different brands in SNiP can also be found. But the solution for the foundation requires extreme accuracy in the calculations, since deviations will lead to a loss bearing capacity foundation and a decrease in the service life of the entire building.

Mixes of different brands

The grade of concrete, as well as the grade of the cement for its manufacture, is selected at the stage of building design. It all depends on the loads exerting pressure on the structure, since they will determine the required strength characteristics of concrete.

To simplify calculations, standard proportions for solutions of different brands have already been deduced by specialists. According to the table below, you can determine how many dry components are required per cubic meter:

Concrete gradeConsumption of different brands of cement, kg per 1 m3
M50310 230
M100390 300 250
M150510 400 300
M200490 410
M300600 510

Despite the strict requirements of building codes, the cement consumption for the construction of the foundation or for other construction work sometimes has to be increased. This happens when one of the components is not best quality or simply does not correspond to the design data. The situation at the construction site is solved in the same way - the cement consumption is increased:

  • by 30% with a decrease in the brand identity of cement by 100 units;
  • by 10-20% with sand contaminated with clay.

To determine how much sand, cement is needed per 1 cubic meter of mortar, it is important to know its purpose. For the preparation of masonry, plaster, foundation and other types of mixtures, it is used different ratio dry materials. The consumption of sand and cement per 1 m3 of mortar varies for each type of work, and often other dry or liquid compositions are added to the composition, which increase the moisture resistance, strength, change the rate of solidification of the mixture, etc.

What determines the consumption of cement for different solutions

Preparation cement mortar, the proportions of which may differ, require strict adherence to technology and the correct determination of the ratio of components. For the application of concrete of different grades, different amounts of cement and sand are used. Remembering the proportions of cement and sand is not enough for quality construction, it is better to understand the principle.

Requires strict adherence to the technology of preparation of cement mortar

The main factors affecting consumption:

  • the amount of fillers in the mixture. The greater the proportion of crushed stone, sand, the higher the cement consumption per 1 m3 of mortar. Cement is the binder that holds all the fillers together. The ratio of free-flowing mixtures determines the amount of cement;
  • cement brand. As the grade increases, the strength of the final structure increases. It should be remembered that the grade of the final mixture is much lower than dry cement, since sand is added to the composition, and gravel or slag can also be added;
  • solution grade. The cement-sand mortar also has a division by brand. For all types of work in GOST there are recommended brands. After determining the desired grade of the building mixture, you can choose the right grade of cement. For example, to obtain a mixture of M100 from M500 cement, you will need to mix 1 part of Portland cement, 5.8 parts of sand and 8.1 part of crushed stone. If the ultimate goal is a solution of M450, a proportion of cement M500 (C: P: Sh) 1: 1.4: 2.9 is required;

The density of the cement plays a minor role here, since it directly depends on the brand of cement, but it is necessary to know it in the calculation process.

Conclusion: how much cement is required per 1 m3 of mortar depends on the required strength of the mortar and the brand of the initial mixture.

The density of cement directly depends on the brand of cement

Variety and brands of mixtures

The introduction of the concept of "brand of cement" helps to calculate the cement consumption per cube of mortar with knowledge of the input parameters. To prepare a solution with the same construction characteristics from different brands cement mix, different proportions of fillers will be required. In production, cement is made, starting from the M100 brand, but due to the low strength of the structure, the material is practically not used.

The most popular are M400 and M500 cements, but some other types are also widespread. The choice of mixture depends on the area of ​​application of the material.

The main areas of use of the brand cement:

  • M300 cement is used in erection construction, as well as during the manufacture of monolithic structures;
  • M400 cement is successfully used in monolithic construction and during the preparation of reinforced concrete;
  • cement M500 is actively used in the construction of buildings or slabs that must be resistant to moisture or are in water. Areas of application of this concrete mix wide enough: the creation of sidewalks, the construction of asbestos-cement structures, the formation of large concrete masses and all kinds of foundations;

Cements M400 and M500 are the most popular
  • M600 cement is used to create prefabricated structures and foundations on which a high load is created;
  • M700 is a suitable cement grade for the construction of highly loaded and stressed structures.

Consumption rates of materials per cubic meter of different solutions

Today there are 4 main uses for concrete: foundation, masonry, screed and plaster. In each case, special requirements are imposed on the building mixture, from which the choice of cement and its consumption differ. The largest consumption of cement per cube of concrete occurs when it is necessary to make masonry or plaster. Material consumption per 1 m3 of foundation solution is slightly lower due to the use of a coarse filler fraction: slag, crushed stone or gravel.

GOST has records on the rates of cement consumption per 1m3 of the solution, taking into account the purpose of the solution. Concrete designation in cubic meters. meters is a generally accepted measurement system.

Cement consumption rates per 1m3 of mortar

Consumption rates per 1 m3 using M500 cement:

  • on M100 - 170 kg;
  • on М150 - 200 kg;
  • on M200 - 240 kg;
  • on М250 - 300 kg;
  • on the M300 - 350 kg;
  • on M400 - 400 kg;
  • on M500 - 450 kg.

Consumption rates of cement and sand per cube of mortar for the foundation

Calculation of cement for a foundation calculator is the simplest way understand how much material is required and the number of required components. The calculation of concrete can be done with high precision and manually.

To determine how much cement is needed per 1 m3 of mortar, we recommend following simple instructions:

Cement consumption rates for foundation
  1. We determine the appropriate brand of cement mortar. Usually, during the creation of the foundation, it is advisable to use the M100-M300 solution. For low-level buildings, M100 is enough, if you plan to build several floors - M150, and M200 and higher is used in construction multi-storey buildings and any structures for which increased strength requirements are imposed. If the foundation is being built for a wooden building, M50 mortar is sufficient.
  2. We select the brand of cement. For standard tasks, M300-M400 is suitable in a proportional part of cement to sand 1 to 3. When using M500 cement - 1 to 5.

How many kg of cement in 1 m3 of mortar:

  • in М50 when using М400 - 380 kg;
  • in M100 when preparing concrete from M300 cement - 214 kg;
  • in М200 with cement М400 - 286 kg;
  • in M300 at M500 - 382 kg.

The data is presented if the cube includes 2-4 parts of sand and 3 parts of crushed stone.

Consumption rates of cement and sand per cube of mortar for masonry

For the preparation of cement mortar for the construction of a wall, a proportion of 1 to 4 is most often used. Thus, the consumption of cement per cubic meter will be 0.25 m3 or 325 kg, and the consumption of sand per 1 m3 of mortar is 0.75 m3 or 1200 kg.

Consumption rates of cement for masonry

Table 1: Consumption of mortar on walls of different thickness

To calculate how many bags of cement are required, it is enough to multiply 325 kg by the consumption per cubic meter, for example, walls in one brick - 0.221. You get 72 kg of cement for masonry 1 m3 of a wall, provided that there are no other components in the composition (lime, clay, etc.).

Consumption rates of cement and sand per cube of mortar for screed

Cement consumption per 1 cubic meter of mortar is calculated according to the same rules as in the previous mixtures. The recommended mixing ratio is 1 to 3. Difficulties in calculations often appear even at the stage of determining the volume of the solution, so consider illustrative example... It is necessary to fill the surface of 3x4 m or 12 m2. The layer thickness will be 30 mm.

Consumption rates of cement for screed

Calculation of cement for screed from the example:

  1. We count required volume solution: 12 m2 * 0.03 m = 0.36 m3.
  2. We determine the brand of cement, M200 mortar is often used, and we use it as an example. We will cook from M500, and according to the standards, the consumption will be 410 kg.
  3. We count required amount bags of cement: 410 kg * 0.36 m3 = 148 kg - these are 6 small or 3 standard bags of 50 kg each.
  4. Determine the costs of sand. To do this, we multiply specific gravity 1 m3 of sand for the required amount of the finished mixture: 1600 kg / m3 * 0.36 m3 = 576 kg, and since the proportion of sand in the total solution is 75%, we also multiply by 0.75 - 432 kg of sand. Sand consumption per 1 cubic meter of mortar is approximately 1200 kg / m3.

Consumption rates of cement and sand per cube of plaster solution

Consumption of cement per 1 m2 of plaster strongly depends on the quality of the wall covering, required thickness the layer and the number of large pits. Again, for clarity, we will give an example of calculation, remembering that a mixture of 1 to 4 is usually used. Input parameters: it is necessary to cover 60 m2 of walls with plaster 2.5 cm thick.

Calculations of cement consumption per 1 m3 and sand:

  1. The number of materials in cubes. For 1 m2, 1 * 0.025 = 0.025 m3 of mortar will be required, where a fifth is cement, and the rest is sand. Using elementary mathematics, we determine that 0.02 m3 of sand and 0.005 m3 of cement are required.
  2. The entire wall area will require: 0.02 * 60 = 1.2 m3 of sand and 0.005 * 60 = 0.3 m3 of cement.
  3. The specific density of cement is on average 1400 kg / m3 (fresh 1100-1200 kg / m3, and caked 1500-1600 kg / m3). Determine the cement consumption: 0.3 * 1400 = 350 kg.
  4. Required weight of sand: 1.2 * 1600 = 1920 kg, recall 1600 kg / m3 - the specific gravity of sand.

All calculations are simple, it is only important to choose the right brand of the initial mixture and the desired brand of solution at the outlet. Everything else can be easily calculated in a few mathematical steps.

When performing construction work of any complexity, even not too complicated, it is important to correctly calculate the cement consumption per cube of mortar. In many respects, the quality and speed of work performance depends on these calculations.

Cement consumption
Cement consumption in kg per 1 m3 of M300 grade mortar
Cement М500 510
Cement М400 600
Cement consumption in kg per 1 m3 of M200 grade mortar
Cement М500 410
Cement М400 490
Cement consumption in kg per 1 m3 of M150 grade mortar
Cement М500 330
Cement М400 400
Cement М300 510
Cement consumption in kg per 1 m3 of M100 grade mortar
Cement М500 250
Cement М400 300
Cement М300 390

We calculate the consumption of cement per cube of solution

  • The consumption of cement per cube of mortar for the screed is determined in accordance with the brand of cement and the required consistency of the mortar. To perform a screed in an apartment, a solution of the M150 brand or the M200 brand is quite suitable.
  • According to SP 82-101-98, cement consumption per cubic meter of mortar, subject to the use of sand natural moisture 3-7% in bulk will be like this (see the results in the table).
  • As you can see from the data in the table, for each brand of cement and brand of mortar there is a special column that provides the necessary data for calculating the cement consumption per cube of mortar. The table provides information for cement grades M300, M400, M500, as well as for mortar grades M100, M150, M200, M300. The data is dependent on each other.
  • The table is very useful - its data allows you to correctly determine the calculation of cement per cube of mortar. Thus, construction works will be produced with high quality, error-free and always on time.

And here's how to make concrete by hand:

Cement concrete М500
Concrete gradeCompressive strength class of concreteMass composition, C: P: U, kgVolumetric composition for 10 liters of cement, P: U, lAmount of concrete from 10 liters of cement, l
100 B 7.51: 5,8: 8,1 53: 71 90
150 B 12.51: 4,5: 6,6 40: 58 73
200 B 151: 3,5: 5,6 32: 49 62
250 B 201: 2,6: 4,5 24: 39 50
300 B 251: 2,4: 4,3 22: 37 47
400 B 301: 1,6: 3,2 14: 28 36
450 B 351: 1,4: 2,9 12: 25 32

M400 cement concrete

Building mortars

Building mortars are mixtures of astringent, water and fine aggregate, which acquire a stone-like structure as a result of the hardening process. Before hardening, they are called mortar mixtures and are used for masonry walls, foundations, plastering surfaces of various structures.
By the type of binders and additives, they are distinguished cement mortars, calcareous, cement-lime, cement-clay and etc.
According to the properties of the binder, solutions are divided on air made with airborne binders ( lime, plaster), and hydraulic- with hydraulic binders ( cement of various types).
By the kind of fillers, they are distinguished heavy solutions- with natural sands and lungs with porous fillers.
By composition, solutions are simple- with one astringent(cement, lime) and mixed, which usually include two, less often three astringents, or one binder with inorganic additive ( cement-lime, lime-clay and etc.).
Air mortars used for the construction stone structures operated in a dry environment, and hydraulic- in damp.
Heavy solutions where the filler is quartz sands, have a bulk density of more than 1600 kg / m3; lungs- less than 1500 kg / m3, sands from expanded clay, crushed slag, etc. are used as filler.
Strength solution determined by its brand (numbers mean compressive strength in kgf / cm2).
Waterproof solutions used to make structures waterproof (for example, cement mortar composition 1: 2 with the addition liquid glass and etc.).

Solution composition

For the preparation of solutions, use binders, aggregates and additives.
TO astringent materials air lime in the form of dough, fluff and quicklime includes; plaster of paris, portland cement and etc.
Filler of mortar mixtures is natural or artificial sand.

Air lime

Air lime hardens only in air, therefore it was called air. It can be quicklime lump ( boiling lime), ground and slaked into powder ( fluff lime).
Quicklime- these are pieces of a grayish color; ground- fine grayish powder.
Lime extinguish in a quench box or barrel. V large quantities slaked lime stored in a creative pit dug in the ground and lined with boards. Often lime used as a test or lime fluff.

Construction gypsum

Construction gypsum in solutions it is rarely used, mainly for work in dry conditions, but as an additive in lime plaster mortars in large quantities. In lime mortars gypsum increases strength, reduces setting and hardening times.


Gypsum is a finely ground white or grayish powder. Trapped in water gypsum depending on the purpose, it has the beginning of setting 2-20 minutes, the end of setting 15-30 minutes or more. The setting time can be extended if necessary gypsum by adding a retarder to it. As the latter, 5-20% lime dough, 5-10% borax, 0.5-2% flesh glue by weight are added to the mixing water gypsum... These additives extend the setting time. gypsum up to 40-60 min.

Portland cement

Portland cement is the most durable in burning material... It has the following grades: 200, 300, 400 (numbers mean compressive strength in kgf / cm2). Portland cement is a grayish-green finely ground powder.
Grasping cement, as a rule, occurs no earlier than 45 minutes, ends no later than 12 hours after mixing with water.
It should be borne in mind that during storage cement its activity drops by about 5% per month. Based on this, you should purchase freshly made, not stale cement... Its quality is determined visually for a sign of pelletizing, to the touch: if a handful cement clenched in a fist then freshly made cement immediately wakes up between the fingers, and the stale forms a lump, since it has already absorbed moisture. As long as the lump can still be kneaded with your fingers, cement considered suitable for consumption, but its dosage is usually increased by 20-50%.

Aggregate sands

Aggregate sands there are natural (heavy) - quartz, feldspar or artificial.
The size of the sand should correspond to the thickness of the joint and the nature of the masonry; so, for rubble masonry, sand with grains not larger than 5 mm is used, for brick - no larger than 3 mm.
The grain size of the sand is approximately determined by touch. The grain size of coarse sand is more than 2.5 mm; medium - from 2 to 2.5 mm, small - less than 1.5 mm.
V building mortars placeholders usually occupy 60-65% of the volume.
The permissible contamination of sands with clay, dust for solutions of grades 25 and 50 - no more than 10%, for a solution of grade 10 - up to 15%. If necessary sand washed.
As lungs placeholders they use shell sands, boiler slags and granulated blast furnaces, expanded clay sand.
Depending on the density, artificial sand subdivided into grades by bulk density from 250 to 1100 (numbers mean bulk density sand, kg / m3).


It is introduced into lime and cement mortars in the form of an additive in such quantities that the ratio cement : clay did not exceed 1: 1 (by volume). The addition of clay improves the grain size composition, increases the water-holding capacity, improves workability, increases the density of the solution.
Clay consists of different minerals, therefore it comes in different colors.
Distinguish skinny, medium and fat clays... Skinny people are usually used in pure form, medium in fat and fat are added to solution in smaller quantities.

Preparation of masonry mortars

Masonry mortar can be prepared in a concrete mixer with a capacity of 0.15 m3 or by hand.
The cement mortar is prepared as follows: in metal or wooden box from boards with a thickness of 25-30 mm with a bottom upholstered with roofing iron with dimensions of 1 x 0.5 m or 1.5 x 0.7 m, a height of 0.2-0.25 m, first fill the required amount of sand buckets with an even layer and pour a full a bucket of cement, then the mixture is shoveled to a mass uniform in color, then poured from a watering can with a measured amount of water and continue shoveling until a homogeneous composition is obtained.
Cooked solution spend within 1.5 hours so that it does not lose strength. Sand for solution preparation must first be sieved through a 10x10 mm sieve ( for masonry).

Prepare a solution of lime dough immediately mixing it with sand and water until smooth.

Cement-lime mortar made from cement, lime paste and sand.

Lime dough diluted with water until milk is thick and filtered on a 10x10 mm sieve. A dry mixture is prepared from cement and sand, mixed with milk of lime to the required density (dough consistency).

Cement- clay mortar prepared similarly to cement-lime.

Compositions(in volume parts) cement, cement-lime, calcareous and solution brands shown in tab. 12.

Table 1. Compositions of cement-lime, cement-clay and cement mortars for stone structures
Volumetric dosage (cement: lime or clay: sand) for grade solutions
150 100 75 50 25 10
400 1: 0,2: 3
1: 0: 3
1: 0,4: 4,5
1: 0: 4,5
1: 0,5: 5,5
1: 0: 5,5
1: 0,9: 8 --- ---
300 1: 0,1: 2,5
1: 0: 2,5
1: 0,2: 3,5
1: 0: 3
1: 0,3: 0,4
1: 0: 4
1: 0,6: 6
1: 0: 6
1: 1: 10,5
1: 1: 9
200 --- --- 1: 0,1: 2,5
1: 0: 2,5
1: 0,3: 4
1: 0: 4
1: 0,8: 7
1: 1: 9
1: 0,8: 7

Upper values ​​for cement-lime mortars, lower - cement-clay mortars... 0 - denotes the absence of this binder in the solution.

Table 2. Lime mortar compositions

The need for cement per 1 cubic meter. sand or cement-lime or cement-clay mortar is given in Table 3.

Table 3. Cement consumption, kg per 1 m³ of sand (solution)

Cement grade Solution grade
150 100 75 50 25 10










Note: Numerator - cement consumption per 1 cubic meter. sand. The denominator is 1 cubic meter. solution.

Materials taken from sites:

The correct calculation of the components for the preparation of a mortar mixture affects the basic qualities brickwork(strength, durability), cement-sand screed for leveling the floor and other works in which the solution is used.

When calculating the selection of the proportions of cement and sand, it must be taken into account that with an increase in the grade of cement, the amount of this material, in order to obtain a solution of the same grade, must be reduced. Sometimes, when installing screeds, a non-solidified surface is sprinkled with cement - this increases the strength of the coating, but the cement diverges more. We will describe how to calculate how much cement is needed per cube (1m3) of mortar, depending on its brand.

The need for cement per cubic meter of mortar may depend on:

  • the purpose of the mortar mixture (for masonry, for plaster, for the floor). In construction, cement-sand ( masonry mortar or mortar for screed), clay and lime mortars (for plastering surfaces). So in the first solution, cement with sand is taken in a ratio of 1 to 3 or 1 to 4. The last option used for masonry partitions, and for load-bearing walls it is better to use a solution of increased strength 1 to 3 or higher. V lime mortar the main binder is lime, the volume fraction of cement is one third in relation to the finished solution. If a clay mixture is used, then the amount of cement in it is 1 to 9;
  • mortar grade, which characterizes its compressive strength after complete hardening (27 days);

The composition of the solution characterizes the ratio between binder and fine aggregate.

Consider how much cement M400 is needed to obtain different brands of mortar, the values ​​of the weight of cement correspond to its amount per 1m3 of mortar;

  • to prepare a grade of M10 solution, you need 81 kg of cement;
  • for the M25 brand, 133 kg of cement is needed;
  • for the M50 brand you need 178 kg of cement;
  • for the M75 brand you need 245 kg of cement;
  • for the M100 brand, 304 kg of cement is needed;
  • for the M150 brand you need 414 kg of cement;
  • for the M200 brand you need 510 kg of cement.

You can calculate how much cement is needed per cubic meter (1 m3) of mortar based on a ratio of 1 to 3 or 1 to 4, knowing that a 10 liter bucket of cement weighs 14 kilograms. You also need to know that the amount of water for preparing the solution is the same as for cement.

Consider a ratio of 1 to 3. With this ratio we have 5 parts (1 part cement, 3 parts sand and 1 part water).

Consequently, the cube will contain 200 liters of cement, 600 liters of sand and 200 liters of water. In terms of weight, per cube of such a solution, 20 × 14 = 280 kg are needed.

Now let's calculate the ratio of 1 to 4 (1 part cement, 4 parts sand and 1 part water). Here, a little more water is needed, so one part will correspond to 1000/6 = 150 liters. We calculate the amount of cement per cube of such a solution 15 × 14 = 210 kg.