Facade finishing with a wet method. What is a wet facade - installation technology, material characteristics

Brick is classic material for the construction of houses. It has a high thermal conductivity and does not protect well from cold. With time fake diamond and the joint material accumulates moisture and begins to deteriorate. Moisture and fungus appear inside the building. You can warm up an apartment by spending a lot of energy. To preserve the integrity of the walls and comfort inside the house, the wet facade is insulated. The walls are covered with moisture and frost-resistant material and plastered. Then decorative panels are painted or pasted.

Correct external insulation of the house will create comfort inside

To preserve heat in the house, it is necessary to insulate a wet facade, in which moisture will not accumulate in the wall and room. For this, materials are located with inside outward as the thermal insulation characteristics and vapor permeability increase. Then the dew point will move to the surface of the facade finish. Moisture from the room and walls will come out. The arrangement of materials and the technology of installation of the wet facade are standard.

  1. The load-bearing wall is made of bricks, gas blocks or concrete slabs.
  2. Insulation made of mineral wool, basalt wool, expanded polystyrene, sip panels or any other is glued to the wall.
  3. A layer of plaster with a reinforcing mesh inside, fixed vertically with an overlap.
  4. Nacerezite quartz primer or acrylic filler.
  5. Decorative coating with acrylic paint, vinyl and clinker tiles, artificial stone.

Wooden walls are themselves a good heat insulator. The foundation for them is made light. Therefore, it is better to insulate such a building with a ventilated structure with a low-weight insulation. The technology of the facade of a wooden house includes, in addition to standard layers, waterproofing along the wall and between the heat insulator and putty. This is wood processing special formulations and fiberglass.

Installation of a wet facade starts from the foundation

Cold penetrates the rooms through the outer walls and floors. Insulation must be started from the foundation, especially if the building has a basement. The lower part of the house is cleared of dirt and removed around the perimeter excess soil... The blind area is made after finishing the wet facade. At the same time, a water drainage system is installed.

The technology of insulating the upper part of the foundation is more complicated than the facade, it requires additional waterproofing and durable finishing material. The basement level of the building is constantly exposed to destruction by rain, snow and frost. He receives blows from various objects. The load of the walls and the whole house falls on the foundation through the basement compensating layer, the lower part of which is in contact with the ground. Operating procedure:

  1. Clean the plinth from dirt, detachments and crumbling areas. Treat the surface with a protective compound against moisture, insects and rodents.
  2. Along the horizon - from the top point of contact with the soil, mount the U-shaped profile. Its width should correspond to the size of the insulation. It will prevent the glued plates from slipping and warping.
  3. Prepare the places for supplying pipes and wires. If the water supply and electricity and gas supply system comes out at the basement level, then protect such a place with special extensions and make a frame from the profile.

Installation of the facade is done according to the usual scheme. Basalt wool can be used as a heater. A layer of Ceresit waterproofing mixture is applied on top of the plaster. It protects the basement of the building from moisture.

Decorative trim on the basement wet facade creates the basis for the image of the house and is made of solid materials. Clinker tiles, porcelain stoneware panels, polymer sand slabs, artificial or natural stone are glued on top of the primer. Above the entire perimeter, a profile is installed under the facade insulation, and ebb tides are attached to it.

Attention! Some materials indicate that it can be used in cold weather. Try to complete all work on the installation of a wet facade in dry warm weather. Moisture and cold from the wall after installing waterproofing and insulation can go inside the room. Walls and all materials must be dry.

Insulation of a wet facade with mineral wool: thin layer, short term

The main materials for insulating a building using the wet facade method are mineral wool and polystyrene. Both materials have a low specific weight and can be mounted on any foundations without reinforcement. You can compare the thermal insulation qualities, weight and service life of heaters and wall materials according to the table. The data are given taking into account the same degree of protection of the building and the basement level from cold.

Material Thermal conductivity coefficient W / mK Density, kg / m Layer thickness, mm Service life, years
lightweight polyurethane foam 0,019 35 50 more than 25
rigid polyurethane foam 0,035 160 50 more than 25
light mineral wool 0,052 15 90 5
dense mineral wool 0,058 150 90 5
expanded polystyrene 0,041 15-35 80 15
foam concrete 0,16 400 760 10
silicate brick 0,45 1000 1720 more than 50

Wet facade. Installation of corners on windows

Mineral wool wins in comparison with other heaters in cost and noise absorption. It can be glued to curved facades, basement with bay windows and ledges to strengthen the foundation. Specifications for the system, the wet facade and its service life are the lowest. The consumption of glue is high, since the technology provides for strengthening the surface by spreading a layer of glue and, after drying, apply the glue again and press it against the wall. The profile is needed already the thickness of the wool slab for tight entry and fixation.

Do-it-yourself plaster insulation technology

The device of a wet facade does not require special training and professional tools. Sandwich insulation is carried out in stages with drying breaks. The layering system allows you to do this in separate sections. The profile is attached immediately to the entire facade of the building. The wet material quickly hardens and fixes the elements. Insulation of private houses is done independently. The technology and work procedure are simple:

  1. Prepare the surface of the walls and the basement of the foundation. Clean from dirt, efflorescence, exfoliation, oil paint stains. Align and check vertically with a plumb line. The technology of gluing with cement mixtures allows you not to prime the surface.
  2. Fix the basement profile along the horizon along the entire perimeter of the building and along the bottom of the wall, around the facade openings.
  3. Apply glue to the surface of the insulation and press it against the wall. The bottom row starts in profile. For mineral wool, the technology provides for a preliminary application of glue to strengthen the surface and, after drying, the composition is smeared again. It is advisable to mount the starting profile on the bottom of each row. Such fastening protects against material slipping.
  4. The glue dries for three days. One day is enough for adhesion and you can hammer in the umbrella dowels. The system of positioning at the corners of the slabs and additionally at the rate of 6 fasteners per meter.
  5. Ceresite filler is used to seal the dowel joints and caps. After 72 hours, a layer of plaster of about 2 cm is applied. The fiberglass mesh is embedded in it in vertical stripes with an overlap of up to 100 mm. The technology must be resistant to alkalis. At the corners it is installed corner profile... The plaster is leveled.
  6. After drying, the entire surface of the building is covered with a ceresite filler. A basement ebb is placed along the upper line of the foundation.

A decorative coating over plaster protects and creates an image of the home

When choosing plaster and adhesives, you must first decide on further finishing materials

The basement level is subject to additional mechanical damage. The lower part of the wet facade must be finished with solid, durable materials. Most often I use clinker tiles for a low foundation. A tall building looks good with artificial and natural stone, terracotta panels, porcelain stoneware slabs and basalt chips. The installation technology is the same, only the composition of the glue and the profile are different. I select ready-made mixtures suitable for the finishing material.

When the term “wet facade” is mentioned, the image of a facade abundantly soaked in water immediately appears in the imagination. But in fact, this method of finishing, of course, has nothing to do with such an association.

This phrase is just one of the attributes of figurative folk speech and cannot be found in textbooks. The question "what is a wet facade?" will be disclosed in detail in the material below.

What it is?

This is the newest construction technique used as a decoration and thermal insulation method for the exterior walls of a house.

This name stuck to her for a reason the use of liquid or semi-liquid adhesive solutions when installing materials that are part of the finishing coating.

Technology provides protection for living quarters from the occurrence of the dew point, which, as a result of the construction of a wet facade, is carried out.

Even with significant abrupt changes and contrast of external and internal temperatures the occurrence of condensation in the room will be completely excluded.

Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantage of using this technology is combination of decoration and thermal insulation functions.

To this you can also add more a number of positive points:

Now for the disadvantages:

  • the main disadvantage is that insulation work cannot be performed at an air temperature below 5 ° C, in case of extreme need, when insulating in a cold period, heat guns and scaffolds covered with polyethylene should be used;
  • not worth spending assembly work at high humidity air - "wet facade" does not tolerate such conditions;
  • the plastered surface needs to be protected from the wind, since dust and dirt settling on a fresh finish can significantly damage the appearance of the coating.

When choosing a material you can be guided by four main criteria:

  1. Price. In this regard, polystyrene wins, as it is a cheaper material.
  2. Water vapor permeability. This property is inherent in mineral wool, which allows the walls of the house to "breathe". Styrofoam does not have this quality.
  3. The complexity of the work. Foam is easiest to work with due to the higher rigidity of the material.
  4. Fire hazard. Foam plates are flammable, therefore they need to be treated with fire retardants. Basalt wool does not burn and is able to withstand temperatures up to 1000 degrees.

Do-it-yourself installation of a wet facade "Ceresit" for insulation

Ceresit system("Ceresit") is built on the basis of materials from the well-known manufacturer of the same name, which include a primer, putty and plaster.

This approach allows you to achieve high level of thermal conductivity and waterproofing. The installation of the system consists of several stages, which are worth considering in detail.

Wall preparation

When carrying out this procedure all flaws on the wall are eliminated... Cracks need to be repaired with a solution, after which the surface is cleaned of contamination.

Further check the surface for strength... This can be done with pieces of styrofoam that are glued to the wall in different places. If the glued pieces are difficult to come off after the glue has completely dried, then the surface is ready for application. further work and it can be treated with a primer.

Plinth profile installation

This procedure is necessary in order to thermal insulation material did not slip during installation. The profile is fixed at the border of the facade and the base and must be installed in a strictly horizontal position.

Fixed to the wall with dowels... After that, you can start laying the insulation.

Installation of mineral wool

Mineral wool slabs are mounted on the wall with glue. Material placement starts from the corner at home. One side of the board is lubricated around the perimeter with a layer of adhesive mixture about 10 cm wide. The glue is also applied to the middle of the material, but pointwise.

Plates are stacked end-to-end (see photo), excess adhesive is removed... The seams between the slabs of each row must not match.

At the end of the installation of the insulation you need to give the glue three days to dry, after which you should additionally secure the material with dowels "fungi".

Reinforcing mesh laying

Reinforcing mesh serves as the basis for the next layer of the facade and provides a high-quality hitch.

To perform this procedure correctly you should adhere to the following rules:

  • the layer must be at least 0.5 cm thick;
  • the composition of the reinforcing layer should include two adhesive layers, between which the mesh is laid;
  • lay the mesh and apply the second layer of glue before the first layer dries;
  • the hardened surface is covered with two layers of soil.


After complete drying of the reinforcing layer (3-7 days) decorative coating is applied.

The thin-layer putty is applied evenly with a half-tape, which is held at an angle.

The applied mixture is additionally smoothed. Dried plaster after half an hour processed with a plastic float, giving the surface the desired texture.

This procedure is the final step in the construction of a wet façade.

Wet facade device: video instruction.

High-quality insulation and decoration of the front of the house guarantee significant savings in thermal energy, which is especially important in the context of a constant rise in the price of energy resources. In addition, the complex implementation of the work makes the house more attractive from an aesthetic point of view. Exists different methods insulation and decoration of buildings, but a wet facade is considered the most modern: the technology of this finishing method is described in detail in this article.

Thermal insulation of facades with a wet methodoutside or inside: features of choice

Traditional Construction Materials used for the construction of walls, such as bricks, wall and concrete blocks, are characterized by increased strength and sufficient long term service. At the same time, they do not have a high level of thermal insulation, and therefore a significant part of the thermal energy simply evaporates through the walls. In order to prevent this undesirable process, the walls are insulated.

Insulation can be both internal and external. At the same time, the amount of material, the amount of work and the very organization of the process inside the house are more profitable and cheaper. At the same time, there are a number of serious arguments in favor of insulating the house from the outside.

Outdoor methods, which include insulating a wet facade, assume the presence of a so-called dew point - this is an area where condensation is released in conditions of temperature changes both in the middle of the room and outside. In the case of fixing insulation on the inside load-bearing wall there is a high probability of condensation formation, which leads to increased humidity in the room. Therefore, this method of thermal insulation is less functional and even hazardous to health, since fungi and mold appear on the walls against the background of dampness.

With external thermal insulation, the level of thermal resistance or thermal inertia of the walls increases significantly. In other words, a building insulated from the outside retains heat for a longer time with a significant decrease in temperature outside and heats up slowly in the summer heat.

With external insulation of a house, a wet facade eliminates all kinds of cold bridges, through which, in most cases, the main heat loss occurs in the case of arranging internal thermal insulation.

What is a wet facade:technology features

The external method of insulating facades has its own classification. Distinguish between dry and wet technologies. The first option, in turn, includes prefabricated or hinged facades. The main material used in this technology is vinyl or metal siding. The wet facade system is considered to be more practical, highly efficient, economical and visually attractive.

Important! A distinctive feature of a wet facade is its multi-layering, where each separate layer plays its own important role in the process of insulation and decoration. For the full implementation of functions, preference should be given only to high-quality materials.

Using the wet technique allows you to get not only good quality insulation, but also beautiful decor at home. An important condition is the use of high-quality special solutions. The final stage is the process of plastering and painting - these are the key components of the beautiful appearance of the building.

Wet façade technology involves creating a multi-layered cake on the outside. The layers are fixed to the wall by applying special adhesive solutions, mastics and plaster, which are dissolved in ordinary water. Hence the name - wet facade. The work involves adherence to a clear order of priority in the application of layers: primer, adhesive mixture, thermal insulation boards, additional gluing, mesh reinforcement, plastering and painting.

Each phase involving the use of the wet method, be it sizing, plastering or painting, must be carried out at a temperature above +5 ° C. Not only the quality of work and the degree of thermal insulation, but also the service life of decorative insulation depend on the sequence of work, materials and compliance with the conditions. V otherwise the facade will soon begin to crack and collapse.

Wet facade: pros and consoutdoor insulation technology

Wet insulation technology has a number of undeniable advantages and a number of disadvantages. The advantages include:

  • a high degree of decorativeness and attractiveness of the facade;
  • the lightness of the heat-insulating layer, which allows the technology to be applied on buildings with a weak foundation;
  • reliable thermal insulation that retains heat in the house for a long time on the principle of a thermos and excludes the appearance of "cold bridges";
  • additional protection of the house from destructive atmospheric influences (moisture, freezing, wind);
  • reliable sound and vibration isolation;
  • durability (a facade made using wet technology can last up to 40 years);

  • eliminates the appearance of condensation and, as a result, dampness in the house, which is due to the "breathing" external plaster;
  • the cost of a wet facade is acceptable, especially in comparison with other methods of insulation;
  • technology does not "steal" usable space in the room.

Speaking about the pros, we should also mention the disadvantages that this methodology has:

  • work should be done under optimal temperature conditions outside (if the temperature is below +5 ° C, then it is almost impossible to achieve the desired result);
  • each layer requires a certain time to dry, so unforeseen precipitation can negatively affect the quality of insulation in the end;
  • the ingress of dust and dirt during work also negatively affects the result, therefore the surface should be protected from the wind.

Helpful advice! Insulation of the building with a wet facade should not be carried out during the rains. Therefore, it is better to plan installation in the spring or summer, when much less precipitation falls.

Wet facade technology: step by step instructions

Based on the above advantages and disadvantages, the conclusion suggests itself that this technology allows you to create high-quality thermal insulation, subject to minimal financial investment. The main principle is a clear step-by-step in the application of all layers. The work execution technology includes three or four stages of the formation of a wet facade. Photos clearly demonstrate this. Each of the layers fulfills its functional purpose.

Plaster layer Main works Function performed
Adhesive or preparatory Substrate preparation, installation of fasteners and glue priming Determines the degree of reliability of the fastening of the future structure
Heat insulating Fastening insulation boards with glue and dowels Provides a degree of insulation of the walls of the building
Reinforcing Includes installation of reinforcing mesh Ensures the strength and reliability of the structure and serves as the basis for the final finishing layer
Decorative Application of decorative plaster in a variety of ways and painting Protects insulation boards from weathering and provides the outer beauty of walls

All stages perform a number of important functions that ensure the overall reliability, strength and durability of the structure, therefore each of them requires a responsible approach and detailed study.

Wet facade: installation technologypreparatory phase

Before starting work on insulation, you should take care of preparing the basic base. To this end, the walls are thoroughly cleaned and all defects are eliminated. It is necessary to cover the cracks with mortar and level the surface. If the surface is heavily soiled, it is recommended to use detergents.

Next, the surface is tested for strength. To do this, small pieces of insulation are glued to the wall. If they hold securely and do not break into pieces, then you can proceed with the installation. If they easily come off along with the top layer of the wall, then you should clean it up again.

After complete preparation of the wall, a primer is applied to it. And after drying - a layer of glue. If the surface of the house consists of a material with increased absorbency, then the soil layer should be more solid. Better to apply it twice. Old plaster from window and door slopes it is recommended to remove it in advance.

At the preparatory stage, you should take care of installing the profile strip. The basement profile will help to evenly distribute the load from the thermal insulation boards and protect the lower row of insulation from moisture.

Helpful advice! A smooth course of the process can be provided by a special set for facade insulation, sold in hardware stores. Ceresite adhesive mixture for wet façade has proven itself well.

The profile is mounted at a level of approximately 35-40 cm from the ground with a three-millimeter gap between the planks placed horizontally, in case temperature expansion occurs. The profile is attached directly to dowels or self-tapping screws. Their number depends on the density and weight of the selected material for thermal insulation. Most often they are placed at a distance of 15-20 cm from each other.

Insulation stage for a wet facade: work sequence

Installation of a heat-insulating layer is one of the main stages, since it is a fastening of insulation plates. The process itself requires adherence to a clear sequence and a number of rules.

Applying glue to the surface of the board. The glue solution is distributed along the perimeter of the material in a wide strip, stepping back from the edge of about 3 cm. In the middle, the glue is distributed pointwise. The main thing is that more than 40% of the slab area is covered with the adhesive mixture. If lamellar mats serve as a heat-insulating layer, then the adhesive solution must be applied over the entire surface.

Laying slabs... Insulation technology for a wet facade implies the installation of insulation "in a run" by analogy with brickwork. In this case, the tiles should be tightly pressed against each other and against the wall. Any glue that has leaked out must be removed immediately. The laying process takes place from the bottom up, starting from the basement profile. It will take 3-4 days for the glue to dry completely.

Fastening plates with dowels... At the next stage, the thermal insulation layer should be additionally fixed with dowels. Their length should be selected based on the thickness of the insulation layer, glue solution and a margin for deepening into the wall. If the degree of insulation density for a wet facade is high, then 5 cm is enough for a recess, for porous materials this figure should reach 8-9 cm. For 1 m² of surface, 7 to 15 dowels are needed. Their number depends on the density of the insulation boards, the diameter of the fasteners and the height of the insulation.

Even before installing the dowel, a nest is prepared under it. On condition correct attachment the pressure sleeves will fit close to the insulation.

Wet facade: technologylaying the reinforcing layer

A reinforced base is necessary to ensure a reliable level of adhesion of decorative plaster over insulation. For this purpose, a special mesh is attached to adhesive base, sinking it into the middle. Installation of the reinforcing layer begins at least two days after the application of the heat-insulating layer.

Helpful advice! For reinforcement, it is recommended to use an alkaline-resistant fiberglass mesh with a durable coating. Otherwise, after a year, the reinforcing layer will begin to collapse, and the plaster will simply crumble.

First, the mesh is attached to the corner slopes in the openings of windows and doors, as well as at the joints of vertical slopes and lintels. Next, they move on to the corners of the building outside, and finally to the rest of the sections.

Related article:

The choice of the type of insulation. Features of materials, their advantages and disadvantages. The main stages of the installation of insulation.

The process itself is the application of a layer of special glue. Then a special reinforcing fiberglass mesh is gradually carefully sunk into it. It is laid with an overlap, which ensures the formation of a reliable reinforced base. Excess material is cut off. The total thickness of the reinforcing layer should be a maximum of 6 mm, while the mesh itself is located two millimeters from the surface of the insulation.

When creating a wet facade on buildings with increased stress or on basement floors it is necessary to use a reinforced carapace mesh that can withstand higher loads. It is the reinforcing layer that plays an important role in the strength of the entire structure. It provides wall resistance to atmospheric and mechanical influences. It is equally important that the mesh resists the alkaline effects of aggressive components contained in the plaster solution.

Wet facade plaster:decorative layer application technology

The finishing layer plays a double role, as it is responsible for the external attractiveness of the walls and at the same time serves to protect the thermal insulation layer from external negative influences. In this case, the plaster must have a certain porosity in order to allow excess condensation to pass through, providing "breathing" to the wall.

Decorative finishing is the final phase in the installation process, carried out using the wet facade technology. The plaster is applied only after the reinforcing layer has completely dried. To do this, you will have to wait about a week. Moreover, in addition to high decorative qualities, the plastered surface must meet a number of requirements:

  • have a high degree of vapor permeability;
  • be resistant to atmospheric influences in the form of rain, snow, fog and other precipitation, as well as to the influence of direct sunlight;
  • have a high resistance to mechanical damage.

In order for the plaster to easily lay on the insulation, the plates must fit snugly together. The permissible error is a maximum of 3 mm. Otherwise, the next two layers will not be able to mask the flaws, which will affect the appearance of the entire structure. You will either have to apply a very thick layer of plaster, or put up with irregularities. This fact indicates that it is necessary to select high quality materials, as well as to use a special plaster mixture - for outdoor use.

Helpful advice! Compliance with the temperature regime affects the quality of work and the durability of the plaster service. As in the case of fixing the boards, the working mixture should be applied at a temperature of at least +5 ° C. The maximum indicator is +30 ° С, since excessive exposure to sunlight can negatively affect the quality of the plaster.

Species variety of plaster finishing wet facade

The finishing stage in the complex of works on the creation of the facade by the wet method is the application of a plaster layer. To organize the heat-insulating layer, a variety of decorative finishing techniques are used, the main ones will be discussed below.

Mineral plaster. The material is a binder mixture based on Portland cement. The main advantage of this type of coating is its high level of strength and vapor permeability. This type of finish is resistant to moisture, does not get damp and does not deteriorate. The next advantage is the affordable price. The disadvantages include a narrow selection of colors.

Silicate plaster is a kind of mineral, as it contains. Well suited for decorating aerated concrete and foam block walls, as well as for use as part of a wet facade technology, since it has high level vapor permeability. However, it should be borne in mind that before applying it, you will definitely need to cover the surface with a layer of a special primer.

Acrylic plaster is based on resin in the form of an aqueous dispersion. The positive qualities of the material are elasticity and a high degree of adhesion in relation to different surfaces... To avoid cracking, the acrylic is applied in a thin layer on a reinforced fiberglass mesh treated with a sealant.

Silicone plaster has a number of unique properties, it is very flexible and viscous. Even if the building collapses, the wall covered with a silicone layer will not crack. This finish is presented in a wide colors and has the property of self-cleaning. Thus, the wall itself, under the influence of precipitation, will be cleared of dust and dirt.

The basis of a wet facade: materials for work

Having considered in detail all the stages of work, the novice master will be able to assess his strength in terms of independent device wet facade with insulation. If a positive decision is made, then you should take care of the availability of a full arsenal of materials and tools. The list below will allow you to take into account all the details. So, this technology assumes the presence of basic materials:

  1. Thermal insulation boards as a base material require a special approach in the selection. It is necessary to calculate in advance the thickness of the plates, on which the degree of thermal insulation depends, and to study the characteristics of different heaters.
  2. The basement profile is selected taking into account the width and thickness of the selected insulation boards. The number is calculated based on the size of the building.
  3. The mesh for the wet facade, which serves to strengthen the entire structure, is most often roll material fiberglass. For heavily loaded buildings, more reliable grids are used.
  4. Wet facade adhesive is used to fix the slabs. They select it in accordance with the selected insulation.
  5. Decorative plaster is applied at the final stage. You can use ready-made formulations.

Helpful advice! In the choice of materials for the manufacture of a wet facade, first of all, they are guided by the qualities and characteristics of the selected insulation. For example, mineral wool glue is not suitable for fixing foam boards and vice versa.

Additional materials for creating a wet facade with your own hands

The above list of materials is considered basic, but far from exhaustive. If you do not take care of purchasing a complete set before making a wet facade, then a number of inconveniences and difficulties may arise in the process of project implementation.

The primer is applied at the preparatory stage in order to ensure better adhesion of the slabs to the wall. The type of primer is selected in accordance with the type of decorative plaster.

Composition for plastering protective and reinforced layers applied directly to the insulation, although it is often confused with decorative plaster. These are different compositions - and this should be taken into account. One of the main differences is the higher price of finishing plaster.

The paint is intended for wall decoration and serves as a certain protection against atmospheric influences. Do not neglect this material and save on it.

A necessary component is mushroom-shaped dowels. It would seem a trifle, but without them reliable fixation of the plates will not be ensured. Therefore, you should take care of purchasing them in advance.

The dowels for fixing the plinth are a separate element, very important even at the preparatory stage. The length of the dowel-nails depends on the material of the wall where the profile is attached. In the process of mounting the base, you should also take care of the presence of special elements for connection at bends and corners.

In order to purchase a complete set, manufacturers offer complex systems, which already include all the necessary materials and tools for creating a wet facade. At the same time, not every set takes into account the individual needs of the owners, and therefore, when buying such sets, you need to be careful.

Tools required for wall insulation with a wet facade

The list of tools for performing work on wet facade technology should include almost the entire arsenal of an experienced builder and a number of special devices that will greatly facilitate and speed up the process. In particular, you will need:

  • a square required for marking right angles and 45 ° angles;
  • building level, designed to determine the degree of deviation of parts from surfaces in the horizontal or vertical direction;
  • tape measure for measuring the length and width of various materials;
  • a metalwork hammer, designed to work with different materials;
  • fine-toothed saw for cutting Styrofoam materials;
  • construction mixer for mixing dry building mixtures from sand, plaster, glue, putty;
  • rollers for priming at different stages and for painting the finishing layer of decorative plaster;
  • Swiss trowels used to cover the surface with different mixtures and to smooth them;
  • trowel with teeth, used for pasting and fixing by the method of "embedding" of the reinforcing layer;

  • a simple plastic trowel for applying putty and plastering compounds;
  • trowel for easy mixing of the solution;
  • spatulas and trowels of various sizes;
  • cutter for deepening the dowels when fixing the slabs to the wall;
  • sealant gun.

Helpful advice! The acquisition of tools should be taken care of at the preparatory stage. This list is maximum and extensive, but it is possible that additional tools may be needed during the work.

Insulation for a wet facade: variety of materials and features of choice

Facade heaters are divided into two large groups - products from expanded polystyrene and mineral wool. Foam materials are lightweight, quick to install and have a high level of thermal protection. The main drawback of the material is its flammability. Mineral wool for a wet facade costs an order of magnitude more, while being more reliable in terms of its performance. Plates made of this material do not burn, have a high level of vapor permeability.

The density of mineral wool for a wet facade must be at least 150 kg / m³, and the tensile strength must be at least 15 kPa. It is recommended to give preference to the choice of basalt fiber slabs. As for the foam, for insulation work, you should choose a material of special purpose with low flammability. Experts do not advise in this area to use extruded polystyrene foam, which has low vapor-permeable characteristics and has poor adhesion to the adhesive solution.

In different conditions they use different kinds insulation boards. The choice is guided by the physical and chemical characteristics of the insulation, based on its specific purpose. Moreover, each group of insulation has its own classification.

Minvata for a wet facade: materials for manufacturing and their advantages

So, mineral wool slabs are the best suited for facades. This advantage is due to a number of specific positive characteristics:

  • durability;

  • fire resistance;
  • excellent vapor permeability;
  • high level of heat and sound insulation;
  • resistance to chemical and biological substances;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • ease of installation.

In addition, certain types of cotton wool, in particular products based on phenolic binders, are distinguished by a high level of moisture resistance. The most preferred are diabase slabs or basalt wool slabs for wet façades. The price of such a heater is much higher than other analogues, but this is the case when they pay for the quality.

Since the strength of mineral wool should start from 15 kPa, and the material itself should not react with plaster, the use of fiberglass plates in this area is impractical. This is due to the fact that such mineral wool is easily destroyed in an alkaline environment and does not have sufficient tensile strength.

Fiberglass boards will begin to crumble under the influence of alkalis, which are contained in the reinforced base layer and the adhesive solution. The average pH of these materials is 12.5. The corresponding reaction does not begin immediately, but after a couple of years. Destruction is especially intense under the influence strong winds... Thus, very quickly, a wet fiberglass facade will become unusable.

Additional qualities as criteria for choosing mineral insulation for a wet facade

An important indicator in the selection of thermal insulation boards is the moisture absorption coefficient. It is desirable that its level be at around 15%, since moisture absorbed into the material will lead to its inevitable deformation and adversely affect thermal conductivity. Slabs with a high degree of moisture absorption do not provide the required level of solidity of the facade. As a result, such a structure will not last more than two years.

Helpful advice! The density index of mineral wool of a wet facade should range from 150 to 180 kg / m³. Otherwise, the process of applying the finishing layer becomes more complicated and there is a risk of delamination of the entire thermal insulation coating of the facade.

The technology of a wet facade for mineral wool involves the selection of slabs in such a way that the degree of vapor permeability from the first (preparatory) to the last (decorative) layer gradually increases. Compliance with this requirement will provide favorable conditions and prevent condensation in the middle of the structure. In the climatic conditions of Russia, most of the time throughout the year, the temperature indicators inside houses are much higher than outside. These conditions greatly increase the likelihood of condensation occurring.

Wet foam facade: material features and requirements for its choice

A specific list positive qualities also possesses another group of heaters, the main raw material in the production of which is expanded polystyrene. It should be noted here:

  • low cost;
  • lightness of the material;
  • high thermal and sound insulation;
  • vapor permeability;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • ease of installation.

The list of disadvantages of foam boards significantly exceeds the similar characteristics of mineral wool. The main disadvantage is the flammability of the material. In order to eliminate this defect, manufacturers process the insulation with special chemical means- fire retardants. Thus, even in the event of a fire, the spread of fire will be stopped, that is, the flame can extinguish itself.

Fire safety is also ensured by special inserts made of non-combustible materials, in particular, mineral wool. The use of this method has led to the emergence of a separate composite material.

Among other disadvantages of the material is the low degree of biosecurity. Insects and even rodents can settle in the foam. Also, expanded polystyrene plates are more fragile, which creates certain problems during the installation process, and less wear-resistant in operation.

Requirements for polystyrene foam plates for a wet facade: price and quality

Before buying a material for a wet facade made of expanded polystyrene, you should study its characteristics and compliance with all requirements. It must have a tensile strength of at least 100 kPa and a density between 15 and 25 kg / m³.

Helpful advice! The choice of material in accordance with all the requirements for it and its correct installation with strict adherence to the technology, the device of a wet facade on the insulation guarantees its service life for 20-30 years. Repair of the decorative layer will have to be done a little more often, but the costs will be much less.

High-quality material can be determined even by external data. Insulation granules should adhere as closely as possible to each other and have approximately the same size. Otherwise, such foam will bring a maximum of problems, starting with the installation process and ending with direct operation. Low-quality coarse-grained material absorbs an increased amount of moisture, which, in turn, entails its deformation and leads to a loss of thermal insulation qualities and early destruction of the facade

The shape of the polystyrene foam insulation boards must be the same as that of a regular rectangle. The error is allowed no more than 2 mm per 1 m. Differences in the thickness of the insulation can be a maximum of 1 mm, and the deviation on the surface of the front plane should not exceed 0.5%. Otherwise, it is impossible to insulate the facade of the house without defects. A wet facade from the outside will have low aesthetic characteristics, and its service life will be reduced several times.

Consumption of materials for arranging a wet facade: photos of private houses

As for other types of construction work, the consumption of materials is approximately based on the required amount per 1m² of the finished wet facade. Insulating a house from the outside involves the following costs:

  • primer will need about 250 milliliters per 1 m²;
  • adhesive solution for fixing heat-insulating plates is spent at the rate of 10 kg per 1 m²;
  • the consumption of the insulation itself with a plate thickness of at least 5 cm corresponds to the area to be insulated;
  • dowels for fixing the plates will need about 5 pieces per 1 m²;
  • the netting for the wet facade is consumed at the rate of 1.3 m² per 1 m²;
  • plaster for the leveling layer should be purchased based on the needs of 0.3 kg per 1 m²;

  • the consumption of primer for the finishing layer is approximately 0.3 kg per 1m²;
  • finished decorative plaster will need about 3 kg per 1 m².

In order to correctly calculate the required amount of materials, you need to follow the instructions on the packaging of the material, and it is better to purchase ready-made kits. The Ceresit wet façade system has proven itself in this market segment. Facade insulation technology using mineral wool slabs presupposes the use of the Ceresit WM brand.

For thermal insulation using foam technology, the Ceresit wet facade is labeled VWS. Plates for thermal insulation are treated with an adhesive and fixed to the wall, a special protective layer with a reinforced fiberglass mesh is applied on top. The system of the corresponding brand contains all the necessary materials.

Components of the price of a wet facade device per m2

The price of a finished wet facade includes the total cost of preparatory, installation and decorative works... The main costs are for materials based on their cost per 1 m² for a blank wall.

Important! The main component of the total cost of a wet facade is the price of insulation, which depends on its type, density and mineral additives.

The total cost of the finished system is the total cost of the constituent components:

  • adhesive mixture for fastening insulation;
  • plastering solution for the base;
  • mixtures for decorative plaster;
  • fiberglass mesh for the reinforced layer;
  • dowels and other fasteners;
  • two types of primer;
  • thermal insulation boards.

Ready-made systems usually do not include the cost of additional and optional parts, various profiles and auxiliary fasteners. Also, not all manufacturers offer thermal insulation materials in the complex. In this case, you should keep in mind the average cost of insulation. For example, the average price of mineral wool for a 10 cm thick wet facade is about 650 rubles. for 1 m². The cost of expanded polystyrene for the same indicators about 250 rubles

Thus, the price of a wet facade per m² with mineral wool slabs will be about 1200 rubles. A thermal insulation system made of expanded polystyrene will cost much less - about 750 rubles. for 1 m².

Arrangement of a wet facade: the cost of work for to order

The total costs of installing insulation and decorating it include payment for the services of craftsmen or contractors. This is if the work is not done independently. The total price ranges from 1,000 to 2,500 rubles per square meter. It all depends on the total amount of work, type of materials and method decorative design finished wall. The main components and the average price for installing a wet facade are shown in the table below:

Type of work performed Cost, rub / m2
Installation and dismantling of scaffolding for construction 130 – 150
Surface priming for deep penetration 60 – 90
Fastening the insulation with adhesive and leveling the wall 370 – 450
Installation of a reinforcing layer with a base plaster layer and flush embedding 330 – 370
Wall priming using quartz sand 65 – 75
Various types of decorative plastering 240 – 350
Stone decoration on the facade plinth 870 – 920

Wide range of work prices wet plaster the facade is justified by the varying degrees of complexity of the decorating process. The list may also include additional work, for example, the installation of decorative elements. Their cost is calculated separately and depends on the complexity.

Additional factors affecting the cost of wet facade works

The above services and their cost are not constant. The list can be much longer, and the price increases due to the appearance of additional costs. The final price per m² of a turnkey wet facade depends on a number of additional factors. In particular, you should consider:

  • initial appearance and structure of the facade;

  • the presence of flaws and damage;
  • the level of complexity of the work performed;
  • the total number of openings for doors and windows, as well as their location;
  • quality characteristics of materials and their quantity;
  • total amount of work.

Helpful advice! The cost calculation is made individually for each specific case. Sometimes, even with an identical list of works and the same processing area, the price can differ significantly.

Therefore, the final cost includes additional costs. For example, labor-intensive work at high altitudes will require the installation of auxiliary assembly scaffolding. The cost of their rental depends on the height and duration of use. It should also be borne in mind that high-rise work is much more expensive, since it requires special skills and the organization of insurance. The pricing is influenced by the costs associated with delivery and the features of individual facades.

The installation of a wet system will cost an order of magnitude less than the arrangement, but its further operation will cost more. The wet facade technology is usually used to insulate private houses, and the ventilated one is used to decorate larger buildings. What this is connected with, we will consider below.

Ventilated facades: pricedictated by quality

Speaking about the scope of application of the wet facade method, it is worth mentioning such a feature as limited resistance to the effects of temperature extremes. Based on many years of research, the European Association of Plaster Type Thermal Insulation Systems has come to the conclusion that the wet facade technology is not appropriate in all climatic conditions.

Even the most reliable and expensive materials, installation in compliance with all requirements does not give a long-term guarantee of service in the conditions of the inland climate of temperate latitudes, which prevails in a significant part of the territory of Russia. The scientists of the association took grapes, or rather not the plant itself, but the cycle of its maturation, as the starting point for the application of the wet facade system. That is, in the area where climatic conditions allow the ripening of at least one of its varieties, the use of technology is expedient.

In conditions of constant rains and high humidity, for example, in close proximity to the sea, the use of this technology is undesirable. This is due to the poor moisture resistance of this type of facade. If the wall will be exposed to frequent mechanical stress, then the installation of a wet facade is also not recommended.

Based on the listed contraindications, an alternative plaster-type facade technology was invented in the form of a hinged thermal insulation system with an air gap. Simply put - a ventilated facade. What are the similarities, differences and advantages of this type of building insulation - we will figure it out further.

Helpful advice! You can check the quality of thermal insulation under a ventilated and wet facade using a thermal imager. Warm tones in the photo show heat loss, and dark tones show the heat resistance of the walls.

Comparative characteristics of ventilated and wet facades: photos of houses and buildings

The curtain system differs from the plaster system in that when installing a wet facade, plaster is applied directly to the thermal insulation layer. Ventilated façade assumes installation facade panel made of fiber cement at a certain distance from the insulation, which creates the necessary protection against atmospheric precipitation. In addition, due to the protective screen, excess moisture that appears behind the facade panel can evaporate through the air opening.

Thus, the ventilated facade has an additional, in comparison with the wet method, number of functions and provides:

  • additional protection against moisture, as well as sound insulation;
  • the highest degree of protection against ignition;
  • coolness in the room during the summer, which allows you to save on air conditioners;
  • elimination of flaws on the wall in the form of irregularities and curvatures;
  • ease and speed of installation;
  • a wide range of design options;
  • additional thermal insulation, which is facilitated by the presence of an air cushion.

In addition, the fiber cement coating does not require additional maintenance and repair of the decorative layer after several years. Suspended structure can serve without intervention for several decades.

When solving the dilemma of which facade to choose, you can be guided by the following recommendations. A wet facade is advisable when you need to minimize the cost of finishing the building and minimize the load on the walls. In this way, you can arrange perfectly smooth walls without observing special requirements for the strength and durability of the facade.

The curtain cladding, in turn, compensates for the unevenness of the wall and helps to hide any defects. Installation of the ventilation façade can be carried out at any time of the year, even at subzero temperatures.

Areas of application for wet façade and ventilated façades

The scope of application of ventilated facades is much wider. They are used for insulating private houses, finishing multi-storey new buildings and public buildings... The most widely used for decorating shops, cafes, shopping and entertainment centers and other public and commercial institutions.

Important! Wet facades are used for thermal insulation of low-rise buildings and utility rooms, as well as, if necessary, to save on insulation. How a budget option this method is also applicable in the energy saving system of state institutions and public buildings.

Various materials are used in the cladding of ventilated facades, in particular:

  • porcelain stoneware plates;
  • panels made of aluminum and composite;
  • fiber cement;
  • laminate boards manufactured under high pressure.

The main advantages of a porcelain stoneware facade are its durability, varied colors and high aesthetic characteristics. But such material is quite expensive. Aluminum price composite panels more democratic. The material itself is universal, and thanks to a wide range of colors and structures, it allows the most daring fantasies of an architect to come true.

Fiber cement is a material imitating stone, resistant to moisture and sun. Differs in ease of installation and open type fastening. It is most often used for cladding residential buildings. Laminate panels - new material, which has various colors, textures, is resistant to weathering and fire, it is lightweight, durable and environmentally friendly. In addition, it is cheaper than porcelain stoneware counterparts.

Mineral wool wet facade technology: instructions, useful tips and secrets of the masters

If, after considering all kinds of insulation options, the choice was made in favor of a wet facade using mineral wool slabs, and it was decided to do the work independently, then it is necessary to take into account a number of secrets of the masters.

It's worth starting with the choice of material. So, on the Internet and in special literature, you can find a recommendation regarding the replacement of mineral wool with fiberglass. This is a misconception, since over time, fiberglass plates begin to sag under vibration influences, and so-called cold paths form in the insulation layer.

To achieve the maximum thermal insulation effect, it is worth taking care of not only insulation of the facade, but also of the floor and ceiling. In particular, this applies to apartments above unheated rooms or on upper floors.

On condition the right choice material and strict adherence to the instructions, the warranty life of the facade can reach half a century. Additional protection of the finishing layer of plaster will be provided by coating with a special paint, which will also extend its service life. For this purpose, it is worth using a water-based paint with acrylic, silicone or silicate admixtures. Its color variety includes over a thousand shades.

Helpful advice! During painting, you should look into the design and estimate documentation, where the original color of the building is indicated - the new shade must match it.

Conditions for successful insulation using the technology of installing a wet facade: video recommendations

Thermal insulation using wet technology should take place under conditions of complete protection from frost and precipitation. If the work does not require delay and its completion takes place in unfavorable conditions, then you should take care of the construction of special scaffolding and cover them with a dense film, which will provide temporary protection from wind and moisture and create a small thermal circuit.

Before starting work on the installation of a wet facade, it is necessary to tightly close all accesses to the interior of the room from the side of windows and doors. All internal rough work in the house it is better to complete it before the start of insulation. On the outside wall, a number of fixtures and brackets should be placed in advance that will hold the air conditioners, cameras, ebb or downpipes.

WITH adhesive solutions it is necessary to work in the shade or in case of increased cloudiness, excluding as much as possible sunlight on the mixture. The distance between the thermal insulation boards and the reinforcing mesh must be at least 2 mm, which allows the glue to be cast.

For the overall strength of the multi-layer structure, it takes several days for each layer to dry. Haste in this case is unacceptable. The performance characteristics of decorative plaster depend on the working conditions. Optimal prerequisites are temperatures above 5 ° С, increased cloudiness, dry calm weather.

For plaster, it is necessary to select exclusively materials for outdoor work that can fully resist negative impacts... The upper plaster layer must have a high level of thermal conductivity and moisture resistance, be durable and resistant to mechanical, chemical and weathering.

House insulation wet facade: summarizing

The wet facade technology, although inferior in a number of performance characteristics to the ventilated facade, is the leader among the existing insulation methods. Its advantages lie in the use of modern high-quality heat-insulating materials, the service life of some of them can reach half a century. A special exterior finish with high aesthetic characteristics not only guarantees the external beauty of modern residential buildings, but also makes this technology acceptable for the restoration of architectural landmarks.

To achieve the best result, you need to trust the work of certified firms, as well as use high-quality materials from manufacturers who have proven themselves in the construction market. To prevent the occurrence chemical reactions, it should be noted that the individual components must be compatible with each other. Each subsequent layer must have elevated level vapor permeability in relation to the previous one. Do not forget about the strength and density of materials and their compliance with fire and environmental requirements.

The design is designed to provide a high degree of sound protection in two directions (both inside and outside the house). The quality of materials affects more long term operation not only of the insulation layer, but of the whole house, protecting the walls from precipitation and mechanical damage. The facade covers the main structure from the effects of wind, frost, pollution, ultraviolet radiation and humidity.

In conclusion, it should be noted that the use of variety of options decorative plaster in the wet facade system, finishing elements and color design allows you to implement various style ideas on the outside of the building, which cannot be done using other methods of insulation, for example, ventilated facade technology.

The classic material used for the construction of private houses is brick. It has many advantages, but brick also has disadvantages. Among them are high thermal conductivity and a tendency to accumulate moisture. In order to preserve the integrity of the brick walls and ensure comfort inside the building, a wet facade is being finished, and how to implement this technology with your own hands will be described below.

Features of the wet facade system

The facade of the cottage can be decorated in different ways. Against the background of a wide variety of technologies, the wet facade system stands out. What is such a method of warming and protecting the outer walls of residential buildings and industrial buildings from negative factors?

Insulation of houses for different purposes according to this technology, it means covering the outer walls with moisture and frost-resistant material, and then plastering and painting the facade. Also, instead of using plaster and paint, special decorative panels or finishing with clinker tiles can be used. Let's describe the layered structure of such a cladding in the table.

Layer Comprises Appointment
Heat insulating Insulation material, adhesive mixture and dowels Provides the facade of residential buildings with high heat and sound insulation qualities
Glue-reinforcing Adhesive mixture, reinforcing mesh, soil Provides the cladding of a residential building with strength, resistance to wear and tear, durability, high external aesthetics
Decorative finishing Decorative plaster, panels, other finishing materials

This design makes the building attractive. appearance, acts as additional protection for its walls from external influences

In other words, such a system is a complex layered structure, due to which the outer walls of a residential building are provided with reliable protection.

Wet facade construction

Advantages and disadvantages

Wet finishing of external walls of residential cottages in last years highly demanded, as it has a number of advantages:

  • provides the facade of the house with high wear resistance, durability, practicality. Such a system has served without loss of its properties for more than 25 years;
  • an essential advantage of such a facade system is its affordable cost. In the case of using expanded polystyrene, sq m of facing will cost 1500-2000 rubles, and when using mineral wool, the price will double. However, other methods of facing the outer walls of residential buildings, which would have similar operating parameters and practically had no flaws, they will cost you several times more;
  • warming a house in a similar way makes it warmer, more comfortable for living. Thanks to this decoration, a healthy microclimate is formed inside the home, which has a positive effect on the well-being of each family member. In addition, the possibility of saving on the cost of electricity or gas heating is called the positive quality of the wet facade of the house. And if you still insulate the windows, then no frosts will be terrible for you;
  • the fact that the insulation is mounted on the walls with outside, allows you to save precious square meters living space inside the building and even in those places where there is a window;
  • thanks to light weight such cladding can be used without additional strengthening of the foundation and walls of the house;
  • relatively easy implementation in practice without the help of professional builders;
  • using this technology, the finished house looks incredibly attractive, and its design fits well into the surrounding landscapes. We also note that after a while, if desired, the finishing layer of the cladding can be replaced or renewed.

Wet insulation options

Note that a wet facade also has some disadvantages. For example, it is not recommended to decorate the facade and carry out its insulation work if the air temperature dropped below 5 ° Celsius. In addition, it is not worth equipping the facade in this way if the air humidity level is increased or there is precipitation. Such weather phenomena prevent uniform drying of the cladding layers.

Wet facade types

Decorating private houses using wet facade technology can be done by hand. But before starting work, you need to decide what kind of it is relevant for the walls of your house:

  • heavy - the name reflects the main difference between the facade of such a plan: significant weight, which limits the possibilities of using this technology;
  • lightweight - the technology can be applied to the walls of private houses, erected from any building material.



In view of the rather high weight such a finish, it is important to use it for walls made of those building materials that can cope with such a high weight load: brick, aerated concrete or expanded clay concrete blocks.

Fastening the insulation with dowels

A distinctive feature of the heavy type wet facade system is the fixing of thermal insulation without the use of an adhesive. The insulation is fixed to the base by means of special dowels with hooks. They are installed on the wall, only then they are equipped with an insulation material of a slab character. Thermal insulation layer additionally, they are fixed by means of a reinforcing metal mesh, and then a plaster solution is used and the finishing is carried out.

Due to the fact that the metal mesh needs to be masked, the plaster layer turns out to be thick and heavy. Hence the name of the cladding method.


This method is quite common as it is affordable and easy to implement in practice. The weight of the structure is minimal, so it is applicable to walls built from almost all standard materials: brick, concrete, foam concrete, stone, wood, and so on.

The system of a wet facade for a light type involves the use of finishing materials in several layers:

  • the first layer of plaster will be the base one and will allow the use of a reinforcing mesh to give the cladding additional strength;
  • the second layer of plaster will level and give the base perfect evenness;
  • the third layer (finishing) can be made with different finishing materials: paint, decorative plaster with bark beetle, siding, decorative panels, the like. The main thing is that the selected option has the lowest possible weight.

Note that a light type of facade finishing should be carried out using a finely dispersed and air-permeable plaster mixture. And the total thickness of the layers of the entire cladding, including on the slopes of the windows, should not exceed 10 mm.

Main nodes

Today, wet facade finishing is used most actively, which is due to a large number an advantage inherent in this type of finish. By itself, this technology is a multi-layer structure, each of the layers of which is aimed at performing its function:

  • the first is the wall of the building, which, before starting work, necessarily undergoes a certain preparation, which consists in leveling and cleaning;
  • the second is a heat-insulating material, which can be polystyrene or mineral wool. The first option is cheaper, but the second has better characteristics;
  • the third is a reinforcing lining designed to protect the slabs during the further finishing process;
  • the fourth is a decorative layer, for which decorative plaster or other finishing materials can be used.

The main units of the wet facade

Insulation types

An important stage in the implementation of wet facade technology is the choice insulation material... What material is best used for this purpose? In most cases, craftsmen use mineral wool in the form of slabs. It is a rather rigid material, the density of which exceeds 150 kg / m³. Also, foam is often used to decorate facades in this way. The main thing is to choose the right brand (at least 35).

When comparing these two heaters, experts note that mineral wool is the best option, because it is resistant to fire and has high air permeability, which is extremely important in the case of walls of a stone house. When insulating with mineral wool, moisture from the masonry freely comes out through the pores of the material, which allows you to recreate the optimal microclimate inside the dwelling and significantly improve the thermal insulation parameters of the facade. If the budget for repairs is extremely limited, then you should prefer the cheaper foam.

Remember, it is worth choosing exclusively products from trusted manufacturers with famous name, the quality of products of which is documented. Then the facade will definitely be durable and resistant to wear and tear.

Mineral wool

When arranging a wet facade, attention should be paid to the selection of finishing materials. To facilitate the task, we suggest that you carefully familiarize yourself with the possible facade systems that are ideal for such a finish:

  • organic - with this method of finishing, you will need expanded polystyrene plates, organic reinforcing mass, organic or silicone plaster;
  • mineral - in this case, mineral plates are suitable for insulation, and for reinforcement - mineral mixtures... As for the decorative layer, you should choose silicate or mineral plaster;
  • combined - in such facade system both polystyrene foam and mineral materials... The first is suitable as insulation, while other materials can be used for reinforcement and subsequent plastering.

We should also dwell on the choice of suitable adhesives. The best option for a wet facade, Ceresit CM-11 glue will be used. With regard to plaster, the most suitable will be such types as a fur coat or bark beetle.


Possible errors during work

When installing a wet facade, a number of mistakes are often made that negatively affect the quality of the coating:

  • ignoring the temperature conditions of the work - this can cause destruction, delamination and even rotting of the layers of the system;
  • improper preparation of the main layer - the duration of service will be significantly reduced due to destruction inside;
  • the appearance of air gaps between the seams and layers, which can occur in the area of ​​the windows, will lead to the appearance of cracks on the surface of the facade and the design of the building will be damaged;
  • improper installation of the reinforcing mesh - will cause chips and cracks on the outer layer.

Service life and repair

Wet-finished façades can last up to 30 years. But this period may well vary up or down, depending on humidity, climatic conditions and possible temperature changes.

During operation, the wet facade can be repaired if necessary. But for this, it is necessary to save the documents for all building materials, so that, if it is necessary to paint a certain area, purchase the paint used earlier. Otherwise, you may not guess with a shade, and then a prominent spot will appear on your facade.

If after a while you notice that a piece of plaster began to peel off in a certain area, which happens especially often near windows, then in this case it is worth carrying out the following work: clean this place to a strong layer, prime and apply a new layer of plaster.


To better understand the principle of a wet facade, we advise you to watch the video.

The load-bearing structures of buildings are not intended to provide sufficient thermal protection of the premises. Brick, cinder block, wood, reinforced concrete panels or monolithic elements of the fence do not meet the requirements for this parameter. Therefore, they need additional processing with insulation.

This is one of the methods of lightweight insulation, which allows:

  1. Give additional thermal protection to the wall panels.
  2. To increase the heat saving of premises.
  3. Give the building a finished, attractive look.

The basic system of wall insulation using the "wet facade" technology

The outer decorative layer is plaster, thanks to which the facades become attractive. Thermal insulation of facades with a wet method involves the use of thermal insulation. The list of layers of the system from inner to outer looks like this:

  • the wall itself;
  • adhesive composition;
  • insulation;
  • reinforced starting plaster layer;
  • decorative finishing plaster for outdoor use.

The main advantage of the technology lies in the fact that a wet facade can be installed in any climatic zones... Minus - work must be carried out at a temperature environment not less than +5 0 С and not more than +30 0.

During the cold period, the work site should be a heated and hidden from the environment tent. This technology is called a wet facade because the binders are diluted with water and are wet at the time of application.

What insulation materials are used in wet facade systems?

Glass wool and mineral wool are strictly prohibited. This is due to the insufficient strength of these heaters. They are not able to withstand the weight of the plaster. Because of this, they are prone to delamination. Polyfoam is also not included in the number of used thermal insulation.

Typical heaters for a wet facade - expanded polystyrene and basalt wool

When assembling a wet facade with your own hands, you involuntarily ask yourself the question "How thick should the insulation be?" The construction market is represented by a wide range of basalt wool of various thicknesses (from 2.5 to 20 cm). Among the proposed ones, you need to choose the one that fully meets the requirements. If there is a project, then this parameter must be specified in it.

If the work is carried out without design documentation, then the climatic conditions of the region must be taken into account. The indicator of the total heat transfer parameter can be found in reference books. The climatic map of the Russian Federation, which is easy to find on the Internet, can be of help.

It is necessary to compare the indicators of the resistance to heat transfer of the material wall panels with the indicated numbers on the map. The difference must be compensated for with insulation. When calculating, you need to take into account the characteristic exterior plaster... It is not worth overestimating the indicators of the insulated building too much. The balance between humidity and temperature must be maintained.

What else is needed besides insulation?

A complete list of required materials is as follows:

  • glue for attaching insulation to the wall;
  • aluminum profile;
  • dowels for fixing the profile;
  • plastic dowels for fixing the insulation;
  • insulation;
  • primer;
  • plaster reinforcement mesh;
  • dowels for fastening insulation and reinforcement mesh (plastic);
  • starting plaster (basic);
  • finishing decorative plaster.

Wet Facade Tool Set

In addition, you will need devices:

  • perforator (for concrete, brick, reinforced concrete panels);
  • drill (for wooden walls);
  • screwdriver (for screwing in dowels);
  • a special spatula for applying glue;
  • a set of spatulas for applying and smoothing plaster;
  • containers for mixing building mixtures;
  • drill attachment for kneading;
  • brushes for cleaning the wall surface before applying the glue.

It is possible to do the work yourself, but this requires basic construction skills and routing for the device of the insulated facade using the "wet method". This is especially true for plastering work.

Insulation works with a wet facade in stages

The step-by-step instructions for wet facade technology are as follows:

  1. Wall surface preparation.

    Priming insulated walls is an important stage in surface preparation

    This procedure involves cleaning the surface from any existing contamination. It also needs to be flat. The maximum drop per square meter should not exceed 1 cm. Irregularities, sinks must be leveled with plaster. If the wall has places with crumbling fragments, it is necessary to use a bonding primer. It is desirable to prime the entire surface. This will provide additional protection for the wall.

  2. Installation of the base / plinth profile.

    It will perform two functions: a level and a unit that accepts the load of the upper insulation plates.

  3. Glue application.

    This procedure is performed with a special notched trowel. Adhesive composition applied to insulation boards, not to the wall.

  4. Bonding.

    The procedure is performed from bottom to top along the waist. Plates located above the basement profile must rest on it. When gluing door and window openings, the boards must be glued so that the corners of the openings are located within one solid board. For this, special cutouts are made in the insulation.

  5. Fastening insulation boards with plastic dowels with a wide head.

    The work is performed after the glue has completely dried.

  6. Application of a base plaster layer, 3-5 mm thick.

    The key stage of a wet facade is the application of a plaster layer with reinforcement

  7. Reinforced mesh laying. The work is carried out before the plaster has set. It is important that the mesh is recessed into the plaster layer.
  8. Leveling with finishing plaster.
  9. Painting.

    The final stage of finishing - surface painting

Armed with knowledge, materials and necessary technical with inventory, you can start work on the installation of a wet facade.

Heavy and light wet facades

There are two types of wet facades:

A heavy wet facade is used in earthquake-resistant zones, as well as in cases where it is necessary to absorb thermal deformations that occur during the period of temperature drops. Thanks to the design features, the plaster remains intact (does not crack).

But there are also downsides. This is high in comparison with light facade price. This is due to the fact that the amount of used plaster can increase significantly, since the thickness of its layer can reach 20-40 mm. The reinforcement mesh will also increase in price, because it must be metal, in contrast to a light wet facade, where polymer materials are used.

Another disadvantage is a lot of weight. If the building is dilapidated and subject to reconstruction, then the use of a heavy facade without special strength calculations can lead to collapse. For most cases, a lightweight system is suitable. Moreover, now there are companies on the market that can provide comprehensively high-quality materials.

Ceresit wet facade - popular system

The Ceresit brand has developed a range of products for the installation of facades using wet technology. The complex includes all the components of the insulation cake:

  • glue;
  • heat insulators based on mineral wool or expanded polystyrene;
  • plaster mixes.

Those who decide to use the unified Ceresit wet facade system do not have to check the incompatibility components. All components were designed with this parameter in mind. Moreover, each component complements the functions of the other and compensates for its shortcomings.

Summing up

Based on the foregoing, it is clear that the wet facade technology remains the most reliable and the best way insulate the building. Having a description of the necessary actions, everyone will be able to independently perform the work and make the house warm, cozy and beautiful in appearance.