Sizes of warm blankets. Blanket sizes and their standards

It is important to take into account the size of the bed, the habits and preferences that ensure a comfortable stay. The main criterion is that this sleeping object should not hinder movement, be too large or small.

Classification of modern blankets

Modern market proposes big choice blankets of the following types:

  • double euros;
  • double;
  • one and a half;
  • children;
  • custom size.

Different manufacturers may offer products of the same type, but with little different sizes... However, there are some standards. For example, one-and-a-half and baby blankets are up to 150 cm wide, and double blankets are up to 200 cm wide. Non-standard options can be from three to five meters wide.

Blankets for babies are usually offered in sizes 110 x 140 cm or 140 x 140 cm.There are also square products for newborns with sides from 120 to 140 cm.

One and a half blankets most often have a standard size - 140 x 205 cm or 155 x 215 cm (Euro). Rarer options are products with dimensions 160 by 220 cm, 160 by 205 cm, 160 by 215 cm.

Standard double duvets are 172 x 205 cm or 200 x 220 cm (Euro). Often on sale you can find products with dimensions 195 by 215 cm, 180 by 210 cm and 200 by 200 cm.Some manufacturers offer a royal blanket, the size of which is 220 by 240 cm.

Features of choosing a duvet cover

In the process of buying a duvet cover, it is important to remember that for a comfortable sleep it is better to choose an option that is slightly larger than the duvet itself. It is recommended to take its size with a small margin. Perfect size the duvet cover is the one that is 5 cm longer than the duvet itself in length and width. It is much more convenient to tuck the blanket this way, it will not get confused in one place.

It is also worth saying that most often modern kits do not shrink, so you should not worry that after the purchase it will not be worth less. However, if you still have some doubts about this, buy a duvet cover 5-10 cm wider (just in this direction the share thread of the fabric is laid in most of the bedding).

In order for the sleep to be as comfortable as possible, and the preparation of the bed is pleasant, it is important to choose the right size of the duvet cover. This is one of the main points in the process of choosing a bed item. Knowing the size of the duvet, and adding 5-7 cm to it, there is a high probability of making a good purchase of a duvet cover.

Every person has a need for healthy and restful sleep. And what could be better than a comfortable and pleasant rest after a hard working day in a comfortable bed.

First of all, create pleasant atmosphere a well-chosen blanket contributes to relaxation.

In order to understand what kind of blanket you need, it is important to consider the size of the bed and your preferences. The blanket should not be either large or small, as it will hang to the floor or the body will not be completely covered.

The sizes of blankets are of the following types:

  • Single;
  • One and a half;
  • Double;
  • European size;
  • King size;
  • Baby.

How do you know what size blanket to choose? Some tips will help you understand this.

  • If you are a young couple, a double size duvet will work for you. This will help create some kind of intimacy between partners.
  • For the older generation and partners with different sleeping habits, it is best to choose two different one-and-a-half blankets.
  • A baby blanket set is always suitable for a child.
  • A double blanket helps the body breathe as it stretches and allows air to flow freely.
  • A one-and-a-half or single blanket is easier to handle when washing or cleaning due to the more light weight and parameters.

Be that as it may, the choice is always yours.

Blankets different manufacturers may have slight differences, but there are certain standard sizes.

One-and-a-half blanket standard

One and a half blanket from the manufacturers got this name because of its length - one and a half meters, and not because it accommodates one and a half people. There is also a second name for it - "family", precisely because it is intended for a family set of bedding, which is sold with two one-and-a-half duvet covers. They are usually for a couple who prefer to sleep under their own separate blanket.

  • The generally accepted standard is 155 x 215 cm, which has another, better known as "Euro-size". It is for this size of the blanket that it is easiest to choose bedding.
  • Nowadays, blankets and Soviet standards: 140 x 205 cm. This will excellent option for a narrow bed, as the blanket will not hang down to the floor.

Very often this kind of blanket is chosen for teenagers.

  • The size of the baby blanket is 160 x 205 cm. If the choice fell on him, then do not forget that the bed linen must be appropriate.
  • There are also custom sizes of blankets, such as 160 x 215 cm, 160 x 220 cm. They will find their use in people with tall, but for children will be unsuitable.

Double blanket

The size of the double duvet is:

  • 220 x 220 cm - Euro size double blanket. For such a blanket, bed linen is suitable for almost any manufacturer. The most comfortable and convenient option for two, and most importantly, no one will disclose anyone.
  • 195 x 215 cm. This size of a double blanket is also called "Euro-size", but it is not very popular and less common.
  • 172 x 205 cm - "Soviet size" double blanket, which also has a second name - "English". A blanket of this size used to be popular in the USSR and in England.
  • 220 x 240 cm - "king size" double blanket. It is in demand among lovers of large luxury beds.

The only problem when buying a king size duvet will be the selection of the duvet cover due to the non-standard parameters.

Baby blanket

  • Basic the standard of a baby blanket from manufacturers: width - 100-110 cm, length - 140 cm.
  • And here for newborns a square shape with a side length of 120-140 cm is characteristic.
  • A blanket for a teenager can be ordinary one and a half size.

When buying a blanket, it is always important to consider whether there is a suitable bedding set for it. For everyday use, it is better to select it according to the parameters of existing duvet covers.

If the blanket is intended for a gift, then it is best to first consult with the future owners and find out their preferences.

How to choose the right bed linen for the blanket?

The size of the duvet cover that is intended for your duvet should be chosen with a margin of at least 5 centimeters in length and width. This will help in the future to tuck a blanket into it, which will not be knocked down to one side. It is also important to consider the shrinkage of the laundry during washing.

It doesn't matter what material the blanket is made of if it doesn't fit. Manufacturers have been sewing products at fixed rates for a long time. Let's take a look at the main classifications, as well as a table of standard sizes.

Standard sizes

Usually, new bedding is matched to the bed and existing things. Each country uses its own parameters, for example, the smallest single-bed duvet cover can be found in Russia, its size is only 75x100. In Great Britain, there are products with parameters 300x250 - this is the largest indicator. Italy has the most varied selection of duvet covers, while in Spain only two can be found.


Manufacturers modern furniture apply a system of standards according to which all beds are classified by size.


There are three basic sizes of a double blanket in Russia:

  • 200x220 - it is easy to buy euro linen for such a product;
  • 195x215 - also considered a European standard, but not so popular;
  • 175x205 - Soviet parameters, bed linen made in Russia is suitable for such a product.

Sleeping people feel most comfortable under a double blanket. We should also highlight the rare size 220x240, it is called "euro maxi" and is suitable for very wide beds, it is difficult to choose bed linen for such a product, and it is often sewn to order.

One and a half

This type is chosen by couples who prefer to cover themselves with different products, and ordinary double linen does not suit them.

  • 155x215 - a practical and popular size, it is also called "euro-lattice", in stores it is easiest to find sets of sleeping accessories for this option;
  • 140x205 is a Russian standard that has existed since the days of the Soviet Union. Such products are bought for children.

It is mistakenly believed that the one-and-a-half blanket got its name due to the fact that one and a half people can hide under it, but in fact this is due to its width - 1.5 meters.

Advice! When choosing, take into account the size of the bed, it should not be more than 50 cm more than the product.

Personal space is important for people to sleep comfortably. The right purchase will save you from unnecessary tension on the bed linen and hanging to the floor.


The sizes of the baby blanket are not so varied:

  • a duvet cover from 110x140 to 125x150 is used in a crib;
  • for adolescents, standard characteristics range from 143x210 to 160x230.

Usually the product is selected taking into account the parameters of a crib, but small children open up during sleep, so buy the model a little large sizes.

Shortened versions are often used when walking in winter period.

European models

The European size depends on the general classification; for one and a half and double euro products, there are their own parameters indicated above.

The weight of the model directly depends on its size and filler. Products of the same size can have different weights, for example, a woolen double blanket weighs almost two kilograms, and the same one made of fluff weighs only 900 grams.

comparison table

The main Russian standard sizes are clearly presented in the table.

When buying such items, keep in mind that the duvet cover should be 5 centimeters wider and longer. This difference will allow you to easily tuck the blanket into it and the possible shrinkage of the fabric will not be an unpleasant surprise.

If you become the owner of a bed with non-standard parameters, then many ateliers provide services for individual tailoring of bedding.

Nothing contributes to a normal life more than a sufficient amount of warmth, and in any aspect: during sleep and rest, in home life and in human relationships. Blankets in this regard play an important role. A properly chosen blanket will warm you on a cold night or just on frosty days. It will come in handy at a picnic, at home gatherings, at meetings with school friends.

The size of the blanket is just as important. In this article, you can find out about which blankets are presented today by Russian and foreign manufacturers, what the size range of these models is and what nuances should be taken into account when choosing and buying them.

What are they?

Surprisingly, even this simple thing, like a blanket, is divided into a number of species and subspecies. They depend on many factors: manufacturer, size, functional purpose, material of manufacture, etc. To begin with, the buyer must decide on how many people the blanket should be designed for.

Those models, which will be discussed below, are the most common, and the rest are considered non-standard. Information will be provided for each type. It should be noted that the mentioned models are not unique quality standards. If you wish, you can find several excellent copies of the same type of blanket. The main thing is to rely on the parameters.


Standard blankets are divided into two types: one- or one-and-a-half and double.

First you need to consider single or single blankets... Such copies are designed for one person. If a person lives alone or he wants each family member to have a separate blanket, he should pay attention to this option.

The most common one-and-a-half-size blanket is a model measuring 140x205 cm - a classic type of blanket that was adopted in everyday life in Soviet life. For small and narrow beds - just right, since such a blanket will not touch the floor.

One of the most popular and sold options is the Ecocomfort model from the Podushkino TM.

Double blankets, as the name implies, are intended for a couple of people.

They are divided into several types of sizes:

  • 200x220 cm- is considered the most versatile and comfortable option... One of the key criteria is that this blanket is convenient for choosing bedding; a great item in this size is the TekStyle cashmere blanket.
  • 200x200 cm- a blanket in the shape of a square. Alas, such specimens are not so common on Russian territory. Typically, they can be purchased in Eastern European countries such as Germany, France and Italy; however, there are also domestic samples, which are produced by TM "IvSheyStandard", from the city of Ivanovo.
  • 195x215 cm- not the most comfortable sample, as a result of which it is not as widely popular in Europe as a square blanket, and it is not so easy to find it. In the Sofia de Marko catalog you can order a silk and cotton blanket with similar parameters.
  • 172x205 cm- this type is perfectly familiar to a person who lived in Soviet times, it is not without reason that this blanket was called “Soviet”; it was also widespread in the UK, which is why the same blanket is also called "English". Similar samples are produced by the company "Yaroslav Ivanovo" from 100% cotton.
  • 150x220 cm- "family" blankets of such parameters are in some cases produced by La Pastel on site Russian Federation... The model guarantees an optimal balance between temperature and humidity, which is important for health; it can be used for a whole year. The model is made of artificial silk.


Euro size beds are for adults. Blankets from this category are presented in several versions:

  • 155x215 cm- the most common type of one-and-a-half duvet, referred to as "Euro-size". One of its advantages is that it is very convenient for choosing bed linen. The Agro-Don company produces such blankets under the name Aphrodite with gray Siberian goose down.
  • 200x220 cm- this European standard is designed for two people to sleep. Married couple there is no need to worry about comfort and warmth: they will have enough blanket of the appropriate size. You can buy such copies in the above-mentioned TM "IvSheyStandard".
  • 220x240 cm- if the buyer has a bed that is luxurious in size, the width of which is more than 180 cm, this copy was created for him (especially if this person himself has large dimensions). Such blankets are called “king size” or euro maxi: these definitions fully characterize the price and troubles associated with this blanket, since buying a euro maxi requires a fairly serious amount of money, and often there are problems with the selection of the right bed linen. The Chinese company Silk Place offers a wide range of such blankets.


  • 100x135 cm- the blanket is intended for children under 3 years old. It is recommended to pay attention to the domestic production of the blanket Dream Time - it is filled with synthetic fiber from swan down. The risk of the appearance of insects in it is excluded, therefore it is also recommended for people with allergies. The model is unusually lightweight, pleasant to the touch and durable.
  • 100x140 cm- like the previous copy, it is intended for babies up to 3 years old. The brightest representative of the size range is the sample Russian production"OTK", combines cotton fiber and high quality merino wool. Blanket; perfectly absorbs moisture.
  • 90x90 cm- this option is ideal for cradle and stroller. For these needs, the blanket is used for about six months. One of the exemplary models of such a blanket is a Russian-made Makkaroni Kids plaid in gray colors, its material is natural cotton jersey, jewelry is rhinestones and delicate lace.
  • 100x150 cm- it is recommended to buy a cotton blanket for children "Tender Angel", produced by the Russian organization "Naturess", a filler made of natural cotton. Suitable for all seasons, the upper is composed of satin and jacquard weave. Also suitable for allergy sufferers.

  • 110x140 cm- the most standard blanket designed for children. It is recommended to purchase a bamboo blanket, which is produced by TM "Light dreams" (factory "Agro-Don" from Rostov region), it is durable and antibacterial, made from ecological fibers, 100% cotton and satin.
  • 120x140 cm- a sample in the shape of a square, suitable for newborn babies. A sample from sheep wool from the Constellation Lotus trademark.
  • 142x210 cm- the smallest option, suitable in size for a teenager. One of the brightest examples is the blanket of the Ukrainian garment factory Viva made of synthetic fiber - ecofiber.
  • 145x210 cm- minimal options suitable for a teenager. We recommend products made of Hungarian cashmere down, you can order them at the Hellene loom studio of curtains and textiles.

However, for teenagers, a standard one-and-a-half blanket is also suitable.


Non-standard blankets are not included in the specified categories of standards, there is a separate gradation for them:

  • 140x160 cm- for example, the Giovanni Comforter blanket for preschoolers, suitable for 160x180 beds. It is versatile and suitable for all seasons, made from 100% cotton, filled with hypoallergenic holofiber. Manufactured in Great Britain.
  • 160x220 cm- the Chinese manufacturer Asabella creates light quilted one-and-a-half duvets, the material of its cover is eucalyptus satin (tensel) - a strong fabric with a twisted thread in the form of a diagonal. This blanket is quite soft and skin-friendly, and is easy to clean.
  • 150x210 cm- The Tempur-Fit Light blanket with non-standard parameters is made in Denmark, has an excellent thermoregulation function, its temperature adjusts to the temperature of a sleeping person, which ensures a comfortable and comfortable sleep even during the heat.

To make it easier for the buyer to navigate in the choice, below is a table of sizes for bed linen.

Moreover, it is worth noting that non-standard samples are not separated from other types, but are included in all of the above.

How to choose the right size?

A few simple tips:

  • Before you go shopping for a blanket, you first need to figure out the dimensions of your bed and duvet cover. It will be very disappointing if, after spending time and money on a huge blanket, it turns out to be too big for a cover. Of course, there is no question of any comfort in this case. A married couple should think about purchasing a family or euro set and matching duvet cover and pillowcase.
  • In the early years of this century, a special GOST came out, which regulated the size of bedding accessories. In particular, they were classified into European, children's, one and a half sleeping and other types, which are described in the previous sections of this article. The buyer should take into account that the sizes indicated on the packaging are presented in two forms: European (indicated in letters) and Russian (indicated in centimeters).

When the buyer chooses which blanket he should buy, care should be taken to ensure that it is not longer than the bed itself by more than 50 cm.

  • You should definitely pay attention to what exactly this or that blanket is filled with. The weight of the blanket directly depends on what its dimensions are and what it is filled with.
  • It doesn't matter what kind of padding the buyer might like. It is much more important that the blanket maintains the temperature of the sleeping person's body. Bamboo and eucalyptus fibers are versatile fillers that can warm cold winter and chill in hot summer. But there are many people who, by habit, acquire two sets - for winter and summer.

With the knowledge of what size standards blankets have, it will not be difficult to find the right bedding.

If you have doubts about what kind of material the blanket is made of, you should carefully study the label. There, as a rule, everything that concerns a given model is described in all details: dimensions, composition, manufacturer, rules for care.

However, if a consumer is not sure how to properly wash a particular linen, a paid dry cleaner is always ready to provide him with this service. Or it is worth buying a synthetic blanket, which can be washed very rarely, at least once a year (preferably in a gentle mode, so as not to accidentally damage the product).

It is worth mentioning the features of the choice of children's and family copies. When buying a model for a crib, it is recommended to take into account that babies have a habit of throwing off the blanket. It is worth taking a copy "with a margin" to tuck the blanket under the mattress. Samples with Velcro and laces will also work.

And if the buyer buys a quilt and a half, he can easily supplement it with "family sets". They imply the presence of a pair of duvet covers and wide sheets.

How to choose a duvet cover?

Any duvet won't be complete if it doesn't have a duvet cover. A few basic guidelines for choosing:

  • When buying bedding, you should choose a duvet cover that in all respects would be larger than the blanket itself, by about 5-10 cm.It is more difficult if the buyer owns the sleeping bed custom sizes... You won't be able to buy bed linen that is suitable in size for such a bed in a regular store. You will have to use the services of an atelier or private craftswomen, who will make individual tailoring of bedding for any size.
  • The actual width of the duvet cover may not be as described by the manufacturer. To avoid this problem, it is recommended to independently measure the parameters of bedding directly in the store.

  • There are situations when linen can change over time, become smaller. Such cases are possible, for example, when a person washes a duvet cover in water with a temperature of 60 degrees, while the prescribed regime implies washing at 30 or 40 degrees. Therefore, purchasing a replacement kit is never a waste of money. But if you buy quality lingerie, you shouldn't worry about it. The shrinkage allowance is provided by the manufacturer himself.

In case of selection of bed linen good quality and competent adherence to the prescribed regime, you can avoid subsidence and the purchase of a spare product.

  • A quality duvet cover can prevent dust, dirt or puffs from accumulating. In addition to its practical function, this bedding can also serve as a pleasant decoration for the bedroom. Appearance duvet covers may vary - it may serve bright accent either be made in restrained, calm colors, be monochromatic or variegated - it all depends on the designer's imagination, the interior of the room and the taste of the owner.

You will learn more about the sizes of blankets in the following video.

Coziness and a favorable climate in the house are undeniably important things. Our mood and relationships with each other are made up of little things. We always feel better in a room where order reigns, all items are in place. If the way of life is set up incorrectly, there may be unnecessary reasons for quarrels. By reading this article, you can avoid the nuisance of buying a blanket that is not the right size for you. Hence, save your money and hassle.

Buying a duvet that's not properly sized will probably upset you more than, say, a poorly chosen bedding fabric. So, in order to choose the right dimensions, you need to remember simple rules.

Things to Consider

The dimensions of the bed and the duvet cover must be found out before you go shopping. It is very unpleasant if it turns out that the blanket, for example, will be significantly larger than the cover for it. About any convenience and comfortable rest in this case, there can be no question. Also, the blanket should not hinder movement during rest. This is especially true for married couples. If the husband and wife love to relax, wrapped up in a blanket, then it is worth considering buying a euro or family set and matching bedding.

Now let's move on directly to considering the size of the blanket. The modern market seems to be so diverse that before choosing almost any product, most people now surf the Internet or read special literature. This is especially unusual for representatives of that generation, a significant part of whose active life fell on the Soviet era.

Choosing a blanket: sizes, standard

At the beginning of the XXI century, a separate GOST was adopted, regulating the dimensions of bedding. There are one and a half, double, euro, family and children's sets. Everything is logical here. The names are made up of what the dimensions of the berth are.

A one-and-a-half blanket reaches a meter wide (such options are now produced very little, since they are not entirely comfortable) or 1.5 meters, a double blanket is 2 meters wide. Separately, it is worth noting non-standard blankets, which sometimes are simply gigantic in size. Their width sometimes reaches five meters.

When buying, pay attention to the fact that the size on the package is in two versions: European (letter designation) and Russian (in centimeters).

One or one and a half bed blanket

It is for one person. If, for example, a couple sleeps on separate beds put together, then it will be more convenient to stay on this type of bedding as well. The size of a single blanket can vary, and there are quite a few options.

  • 155x215 cm - the most common dimensions.
  • 140x205 cm - the classic size of a single blanket, adopted back in Soviet times. This bedding is ideal for those with a small bed. It is also recommended to purchase blankets of this type for grown-up children. They are also purchased for conscripts.
  • 160x205 cm - the size of a one-and-a-half blanket, which is rare and non-standard.
  • 160x220 cm and 160x215 cm are also non-standard options.

European designation: 1-bed, 1,5-bed.

Size of 2 sleeping blankets

  • 200x220 cm are the most versatile and very comfortable products for which it is easy to choose bed linen, which is important.
  • 200x200 cm - blankets square shape, on Russian market they, as a rule, do not exist. Widespread in Germany, Italy, France.
  • 195x215 cm is a less common European size, not as popular as the previous one, since it is slightly less convenient.
  • 172x205 cm - usual for residents the former USSR"Soviet" blankets, which are also called "English", because, in addition to Soviet Union, they were popular in the UK.

  • 220x240 cm - the size is perfect for those who own a large bed - more than 180 centimeters wide. Such bedding is also called euro-maxi or royal duvets. They are great for big people. If you have opted for just such a product, remember that it will be quite difficult to choose bed linen for its dimensions. Buying a large size blanket is fraught with additional costs.

European designation:

  • for double - 2-bed;
  • for euro-maxi or royal - king-size.

Baby bedding

Sizes are usually 100x135 cm or 100x140 cm.The child can hide with them until about three years old, in the future it will be better to purchase a one and a half bed option.

There is one more - 90x90 cm. Such a blanket is ideal not only for a crib, but also for a cradle. It is usually used for up to three to six months. They can also be used to cover a baby in a stroller.

However, it should be borne in mind that newborn babies always throw off the blanket, so it is still better to focus on the “oversized” sizes so that you can tuck the product under the mattress. For the same purpose, manufacturers produce models with laces and Velcro.

Quite often, blankets for newborns are sold complete with sides and beautiful linens. It is very convenient to purchase such a set, since you do not have to think about how the purchased products match each other.

Separately, the size of the discharge blanket for newborns should be discussed. The most convenient option is 100x100 or 90x90. It is easy to wrap a baby in such products, and your precious "bundle" will not look bulky.

European designation: kids or children.

Requirements for baby blankets

Regardless of the size, bedding for children must have the following properties:

  • Be hypoallergenic. Every year the number of allergic babies is increasing, and there is no need to create an additional threat to the child's health. The hypoallergenic baby blanket reduces the risk of irritation and allergic reactions.
  • Be warm enough keep the baby warm.
  • Let the air in so that even a baby covered with a head can breathe without problems. V otherwise a greenhouse effect is created - the child will be hot and uncomfortable. Count on restful sleep under such a blanket it is not necessary, besides, the risk of hypoxia increases.
  • Be hygroscopic. Babies often sweat during sleep, and the blanket should not prevent moisture from evaporating.
  • Easy to rub off and maintain its shape and properties after washing and drying.

Unusual models

Having considered the standard sizes of blankets, you need to tell a little about those options that do not comply with GOST. This, of course, can be attributed to the "royal" models, which, as mentioned above, are created specifically for large people and large beds. Another category of non-standard blankets is products of an unusual shape: round, oval, square.

If you prefer an unusual size or shape, consider how necessary it is. If you have a large sleeping place or you, for example, are the owner of a chic round bed, then such an acquisition is justified. Remember that bedding is always more difficult to match for a blanket that is out of size. Think about it in advance so that later on the new acquisition will not disappoint you.

Now let's talk about the little tricks to know when choosing a blanket and bedding.

Take the kit "with a stock"

When choosing bedding, remember that it is better to take a duvet cover a few centimeters more (both in length and in width) than a blanket. It will be much more convenient to refuel it. If you opt for quality bedding and follow the prescribed temperature regime, then, of course, it will not sit down. However, if, for example, you wash a duvet cover at a temperature of 60 degrees, when the manufacturer usually recommends a mode of no more than 30-40 degrees, then an unpleasant surprise may await you - the linen can significantly decrease in size. Therefore, it is better to take a kit with a margin.

Trust but verify

When choosing bed linen, you may encounter the following problem: the manufacturer claims that the width of the duvet cover is 200 cm, but in fact it turns out to be less. If possible, measure the width and length of the item directly in the store to avoid trouble.

How the blanket can change size

When buying a product with a filler such as, for example, swan's down, which, moreover, is not stitched very often, keep in mind that it can "rise" and decrease slightly in the total area (up to 7 centimeters). This is due to the fact that usually the products are stored in vacuum packaging, and at the time of presentation, they may not have completely straightened out.

When choosing a blanket, the sizes are one of the most important criteria... You also need to pay attention to the filler of the product. Regardless of which padding you choose, it is very important that the blanket helps maintain body temperature while you sleep. Fillers such as bamboo and eucalyptus fiber are believed to be versatile, that is, they cool in the heat and warm in the cool season. However, most people prefer to buy two products the old fashioned way: one for winter and one for summer. Here, the choice is completely yours. Knowing the standard sizes of blankets, you can choose the one that is right for you.