Dimensions of mansard windows Velux. Calculate the perfect size of mansard windows Standard window size on the attic


When choosing the standards of mansard windows play important roleSince typical products, firstly, are much cheaper, secondly, they are easier to pick up. From the article you will learn all about the standards and permissible sizes of the window for the attic floor.

Why does the sizard window depend on?

Dimensions of products are due to a number of factors; First of all, the size of the windows depends on what role the room plays. If this is a bedroom, windows can be small, for a living room or a nursery, on the contrary, need stronger lighting, so you need to install the windows of the larger area.

Dimensions of mansard windows can be different. But most often there are models that have standard dimensions 94 or 114 cm. Different windows of this type can also be the design of the glass package, the method of opening, the arrangement of the handle, etc.

If 1 meter of glazing 10 meters can be processed for a bed room, then for other types of premises, a standard 1 to 8 is required. The window must be at least one thing if the attic is small. If the roof design allows you to set one large window, and the installation of multiple frames will be required with the standard rafter system. It must be remembered about ventilating, so at least one window should open.

Determination of window sizes depending on the area of \u200b\u200bthe room

How should the windows be located?

If only two window openings are planned, then it will be the most convenient way to place them opposite each other. This will allow to get more vivid lighting, and it will be more duration, since during the day the sun changes its position. Most often used, the width of which does not exceed the spreading width. The frame should be a little already, which will allow it to be located between the rafters, not to break the roof design.

Before mounting, it is worth paying attention to the side of the world: if the window will look east, it is not very convenient for the bedroom. South side will provide good lightingBut in the room will be hotter, so you may have to use or better make the window overlooking the other side. The length and height of the design also plays a role. The height should not be less than one meter, and from the floor the window must be located not lower than 90 centimeters and not higher than 1, 3 meters.

Hitness of the placement of mansard windows

Choosing a structure in length, take into account mainly the angle of inclination of the roof. Other restrictions this parameter does not have; The bias are more, the window can be shorter, and vice versa. This will create optimal lighting. For example, if the angle of inclination is 35 degrees, then the windows are best choosing within 160 cm, with a strong slope of about 70 degrees optimal option The design will become, the length of which does not exceed 120 cm.

Downtown Length: Vertical section

In order to choose the width, you need to know at what distance from each other there are rafters. To do this, you can use project documentation or measuring with a tape measure if the rafters are not hidden under the finish. It is extremely recommended to intervene in slinge systemSince it can significantly weaken the roof and even lead to its collapse. That is why the windows are selected in such a way that they are placed between the rafter.

Scheme Accommodation with an additional vertical window

Does the size of the design depends on the manufacturer?

Standard different manufacturers They may differ significantly from each other, so before purchasing it is necessary to study the parameters of each window you like. For example, to meet Little Velux windows is almost impossible: the manufacturer focuses on large and medium structures. The smallest model can be called the model, the size of which is 55x98 cm, the largest window that company offers - 114 × 140 cm.

You can pick up a little less than 55 × 78, the largest window - 134 × 98. Most medium-sized manufacturer models are well suited for different attic floors. Most popular with windows. The smallest structures are of size 54 × 78 and 54 × 98, you can choose the design of the medium size. However, you should not try to look for large windows: the manufacturer practically does not release them.

Standard sizes of attic windows

Individual order

In order for the design to fit perfectly, it can be ordered from the manufacturer. You will make a window for the desired size: It is the most optimal wayAt which the frame is exactly suitable in width and length, it will be possible to take into account the features of your roof and all your wishes. However, some limitations are able to order designed design Present. Any manufacturer can release only six options for windows, taking into account the width and height. The windows can be rectangular, have only one sash. However, it can open different ways; The opening method is associated with the fitness used.

Before ordering a mansard window, the size of the opening is required to be carefully measured. The width is measured from rafters to the rafter, and the length is the size of the roofing rod from the inside of the room. It cannot exceed the length of the skate, as the window should not go beyond the roof.

Many manufacturers have 6-14 standard windows size, which in most cases are suitable for a particular line system. However, it is possible to order in its size, but the dimensions of the windows can be limited by the features of the materials and equipment used. Thus, release the window less minimum size Or more maximum producer is unlikely to be the opportunity.

How to choose a manufacturer and brand?

After the choice of window sizes became clear, it is worth moving to an equally important issue regarding the manufacturer's choice, because mansard windows Releases a large number of Companies. In order to choose the right products, you need to consider the following:

Standard Dimensions of the Dersighted Windows Roto, Fakro Velux

Installation features

Installation of mansard windows is easy, however, requires some knowledge and skills, so if you do not have any experience, work is better to entrust professionals. If the window is installed incorrectly, there is a risk of its freezing, the formation of drafts and condensate. If the window is selected correctly and its quality is high, then with incorrect installation you can reduce all its positive properties, the more windows mounted in the roof can proceed, if you do not provide them with decent waterproofing.

By purchasing a window, make sure the manufacturer makes it a guarantee. Professional companies are engaged in installing themselves and give a warranty. If you contact a third-party company, also make sure that the work warranty is documented. This will help avoid problems if the window is delivered with violations.

When the width and height of the attic window is correctly selected, the design of purchased from a reliable manufacturer and is correctly installed, there will be no problems with operation. The window will be tightly tightly, will allow to turn the attic room in the dwelling, will provide sufficient lighting and will allow you to air.

Master of Architecture, graduated from Samara State Architectural University. 11 years of experience in the field of design and construction.

Attic windows attract attention to their romanticity and non-trivial external execution, which adds originality at home and allows you to create a source of abundant daylight. The main complexity, if you want to set the window on the roof - the size of the structure, to select which is necessary with particular scrupuls. Right choice means creating an exterior that will benefit the external nobility of the house.

How to choose the area of \u200b\u200bfuture glazing

Market segment mansard installations I am replete with various suggestions, entangled in which will not be difficult. In order for the attic to be glazed correctly, adhere to a number of simple recommendations:

Dimensional mesh of mansard installations

Standard dimensions mansard structures represented by 14 positions, and each of the manufacturers has in its ranks at least 6 dimensional nets. For example, the size of the nuclear windows Velux is large enough, they are in a large and medium grid, so small sizes will be very problematic.

Velux windows are available in medium and large sizes

Veluxe can please only with one small size - 55 x 98 cm. The designs of the average size are represented by rates of 66 x 118 cm, and large-sized - from 78 x 98 cm to 114 x 140 cm. Before you go for the purchase, it will be practical to ask the seller whether in stock the desired models in the warehouse.

What makes the design

Most often, the main material is the glued bar, with the exception of the design of sanitary zones, since wood does not tolerate moisture. For a bathroom or bathroom use frames from metal plastic or wood coated with polyurethane, which copes with high humidity and temperature differences.

Main material for making attic windows - glued bar

By the way, mansard windows Velux or other manufacturers with small sizes, organically look in the restrooms. They provide sufficient lighting, but do not open big Overview from outside.

Location of opening elements

The axis of the opening is located in three variations: in the center, at the top and 2/3 of the height of the window itself. The central version is very popular, since its installation is recognized as inexpensive. The two remaining options possess common advantagewhich consists in convenience and comfort, excluding the probability of accidentally hit the open window. Do not forget that if you wish, you can always choose a combined opening system.

Most often, windows with a central axis are mounted

Choose a glass pack for an attic design

An important role in choosing mansard windows is performed by high-quality glass, be sure to temper and filled with inert gas - argon, which will provide excellent insulation of the room. Since the window is located on the roof, dimensions and glass packages determine the degree of load that structures will have to withstand. Conventional glass will not cope with raindrops and snow precipitation, strong wind gusts and other weather phenomena, so the reliability of the glass package is a security deposit for the hosts of the house.

More expedient no roof to install double glazed windows, and not normal glass

Depending on the financial capabilities, many manufacturers offer to consider models whose designs have increased functionality:

  • argon is replaced with gas, which provides even higher thermal conductivity;
  • double-glazed glass, made by special technology, allows damaged glass to break up non-light fragments and protects a person from injury;
  • glass with a special coating that will reflect heat either inside the room or into the external space;
  • increase the thickness of the glass package to achieve maximum strength.

If necessary is established automated system Window control

In addition to quality indicators, manufacturers offer to use pleasant developments in the form of automated mansard structures. You can manage them with a mobile panel or using switches fixed on the wall.

Technical characteristics of glass package

To achieve good functionality of attic windows a big role is played technical requirements To the glass packages that must comply with the following indicators:

  • high safety of the product;
  • ensuring good thermal insulation;
  • the presence of bonus functions at the Luxury window.

We have the windows right

To achieve the most bright lighting during the day, mount 2 or 3 windows in one room, having them on opposite roof edges. Installation of one, but large window, will not allow to achieve such an effect, since its area will be equal to the sum of the areas of several components. Mansard windows S. big surface Make the room cozy and evenly fill the light. The distance between the windows and the width of the structures is determined by the distance between the rafyles.

The distance between the windows and their width depends on the distance between the rafters

Optimal dimensions of structures

Excellent views will allow to observe installations with dimensions reaching 1 meter. But, taking care of beautiful scenery, do not forget that the main thing is to install the window correctly. For these purposes, it is necessary to place it in the range from 0.9 m to 1.2 m at the bottom (from the floor) and from 2 m to 2.2 m at the top.

The distance from the floor to the window should be at least 0.9 m

Determining the size in length, pay attention to the angle of inclination of the roof. The lower the slope, the higher the window structure will be. For example, for a roof with a slope of 35 ° optimal will be the length of the window in 160 cm. 70 ° bias requires a frame of 100-120 cm long, respectively.

Think over the number of future windows at the planning and development of the project, since the width of the windows and the distance between the rafters have a subtle relationship. The method of designing rafters directly depends on the initial choice.

By installing mansard windows, determine their sizes in the openings in advance, which will make it easier to further work and do without alterations with additional costs.

The use of space under the roof as an additional residential premises is today at the peak of popularity. It is easy to explain.

For quite a long time, the compatriots used the attic instead of storage there are old and unnecessary things. Fortunately, homeowners realized that this area could be used with much more benefit. This is a great place to arrange a bedroom, a billiard room, a children's or workshop. It is actually different from other residents of the dwelling in its operational qualities, and is quite a full-fledged additional floor.

Like any other residential premises, attic needs natural, and, accordingly, in.

The device and installation of windows often allows the buildings of the structure noticeably on the necessary manipulations. Lovers to do everything themselves can learn in theory features and cope with it on their own.

With a thorough study of the theory and competent approach, such installation is considered not a difficult measure. If the homeowner has no construction skills, then this event is better to entrust professionals.

Lights of windows from roofs

If the attic has a fairly large area, then the windows in the frontons will not be able to provide high-quality lighting. This problem is solved by setting in the slope of the roof of special attic windows.

Experts are convinced that the competently made and selected window increases the amount of light transmitted by up to 40%. Among other things, the premises is noticeably improved. The windows are adding the room, make it more hidden, cozy and elegant.

Mansard windows: types and types

On the mansard floor You can use different types of windows. Simple design - Conventional vertical windows, in fact, not much different from traditional front windows. They are located on the front of the house or in a special remote construction, in the roof scath (it is often called a nesting room). These windows look quite aesthetic, decorate appearanceBut not too functional: not so much light is missing.

Dersighted windows oblique.
This is a kind of challenge the natural elements. They are able to skip 40% more light.

They are mounted on the same level with a row of a roof, among themselves they are divided into the type of design, the method of opening and material. For the manufacture of windows apply high quality wood, aluminum or PVC profile.

Windows out natural material preferred for room with normal humidity - Cabinets, bedrooms, living rooms, etc. In the same place where the level of humidity is significantly increased, it is better to use plastic products that are more resistant to aggressive media. In their designs, mansard windows can differ significantly. Depending on the characteristic characteristic features They are classified as follows.


Standard square or rectangular windows.Such types enjoy special demand, and choose most often.

The window consists of a deaf glass package, and may consist of a frame with a sash. The market is saturated with various modifications of products with rotary flaps, and products with deaf windows are usually manufactured under the order.

Balcony windows. This is a special design, it looks like a sloping window in a skate, from the side of which or below it is the window vertical.

Both can open: vertical - down or aside as usual, inclined - up. Such a tricky design is a balcony to which you can go.

Lower element under the sloping window.It is a small deaf window under the sash that opens. It is used when the height of the skate is not enough to install two windows, each other. One obviously does not get for full light.

Upper element - extensions. Most often used as a special decorative elementlocated above the inclined window. It can have a triangular or rounded form. With the help of the extensions achieve more harmonious combinations.

Windows cornisic.

Their use is appropriate in cases where the tribe in the attic is too high, and it does not allow you to look into the inclined window. The situation is fixed as follows. Under the window, the opening vertical window is satisfied, the design of which opens the landscape in the sitting mansard window.

Tunnel light. It is still quite rare in our country. It is assembled in the place of the skate, not having a direct contact. Reflective tunnel (his role usually plays a pipe) connects it with the room that needs additional lighting. There is a special, scattering light of the ceiling.

Everything existing species Mansard windows are manufactured in an industrial way, in special factory equipment, quality control is undergoing and tested for strength. Qualitative materials Both accessories, high manufacturability, ensure the safety and functionality of the products.

Dersighted windows are also divided by a way to open:

What window B. mansard roof preferable?

Attic windows

When choosing, it should be processed from the design features, the parameters of the indoor indoor, as well as the requirements for the convenience of use.

Let's say the height of the room, and the inclination of the slope, directly affect where the window will be installed - in what place and at what height. Accordingly, and which one is possible overview.

Size and device of mansard windows

Any mansard window - A rather complicated design, and it is understandable. It will be operated in the most different conditions, often hard and sophisticated. The impact of snow, wind, shower, hail can be enhanced by the specifics of the location of the window plane at an angle. To provide the device with the necessary strength, manufacturers use special, heavy-duty glass, which easily withstands increased pressure.

Existing windows

What is the usual window? These are sash, frame and, providing its operation. A glass break is inserted into the sash, which contains inside inert gas. In addition, the package includes vapor insulation and aprons, a drainage gutter for avoiding leaks, necessary for our climate, a special protective salary, guiding down water and protecting elements from damage, and internal slopes. The final cost of installing such a window depends on the upcoming volume of work, and on the presence of those or other components.

When choosing the appropriate type of product, it is advisable to consistent with a specialist who is better aware of the most suitable salary and protective accessories.

How to install a window in the attic

What size window is better to choose for attic? It depends on the distance between neighboring rafters of the structure, and the area of \u200b\u200beverything attic room. There are rules according to which the windows area should be at least one tenth of the total area of \u200b\u200bthe whole attic room. Its width is determined by the distance between individual rafters: it should be six centimeters less than the latter.

If it is too small, a little more than half a meter, and you want a big window, you will have to make two windows nearby: between rafters, in adjacent sections. By the way, two windows can give more light, compared to one large.

The height on which it is planned to position the future window depends on the location of the handles on it, as well as from the magnitude of the slope of the slope to the roof.

If it is cool, then for it is more suitable at the bottom of the windows, if it is common - then the windows do better at the top.

The optimal is considered the height of the window in the attic from 80 to 130 centimeters from the floor. When the handle is located at the top, it is mounted at a distance of 110 centimeters, if the handle is downstairs, then 120-130.

Also, the height of the planned window depends on the type of roofing used.

The type of opening is chosen on the basis of the desires of the owner and its requirements for the convenience of operation. After calculation need quantity The windows of their location and sizes, from the inside of the attic marks the place of their future location.

The salary for the window must be selected correctly. Although all the attic windows seem similar, different manufacturers produce products of different configuration, and with various features.

Installation of the attic window: Preparation for installation

Imagine that our roof is ready, but there are no finishes from the inside. Inside, on the film, the location of the window is marked. It must be between the rafter, the distance to them should be about three centimeters.

Installation of the window is carried out on the mounting bottom timber and on. To mark the lower boundary of the window location, it is necessary to retreat from the bar for 6 cm up for flat roofing materials, and 9 for profiled coating. After finding the top point of the window, you should postpone up from 9 to 15 centimeters.

The waterproofing material is exhibited with a reserve from all sides of 20 cm. The remaining canvas for a while wrapped inside the room. Cut or removed roof coating. Recovering a couple of centimeters from the rafter, cut off the cruise tree itself. The mounting timber from five centimeters thick is nailed at the bottom of the window, about 10 centimeters from the crate, strictly by level. The distance indicator depends on the type of roof coating used. The waterproofing film with a stapler is attached to its lower edge to the vehicle, and its upper edge joins the crate. The side parts of the insulation are pulled out.

Installing the box of the attic window

In the set of delivery there is always an instruction for competent installation of the attic window. When installing, it is necessary to use it. The windows of different manufacturers are somewhat different from each other: mounting brackets can be attached to the rafters and be rectangular, and can be coal and attached to the crate and rafyles. They join the frame in various positions. therefore this issue It should be discussed in advance.

Box on the roof and its installation

To facilitate the assembly procedure, the sash before it is better to remove. If the window has salary, it is also removed. There is only one frame, without everything. On her, in a designed place, special fastening brackets are put. Then to the top of the frame, the stapler is attached, which at the bottom of the window is placed on the mounting. The frame is inserted into the opening, the insulation is attached to the bruus.

Warming of a mansard window

The upper brackets are not tightened to the end, and the bottom is tight: Rama still has a little enthrain. The sash returns to its place, its work is checked, the absence-presence of a skew is determined. Through the upper attachment, adjustment is performed.

The window must be located perfectly straight, its sash to fit uniformly on all sides, the existing gaps should also be equal.

All this should be adjusted immediately, because it will be impossible to correct later. Then all fasteners are tightened until it stops, the lateral waterproofing is attached to the frame, is unnecessary. LED in lateral openings.

Installation of waterproofing

Waterproofing of the windows of Mansarda

The kit with the window necessarily includes a special insulating apron.. But you can make it myself from suitable material. Over the future window, at the top, the lamp is cut on both sides, the width is equal to the size of the drainage gutter. The waterproofing film in this place is trimmed in the middle. Under it is a drainage chute, which is installed in the interval of the crate. Water from waterproofing will not block the window, but in this chute.

Mandatory condition for the conversion of a attic to a full-fledged residential premises is a roof device window Operaswithout which it remains dark and uncomfortable. Obviously, special designs can be used as their filling, which can withstand the load characteristic of the roof. Such windows are called attic.

  • location;
  • material from which frames are made;
  • glass type;
  • method of opening, etc.


Two embodiments are available:

  • vertical;
  • inclined.

Vertical mansard window

It is installed in the front either in the so-called cuckoo - the protrusion in the roof having a vertical outer wall.

Vertical Mazard window is not subject to extreme loads

The advantages of the vertical windows are as follows:

  • they do not act on extreme loads, therefore, according to the simplicity of design and cost, they do not differ from conventional facade windows;
  • may have large sizes;
  • located at the bottom of the room, such windows in the least contribute to heat leakage (warm air rises up).

Despite all its advantages, the vertical windows are not too common. If you install them in the front, the central part of the attic will be illuminated badly. And in order to establish such a window on the skate, you have to build a "cuckoo", which somewhat complicates the rafter system and leads to the appearance of places potentially dangerous in terms of leakage (adjoining the main roof). At the same time in the "cuckoo", and in the front, the vertical window gives less natural light than inclined.

"Cuckoo" should not be considered only as a burden on which it is necessary to go for the installation of the vertical window. Such an element allows you to increase the scope of the attic, so it can be quite relevant in small houses.

Inclined mansard windows

Installed in the rods and are located in one of the plane. The angle of inclination should be 15 degrees or more. If he does not satisfy this condition ( flat roof), you should install a window with a special constructive elementwhich will give him the necessary slope.

Inclined mansard window provides comfortable natural room lighting

The inclined windows won compared with the vertical in the fact that they give more light and do not require changes to the roof design, but it is necessary to reckon with some of their features:

  • due to significant loads, dimensions are limited: the area of \u200b\u200bthe glass package rarely exceeds 1.4 m 2;
  • at the location in the upper part of the room, heat loss increases significantly, as a result, it is recommended to pay attention to energy-saving models;
  • in summer, they can lead to overheating of the room.

The latter circumstance should consider when choosing a window location, more precisely, its orientation relative to the parties of the world. It will be hotter in the attic, the windows of which come to the south or west. It is recommended to equip their blinds, with which you can adjust the insolation.

To a lesser extent, the heat create windows that look in the eastern direction, and do not create at all - overlooking north.

Frame material and sash

On the currently produce aluminum, wooden and metal plastic windows For attic.


Actually, not aluminum in pure form, and its alloy with silicon and magnesium. Such a type of windows has the following advantages:

  • durability: The design will last at least 80 years;
  • resistance to the effects of UV radiation, oils, gases and acids;
  • strength;
  • nonseasing;
  • presentable appearance.

However, in the residential room, the installation of an aluminum window will be inappropriate - warmth is too much through it. Such constructions are customary to be installed in large pavilions, airports, exhibition halls, etc.

Aluminum frame is characterized by high thermal conductivity, which negatively affects the energy-saving properties of the window

The windows with details from aluminum cannot be installed on the roofs with a sheet copper coated: when both metal is in contact begin to corrode.


Made of glue Bruzawhich is going out of well dried and therefore do not give the shrinkage of the boards. Usually used wood coniferous rocks.

Outside wooden elements Close up of aluminum overlays. Wooden windows with waterproof polyurethane coating are available in bathrooms and bathrooms.

Wooden window harmoniously fits into the interior of the attic separated wood

In the residential room it is wood that looks most natural. In addition, this material retains warmth well. But there are wooden windows and a significant drawback: they are quite expensive.

The user should take into account the fact that such products require gentlement, since wooden elements are relatively easy to be damaged. Care may be required: you need to restore the lacquer in the abrasion places.

Metal plastic

The frames and sash of such windows are made from the steel galvanized profile, enclosed in the shell of PVC. The plastic added various additives that give it resistance to exposure solar radiation and weather factors.

Metalopastic windows when heated can highlight harmful substances In the residential area

Metal-plastic windows are very practical:

  • do not require care;
  • more persistent damage than wooden;
  • are absolutely moisture resistant;
  • stand 4 times cheaper wooden.

With the interior of the living room plastic is not very good. In addition, PVC can be highlighted in air harmful gas for health chlorvinyl, especially with some heating (summer heat or heat from the battery can be enough). Sellers assure that harmful evaporations if there is, then in acceptable limits, but the fact remains: in Western Europe, metal-plastic windows in residential buildings No longer installed.

In addition to the outer walls, the steel profile has simpleness, separating the inner cavity to longitudinal chambers (not to be confused with the chambers in the double-glazing). The more such elements will be, the more warm it will turn out to be a window. By number of cameras profiles are divided into:

  • 3-chamber: installed in the regions with a warm climate;
  • 4- and 5-chamber: designed for regions with cold winters;
  • 6- and 7-chamber: It is much more expensive than the previous version, but the thermal resistance exceeds them slightly, so many consider such windows such windows inappropriate.

The number of cameras in the profile is selected taking into account the climate of the region

In regions with particularly severe winters, experts are recommended instead of 6- and 7-chamber profiles to install windows with a wider double-glazed window.

Type of glass package

Mansard windows tend to do as easily as possible, so they most often equip them with 1-chamber windows, that is, consisting of two glass sheets. Less steps 2-chamber double-glazed windows (3 sheets).

For attic windows most often use single-chamber double-glazed windows

Steaks are the following types:

  • floth-glass: still called thermalized, it is inherent in the absence of optical distortion;
  • glass with transparent metallized spraying (I-glass): a variety with an energy-saving effect - spraying reflects infrared radiation that carries out the heat from the home;
  • ordered: during cracking, it forms not large hazardous fragments, as ordinary glass, and the scratching of small, besides the stupid edges;
  • triplex: Two-layer glass with polymer film between layers, which while cracking, holds fragments in place.

In triplex-glass windows between the stalks is located polymer filmthat increases its impact resistance

Glazed windows with i-stalks are filled with inert gases - xenon, argon, etc., which together with a spraying gives an increase in thermal resistance by 30%.

Double-glazed windows from ordinary braids without spraying with the filling of inert gas contrary to the assurances of unscrupulous manufacturers are not energy-saving. Such a glass package will be the warmer of the usual with air filling no more than 2%, so it should not be overpaying for it.

Method of opening

Most often, the mansard window is swivel, that is, his sash turns around the horizontal axis. The loops with a friction brake are used, thanks to which the open window can be fixed in any position.

The horizontal swivel axis can be located in one of the four versions.

  1. At a distance of 2/3 or ¾ the length of the window from its bottom. Such structures are called the windows with a raised axis. it optimal solution For high-length windows, which in the mid-extension execution, when opening, would be overclocked half of the attic. There are models with a pneumatic drive, which puts forward the sash to the outside, so that its upper part is inside the room. The use of the raised axis makes it possible to achieve greater illumination due to the increase in the window area, but the outer glass in this case is quite difficult to wash.
  2. At the top of the window. Products with top swivel axis, as the middle-diving, have conventional sizes. They are convenient because when opening, the entire sash turns out to be outside the attic, respectively, nothing bothers to approach the window close. But with such a design, the glass is also pretty glasses.
  3. At the top and in the middle. This opening method is most practical. If the window needs to be washed, it is opened as mid-expenditure, in other cases - like with the top axis.
  4. In the middle of the frame. Such windows are called middle-sends. They are the most common and have the lowest cost.

The advantage of the latter decision is that the user can easily wash out the outer glass, turning the sash to the considerable angle. Disadvantage - the top of the sash in open position It is in the premises, so it is impossible to approach the window, and besides, you can hit the sash.

Each of the options for the rotary axis have its advantages.

The handle on the rotary flap can be placed both below and from above. If the edge of the window is not too high, the top handle is more preferable: small child It will not be able to open the sash and on the windowsill can be arranged flowers. If the window is too long and not to reach the top without a tokeret, you should install the handle below.

The dispensed attic windows are available, opening like usual. Such models are used if the roof is needed. They are equipped with a pneumo immorter, which does not give the gusts of the wind to slam the sash.

Video: How to choose a typewning type of a naked window


In the design of the attic window may be attended:

  1. Ventilation valve. It is installed in the upper part, it can open and close regardless of the position of the sash.
  2. Remote control system. The window with such an option is acquired if it is assumed to be set high relative to the floor of the attic. The device of the remote opening can be mechanical - in this case, the user opens the window with the help of a pole and electronic remote control attached to it. In the second case, the sash opens the electrical or pneumatic actuator (second - for premises with increased explosion hazard), and the user manages all the processes by pressing the buttons.
  3. The rain sensor, by a signal of which the window equipped with the drive is automatically closed in case of bad weather.
  4. Two sash located above each other when opening which the window turns into a balcony. Lower playing the role of balustrade, top - canopy.

You can open and close the window using the remote

Type of salary

Salary is a detail that provides sealing of the gap between the window frame and roofing. The profile of the lower part of the salary must match the roofing relief, otherwise the attic window will be too strong for the plane of the roof.

Thus, various salaries are produced for:

  • a soft roof that does not have a wave at all;
  • metal tile;
  • professional flooring with different wave heights;
  • ondulina;
  • ceramic tile.

In the labeling of the attic window, the type of salary is usually denoted by a given literary.

Video: Mansard windows - pluses and cons

Dimensions of mansard windows

With respect to attic windows there is a dimension series, which is considered standard:

  • 54x83 cm;
  • 54x103 cm;
  • 64x103 cm;
  • 74x103 cm;
  • 74x123 cm;
  • 74x144 cm;
  • 114x144 cm;
  • 134x144 cm.

Dimensions of mansard windows depend on the design

IN model row Different manufacturers can have their own sizes. In addition, the window can be manufactured by order with any sizes, which will be convenient to the buyer.

In order for around the window, the insulation can be fastened, thereby excluding its freezing and condensation of moisture, the width of the frame should be 12 cm less than the distance between the rafters. If necessary, this parameter can be reduced, but less than 8 cm it should not be. It follows the conclusion: You need to select the window at the roof design stage - then the designer in accordance with the choice of the customer will assign a steplock step.

The dimensions of the attic windows and their quantity are selected in such a way that for each 8-10 m 2 of the floor accounted for 1 m 2 glazing.

To see the window, it is convenient to watch, its bottom should be placed at an altitude of 90-120 cm (this value is taken into account on a sitting person), and the top is at an altitude of 200-220 cm from the floor. With a canopy, follow this requirement is difficult, since the window in this case should have a significant length. The solution consists in the following: use products with the so-called wedge, thanks to which the window is located at a sharp corner.

The less the corner of the roof of the roof, the longer the window should be

If the window is in the upper scath loan roofWhere everything will be seen through it anyway, it seeks to arrange it closer to the skate to minimize the effects of converging snow and flowing water.

Montage of mansard windows

To install the window between the rafters, two crossbars of the same section are nourished as the rafter foot. On the rods with a large bias, the top bar can not be installed - instead of it, the frame is simply attached to the shap.

Before starting the installation, you must disconnect the frame and sash

Before installing the window should be disassembled by disconnecting the sash from the frame. This operation must be made with great care and after careful examination of the manufacturer's instructions. IN otherwise You can damage the loop.

The fixation is made by means of mounting brackets, which are screwed to the frame with one side, and the other to the mounting bruster. Brackets are included.

Over the window, it is necessary to install the drainage gutter - the water will contend the water. This item is not always included. If there is no horror, in this capacity you can use the waterproofing material along in half.

Willboard installed under the window, designed to remove condensate

The gap sealing technology around the window is largely determined by the type of roof material used. It is necessary to precisely follow the instructions of the manufacturer, without trying to simplify it, otherwise the water will be seamless through the window.

So that the attic window serve it properly, attention should be paid not only to outdoor, but also internal work:

  1. It is necessary to correctly fasten the slopes: the bottom - vertically, the top is horizontally. This is their location will provide warm air without which glass will be covered by condensate.
  2. Sucks should be insulated with a thick layer of mineral wool. If instead of it to apply a thin "foam" or something else like that, as it is sometimes done on ignorance, condensate will appear on the slopes in winter. Minvatu must be protected from moisture penetration with vapor barrier.
  3. Similarly, you need to warm the lateral gaps between the frame and rafters.
  4. Under the window, you must install the heating battery.

When strangling the seams, polyurethane foam sealant (mounting foam) should be applied to little by little, in several techniques. This composition is significantly increased in volume, so if you apply it abundantly, it can squeeze the frame.

Violation of the procedure for installing elements and knots of the kit will lead to a negative result.

When installing the window, do not use salary, seals or other parts from other models, even if they seem quite suitable in size. There are insignificant, indefinite visual deviations, due to which window construction Will skip water.

Video: Installing an attic window on the finished object

Manufactorers of mansard windows provide customers widest choice, releasing products in a very diverse performance. Most importantly, before installing thoroughly think about everything constructive featuresTo choose the most suitable model for your housing. We hope the outlined tips will help this.

Recently, the construction of houses with an attic floor is gaining increasingly popular, which allows you to use the most economically useful Square. In the area of \u200b\u200battic, bedrooms, cabinets, children's rooms, and kitchens, bathrooms and dressing rooms. With large areas of the attitude of the window, the front houses are not able to provide sufficient lighting of space. Solving this problem will be able to install attic windows in the roof slide. Experts argue that the correctly selected and installed attic window skips 40% more light. In addition, the air ventilation improves. Yes, and the mansard itself looks aesthetically, more attractive. Many homeowners are interested in how to install a mansard window. Let's notify immediately, it is not easy and very responsible. The tightness of the roof will depend on the installation of the installation. Therefore, if you do not want surprises in the form of a leakage of the window or penetration of cold air, please contact certified specialists with extensive experience. If for some reason you can't or do not want to attract professionals, try to clearly follow the instructions of the manufacturer of windows. As part of this article, we will tell you how to choose the windows, and the general technology of their installation.

Types of mansard windows

On the attic floor you can install windows different species. Simplest - vertical windowswhich differ little from the usual windows of the front glazing. They are installed either in the front of the house, or in the roof slope in a special remote design, it is also called a house or a birdhouse. Such windows look aesthetically, revived the appearance of the roof, but little light passes.

Inclined mansard windows - Modern challenge to the elements of nature. They are mounted in a row with a roof slide, skip to 30 - 40% more sunlight and differ in design, material and opening method.

For the production of mansard windows, high-quality wood is used, PVC - profile or aluminum. Wooden windows It is recommended to install in bedrooms, cabinets and other premises with normal level humidity. But in the bathrooms and kitchens it is better to install plastic windows, as they are more resistant to humidity, mold and aggressive environments.

The design of the attic window may have some features according to which their classification is performed:

  • Standard windows rectangular or square form. Used most often, consist of a frame and sash or a deaf glass. By the way, the attic windows with a deaf double glazing are produced only under the order, but the windows with turning flaps in different modifications are saturated.

  • Balcony windows They are a design from the inclined window in the roof scap and the vertical window under it and sometimes even on the side. Both windows open: inclined - up, and the lower vertical to the side (as ordinary) or down. This allows you to go to the balcony.

  • Lower element under the inclined window. This is a deaf window under the opening flap. A similar design is used if the height of the skate is not enough to set two windows: one above the other, and one window does not sufficiently lights the space.
  • Estabs - upper element. As a rule, it is a decorative element over an inclined window having a rounded or triangular shape. Used for a more harmonious combination.

  • Farmery windows Install in the event that in the attic a high trimenting that does not allow normally to look into the inclined window. Then the vertical window is installed under the window, which also opens. This design allows you to overlook the landscape in the attic window, as in the usual one.

  • Light tunnel We have yet been used rarely, but it also takes place. It is installed in a scanner, which does not have direct contact with the room, for example, the attic. From the window there is a reflective tunnel, most often a pipe leading to the place to be lit. A plane is installed here, evenly scattering light.

All types of mansard windows are manufactured on specially equipped plants and are tested for durability in special installations. High-quality materials, high manufacturability, accessories, providing a turn and opening, but not allowing leakage, all this guarantees functionality and safety. Yes, the cost of such windows is rather big, but also do not do the attic windows with their own hands. They will not be able to ensure proper comfort and tightness.

By the method of opening, mansard windows are divided into:

  • With the central axis of turning sash. They can scroll 180 °, which makes it easy to wash the outer glass.

  • With a raised axis of rotation. The axis is located approximately 2/3 of the bottom of the window.

  • With a combined axis of rotation. Includes both the central and raised axis. The upper axis allows you to open a window outside to an angle of 45 °, and the central scroll completely.

  • With side axis turn. Opened as ordinary windows, they are also called mansard hatch, because they are used to exit the roof.
  • With the bottom axis of rotation Only sash for balcony windows. They open forward.

  • FROM remote control . In high attic, where there is no possibility to open the window manually use the remote control that is operating from the mains. In this case, before making a mansard window, you must bring a separate line to the installation site.

When choosing a mansard window, you should be guided by the roof design, ease of use of the window and parameters mansard premises. For example, the height of the attic and the angle of inclination of the roof of the roof affects what the window must be installed, and which review it will provide.

Device of mansard windows

A mansard window is a difficult design, because it will have to be operated in difficult conditions: rain, wind, hail, snow, and also arrangement at an angle. To ensure the strength of the window, manufacturers use special heavy-duty glass capable of withstanding a large pressure.

A mansard window consists of rama and sash, as well as accessoriesallowing to rotate the sash in different positions and fix it. In the sash is a double-glazed glass filled with inert gas.

But besides this, the kit includes waterproofing and parosolation apron, drainy gutterto avoid leaks, heat insulationso necessary in our harsh climate, and protective salary, protecting the elements of the window from damage and guiding water down, on the roofing material, and also internal slopes.

The installation cost of the attic window largely depends on the amount of work that will have to be performed, and on the presence of certain elements in the kit.

Before ordering a mansard window, you should consult with a professional, correctly pick up the salary to it depending on the type of roofing and accessories to protect from the sun in summer, filling, rolling and other.

Installation of mansard windows with their own hands

Once again, it will be repeated that it is better to order the installation of attic windows from certified specialists, so that it does not painfully hurt. If you want to instruct this task to roofers or a construction team, you have a house, ask them, whether they did it before. It happens often that builders, without having experience, are taken for the attic windows, and then you have to redo everything.

Certified specialists whose coordinates you can learn from the representatives of the windows manufacturer will make everything well by observing technology. On the installation of attic windows the price depends on whether the roof is covered with roofing material, is it all finished roofing Or just at the construction stage. If the roofing material is not yet laid, internal work Not fulfilled, the installation will be cheaper.

Well, if you have decided to do everything yourself, the technology of installation of attic windows is described below.

Choosing a mansard window and place for installation

The size of the attic window is selected taking into account the area of \u200b\u200bthe attic and the distance between the rafters. It is better if the window is installed between the rafters, without changing the design.

According to the general rules, the window must be at least 10% of the attic area. The width of the window should be 4 - 6 cm less than the distance between the rafters. If you have a too small distance, for example, 60 cm, and the window is needed large, install two windows nearby, in adjacent sections between the rafters.

Important! Two windows always give more light than one large.

The layout of the window depends on the angle of inclination of the roof of the roof and from the place of the arrangement of the handle on the window. So on the steep roofs of the window it is better to place at the bottom, and on the gentle - on the contrary - at the top. Optimal height An attic window 80 - 130 cm from the floor. If the handle on the window is located at the top, the window is set at an altitude of 100-10 cm, and if at the bottom - 120-130 cm. More specifically, the type of roofing material is affected more specifically to the height of the window. For example, if it ceramic tileIt cannot be trimmed, the window must be strictly over the tiles. And if the material is leaf, it can be cut in it anywhere.

Important! Do not forget to envisage that in order to protect the attic window from icing, fogging and the appearance of condensate, it is necessary to install the heating device under it.

Type of opening of the attic window, choose based on the convenience of operation.

After it was determined with the number of windows, their size and location, designate these places from the inside of the attic.

Correctly pick up the salary for the attic window. Despite the fact that all attic windows seem to be approximately the same, yet each manufacturer has its own characteristics, different equipment. Pick all accessories of one manufacturer of one line (it will be indicated on the marking), pre-discuss with the manager by phone, check, whether you order whether the kit will turn out, or something does not work for something.

Preparation of the site for the installation of an attic window

Consider the option when the roof is ready, but interior decoration not. In this case waterproofing film From the inside of the room we plan the location of the window. The distance on the sides should be 2 - 3 cm from the rafted on the right and left. Mounted the window will be on the rafted and on the bottom mounting bar. We plan the lower layout of the window, departing 9 cm for profiled roofing materials or 4 - 6 cm for flat. We celebrate the top point of the window and postpone another 9 - 15 cm up.

Cut out waterproofing material, leaving the stock of 20 cm from all sides. The remaining canvas so far wrap inside the attic. Remove roofing Or cut out.

Cut off the crate by retreating from rafted 2 cm.

The lower edge of the waterproofing is secured by the stapler to the mounting bruster. Upper edge - to the top crate. Side stretch out.

Installing frame (box): adjustment, alignment

In the package, you will find the mans of attic installation of the attitudes of your manufacturer. Follow it. The fact is that the windows are different. In some fastening brackets, rectangular and attached only to the rafters, in others they are coal and attached to the rafters, and to the crate. And most importantly, they are attached to the windows frame in different positions. Therefore, this question is so important to discuss with the company's manager.

Installation of mansard windows Velux, Fakro, Roto and others, although it is similar in general terms, but is very different in particulars.

For example, on the windows FAKRO, there are grooves with marks V and N, denoting the depth of the landing of the window. It depends on the type of roofing material and the salary.

For the convenience of mounting, the sash will have to remove. How to do it, will be indicated in the instructions for your window. Also, if the window is set salary, it is also removed. Leave a bare frame.

On the frame we install the mounting brackets in the place intended for this. Then, on the upper part of the frame we wear heat insulation ( mineral Wat) And fix the stapler.

At the bottom of the windows, the thermal insulation is placed on the mounting bar and then set the frame in the opening, add the insulation to the bruus.

The lower brackets fix firmly, and the upper not to the end, we still have to be slightly fired. We set the sash to the place, close and look if there is a skew. Adjust it with the upper mount. It is important for us that the window stood perfectly exactly, the sash flew from all sides equally, and the gap was the same. In the future, it will not be possible to fix it.

After adjustment, we drag all the mounts tightly, also the side to the rafters. At different manufacturers, they are made in different ways. Breeping lateral waterproofing to the window frame, cutting unnecessary. Next, we laugh in the side openings insulation.

Installation of waterproofing around the attic window

Included with an attic window always comes insulating apron. Optionally, you can use homemade, from my own purchased material.

At the top over the future window, cut out a piece of crate on both sides, equal to the width of the drainage gutter. Cut in this place, in the middle, waterproofing film. We bring up a drainage chute under it and install in the interval between the crate. Thus, the water from above will be drained from waterproofing in a chute, and not on the window.

Deploy the apron and put it around the window so as to protect the design and a roof from leaks. We fix the stapler to the frame, the mounting bruster, rafters and the top crate, we bring the edge under the crate. Upper edge of the apron we bring under the drainage chute.

Installing the Oklade of the Atorass Window

Installation of the salary begins bottom up. First of all, we install the lower corrugated apron, then the side parts, the top, and the latter the lining on the window.

The salary of different manufacturers have their own installation features, so follow the instructions. For example, the Roto windows have a special rubber compressor On the frame, which will start and fixed salary. This ensures exceptional tightness. But the Fakro windows have such a seal, the salary is attached directly to the frame, and from above covered additional elements Oclands that hide the place of the frame of the frame and the salary.

Thoroughly connect all parts of the salary and fix them to the frame and the crate.

Lower apron is fastened from above to roofing material.

Last but for mounting the roofing material on the salary, the special element to which the roofing material will close the roofing material.

All, you can hang the sash and shoot protective covering. Mansard window is ready. In conclusion, I would like to note that in order to seal the joints between the frame and the opening, it is impossible to use a mounting foam, only special sealants. And inside the attic it is necessary to install slopes, the lower must be vertically, and the upper one is horizontally. This will ensure the best circulation of hot air, which comes from the heating radiator. Washed warm air, the window will not fog. And do not forget about the insulation of slopes.

Dersighted window installation: video instruction