Danfoss Temperature Controller Instructions. Danfoss radiator thermostators

During the heating season of the account for utilities, housing is growing and stronger, and the microclimate in the apartment does not become better due to the absence of the ability to reduce the heating temperature of the radiator. There is a compact device that solves both problems: saves money consumed on the heating of the dwelling, and helps maintain the optimal microclimate indoor.

Danfoss, being the largest producer of radiator thermostators in the world, confidently solves the issue of household energy saving.

The Danfoss thermostat for the radiator is a simple but efficient solution for energy saving in the house. This makes the product relevant for the market of millions of private consumers seeking to minimize water heating costs.

Using the Danfoss thermostat you can configure necessary temperatures in any room. The device is suitable for all types of radiators (except cast-iron).


Danfoss is a leading technology provider that satisfies the growing need for energy efficiency, safe for the climate of decisions and modern infrastructure.

A wide range of company products and services is used in areas such as food cooling, air conditioning and building heating. The company is actively working in the field of solar and wind energy, as well as the infrastructure of centralized heat supply and cooling.

Danfoss was founded in 1933 in Nordborg (Denmark) by the Danish industrial engineer Mads Clausen.

For more than 80 years of its existence, Danfoss released a whole series, which with the onset of technological progress became more perfect and can now be managed from a smartphone via Bluetooth.

Design of Danfoss thermostators and work principle

The main function of the thermostat is maintaining a given temperature level in the room and as a result - the competent distribution of energy resources.

Danfoss radiator thermostat consists of two parts:

  • regulating valve;
  • thermostat (thermostatic head, thermostatic element).

Both products are manufactured under different kinds Pipes and heating systems. Thermostatic element is removable, presented in several modifications, which in most cases are suitable for all valves.

Thermostat - main element In the design. It is he who reacts to changes in temperature in the room and gives a signal to the valve.

Inside the thermostat is a bevel sensory to change the temperature of the beam.

Silf - It is a hermetic chamber with corrugated walls and a heat-sensitive liquid or gaseous composition (thermal AG. When heated, the corrugated membrane increases in volume, and when cooled, it is tightened back.

Inside the thermostat is a temperature sensitive element consisting of a hermetic bellows filled with liquid or gaseous composition with a high thermal expansion coefficient. When heated / cooling, the composition increases / decreases in the amount, which leads to the fact that the bellows lengthened / shortening.

Coolant passing through heating pipes, heats the composition of the bellows.

Stretching, the bellows presses on the rod, which closes the flowing section of the valve and presses the working cone. The latter, in turn, overlaps the flow of the coolant in the radiator. When the valve closes, the temperature in the batteries begins to decrease to the indicators installed on the thermostat.

The bellows with a gaseous agent reacts to heat change in the apartment faster than with liquid.

The coolant ceases to enter the radiator, due to which the battery begins to cool. The air temperature in the room is reduced. In the meantime, the corrugated walls of the bellows with an inert substance are gradually cooled and returned to the previous state. The pressure on the working cone is terminated, the valve opens, and the radiator heating again.

The principle of operation of the thermostat consists in constant repetition of the heating cycle and cooled a heat agent.

The structure and types of thermoclap

In structure, it looks like a valve crane, so the principle of its functioning is very simple. The thermoclap is designed to regulate the temperature of the coolant in the hot water supply system.

Types of valve

In its purpose, the valves are divided into:

  • mixing (mix hot and cold water);
  • separating (divided into separate streams);
  • switching (switches streams).

By type of installation:

  • straight,
  • angular,
  • for the right installation on the radiator,
  • for the left installation on the radiator,
  • three-way.

The three-way valve redirects, mixes and divides the working flow of the coolant in the pipes.

By type of heating systems:

  • for a single-tube heating system,
  • for a two-pipe heating system.

By type of materials:

  • from bronze,
  • from brass,
  • stainless steel.

As an additional protective coating The valve nickelate or chrome.

Danfoss thermostat valves are divided into two types:

  • for two-pipe pumping heating systems. Official name - RTR-N (RA-N);
  • for single-tube pumping and two-pipe gravitational systems. Official name - RTR-G (RA-G).

RTR-N valves have a conditional diameter from 10 to 25 mm. RTR-G. - from 5 to 25 mm.

The gravitational (natural) water heating system differs from pumping (forced) by the fact that the circulation of the coolant inside the heating radiator occurs due to the effects of gravity force. The pumping system also assumes the presence of an electrical pump.

Types of thermostat

Heating thermostat heads exist three types:

  • manual
  • mechanical
  • electronic.

Manual thermal heads They have a valve, which when turning the handle adjusts the flow of the coolant.

Mechanical Have a more complex structure and can maintain the specified temperature in automatic mode. The principle of operation of such a thermostat consists in heating the bellows and adjusting the supply of the coolant.

Installing the mechanical thermal heads is not always possible, for example, if the battery is closed or completely built into the wall. In such cases, thermostat is used with a remote sensor to make it easier to adjust the flow of the coolant.

The thermostatic element is connected to the temperature sensor using a special capillary tube.

It will measure the air temperature in the room. If the temperature rises, the sensor will transmit a signal through the capillary tube into the bellows. Then there will be a cycle of the heating of the bellows and the subsequent cooling.

Such thermostators differ from hand-made increased cost, but it happens more precisely, without serious errors (± 1 ° C).

Electronic radiator thermostats Size a little more than their predecessors. Such thermal heads from the batteries work, and the interaction with the rod occurs due to the built-in microprocessor.

Electronic models have a set additional features, for example, a timer. At the moment when there is no one in the apartment and there is no big need to warm the room. You can program a reduced temperature indicator, and by the time of return - to set the temperature above.

Types of conjunction design

In addition to thermostatic heads and valves, the package of thermostat includes special adapters that provide the ability to install a thermostat on different types valves.

Choosing a thermostat on the Danfoss battery for the radiator, it is necessary to take into account all the characteristics, including the size of the valve bouncing. You can pick up the Danfoss thermoclap under the desired thermostat or order a ready-made kit.

Temperature regulators on Danfoss battery: what happens

Danfoss radiator thermostators are available with embedded and remote sensors to ensure optimal functioning and comfortable management. The large range of valves and additional equipment will allow everyone to install the thermostat in its apartment.

Danfoss thermostats are modified by built-in or external sensor Measurement of indoor air temperature. As additional feature You can equip the device with a protective element from unwanted reconfiguration.

Danfoss thermostats: model range

For its considerable history of existence, Danfoss has released many models of thermostators, many of which are updated and reissued to this day.

The most popular models are the thermocons of the series:

  • RTR 7000,
  • RTRW,
  • RTRW-K,

Thermostat RTR 7000 (RA 2000)

Thermostats of the RTR 7000 series Have options with built-in and remote air temperature sensor. The design is specifically designed for RA radiators. The capillary tube of the latter in length reaches eight meters. Special outer casing ensures the protection of the thermostatic element from external negative influences. Almost all series models have a gas beam, a valve overlapping function and freezing protection. On average, from +5 to +26 ° C.

The series includes such models as: Danfoss RTR 7090. with built-in sensor, RTR 7092. with a remote sensor RTR 7094. With a protective casing.

RTRW thermostat (RTRW)

RTRW series thermostators There are not so many differences from RTR 7000. Contain a liquid agent. Also available with a remote and built-in sensor. Temperature setting range varies from + 8 to + 28 ° C.

The RTRW type includes models: RTRW 7080 with a built-in sensor, RTRW 7082 with a remote sensor.

Thermostat RTRW-K (RAW-K)

Thermal heads RTRW-K Present a virtually a copy of the previous thermostatic element. The difference lies in the fact that RTRW-K is more versatile and suitable for many types heating batteries, including: Biasi steel panel radiators, Delta, Dianorm, Diatherm, Ferroli, Henrad, Kaimann, Kermi, Korado, Purmo, Radson, Superia, Stelrad, Veha, Zehnder-Completto Fix.

Temperature setting range from +8 to +28 ° C. The device is equipped with the possibility of protecting the heating system from freezing.

The RTRW-K series includes: RTRW-K 7084 with a built-in sensor, RTRW-K 7086 with a remote sensor.

Thermostat RAX

Thermostatic head of the RAX series - It is a thermostat with a liquid integrated temperature sensor. Elegant design this product harmonizes even with the most exquisite interior. Distinctive trait RAX - SETTING SETTINGS WITH ROMEN NUMBERS. Temperature setting range from +8 to +28 ° C.

The series has several modifications in the color range of the case: white, black, chrome and steel.

This is an electronic smart Danfoss temperature regulator. The device automatically maintains a comfortable air temperature in the range from +5 to +28 ° C.

This model is a novelty in the world market among thermostators, which works from the batteries and has the ability to control the smartphone.

The thermal head for the Danfoss ECO heating radiator is equipped with such functions as the definition of an open window, automatic setting and autotest valve.

For example, if the air temperature in the room sharply decreases (the stream of cool air from the street), the valve will automatically close in order to avoid heat loss. The heating of the room will renew again when the window is closed.

The first week after installing the device is calibrated and "remembers" the moment in which the room heating should be started to achieve the desired temperature to a specified time. In order for the control valve to be blocked by time, once a week, thanks to the smart processor of the device, the valve will be fully opened for automatic flushing.

The device also involves the mode of night and daytime decrease in temperature, and includes all the functions of its predecessors.

The pledge of strong sleep is a comfortable air temperature in your bedroom. Danfoss Eco can be programmed that at night the air temperature in the bedroom will be slightly lower, and closer to the morning will increase and make your awakening more pleasant.

  • living room - +21 ° C,
  • kitchen - +19 ° C,
  • bedroom - +20 ° C.

You can purchase Danfoss Eco on the site website. Here are three options for the configuration of the goods:

Danfoss Eco Temperature Regulator for Magicair DANFOSS ECO + Basic Magicair Station 2 DANFOSS ECO Termoregulator + Basic Magicair Station
If there is already a basic Magicair station, having a serial number of format 310030.xxxxxxxxx or 310040.xxxxxxxxx If there is no basic station Magicair If the room has two heating batteries
  • Free app
  • Maintain a given temperature
  • Work on schedule
  • Function "Protection against Children"
  • Battery charge indicator
  • Adapters in the kit

Price 3 490 ₽ When buying a configuration with Magicair

  • Free app
  • Maintain a given temperature
  • Work on schedule
  • Function "Protection against Children"
  • Battery charge indicator
  • Adapters in the kit

Basic Magicair Station

  • Free app
  • Maintain a given temperature
  • Work on schedule
  • Function "Protection against Children"
  • Battery charge indicator
  • Adapters in the kit
  • Management from anywhere in the world
  • Favorable price Danfoss ECO 3 490 ₽ When buying with Magicair

Basic Magicair Station

  • Microclimate Monitoring: CO 2, Temperature, Humidity
  • Automatic control of climate appliances from a smartphone
4 490 ₽.
13 390 ₽
16 900 ₽.

Installing the Danfoss thermostat

Danfoss thermostators are installed at the inlet or at the outlet of the heating battery. Installation of the device does not have difficulties, the installation principle for each model is the same. Important momentIt is worth considering first of all - determination of the necessary height. The recommended height indicate specifications instrument.

Each thermostat of Danfoss still has been calibrated under control of air temperature at a certain height. Most often, the instructions for the device describe the installation in the upper collector of the radiator.

If the pipe has a bottom of the pipe and there is the possibility of only the bottom saddle connection, in which case you can try to purchase a thermostat with the ability to lower connection, Install the device with a remote sensor or recalibrate the thermostatic element (Recommendations for reconfiguring the thermostat are indicated in the model passport).

Mounting the Danfoss Eco thermostator does not require tools or special skills, so its installation can be organized independently. If the radiator is not equipped with a built-in valve or there is a conventional ball valve, the installation of the thermostat is better to trust the controlling company specialist who will take into account all the nuances of the installation and features of your heating device.

During the heating season, the installation of the thermostat will require the overlap of water in the pipes, which can entail the disconnection of heating in the neighbors (in the case of vertical heating wiring). In this case, you must send a request to the management company to disable heating at the time of installation of the device.

It is important to pay attention to the details:

  1. Immediately before installing the equipment, turn off the radiator from the heating system and drain the water from the battery. (In advance, install floors with towels, tissue wipes or newspapers).
  2. When installing a new valve adapter internal thread Cleaned and turns into a special tap ribbon, which can be purchased at any plumbing store.
  3. Installing the Danfoss thermostat for all batteries indoors ineffective. Regulation heat flux Must undergo instruments whose power is at least 50% of the power of all heating batteries (if two or more radiator are installed in the room).
  4. Cast iron batteries are heated longer and longer hold heat than other radiators. Thermostatic equipment in the case of cast iron radiator Most often little effectively.
  5. The temperature controller on the Danfoss battery has fragile parts whose damage can disrupt the functioning of the device. Installation should be carried out with special attention, not allowing the drop in the device.
  6. Set the valve is strictly in accordance with the arrows specified on its enclosure. The coolant stream must go through the arrows (accurate information in the directions of the arrows is indicated in the installation instructions).
  7. The cap of the valve (in the Danfoss red thermostators) has a protective function, it does not affect the adjustment of the heat supply power.

Temperature Management: Question Price

Temperature regulators have adequate cost and pay off during the year. To assess the benefit of the installation of Danfoss in an apartment or the house, it is worth noting that the term of operation of the thermostat, subject to the correct installation, not less than 25 years.

The prices of thermoelements vary in the range from 1,300 to 4,500 thousand rubles. The cost of full configuration (valve and thermal head) does not exceed 16 thousand rubles, the initial cost of simple sets is from 1 500 rubles. The price variation depends on the models and the presence / absence of an additional headset.

In conclusion, it is worth noting again that Danfoss has established itself in the global market as a company responsible for control, quality and energy savings in the house. The devices intended for rational consumption of power of heating systems are now in almost every home, and some developers initially laid the possibility of installing thermostators into a common project.

The thermostat for the Danfoss heating radiator is endowed with a significant list of useful features that will allow users to easily configure the comfortable microclimate in the apartment or office.

Danfoss Eco will be another advantage of your smart home, and the Magicair smart microclimate system will simplify the control of the thermostat and other smart climatic devices in the arsenal of your life.

In many countries, up to 40% of energy resources goes to the needs of ventilation and heating of buildings. It is several times more compared to advanced European states.

The need for use

The issue of energy saving is especially acute, it is relevant against the background of a constant increase in energy prices. One of the devices that saves thermal energy- This is a thermostat for radiators, its installation reduces heat consumption by 20%. To do this, the consumer needs to be correctly selected to the design to the heating system, as well as make installation, you can find out if you read below.

Principle of operation

The Danfoss thermostat is designed to support the constant temperature indoor. For the first time such devices began to be used in 1943. The company mentioned is the market leader in the production and sale of such aggregates. Constructively, the devices are in composition 2 of the main element, namely the thermal head and the valve, which are connected by the locking mechanism. The purpose of the thermal head is to determine the ambient temperature to adjust the impact on the actuator, the valve protrudes as the latter. It is designed to cover the flow of water that enters the radiator. Such a regulation method is called quantitative, as the device can affect water consumption that goes into the battery. There is another method called high-quality, with its help the water temperature changes in the system. This is done by name, namely, this element must be in or boiler. The Danfoss thermostat has inside the bellows, which is filled with a heat sensitive medium. It can be gas or liquid. The last variety of bellows is easier in manufacture, but does not show such speed as gas analogues, so the latter have gained so widespread. At the time of increasing the level of air temperature, the substance that is in a closed space acquires a more impressive volume, the bellows, stretching, has an impact on the valve stem. The latter move down the cone, which is designed to reduce the passage section. This allows you to effectively reduce water consumption. With a decrease in air temperature, this process proceeds in the reverse order, and the volume of the coolant increases to the optimal limit, and the Danfoss thermostat works.

Consumer reviews

Depending on which type of heating system is used, as well as the installation technology, thermal heads and valves can be used to control water flow. of different combinations. If we are talking about one-pipe systemYou should use a valve that is characterized by increased bandwidth and insignificant, according to users, the same recommendation can also be used in the case of a two-pipe samotane system where water circulates naturally and does not affect the forced motivation. If you decide to choose a Danfoss thermostat, you can install it and on two-pipe systemwhich is equipped with a circulation pump. In this case, according to the reviews, the valve must have the ability to adjust the bandwidth. It is fairly simple, and it is not necessary to apply a special tool for this. After you decide what valve to use, it is necessary to determine the type of thermal head.

If you are interested in Danfoss - the thermostat, the installation instructions for which will be presented below, - you can purchase it at an affordable cost. Determining the type of thermal heads, you should know that it is proposed for sale in some varieties. Thus, inside may be a thermoelement. Among other things can be remote. Sometimes the regulator is external. The devices are also programmable, in this case they are electronic. You can choose and anti-vandal thermal head. According to users who chose a regulator with an internal sensor, this device should be installed only if it is possible to arrange it horizontally. Then the air in the room will freely go to the instrument housing.

For reference

After the Danfoss radiator thermostat was acquired, it is worth familiar with the features of its installation in more detail. Thus, it is completely unacceptable to install it on the radiator in a vertical position. In this case, the heat flux will constantly rise upwards, and elevated temperatures from the feed pipeline and the housing will influence the bellows. In the end, you will come across that the device will work incorrectly.

Customer Reviews on the choice of thermostat

Homemade masters especially emphasize that in some cases there is no possibility to install the device horizontally. Then it is recommended to buy a remote one that comes with a capillary tube. The length of the device is 2 meters. At such a distance from the battery, it is recommended to have a device by installing it on the wall. Buyers emphasize that not always the absence of the installation of the regulator horizontally indicates the need to purchase a remote sensor. This may be other objective reasons. The Danfoss Temperature Regulator, the principle of operation was described above, cannot be installed for dense curtains, in this case, of course, better decision It will be the purchase of a remote sensor. Among other things, such a need arises in the case when there is any source of heat next to the thermal head or the hot water pipes pass. You can resort to such a solution, and when the radiator is under a sufficiently wide window sill. In this case, the thermoelement can fall into the area of \u200b\u200bthe draft. Buyers claim that if at least one of the above conditions is observed, it is best to get a remote sensor.

Installation Instructions

The Danfoss Temperature Regulator, the reviews about which are presented in the article should be installed according to a specific technology. As the first recommendation, it is an elimination of the installation of the thermal heads on the heater within visibility. Regulation should be subject to battery whose general power equal to 50 percent and more from all that are in the same room. Thus, when there are two indoors heating devicesThe thermostat must be on the same battery whose power is more impressive. If you are interested in Danfoss - a thermostat, the setting of which is simply made enough, it can be purchased and installed. The first part of the device whose role is the valve, should be installed on the feed pipeline. If it is necessary to embed it to the already assembled system, the feed liner must be dismantled. These works may assume some difficulties if the connection is made using steel pipes. The master will have to stock material tool.


A fairly popular company today in the market of relevant goods is Danfoss. The thermostat (how to adjust it is indicated in the instructions) must be installed on the radiator. The thermal head after that is mounted without using additional tool. It is very easy to do at home, in addition, it will be possible to save on the purchase of consumables.

On this page you can find and download instructions for automation, regulators, modules, thermostats, ... Danfoss. In PDF format.

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      Automated information measuring system Comfort Contour. Danfoss brochure. Language: RU | PDF 4.65 MB.

      Danfoss Controllers ECA Connect Series. Passport. Language: RU | PDF 361.34 KB.

      Thermoelectric Drives Danfoss ABNM Series (normally closed) with analog control. Technical description. Language: RU | PDF 327.77 KB.

      Thermoelectric drives Danfoss series ABV. Technical description. Language: RU | PDF 138.87 KB.

      Reductor electric drives Danfoss AMV 162/182 series (230 V) for rotary control valves. Installation instructions. Language: RU | PDF 1.34 MB.

      Ame 10 - EI96L11F series Danfoss electric drives. User's manual. Language: EN, DE, IT, PL, FR, ES | PDF 799.92 KB.

      Reducer electric drives DANFOSS AME 15 series (ES), AME 16, AME 25, AME 35. Technical description. Language: RU | PDF 605.78 KB.

      Reducer electric drives Danfoss Ame 85 series, AME 86. Technical description. Language: RU | PDF 487.78 KB.

      Ame 130, AME 140, AME 130H, AME 140H, AME 130, AME 140H gearboxes. Technical description. Language: RU | PDF 864.29 KB.

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      Reducer electric drives DANFOSS AMV 438SU series (with a return spring). Technical description. Language: RU | PDF 687.15 Kb.

      Thermoelectric drives Danfoss TWA series. Technical description. Language: RU | PDF 285.27 KB.

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      Universal Danfoss Temperature Controllers of the ECL Comfort 310/310 V Series and ECA Remote Control Unit 30. Technical Description. Language: RU | PDF 1.25 MB.

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      The electronic key of the Danfoss application A217, A317 series for ECL Comfort 210/310 temperature regulators. Instructions for use. Language: RU | PDF 4.08 MB.

      A230 Series Danfoss Programming Keys for ECL Comfort 210/310 Temperature Regulators. Operating Instructions. Language: RU | PDF 2.43 MB.

      DANFOSS A231, A331 Series Programming Keys for ECL Comfort 210/310 Temperature Regulators. Operating Instructions. Language: RU | PDF 3.16 MB.

      A260 Series Danfoss Programming Keys for ECL Comfort 210 Temperature Regulators. Operating Instructions. Language: RU | PDF 2.02 MB.

      A266 series Danfoss programming keys for ECL Comfort 210/310 temperature regulators. Operating instructions. Language: RU | PDF 3.52 MB.

      A275, A375 Series Danfoss Programming Keys for ECL Comfort 210/310 Temperature Regulators. Operating Instructions. Language: RU | PDF 6.43 MB.

      A275, A375 Series Danfoss Programming Keys for ECL Comfort 210/310 Temperature Regulators. Installation Instructions. Language: RU | PDF 3.05 MB.

      A361 Series Danfoss Programming Keys for ECL Comfort 310 Temperature Regulators. Operating Instructions. Language: RU | PDF 2.92 MB.

      A361 Series Danfoss Programming Keys for ECL Comfort 310 Temperature Regulators. Installation Instructions. Language: RU | PDF 1.34 MB.

      A368 Series Danfoss Programming Keys for ECL Comfort 310 Temperature Regulators. Operating Instructions. Language: RU | PDF 3.08 MB.

      A368 Series Danfoss Programming Keys for ECL Comfort 310 Temperature Regulators. Installation instructions. Language: RU | PDF 3.64 MB.

      A376 Danfoss Programming Keys for ECL Comfort 310 Temperature Regulators. Operating Instructions. Language: RU | PDF 5.06 MB.

      A376 series Danfoss programming keys for ECL Comfort 310 temperature regulators. Installation instructions. Language: RU | PDF 2.31 MB.

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      OPC server for Danfoss temperature regulators ECL COMFORT 310 series. Operating instructions. Language: RU | PDF 999.75 Kb.

      USB driver. Connecting the ECL Comfort 210/310 temperature regulators to the PC. Installation instructions. Language: RU | PDF 223.44 Kb.

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      Danfoss Temperature Controllers Series ECL Comfort 210/310. User Guide. Language: RU | PDF 3.85 MB.

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      Danfoss Danfoss Series Center Series, Izar Center Memory 60, 120, 250 - M-BUS Signal Converters. Technical description. Language: RU | PDF 277.00 Kb.

      Dispatch system individual accounting Thermal energy M-BUS. Technical information for designers, installers, engineers selling. Language: RU | PDF 727.36 Kb.

      Radiator counters - Danfoss distributors of the Indiv-3, Indiv-3R, Indiv-3R2, INDIV-3RD series. Passport. Language: RU | PDF 460.78 KB.

      Indiv-3 radiator heat distributors for organizing quarterly heat metering in residential buildings with a vertical wiring of the heating system. Information booklet. Language: RU | PDF 486.92 KB.

      Danfoss Pulse Adapter Indiv Pad Series. Technical description. Language: RU | PDF 253.81 KB.

      Indiv RM Radio Set for Personal Computer. Technical description. Language: RU | PDF 198.32 Kb.

      Network nodes NNV- and NNB-. Installation and operation instructions. Language: RU | PDF 515.57 KB.

      Individual Energy Directorate Danfoss AMR Series AMR series with remote wireless reading instrument readings. Installation and operation instructions. Language: RU | PDF 647.70 KB.

      Danfoss Pulse Adapter Indiv Pad Series. Passport. Language: RU | PDF 338.95 Kb.

      Network nodes Danfoss series NNB, NNV. Passport. Language: RU | PDF 335.04 KB.

      Designing an Indiv AMR system. Information booklet. Language: RU | PDF 5.70 MB.

      Danfoss electronic devices of the IndiV-5, Indiv-5R, Indiv-5R-1 series for thermal energy distribution. Passport. Language: RU | PDF 282.60 KB.

      Installation of meters - heat distributors Danfoss series Indiv-5 (5R) on bimetallic radiators. Installation instructions. Language: RU | PDF 1.16 MB.

      Installation of meters - heat distributors Danfoss series Indiv-5 (5R) on cast-iron sectional radiators. Installation instructions. Language: RU | PDF 908.17 Kb.

      Installing meters - Danfoss heat distributors of the Indiv-5 series, Indiv-5R on the Accord Convectors. Installation instructions. Language: RU | PDF 1.01 MB.

      Installation of meters - Danfoss heat distributors of the Indiv-5 series, Indiv-5R on the "Universal" convectors with a welded bracket. Installation instructions. Language: RU | PDF 2.54 MB.

      Installation of meters - Danfoss heat distributors of the Indiv-5 series, Indiv-5R on the "Universal" convectors with a straight valve. Installation instructions. Language: RU | PDF 3.03 MB.

      Installation of meters - Danfoss heat distributors of the Indiv-5, Indiv-5R series at the Universal Convectors with the U-Bend valve. Installation instructions. Language: RU | PDF 3.01 MB.

      Installation of meters - Danfoss heat distributors of the Indiv-5 series (5R) on panel radiators. Installation instructions. Language: RU | PDF 906.56 Kb.

      Danfoss Radiator Distributors of the Indiv series (modifications Indiv-5, Indiv-5R). Information booklet. Language: RU | PDF 1.02 MB.

      Danfoss Radiator Distributions Series Indiv-5, Indiv-5R. User's manual. Language: RU | PDF 122.73 Kb.

      Pressure regulators "to ourselves" Danfoss series AVA (PN 25 / DN 15 - 50). Installation and operation instructions. Language: RU, EN, DE, IT, FR, ES | PDF 1.70 MB.

      Pressure regulators "to ourselves" Danfoss AVA-AVDS series. Service kits. Installation instructions. Language: RU, EN, DE, IT, FR, ES | PDF 4.76 MB.

      Valves - pressure regulators "to ourselves" Danfoss AVA series (RU 25). Technical description. Language: RU, EN, DE, IT, FR, ES | PDF 591.49 KB.

      Pressure regulators "After" Danfoss AVD series, AVDS - PN 16, 25 / DN 15 - 50. Installation and operation instructions. Language: RU, EN, DE, IT, FR, ES | PDF 2.62 MB.

      Valves - pressure regulators "After" Danfoss AVD series - for water, AVDS - for steam (RU 25). Technical description. Language: RU, EN, DE, IT, FR, ES | PDF 1.02 MB.

      Valves - pressure regulators "to ourselves" Danfoss AVDO series. Technical description. Language: RU | PDF 721.33 KB.

      Control regulators Danfoss AVDO2 series. Installation and operation instructions. Language: RU | PDF 698.14 KB.

      Pressure regulators "to ourselves" Danfoss AVDO series. User's manual. Language: RU | PDF 827.43 Kb.

      Valves - pressure drop controls Danfoss AVP series - with variable adjustment for the feed and return pipe; AVP-F - with fixed tuning for the return pipeline (RU16). Technical description. Language: RU, EN | PDF 2.44 MB.

      Danfoss Pressure Delta Regulators AVP Series, AVP-F. Accessories SP AV. Installation instructions. Language: RU, EN | PDF 739.51 KB.

      Danfoss Pressure Delta Regulators AVP Series, AVP-F (SP AV PN 16). Service kits. Installation and operation instructions. Language: RU, EN | PDF 1.42 MB.

      Danfoss Pressure Delta Regulators AVP Series, AVP-F (PN 16,25 / DN 15 - 50). Installation and operation instructions. Language: RU, EN | PDF 2.11 Mb.

      Danfoss Pressure Delta Regulators AVP series, AVP-F (SP AV PN 25). Service kits. Installation and operation instructions. Language: RU, EN | PDF 1.79 MB.

      Danfoss Pressure Delta Regulators AVP Series, AVP-F. Accessories. Installation and operation instructions. Language: RU, EN | PDF 748.53 KB.

      Valves - pressure drop controls Danfoss AVP series - with variable adjustment for the feed and return pipe; AVP-F - with fixed tuning for the return pipeline (RU 25). Technical description. Language: RU, EN | PDF 1.21 MB.

      Danfoss temperature regulators AVTB series. Technical description. Language: RU | PDF 776.24 KB.

      Danfoss Danfoss AVTB Series Temperature Controllers. Installation instructions. Language: RU | PDF 1.63 MB.

      Danfoss Temperature Controllers AVTB Series, Sensor Ø9.5 / 180 mm. User's manual. Language: RU | PDF 80.08 KB.

      Danfoss temperature regulators AVTB series. Installation instructions. Language: RU | PDF 655.69 KB.

      Temperature regulators RAVK / RAV8 (VMT8, VMA, VMV) of direct action for applying hot water systems of small buildings (cottages). Technical description. Language: RU | PDF 1.09 MB.

      Temperature regulators RAVK (25-45 ° C). Installation and operation instructions. Language: RU | PDF 1.48 MB.

      Temperature regulators RAVK (25-65 ° C). Installation and operation instructions. Language: RU | PDF 1.49 MB.

      Pressure regulators "to ourselves" Danfoss AFA / VFG 2 series (21) DN 15-250. Installation and operation instructions. Language: RU, EN, DE, IT, FR | PDF 6.02 MB.

      Pressure regulators "to ourselves" Danfoss AFA / VFG 2 series (21). Technical description. Language: RU, EN, DE, IT, FR | PDF 884.65 KB.

      Pressure regulators "After" Danfoss AFD series AFD / VFG (S) 2 (21) DN 15-250. Installation and operation instructions. Language: RU, EN, DE, IT, FR | PDF 3.74 MB.

      Pressure regulators "After" Danfoss AFD series AFD / VFG2 (21), AFD / VFGS2 (for steam). Technical description. Language: RU, EN, DE, IT, FR | PDF 951.72 KB.

      Danfoss Pressure Delta Regulators Series AFP / VFG 2 (21) DN 15 - 250. Installation and Operation Instructions. Language: RU, EN, DE, IT, FR | PDF 3.37 MB.

      DANFOSS DANFE DETAILATORS AFP / VFG Series 2. Technical Description. Language: RU, EN, DE, IT, FR | PDF 849.64 KB.

      Danfoss DNFOSS Series AFPA / VFG 2 (21) DN 15-250 Series Dump Regulators. Installation and operation instructions.

      Bypass valves DANFOSS AFPA / VFG series 2. Technical description. Language: RU, EN, DE, IT, FR | PDF 678.71 KB.

      Bypass valves (regulators) Danfoss series AVPA PN 16, 25 / DN 15 - 50. Installation and operation instructions. Language: RU, EN, DE, IT, FR | PDF 2.17 MB.

      Bypass valves (regulators) Danfoss AVP series (RU 16 and RU 25). Technical description. Language: RU, EN, DE, IT, FR | PDF 887.98 KB.

      Pressure drop regulators, Danfoss flow limiters AFPB series (-f) / VFQ2 (21) DU 15-125. Installation and operation instructions. Language: EN, DE, FR | PDF 597.42 Kb.

      Danfoss Danfoss Pressure Regulators AFPB-F / VFQ2 Series with a fixed setting and manual flow limit. Technical description. Language: EN, DE, FR | PDF 197.75 Kb.

      Pressure drop regulators, DANFOSS flow limiters AFPQ series (4) / VFQ 2 (21) DN 15 - 250. Installation and operation instructions. Language: EN, DE, FR | PDF 601.56 Kb.

      Pressure drop controls with automatic DANFOSS flow limit AFPQ / VFQ2 series - to install on the return pipe, AFPQ 4 / VFQ2 - to install on the supply pipeline. Technical description. Language: EN, DE, FR | PDF 651.95 KB.

      Danfoss flow regulators AFQ / VFQ 2 DN 15 - 250 series. Installation and operation instructions. Language: EN, DE, FR | PDF 1.23 MB.

      Danfoss flow regulators AFQ / VFQ series 2. Technical description. Language: EN, DE, FR | PDF 503.85 KB.

      Drives Danfoss AFT 06, 26, 17, 27 for temperature regulators. Installation and operation instructions. Language: RU, EN, DE, IT, FR | PDF 2.72 MB.

      Thermostatic elements of the Danfoss series AFT 06, 26, 17, 27 for temperature regulators. Technical description. Language: RU, EN, DE, IT, FR | PDF 247.06 Kb.

      Danfoss Pressure Delta Regulators AVPB, AVPB-F Series, AVPBT, AVPBT-F (PN 16,25 / DN 15 - 50) with manual flow limit. Installation and operation instructions. Language: RU, EN, DE, IT, FR | PDF 3.01 MB.

      Danfoss Danfoss Delta Regulators Series AVPB, AVPB-F (RU 25) with manual flow limit. Technical description. Language: RU, EN, DE, IT, FR | PDF 1.07 MB.

      Danfoss Pressure Pressure Regulators AVPB Series, AVPB-F (RU 16) with manual flow limit. Technical description. Language: RU, EN, DE, IT, FR | PDF 1.90 MB.

      Danfoss Pressure Delta Regulators AVPQ Series, AVPQ-F, AVPQ 4, AVPQT (PN 16,25 / DN 15 - 50) with automatic flow limit. Installation and operation instructions. Language: RU, EN, DE, IT, FR | PDF 3.25 MB.

      Danfoss Danfoss Pressure Regulators, AVPQ 4 Series (RU 25) with automatic flow limit. Technical description. Language: RU, EN, DE, IT, FR | PDF 1.41 MB.

      Danfoss Danfoss Pressure Regulators AVPQ Series, AVPQ-F (RU 16) with automatic flow limit. Technical description. Language: RU, EN, DE, IT, FR | PDF 1.97 MB.

      DANFOSS Flow Limpers Controllers AVQ Series (In combination with a temperature controller - AVQT) PN 16, 25 / DN 15 - 50. Installation and operation instructions. Language: RU, EN, DE, IT, FR | PDF 2.99 MB.

      Danfoss flow regulators AVQ series (RU 25) for feed and return pipelines. Technical description. Language: RU, EN, DE, IT, FR | PDF 496.04 KB.

      Danfoss flow regulators AVQ series (RU 16). Technical description. Language: RU, EN, DE, IT, FR | PDF 482.70 KB.

      Danfoss temperature regulators AVT series. Installation and operation instructions. Language: RU, EN, DE, IT, FR | PDF 3.05 MB.

      Danfoss temperature regulators AVT / VG series - with external thread, AVT / VGF - flange (RU 25). Technical description. Language: RU, EN, DE, IT, FR | PDF 887.47 KB.

      Danfoss temperature regulators AVTQ series. Installation and operation instructions. Language: RU, EN | PDF 1.02 MB.

      Danfoss Temperature Controllers AVTQ Series (Du 20) with consumption correction. Technical description. Language: RU, EN | PDF 485.27 KB.

      Danfoss temperature regulators AVTQ series (DU 15) with consumption correction. Technical description. Language: RU, EN | PDF 680.90 KB.

      FJV Danfoss Temperature Controllers. Installation and operation instructions. Language: RU, EN | PDF 566.50 KB.

      Reverse Coolant Temperature Regulators Danfoss FJV Series. Technical description. Language: RU, EN | PDF 354.36 KB.

      Reverse Coolant Temperature Regulators Danfoss FJV Series. Passport. Language: RU, EN | PDF 221.26 Kb.

      Danfoss temperature regulators Ravi series. Installation and operation instructions. Language: RU | PDF 1.66 MB.

      Danfoss Temperature Regulators Ravi / RAV8 Series (VMT8, VMA, VMV). Technical description. Language: RU | PDF 986.78 KB.

      Danfoss temperature regulators of the RAVV series. Installation and operation instructions. Language: RU | PDF 1.23 MB.

      Danfoss temperature regulators of the RAVV / RAV8 series (VMT8, VMA) for use in hot water systems of small buildings (cottages). Technical description. Language: RU | PDF 1.13 MB.