The effectiveness of connecting heating radiators. How to connect the heating radiator in the apartment

Sequential connection of radiators - the most popular and economical optionthe heating of the room, due to which the autonomous, independent, independent of the central, heating system is created.

Required toolkit

To form such a connection of heating devices, the following components will be required:

  • Pipe: It is desirable to choose a pipeline made of steel, galvanizing or metalplastic with appropriate mainstream 2.2 cm diameters, 2.2 cm and 2.6 cm. And allowed to use polypropylene pipesBut not in the system with three and more radiators. Non-high pipes are made from the same materials, but have smaller diameters.

Photo 1. Metal plastic pipes different diameter In the context: a layer of metal between two layers of plastic is visible.

  • Radiators: Choice necessary equipment It is carried out on the basis of personal preferences and councils of a specialist. For a similar scheme the most optimal Consider 5 batteriesAnd for greater quantity, a competently calculated project is required.
  • Ribbons for thread sealing Batteries.
  • Thermostatic valves To adjust the heating of radiators.
  • Fitting To connect pipes with each other.

Direct components are also expansion tank and heating boiler.

Preparatory actions

Before starting the process the detailed project is calculated Heating systems for each particular room.

Then selected one of the options Sequential connection: horizontal or vertical based on the features of the living space and personal preferences.

Then, focusing on the selected schema type, It is required to determine the coolant.With a vertical junction, it is better to use antifreeze, diluted in water, and with horizontal - ordinary water.

How to connect two heating radiator, scheme

  1. Initially, with a sequential connection the location of the heating boiler is determined.It has, as a rule, in basement on a special fire platform. The expansion tank is firmly fixed above it.

Attention! Height expansion tank relative to the boiler should be at least three meters.

  1. Wherein repeated smoke setting is thought out: The thrust should be sufficient, and the smoke itself go out, without staying indoors.
  2. After produced connecting the main pipeline. It is important to avoid bends when laying.
  3. Around the perimeter of the whole house passes pipe, parallel to which all batteries are crashed.

Photo 2. Scheme of sequential connection of batteries in a single-pipe system with a boiler and a circulating pump.

  1. Radiators are placed under window Pieces.
  2. Close this scheme should be on the heating boiler.
  1. And also necessary provide item through which the system will be filling Water and her drain.
  2. In a sequential connection scheme, you can complement with cranes and thermostat Each battery.

With vertical strapping The scheme includes for forced circulation of the coolant circulation pump, but With horizontal - the slope of the feed pipe is created, and the Maevsky crane is mounted before each radiator to remove excess air from the system.

Pros and cons consistent batteries

prosserial connection:

  • low cost consumables;
  • allowed use of any species radiators;
  • if necessary the pipeline is started in the "warm floor";
  • coverage of the heating devices of the entire perimeter rooms;
  • easy installation;
  • a small amount of material consumed.


  • complex design process;
  • high heat loss coefficient: due to the characteristic extension of such a highway, the coolant is cooled to an end;
  • in the absence of a circulation pump arise.moveable by fluid radiators and reducing the efficiency of the system in general;
  • in the absence of thermostators Batteries - no controlover heat supply.

Example connection

Ensuring a house or apartment with warmth - Number one task in the cold season. Therefore, every man in the street seeks to create an effectively working system that would have been economically justified at the same time. And since the main mass of the heating system is represented by the radiator type, the question of how to properly connect the heating batteries is one of the most relevant.

For many, this does not say anything, especially for those who first fabulous with the problem of strapping the heating system. But the one who has already dealt with the creation of such schemes, perfectly understands what is being in question.

The classifications of the types of strapping and laying of the tube system are not so much, especially when it comes to the strapping of radiators. Therefore, it will not be very difficult to understand this issue. Most often, the pipe layout affects the nature of the attachment of battery radiators. Therefore, it is necessary to consider the classification various systems Heating and install, which one is best suited for this or that connection.

Classification of heating systems

The main criterion for separating heating systems is the number of contours. On this basis, all heating systems are divided into two groups:

  1. One-tube.
  2. Two-pipe.

The first option is the easiest and cheapest. This is, in fact, the ring from the boiler to the boiler, where the heating radiators are installed. If it comes to a one-storey structure, this is a justified option in which the natural circulation of the coolant can be used. But that the temperature turns out to be uniformly in all rooms at home, it is necessary to provide some measures. For example, to build sections on extreme in the circuit radiators.

The optimal option for such a pipe circuit is to connect the Battery by the Leningradet method. In fact, it turns out that normal trumpet passes throughout the rooms near the floor, and cut it into it radiator batteries. In this case, the so-called lower cutting is used. That is, the radiator is connected to the pipe through two lower nozzles - in one coolant enters, and from the other it turns out.

Attention! Teplotieri with this type of battery connection is 12-13%. It is very high level heat losses. So before accepting such a decision weigh all for and against. Initial savings can turn into large expenditures during operation.

Permissible errors

In general, this is a good connection scheme that justifies itself in small buildings. And in order to evenly distribute the coolant for all radiators, it is possible to install a circulation pump to it. The investment is inexpensive, and the device works perfectly and requires small electricity consumption. But the uniform distribution of heat in all rooms is ensured.

By the way, a single-tube strapping scheme is very often used in urban apartments. Truth, lower connection The batteries here will not work. The same should be said about the two-pipe system.

Other types of connections

There are more favorable options than the lower connection, which ensure the decrease in heat loss:

Diagonal view

  1. Diagonal. All experts have long come to the conclusion that this type of connection is ideal regardless of which piping scheme it is applied. The only system where it is impossible to use this species is a horizontal bottom-tube system. That is the same Leningrad. What is the essence of a diagonal connection? The coolant moves inside the radiator diagonally - from the top nozzle to the bottom. It turns out that hot water is evenly distributed throughout the inner volume of the instrument, dropping down from top to bottom, that is, naturally. And since the speed of water movement is not very high with natural circulation, the heat transfer will be high. Heat loss in this case constitute only 2%.
  2. Side, or unilateral. This species is very often used in apartment houses. Connection is made to side nozzles on one side. Experts believe that this species is one of the most efficient, but only if the circulation of the coolant under pressure is established in the system. There are no problems in urban apartments. And in order to provide it in a private house, you will have to install a circulation pump.

What is the advantage of one species before others? In fact, the correct connection is the key to the effective heat transfer and the reduction of heat loss. But in order to connect the battery correctly, it is necessary to place priorities.

Take, for example, two-story a private house. What preferred in this case? Here are some options:

Two and one-pipe system

  • Set one-pipe system with side connections.
  • Conduct the installation of a two-pipe system with a diagonal connection.
  • Use a single-tube scheme with lower layout On the first floor and with the upper wiring on the second.

So the options for the connection scheme can always be found. Of course, you will have to take into account some nuances, such as the location of the premises, the presence of basement or attic. But in any case, it is important to correctly distribute radiators for rooms, taking into account the number of their sections. That is, the power of the heating system will have to take into account necessarily even with this question, as the correct connection of radiators.

In a single-storey private house, it will be not very difficult to connect the battery correctly, given the length of the heating circuit. If this is a single-pipe Leningradka scheme, then only the bottom connection is possible. If two-pipe schemethen you can use collector system or sunny. Both variants are based on the principle of connecting one radiator to two contours - the supply of coolant and returns. In this case, the top pipe layout is most often used, where the distribution over the contours is performed in the attic room.

By the way, this option is considered optimal both in terms of operation and during the repair process. Each contour can be disconnected from the system without turning off the latter. To do this, an exfigging valve is installed at the pipe divorce point. Exactly the same is mounted after the radiator on the reversal pipe. It is only worth overlapping both valves to cut off the outline. After dragging the coolant, you can safely repair. At the same time, all other contours will work in normal mode.

Classic system

Many believe that the radiator connection option is not as important when it comes to heat transfer. After all, much will depend on the selected type of heat source. For example, in bimetallic radiators of heat transfer heating higher than that of cast iron. But imagine that cast iron devices are installed on the diagonal principle of the movement of the coolant, and bimetallic along the bottom. In the first case, heat loss is 2%, and in the second - 12%. Loss differences - whole 10%. For the heating system it is enough high indicatorwhich will affect not only on temperature mode indoors, but also by the amount of fuel consumed. For private houses, this is very important.

Today, experts give recommendations regarding the increase in the heat transfer of instruments. To do this, on the wall behind the radiator, you can install a reflective panel, for example, a conventional piece of fiberboard, aluminum foil. But note that the distance from the wall to the radiator in this case should be at least 1.5 cm.

Conclusion on the topic

What conclusion? Proper connection Heating radiators is an important criterion efficient work all system. Not only the temperature inside the rooms will depend on this, but also fuel consumption. And the savings today became the main indicator, on which the welfare of each resident of apartments and private houses depends.

Comfort, comfort and comfort again. This thought all the time accompanies us when it comes to living in the house. Agree - who does not want to always be comfortable and comfortable in the house? There are no such. And now the second question - what is the quality of accommodation depend on? There are many criteria, but one interests us first - it's warm in the house. It is provided by a competently created heating system, where the connection of radiators is plays an important role.

  • One-tube.
  • Two-pipe.

What do they differ from each other? The number of contours, and, accordingly, the volume of materials used.

One-pipe scheme

In fact, this is a ring of pipes, where the center is the heating boiler. This is the most simple scheme wiring that is best used in one-storey buildings where the system is applied natural circulation coolant. Or in multi-storey buildings from forced circulation.

Let's say right - this scheme is not the best, although very economical in terms of materials spent for its construction. But she has one big drawback - the inability to adjust the flow of heat. Installing some controlling probes in such a scheme problematic. Therefore, in homes where one-tube decoupling scheme is mounted, the thermal return indicator is designed. That is why it is important to correctly calculate this indicator.

Attention! One-tube heating Allows only sequential connection radiators. That is, the coolant passes all radiators one by one, giving heat. And the further the device is located in the chain, the less heat it gets.

Two-pipe scheme

This scheme contains two contours - feed and reverse. In the first contour, the coolant enters the heating radiators (aluminum, bimetallic, cast iron or steel), and on the second it is allocated to the boiler. But what is surprising, the coolant is evenly distributed across all the batteries, which is a huge advantage of this connection scheme.

An important moment - with two-pipe connections It is possible to adjust the temperature in each separate radiator by opening or closing the passage to it. A conventional cutting valve is installed here, which allows you to increase or decrease the volume of the coolant in each battery.

Place Installation

It would seem that the place of installation of the heating radiator has long been determined. After all, its main function is the return of heat. But let's look wider on the task. Installation of radiators is serious. With their help, it is necessary to create certain temperature standards that will affect optimal mode in the apartment. So, they are best installed under the windows, where the cold air penetrates, or about entrance doors. That is, cut off the cold air zone is another task.

And again arises "but". Just to take and install the heating radiator under the window - it is half an end. There are certain norms that need to be taken into account. The correct connection of the heating radiator depends largely from these norms.

What do they turn on to themselves?

  • First, any batteries are aluminum, bimetallic, steel or cast-iron - should be mounted horizontally. A small deviation of 1 degrees is permissible, but it is better to set the devices exactly horizontally.
  • Secondly, the distance from the radiator to the window sill must be within 10-15 cm.
  • Almost the same distance should be from the floor to the battery.
  • From the wall to the radiator, it should not exceed 5 cm.

It is these norms that determine the most correct and efficient heat transfer of heating devices. Therefore, take them as a guide to action.

Ways to connect heating radiators

Now you can go to the main topic and consider the connection of heating radiators directly. There are three ways to connect the heating batteries correctly.

Method number 1 - lateral connection

Side connection radiators

The most common type of connection when it comes to the heating system in an urban apartment. In apartment buildings, pipe junction is configured vertically from the apartment to the apartment on the floors. Therefore, the vertical contours of the feed and returns are called risers.

These batteries are connected on the side, hence the name. Most often, the connection is carried out according to the scheme:

  1. Feed - to the upper nozzle.
  2. The return is in the bottom.

Although it is not so important if the question affects the scheme with the forced circulation of the coolant. True, experts argue that this scheme was not chosen in vain. If you change the batteries in places, then efficiency and coefficient useful action The heating device is reduced by 7%. This is a significant indicator, so it will have to be taken into account when the radiators are turned on into the heating system of the house. In the heating system there are no unimportant indicators or moments. A small deviation from the norm can lead to sufficiently serious losses and warm, and in fuel, and, accordingly, in the money.

And one moment. If the number of sections in the rhymer battery does not exceed 12 pieces, then the lateral connection to the heating system is optimal. If the number of sections is more, then applied diagonal connectionwhich is also called cross.

Method number 2 - Diagonal connection

Diagonal connection

Experts believe that the diagonal connection is ideal. For this, the heating contours are connected as follows:

  • Feed - to the upper battery pipe.
  • The return is to the bottom, but from the opposite side of the device.

That is, both contours are connected to each other through the radiator by diagonal. Hence the name. The advantage of this compound is that the coolant inside the radiator is distributed evenly, due to which the heat returns across the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe instrument. It is in this way that the substantial fuel economy is achieved.

METHOD №3 - Lower connection

This way to connect rhymer radiators to the heating system is extremely rare. With the lower connection, many problems, and especially this concerns the uniform distribution of the coolant for all radiators. This species is used in one-pipe scheme Connections where radiators are set sequentially, and the coolant moves along the chain from one to another.

Lower connection of the radiator

By the way, the Leningradka scheme is one of the most common, if we talk about heating one-storey house. In essence, it is a sloped tube into which radiators are embedded. Connect them is quite simple - for this, pipes are discharged from the lower nozzles, which are crashed into the contour itself. It turns out that the coolant, moving in the circuit along a closed cycle, enters each radiator. But at the same time, the further the heating device is located in the direction of the movement of hot water, the less heat he gets.

What to do? There are two solutions to this problem:

  1. Increase the number of radiators sections located in the long-distance boiler rooms.
  2. Install the circulation pump that will create a small pressure inside the heating. It will allow evenly distributing hot water By premises.

By the way, the circulation pump immediately makes the system with volatile. This has its own minus. The fact is that the disconnection of electricity in many country villages is the usual matter. So the problem with the bottom connection remains. But that the coolant movement is effective even when the pump is turned off, it is necessary to take care of the bypass installation.

Conclusion on the topic

So, you were able to make sure that the connection of radiators (rhyphar and other types) is not easy and very serious. It is believed that in urban apartments optimal option - Side connection. If it comes to private housekeeping, then diagonal scheme will suit the best thing. With the bottom connection too many problems. In addition, practice and testing have shown that this option is an incorrect approach to the organization mounting process It has too large thermal losses - up to 40%.

Many homeowners are not satisfied with the effectiveness of the heating of their apartment. Especially acute this question arises during strong cold weather. Sometimes bad heating is associated with a loose radiator. In this case, replace heating construction on more productive and powerful equipment. Today, there are ceramic heating batteries, bimetallic and. But the most reliable and durable remains all the same cast iron models. If the battery is in excellent condition, it is impractical to change it. In this case, you can add sections to the radiator. This article is dedicated to increasing the heating battery.

At the moment, there are several radiators for connecting radiators.

Experts argue that the wrong selected scheme may lead to the fact that 50% of heat will be lost.

If additional sections are attached incorrectly, the system will warm up unevenly. And the slightest error, the defect can cause leaks and breakthroughs. Therefore, it is important to know how to properly connect the batteries of heating, and perform work gently and carefully.

Methods for connecting radiators are shown below:

It should be noted that serial connection Heating radiators is the most reliable and economically justified. The easiest way to implement the method is to carry out one common coolant feed channel.

What will required to build a battery?

Before connecting the heating radiator, it is necessary to calculate how many sections need to be installed for more efficient heating of the room. And buy required amount Additional sections. It is better to choose cast iron.

Also before connecting the heating radiators correctly, all required tools, Purchase some materials:

How to make a battery connection?

Not dealing with how to connect the batteries of heating, not knowing the principle of operation of the heating system, the radiator will not properly determine.

Preparatory work

First of all you need to spend preparatory work. This refers to dismantling the radiator. You need to remove the sections that are planned to be increasing.

The battery must be cleaned, remove rust, dust and dirt.

It should be inspecting a threaded hole that combined the structure with the pipe. There may be growths. They need to be removed using emery paper. IN otherwise The intercreational laying is installed. And this may lead to the fact that the heating system will flow.

Attaching sections

On the connection of sections is carried out. Connected sections tight attach to the battery. Make gasket. Using the radiator key, the distance to the nipple is measured. Nappel in the battery is inserted into the lane. The pipe key scrolls the radiator key. Then the nipple turns into two opposite sections. Make 3 turns with radiator key. Similar actions are done with the bottom of the battery.

Next, paronit gaskets and side plugs are taken and installed in the battery. At the same time use a pipe key. The main thing is to tighten very hard to create a reliable, hermetic design. The section is attached to the radiator. Similarly, the rest of the sections are connected.

Radiator mounting to the wall

After all additional sections are attached, is carried out. To do this, install hooks at the battery level. The design is hung. All connections are fixed with fittings. Make a tight wrench. All connections are processed by sealant. Recently, special adhesive tapes for pipes appeared on sale.


The resulting design is inserted in one end into the pipe, and the other is in the battery. Connection locations twist tightly wrench. When the installation of fitting is completed, waterproofing is carried out.

After the assembly of heating batteries is completed, the system is inspected for the presence of defects. If everything is in order, a trial launch of the coolant is carried out. The first time the water is started under reduced pressure. This allows you to detect where the connection is low-quality and gives to flow. When the leaks are detected, the water is turned off and start to troubleshoot the problem. The second time the coolant is started under normal pressure.

After connecting the heating battery, it was necessary to give a radiator to work for several hours. And after this time, check the condition of pipes, fittings, batteries.

What battery connection scheme to choose?

As it is possible to connect the radiators of heating different schemes, Consider which one is more convenient and efficient.

The serial connection of radiators is used most often. Because provides a high level of reliability. Requires minimal maintenance. Technical costs are small. By such a scheme, you can connect up to four batteries. The heating device is connected to the system below. When sagging radiators, pipes, you need to put spacers.

The only negative when connecting batteries according to such a scheme - large heat losses. When water enters the upper part of the system, the battery cools at about 7 degrees. Recent radiators warm the apartment will be worse. The difference in the temperatures of the neighbor and far battery can reach 18 degrees. Thus, the room to warm up will be uneven. But this problem can be solved - put an additional electric boiler.

Any modern batteries, whether aluminum, cast-iron or bimetallic, are supplied with four open nozzles to connect to the heating highway. In accordance with constructive features The wiring is selected scheme for connecting radiators with suburban pipes, and the remaining openings are closed with plugs or aircraft cranes.

In this article we will study possible options Installation of batteries and tell what scheme is better in terms of the efficiency of heat transfer.

It's believed that best results Your radiator works can be obtained using a diagonal connection. In order to properly implement this method, you need to connect the input tube to one of the upper inputs, and the return - to the bottom from the opposite edge. Then the coolant will circulate by optimal route, capturing the largest part of the surface of the heating device.

Such a combination is particularly effective if the radiator consists of big number (more than 10) sections. All other types of connections in this case will noticeably lose.

Therefore, the diagonal connection is considered reference, and all manufacturers indicate the parameters of their equipment relative to this version of the heating device.

The disadvantages of the method under consideration can be attributed:

  • high pipe flow in the system;
  • the inability to hide communications in the wall or in the box;
  • complex layout geometry;
  • uncomfortable installation.

Applied diagonal scheme In cases where the main requirement is the maximum heat transfer, and the considerations of aesthetics and design are departed into the background. Due to the uneconomicality and complexity of the wiring, in multi-storey houses This method of installing radiators is practically not used.

Lower connection

In contrast to the diagonal, the lower method of connecting the batteries does not allow optimizing the system of heating in terms of performance, but it provides the ability to make a radiator with almost imperceptible.

Such a compound (it is sometimes called Leningradka), due to the peculiarities of passing the coolant between the input and output collector, reduces the efficiency in the system by 10-15%. And so tangible these losses become only in apartment buildings with a large length of the highway.

If you plan to install a radiator in own home (Especially single-storey), the lower connection scheme will be an excellent option.

The upper part of the battery is heated worse than the bottom, especially it becomes noticeable when clogging or bringing the inner cavities. In these cases, cleaning and removal of air is required with the help of cranes of Maevsky.

Side scheme

Most often, the radiators of the heating system, especially in apartment buildings, are mounted on the side scheme. Its essence is that both highways are suitable for the battery on the one hand.

Benefits side Connection:

  • high efficiency;
  • convenient installation;
  • savings on pipes;
  • the possibility of organizing bypass between highways to install regulatory reinforcement.

If you compare the diagonal and side wiring together, the advantage is worth paying the latter, since the difference in efficiency is only a few percent, and the benefits of the lateral connection are obvious.

The diagonal scheme starts to win, if you need to connect the radiator with large quantity Sections or organize a sequential location of several powerful batteries. A proper understanding of these features will help optimally distribute radiators in the system.

Radiator location

The radiator is best installed under the window. This well-known rule is explained very simple: it is there that the heating battery will create best conditionsSupplementing cold air to the room.

In the urban apartment window and doors are the most important sources of heat loss. In private houses, as we have already noted, the roof and floor are added to them. Battery under the windowsill will create a veil of warm air, which is known to strive up when heated, and does not let the cold inside.

If there are several windows in the room, it is better to distribute radiators between them and connect them successively. Also, experts recommend putting several heating points into corner rooms.

The following tips will help properly place the radiator:

  • The distance of the floor to the floor and the windowsill must be at least 10 cm. Otherwise, the effectiveness of its work will decrease, and under it it will be inconvenient;
  • You should not deepen a radiator toward the wall, it is better to leave a gap of about 5 cm;
  • When using decorative protective screens, the efficiency of radiators is reduced by 10-15%.
  • From the point of view of heat transfer, the advantage has aluminum radiatorsBut in urban apartments it is better to install bimetallic products.

And one more important moment: independently change the scheme of connecting radiators, their connection between themselves or install stop valves in the absence of bypass in apartment buildings is prohibited. All alterations in the heating system must be coordinated with the management company.

Installation of radiators

An independent installation of radiators will not cause problems in the heating system in the future, if you correctly fulfill all the requirements for such work and ensure the tightness of all compounds. In addition, some types of batteries require accuracy when contacting: aluminum and bimetallic radiators Have a pretty soft outer case, which can be easily mounted when hitting.

The installation process is performed in the following order:

  1. Remove old radiator (If necessary). Naturally, the heating highway should be blocked at the same time;
  2. Location Place Installation. Radiators are usually hanging on a special bracket that is attached to the wall. Fasteners are most often designed for concrete or brick walls. If you want to hang the radiator on a soft wall, for example, from drywall, you need to use special dowels. Aluminum I. bimetallic batteries Do not create dangerous loads for such a wall, but the cast-iron version is better not to use here. The bracket must be installed so that the radiator is based on the requirements described in the previous section;
  3. Now you need Collect battery. To do this, in all four mounting holes, screw the adapters that are included in the kit. Usually two of them have the left thread, and two are right, so you need to show attentiveness. Further, depending on the connection scheme, unused collectors drown out, one crane of Maevsky, and the other is a special stopping cap. All locations are thoroughly sealing;
  4. To prevent water flow in places of compounds, we lay the plumbing flax. Fuma tape is better not to use here. Len need to get out correctly: for the right thread clockwise, and for left - in the opposite direction. In this case, when screwing into the threads of the connected elements, the flax will not be knocked out from under them. For reliability, the connection can be additionally sealing. special means, for example, unipak paste;
  5. Confasing the places of trunk pipes ball Valves . They will allow to remove the radiator for cleaning and maintenance, without stopping the operation of the entire system;
  6. Now it remains only hang the radiator on the bracket And connect the supplied pipes to it. Connection locations Sealing according to the above algorithm.

So, we looked at all possible species Connecting heating batteries. If you are only planning a system structure for your own housing, you can choose the most appropriate scheme. If you live in an urban apartment, you have no such freedom. In any case, the understanding of the principles and features of the connection of radiators will allow you to independently serve and install heating devices in my house.