Storage of cuttings apple trees for vaccination. When to harvest the cuttings of the apple tree for spring vaccination

In the life of each gardener, novice or experienced, the moment occurs when the fruit trees have to vaccinate. The common inhabitants of the gardens are an apple tree, with whom and have often to face the owners of the site. The workpiece of cuttings for the vaccination of the apple tree has a lot of subtleties, the knowledge of which will facilitate the process and will allow you to stock raw material. Before going to harvest the lead, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with the peculiarities of the process, rules, tips being gardeners.

Before harvesting the cuttings, it is recommended to find out the features of these small parts of the branch, each of which is hidden a mysterious force that can give the life of a full-fledged apple tree. The new tree will keep maternal characteristics. Prerequisite - stock vegetable raw materials with proven trees, pre-convincing them varietal signs and yields.

Features that need to remember, stroking shoots for vaccination:

  • use only annual shoots;
  • it is recommended to cut branches located in the outer parts of the crown - strong and well-developed under sunlight;
  • trying to cut off the shoots from the southern part of the apple tree - they have short interstices, and the eyes are well developed.

The vaccination will take place without hassle, if you use shoots growing on the middle yarus of the apple tree - they are considered the highest quality.

What does a good stalk look like

Good cuttings for vaccination have several common features that beginner gardeners should certainly know. It should look like a harvested vegetable raw material:

  • length varies from 30 to 40 cm;
  • shoots cut off with apple trees from 3 to 10 years;
  • thickness - up to 10 mm (approximately as a conventional pencil);
  • there are 3-7 pronounced kidneys.

Another feature of harvested cuttings - interstitial should be short, it depends on how quickly the lead is taken.

When and how the cuttings are harvested

On the question of when cuttings are harvested, experienced gardeners will answer with confidence - it is recommended to engage in a fascinating process twice. Go to the garden with winter departure, with the first spring days or before the onset of winter cold weather - at the end of autumn. Most gardeners for an apple tree are cut from autumn.

Autumn advantages of cuttings:

  • the first frosts managed to harden the escape, destroy the pests, were disapplicated;
  • plants switched to rest stage;
  • there is a guarantee that the shoots are no longer freezed, because they successfully transferred the first frosts;
  • for vaccination, it is recommended to use only sleeping shoots, and the lead-gone will remain in such a state until the spring.

If you failed to make stock from autumn, in the spring it turns out to cut the cuttings no worse, the main thing is not to be late. The kidneys must be at rest if they began to bloom, there is a risk that the lead does not come true.

Storage of cuttings: where and how to store

The prerequisite for successful storage - cuttings must be in a state of rest until use. The main tasks that stand in front of the gardener are:

  • do not allow shoots to frozen;
  • trace so that they do not start to deteriorate;
  • prevent dry
  • do not allow rodents to spoil the planting material.

  1. Drop shallow (up to 30 cm) of trenches, put the cuttings, having previously addressed the bottom of the swarms of conifers.
  2. Cover the vegetable raw material, chopped straw, soil layer.
  3. Pour a high snowdrift (no less than half a meter), to catch a shovel.
  4. Put the sawdust layer (up to 20 cm).

The lack of a method is the risk of damage to the billets for vaccination with rodents. You can prevent damage plastic or metal mesh With small cells.

If cuttings are a bit, use the refrigerator. Place plant raw materials in a package of polyethylene, leave loosely tied, put on the bottom shelf. Check for all storage.

When the vaccination time comes

Despite the fact that the apple tree is not bad in continuation of the whole year, it is best to do that in early spring. It is recommended to carry out the vaccination with the beginning of the vegetation - at this time the juice is just beginning to actively move along the wood, and the bark is fine behind.

If the vaccination is carried out in the split, it is better to hurry and spend the work even before the start of the juice movement, during the rest. This is usually the beginning of April, but in the warm regions, it is recommended to start a process before - from mid-March. If there is a risk of recovery of frosts, move the period for several weeks.

The vaccination at which the brush is inserted into the side slice is made in the summer, in the spring, even in winter, especially if the seedlings have already turned to grow.

There are some useful Soviets The experienced gardeners, to which it is recommended to listen to novice:

  • Before vaccination, make sure the suitability of Chenkov is to lower their cut into the water, after half an hour carefully examine the liquid. If it remains transparent, use shoots, if you climbed or become yellow - refuse to use - they are already unsuitable.
  • Use vegetable raw materials for billet from trees that are subjected to constant trimming - it is much better stored and actively carries out.

  • When billet from young seedlings, try to cut only branches that will be removed when trimming, so as not to injure the tree.
  • Use garden var - it will protect the sections from the penetration of infection, bacteria that can damage the shoots.
  • Cherenkov harvest more than it will be needed - even if some of them are ruined during storage, the amount of plant raw materials will remain sufficient for vaccination.

Another important Council - Do not use thin, damaged or curved branches - good apple tree Of them it will not work.

The billet of the cuttings is the process of fascinating, and after a minor effort will certainly be completed with remarkable results. The apple tree will definitely thank the works of a good harvest of juicy, fragrant and useful fruits. The main thing is to follow the rules, the recommendations of the experienced gardeners and not engage in experiments that are able to harm the tre.

Each gardener, whether it is a professional or an amateur, at least once in life came across the vaccine fruit branches. Since the most common fruit tree in our gardens is an apple tree, then its vaccination is carried out most often. In order to spend everything successfully, it is necessary to clearly comply with all the rules. In most cases, a favorable outcome depends on properly prepared cuttings of an apple tree for vaccination.

Cuttings Apple trees for vaccination can be started to harvest at different times.

Most often, preparation is carried out at the autumn time (end of November). The most suitable time for the workpiece is the period after the cessation in the coating tree. This period begins after the apple tree completely dropped the leaves and entered the state of rest.

Some gardeners argue that the workpiece can be carried out at the beginning of winter. For winter training Cherenkov fits the period from the beginning of winter until mid-January. After January, they may be treated with thaw, and this will significantly worsen the survival rate of the cutter (it may not take care at all), which was cut in this period. This phenomenon has an explanation. It is believed that in this case the movement of plastic substances in the top of the escape when heating the sun. They are moved to the branches. Cutting such a branch and vaccinating it to a long time will be ineffective due to the fact that there are already no nutrientswho are needed to capture the elements of vaccinations and build callus. Also for winter You can make frozen young shoots.

Other gardeners argue that for effective vaccination, the cuttings of the apple tree can be harvested in December or February, as well as in March. But in this case, weather conditions should be taken into account. The air temperature at the time of the cut should be not lower than -10 degrees Celsius. It is such a temperature that contributes to the best hand for annual shoots. If the workpiece is carried out at the beginning of winter, it must be carried out after the first frosts. If the winter was not very frosty, and the wood on the apple was not damaged, then the cuttings can be harvested at the end of February or in early March.

Also, it can also be prepared in spring period. In this case, young shoots are cut off to the renal dissolve period. If the kidneys have already blown on the shoot, then they do not apply for vaccination. In some cases, the workpiece can be carried out during the Martam trimming of the apple tree.

Some gardeners offer to harvest the cuttings immediately before starting to vaccinate it.

The vaccination of the cuttings of the apple tree can be carried out both in winter and. From its time directly depends on the time of the billet of the lead. If the vaccination is carried out in winter, then both the trigger, respectively, are prepared at the beginning of winter, and if in the spring - either at the beginning of winter, or early in spring.

For winter hardy grades The apple tree is equally suitable as the preparation of a lead in the fall and in winter.

Of all the above periods of the workpiece, 100% the result of the vaccination gives the preparation of cuttings at the beginning of winter.

With the video, which shows the Spring or Winter Provision Billet, can be found below.

How to harvest

In order for the vaccination to go, it is necessary to choose the right time for the workpiece, as well as to carry out the workpiece itself.

To do this, you need to follow the following instructions:

  • you should choose the trees in advance with which will be brought;
  • to cut the cuttings well, you need to use only young, healthy, as well as the fruitful branches of the apple tree;
  • the cruise is made from annual shoots. In case of impossibility to use annual shoots, two-year shoots are used;
  • branches should grow with a lighted part of the cortex;
  • cutting start only after the completion of the growing season or to the dissolution of the kidneys;
  • cuttings are not harvested from branches that grow vertically (with wolfges or wen);
  • at the end of the summer, the tops of the kidneys should be discharged on the selected branch. It is done in order to shoot, after vaccination, turned well. But you can use conventional branches;
  • for the tribal, the best of all suitable ripe, the diameter of which is not less than 5-6 mm, there must be an upheat growth kidney and leafy side kidneys;
  • should not be done too short (about 10 cm);
  • curves, subtle and damaged branches are not suitable as a solution;
  • trim shoots needed below the growth neck with a segment of two-year-old wood up to 2 cm. Otherwise, the branch can be spoiled during storage.

After it was cut off, it needs to be collected in bunches in varieties (if there will be a vaccination of several trees at once different varieties). Before that, so that the cuttings are kept for a long time and after vaccination gave good harvestThey need to wipe them with a damp cloth and sort the size. Then the beams should be tied with wire and be sure to hang the tag on which to specify the variety, the cutting time and the place where the cuttings data will be vaccinated in spring (vehicle variety).

Video "Drying cuttings for an apple tree vaccination"

All stages of cuttings blank can be additionally viewed on video.

How to store

After the shoots were cut and connected, they should be stored for storage. To do this, they are placed in a pure cellophane package and placed on the northern side of your home or barn.

Allocate the following methods for storing a given:

  • bundles can be stored on the street. In this case, it should be cleared small plot Earth from snow, put there to core and fall asleep on top of snow and tamper;
  • cuttings can be stored in the refrigerator. In this case, they must be wrapped first in the wet burlap, and then in paper. After the bundles are placed in polyethylene. Periodically need to view cuttings to prevent them from drying out or developing mold;
  • sections can be stored in wet sand, peat, sawdust or any other suitable substrate (the oldest and proven method); The storage temperature should be a plus, but low. Periodically, it is necessary to moisturize the substrate. In this case, the cuttings are stored fresh and swelling;
  • the cable can be stored in the basement at a temperature of zero to +3 degrees Celsius. Bundles are placed vertically cut down, and from the sides are glued with sand or sawdust. The moisture content of the substrate must be maintained throughout the winter.
  • also, the laying can be stored in a suspended state on the veranda, balcony, wood. But in this case they need to be well insulated with a clean and sterile package. Periodically, they need to be checked to prevent germination of sections.

Sometimes when the cuttings need to be saved to spring vaccinationThey bury them in the ground in the garden. The depth of the pit is one bayonet shovel. They are closed on top with fir legs from moles, and then throwing vegetable residues and leave the label (for example, pegs).

Observing the above requirements and instructions, you can achieve a successful vaccination, and the lead will bring a lot of fruits.

1.Mart, or rather the second half of its half, - the right time to start trimming fruit trees. The sun is already high enough, the day has increased significantly, and severe frosts can no longer wait. Suitable time to go out into the garden with a secateur and garden saw to put the trees, pretty overgrown for the previous summer. Simultaneously with trimming, you can begin to harvest the cuttings for the spring vaccination into the crown or to the crude grown. During trimming, there is enough material to select suitable cuttings.

2. At this time, trees are still at rest, kidney - Sleep, and in the wood there are enough plastic substances in order to preserve in a viable state until the vaccination. The operation of the vaccination is carried out in the period when the coating in the tree has already begun, on the seed trees at this time, the kidney is already beginning to bloom. The stalk attached to them immediately receives nutrients, and the growing process is pretty quickly. However, if the cuttings are taken from the tree, on which the kidneys were already blocked, the probability of its drying increases significantly, even if he immediately begins to a new place.

Rules for storage Cherenkov
So, the cuttings are harvested. Now you need to keep them until the vaccination time, that is, before the attack of the appearance (April-May). For this, the cuttings are binding to beams in varieties, attaching labels to them.
Then the bundles are folded into polyethylene dark packets and removed into the basement. Before laying in a plastic bag, beams can be wrapped with a damp cloth.
The temperature in the basement should be close to zero. However, not everyone has a premises, and not every gardium requires such a number of cuttings. In this situation, a small amount of cuttings can be stored in the refrigerator in the fruit separation. And if the cuttings are harvested a lot, you will have to bury them into the snow (in a snowy bourge).
To do this, make a snowdrift with a height of about a meter from the northern side of the house or shed. Drop into it the deepening almost to the ground, put the bunches of the cuttings there, pour on the snow. So that the snow does not melted, as long as possible on top of the entire surface of the snowdrift, lay a layer of straw or sawdust. Thus, it is possible to save cuttings before the onset of stable positive temperatures, when you can already begin vaccination.

The main indicator of this is a dropped foliage. Therefore, making the blanks for the spring vaccination preferably not earlier than November. You can even at the beginning of winter. Small frosts do not become a hindrance.

The meaning of such a workpiece is that annual shoots that are used for cutting cuttings will not die in winter in the case of severe frosts. Also, for good survival, the lead must be in the "sleeping" condition until the vaccination itself. And in the tree-laying at the time of the procedure there should be an active movement of juice. This can be achieved by harvesting the cuttings in advance.

Cherenkov secrets

Cuttings or cruises are the segments of annual obsess shoots. You need to take them from the varietal trees and shrubs tested on the fertility. Then we will clearly know what to expect from a grafted plant. It is advisable to take cuttings for risks from trees, which are in a timely manner of a rejuvenating trimming. They have stronger shoots and growth kidneys are better developed.

Prosi is preferably chopped with one-year branches. But if there is no such possibility, it is possible with two-year-old.

First of all, pay attention to the diameter of escape. It must be at least 6-7mm. This corresponds to the thickness of a simple pencil. The length of the branch, from which you can take the help should be at least 40-50cm. If there is damage or spots on shoot, it is better not to use it.

Our advice:

Airs of cuttings need to take from a young village with a small crown, it is better to choose for this branch that in the spring you plan to trim.

Dates of cutting cutters for vaccination

Another important nuance is the dates of cutting cuttings for different cultures. First of all, we harvest the lead from plants less resistant to frosts - cherries, peach, apricot. This can be done until frosts do not exceed 5-8 ° C. But the cuttings with apple trees, cherries, plums, pears, quince, rowan can be harvested and at more low temperatures (up to 15 ° C). Therefore, the first billets are carried out from the second decade of November to the middle of December (if you do not hit very coldy). For frost-resistant plants, the entire December is suitable, and even the beginning of January. An additional bonus will be natural natural disinfecting of cuts. Since frosts will destroy mushrooms and many microorganisms.

Portrait of an ideal cutlery for vaccination

If you have decided on where to take a given, and November has already shown his harsh nature, it's time to start a business.

  • A good cutlets should be long 30-40cm, with cherries can be longer - 50-60cm. Not less than 4-5 well-developed growth kidneys.
  • No need to cut cuttings from "fatty" shoots. Wolfs are distinguished by a greenish tinge of the bark and longer interstices. They are located on strong blesses and asked up. Such a lead is taken for, but it will be bad fruit.
  • The cruise should not be thin or curves, short (less than 10-15 cm). The core of the branch should be alive, greenish.
  • A properly harvested cutter has a slice slightly below the growth neck. Cut in this way will be better suited.

How to store cuttings for vaccination

Before sending storage cuttings, you need to sort them, tie with beams and attach labels with a variety name. It is desirable to prepare more vaccine material than you need.

There are several proven ways to store the core.

- To preserve cuttings until spring, you need to have the kidney in sleeping condition, - explains Pavel Nikolaevich Naumenko, agronomist of the private enterprise "Agrosvit" in the Kiev region. - To do this, it is necessary to put the cuttings into the room, where the air temperature is not higher than 5-7 ° C. It can be a cellar, basement and even a refrigerator, just a freezer.

Wrap cuttings into a moistened fabric or burlap and cellophane. Well, make sure that the moisture is not evaporated. From time to time, check whether the mold appeared. If yes, rinse them cold water And replace the fabric.

You can also store cubes in a cool room, lowering cuts in the sand, which must be periodically moistened.

These ways are more suitable for seed crops and grapes. For bone plants, they are not always successful. Since the temperature of the air in the cellar or basement gradually increases and the kidney can awaken before the time. Such cuttings are good.

Stone plants

Blocks of bone plants need storage at air temperature minus 2-3 ° C. To create appropriate conditions, you can use sawdust. Related bunches of cuttings are recommended in any container and flood with wet sawders with a layer of 10-15 cm. After that, torn-frozen. There are such homemade "refrigerator" in the shade behind the house or the shed, where they do not penetrate sun rays. From above, they fall asleep with dry sawdresses by 40-50 cm and are covered with cellophane, which will save them from wetting. This device will save the cuttings in the "sleeping" condition until the vaccination itself. A few days before the procedure, a bunch must be unloaded and a container with the leads to transfer to the warm room for thawing.

You can store cuttings into the trench, the depth of which is 30-40 cm. Putting the laps, then the cylinder wrapped in a film or cellophane, and again the layer of the facothy. Next to the pit falls asleep the earth, then with fallen leaves, straw or sawdust. When snow falls, you can boost it to the storage.

In addition to protection against freezing and drying, the cuttings need to be kept from the ubiquitous rodents. It will help us with fiberglass or fine-like grid, which should be turned on the cylinder over cellophane. Experienced gardeners Approve that old categorous tights or stockings can serve as no less effective protection.

In March-April, when the trees begin to awaken, you can get to vaccinate. The main conditions for this is the beginning of the movement of the juice in the tree and the sleeping kidney of the lead.

Oksana Shapoval

Photo Depositphotos.

Cutting and storing cuttings for spring vaccination is an important procedure that needs to be carried out in compliance with all rules. Let's look at how to prepare cuttings for obtaining best result.

Cuttings for vaccination are harvested in autumn or in spring. In the fall, this should be done when the movement of juices in the tree ends, that is, in about late November. The question regarding whether it is worth cutting the cuttings in winter, is the subject of many disputes, so that the novice gardium is better not to conduct such experiments.

In the spring it is necessary to do after the end of frosts, when the circulation of juice begins. Cuttings for the apple tree vaccination can be taken during spring trimming, especially if it is a frost-resistant variety. On average, the harvesting of cuttings of the apple tree for vaccination in the spring is better to spend in March, in the second half of the month, although this period may vary depending on the region and how long it was winter. Prepare the vaccination material must be prepared before the kidneys dissolve, otherwise there is almost no chance that it takes. In general, the cuttings are recommended predominantly in the fall - so less risk that in winter the shoots are frozen, after which they will not be useful for vaccination.

How to make perfect stalks

Consider how to properly prepare cuttings, and which sprouts need to be taken to get a healthy lead. The cuttings need to be taken from the young (from 3 to 10 years old), an abundant fruiting tree with a well-lit side, best of all southern, where they have the shortest interstitial. For this purpose annual sprouts, the best of the middle tier.

Eye in their sheet sinuses should be well developed. It is important that the ultimate kidney is pronounced pronounced. Take the process with a length of 30-40 cm, thick with a pencil (about 7 mm in diameter), having no less than 4-5 developed kidneys. Do not store "Wolf" (i.e., fat shoots, perpendicular to the branch, even along the entire length, with poor kidneys) - they quickly come true, but for a long time they do not bring fruit for a long time. Also do not fit the shoots on which the leaves and sweets remained - if with most of the tree they already faltered, it speaks of a bad aging.

You can cook cuttings and with old apple trees, although they are usually shorter recommended. Their quantity should be more, up to 15 pieces so that you can choose the best. Prepared sprouts should be even, with intact crust. Take a look at the cut - in its center there should be no brown enclosures.

Where and how best is preserved

Now let's find out how to store cuttings for spring vaccination, and where it is best to do.

On the street

Material for vaccinations can be stored on the street - provided that you live in places with snowy winter, outundays a height of at least half a meter.

To do this, pick up a place protected from flooding, near the northern wall of a barn or a house. There you need to make a groove with a depth of about 30 cm and lay out on the bottom of the branch softwood (This is also protecting the workpiece from moles). On top to lay out the cuttings, cover up the sweetheart again, and then sprinkle with foliage, straw or sawdust.

If the thickness of the snowdrift is half the meter and more, the sprouts can not even be bought, but the snowdrift itself needs to be covered with dry straw or sawdust - so less risk that it melts. A natural question appears: how to keep cuttings from pests? For this cutlets, you can wrap the layer of capron, metallic or plastic mesh With small cells.

In the regions with long thaws, the cuttings can be stored on Earth between two layers of wet sawdust. Wait until this embankment takes one freezing, after which it is additionally cut with dry sawdresses with a layer of 40 cm, and on top - polyethylene film. Instead of water, you can use carbolovic acid (50 ml on 10 liters of water) to scare mice and other pests.

In the cellar

In the home basement or cutting cellar is stored down in a slightly wet substrate, such as sand, moss sphagnum or sawdust. The humidity of the substrate must be maintained all winter. The temperature should be not lower than 0 and not higher than +3 ° C.

In a refrigerator

In urban conditions, steels in the refrigerator may be convenient. The cuttings associated with a beam should be wrapped with a wet cloth (the best bags), then paper and, finally, polyethylene. At the same time, it is necessary to use such a compartment, where the temperature keeps ranging from 0 to +2 ° C (for example, for fruits). In no case can not be stored in the freezer! In order for the sprouts longer to be kept, they need to be regularly ventilated and not forget to wet the fabric. At the same time, the inspection is also inspected to notice the mold in time and prevent her distribution.

Other suitable places

Well the material for vaccination is stored suspended on a tree branch, balcony or veranda. To do this, it is necessary to insulate it with a package or place in plastic bottle. From time to time, carry out the workpieces so that they do not start germinate cuts.

How to save from damage

First, you need to store cuttings within the recommended temperatures. If they are moving, inhibition of them will not succeed, so you need to worry about sufficient insulation in advance. But excessive heat can lead to infection with bacteria or premature germination, which also makes them unsuitable for use. So if the cuttings are in the cellar or refrigerator, you need to control the temperature, if necessary, lowering or increasing it.

Secondly, it is necessary to maintain optimal humidity: the drying will kill the future inhibition, and excess moisture will provoke the appearance of mold. Before using any substrate or tissue, squeeze them in your hand - they should be clearly wet to the touch, but the water should not drip. With the appearance of mold, the cuttings can be saved, dipping in copper Kuner (3% solution) or alcohol iodine (1%).

Checking Whether storage survived

The cuttings that have worriedly survived the wintering can be determined by smooth and fresh crusts, as well as on tightly sitting kidney with smooth looks. Carefully bend the sprout - alive elastic and elastically beaten, the deceased breaks away. You can try to refresh the elastic cutlets with a wrinkled bark: Cut 1-2 cm above the previous cut and put a sprout into clean water for three days.

If it does not help, then he is dead. You can make a frostbite test. To do this, do the bottom of the cutter a new cut and lower it into the water. If that remains clean, it means everything is in order. Yellow or brown color will show that the workpiece of the frozley. The state of the sprout will help check and sample: it should be fresh, light green. If the cut is brown, then the cuttings, alas, you can throw away. For how many days before vaccination, you need to make cuttings of the apple tree in heat? It is usually one day, but if you used frozen sawdust, then 3-4 days.

During the workpiece of Chenkov, you need to use sharp and well-disinfected tools in order not to incur infection. For the same reason, the location of the cut cannot be torn with his hands. After the sprouts of a certain variety are harvested, tie them together and sign this bundle - so you are not confused in the spring. If there are billets from different trees One variety, they can also be divided (especially if you want to try yourself in the role of a breeder). You can sign the grade on the cardboard (after that it must be tied with a scotch, so as not to suffer from dampness) or on a wooden plate.

The material for vaccination is better to collect with a margin, and if there is an opportunity, to save in different places - so more chances to get live cuttings for the spring, if one of the storage methods does not work. This is especially true of beginner gardeners or those cases when you are going to keep sprouts in a new place. If the tree is regularly cut, the sprouts from it will be more vitial. Some experts recommend capturing a piece of two-year-old wood in 1-2 cm, which improves adhesion.

Video "Perebrovka cuttings for spring vaccination"

From this video you will learn how to properly harvest the cuttings for the spring grafting of the apple tree.