We make wooden partitions in the bath with their own hands. Important tips on how to make partitions in a bath How to make a partition between steam and washing

Were finished, it's time to think about division indoor space On separate rooms. The total area of \u200b\u200bthe cut 6x4 m, so I turned on in required minimum Paired, washing and tambour. Tambour was drizzled back in the construction process. It remained to decide how to separate the steam room and washing. Shifting the mass of literature, came to the conclusion that the easiest thing to do such a partition frame technology. First, it is built very simple and quickly, I managed for 3 days. Secondly, the price came almost a penny. Thirdly, (very important!) The frame is lightweight and practically does not load the foundation. I will describe how construction was carried out.

Step 1. Assembling and mounting frame

The most time consuming part of the work is to assemble the frame from the bars of 50x50 mm. I decided to collect it immediately in place. Initially, the lags of the floor were pinned the lower bar (lower strapping), extreme racks were attached to it and the walls. The top bar is laid on top and secured.

Installing a framework of a barrack

I want to note that only 4 months passed from the construction of a cut before editing the partition, the shrinkage still continues. Therefore, between the upper strapping and the ceiling, I left a 2 cm gap - to compensate for shrinking shub shrink deformations. The clearance filled with jute felt. All this is done in the calculation that when the log house will sit down, the ceiling level will decrease and will be installed. upper strapping Partitions.

For greater rigidity in the locations of the side racks and the strapping, metal corners are screwed.

With a step of 600 mm, the rack is installed, the opening is made for door Block and brick screen Furnaces. It is important to note that the furnace is planned to be dried out of the washing, so its frontal part with a brick shield must be mounted in a partition.

All the slots between the walls, the brick shield and the bars of the frame are filled with jute felt.

Step 2. Warming Partition

I decided to embody the internal filling in such a scheme:

Scheme of internal filling and siding frame partition

As a insulation, I used basalt wool "Technobock Standard" (TechnoNIKOL) - in the form of plates with a thickness of 50 mm. At the manufacturer's applications, this material must withstand the heating to 400 ° C, not to burn and not melted. Also basalt wool is not hygroscopic, suitable for wet premises. Even if the moisture drop falls into the partition (despite the vapor barrier), the inside will not start rot. Well, it is important that basalt wool is absolutely safe for health, it does not release anything when heated.

Watches width - 600 mm, when installed between the racks, it was necessary to compress them a bit. To cut the plates (if necessary, the installation of parts, for example, above the shield, above the doorway) was used a sharp knife.

Basalt Wool Plates Between Partition Racks Partition

Step 3. Waste Foil insulation (from the steam room)

From the side of the parley, the insulation was covered with a foil in 2 layers. I consider foil with the best vaporizoator for the wage. First, does not miss steam and drip moisture. Secondly increases heat insulating properties Partitions (or walls), as it reflects infrared radiation.

The foil bought by me was thin, so I decided to lay it in 2 layers. Initially, the first layer was shot with the sickling of the seams with foil scotch. Fastening was carried out with construction stapler, on frame racks. From above, in disintegration with the first layer (so that the seams do not coincide), laid the second layer. Suts, holes from the stapler, the corners are also punctured by scotch.

When I discarded Foil, then pulled it on the frame, in some places it thinned, began to wrinkle. There was no hole, but, for your own calm, these damaged areas I also stuck with scotch.

Insulation of the Heater Foil (vaporizoation) from the steam

The joints between the brick shield and the foil are head-resistant silicon hermetic (Anti-Gribkov). Such such sealant quickly, combines diverse surfaces well.

Step 4. Waterproofing (Waterproof)

From the side of the washer foil, you can do without waterproofing. To do this, I bought a roll of the vapor-permeable membrane "Izosan A". On the one hand, it will not allow a splash of water splash in the insulation, and on the other, it will allow the insides of the partition "Breathe", ventilated.

The sheets of "Isyospan A" I fixed the brass, to the frame racks. The seams and holes from the stapler overlap scotch tape.

Fastening sheets of waterproofing "Izosan A"

Step 5. Fastening the wall paneling (from the side of the washing)

The lining clapper was carried out from the side of the washing. Here I was waiting for the meditation. A neighbor argued that the Ventzor between the vaporizolator and the clapboard is a useless thing that occupies a place and is completely not affected by anything. At the same time, the familiar builder proved the opposite. It seems like the gap allows condensate if it is formed, flipping over vapor barrier and not absorbed into the lining. I thought that this opinion was more common and the gap did. Although, not fully confident in its necessity.

For the organization of the gap on the frame racks, rails are stuffed. Their thickness is the size of the gap. I used the rails of 15 mm, stuck them on the racks using conventional thin nails.

On top of the rails she saw a pine clapboard. To protect against moisture and giving the color, the antiseptic composition of the Supi Saunasuoja (Tikkurila) in 2 layers was passed. The tree is perfectly kernel, the color turned out to be smooth, beautiful. Was nasty smell From the antiseptic, after 3 days completely woolly.

Covering partition wallboard is performed on thin rails

Step 6. Fastening the board (by steam room)

The partition from the pair, I decided to sheathe not with a clapboard, and a 35 mm thick board. This board - used, once lay on the floor in the house. Now the floors are replaced, and the board is still in suitable condition. Although the species has already been isolated, spammed, acquired stains. To give blackboard new life, I carefully squeak her grinding machine. Half an hour of work I. upper layer Shot! The board turned out almost like new.

Again, a centzorzor was formed, this time a thickness of 20 mm. The rails for it were used with a cross section of 40x20 mm. Reiki I nailed to the frames of the frame, on top of them - boards. All attachments were performed on nails.

At the end of the trim, the surface of the boards was covered with Supi Saunasuoja (Tikkurila). He dries the antiseptic quickly, in the day painted the partition in 2 layers.

I plan in the future at the bottom inland walls Flooring and partitions Let the tile lining height in 1 tile. This will prevent rotting lower Crown Siruba and partitions that are in wet pairing conditions and washer.

This looks like a frame partition in a bathroom!

I made such a partition in the bath. Quick, inexpensive and without helpers. Already managed and get into the steam room to evaluate the quality of the fence. What do I want to say? The thermal insulation qualities of the design are excellent, for 2 hours the bath warms up completely. Due to the removal of the panel in the washing time during the protood, and washing and washing. There is no condensate on the partition, the painting makeup does not change its color.

The frame partition is good what can be easily installed in any bath. Although in a litter, at least in a brick or gas-silicate structure. This design is universal, and its filling can be changed depending on the purpose.

Bani construction with their own hands requires well-thought-out and verified actions. Extremely important is the partition in the bath between the steam room and washing.

For its construction, it is necessary to competently distribute the space in the bath and pick up right materials. In general, the construction procedure is simple, but it will be necessary to carefully follow the recommendations.

This article will consider the various types of partitions and materials that were used in their erection.

What is the partition

Partition can carry and decorative character, becoming a design element

Such a structure is extremely important for the bath. It has the following advantages:

  • attractive appearance;
  • high strength;
  • good level of sound insulation.

In addition, the partition will provide high temperature and comfort in the steam room.

If there is no need for high thermal insulation, you can build a more simplified building. Below can be seen a bath with a partition.

What is the partition built from? The choice of material is extremely an important stage Construction. The following options can be used:

  • wood;
  • brick;
  • concrete.

The brick partition in the bath is set if the metal furnace is mounted in it. For pairs optimal decision Wooden structures will be.

Wooden bath partition

It is advisable to do B. wooden bath Wood partitions

Such buildings are erected from different species Woods. Their assembly is carried out by a frame-shield method.

Experts do not recommend building brick partitions in a wooden bath. Especially if the furnace is rarely carried out. Since the coefficient of thermal conductivity of the tree and the brick is greatly different, it will take a lot of time for heating the construction especially in the cold season.

Make a partition between the parillery and the sink better of different materials. If used similar materialBut with a smaller connection, there may be difficult to install connecting nodes.

The optimal decision for the construction internal partition The bath will have a framework system.

Frame partition

The holes between the frames of the frame are filled with insulation

The frame partition in the bath is best suited for wooden buildings. To bring it, it will take the first thing to collect the frame from the dried wooden bars.

Their sizes are 50 by 50 mm. The hole between the bars is closed with heat insulator.

The following materials can be used as thermal insulation:

  • basalt cotton wool;
  • fluent plate.

Protect insulation from moisture with polyethylene layer

To protect the heat insulation layer from the penetration of moisture, it is covered with polyethylene film. Also a good solution will be covered waterproofing membraneTrue, its value significantly exceeds polyethylene.

Use stone decorative lining is extremely not recommended. Wooden construction inside the bath may need to be treated with an antiseptic. This will avoid the formation of mold and fungus on the walls.

Construction of a brick partition

Brick partition fitted with spoonful masonry

How to make partitions in a brick bath? Such material is quite common and is often used to build buildings in the bath.

The design is made with a spoonful masonry half of the brick.

To facilitate work, some experts use hollow material.

Preparatory procedures

Before switching to work, you need to carefully prepare the surface. Floor coverage is withdrawn to the base, after which the wet broom is cleaned. The place where the construction will be executed is equipped with good lighting. All foreign objects are made out of the premises and the contours of the construction are outlined.

To work, you will need to prepare the following tools:

  • level;
  • schlifmashinka;
  • trowel;
  • plumb and rule;
  • cement-sandy solution. For more information on the construction of the partition, see this video:

Creating a partition

The first row of bricks is placed on several layers of solution

The process of building a brick partition consists of the following steps:

  1. The twine is stretched, which is used as a guideline. The solution is stacked and levels with cells. The level is checked horizontal. It will take to wait until the solution starts to push.
  2. One more layer is applied over the frying mixture. After that, the first row of a brick screed is carried out.
  3. A solution is smelled to the end of the first brick, after which it is carried out by adding it. It is closed and leveled according to the twine, the remains of the mixture will need to remove immediately until she has time to dry.
  4. If the partition is planned for the door, it will be needed to pre-set it. Using the strut, installation is carried out door box. The evenness of its location is checked and, if necessary, is adjusted for this parameter.
  5. Laying bricks is performed close to the box. For a bunch of partitions, special metal strips are used to it, they are flex and attached to the side surfaces between bricks. Instead of strips you can also apply reinforcement rods.
  6. After completing the laying of the first row, the brick is divided into 2 pieces of pickaxe. One half is used to start the second row. The twine, which served as a guideline, moves above, so that it is easy to navigate. The styling of the third row is carried out in the same way as the first. See this video in this video:

The masonry binding is an extremely important staging of the construction, which will evenly distribute the load on the design and significantly increase its strength.

The construction of any partition between the parillery and washing is a rather laborious procedure.

Not every newcomer will be able to fulfill such work independently.

But, as a result, it will ensure high level Comfort in the bath, so recently the construction of such elements and has become popular.

What and how to make a partition in the bath

Very often it turns out that it first puts the "box" of the bath, and already inside the partition is made between the steam room and the pre-equipment.

The way to make a partition in the bath is selected depending on the construction of the bath itself. If the bath is brick, then it is quite logical and the partition is made of brick.

The wooden bath will naturally make a wooden partition: from a bar or frame.

A rocode separating the steam room from other premises has two openings:

If a five-rank of logs is put, then in this wall you have to cut part of the material on the emission. For example, if the partition from the logs with a length of 2.8m and 2.2 m height, then its area is 6.16m2. The doorway will be 0.7 * 1.8 \u003d 1.26m2 and the opening for the furnace (if you fully exhibit the front part of the furnace to the room) will be 0.5 * 0.8 \u003d 0.4 m2 (depends on the size of the furnace). It turns out that 1.66m2 of 6.16 m2 partitions will need to be cut.

If the material savings are not the main reason for the late installation of the partition in the bath, then you can make it from the bar. In the device, the partition from the bar will need exactly as in a five-line, cut the above opening.

It is the presence of two openings that are characterized by the complication of the partition design between the steam room and the other room of the bath, especially since the opening for the bath furnace should be made from fireproof material with elevated temperatures-fire resistance.

Most economical option Devices partition B. bankeeper With insulation. This is a universal design that is suitable for a bath from any material: wooden or stone, with any floor design and foundation.

In addition, it is economical in many indicators:

  • the necessary openings are arranged immediately. He will need to then cut and throw out the material.
  • does not require a foundation, because light. Can be installed directly to the floor.
  • you can make one person, not attracting Dincels.

Partition in a brick bath

The partition in the brick bath takes place not only in the stone (brick or foam block) bath, but also in wooden. If the jumper is laid in advance in the design of the foundation, that is, there is a full-fledged foundation for the brickwork device, it is quite realistic to lay a brick partition, leaving the openings for the door and a bath furnace in it (with jumpers from the steel corner, for example).

Pros in choosing a partition in a brick bath:

  • can do one person
  • fireproof material
  • durable (can be said: for the rest of the rest)
  • it is not necessary to care for him
  • long gives heat

But there are also disadvantages:

  • long heats up
  • foundation is needed

The huge plus is that the bath oven will fit into such brick partition. Minus in that bath brick is enough cold Material And it will be necessary by the steam room be sure to wash foil and clapboard.

Partition in a bath from a bar

The partition in the bar from the bar compared to the brick is good with the material itself, since the tree is more favorable for the atmosphere of the bath and human health. Almost the environmentally friendly of the brick, but the tree is better: it is breathing easier in wooden Walls And it smells tasty.

If you think over all the technology of the construction of the septum from the bar, then you can manage to save the material in those places where the openings.

The first partition installation option is the easiest:

  1. grooves are made in the walls
  2. the bars are prepared the same in length (by the width of the room)
  3. each bar is started in the grooves and stacked in its place in the ranks.
  4. the desired openings are cut

In this embodiment, 1.66 m2 timber will be thrown away ...

The second option is more economical: it is done in the same way, only each row of timber is calculated in advance and each bar, including in places of opening. The bars are prepared for the lengths that are needed specifically in each row, taking into account segments in the opening device.

This option is also good because in the place where the furnace is, you can immediately post the protective wall of the brick, insert the bath oven and continue laying the upper rows from the bar.

Frame partition in the bath

Design frame partition in the bath. Extreme racks need to embed in the grooves of exterior walls of the bath

As you have already mentioned, the frame partition in the bath is most versatile and in the device and, in repair and, in exploitation.

When it is necessary:

  1. make grooves in the log logs in places where the partition will be brought. This is ideal for a log bath. For a brick bath, it is necessary.
  2. collect the main frame from the bar with racks and crossbars, so to speak the perimeter
  3. care the frame in the places of openings with additional crossings (struts)
  4. fold the brick insert in that opening where there will be a furnace
  5. warm frame mineral wool slabs or basalt fiber plates. Needed plates, and not rolls, because the stiffness of the insulation is not a small value on the vertical surfaces.
  6. from the side of the steam room, first, first with a vaporizolation layer (isospan, etc.), and then with a clapboard
  7. from outside Steam (from the adjacent room) to strip first with waterproofing material, type isoan, and then we use the selection of the developer. If it is a washing, then in mind high humidity In this room, the trim can be made not only by clapboard from some of the most resistant to the moisture of wood, but also from GVL (moisture-proof drywall) with further facing of ceramic tiles.

In any case, regardless of adjacent room (with high humidity or not), the insulation in the frame partition should be protected from two sides from the penetration of moisture to the vapor and waterproofing layers. Paroshoy is needed from the other side where the temperature in the room above, the hydraulic, on the other side where the room temperature is below. it prerequisite normal operation of the insulation without losing its heat engineering characteristics. You can clarify this question Consultants when buying insulation.

To keep the bath heat in the steam room, it is possible to further sew the entire surface of the partition foil material, because most often the thickness of the insulation in the partition with a frame of 50x50mm is made in 50mm, and such a layer is not enough to hold the high temperature of the pair of steam room. So that it was not hot in the adjacent room you need to make a thicker layer of the insulation, but the easiest thing is to have a steam foil.

The frame partition in the bath is done easily and naturally. According to thermal quality, it is higher than the brick or bar.

As for any wooden surfaceIt is required to make the antiseptation of the entire frame to protect against the appearance of mold and, cover the wagon of the washing side (with high humidity) with some protective composition, the "sauna" type. The possibilities of using not only lining, but also ceramic tiles and other finishing materials are also expanding.

Options How to make a partition in the bath several and the choice of material and its design depends on the specific conditions of construction.

The construction of the main elements of the design of the bath (outer walls and partitions) is often performed simultaneously.

But sometimes the finished premises require separation on functional zones After installing the roof, windows and doors. In this case, an additional partition can be installed in the bath, which will allow you to more rationally and efficiently use interior facilities.

The need and features of the construction of the partition

The partition is functional and decorative element Any bath. Such a design has the following advantages:

  • aesthetic appearance;
  • durability, wear resistance and durability;
  • high sound absorption indicators;
  • easy installation;
  • availability of materials for construction.

The choice of a suitable method of fabrication is determined constructive features Bath. In brick buildings, it logically build partitions from bricks, in wooden baths - frame or bar.

The partition between the parillery and the pre-equipment has two main opening: door and for heating equipment.

Domestic bath partitions are embroidered from slag blocks, bricks, plaster, concrete and wood. Have a double or single design. For increase thermal insulation characteristics When installing the design, a technological gap is provided for the installation of the insulation and waterproofing material.

Important! Installation of the design should be performed before finishing flooring, observing fire safety rules.

Construction of a frame partition

The frame partition is the best option for the finished bath, erected from the log. Installation provides for a preliminary assembly of a wooden frame from bars or a cross section of 5 × 5 cm.

For the heat insulation of the design, the fastex plate, basalt or mineral wool are used.

Technology construction of the frame partition with their own hands:

  1. Marking on the surfaces of the walls and the ceiling using a plumb, cord or building level. There are vertical direct for the designation of the middle of the design.
  2. Collecting wooden frame. Separate elements are fixed to the walls with spikes, holes for spikes are drilled by an electrical drill. To simplify the process, you can use screws for wooden base Or nails without hats. The bars are fixed at a distance of 80 cm from each other.
  3. To the finished carcass on the nails without hats mounted boards or lining. Facing is performed on both sides of the frame for increasing the heat and soundproofing characteristics Designs. The distance between the sides of the trim is filled with the selected insulation.

Important! Wood material for the construction of a frame is pre-treated with antiseptics to prevent possible rotting and destruction. For decorative cladding It is worth using lining classes.

Construction of a brick partition

Brick partition is relevant for brick and stone baths. To obtain a lightweight design, a hollow brick can be used for laying.

The process of brick masonry is marked step by step:

  1. Marking with the definition of the boundary for the future partition.
  2. Preparation of materials and working tools. Kneaded masonry solution based on cement (m 400 or 500), construction sand With the addition of water. First mix bulk materials With gradual injection of water. The proportions of the components - 1: 3 (on 1 part of cement 3 of the sand).
  3. Along the conducted line stretches the twine for compliance with the smooth plane of the coach. The laying starts from the wall, a small part is applied to the base of the floor cement mortar And the first brick range is stacked. To increase the strength of the design, metal strips and fittings are used during the process.
  4. The first row is processed by a connecting solution, which is stacked by a subsequent row.
  5. Similarly, the laying of all rows of construction is performed. A wide metal strip or reinforcement bar is installed above the door opening along the entire length, after which the brick masonry continues to the ceiling.

Decorative finish brick wall Performed by plaster after complete drying of the masonry solution.

Erecting partitions from foam blocks

IN brick bath The partition between the steam room and the rest room can be made of foam blocks - more affordable in the installation and operation of the material.

The essential advantages of the blocks are:

  • minor weight compared to brick;
  • large dimensions, thanks to which the construction of the design is performed faster;
  • convenience and simplicity of installation;
  • low cost.

Material installation technology is similar brick masonryProvides the following stages of work:

  1. The preparatory stage is carried out in the same way as in the previous version. Performing the required markup, fixing the cord to determine the contours of the future design.
  2. The laying of the initial block series is dry. If necessary, blocks can be cut with a grinder or hacksaw to obtain the required width.
  3. For connections individual elements Used special glue solution For foam blocks prepared according to the instructions.
  4. The adhesive mixture is applied evenly with a thin layer, after which the foam blocks are installed in a row. For the additional strength of the design and reliable connection with walls, reinforcement rods or nails are up to 6 cm long. They are installed in the holes previously prepared in the wall.
  5. After the construction of the septum to the top level of the doorway above it, several reinforcement rods are installed over the entire length as the basis, after which the blocks are stacked before the ceiling.

For plastering foam blocks fit glue mix. After drying, primer and putting the walls are performed. As decorative material The painting composition is used or ceramic tile.

Features of the wooden partition

The partition in the bath between the steam room and washing is the easiest and affordable option Constructions requiring minimal time and cash investments.

To ensure sufficient heat insulation of the washer from the steam room, it is better to build partitions from wide boards or timber. Such a design does not provide for the presence of technological gaps in the inside of the simpleness, which makes it possible to prevent the accumulation of excessive moisture indoors.

In this case, the rejection of the heat-insulating layer in common is due to the fact that during operation, the banner structure requires maximum heat accumulation in all functional rooms. Since in the wedroom compartment supported more low temperature Air heating, lack of heat is compensated by preheated steam room.

Features of the glass partition

In a wooden bath can be installed glass partitions, featuring strength, aesthetic and functionality. Such structures provide heat maintenance, durable, easy to install and operate.

Sleeps are erected near the stove due to the fact that they are made of tempered glass of high strength. Such material is resistant to deformations, overheating and mechanical damage.

In the steam room are used such types of glass partitions:

  • stationary;
  • verse;
  • radius;
  • suspended;
  • folding;
  • transforming.

Compared with traditional seasplets, glass designs have a lot of weight and require a retaining frame. When erecting partitions apply various techniques Surface design: laser engraving, photo printing, stencil, sandblasting and stained steel appliqué.

Designs made of glass possess the following advantages:

  • aesthetics and attractiveness;
  • resistance to temperature drops and high humidity;
  • long service life;
  • fire safety and environmental friendliness;
  • the possibility of visual zoning of premises;
  • variety of styles and colors;
  • easy installation.

A serious disadvantage of glass products is the formation of condensate in conditions of high humidity. He is especially destructive for retractable mechanismswhich is equipped with a frame.

To protect against high humidity, it is recommended to use the impregnating compositions on Silicone. The high cost of manufacturing partition is also considered a significant disadvantage, which is compensated by the quality and durability of the design.

The construction of various partitions in a bath from a log cabin, brick or foam blocks is a serious and time-consuming process that requires the availability of technical knowledge and skills. But subject to a thorough study of information on how to make a partition, even a novice master will be able to correctly perform installation work.

At all times, the partition in the bath between the parillery and the sink was the element, without which the entire ritual of swim would turn into something more ordinary. Its installation is made at different stages. You can make a partition as during the construction of a bath, integrating it into a common project and during the reconstruction period.

Brick wall and its insulation

In the brick bath, the partition can be postponed from the main material. But at the same time it is necessary to take into account that the brick has a rather high heat capacity and a large heat transfer coefficient. And this means that the septum herself inside the bath will be constantly hot (it is easy to burn) and the loss of heat in the steam room will also be impressive. Therefore, the design should be maximized.

From the side of the steaming partition, it will be necessary to sew a vapor insulator, the material having a low thermal conductivity is placed on top of it.It may be cladding of hardwood wood. For its attachment in the upper and lower parts of the partition, it is recommended to install wooden bars.

First, using the perforator, do the holes in the walls on the line of the alleged attachment, then mount the bars, securing them with anchors. The space between them is filled with the heat insulator, on top of which can be placed a reflective screen for infrared rays. It can be a foil or special material. After that we are wearing the wall. Resinous wood ( coniferous rocks) You should not use the steam room: when heated and under the influence wet air From it, phytoncides begin to stand out. For absolutely healthy man It will only benefit, but at the slightest presence of allergies such a substance can cause the disease to exacerbate.

A part of the wall that borders with the sink is recommended to be separated by any moisture-resistant material. It may be plaster, ceramic tiles, textured or structural plaster Or all the same wood impregnated with antiseptic and covered with several layers of varnish.

Wall in a wooden bath

Modern baths are rarely created from bricks: more and more often in construction used natural wood. This is practical and not expensive. In such a bath, you can make a frame-type partition with minimal cost And for its installation you will need:

  • wooden bars;
  • insulation and vapor polypoletor;
  • edged board;
  • hacksaw;
  • hammer and nails (finish);
  • plinth (better wooden);
  • perforator and pieces of reinforcement;
  • roulette;
  • building level.

First, in the upper and lower parts of the bath, make a markup in which the partition will be installed in the future. Make sure that both lines are in the same plane perpendicular to the floor. Ideally make markup using laser levelbut even the usual plunder in skillful hands Allows you to do everything for sure. Try to make measurements at several points and on different height. When you make sure the markup accuracy is possible by the available lines to position the wooden bars around the perimeter, securing them on the walls, the ceiling and on the floor. From above, they are fixed with either nails or anchors. At the bottom of the same part it is recommended to place on the studs of the reinforcement, which are pressed into the concrete floor or carrier beam.

Part of the partition in the bath from the boiler can be immediately sewn edged board. And then you need to fill the space between the wooden walls (on the BROUSE width) hydro and vapor polypoletor, insulation. These materials must be positioned in the sequence described above towards the sink. This will ensure their protection against moisture and vapor. Most of the masters offer to lay hydro and vapor-insulators on both sides of the insulation. It turns out more expensive for money, but confidence in the durability of the partition in the bath will be much larger.