How to save Mimosa: Soviets of specialists. Is it possible to save a bouquet of mimosa at least within a few days

How to keep mimosa?

Residents of our country are associated wonderful mimo on International Women's Day. The appearance of a fragrant yellow bouquet on the shelves of flower shops symbolizes the arrival of spring, heat and the return of the sun. Mimosa has a lot of competitors, but she won a worthy victory in the struggle for the attention of the compilers of "solar" spring bouquets. The happy owners of the yellow bouquet are interested in the long-term conservation of colors in the fresh bouquet.

"Secret" Mimosa

In fact, in our country is not sold real mimosa. Flower, wearing genuine name, occurs in South America and external species It is very different from the twigs that make up our bouquets. Real Mimosa wears the Latin name Mimosa Pudica, which is translated as "Mimosa shame." It is a small shrub related to the evergreen group, whose height reaches around the meter. Flowers sold in us as mimosa are called so due to the similar form of leaves and inflorescences. However, real mimosa has flowers with different shades. The "Shameful" prefix is \u200b\u200battached to the title due to the properties of the leaves respond to any change in the external atmosphere.

Present name "Mimosa"

In fact, the plant, which we all call "Mimosa", is called "acacia silver". It is also classified as a family of legumes as real mimosa. Acacia loves heat. In European countries, it appeared in the nineteenth century. Brought acacia from the Australian mainland in Riviera. In this place, she perfectly adapted and grows, from February to March I gladly glad the yellow "lights."

Plant Description

The leaves of mimosa (in a different real acacia) are similar to the green mass of ferns. They differ in drawings with patterns and sharp tips. The name of the plant comes from silver-blue or greenish leaves. Little flowers in the form of balls, assembled from lush stamens, form blurred inflorescences. Stamens are so much that it seems that the flower is a fluffy pea.

At the beginning of spring, yellow hats with a wonderful aroma are blooming on the bushes. In natural conditions, they delight the look exactly as much as they are allotted. At home, beauty wants to save longer. How to do it?

How to transport

To save the mimosa bouquet, you must first find out in what conditions it needs. The plant needs light, warmth and water. The preservation of buds is guaranteed if any factor is eliminated, and it is better all together. During transport, the task arises: how to keep buds are unscrewed? First, mimozo is cooled, after which it is placed in polyethylene and carefully packaged. Straight conditions will not allow stamens to pollinate. Spreads packed in the film are placed in cardboard boxes. Only one day is given to the carriage, because the flowers cannot do without water for a long time. If you bought a twig in a frosty day, you need to bring her home without harmful for flowers. This will help dense paper wrapper.

Adaptation to household conditions

Under the conditions of the apartment, the cut branch will definitely react to changes in the atmosphere. At this moment, we again appeal to the conditions necessary for the plant: light, warmth and moisture. You should not immediately put a flower into the water, first allow him to adapt to a new room. To do this, put a bunch on the surface in the room for twenty - thirty minutes (do not remove the package) and then open the wrapping paper. To begin with, lower the tips of the stems in boiling water for a couple of minutes so that the plant gets an impetus to the outlet of sleep. Without this procedure, the threat of sickness of unspoken buds is great. In a vase, we pour water, then lower the bouquet, distributing the stems in such a way as to avoid the grindness that they do not. To maintain buds, fluffy spray with a cool water with a spray with a spray.

Mimov placed in the room where there is no bright Sun., Protect against direct heat rays. In order to avoid burns, the branches put on the windowsill. Along with the severe heat, penetrating drafts and cold harm. The psychological atmosphere in the house is very important, because the flowers are alive and can respond to a positive or negative energy.

How to save a bouquet mimosa

In the water, Mimosa lives for about three to four days. Some tricks will help extend the life of the bouquet. Be sure to remove the lower sheets before placing the plant in the vase. Above, we have already told that the tips of the stems can be placed in hot water. Sellers often resort to this tricks so that the flowers seem lush and mature. The procedure will really refresh the plant and give magnificence, but the effect can last not long. A day later, inflorescences may turn. The plant that the seller kept in hot water is easy to distinguish, because the twig loses the unique fragrance. Before buying, it is necessary to smell mimosu, so as not to get a plant without smell.

Save the solar atmosphere and beauty with flowers with drying. Of course, the plant will no longer look alive and fresh, but also dried it will not lose its beauty. First, the flowers are held by the classic way in the water container, admiring the fresh gift of nature, after three to four days the water is poured, and the plant is dried. The saved beauty will raise the mood for the whole year.

If you brought a little overwhelmed twigs from a walk, but you want to revive the magnificence, resort to that tricks that the sellers of colors like that. Complete twigs with orange inflorescences, and stalk plug in hot liquid. For this purpose, prepare dishes made from ceramics. In hot water, leave a twig for several hours. Therapy will revitalize flowers and the next day you will contemplate the lush and "alive" bouquet of mimosa.

Folk remedies for the preservation of mimosa

In order for the collection of twigs longer stood, they are stored in rain or melt water. If you get such a liquid problematic, use conventional mineral water without gas, changing daily. We will help save the fresh bouquet Special fertilizers, which are added to the water:

  • aspirin. In a short period of time, it will clean up the whole ten liters of the liquid and will cause the active movement of water by plant organs;
  • reliable fluid from microbes and bacteria will help fifty grams of vodka per liter of fluid;
  • the branches will receive food from the sweet water (two teaspoons add to the liter). To enhance the effect, boric acid is added;
  • a solution of a coniferous concentrate or extract along with sugar is used as prophylaxis. This mixture has an antiseptic effect.


Mimosa does not like the neighborhood with other colors, when drawing up bouquets, it is recommended to take into account this factor. Simultaneous finding in one vase with other flowers provokes rapid fading of yellow lights. Observe all the conditions for proper storage The fragrant bouquet, and then he will delight you with its beauty and fill the room with divine aroma for a long time. After sure to dry the delightful twigs - so you will save beauty for years.

That plant, which is usually called mimosa, in science has a completely different name - acacia silver. His homeland is Australia, namely the southeast part of it. The main feature This plant is that frosts for it can cause death.

How to save longer mimosu fluffy in a vase

If you gave you a bouquet or you bought it, and not cut off yourself, exist certain rulesCompliance with which will help for a long time to maintain a bouquet in all its glory. So how to keep mimosu fluffy? It is necessary to comply with certain requirements:

  • Before putting flowers directly in the vase, you need to remove all the lower sheets. It should be remembered that Mimosa, which is in water, will last about 3-4 days, this term is much longer without water.
  • In order to increase the so-called bouquet fluffiness, the sellers are sometimes resorted to some tricks, lowered them not in cold, but, on the contrary, in hot water. Such a procedure will help the flowering branches to purchase additional beauty and freshness. However, it is worth remembering that the effect of such will last long enough. The next day, mimosa may turn. Recognize such a flower that was in hot water, it is very easy - it does not smell. That is why before buying it is mandatory to check this quality.
  • Another way to save the mimosa flowers as long as possible is a drying. First, the flowers can traditionally be put in a water vase, and after some time (usually 3-4 days) to drain water from the vessel, and the flower itself is cut. With this method, the preservation of Mimosa will delight you for a whole year.
  • You brought flowers home, and they turned out to be a little worse, how to keep mimosa bouquet in this case? Yellow twigs need to be wrapped in paper, after which the stems are lowered into hot water. Dishes for this it is better to choose ceramic. Leave a bouquet in this state for several hours. After carrying out this procedure in the morning you will see a lush and fresh bouquet of mimosa in a vase.

Unfortunately, these sun branches are very quickly losing their freshness in a vase. On the eve of the holiday on television and in the press they say a lot and write about how long to keep the freshness of cut colors.

This article helped many gardeners stopped heading on their plot and at the same time receive a generous harvest

Would never have thought that in order to get best harvest on his own panstone In all his "country career," I need, just, just, stopped to stand on the beds and trust in nature. How much I remember, every summer I spent at the cottage. First on the parent, and then we bought our husband and my husband. From early spring and to late autumn all free time went landing, weeding, garter, trimming, watering, harvest and, finally, to preservation and attempt to keep the harvest to next year. And so in a circle ...

So, before putting a cut sprigs of mimos in a vase, you need to remove the lower leaves. In the water, Mimosa is not satisted 3-4 days, and without water can hold out even longer.

To increase the fluffiness of branches, sellers sometimes lower them in hot water. After such a procedure, flowering branches look especially beautiful and fresh, but not long, the next day they can crumble. "Boiled" mimos can be easily recognized - it does not smell.

If the matimose buds are closed, they need to be revealed (otherwise you can never see them, because they risk dried closed). To do this, you need to crush the stems mimosa and put them in boiling water for a couple of minutes.

How to save cut mimo

Such a fragile plant, like mimosa, can be saved fresh during the week, if 30-40 minutes put in warm water, in which there are already a few drops of vinegar, then update the cut and need to crush the hammer slightly, and then put into the water.

Do not hurry to immediately put mimos in water, especially if the water from the tap and the cold - gentle plant will be uncomfortable, which will not slow down to reflect on its fluffiness.

Ideally, water for mimosa should be prepared in advance. It should be alleged and be too cold, nor through Chur warm. The tips of the twigs before immersion in the water should be slightly tempered.

If you keep mimov in water, it will live longer, but mimosa do not tolerate dryness. In order to keep it fluffy, air indoors, it is advisable to spray or buy a moisturizer. Those. moisture, moisture and moisture.

Since the plant constantly allocates protective juices, it is very important to follow the freshness of water in a vase and change it as often as possible.

How to make so that Mimosa stays longer video

How to save Mimosa: Soviets of specialists. The mimosa bouquet was a very popular gift in Soviet times. Then there was no such diversity on the shelves of flower shops. That is why every woman could count on a part of sunlight as a present on March 8. Time passed. Now at any time of the year you can choose your favorite, but yellow flowers Do not lose their popularity. How to keep mimosa so that they have rejected our eyes for a long time? Let's try to find a response on it. Plate features. That plant, which is usually called mimosa, in science has a completely different name - acacia silver. His homeland is Australia, namely the southeast part of it. The main feature of this plant is that frosts for it can cause death. The true Mimosa, in other words, shame, is a small shrub, which at the same time is rather gentle. These plants came to us from Brazil. Now Mimosa is shameful in all tropical regions. This plant is decorative. His flowers have an unusual spherical shape, light pink or lilac colors. I can safely say about it - a loft. Even with a very careful touch of Mimosa puts his leaves, which in shape resemble feathers, but after 30 minutes it dismisses them again. How to keep mimosa bouquet bought in a flower shop? If you gave you a bouquet or you bought it, and not cut off, there are certain rules, the observance of which will help for a long time to maintain a bouquet in all its glory. So how to keep mimosu fluffy? You need to follow certain requirements: 1. Before putting flowers directly to the vase, you need to remove all the lower sheets. It should be remembered that Mimosa, which is in water, will last about 3-4 days, this term is much longer without water. 2. In order to increase the so-called bouquet fluffiness, the sellers sometimes resort to some tricks, lowered them not in the cold, but, on the contrary, in hot water. Such a procedure will help the flowering branches to purchase additional beauty and freshness. However, it is worth remembering that the effect of such will last long enough. The next day, mimosa may turn. Recognize such a flower that was in hot water, it is very easy - it does not smell. That is why before buying it is mandatory to check this quality. 3. Another way as long as possible to keep the flowers mimosa - this is a drying. First, the flowers can traditionally be put in a water vase, and after some time (usually 3-4 days) to drain water from the vessel, and the flower itself is cut. With this method, the preservation of Mimosa will delight you for a whole year. 4. You brought flowers home, and they turned out to be a little worse, how to keep mimosa bouquet in this case? Yellow twigs need to be wrapped in paper, after which the stems are lowered into hot water. Dishes for this it is better to choose ceramic. Leave a bouquet in this state for several hours. After carrying out this procedure in the morning you will see a lush and fresh bouquet of mimosa in a vase. Folk remedies for long-term preservation of mimosa colors is recommended to use rain or talu Water, not just a liquid from the tap. Mineral non-carbonated water is also suitable. And you need to change it daily, do not forget about it. How to keep mimosa without difficulty? It will be very effective to use various feeding, which are added to the water. They can be prepared independently from the primary products: * Sweet water (usually enough 2-3 hours per 1 l liquid) can provide a bouquet of power. To improve the effect, you can add a little boric acid. * Aspirin, which is usually dissolved in water, can also be useful. It will clean up to 10 liters of water in minutes and accelerates its movement along the stems. * You can disinfect water with 50 grams of vodka, such a quantity is enough for 1 liter of liquid. * Supplement to the water will be added to the water coniferous concentrate in combination with sugar. Instead of concentrate, we can safely use coniferous extract, it also has antiseptic properties. A few more advice branch mimosa, or acacia silver, very sensitive to dry air. Flowers after pollination have a property quickly crumble. In order to significantly slow down this process, it is recommended cutting mimos, namely her stems, put it in a plastic bag, then keep it in a cool place. How to save mimosu fluffy? Very simple. Do not deploy a bouquet of mimosa immediately. Give it to get used to the microclimate of your apartment. Conclusion. Mimosa is such a flower that does not tolerate the presence in the bouquet of other plants. It is better to give the compositions where these yellow balls will be exclusively. From the neighborhood with other flowers, Mimosa fade quite quickly, and it is clear, to remove it from a bouquet. The flower is afraid of too bright sun, smoked room or cutting temperature change. Draft, heat or excessive cold can also harm. And do not forget about the psychological climate in the apartment, because flowers are living creatures, they can also feel.

    The cut bouquet of mimosa will stay longer if you keep flowers in water warm, I do not advise you to use hot water. It is very important that the air in the room is especially wet. And it is for this reason that the air is moisturized in the room, spraying it with water. This will have a positive effect on a bouquet. You can not change the water very often, but it is necessary.

    Mimosa An excellent gift for women's Day March 8, beautiful yellow flowers smells perfectly and yellow sunny color, always the mood will raise any woman.

    Mimosa is saved longer if the room is cool, it's not worth keeping a bouquet near the battery.

    It is better to put mimosu into water. It is advisable to take water that sat down for a while, i.e. Do not take fresh straight from the water tap and the temperature should be room. Water change is also desirable, change it every two three days.

    My answer was ripe, now tested by time. I decided to put mimos without water, the result - smelted it over the same day, but the fluffiness of the balls-flowers was preserved to this day, after 2 weeks. I came to visit the acquaintance, and I saw them either mimose, but she stood in the water, the same as the first on March 8, too, after 2 weeks, I forgot about the smell. But there was a case I do not remember in which year, when I put Mimos into the water, she sat down in a few minutes, the balls lost their fluffiness. Now I concluded, after I was told how unscrupulous sellers come, so that Mimosa would be fluffy. They put e in hot water. So I suppose that this is such a mimosa quickly crepts when I deliver into the water. Such mimov can be determined when buying - it does not smell.

    Do not hurry to immediately put mimos into water, especially if the water from the tap and the cold - gentle plant will be uncomfortable, which will not slow down to reflect on its fluffiness.

    Ideally, water for mimosa should be prepared in advance. It should be alleged and be too cold, nor too warm. The tips of the twigs before immersion in the water should be slightly tempered.

    Also, it is very important not to forget to regularly change the water - and then Mimosa will rejoice you for a long time, fluffy flowers.

    It is better not to take water from the crane, but to skip through the quot filter; Barrier Or what other filter so that the water is not too cold, well, and change the water at least once in the twenty-day, do not put on the draft, then the mimosa is revealed, fluffy.

    Mimosa just gives us longer if you will regularly change the water in a vase. Water must be room temperature, and better if it is warm, but not hot. If in the room. Where is the dry air mimosa, you can spray flowers with an aerosol. Also now in flower shops sell a special solution so that the flowers are longer.

    And yet, to the great regret, the cut branches of Mimosa more than 4-5 days do not live, the smell slowly disappears, dissolves, and the fluffiness is falling, and the whole thing is that it is a shrub, and they do not live in a cut, the only thing than You can extend the life of Mimosa - this increased humidity When keeping the house. And so, it remains to be happy for a couple of days and continue to live with memories, especially spring goes, spring road!

    So much mimosa was brought to the holidays, on every corner they sell. Impact airplanes from the south. Asked the seller as lucky, replied that cardboard boxesIn which there are air holes, then hold all the goods on the unheated warehouse, periodically spray with water. It turns out that with the heat of Mimosa is stored less, faster is faster.

    Of course, when buying, you need to find out the mimosa alive or boiled. You can distinguish this way - fresh will have a fragrance, and the fair treated with steam will not be smelted. Next, fluffyness.

    If you keep mimov in water, it will live longer, but mimosa do not tolerate dryness. In order to keep it fluffy, air indoors, it is advisable to spray or buy a moisturizer. Those. moisture, moisture and moisture.

    Since the plant constantly allocates protective juices, it is very important to follow the freshness of water in a vase and change it as often as possible.

    Spring Mood and Mimosisian Aroma in your heart, Girls!

    • put mimos in hot water, pre-slightly skewed the stem;
    • water for a bouquet should be warm;
    • change water daily;
    • moisten air indoors in the presence of an air humidifier;
    • flowers spray cool water.

Do I need to put mimos in water

We are accustomed to calling mimosa yellow fluffy flowers that sell on March 8. In fact, it is not mimosa, and the acacia is silver (which belongs to the Mimosov family, hence the confusion). And one of the types of mimosa is grown as indoor plant, called O. mimosa shame.

Mimosa shame received its name due to the fact that its sensitive leaves add up and lowered From the easiest touch and other external stimuli. The birthplace of this decorative evergreen shrub - subtropics of South America.

Despite the fact that at first glance Mimosa, it seems like a very gentle plant, care for her at home is not so difficult. This is a thermo-loving plant, Therefore, from March to November, it is necessary to maintain the air temperature within 20-24 degrees, and in the winter you can lower it to 16-18 degrees.

Mimosa shudding loves bright sunlight; Unlike many light-loving plants, it can even be put under direct sun rays. But if you bought mimos recently (or if for a long time there was cloudy weather), the plant needs to be accepted to the straight sun gradually. It is better to put mimosu in a well-ventilated room, but not on draft.

Do I need to put mimos

In spring and summer to water mimosu should be abundantly and regularly, in winter, it is enough just to follow, so that the ground is all the time a little wet. During the growing season, you can feed your mimosis liquid fertilizer Once every two weeks, adding it to water for watering.

Mimov do not recommend transplanting - without extreme need to disturb this plant is not worth. If still the transplant is necessary, transplanted mimos by the method of transshipment in the pot bigger sizenot to disturb the earthen com. At the bottom of the pot you need to ensure good drainage. The optimal composition of the soil is a mixture of equal parts of the turf, sand, peat and sheet humus.

If you create favorable conditions, Mimosa shame will delight you with your beautiful fluffy pinkish-lilac flowers about 4 months. In winter, mimosa may die - this plant is sensitive to lack of light and humidity. Therefore, it is often grown as annual. But if after flowering, cut the tops of the shoots, and also additionally illuminate mimos in winter time years, it will help to extend her life.

Need to remember that mimosa shame afraid of tobacco smoke And reacts to a dropping of leaves. It is not necessary too often to touch the leafs of mimosa - they are, of course, very funny together, but it does not go for them. If you often touch mimosu, it will die of exhaustion of energy reserves. Mimosa shame to poisonous animalsSo do not let her domestic pets!

Multilay the shame to the seeds. They can be bought in a flower shop or collect themselves after flowering mimosa. Saw Mimosa seeds in the end of February - early March.

Take the same mixture as for transplanting (hard land, leaf land, peat and sand in equal proportions). The substrate should be wet and looseFertilizers are not needed. Do not forget about drainage. After sowing, cover the box with a film and put it in a warm place.

Mimosa shame needs bright light, high temperatures (20-26 degrees) and humidity (70-85%) for normal growth. If you have created favorable conditions, in a week, two shoots will appear. Separate them in separate pots and put on a well-lit window sill.

Whether they put mimos in water or not

Mimosa shame - very beautiful plant . Especially love her children for an unusual ability to fold the leaves. If you provide her good conditions And you will not be too often "pester," she will not please you with blossoms.