How to pour vodka over chokeberry. Chokeberry tincture on vodka: recipe secrets

Homemade wines and liqueurs are very popular. Almost any berry or fruit is suitable for their manufacture. I will teach you how to make delicious liqueurs, real masterpieces. To begin with, I will tell you the simplest recipe for liqueur from chokeberry at home. Basic version, minimum ingredients, minimum effort, only patience.

Blackberry pouring: the simplest recipe

We will need:

  • chokeberry berries;
  • sugar;
  • vodka.

Let's prepare a clean glass containers, lids, towel. I do not indicate the number of ingredients, we take enough berries to fill a prepared jar or several jars.

  1. Separate the rowan berries from the twigs, sort out, rinse well and dry on a towel. We put the berries in a prepared container up to the shoulders, fill with vodka so that it completely covers the berries. We will seal it with a lid and put it in a dark place.
  2. We will insist for at least a month, periodically shaking the jar. In a month we will merge the liquid, measure its volume. Let's take a third of the sugar from the volume of the tincture, for example, if we got 1 liter of tincture at the output, then we take 300 g of sugar. Combine the berry tincture and sugar, mix and remove for a couple of days. The filling is ready.
  3. The second option for making this liqueur is to add sugar to the berries right away, pour vodka over them and keep them in a dark place for a month. We will only have to strain the resulting drink and pour it into beautiful bottles. And, of course, enjoy the wonderful liqueur, its aroma, taste, color.

Into the piggy bank of useful tips

  • If it is not possible to process the berries immediately after harvesting, you can freeze them in freezer refrigerator. After such freezing, they will lose their excessive astringency, the liqueur will acquire a very soft velvety taste.
  • If it is not possible to freeze the berries, you can dry them. The peel of the berries is dense, the chokeberry is a dry berry, the drying process will not take much time. For the preparation of the liqueur, you can use dry rowan berries, also pouring them with vodka, but in this case the ripening process of the drink will last one and a half to two times longer than when using fresh berries.

Chokeberry pouring on vodka with cherry leaf

The next recipe is chokeberry liqueur with vodka and cherry leaves.

We continue to share recipes, we will talk about such an additive as cherry leaves... Pouring from berries, infused with vodka, has nice color and taste. But any drink can always be improved, enriched, added an unexpected note, which we will do.

We will need:

  • 2 cups rowan berries;
  • 50-70 cherry leaves;
  • 300 g granulated sugar;
  • 1 liter of vodka;
  • ½ tsp citric acid
  • 1 liter of water.

Let's prepare a clean glass jar, a saucepan, a wooden pusher cover, a towel.

  1. Separate the rowan fruits from the twigs, rinse and dry on a towel. Wash and dry the cherry leaves. Place the berries in a saucepan and mash with a crush until juice appears, fill with water, add sugar, add cherry leaves. Put the pan on a very low heat so that the berries with cherry leaves are cooked and languished. Stir the mixture to dissolve the sugar.
  2. After turning off the heat, leave the pan overnight, the cherry leaf should give off its aroma during this time. In the morning, we will salt the resulting infusion, remove the leaves and squeeze out the berry mass, it is no longer required. Strain the liquid, pour it into a jar, add vodka. Shake well, close the jar with a lid and put it in a dark place for 1-2 weeks. Chokeberry pouring with cherry leaves is ready!

We remember the unshakable rule of winemaking - the drink must be infused. If desired, the amount of water or vodka can be changed, based on your preferences, to get more or less strong drinks.

Pouring chokeberry at home "One hundred leaves": a simple recipe

I have one more interesting recipe liqueur is called "One Hundred Leaves". This liqueur is unusually aromatic, its taste is noble and refined. And I have my own flavor in this recipe. According to the recipe, which can be called standard, it is supposed to use three types of leaves - cherry, raspberry, currant. I add the fourth kind - a pear leaf. This is a small detail, but the result is much more interesting in taste, sweeter and more tender, since the pear sets off any drink very unobtrusively and gently.

We will need:

  • 2 cups chokeberry berries;
  • 300 g sugar;
  • 25 leaves of cherry, raspberry, black currant, pear;
  • 1 liter of water;
  • 1 liter of vodka;
  • ½ tsp citric acid.

Prepare a clean glass jar, lid, saucepan, wooden towel crush.

  1. Sort out the chokeberry berries, separate from the branches, rinse and dry on a towel. Raspberry, cherry, black currant, pear leaves, rinse, dry on a towel. Put the berries in a saucepan, mash with a crush until juice appears.
  2. Before laying them to the berries, we remember the leaves in our hands, this will improve the extraction of substances into aqueous solution... Fill everything with water, add sugar, citric acid, put it on a small fire to simmer, I never boil the leaves, otherwise the taste of the drink will deteriorate.
  3. After darkening the berries with leaves for half an hour, leave them for 10-12 hours for a better infusion. Then we pour the liquid into any container, squeezing the berries well, strain. Add vodka to the resulting infusion, mix, put it in a dark place for "ripening".

This tasty, aromatic liqueur does not need advertising, it will easily become the “hit” of the season, delighting you with its light taste and long pleasant woody aftertaste.

Pouring without vodka

How to make a liqueur without using vodka or alcohol? The most inexperienced hostesses can easily prepare delicious and healthy chokeberry liqueur without vodka, this is such a simple recipe that I was the first to master it. I share with you.

We only need two ingredients:

  • chokeberry;
  • sugar.
  1. Prepare a clean glass jar, bowl or bowl, pusher. Let's sort out the berries, separate them from the branches. Since we are not using alcohol in this recipe, we need to achieve natural fermentation. Such fermentation is possible only with the propagation of wild yeast, which is always present on any berry. Therefore, we do not wash the berries, otherwise we will be left without these microscopic workers!
  2. Place the berries in an enamel bowl and remember with a crush until the juice appears. You could make it easier for yourself by turning the berries through a meat grinder or chopping in a blender, but our secret is that no metal appliances did not come into contact with berry juice. We are a crush. As soon as the berries give juice, add sugar and rinse well again.
  3. We transfer the entire mass to a glass jar, fill the jar by 2/3 of its volume, tie the neck with a gauze napkin to remove the generated carbon dioxide. We will put the jar in a warm place for 40-50 days.
  4. We will mix the contents of the jar daily. When fermentation is over, strain the liquid, squeeze the remainder well, discard. Pour the filling into bottles and seal well. Our liqueur needs to mature, so we will put the bottles in a cool place for 2-3 months, this is the minimum period. The longer the liqueur costs, the tastier it becomes.

Pouring without vodka turns out to be low-alcoholic, very pleasant to the taste, moderately tart.

A treasure trove of useful tips:

  • If the berries are too dirty and you have to wash them before setting them for fermentation, you must definitely add the sourdough in the form of a handful of unwashed raisins, which always contains wild yeast.
  • To give the drink a pleasant taste, after bottling, you can put a clove bud or mint leaf in each bottle.
  • It is better to take bottles for storing an alcoholic drink from dark glass.

Pouring from black rowan berries on vodka in a 3-liter can

This recipe is simple, uncomplicated, but the result is always pleasing.

What we need:

  • blackberry berries;
  • sugar;
  • vodka;
  • spices: star anise asterisk, cinnamon stick;
  • 100 g of prunes.

Let's prepare a clean glass 3-liter jar, a wooden crush, a towel.

  1. We will sort out the blackberry berries, separate them from the branches, rinse well, dry them on a towel. Put the berries in the prepared jar up to the shoulders and fill with vodka. The first stage has been passed. We put the jar of berries in a dark place for 2-3 months. We will shake the contents once a week.
  2. After a period of infusion of berries with vodka, we will merge the resulting ruby-colored liquid into another jar, add sugar, spices, prunes, close with a lid, and remove for another month in a dark place.
  3. We will mix the contents of the jar once a week. In a month we will merge the divine drink, remove spices and prunes.
  4. Pour the filling into dark glass bottles and seal.

The prunes in this recipe will give the liqueur some stringiness, like a liqueur, its taste will soften significantly, the astringency will be felt as a secondary note, the color will become more intense.

A treasure trove of useful tips:

After the first stage of infusion, the berries can not be thrown away, pounded with a crush and again filled with vodka, closed with a lid, and removed to a dark place. This tincture will not be so saturated, but the taste will be much softer, in such a drink you can add 2-3 clove buds and orange zest for contrast.

Aronia on cognac

If we have chokeberry, there are always recipes for making liqueurs! And if there is also cognac, we will easily make a truly noble drink, worthy of the royal table. Let's use the following recipe.

We will need:

  • 1 kg of rowan berries;
  • 1 liter of brandy;
  • 200 g of honey.

Let's prepare a clean jar, a lid, a wooden crush, a towel.

  1. Sort the berries, rinse, dry on a towel.
  2. It is better to take liquid honey, if it has time to be sugared, we put it in a warm place or in a water bath.
  3. Place the berries in a jar and heat a little right in the jar until the juice is released. Fill them with honey, pour in brandy, mix everything well.
  4. Close the jar with a lid, put it in a dark place for 2-3 months. We will mix the contents of the jar periodically, because. honey dissolves for a long time.
  5. After the specified time, we will merge our masterpiece drink, strain and pour into bottles of dark glass. The longer it stays, the better the result.

Cognac is a completely self-sufficient drink, there is no need to add spices and additives to this liqueur. This homemade liqueur will not be inferior to the best industrial cognac products.

Pouring on alcohol

If the hostess does not have vodka, but does have alcohol, you can make a good liqueur. To dilute alcohol, you need to take only soft water, for example, distilled, otherwise, if the water is hard, when mixed with alcohol, it becomes cloudy, a precipitate may form.

We will need:

  • chokeberry berries;
  • medical alcohol 95 °;
  • water;
  • lemon zest.

Let's prepare a clean jar, lid, towel.

  1. We sort out the chokeberry berries, rinse them, dry them on a towel - the procedure is the same for any recipe. Put the berries in a jar up to the shoulders. We dilute the alcohol in half with water, get a solution with a strength of about 42 °, fill in the berries, add the zest of one lemon.
  2. We will seal the jar, put it in a dark place for 1.5-2 months, shaking it periodically.
  3. When the drink acquires a rich color, we will merge the liquid and strain. You can stop at this stage, the tincture will be good by itself. But if we want to get a liqueur, add sugar to the tincture, mix and let it brew for several days.

We remember the main rule for alcoholic beverages - time works for you, longer exposure means better taste.

You can speed up the process, slightly warm the tincture, add sugar, stir until completely dissolved. Pouring with alcohol, in principle, is no different from liqueur prepared with vodka. We adjust the strength of the liqueur during preparation.

If you want to see all the stages of making delicious liqueurs - watch the video. Each master has his own recipes for making liqueur, it will be useful to listen to experienced people.

I think everyone liked today's simple recipes for chokeberry liqueurs at home. Believe me, making your own signature drinks is a real pleasure and exciting experience!

Chokeberry, or chokeberry, is a shrub up to 2.5 meters high. Grows everywhere, in almost many climatic zones, in the wild and on household plots... Fruiting every year, it tolerates hot, dry summers and cold winters well. Chokeberry fruits are round, black, small in size, they are used both for food and as medicinal raw materials.

Chemical composition

Aronia has a rich chemical composition, thanks to which the fruits are of such value to humans. Chokeberry contains vitamins C, B vitamins, beta-carotene, PP vitamins. And also: flavonoids, catechins, anthocyanins, organic acids, glucose, fructose, sucrose, nicotinic acid, pectins, tannins.

There are micro and macro elements: fluorine, boron, copper, iron, manganese, molybdenum, a lot of iodine.

Chokeberry flowers and leaves, which are also used for medicinal purposes, contain rutin, flavonoids, hyperoside, chlorogenic and neochlorogenic acids.

Thanks to these substances, chokeberry berries have medicinal properties- soothes the nerves, reduces pressure, saturating the body with vitamins and minerals, has a beneficial effect.

Chokeberry contains little ascorbic acid, so it can be used with fruits rich in vitamin C - rose hips, black currants.

Chokeberry medications

The use of chokeberry tinctures will help cure the thyroid gland, lower cholesterol levels, and strengthen immune system, reduce blood pressure, improve appetite, normalize digestive processes, strengthen the walls of blood vessels.

The recipes proposed in this article will help you to properly prepare blackberry tinctures and apply them correctly.

Recipe 1.

Chokeberry tincture with alcohol. Take 1 kg of berries, 1 liter of alcohol or purified vodka, 500 grams of sugar. Rinse the rowan, shake off the water, put in a glass jar. Pour in vodka, add sugar, stir until the sugar is completely dissolved.

Close the jar tightly and place in a dark, cool place for 2.5 months. Once every five days, the contents of the jar will need to be mixed.

After 2.5 months, strain the drink, squeeze the berries, pour the tincture into bottles.

In the same way, a tincture of chokeberry without sugar is prepared; in this recipe, three weeks will be enough for preparing a tincture with alcohol or vodka.

Recipe 2.

Chokeberry tincture with vodka or alcohol. take a three-liter jar for 2/3 fill it with chokeberry berries. Fill with vodka or alcohol to the brim, cover the jar and place in a dark place for 3 weeks. Then strain, bottle, and take as you wish. If you made a tincture with alcohol, it will turn out to be too strong and can be diluted with water. Vodka tincture does not need water.

Berries for the preparation of the tincture can be used fresh or dried, but in this case the tincture will have to stand for 1.5 months.

Recipe 3.

Blackberry tincture with vodka or alcohol with the addition of spices. Take 750 grams of chokeberry berries, grind them in any way so that more juice comes out. Put the mixture in a jar, add 3-4 cloves, a pinch of ground nutmeg, a pinch of ginger, 250 grams of sugar. Tie the neck of the jar with gauze and put in a dark place for 2 days. Then pour 0.5 liters of vodka into the jar, and return the jar to its place.

The tincture on blackberry should stand for 2 months, at a temperature not higher than 25 degrees. Then strain it through cheesecloth and bottle.

Recipe 4.

Blackberry tincture with honey, vodka or alcohol. Take 1 kg of chokeberry berries, add 50-60 grams of honey, 1 liter of high-quality alcohol, mix everything until the honey is completely dissolved.

We close the jar with tincture with a nylon lid and put it in a dark place for 3 months. Once a week, the contents of the jar will need to be shaken. Then we filter the drink and pour it into clean bottles and decanters.

Recipe 5.

Blackberry tincture with lemon juice, vodka and water. Take 0.5 kg of chokeberry berries, rinse and put in a jar. Dissolve 1 tbsp separately. a spoonful of sugar in the juice of three lemons and 0.5 cups of water. Pour the sugar syrup over the berries and add 0.5 liters of vodka. Place the jar in a dark, cool place for 3 weeks. When the tincture is ready, it will need to be cleaned of berries and bottled.

Blackcurrant leaves, cherry leaves, or a sprig of mint can be used as a flavoring for the tincture.

Recipe 6.

Chokeberry tincture with orange peel. Take 1 liter of vodka or alcohol, 200 grams of chokeberry berries, zest from 1 orange. Put the ingredients in a jar, close the lid and place in a dark place.

The drink turns out to be more tasty if it stands for more than 3 weeks, but you can use it as a dessert alcohol after 2 weeks. To do this, the drink only needs to be filtered and bottled. To taste, the zest of an orange can be replaced with a zest of lemon.


Tinctures, preserves, jams and chokeberry juice should not be used by people suffering from hypotension, gastritis with high acidity, gastrointestinal ulcers, constipation, hemorrhoids, thrombophlebitis. Tinctures of alcohol or vodka are not recommended for those who are being treated for alcoholism.

Aronia or black chokeberry is more common in all regions of the country as an ornamental tree. This shrub is distinguished by a large yield and great unpretentiousness. Gardeners can plant a plant and forget about it for many years, it will grow on its own and bear extremely abundant fruit every year. Nevertheless, such inattention to this berry is completely unjustified, they have a lot of useful properties and are very pleasant to the taste.

And if you cookchokeberry tincture with vodka,you will get not only a healthy, but also a very pleasant, tasty drink. Let us examine some of the recipes for such a drink and advice from professionals for its preparation.

Chokeberry ripens late autumn, you can start harvesting at the onset of the first frost. It is then that the berries will gain maximum benefit, and become juicy and aromatic. Harvesting from unripe berries is completely impractical, since they practically do not contain juice and nutrients moreover, they have an unpleasant astringent taste.

Fully ripe berries perfectly reveal their taste inchokeberry tinctures on vodka, alcohol, cognac or even moonshine. Therefore, the preparation of the drink should be postponed until late autumn.

Harvesting does not provide any special recommendations. You just need to collect the berries in a suitable container. At home, they must be carefully sorted out by removing twigs, dry leaves and low-quality berries. After that, the resulting raw materials for tincture must be thoroughly rinsed from debris and dust, and then dried on a towel.

Some use for cookingchokeberry tincturedried berries. This is quite acceptable, since during the infusion of the drink, the berry is saturated with liquid and also reveals its taste. A beneficial features they are preserved when drying. Therefore, it is necessary to decide which berry to use based on the circumstances. You can make a mix and insist the drink on a mixture of dry and fresh berries. Often, to enhance the aroma and add new unusual notes, various spices are added to the tincture, but more on that later.

Chokeberry tincture with vodkawhen consumed in moderation can have a beneficial effect on the human body. This drink perfectly improves immunity and allows you to fight hypertension.

Chokeberry tincture recipes

There are many recipeschokeberry tinctures at home... Every connoisseur of spirits tries to bring something special to it in order to give an already excellent tincture a more original and unforgettable taste and aroma.

Classic tincture recipe

A combination of rowan and cognac is considered a classic. Therefore, connoisseurs recommend using cognac as the basis for the tincture. But if desired, it can be replaced with any strong alcohol: vodka, moonshine or even diluted alcohol. The main thing is that the percentage of alcohol in the base varies between 40-50%.

For tincture you will need:

  • strong alcohol base - 0.5 l;
  • chokeberry - 0.5 kg;
  • sugar.

In accordance with the proportions, you can increase the volume of alcohol and, accordingly, berries. For each liter of base, you will need 1 kg of berries. Sugar is added to the tincture as desired and according to the manufacturer's taste. You can do without it at all, but if you like sweet liqueurs, then please.

How to make chokeberry tincture? Everything is extremely simple and does not require any special skills.

  1. It is necessary to prepare a clean, preferably glass container. Perfect for small volumes three-liter can... Pour clean, prepared berries into a container.
  2. Rowan is filled with alcohol. It is important that the liquid covers the berries by about 1.5-2 centimeters, so you need to distribute the blackberry well and, if necessary, add brandy or other alcohol that was chosen as the basis.
  3. Sugar is added, if necessary, and mixed thoroughly.
  4. The jar is closed with a lid and the jar is removed for infusion. The process takes two months. It is important during this period to keep the tincture away from light, in a dark place. Once a week, the contents need to be mixed, you should not open the container, you just need to shake it.
  5. After the infusion time has expired, the drink must be filtered (after special paper or just cheesecloth) and bottle for storage.

The tincture is unpretentious either in preparation or storage. Due to the fact that strong alcohol is used as a base, the shelf life of the drink is not limited.

To enhance the benefits and add a special taste to the tincture, you can use liquid honey instead of sugar. It is very important that the honey is in liquid state, if it is sugared, then you can melt it in a water bath, from this it will not lose the desired properties. Honey, like sugar, is added at the very beginning of the process, but the infusion of the drink lasts longer, it is necessary that the liqueur lasts three months until it is ready.

Rowan tincture with lemon

This combination will add a slight sourness and special notes to the overall taste and aroma of the drink. You can make such a tincture from dried berries, but you need to soak it in a glass of water so that they are saturated with moisture and return to their original form.


  • blackberry - 0.5 kg;
  • water - 1 glass;
  • vodka - 0.5 l;
  • 1 cup of sugar;
  • 3 lemons.

To prepare the tincture, you need to pour the berries into the jar, add sugar and water. After the berries absorb the liquid and become soft, pre-squeezed lemon juice and vodka are added to the jar. You can choose another alcohol, but it would be better to be a light liquid that does not have its own pronounced taste, like cognac.

You need to infuse the drink in a dark place for three full weeks, shaking occasionally to mix the ingredients. Then we filter and enjoy the taste.

Rowan with cinnamon

Chokeberry tincture with vodkacan be supplemented with various spices to add a special aroma to the drink. Cinnamon is most commonly used as such an additive. You can also add cherry leaves to this tincture.


  • berries - 0.75 kg;
  • alcohol - 0.5 l;
  • sugar about 250 g per 0.5 l of liquid;
  • 2 carnation stars;
  • Several cherry leaves.

Such a drink is infused with vodka or moonshine. For cooking, you should grind the berries, add sugar and cloves to them and let them ferment slightly for two days in a dark place. Then alcohol is poured, cherry leaves are added and the container is removed for 2 months in a dark and warm place. After the expiration date, the tincture is filtered and bottled for storage.

It's no secret that alcoholic drinks homemade food is much tastier and healthier than those made in production. After reading today's publication, you will learn more than one liqueur recipe from

These berries contain a large amount of tannins, so they have a tart taste. To make them suitable for further use, it is recommended to collect them after the onset of the first autumn frosts. If the berries are picked earlier, then it is advisable to keep them in the refrigerator for a couple of days. Thanks to this preparation, you will get impatient and tasty

At the same time, it is important to select high-quality and ripe berries... Before starting the preparation, the fruits are carefully sorted out, removing the unripe or spoiled mountain ash, and cleaned of the remnants of the leaves. Do not forget that they do not tolerate prolonged soaking.

Option 1: Ingredient List

Since almost all homemade drinks are made to taste, this recipe lacks a clear indication of the amount of food. To get a truly healthy black chokeberry liqueur with cherry leaf, you should have at your disposal:

  • A liter of purified water.
  • 450-750 milliliters of vodka.
  • Three glasses of chokeberry.
  • 350-500 grams of granulated sugar.
  • 50-70 pieces of cherry leaves.
  • A tablespoon of citric acid.


To get a fragrant blackberry liqueur with a cherry leaf, the mountain ash is pre-washed under a stream of cool running water, sent to a saucepan and thoroughly kneaded with a spoon. After the berries are juiced, chilled water is poured into them and pounded a little more.

To make the future drink more aromatic and saturated, pre-washed cherry leaves are sent to the container with berries and left for half an hour. Thirty minutes later, the saucepan is sent to the stove and slightly warmed up, but not boiled.

After that, the contents of the dishes are filtered through gauze folded in several layers and citric acid and granulated sugar are added. Then the container is sent to the stove and brought to a boil. After the pan is removed from the heat, vodka is poured into it.

Another recipe for liqueur: a set of products

This version of the drink is liked by everyone, without exception. It has a rich amber hue and an indescribable aroma. To prepare it, your kitchen should have:

  • 500 milliliters of water.
  • Half a kilo of chokeberry.
  • 500 milliliters of brandy.
  • Half a kilo of granulated sugar.
  • One whole lemon.
  • 150-200 cherry leaves.

Cooking technology

The berries, pre-peeled from the stalks, are washed in a cold running water and dried. In order for you to get a really useful and fragrant blackberry liqueur with a cherry leaf, you must strictly observe the recommended proportions of the components.

The rowan is placed in a clean saucepan and covered with water. Leaves are sent to the same container and everything is cooked together over low heat for a quarter of an hour. In this case, it is important to constantly stir the contents of the dishes. After this time, the pan is removed from the stove and cooled. To make the liqueur prepared by you from chokeberry and cherry leaves not only useful, but also tasty, filter it through several layers of gauze. The sediment remaining there can be sent to the trash can without regret.

Place the pan with the drained liquid on the stove, add granulated sugar and bring to a boil. After that, the juice of one lemon is squeezed out there and removed from the heat. Cognac is added to the cooled drink, bottled and left to infuse for a month.

Alternative option

The blackberry liqueur with cherry leaf prepared according to this recipe has a delicious taste and aroma. To make this homemade drink, you need to stock up on all the necessary ingredients in advance. Your kitchen should have:

  • 33 raspberry, cherry and blackcurrant leaves each.
  • One glass of chokeberry.
  • Half a liter of vodka.
  • A glass of granulated sugar.
  • A teaspoon of citric acid.

Pre-washed berries and leaves are placed in a large saucepan, filled with eight hundred milliliters of water, covered with a lid and placed on the stove. The mixture is brought to a boil and cooked over low heat for half an hour.

Thirty minutes later, the resulting drink is cooled and filtered through a colander. The deciduous-berry mass remaining on the sieve is lightly squeezed with a tablespoon and thrown into the trash bin. Sugar and citric acid are added to the resulting incredibly aromatic ruby ​​liquid. After that, the dishes, filled with an almost finished drink, are sent to the stove and turn on a slow fire. The contents of the pan are heated until the bulk components are completely dissolved.

After that, half a liter of vodka is poured into the still warm broth. If necessary, the last ingredient can be replaced with a self-made mixture consisting of one glass of alcohol and three hundred milliliters of purified water. The drink is now completely ready to drink.

Chokeberry pouring without vodka

It should be noted that this is one of the most simple recipes... To prepare this drink, you only need sugar and the berries themselves. These components are taken in a 1: 3 ratio. Thoroughly washed fruits are ground into a gruel, sweetened and sent to a glass container. Cover the bottle with the resulting mixture with gauze and place in a warm place.

The fermentation period takes about one and a half months on average. Throughout this time, the berries are stirred daily using a wooden spatula. The fermented drink is filtered through thick gauze, poured into bottles, corked and sent for further storage in a cool place. After three months, you will have a delicious aged liqueur.

A sweet, concentrated, thick, stretchy drink made from a variety of fruits and berries. There are many simple recipes for making chokeberry liqueur at home, proven by experience. The finished product is characterized by a pleasant taste, intended for use in pure form when holding festive events.

What is the difference between liqueur and tincture?

Liqueurs and tinctures are similar only at first glance, in fact, these drinks are very different from each other.

Both drinks are alcoholic, often prepared from the same ingredients. At the same time, it looks and tastes completely differently. The difference lies in the recipe and production technology. Liqueurs, liqueurs, tinctures are often confused with each other. If you compare them, you can actually see a lot in common, but these are completely different drinks, characterized by certain characteristics, not always intended for the same purposes.

The main distinctive features liqueurs:

  • stretching, thick consistency;
  • prepared by fermentation or berry syrup is diluted with an alcohol-containing component;
  • sweet, sometimes sugary taste;
  • the main raw materials are fruits or berries, main feature- a large amount of sugar;
  • fortress 18-20%;
  • used in pure form, added to tea, coffee, confectionery;
  • intended for celebrations and feasts;
  • contained in a large number amino acids, glutamine are useful for the body, but they can harm a weakened person more, so the drink is not considered medicinal;
  • should be stored in a cool place - cellar or refrigerator.

Tincture by organoleptic characteristics, preparation technology differs significantly from liqueur. The drink is made by long-term infusion of the main raw materials on strong alcohol. The finished product is rarely characterized by sweetness, since it contains much less sugar or is not included in the recipe at all. Berries and fruits can be the main component, but the drink is also made from herbs, roots, spices, leaves, grains. The consistency is liquid, the strength is 30-45%.

Sometimes tinctures are specially prepared for treatment according to the methods traditional medicine, strengthening immunity, giving vigor, relieving fatigue. The taste is specific, it is distinguished by bitterness, astringency. It can be used in its pure form, like the liqueur, but due to its high strength, it is recommended to dilute the tincture with water. It is imperative to store in a dark place, but it is allowed to leave at room temperature.

On a note! The composition, names of tinctures and liqueurs are the same, the difference lies in the proportions of the main components and production technology. For example, a liqueur "100 leaves" and a liqueur with the same name are made from black chokeberry.

Features of chokeberry

The benefits and harms of products are due to the biochemical composition of the main raw materials. Berries contain vitamins (A, B 1, B 2, B 6, B 9, C, E, PP), mineral salts of iron, potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus. The color of black chokeberry indicates a high concentration of anthocyanins. Rowan has a tonic, choleretic, bactericidal, antifungal and diuretic effect. The active substances of the fruits help to eliminate toxic substances, normalize blood sugar, lower blood pressure.

Despite the high content of beneficial nutrients, the drink is rarely used for medicinal purposes, unlike infusions. A high concentration of organic acids and sugar can cause a deterioration in the state of health in patients with chronic forms of diseases, in case of disruption of the gastrointestinal tract, central nervous system. It is forbidden to use rowan liqueurs for persons suffering from diabetes mellitus. It is important to consider possible harm alcohol. The resulting liquid can have a strength of up to 20%. Additional benefits and contraindications depend on the ingredients included in the recipe.

On a note! The product based on chokeberry differs in organoleptic characteristics from the drink made from red rowan. The ready-to-drink liquid turns out darker, saturated color, characterized by a tart taste, specific aroma.

Manufacturing technology

Homemade liqueur is made from berries, sugar and an alcohol-containing component. Depending on the recipe, the process of fermentation or infusion with alcohol is used, while shaking the containers, decanting the solvent for a while. The blackberry drink is infused for 3-4 months, belongs to the group of late-ripening liqueurs. To prepare mountain ash liqueur, you need to take fresh berries. It is allowed if some will be dented, but rotten, fallen to the ground, affected by diseases cannot be used.

Chokeberry pouring can be made with moonshine, vodka, alcohol, cognac. The solvent should not be stronger than 60%, therefore it is recommended to pre-dilute medical alcohol with soft, purified water. It is not necessary to add alcohol to the mixture when using the fermentation method. This method making liqueur is similar to wine. The difference is that the raw materials are pre-washed, wine yeast is not added, the pulp is not removed from the container. It is allowed to use natural honey, leaves, other berries and fruits as flavoring ingredients. Black chokeberry goes well with cloves, cardamom, allspice, vanilla, star anise.

On a note! Chokeberry has a tart taste due to the high content of tannins and tannins. To reduce astringency, it is recommended to add water or collect the brushes after the first frost.

It is advisable to choose containers from glass. Pre-treatment consists of washing, sterilizing, drying. A water trap, gauze, or cotton cloth may be needed. Metal tools cannot be used, as metal can react with organic acids, the products will be of poor quality.

How to make black chokeberry liqueur step by step without vodka and alcohol:

  1. Tear the berries off the scallops, sort out, rinse under running cold water.
  2. Squeeze the mountain ash a little, without violating the integrity of the seeds. When juice appears, add water and heat a little more.
  3. The raw material should fill a glass container ⅔ of its volume. Pour sugar to the top, mix, cover with gauze.
  4. Place in a warm place without access to light for 5 days, shake occasionally.
  5. When fermentation begins, install a water seal, keep at a constant temperature of 20-27 ° C until bubbles stop forming. The completion of the process is evidenced by the natural lightening of the contents of the jar.
  6. The liquid must be filtered, poured into sterilized bottles, transferred to the basement for storage.

The recipes for making rowan liqueurs are often passed down from generation to generation. Observance of proportions is mandatory, storage of the finished drink in a cool room is also necessary. After removing the liquid, the raw material can be reused. For the preparation of homemade alcohol, it is allowed to take fresh, raw frozen berry preparations for the winter. At the same time, the fruits will be less tart, not bitter, which will accordingly affect the finished product.

The easiest recipe


  • blackberry berries - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 0.3 kg;
  • vodka - 1 l.

Prepare the fruits, you can crush a little, cover with sugar. Pour chokeberry with vodka so that it completely covers the fruit mass. It is recommended to insist at room temperature in a dark room, periodically shaking the balloon. After about 3 months. Strain the finished liqueur through cheesecloth or a strainer, pour into bottles, store in a cellar or basement.

100 leaves


  • raspberry, cherry, black currant leaves - 33 pcs.;
  • black mountain ash - 1 tbsp.;
  • water - 0.8 l;
  • vodka - 0.5 l;
  • granulated sugar - 1 tbsp.;
  • citric acid - 1 tsp

Put the prepared berries and leaf plates in a large saucepan, add water, cover with a lid, put on a heated stove. Bring to a boil, cook on low heat for 30 minutes. Cool, strain with a sieve. Mix the resulting liquid with sugar and citric acid, keep on low heat until the crystals are completely dissolved. Cool the broth a little, mix with vodka, let it cool down. Store in a sealed bottle in a cool place.

On a note! Another similar recipe for black chokeberry liqueur involves adding pear leaves, and each type should be taken in 25 pieces. The taste of the product will be softer and more tender.

With cherry leaf


  • black mountain ash - 0.5 kg;
  • cherry leaves - 150-200 pcs.;
  • lemon - 1 pc.;
  • sugar - 0.5 kg;
  • cognac - 0.5 l;
  • water - 0.5 l.

Mix washed berries with cherry leaves, pour cold purified water. Constantly stirring, cook at low heat for 15-20 minutes, cool. Strain the liquid through a cotton cloth or gauze folded in 2-3 layers, carefully squeezing the mass. Mix the broth with sugar, bring to a boil. Add squeezed lemon juice, cool, dilute with cognac. Pour into bottles, leave to ripen for 1 month.