Male names born in April. Name day in April: male and female names according to the calendar

How to choose a name for a child, who in the family should give the boy a name? There is no unanimity on these issues. Everyone chooses a name in the way that is customary in their family, someone according to traditions, someone according to rituals and signs. Today we will talk about the Orthodox tradition of the name of the naming. Faithful families have always attached to this great value. They believed that a person who received the name of a Saint automatically receives his character traits, and the Saint from birth will patronize him. In early Christianity, the names of such heroes as Isaac, Abraham, Jacob were quite common. Giving the child the name of the Holy, the parents thereby wanted to make the baby involved in the Holiness that the original owner had.

After the advent of Christianity in Russia, people began to give names to children in honor of the Saints. Why did they start doing this? Is there any meaning in tradition? Christians believe that a person bearing the name of a Saint has a close relationship with him. And at the same time, the Saint, according to believers, will help the boy from heaven, driving away demons, protecting him. You can choose the names of boys according to the Saints of April using the church calendar. The church calendar or the Saints is a calendar where the days are distributed Orthodox holidays in honor of the Saints. Previously, the name of the Saint for the child was chosen by the parents together with the priest, and at the baptism of the baby, the priest officially gave the child a name in honor of the Saint.

Today, many Christian families want to name the boy after a canonized Saint. As a rule, parents themselves choose a name according to the Saints. Or if the family has a revered Saint, then the boy may be named after him. On the day of remembrance of his Saint boy, you need to celebrate name days, which are significantly different from celebrating a birthday.

The modern church calendar contains more than 1000 different names for boys and girls. Basically, the names in the Saints are of Greek, Slavic and Hebrew origin. We hope that the following list of boy names will help you with choosing a boy name according to the Saints.

Names of boys according to the Saints: April

1. Claudius, Ivan, Innocent

2. Ivan, Sergey, Savva, Victor, Nikita, Vasily

3. Jacob, Seraphim, Vladimir, Cyril, Thomas

4. Vasily, Isaac

5. Nikon, Makar, Ilya, Vasily, Stepan, Alexey, Sergey, Andrey

6. Zakhar, Arteny, Vladimir, Stepan, Peter, Yakov

7. Tikhon, Savva

8. Vasily

9. Theodosius, Ivan

10. Illarion, Stepan, Nikolai, Vasily, Ivan

11. Mark, Cyril, Evstafiy, Ivan, Ion

12. Ivan, Sofron, Panteleimon

13. Ipaty, Innokenty, Ivan, Benjamin

14. Efim, Sergey, Makar

15. Lazarus, Titus, Polycarp

16. Nikita

17. Joseph, George, Benjamin, Nikifor, Nikolai, Ivan, Zosima

18. Nikolai, Mark, Fedor

19. Ivan, Yakov

20. George, Daniel

21. Sergey, Nifont

22. Eupsychius, Vadim

23. Maxim, Alexander, Fedor, Dmitry, Yakov, Grigory

24. Peter, Prokhor, Nikolai, Yakov, Ivan, Grigory

25. Vasily, Sergey, David, Ivan

26. Artemon

27. Alexander, Anton, Ivan

28. Aristarkh, Trofim, Alexander, Andrey, Theodorit, Kondrat, Yakov, Victor, Savva, Zosima

29. Leonid

20. Zosima, Ivan, Alexander, Andrian, Agapit

It has long been known that the name of a person given to him at birth has a great influence on his future destiny. How to choose a name for a child so that he will be happy in the future? In many ways, this will depend on him, but it has been noticed that people who celebrate name days in April are usually active and cheerful. Perhaps this is due to the month of birth, when everything in nature begins to grow and develop.

What are saints

The Holy Fathers of the Church say that each person is given two angels at baptism by the Lord God. One of them is a guardian angel: he assistant in good and charitable deeds and a protector from all troubles, troubles and hardships. But there is also another Angel - the holy saint of God, whose name wears Orthodox person. He acts as an intercessor before God and offers prayers to the Lord for well-being and spiritual health his ward. And his holy prayers are accepted by God sooner.

There was a pious tradition in Russia: for the well-being and health of a person, a name was chosen for a newborn at baptism, given the holy calendar(months). This is a list of historical figures - pious Christians who pleased God with their lives on earth and numbered for this the Russian Orthodox Church to the face of saints.

And the day of memory of that saint, whose name a person is named, is called the day of an angel or name day. For example, the name day of Taisia ​​according to the church calendar is celebrated on April 4th. Accordingly, according to the holy calendar, a girl born on the 4th of this month can bear the name Taisia. Or a boy born on April 16 may be named Nikita.

When choosing a name, it must be taken into account that a saint is an example for a person’s earthly life, and that is why you need to know about his earthly life and try to match this high image of holiness to the best of your ability and ability.

In the second month of spring, many parents of newborns think about how to name a boy born in April. This month, the Church remembers many of the saints who are male names. It can be really difficult to choose one and only one from a multitude of names.

Men's names in April are quite diverse and their choice is wide. The most popular names are: Dmitry, Alexander, Vasily, Victor, Alexei, George, Peter, Stepan, Ivan, Kirill, Artemy, Pavel, Ilya, Vadim and Nikita.

In addition, there are less common names in the calendar of this month, for example, Pahom (celebration on April 3), Zakhar - April 6, Savva - April 7, Gabriel - 8, Spiridon - 10, Jonah - 11, Sophronius - 12 numbers, Polycarp - 15th, Zosima - 17th, Plato - 18th, Jeremiah - 19th, Luke - 21st, Gabriel - 22nd, Terenty - 23rd, Antip - 24th, David - 25th, Christopher - 27th numbers, Martin - 28th, Adrian - 30th.

How to name a girl

“How many good girls, how many affectionate names…”

Indeed, there are many names: beautiful, feminine and affectionate. The names of girls born in April are bright in spring. For the future well-being of the girl, when choosing a name, you should pay attention to the following female names in April. The birthday girls of this month are: Daria, Alexandra, Anastasia, Maria, Galina, Irina, Anna. Among the rarer names these days, we can recall such as Claudia and Paraskovya (celebration on April 2), Vasilisa, Taisiya - April 4, Theodosia, Pelageya - April 5, Matrona - 9th, Evdokia - 20th, Martha - 26th, Arina - 29 numbers.

How to spend an angel's day

The duty of an Orthodox Christian is not only to know the day of his name day, but also to know the life of his patron saint. It is necessary to prepare in advance for the celebration of this day and not to limit the celebration only to a friendly and family feast. Angel Day is a special day and therefore it should be marked in a special way:

  • The birthday boy should go to church to thank his patron for his help and his holy prayers.
  • The birthday person will receive very great help from above by confessing and partaking of the Holy Mysteries of Christ on this day.
  • It is not advisable to work on the day of the angel, it is better to spend it without fuss and haste, with peace and joy in the soul as your personal holiday.

If the day of the angel falls on a fast day, and this is Wednesday and Friday of each week of the month (except for continuous weeks) or on the day of one of the fasts, then the festive meal should be fast. In addition, if the name day falls on great post, then it is better to celebrate their celebration on Bright Week or move it to the next Saturday or Sunday.

What is "small name day"

Some saints celebrate several days of remembrance a year, for example, the days of remembrance of St. Blessed Xenia of Petersburg - February 6 and June 6, or the days of remembrance of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker - May 22 and December 19. In this case, you should focus on the next day after the birthday. In this case, another day of remembrance will be called "small name days". On this day, it is also desirable to be in the temple to thank your patron for help and protection.

What do they give for birthdays

Since the day of the angel is a special holiday for a Christian, gifts should also be filled with a special spiritual meaning. The patron saint of the birthday person is not interested in gifts that are customary to receive and give on ordinary holidays: dishes, clothes, etc. Here you need something that will remind you of the need for a person’s spiritual growth and help him in this.

When choosing a gift suitable for this occasion, you can contact the church shop. The most obvious gift option - nominal icon. But he is far from the only one, a suitable gift on this day can be:

  • candles, candlesticks;
  • videos of church services;
  • audio recordings of Orthodox music;
  • amulet with the face of saints;
  • lamp oil, etc.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the excellent selection of Orthodox literature available today.

When preparing a christening gift for a child in Russia, there was such a custom: to order a so-called “measured” icon for a baby at baptism. For example, on April 5, a girl was born, fifty-two centimeters tall, named Lydia. And then an icon of the holy martyr Lydia of Illyria is ordered, with a height of fifty-two centimeters.

If we talk about a gift for a birthday boy from his parents, then a nominal icon would be an excellent option, and if possible, specially ordered from an icon painter. In this case, the gift takes on even more meaning, being a family heirloom that can be inherited, and a parental blessing at the same time.

The birth of a child is the blessing of the Lord and His great mercy. But at the same time, there is a great responsibility for his upbringing before God and the world. Orthodox parents are given great help in the difficult task of becoming and raising a child through the sacrament of Baptism: in it a person is given the opportunity to be born not only for earthly life, but also for eternal life.

The birth of a child is always a real miracle. As he grows older, he will acquire various character traits that may disappear over time. In many ways, it is the parents who determine who their child will become in the future by choosing the appropriate name for him. You can choose a name for a boy or girl with a name day in April on your own or with the help of a church minister.

Names for boys

Before choosing what to name a boy born in April, it is worth remembering the saints who were born on this day or are his patrons. The patron will protect the child from adversity and give him good luck in everything, no matter what he undertakes.

The church calendar for the most part contains Old Slavic names which are not currently in use. In this case, you need to contact the minister of the church to help him choose a consonant name and surround the birthday man reliable protection guardian angel.

Some male names in April have several patrons at once, so it becomes easier for parents to name their baby. The most popular options for naming a boy who was born in April.

Popular male names

Dmitriy. Patient and humble. People around him believe that he looks at everything with a sober head and is absolutely calm in life, however, this is not so: a real hurricane of passions and emotions rages inside him, which are hidden behind a thick veil and cannot come out. When angered, he can be very impulsive and even prone to aggression.

He tries to be nice to everyone and is not able to hold a grudge for a long time. Easily makes contact, but is too touchy and overly suspicious. He does not know how to trust and is hard to part with secrets.

  • Dates of birth: April 1, 23, 26.
  • Strengths: balance, independence, friendliness.

Ivan. One of the most popular names since Ancient Russia. Very vulnerable and touchy, however, not angry and friendly. Strives to be the first in everything and hates to lose. He writes down any defeat at his own expense and takes it too close to his heart.

Knows how to make the right acquaintances and use people to his advantage. Often suffers from an inferiority complex and dissatisfaction with himself. Very picky and capricious.

A strong personality, able to prove his superiority to others, but does not seek to brag about his position. He likes to earn money and knows how to accumulate it, he is well versed in finance.

  • Dates of birth: 1, 2, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 17, 19, 21, 24, 27, 30 April.
  • Advantages : calm, sociable, born leader.

Basil. Good-natured and open to new acquaintances. Vasya is always ready to help his loved ones and will definitely not leave a friend in trouble. However, sometimes his kindness comes not from a pure heart, but from a cold mind: Vasily is very prudent and is not used to throwing his actions right and left. He cannot be called an egoist, he is just used to living according to a plan and is not going to leave it.

He knows how to have fun and attracts people with his simplicity. He does not like to quarrel and skillfully avoids any conflicts.

  • Numbers: 2, 4, 5, 8, 10, 25 April.
  • Strengths: ability to plan, good nature, love of life.

Sergei. He does not reach for leadership and is quite satisfied with his position in life. Therefore, he is not vain and easily converges with people. It combines inner softness and natural hardness, which makes Sergey a reliable defender and good friend. With age, he can squander some of his kindness and become more aggressive, but at the same time he will always be sociable and surrounded by a company of true friends.

  • Dates: 2, 5 April.
  • Advantages: non-conflict, does not know how to manipulate people, active, friendly.

Fedor. An ordinary guy who is not used to flaunting himself, but he definitely won’t be a gray mouse either. He studies well, sciences and languages ​​\u200b\u200bare easy for him.

Quickly makes friends and begins to trust them. To strangers may seem too closed and closed, but for loved ones he real soul companies.

Can overdo it, distributing advice right and left, but tries to act sincerely and not maliciously.

  • Dates of birth: 28, 30 April.
  • Best qualities: reliability, accuracy, activity.

Peter. It can be overly narcissistic and arrogant, but at the same time - kind and decent. By nature, he is very vulnerable and gentle, loves affection and kindness. He often hides behind masks, and only shows his real face to close friends. Alone, he can completely withdraw into himself, and it will be very difficult to get him out of this state.

  • Numbers: 20, 24 April.
  • Strengths: Creative, versatile, direct.

Stepan. He loves and knows how to joke well, sometimes he is too arrogant and likes to put himself above others. He does not know how to concentrate on one thing and often quits what he started. Lazy, although nature rewarded him with a good mind.

He quickly achieves his goals and is not afraid of difficulties, perceiving them as another adventure.

  • Name days: 5, 6, 8, 10 April.
  • Advantages: knows his own worth, sense of humor, learns easily.

Vadim. He likes to think and is often thoughtful. Others may consider him strange, but in fact the boy is unusually smart and talented. Sometimes there are breakdowns, but Vadim quickly copes with them and continues to skillfully overcome obstacles.

Often becomes dependent on others, but he himself does not know how to manipulate and use others for his own purposes.

  • Dates: 22 April.
  • Advantages: quickly reaches balance, unforgiving.

Zakhar. Possesses natural hardness and perseverance. Negative emotions seem to not affect him at all and bypass him - Zakhar is so positive and optimistic. For him, there are no difficulties and obstacles that cannot be overcome. But at the same time, he is very strong and always ready for difficulties. Can become truly great.

Likes to joke and does it quite well. He suffers from the hero syndrome and always rushes to the rescue of loved ones, often to his own detriment. Can't refuse. It is important for him to understand that sometimes his own problems and needs are above everything else.

  • Dates: 12 April.
  • Advantages: willpower, determination, kindness.

Rare male names

Many parents want to name their child this way so that it does not look like others and stands out from the crowd. In this case, they choose rare name, which is almost non-existent at the present time.

One of these names is Savva(April 15). The boys named so appear more and more often and carry in themselves best qualities: they are unusually strong both spiritually and physically, those around them are in awe of the determination emanating from them. In fact, boys with this name are very emotional and can explode at any moment.

Another name - Benjamin. Just like Arthur, George, Abraham has long passed from the category of ancient ones, but still it is not so common. Veniamin is very flexible and skillfully adapts to any life situation. He diligently avoids conflicts and is extraordinarily intelligent.

One of the best qualities Makara- restraint and simplicity. He reacts poorly to external stimuli and relies only on himself. Sometimes it seems too cold and withdrawn, this is due to the fact that he is used to acting, not talking, and therefore does not give out false promises and always goes to the end.

Names for girls

With names for girls, everything is much more serious, because parents want to give their little princess all the best. Hence the fashion for vintage Orthodox names who seemed long forgotten: Theodosius (April 16), Pelageya, Agafya, Fedor (April 18). And if there are a lot of options for name days in April for boys according to the church calendar, then girls have a limited choice.

Popular female names

Saints of female names in April:

Sofia. Knowledge is not given to her as easily as to her peers, however, it is for her that they are of the greatest value.

A very impulsive and explosive nature, skillfully disguises weaknesses and convinces people of her genius. Diligence and perseverance instilled in her from childhood, Sofia, born on the 4th, is very hardworking and loves to do housework.

She can chat with her friends for hours about nothing, loves gossip and fresh stories. It’s hard for her to keep feelings inside herself, and if she doesn’t give them an outlet, she can explode at the most inopportune moment.

Anastasia. A real mystery that is almost impossible to solve. Her most forte- studies. Nastya will always study perfectly and will certainly become the favorite of half of the teachers. Often she will be considered too boring and boring, but the real Anastasia is a bright and unpredictable person.

I used to rely on logic and always act according to plan. He tries to look quiet and not stick out once again, but this only applies to unfamiliar companies, where April Anastasia has not yet revealed her best qualities. A good hostess who will become a reliable support for the family and raise beautiful children.

Anna. Her advantage is patience and the ability to wait. Thanks to this, the girl knows how to appreciate what she has, and in every possible way opposes the consumer attitude towards other people. A very soft and vulnerable nature, which others can take advantage of, but at the same time - tough and serious.

I used to rely only on myself, but without people I feel abandoned and useless. Suffering from self-doubt and too low self-esteem. She is very altruistic and considers helping others her duty.

Maria. A complex nature, in which the most contradictory qualities can be combined at the same time: passion, calmness, cordiality. Because of this, she suffers from frequent mood swings, and it is not easy to communicate with her.

By nature, Masha is a cheerful and cheerful person. She is too strict with herself and often demands the impossible. Very sensual and vulnerable, quickly falls in love and also quickly cools down. Being the only child in the family, she can be capricious and selfish, putting her own interests above all else.

Irina. Firm and uncompromising towards enemies, she is not used to sitting still and always looks to the future. Nothing is impossible for Irina, and she conquers new heights over and over again.

Nevertheless, she is distinguished by an enviable constancy and brings everything that has been started to the end. He can do what he loves all his life. The same applies to personal life, with which Ira is all right.

When making a decision, most often relies on logic, but emotions also have a great influence on it. Smart, energetic and always ready to sacrifice her time and interests for something greater.

Rare female names

Vasilisa (April 29). ancient Russian name. Thanks to fairy tales, she is associated with beauty and an extraordinary mind, however, Vasilisa perfectly combines these qualities. Very cheerful and talented, she knows how to amuse her pride and often engages in self-irony. The girl with the male abbreviation of the name "Vasya" is very hardworking and easily takes on new cases, however, most often she brings them to their logical conclusion. Birthday girl April 28th.

Taisiya. Those around her immediately notice an inner core in her, which stubbornly leads the girl past failures, straight to happiness and success. She can be affectionate and gentle at the same time, and at the same time ready to release her claws and grab the throat of anyone who dares to offend her or her loved ones.

Very independent and considers freedom above all else. She is not used to publicizing her feelings and may seem too secretive and withdrawn to others. Sometimes he forgives people more than they deserve, however, the cup of patience overflows too quickly. According to the church calendar, Taisia's name day is April 4.

Lydia. Very active and sociable, sometimes too much. Doesn't matter to her social status and position in society, she tries to be equal with everyone. It often seems to strangers “out of this world”, Lydia is unusually simple and not picky about people.

She has strong character, and she can easily stand up for herself and protect what is dear to her. Skillfully avoids conflicts and rarely violates established boundaries, does not like aggression and any of its manifestations. Often she is lazy, but at the same time she always tries to achieve her goals.

Choosing a name for a child whose birthday fell in April or May is not so difficult. The main thing is to do it with soul and, of course, love.

Specialists different kind, whether psychologists or astrologers, believe that the name largely determines the person. Therefore, this matter must be taken seriously. How would parents like to see their baby, who was born in April, in the future - stubborn, selfish or, conversely, accommodating and gentle? All these features can determine the name of a boy born in April.

Selection rules

The characters of the April boys, according to astrologers, largely depend on what day of the month the child was born. There are two signs of the zodiac in April: most of the month "belongs", the end of April - Taurus.

Temperamental, with pronounced leadership qualities, babies are born in the first decade of the month. Is it desirable to develop these qualities in a child? Then it is worth stopping at sonorous names with strong energy.

The middle of the month suggests the birth of creative and emotional natures. And they should pick up outstanding names, maybe even somewhat unusual ones: Alan, Aristarchus, Ephraim, Mark, Nestor.

Aprils at the end of the month can eventually show their love of freedom and even some aggressiveness. They must be "softened" with the appropriate name.

What is the best name for "April"?

The “strong”, masculine, names that can add self-confidence to those who wear them include such as Artem, Gleb, Grigory, Dmitry, Yegor, Ilya, Kirill, Lev, Peter.

The meanings of these names speak for themselves. So, one of the translations of the name Artem from Greek sounds like “unharmed, having impeccable health”, and Kirill is “little gentleman”, “barchuk”. One of the meanings of the name Gleb sounds like "the favorite of the gods", "under the protection of the gods."

Anyway, before choosing, it would be wise to ask what it means.

It is not recommended to call boys born in April with names from which it is easy to form a female form: Julian - Juliana, Valentin - Valentina. And everything is explained simply: while they are small, those around them will call them Yulechki-Valechki, Yulia and Valka, and try to figure out who they are turning to - a girl or a boy.

Oddly enough, this moment can be negatively imprinted on the emerging character of the boy- it will inevitably show girlish features.

The same applies to names that even sound soft, such as Vitaly, Savely, Tikhon.

The names of some of the famous and successful people, with an interesting fate can be noted in April? Boris - an associate of Tsar Peter Count Sheremetev; Nikolai is both the classic writer Gogol and the great traveler Przhevalsky; - Russian designer of small arms Mosin; Stepan - Russian Admiral Voevodsky. You can aim to search suitable name in this direction.

church calendar

Many modern parents turn to the old tradition of naming their babies after saints glorified in the Orthodox Church, whose names are sealed in the holy calendar.

Most often they dwell on the name of the saint on whose day of veneration a child was born. This is the most common way. It happens that female saints are venerated on this day. Parents may also not like the "translation" of the name of this or that righteous man. Then you can consider the names that fall on the eighth or fortieth day from the birth of the boy.

It often happens that different numbers Months have the same names. To make it easier to navigate among the names proposed in April, we present a kind of Christmas time:

If you set out to reveal the secret of the name, it's easy to do. And based on the information received, it is easier to call the baby the most suitable for him, from a parental point of view, or the most “winning”.

Often the parents of the baby try to give him them, which has a certain meaning. First of all, they focus on church calendar. And they name the child depending on the name day of which saint his birthday is close to.

Like - don't like

It is this principle that works in the first place when moms and dads decide what to name a boy born in April (or any other month). Compatibility with a patronymic, euphony, originality - everything is taken into account, taken into account, weighed. If they are believers, churchgoers, true Christians, then they act differently. The date of birth of the baby coincides with the memorial day of which spiritual person, and they name him in honor of her. For example, what is the name of a boy born in April? Consider several options: Innokenty, Ivan, Sergey, Victor, Nikita, whose name day falls on the first days of the month. Especially Orthodox Church holds solemn services in honor of John of the Ladder, the first saint in Christianity. He is also deeply revered in Catholicism. This wise philosopher and theologian was hegumen in the Zion monastery. In his writings, he substantiated 30 steps in the development of the spirit, pointed out the need to lead an ascetic lifestyle. He was endowed with the gift of healing, healed many hopelessly sick people.

Seraphim and Vasily

How to name a boy born in April, namely from the 3rd to the 6th? In the Saints these days are commemorated Reverend Seraphim Vyritsky, who was sacredly devoted to the ideals of Christianity, was known as a man of deep faith, God-fearing, and was also a renowned healer. As the legends say, he delivered from deafness and blindness. Nikon, Isaac (Isaac), Zakhara are also noted. Parents who have not yet decided what to name a boy born in April have plenty to choose from. Although, of course, many names are now outdated, little used and unfashionable. But, perhaps, such as Artyom, Peter, Yakov, Stepan will also come up.

From Tikhon to Panteleimon

Continuing to list the possible names of the boys who were born in April, it is worth paying attention to such dates. On the 7th, on the Annunciation, the church commemorates Saints Tikhon and Savva. And on April 8, an important holiday is celebrated in honor of one of the main helpers of the Lord in His fight against Satan. In addition, the name day of St. Basil the New falls on the same date, curing diseases of the throat and upper respiratory tract. Even his relics are miraculous. On April 9, Ivanov's name day falls, on April 10 - at Illarionov and Stefanov (Stepanov). And on the 11th they remember Saints Mark and Cyril, on the 12th - Panteleimon. The first is the author of one of the Gospels, and the second became a symbol of healing, wearing high rank Healer.

Mid - end of April

The second half of April is also rich in significant dates and the 13th will not be fatal for the baby if the parents give him the name of Innokenty or Benjamin. The child will find in the person of these saints strong patrons, helpers in various undertakings and serious matters. On April 14, Makar and Efim celebrate the name day, on the 15th - Titus and Polycarp. On April 16, all Orthodoxy holds prayers associated with the icon of the Mother of God "Fadeless Color", the patroness of the family hearth, harmonious marital relations. Then Theodosius and Nikita are honored. As you noticed, some male names of April are repeated from date to date. This is due to the veneration of various saints. The sons who were born on the 17th are called Egor, Yuri, George, Joseph. Born on the 18th - Platons, Fedors, Samsons. April 20 is especially significant, when they commemorate the Monk Daniel, called Pereyaslavsky. He was a true defender of the homeless, gave the last to the poor, healed the weak, giving himself entirely to the service of God and people. Huge healing power have the relics of the saint, icons with his image. Also on this day, the name day of Georgiev is celebrated. On 21 fall the honoring of the Monk Rodion, on 22 - the Blessed Vadim. And parents will not be mistaken in calling their son one of these names. Rich in birthdays on the 23rd - there are as many as 5 of them. These are Terenty and Grigory, Maxim and Fedor, as well as Alexander. On April 24-25, there are also several revered saints in the Saints: Peter, Antip, Jacob, Prokhor, Ivan. And at the very end of the month, newborns are invited to call Andrian, Semyon, Leonid, Andrey, Viktor.