How to sew a pillow with appliqué with your own hands. Beautiful sofa pillows do it yourself

A modern decorative pillow is something more than just bedding. To date, this item is an exquisite interior addition and testifies to the skill of the hosts to create a unique style and comfort in the house. In such cases, each detail affecting the internal decoration of dwellings, color solutions, as well as preferences of dwelling inhabitants.

A bit of history

The history of the appearance of the pillow is rooted in the distant past, in the era of the Egyptian pharaohs and the Greek noble. Of course, the modern cushion is significantly different from that subject that the rulers of ancient Egypt used. At that time, they have more resembled a certain stand in the form of a curved plate, which was made of solid materials - stone, porcelain, metal. It is difficult to imagine what Pharaoh experienced, while resting in this way!

The Greeks were more inventive and, most likely, loved comfort in all its manifestations. In view of this, a soft pillow appeared in ancient Greece, consisting of a leather or tissue cover and filler, the role of which was performed by feathers, sheep wool, dry grass.

Over time, the pillow turned into a status item - the higher the situation, the richer the pillows looked. For their sewing, more expensive materials were used - lace, silk, and also decorated with embroidery and various decor.

In ancient Rome and in India, the pillow emphasized the magical features, believing that she protects his owner from evil spirits and various diseases. For consupportion, Asians filled the object with various herbs and leaves, thereby hanging it, as it seemed to them, unusual properties. Probably, the custom of filling the pillows with fragrant herbs is precisely an east tradition, which still exists and uses extraordinary demand.

The subject of luxury and prosperity were pillows and in Russia, especially if they were filled down. The poor population could not afford such luxury, and accounted for basic equipment from horse-haired and dry grass.

To date, the pillow is one of the most popular objects of the textile decor, which not only speaks of the nature of the hostess, but also about its creativity. After all, the creation of housekeeping items is a huge field for creative activity, where everyone can show their artistic abilities. For this you only need a little patience and ingenuity.

Making a decorative pillow: what you need to know

Sew decorative pillows with their own hands will not be much difficult for anyone who wants, but before this should study some important moments in the work.

What is customary to fill pillows

To date, there is a huge selection of needlework materials on the market of needlework goods. Various fillers are also presented in a huge variety. Pillowing pillows can be artificial and natural. The most acceptable option is to make a choice in favor of a synthet board, hollofyber or foam rubber. Natural materials for filling are high-quality fluff, bumps of hop, buckwheat, dry fragrant herbs.

What fabric is suitable for covers

Any cushion consists of the main cover, for sewing which is used dense natural fabric. And an external case that can be decorated with a variety of ways.

What can decorate the pillow

Cushion decoration is a very important creative part of the process, which should bring no less pleasure than the result itself. In view of the development of the needlework sphere, more and more new directions appear, which can be safely used to create and decorate the surface of the pillow. Among the most famous techniques:

  • patchwork;
  • embroidery with ribbons, cross, beads;
  • knitted pillows;
  • decoration of felt colors;
  • printing photo images on fabric;
  • pillows toys.

How to refresh the interior with pillows

When selecting pillows for decorating housing, it is worth considering the interior stylist, a color range, furniture sizes and much more. Eastern dwelling style will decorate pillows from satin or velvet.

For classic style Characterized objects made of tapestry and fringe. The "Provence" style harmoniously complement the pillows, made in the style of patchwork sewing or a large mating of pastel shades. But baby pillows in the form of toys or decorated with bright applications will be appropriate only in the children's room.

We sew pillows with your own hands

Even a beginner needlewoman will be able to create an original needlework, depending on the skills and skills to own one or another type of skill. But even if you own very small work skills sewing machineThat is enough to create an original and cute thing, without resorting to the atelier services. After all, it is so nice to contribute to the creation of comfort and warmth, which give us needlework items.

To create a soft and beautiful interior item, you will need:

  • sewing machine;
  • dense tissue (cotton or flax);
  • filler (syntheps or pooh);
  • scissors;
  • pattern decorative pillows;
  • threads, needles, pins;
  • lightning;
  • spokes, hook;
  • yarn;
  • cloth for the top cover;
  • lace, pieces of multicolored fabric, buttons and other decorative elements.

Operating procedure:

  • The first stage of work is to create the pattern of the future pillow. To do this, on the sheet of Watman, we draw a sketch, cut out the pattern and carry it on the fabric. Often the size of square pillows is 50 cm x 50 cm.
  • Cut from cotton 2 halves of the cover (including 2 cm points), gently sew them, applying each other with each other. On the one hand, insert zipper.
  • Then I fill the pillow with a sinteration and close.
  • The second case sew on the same principle, pre-decoring it at its discretion.

Original pillows with embroidery

That sofa pillows Must be comfortable and practical, every hostess knows it. And why not make them still and exclusive, decorating one of the sides of an interesting embroidery. True, the practicality of such pillows is somewhat dressed. And it is unlikely that someone wants to browse the head to the bulk colors embroidered with silk ribbons. The same applies to paintings from beads that can be decorated with soft interior items.

When embroidered ribbons, it is worth considering the thickness of the fabric and the tape itself - the thinner the tissue, the thinner there should be a tape. The drawing should be applied to the disappearing marker, in order to avoid ugly contours at the end of work.

Pillows embroidered with a cross or stroke are more practical in care, but it is not necessary to abuse it, because handmade - This is invaluable work. Therefore, let such pillows perform their function, just decorating and reviving the atmosphere in the house.

Patchwork Pillows

Patchwork is a needleworking technique of compounds of multicolored flaps of the fabric into a single canvas. it perfect option To create pillows on a sofa, because they do not require such a gentle relationship as embroidery. The only one worth to work hard is to create the necessary sketch and patterns of future flaps.

To do this, apply the desired pattern on the paper. It can be squares, triangles, rhombus, that is, any figures that later need to be transferred to the fabric and sew.

When transferring figures to the fabric, be sure to leave the allowances (1 cm). After connecting the canvas, you should thoroughly try to try the hot iron from the wrong side.

The resulting colorful canvas can be decorated with lace, beads, buttons, that is, apply all your creative skills and fantasy. Then 2 parts of the top cover sew, not forgetting to insert zipper.

Knitted pillows

Decorative pillows With their own hands can create craftswomen with knitting or crochet. Such homemade and cozy things for sure to make the atmosphere of the house warmer and homely. To do this, you should not be sophisticated with some sophisticated patterns and to invent ingenious combinations. It is enough to choose the appropriate yarn and calculate the density of knitting.

When choosing a pattern, you should stop your choice on the very simple version - "boiless" or "busty" bid.

To correctly calculate the loops, you should connect a small sample and measure it. Then compare with the sizes of the pillow, not forgetting about the spare centimeters on the seams.

After the correct calculation is made, you can proceed to work. Knitted pillow can be square or rectangular. To do this, it is enough to associate only one half, which will be facial. The second part of the pillow can be made of flax or cotton.

As for color preferences, you can connect 2-3 harmonious shades in a single pillow, or link several pillows in various colors. Very nice are combined with knitted knitted rod crochet flowers, or appliques from felt.

Felt pillows

Lovers of romantic notes in the interior will surely appreciate the decor of the pillow from felt. This universal Material Pretty and practical in work, and can decorate any textile surface.

Revitalize monotonous pillows helps appliques in the form of hearts, butterflies, colors, and just bright geometric figures, skillfully selected in shape and color.

Pillows for the smallest

No children's room costs without soft small pillows of gentle shades. But imagine the surprise of the child if his pillow turn into a beloved fairy-tale hero or a cute animal!

Pillows in the form of various animals can be associated, and can be sewn according to the pattern. You can decorate a children's pillow with various buttons, ribbons and other bright decor.

Before you begin making a pillow for a child, you should choose hypoallergenic materials. In no case should not be filled with a pillow with low-quality hollofiber.

Decorative Pillow Care Tips

Any items in the house, regardless of their location, have the property of accumulating dust. And the pillows are far from an exception.

What should be known before to get this cozy and beautiful, but a little capricious decor?!

Pillows with embroidery should not be placed in places where straight sun rays fall. Let even threads or tapes will be the highest quality, after a while after finding the sun, they will fade and lose their charm.

Both external and internal case needs periodic cleaning. If the inner case must be erased at least once every six months, then the decorated pillowcase must be handled as contaminated.

Products with appliqués and embroidered ornament do not need pre-soaking, it can significantly worsen their appearance.

Email decorative pillows should be manually, with a small amount of liquid powder for delicate washing.

In order for bright colors to save color, it is necessary to add 1 tbsp with the last rinse. vinegar. Then embroidery will save its original appearance and will not lose color.

Pillowcases with embroidery are laid out on a light towel, straightening folds, and leave until complete drying.

And original, it will allow you not to just decorate your interior, but also to avoid spending money and time to buy. And with the help of various buttons, lace, bows and other inexpensive means you can give them exclusivity. In addition, you can please our loved ones, giving them one of your masterpieces.

If you have not been fond of needlework before, you can start sewing pillows using simple patterns. In any case, you will be pleased with the result, and you will see what a fascinating process. Gradually, working as mastery, you can surprise any of your works.

Where to begin?

To start tailoring pillows, you need to prepare everything you need in advance. This will not be distracted during the work. The most important thing is to have patterns of pillows. Based on them, it is already worth choosing a fabric, filler and accessories.

Option 1

The cloth is better to pick up wear-resistant. And the color and texture depend only on your taste or interior. The main thing is that pillowcases on the pillows can be removed and wrapping.

The filler is better to choose the one that longer retains elasticity and softness. Pooh or pen is best suited. Such pillows are capable of serving decades. If you have old feathered pillows that you do not use, you can use the pen from them. But you need to be extremely neat, then not to collect over the house in the whole house.

Option 2.

If this option does not suit you, we recommend purchasing a syntput or holofiber. Synthempuch is a polyester fiber stripped into small fluffy balls. And Hollofiber, in turn, is the same polyester, but already in the form of a thick sheet. These fillers are quite elastic and 5-7 years old will also touch.

Option 3.

Another type of silicone granules filler. They are convenient because they are easy to fall asleep in finished pillows, through a small hole. In addition, if necessary, they can be easily removed from there from there, and pillowcases on the pillows separately. The main thing, in no case wash these granules in washing machine! Just manually!

Simple version of baby pillow

For beginners, tell me how easy it is to make baby pillows with your own hands.

  • tissue dense one-photon (length 64 cm, width 122 cm);
  • filler;
  • fabric color, with machinery or flower (length 65 cm, width 145 cm);
  • threads;
  • scissors;
  • centimeter tape;
  • pins;
  • chalk.

Let's start with the "Nature"

Let's start from the very beginning:

  1. To do this, we take a monophonic tissue and fold it in half. The length and width of the ping in the final version should be 60 by 60 cm. Everything else goes like a break on the seam. It turns out that the width of the piece of fabric will be 62 cm, and the length is 64 cm.
  2. We sew the side sides of the fabric. On one of the sides we leave a hole for the filler. Soak on the opposite side. Pretty stroke. Put the pillow with a filler. The amount of filler depends on what density the pillow you want. For young children, it is not recommended to do high models.
  3. Now neatly sew a hole.
  4. We proceed to the pillowcase.
  5. It we will sew with the valve, for the convenience of removal. To begin with, we strifted the edges. Refuel. Then we fold the cut of the tissue with an invalid outward, so that it turns out to be a smooth square 60 cm by 60 cm, and another piece of 22 cm on the valve should lie on top of one of the sides.
  6. We sew the side sides of the pillowcases, taking into account the fact that 1.5 cm is a breakdown on the seams, and 2 cm - so that the pillow easily entered the pillowcase.
  7. Turn the pillowcase on the front side, we insert the pillow, refill the valve. Everything! We got a pillow 60-60 children's.

Important! Before starting to sew your own hands, we recommend to wash the fabric. Since the material for sewing pillows is used natural, it can give shrinkage.

Cushion with heart

Here is another pillow scheme made by hand. We take:

  • velor fabric;
  • felt;
  • scissors;
  • line;
  • syntput;
  • termoklay;
  • acrylic paint;
  • thread and needle.


  1. We take a soft velor pink fabric. Cut the cut 1 m per 50 cm. We fold down in half and stitch the sides with each other from the wrong side. One side is leaving free.
  2. Getting decorating. To do this, cut the face of the rabbit, a heart or any other feature from the felt. We have it heart. On the edge of the heart, the acrylic paint is drawing a stroke, they imitate seams.
  3. When our hearter dried, we glue it to the pillowcase with the help of a thermoclayer. If you do not have a heat meter, you can use the "Moment Classic" glue or threads.
  4. Put the pillow with a filler. We sew neatly the remaining edge.

Now we will tell about how to make original children's pillows with their own hands.

Loskutkov flower pillow

Almost any of us there are houses of various fabrics. It may be old clothes, curtains, etc. All these things can be found decent application. For example, sew baby pillows with their own hands. Such you will definitely not find in the store.

Today we will tell, out of the flasks.

For her we will need:

  • 5 different flavors of the fabric;
  • yellow tissue;
  • sintepon;
  • buttons.

In order to make petals:

  1. From the patchwork cutting 6 squares. We put them in the triangles with an invalid upstairs. One side is sewn. Then we turn on the front side, fill with syntheps and sew. All the resulting petals are sewn with each other - so that the inflorescence is.
  2. Making a middle. We take yellow tissue and cut a circle with a circle of 60 cm.
  3. On the edge of the fabric, the stitches make a stitch, and then tighten. Put with a synthet and sew.
  4. The middle insert in inflorescence and stitches each other.
  5. Next, we take the loskutka fabric, preferably green, and cut out of them leaves with a size of 35 per 14 cm. From the foam rubber cutting the same leaves. Now we sew the leaves from the flap on the one hand, then put it inside the porolon and stitch on the other side. Also doing the rest of the leaves. We flash the leaves along the middle of one line.
  6. From the same tissue, we cut two circle with a diameter of 24 cm. We sew them from the wrong side, leaving the hole, turn out, we insert into the foam rubber. We are stitching to the end.
  7. Send leaves to flower. From below, sew a round base.

You can still decorate our flower pillow, sewing along the yellow middle of red buttons.

Pillow doll

And one more kind is a children's hand made. It will be the original doll-boat. For her you will need:

  • tangle thread;
  • sintepon;
  • light fabric, and children's tights are suitable;
  • weave bodily or pink colour, you can take a sleeve from a blouse;
  • a piece of dense fabric;
  • a piece of soft fabric;
  • cherry bones (they need to drill in advance, with the addition of vinegar, and then rolling in the oven);
  • threads;
  • needles;
  • scissors.

Let's proceed:

  1. We sew a grailtup. The body of our dolls should turn out a height of 24 cm, 28 cm wide, diagonally 33 cm. Circle of head 22 cm.
  2. We cut out of a dense tissue cover, which will fill the bones.
  3. We sew edges from the inside, leaving the hole. Soak on the front and fill with cherry bones. We sew.
  4. We make a jumpsuit for a soft tissue doll. But we sew it a little more, so that it was easy to insert there a case with cherry bones.
  5. We sew from the inside and turn out through the hole cut in the neck.
  6. The overalls cut from the neck down, slightly not reaching the edge so that the cover with cherry bones can be placed there. So that the jumpsuit closed, you can sew a zipper or buttons. All edges process.
  7. All 4 edges of the overalls are filled with syntheps. No need to fill. There should be 4 babonchik. They must be tied with thread.
  8. Let's go to the head.
  9. To do this, take the tangle of the thread and turn it on with a synthetic tube.
  10. If the head turned out to be the desired size, we tie it down at the bottom of the thread.
  11. We take a light cloth, better tights, and put on my head a doll, tighten with a thread at the base.
  12. I cut off with unnecessary by leaving a small neck, and sew. So that the face is embossed, tie the thread in the middle of the head.
  13. Now we stretch on the head a bodily or pink knitted fabric, so that there are no folds. Thread tied up between the head and the neck.
  14. Cut unnecessary and sewing.
  15. Now we celebrate the washing felt-tip pen of the face feature. At the same stage, you can carve and sew cap. We try on it on your head and celebrate the place on the head, where the edge of the cap will be.
  16. From the same fabric as overalls, sew for a pupa triangular cap. On the edge where it will be attached to the head, you can sew a rolling.
  17. Face embroider with threads, hiding a nodule in a place where the cap will be put.
  18. Send the cap to the head, as close as possible to the roar.
  19. Rudy cheek dolls.
  20. Next, insert the neck of the doll into the neck and sew.
  21. The final stage is inserted inside the cover with bones and fasten the butchers.

To make a doll-pillow heating, a bone cover can be put on the battery or in a microwave for 2-3 minutes and heat. This height can be used with colic in the stomach or just put in winter in a stroller to the child and go for a walk.

Pillow letter

Patterns of pillows exist a variety of. Finally, we'll tell you how to sew baby pillows with their own hands in the form of letters.

For example, take the letter "P". We need:

  • color fabric;
  • mountain fabric;
  • filler;
  • threads and needle;
  • line;
  • scissors.


  • Cut the large letter "P" on paper. Then we transfer it to the fabric. We cut the letter.

  • From monochrome tissue cut out striped. This strip is sewn from the wrong side to the letter. The second edge of the strip is sewn to another letter, leaving an unpripted place through which you will fill the pillow. With a round hole in the letter "P" will have to tinker. To the second part of the letter it can be sewn through the space left for the filler.

  • Soak.

  • Put the pillow with a filler.
  • We sew the remaining edge. Pillow is ready.

  • On the side of it, you can make an embroidery with full name Child.

Now such pillows are gaining popularity and many sew them to order.

Evgenia Smirnova

Send light in the depth of the human heart - here is the appointment of the artist

Soft, comfortable pillows in the original version are always relevant even in a strict interior. Knowing non-case rules Needlework, you can independently add a little comfort to your home. In this article you will read step-by-step recommendationsHow to sew a pillow, learn about the materials for the altar, pillowcases. You will understand what filler for decorative pillows is best used, learn how to sew products of unusual shape and destination. Sisting sofa, in the form of alphabet letters, in the form of toys, for pregnant women and other pillows! Let's start with the consideration of the general rules of manufacture.

Step-by-step instructions for sewing pillows with your own hands

If you already have a hunt in practice in design and creative decoration products, before making a pillow, you need to pick up required tools and materials. For the manufacture of crafts will require such accessories:

  • sewing machine;
  • tissue cuts;
  • needles and threads;
  • pins;
  • scissors;
  • centimeter;
  • millimeter paper for pattern, if the pillow is complex shape;
  • for marking - pencil, chalk or marker for fabric;
  • decorative elements.

Products with a ping and pillowcase should always be chosen to comply with hygiene if the product is not only a decorative element, but also to a sleep affiliation. Material for the altar takes natural (satin, coarse), dense, so that the package does not get out. How the filler uses a variety of compounds. It is necessary to take into account that filling down and feathers can cause allergies, so it is better to choose modern technological materials: syntheps, hollofiber, comforter. For good night Near the bed well put a roller filled with fragrant herbs, hay.

Pattern of a sofa pillow

To make rectangular pillows on a sofa with their own hands, determine what size they should be, and depending on this, when the tissue is, you need to select one scheme:

  • cut 2 identical parts of the matter of the desired size, making 1 cm. Introduction to the seam processing from each edge;
  • or measure two cushion lengths, add 2 cm width. On the seams, fold the matter in half, sew two sides.

Sewing edges with a liner, but the last seam:

  • they are made to the middle, fill the filler across the remaining hole and stitched to the end of a secret seam;
  • or sew zipper.

When sewing pillowcases, it should be remembered that the pattern is made similarly to the opposition, but its size per 1 cm should be greater than the base of the pillow, and 1 cm is allowed to process the seams. In the future, it will be very convenient if the zipper or velcro is inserted during sewing pillowcase. If the pillowcase is with the smell, you need:

  • add to the size of the length of 15 cm of the fabric, which to adjust on the wrong side;
  • impose on top of the other side of the pillowcase, while its edge must coincide with the bend of the smell;
  • stick side stitches.

Making the lettering the pillow

In order for the pattern to be smooth, the desired letter is drawn on millimeter paper, checking the symmetry, folding the ready layout on the central axis. On the fabric designate two loop letters: once on the layout, the other - the mirroring layout. The side part (the thickness of the letter) is linked as a long strip of tissue, cutting the material in one direction on the equity thread. Since the pillow thickness is very important, it is better to have a 2 cm allowance., After all, after packing insulation, the volume will visually decrease. Rules:

  1. Simple letters, for example, "g", "T", "C", stitch off the inside and turn.
  2. If they collect the letter "a" or "d", first to facial side Sends an outer contour.
  3. At the same time, on the other side, the strips are parallel to the label in order not to stretch the material, flashing the other side.
  4. Leave an uncomplicated segment on one side below the crockery of the letter - through the hole it will be filled.
  5. Strip, which will be the thick of the letter, is sewn first only with one internal (above the crossbar) of the letter.
  6. The rest of the seams are made after the thing turned.

In the shape of a heart

To the question, how to sew the original pillow in the shape of a heart, there are two answers. The first: Make two patterns in the shape of a heart, sew them, put a filler, decoratively process seam. An unusually looks like a product, if you decorate one side of a photo pillow with a picture of a loved one or small tissue roses from the atlas. The second way is to make a heart on the pillow. To do this, it is necessary to carve out the pillowcase.

On another piece of matter, a red fabric is contrasting (a red fabric is well), draw a heart on a pre-cut cardboard pattern, and cut 2,5-3 cm with a reserve of 2.5-3 cm. Further actions:

  1. On the involvement of one halves of pillowcases to symmetrically lay out and secure the cuttings with pins, the cardboard pattern, the circuit of which to circle along the fabric.
  2. Start, retreating 1 cm from the circuit of the template.
  3. On the front side in the center of the embroidered figure attach a cardboard pattern, once again obliged.
  4. Divide the two stitched piece of fabric, realizing that the lower sewn is the heart. It is only necessary to make an incision on the pillowcase and gently cut the matter according to the outlined circuit.
  5. To decorate the seam to make a beautiful sporm made of soft fabric.

In the form of a cat.

Such a pillow to do well with the baby from a knitted sweater with long sleeves, which is already making your crumb. So the thing will find another life, and the baby will be funny entertainment, and the thing for which it is pleasant to lie to take a nap. "Cat" is an excellent road version, for example, on a journey. We will analyze how to easily sew a toy pillow:

  1. Prepare the mock of the head and ears of the cat, circle these details on the fabric and cut.
  2. For the tail to use the sleeve, it will make fun on his tip to attach round fur pomphon.
  3. Pictitate the face of the animal: Take a dense fabric of suitable color (better from felt or skin) under the billet for eyes, nose, language. Replace their buttons. Sew details need to be placed.
  4. Musta portray shuttering symmetric seams or make embroidery.
  5. Details to gather, fill the filler, sew among them.
  6. Since the child will play such a pillow in the floor games, it is necessary to take into account so that it is easily erased.

Master class on making cushion for pregnant women

Futive mothers will be a very useful tip, how to sew a pillow for pregnant women. Such a hug improves sleep quality. This is a long C-shaped or in the form of the letter U, the product is comfortable to put under the tummy when a woman sleeps on his side. Dimensions are determined by the growth of the woman approximately from the shoulder to the knee, the usual width is 25-50 cm, and the length of the internal girth must exceed the waist girth.

The pattern of the cushion for pregnant women is simple, after calculating the size of the markup, it is necessary to apply directly on the tissue with the allowance on the seams, stack items and fill. In the manufacture of such a product, you need to give preference to non-allergenic materials. It is worth sewing a few pillowcases so that it is convenient to use daily, including after the birth of a child when feeding the crumbs.

Round Pillow on Chair or Loskooth Stool

To the question of what can be sewed from the flasks, the most faithful creative answer is a round pillow. Rounded can be sofa for sadroom furniture or textile on solid chair seat. For sewing, it is calculated and cut out the required amount of loskuts - from 4 to 12 sectors or more. It is better to use a cardboard layout to make the items in the same.

Stick details in pairs, repeating until it turns out the round front side of the pillow. It is important to ensure that the sutures of the flaps are smooth, continued in a straight line. Work process:

  1. Carry out the circle of thin foam or watin in the size of the front side of the pillow and sew with an inside with a double line along the loop circuits.
  2. The second part of the cushion is made similarly, or cut out of a piece of fabric in the size of the front side.
  3. For reliable fixation on the chair, set to the product of the strings. To do this, the narrow strips of the tissue of the desired size should be cut, folded twice in length, rejuvenate and strain the edges.
  4. To make a crawl, fill in foam rubber or soft rag, to sew a secret seam.
  5. In the place where the patchwork is converged, sew a decorative button.

Using decorative elements - a matter of taste. The main decoration will be the color and texture of pillowcase. They are sewn in harmony with color and pattern on the walls or contrast with the upholstery of furniture. Several diverse covers will allow changing the interior of the apartment's apartment. For registration of pillows in oriental style, it is beautifully riddled with a shine with a shiny thread and attach it around the perimeter of the seams, and attach brushes on the corners.

It will be original if on the pillowcase to embroider the names of those who are made as a gift. Elegantly look:

  • ruffles;
  • buffes;
  • collected flowers flowers;
  • vintage lace.

Video tutorials for beginners by tailoring of decorative pillows

If the variety of cozy pillows fascinated you, do not postpone the idea for later, choose the option you like and get out of business! Even if you have never been practiced in sewing, you will definitely get original pillow Thanks to the tips of the masters presented in the video. According to their detailed explanations, you will learn how to sew a sofa pillow in the shape of a roller step-by-step, deal with the intricacies of the process of packing, processing seams and corners, secrets decorative decoration. Over time, you will learn to perform any soft thing like your bed or sofa.

How to sew a roller on the fastener

How to sew a decorative pillowcase or case

Photoeides of beautiful pillows made with their own hands

Observe completely in the nuances and accurately decide what cute and comfortable soft crafts you would like to add to your home. To do this, see the photographic remedy made by the craftswomen at home. Considering the pictures and listening to the emotions arising while watching emotions, you will definitely pick a pillow personally for you, you can download the image and make your own option than pleasantly surprising your home.

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Initially, the pillows were invented not for convenience during sleep, but for the sake of preserving complex, intricate hairstyles. The first samples of these devices were preserved in the tomb of the Egyptian pyramids and reached our days in pristine form. In Eastern countries (China, Japan), "pillows" called special devices from stone or porcelain, which were put on the neck, too, for the sake of preserving hairstyles. About any convenience and speech did not go. Solid "pillows" performed an extremely supporting function for the head. To adapt to sleep on such devices, a habit of year-old was required. Real soft pillows, which are well known to all of us, were invented in Ancient Greece. Most of the prosperous citizens of this country tried to create comfortable conditions for relax. Since most of his life they spent in bed, soft mattresses and pillows became a mandatory attribute of pastry. They stuffed them with the fans, fragrant herbs.

History remembers many precedents, when the pillow became a murder tool, but this decorative subject was not only talked, but also saved his life. For example, in one of the parable of the Buddha, it is said about how the pillowcase, stupid by fragile leaves, on which he fell asleep, saved him from physical fatigue. From ancient Greece pillows moved to ancient Rome. Although at first there were very skeptical to them, subsequently this attribute for sleep became mandatory even for military, hardened by a harsh hiking life. He was given sacral significance: a thing that protects man's sleep. Many maiden fortune tells are connected with pillows. Under these fir springs, ridges, twigs in the hope that it will "lead" in the dream of the narrowed. Bags with lavender and dried hair hidden in pillows should have normalized sleep and remove evil spirits. To bring human harm, it was enough to sew in his pillowcase specially prepared magic attribute. These beliefs have been preserved until now, although the age of digital technology and denies the mystical component. After a century, the pillow becomes an important part of the textile decor. Some are intended only for bed, and others decorate the house. Let's talk about how to sew pillows with your own hands and what will be needed for this work.

Appointment and types of sofa pillows

Pillows classified depending on the purpose of two types:

  • Decorative. Their main function is the interior decoration. Such pillows can be rigid and uncomfortable, but it is not so important, because they necessarily look beautiful and stylish.
  • For sleep. Comfortable pillows that decorate only with colored pillowcases. They are intended only for sleep and most of the time are covered with bedspreads on the bed or hidden in niche for storage of bedding.

Depending on the location of the pillow, they are divided into three types:

  • Sofa. Although the name and speaks for itself, such pillows can decorate not only sofas, but also armchairs, chairs, ottomanka, sun loungers.
  • Filmed. Now this type is rarely found. Footpit pillows were popular in the Middle Ages. Then the owners of stone locks, fearing the shock on contact with the cold floor, ordered special pads.
  • Outdoor. Pillows are folded right on the floor. This is an excellent replacement for chairs and chairs. Tradition to sit on the floor came to us from the East. For example, in Turkey, there are entire "beds" for guests. In Japan, it is not customary to use chairs. However, the Japanese are so accustomed to sit on folded knees that pillows them are essentially not required. But for those who are trying to join their lifestyle, the floor pillow will be salvation from the striking feet.

Separately, it is worth noting the curly pads that are usually referred to as a group of children's. They attes the shape of various animals, cartoon heroes, alphabet letters. They are decorated with drawings and inscriptions. For example, for small boys sew pillows in the form of cars or robots, and girls pick up more tender options: puppies, giraffes, cats, dogs, soft pupa. You can sleep on such toys, but most of the time they decorate the room and are used for games. Depending on the sewing technology, there are several more species:

  • Quilted. Pillowcases of these pillows are decorated with rude seams that pass through and connect three layers: two canvas and cotton insulation in the middle. They can act as decorations, and used only for sleep. In a sleeping pack to pillows, a warm quilted blanket is usually attached.
  • Modular or sectional. The lower and upper parts of such pillows are connected by a special insert. Thanks to this, they look more voltage.
  • Turkish. Their pillowcases are generously decorated with fringe, and corners - tassels.

Form of pillows

The classic "European" form of the pillow is considered square or rectangular. Such things are small sizes called "dumms". The second most popular, oriental species - rollers. These cushions have the form of cylinders and are used not only as head restraints, but also as armrests. They are pretty tough and tightly naked filler. Round pillows (buffers) are also considered to be from the east. They are very rarely used for sleep, but are ideal for decorating sofas and as soft seats on stools. They are usually decorated with numerous folds and intricacies of fabric. All other forms belong to the group of curly pillows. The most popular includes pillows in the form of letters and hearts. In the last couple more years ago, a real "boom" occurred. Shaggy hearts with typical inscriptions "Love", stuffed with foam rubber, were sold in almost every textile store for home.

Types of fabrics

Case or pillowcase (if used for sleep) is the main part, "face" of a soft pillow. As a rule, it is performed from durable fabric, which will withstand a plurality of washes and will serve not one year. For homemade pillows are often used primary materials: from old clothes (T-shirts, jeans), blankets or patchwork lobs.
Although in recent years, synthetic tissues and captured the textile market, it is better to choose natural:

  • Silk. Delicate, but nice to the skin material. Silk covers are complex in care, but they are perfectly combined with luxurious classic design.
  • Linen. Rough flax texture is suitable for sublitting country. The material is easy. This is his main drawback, but he is hypoallergenic, pleasant to the touch. In the summer heat Len gives a feeling of coolness, and in the winter will warm.
  • Cotton. Inexpensive natural material, followed by just care for. As for stylistic conformity, cotton covers are easy to integrate almost any interior.
  • Wool. Covers can look rude, but the material will perfectly warm in the cold winter. It's nice to sleep on such pillows.

When choosing a fabric for a cover, it is important to comply with the rules of its compatibility with filler:

  • For "loose" packs needed dense tissue pillowcases.
  • For tender packing (winch Pooh), they choose the same delicate fabric that will allow you to feel filling.

Among the popular textiles options for pillow covers, a fleece, felt, tick, jacquard, satin, percal, batter, twill, tapestry can be highlighted.

Polyester is considered one of the cheapest and short-lived materials. This synthetic fabric is not suitable for sewing covers. It quickly rubs and loses shape. Do not recommend using old polyester t-shirts for sewing pillowcase.

Types of packing

The next question that comes to those who want to make a pillow with their own hands than to fill it out? Natural fillers include Swan Pooh, goose feather, horse hair, sheep and camel wool And even Luzu buckwheat. These types of fillers require special care. Because of the high costs, they are mainly acquired for those pillows that will be used for sleep. Decorative are mainly stuffed with synthetic fillers:

  • Sintepon. Leader among synthetic packages. He came to replace the foam rubber, unlike which breathes due to a special fibrous structure. The synthetic filler is easy, it does not cause allergies and easy to care.
  • Hollofiber. Almost weightless material that misses moisture and smells. Hollofiber fillers are ideal for pillows to the kitchen.
  • Latex filler. It is obtained from foamed rubber. The filler keeps the form well, so it is often used for packing special orthopedic pillows For people with problem health.

Also meet private view Filler - Comfortor. The material is small balls that quickly restore their shape after pressing.

How to sew a pillow with your own hands

Sewing pillows can be divided into several stages:

  • Selection of materials and tools (scissors, needles, liner or chalk, thread, sewing centimeter).
  • Directly stitching elements.
  • Putting.
  • The final sewing of the hole through which the filler was passed. Join lightning.
  • Production of the cover and its decoration.

The following detailed master class It will help to deal with the execution algorithm.

Start sewing is needed from the pattern. In essence, this is a scheme, the "template" for which you have to work in the future. Typically, patterns are presented in the finished form in specialized magazines or on sites for needlewomen. Draw a drawing for a pillow of a complex shape (animals, letters) will be quite difficult, but for simple dums or rollers - quite real. The main thing that should not be forgotten, so this is the "stocks" of the fabric that will be wrapped in and processed by overlock, which will prevent their stratification on the fibers. Standard size Rectangular pillows - 70x50 cm. If there is no manufacturer of pillowcases in the plans, then it is easy to buy a ready case under such a model to buy a ready-made cover in any textile shop. From the wrong side, the marking on the fabric is marked after measurements. Then the pattern is cut. For pillows complex shapes Use a pre-prepared pattern of millimeter paper, which is fixed by pins. You can cut a large piece of fabric into two and sew them with each other or cut a rectangle, fold it in half and do the sides of the side. It turns out on one seam less.

For a newcomer to work easier, on a sheet of paper first make a sketch of the finished product and a preliminary drawing of patterns. Having an end result before your eyes, it will be easier to navigate.


Details of the future cushion are stitched with each other. Stitch must go smoothly on a predetermined line. It is better to use the sewing machine, as the line will turn out more accurate and durable. If the work is carried out manually, the stitches are made as small as possible. Only then the pillow will be strong. Three (two, if the cloth is one), the sides are stitched completely, and the fourth only half. The hole is necessary in order to turn the pillow and fill it with a package. Some on the fourth side immediately sew a zipper. The lock fastener is really convenient, but you need to select models with small slides and tiny cloths on the ribbons. Too large lightning parts can be "felt" through the case and deliver discomfort. The edges of the fabric are from the inside necessarily process. It is better to use Overlock.


Filling the cushion with a synthetic package - a simple process, which cannot be said about a natural downhill. Usually it is "spent" from old covers in new ones. If you take a "lump" fluff into your hand, it may seem that there is nothing difficult in his disorder. However, enough pairs of movements and white weightless gunki are flying around throughout the room, so badly get into the mouth or nose. It's just impossible to "move" the fluff. This is not a wool that retains the form and easily leaving the tampering. In the old case, they make a hole that sews to the same in the new pillow. Pooh neatly "grott", froze and move with hands. This process will take more than one hour, so you have to be patient. Those who purchased the Pooh in the store should also not break the packaging, and act along the same way of bringing out of one container to another.

How to sew a pillow?

The turning hole is usually sewn by a secret seam. Stitches must be small, neat. The nodules are tied from the inside, and the needle is pulled out on the front side. The edges of the fabric wrap up, and the case is folded exactly in the machine seam, which ended in the middle. This is important, since the inconsistency will rush into the eyes. To the line look still more carefully, it is duplicated, but the needles pierced are located in a checker order relative to the previous ones. Then the seam will turn out to be stronger, and it will look neat. Since the pillow will not be exhibited in the museum as an exhibit and most of the time it will spend in the pillowcase, the fourth side of the "face" can be simply flashing. The main thing is that the line passes as close as possible to the edge. If the cloth is selected, then the thread-selected thread will not be noticeable on it.


When the work on the sewing of the pillow itself is complete, you can begin to the creative part itself, the selection of pillowcase design. First you need to choose the design to stylistic decision Rooms that will decorate this piece of decor. For the classics it is better to use luxurious, expensive fabrics with elegant embroidery with gold or silver threads. For modern styles Models of simple cut from laconic materials are suitable, because here the emphasis should be made on shape and color. For the eastern interiors, motley pillows with numerous fringe and tassels are created. The baby's room will decorate covers with ruffles, ruffles, appliqués, lace, simple embroidery. For modern maiden bedrooms, pillows are suitable for sequins, pins, bows and even fur. For rustic interiors Use knitted covers decorated with buttons, flowers from ribbons.

Options for decoration of pillows

Decoration is the most creative part of the process. Here you can fully show your fantasy and create both laconic options for strict interiors and mischievous solutions for the original setting. For the decoration of the case are also suitable materials, and specially purchased accessories. Consider more detailed popular methods for decorating pillows and step them out step by step.

Selection of colors

First you need to decide on the color decision. Covers may be monophonic, motley or combine a moderate amount of shades (two to three), selected according to the principles of analogy (ombre) or contrast. The latter embodiment is easy to implement in modular covers, two parts of which are not stitched, but are connected insert. Shade must be chosen based on features color solving Rooms in general and furniture in particular. If the textile decor should become a bright emphasis on a calm interior palette, then the colors pick out the cast: red, orange, yellow, green. Shiny golden, bronze, silver covers that are covered with solid rows of sequins will look stylishly and originally. If the pillow is just a neutral touch, then the shade pick up calm: white, gray, blue, pink, brown, pastel colors. For street decoration (patio, gazebo, sadden bench.) Pick up the more natural colors. For example, with the autumn landscape, the covers of crimson and brown tones with color gradation are perfectly harmonized. They are complemented by a checkered blanket, picturesquely unfolded on the bench, and here is already ready to be a cozy place under the open sky for reading a book for a cup of hot tea.

Patchwork technique or patchwork, as it is sometimes called, allows you to create out of old things unusual decor. Such pillow covers will look at homemade cute, but come only to the interiors in the country style. To work, pieces of tissues of different colors, decorated with ornaments and images. They are cut into squares of the same size, which is calculated from the parameters of the future pillowcase and the intended number of segments. Then these pieces are sewn to each other, forming strips. They are also connected to each other, resulting in a ready-made canvas.

In the technique of patchwork, it is not fully accomplished by the entire pillowcase, but only a separate part of it. For example, a combination of tissue blocks with a diverse cellular pattern on one half will be organically combined with embroidery on monophonic burlap on the second.


Application technique is the sewing of individual pieces of fabric on the canvas so that the result is a picture. The way to decorate in something similar to the folding of the puzzle. Masters have a large number of Details you need to collect together. Applique happens:

  • Flat. This is a simple technique at which the pieces of fabric are applied to the case and sews completely.
  • Volumetric. A more complex technique for which the presence of convex elements is characteristic. For example, swans, ruffles and bows with ribbons protrude on the ballerina's dress. Sometimes, to get an extra volume, under a piece of fabric put a soft filler.

When working with a cloth, the "reverse" applique is found. On the case of pillowcases on the template cut out the part. The edges need to be searched. Preferably on the typewriter. Then the same detail is cut out of a piece of other fabric and sew it from the wrong side. It is best to work with the template prepared in advance.

Printing on fabrics can be ordered in specialized salons, which, with the help of special equipment, will be accurately transferred to the material. However, it is possible to arrange a cushion cover on your own. Image transfer can be tried using a hot iron from an ordinary photo, but the result will be dim and short-lived. It is much easier to work with a set of markers or paints in bells and stencils. Pictures, as a rule, pick up laconic, because only the artist-master can be displayed. The fabric must be decomposed on a flat horizontal surface. For reliability it is better to fasten with pins or pushing something heavy at the edges. Zone that should remain untouched, isolate using painting tape or food film. Now put stencil and fix it. You can start paint image.


Covers with lace look very gently and touching. This "female" option is great for Shebbi Chic, Provence and organically poured into children's bedrooms for newborns. Thin lace, as a rule, decorate only a separate part of the cover: strip in the center, from one side or paired openwork ribbons that "closure" a neat pattern in the middle. Because of particular refinement, such a decoration is combined with pastel shades covers. Contrast is appropriate in double pillowcases. They are stitched from the lower monochrome layer of ordinary fabric and upper lace. You can connect such items manually using a hook and special yarn.

Knitted pillowcases

Knitted pillowcases bring warm and comfort to the interior. The yarn will be required for work (about 500 grams per medium-sized case), buttons, knitting needles or hook. We must not forget that natural threads "sit down" after washing. So that the pillowcase does not become small for the pillow, it is better to use a mixed yarn. Knitting techniques mass. Some prefer laconic "pigtails" and "sideways", which are usually decorated with homemade sweaters, and others prefer complex patterns by "web" and again, the technique of Patchwork, but in a slightly friend. Pillowcase can be sewed from separately connected (usually crocheted) flaps from yarn of different colors. So that the cover is closed, use not lightning, but buttons that are organically combined with yarn.


Case can be decorated with solid embroidery or decorate only its part. For the first version, the techniques of embroidery with threads (Muline) with a cross and semi-crust (tapestry) are suitable. It is necessary to work either with burlap or with a conventional cloth on which the canvas is fixed. After completion of the embroidery, it is dismissed by string. For partial decoration, the embroidery with ribbons, cinevo or work in the technique of "smooth" is suitable.

We use old clothes

Wonderful pillowcases for pillows are obtained from old jeans, shirts and sweaters. In the last two cases, clothes are cut off sleeves and the lower part, leaving only a collar and a "chest" piece of fabric. Cut the shirt or sweater is not needed. The second part will be the back of the case. Then the remains of the shirt are stitched on both sides on the sides. To the bottom sewn zipper. The upper part, on which the collar, additionally decorate the piece of fabric previously cut down to the bottom of the tissue to cover the empty neck. This item can be sewed to the shirt from behind and just smooth out, as the seam on the front side will look not very aesthetic. In the chest pockets you can put a handkerchief. From jeans, cover covers in the same principle, only cut off both pants.

Make comfort to any house may not only dear designer things. The interior items made with their own hands are also capable of bringing attractiveness and comfort. All sorts of home textiles without much effort can be performed with their own hands, while he will look very stylish and aesthetic. So how to sew a pillow and what will you need for this?

Quality of perfect matter

To get really high-quality and beautiful, you will need to pre-prepare all materials and devices. When choosing the most appropriate fabric, focus on the following recommendations:

  • The color of matter does not have to match the shedding range of the bed or sofa, however common interior He must be combined yet.
  • For beginner needlewomen, the optimal solution will be pastel monophonic fabric. If the pillow is created for the children's room, then you can buy more bright matter.
  • You can sew a pillow from pillars that will definitely be found in the house for each mistress.
  • If feathers are used or fluffs, then it is necessary to acquire matter that is not able to skip their particles.
  • In the case of foam and silicone fillers, you can apply any cotton fabric.

No less attention deserves and, in which the pad will be sealed. By acquiring matter for such an element, it will be necessary to take care that it is easy to be washing.

Next, pay attention to the density of matter so that the internal contents could not be viewed through it. You can almost from any matter - jeans, fleece, damping, flax and canvas. Silk material is also a good solution. To create more spectacular models, you can apply a golden material, such as a brocade. Luxury fabrics will be able to make more exclusivity in the interior.

What filler to use?

Before sewing, consider which filler to use. By purchasing such a material, it is worth considering the following tips:

  • Select only hypoallergenic material.
  • The filler used must have the ability to hold the form.
  • As a filling, it is better to use medium stiffness material.
  • Even after multiple washing, the selected filler should not be modified.
  • The material used should be very easy to succumb.

All criteria described above correspond to such materials such as foam rubber, syntputs, as well as other fillers made of polyester. Especially good for rollers or foam fillings are suitable.

Some beginner needlewomen fill their creations by cotton. However, such pillows can only be applied as decor. If they are applied for their intended purpose, then inside the wool will begin to be knocked into the corners, which will lead to loss of form.

Also, fur or loskutka can be used as a filler, but at the same time the matter for sewing the pads is worth choosing more dense. But for traditional significantly better suitable.

Creating a round pillow for the decor of the children's room, you can take silicone balls to fill it. Thanks to this content, the child will be able to apply a pad not only for a comfortable sleep, but also for the game.

Additional decor

It is not enough to know how to sew a pillow. No less an important point Is the decoration process. Showing a little fantasy and taking advantage of the advice of professional designers, you can create a real masterpiece.

So, the most sought-after decorations for pillows with their own hands are all sorts of buttons, bows, buckles and lacing. Very stylishly look and products with lightning. If at home there are old lace things, then they can be put into move. Special originality of the product will give velveteen, drape, felt. Such material can be applied to create flowers or other applications. And for very creative needlewomen, the brilliant sequins and beads are not suitable.

How is the tailoring?

Deciding to sew own hands Pillow 70 per 70 cm or products of other sizes and shapes, you need to act step by step. For experienced craftsmen, the process of creating patterns will not be difficult, but newcomers are better followed by instructions that will tell you how to do it right.

Work on such a product looks like this:

  1. Of the pre-selected fabric (there must be several) to cut the loskutka of various forms, but the same in size.
  2. Prepared pieces lay out in the desired drawing and sew.
  3. The seams received thoroughly try the iron.
  4. For the design of the product, it is possible to use a one-picture cloth, but if you wish, you can make a double-sided pillow.
  5. Both sides are connected to each other and cost.
  6. Take a tissue tape and sew it to the side parts.
  7. Finally, fill the product with a selected filler, after which the last side to sew. You can sew and lightning, thanks to which it is very convenient to further remove the filler for cleaning.

The finished product is decorated at the request of various elements.

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