All secrets of breeding lilies in the fall. Scales, bulbs, kids or seeds - how to breed lily

After some time, we noticed that black peas - Bulbosley began to form in the sinuses of the leaves. Thus interesting way can multiply lily. So, it means how much vitality has been preserved in our stem! Total matured several bobbies. Well, was it possible to stay and not put them in the ground!

At the time limit, the Bulbo sprouted, but only one developed well. In the first year there was a mutid of wide leaves. The leaves are also falling, but new ones appeared in their place. So it lasted for almost two years.

And here, on the outcome of the second year of the existence of our lily, the dwarf of the first leaves finally dried, and for some time the pot stood empty. But the life of the bulb continued in the ground, in which the Bulboch was transformed, and the young bulb threw a powerful sprout, not at all like a meadow. It was already a stem with narrow leaves.

We did not wait for colors, as I read that they appear only on the third year. But the stem stubbornly grow and grew up, and, to our surprise and joy, from the leaves, like from a lush collar, a bud looked like! At this photo, it seems like the flower dragged his head into the shoulders.

Very soon, the bud leaned out of the leaves entirely. At first it was very small, and the whole green.

Buton grew, heavily, the stem was inclined, unable to withstand the severity of bud. It was necessary to tie the stem that continued to grow until the length was reached about a meter.

Buton experienced our patience for a very long time. He grew, poured, povero, it seemed, Lily was about to reveal. It lasted for several days.

Open the flower of May Day - as a gift for the holiday!

Honestly, we were afraid that the flower would be smelly (what was his "parent", we did not remember). But, fortunately, he did not smell. But he had huge sizes and very beautiful pink color with a slightly noticeable purple tint. In this photo, the flower is not completely uncovered.

And here is a lily in full bloom.

Lilies - spectacular perennial bulbous plants From the family of Lily. In a number of countries, lilies have long been grown as food, medicinal and decorative plants.

In the east, the flowers of lilies decorated the life of a person from time immemorial. Their beauty of squeezes in the works of ancient poets. In the first written monument of Japanese poetry "Mannya" (VIII century) there is a poem of Otomo Yakamoti:

Colors blooming destined to fade -
This is the law of land from ancient pore.
Ah, durable only roots lilies
On the slopes of the long-sized mountains ...

Images of lilies were found on Cretan frescoes, created 3500 years ago - these flowers served as a symbol of the local fisherbow goddess.
Lilies were revered by ancient Persians with their capital of the desire, the city of Lily.
In ancient Egypt, stylized drawings of lilies are also found among the hieroglyphic inscriptions, denoting the short-term life, then freedom and hope.
In ancient Rome, Lilia was grown at the temples; These flowers appeared in ceremonies and flower festivals dedicated to the goddess of Spring - Flora.

In European countries, images of lilies are found in the works of artists and sculptors since the XIV century.
Lilia love was adopted from ancient Mira Christians, whose white lily became a symbol of purity and innocence. According to the legend, Archangel Gabriel appeared to the Virgin Mary on the day of St. Anchival with white lilies in his hand, in order to predict the birth of Christ. That is why these snow-white flowers are becoming sacred, both in the icons, and on the canvases with biblical plots.
But neither in any country did not acquire such a lily historical meaningsAs in France, which is called the "kingdom of lilies" in the old days. Many centuries lily decorated with a banner of France.

It is assumed that this flower has received its European name from the ancient million words "Lee Li" ("White-White").

Currently, lilies have more than 4,000 varieties, and every year this list is updated with new unusual lilies.
Among the numerous species and varieties of lilies, there are two-meter giants and liliputs with a rise of 20 cm. Many of the diverse lilies have a strong fragrance, in quiet weather capable of spreading at a considerable distance.
Elegant and graceful flowers of lilies diverse shape, looking up or tilted down, collected in loose inflorescences - brushes or umbrellas.

Depending on the type and variety, the flowers of lilies are the most different colors: snow-white, yellow, orange, lilac, pink, red, pedestroy - any colors other than blue.
The leaves in lilies are bright, both dark green, and smooth, and hairy, and rare ordinary, and collected in the muve.
By the nature of the growth and blossom of lilies are best suited for group landing of landscape style against the background of shrubs and in planting from flower perennials.

The most numerous and beloved flowerfish groups are Asian hybrids that occurred from East Asian species, such as Lilia Tiger, Dauroskaya, turning, David, pleasant, dwarf, one-color. Asian hybrids are unpretentious and winter-hardy, they can be grown almost throughout Europe and the northern part of Asia. The most favorable zones are the central and northwestern parts of the Russian Plain, the Urals, the southern regions of Siberia, Altai and the Far East.

Any garden owner may pick up lily to his taste.
Some lilies are distinguished by an extraordinary smell, some are endurance, in some inconspicureness of content combined with rapid reproduction.

For different lilies, their features of breeding are characteristic. Some lilies after the flowering and formation of seeds do not form a new onion of replacement, others have a couple of subsidiaries each year. Third in the underground part of the stem is formed by the whole Vataga Lukovichki-kids. Finally, the fourth lilies kids grow even in the sinuses of the leaves (they are called bullbags). Then these bulbs fall to the ground, germinate and rooted, forming new plants.
IN last years There are new methods that facilitate plant breeding, including lilies. However, there remains less and less opportunities to admire these beautiful flowers in nature. There is a fear that very soon we will have to see this beauty only on your site or in a bouquet on holidays.

I was interested in the methods of breeding lilies, the preparation of the soil for them, the features of transplant and care for these beautiful and majestic colors, which would allow them to quickly propagate them in large quantities. I wanted to explore the possibilities of breeding and the features of the development of lily tiger in its vegetative reproduction with the help of subsidiary bulbs:

Compare the structure of the aboveground part of young plants in for different years development;

Identify the change in the size of the bulbs in the process of growth and development;

Determine the number of subsidiary bulbs obtained from one plant in different age periods;

Determine the minimum term of formation of high-level flowering plants Lilies Tiger with their cultivation from subsidiaries-bulbo.

I hope that the results of the experiments started in September 2000, my conclusions about the reproduction of Tiger Lilily by Bulbocks and plant care tips will be useful to many flowers.

Mature bulbous bulbies collect with stems of lilies in September. The maturity of the Bulba is evidenced by the ease of their separation from the stem and the beginning of development in the bulbs of the apparent roots. The average diameter of the mature bulb-bulb of the tiger lily is about 7 mm.

For the landing of the bulbs, I am preparing in advance the ridge, better in the shady places of the plot. I'm leaving the land on the bayonet shovel, I put full mineral fertilizer From the calculation of 30-40 g of ammonium nitrate, 10 g of superphosphate and 10 g of potash salt per square meter.
The preset processing of the bulb-bouling is their soaking by 1.5-2 hours in a 0.2% foundation of Fundazola.
Lily Bulbo prepared for landing landing in a grooker grocery to a depth of 5-6 mm. The distance between the bulbies in the row is about 8-10 cm, the distance between the rows is 20 cm.
With the onset of autumn frosts of ridges with crops of lilies, mulch with dry vegetable residues, peat, etc.
In the first decade of April, after the snow cover, we remove the mulching material with a variety.
During the season, I am watered, weeding, loosening young plants as needed.

In the first year of development (year 2001):

The above-ground part of the shooters from the Bullbob is represented only by a flutter of 5-8 leaves, the stalk in young lilies is not expressed;

The height of the leaves of the leaves is 15-18 cm.

The average diameter of young bulbs is 12 mm.

In the second year of development (2002):

The above-ground part of the young lily consists of a stem and the leaves located on it, in the sinuses of which the bobbin is already occurring;

The average height of the plant is 20-25 cm;

The average diameter of the bulbs is 19 mm.

In the third year of development (2003):

The above-ground part of the young lily is represented by a stem with leaves, in the sinuses of which bulbs develop;
- the height of the above-ground part up to 50 cm;
- most lilies have blossoms; The number of flowers on the plant - 1-2.
- Bulbas are developing in the sinuses of the leaves of plants;
- The average diameter of the bulbs is 26 mm.

In the fourth year of development (2004):

The above-ground part of all lilies is represented by a high stem with leaves located on it, stubby kidneys and flowers;
- plants height more than 50 cm;
- abundant formation of bullbars on the stem;
- The maximum number of flowers on the plant - 5 pcs;
- the average preservation of freshness of the flower - 4 days (in cool weather - 5 days);
- The average diameter of the bulbs - 32 mm.

As young lilies rise and the development of young lilies, they begin the formation of subsidiaries-bulbos on the stem from the second year of life, even before flowering. The number of bulbs every year significantly increases, and on one plant on average is:

  • for the second year - 23 pcs;
  • on the third year - 47 pcs;
  • for the fourth year - 84 pcs.

The formation of a large number of bullbits determines the high efficiency of the vegetative reproduction of Lily by a tiger in this way.

Thus, the formation of full-fledged decorative plants Tiger Lilies When growing from Lukovichk-Bulbok takes place on the fourth year of development, although the initial blossom of individual lilies (1-2 flower on the plant) is already observed on the third year of development.

As I promised, in this article I want to offer you to get acquainted with several most common ways. reproduction of Lilies. Lilies can be multiplied with both seeds and vegetatively.

Reproduction of lilies Seeds are more complex and troublesome, it is commonly used by breeders in the removal of new varieties.

And among the amateur flower products, vegetative methods of breeding are more common. Let's look at them.

The first way - bulbs

This method is the easiest and can multiply all types and varieties. The only drawback is a low reproduction coefficient.

After 3-4 years after landing under the ground, a whole "nest" of 4-6 bulbs, which we dig, we divide and plant each bulb separately. The number of bulbs formed can be easily determined by the number of stems.

The most optimal time for breeding bulbs is autumn. But if necessary, it is possible to carry out a separation and transplant and spring. Just pay attention to the fact that the height of the plants should be no more than 5-10 cm, otherwise they will be bad.

Planted large bulbs will bloom already in the year of transplant, as the floral buds have been laid in them. Small bulbs - only on next year.

Planting the bulbs is best immediately after the squeezing. If you do not have the opportunity to immediately put on the bulbs at a permanent place, so as to prevent the root drying, you need to temporarily ship into the moistened soil or suspend with a wet substrate (peat, sand).

SECOND METHOD - Bulk Buddles

At the base of the stem of Lilius, there are launches-kids, the number of which depends on how deeply the bulb is planted. It goes without saying that the deeper the landing, the number of children formed more.

Most of the varieties of lilies can be easily multiplied by stem bulbies-kids.

So that this method Increase the coefficient of reproduction, I recommend applying decapitation or, in other words, the removal of buds. Decutation will lead to an increase in the bulb itself and the formation of children.

And you can do it even more radically: the stem with the evisor roots after decapitation carefully separates from the bulbs, we plant it in the shade and wearing abundantly. And on the underground part of the stem, we already have a very large baby for the fall.

Third way - scales of bulbs

Each scaway of lily bulbs is able to form new bulbs from its foundation. On these properties, the third way of reproduction of lilies is founded.

This is a way with the largest coefficient of reproduction, since each flake is formed from 1 to 3-4 bulwans, and therefore from 1 adult bulb there is an opportunity to get 15-150 new plants.

In time, it takes 2-3 years - this is the period from the moment of the departure of the scales to the development of an adult plant. Modifying the lilies in this way throughout the year, but still best time For this spring (the beginning of the growing season) and autumn - period of digs and transplants and even later, before the soil freezing.

So what are our actions with this breeding method:

  1. Rasked the bulb we rinse, pressing your fingers separating from the base of the scales. For reproduction, we take from 1/3 to ½ part of the bulbs, as external scales are more productive. The remaining central part of the bulbs can be planted into the ground.
  2. For reproduction, choose healthy large scales and without spots.
  3. Then, the flakes are thoroughly rinsed in water and withstand in a dark-pink solution of manganese or a solution of any fungicide for 20-30 minutes.
  4. In order to increase the reproduction coefficient, you can further withstand the scales in the zircon solution, epin or amber acid for 12-16 hours.
  5. Next, the scales are slightly dried and put in small polyethylene packages, moving them with a substrate (perlite, moss-sfagnum) or sand. You can even just put the scales in the packages without speaking.
  6. Tightly tie the bags with scales and put them on storing them in a dark place for 6-7 weeks. The temperature should be 22-23 o C.
  7. After that, 4 weeks during storage, it is necessary to maintain a temperature of 17-18 o C.
  8. Scales with new bulbs appearing at the base are now ready to land. If you do not immediately leave, then before planting they store them at a temperature of 4 o C.
  9. Those scales that we were filmed in the fall will be ready to land in the boxes in the greenhouse or in another bright room in February-March. And then the seedlings are planted in May-June into the ground.
  10. If we are engaged in breeding in the spring, then the bulbs along with the scales can immediately land in open sad.

When multiplying lilies, scales already for the 2nd year after planting about 50% of plants bloom.

Fourth way - Bullbags

Another one good material For reproduction are air bulbs-bulbos, which develop in the sinuses of leaves in some lilies (especially Asian hybrids).

The efficiency of reproduction by spiker (bulbs), as well as their number and size depends on a number of conditions, such as:

  • features of a specific variety of lilies, such as Aelita varieties, Kalinka, pink haze can form a large number of large bobbies and varieties Sea foam, Autumn song, Polyushko give a very small amount of small bobbies;
  • age plants than younger plant, the larger the shotgun forms;
  • abundance of flowering;
  • climatic conditions for cultivation, for example, more boulevard is formed raw summer, and some varieties of lilies are formed only if the wet weather costs for quite a long time;
  • applied agrotechnology, for example, with the help of decapitation, it is possible to achieve the appearance of tibolukovichki even in some nebulbonous varieties, as well as increase their number and size of bulbous (larger effect. We will achieve if buds are deleted at the very beginning of their formation).

Usually, the bullbars are formed at the end of flowering, and when their formation ends, they crumpled to the ground. Here at this time and you need to collect them for sowing.

You can sung bulbos at once in the open ground or in the boxes and pots. If you want to land in the pots, then fill them up to the edges by the substrate, then slightly construct it to the level of 1 cm below the edge of the pot and drop the bulbs, slightly indulging, on the surface of the substrate and sprinkle their sand with the edges of the pot.

There should be about 2-3 cm. The bulbs planted in this way until the next autumn must be transferred to the cold greenhouse.

In the open ground, the Bullbosch should be sung at a distance of 5-6 cm from each other into the grooves of a depth of 2-3 cm. Optimal distance Between the grooves about 20-25 cm.

There are several more ways of breeding lilies (stem and sheet cuttings), but the data four ways are the most common and, as it seems to me, the most easy-to-other and affordable amateur flower products.

See you soon, dear readers!

The method is used when transplanting lilies.

After 4-5 years after the flower landing, it becomes necessary for its transplant.

More precisely, this process can be called disadvantaged, since the nests consisting of 4-6 bulbs are formed during the growth under the ground.

Divaled nest should be divided, otherwise the lily stops flowering.

The plant digs out of the ground at the end of September. The resulting bulbs are separated, treated with a solution of manganese, dried in the shade.

The roots at the bulbs need to be littered by 8-10 cm.

IMPORTANT:Do not put the bulbs for drying in the sun, they get burns and dried.

After drying, each bulb is planted in a separate well. Already in the second year after division, each copy will bloom. If the formed bulbs are small, then bloom will begin in a year.


Based on the stem of the lily, small bulbies are formed.

If the bulb is planted deeply, the number of children will be quite large.

If you need to reproduce any variety growing on your site, you can increase the number of such bulbs artificially.

For this, flowers are removed from Lily, not letting them dismiss. You can also in the spring to separate the stem with the formed kids and to stick it into the shade.

Tip:So that the plant gets around, it is abundantly watered. With such a reception, a big bulb forms on the stem forms on the stem.


Such material is formed between the stem and leaves of lily. Collect them should immediately at the end of flowering.

The reproduction of lilies by Bulboches is an easy way to get a large number of seedlings.

On each flower can form from 100 to 150 airbags, each of which is capable of giving life a new plant.

IMPORTANT:Bullbars are planted in pots and contain at home. Spring sprouts from the bobbies are planted into the ground at a distance of 6-7 cm from each other.


The bulbs of lilies have one feature - they are covered with scales, on which small bulbs can be raised - kids.

You can get scales from the bulbs when transplanting the plant. The grooves for landings are 20-25 cm.

With dug-off from the ground, the bulbs carefully separate flakes, wash them in a solution of manganese and treated with fungicide.

Then the scales are placed in an opaque package, speaking peat or sawdust. The package is placed in a warm room for 8-7 weeks. Then, for 4 weeks, the temperature is reduced to 17-18 degrees.

During this time, 3-4 new bulbs are formed on each scaway. Thus, one maternal bulb can give from 20 to 100 new plants.

The resulting bulbs are planted into the soil in the spring, by this time they are ready for cultivation in the open soil.

IMPORTANT:The flowering of such copies will begin for 3-4 years.


Especially valuable and rare varieties of lilies can be multiplied with the help of shifting. To obtain them, stems and leaves are suitable.

Stroke cuttings. Bounded before the start of the formation of buds. The stem is cut from the plants and cut on the segments of 8-9 cm.

Slices are made at an angle and obliquely put the blanks in the ground to the level of the upper leaves.

Planting regularly watered. After 1-1.5 months, depending on the temperature of the air, in the sinuses of the leaves appear in bulk. They can be separated and planting in the soil.

Tip:To increase the number of bulbs on the stem on it, there are shallow cuts on the underground part.

For reproduction is also suitable sheet stalks with a small piece of the stem. Before flowering it is cut from the plants and placed in a container filled with soil.

From above, the cuttings are covered with a transparent cap. The rooting occurs within 4-5 weeks. As soon as the first sprouts appear on it, the workpiece can be moved to an open soil.

IMPORTANT:Blossoms of lilies derived from cuttings occurs on the third year.

Seed method

Separately should be said about getting a lily from seeds. Reproduction of lilies seeds is suitable for obtaining new varieties on its site.

In addition, this is the most productive method, it allows you to get many instances of plants at the same time.

Another advantage of it is the stability of grown colors to diseases, since viruses are not transmitted through seeds.

Seed method is the only lilies for breeding hybrid varietiesBecause the formated bulbs them do not retain the properties of the maternal bulbs.

Tip:When choosing seeds before buying, make sure that you can decrease by 50% for the second year after gathering. On the third year, only 5-10% are able to germinate.

If you want to get seeds from copies growing on your sites, it is worth learn about the ability to pollinate the growing grade. There are self-polling and artificially pollinated species.

It is also worth observing the technology for collecting seeds. You can not tear the boxes until the seeds are ripe. At the same time, if you contribute to the collection, the boxes can open and the seeds will be saturated on the ground.

For collection, choose a healthy stem. It is necessary to cut it before the onset of frosts. Stem S. seed boxes Purge on paper and leave until complete drying.

If frost has already come, and the boxes are not ripe, the stem is separated from the bulbs and placed in a waterproof tubing (a teaspoon per 1 liter). In such conditions, the seeds will divert.

IMPORTANT:When separating, you need to try to keep some roots on the stem to ensure its further nutrition.

Before sowing, seeds are preparing a special way to improve their germination. After separation from the box, they are mixed with sand and placed in the refrigerator.

Seeding is carried out in three ways.

In open primer

This method is suitable for frost-resistant varieties.

To choose such a plot where bulbous cultures were previously not grown.

Plot should not be in the spring teal watersAnd the place should be as sunny.

The soil is drunk, freed from plant residues. Heavy soils need to be supplemented with peat and sand for air permeability.

Ridges make high, one meter width. In the beds make transverse grooves at a distance of 15-20 cm from each other. In the grooves 2-3 cm in the depths are placed seeds and put on a layer of sand. From above, crops are mulched by a layer of humus and foliage.

IMPORTANT:The creation of seedlings occurs at this place for two years, after which the plants can be planted on the flower beds.

In boxes for seedlings

Rare varieties of lilies should be sowed in boxes with soil mixture and grow in greenhouse conditions.

The substrate is prepared from a mixture of peat, turf and small gravel. Seeds scatter arbitrarily on the surface and sprinkle with a layer of sand.

The temperature of the extension is 18-25 degrees. If the temperature is higher, the germination is sharply reduced. Shoots appear after 15-25 days.

As soon as the first sprouts appeared, you need to ensure that they do not die from the sun and lack of moisture. Lily shoots at this moment are most vulnerable. Temperature at this time should be reduced to 15-16 degrees.

In the phase of the real leaves, the seedlings dive, trying not to damage the gentle roots. After picking, the care of sprouts is watering and pest protection.

Tip:For the prevention of fungal diseases, the sprouts are sprinkled by the Bordeaux fluid, and the chlorophos is protected from the Tly.

In banks with a nutritional substrate

This method is used for poorly germinating varieties.

For this, peat and sand is mixed in equal amounts, moisturized and filled with a glass jar.

Seeds are placed in the substrate, the jar is covered polyethylene film And tied for fixing with a rubber band or thread.

Banks are placed in a warm, bright place. The temperature is maintained in the area of \u200b\u200b18-20 degrees.

After 60-90 days in a jar grow on bulbs. As soon as they become visible through the walls of the cans, the mixture together with the bulbs are shrinking into polyethylene packages and placed in the refrigerator.

In this state, the bulbs store 2 months. After this period, the bulbs are chosen from the soil and plant in the seedlings.

In the open soil grown from the seeds of the bulbs plant in September. Low frost resistance varieties are frozen in boxes until spring.

Blossoms of lilies grown in this way begins for the second year.

Regardless of the way you choose to reproduce the lilies, this is not very difficult. Each flower water, not even experienced, cope with the process and will be able to get new specimens beautiful flower For your site.

Useful video

Read more about the methods of reproduction of lilies, you can watching the video: