Gooseberry transplant in spring time. Gooseberry transplant - process technology and secrets of success

Gooseberries have been grown in our country for a long time. In Russia, already in the 11th century, monks bred cultural varieties of this berry in the monastery gardens. Thus, gooseberries were domesticated much earlier than the popular currants and raspberries. Now the fruits of this berry are valued for their rich composition of vitamins, medicinal properties and delicious gooseberry jam... Although the plant is unpretentious, it grows on the territory of Russia, Ukraine, you need to approach its planting with all responsibility. Planted in compliance with all the rules, the gooseberry is capable of producing a yield of up to 10 kg per year for 40 years. Let's take a closer look at the rules for planting gooseberries in the fall.

Gooseberries are planted in both spring and fall. V spring landing should be done as early as possible, preferably in the first half of April... It is important that the plant has not yet moved away from the winter dormant state. If the buds begin to bloom, then the chances that the seedling will take root will be reduced. But even a shrub planted on time will have a worse survival rate in the spring than with an autumn planting. In what month to plant gooseberries, you ask? Experienced gardeners recommend planting gooseberries late August - September - early October, depending on the region - Moscow region, Ural, middle stripe Russia.

The best time for autumn planting is the last week of September and the first weeks of October.... However, you need to focus on the weather. The main thing is that the first frost occurs no earlier than two weeks later, and the young roots do not freeze. And it is better to choose a day that is not sunny and without wind, so that the seedling has outdoors the roots did not dry out.

At the right choice planting time in the fall, the plant takes root in almost 100% of cases. Other benefits of autumn planting include:

  • Before the onset of cold weather, there is time to the roots of the seedling managed to get stronger and grow.
  • Hardened plant in spring will begin to develop rapidly.
  • Before winter starts the soil around the shrub will settle well and compact.
  • A plant that has taken root in the fall, in the spring will begin the vegetation process with full force, which will provide a greater increase in young shoots by the next fall.

Planting gooseberries in the fall, although it gives great guarantees, it is very important not to be late with its dates.

The times given are average. You need to proceed from the climate of your region. For the southern regions, the dates may shift to October-November, and for the northern regions, the beginning of September is also suitable.

If you have decided on the correct date, a significant moment for a successful planting is the preparation of the seedling of the plant.

How to choose and prepare a seedling

When buying a seedling, be sure to pay attention to the following indicators:

  1. Sapling age... It must not exceed two years, adult plant will take root more slowly and adapt to new conditions longer.
  2. Enough a large number of roots... Among them there should be three or more skeletal ones, the length of which exceeds 15 cm. And much more fibrous roots.
  3. Shoots of the aerial part of the plant in length should reach 30-40 cm.

After purchasing a seedling, it is prepared for planting. This requires:

  1. Remove leaves from a seedling.
  2. Make a crop dry roots.
  3. Dip the sapling into the clay mash prepared in advance. To prepare the solution, mix 1 kg of clay and chernozem, 2 packs of Kornevin, and fill with 3 liters of water.

Seat selection

It is equally important to choose the right place for future landing... Where to put this fruit bush? Do not plant gooseberries between trees, this will create a shortage of it. sunlight ... Neighborhood with currants is also detrimental to the plant, because they are susceptible to the same diseases and pests. It is good if, before planting gooseberries, legumes, beets or potatoes were grown on this land.

The soil should be loose, the shrub will not grow well in too heavy and waterlogged soil. If on garden plot groundwater is high, then it is better to plant the gooseberry at the highest place, or create an artificial elevation for it from the ground.

Matters and correct placement bushes when planting several plants at once. The gooseberry grows quite well. An eight-year-old bush reaches 2.5 meters in diameter.

There are several schemes for planting gooseberries.:

  1. Sparse fit... In this case, the bushes are planted in rows at a distance of 1.5 meters from each other, and a space of 2 meters wide is left between the rows. After 4-5 years, the plants will grow so much that they will be one continuous strip.
  2. Planting between rows of young fruit trees... In such conditions, the gooseberry will grow well until the crowns above it begin to close. After that, the bushes should be transplanted to a more illuminated place.
  3. Combined scheme... Plants are planted in rows at a distance of 75 cm from each other, keeping a distance between the rows of 1 m.When, after a few years, the bushes begin to close, they need to be thinned out after one, transplanting some of the plants to a new place. After another couple of years, the thinning must be repeated. This scheme contributes to obtaining a larger yield of berries and significantly saves space on the site.

For expedited receipt bountiful harvest, gardeners sometimes plant two seedlings at once in one large hole, leaving a distance of 20 cm between them... In the early years, the harvest will indeed be good, however, the bushes will soon begin to thicken and age strongly. Moreover, their roots will be so intertwined that it will be almost impossible to plant the plants.

When you prepare the seedlings and opt for the gooseberry a good place, you can start planting the plant directly.

Gooseberry planting technology in spring and autumn

Planting a plant includes the following steps:

  1. On the selected site you need dig up the ground no more than a shovel bayonet... This breaks up all lumps and removes weeds.
  2. Dig a hole, its size should slightly exceed the root system of the seedling, on average it is 50x50x50 cm... This should be done a little in advance - a couple of weeks before planting. The top fertile soil must be folded on one side, and the remaining one on the other.
  3. Fertilize the hole... 2/3 it must be filled with fertile soil mixed with compost (1.5 buckets), superphosphate (300 g), peat (1.5 buckets), ash (3 glasses), ground limestone (1 glass). Add more on top fertile land and pour all this with 0.5 liters of water.
  4. Before boarding the hole needs to be left to stand in this form for a couple of weeks to allow the soil to settle sufficiently.
  5. During direct boarding, place the seedling in the hole, tilting it slightly... In this case, the root collar should be located in the very center of the fossa, and the roots should be straightened out to the sides. To avoid voids, the space between the roots must be covered with earth. Gooseberries are usually deepened 5 cm lower than in the previous place of growth of the seedling(it is easy to trace the marks on the bark). Thus, conditions will be created for the growth of additional roots and shoots from the buried buds of the plant.
  6. The land around the seedling needs trample and water abundantly.
  7. Add mulch to the hole from peat or leaves with a layer of 10 cm.

After planting in the fall, young plants do not require special care, they can not be touched until spring. Mulch and fallen snow will help the seedling over the winter. If you are afraid that there will be little snow in winter, then you can additionally insulate the gooseberry with covering materials.

After planting in spring, for survival and growth, prune the plant. In this case, cut the aerial part by 10 cm, and leave 2-3 buds on each shoot. For autumn planting, such pruning is not recommended. If you still decide to make it, then be sure to coat all the cuts with garden pitch.

How to properly transplant an adult bush

When choosing a planting scheme with further thinning of the rows, it is important to know the rules for transplanting gooseberries. Plants should also be repotted in the fall so that the plants can more easily take root in a new place. To safely remove the bush from the ground, dig in it on each side at a distance of 30 cm from the base... Thick roots can be chopped off without harming the plant. Then, with the help of a shovel, the bush is removed from the soil, together with an earthen clod, it is placed on polyethylene and moved to a new planting site. The very technology of planting an adult plant does not differ from planting seedlings.

A non-capricious plant like gooseberry does not require constant care for it. It's enough to take time for him once, having landed according to all the rules, and on long years the plant will provide you with a tasty and healthy harvest.

Autumn is the most optimal time of the year when it is best to transplant gooseberries. The season has already ended, the berries have been collected from the bushes, which means that after transplanting to a new place, the bush will direct all its forces to rooting and take root better.

Choosing a suitable place for a gooseberry transplant

Not everyone is able to initially plan the location of the beds, shrubs, trees and flower beds on the site in such a way that they do not have to regret their decision later. The reasons why there is a need to redevelop the site may be different: someone has an idea in front of the house, others are uncomfortable with overgrown trees and shrubs, and still others are trying to save weakened plants that were planted in an inappropriate place for them. And if adults fruit trees in most cases, it is necessary to cut down at the root, then with shrubs the situation is much simpler - for example, transplanting gooseberries in the fall does not require much trouble from the gardener and does not take much time.

As you know, gooseberries grow and bear fruit best of all, which are planted in places open to the sun, protected from strong wind... In damp areas, where groundwater is too close, and in areas with heavy clay soil, the shrub will often be exposed, and the berries, if they appear, are very small.

Gooseberry transplant video

To get a good harvest from gooseberries:

  • choose areas with light loamy soils, sandy loam soil can be diluted with clay, and sand can be added to clayey;
  • since the gooseberry does not favor acidified soil, if necessary, add lime to it immediately before planting the bushes;
  • after raspberries and currants, it is better not to plant gooseberries, since after them the soil is depleted, and the pests of these crops are common - they will gladly pounce on weakened gooseberry bushes;
  • stick to the most appropriate dates when you can transplant gooseberries;
  • be sure to weed the soil thoroughly before replanting the bushes.

Gooseberries, which are planted in places open to the sun, grow and bear fruit best of all.

If you needed a gooseberry transplant in order to free up space on the site, then you can place the bushes along the fence, at a distance of one and a half meters from it, or near young trees, leaving a free distance of at least two meters.

Step-by-step instructions on how to properly transplant gooseberries

Although each gardener has his own opinion about when to transplant gooseberries is more convenient and effective, however, transplanting is undesirable in the spring because this thorny shrub blooms very early. You can easily skip the appropriate dates for transplanting gooseberries, and after the buds appear on the branches, it is highly undesirable to damage the root system of the bush.

In autumn, in September-October, you will have time, removing all the old thorny branches and leaving only the youngest, strongest shoots (they will need to be shortened by a third), making it much easier to work with the bush.

In the fall, in September-October, you will have time to cut the gooseberries by removing all the old thorny branches.

Gooseberry bushes are transplanted as follows:

  • the cut gooseberry is dug in on all sides at a distance of at least 30 cm from the base of the bush, all thick roots are chopped off with an ax;
  • then the bush is removed from the ground with a shovel or crowbar, put on film and transported to the transplantation site;
  • a small hole is dug in the selected area larger diameter than an earthen lump with a root system (about 50 cm deep);
  • 4 buckets of water are poured into the pit;
  • a mixture is poured from the top layer of removed fertile soil with compost (it is better not to add fertilizers so as not to burn the roots);
  • the gooseberry bush is installed in the hole and the gaps on the sides are filled with the remaining fertile mixture;
  • the soil around the bush is compacted and watered with three buckets of water;
  • dry earth and peat chips are poured on top as mulch.

Video about caring for gooseberries

The transplanted gooseberry should be buried five centimeters deeper into the ground than it used to grow. Before the onset of cold weather, the bush will need to be watered regularly, pushing the mulch back and returning it to its place. For the winter, it will be enough to cover the near-trunk circle with sawdust, there is no need to cover the bush.

A gooseberry transplant in the fall can be used not only to free up an area for a lawn or to transfer a bush to a more comfortable place. This information will also be useful to those who are interested in how to plant gooseberries in order to reproduce them. Autumn transplantation provides excellent survival rate of shrubs, so you can safely propagate gooseberries not only by layering, but also by dividing the bush.

The need to transplant trees or shrubs on the site arises quite often. Moreover, each single plant requires compliance with specific agricultural practices.

The reasons for such actions may be the redevelopment of the site, the movement of the bush to a more suitable place for it, in order to plant the plants with dense planting. The article will consider the question of how gooseberries are transplanted to a new place in spring and autumn.

Gooseberries are transplanted, like other shrubs, in autumn or spring. Moreover, autumn is the preferred season. After fruiting, the bush prepares for winter, it begins a dormant period.

In this state, the gooseberry will better tolerate a change in habitat. The best month for transplanting is October, before the onset of frost. Sometimes circumstances develop in such a way that it was not possible to transplant the plant in the fall. For example, due to early autumn frosts or due to the lack of free time at the gardener.

In this case, you can transplant the bush in the spring. But there are nuances here. Gooseberry refers to the type of shrub that wakes up very early, literally with the onset of the first warm days. Therefore, it is important not to miss the moment.

If the buds have already begun to grow, then the roots of the bush also began to grow. In such conditions, the bush may not take root at all in a new place or it will hurt and stunted. The best spring month for transplanting is March. V northern regions it could be early April.

Selecting and preparing a landing site

In order for the gooseberry bush to take root well and bear fruit regularly, you need to choose the right place for it.

It must meet the following requirements:

  1. Good sunshine.
  2. There is no constant wind blowing. Plants feel good near any buildings that protect them from drafts.
  3. The gooseberry loves moist soil, but does not tolerate close bedding. groundwater and stagnant water. A place on an area where rainwater is poorly absorbed by the soil does not suit the bush.
  4. Gooseberry bushes grow well on fertile and light soils, react negatively to an acidic environment. If the soil is too acidic, it can be deoxidized with ash or lime. Clay soil is fertilized with sand, humus or peat.
  5. Gooseberry precursors should not include raspberries or currants. These plants are susceptible to the same diseases, so the bush will be sore and stunted.

You should first clear the planting site of debris, weeds and other vegetation.

How to determine the acidity of the soil?

The easiest and fastest way to determine the acidity level is using litmus paper. If you don't have it, it will help folk way... It is necessary to pour a handful of cherry leaves in a jar with boiling water and wait for the infusion to cool. After that, a lump of earth is thrown into the jar from the place where the acidity needs to be determined.

Look at the color of the water:

  1. Greenish tint - normal acidity.
  2. Reddish - increased.
  3. Bluish - lowered.

Step-by-step instructions for transplanting

It is better to transplant gooseberry bushes during their dormant period. A significant difference in agricultural practices between autumn and spring planting no. However, when transplanting in the fall, the bush can give a crop the next year. Consider 2 ways to transplant bushes: single and mass.

Transplanting a single bush

Pit preparation

The first step is to prepare a hole in which the bush will be planted. Its depth should be about 50 cm, and its diameter should be twice the expected diameter of the roots. If there is frequent stagnation of water on the site, it will not be superfluous to equip drainage in the pit.

To do this, a mixture of crushed stone, broken brick and sand is poured into the bottom of the pit. A layer of agrofibre is laid on top of this mixture, onto which fertile soil is poured, mixing it with humus or compost. If drainage is not needed, fertile soil is poured directly to the bottom of the pit.

Advice: it is better not to put mineral fertilizers into the pit, as this can lead to burns of the roots. But ash can be brought in without fear.

Preparing and digging a bush

It is necessary to cut the bush in order to bring it into line with the aboveground and underground parts... Old, damaged, broken branches are cut, and all healthy shoots are shortened.

In this form, the bush will take root faster and better. If the bush is young, then its entire one-year growth is cut off to 8 buds. On adult bushes, the annual growth is cut in half.

The order of digging and carrying the bush:

  1. Having retreated from the center of the bush 30-40 cm, they dig it around the perimeter. If there are roots in the path of the shovel, they can be chopped off.
  2. Using a shovel, the bush, along with a lump of earth, is removed from the pit and transferred to the planting site.
  3. If a clod of earth is significant in size, use burlap for carrying, plastic wrap or shield.
  4. All damaged roots are removed, the tips of the roots left behind are refreshed.

Planting a bush in a new place

  1. A bush with a lump of earth is placed in the prepared hole. It is recommended to deepen the root collar of the bush 5 cm below the edges of the pit.
  2. The place remaining in the pit is covered with earth, lightly tamped and watered with two or three buckets of water.
  3. After absorbing water, the soil under the bush is sprinkled with dry earth.

Planting several bushes

Transplanting each individual bush does not differ.

With regard to several bushes, the nuances will be as follows:

  1. The landing area is immediately marked. If there are several rows, then the distance between them should be within 1.3-1.5 m. The distance between adjacent bushes is 1.5-2 m.
  2. First dug out the right amount landing pits.
  3. Organic fertilizers are applied to the pits.
  4. The bushes intended for transplanting are dug out one by one and transferred to new pits, where they are planted using the above technology.

Transplanted bush care

Having transplanted the bush to a new place, it is necessary to provide it with proper care, since the plant is under severe stress.

Autumn transplant

The trunk circle must be mulched. Mulch prevents moisture evaporation from the soil surface, passes irrigation water well to the roots, does not allow the formation of an earth crust. As mulch are:

  • rotted sawdust;
  • needles;
  • bark of trees;
  • peat;
  • hay;
  • rotted manure;

It is advisable to make a layer of mulch about 10 cm thick.

Advice: experienced gardeners cover the near-trunk circle of the planted bush with pieces of roofing material. This significantly reduces the evaporation of moisture from under the bush, and also contributes to the accumulation of heat.

The bush is regularly watered until the onset of frost, thereby preparing it for winter, but mineral fertilizers are not applied. It is better to feed the bushes in the spring.

Transplant in spring

As in the fall, it is advisable to mulch the bush.

Watering is done regularly to prevent the root system from drying out. If precipitation does not fall, the bush is watered with two buckets of water every 2 weeks. You can combine watering with subcrust. The first feeding is done 2 weeks after the first leaves appear.

To start developing rapidly, the bush needs nitrogen. Suppliers of nitrogen can be rotted manure, infusion chicken droppings, fermented grass or hay. Organic fertilizer diluted up to 10 times with water and watered plants. It is advisable not to use mineral fertilizers in the first year after transplantation. If you cannot do without this, then they are diluted with water and used in liquid form.

Weeds are regularly removed from trunk circle... In summer, in the morning or evening hours, the bushes are watered using the sprinkler method.

Possible mistakes

We list the most serious mistakes that occur when transplanting gooseberry bushes:

  1. Transplant without a lump of earth. A bush with bare roots takes root much worse, gets sick more often, and later begins to bear fruit.
  2. Lack of fertile soil with some organic matter. The bush needs adequate nutrition, and ordinary soil contains too few essential elements.
  3. Watering too cold water... For example, from a well or a well. The ideal temperature for irrigation water can be considered 18-25 degrees.

If all the work on transplanting the gooseberry to a new place is done correctly and on time, the bush will certainly delight you with its strength of growth and delicious fruits.

Gooseberry - unpretentious berry bush... It happens that the bush grows so much that it begins to interfere with other crops. We have to find a new place for him and transplant. Of course, the younger the bush, the easier the operation, but in general, a gooseberry transplant is nothing complicated.

Reasons for transplanting gooseberry

Among possible reasons, for which there is a need for a gooseberry transplant, the following can be noted:

  • a serious redevelopment of the site was required;
  • the bushes are too overgrown and interfere with each other;
  • gooseberries were originally planted in a hurry not on optimal place: it lacks the sun, it gets flooded melt water etc.;
  • it is inconvenient to harvest: a fence located too close interferes, branches spread along the paths, etc.

The sooner these reasons are discovered, the better: transplanting gooseberries at the age of 3-5 years is very simple, and later difficulties are possible. Firstly, it is physically difficult to transplant a massive bush, and secondly, it will be more difficult to take root in a new place.

Gooseberry transplant conditions and optimal timing

Like the vast majority of shrubs, gooseberries can be replanted in both spring and fall. In summer, this should not be done, although young bushes with big lump land can be moved at any time; with the correct operation and good care they are likely to take root. An autumn transplant is considered easier and more reliable, when the bush enters a period of relative dormancy and prepares for winter.

The best time for transplanting gooseberries is autumn.

The exact timing of transplanting depends on the region and the weather, but usually this time falls in October, after the leaves fall. This must be done 3-4 weeks before the onset of severe frosts, so that the roots in a new place begin to take root and resume growth even in relatively warm weather. However, it so happens that in the fall it was not possible to transplant the bush: unexpectedly early frosts came or the gardener simply had no time. In this case, the procedure can be postponed until the spring, but the planting site should be prepared in the fall.

Spring is not the best the best time for transplanting gooseberries, since it wakes up early from hibernation, when it is still difficult to work with the land. With the arrival of relative heat, its buds swell, open, and the growing season begins. A transplant with the beginning of sap flow will be very painful, and the death of a bush in a new place is possible, therefore, in most regions, the spring operation should be carried out in March, and in cold climates - in early April.

Gooseberry transplant technology

You can transplant gooseberries with or without a clod of earth. Transplanting with a lump is more difficult, but the bush will take root faster and more reliably. It is especially important to preserve the roots with the soil if the situation is “on the verge” in terms of transplantation: the gooseberry has not yet passed into a state of dormancy in the fall, and in the spring its buds began to swell. Spring transplantation without a lump of earth can be carried out only as a last resort and exclusively for a young bush (no older than 2-3 years) with a powerful root system. After such an operation, caring for gooseberries in a new place should be especially careful.

Preparing the landing pit in a new location

The landing site must meet the following requirements:

  • be well lit (partial shade is allowed for several hours a day);
  • be protected from drafts: as a rule, they try to plant gooseberries near a fence or low buildings;
  • there should be no close occurrence of groundwater; the plant needs moist soil, but it does not tolerate waterlogging;
  • the soil should be light, fertile, with a neutral reaction of the environment; excess acidity is corrected with slaked lime, chalk or dolomite flour, v clay soil add sand and peat.

Do not plant gooseberries in the place where raspberries or currants grew shortly before.

The procedure for preparing the site for landing:

Mineral fertilizers, as a rule, are not applied to the pit, but you can add 100 g of superphosphate by placing it away from future roots, that is, mix it with the ground and pour it over the drainage layer.

Preparing a gooseberry bush for transplanting

Procedure for preparing gooseberries:

Planting a bush in a new place

The transplant is carried out as follows:

If several gooseberry bushes are transplanted at once, a planting scheme is selected in advance. With a mass transfer, the distance between the centers of the planting pits should be 1.5–2.0 m; when planting in several rows, a free passage is provided between them.

Caring for a transplanted gooseberry bush

The gooseberry is quite unpretentious; with a properly performed transplant, the bush successfully takes root. To help him in this, it is important to water him intensively in the first year and be sure to mulch the soil around him, as well as weed the weeds. A 6–8 cm layer of mulch inhibits the growth of most weeds. When especially strong species appear (wheatgrass, dandelion, etc.), they must be removed by the root by hand, since they compete for nutrition and moisture in a weakened bush transplant.

In dry weather, the transplanted bush is watered until mid-summer 2 times a week, spending at least a bucket of water. In especially hot weather, sprinkling is also useful: wetting the crown with water. In the second half of summer, watering is carried out less frequently. Water temperature is not significant, but watering should be done in the morning or evening.

In the middle of summer, it is worth feeding the gooseberry with potash fertilizer. If the branches grow weak, it is better to do this a little earlier, taking a complex mineral fertilizer. The transplanted gooseberry must be fertilized closer to winter, at the same time carrying out water-charging irrigation. After leaf fall, 4–5 buckets of water are introduced under the bush, diluting up to 100 g of superphosphate in it. After that, the soil around the bush is covered with fallen leaves of trees or sawdust in a layer of up to 10 cm. Additional insulation gooseberry does not require a crown for the winter.

For the winter, gooseberries are fertilized with superphosphate.

Features of transplanting gooseberries at different times of the year

There is no significant difference in the technology of spring and autumn gooseberry transplantation. A pit for an autumn transplant is prepared 2-3 weeks before it, and for a spring one - from autumn. Nuances may appear during subsequent care, and they depend on the current weather.

Autumn gooseberry transplant

At autumn transplant As a rule, frequent watering is not required until the onset of winter, since it rains most often in October-November and there is no heat. A thick layer of mulch (up to 10 cm), which is required after transplanting, successfully retains irrigation water, therefore repeated frequent watering is required only in case of dry weather. In normal weather, it may be sufficient to repeat the watering a week after transplanting.

Top dressing during the autumn transplant is not required, it is carried out already next year. For the first time, until spring, cover the soil under the bush with a piece of roofing material: it prevents the evaporation of water and warms the earth. But if it is a dry autumn, the roofing material must be periodically raised, the soil moisture checked and, if necessary, irrigated.

Video: transplanting gooseberries in the fall

Spring gooseberry transplant

At spring transplant soil mulching is also carried out, but not in such a thick layer, otherwise the deepening of the root collar will be excessive. Watering is carried out often, since the snow water in the soil runs out very quickly. After the leaves bloom, the bush is watered weekly, and after 2-3 weeks after that it can already be fed nitrogen fertilization(with urea, infusion of mullein or chicken droppings).

In spring, gooseberries can be fed with nitrogen fertilizers, such as urea.

Video: forced transplant of gooseberries in spring

A gooseberry transplant is a simple operation that may be required for various reasons. It is important not only to do it right, but also not to miss the deadline: it is best to do the transplant in the fall, and if you have to do it in the spring, then you need to finish the procedure as early as possible.

Sometimes you have to do redevelopment on summer cottage or in the garden. To do this, you have to cut down trees and replant shrubs. Then the question arises - when can you transplant gooseberries? The answer is simple - the gooseberry is transplanted in the fall or spring.

How to choose the right place for a gooseberry transplant?

Autumn or spring is the best time of the year to organize a gooseberry transplant. And yet, when is it better to transplant gooseberries?

The most optimal season for the gooseberry transplant process is autumn, or rather October or September.

During this period, the shrub is in "calm", it has already borne fruit, and, let's say, went for the winter. This is due to the fact that the gooseberry is not whimsical, and rather quickly passes from the cold season to the warm one. At this time, he is already preparing for ripening, his kidneys fill up early, and during the period of swelling of the kidneys, the root system should not be injured. Correctly organizing the process of transplanting gooseberries will help the bush to rejuvenate and bear more fruit. The most important thing in this process is to choose the right place for transplantation.

When selecting a site for the necessary gooseberry transplant in the fall, some important points should be taken into account:

  • The gooseberry loves places where there is good sunlight;
  • Where the wind blows, it is impossible to transplant gooseberries;
  • The soil should not be wet and without proximity to groundwater, since the gooseberry does not like constantly highly moistened soil;
  • The soil should be loamy, if it is not suitable, then this is easy to fix, for example, if there is a lot of clay, or the soil is heavy, then it is advisable to add a little sand, and otherwise you can add clay;
  • It is unacceptable that the soil has high acidity; in this case, lime must be added to reduce the acidity;
  • It is not recommended to transplant gooseberries to areas where currant or raspberry bushes were previously grown because of common pests, in which case they will very quickly harm the shrub.

After the selection of the area for the gooseberry transplant process has been made, the earth should be dug up and the remnants of various rhizomes and all weeds should be removed. Further near the bush, all unnecessary and old branches should be cut off, thereby leaving no more than seven of the youngest and healthiest shoots, which should be shortened before transplanting, leaving two-thirds of the entire length of the shoot.

Subsequently, annual pruning of the shrub is necessary, since only branches and stems that grew last year bring berries. Only six or eight new shoots should be left each year. In this case, the shrub will bring big harvest gooseberry.

Possible gooseberry transplant methods

The process itself does not take so much time. Everything is done sequentially and in stages:

  • The prepared gooseberry bush is dug around, the distance directly from the bush should be at least 30 centimeters.
  • If there are thick roots, then they can be safely chopped off, either with a shovel or with an ax.
  • Subsequently, using a scrap or a shovel, the bush must be removed from the soil and be sure to put it on a plastic wrap so that it can be transported to a new site for transplantation.
  • In the selected area for transplanting gooseberries, a pit is pulled out, it needs to be made a little larger in diameter than root system gooseberry.
  • The depth of the fossa should be approximately 50 centimeters.
  • The hole is abundantly supplied with water, for this you need to pour about 70 liters of water into the hole, this is about 3-4 buckets.
  • Then part of the removed soil should be mixed with compost, and in no case with, in otherwise the root system will be damaged and the end result will be disastrous.
  • After the gooseberry bush is installed in the hole, fill the remaining gaps with earth.
  • The soil should be tamped down and watered again with a good amount of water.
  • At the end of the gooseberry transplant, the bush is sprinkled with dry soil, and mulch is sprinkled on top, you can use peat chips.
  • Before the onset of frost, the shrub should be systematically watered.
  • It is not necessary to cover the bush for the winter.

There is another way to transplant gooseberries, but it is suitable for mass transplanting, that is, in large summer cottages:

  • The main difference is to immediately prepare a place for transplanting the gooseberry, where to outline the pits for the transplant.
  • The bushes are transplanted in an ordinary way, including the inter-row space (the distance between the rows should be at least 1.3 and not more than 1.5).
  • If several bushes are transplanted with gooseberries at once, then you need to know that the distance between the bushes should be at least 1.5 and not more than two meters.
  • Further, the bushes are dug out using standard technology.
  • You need to transplant the gooseberry one separate bush into the prepared pits.
  • If the diameter of the hole is less than the rhizome of the bush, then it must be increased.
  • The rest of the procedure is done in exactly the same way as with a separate bush.

If necessary, you can watch how the gooseberry transplant is carried out in the fall, the video provides an opportunity to visually make sure that a lot of effort and time is not required.

In the fall, a gooseberry transplant is carried out, not only because in the spring you can be late to transplant it due to the fact that the shrub has already begun to prepare for fruiting, but also in order to clear part of the site under, or the lawn.

Also, the methods of transplanting gooseberries can be useful to gardeners for propagating this berry bush. Transplanting a gooseberry in the fall guarantees a high survival rate of the shrub, so next year it will already appear good harvest berries.

A little about leaving after a gooseberry transplant

Gooseberry bushes are not whimsical. Care is limited to the removal of weeds, which is advisable to carry out by hand, since the roots that are located close to the surface of the earth can be damaged by tools intended for weeding.

Of course, gooseberries require watering and feeding. In order to satisfy the need for a gooseberry bush to obtain nutrients you only need to create a new protective layer once a year in the fall, which consists of earth mixed with compost and. If desired, the mulching layer can be increased, it will contribute to good fruiting and more rapid growth bush.

How to transplant gooseberries correctly (video)