Plants are shade-loving and unpretentious for the garden. Perennial flowers growing in partial shade

Country houses and household plots, on which large trees grow, it is rather difficult to make decorative, because almost all flowering plants love the sun. At first, the owners of such gardens have to work hard to select and grow spectacular perennials growing in the shade of trees and partial shade of shrubs. You need to know the requirements for the soil and illumination of shade-tolerant plants. And correctly place perennials, given their seasonal scenic beauty.

What is the difference between shade-loving plants

Exquisite flower beds and lush curbs in the shaded areas of the site are created by perennials with rich green foliage different shapes and the bulbous flowers that put on striking fireworks in the spring. There are also many summer perennial flowers for shady places, the graceful beauty of which is emphasized by the variety of foliage of well-chosen partners.

Signs of shade-tolerant plants

No plant can do without sunlight... But there are perennials, as if created for shade - grasses, flowers, shrubs. Only a few hours of exposure to the sun is enough for them to vegetate, when it looks at them through the leafy tent of tall neighbors. Plants have a special characteristic property of accumulating light, thanks to which their successful development takes place. A large number of perennials accumulates solar energy in the spring, when the leaves have not yet blossomed on the trees. Then they open their usually small but bright flowers.

  • For shade-tolerant crops, six hours of sunshine are enough.
  • The shade-loving ones do with only a faint glow that breaks through to them.
  • Shade-loving plants bloom very modestly, but their leaves are intensely colored.

Features of shady gardens

Shady areas under deciduous trees are characterized by some unfavorable features for the development of other plants. There are arid or lowland places. Each site has its own difficulties.

Dry shade properties

Arid shade forms under old fruit or decorative trees, which have a dense and wide leafy canopy.

  • Close location to the surface of a well-developed root system of an adult tree.
  • The mighty roots of the tree and their branches take up most of the water that falls on such areas after natural precipitation or irrigation.
  • Less precipitation penetrates to the center of the crown, since some part, especially if the rain is not thick, is retained by the foliage.

In such conditions, it is best to grow autumn and spring bulbous flowers, as well as some perennials for shady places: modestly blooming in summer ground cover plants.

Advice! A great help for flowers or grasses growing in dry shade will be soil mulching, which will delay the evaporation of moisture and provide plants with additional nutrients over time.

Shady areas with heavy soils

Very often, such conditions develop in low-lying places, near swamps or the banks of water bodies.

  • Such places are characterized by the fact that precipitation freely penetrates into the ground, but the composition of the soil itself retains moisture.
  • In humid shaded areas, there is always enough moisture, even during hot summer, which creates favorable conditions for low plants.
  • At the same time, this environment is suitable for the activity of pathogens of fungal diseases of plants and the activation of snails and slugs.

Taking into account the nature of the soil, it is necessary to carefully prepare the planting holes for the selected herbs and flowers. Be sure to add drainage materials and sand.

For moisture-loving plants, perennials growing in the shade, which are planted on heavy soils, it is necessary to prevent soaking. In addition to drainage in the holes, the soil is regularly loosened and mulched.

Tasks of the gardening designer

The owner of a shaded area not only selects which perennials to plant in the shade, but also makes the overall picture harmonious.

  • Since flowers for shady places, perennials and annuals, do not have bright, expressive colors when blooming, they focus on the shape of the leaves and the silhouette of such plants.
  • Classic techniques: alternating horizontal and vertical directions.
  • Create a usually solid background in perennial flower beds in the shade for a unique and impressive plant.
  • Selection of perennials that bloom in different time or effectively change the color of the leaves, depending on the phase of development, to keep the flower bed constantly picturesque.

For especially keen florists, it is possible to create exquisite stylish corners from flowers growing in partial shade and shade, from a mixture of perennials and annuals. In such conditions, flower beds, decorated in the mainstream of country, landscape or Japanese garden trends, succeed.

Flexibility of thinking will allow you to see in the usual weeds or wild perennials: plantain, erect cinquefoil, creeping tenacious, ivy bud, Veronica Dubravnaya and others - brilliant ground cover partners for selected shade-loving plants.

Site preparation

Deciding to ennoble the empty spaces in the shade beautiful perennials, first of all, you need to prepare the soil.

  • The first stage is the removal of rhizomes of weeds, perennials and annuals or shrubs.
  • Soil deacidification (300-700 g of lime or 300-600 g dolomite flour per 1 m 2).
  • Fertilizing the soil organic matter or complex mineral dressings.
  • To control weeds, regular loosening and mulching of the soil is imperative.
  • The use of wild-growing herbs with creeping rhizomes as ground cover perennials, which can successfully displace aggressive annual weeds.

Comment! For flower beds or borders with perennials planted in the shade, it is possible to lay dark spunbond, which will give effective protection from the germination of weeds.

Perennials for dry shade

Landscape designers have given a start in life to an endless variety of perennials for shady gardens. Everyone selects these plants according to their taste, as well as focusing on the conditions of the site where the herbs or flowers will be planted. There are quite a few picturesque herbs and bright colors, perennials growing in dry shade. Widespread in our gardens are oak anemone, bergenia, lilies of the valley, heuchera, tenaciousness, primroses, forget-me-nots, hellebore, lungwort, begonia.


Tall, 1.5-2 m, winter-hardy perennial, with large leaves and white or cream inflorescences. Grows in the sun and shade.


The creeping rhizome of the plant develops best in partial shade. Small oval leaves, leathery, dark green on long, creeping stems that also take root. Blooms in spring. Natural blue flowers in the wild-growing form, breeders added pink and white shades.


Shrub up to 1 m requires moist but well-drained soil and partial shade. Unusual heart-shaped flowers captivate with delicate beauty. Blooms until autumn, especially luxurious in June.


A low, bushy perennial with beautifully carved leaves that can float along the path in a fluffy rug. Produces low but magnificent fountains of small sunny flowers.


Tall perennial or biennial, up to 1.5 m. The plant is distinguished by its beauty, but also poisonous. Bells of pink and white color bloom almost all summer.


A variety of varieties with attractive, expressive leaves, solid or with bright white and yellow stripes in various configurations. Perfectly decorate the site from spring to autumn. Some plants throw out a stem with flowers of delicate shades.

Perennials for wet areas in the shade

It is much easier to work with perennials blooming in the damp shade, because these plants are more hardy. Many wild perennials moved into gardens and became amazing components in flower beds located in the shade or partial shade: geranium, liverwort, ferns, rhododendrons.


A fairly tall perennial with glossy dark green leaves and panicle inflorescences blooming from July. The color palette is very diverse - from bright white to red.


A magnificent plant with large leaves and small flowers - "blue eyes of late spring." It grows in the shade, leaves dry up in summer, but new ones appear by autumn. The perennial gives the garden an expressive accent.


A perennial that prefers shady places. It is characterized by decorative leaves and original flowers in the form of elongated bells or droplets. The color of the petals is white, cream, purple. Blooms in May. Later, blue or red berries appear, which, like all parts of the plant, are used in folk medicine.


A miniature charming perennial loves moisture-absorbing soils, shade and needs mulch around the bush. It blooms in the spring in violet-lilac and white tones.


The perennial is rich different kinds and garden forms, loves acidic soils, grows in shade and partial shade. Widespread hydrangea paniculate and treelike, very spectacular large-leaved hydrangea. She is loved for the special decorativeness of large inflorescences of white-pink shades, which, under the influence of substances poured into the ground, turn blue.

Perennials for clay soils

Many gardeners with plots in low-lying areas will suit flowers and ornamental deciduous plants that thrive on clay soils... These are various irises, loosestrife, loosestrife, daylilies.


Popular perennial for shady areas with nutritious soils. Large leaves are like leaves horse chestnut... The peduncle supports a panicle of fragrant pink flowers.


Spectacular flowers with a variety of shades and radial patterns on the petals. A perennial needs nutritious soils, it grows in partial shade and in the sun. The plant must be protected from the winds.

A shady corner with extraordinary plants will decorate the site and a comfortable resting place.

In almost any garden there are areas where only shade-loving or shade-tolerant plants can be planted: both annual and perennial flowers and shrubs. The article contains titles and detailed descriptions various unpretentious crops with colorful photos.

Perennial shade-loving and shade-tolerant plants for the garden

It is traditionally believed that flowers love the sun, so either they bloom poorly in the shade, or do not grow at all in such areas. At the same time, there is a difference between cultures that really feel comfortable only away from the sun's rays, and between those that simply can exist in such conditions:

  • if in the shade the plant has lush greenery and is healthy, blooming view- it is shade-loving. In nature, such crops are located in the lower tiers of the forest, under the crowns of trees, therefore, they can be planted in the garden in the same place;
  • if the plant blooms in the shade, but slightly worse than in the sun, this is a description shade-tolerant flower that adapts to the conditions.

Attention! The shadow can be on the site throughout the day, or it can depend on the position of the sun in the sky. Also, an important factor is a solid or diffused shadow in the area you have chosen (for example, the sun can peep through the crowns of trees). Consider this when choosing shade-loving crops.

For areas of varying degrees of shade, for example, such perennial crops are suitable:

  • Aquilegia. Another name for this flower is the catchment, because after dew, its cups are always full of water. The plant is best planted on fertile, moist soil, then it abundantly releases inflorescences of various shades, resembling stars. The catchment also grows in the sun, but its flowering in such conditions is worse than in partial shade. Every 3-4 years, aquilegia needs to be planted again, because it loses its decorative effect.
  • Astilba. Differs in variety colors and the range of height: dwarf varieties grow up to 30 cm, tall - up to 1.5 m. It is believed that in one place astilbe can bloom profusely for a maximum of 5 years, and then it needs a transplant. The inflorescences are collected in original panicles; in the sun they have a less bright shade than in partial shade. A shade-loving plant is planted in a slightly acidic, nutritious soil. It tolerates frosts well, but in the first year it needs shelter for the winter.

Advice. If you correctly select the varieties of astilba, you can ensure flowering on the site from June to September.

  • Badan. There are up to 120 flowers in one inflorescence of this perennial plant. It winters well, keeping foliage in some cases during the cold season. In nature, there are 10 varieties of culture, and the name of one of them - thick-leaved badan - is well known to lovers of the healing Chigir tea, which is brewed from the leaves of this plant species. Unpretentious perennial will comfortably sit on damp, loosened and slightly alkaline soil.
  • Periwinkle. A creeping plant that tolerates both shade and drought well. In the spring, blue or purple flowers appear on it, less often - white or pink. Possesses medicinal properties, but periwinkle is dangerous when self-medicated.
  • Brunner. A shade-loving plant in which everything is beautiful: both blue flowers and leaves with an interesting pattern. Thanks to this, it retains its decorative properties from the moment of flowering (late spring) to frost. Looks great when decorating borders, near water bodies. Prefers nutrient soils, but grows well on infertile soils.
  • Tenacious. The name of the plant is, in fact, its own description, since a low-growing crop takes root well on any soil and requires watering only during times of severe drought. It blooms from late spring to about mid-June, but at the same time it is indispensable in areas where you need to quickly create a beautiful decorative carpet: it grows well, and even those who do not have gardening experience will be able to grow a tenacious.
  • Kupena. Medicinal plant, looks spectacular in the shade. Its other names are "Solomon's seal" or "wolf berries", it looks beautiful in bouquets, in compositions in the photo, has delicate aroma... Loves moist, fertile soil, on which it produces white flowers in May-June, and by the middle and end of summer, kupena berries ripen. In handling, it requires caution, since it contains toxic substances.
  • Lily of the valley. A classic flower for growing in the light shade of trees and near fences. Needs abundant watering and protection from drafts, which can cause the lack of flowers. Lily of the valley does not like frequent transplants, multiplies and grows quickly, does not tolerate the proximity of other plants. Such a fragile-looking flower has a powerful root system. Blossoms in May-June, and sometimes, depending on the climate, at the end of April.

Advice. If you do not want to create lily of the valley plantations on the site, make the borders of the flower bed by digging pieces of slate into the ground (depth - about 0.5 m).

  • Primrose. Due to the diversity color palette this unpretentious plant is loved by many gardeners. After all, you can create a variegated flower bed from it, playing with white, cherry, pink, brown and other shades. Needs moist and loose soil.
  • Host. Real queen shady garden... Does not bloom, but with its beautiful decorative leaves of various colors will decorate any site. This unpretentious culture develops on any soil, grows in one place for up to 20 years, tolerates winter well.

Annual plants that can be planted in the shade

Among annuals growing comfortably in the shade, the choice is not as extensive as in the case of perennials, but there is still:

  • Marigolds. They grow quickly and delight with a variety of colors, from yellow to burgundy and brownish. They decorate the garden all summer and autumn, up to frost. Among the varieties there are "babies" that grow up to 20 cm, and real giants, reaching 1-1.2 m in height. A flowerbed with marigolds needs to be thinned regularly, as well as watered. They protect garden beds from aphids, nematodes, fusarium, mice and bear.
  • Ever-flowering begonia. Looks good both in flowerpots or in flower beds, and under trees. The plant is not tall - only about 15-20 cm, so a carpet of begonias looks spectacular. The flowers are colored in shades of white, pink, orange, red and crimson. Requires fertile and moist soil. If you bring it indoors for the winter, you can grow it as a perennial crop.
  • Mallow. This flower is a decoration of many rural landscapes and colorful photos. It grows up to 1.2 m. Annual varieties are distinguished by bright, large flowers with veins that are darker than the main shade. Mallow is rather shade-tolerant than shade-loving plant: in the absence of the sun it has a paler color, but grows well. The soil for this crop should be loose, and watering should be moderate.
  • Nasturtium. Withstands slight shading. Abundant watering is needed only for young plants, adults need moisture only during severe drought. Annual terry nasturtium will decorate a border or balcony. The leaves and flowers of this culture are used in salads and seasonings, as well as in folk medicine.
  • Fragrant tobacco. Its main advantage is a wonderful aroma, which this unpretentious flower exudes mainly in the evenings. Tobacco can be white, pink, red, and varieties of dull, simple shades smell stronger. For its cultivation, partial shade and moist, loamy soil are suitable. We must not forget about regular watering and the timely removal of dried inflorescences.

Advice. Some crops that tolerate shade well can be grown as both annuals and perennials. For example, this is balsam and forget-me-not. As a biennial, pansies are cultivated. They can also be planted under trees or in shady flower beds, although flowering here will not be as abundant as in the sun.

Flower garden in the shade: video

Shade-loving plants: photo

If you are, then shadows will definitely appear on it. Residential and outbuildings, trees and large shrubs will create areas with complete or partial absence of direct light. The most common light-loving plants will not be able to survive in such places, as a result of which the dacha may have a somewhat deserted appearance. This article will focus on those crops that will help you solve this problem.

Dahlias - perennial shade-loving flowers for summer cottages

General Provisions

First of all, let's draw a dividing line between plant species according to their dependence on sunlight, in order to avoid possible confusion in the future:

Separation by light-requiring

Advice: before buying, be sure to check with the seller exactly which group the representative of the flora you are purchasing belongs to, since an erroneous placement on your site will deprive him of the possibility of full development.

Shadow control

In addition to the fact that you can pick up plants with different needs for sunlight, you can also plan the optimal placement of shade zones. To do this, it is enough to adhere to the following rules:

Tip: if you need to identify darkened places in an already planted garden, then it is convenient to do this in the spring when the snow melts. Where it will last the longest, you can safely plant shade-loving crops with your own hands.

Species and representatives

The cultures under consideration have many variations:


There are several representatives of bush vegetation that are common in summer cottages, which feel great even with a limited supply of light:

  1. Rhododendron. They can do without the sun at all, but then I will not bloom, so it is better to choose partial shade for them.

  1. Hydrangea. Its delicate buds will brighten up any dark area.

  1. Kalina. Not only is it unpretentious, but also useful.

  1. Elderberry. Also famous for its medicinal properties.

  1. Ivy. The price of such a plant is minimal, but the possibilities for the right approach colossal.

  1. Clematis. It also belongs to the curly species and is able to become any decoration.

Flowers and ornamental vegetation

  1. Perennials include the largest number of shade lovers.

Here are some of them:

  • Badan. It is able to develop normally in growth even in the complete absence of light, only its flowering can suffer.

  • Host. Not only is she not afraid of the shadow, but also adores it. The main thing is that the soil should be moist enough.

  • Aconite. Twilight and moisture are all he needs for full growth.

  • Brunner. Unpretentious and fast growing plant... Watch it so that it doesn't grow too much.

  1. Biennials:

  • Digitalis. When growing it, it is very important that the instructions for agricultural technology are strictly followed.

  • Forget-me-not. Allows you to create an aesthetic carpet even in the darkest place.

To every owner of a garden or suburban area I want to see it beautiful and blooming throughout the warm season. To decorate the plots, you can combine various ornamental plants.

Flowers that are grown in one season are called annuals or “annuals”. They are used to decorate flower beds, balcony boxes, parterre and carpet flower beds. You can plant annual flowers in the garden with seedlings or seeds.

Annual species

To choose the right flyers, you need to know information about their size, flowering period, demand for light, etc.

Annuals can be:

  1. In relation to light:
    • shade-tolerant;
    • light-loving.
  1. Height:
    • dwarf (up to 15 cm);
    • undersized (up to 40 cm);
    • tall and curly(from 50 to 500 cm.).
  1. By the color of inflorescences and flowers:
    • white;
    • pink;
    • yellow and orange;
    • brown;
    • blue and blue;
    • purple violet;
    • red;
    • bicolor and multicolor.

Shade-tolerant annual flowers

You can change the color of areas in the shade of trees every year.

Such shade-loving annual flowers for the garden can decorate any corner of the earth:

  1. Nasturtium is wonderful flowering plant growing strongly. Decorative flowers can be orange or pink.

If you plant nasturtium in the sun, the leaves will turn yellow and quickly fade.

  1. Petunia is a widespread annual with pink, white and purple flowers... There are low, tall, small-colored and large-flowered varieties.

  1. Fragrant tobacco is a shade-loving plant with large leaves. The flowers are very fragrant, closed during the day, open in the late afternoon and in cloudy weather.

Sun-loving annuals

The sun-loving ones include:

  1. Godetia is ideal for decorating flower beds. Flowers pink, white or red, bell-shaped are strewn with bushes of 35-40 pieces.

  1. Ageratum is an unpretentious flower that can withstand drought. Depending on the variety, there are different colors. Ageratum looks delicate and original.

Dwarf years in the garden

For and sites, garden flowers are ideal annuals of low height.

These include:

  1. Purslane is a low-growing plant with white, red, yellow and double flowers. Planted in open ground in a sunny place.

  1. The daisy does not require any special care. It can be transplanted even during flowering.

  1. Lobelia is a creeping plant, 10-25 cm high. Flowers are often blue, rarely snow-white and purple. Lobelia loves warmth, light and moisture, blooms until frost. The instructions on the seed packaging will help you choose the right time for planting the summer fly.

Low-growing (medium-sized) annual flowers

The most beautiful and popular among undersized flowers:

  1. Pansies are very sophisticated annuals that bloom until the first snow. Flowers with a wide variety of colors. Their amazing beauty makes them indispensable in any flower garden.

  1. Marigolds are very famous, everyone knows about them. And for good reason. Marigolds do not require special care. Bloom until the first frost.

Unpretentious flowers for the garden - annual marigolds

  1. Eshsholzia is a medium-sized annual plant, 25-35 cm high in orange, yellow, pink and cream colors.

Having planted medium-sized summer growers in do-it-yourself flower beds, your garden plot will become original and unique.

Tall and curly annuals

Tall annuals give any garden a certain uniqueness.

Among them are the most popular:

  1. Mallow is a beautiful annual plant with long stems. Depending on the variety, mallow inflorescences come in a variety of colors - cream, yellow-orange, pink, red and purple.

Mallow often suffers from rust.
If spots appear, all diseased leaves must be destroyed and the mallow must not be grown in this area for 2-3 years.

  1. Amaranth is an annual tall plant. The flowers are collected in reddish spike-shaped inflorescences that bloom in August.

  1. Cochia is very effective ornamental plant reaching 1 meter in height. Cochia is drought-resistant, but it cannot survive temperature changes.

Attention! Light is very necessary for the germination of kochia seeds, so when sowing, do not cover them with earth, but press a little into the soil.

Among tall plants, climbing annual flowers for the garden are no less popular. It is very easy to look after them, and the gazebos originally designed by them always delight.

Most popular curly:

  1. Kvamoklits are the most beautiful annual flowers for the garden and vegetable garden. They love sunny areas and do not tolerate transplants. Bloom all summer with bright red flowers.

  1. Kobea is a liana of amazing beauty, the stem of which reaches 6 meters. And its bell-shaped flowers bloom all summer, reach 7 cm in diameter and are burgundy, purple, lilac and cream.

  1. Azarina is a fast-growing vine, the stems do not require strong support. The plant blooms before frost, drought-resistant. There are many types of asarin, with different colors.

Planting plants

You can plant annuals yourself, you do not have to buy seedlings. It is most reliable to plant flowers yourself, however, you need to be sure of the quality of the seeds. Compared with purchased seedlings, the price of grown independently will be 2 or more times less.


Annuals are ideal for the garden and vegetable garden. You can grow a different composition every year. Choose an annual that you like and plant in your area. You will certainly be delighted with the beauty in the garden and the absence of problems with caring for them.

The video in this article will help you get acquainted with planting seedlings of annuals.

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Many summer cottages have certain natural lighting zones - well lit by sunlight and shaded. Very often, the areas of the plot, located in the shade, are partially used or completely remain empty, which not only looks inorganic, but sometimes leads to an irrational distribution of plants on the site. This article will tell you about how to choose the right shade-loving plant for the garden who can feel comfortable in such conditions.

It is worth noting that the partial shadow cast by adult trees or small buildings of the house does not frighten most of the plants, since during the day they manage to get required amount sunlight. But it happens that there are places on the plots that are completely sheltered from the light and the plants are transferred to them, become less hardy, and often do not take root at all and die.

Particularly problematic is the issue of shading areas of the site. country house becomes for the owners of small summer cottages since on small area you need to place all the necessary crops and the desired plants.

The question of the correct distribution of plants over the territory of a summer cottage should be approached quite seriously, since the harvest and, accordingly, the effort spent on growing plants will depend on the correct planting of plants and various crops. Very often, beginners who are just planning a planting and deciding where and how the flower garden, vegetable garden and garden will be located, face difficulties in this matter.

Quite often landing different trees carried out along the fence or fences. This approach is quite expedient, since with such an arrangement the trees do not occupy useful area, but here it is necessary to take into account on which side of the site it is better to plant, so that the shadow from the trees does not fall on a large area of ​​the summer cottage and does not interfere with the saturation of the plants with sunlight.

If planting trees is only in the plans, then you need to take into account in advance in what places the plants will be located, which prefer the maximum amount of light, and where you can partially shade the area.

Shrubs are also often planted along hedges and fences, but it should be understood that some of them will be in full shade from previously planted trees or a fence. Based on this, more the right option will be the landing of decorative or berry bushes closer to the central part of the summer cottage, which will also serve as an additional division of the territory into zones.

The situation with growing flowers is a little simpler, since for these purposes there are simple technologies for growing flowers on hills or at vertical gardening and placement in hanging pots. Thus, flowers have the opportunity, regardless of their location, to receive the right amount Sveta.

In order to prevent possible problems when growing plants, the concepts of shade-tolerant and shade-loving plants should be distinguished, since the former adapt and cope with existence in shaded areas, while others by their nature prefer to grow and develop in the shade. For a complete understanding, before planting a plant, it is recommended to study agricultural techniques and take into account the requirements for the planting site.

It should be borne in mind that the shadow can be stable (constant), partial (the zone can be shaded at a certain period of the day and illuminated at a certain time of the day, due to the course of the sun) and diffused (light penetrates through the foliage and tree branches).

In the dense, stable shadow cast by trees, shrubs or buildings, the magnificent elecampane, kupen, heart-leaved tiarka, stonecrop, European clefthoof will feel good. Such a zone of illumination, in combination with well-moistened soil, is perfect for planting dark geraniums, hellebores, astilbe, black cohosh and primrose.

In those areas where the shadow is scattered, for example, under old apple trees or nuts, it is recommended to plant the spring navel, lupins, fragrant woodruff, daylily. In such conditions, medicinal herbs such as lemon balm and peppermint will feel great. And also it should be borne in mind that in addition to the shade and humidity of the place, the composition of the soil can affect the plant. For example, on sandstones or sandy stones in conditions of diffused shade, the creeping tenacious, violet, lily of the valley, periwinkle and kupena grow beautifully.

Usually in the shade orchard place various shrubs that do not require too much attention to themselves and develop excellently.

In the semi-shaded areas of the garden, you can often find a shade-tolerant rhododendron, which prefers just such conditions and does not like the sun's rays at all.

But it is worth remembering that this shrub should grow precisely in partial shade, since in the complete absence of sunlight, its flowering may not be so abundant and beautiful.

Viburnum, elderberry, hydrangea, ivy, clematis and maiden grapes are also considered shade-tolerant shrubs.

Shade-loving and shade-tolerant flowers for the garden and flower beds

Some flowers may not easily feel good in the shaded areas of the summer cottage, but they can do without sunlight at all.

Shade-loving perennials

Even for a novice florist, it will not be difficult to grow a perennial from shade-loving flowers in your summer cottage. Among perennials great amount colors that prefer shade. Due to the fact that there are incredibly many such types of shade-loving flowers for the garden, summer residents have the opportunity to plant not monotonous flower beds, but whole flower beds that will decorate a shaded landscape.

  • Badanperennial which loves dense to medium shade, but although it can grow beautifully in full shade, its flowering may suffer.
  • Early flowering daylily, a perennial that loves partial shade, and in a strong shade, its flowering noticeably weakens.
  • Hosta Is a plant that prefers to grow and thrive in the shade. The only requirement is constantly moist soil.
  • Aconite Feels good enough in the shade, but, like the hosta, prefers moist soil.
  • Lily of the valley- familiar and classic perennial flowers for shaded areas in summer cottages.
  • Astilbe- prefer partial shade and develop well in it and grow.
  • Dicenter- flowers that love partial shade and shade with moist soil.
  • Brunner- picky and pretty perennial flowers that feel calm in any shade. But at the same time, for Brunner you need constant care, since the plant tends to grow rapidly.
  • Cyanosis and lily of the valley- classic plants for shaded areas of the suburban area.

All varieties feel good in the shaded ones. pansies, besides, when planting them, you can achieve flowering from spring to late autumn.

  • Foxglove - a biennial tall, shade-tolerant plant that copes well with little sunlight, but provides normal condition plants are possible only if agricultural technology is followed.
  • Forget-me-nots - a shade-tolerant plant that is absolutely not afraid of full shade and tends to grow rapidly, forming a whole flower carpet.

Choice annual plants for planting in the shaded areas of the suburban area is very small, so many summer residents do not plant them so often in their plots, but still there is a number of plants that can please with their beauty.

  • Balsam Feels good in partial shade, but in full shade, the plant may lack flowering.
  • Ever-flowering begonia suitable for shaded areas of a garden or flower garden.
  • Fragrant tobaccobeautiful plant that feels good in diffused light, for example, a good place for such a plant there will be a young garden, where foliage and branches are able to transmit a sufficient amount of sunlight.