Ripening of a seed pod on an orchid. All about phalaenopsis orchid seeds: reproduction, cost, photo

One way to propagate an orchid is to grow a plant from seed. The reason for this growing method is that seedlings and adult orchids are expensive. and not everyone can afford the abundance of these flowers. And also, many flower growers who are very fond of orchids, there is a desire to go through the entire process of life of a plant from a seed to an adult specimen.

The first thing to note is - this procedure is very difficult and takes a long time(about 4-5 years before flowering), but very exciting at the same time. Despite many special requirements, many flower growers grow beautiful and healthy orchids.

Seeds for planting can be purchased in stores, from other growers, on the Internet, or you can get them yourself. To do this, it is necessary to pollinate the orchid available at home, wait for the seed pod to ripen, which is then carefully separated from the plant and get the seeds.

Preparation of planting material

Orchid seeds are very small and difficult to see with the naked eye, which adds to the difficulty of growing them. Before the sowing itself, they must be disinfected in order to avoid the appearance of harmful microorganisms. This procedure is carried out by placing the seeds in a solution of bleach (100 ml of water, 15 g of lime, pass through a filter) and shaking for ten minutes.

Required inventory

For growing seeds you need to prepare the necessary inventory... Among them are glassware with corks or airtight lids, in which seeds will germinate. These can be flasks or jars that are sterilized before use, which means they must be resistant to high temperatures. It is also necessary to prepare a new or sterilized syringe that will be used to place the seeds on the medium or pipette, also sterilizing it before use.

Substrate selection

The substrate for growing a flower from seeds can be soil, sterile environment or special mushrooms.

When using soil, in most cases the seed dies, so it is better not to take risks with this method. Symbiosis with mushrooms is best obtained in natural or laboratory conditions, since it is difficult to find the right variety of mushrooms at home.

The best and in a successful way is the use of a sterile environment.

Such an environment can be purchased ready-made, or perhaps you can prepare it yourself. Due to the fact that orchid seeds do not contain endosperm, in order to obtain a sufficient amount of nutrients, an environment is needed that contains the required amount. There are many options for preparing the medium, among themselves they do not differ very much, their technology and components are almost the same.

One of the recipes for preparing the environment:

  1. The composition includes the following elements: distilled boiled water (400 ml), fertilizer for orchids (dosage indicated on the package), sugar (4 gr.), honey (4 gr.), potato or corn starch (80 gr.) or agar-agar, activated carbon ( 1 crushed tablet) and banana puree (25 gr.), Which is necessary for feeding the sprouted seeds.
  2. Pour sugar, banana, honey, fertilizer into the water, and at the end starch. We mix. Pour activated carbon into this mixture and mix it too. We put on fire and stir until all ingredients are completely dissolved and a thick mass is formed.
  3. Using litmus paper, we check the pH of the mixture. A suitable pH level for an orchid is 4.8-5.2. If it is higher, then you need to add a little lemon juice to the mixture, if, on the contrary, it is low, the level rises by adding a solution of baking soda. These ingredients are added drop by drop in small doses.
  4. Pour the mixture into prepared containers no more than 2 cm thick... When pouring, you need to pay attention to the fact that the liquid should not get on the walls of the dishes, this can lead to the appearance of fungus. Together with the culture medium, containers are tightly closed with lids, sterilized, for this it is better to use a pressure cooker or oven.

Video on preparing the culture medium for sowing

Growing scheme at home


After sterilization of containers with a nutrient medium, seeds are transferred into it using a pipette or syringe. It is advisable to do this over steam so that microorganisms and pores in the air do not get into the crop, and it remains sterile clean.

To evenly distribute the seeds, the mixture in the container is shaken a little and then closed with a lid.

This whole process is done very quickly, otherwise you can infect the seeds with microorganisms and all efforts will be in vain.

Sowing care

Ready containers with seeds are stored at a temperature of + 18-22 degrees. The lighting is the same as for adult plants. That is, they cannot be placed in direct sunlight, the light must be diffused for at least 12 hours a day.

We observe the sowing for several days and if no foreign plaque and other mucous formations appear, then we can conclude that the planting was successful. After some time, you can observe the appearance of small green balls, later rhizoids will appear, and then several leaves are formed in each plant. Following the appearance of leaves, seedlings begin to grow roots.

Planting sprouts in a pot

Seedlings are planted in the substrate after a year of being in flasks. Sometimes this is done earlier due to an insufficient amount of nutrients in the environment, which can be determined by the condition of the plant, for example, it may appear dark spots on sheets. For this sprouts are gently washed away from their growing medium... Water with sprouts is poured into a sterile container, most often a Petri dish is used for this, and it is disinfected by adding basezol (2-3 drops). Then the seedlings are placed in a substrate prepared in advance. The sprouts are moved with a soft brush or tweezers to avoid damaging them.

The substrate is made from small bark of conifers and sphagnum moss, before planting it must be poured with boiling water for 30 minutes. Drainage must be placed on the bottom of the dish under the substrate.

After planting young plants in the substrate, they need to create conditions that resemble greenhouse ones, namely: add artificial lighting, ensure humidity at least 60%, abundant watering.

Orchid is a very beautiful, but at the same time, finicky plant. To grow an orchid from seeds, you will have to make a lot of effort at all stages of its development, follow every millimeter of soil in which it grows, accurately measure the amount of water and fertilizer applied. But the result is worth it: if you take care of it carefully enough, then the output will be a healthy and lush flower. He will delight both the gardener and everyone around him.

Let's start by choosing seed... Several types of these plants are suitable for a home indoor "climate", but Phalaenopsis orchid varieties are the most common, which are well adapted to our natural conditions. Gardeners also choose seeds of wanda, cymbidium, zygopatelum, dendrobium.

To choose quality material on the Internet, you can focus on the degree of recognition and scale of the manufacturing company. This is certainly not 100%, but large businesses are less likely to run the risk of selling counterfeits. Best option- this is to consult with other gardeners who will suggest reliable companies. Florists often buy from China through special sites. This method is more reliable and less expensive.

Although in reality the seed looks more like dust, but after special treatment, it looks like ordinary garden seeds. Due to this, many dishonest sellers in the market can sell you regular grass for the price of orchids. In order not to fall for fake or low-quality raw materials, you must carefully choose a flower shop and, preferably, with a good reputation. You can also consult with other florists. In terms of reliability and price, this method is not much inferior to the first. In our country, unfortunately, Orchid seeds are very expensive, but the quality often does not match the price.

Preparation of sterile substrate and soil

Before growing orchids from seeds, you need to buy or prepare a special sterile soil. Only such a nutrient medium is suitable for germinating the seeds of a delicate plant.

So, to prepare the soil for the germination of Orchids, you need to take simple components: agar-agar (8 g), glucose (10 g), fructose (10 g), activated carbon (1 g), nitrogen-phosphate-potassium fertilizers (1.5 d), root-forming stimulant (5 drops), distilled water (1 l). All components are purchased from gardening stores and drugstores.

The recipe for soil for planting an orchid at home begins with boiling 0.5 liters of distilled water. Then glucose, fructose and agar-agar are added there. The whole is cooked together until the agar-agar is completely dissolved.

Then we take another half liter of water, boil and remove from heat. We add phytostimulant, fertilizer and coal. Mix and combine the two liquids. Now you need to check the pH, since the orchid only grows in an environment with a pH of 4.8-5.2.

Bringing the pH level to the desired mark, pour the hot solution into sterile flasks, 30 ml in each. After that, you need to sterilize everything again and seal it with a special lid (a piece of cotton wool wrapped in several layers of sterile gauze). Before planting an orchid with seeds in flasks, it is necessary to carry out a 4-5 day check - if mold appears, then this material is unsuitable for growing orchids there.

Pot selection

Before planting an orchid, you need to pick up a good place for its germination. For these purposes, a small glass flask, or a jar with a narrow neck, is well suited. It is important that this vessel can be sterilized and that it can be conveniently closed with a cotton lid.

After that, it is best to use clay pots. different sizes corresponding to the parameters of the plant and the root system. During growth, the flower is regularly planted in a larger container, as this contributes to its normal development.

To find out that a grown orchid already has little space in its current pot, you need to look at the hole below. If roots are already peeping out decently from it, then perhaps it's time to find a larger habitat. The main thing in choosing a pot is to make the orchid comfortable.

Seed preparation and sowing

Planting orchids begins with preparing the seeds. First and foremost is sterilization. Before sowing, all future plants are treated with a solution of bleach. Liquid is poured into the container, seeds are added and gently shaken for 10 minutes.

Also, before planting orchid seeds, you must first prepare the tools. A pressure-cup is perfect, and a regular gas stove will do.

First, you need to boil water and place a flask (jar) with a hot substrate in it and sterilize it at high temperature... Then the treated seeds are sown into the resulting disinfected solution. This should be done with sterile instruments, for example, a pipette. Then the solution with the seeds is mixed and the jar is corked with cotton wool in gauze.

After about a week, orchid inflorescences, leaves and roots will begin to appear.

Seedling care

Growing from seeds is a laborious process, but the result is worth it. Especially when it comes to orchids. After the seedlings have grown sufficiently in the flasks (and this will happen no earlier than a year later), they are moved into the ground. But, before that, the sprouts need to be prepared.

The seedlings are carefully removed from the flask and washed out of the substrate with water. It also helps to separate the plants from one another. Then 2-3 drops of foundationazol are dripped, mixed again and planted with a brush into the prepared soil.

Soil that is suitable for orchids of this age can be prepared from combinations of elements such as: charcoal and pine bark; coal, sphagnum, pine chips; coal, pine bark, peat, humus. If moss is used, then it must first be soaked for a day, so that the insects float away. The bark and peat must be chopped, doused with boiling water and dried.

Breeding of orchids cannot take place without observing a certain "climate": humidity 60%, daylight 12-14 hours, temperature 18-23 degrees. At first, it is necessary to strictly observe such measures, since immature orchid sprouts cannot yet adequately cope with any fluctuations in environmental conditions.

Growing difficulties

Growing orchids from seeds at home is always accompanied by some difficulties. And the first is the need to keep everything in sterile (without exaggeration) conditions. Everything is subject to disinfection: flasks, seeds, tools, substrate. Therefore, before growing an orchid from seeds at home, you need to prepare well and qualitatively.

Video "Growing Orchids at Home"

In this video, you will learn how to properly grow orchids at home.

Phalaenopsis orchid - herbaceous plant orchid family. In the wild, this plant lives in moist warm forests. Phalaenopsis is represented by 3-6 wide leaves, arranged alternately, between which a peduncle grows, represented by a flexible long branch.

The number of flowers depends on the care and variety of the plant, flowers can have any color, spots and stripes.

Even an inexperienced florist can reproduce phalaenopsis.

Breeding conditions

To obtain positive results in the reproduction of orchids, a number of rules must be followed. Choose the right landing time, observe temperature regime, humidity and choose the right plant from which we will take planting material.


It is best to breed the phalaenopsis orchid when the plant is coming to the end of the flowering phase- then the resources of the flower will be used for reproduction.


The ideal humidity for Phalaenopsis orchids is 50-80%. A moisture content of 25-85% is possible, but optimal moisture is important for healthy reproduction.


Great for reproduction of phalaenopsis temperature from 28 to 30 degrees, the temperature is higher than normal, but lower is not recommended.

The general condition of the orchid

Suitable for breeding only individuals without diseases... A diseased plant may have black, mucus or yellow leaves, leaves of an unnatural color, if you see at least one of the signs, postpone reproduction until the plant recovers.

Reproduction methods of the Phalaenopsis orchid

In order to propagate the Phalaenopsis orchid, there are several ways, below we will take a closer look at each of them.

Division of the stem (cuttings of the peduncle)

One of the common methods of reproduction of the Phalaenopsis orchid is vegetative propagation, or cuttings - dividing the stem of the peduncle into parts. The optimal season for this is late spring - early summer.

We get cuttings from the trunk

You can learn more about orchid stem cuttings from the video below:

How to grow in water?

Reproduction of the phalaenopsis orchid can be done by cutting off the peduncle. This method is suitable when the mother plant is very sick and cannot be saved.

How to propagate phalaenopsis in water?

Important conditions for caring for a cut peduncle

  • The temperature should not exceed 25 and not exceed 28 degrees; under other conditions, not a baby will grow from the kidney, but a peduncle.
  • Into a bottle with clean water in addition to activated carbon, you can add mineral fertilizer at a concentration of 1: 4 from the usual.
  • Separate baby when u young plant 3-4 leaves and roots of at least 3-6 cm will appear. Just cut it off along with a part of the peduncle, plant it in a transparent pot filled with bark and do not allow direct sunlight to hit.

How to plant babies

It is important that the plant has already left the flowering phase, was absolutely healthy and had a peduncle no older than 1.5-2 years.

The baby itself looks like a bud located on a peduncle.

Important conditions:

  1. It is advisable to start stimulating the growth of the kidney in February. The flower should be placed on the west or east side, shading the leaves and allowing the sun's rays to fall only on the peduncle.
  2. The temperature during the day should reach 27 degrees, and at night it should be in the region of 16-17 degrees.
  3. It is advisable to reduce watering of phalaenopsis to a minimum.
  4. Top dressing cannot be applied until the kidney wakes up. After about a month of such care, the sleeping kidney wakes up.

After the kidney wakes up, you need to:

  • Move the plant to a warm but shaded place. Do not expose your baby to direct sunlight.
  • Normalize your plant's watering schedule.
  • Contribute foliar feeding, that is, on the leaves. When the plant is sufficiently developed, the root can be applied.
    After about six months, the baby will have 2-3 leaves and roots longer than 2-3 cm, you will need to carefully separate it from the mother plant and transplant it into a pot.

You can learn more about the reproduction of the Phalaenopsis orchid by children from the video below:

How to propagate with cytokinin paste?

The method of reproduction of the phalaenopsis orchid with cytokinin paste is one of the simplest and most rewarding. It is better to use this method at the end of winter or in spring, when the plant has the most vitality and energy.

Attention! Cytokinin paste can only be stored in the refrigerator!

So, to start growing a bud on a peduncle stalk, using a paste, you need to follow the instructions below.

  1. Use a sterile knife or needle to scratch the surface of the peduncle.
  2. Apply approximately 1.5-2.3 millimeters of paste to the scratch area. After about 10 days, the bud will begin to germinate. The best option- apply the paste with a toothpick. Apply it a little more, with an insufficient amount of cytokinin paste, a new peduncle will arise, and not a bud.
  3. To awaken the budding bud, cut off the scales that protect it and apply the same amount of paste to the bud.
  4. After 10-20 days, the bud will wake up, let it grow two or three leaves and 3-5 cm roots and plant the baby in a pot. Do not expose to the sun.

Reproduction by seeds with a photo at home

Seed propagation is one of the most difficult ways, previously it was considered impossible.
The main reasons why this method is not used too often and takes so much time and effort:

  • Orchid seeds are very small and almost impossible to see with the naked eye.
  • They have there is no endosperm. Endosperm is the tissue that surrounds the embryo, nourishing it and preventing the harmful effects of the environment from damaging the embryo.
  • Any interaction with environment, diseases and deviations from the standards of care leads to the death of the plant.

How to grow a phalaenopsis orchid from seeds, step by step instructions?

To get orchid seeds yourself, you need to carefully pollinate the flower with a toothpick, as in the photo below. Or you can buy ready-made seeds.

After successful pollination, the bolls of orchids begin to grow.

After 6 months, the boxes with Phalaenopsis orchid seeds ripen.

To take the next step, you need to prepare a nutrient medium for the plant. There are several recipes for making a formula.

Recipe 1

You will need 10-20 grams of agar-agar powder, 10 grams of fructose, the same amount of glucose, a little phosphoric acid, calcium carbonate, and about 200 ml of purified water. let the agar-agar swell in water, pour the resulting jelly into boiling water and add fructose with glucose, calcium carbonate and acid. Stir until you get a homogeneous substance without crystals.

Recipe 2

Another recipe for a nutrient medium. We need:

  • 400 ml of distilled water;
  • 100 ml tomato juice;
  • 20 grams of sugar;
  • 40 grams of banana;
  • 0.5 ml fertilizer for orchids;
  • 2 tablets of activated carbon;
  • 0.5 g of honey.

You need to grow an orchid in glass tubes with sealed stoppers. If you do not have such tubes, use small jars with very tight screw caps. Sterilize the jars thoroughly, pour 30-50 ml of the nutrient mixture into them.

Attention! It is very important to make the environment sterile, otherwise the plants in the mixture will develop mold and the plants will not germinate.

Re-sterilize the jars by pouring the resulting solution there in a water bath and leave for 3-6 days to make sure that the disinfection was successful. If mold appears, this solution must not be used!

Cover the seeds with 1% chlorine lime solution and let sit for 15-20 minutes. Actively shake the container 3-5 times during this time.

Take a small saucepan with boiling water, cover it with a wire rack with cells in which you can fix flasks or jars of culture medium. The lids should also lie side by side for disinfection.

Gently draw the seeds out of the bleach solution and place into the culture medium using a sterile syringe. Close the containers carefully and place them in the greenhouse.

After six months, carefully open the containers. In case of successful seed germination, you will see sprouts in the jar as in the photo below.

Pour in 40-60 ml of warm water, shake until dissolved. Pour the resulting substance into a wide bowl and add 2-5 drops of 1% Furnadzol solution. Now let your germinated seeds sit for 15-20 minutes.

Now, using the smallest, thinnest and softest brush, plant the germinated seeds one at a time in the pots of nutritious soil from bark and moss. Add crushed fern roots and a few crushed activated charcoal tablets to the soil.

After about six months, it will be possible to transplant the seedlings into the soil intended for adult plants. Unfortunately, the flowering of orchids grown in this way should not be expected earlier than in 4-7 years.

How do Phalaenopsis reproduce by roots?

Orchid propagation by roots is within the power of even a beginner.

  1. Lift the plant above the pot and gently loosen the soil.
  2. Cut the rhizome with a sterile knife or secateurs, leaving 2-3 pseudobulbs per sprout.
  3. Powder the slices with charcoal powder.
  4. Plant each separated part in a separate pot with fresh soil, spray twice a day until true leaves and good roots appear. After a while, you will have a healthy plant!

Possible breeding errors

Important mistakes in the reproduction of the phalaenopsis orchid are:

  • Using a diseased plant for propagation. It is important to remember that a plant with unhealthy leaf color, black roots covered with mucus is an important sign that such a plant should not be used for reproduction.
  • The only reproduction method that can be used with a diseased plant is reproduction in water.
  • Important remember to sterilize the sections, regular watering.
  • Do not expose plants to direct sunlight, this is harmful and dangerous for a plant in the process of reproduction.
  • It is necessary to give the plant optimal temperature, lighting and humidity, abnormality may fail.

Baby care

In order not only to get a baby, but also to grow it into a healthy and beautiful plant, it is important not to forget about proper care.

  • Small plants should be planted in the same pots as grown-up plants: transparent, with big amount holes. You can also add to fresh soil taken from the pot of the mother plant in a 1: 1 ratio.
  • It is important that young phalaenopsis receive optimal conditions: The temperature and humidity should be ideal, and do not expose the sprouts to direct sunlight.
  • Top dressing should be applied depending on the breeding method.

Useful video

You can learn more about the reproduction of Phalaenopsis from the video below:

Instead of a conclusion

In fact, even a completely inexperienced beginner can create one or two more orchids in his home, propagating at home, the main thing is to follow the instructions and not lose faith in yourself!

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Orchids are beautiful flowers and few people can safely pass by this miracle. How do you get this plant?

You can just buy it in the store, or you can try to grow it yourself from seeds.


Let's start with what the seeds of the plant look like (photo below). In the capsules growing on the orchid, there are seeds. They can only be viewed under a microscope. They resemble dust, so small they are... Each seed is 15,000 times smaller than a grain of wheat.

Phalaenopsis seed size.

Storage conditions

Important! Since phalaenopsis grows at home, to get seeds

brush the flowers

Transferring the pollen, then the capsules will grow.

Tie a napkin to the boxes so that if the box suddenly cracks, everything from it spills out onto a napkin.

The capsule, when ripe, turns brown or remains green. But she surely cracks.

Then cut the box off and sprinkle the seeds onto a piece of paper. After divide them into several parts... Wrap each piece in white paper.

Place in small plastic containers and refrigerate.

Orchid seed capsule.

From China

Grow phalaenopsis from seeds from China You can order them on the Chinese website AliExpress. It costs a little less than buying from sellers from Russia, and it is easier to order them. However, read the reviews carefully so as not to buy a fake.

Germination at home

Important! Since the seeds are small, even a small external influence can lead to their death. Therefore, remember to sterilize the jars, flasks, and solution. Also, the seeds do not have endosperm, which helps to assimilate the necessary elements from the earth. Because of this, it is quite difficult to grow phalaenopsis in this way.

Prepare glass jars 100 ml each with screw caps. Drill small holes in the caps and place cotton wool in them. This technique prevents explosion during sterilization.

Yet it is better to take flasks from glass, in the form of cones that taper upwards. Cover the flasks with cotton balls, wrapping the cotton with foil in several layers.

Purchase or make your own solution. Prepare:

  • 8 g agar agar;
  • 1.5 g nitroammophoska;
  • 10 g glucose;
  • 1 g of crushed activated carbon;
  • 10 g fructose;
  • 5 drops of Heteroauxin or Kornevin;
  • 1 liter of distilled water.

Then pour 0.5 liters of water into a saucepan, bring water to a boil, reduce heat, add agar-agar, fructose, glucose. Stir continuously until the agar is completely dissolved.

Pour the remaining 0.5 liters of water into another pan, put on the fire, when the water begins to boil, then remove the pan from the heat, drip 5 drops of Heteroauxin or Kornevin, 1.5 g of nitroammofoska, 1 g of coal. Mix all ingredients. Combine both compositions.

Ready-made nutritional mixture.

Seeds for germination a special nutrient solution is required with an acidity of 4.8-5.2 pH. Buy a pH meter to measure acidity.

If the acidity needs to be lowered, then use a potash solution, and if it is increased, then phosphoric acid.

Sterilize jars and flasks this can be done with a medical sterilizer or pressure cooker. The sterilization time is half an hour, the temperature is 120-130 °.

Then leave it on for 4-5 days. If you have not sterilized the solution and flasks enough, mold will develop in them.

Make a 10% bleach solution. Shake the bleach solution to completely dissolve the bleach, filter.

Then put the seeds in the bleach solution, hold for 10 minutes, then sow.

Place the wire rack on a pot of water and place the flasks on the wire rack. Seeds that are in the bleach solution are pipetted out of the solution and placed in flasks. Then close the flasks with cotton swabs.

Place a pot of flasks in a room with an air temperature of 18-23 °, good lighting should be 12-14 hours out of 24 hours.

Sprouts can form in 2-3 weeks, and maybe in 2-3 months. When sprouts appear, transplant them into a new nutrient solution.

Orchid sprouts.

For planting prepare one of these substrates:

  • mix 5 parts pine bark and 1 part charcoal;
  • mix 5 parts pine chips, 2 parts sphagnum moss and charcoal;
  • mix in equal proportions charcoal, peat, pine bark, and 3 parts of humus.

Before mixing the substrate, it is required to prepare its individual parts:

  • immerse sphagnum moss in water for a day, then all existing insects will emerge, and you will remove them;
  • cut peat into small pieces, chop the bark into chips, then pour over with boiling water, dry.

At the bottom of a transparent plastic dish, pour drainage from rubble, pieces of brick. Then, until the middle, pour the substrate into the dishes, then add a layer of crushed stone or crushed brick, and then again the substrate. The height of the dish should be equal to the diameter of the roots.

Then transfer the sprouts to the substrate. Pour a little water into a flask, shake it to separate the sprouts. Pour water with sprouts into a container, drip 2-3 drops of foundation. Gently pick up the seedlings with a brush and transfer to the substrate.

Useful videos

Watch the video from detailed description orchid seeds:

Watch the video on how to make Seed Nutrient Blend:

The following video shows sowing seeds:

The video below shows the seeding result after a year:


An orchid can be propagated in several ways, for example, by cuttings or a peduncle. But you can also do it with seeds. If you decide to grow phalaenopsis in this way, then remember that it is a laborious process. Such plants bloom only after 5 years of their growth.

Indoor orchid (especially the most widespread variety of phalaenopsis in our country) can not leave indifferent any woman. But given the considerable price of plants, more and more often we are thinking about ordering orchid seed material from China and germinating it ourselves. As far as possible and what will be the result - will those fabulous flowers that are full of offers for sale really grow?

How to tell real seeds from fake seeds

It turns out that growing orchids from seeds is possible, but only if the material is chosen correctly. This is especially important to consider when ordering orchid seeds from China - there are sellers offering something that does not even remotely resemble real orchid seeds. In fact, they are very small and look like dust. They are unlikely to be obtained on their own: they become available only in special laboratories.

When placing an order with seeds on Chinese sites, we often get large seeds, from which we can grow beautiful houseplants but it won't be orchids.

Proper seed handling

Let's say you managed to get real seeds. Keep in mind that they are extremely vulnerable, and can easily be attacked by various pathogenic microorganisms (which will certainly affect during germination). To prevent this, when working with seed, strict sterility must be observed, which is not always possible when sowing seeds from China at home. Even if all tools and equipment are sterilized, there is still no guarantee that the material will remain healthy.

How to choose soil for seeds

Before planting such capricious seeds, carefully prepare suitable soil... It should consist of the correct ratio of organic and inorganic components, as well as agar-agar. It is best to purchase a ready-made formula in a specialized store, and do not forget to sterilize it. Do not confuse the mixture in which the seeds are germinated with ordinary orchid soil: the planting medium is a jelly-like mass.

In general, it is very, very difficult to grow a full-fledged orchid from seeds at home. In order for such a "Chinese" indoor orchid to at least germinate, it must be planted in a container that can be hermetically closed after sowing. In this form, the container with seedlings can be set aside for about 9 months - the first shoots will not appear earlier. The sprouts that have appeared can be together for a long time - they will need separate pots no earlier than in a few years.

Basic landing rules

When the seed orchids have grown enough, they need to be transplanted into a separate pot. This must be done carefully, trying not to damage the delicate roots of the plant. The whole procedure involves the following actions:

  • remove the plant, carefully freeing the roots from the old soil mixture;
  • carefully examine the condition of the root system, if necessary, remove dried root shoots with scissors, as well as those that were damaged during extraction;
  • we select a pot that is suitable for the size;
  • We pour a little new soil mixture into it, place the plant and add more soil, so that it completely fills all the free space between the roots. It is important to leave the growth point on the surface;
  • in a pot with a planted orchid, the soil should be lightly tamped (rather, just pressed) and moistened.

That's all, the transplant of a self-grown orchid is completed. Now the plant needs rest - put it in the shade for the next few days to adapt.

Taking care of a room orchid, over time, we notice that so-called aerial roots begin to appear - processes that develop outside the soil, trying to leave the pot. There is no need to force them into the ground - they are quite capable of receiving the necessary moisture directly from the air.

Another tip related to growing orchids relates to the choice of a pot: you should not plant the crop in a ceramic container. The fact is that the roots of an orchid can grow to the walls, and then, if a transplant is necessary, you will definitely damage them. And one last thing: an indoor orchid may well do without regular watering, if you remember to spray it from a spray bottle.

Growing an orchid from a small seed is a troublesome and difficult business, until recently, many considered it simply unrealistic. But today, with the proper skill and ardent desire, many amateur flower growers are quite successfully achieving results by sprouting seeds at home, purchased on Chinese sites for mere pennies. We wish you the best of luck in this challenging endeavor, and we hope you find our advice useful.

Video "Growing an orchid at home"

In this video, you will learn how to grow an orchid at home.

Greetings to all blog readers and flower growers in particular.

The delicate and fragile beauty of the orchid, the variety of shades have attracted attention for a long time. First attempts to germinate seeds amazing flower often failed. For more than half a century, the difficulty has not been resolved. Now, propagating an indoor orchid with high-quality seed material is available not only to breeders, but also to many flower growers. Read on to learn how to plant orchid seeds from China.

Growing difficulties due to the characteristics of the seeds

For a long time, the physiological properties of orchid seed material have been seen as an insurmountable barrier for flower growers:

  • seeds so small size that seem to be dust;
  • they do not have endosperm, which allows them to assimilate nutrients from the soil;
  • weak insignificant external influence during germination leads to death;
  • the absence of endosperm makes the grains extremely susceptible to pathogenic microorganisms.

You can order orchid seeds in China on the AliExpress website, as many flower growers do. This way is easier and cheaper than searching from local sellers, where they can easily slip lawn grass instead of an orchid. However, the risk of getting low-quality material from China is also very high.

Seeds indoor orchid similar to dust, thousands of times smaller than a grain of wheat.

Reproducing an orchid from seed is many times more difficult than any other. indoor flower... Before sowing, you should stock up on everything you need. You will need 100 ml jars that have screw caps or, better, glass cone flasks that taper upwards. Drill small holes in the lids and fill them with cotton wool. This will prevent possible explosion during sterilization. Stoppers for flasks are also made of cotton wool, then they are wrapped in several layers of foil.

How to prepare a sterile substrate yourself

A difficult question is a special breeding ground. You can buy it or make it yourself. Enough has been said about the preparation of the acquired substance, so we will focus on the independent preparation of the nutrient medium. You will need:

  • 8 g agar-agar;
  • 1.5 g of complex nitrogen-phosphorus-potassium fertilizers;
  • 10 g glucose;
  • 10 g fructose;
  • 1 g of ground activated carbon;
  • 5 drops of root-forming stimulant;
  • 1 liter of distilled water.

The nutrient substrate at home is prepared using the following technology:

  1. Boil half a liter of distilled water, add fructose, glucose, agar-agar. Cook over low heat, stirring constantly, until the agar-agar is completely dissolved.
  2. Heat another half a liter of water in another container, barely boil, remove, add drops of phytostimulant, fertilizer, coal. Mix well, combine both solutions.
  3. We bring the acidity of the composition to the desired indicator. To lower the pH, a solution of potash is used, to increase it, orthophosphoric acid. Orchid seeds require 4.8-5.2 pH.
  4. We carry out sterilization of dishes. Autoclaves are used, time - 30 minutes, temperature - 120-130 °. You can use a medical sterilizer or pressure cooker.
  5. We pour 30 mg of hot nutrient substance into flasks.
  6. We sterilize the culture medium. Flasks should be capped and sterilized for half an hour.
  7. We control the quality of the sterilization performed for 4-5 days. If fungal spores are present in a closed flask, mold will form. Such a substrate is not suitable for use.

Seed preparation and sowing

Seeds are also sterilized. Pre-make a 10% solution of bleach. The mixture is shaken for a long time to dissolve the bleach, filtered. The seeds are kept for 10 minutes, immediately planted.

For sowing, a simple device is used that additionally sterilizes the seeds. A lattice is placed on a container with water, on it is a substrate in a flask. The sterilized seeds are drawn in with a pipette from the solution and placed on the surface of the substrate. Then the flasks should be closed with cotton swabs, put on germination. Control the temperature: 18-23 °, daylight hours should last 12-14 hours.

You can watch a video about sowing orchid seeds at the end of the article.

How to grow seedlings

Germination lasts an indefinite time: from several weeks to months. The sprouts are transplanted into a new nutrient medium that has just been prepared. At this stage, infection is possible, which will destroy the work. It is recommended to wait a year, and only then transfer the seedlings. A non-sterile substrate is preliminarily prepared.

How to prepare orchid soil

Various components are used for cooking. The main thing is to observe proportions. Here are examples of several available formulations:

  • charcoal and 5 parts of pine bark;
  • coal, sphagnum 2 parts, pine chips - 5;
  • charcoal, pine bark, peat in equal parts and 3 parts of humus.

The components must be prepared in advance:

  • moss must be soaked in water for a day for insects to surface;
  • peat is cut into small pieces, the bark into chips, everything is poured over with boiling water, dried.

How to prepare the dishes

Drainage is done in containers at the bottom. Use pieces of brick, crushed stone, polystyrene. To the middle, the dishes are filled with a substrate, then a thick layer of drainage is arranged. The substrate is again placed on top.

The dishes are carefully selected so that their height is equal to the diameter of the roots. Transparent plastic cups are perfect for beginners, in which it is good to observe the condition of the roots. Clay pots with glaze inside are perfect.

To transfer the seedlings to the ground, they are washed out of the substrate. A little water is poured into a flask, shaken in a circle until the seedlings separate. Water with seedlings is poured into a container, foundationol is added (2-3 drops). The sprouts are carefully taken with a brush and transferred to the ground. At further care the humidity is maintained at 60%, the temperature and daylight hours remain the same.

To see the flowers of an orchid grown from seeds, you need to be patient: it will take 5 years before the time when the plant will thank you for your efforts.

Growing orchids from seed is not easy, but exciting and profitable.

Until next time. Tell your friends about this article.

Phalaenopsis Orchid is one of the most unpretentious to maintain. There are several ways to reproduce Phalaenopsis at home. This article will show you how to get multiple specimens from one flower!

Phalaenopsis Orchid - description

Phalaenopsis is a genus of epiphytic orchids, which has about forty species. In nature, these orchids grow mainly in Southeast Asia near water.

This genus of orchids was first discovered by the Dutch botanist Blume. In the dark, he saw large butterflies sitting on some kind of plant. Imagine the surprise of the botanist when, coming closer, he discovered that these were not butterflies, but flowers!

Blume called this flower "Phalaenopsis", which in Greek means "like a butterfly." It happened in 1825. Since then, Phalaenopsis began its march to the homes of florists as an exquisite and expensive flower.

Phalaenopsis has a wide range of colors. Flowers are the most different colors and shades, monochromatic and multi-colored.

Phalaenopsis Orchid - gallery

White Phalaenopsis
Burgundy Phalaenopsis
Blue Phalaenopsis
Yellow Phalaenopsis
Peach Phalaenopsis
Variegated Phalaenopsis
Multicolored Phalaenopsis
Pink Phalaenopsis
Black Phalaenopsis

Requirements for the maintenance and care of orchids - table

Temperature Humidity Rest time Bloom Lighting
In summer from +20 to +30 o C
In winter from +16 to +28 o C
The critical lower threshold is +13 o C; critical upper threshold + 33 ° C
A minimum of 50% humidity is required. During the heat
Warm showers and sprays can be arranged 1-2 times a week. Do not spray or wet the leaves at low temperatures!
Brief rest between blooms.It blooms most often in winter and spring, but can almost all year round with breaks for rest.
To bloom at night, you need a temperature of +18, during the day + 26 + 28
Diffused light. It can put up with a lack of illumination, but additional lighting is needed for flowering in winter.
Duration of daylight hours:
12 hours in winter and 14 hours in summer.

Caring for Phalaenopsis is quite simple and even inexperienced growers can do it. That's why this orchid is one of the most popular for home cultivation.

How to propagate Phalaenopsis

Of course, I would like to have such beauty in more than one copy. If you only have one orchid, you can get several out of it!

It is necessary to propagate the orchid even when the bush is already old. With proper care and quality substrate, Phalaenopsis can live for a very long time. With aging, they just need to be updated by cutting off the top and planting it in a new substrate.

Phalaenopsis can only be propagated from an adult plant.... He must have at least five healthy leaves, a developed root system and an age of three years.

Breeding methods:

  1. children;
  2. sockets;
  3. seeds.

The simplest of these are breeding by children and dividing the socket.

The sometimes indicated method of reproduction by the "peduncle" is nothing more than reproduction by children.

Mandatory conditions for different ways breeding:

  1. instruments must be sterilized;
  2. all sections must be treated with an antiseptic (activated carbon, turmeric or green stuff);
  3. water should be boiled, warm.

With any method of reproduction, the orchid must be provided good care, and before and after flowering, feed with potassium-phosphorus fertilizer.

It is best to use ready-made orchid fertilizers, then you will not be mistaken in the dosage.

How to feed a plant - video

Reproduction by children at home

Children sometimes appear on the peduncle of Phalaenopsis. They can grow in place of flowers or at the same time as flowers.

The easiest way to distinguish between a baby and a peduncle is initial stage development as follows: the tip of the peduncle is rounded, and the tip of the baby is sharp. When they grow up a little, you will see a difference in the leaves that develop in children and in the shape of the growing flower bud.

To propagate Phalaenopsis with the help of children, you just need to wait for the roots to grow up in the child and plant it in a separate pot.

First, let's look at how you can get babies on an orchid.

Obtaining with cytokinin paste

Most often, babies appear either on old or problem bushes. The flower reacts to this by the appearance of children: "It's time to multiply!" When an orchid does not want to raise children in any way, you need to use phytohormones - cytokinin paste.

Necessary conditions for using the paste:

  • when using cytokinin paste for reproduction, you need to keep the processed flower at an elevated temperature: + 30 + 32 ° C;
  • at night it is advisable not to allow a temperature difference of more than 2 degrees;
  • before the formation of children, it is necessary to spray the orchid nitrogen fertilizer Once a week;
  • too much paste cannot be applied, it is enough on the tip of a cotton swab;
  • for processing, select the upper and lower dormant buds.

It is best to feed the orchid with nitrogen in the form of ammonia ( ammonia). Half a teaspoon in 1 liter of water. This solution should be sprayed on the leaves and peduncles.

There is Uniflor-growth fertilizer on sale, which can also be used for nitrogen fertilization. Reduce the dose by half.

When can cytokinin paste be used:

  • when the plant is healthy;
  • during the rest of the orchid, and not during flowering;
  • if the orchid is from three years old and has at least five leaves on its stem.

Do not use the paste on more than three buds of the same plant, on too young (less than 3 years old) or weakened orchids.

The appearance of babies usually occurs in a period of up to two weeks.

Make sure that the paste does not get on your skin, because it is a hormonal preparation!

Step-by-step instructions for use

  1. Open the treated dormant buds on the peduncle by tearing off the scales with tweezers or a toothpick.
  2. Apply the paste to the tip of a cotton swab and gently spread it over the kidney.
  3. Place the orchid in diffused light in a warm place.
  4. Spray the treatment area without allowing the paste to dry out.

How Phalaenopsis reproduces using cytokinin paste - video

How to raise children on a cut peduncle

If for some reason you cut the peduncles, then you can grow children on them. It is necessary to cut the peduncles, for example, if the plant is weakened and needs treatment.

  1. Place the peduncle in activated charcoal water tinted slightly with Methylene Blue (available from the aquarist department).
  2. Do not pour a lot of water, a little above the cut of the peduncle.
  3. Change the water 2 times a week.

Baby Phalaenopsis on a cut peduncle - video

Caring for children of an orchid on a peduncle

After the formation of children, it is necessary to spray them with nitrogen fertilizer once a week.

When they are older, wrap a little clean moss around the stem to speed up root formation. Fasten the moss loosely with a thread.

Do not let the moss dry out too much.

Planting in a substrate

When you received a Phalaenopsis baby with roots, you need to separate it from the mother bush and plant it in a substrate.

To get started, prepare a pot for each child and a pine bark and charcoal substrate. A lot of coal is not needed, about a third of the total volume of the bark.

Large pieces of bark can be broken up with scissors or pruning shears. Do not forget to treat all tools with an antiseptic! There is no need to add dust from the bark to the substrate.

It is better to take plastic pots or use plastic shallow cups. The main thing is that they let light through! At the bottom of the pot you need to make holes.

For a transplant, you will need:

  • small pine bark (7–10 mm);
  • small pieces of birch charcoal;
  • sphagnum moss;
  • potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate);
  • pots by the number of children;
  • fine expanded clay or perlite for drainage;
  • disinfected knife;
  • warm boiled water in a spray bottle.

When choosing moss, make sure that it is free of leaves and other rotting debris, it should not smell musty or mushrooms. High-quality moss does not disintegrate into small debris, but has long, non-blackened parts.

If the roots of the baby are twisted around the peduncle, then cut off the baby along with part of the peduncle so as not to break the small roots.

A piece of peduncle can be pulled out of the roots. Just gently twist the piece of the peduncle around its axis to separate it from the baby.

If you feel that the peduncle is difficult to separate and you can damage the baby, then leave it by treating it with an antiseptic.

Phalaenopsis baby step-by-step planting

  1. Boil the pine bark, cool and dry for three hours.
  2. Soak the moss in a pink solution of potassium permanganate for 15 minutes, rinse in a boiled warm water and dry.
  3. Pour fine expanded clay or perlite at the bottom of the pot;
  4. Rock the baby from side to side to separate it from the peduncle.
  5. Place the baby in the middle of the pot, cover with bark and charcoal, and put moss on top.
  6. Spray moss from a spray bottle with warm boiled water.
  7. Place the pot in a warm, bright place.
  8. For the first three days, do not water the transplanted children, then monitor the state of the substrate.

Features of care for the growth and growth of the root system

  1. Make sure that children do not get direct Sun rays and do not allow the substrate to dry out! The swamp, of course, does not need to be done either.
  2. Twice a month you need to feed the kids with nitrogen fertilizer. Use a fertilizer for orchids, reducing the dosage by two to three times.
  3. It is convenient to grow pots with children in a backlit aquarium. The humidity stays there longer, the temperature is more stable and there is enough light. Expanded clay is poured onto the bottom of the aquarium and moistened. Pots with children are placed on top.
  4. When the kids grow up and grow a good root system, they will need to be transplanted into a more spacious pot.

Do not add anything superfluous to the substrate, especially peat!

How to stimulate the formation of roots in Phalaenopsis children - video

Reproduction by dividing the outlet

The rosette is divided when the orchid has grown up, and it is possible to divide it into the lower and upper parts.

You need to divide so that there are a sufficient number of roots and the main number of leaves on the upper part. Only the stump of the rosette and roots can be left from the bottom. New orchid bushes will begin to grow from the hemp.

Prepare a new substrate for the bottom and a pot and substrate for the top of the orchid.

  • Substrate: pine bark, pieces of charcoal.
  • At the bottom of the pot, you can put a drainage from expanded clay or large perlite, and on top of the substrate - pure sphagnum.

Step-by-step instructions for the process

  1. Remove the orchid bush from the pot.
  2. Free the roots from the old substrate.
  3. Determine the location of the cut.
  4. Cut off the top, being careful not to damage the roots.
  5. Cut off all diseased and dry roots, if necessary, soak for half an hour in a solution for treatment.
  6. Treat all sections with an antiseptic after a little drying.
  7. Plant both sides of the rosette in the substrate.
  8. You need to water in the usual way, when the roots from Green colour become silvery gray.

Additional tips:

  • peduncles at the top can be left if they are not dried up;
  • preparations for soaking roots: Fitosporin, Fitolavin, Epin (you can use them together or separately);
  • when planting, try to fill the voids with the substrate, using a stick and shaking the pot.

There are times when a baby grows up next to the main bush and two sockets are obtained. In this case, the course of action is the same, only you need to separate the bushes in the middle between the outlets.

How to divide a Phalaenopsis bush - video

Feedback on the reproduction of the Phalaenopsis orchid by dividing the rosette

I just chipped a top with air roots, anointed the stump with green stuff and put it on a piece of foam surrounded by bark.

I did not cut the leaves and did not shake out the stump from the pot. The crown did not notice the sabotage, did not even miss the flowering. And the baby [from the stump] was presented.

Seed propagation

The most difficult and lengthy way to reproduce Phalaenopsis is by seed. Orchids that have grown from seeds will bloom only after four years.

The first difficulty in seed reproduction- this is to ensure maximum sterility when sowing seeds. Orchid seeds are very small, they emerge within three weeks.

The second challenge is the growing medium for orchids. You can buy it ready-made through an order on the Internet, or make it yourself.

Sowing seeds is carried out in small sterilized jars, closed with a lid... Culture medium is poured into the jars and sterilized in water or in the oven.

Step-by-step instructions for pollination of orchid flowers

Pollination is necessary to set the fruit on the flower. This can be done with a toothpick. Choose top flowers for pollination.

Pollination can be crosswise (from one orchid to another) or directly on one orchid. Wait until all the flowers, except a few, crumble and start pollination. One pollination requires two flowers.

There is nothing complicated in this process. At the ends of the anthers there is a sticky layer - the adhesion, due to which they adhere well to the toothpick and to the anthers of the pollinated flower.

  1. Remove the anther from the flower column.
  2. We release the anther from the scales.
  3. We attach the anther to the anther of another flower.

How to pollinate orchid flowers - video

Seed pod ripening

Seed pods ripen from 3 to 8 months. Closer to three months, put a bag of breathable fabric on the box so that the seeds do not scatter when cracking. The bag must be boiled before use.

You can determine that the box will open soon by the first crack on it. But since it is difficult to accurately determine this moment, it is better to still use a bag.

Removing the capsule ahead of time, there is a risk of losing seed, because the seeds may not ripen.

How to determine the maturation of the Phalaenopsis seed box - video

Recipe for a nutrient medium for sowing orchid seeds

Wednesday is designed for 4-5 cans. Tins can be used in 200, 300 and 450 grams.

  1. Distilled water - 400 ml.
  2. Fertilizer for orchids - 0.5 ml or 6 g.
  3. Sugar - 4 gr.
  4. Honey - 4 gr.
  5. Agar-agar - 10 gr.
  6. Activated carbon - one tablet.
  7. Green banana puree - 25 gr.

Distilled water, charcoal, and agar are available over the counter.

Agar can be substituted with potato or corn starch (80 grams). Do not substitute gelatin for agar! The gelatin will melt and the seeds will drown.

Preparation of the culture medium

All ingredients must be ground and dissolved until smooth.

To sterilize the jars with the nutrient medium, place them on the bottom of the pan, pour water over the shoulders of the jar and keep it from the moment of boiling for 30 minutes. Repeat sterilization the next day.

  1. Knead activated charcoal with a spoon in a spoon.
  2. Mash the banana, or (even better) grind it with a blender.
  3. Pour distilled water into a container (not aluminum!).
  4. We put the water to a boil and add sugar to it to dissolve.
  5. After boiling, add honey, fertilizer, activated carbon, banana and agar.
  6. Stir everything until thick and remove from the stove.
  7. We sterilize the jars and pour the nutrient medium into them.

The sterilized medium can be stored in the refrigerator for several weeks.

Preparation of a nutrient medium for orchids - video

Sowing seeds on a substrate

It is convenient to use a torch for sterile inoculation. If you have a gas stove, it is best to do it on the stove. Wipe hands with antiseptic, or wear sterile gloves.

At all stages of sowing, everything should be as sterile as possible!

Wipe and sterilize the hob surface. Place the jars on it and light the burner.

  1. We take out the seeds from the seed pod with a sterile instrument little by little.
  2. We open the jar and, holding the neck over the fire, pour some seeds inside.
  3. Again we hold the neck of the can over the fire, close the lid and set it aside. We do this with each jar.

In the homeland of orchids, they do this: dip a seed (not dry!) ​​Box in ethyl alcohol and set it on fire.

How orchid seeds are sown in their homeland using fire - video

If you do not have a stationary burner or gas stove, then you can make holes in the lids and seal them with tape. Don't forget about sterility!

When sowing in this way, it is necessary to soak the seeds in a solution of 3% hydrogen peroxide and, typing them into a syringe, pour them into jars through the holes in the jars.

Each can must be opened immediately before sowing and covered with new tape.

Sowing orchid seeds on a sterile substrate without fire - video

Seed germination

Watch for seed germination. If you notice mold in any jar, you will have to remove the medium with seeds from it.

Seedlings appear within one to two months.

Do not worry that not all seedlings will survive, this is normal. When the seedlings grow up, and you will notice that the tips of the leaves have gradually begun to turn yellow, they need to be transplanted onto the moss.

Instructions for transplanting seedlings on moss

Prepare for transplant:

  • clean, disinfected with potassium permanganate moss;
  • a greenhouse treated with baking soda (for example, plastic box with lid);
  • a weak solution of potassium permanganate;
  • fertilizer for orchids, diluted in warm boiled water (three times less than the indicated dosage);
  • spray.

Use as fertilizer where in to a greater extent nitrogen is present (indicated in the composition).

  1. Place the moss in the greenhouse.
  2. Remove the seedlings from the jar.
  3. Rinse the seedlings from the substrate in a pale pink solution of potassium permanganate.
  4. Spray the moss with a fertilizer spray bottle.
  5. Set the seedlings on the moss so that they develop separately from each other.

Saplings for good development you need warmth and light. At first, open the lid only to moisten the moss.

When you notice the growth of roots, gradually accustom the seedlings to airing. Start with one minute a day. Next, add about a minute every other day until the cover is completely removed.

In a few months, it will be possible to transplant the seedlings, just like ordinary children, onto a bark substrate.

Transplanting Phalaenopsis babies from seeds to sphagnum moss - video

Reproduction problems of the Phalaenopsis orchid - table

Problem Cause Solution
The leaves of the children turn yellowLack of foodFeed the plants with fertilizer through spraying.
For a long time, children do not appear on the peduncle.The orchid is too comfortable and does not intend to reproduce.You can give Phalaenopsis a little stress. Reduce watering, do not feed, raise the temperature to 30-32 degrees. At the same time, make sure that the roots do not dry out!
Or apply forced way using cytokinin paste.
The peduncle has turned yellow or withered, and the baby has not yet given roots.Lack of nutrition of the mother plant. The orchid may be weak or young.Remove the baby, you can cut it off with part of the peduncle. Place the baby on the moss and cut the peduncle. Feed the baby through spraying, the fertilizer dose is three times less.
The mother plant needs treatment, and babies began to appear on the peduncles.Weakened plant improper care or poor quality substrate.Cut off the stalks and place them in water with activated charcoal powder. Change the water every three days (can be tinted with methylene blue). Spray the babies with top dressing once a week. Treat the mother bush and replace the substrate. When the peduncle withers, plant the children on the moss.
The top of the orchid is cut with a few roots that have dried up.The cut was made too high or the plant has not yet matured to this propagation method.Plant the top on moss, spray with fertilizer with increased content nitrogen (dosage is half as much). Fertilize once a week until roots appear. Then once a month.
Seeds do not germinate on the substratePerhaps there is not enough warmth and light.Place the pot in a backlit greenhouse.

Tips for successful breeding and the growth of Phalaenopsis.