Issuance of lifting money to young professionals. Payments to young professionals

The least popular industry in young people, such as the field of education and require additional incentive. Lifting payments In 2019, the state pays young professionals for the employment of the teacher in the first year after receiving a diploma. Especially acute with young educators and teachers is the countryside.

And additional encouragement measures, such as a preferential mortgage and lifting money - the only way to attract young people to work in the outback. Who is such a young specialist, under what conditions, teachers and other young professionals allocate benefits, try to understand this thematic material.

In the field of education, a young specialist can be considered a challenger of a certain age group, which decided to work in a specialty and employed on long term Immediately after graduation. But this general definitionwhich requires clarification.

The TK RF does not give a clear definition of the terminology "young specialist", while the article of this law determines the requirements for the applicant. Compliance with such criteria allows you to determine your belonging to a preferential category. So, a young specialist, this is a challenger who:

  • passed training in the stationary department;
  • has a diploma of the end of the Sousse / University;
  • studied at the budget department;
  • graduated from an educational institution;
  • it has been employed in the specialty in the one-year period after graduation;
  • works in a state educational institution;
  • settled on the first place of work;
  • is under the age of 35 (30 years for mortgage design);
  • employment for a period of at least 3 years under an employment contract.

Attention! Benefits in the form of lifting money is guaranteed by a young specialist only at the first place of work.

What gives the applicant the status of a young specialist?

So, a young specialist - former student pedagogical university or szov who has a diploma higher education, and decided to devote himself to work in budgetary organizations. What receives a teacher in perspective after graduation?

Benefits for young professionals:

  1. Lifting money. This is the RDV (one-time cash payment), which is provided within a month after granting the teacher to the state.
  2. Dumping bets. The size of the zP increase depends on the set of criteria. The approximate size of the surcharge is 40-50%. The second indicator is more often applied to applicants who have a red diploma.
  3. Preferential mortgage. Terms of granting may differ in different regions. Its essence is that the municipality pays a certain amount of the initial contribution. Challengers are guaranteed preferential interest rates.
  4. Office accommodation for employment period.
  5. Compensation for utilities.
  6. Help when moving to another locality (travel, compensation for the cost of travel and transportation).

What are lifting payments?

Lifting money - Payment of one-time, which is paid by the employer after enrolling the employee to the staff. It can only be appointed at the first place of work of the specialist and only once.

In most regions, such material assistance is paid in the first month of the same amount. Department of the Federation Subjects establish their own accrual scheme. It should be used by an increase in the type of payment when the amount of work is growing every year. Other areas choose the opposite type of calculation, issuing the principal amount initially, and breaking the residue for two payments.

Attention! The dismissal of a specialist before the expiration of the status of the "young specialist", that is, earlier than three years of work, pulls the need to return the part of the RDV. Thus, employment in a new place or a selection of activities ahead of time will lead to the fact that the challenger will have to return funds for the indispensable period.

In St. Petersburg, young teachers with a red diploma encourage the one-time. In the Irkutsk region, the size of "material promotion" in one jump increased from 10 to 50 thousand rubles. For other regions, the average amount of payments ranges from 10,000 to 20,000 rubles.

Term of the status and conditions for its extension

In the standard case, the status period is three years. There are a number specified in the law of situations that suggest the extension of this period. The grace period is suspended at the stage:

  • service in the army;
  • full-time learning in the postgraduate education system.

After restoring at work, the specialist may resume all the benefits that rely on it, including the premium to the ZP.

The order of registration of lifting

Material payment is not automatically installed. He must declare his right to lifting money by submitting an appropriate statement. But this step is preceded by other mandatory stages. Consider the overall order:

  1. Obtaining a diploma of the established sample.
  2. Issuance of referrals to work.
  3. Employment in the budget organization.
  4. Familiarization with an order for employment.
  5. Writing an application for one-time cash payment.
  6. Providing the required package of documents.
  7. Acquaintance with the order of the employer about the relevant accruals.
  8. Getting money on account or hands.

On a note! To get additional privileges that the region guarantees young professionals, you need to contact the local administration with the package of documents.

Documentary confirmation

Documents that need to be collected for registration of lifting money:

The above list must be collected for registration of lifting payments and other benefits, relying by young professionals. Only in the first case the help is provided directly to the employer. Other types of sending, depending on their species, must be issued in social protection or administration.

Reading questions

Question First: Is there a trial period for young professionals?
Answer: Labor Code of the Russian Federation is prohibited to establish a test term for young professionals.

Question second? What is the approximate payment of lifting money?
Answer: Material aid In the form of lifting money is paid by the employer for up to 1 month. This amount is not subject to tax. It can be issued on the first day after the employment.

Question Third: Immediately after graduation, I received a referral to a rural school to work. But I was taken to the army, it turns out, am I losing all the rights to benefits for young professionals?
Answer: For the period of the urgent service, the contender remains the right to the status of a "young specialist". The grade period has been suspended and resumed after the end of the service. You will be able to make all the benefits upon return.

In Russia, for several decades in a row, there is a problem of employment, and it is especially acutely in front of only their career with specialists: doctors, educators and representatives of other professions. Employers often do not want to take the work of boys and girls who only graduated from college or university. For this reason, in the Russian Federation, payments to young professionals. Let's find out what benefits can graduates from universities and colleges, and how they can be obtained.

Public Assistance at the Federal and Regional Levels

IN Russian Federation There are the following types of payments for young professionals:

  1. Lump sum payments;
  2. Lifting payments.

In the following sections, we consider in more detail what the differences are different, as well as how to get a lifting payment or one-time allowance.

One-time payout

Assistance to teachers and caregivers who have just begun to work in education, the state offers a monthly allowance for wages. Funds will be paid annually by the organization in which a young specialist works. One-time payments to young educators and other educators are paid in the established amount. As of 2017, the sizes of such benefits are:

  • For the 1st year of work - 50 000 rubles;
  • For the 2nd year of work - 45 000 rubles;
  • For the 3rd year of work - 40 000 rubles.

The amount of this payment may differ. For example, for university graduates who work in the region of the Far North or in the village, the size of a one-time benefit increases. As far as regional authorities determine.

Lifting manual

Since 2012, a new law has been introduced into the legislation of Russia, which describes all conditions for the provision of monetary assistance to young workers within the framework of innovations. Lifting payments to a young specialist are charged in this way:

  1. Graduate senior educational institution (the daily form of study is obligatory) must settle in the specialty for the state enterprise;
  2. A citizen must work in the terrain where the university has been distributed. Moving within this project is not provided;
  3. A person must be employed in a civil or labor contract;
  4. For thirty days after employment will be accrued lifting payments young professionals;
  5. The size of such a manual depends on the place of employment, specialty and mass of other factors. For example, in Moscow, a young specialist will receive about 90,000 rubles, and a graduate of the university, employed in the village - about 30,000 rubles;
  6. Also, within the framework of this program, it is possible to purchase housing on preferential terms: the state will pay part of the cost of the house.

To obtain such payments, you need to write a statement in the municipal department of the city or settlement.

Bases and procedure for receiving payments

According to the legislation of Russia, the right to receive any cash payments for university graduates from the state has young professionals.

From the point of view of jurisprudence, a young specialist is a person who has a secondary special or higher education and a job for one year after the end of his university or technical school.

The main conditions for accrualing any benefits to recent university graduates are:

  1. Day form of study. Those specialists who studied in absentia cannot claim payment cannot be;
  2. Obtaining education on a state basis. At the same time, it is not necessary to be a scholarship, but the state should pay for student's student;
  3. Successful protection of the diploma and its receipt. It is not necessary to download the university with honors: it is enough to undergo certification and get a diploma of the state sample;
  4. Employment distribution from university or technical school. The university must provide jobs to those skilled in the artists who studied at the expense of a federal or regional budget.

In receipt of payments, it can be denied if at least one item from the above is not followed.

Additional criteria

In addition to the above conditions, there are a number of certain criteria that a specialist must comply. So, this status is assigned:

  • Persons under the age of thirty five years;
  • Employment under the distribution program from the Institute or Technical School;
  • For representatives of medical specialties, be sure to work in the village;
  • Conclusion of a labor contract with an enterprise for a period of three years;
  • If a citizen claims a mortgage on preferential conditions, the experience of at least a year is obligatory.

In each region of Russia there are its regional support programs, so the conditions for obtaining monetary assistance may depend on the place of residence.

Order of receipt

Payments charges the organization in which a graduate has been employed. It should be borne in mind that the state enterprise must allocate funds for a newly employed employee, but a commercial organization is not obliged to pay any benefit.

For cash, you need to:

  1. Collect the package of necessary documents (the list of securities you will find in the next section);
  2. With documents to contact your employer and write a statement that he wishes to receive compensation as a young specialist;
  3. During the month, the employer must respond to the request of the employee, and either provide cash or refuse to pay. The refusal must necessarily be argued.

In case of a positive decision, the benefit will be paid on bank card (if the salary is listed there) or cash through the organization's cash register.

List of necessary documents

As mentioned above, a young specialist applying for monetary assistance must provide documents to its employer. The list of necessary papers is not big:

  • State diploma on the end of the highest educational institution. In addition to the diploma himself, it is necessary to bring a liner with estimates, which is issued to it;
  • Employment history. The document must be checked by a lawyer. Please note that it should be the start of the work and the signature of the employer.

These papers must be applied to the application. The sample application can be obtained in the accounting department of the enterprise where a citizen works.

Overview of existing support programs for young professionals in 2017-18

The greatest number of labor resources is concentrated in cities, especially large. In the villages, the sharp lack of qualified workers is now observed: teachers, educators, physicians and so on. The state is trying to attract graduates of universities to work in the countryside. The following projects were created:

  1. Young specialist in the village;
  2. Zemsky doctor.

These are the two main support programs for young professionals, who are represented by the Government of the Russian Federation today. In the following sections, we will consider in detail how they function and what are their conditions.

Young specialist in the village

As part of this program, regional and federal organizations pay compensation to representatives of various professions: young teachers, medical sisters, the doctors of the highest category, etc. It is worth considering that cash is paid to buy or build their own housing. According to the terms of the program, the state covers up to 70% of all costs associated with the acquisition of your own home.

Such criteria are imposed on applicants for participation in the program:

  • The presence of a higher education diploma. Also, students are allowed to participate in full-time compartment, which are already energized the university (the fifth-sixth year). Thus, the program makes it possible to find work to students who have not even graduated from the university;
  • Age up to 35 years. The project is designed only for young people and in middle-aged people;
  • A citizen must provide a certificate of no housing;

If a person complies with all the above criteria, he will be offered to sign a contract for participation in the program. His conditions are as follows:

  • To work out at least five years by profile specialty in rural areas;
  • Have cash savings in order to cover 30% of the cost of housing;
  • Have an intention to live in rural areas on a permanent basis.

In order to become a member of the project "Young specialist in the village", it is necessary to contact the municipal department of his city or settlement and write a statement there. Consideration of the request takes up to two months, after which competent persons will provide instructions regarding further actions.

Zemsky doctor

From the name it is clear that this project is designed for all sorts of doctors: surgeons, obstetrician-gynecologists, nurses, etc. In rural areas there is an acute lack of qualified doctors. Therefore, if a resident of the village is urgently needed health careIt often has to carry out a few kilometers to the nearest hospital: such cases may end father outcome. For this reason, the program "Zemsky doctor" was developed. Criteria for applicants for participation in it are as follows:

  1. Medical specialty;
  2. Availability of a diploma on the end of the university;
  3. Passage of the ordinance and internship;
  4. Age - up to 45 years;
  5. Readiness for moving and further life in the village.

According to the terms of the program, the young specialist receives the following benefits and surcharges from the state:

  • A lump sum payment by young professionals who are members of the program "Zemsky doctor" ranges from 50,000 to 70,000 rubles (depending on the medical profile and qualifications);
  • The possibility of compensation is 70% of the cost of the house (provided that the house will be purchased in rural areas);
  • Material assistance in agriculture;
  • A discount of 50% on public transport (buses, electric trains and trains are included here.

To participate in this program, you must contact the municipal department of your city or settlement, to provide required documents (The list can be found on the stand of the institution) and wait for the answer. The decision is made by regional level, Therefore, all payments and compensation will come from the budget of the region.

The lifting manual of servicemen is a certain type of material support from the state for all contractors who are forced to leave their hometown and move to another region.

The state initially introduces the policy of maximum support for its defenders. Because B. regulatory documentation Carefully describes the possibility of receiving the payment, its size, and many other points.

Military service is often associated with moving. With official movements, the contractor and his family experience a number of inconveniences that should be compensated for at least partially. It is for this that the servicemen under contract have the opportunity to get lifting.

This issue is fully under the control of state structures, which, on the basis of valid laws, determine who can qualify for the manual, as well as what nuances are associated with this process.

What does the legislation tell us

At the highest state level approved the payment of so-called lifting for contract soldiers, who should be overwhelmed into other locations. So, in paragraph 3 of Art. 13 FZ "On the status of military personnel" directly indicates that the state should minimize possible costs and therefore will provide certain material support for military personnel.

Based on the provisions of the above standards, the army lifting will be guaranteed to all military who have fallen into one of the following situations:

  1. The contractor translates to the service to another city or abroad.
  2. Military sent by the highest command to the passage of training in a specialized university, with the condition that the timing of study will exceed 12 months.
  3. On the summit It was decided to redeploy the military unit to another place.

The main reason for paying is a report with an appropriate petition for the commander's commander. However, the applicant will only be able to receive the applicant's manual only when he arrives at a new place and register himself and his loved ones.

As a rule, the decision on the payment of lifting is made pretty quickly, and therefore this procedure No distinguished by any difficulties.

Conditions for obtaining lifting payments

All servicemen undergoing military service on a contract basis can expect to receive a certain financial contentment from the state. It will be paid in the case of moving the military to permanent residence in another settlement (region).

The payment of lifting benefits will be carried out solely after the corresponding report on behalf of the military will receive to the head of the part. To get you will also need to provide a certain list of documentation, in particular:

  • data on the enrollment of the contractor to the service;
  • data on the family position of the serviceman, including a copy of the marriage certificate and the birth of children;
  • extract from the house book;
  • personal information on the applicant, in particular a copy of the passport with a mark on the prescription of the military and members of his family to the new place of residence.

Only contract workers who fall into the list indicated in Art. 13 FZ "On the status of servicemen."

Important! If both spouses are military personnel, the calculation of material support for their family members (children, dependents) will be held on the basis of the salary of one of them. Whose earnings will be taken note, they will determine their own.

Lift payments at the conclusion of the contract for military personnel

Controlrs are guaranteed lifting even if the contract is signed for the first time. This rule is established according to the actual requirements of the FZ-306. However, only those military, who, in view of military duties, will be able to leave their permanent residence and will move.

As soon as the contractor, together with his close, will come to the place of permanent deployment of the military unit, should first register at the place of residence. If for some reason it is impossible to find accommodation, then registration is allowed in the nearby settlements.

There are some nuances that need to remember, moving along with the family:

  1. If the family relocation took place simultaneously with the contractor, the amount of benefits will be calculated on the basis of the level of earnings on the position and rank that the contractor has a contract for the time of arrival in the location of the part.
  2. If the relocation of family members is postponed, the allowance for them will be listed only when they arrive at the new permanent residence and register. The amount of payment will be calculated, taking into account the salary of the contractor to the specified period of time.

Material assistance when transferring to a new service place

If there is a move to permanent residence in another settlement, the amount of material support will be directly dependent on the salary of the contractor.

However, not always when the lifting money is guaranteed. There are a number of situations marked by law, when the contractor will not be able to qualify for additional payments:

  • the contractor goes to the preparatory courses in universities of military orientation, but the term of study does not exceed 1 year;
  • after passing study, the military remains to serve in the old part;
  • the contract ticket superseded, and at the arrival immediately was registered at the new place of military service, although the order for his appointment was not signed and entered;
  • for payments, it is not necessary to calculate the soldiers-conscripts;
  • the soldier came to the division, which is in the disbandment stage. The lifting will not give him, and will be sent to the previous service.

When transferring to a new place of service, some payments are also put on all close contract soldiers who are moving after him. Here are your nuances that need to be considered.

Lifting aid family of a serviceman

The law establishes that in addition to the military to arrange and get assistance may be the next relatives who have moved along with the servicemen.

According to the current provisions of the RF IC, money is guaranteed by such categories of citizens:

  • spouse (spouse), but provided that the marriage is enclosed at the official level before moving or at the time when the military concludes his first contract. If the marriage is registered after moving, money is not laid;
  • children under 18 years of age. If the child is in high school in the hospital, then the age value will be increased to 23 years;
  • persons who do not have their own source of existence and fully dependent in the material plan from a citizen (dependents).
  1. Upon arrival at the venue service, the military must visit the personnel bodies and register.
  2. Personnelians need to provide personal documentation of the employee, as well as information about his family and registration.
  3. Based on the information received, the personnel service issues a certificate indicating all the necessary information.

In the future, this reference will be attached to the statement, which is a key base for the work of all payments.

Dimensions of payout

In art. 13 FZ "On the status of military personnel" indicate the exact amount of the lifting aids. According to the law, one-time material content will make an amount equal to one salary.

In addition, additional money is paid for each family members. For one relative, the military guaranteed another 1/4 of its salary.

If the move is carried out on the extreme north, or zones equal to it, as well as high-mountain and deserted terrain, the amount of the benefit will be adjusted with the increase in the coefficients.

Young teachers in Russia are found not so often. In the country, the staff are produced from universities, and then go to work not in the specialty. After all, although it is important, but it is not considered prestigious in the Russian Federation. So says the population. To attract new personnel, the state decided to introduce certain support programs for young teachers. People who follow certain conditions are beneficial and varied opportunities. What exactly? What can Citizens count on?

List of benefits

The benefits of young teachers were offered in Russia quite recently. As already mentioned, this important profession among young people is not in demand. People end the universities and are not employed by diploma, but where it is more profitable. It's no secret that teachers wages are not too high. And for most youth, it is the prospects for earnings important.

But young teachers in the Russian Federation, subject to a certain list of rules, are able to obtain some benefits and opportunities. Among them are distinguished:

  • lifting payments;
  • a special program of mortgage lending;
  • support for buying housing (not mortgage).

In fact, citizens are stimulated for employment. It is extremely attractive is the mortgage. For young teachers, as for most of the new professionals, the issue of housing is very acute. Therefore, in Russia, assistance in this matter is proposed. And such that even the average teacher can get his own housing.

Status of a young specialist

To begin with, it should be understood who such a young specialist. After all, only then will be fully realized which personnel have the right to in Russia a specialist is a citizen who received a diploma of higher or secondary special education.

And who are such young professionals? Graduates of universities and technical schools, which are first employed in the budget sector on the education obtained. In fact, any modern young graduate gets this status. So, he has the right to some benefits. Especially if we are talking about teachers.

Age is a problem

An important point is the age of a graduate. Young teachers are citizens who have not reached 35 years old. In some cities, this bar is installed at a lower position - 30 years. Exact information should be recognized in each region at any point.

It turns out that the diploma has just issued enough. If someone decided to become a teacher already in adulthood, he may not count on the title of young specialist. This fact must be taken into account in mandatory. After all, he is able to prevent these or other bonuses from the state.


The first type of help is money. This is lifting. Young teachers, these payments are laid as a lump-sum benefit, which is paid in employment to a state institution.

The exact amount is different everywhere. Therefore, for specific information you need to contact the administration of the region of residence. The amount of cash payments ranges from 20 to 100 thousand rubles. In rural areas, as a rule, lifting are appointed higher than in cities.

Help with housing

The following feature is that young teachers have the full right to help with buying housing. Or on the full provision of it. The second option is most often found in practice. Usually distributed in rural areas as well this type Support is provided to teachers who came from other regions of the country.

This question is individual. As practice shows, teachers provide a place in the hostel. Small, but help. At the same time, young teachers have the right to state support in matters of mortgage lending. So the place to accommodate the state to teachers provides to one degree or another.

By Labor Code

Also should pay attention to some of the legislation. For example, that in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation for young professionals there are their employment rules. This moment is extremely important.

What can I count on a young teacher specialist? Payments, mortgage, help in providing housing - all this has nothing to do with the labor legislation of the country. In case of employment, young professionals (not only teachers) have the full right to make a job without a trial period.

In the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, it is clear that for this category of persons tests should not be. But only provided that the citizen is headed for the first time after receiving a diploma, and immediately according to the received specialty. The rule has legal force within a year after the release.

Extend status

A young teacher specialist - which allows you to enjoy benefits and payments to one degree or another. In some cases, you can extend it. How exactly?

There are several techniques that help solve the question. The maximum period for which the status can be extended is 6 years. It automatically extends if:

  • citizen undergoing urgent service in the army;
  • during graduate school on full-time;
  • we are talking about a teacher who is on vacation care, as well as in view of pregnancy.

Payments to young teachers need to make out as soon as possible. All this due to the fact that from the moment of employment, the status remains only 3 years, after which it is completely lost and is not subject to recovery.


There is a mortgage called "Young Teacher". This program is federal status. It was invented specifically to help newly made teachers with their own housing. Issued under certain conditions.

It should be noted that the interest rate on this mortgage is 8.5 percent. At the same time, it is important that the monthly payment does not require a payment of more than 45% of earnings from the teacher. Most often this rule applies to teachers who will have to work in rural areas. But ordinary teachers also offer similar lending.

Another nuance relative to the mortgage is that a "young teacher" (federal scale program) requires payment as an initial contribution of only 10% of the future owner of the apartment. The rest of the money is provided by the state as compensation.

Conditions for mortgage

What could be during the receipt of the mortgage problem? Young teachers carefully check for compliance with the established rules for providing state support. Therefore, you need to know all the conditions capable of preventing the process.

Among the basic requirements for young professionals, the following factors are distinguished:

  • age up to 35 years old (as we have already said, in some cities there are up to 30, but it is a rarity);
  • employment after release by specialty;
  • work should be in a budget (public) institution;
  • the concluded contract is a duration of at least 3 years;
  • the experience in the field of pedagogy (depends on the region, is needed mainly for mortgage).

It should be noted that after obtaining a diploma, young teachers should be employed within 3 months maximum. But this period is recommended to clarify in each region. It is likely that it can be somewhere shorter.

Other benefits

Mortgage for young teachers, payments, benefits - all this helps to attract new personnel in the field of education. There are some features that are provided to young professionals in different regions. We are talking about less important support, which is often established by a specific educational institution.

What else can you count on a young teacher? Payment of one-time benefits is not the only monetary compensation, which is provided to citizens. In addition, you can count:

  • on a partial or full payment of transport costs to an educational institution;
  • subsidies for construction and improvement of the house;
  • full or partial reimbursement of expenses related to the content of teacher children in school and pre-school educational institutions;
  • benefits when entering certain schools.

Dumping to earnings

Young teachers have the right to another feature, which is governed by regional regulatory acts. The thing is that the citizens must receive an increased salary for their status. Here the role plays how good the diploma is issued by a specialist.

For example, an increase in the salary of a young teacher is 40%. If a specialist graduated from a university with honors and he will receive an additional 50% earnings from his salary.

What advice can be given young teacher? How to act to get all the laid benefits and not lose your status? In fact, the recommendations are not so much. Citizens should:

  • in advance to ask the benefits for young professionals in the employment region;
  • do not hesitate with searching for work (it is better to start doing it in advance);
  • search place for long-term employment;
  • try to get a red diploma;
  • inquite the benefits for young professionals in the chosen educational institution.

It has already been said that in usually more allowances and payments are provided. You need to handle all questions or in the city administration, or in multifunctional centers.

In granting subsidies may refuse. After all, all cash is taken or from the regional, or from the federal budget. If there is no money, then the citizen will not be able to help. But young teachers will be able to try happiness in next year. In fact, everything is not as hard as it seems. Each educational institution is constantly inventing what to attract young frames. And this item should not be forgotten too. Payments, subsidies and housing to young teachers are laid in each region of Russia. The main thing is to learn the rules of providing these.

Lifting for young specialists is one of the ways to motivate graduates of professional educational institutions to work in the specialty. How to make young man Prefer low-maintained work school teacher With all the calm labor associated with her, in some office center as an assistant important boss? True: offer money!

As far as correct, choose the place of employment, based on purely material motivations and postponing ambitious thoughts about the life of the life of "in a long box" - a question for the extension. If you work with facts, you can state that now young professionals are relying more than worthy material support at the career start.

Young specialist - who is it?

The term "young specialist" in federal legislation is found only once - in Art. 70. Labor Codewhich prohibits employers to appoint an internship with professionals who graduated university / SUZ less than a year ago (provided by profession). At the same time, the TC does not specify who should be counted to the category "Young Specialist", and who is not.

Privileges for young professionals are enshrined by regional laws - based on their postulates and can be judged on the conditions of obtaining preferential status. This is what conditions we are talking about.

    Age - up to 35 years old. In some regions, and for some professions has been established more strict restriction - up to 30 years.

    The end of the university / sunderation with state accreditation and the presence of a diploma of the established sample. On the privileges can only be calculated by students- "state employees" - "Parking" on the "bonuses" at the end of the school there is nothing to rely on.

    The graduate was employed for 12 months from the date of receipt of a diploma in a budgetary organization.

If a graduate went to work in a private company, then he receives only those privileges that are described in regulatory legal acts This company. Neither the state nor the region will help him.

The status of a young specialist is assigned to a citizen only once for a term of up to 3 years. The term may be prolonged to 6 years if a citizen, for example, turned out to be called into the ranks russian army Or went on maternity leave.

What payments are relying?

Young professionals can count on such privileges.

    Lifting for young professionals. This is the amount that is paid by a new employee at a time when applying to the staff. How many lifting young professionals can be found by reading the regional regulations - the amount depends on the region and from the profession.

    Spending salary. The allowance is paid monthly throughout the term, while the status of a young specialist is relevant. The actual size of the allowance depends on the salary value; The relative size of its size is, as a rule, 40% - for ordinary specialists, 50% - for graduates who worked out to get a red diploma.

    Mortgage on preferential terms. A young specialist is entitled to expect 30% of the cost of housing, which he takes to the mortgage will pay the municipality.

A graduate, employing not in the region where other compensation has also lived.

    For moving.

    For the transportation of furniture and personal belongings.

    Daily for every day spent on the road.

Benefits to young teachers

About 100 thousand rubles are provided as lifting young teachers from the capital. Also, Moscow teachers receive a daily allowance in the amount of 40-50%. The exact size of the surcharge depends on the color of the diploma.

In St. Petersburg, the magnitude of a one-time payment depends on the diploma color. Excellent will receive more than 67 thousand rubles at once, and specialists who have completed study with blue diplomas - 50 thousand rubles. Monthly allowance to teachers from the northern capital is not necessary, but they have the right to claim compensation for half the costs of passing public transport.

The issuance of lifting practices in provincial cities, but there we are talking about much less significant amounts - from 10 to 20 thousand rubles. Self profitable terms Offered in Irkutsk. In this city, 50 thousand rubles are permanently paid to young educators. Plus is prescribed to a reduction in 60% of the salary during the first year. In the second and third years of work, the teacher is also paid, but already less - 36% and 24%, respectively.

Benefits to young doctors

The amount of lifting young medical specialists is approximately 3 salary. Also, young doctors receive a monthly surcharge in the amount of 30-40% of the salary. Some regions begin to pay the allowances to young doctors before they successfully protect the diploma. So accepted, in particular, in the Rostov region - on the bottom of the novice leaders give an additional scholarship from the 4th to the 6th year of the University. Interns in Rostov receive 5 thousand rubles from above the main salary.

The biggest bonuses are relying young doctors, agreeing to move to the countryside within the program "Zemsky Doctor". They are given a one-time payment of 1 million rubles! However, his million in the newly minted rural doctor to see in the online roulette will not work - the lifting young professionals in rural areas have strictly target. Money will be able to spend exclusively to improve their own housing conditions. For a million, for example, you can build a house on the site, which will be provided to the Zemstvo Doctor under construction for free.

A prerequisite for obtaining a one-time payment for work in the village is the signing of a 5-year contract. If a young specialist decides to quit, without spending the "five-year plan", he will have to return part of the lifting.

How to get lifting?

The procedure, how to get a lifting up young specialist is quite standard and does not require the applicant's mass of efforts - just to collect a package of documents, transfer it to a responsible organization and wait for money. Teachers need to contact the Regional Office of the Ministry of Education, doctors - to the local FOMS. Mandatory documents for obtaining lifting include:

    Original diploma plus it is a copy.

    Copy of workbook.

    Labor contract.

    Statement on the provision of payments.

The application form with a young specialist will be provided in the organization where he turned.