What the dragon was in 1952. Year of the Dragon according to the Eastern horoscope: what kind of people are born under this sign

What is this stone?

This question we ask ourselves constantly, when we notice some interesting special rock among the pebbles, when we walk along the seaside, we found a beautiful one. crystal in a mountainous area, or suddenly we notice pieces in the bottom of the mine dump, sparkling with gold and silver tide, stumbling around or looking at the beautiful jewelry.

All minerals, with the exception of native mercury, are solid. Mineral water, which tasted like it was, and how many multi-mineral substances was indicated in its composition on the label, liquid, that means, is not a mineral.

Everything that is produced by a man, with a glass in a window before quartz on a wristwatch, is also not a mineral. Mineral must necessarily have a natural origin. But the definition of the concept of "crystal" is a little different. Crystals are solid chemical substances, the atoms of which are uniformly located in an integral structure.

It is because of the regular atomic arrangement that the faces of the crystals are smooth. Almost all minerals are crystals, even if they are not very similar in appearance. There are quite a few minerals in which the atoms are not located in the regular shape of the crystal lattice. Such minerals are called amorphous. The most common example is opal, which, in contrast to quartz, has an actually similar structure, is capable of forming crystals.

Gems - these are beautiful, hard minerals that are cut to decorate them with jewelry. In order to fall into the category of precious stones, a mineral must meet and respond to several criteria: it must be amazingly beautiful, that is, satisfy aesthetic requirements. This means that it must have a beautiful color, and it must be in a state of maximum condition. The latter is the most important, since, for example, a diamond in an ordinary form is absolutely ugly, colorless and inconspicuous.

Stones describe as large geological bodies consisting of many formations of one or more varieties of minerals. For example, marble consists only of grains of such a mineral as calcite, or calcareous feldspar, but the composition of granite includes minerals of three types: the first is orthoclase (feldspar), the second is quartz, and the third is mica.

Mineral properties

In order to determine the mineral, it is necessary to have a good understanding of its properties. Each type of mineral has a number of properties, the combination of which becomes unique for this mineral. Thus, in order to accurately determine the mineral, it is necessary to check as much as possible the number of its properties. To find out such properties as hardness or color traits, it is quite simple, because the tools can be used in general.

In the case of determining some other properties, such as a chemical composition, rather complex equipment and special education are required, and, of course, as you understand, an ordinary person cannot do this.

Color traits

To determine the color of the painting with the mineral that is being examined, conduct an unglazed and, accordingly, slightly rough surface of the porcelain sponge cake. The color of the remaining thousand is typical for the same type of mineral. As different colors of the mineral were used, the external minerals of one color are always the same. For example, fluorite can be colorless, green, yellow, brown, blue, pink, even violet, and its color will always be white.


All minerals are classified by the degree of hardness, as this property is characteristic for any mineral. If you use the Moos hardness scale, it is quite easy to determine the hardness. This scale represents ten minerals, the hardness of which is increasing, that is, each subsequent mineral scratches the previous one.

1.The first is Talc

2.In second place is Gypsum

3.The third is Calcite

4.Fourth Fluorite

6.Then Orthoclase and feldspar

7.Quartz seventh

8.Then Topaz

9 the last but one is Corundum

10.Close the hardest diamond

Determination of hardness is carried out as follows. First, take a mineral with medium hardness, for example, patite (hardness equal to 5), and check, leave Lyon scratch on test specimen. If there is one, the next scale is a softer mineral. Continue this way until reference The mineral will not scratch the test sample much. If at the same time it is impossible scratching the reference stone by the tested, it means that the front minerals, the hardness of which is the same. This is already a good result.

If the sample under study cannot be scratched with the selected medium-hardness stone, then a hard scale reference is taken. Thus, you can easily determine the hardness of any mineral on the Moos scale. After each attempt, lightly wipe the left trace and carefully examine it under a sham to make sure that the mineral is scratched.

Important ! Each reference specimen must be checked in the opposite direction. If the reference mineral scratches the test specimen, it is imperative to always check that it is possible to scratch the master specimen with this. Only in this way can you be sure of the result.


The behavior of a mineral when scratched or bent is called toughness. Most minerals are fragile, that is, when scratched, for example, with a steel needle, dust easily flies off the stone. If this does not happen, then we are dealing with a soft mineral, for example, galena. If, however, scratching does not generate dust at all, such as when cutting butter knife, then such a mineral is called cutting or amenable to cutting. These include argentite and gold. In addition, gold can also be cut into thin slices. Such minerals are also called malleable and viscous.

Other minerals, on the contrary, are elastic, such as mica, it can be bent, but after that it returns to its original position. Flexible minerals such as gypsum bend easily, but the bend does not return to its original position, as they harden in a new position.


At first, it may seem that the color of the mineral should be the most important factor for definition, but unfortunately it sucks and doesn't. There are, of course, minerals whose color is very characteristic, for example, green malachite or azurite blue, but most minerals are not just one color, but many different shades. For example, quartz is colorless, brown, pink, purple, yellow, and black, while diamonds are yellow, white, green, blue, brown, and black.

It so happens that some minerals, upon contact with air, are covered with a layer of a different color. This layer is called tarnish. For example, a completely fresh bornite cleavage has pink color with a metallic luster, however, in just a few hours it oxidizes and becomes covered with a layer that shimmers with reddish, bluish and greenish colors. It follows that the color of the mineral should always be checked on a freshly cleaved surface.


Each raw mineral has a certain luster characteristic of that specimen. However, this gloss is difficult to measure. It can only be described in comparison with objects from our daily life.

Glass luster matches the gloss plain glass in the windows. It is most common.

Metallic luster matches the luster of polished metal. For example, like aluminum foil.

Silky shine can be compared to the sheen of soft room light on natural silk.

Resin shine Is the sheen of the resin that we can see during road construction.

Bold shine looks like the shine of grease stains on paper.

Diamond glitter - it is a shining brilliance, like from a cut diamond or from lead crystal glass.

Pearlescent shine comparable to shine inside shell valves, whitish shimmer with multi-colored tints of color.


Density, or specific gravity, is the weight of a mineral per unit volume, which is measured in grams per cubic centimeter. Measuring density is not so easy, it requires high-precision instruments. Despite this, the density can also be used as one of the characteristics for determination. By simply weighing it on your hand, you can determine if the mineral is light (density below 2), normal (density about 2.5), heavy (density above 3.5), or very heavy (6 and above). Better yet, in the other hand, take a piece of a similar size with a density known to you and compare.

The dragon in China is a highly respected mythical creature. He is kind, wise and merciful. He is identified with the imperial power.

The dragon is revered and celebrated with holidays. In predictions, the Dragon symbol is considered an extremely auspicious sign. People born in the year of the Dragon occupy an important place in society, they are respected and loved just like their zodiacal patron, they are lucky in life. Years corresponding to the year of the Dragon in the Eastern horoscope: 1904, 1916, 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012, 2024.

Character of people born in the Year of the Dragon

The dragon is endowed with the best moral qualities. He is generous, kind and generous. He has many abilities, he is talented, he grasps everything on the fly. Hardworking and intelligent, he enjoys the things he does; The dragon will not pore over what is not interesting to him. There are few uninteresting activities for him: he loves new experience... This is a man with the wisdom of an old man and the enthusiasm of a child. A person born in the Year of the Dragon is charming, he is loved for his sincerity, bright smile and sea vitality... They are willingly friends with him, appreciated in companies, people-Dragons are often everyone's favorites. They are not spoiled even by a somewhat inflated self-esteem - they balance it with interest and respect for the interlocutor. People expect the Dragon's praise and appreciate his attention to themselves. Therefore, next to the Dragon, they try to be as good as possible. By its mere presence, the Dragon makes the world a better place. The disadvantages of the Dragon are narcissism, self-confidence, egocentrism, the need for admiration and a great demand.

People born in the Year of the Dragon: compatibility in love

The dragon loves when he has a lot of fans. His charm and lively, a strong character allow him to get the attention of many. He is bright, passionate, flirts and flirts easily. People lose their heads from communicating with him. But the Dragon does not take their love seriously. For a long time, the Dragon generally considers love as a game and has many love stories. He likes to be in a whirlwind of passions, he sees no reason to torment and suffer because of love affairs. This is how his personal life goes until the moment when he decides that he has achieved certain heights in his career, profession, materially, that he has seen enough life and satiated with adventures. Then the Dragon decides to settle down. The Dragon does not create a family out of passion, although he tries to choose someone who would love him. He is faithful to his family and family values, the Dragon's partner may not worry about the fate of the family - the Dragon will never give up obligations, will not leave the family, he is a good spouse and a loving parent. In love, Dragons are best compatible with, Dragon, and.

People born in the Year of the Dragon: compatibility in friendship

Dragons are very fond of in companies, they are cheerful, optimistic and cheerful. But they have few real friends. The Dragon's trouble is that he does not understand the weaknesses of his friends and does not know how to reckon with them. He demands too much of his friends. Therefore, the Dragon's friendly circle is mainly formed at work - there people appreciate his abilities and his willingness to come to the rescue in difficult times. Friends of the Dragon are people with whom the Dragon has common plans, interests or affairs. He has no sincere friends. But he does not need such friendship: the Dragon values ​​help in business, not sincerity. In addition, the Dragon is egocentric, afraid to show his weaknesses, wants to always look good, and therefore does not associate with that friendship in which friends are too open for each other. For the Dragon, a friend is one who will admire him and, with his admiration, feed the powers of the Dragon. The respect and admiration of friends helps the Dragon not to lose faith in himself. The dragon is best compatible in friendship with, and.

People Born in the Year of the Dragon: Compatibility at Work

Dragons are rarely on the sidelines. They have a genuine interest in the business they do and a healthy professional ambition. Therefore, the Dragon easily makes a career or develops his business. Moreover, he does not receive a position out of pull, but deserves it with his hard work and professional talents. In the role of the boss, the Dragon is smart, knows how to inspire subordinates, does not act at random. Before starting work, he carefully prepares, learns the details, does not hesitate to ask more competent people for advice, even if they are lower in rank.
Dragons do not have a vocation for any particular profession. They do well in any business. They are excellent organizers and leaders, managers and administrators. Many Dragons choose the military field. Dragons make wonderful actors, consultants and educators. Least of all Dragons are in unskilled jobs and minor positions. They are almost never found on the assembly line, among junior clerks or among unrecognized geniuses from art. In work, the Dragon is well compatible with all signs, except for its own and the sign. With some signs, a long and fruitful cooperation is tied, with some - only a short-term alliance, but in any case, no one suffers from working with the Dragon and does not remain deceived in expectations. The best business ally for the Dragon can, after all, be called.

Dragon is the fifth sign in the Eastern horoscope.

1952 Eastern calendar - Year of the Water Dragon

In this article, you will learn:

1952 what year is the eastern calendar

Representatives of this sign are people with a big soul, an open heart and boundless energy. The dragon is very smart and freedom-loving. Possessing vital energy and striving, always achieves excellence in his endeavors. Thanks to his energy and extraordinary outlook on life, wherever he is, he is always in the spotlight.

Representatives of this sign, they know how to be friends, they are true friends on whom you can always rely. Dragons will never pass by the problems of their loved ones, substituting a shoulder for help.

The representative of this sign is very talented, always strive to apply his abilities to benefit himself and those around him. The dragon loves society and always communicates with pleasure, being able to win over people of different strata.

Features of the sign of the Water Dragon on the Chinese calendar

The representative of this sign is light on his feet, taking new and unknown events into his life. He easily manages to improve in different areas activities. The Dragon approaches all matters with high responsibility. He is demanding of himself and those around him. This sign bestows people with an extraordinary personality. The sense of tact is alien to the dragon, so he sometimes allows himself to make harsh statements about the interlocutor. Representatives of this sign are characterized by despair, decisiveness and danger, which does not frighten at all, but is a source of inspiration.

Advantages and disadvantages of people born in the Year of the Water Dragon

1952 of the Water Dragon - people who were born this year have a huge amount of energy. She is very patient and can wait for the result without rushing things. The Water Dragon has a highly developed intuition and never lets go of luck. Wherever the Dragon appears, he arouses genuine interest in himself, acting on people with his magical charm and charm, attracting them to him. The Water Dragon is an excellent conversationalist and listener.

When the Dragon chooses the path of life for himself, he follows to the end, without turning out to be from the chosen direction.

In a career, representatives of this sign seek brilliant results... The dragon lives for today, so planning and calculating life moves is not about him. Possessing leadership skills, Dragons are successfully implemented in various fields: politics, military affairs, acting, medicine, journalism.

The dragon never sits still, so with great pleasure to go on a journey for new sensations.

Behind the energetic appearance is a dreamy and naive soul who believes in magic. The dragon is generous and always ready to share all his benefits with those around him. The recognition of society is always important for the representatives of this sign. The dragon came to this world to win, so he strives to be the first in everything, competing even with himself. There is no limit to the Water Dragon's curiosity, his hobbies and hobbies are varied.

In romantic relationships, there are no disappointments, since the Dragon's love is extremely rare, most often he himself is the subject of sighing.

  • Love from a partner is taken for granted. But if this happened, the Dragon is able to love strongly and selflessly.
  • The Dragon enters into marriage at a more mature age.
  • Thanks to its natural beauty and charm, the Dragon can be called a heartthrob, there are always many admirers around.

The weak point of Dragons is the thought that they can be interchangeable. To be unclaimed means for the Dragon the loss of the meaning of life. You should not trust the Dragons with your innermost secrets, most likely they will not be able to keep your secret. It is useless to enter into an argument with the Dragon, the one who tries to impose his opinion on him will fail.

People born in 1952 are under the auspices of the Water Dragon. This animal rewards them with strong energy, love of freedom, independence. Such individuals are not inclined to compromise and always clearly define their likes and dislikes. They are constantly making ambitious plans, many of which are destined to come true. Water Dragons are loved for their generosity and sincerity. They are always ready to intercede for the offended, because they have a hypertrophied sense of justice.

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    general characteristics

    By eastern calendar The year of the Water Dragon begins on January 27th and ends on February 23rd. People born at this time are endowed with a subtle sense of humor, which is why they become the "soul" of almost any company. These are bright and extraordinary personalities who are distinguished by pressure and vitality.

    The non-standard view of the Water Dragons on the world like a magnet attracts people. However, their relationship is not always successful. Dragons cause not only admiration, but also a feeling of envy in less successful people who weave intrigues behind their backs.

    The main characteristics of children born in the Year of the Water Dragon:

    • good health and high intelligence;
    • academic performance in almost all subjects (knowledge is easy for them);
    • the ability to convince and captivate others with your ideas;
    • love for sports, in which they often achieve high results.

    Adult Water Dragon is not only strong personality but also a noble and generous person. He will not tolerate attempts on his freedom and will not adapt to the opinion of others. There are many people around him, but few real friends. The dragon appreciates sincerity in a relationship and will never betray a loved one himself.

    Features of combinations of eastern and western horoscopes

    To characterize a person born in the year of the Water Dragon, you should pay attention not only to the Chinese horoscope, but also to the zodiacal one.


    This combination of two super-energetic signs makes a person hyperactive. This is especially noticeable in adolescence.

    The Aries Dragon man is a brave and elegant knight, always ready to help in a difficult situation. This combination rewarded women with a certain arrogance and selfishness.

    With all the success, such people need to learn how to bring the business started to the logical end and control their emotions.


    The practicality of Taurus perfectly balances the emotionality and impulsiveness of the Dragon. Thanks to this combination, such people quickly achieve success in their endeavors and are more circumspect about others.

    The Taurus-Dragon man is a reliable friend and wonderful family man, for whom his companion will always come first. A woman with such a combination of signs never lacks fans, but she can in no way be called flirtatious or frivolous.


    They are very shrewd people who are almost impossible to fool. An innate intuition makes it possible not to be disappointed in others and always foresee insincerity and selfish motives. The Gemini Dragon has a subtle humor, always finds something to say, and often finds himself in the center of events.

    Men are ambitious and build successful careers. At the same time, they will never retreat under the onslaught of difficulties and obstacles. Despite the fact that the representatives of this combination are good-natured and welcoming, in no case should they anger them. Otherwise, you will have to experience their hot-tempered uncontrollable temperament.

    The Gemini woman seeks to get everything possible from life and those around her. Quarrels in the family can arise due to her self-confidence and unwillingness to reckon with the opinion of her partner.


    This combination makes a person more cautious and calm. However, the representatives of the signs in question are too sensitive and idealistic, which often becomes the cause of disappointment in people. Despite this, the Dragon-Cancer will never refuse to help even an unfamiliar person. They are responsive and attentive people for whom family values ​​are not an empty phrase.

    The disadvantage of this combination is straightforwardness and stubbornness. To achieve what he wants, a person must learn to act not by pressure, but by charm.

    The Cancer-Dragon man is a kind and sensitive spouse. His suspiciousness often prevents him from reaching heights in building a career.

    Women are busy looking for eternal love all their lives, but as soon as they find it, they begin to torment their companion with whims and baseless accusations. They are not used to restraining emotions, which very often annoys the people around them. Nevertheless, the family always remains in the first place for them, for the sake of it they are ready to sacrifice their careers.

    a lion

    True nobility and feeling dignity distinguishes representatives of the combination of this sign with the Dragon. Such people have a subtle sense of humor and generosity. They are open to communication and gladly receive guests in their home. The only thing they lack is sensitivity and tenderness.

    People in this combination are intellectuals, which helps them build successful careers and make friends. They successful leaders who know how to plan and analyze. With age, they become softer and more flexible and no longer require constant admiration and adoration from others.

    The Leo-Dragon man is the dream of any woman. This is an elegant, erudite, gallant gentleman. He knows how to look after beautifully and charms at the first meeting. However, in the family, the wife must be prepared for the fact that his opinion will be the only correct one and he will not tolerate criticism in his address.

    A woman of this combination is a charming coquette that all men like. And although her behavior sometimes looks frivolous, she pursues a completely noble goal - to find the one and only, with whom you can create a strong family.


    The dragon of this zodiac sign is a sophisticated manipulator, which is characterized by good manners and a unique style of communication. He is realistic in his plans, so he always achieves what he intended. It also helps them not to overestimate people and avoid disappointment.

    Since the Dragons themselves are very successful, they set a high bar for their loved ones, who cannot always overcome it. This annoys the Dragon Virgo and leads to conflicts in the family.

    A man is a decent and responsible worker and a devoted husband. He knows how to beautifully look after a lady he likes and appreciates openness and sincerity in personal relationships.

    A woman of this combination is a born leader. According to astrology, there is no realm where she could fail. She is very sensitive to family relationships, ready for a lot for the sake of her husband and children, but she never forgives the betrayal of loved ones.


    A person born under this zodiac sign in the year of the Water Dragon is a peacemaker who seeks to extinguish any quarrels in his environment. He is friendly and courteous. However, the Dragon-Libra is too gentle and kind, which is often used by the people around them in pursuit of their goals. Wherever such a person works, he achieves success everywhere, which causes respect among colleagues.

    The Dragon-Libra man is not one of those who will openly demonstrate their experiences and disappointments. He is balanced and calm, it is difficult to piss him off. However, despite the restrained, peaceful disposition, he always adheres only to his point of view and is not subject to other people's influence. A man has been looking for his destiny all his life, and in this matter he does not rely on the opinion of other people, but is guided exclusively by his intuition. Usually the life of such a person develops quite successfully: he is appreciated at work and loved by the household.

    The woman of this sign knows how to win over people. When communicating with her for several minutes, the interlocutor gets the impression that this is the most dear and close person... She looks to the future with optimism, is energetic and self-confident, knows how to soberly assess the prevailing circumstances. In the life of such a lady there are no ups and downs, she quietly and calmly goes to the intended goal. Dragon-Libra is a wonderful mistress who is devoted to her family with all her heart.


    A passionate and unpredictable person evokes strong emotions, but never leaves you indifferent. Dragon-Scorpio does not tend to retreat in front of difficulties and compromise with his own conscience. He is characterized by excessive jealousy and suspicion, and in rare cases - and vindictiveness. Thanks to their pressure, such people from childhood are in the center of attention of any company. They are accurate and responsible and demand the same from the people around them. Dragons have leadership qualities, they are excellent organizers.

    The man of this combination is always popular with women. He is able to conquer even the most unapproachable beauty. An innate sense of intuition helps him to do right choice life companion, for which he is ready for anything. A lady who has married such a person should not give him reasons for jealousy, otherwise a scandal awaits her.

    The Scorpio-Dragon woman is a bright, showy, sexy personality. She is naturally endowed with a sharp mind and a sense of humor. There are always many fans around her, but not everyone manages to win her heart. She approaches the choice of a partner very responsibly and requires her chosen one to fulfill all her requirements. However, in family life you can rely on her, she is not prone to betrayal and betrayal.


    The representative of the combination in question is honest, cheerful and optimistic. He is devoid of the arrogance inherent in all Dragons, therefore he gets along well with people. Such a person will find a common language with almost everyone. He is not afraid of risky ventures and is not devoid of excitement. Sagittarius-Dragon knows how to enjoy every day of his life, has intuition and a certain amount of luck. Such people are not afraid of any work and like to work in a team. They value friends and are not prone to betrayal.

    The Sagittarius-Dragon man is a romantic, ready for deeds for the sake of the lady of his heart. It seems that he gets everything in life easily, but this is a deceptive impression. He is ready to work for the sake of achieving the goal, but he will never go over the head.

    The woman of this combination is a domineering and purposeful person. She knows how to lead her subordinates with gentle persistence, so her actions and orders never cause negative emotions. She is honest with her chosen one and does not consider it necessary to choose words and be delicate. Sometimes she is too trusting and does not notice the obvious negative qualities of her beloved.


    A person born in the year of the Water Dragon under the constellation Capricorn is very eloquent when it comes to communication in a work collective, and rather closed and shy in personal relationships. He is responsible for his duties, loves to work and has character traits such as compassion and mercy. His charisma attracts people, but he has few real friends. Capricorn-Dragons do not like gossip, they suppress any attempts to drag them into the discussion of another person.

    The guy born under the signs of Capricorn and Water Dragon is a purposeful and courageous person... It is not typical for him to make grandiose plans and discuss them with everyone; he clearly and systematically goes to the set goal without unnecessary words and emotions. For family life, such a man is a real find. Despite his some isolation, he will do everything to ensure that his chosen one is happy and does not need anything.

    Women with such a combination have a rather complex and quarrelsome character. They do not compromise, speak the truth in person and are too categorical in their judgments. That is why they often make enemies in the work collective. She is not against starting a family, but everyday affairs do not seduce an ambitious lady. She is attracted by the chair of the boss, and for his sake she can sacrifice both her husband and children.


    Charming and sociable Dragons-Aquarius are not devoid of self-criticism, they are not arrogant, they know how to win over the interlocutor. If you believe chinese zodiac, representatives of such a combination will be accompanied by success in all endeavors. However, they are not devoid of a share of pessimism, this prevents them from believing in their own strength.

    Aquarius-Dragons are resourceful, smart, have developed intuition. They have a creative imagination, they know how to find non-standard solutions difficult issues for which they are valued in the workplace.

    The man of this combination does not like to listen to the advice of others, in everything he relies only on himself. Although his recommendations help many to achieve success. Such people are a bit dreamers, they love to dream, they are attracted by everything mysterious and mystical. The guy knows how to achieve the location of the girl he likes, looks after him gallantly, does not refuse his lady of the heart indulge in little whims.

    The combination of horoscopes rewarded the woman with extraordinary thinking and abilities for many types of activities. She will put her interests above all else and dreams of building a successful career. That is why she is in no hurry to tie the knot, although she does not lack fans. Over time, such ladies turn out to be exemplary wives and caring mothers.


    These people have innate wisdom and are compassionate towards others. This combination of horoscopes gives a person softness and sensuality. He is always ready to support a person, but his friendship must be earned, he is not inclined to trust unfamiliar people. These are creative individuals who quickly get bored with monotonous work. They are looking for inspiration and have artistic flair.

    The kind and merciful Dragon Pisces man is full of contradictions and doubts. His success in life will largely depend on his companion, he needs constant support and a positive assessment of his actions. He is strongly attached to his beloved and remains faithful to her. The guy will become very worried if his marriage collapses.

    A woman lives not with her mind, but with her heart and feelings. She makes serious mistakes and is often disappointed in loved ones. There should be a charismatic man next to her, such a girl needs a "strong shoulder". Career is not in her first place, although she is not devoid of some ambition.

    Compatibility with other signs of the eastern horoscope

    In order not to experience disappointment in love relationship, The dragon needs to pay attention to which of the signs of the eastern horoscope he can build a strong family with, and with whom it is not even worth trying. Compatibility of people born in 1952 is shown in the table:

    Sign Compatibility
    RatThe freedom-loving Rat should give the main role to the ambitious Dragon, and then they will have a rather harmonious pair. Signs will complement each other in different areas of life
    BullSuch an alliance is doomed to failure. Both partners will fiercely defend their point of view, and this will lead to separation.
    TigerTwo bright personalities will be able to build a strong and close-knit family if the Dragon learns not to pay attention to the weaknesses of his partner and does not strive for leadership in a pair
    Rabbit (Cat)The combination of these signs is almost perfect. Both partners appreciate family relationships and are not prone to quarrels and conflicts. The ideological inspirer and leader in the pair will be the Dragon
    The DragonTwo outstanding personalities will be able to agree on everything. And if they have different temperaments, then such a couple is unlikely to part.
    SnakeThe dragon should listen to the advice of a wise partner and not challenge his leadership, then family relationships will develop quite successfully
    HorseIn such a relationship, there may not be passion, but there is common sense and logic. This is what will help partners create a happy union.
    Sheep (Goat)The union of two dissimilar people is unlikely to be happy. The goat will lack tenderness and care, and sooner or later she will break off such a relationship.
    A monkeyIf the Dragon manages to get used to the restless disposition of his companion, and the Monkey settles down, then it is quite possible happy marriage... In a relationship, everyone will have to adapt to the characteristics of the partner's character.
    RoosterEven despite the similarity of characters, these people will not be able to be together for a long time. Feelings, if they arise, will be short-lived.
    DogOnly with a strong mutual feeling can this couple have a long life together. The signs will have to adjust to each other all the time, and if patience runs out, they will part by mutual agreement
    Pig (Boar)If the Pig is willing to give and not receive, then the relationship can work out well. However, she will have to give up the struggle for leadership positions in this marriage.

    When choosing a life partner, it is important not only to know the year of birth of a loved one and to study horoscopes and their compatibility. Even very different people can be happily married if their feelings are deep and sincere.

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Zodiac sign Dragon, years of birth for men and women: 1904, 1916, 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012, 2024.

Fire Dragon, Year of birth of the sign: from 02/03/1916 - 01/27/1917; from 01/31/1976 - 02/18/1977;
Earth Dragon, Year of birth of the sign: from 01/23/1928 - 02/20/1929; from 02/17/1988 - 02/06/1989;
Metal Dragon, Year of birth of the sign: from 02/08/1940 - 01/27/1941; from 05.02.2000 - 24.01.2001;
Water Dragon, Year of birth of the sign: from 01/27/1952 - 02/14/1953; from 23.01.2012 - 10.02.2013;
Wood Dragon, Year of birth of the sign: from 13.02.1964 - 02.02.1965;

Metal Dragon, year of birth: 1940, 2000, 2060.

Metal Dragons are bright, extraordinary personalities with a strong, iron will, frantic energy. They are vain, often suffer from bias and harsh judgments, which are not going to soften anything. If someone stops working with him or does not agree with his opinion, this does not bother the Dragon of this type of sign. Even left in splendid isolation, he purposefully continues to go towards the goal. As a rule, friends and colleagues are treated with respect to people who have appeared in these years, since they have high moral qualities.
It would be nice if the Metal Dragon was more objective and tried to at least sometimes pacify his ardent disposition.

Water Dragon, year of birth: 1952, 2012, 2072.

Water Dragons are distinguished by their wit, the ability to hold the bird of luck in their hands. These people are easy to communicate and deal with as they are friendly and approachable. A poorly developed sense of humor does not prevent them from becoming brilliant orators. Unlike other varieties of this sign, Water Dragons have a large supply of patience. They may well, without demanding immediate results, wait a bit. These people have a bad habit of jumping from one activity to another, which often hinders them in life. They are always ready to share their thoughts with loved ones and understand human weaknesses.
To make his life much easier, the Water Dragon must learn to fully focus on a single goal.

Wood Dragon, year of birth: 1904, 1964, 2024.

Practicality, an inquisitive mind, attentive to details, are peculiar to Wood Dragons. They often act as generators interesting ideas, and the matter is not limited to theorizing. People born in these years are also practitioners who can turn many of their dreams into reality. They are distinguished from other Dragons by their great delicacy, a more developed sense of humor. This type of sign is characterized by magnanimous and generous deeds; its representatives are born entrepreneurs.
Wood Dragons are generally quite cute and look the most cute compared to all other types of this sign.

Fire Dragon, year of birth: 1916, 1976, 2036.

The Fire Dragon is distinguished by the accuracy of all actions, developed ambition and a desire to succeed in literally everything. They are hardworking, responsible employees who are respected by others for their honesty and directness. At the same time, they are rather secretive and withdrawn. People born in these years are characterized by the inclinations of a leader, a strong will, a tendency to trust mainly their own judgments and periodically neglect other people's thoughts and feelings.
They are characterized by a special interest in art and music.
A serious obstacle on the life path of the Fire Dragons is isolation. They will make their existence more pleasant and easier if they trust their loved ones with their plans and take their opinion into account.

Earth Dragon, year of birth: 1928, 1988, 2048.

The Earth Dragon differs from its counterparts in a slightly more balanced, calm character. His interests are diverse, and his mind is lively and inquisitive: this Dragon is always aware of what is happening in the immediate environment and far beyond it. Its goals are clear and precise. Earth Dragons can be excellent financiers and businessmen and in many cases earn themselves a very wealthy life on their own. However, it is not difficult to get external material or psychological support for people born in these years.
Earth Dragons can easily find a common language with any person and become intelligent organizers. They are usually surrounded by many friends.