Favorable days for hair cutting in April. How to treat drug allergies

This year, the year of the Fire Monkey, requires increased attention to finance and real estate investments, and so on. whoever wants this year should not aim at very large sums - this is the opinion of astrologers.

A more stable position of the real estate market is predicted by forecasters for the fall. But throughout the year, for most signs, there will be very favorable circumstances for the purchase or renovation of housing.

Now a personal horoscope for real estate and investments for 2016 for all zodiac signs.


Astrologers this year do not advise those who were born under this sign to take money on credit this year. If there is not enough money to buy real estate now, it is recommended either to be patient and earn the missing amount, or to reduce requests and buy something more inexpensive.


Taurus this year, on the contrary, is predicted to be lucky, this applies to both job changes and purchases. new apartment... The greatest success in all undertakings awaits them in the first half of the year.


2016 is a good year for Gemini to renovate their home, it is good to do major repairs, but some problems with real estate still threaten them. Therefore, the stars are recommended to them to scrupulously and in detail to study and verify the information that they receive.

Cancers can afford to buy new real estate this year. But at the same time, it is advised to work a little more than usual, and then the strengthening of the financial situation and the opportunity to improve housing conditions will not take long.

In Lviv, real estate manipulations can be successful, but only if they make decisions quickly, quickly, and without unnecessary thought. But this advice still does not free them from the need to calculate everything. possible options developments and anticipate the consequences of their actions.


Virgos can safely update their homes - you can safely start cosmetic or major repairs.


Libra needs to calculate the consequences of all their actions, and, to the smallest detail, and then they will be able to purchase real estate. Otherwise, there is a risk of getting into an unpleasant situation.

Scorpio, Sagittarius and Capricorn

For this series of signs of the zodiac, as well as for Gemini and Virgo, in 2016 there will be very favorable conditions for the renovation of housing, this applies to both repairs and the purchase of a new apartment.


Representatives of this zodiac sign may have problems in the real estate industry. But along with this, there is a good chance to avoid them. To do this, you just need not to get lost because of the great prospects that open up. It is better to draw up clear plans of action, and then everything can turn out as well as possible.


Fish also run the risk of getting real estate difficulties. They should not be too trusting and thoroughly check information.

Virgos in 2016 are waiting for a further reorganization of the life platform, a "tectonic shift" in the family, marriage, and profession. You can continue repairs, construction, change your habitat, get dual citizenship. For the sake of personal growth, it's time to clarify personal boundaries, worldview, educational base, to train in the ability to endure certain hardships in order to achieve a "high" goal. Legal support, loyalty of partners and assistants is important, otherwise there is a great risk of dubious situations, re-alteration of poorly performed work, sanctions and losses due to violation of certain rules. It is worth knowing your rights and obligations, being able to bear material, administrative, moral responsibility.

An educational, research, innovative, charitable project may fall into the sphere of interests. The house can turn into an office. It is worth considering a job that is not tied to a place of residence. With loved ones, misunderstandings, quarrels or unexpected temporary separation are possible. A lot of trouble awaits Virgo-parents, especially newly-made ones. You will need the lion's share of your strength from March to September. Achievements will come through work, endurance, patience.

In the first or second decades of March, it is important to protect partnership and marriage. The union can crack because of the mass of claims and disagreements - from everyday to spiritual. The third decade of March will open up new horizons for you. But the hassle will not be avoided if there is no clear strategy, inflexible tactics, shaky foundation. A number of decisions will be forced against the background of family, territorial, legal conflict, social unrest. A home or office will require control, a warning system, security. Rush operations, leaks, destruction are possible, in dilapidated buildings - overhaul, resettlement. Errors of schemes and calculations, incompetence and hack-work will be revealed. You can face deception, lack of guarantees, temporary social isolation. Possibly moral and emotional exhaustion, exacerbation of chronic diseases, difficult acclimatization, there is a risk of injury.

April, May, early June will help financial stabilization, possibly due to old skills or sources. The second half of June is a hectic and unstable period, do not rush to add new ones to your existing concerns.

The milestone period is August-September. The area of ​​the personal new year will be a time of self-critical reflection and decisive steps.

In September-October, the financial situation will improve. You can get a gift, a generous advance, a good salary, a loan for favorable terms, plan solid purchases. There will be money for home renovation, for investments, but you may prefer to earn and save, in Spartan conditions and in austerity. Interesting joint ideas will emerge, but justified optimism should not turn into carelessness and projection.

In 2-3 decades of November, it is worth inspecting the state of real estate, the home situation. In December, it is advisable to suspend the processes, return to the old hobby, sum up the results of the year. Your company may be missed by loved ones and loved ones.

Love horoscope for 2016 for Virgo

All year round, Virgo is protected by Jupiter - the planet of luck and fortune. He will "stay" for a long time in your astrological house. The optimism and self-confidence that the influence of Jupiter brings with it will help you weather the storm in January. Many representatives of this sign will have to make every effort to preserve their union. If you can handle the challenges, then in February you will receive a nice bonus from the stars. Couples with experience will be able to go to new level relationships and fall in love with each other again. Lonely Virgos at this time will find themselves in a whirlwind of a dizzying romance.

Be careful in your statements in March. It is possible that you and your loved one understand the same words differently. In April, planetary influences are also not conducive to clarity, can be confusing. Some people even doubt their tender feelings for the second half, while some couples will quarrel on the basis of misunderstandings. The astrological picture of May is more favorable. A strong sexual attraction between you at this time will become a support for the further development of the relationship.

In the first half of June, events will take an interesting turn. A new person will appear who will play an important role in the life of free Virgins. July will be fun and will fill you with a sense of happiness. Now you are surrounded by fans who are ready to do the impossible for you. Virgo, don't stay at home! You can meet your love in vacation spots. August - the best time for doing yourself. To renew feelings, to shake things up, you need to take care of your appearance. Do not hesitate, the other half will appreciate your efforts. In September, you are ready to waste money for the pleasures of your loved one. However, you should still be guided by common sense otherwise your wallet runs the risk of emptying.

Autumn is a calm time, too violent passions are not expected. Virgos will have a little lull on the love front. Now is the time to tell your loved one about your feelings. Someone will be seriously interested in Lonely Virgins. You may not want to burden yourself with long-term commitments, but don't jump to conclusions! In December, some of your fans will be able to awaken your senses. By the end of the month, an interesting trip will be outlined, which you will remember with rich and vivid impressions.

2016 career and finance horoscope for Virgo

In 2016, many Virgos are opening up new perspectives. Success in professional activity... Now is the time for you to define events for yourself and realize your potential. First of all, you need to improve your own self-esteem. The more ambition, assertiveness and self-confidence you show, the higher your results will be at the end of the year.

Now is the time for you to set the tone for the current environment and lead other people. That is why, first of all, those Virgins who have certain leadership qualities or are inclined to independent independent behavior can count on success.

January-February is a period of realizing your importance and beginning to actively develop your ideas and plans in order to achieve their embodiment in reality. The most important thing here is the awareness of oneself as a creator, capable of bringing something new, one's own, unique to this world.

From March to June inclusive, there may be a rejection of previously started projects for a new, more promising business. The hardest part will be for those who are burdened with family obligations, and who need to maintain a stable financial position of their family. Your initiative may not be understood and supported by people close to you. Things will go well for those who are free from obligations to anyone and can become a semblance of a free artist, the so-called creator of their own destiny. It is during this period that you can catch fire and be carried away by a new promising direction, spending all your free time... Immersion in a new business "headlong", strong dedication and dedication - these are the criteria that you have embarked on the right path of development. When your work becomes creative, you are capable of performance miracles.

From July to September is an unfavorable period for partnership cooperation. It is possible that you will encounter deception and non-fulfillment of contractual relations. The negotiation process will not clarify matters. It is not recommended to sign important agreements and contracts, as you risk agreeing with conditions that are obviously unfavorable for yourself.

October and November can be associated with leaps and bounds in income. You can grope " gold mine»In their professional quest. However, along with this, there is a great risk of spending the money earned on risky financial adventures.

In December, income will stabilize at a new, higher level than before. This is a good time to complete previously started projects.

How accurate was the astrologers' forecast regarding the prospects for the real estate market this year? What surprises are the heavenly bodies preparing for people in the next? When is the best time to conduct real estate transactions in the next 366 days, and what should you watch out for?

Astrologers predict the fate of the real estate market more accurately than its experts

At the end of 2014, an astrological forecast of developments in the real estate market in the year of the Green Goat (Sheep) was published on our pages. If we put aside some skeptical comments from our readers, it seems that it turned out to be more accurate than the predictions of realtors and developers. You don't have to look far for examples, just a couple of refreshing clicks on the links are enough.

While the latter speculated about what would happen in the first weeks of January, the fall or rise in prices, experts in the heavenly bodies spoke clearly - unexpected events with unpredictable consequences will occur on the real estate market in February and March, but tensions will subside somewhat in April. And there was such a collapse in the mortgage market that the government was forced to launch a special program to support the segment (it is probably unnecessary to remind about the timing).

The second power surge, the stars argued, awaits the domestic real estate market in November-December 2015. What happened to the segment of primary real estate at the end of autumn and how does the "secondary housing" feel at the beginning of winter, "SP" told in detail quite recently.

Perhaps, in this situation, it will not be superfluous to find out what the heavenly bodies have in store for this long-suffering and vital for all Russians segment of the domestic economy in 2016 of the Red Monkey.

So, with regard to, so to speak, the overall financial and business picture, the situation is as follows.

The monkey, of course, will have enough resourcefulness and enthusiasm to correct all the problems that the playful and windy Green Goat leaves behind, the astrologers of the "upper echelon" note, but no one should relax and wait for the fall of manna from heaven. Without exception, all the signs of the zodiac will have to sweat a lot to achieve what they want.

Since the air element in the coming year will be the weakest, reaching any business agreements will be a rather problematic process. In words, the compilers of horoscopes warn, one picture will be built, but in reality quite the opposite will often develop. This is especially true in the areas of buying and selling secondary real estate, as well as equity participation agreements.

By the way, in relation to just equity participation agreements, experts in heavenly bodies advise you to be especially careful. The fact is that one of the most characteristic features"Mistresses" of the coming year are a trick, which means, many astrologers warn, much large quantity people will resort to deception in order to get into trust and in any way achieve the desired results. Greatest danger falling for the tricks of scammers because of their gullibility threatens in 2016 those people who were born under the sign of Pisces, Aquarius and Gemini.

Jupiter, which is positioned by astrologers as a monetary identifier, will follow the sign of Virgo until September, which means significant fluctuations in exchange rates, and even traditionally strong national units (perhaps this should be taken into account by participants in the suburban real estate market and owners of luxury properties preparing for sale).

By the way, forecasters generally advise in the coming year to treat finances with increased attention. Those who expect to receive a sale of real estate in the next 366 days should not expect to receive large sum... It will become easier for people to receive loans (which cannot but please citizens who expect to buy an apartment on a mortgage), but the lenders themselves should be more careful, otherwise you can give another last shirt, and you yourself will be left with practically nothing.

To those who were born under the sign Aries, astrologers generally do not advise under any sauce not to borrow money. But if you can't live without it, then at least you shouldn't take out loans in the spring. And here Taurus most likely, luck will accompany almost all endeavors, from changing jobs to more promising ones to successfully buying a new home. True, according to the compilers of horoscopes, higher chances of success await representatives of this sign in the first half of the year.

Cancers, like Libra, too, can afford to buy real estate. However, this the process will take place painless only if the former are not afraid to work a little more than usual in order to strengthen their financial situation, and the latter will calculate the consequences of all their actions before the smallest details, so as not to get stuck in a bad story with the flavor of a trial.

Have Lviv real estate transactions planned for 2016 can be successful if the representatives of this sign make decisions quickly, without indulging in second thoughts. This, however, does not mean that there is no need to calculate options and foresee the consequences.

For Capricorns, Virgo, Gemini, Sagittarius, Scorpio the coming year will create good conditions for the successful renovation of your home, cosmetic or overhaul. Aquarians the same as Twins are at risk of facing problems in the real estate industry. At the same time, the former have a good chance of avoiding them if they do not succumb to jitters due to a large number emerging prospects, and draw up a preliminary plan of action and clearly define the ultimate goal. The second need to make it a rule not only to carefully check, but also to recheck any information received no less scrupulously. The same can be advised and gullible Pisces.

Taking into account the latest innovations in the field of housing and communal services (the upcoming appearance in receipts of separate lines on ONE for water and heating, raising tariffs for water supply and sanitation, as well as the permission of bailiffs to seize the debtor's only housing), the forecasts of individual experts sound rather menacing in astrology. They do not exclude the emergence of powerful protest unrest of the population, dissatisfied with the adoption of some laws, in the first half of the new year (hello to the initiative of the Ministry of Energy to introduce a subscription fee for connecting to networks). True, they clarify, certain actions authorities in April and May will be much more correct and will find popular support (it is noteworthy that since April 2016 the Ministry of Construction has been proposing to fully compensate war invalids for the costs of general household needs for electricity, heating, water supply and sanitation).

In general, the situation on the real estate market in almost all segments will come to a more or less stable state no earlier than the fall of 2016, astrologers summarize. But even they find it difficult to say how high-quality it will be. I wonder what real estate experts think about this? Our readers will get the opportunity to get acquainted with their opinion and compare it with stellar predictions in the very near future.

Hello Virgo. You are incredibly hardworking and obscenely practical. Your learnability and adaptability knows no boundaries - it is a generally accepted fact. Well, in the year of the fiery monkey, these qualities will come in very handy - it was labor that made a man out of a monkey.

However, the horoscope for Virgo for 2016 indicates that in the foreseeable future you will have to think about your financial situation, about its strengthening and stabilization.

So Virgo: dossier

  • Date of birth: 23 August - 22 September.
  • Patronizing planet: Mercury.
  • Element: Earth.
  • Lucky numbers: 3, 5, 6, 12, 20, anything divisible by 5 all multiples of 12.
  • Auspicious days: Wednesday.
  • Unfavorable days: Thursday, Friday.

Practicality by practicality, but what if not love, if not the presence of a loving half in life brightens up our continuous path through the years, giving life-giving energy for all accomplishments?

Amorous affairs and other heart experiences

A love horoscope is somewhere unexpected, but somewhere completely predictable. Do not be afraid of change and change yourself, and next year will surprise and delight you with a stormy personal life, introducing into it hitherto unknown facets of romance, sex and trust between partners.

Winter will dot all the i's - either parting, or an eternal union. In the middle of summer, the red monkey will endow you with the wings of love, however, your pathological desire to realize yourself will interfere with the flight, making it heavier and the lives of people close to you, and jealousy can deprive you of them altogether - do not commit stupidity that you will regret for a long time.

Family affairs and best friends

In the first half of the year, the house for you is a focus of warmth and comfort, a safe shelter, sheltering from all possible adversities that a fiery monkey can playfully throw up. In winter, the stars predict unexpected real estate deals that can significantly affect your usual life. But in the spring, you can safely plan a move or purchase of a new, better housing. In February, April and October, there may be some misunderstandings with your partner about household chores - how you solve them will remain so in the future. And be that as it may, the time spent with the children will benefit both them and you.

Cozy home - the best place for meeting with friends. Therefore, for the first six months, your home will literally be filled with friendly laughter and fun. The second half of the year should open up new projects of friendly cooperation for you. Most likely, this will happen during a joint vacation, so there is a high probability that the projects will be creative.

In August-September, you are a master of suggestion and persuasion. Hurry up to take advantage of this temporary gift of the planets, and try to get everything you want or need from those around you.


If you suffer from vascular, cardiac or ocular chronic diseases, then in the second half of winter, their exacerbations are possible. Pay attention to your nerves: your violent emotionality can reach critical forms between March and November, so try to abstract yourself from watching TV news and different kinds talk shows on the topic of the day, exclude strong alcohol, but rather focus on something pleasant, close to the heart: children, favorite tunes, a good movie, spending time in nature.

Not the least role in your neurosis is played by disturbed sleep patterns - do it. In April, watch your step so that the red monkey does not trip up - there is a considerable risk of injury, and in December, eliminate any risk altogether.

Business, career and banknotes

Financial success in 2016 is, in principle, not a problem for you, as it is due to the virgins' own labor. You are no stranger to this, so in this regard, the year is a good one. In winter, you should not start any projects or employment - better deal with a clear definition of goals for the future. The rest of the time is just favorable for their achievement. February, June and October can affect your views on ways to make money, and it is possible that you will radically change your social circle in order to self-actualize. The second half of summer is favorable for new beginnings, travel and buying a car. Go for it!


Go to Croatia - this is where your star fell, which means that a vacation in a country where Zagreb competes with Vienna, and Dubrovnik - with Venice, where the ancient Roman Arena has been preserved, where there is the Temple of Augustus, in the company of a fiery monkey will be especially memorable.

Horoscope for Virgo men

The red monkey makes men born under the sign of the virgin self-confident, and their initiative knows no bounds. It is perfectly! Because any cooperation in this regard brings positive results. Despite the fact that in the summer, most likely, you will be left completely without love adventures, already at the beginning of autumn, the accumulated libido will defeat any touchy person.

Autumn is the best time to successfully do your financial situation... However, it is this success on all fronts that can play a cruel joke on you - excessive self-confidence, bordering on aplomb, can alienate those around you.

Horoscope for virgin women

2016 can be a year of wonderful reincarnations for virgin women. From a practical workaholic, you can turn into a passionate and thirsty for passion, sexy, open to new novels and love affairs young lady - the stars are completely disposed to this. At the beginning of spring, get ready for increased male attention, and do not deny yourself at least a little to be a slave, weak woman. By mid-spring, your attractiveness will peak - be prepared for the jealousy of those around you. The second half of spring will captivate you so much that you will not even notice how you squander all your hard earned.

After such a surge of emotions and magnetism, it is quite normal that you want to be alone, delve into yourself, deal with all internal problems and come out of them as a winner. This spleen may well happen to you in the period starting from the second half of the summer.

Spring is the time when you want to be especially beautiful. Hats are sent to the closet. What was hidden under the hat in winter is out for everyone to see, it's time to update your hairstyle. Namely.ru gives some advice to those who are going to visit a hairdresser in April.

It's no secret that the location of the stars in the sky affects a person, this also applies to haircuts. Depending on the location celestial bodies astrologers distinguish favorable and unfavorable days for hair cutting. There is an opinion that it is better to get a haircut on a growing moon, but this is not always true.

1 and 2 april the moon arrives in the sign of Taurus. Cutting your hair these days is strongly discouraged. A haircut can provoke internal fears and negatively affect your health. You can dye your hair, but only in natural colors, without radically changing the usual color.

April 3 the moon passes into the sign of Gemini. This is a great time for a haircut: it will contribute to your financial gain and business success. Hair is recommended to be dyed in light colors.

April, 4 it is better not to cut or dye your hair at all, since health problems are possible.

April 5 a haircut can lead to quarrels with loved ones, but there are no obstacles for coloring, but 6 april the opposite is true - you can get a haircut, but you shouldn't dye your hair.

7 and 8 april the moon will move to the constellation Cancer. To get a haircut these days is fraught with disease and setbacks, it is better to dye your hair in light and natural tones, which will help strengthen the immune system.

9 april Is the best day to make your life brighter. A new haircut and hair coloring will help with this. If you want to make a profit, paint it in golden tones.

April 10th haircut is strictly prohibited, in otherwise an unfavorable turn of fate may await you. Dye your hair with natural dyes only.

11 and 12th of April the moon in the sign of Leo is the most favorable days for haircuts, it will strengthen the health of your hair and add to your attractiveness. But it is not recommended to paint, in extreme cases - with natural dyes.

13 april the moon in Libra is a good day for a haircut. It is recommended to dye your hair with natural dyes.

A haircut 14th of April can provoke a headache. It is better to paint only in dark colors and natural dyes.

April 15 - full moon. If you do not want disagreements with your loved one, refrain from haircuts.

WITH 16 april the moon will begin to wane and will enter the sign of Scorpio. On this day as well 17 april , a haircut will bring minor injuries and other health problems, the loss of a large sum of money. Light and red shades are allowed for coloring.

April 18th moon in the sign of Sagittarius - a haircut will prolong your life, and dyeing your hair in natural colors will help attract the right people to you.

20 April moon in the sign Capricorn - a haircut promotes good luck, and coloring in light shades will bring bright and kind people into your life.

If you're watching your weight, don't cut your hair. The 21st of April , it can add a few extra pounds.

In the days that followed, right up to 2 April, 4, a haircut will also attract problems and troubles, it is better to postpone the trip to the hairdresser.

Pay particular attention to 23 april , when the moon is in Aquarius - the most unfavorable day on which astrologers strongly advise against cutting and painting.

Don't get your hair cut 24 april when the moon enters the sign of Pisces: it is better to transfer the haircut to 25th of April - the most successful day of the month for this. Cutting and dyeing your hair in natural shades will allow you to establish contacts with others, will bring joy and make you irresistible.

26 and April 27 will be influenced by the sign of Aries. A visit to the hairdresser will attract the attention of the opposite sex to you, you can even decide on a radical haircut and change your image.

April 29 the moon leaves the sign of Taurus, a new moon comes. A haircut on this day can leave you vulnerable and bad luck.

Whichever day you choose to go to the hairdresser, remember, the main thing is your own attitude and desire to look your best. Approach this business positively, and then, leaving the beauty salon, you will feel refreshed and full of spring mood.